/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021 Symbiflow Authors * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "fpga_interchange.h" #include #include #include #include #include "PhysicalNetlist.capnp.h" #include "LogicalNetlist.capnp.h" #include "zlib.h" #include "frontend_base.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static void write_message(::capnp::MallocMessageBuilder & message, const std::string &filename) { kj::Array words = messageToFlatArray(message); kj::ArrayPtr bytes = words.asBytes(); gzFile file = gzopen(filename.c_str(), "w"); NPNR_ASSERT(file != Z_NULL); NPNR_ASSERT(gzwrite(file, &bytes[0], bytes.size()) == (int)bytes.size()); NPNR_ASSERT(gzclose(file) == Z_OK); } struct StringEnumerator { std::vector strings; dict string_to_index; size_t get_index(const std::string &s) { auto result = string_to_index.emplace(s, strings.size()); if(result.second) { // This string was inserted, append. strings.push_back(s); } return result.first->second; } }; static PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::RouteBranch::Builder emit_branch( const Context * ctx, StringEnumerator * strings, const dict &pip_place_strength, PipId pip, PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::RouteBranch::Builder branch) { if(ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) { log_error("FPGA interchange should not emit synthetic pip %s\n", ctx->nameOfPip(pip)); } const PipInfoPOD & pip_data = pip_info(ctx->chip_info, pip); const TileTypeInfoPOD & tile_type = loc_info(ctx->chip_info, pip); const TileInstInfoPOD & tile = ctx->chip_info->tiles[pip.tile]; if(pip_data.site == -1) { // This is a PIP auto pip_obj = branch.getRouteSegment().initPip(); pip_obj.setTile(strings->get_index(tile.name.get())); // FIXME: This might be broken for reverse bi-pips. Re-visit this one. // // pip_data might need to mark that it is a reversed bi-pip, so the // pip emission for the physical netlist would be: // // wire0: dst_wire // wire1: src_wire // forward: false // IdString src_wire_name = IdString(tile_type.wire_data[pip_data.src_index].name); IdString dst_wire_name = IdString(tile_type.wire_data[pip_data.dst_index].name); pip_obj.setWire0(strings->get_index(src_wire_name.str(ctx))); pip_obj.setWire1(strings->get_index(dst_wire_name.str(ctx))); pip_obj.setForward(true); pip_obj.setIsFixed(pip_place_strength.at(pip) >= STRENGTH_FIXED); // If this is a pseudo PIP, get its name if (pip_data.pseudo_cell_wires.size() != 0) { for (int32_t wire_index : pip_data.pseudo_cell_wires) { const TileWireInfoPOD &wire_data = tile_type.wire_data[wire_index]; if (wire_data.site == -1) { continue; } const SiteInstInfoPOD & site_data = site_inst_info(ctx->chip_info, pip.tile, wire_data.site); std::string site_name = site_data.site_name.get(); int site_idx = strings->get_index(site_name); pip_obj.setSite(site_idx); // It is assumed that a pseudo PIP traverses one site only break; } } return branch; } else { BelId bel; bel.tile = pip.tile; bel.index = pip_data.bel; const BelInfoPOD & bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel); IdStringList bel_name = ctx->getBelName(bel); NPNR_ASSERT(bel_name.size() == 2); std::string site_and_type = bel_name[0].str(ctx); auto pos = site_and_type.find_first_of('.'); NPNR_ASSERT(pos != std::string::npos); std::string site_name = site_and_type.substr(0, pos); int site_idx = strings->get_index(site_name); if(bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC) { // This is a psuedo site-pip. auto in_bel_pin = branch.getRouteSegment().initBelPin(); WireId src_wire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip); WireId dst_wire = ctx->getPipDstWire(pip); NPNR_ASSERT(src_wire.index == bel_data.wires[pip_data.extra_data]); IdString src_pin(bel_data.ports[pip_data.extra_data]); IdString dst_pin; for(IdString pin : ctx->getBelPins(bel)) { if(ctx->getBelPinWire(bel, pin) == dst_wire) { NPNR_ASSERT(dst_pin == IdString()); dst_pin = pin; } } NPNR_ASSERT(src_pin != IdString()); NPNR_ASSERT(dst_pin != IdString()); int bel_idx = strings->get_index(bel_name[1].str(ctx)); in_bel_pin.setSite(site_idx); in_bel_pin.setBel(bel_idx); in_bel_pin.setPin(strings->get_index(src_pin.str(ctx))); auto