/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021 Symbiflow Authors * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "nextpnr.h" #include "log.h" #include "util.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void DedicatedInterconnect::init(const Context *ctx) { this->ctx = ctx; if(ctx->debug) { log_info("Finding dedicated interconnect!\n"); } find_dedicated_interconnect(); if(ctx->debug) { print_dedicated_interconnect(); } } bool DedicatedInterconnect::check_routing( BelId src_bel, IdString src_bel_pin, BelId dst_bel, IdString dst_bel_pin) const { // FIXME: Implement. return false; } bool DedicatedInterconnect::isBelLocationValid(BelId bel, const CellInfo* cell) const { NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId()); Loc bel_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(bel); const auto &bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel); for(const auto &port_pair : cell->ports) { IdString port_name = port_pair.first; NetInfo *net = port_pair.second.net; if(net == nullptr) { continue; } // Only check sink BELs. if(net->driver.cell == cell && net->driver.port == port_name) { continue; } // This net doesn't have a driver, probably not valid? NPNR_ASSERT(net->driver.cell != nullptr); BelId driver_bel = net->driver.cell->bel; if(driver_bel == BelId()) { return true; } const auto &driver_bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, driver_bel); Loc driver_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(driver_bel); DeltaTileTypeBelPin driver_type_bel_pin; driver_type_bel_pin.delta_x = driver_loc.x - bel_loc.x; driver_type_bel_pin.delta_y = driver_loc.y - bel_loc.y; driver_type_bel_pin.type_bel_pin.tile_type = ctx->chip_info->tiles[driver_bel.tile].type; driver_type_bel_pin.type_bel_pin.bel_index = driver_bel.index; driver_type_bel_pin.type_bel_pin.bel_pin = get_only_value(ctx->getBelPinsForCellPin(net->driver.cell, net->driver.port)); for(IdString bel_pin : ctx->getBelPinsForCellPin(cell, port_name)) { TileTypeBelPin type_bel_pin; type_bel_pin.tile_type = ctx->chip_info->tiles[bel.tile].type; type_bel_pin.bel_index = bel.index; type_bel_pin.bel_pin = bel_pin; auto iter = pins_with_dedicate_interconnect.find(type_bel_pin); if(iter == pins_with_dedicate_interconnect.end()) { // This BEL pin doesn't have a dedicate interconnect. continue; } if(bel.tile == driver_bel.tile && bel_data.site == driver_bel_data.site) { // This is a site local routing, even though this is a sink // with a dedicated interconnect. continue; } // Do fast routing check to see if the pair of driver and sink // every are valid. if(iter->second.count(driver_type_bel_pin) == 0) { if(ctx->verbose) { log_info("BEL %s is not valid because pin %s cannot be driven by %s/%s\n", ctx->nameOfBel(bel), bel_pin.c_str(ctx), ctx->nameOfBel(driver_bel), driver_type_bel_pin.type_bel_pin.bel_pin.c_str(ctx)); } return false; } // Do detailed routing check to ensure driver can reach sink. // // FIXME: This might be too slow, but it handles a case on // SLICEL.COUT -> SLICEL.CIN has delta_y = {1, 2}, but the // delta_y=2 case is rare. if(!check_routing( driver_bel, driver_type_bel_pin.type_bel_pin.bel_pin, bel, bel_pin)) { if(ctx->verbose) { log_info("BEL %s is not valid because pin %s cannot be driven by %s/%s (via detailed check)\n", ctx->nameOfBel(bel), bel_pin.c_str(ctx), ctx->nameOfBel(driver_bel), driver_type_bel_pin.type_bel_pin.bel_pin.c_str(ctx)); } return false; } } } return true; } void DedicatedInterconnect::print_dedicated_interconnect() const { log_info("Found %zu sinks with dedicated interconnect\n", pins_with_dedicate_interconnect.size()); std::vector sorted_keys; for(const auto & sink_to_srcs : pins_with_dedicate_interconnect) { sorted_keys.push_back(sink_to_srcs.first); } std::sort(sorted_keys.begin(), sorted_keys.end()); for(const auto & dst : sorted_keys) { for(const auto & src : pins_with_dedicate_interconnect.at(dst)) { const TileTypeInfoPOD & src_tile_type = ctx->chip_info->tile_types[src.type_bel_pin.tile_type]; const BelInfoPOD & src_bel_info = src_tile_type.bel_data[src.type_bel_pin.bel_index]; IdString src_site_type = IdString(src_tile_type.site_types[src_bel_info.site]); IdString src_bel_pin = src.type_bel_pin.bel_pin; const TileTypeInfoPOD & dst_tile_type = ctx->chip_info->tile_types[dst.tile_type]; const BelInfoPOD & dst_bel_info = dst_tile_type.bel_data[dst.bel_index]; IdString dst_site_type = IdString(dst_tile_type.site_types[dst_bel_info.site]); IdString dst_bel_pin = dst.bel_pin; log_info("%s.%s/%s/%s (%d, %d) -> %s.