/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Claire Xenia Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "basectx.h" #include #include "context.h" #include "log.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN const char *BaseCtx::nameOfBel(BelId bel) const { const Context *ctx = getCtx(); std::string &s = ctx->log_strs.next(); ctx->getBelName(bel).build_str(ctx, s); return s.c_str(); } const char *BaseCtx::nameOfWire(WireId wire) const { const Context *ctx = getCtx(); std::string &s = ctx->log_strs.next(); ctx->getWireName(wire).build_str(ctx, s); return s.c_str(); } const char *BaseCtx::nameOfPip(PipId pip) const { const Context *ctx = getCtx(); std::string &s = ctx->log_strs.next(); ctx->getPipName(pip).build_str(ctx, s); return s.c_str(); } const char *BaseCtx::nameOfGroup(GroupId group) const { const Context *ctx = getCtx(); std::string &s = ctx->log_strs.next(); ctx->getGroupName(group).build_str(ctx, s); return s.c_str(); } BelId BaseCtx::getBelByNameStr(const std::string &str) { Context *ctx = getCtx(); return ctx->getBelByName(IdStringList::parse(ctx, str)); } WireId BaseCtx::getWireByNameStr(const std::string &str) { Context *ctx = getCtx(); return ctx->getWireByName(IdStringList::parse(ctx, str)); } PipId BaseCtx::getPipByNameStr(const std::string &str) { Context *ctx = getCtx(); return ctx->getPipByName(IdStringList::parse(ctx, str)); } GroupId BaseCtx::getGroupByNameStr(const std::string &str) { Context *ctx = getCtx(); return ctx->getGroupByName(IdStringList::parse(ctx, str)); } void BaseCtx::addClock(IdString net, float freq) { std::unique_ptr cc(new ClockConstraint()); cc->period = DelayPair(getCtx()->getDelayFromNS(1000 / freq)); cc->high = DelayPair(getCtx()->getDelayFromNS(500 / freq)); cc->low = DelayPair(getCtx()->getDelayFromNS(500 / freq)); if (!net_aliases.count(net)) { log_warning("net '%s' does not exist in design, ignoring clock constraint\n", net.c_str(this)); } else { getNetByAlias(net)->clkconstr = std::move(cc); log_info("constraining clock net '%s' to %.02f MHz\n", net.c_str(this), freq); } } void BaseCtx::createRectangularRegion(IdString name, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { std::unique_ptr new_region(new Region()); new_region->name = name; new_region->constr_bels = true; new_region->constr_pips = false; new_region->constr_wires = false; for (int x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { for (int y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { for (auto bel : getCtx()->getBelsByTile(x, y)) new_region->bels.insert(bel); } } region[name] = std::move(new_region); } void BaseCtx::addBelToRegion(IdString name, BelId bel) { region[name]->bels.insert(bel); } void BaseCtx::constrainCellToRegion(IdString cell, IdString region_name) { // Support hierarchical cells as well as leaf ones bool matched = false; if (hierarchy.count(cell)) { auto &hc = hierarchy.at(cell); for (auto &lc : hc.leaf_cells) constrainCellToRegion(lc.second, region_name); for (auto &hsc : hc.hier_cells) constrainCellToRegion(hsc.second, region_name); matched = true; } if (cells.count(cell)) { cells.at(cell)->region = region[region_name].get(); matched = true; } if (!matched) log_warning("No cell matched '%s' when constraining to region '%s'\n", nameOf(cell), nameOf(region_name)); } void BaseCtx::createRegionPlug(IdString name, IdString type, Loc approx_loc) { CellInfo *cell = nullptr; if (cells.count(name)) cell = cells.at(name).get(); else cell = createCell(name, type); cell->pseudo_cell = std::make_unique(approx_loc); } void BaseCtx::addPlugPin(IdString plug, IdString pin, PortType dir, WireId wire) { if (!cells.count(plug)) log_error("no cell named '%s' found\n", plug.c_str(this)); CellInfo *ci = cells.at(plug).get(); RegionPlug *rplug = dynamic_cast(ci->pseudo_cell.get()); if (!rplug) log_error("cell '%s' is not a RegionPlug\n", plug.c_str(this)); rplug->port_wires[pin] = wire; ci->ports[pin].name = pin; ci->ports[pin].type = dir; } DecalXY BaseCtx::constructDecalXY(DecalId decal, float x, float y) { DecalXY dxy; dxy.decal = decal; dxy.x = x; dxy.y = y; return dxy; } void BaseCtx::archInfoToAttributes() { for (auto &cell : cells) { auto ci = cell.second.get(); if (ci->bel != BelId()) { if (ci->attrs.find(id("BEL")) != ci->attrs.end()) { ci->attrs.erase(ci->attrs.find(id("BEL"))); } ci->attrs[id("NEXTPNR_BEL")] = getCtx()->getBelName(ci->bel).str(getCtx()); ci->attrs[id("BEL_STRENGTH")] = (int)ci->belStrength; } } for (auto &net : getCtx()->nets) { auto ni = net.second.get(); std::string routing; bool first = true; for (auto &item : ni->wires) { if (!first) routing += ";"; routing += getCtx()->getWireName(item.first).str(getCtx()); routing += ";"; if (item.second.pip != PipId()) routing += getCtx()->getPipName(item.second.pip).str(getCtx()); routing += ";" + std::to_string(item.second.strength); first = false; } ni->attrs[id("ROUTING")] = routing; } } void BaseCtx::attributesToArchInfo() { for (auto &cell : cells) { auto ci = cell.second.get(); auto val = ci->attrs.find(id("NEXTPNR_BEL")); if (val != ci->attrs.end()) { auto str = ci->attrs.find(id("BEL_STRENGTH")); PlaceStrength strength = PlaceStrength::STRENGTH_USER; if (str != ci->attrs.end()) strength = (PlaceStrength)str->second.as_int64(); BelId b = getCtx()->getBelByNameStr(val->second.as_string()); getCtx()->bindBel(b, ci, strength); } } for (auto &net : getCtx()->nets) { auto ni = net.second.get(); auto val = ni->attrs.find(id("ROUTING")); if (val != ni->attrs.end()) { std::vector strs; auto routing = val->second.as_string(); boost::split(strs, routing, boost::is_any_of(";")); for (size_t i = 0; i < strs.size() / 3; i++) { std::string wire = strs[i * 3]; std::string pip = strs[i * 3 + 1]; PlaceStrength strength = (PlaceStrength)std::stoi(strs[i * 3 + 2]); if (pip.empty()) getCtx()->bindWire(getCtx()->getWireByName(IdStringList::parse(getCtx(), wire)), ni, strength); else getCtx()->bindPip(getCtx()->getPipByName(IdStringList::parse(getCtx(), pip)), ni, strength); } } } getCtx()->assignArchInfo(); } NetInfo *BaseCtx::createNet(IdString name) { NPNR_ASSERT(!nets.count(name)); NPNR_ASSERT(!net_aliases.count(name)); auto net = std::make_unique(name); net_aliases[name] = name; NetInfo *ptr = net.get(); nets[name] = std::move(net); refreshUi(); return ptr; } void BaseCtx::connectPort(IdString net, IdString cell, IdString port) { NetInfo *net_info = getNetByAlias(net); CellInfo *cell_info = cells.at(cell).get(); cell_info->connectPort(port, net_info); } void BaseCtx::disconnectPort(IdString cell, IdString port) { CellInfo *cell_info = cells.at(cell).get(); cell_info->disconnectPort(port); } void BaseCtx::renameNet(IdString old_name, IdString new_name) { NetInfo *net = nets.at(old_name).get(); NPNR_ASSERT(!nets.count(new_name)); nets[new_name]; std::swap(nets.at(net->name), nets.at(new_name)); nets.erase(net->name); net->name = new_name; } void BaseCtx::ripupNet(IdString name) { NetInfo *net_info = getNetByAlias(name); std::vector to_unbind; for (auto &wire : net_info->wires) to_unbind.push_back(wire.first); for (auto &unbind : to_unbind) getCtx()->unbindWire(unbind); } void BaseCtx::lockNetRouting(IdString name) { NetInfo *net_info = getNetByAlias(name); for (auto &wire : net_info->wires) wire.second.strength = STRENGTH_USER; } CellInfo *BaseCtx::createCell(IdString name, IdString type) { NPNR_ASSERT(!cells.count(name)); auto cell = std::make_unique(getCtx(), name, type); CellInfo *ptr = cell.get(); cells[name] = std::move(cell); refreshUi(); return ptr; } void BaseCtx::copyBelPorts(IdString cell, BelId bel) { CellInfo *cell_info = cells.at(cell).get(); for (auto pin : getCtx()->getBelPins(bel)) { cell_info->ports[pin].name = pin; cell_info->ports[pin].type = getCtx()->getBelPinType(bel, pin); } } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END