/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021 Symbiflow Authors * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "pseudo_pip_model.h" #include "context.h" //#define DEBUG_PSEUDO_PIP NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void PseudoPipData::init_tile_type(const Context *ctx, int32_t tile_type) { if (max_pseudo_pip_for_tile_type.count(tile_type)) { return; } const TileTypeInfoPOD &type_data = ctx->chip_info->tile_types[tile_type]; int32_t max_pseudo_pip_index = -1; for (int32_t pip_idx = 0; pip_idx < type_data.pip_data.ssize(); ++pip_idx) { const PipInfoPOD &pip_data = type_data.pip_data[pip_idx]; if (pip_data.pseudo_cell_wires.size() == 0) { continue; } if (pip_idx > max_pseudo_pip_index) { max_pseudo_pip_index = pip_idx; } pool sites; std::vector pseudo_pip_bels; for (int32_t wire_index : pip_data.pseudo_cell_wires) { const TileWireInfoPOD &wire_data = type_data.wire_data[wire_index]; if (wire_data.site == -1) { continue; } // Only use primary site types for psuedo pips // // Note: This assumption may be too restrictive. If so, then // need to update database generators to provide // pseudo_cell_wires for each site type, not just the primary. if (wire_data.site_variant != -1) { continue; } sites.emplace(wire_data.site); for (const BelPortPOD &bel_pin : wire_data.bel_pins) { const BelInfoPOD &bel_data = type_data.bel_data[bel_pin.bel_index]; if (bel_data.synthetic != NOT_SYNTH) { // Ignore synthetic BELs continue; } if (bel_data.category != BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC) { // Ignore site ports and site routing continue; } int32_t bel_pin_idx = -1; for (int32_t i = 0; i < bel_data.num_bel_wires; ++i) { if (bel_data.ports[i] == bel_pin.port) { bel_pin_idx = i; break; } } NPNR_ASSERT(bel_pin_idx != -1); if (bel_data.types[bel_pin_idx] != PORT_OUT) { // Only care about output ports. Input ports may not be // part of the pseudo pip. continue; } PseudoPipBel bel; bel.bel_index = bel_pin.bel_index; bel.output_bel_pin = bel_pin_idx; pseudo_pip_bels.push_back(bel); } } std::pair key{tile_type, pip_idx}; std::vector &sites_for_pseudo_pip = possibles_sites_for_pip[key]; sites_for_pseudo_pip.clear(); sites_for_pseudo_pip.insert(sites_for_pseudo_pip.begin(), sites.begin(), sites.end()); std::sort(sites_for_pseudo_pip.begin(), sites_for_pseudo_pip.end()); // Initialize "logic_bels_for_pip" for every site that this pseudo pip // appears. This means that if there are no pseudo_pip_bels, those // vectors will be empty. for (int32_t site : sites_for_pseudo_pip) { logic_bels_for_pip[LogicBelKey{tile_type, pip_idx, site}].clear(); } if (!pseudo_pip_bels.empty()) { pool pseudo_cell_wires; pseudo_cell_wires.insert(pip_data.pseudo_cell_wires.begin(), pip_data.pseudo_cell_wires.end()); // For each BEL, find the input bel pin used, and attach it to // the vector for that site. // // Note: Intentially copying the bel for mutation, and then // pushing onto vector. for (PseudoPipBel bel : pseudo_pip_bels) { const BelInfoPOD &bel_data = type_data.bel_data[bel.bel_index]; int32_t site = bel_data.site; int32_t input_bel_pin = -1; int32_t output_bel_pin = -1; for (int32_t i = 0; i < bel_data.num_bel_wires; ++i) { if (!pseudo_cell_wires.count(bel_data.wires[i])) { continue; } if (bel_data.types[i] == PORT_OUT) { NPNR_ASSERT(output_bel_pin == -1); output_bel_pin = i; } if (bel_data.types[i] == PORT_IN && input_bel_pin == -1) { // Take first input BEL pin // // FIXME: This heuristic feels fragile. // This data oaught come from the database. input_bel_pin = i; } } NPNR_ASSERT(output_bel_pin == bel.output_bel_pin); bel.input_bel_pin = input_bel_pin; logic_bels_for_pip[LogicBelKey{tile_type, pip_idx, site}].push_back(bel); } } } max_pseudo_pip_for_tile_type[tile_type] = max_pseudo_pip_index; } const std::vector &PseudoPipData::get_possible_sites_for_pip(const Context *ctx, PipId pip) const { int32_t tile_type = ctx->chip_info->tiles[pip.tile].type; return possibles_sites_for_pip.at(std::make_pair(tile_type, pip.index)); } size_t PseudoPipData::get_max_pseudo_pip(int32_t tile_type) const { return max_pseudo_pip_for_tile_type.at(tile_type); } const std::vector &PseudoPipData::get_logic_bels_for_pip(const Context *ctx, int32_t site, PipId pip) const { int32_t tile_type = ctx->chip_info->tiles[pip.tile].type; return logic_bels_for_pip.at(LogicBelKey{tile_type, pip.index, site}); } void PseudoPipModel::init(Context *ctx, int32_t tile_idx) { int32_t tile_type = ctx->chip_info->tiles[tile_idx].type; this->tile = tile_idx; allowed_pseudo_pips.resize(ctx->pseudo_pip_data.get_max_pseudo_pip(tile_type) + 1); allowed_pseudo_pips.fill(true); } void PseudoPipModel::prepare_for_routing(const Context *ctx, const std::vector &sites) { // First determine which sites have placed cells, these sites are consider // active. pool active_sites; for (size_t site = 0; site < sites.size(); ++site) { if (!sites[site].cells_in_site.empty()) { active_sites.emplace(site); } } // Assign each pseudo pip in this tile a site, which is either the active // site (if the site / alt site is in use) or the first site that pseudo // pip appears in. int32_t tile_type = ctx->chip_info->tiles[tile].type; const TileTypeInfoPOD &type_data = ctx->chip_info->tile_types[tile_type]; pseudo_pip_sites.clear(); site_to_pseudo_pips.clear(); for (size_t pip_idx = 0; pip_idx < type_data.pip_data.size(); ++pip_idx) { const PipInfoPOD &pip_data = type_data.pip_data[pip_idx]; if (pip_data.pseudo_cell_wires.size() == 0) { continue; } PipId pip; pip.tile = tile; pip.index = pip_idx; const std::vector &sites = ctx->pseudo_pip_data.get_possible_sites_for_pip(ctx, pip); int32_t site_for_pip = -1; for (size_t possible_site : sites) { if (active_sites.count(possible_site)) { site_for_pip = possible_site; break; } } if (site_for_pip < 0) { site_for_pip = sites.at(0); } pseudo_pip_sites[pip_idx] = site_for_pip; site_to_pseudo_pips[site_for_pip].push_back(pip_idx); } for (auto &site_pair : site_to_pseudo_pips) { update_site(ctx, site_pair.first); } } bool PseudoPipModel::checkPipAvail(const Context *ctx, PipId pip) const { bool allowed = allowed_pseudo_pips.get(pip.index); if (!allowed) { #ifdef DEBUG_PSEUDO_PIP if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Pseudo pip %s not allowed\n", ctx->nameOfPip(pip)); } #endif } return allowed; } void PseudoPipModel::bindPip(const Context *ctx, PipId pip) { // If pseudo_pip_sites is empty, then prepare_for_routing was never // invoked. This is likely because PseudoPipModel was constructed during // routing. if (pseudo_pip_sites.empty()) { prepare_for_routing(ctx, ctx->tileStatus.at(tile).sites); } // Do not allow pseudo pips to be bound if they are not allowed! NPNR_ASSERT(allowed_pseudo_pips.get(pip.index)); // Mark that this pseudo pip is active. auto result = active_pseudo_pips.emplace(pip.index); NPNR_ASSERT(result.second); // Update the site this pseudo pip is within. size_t site = pseudo_pip_sites.at(pip.index); update_site(ctx, site); } void PseudoPipModel::unbindPip(const Context *ctx, PipId pip) { // It should not be possible for unbindPip to be invoked with // pseudo_pip_sites being