/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef NEXTPNR_H #error Include "arch.h" via "nextpnr.h" only. #endif NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct ArchArgs { }; struct WireInfo; struct PipInfo { IdString name, bound_net; WireId srcWire, dstWire; DelayInfo delay; DecalXY decalxy; }; struct WireInfo { IdString name, bound_net; std::vector downhill, uphill, aliases; BelPin uphill_bel_pin; std::vector downhill_bel_pins; DecalXY decalxy; int x, y; }; struct PinInfo { IdString name; WireId wire; PortType type; }; struct BelInfo { IdString name, type, bound_cell; std::unordered_map pins; DecalXY decalxy; int x, y, z; bool gb; }; struct GroupInfo { IdString name; std::vector bels; std::vector wires; std::vector pips; std::vector groups; DecalXY decalxy; }; struct Arch : BaseCtx { std::string chipName; std::unordered_map wires; std::unordered_map pips; std::unordered_map bels; std::unordered_map groups; std::vector bel_ids, wire_ids, pip_ids; std::unordered_map> bel_ids_by_type; std::unordered_map bel_by_loc; std::unordered_map>> bels_by_tile; std::unordered_map> decal_graphics; DecalXY frame_decalxy; float grid_distance_to_delay; void addWire(IdString name, int x, int y); void addPip(IdString name, IdString srcWire, IdString dstWire, DelayInfo delay); void addAlias(IdString name, IdString srcWire, IdString dstWire, DelayInfo delay); void addBel(IdString name, IdString type, int x, int y, int z, bool gb); void addBelInput(IdString bel, IdString name, IdString wire); void addBelOutput(IdString bel, IdString name, IdString wire); void addBelInout(IdString bel, IdString name, IdString wire); void addGroupBel(IdString group, IdString bel); void addGroupWire(IdString group, IdString wire); void addGroupPip(IdString group, IdString pip); void addGroupGroup(IdString group, IdString grp); void addDecalGraphic(DecalId decal, const GraphicElement &graphic); void setFrameDecal(DecalXY decalxy); void setWireDecal(WireId wire, DecalXY decalxy); void setPipDecal(PipId pip, DecalXY decalxy); void setBelDecal(BelId bel, DecalXY decalxy); void setGroupDecal(GroupId group, DecalXY decalxy); // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Common Arch API. Every arch must provide the following methods. Arch(ArchArgs args); std::string getChipName() { return chipName; } IdString archId() const { return id("generic"); } IdString archArgsToId(ArchArgs args) const { return id("none"); } IdString belTypeToId(BelType type) const { return type; } IdString portPinToId(PortPin type) const { return type; } BelType belTypeFromId(IdString id) const { return id; } PortPin portPinFromId(IdString id) const { return id; } BelId getBelByName(IdString name) const; IdString getBelName(BelId bel) const; Loc getBelLocation(BelId bel) const; BelId getBelByLocation(Loc loc) const; std::vector getBelsByTile(int x, int y) const; bool getBelGlobalBuf(BelId bel) const; uint32_t getBelChecksum(BelId bel) const; void bindBel(BelId bel, IdString cell, PlaceStrength strength); void unbindBel(BelId bel); bool checkBelAvail(BelId bel) const; IdString getBoundBelCell(BelId bel) const; IdString getConflictingBelCell(BelId bel) const; const std::vector &getBels() const; const std::vector &getBelsByType(BelType type) const; BelType getBelType(BelId bel) const; WireId getWireBelPin(BelId bel, PortPin pin) const; BelPin getBelPinUphill(WireId wire) const; const std::vector &getBelPinsDownhill(WireId wire) const; WireId getWireByName(IdString name) const; IdString getWireName(WireId wire) const; uint32_t getWireChecksum(WireId wire) const; void bindWire(WireId wire, IdString net, PlaceStrength strength); void unbindWire(WireId wire); bool checkWireAvail(WireId wire) const; IdString getBoundWireNet(WireId wire) const; IdString getConflictingWireNet(WireId wire) const; const std::vector &getWires() const; PipId getPipByName(IdString name) const; IdString getPipName(PipId pip) const; uint32_t getPipChecksum(PipId pip) const; void bindPip(PipId pip, IdString net, PlaceStrength strength); void unbindPip(PipId pip); bool checkPipAvail(PipId pip) const; IdString getBoundPipNet(PipId pip) const; IdString getConflictingPipNet(PipId pip) const; const std::vector &getPips() const; WireId getPipSrcWire(PipId pip) const; WireId getPipDstWire(PipId pip) const; DelayInfo getPipDelay(PipId pip) const; const std::vector &getPipsDownhill(WireId wire) const; const std::vector &getPipsUphill(WireId wire) const; const std::vector &getWireAliases(WireId wire) const; GroupId getGroupByName(IdString name) const; IdString getGroupName(GroupId group) const; std::vector getGroups() const; const std::vector &getGroupBels(GroupId group) const; const std::vector &getGroupWires(GroupId group) const; const std::vector &getGroupPips(GroupId group) const; const std::vector &getGroupGroups(GroupId group) const; void estimatePosition(BelId bel, int &x, int &y, bool &gb) const; delay_t estimateDelay(WireId src, WireId dst) const; delay_t getDelayEpsilon() const { return 0.01; } delay_t getRipupDelayPenalty() const { return 1.0; } float getDelayNS(delay_t v) const { return v; } uint32_t getDelayChecksum(delay_t v) const { return 0; } bool pack() { return true; } bool place(); bool route(); const std::vector &getDecalGraphics(DecalId decal) const; DecalXY getFrameDecal() const; DecalXY getBelDecal(BelId bel) const; DecalXY getWireDecal(WireId wire) const; DecalXY getPipDecal(PipId pip) const; DecalXY getGroupDecal(GroupId group) const; bool getCellDelay(const CellInfo *cell, IdString fromPort, IdString toPort, delay_t &delay) const; IdString getPortClock(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port) const; bool isClockPort(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port) const; bool isValidBelForCell(CellInfo *cell, BelId bel) const; bool isBelLocationValid(BelId bel) const; }; NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END