subbranch = branch.initBranches(1); auto bel_pin_branch = subbranch[0]; auto out_bel_pin = bel_pin_branch.getRouteSegment().initBelPin(); out_bel_pin.setSite(site_idx); out_bel_pin.setBel(bel_idx); out_bel_pin.setPin(strings->get_index(dst_pin.str(ctx))); return bel_pin_branch; } else if(bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_ROUTING) { // This is a site-pip. IdStringList pip_name = ctx->getPipName(pip); auto site_pip = branch.getRouteSegment().initSitePIP(); site_pip.setSite(site_idx); site_pip.setBel(strings->get_index(pip_name[1].str(ctx))); site_pip.setPin(strings->get_index(pip_name[2].str(ctx))); site_pip.setIsFixed(pip_place_strength.at(pip) >= STRENGTH_FIXED); // FIXME: Mark inverter state. // This is required for US/US+ inverters, because those inverters // only have 1 input. return branch; } else { NPNR_ASSERT(bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_SITE_PORT); // This is a site port. const TileWireInfoPOD &tile_wire = tile_type.wire_data[pip_data.src_index]; int site_pin_idx = strings->get_index(bel_name[1].str(ctx)); if(tile_wire.site == -1) { // This site port is routing -> site. auto site_pin = branch.getRouteSegment().initSitePin(); site_pin.setSite(site_idx); site_pin.setPin(site_pin_idx); auto subbranch = branch.initBranches(1); auto bel_pin_branch = subbranch[0]; auto bel_pin = bel_pin_branch.getRouteSegment().initBelPin(); bel_pin.setSite(site_idx); bel_pin.setBel(site_pin_idx); bel_pin.setPin(site_pin_idx); return bel_pin_branch; } else { // This site port is site -> routing. auto bel_pin = branch.getRouteSegment().initBelPin(); bel_pin.setSite(site_idx); bel_pin.setBel(site_pin_idx); bel_pin.setPin(site_pin_idx); auto subbranch = branch.initBranches(1); auto site_pin_branch = subbranch[0]; auto site_pin = site_pin_branch.getRouteSegment().initSitePin(); site_pin.setSite(site_idx); site_pin.setPin(site_pin_idx); return site_pin_branch; } } } } static void init_bel_pin( const Context * ctx, StringEnumerator * strings, const BelPin &bel_pin, PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::RouteBranch::Builder branch) { if(ctx->is_bel_synthetic(bel_pin.bel)) { log_error("FPGA interchange should not emit synthetic BEL pin %s/%s\n", ctx->nameOfBel(bel_pin.bel), bel_pin.pin.c_str(ctx)); } BelId bel = bel_pin.bel; IdString pin_name = bel_pin.pin; IdStringList bel_name = ctx->getBelName(bel); NPNR_ASSERT(bel_name.size() == 2); std::string site_and_type = bel_name[0].str(ctx); auto pos = site_and_type.find_first_of('.'); NPNR_ASSERT(pos != std::string::npos); std::string site_name = site_and_type.substr(0, pos); const BelInfoPOD & bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel); if(bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC) { // This is a boring old logic BEL. auto out_bel_pin = branch.getRouteSegment().initBelPin(); out_bel_pin.setSite(strings->get_index(site_name)); out_bel_pin.setBel(strings->get_index(bel_name[1].str(ctx))); out_bel_pin.setPin(strings->get_index(pin_name.str(ctx))); } else { // This is a local site inverter. This is represented with a // $nextpnr_inv, and this BEL pin is the input to that inverter. NPNR_ASSERT(bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_ROUTING); auto out_pip = branch.getRouteSegment().initSitePIP(); out_pip.setSite(strings->get_index(site_name)); out_pip.setBel(strings->get_index(bel_name[1].str(ctx))); out_pip.setPin(strings->get_index(pin_name.str(ctx))); out_pip.setIsInverting(true); } } static void emit_net( const Context * ctx, StringEnumerator * strings, const dict> &pip_downhill, const dict> &sinks, pool *pips, const dict &pip_place_strength, WireId wire, PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::RouteBranch::Builder branch) { size_t number_branches = 0; auto downhill_iter = pip_downhill.find(wire); if(downhill_iter != pip_downhill.end()) { number_branches += downhill_iter->second.size(); } auto sink_iter = sinks.find(wire); if(sink_iter != sinks.end()) { number_branches += sink_iter->second.size(); } size_t branch_index = 0; auto branches = branch.initBranches(number_branches); if(downhill_iter != pip_downhill.end()) { const std::vector & wire_pips = downhill_iter->second; for(size_t i = 0; i < wire_pips.size(); ++i) { PipId pip = wire_pips.at(i); NPNR_ASSERT(pips->erase(pip) == 1); PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::RouteBranch::Builder leaf_branch = emit_branch( ctx, strings, pip_place_strength, pip, branches[branch_index++]); emit_net(ctx, strings, pip_downhill, sinks, pips, pip_place_strength, ctx->getPipDstWire(pip), leaf_branch); } } if(sink_iter != sinks.end()) { for(const auto bel_pin : sink_iter->second) { auto leaf_branch = branches[branch_index++]; init_bel_pin(ctx, strings, bel_pin, leaf_branch); } } } // Given a site wire, find the source BEL pin. // // All site wires should have exactly 1 source BEL pin. // // FIXME: Consider making sure that wire_data.bel_pins[0] is always the // source BEL pin in the BBA generator. static BelPin find_source(const Context *ctx, WireId source_wire) { if (source_wire.tile == -1) { // Nodal wire, probably a constant, cannot have an associated bel pin return BelPin(); } const TileTypeInfoPOD & tile_type = loc_info(ctx->chip_info, source_wire); const TileWireInfoPOD & wire_data = tile_type.wire_data[source_wire.index]; // Make sure this is a site wire, otherwise something odd is happening // here. if(wire_data.site == -1) { return BelPin(); } BelPin source_bel_pin; for(const BelPin & bel_pin : ctx->getWireBelPins(source_wire)) { if(ctx->getBelPinType(bel_pin.bel, bel_pin.pin) == PORT_OUT) { // Synthetic BEL's (like connection to the VCC/GND network) are // ignored here, because synthetic BEL's don't exists outside of // the BBA. if(ctx->is_bel_synthetic(bel_pin.bel)) { continue; } NPNR_ASSERT(source_bel_pin.bel == BelId()); source_bel_pin = bel_pin; } } NPNR_ASSERT(source_bel_pin.bel != BelId()); NPNR_ASSERT(source_bel_pin.pin != IdString()); return source_bel_pin; } // Initial a local signal source (usually VCC/GND). static PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::RouteBranch::Builder init_local_source( const Context *ctx, StringEnumerator * strings, PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::RouteBranch::Builder source_branch, PipId root, const dict &pip_place_strength, WireId *root_wire) { WireId source_wire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(root); BelPin source_bel_pin = find_source(ctx, source_wire); if(source_bel_pin.bel != BelId()) { // This branch should first emit the BEL pin that is the source, followed // by the pip that brings the source to the net. init_bel_pin(ctx, strings, source_bel_pin, source_branch); source_branch = source_branch.initBranches(1)[0]; } *root_wire = ctx->getPipDstWire(root); return emit_branch(ctx, strings, pip_place_strength, root, source_branch); } static void find_non_synthetic_edges(const Context * ctx, WireId root_wire, const dict> &pip_downhill, std::vector *root_pips) { std::vector wires_to_expand; wires_to_expand.push_back(root_wire); while(!wires_to_expand.empty()) { WireId wire = wires_to_expand.back(); wires_to_expand.pop_back(); auto downhill_iter = pip_downhill.find(wire); if(downhill_iter == pip_downhill.end()) { if(root_wire != wire) { log_warning("Wire %s never entered the real fabric?\n", ctx->nameOfWire(wire)); } continue; } for(PipId pip : pip_downhill.at(wire)) { if(!ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) { // Stop following edges that are non-synthetic, they will be // followed during emit_net root_pips->push_back(pip); } else { // Continue to follow synthetic edges. wires_to_expand.push_back(ctx->getPipDstWire(pip)); } } } } void FpgaInterchange::write_physical_netlist(const Context * ctx, const std::string &filename) { ::capnp::MallocMessageBuilder message; PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::Builder phys_netlist = message.initRoot(); phys_netlist.setPart(ctx->get_part()); pool placed_cells; for(const auto & cell_pair : ctx->cells) { const CellInfo & cell = *cell_pair.second; if(cell.bel == BelId()) { // This cell was not placed! continue; } NPNR_ASSERT(cell_pair.first == cell.name); NPNR_ASSERT(placed_cells.emplace(cell.name).second); } StringEnumerator strings; IdString nextpnr_inv = ctx->id("$nextpnr_inv"); size_t number_placements = 0; for(auto & cell_name : placed_cells) { const CellInfo & cell = *ctx->cells.at(cell_name); if(cell.type == nextpnr_inv) { continue; } if(cell.bel == BelId()) { continue; } if(!ctx->isBelLocationValid(cell.bel)) { log_error("Cell '%s' is placed at BEL '%s', but this location is currently invalid. Not writing physical netlist.