/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 David Shah * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include #include #include "nextpnr.h" #include "cells.h" #include "globals.h" #include "log.h" #define fmt_str(x) (static_cast(std::ostringstream() << x).str()) NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static std::string get_quad_name(GlobalQuadrant quad) { switch (quad) { case QUAD_UL: return "UL"; case QUAD_UR: return "UR"; case QUAD_LL: return "LL"; case QUAD_LR: return "LR"; } return ""; } class Ecp5GlobalRouter { public: Ecp5GlobalRouter(Context *ctx) : ctx(ctx){}; private: bool is_clock_port(const PortRef &user) { if (user.cell->type == ctx->id("TRELLIS_LC") && user.port == ctx->id("CLK")) return true; return false; } std::vector get_clocks() { std::unordered_map clockCount; for (auto &net : ctx->nets) { NetInfo *ni = net.second.get(); clockCount[ni->name] = 0; for (const auto &user : ni->users) { if (is_clock_port(user)) clockCount[ni->name]++; } } std::vector clocks; while (clocks.size() < 16) { auto max = std::max_element(clockCount.begin(), clockCount.end(), [](const decltype(clockCount)::value_type &a, const decltype(clockCount)::value_type &b) { return a.second < b.second; }); if (max == clockCount.end() || max->second < 5) break; clocks.push_back(ctx->nets.at(max->first).get()); clockCount.erase(max->first); } return clocks; } PipId find_tap_pip(WireId tile_glb) { std::string wireName = ctx->getWireBasename(tile_glb).str(ctx); std::string glbName = wireName.substr(2); TapDirection td = ctx->globalInfoAtLoc(tile_glb.location).tap_dir; WireId tap_wire; Location tap_loc; tap_loc.x = ctx->globalInfoAtLoc(tile_glb.location).tap_col; tap_loc.y = tile_glb.location.y; if (td == TAP_DIR_LEFT) { tap_wire = ctx->getWireByLocAndBasename(tap_loc, "L_" + glbName); } else { tap_wire = ctx->getWireByLocAndBasename(tap_loc, "R_" + glbName); } return *(ctx->getPipsUphill(tap_wire).begin()); } PipId find_spine_pip(WireId tap_wire) { std::string wireName = ctx->getWireBasename(tap_wire).str(ctx); Location spine_loc; spine_loc.x = ctx->globalInfoAtLoc(tap_wire.location).spine_col; spine_loc.y = ctx->globalInfoAtLoc(tap_wire.location).spine_row; WireId spine_wire = ctx->getWireByLocAndBasename(spine_loc, wireName); return *(ctx->getPipsUphill(spine_wire).begin()); } void route_logic_tile_global(NetInfo *net, int global_index, PortRef user) { WireId userWire = ctx->getBelPinWire(user.cell->bel, user.port); WireId globalWire; IdString global_name = ctx->id(fmt_str("G_HPBX" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << global_index << "00")); std::queue upstream; std::unordered_map backtrace; upstream.push(userWire); bool already_routed = false; // Search back from the pin until we reach the global network while (true) { WireId next = upstream.front(); upstream.pop(); if (ctx->getBoundWireNet(next) == net) { already_routed = true; globalWire = next; break; } if (ctx->getWireBasename(next) == global_name) { globalWire = next; break; } if (ctx->checkWireAvail(next)) { for (auto pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(next)) { WireId src = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip); backtrace[src] = pip; upstream.push(src); } } if (upstream.size() > 3000) { log_error("failed to route HPBX%02d00 to %s.