/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 David Shah * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include #include #include "cells.h" #include "design_utils.h" #include "log.h" #include "util.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static bool is_nextpnr_iob(Context *ctx, CellInfo *cell) { return cell->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_ibuf") || cell->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_obuf") || cell->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_iobuf"); } class Ecp5Packer { public: Ecp5Packer(Context *ctx) : ctx(ctx){}; private: // Process the contents of packed_cells and new_cells void flush_cells() { for (auto pcell : packed_cells) { ctx->cells.erase(pcell); } for (auto &ncell : new_cells) { ctx->cells[ncell->name] = std::move(ncell); } packed_cells.clear(); new_cells.clear(); } // Find FFs associated with LUTs, or LUT expansion muxes void find_lutff_pairs() { log_info("Finding LUTFF pairs...\n"); for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second; if (is_lut(ctx, ci) || is_pfumx(ctx, ci) || is_l6mux(ctx, ci)) { NetInfo *znet = ci->ports.at(ctx->id("Z")).net; if (znet != nullptr) { CellInfo *ff = net_only_drives(ctx, znet, is_ff, ctx->id("DI"), false); if (ff != nullptr) { lutffPairs[ci->name] = ff->name; fflutPairs[ff->name] = ci->name; } } } } } // Return whether two FFs can be packed together in the same slice bool can_pack_ffs(CellInfo *ff0, CellInfo *ff1) { if (str_or_default(ff0->params, ctx->id("GSR"), "DISABLED") != str_or_default(ff1->params, ctx->id("GSR"), "DISABLED")) return false; if (str_or_default(ff0->params, ctx->id("SRMODE"), "LSR_OVER_CE") != str_or_default(ff1->params, ctx->id("SRMODE"), "LSR_OVER_CE")) return false; if (str_or_default(ff0->params, ctx->id("CEMUX"), "1") != str_or_default(ff1->params, ctx->id("CEMUX"), "1")) return false; if (str_or_default(ff0->params, ctx->id("LSRMUX"), "LSR") != str_or_default(ff1->params, ctx->id("LSRMUX"), "LSR")) return false; if (str_or_default(ff0->params, ctx->id("CLKMUX"), "CLK") != str_or_default(ff1->params, ctx->id("CLKMUX"), "CLK")) return false; if (ff0->ports.at(ctx->id("CLK")).net != ff1->ports.at(ctx->id("CLK")).net) return false; if (ff0->ports.at(ctx->id("CE")).net != ff1->ports.at(ctx->id("CE")).net) return false; if (ff0->ports.at(ctx->id("LSR")).net != ff1->ports.at(ctx->id("LSR")).net) return false; return true; } // Return true if two LUTs can be paired considering FF compatibility bool can_pack_lutff(IdString lut0, IdString lut1) { auto ff0 = lutffPairs.find(lut0), ff1 = lutffPairs.find(lut1); if (ff0 != lutffPairs.end() && ff1 != lutffPairs.end()) { return can_pack_ffs(ctx->cells.at(ff0->second).get(), ctx->cells.at(ff1->second).get()); } else { return true; } } // Find "closely connected" LUTs and pair them together void pair_luts() { log_info("Finding LUT-LUT pairs...\n"); std::unordered_set procdLuts; for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second; if (is_lut(ctx, ci) && procdLuts.find(cell.first) == procdLuts.end()) { NetInfo *znet = ci->ports.at(ctx->id("Z")).net; if (znet != nullptr) { for (auto user : znet->users) { if (is_lut(ctx, user.cell) && user.cell != ci && procdLuts.find(user.cell->name) == procdLuts.end()) { if (can_pack_lutff(ci->name, user.cell->name)) { procdLuts.insert(ci->name); procdLuts.insert(user.cell->name); lutPairs[ci->name] = user.cell->name; goto paired; } } } if (false) { paired: continue; } } if (lutffPairs.find(ci->name) != lutffPairs.end()) { NetInfo *qnet = ctx->cells.at(lutffPairs[ci->name])->ports.at(ctx->id("Q")).net; if (qnet != nullptr) { for (auto user : qnet->users) { if (is_lut(ctx, user.cell) && user.cell != ci && procdLuts.find(user.cell->name) == procdLuts.end()) { if (can_pack_lutff(ci->name, user.cell->name)) { procdLuts.insert(ci->name); procdLuts.insert(user.cell->name); lutPairs[ci->name] = user.cell->name; goto paired_ff; } } } if (false) { paired_ff: continue; } } } for (const char *inp : {"A", "B", "C", "D"}) { NetInfo *innet = ci->ports.at(ctx->id(inp)).net; if (innet != nullptr && innet->driver.cell != nullptr) { CellInfo *drv = innet->driver.cell; if (is_lut(ctx, drv) && drv != ci && innet->driver.port == ctx->id("Z")) { if (procdLuts.find(drv->name) == procdLuts.end()) { if (can_pack_lutff(ci->name, drv->name)) { procdLuts.insert(ci->name); procdLuts.insert(drv->name); lutPairs[ci->name] = drv->name; goto paired_inlut; } } } else if (is_ff(ctx, drv) && innet->driver.port == ctx->id("Q")) { auto fflut = fflutPairs.find(drv->name); if (fflut != fflutPairs.end() && fflut->second != ci->name && procdLuts.find(fflut->second) == procdLuts.end()) { if (can_pack_lutff(ci->name, fflut->second)) { procdLuts.insert(ci->name); procdLuts.insert(fflut->second); lutPairs[ci->name] = fflut->second; goto paired_inlut; } } } } } if (false) { paired_inlut: continue; } } } } // Simple "packer" to remove nextpnr IOBUFs, this assumes IOBUFs are manually instantiated void pack_io() { log_info("Packing IOs..\n"); for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second; if (is_nextpnr_iob(ctx, ci)) { CellInfo *trio = nullptr; if (ci->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_ibuf") || ci->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_iobuf")) { trio = net_only_drives(ctx, ci->ports.at(ctx->id("O")).net, is_trellis_io, ctx->id("B"), true, ci); } else if (ci->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_obuf")) { trio = net_only_drives(ctx, ci->ports.at(ctx->id("I")).net, is_trellis_io, ctx->id("B"), true, ci); } if (trio != nullptr) { // Trivial case, TRELLIS_IO used. Just destroy the net and the // iobuf log_info("%s feeds TRELLIS_IO %s, removing %s %s.\n", ci->name.c_str(ctx), trio->name.c_str(ctx), ci->type.c_str(ctx), ci->name.c_str(ctx)); NetInfo *net = trio->ports.at(ctx->id("B")).net; if (net != nullptr) { ctx->nets.erase(net->name); trio->ports.at(ctx->id("B")).net = nullptr; } if (ci->type == ctx->id("$nextpnr_iobuf")) { NetInfo *net2 = ci->ports.at(ctx->id("I")).net; if (net2 != nullptr) { ctx->nets.erase(net2->name); } } } else { log_error("TRELLIS_IO required on all top level IOs...\n"); } packed_cells.insert(ci->name); std::copy(ci->attrs.begin(), ci->attrs.end(), std::inserter(trio->attrs, trio->attrs.begin())); } } flush_cells(); } // Pass to pack LUT5s into a newly created slice void pack_lut5s() { log_info("Packing LUT5s...\n"); for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second; if (is_pfumx(ctx, ci)) { std::unique_ptr packed = create_ecp5_cell(ctx, ctx->id("TRELLIS_SLICE"), ci->name.str(ctx) + "_SLICE"); NetInfo *f0 = ci->ports.at(ctx->id("BLUT")).net; if (f0 == nullptr) log_error("PFUMX '%s' has disconnected port 'BLUT'\n", ci->name.c_str(ctx)); NetInfo *f1 = ci->ports.at(ctx->id("ALUT")).net; if (f1 == nullptr) log_error("PFUMX '%s' has disconnected port 'ALUT'\n", ci->name.c_str(ctx)); CellInfo *lut0 = net_driven_by(ctx, f0, is_lut, ctx->id("Z")); CellInfo *lut1 = net_driven_by(ctx, f1, is_lut, ctx->id("Z")); if (lut0 == nullptr) log_error("PFUMX '%s' has BLUT driven by cell other than a LUT\n", ci->name.c_str(ctx)); if (lut1 == nullptr) log_error("PFUMX '%s' has ALUT driven by cell other than a