\n", cell.name.c_str(ctx), ctx->nameOfBel(cell.bel)); } if(ctx->is_bel_synthetic(cell.bel)) { continue; } number_placements += 1; } std::vector ports; dict sites; auto placements = phys_netlist.initPlacements(number_placements); auto placement_iter = placements.begin(); for(auto & cell_name : placed_cells) { const CellInfo & cell = *ctx->cells.at(cell_name); if(cell.type == nextpnr_inv) { continue; } if(cell.bel == BelId()) { continue; } NPNR_ASSERT(ctx->isBelLocationValid(cell.bel)); if(ctx->is_bel_synthetic(cell.bel)) { continue; } IdStringList bel_name = ctx->getBelName(cell.bel); NPNR_ASSERT(bel_name.size() == 2); std::string site_and_type = bel_name[0].str(ctx); auto pos = site_and_type.find_first_of('.'); NPNR_ASSERT(pos != std::string::npos); std::string site_name = site_and_type.substr(0, pos); std::string site_type = site_and_type.substr(pos + 1); auto result = sites.emplace(site_name, site_type); if(!result.second) { NPNR_ASSERT(result.first->second == site_type); } auto placement = *placement_iter++; placement.setCellName(strings.get_index(cell.name.str(ctx))); if(ctx->io_port_types.count(cell.type)) { // Always mark IO ports as type . placement.setType(strings.get_index("")); ports.push_back(cell.name); } else { placement.setType(strings.get_index(cell.type.str(ctx))); } placement.setSite(strings.get_index(site_name)); size_t bel_index = strings.get_index(bel_name[1].str(ctx)); placement.setBel(bel_index); placement.setIsBelFixed(cell.belStrength >= STRENGTH_FIXED); placement.setIsSiteFixed(cell.belStrength >= STRENGTH_FIXED); if(!ctx->io_port_types.count(cell.type)) { // Don't emit pin map for ports. size_t pin_count = 0; for(const auto & pin : cell.cell_bel_pins) { if(cell.const_ports.count(pin.first)) { continue; } pin_count += pin.second.size(); } auto pins = placement.initPinMap(pin_count); auto pin_iter = pins.begin(); for(const auto & cell_to_bel_pins : cell.cell_bel_pins) { if(cell.const_ports.count(cell_to_bel_pins.first)) { continue; } std::string cell_pin = cell_to_bel_pins.first.str(ctx); size_t cell_pin_index = strings.get_index(cell_pin); for(const auto & bel_pin : cell_to_bel_pins.second) { auto pin_output = *pin_iter++; pin_output.setCellPin(cell_pin_index); pin_output.setBel(bel_index); pin_output.setBelPin(strings.get_index(bel_pin.str(ctx))); } } } } auto phys_cells = phys_netlist.initPhysCells(ports.size()); auto phys_cells_iter = phys_cells.begin(); for(IdString port : ports) { auto phys_cell = *phys_cells_iter++; phys_cell.setCellName(strings.get_index(port.str(ctx))); phys_cell.setPhysType(PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::PhysCellType::PORT); } int nets_to_remove = 0; for(auto & net_pair : ctx->nets) { auto &net = *net_pair.second; // Remove disconnected nets that do not have any users auto net_name = std::string(net.name.c_str(ctx)); if (net.users.empty() && net_name.rfind("$frontend$", 0) == 0) nets_to_remove++; } auto nets = phys_netlist.initPhysNets(ctx->nets.size() - nets_to_remove); auto net_iter = nets.begin(); for(auto & net_pair : ctx->nets) { auto &net = *net_pair.second; auto net_name = std::string(net.name.c_str(ctx)); if (net.users.empty() && net_name.rfind("$frontend$", 0) == 0) continue; const CellInfo *driver_cell = net.driver.cell; auto net_out = *net_iter++; // Handle GND and VCC nets. if(driver_cell != nullptr && driver_cell->bel == ctx->get_gnd_bel()) { IdString gnd_net_name(ctx->chip_info->constants->gnd_net_name); net_out.setName(strings.get_index(gnd_net_name.str(ctx))); net_out.setType(PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::NetType::GND); } else if(driver_cell != nullptr && driver_cell->bel == ctx->get_vcc_bel()) { IdString vcc_net_name(ctx->chip_info->constants->vcc_net_name); net_out.setName(strings.get_index(vcc_net_name.str(ctx))); net_out.setType(PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::NetType::VCC); } else { net_out.setName(strings.get_index(net.name.str(ctx))); } dict root_wires; dict> pip_downhill; pool pips; if (driver_cell != nullptr && driver_cell->bel != BelId() && ctx->isBelLocationValid(driver_cell->bel)) { for(IdString bel_pin_name : driver_cell->cell_bel_pins.at(net.driver.port)) { BelPin driver_bel_pin; driver_bel_pin.bel = driver_cell->bel; driver_bel_pin.pin = bel_pin_name; WireId driver_wire = ctx->getBelPinWire(driver_bel_pin.bel, bel_pin_name); if(driver_wire != WireId()) { root_wires[driver_wire] = driver_bel_pin; } } } dict> sinks; for(const auto &port_ref : net.users) { if(port_ref.cell != nullptr && port_ref.cell->bel != BelId() && ctx->isBelLocationValid(port_ref.cell->bel)) { auto pin_iter = port_ref.cell->cell_bel_pins.find(port_ref.port); if(pin_iter == port_ref.cell->cell_bel_pins.end()) { log_warning("Cell %s port %s on net %s is legal, but has no BEL pins?\n", port_ref.cell->name.c_str(ctx), port_ref.port.c_str(ctx), net.name.c_str(ctx)); continue; } for(IdString bel_pin_name : pin_iter->second) { BelPin sink_bel_pin; sink_bel_pin.bel = port_ref.cell->bel; sink_bel_pin.pin = bel_pin_name; WireId sink_wire = ctx->getBelPinWire(sink_bel_pin.bel, bel_pin_name); if(sink_wire != WireId()) { sinks[sink_wire].push_back(sink_bel_pin); } } } } dict pip_place_strength; for(auto &wire_pair : net.wires) { WireId downhill_wire = wire_pair.first; PipId pip = wire_pair.second.pip; PlaceStrength strength = wire_pair.second.strength; pip_place_strength[pip] = strength; if(pip != PipId()) { pips.emplace(pip); WireId uphill_wire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip); NPNR_ASSERT(downhill_wire != uphill_wire); pip_downhill[uphill_wire].push_back(pip); } else { // This is a root wire. NPNR_ASSERT(root_wires.count(downhill_wire)); } } std::vector root_pips; std::vector roots_to_remove; for(const auto & root_pair : root_wires) { WireId root_wire = root_pair.first; BelPin src_bel_pin = root_pair.second; if(!ctx->is_bel_synthetic(src_bel_pin.bel)) { continue; } roots_to_remove.push_back(root_wire); find_non_synthetic_edges(ctx, root_wire, pip_downhill, &root_pips); } // Remove wires that have a synthetic root. for(WireId wire : roots_to_remove) { NPNR_ASSERT(root_wires.erase(wire) == 1); } auto sources = net_out.initSources(root_wires.size() + root_pips.size()); auto source_iter = sources.begin(); for(const auto & root_pair : root_wires) { WireId root_wire = root_pair.first; BelPin src_bel_pin = root_pair.second; PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::RouteBranch::Builder source_branch = *source_iter++; init_bel_pin(ctx, &strings, src_bel_pin, source_branch); emit_net(ctx, &strings, pip_downhill, sinks, &pips, pip_place_strength, root_wire, source_branch); } for(const PipId root : root_pips) { PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::RouteBranch::Builder source_branch = *source_iter++; NPNR_ASSERT(pips.erase(root) == 1); WireId root_wire; source_branch = init_local_source(ctx, &strings, source_branch, root, pip_place_strength, &root_wire); emit_net(ctx, &strings, pip_downhill, sinks, &pips, pip_place_strength, root_wire, source_branch); } // Any pips that were not part of a tree starting from the source are // stubs. size_t real_pips = 0; for(PipId pip : pips) { if(ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) { continue; } real_pips += 1; } auto stubs = net_out.initStubs(real_pips); auto stub_iter = stubs.begin(); for(PipId pip : pips) { if(ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) { continue; } emit_branch(ctx, &strings, pip_place_strength, pip, *stub_iter++); } } auto site_instances = phys_netlist.initSiteInsts(sites.size()); auto site_inst_iter = site_instances.begin(); auto site_iter = sites.begin(); while(site_iter != sites.end()) { NPNR_ASSERT(site_inst_iter != site_instances.end()); auto site_instance = *site_inst_iter; site_instance.setSite(strings.get_index(site_iter->first)); site_instance.setType(strings.get_index(site_iter->second)); ++site_inst_iter; ++site_iter; } auto str_list = phys_netlist.initStrList(strings.strings.