empty. NPNR_ASSERT(!pseudo_pip_sites.empty()); NPNR_ASSERT(active_pseudo_pips.erase(pip.index)); // Remove the site this pseudo pip is within. size_t site = pseudo_pip_sites.at(pip.index); update_site(ctx, site); } void PseudoPipModel::update_site(const Context *ctx, size_t site) { // update_site consists of several steps: // // - Find all BELs within the site used by pseudo pips. // - Trivially marking other pseudo pips as unavailable if it requires // logic BELs used by active pseudo pips (or bound by cells). // - Determine if remaining pseudo pips can be legally placed. This // generally consists of: // - Checking LUT element // - FIXME: Checking constraints (when metadata is available) const std::vector pseudo_pips_for_site = site_to_pseudo_pips.at(site); std::vector &unused_pseudo_pips = scratch; unused_pseudo_pips.clear(); unused_pseudo_pips.reserve(pseudo_pips_for_site.size()); dict used_bels; for (int32_t pseudo_pip : pseudo_pips_for_site) { if (!active_pseudo_pips.count(pseudo_pip)) { unused_pseudo_pips.push_back(pseudo_pip); continue; } PipId pip; pip.tile = tile; pip.index = pseudo_pip; for (const PseudoPipBel &bel : ctx->pseudo_pip_data.get_logic_bels_for_pip(ctx, site, pip)) { used_bels.emplace(bel.bel_index, bel); } } if (unused_pseudo_pips.empty()) { return; } int32_t tile_type = ctx->chip_info->tiles[tile].type; const TileTypeInfoPOD &type_data = ctx->chip_info->tile_types[tile_type]; // This section builds up LUT mapping logic to determine which LUT wires // are availble and which are not. const std::vector &lut_elements = ctx->lut_elements.at(tile_type); std::vector lut_mappers; lut_mappers.reserve(lut_elements.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < lut_elements.size(); ++i) { lut_mappers.push_back(LutMapper(lut_elements[i])); } const TileStatus &tile_status = ctx->tileStatus.at(tile); for (CellInfo *cell : tile_status.sites[site].cells_in_site) { if (cell->lut_cell.pins.empty()) { continue; } BelId bel = cell->bel; const auto &bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel); if (bel_data.lut_element != -1) { lut_mappers[bel_data.lut_element].cells.push_back(cell); } } std::vector lut_thru_cells; lut_thru_cells.reserve(tile_status.sites[site].lut_thrus.size()); for (auto input_bel_pin : tile_status.sites[site].lut_thrus) { if (ctx->wire_lut == nullptr) break; BelId bel; bel.index = input_bel_pin.second; bel.tile = tile; const auto &bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel); NPNR_ASSERT(bel_data.lut_element != -1); lut_thru_cells.emplace_back(nullptr, IdString(), IdString(ctx->wire_lut->cell)); CellInfo &cell = lut_thru_cells.back(); cell.bel = bel; NPNR_ASSERT(ctx->wire_lut->input_pins.size() == 1); cell.lut_cell.pins.push_back(IdString(ctx->wire_lut->input_pins[0])); cell.lut_cell.equation.resize(2); cell.lut_cell.equation.set(0, false); cell.lut_cell.equation.set(1, true); cell.cell_bel_pins[IdString(ctx->wire_lut->input_pins[0])].push_back(input_bel_pin.first); lut_mappers[bel_data.lut_element].cells.push_back(&cell); } std::vector lut_cells; lut_cells.reserve(used_bels.size()); for (const auto &bel_pair : used_bels) { const PseudoPipBel &bel = bel_pair.second; const BelInfoPOD &bel_data = type_data.bel_data[bel.bel_index]; // This used BEL isn't a LUT, skip it! if (bel_data.lut_element == -1) { continue; } lut_cells.emplace_back(nullptr, IdString(), ctx->wire_lut ? IdString(ctx->wire_lut->cell) : IdString()); CellInfo &cell = lut_cells.back(); cell.bel.tile = tile; cell.bel.index = bel_pair.first; if (ctx->wire_lut == nullptr) continue; NPNR_ASSERT(ctx->wire_lut->input_pins.size() == 