/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** All rights reserved. ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** This file is part of a Qt Solutions component. ** ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor ** the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ** products derived from this software without specific prior written ** permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef QTCANVAS_H #define QTCANVAS_H #include #include #include #include #include class QtCanvasSprite; class QtCanvasPolygonalItem; class QtCanvasRectangle; class QtCanvasPolygon; class QtCanvasEllipse; class QtCanvasText; class QtCanvasLine; class QtCanvasChunk; class QtCanvas; class QtCanvasItem; class QtCanvasView; class QtCanvasPixmap; typedef QList QtCanvasItemList; class QtCanvasItemExtra; class QtCanvasItem { public: QtCanvasItem(QtCanvas* canvas); virtual ~QtCanvasItem(); double x() const { return myx; } double y() const { return myy; } double z() const { return myz; } // (depth) virtual void moveBy(double dx, double dy); void move(double x, double y); void setX(double a) { move(a,y()); } void setY(double a) { move(x(),a); } void setZ(double a) { myz=a; changeChunks(); } bool animated() const; virtual void setAnimated(bool y); virtual void setVelocity(double vx, double vy); void setXVelocity(double vx) { setVelocity(vx,yVelocity()); } void setYVelocity(double vy) { setVelocity(xVelocity(),vy); } double xVelocity() const; double yVelocity() const; virtual void advance(int stage); virtual bool collidesWith(const QtCanvasItem*) const=0; QtCanvasItemList collisions(bool exact /* NO DEFAULT */) const; virtual void setCanvas(QtCanvas*); virtual void draw(QPainter&)=0; void show(); void hide(); virtual void setVisible(bool yes); bool isVisible() const { return (bool)vis; } virtual void setSelected(bool yes); bool isSelected() const { return (bool)sel; } virtual void setEnabled(bool yes); bool isEnabled() const { return (bool)ena; } virtual void setActive(bool yes); bool isActive() const { return (bool)act; } bool visible() const { return (bool)vis; } bool selected() const { return (bool)sel; } bool enabled() const { return (bool)ena; } bool active() const { return (bool)act; } enum RttiValues { Rtti_Item = 0, Rtti_Sprite = 1, Rtti_PolygonalItem = 2, Rtti_Text = 3, Rtti_Polygon = 4, Rtti_Rectangle = 5, Rtti_Ellipse = 6, Rtti_Line = 7, Rtti_Spline = 8 }; virtual int rtti() const; static int RTTI; virtual QRect boundingRect() const=0; virtual QRect boundingRectAdvanced() const; QtCanvas* canvas() const { return cnv; } protected: void update() { changeChunks(); } private: // For friendly subclasses... friend class QtCanvasPolygonalItem; friend class QtCanvasSprite; friend class QtCanvasRectangle; friend class QtCanvasPolygon; friend class QtCanvasEllipse; friend class QtCanvasText; friend class QtCanvasLine; virtual QPolygon chunks() const; virtual void addToChunks(); virtual void removeFromChunks(); virtual void changeChunks(); virtual bool collidesWith(const QtCanvasSprite*, const QtCanvasPolygonalItem*, const QtCanvasRectangle*, const QtCanvasEllipse*, const QtCanvasText*) const = 0; // End of friend stuff QtCanvas* cnv; static QtCanvas* current_canvas; double myx,myy,myz; QtCanvasItemExtra *ext; QtCanvasItemExtra& extra(); uint ani:1; uint vis:1; uint val:1; uint sel:1; uint ena:1; uint act:1; }; class QtCanvasData; class QtCanvas : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: QtCanvas(QObject* parent = 0); QtCanvas(int w, int h); QtCanvas(QPixmap p, int h, int v, int tilewidth, int tileheight); virtual ~QtCanvas(); virtual void setTiles(QPixmap tiles, int h, int v, int tilewidth, int tileheight); virtual void setBackgroundPixmap(const QPixmap& p); QPixmap backgroundPixmap() const; virtual void setBackgroundColor(const