%s\n", global_index, ctx->getBelName(user.cell->bel).c_str(ctx), user.port.c_str(ctx)); } } // Set all the pips we found along the way WireId cursor = userWire; while (true) { auto fnd = backtrace.find(cursor); if (fnd == backtrace.end()) break; ctx->bindPip(fnd->second, net, STRENGTH_LOCKED); cursor = ctx->getPipSrcWire(fnd->second); } // If the global network inside the tile isn't already set up, // we also need to bind the buffers along the way if (!already_routed) { ctx->bindWire(cursor, net, STRENGTH_LOCKED); PipId tap_pip = find_tap_pip(cursor); NetInfo *tap_net = ctx->getBoundPipNet(tap_pip); if (tap_net == nullptr) { ctx->bindPip(tap_pip, net, STRENGTH_LOCKED); PipId spine_pip = find_spine_pip(ctx->getPipSrcWire(tap_pip)); NetInfo *spine_net = ctx->getBoundPipNet(spine_pip); if (spine_net == nullptr) { ctx->bindPip(spine_pip, net, STRENGTH_LOCKED); } else { NPNR_ASSERT(spine_net == net); } } else { NPNR_ASSERT(tap_net == net); } } } bool is_global_io(CellInfo *io, std::string &glb_name) { std::string func_name = ctx->getPioFunctionName(io->bel); if (func_name.substr(0, 5) == "PCLKT") { func_name.erase(func_name.find('_'), 1); glb_name = "G_" + func_name; return true; } return false; } WireId get_global_wire(GlobalQuadrant quad, int network) { return ctx->getWireByLocAndBasename(Location(0, 0), get_quad_name(quad) + "PCLK" + std::to_string(network)); } bool simple_router(NetInfo *net, WireId src, WireId dst, bool allow_fail = false) { std::queue visit; std::unordered_map backtrace; visit.push(src); WireId cursor; while (true) { if (visit.empty() || visit.size() > 50000) { if (allow_fail) return false; log_error("cannot route global from %s to %s.\n", ctx->getWireName(src).c_str(ctx), ctx->getWireName(dst).c_str(ctx)); } cursor = visit.back(); visit.pop(); NetInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundWireNet(cursor); if (bound == net) { break; } else if (bound != nullptr) { continue; } if (cursor == dst) break; for (auto dh : ctx->getPipsDownhill(cursor)) { WireId pipDst = ctx->getPipDstWire(dh); if (backtrace.count(pipDst)) continue; backtrace[pipDst] = dh; visit.push(pipDst); } } while (true) { auto fnd = backtrace.find(cursor); if (fnd == backtrace.end()) break; ctx->bindPip(fnd->second, net, STRENGTH_LOCKED); cursor = ctx->getPipSrcWire(fnd->second); } return true; } bool route_onto_global(NetInfo *net, int network) { WireId glb_src; NPNR_ASSERT(net->driver.cell->type == id_DCCA); glb_src = ctx->getNetinfoSourceWire(net); for (int quad = QUAD_UL; quad < QUAD_LR + 1; quad++) { WireId glb_dst = get_global_wire(GlobalQuadrant(quad), network); bool routed = simple_router(net, glb_src, glb_dst); if (!routed) return false; } return true; } // Attempt to place a DCC void place_dcc(CellInfo *dcc) { for (auto bel : ctx->getBels()) { if (ctx->getBelType(bel) == id_DCCA && ctx->checkBelAvail(bel)) { if (ctx->isValidBelForCell(dcc, bel)) { ctx->bindBel(bel, dcc, STRENGTH_LOCKED); return; } } } NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE("failed to place dcca"); } // Insert a DCC into a net to promote it to a global NetInfo *insert_dcc(NetInfo *net) { auto dcc = create_ecp5_cell(ctx, id_DCCA, "$gbuf$" + net->name.str(ctx)); std::unique_ptr glbnet = std::unique_ptr(new NetInfo); glbnet->name = ctx->id("$glbnet$" + net->name.str(ctx)); glbnet->driver.cell = dcc.get(); glbnet->driver.port = id_CLKO; for (auto user : net->users) { user.cell->ports.at(user.port).net = glbnet.get(); } net->users.clear(); dcc->ports[id_CLKI].net = net; PortRef clki_pr; clki_pr.port = id_CLKI; clki_pr.cell = dcc.get(); net->users.push_back(clki_pr); place_dcc(dcc.get()); ctx->cells[dcc->name] = std::move(dcc); NetInfo *glbptr = glbnet.get(); ctx->nets[glbnet->name] = std::move(glbnet); return glbptr; } Context *ctx; public: void promote_and_route_globals() { log_info("Promoting and routing globals..."); auto clocks = get_clocks(); int glbid = 0; for (auto clock : clocks) { log_info(" promoting clock net %s to global %d\n", clock->name.c_str(ctx), glbid); auto old_users = clock->users; NetInfo *global = insert_dcc(clock); bool routed = route_onto_global(global, glbid); NPNR_ASSERT(routed); for (const auto &user : global->users) { route_logic_tile_global(global, glbid, user); } glbid++; } } }; void route_ecp5_globals(Context *ctx) { Ecp5GlobalRouter(ctx).promote_and_route_globals(); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END