/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021 Symbiflow Authors * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "site_routing_cache.h" #include "context.h" #include "site_arch.impl.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void SiteRoutingSolution::store_solution(const SiteArch *ctx, const RouteNodeStorage *node_storage, const SiteWire &driver, std::vector<size_t> solutions) { clear(); solution_sinks.reserve(solutions.size()); inverted.reserve(solutions.size()); can_invert.reserve(solutions.size()); for (size_t route : solutions) { bool sol_inverted = false; bool sol_can_invert = false; SiteWire wire = node_storage->get_node(route)->wire; solution_sinks.push_back(wire); solution_offsets.push_back(solution_storage.size()); Node cursor = node_storage->get_node(route); while (cursor.has_parent()) { if (ctx->isInverting(cursor->pip) && !sol_can_invert) { sol_inverted = !sol_inverted; } if (ctx->canInvert(cursor->pip)) { sol_inverted = false; sol_can_invert = true; } solution_storage.push_back(cursor->pip); Node parent = cursor.parent(); NPNR_ASSERT(ctx->getPipDstWire(cursor->pip) == cursor->wire); NPNR_ASSERT(ctx->getPipSrcWire(cursor->pip) == parent->wire); cursor = parent; } inverted.push_back(sol_inverted); can_invert.push_back(sol_can_invert); NPNR_ASSERT(cursor->wire == driver); } solution_offsets.push_back(solution_storage.size()); } bool SiteRoutingSolution::verify(const SiteArch *ctx, const SiteNetInfo &net) { pool<SiteWire> seen_users; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_solutions(); ++i) { SiteWire cursor = solution_sink(i); NPNR_ASSERT(net.users.count(cursor) == 1); seen_users.emplace(cursor); auto begin = solution_begin(i); auto end = solution_end(i); for (auto iter = begin; iter != end; ++iter) { SitePip pip = *iter; NPNR_ASSERT(ctx->getPipDstWire(pip) == cursor); cursor = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip); } NPNR_ASSERT(net.driver == cursor); } return seen_users.size() == net.users.size(); } SiteRoutingKey SiteRoutingKey::make(const SiteArch *ctx, const SiteNetInfo &site_net) { SiteRoutingKey out; out.tile_type = ctx->site_info->tile_type; out.site = ctx->site_info->site; out.net_type = ctx->ctx->get_net_type(site_net.net); out.driver_type = site_net.driver.type; if (site_net.driver.type == SiteWire::SITE_WIRE) { out.driver_index = site_net.driver.wire.index; } else { NPNR_ASSERT(site_net.driver.type == SiteWire::OUT_OF_SITE_SOURCE); out.driver_index = -1; } out.user_types.reserve(site_net.users.size()); out.user_indicies.reserve(site_net.users.size()); std::vector<SiteWire> users; users.reserve(site_net.users.size()); users.insert(users.begin(), site_net.users.begin(), site_net.users.end()); std::sort(users.begin(), users.end()); for (const SiteWire &user : users) { out.user_types.push_back(user.type); if (user.type == SiteWire::SITE_WIRE) { out.user_indicies.push_back(user.wire.index); } else { NPNR_ASSERT(user.type == SiteWire::OUT_OF_SITE_SINK); out.user_indicies.push_back(-1); } } return out; } bool SiteRoutingCache::get_solution(const SiteArch *ctx, const SiteNetInfo &net, SiteRoutingSolution *solution) const { SiteRoutingKey key = SiteRoutingKey::make(ctx, net); auto iter = cache_.find(key); if (iter == cache_.end()) { return false; } *solution = iter->second; const auto &tile_type_data = ctx->site_info->chip_info().tile_types[ctx->site_info->tile_type]; for (SiteWire &wire : solution->solution_sinks) { switch (wire.type) { case SiteWire::SITE_WIRE: wire.wire.tile = ctx->site_info->tile; break; case SiteWire::OUT_OF_SITE_SOURCE: wire.net = net.net; break; case SiteWire::OUT_OF_SITE_SINK: wire.net = net.net; break; case SiteWire::SITE_PORT_SINK: { const auto &pip_data = tile_type_data.pip_data[wire.pip.index]; wire.pip.tile = ctx->site_info->tile; wire.wire = canonical_wire(&ctx->site_info->chip_info(), ctx->site_info->tile, pip_data.dst_index); break; } case SiteWire::SITE_PORT_SOURCE: { const auto &pip_data = tile_type_data.pip_data[wire.pip.index]; wire.pip.tile = ctx->site_info->tile; wire.wire = canonical_wire(&ctx->site_info->chip_info(), ctx->site_info->tile, pip_data.src_index); break; } default: NPNR_ASSERT(false); } } for (SitePip &pip : solution->solution_storage) { pip.pip.tile = ctx->site_info->tile; switch (pip.type) { case SitePip::SITE_PIP: // Done! break; case SitePip::SITE_PORT: // Done! break; case SitePip::SOURCE_TO_SITE_PORT: NPNR_ASSERT(pip.wire.type == SiteWire::OUT_OF_SITE_SOURCE); pip.wire.net = net.net; break; case SitePip::SITE_PORT_TO_SINK: NPNR_ASSERT(pip.wire.type == SiteWire::OUT_OF_SITE_SINK); pip.wire.net = net.net; break; case SitePip::SITE_PORT_TO_SITE_PORT: pip.other_pip.tile = ctx->site_info->tile; break; default: NPNR_ASSERT(false); } } return solution->verify(ctx, net); } void SiteRoutingCache::add_solutions(const SiteArch *ctx, const SiteNetInfo &net, const SiteRoutingSolution &solution) { SiteRoutingKey key = SiteRoutingKey::make(ctx, net); cache_[key] = solution; } void SiteRoutingCache::clear() { cache_.clear(); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END