QColor& c); QColor backgroundColor() const; virtual void setTile(int x, int y, int tilenum); int tile(int x, int y) const { return grid[x+y*htiles]; } int tilesHorizontally() const { return htiles; } int tilesVertically() const { return vtiles; } int tileWidth() const { return tilew; } int tileHeight() const { return tileh; } virtual void resize(int width, int height); int width() const { return awidth; } int height() const { return aheight; } QSize size() const { return QSize(awidth,aheight); } QRect rect() const { return QRect(0, 0, awidth, aheight); } bool onCanvas(int x, int y) const { return x>=0 && y>=0 && x=0 && y>=0 && x &pixmaps, const QPolygon &hotspots = QPolygon()); ~QtCanvasPixmapArray(); #ifndef QT_NO_IMAGEIO bool readPixmaps(const QString& datafilenamepattern, int framecount=0); bool readCollisionMasks(const QString& filenamepattern); #endif // deprecated bool operator!(); // Failure check. bool isValid() const; QtCanvasPixmap* image(int i) const { return img ? img[i] : 0; } void setImage(int i, QtCanvasPixmap* p); uint count() const { return (uint)framecount; } private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(QtCanvasPixmapArray) #ifndef QT_NO_IMAGEIO bool readPixmaps(const QString& datafilenamepattern, int framecount, bool maskonly); #endif void reset(); int framecount; QtCanvasPixmap** img; }; class QtCanvasSprite : public QtCanvasItem { public: QtCanvasSprite(QtCanvasPixmapArray* array, QtCanvas* canvas); void setSequence(QtCanvasPixmapArray* seq); virtual ~QtCanvasSprite(); void move(double x, double y); virtual void move(double x, double y, int frame); void setFrame(int); enum FrameAnimationType { Cycle, Oscillate }; virtual void setFrameAnimation(FrameAnimationType=Cycle, int step=1, int state=0); int frame() const { return frm; } int frameCount() const { return images->count(); } int rtti() const; static int RTTI; bool collidesWith(const QtCanvasItem*) const; QRect boundingRect() const; // is there a reason for these to be protected? Lars //protected: int width() const; int height() const; int leftEdge() const; int topEdge() const; int rightEdge() const; int bottomEdge() const; int leftEdge(int nx) const; int topEdge(int ny) const; int rightEdge(int nx) const; int bottomEdge(int ny) const; QtCanvasPixmap* image() const { return images->image(frm); } virtual QtCanvasPixmap* imageAdvanced() const; QtCanvasPixmap* image(int f) const { return images->image(f); } virtual void advance(int stage); public: void draw(QPainter& painter); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(QtCanvasSprite) void addToChunks(); void removeFromChunks(); void changeChunks(); int frm; ushort anim_val; uint anim_state:2; uint anim_type:14; bool collidesWith(const QtCanvasSprite*, const QtCanvasPolygonalItem*, const QtCanvasRectangle*, const QtCanvasEllipse*, const QtCanvasText*) const; friend bool qt_testCollision(const QtCanvasSprite* s1, const QtCanvasSprite* s2); QtCanvasPixmapArray* images; }; class QPolygonalProcessor; class QtCanvasPolygonalItem : public QtCanvasItem { public: QtCanvasPolygonalItem(QtCanvas* canvas); virtual ~QtCanvasPolygonalItem(); bool collidesWith(const QtCanvasItem*) const; virtual void setPen(QPen p); virtual void setBrush(QBrush b); QPen pen() const { return pn; } QBrush brush() const { return br; } virtual QPolygon areaPoints() const=0; virtual QPolygon areaPointsAdvanced() const; QRect boundingRect() const; int rtti() const; static int RTTI; protected: void draw(QPainter &); virtual void drawShape(QPainter &) = 0; bool winding() const; void setWinding(bool); void invalidate(); bool isValid() const { return (bool)val; } private: void scanPolygon(const QPolygon& pa, int winding, QPolygonalProcessor& process) const; QPolygon chunks() const; bool collidesWith(const QtCanvasSprite*, const QtCanvasPolygonalItem*, const