%s/%s/%s\n", IdString(src_tile_type.name).c_str(ctx), src_site_type.c_str(ctx), IdString(src_bel_info.name).c_str(ctx), src_bel_pin.c_str(ctx), src.delta_x, src.delta_y, IdString(dst_tile_type.name).c_str(ctx), dst_site_type.c_str(ctx), IdString(dst_bel_info.name).c_str(ctx), dst_bel_pin.c_str(ctx)); } } } void DedicatedInterconnect::find_dedicated_interconnect() { for(BelId bel : ctx->getBels()) { const auto & bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel); if(bel_data.category != BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC) { continue; } if(bel_data.synthetic) { continue; } for(size_t i = 0; i < bel_data.num_bel_wires; ++i) { if(bel_data.types[i] != PORT_IN) { continue; } WireId wire; wire.tile = bel.tile; wire.index = bel_data.wires[i]; expand_bel(bel, IdString(bel_data.ports[i]), wire); } } } // All legal routes involved at most 2 sites, the source site and the sink // site. The source site and sink sites may be the same, but that is not // dedicated routing, that is intra site routing. // // Dedicated routing must leave the sink site, traverse some routing and // terminate at another site. Routing that "flys" over a site is expressed as // a psuedo-pip connected the relevant site pin wires, rather than traversing // the site. enum WireNodeState { IN_SINK_SITE = 0, IN_ROUTING = 1, IN_SOURCE_SITE = 2 }; struct WireNode { WireId wire; WireNodeState state; int depth; }; // Maximum depth that a dedicate interconnect is considered. // // Routing networks with depth <= kMaxDepth is considers a dedicated // interconnect. constexpr int kMaxDepth = 20; void DedicatedInterconnect::expand_bel(BelId bel, IdString pin, WireId wire) { NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId()); std::vector nodes_to_expand; const auto & src_wire_data = ctx->wire_info(wire); NPNR_ASSERT(src_wire_data.site != -1); WireNode wire_node; wire_node.wire = wire; wire_node.state = IN_SINK_SITE; wire_node.depth = 0; nodes_to_expand.push_back(wire_node); Loc sink_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(bel); std::unordered_set srcs; while(!nodes_to_expand.empty()) { WireNode node_to_expand = nodes_to_expand.back(); nodes_to_expand.pop_back(); for(PipId pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(node_to_expand.wire)) { if(ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) { continue; } WireId wire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip); if(wire == WireId()) { continue; } WireNode next_node; next_node.wire = wire; next_node.depth = node_to_expand.depth += 1; if(next_node.depth > kMaxDepth) { // Dedicated routing should reach sources by kMaxDepth (with // tuning). // // FIXME: Consider removing kMaxDepth and use kMaxSources? return; } auto const & wire_data = ctx->wire_info(wire); bool expand_node = true; if(ctx->is_site_port(pip)) { switch(node_to_expand.state) { case IN_SINK_SITE: NPNR_ASSERT(wire_data.site == -1); next_node.state = IN_ROUTING; break; case IN_ROUTING: NPNR_ASSERT(wire_data.site != -1); if(wire_data.site == src_wire_data.site) { // Dedicated routing won't have straight loops, // general routing looks like that. return; } next_node.state = IN_SOURCE_SITE; break; case IN_SOURCE_SITE: // Once entering a site, do not leave it again. // This path is not a legal route! expand_node = false; break; default: // Unreachable!!! NPNR_ASSERT(false); } } else { next_node.state = node_to_expand.state; } if(expand_node) { nodes_to_expand.push_back(next_node); } else { continue; } if(next_node.state == IN_SOURCE_SITE) { for(BelPin bel_pin : ctx->getWireBelPins(wire)) { BelId src_bel = bel_pin.bel; auto const & bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, src_bel); NPNR_ASSERT(bel_data.site != src_wire_data.site); if(bel_data.category != BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC) { continue; } if(bel_data.synthetic) { continue; } if(ctx->getBelPinType(bel_pin.bel, bel_pin.pin) != PORT_OUT) { continue; } Loc src_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(src_bel); DeltaTileTypeBelPin delta_type_bel_pin; delta_type_bel_pin.delta_x = src_loc.x - sink_loc.x; delta_type_bel_pin.delta_x = src_loc.y - sink_loc.y; delta_type_bel_pin.type_bel_pin.tile_type = ctx->chip_info->tiles[src_bel.tile].type; delta_type_bel_pin.type_bel_pin.bel_index = src_bel.index; delta_type_bel_pin.type_bel_pin.bel_pin = bel_pin.pin; srcs.emplace(delta_type_bel_pin); } } } } TileTypeBelPin type_bel_pin; type_bel_pin.tile_type = ctx->chip_info->tiles[bel.tile].type; type_bel_pin.bel_index = bel.index; type_bel_pin.bel_pin = pin; auto result = pins_with_dedicate_interconnect.emplace(type_bel_pin, srcs); if(!result.second) { // type_bel_pin was already present! Add any new sources from this // sink type (if any); for(auto src : srcs) { result.first->second.emplace(src); } } } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END