LUT\n", ci->name.c_str(ctx)); replace_port(lut0, ctx->id("A"), packed.get(), ctx->id("A0")); replace_port(lut0, ctx->id("B"), packed.get(), ctx->id("B0")); replace_port(lut0, ctx->id("C"), packed.get(), ctx->id("C0")); replace_port(lut0, ctx->id("D"), packed.get(), ctx->id("D0")); replace_port(lut1, ctx->id("A"), packed.get(), ctx->id("A1")); replace_port(lut1, ctx->id("B"), packed.get(), ctx->id("B1")); replace_port(lut1, ctx->id("C"), packed.get(), ctx->id("C1")); replace_port(lut1, ctx->id("D"), packed.get(), ctx->id("D1")); replace_port(ci, ctx->id("C0"), packed.get(), ctx->id("M0")); replace_port(ci, ctx->id("Z"), packed.get(), ctx->id("OFX0")); packed->params[ctx->id("LUT0_INITVAL")] = str_or_default(lut0->params, ctx->id("INIT"), "0"); packed->params[ctx->id("LUT1_INITVAL")] = str_or_default(lut1->params, ctx->id("INIT"), "0"); ctx->nets.erase(f0->name); ctx->nets.erase(f1->name); sliceUsage[packed->name].lut0_used = true; sliceUsage[packed->name].lut1_used = true; sliceUsage[packed->name].mux5_used = true; if (lutffPairs.find(ci->name) != lutffPairs.end()) { CellInfo *ff = ctx->cells.at(lutffPairs[ci->name]).get(); ff_to_slice(ctx, ff, packed.get(), 0, true); packed_cells.insert(ff->name); sliceUsage[packed->name].ff0_used = true; } new_cells.push_back(std::move(packed)); packed_cells.insert(lut0->name); packed_cells.insert(lut1->name); packed_cells.insert(ci->name); } } flush_cells(); } // Pack LUTs that have been paired together void pack_lut_pairs() { log_info("Packing paired LUTs into a SLICE...\n"); for (auto pair : lutPairs) { CellInfo *lut0 = ctx->cells.at(pair.first).get(); CellInfo *lut1 = ctx->cells.at(pair.second).get(); std::unique_ptr slice = create_ecp5_cell(ctx, ctx->id("TRELLIS_SLICE"), lut0->name.str(ctx) + "_SLICE"); lut_to_slice(ctx, lut0, slice.get(), 0); lut_to_slice(ctx, lut1, slice.get(), 1); auto ff0 = lutffPairs.find(lut0->name), ff1 = lutffPairs.find(lut1->name); if (ff0 != lutffPairs.end()) { ff_to_slice(ctx, ctx->cells.at(ff0->second).get(), slice.get(), 0, true); packed_cells.insert(ff0->second); } if (ff1 != lutffPairs.end()) { ff_to_slice(ctx, ctx->cells.at(ff1->second).get(), slice.get(), 1, true); packed_cells.insert(ff1->second); } new_cells.push_back(std::move(slice)); packed_cells.insert(lut0->name); packed_cells.insert(lut1->name); } flush_cells(); } // Pack single LUTs that weren't paired into their own slice, // with an optional FF also void pack_remaining_luts() { log_info("Packing unpaired LUTs into a SLICE...\n"); for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second; if (is_lut(ctx, ci)) { std::unique_ptr slice = create_ecp5_cell(ctx, ctx->id("TRELLIS_SLICE"), ci->name.str(ctx) + "_SLICE"); lut_to_slice(ctx, ci, slice.get(), 0); auto ff = lutffPairs.find(ci->name); if (ff != lutffPairs.end()) { ff_to_slice(ctx, ctx->cells.at(ff->second).get(), slice.get(), 0, true); packed_cells.insert(ff->second); } new_cells.push_back(std::move(slice)); packed_cells.insert(ci->name); } } flush_cells(); } // Pack flipflops that weren't paired with a LUT void pack_remaining_ffs() { log_info("Packing unpaired FFs into a SLICE...\n"); for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second; if (is_ff(ctx, ci)) { std::unique_ptr slice = create_ecp5_cell(ctx, ctx->id("TRELLIS_SLICE"), ci->name.str(ctx) + "_SLICE"); ff_to_slice(ctx, ci, slice.get(), 0, false); new_cells.push_back(std::move(slice)); packed_cells.insert(ci->name); } } flush_cells(); } public: void pack() { pack_io(); find_lutff_pairs(); pack_lut5s(); pair_luts(); pack_lut_pairs(); pack_remaining_luts(); pack_remaining_ffs(); } private: Context *ctx; std::unordered_set packed_cells; std::vector> new_cells; struct SliceUsage { bool lut0_used = false, lut1_used = false; bool ccu2_used = false, dpram_used = false, ramw_used = false; bool ff0_used = false, ff1_used = false; bool mux5_used = false, muxx_used = false; }; std::unordered_map sliceUsage; std::unordered_map lutffPairs; std::unordered_map fflutPairs; std::unordered_map lutPairs; }; // Main pack function bool Arch::pack() { Context *ctx = getCtx(); try { log_break(); Ecp5Packer(ctx).pack(); log_info("Checksum: 0x%08x\n", ctx->checksum()); return true; } catch (log_execution_error_exception) { return false; } } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END