/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 SymbioticEDA * * jsonparse.cc -- liberally copied from the yosys file of the same name by * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/design.h" #include "ice40/chip.h" #warning "CC files shouldnt be included" #include "ice40/chip.cc" // #include "ice40/chipdb-384.cc" // #include "ice40/chipdb-1k.cc" // #include "ice40/chipdb-5k.cc" #include "ice40/chipdb-8k.cc" namespace JsonParser { typedef std::string string; template int GetSize(const T &obj) { return obj.size(); } struct JsonNode { char type; // S=String, N=Number, A=Array, D=Dict string data_string; int data_number; vector data_array; dict data_dict; vector data_dict_keys; JsonNode(std::istream &f) { type = 0; data_number = 0; while (1) { int ch = f.get(); if (ch == EOF) log_error("Unexpected EOF in JSON file.\n"); if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') continue; if (ch == '\"') { type = 'S'; while (1) { ch = f.get(); if (ch == EOF) log_error("Unexpected EOF " "in JSON string.\n"); if (ch == '\"') break; if (ch == '\\') { int ch = f.get(); if (ch == EOF) log_error("Unexpected EOF " "in JSON string.\n"); } data_string += ch; } break; } if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') { type = 'N'; data_number = ch - '0'; data_string += ch; while (1) { ch = f.get(); if (ch == EOF) break; if (ch == '.') goto parse_real; if (ch < '0' || '9' < ch) { f.unget(); break; } data_number = data_number*10 + (ch - '0'); data_string += ch; } data_string = ""; break; parse_real: type = 'S'; data_number = 0; data_string += ch; while (1) { ch = f.get(); if (ch == EOF) break; if (ch < '0' || '9' < ch) { f.unget(); break; } data_string += ch; } break; } if (ch == '[') { type = 'A'; while (1) { ch = f.get(); if (ch == EOF) log_error("Unexpected EOF " "in JSON file.\n"); if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == ',') continue; if (ch == ']') break; f.unget(); data_array.push_back(new JsonNode(f)); } break; } if (ch == '{') { type = 'D'; while (1) { ch = f.get(); if (ch == EOF) log_error("Unexpected EOF " "in JSON file.\n"); if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == ',') continue; if (ch == '}') break; f.unget(); JsonNode key(f); while (1) { ch = f.get(); if (ch == EOF) log_error("Unexpected EOF " "in JSON file.\n"); if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == ':') continue; f.unget(); break; } JsonNode *value = new JsonNode(f); if (key.type != 'S') log_error("Unexpected " "non-string key " "in JSON dict.\n"); data_dict[key.data_string] = value; data_dict_keys.push_back( key.data_string); } break; } log_error("Unexpected character in JSON file: '%c'\n", ch); } } ~JsonNode() { for (auto it : data_array) delete it; for (auto &it : data_dict) delete it.second; } }; // // is_blackbox // // Checks the JsonNode for an attributes dictionary, with a "blackbox" entry. // An item is deemed to be a blackbox if this entry exists and if its // value is not zero. If the item is a black box, this routine will return // true, false otherwise bool is_blackbox(JsonNode *node) { JsonNode *attr_node, *bbox_node; if (node->data_dict.count("attributes")==0) return false; attr_node = node->data_dict.at("attributes"); if (attr_node == NULL) return false; if (attr_node->type != 'D') return false; if (GetSize(attr_node->data_dict)==0) return false; if (attr_node->data_dict.count("blackbox") == 0) return false; bbox_node = attr_node->data_dict.at("blackbox"); if (bbox_node == NULL) return false; if (bbox_node->type != 'N') log_error("JSON module blackbox is not a number\n"); if (bbox_node->data_number==0) return false; return true; } void json_import(Design *design, string modname, JsonNode *node) { if (is_blackbox(node)) return; log_info("Processing modname = %s\n", modname.c_str()); if (node->data_dict.count("cells")) { JsonNode *cell_parent = node->data_dict.at("cells"); // // // Loop through all of the logic elements in a flattened design // // for(int cellid=0; cellid < GetSize(cell_parent->data_dict_keys); cellid ++) { JsonNode *cell_type, *here, *param_node; here = cell_parent->data_dict.at( cell_parent->data_dict_keys[cellid]); cell_type = here->data_dict.at("type"); if (cell_type == NULL) continue; CellInfo *cell = new CellInfo; cell->name = cell_parent->data_dict_keys[cellid]; cell->type = cell_type; // No BEL assignment here/yet log_info(" Processing %s $ %s\n", modname.c_str(), cell->name.c_str()); param_node = here->data_dict.at("parameters"); if (param_node->type != 'D') log_error("JSON parameter list of \'%s\' is not a data dictionary\n", cell->name); // // Loop through all parameters, adding them into the // design to annotate the cell // for(int paramid = 0; paramid < GetSize(param_node->data_dict_keys); paramid++) { // JsonNode *param; // param = param_node->data_dict.at( param_node->data_dict_keys[paramid]); IdString pId; pId = param_node->data_dict_keys[paramid]; if (param->type == 'N') { string tmp; tmp = "" + param_node->data_number; cell->params[pId] = tmp; } else if (param->type == 'S') cell->params[pId] = param->data_string; else log_error("JSON parameter type of \"%s\' of cell \'%s\' not supported\n", pId.c_str(), cell->name.c_str()); log_info(" Added parameter \'%s\'=%s to cell \'%s\' of module \'%s\'\n", pId.c_str(), cell->params[pId].c_str(), cell->name.c_str(), modname.c_str()); } JsonNode *pdir_node = here->data_dict.at("port_directions"); if (pdir_node->type != 'D') log_error("JSON port_directions node of \'%s\' " "in module \'%s\' is not a " "dictionary\n", cell->name.c_str(), modname.c_str()); JsonNode *connections = here->data_dict.at("connections"); if (connections->type != 'D') log_error("JSON connections node of \'%s\' " "in module \'%s\' is not a " "dictionary\n", cell->name.c_str(), modname.c_str()); if (GetSize(pdir_node->data_dict_keys) != GetSize(connections->data_dict_keys)) log_error("JSON number of connections doesnt " "match number of ports in node \'%s\' " "of module \'%s\'\n", cell->name.c_str(), modname.c_str()); // // Loop through all of the ports of this logic element // for(int portid=0; portiddata_dict_keys); portid++) { string key; JsonNode *dir_node, *wire_node; key = pdir_node->data_dict_keys[portid]; dir_node = pdir_node->data_dict.at(key); wire_node = connections->data_dict.at(key); assert(dir_node); log_info("Examining port %s, node %s\n", key.c_str(), cell->name.c_str()); if (!wire_node) log_error("JSON no connection match " "for port_direction \'%s\' " "of node \'%s\' " "in module \'%s\'\n", key, cell->name.c_str(), modname.c_str()); assert(wire_node); assert(dir_node->type == 'S'); assert(wire_node->type == 'A'); PortInfo port_info; port_info.name = cell->name + "$" + key; if(dir_node->data_string.compare("input")==0) port_info.type = PORT_IN; else if(dir_node->data_string.compare("output")==0) port_info.type = PORT_OUT; else if(dir_node->data_string.compare("inout")==0) port_info.type = PORT_INOUT; else log_error("JSON unknown port direction " "\'%s\' in node \'%s\' " "of module \'%s\'\n", dir_node->data_string.c_str(), cell->name.c_str(), modname.c_str()); // // Find an update, or create a net to connect // to this port. // PortRef port_ref; int net_num; NetInfo *this_net; IdString net_id; net_num = wire_node->data_number; net_id = string(""+net_num); if (design->nets.count(net_id) == 0) { this_net = new NetInfo; this_net->name = "" + net_id; design->nets[net_id] = this_net; this_net->driver.cell = NULL; this_net->driver.port = ""; } else this_net = design->nets[net_id]; port_ref.cell = cell; port_ref.port = port_info.name; if (port_info.type != PORT_IN) { assert(this_net->driver->cell == NULL); this_net->driver = port_ref; } else this_net->users.push_back(port_ref); } design->cells[cell->name] = cell; } } } struct JsonFrontend { // JsonFrontend() : Frontend("json", "read JSON file") { } JsonFrontend(void) { } virtual void help() { } virtual void execute(std::istream *&f, std::string filename, Design *design) { // log_header(design, "Executing JSON frontend.\n"); JsonNode root(*f); if (root.type != 'D') log_error("JSON root node is not a dictionary.\n"); if (root.data_dict.count("modules") != 0) { JsonNode *modules = root.data_dict.at("modules"); if (modules->type != 'D') log_error("JSON modules node is not a dictionary.\n"); for (auto &it : modules->data_dict) json_import(design, it.first, it.second); } } }; // JsonFrontend; }; // End Namespace JsonParser #warning "Main routine should be removed from jsonparse.cc before production" int main(int argc, char **argv) { JsonParser::JsonFrontend *parser = new JsonParser::JsonFrontend; ChipArgs chip_args; chip_args.type = ChipArgs::LP384; Design *design = new Design(chip_args); // std::string fname = "../../ice40/blinky.json"; std::string fname = "/home/dan/work/rnd/opencores/icozip/trunk/rtl/icozip/icozip.json"; std::istream *f = new std::ifstream(fname); parser->execute(f, fname, design); printf("Successful exit\n"); } int num_wires_384 = 0; WireInfoPOD wire_data_384[] = { 0 };