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < strings.strings.size(); ++i) { str_list.set(i, strings.strings[i]); } write_message(message, filename); } struct LogicalNetlistImpl; size_t get_port_width(LogicalNetlist::Netlist::Port::Reader port) { if(port.isBit()) { return 1; } else { auto bus = port.getBus(); if(bus.getBusStart() < bus.getBusEnd()) { return bus.getBusEnd() - bus.getBusStart() + 1; } else { return bus.getBusStart() - bus.getBusEnd() + 1; } } } struct PortKey { PortKey(int32_t inst_idx, uint32_t port_idx) : inst_idx(inst_idx), port_idx(port_idx) {} int32_t inst_idx; uint32_t port_idx; bool operator == (const PortKey &other) const { return inst_idx == other.inst_idx && port_idx == other.port_idx; } unsigned int hash() const { return mkhash(inst_idx, port_idx); } }; struct ModuleReader { const LogicalNetlistImpl *root; bool is_top; LogicalNetlist::Netlist::CellInstance::Reader cell_inst; LogicalNetlist::Netlist::Cell::Reader cell; LogicalNetlist::Netlist::CellDeclaration::Reader cell_decl; dict net_indicies; dict disconnected_nets; dict> connections; ModuleReader(const LogicalNetlistImpl *root, LogicalNetlist::Netlist::CellInstance::Reader cell_inst, bool is_top); size_t translate_port_index(LogicalNetlist::Netlist::PortInstance::Reader port_inst) const; }; struct PortReader { const ModuleReader * module; size_t port_idx; }; struct CellReader { const ModuleReader * module; size_t inst_idx; }; struct NetReader { NetReader(const ModuleReader * module, size_t net_idx) : module(module), net_idx(net_idx) { scratch.resize(1); scratch[0] = net_idx; } const ModuleReader * module; size_t net_idx; LogicalNetlist::Netlist::PropertyMap::Reader property_map; std::vector scratch; }; struct LogicalNetlistImpl { LogicalNetlist::Netlist::Reader root; std::vector strings; typedef const ModuleReader ModuleDataType; typedef const PortReader& ModulePortDataType; typedef const CellReader& CellDataType; typedef const NetReader& NetnameDataType; typedef const std::vector& BitVectorDataType; LogicalNetlistImpl(LogicalNetlist::Netlist::Reader root) : root(root) { strings.reserve(root.getStrList().size()); for(auto s : root.getStrList()) { strings.push_back(s); } } template void foreach_module(TFunc Func) const { for (const auto &cell_inst : root.getInstList()) { ModuleReader module(this, cell_inst, /*is_top=*/false); Func(strings.at(cell_inst.getName()), module); } auto top = root.getTopInst(); ModuleReader top_module(this, top, /*is_top=*/true); Func(strings.at(top.getName()), top_module); } template void foreach_port(const ModuleReader &mod, TFunc Func) const { for(auto port_idx : mod.cell_decl.getPorts()) { PortReader port_reader; port_reader.module = &mod; port_reader.port_idx = port_idx; auto port = root.getPortList()[port_idx]; Func(strings.at(port.getName()), port_reader); } } template void foreach_cell(const ModuleReader &mod, TFunc Func) const { for (auto cell_inst_idx : mod.cell.getInsts()) { auto cell_inst = root.getInstList()[cell_inst_idx]; CellReader cell_reader; cell_reader.module = &mod; cell_reader.inst_idx = cell_inst_idx; Func(strings.at(cell_inst.getName()), cell_reader); } } template void foreach_netname(const ModuleReader &mod, TFunc Func) const { for(auto net_pair : mod.net_indicies) { NetReader net_reader(&mod, net_pair.first); auto net = net_pair.second; net_reader.property_map = net.getPropMap(); Func(strings.at(net.getName()), net_reader); } for(auto net_pair : mod.disconnected_nets) { NetReader net_reader(&mod, net_pair.first); Func(net_pair.second, net_reader); } } PortType get_port_type_for_direction(LogicalNetlist::Netlist::Direction dir) const { if(dir == LogicalNetlist::Netlist::Direction::INPUT) { return PORT_IN; } else if (dir == LogicalNetlist::Netlist::Direction::INOUT) { return PORT_INOUT; } else if (dir == LogicalNetlist::Netlist::Direction::OUTPUT) { return PORT_OUT; } else { NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE("invalid logical netlist port direction"); } } PortType get_port_dir(const PortReader &port_reader) const { auto port = root.getPortList()[port_reader.port_idx]; auto dir = port.getDir(); return get_port_type_for_direction(dir); } const