QtCanvasRectangle*, const QtCanvasEllipse*, const QtCanvasText*) const; QBrush br; QPen pn; uint wind:1; }; class QtCanvasRectangle : public QtCanvasPolygonalItem { public: QtCanvasRectangle(QtCanvas* canvas); QtCanvasRectangle(const QRect&, QtCanvas* canvas); QtCanvasRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height, QtCanvas* canvas); ~QtCanvasRectangle(); int width() const; int height() const; void setSize(int w, int h); QSize size() const { return QSize(w,h); } QPolygon areaPoints() const; QRect rect() const { return QRect(int(x()),int(y()),w,h); } bool collidesWith(const QtCanvasItem*) const; int rtti() const; static int RTTI; protected: void drawShape(QPainter &); QPolygon chunks() const; private: bool collidesWith( const QtCanvasSprite*, const QtCanvasPolygonalItem*, const QtCanvasRectangle*, const QtCanvasEllipse*, const QtCanvasText*) const; int w, h; }; class QtCanvasPolygon : public QtCanvasPolygonalItem { public: QtCanvasPolygon(QtCanvas* canvas); ~QtCanvasPolygon(); void setPoints(QPolygon); QPolygon points() const; void moveBy(double dx, double dy); QPolygon areaPoints() const; int rtti() const; static int RTTI; protected: void drawShape(QPainter &); QPolygon poly; }; class QtCanvasSpline : public QtCanvasPolygon { public: QtCanvasSpline(QtCanvas* canvas); ~QtCanvasSpline(); void setControlPoints(QPolygon, bool closed=true); QPolygon controlPoints() const; bool closed() const; int rtti() const; static int RTTI; private: void recalcPoly(); QPolygon bez; bool cl; }; class QtCanvasLine : public QtCanvasPolygonalItem { public: QtCanvasLine(QtCanvas* canvas); ~QtCanvasLine(); void setPoints(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); QPoint startPoint() const { return QPoint(x1,y1); } QPoint endPoint() const { return QPoint(x2,y2); } int rtti() const; static int RTTI; void setPen(QPen p); void moveBy(double dx, double dy); protected: void drawShape(QPainter &); QPolygon areaPoints() const; private: int x1,y1,x2,y2; }; class QtCanvasEllipse : public QtCanvasPolygonalItem { public: QtCanvasEllipse(QtCanvas* canvas); QtCanvasEllipse(int width, int height, QtCanvas* canvas); QtCanvasEllipse(int width, int height, int startangle, int angle, QtCanvas* canvas); ~QtCanvasEllipse(); int width() const; int height() const; void setSize(int w, int h); void setAngles(int start, int length); int angleStart() const { return a1; } int angleLength() const { return a2; } QPolygon areaPoints() const; bool collidesWith(const QtCanvasItem*) const; int rtti() const; static int RTTI; protected: void drawShape(QPainter &); private: bool collidesWith(const QtCanvasSprite*, const QtCanvasPolygonalItem*, const QtCanvasRectangle*, const QtCanvasEllipse*, const QtCanvasText*) const; int w, h; int a1, a2; }; class QtCanvasTextExtra; class QtCanvasText : public QtCanvasItem { public: QtCanvasText(QtCanvas* canvas); QtCanvasText(const QString&, QtCanvas* canvas); QtCanvasText(const QString&, QFont, QtCanvas* canvas); virtual ~QtCanvasText(); void setText(const QString&); void setFont(const QFont&); void setColor(const QColor&); QString text() const; QFont font() const; QColor color() const; void moveBy(double dx, double dy); int textFlags() const { return flags; } void setTextFlags(int); QRect boundingRect() const; bool collidesWith(const QtCanvasItem*) const; int rtti() const; static int RTTI; protected: virtual void draw(QPainter&); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(QtCanvasText) void addToChunks(); void removeFromChunks(); void changeChunks(); void setRect(); QRect brect; QString txt; int flags; QFont fnt; QColor col; QtCanvasTextExtra* extra; bool collidesWith(const QtCanvasSprite*, const QtCanvasPolygonalItem*, const QtCanvasRectangle*, const QtCanvasEllipse*, const QtCanvasText*) const; }; #endif // QTCANVAS_H