1); cell.lut_cell.pins.push_back(IdString(ctx->wire_lut->input_pins[0])); if (bel.input_bel_pin == -1) { // FIXME: currently assume that LUT route-throughs with no input pins are GND drivers as this is all we need // for Nexus/Xilinx where Vcc is readily available and cheap This won't be true for other arches cell.lut_cell.equation.resize(2); cell.lut_cell.equation.set(0, false); cell.lut_cell.equation.set(1, false); } else { cell.lut_cell.equation.resize(2); cell.lut_cell.equation.set(0, false); cell.lut_cell.equation.set(1, true); // Map LUT input to input wire used by pseudo pip. IdString input_bel_pin(bel_data.ports[bel.input_bel_pin]); cell.cell_bel_pins[IdString(ctx->wire_lut->input_pins[0])].push_back(input_bel_pin); } lut_mappers[bel_data.lut_element].cells.push_back(&cell); } std::vector lut_wires_unavailable; lut_wires_unavailable.reserve(lut_elements.size()); for (LutMapper &lut_mapper : lut_mappers) { lut_wires_unavailable.push_back(lut_mapper.check_wires(ctx)); } // For unused pseudo pips, see if the BEL used is idle. for (int32_t pseudo_pip : unused_pseudo_pips) { PipId pip; pip.tile = tile; pip.index = pseudo_pip; bool blocked_by_bel = false; const std::vector &bels = ctx->pseudo_pip_data.get_logic_bels_for_pip(ctx, site, pip); for (const PseudoPipBel &bel : bels) { if (tile_status.boundcells[bel.bel_index] != nullptr) { blocked_by_bel = true; #ifdef DEBUG_PSEUDO_PIP if (ctx->verbose) { BelId abel; abel.tile = tile; abel.index = bel.bel_index; log_info("Pseudo pip %s is block by a bound BEL %s\n", ctx->nameOfPip(pip), ctx->nameOfBel(abel)); } #endif break; } if (used_bels.count(bel.bel_index)) { #ifdef DEBUG_PSEUDO_PIP if (ctx->verbose) { log_info("Pseudo pip %s is block by another pseudo pip\n", ctx->nameOfPip(pip)); } #endif blocked_by_bel = true; break; } } bool blocked_by_lut_eq = false; // See if any BELs are part of a LUT element. If so, see if using // that pseudo pip violates the LUT element equation. for (const PseudoPipBel &bel : bels) { const BelInfoPOD &bel_data = type_data.bel_data[bel.bel_index]; if (bel_data.lut_element == -1) { continue; } // FIXME: Check if the pseudo cell satifies the constraint system. // Will become important for LUT-RAM/SRL testing. // FIXME: This lookup is static, consider moving to PseudoPipBel? IdString bel_name(bel_data.name); if (bel.input_bel_pin == -1) { // No input bel pin (e.g. LUT as constant driver) - check that *any* input is available, i.e. there is // some room in the LUT equation still size_t pin_count = lut_elements.at(bel_data.lut_element).lut_bels.at(bel_name).pins.size(); uint32_t pin_mask = (1 << uint32_t(pin_count)) - 1; uint32_t blocked_inputs = lut_wires_unavailable.at(bel_data.lut_element); if ((blocked_inputs & pin_mask) == pin_mask) { blocked_by_lut_eq = true; break; } } else { IdString input_bel_pin(bel_data.ports[bel.input_bel_pin]); size_t pin_idx = lut_elements.at(bel_data.lut_element).lut_bels.at(bel_name).pin_to_index.at(input_bel_pin); uint32_t blocked_inputs = lut_wires_unavailable.at(bel_data.lut_element); if ((blocked_inputs & (1 << pin_idx)) != 0) { blocked_by_lut_eq = true; break; } } } #ifdef DEBUG_PSEUDO_PIP if (blocked_by_lut_eq && ctx->verbose) { log_info("Pseudo pip %s is blocked by invalid LUT equation\n", ctx->nameOfPip(pip)); } #endif // Pseudo pip should be allowed, mark as such. // // FIXME: Handle non-LUT constraint cases, as needed. bool allow_pip = !blocked_by_lut_eq && !blocked_by_bel; allowed_pseudo_pips.set(pseudo_pip, allow_pip); } } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END