std::string &get_cell_type(const CellReader &cell) const { auto cell_inst = root.getInstList()[cell.inst_idx]; auto cell_def = root.getCellList()[cell_inst.getCell()]; auto cell_decl = root.getCellDecls()[cell_def.getIndex()]; return strings.at(cell_decl.getName()); } template void foreach_port_dir(const CellReader &cell, TFunc Func) const { auto cell_inst = root.getInstList()[cell.inst_idx]; auto cell_def = root.getCellList()[cell_inst.getCell()]; auto cell_decl = root.getCellDecls()[cell_def.getIndex()]; for(auto port_idx : cell_decl.getPorts()) { auto port = root.getPortList()[port_idx]; Func(strings.at(port.getName()), get_port_type_for_direction(port.getDir())); } } template void foreach_prop_map(LogicalNetlist::Netlist::PropertyMap::Reader prop_map, TFunc Func) const { for(auto prop : prop_map.getEntries()) { if(prop.isTextValue()) { Func(strings.at(prop.getKey()), Property(strings.at(prop.getTextValue()))); } else if(prop.isIntValue()) { Func(strings.at(prop.getKey()), Property(prop.getIntValue())); } else { NPNR_ASSERT(prop.isBoolValue()); Func(strings.at(prop.getKey()), Property(prop.getBoolValue())); } } } template void foreach_attr(const ModuleReader &mod, TFunc Func) const { if(mod.is_top) { // Emit attribute "top" for top instance. Func("top", Property(1)); } auto cell_def = root.getCellList()[mod.cell_inst.getCell()]; auto cell_decl = root.getCellDecls()[cell_def.getIndex()]; foreach_prop_map(cell_decl.getPropMap(), Func); } template void foreach_attr(const CellReader &cell, TFunc Func) const { auto cell_inst = root.getInstList()[cell.inst_idx]; foreach_prop_map(cell_inst.getPropMap(), Func); } template void foreach_attr(const PortReader &port_reader, TFunc Func) const { auto port = root.getPortList()[port_reader.port_idx]; foreach_prop_map(port.getPropMap(), Func); } template void foreach_attr(const NetReader &net_reader, TFunc Func) const { foreach_prop_map(net_reader.property_map, Func); } template void foreach_param(const CellReader &cell_reader, TFunc Func) const { auto cell_inst = root.getInstList()[cell_reader.inst_idx]; foreach_prop_map(cell_inst.getPropMap(), Func); } template void foreach_setting(const ModuleReader &obj, TFunc Func) const { foreach_prop_map(root.getPropMap(), Func); } template void foreach_port_conn(const CellReader &cell, TFunc Func) const { auto cell_inst = root.getInstList()[cell.inst_idx]; auto cell_def = root.getCellList()[cell_inst.getCell()]; auto cell_decl = root.getCellDecls()[cell_def.getIndex()]; for(auto port_idx : cell_decl.getPorts()) { auto port = root.getPortList()[port_idx]; PortKey port_key(cell.inst_idx, port_idx); const std::vector &connections = cell.module->connections.at(port_key); Func(strings.at(port.getName()), connections); } } int get_array_offset(const NetReader &port_reader) const { return 0; } bool is_array_upto(const NetReader &port_reader) const { return false; } int get_array_offset(const PortReader &port_reader) const { auto port = root.getPortList()[port_reader.port_idx]; if(port.isBus()) { auto bus = port.getBus(); return std::min(bus.getBusStart(), bus.getBusEnd()); } else { return 0; } } bool is_array_upto(const PortReader &port_reader) const { auto port = root.getPortList()[port_reader.port_idx]; if(port.isBus()) { auto bus = port.getBus(); return bus.getBusStart() < bus.getBusEnd(); } else { return false; } } const std::vector &get_port_bits(const PortReader &port_reader) const { PortKey port_key(-1, port_reader.port_idx); return port_reader.module->connections.at(port_key); } const std::vector &get_net_bits(const NetReader &net) const { return net.scratch; } int get_vector_length(const std::vector &bits) const { return int(bits.size()); } bool is_vector_bit_constant(const std::vector &bits, int i) const { // Note: This appears weird, but is correct. This is because VCC/GND // nets are not handled in frontend_base for FPGA interchange. return false; } char get_vector_bit_constval(const std::vector&bits, int i) const { // Unreachable! NPNR_ASSERT(false); } int get_vector_bit_signal(const std::vector&bits, int i) const { return bits.at(i); } }; ModuleReader::ModuleReader(const LogicalNetlistImpl *root, LogicalNetlist::Netlist::CellInstance::Reader cell_inst, bool is_top) : root(root), is_top(is_top), cell_inst(cell_inst) { cell = root->root.getCellList()[cell_inst.getCell()]; cell_decl = root->root.getCellDecls()[cell.getIndex()]; // Auto-assign all ports to a net index, and then re-assign based on the // nets. int net_idx = 2; auto ports = root->root.getPortList(); for(auto port_idx : cell_decl.getPorts()) { auto port = ports[port_idx]; size_t port_width = get_port_width(port); PortKey port_key(-1, port_idx); auto result = connections.emplace(port_key, std::vector()); NPNR_ASSERT(result.second); std::vector & port_connections = result.first->second; port_connections.resize(port_width); for(size_t i = 0; i < port_width; ++i) { port_connections[i] = net_idx++; } } for(auto inst_idx : cell.getInsts()) { auto inst = root->root.getInstList()[inst_idx]; auto inst_cell = root->root.getCellList()[inst.getCell()]; auto inst_cell_decl = root->root.getCellDecls()[inst_cell.getIndex()]; auto inst_ports = inst_cell_decl.getPorts(); for(auto inst_port_idx : inst_ports) { PortKey port_key(inst_idx, inst_port_idx); auto result = connections.emplace(port_key, std::vector()); NPNR_ASSERT(result.second); auto inst_port = ports[inst_port_idx]; size_t port_width = get_port_width(inst_port); std::vector & port_connections = result.first->second; port_connections.resize(port_width); for(size_t i = 0; i < port_width; ++i) { port_connections[i] = net_idx++; } } } auto nets = cell.getNets(); for(size_t i = 0; i < nets.size(); ++i, ++net_idx) { auto net = nets[i]; net_indicies[net_idx] = net; for(auto port_inst : net.getPortInsts()) { int32_t inst_idx = -1; if(port_inst.isInst()) { inst_idx = port_inst.getInst(); } PortKey port_key(inst_idx, port_inst.getPort()); std::vector & port_connections = connections.at(port_key); size_t port_idx = translate_port_index(port_inst); port_connections.at(port_idx) = net_idx; } } for(const auto & port_connections : connections) { for(size_t i = 0; i < port_connections.second.size(); ++i) { int32_t net_idx = port_connections.second[i]; auto iter = net_indicies.find(net_idx); if(iter == net_indicies.end()) { PortKey port_key = port_connections.first; auto port = ports[port_key.port_idx]; // Disconnected outputs should be marked, so to be ignored when // writing the physical netlist. // Skipping these nets lets the basic frontend to assign a default // name that starts with $frontend$. if (port.getDir() == LogicalNetlist::Netlist::Direction::OUTPUT) continue; disconnected_nets[net_idx] = stringf("%s.%d", root->strings.at(port.getName()).c_str(), i); } } } } void FpgaInterchange::read_logical_netlist(Context * ctx, const std::string &filename) { gzFile file = gzopen(filename.c_str(), "r"); NPNR_ASSERT(file != Z_NULL); std::vector output_data; output_data.resize(4096); std::stringstream sstream(std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); while(true) { int ret = gzread(file, output_data.data(), output_data.size()); NPNR_ASSERT(ret >= 0); if(ret > 0) { sstream.write((const char*)output_data.data(), ret); NPNR_ASSERT(sstream); } else { NPNR_ASSERT(ret == 0); int error; gzerror(file, &error); NPNR_ASSERT(error == Z_OK); break; } } NPNR_ASSERT(gzclose(file) == Z_OK); sstream.seekg(0); kj::std::StdInputStream istream(sstream); capnp::ReaderOptions reader_options; reader_options.traversalLimitInWords = 32llu*1024llu*1024llu*1024llu; capnp::InputStreamMessageReader message_reader(istream, reader_options); LogicalNetlist::Netlist::Reader netlist = message_reader.getRoot(); LogicalNetlistImpl netlist_reader(netlist); GenericFrontend(ctx, netlist_reader, /*split_io=*/false)(); } size_t ModuleReader::translate_port_index(LogicalNetlist::Netlist::PortInstance::Reader port_inst) const { LogicalNetlist::Netlist::Port::Reader port = root->root.getPortList()[port_inst.getPort()]; if(port_inst.getBusIdx().isSingleBit()) { NPNR_ASSERT(port.isBit()); return 0; } else { NPNR_ASSERT(port.isBus()); uint32_t idx = port_inst.getBusIdx().getIdx(); size_t width = get_port_width(port); NPNR_ASSERT(idx < width); return width - 1 - idx; } } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END