/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Claire Xenia Wolf * Copyright (C) 2020 Pepijn de Vos * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include "embed.h" #include "nextpnr.h" #include "placer1.h" #include "placer_heap.h" #include "router1.h" #include "router2.h" #include "util.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN WireInfo &Arch::wire_info(IdString wire) { auto w = wires.find(wire); if (w == wires.end()) NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE_STR("no wire named " + wire.str(this)); return w->second; } PipInfo &Arch::pip_info(IdString pip) { auto p = pips.find(pip); if (p == pips.end()) NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE_STR("no pip named " + pip.str(this)); return p->second; } BelInfo &Arch::bel_info(IdString bel) { auto b = bels.find(bel); if (b == bels.end()) NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE_STR("no bel named " + bel.str(this)); return b->second; } void Arch::addWire(IdString name, IdString type, int x, int y) { // std::cout << name.str(this) << std::endl; NPNR_ASSERT(wires.count(name) == 0); WireInfo &wi = wires[name]; wi.name = name; wi.type = type; wi.x = x; wi.y = y; wire_ids.push_back(name); } void Arch::addPip(IdString name, IdString type, IdString srcWire, IdString dstWire, DelayQuad delay, Loc loc) { NPNR_ASSERT(pips.count(name) == 0); PipInfo &pi = pips[name]; pi.name = name; pi.type = type; pi.srcWire = srcWire; pi.dstWire = dstWire; pi.delay = delay; pi.loc = loc; wire_info(srcWire).downhill.push_back(name); wire_info(dstWire).uphill.push_back(name); pip_ids.push_back(name); if (int(tilePipDimZ.size()) <= loc.x) tilePipDimZ.resize(loc.x + 1); if (int(tilePipDimZ[loc.x].size()) <= loc.y) tilePipDimZ[loc.x].resize(loc.y + 1); // Needed to ensure empty tile bel locations if (int(bels_by_tile.size()) <= loc.x) bels_by_tile.resize(loc.x + 1); if (int(bels_by_tile[loc.x].size()) <= loc.y) bels_by_tile[loc.x].resize(loc.y + 1); if (int(tileBelDimZ.size()) <= loc.x) tileBelDimZ.resize(loc.x + 1); if (int(tileBelDimZ[loc.x].size()) <= loc.y) tileBelDimZ[loc.x].resize(loc.y + 1); gridDimX = std::max(gridDimX, loc.x + 1); gridDimY = std::max(gridDimY, loc.y + 1); tilePipDimZ[loc.x][loc.y] = std::max(tilePipDimZ[loc.x][loc.y], loc.z + 1); } void Arch::addBel(IdString name, IdString type, Loc loc, bool gb) { NPNR_ASSERT(bels.count(name) == 0); NPNR_ASSERT(bel_by_loc.count(loc) == 0); BelInfo &bi = bels[name]; bi.name = name; bi.type = type; bi.x = loc.x; bi.y = loc.y; bi.z = loc.z; bi.gb = gb; bel_ids.push_back(name); bel_by_loc[loc] = name; if (int(bels_by_tile.size()) <= loc.x) bels_by_tile.resize(loc.x + 1); if (int(bels_by_tile[loc.x].size()) <= loc.y) bels_by_tile[loc.x].resize(loc.y + 1); bels_by_tile[loc.x][loc.y].push_back(name); if (int(tileBelDimZ.size()) <= loc.x) tileBelDimZ.resize(loc.x + 1); if (int(tileBelDimZ[loc.x].size()) <= loc.y) tileBelDimZ[loc.x].resize(loc.y + 1); gridDimX = std::max(gridDimX, loc.x + 1); gridDimY = std::max(gridDimY, loc.y + 1); tileBelDimZ[loc.x][loc.y] = std::max(tileBelDimZ[loc.x][loc.y], loc.z + 1); } void Arch::addBelInput(IdString bel, IdString name, IdString wire) { NPNR_ASSERT(bel_info(bel).pins.count(name) == 0); PinInfo &pi = bel_info(bel).pins[name]; pi.name = name; pi.wire = wire; pi.type = PORT_IN; wire_info(wire).downhill_bel_pins.push_back(BelPin{bel, name}); wire_info(wire).bel_pins.push_back(BelPin{bel, name}); } void Arch::addBelOutput(IdString bel, IdString name, IdString wire) { NPNR_ASSERT(bel_info(bel).pins.count(name) == 0); PinInfo &pi = bel_info(bel).pins[name]; pi.name = name; pi.wire = wire; pi.type = PORT_OUT; wire_info(wire).uphill_bel_pin = BelPin{bel, name}; wire_info(wire).bel_pins.push_back(BelPin{bel, name}); } void Arch::addBelInout(IdString bel, IdString name, IdString wire) { NPNR_ASSERT(bel_info(bel).pins.count(name) == 0); PinInfo &pi = bel_info(bel).pins[name]; pi.name = name; pi.wire = wire; pi.type = PORT_INOUT; wire_info(wire).downhill_bel_pins.push_back(BelPin{bel, name}); wire_info(wire).bel_pins.push_back(BelPin{bel, name}); } void Arch::addGroupBel(IdString group, IdString bel) { groups[group].bels.push_back(bel); } void Arch::addGroupWire(IdString group, IdString wire) { groups[group].wires.push_back(wire); } void Arch::addGroupPip(IdString group, IdString pip) { groups[group].pips.push_back(pip); } void Arch::addGroupGroup(IdString group, IdString grp) { groups[group].groups.push_back(grp); } void Arch::addDecalGraphic(DecalId decal, const GraphicElement &graphic) { decal_graphics[decal].push_back(graphic); refreshUi(); } void Arch::setWireDecal(WireId wire, DecalXY decalxy) { wire_info(wire).decalxy = decalxy; refreshUiWire(wire); } void Arch::setPipDecal(PipId pip, DecalXY decalxy) { pip_info(pip).decalxy = decalxy; refreshUiPip(pip); } void Arch::setBelDecal(BelId bel, DecalXY decalxy) { bel_info(bel).decalxy = decalxy; refreshUiBel(bel); } void Arch::setGroupDecal(GroupId group, DecalXY decalxy) { groups[group].decalxy = decalxy; refreshUiGroup(group); } void Arch::setWireAttr(IdString wire, IdString key, const std::string &value) { wire_info(wire).attrs[key] = value; } void Arch::setPipAttr(IdString pip, IdString key, const std::string &value) { pip_info(pip).attrs[key] = value; } void Arch::setBelAttr(IdString bel, IdString key, const std::string &value) { bel_info(bel).attrs[key] = value; } void Arch::setDelayScaling(double scale, double offset) { args.delayScale = scale; args.delayOffset = offset; } void Arch::addCellTimingClock(IdString cell, IdString port) { cellTiming[cell].portClasses[port] = TMG_CLOCK_INPUT; } void Arch::addCellTimingDelay(IdString cell, IdString fromPort, IdString toPort, DelayQuad delay) { if (get_or_default(cellTiming[cell].portClasses, fromPort, TMG_IGNORE) == TMG_IGNORE) cellTiming[cell].portClasses[fromPort] = TMG_COMB_INPUT; if (get_or_default(cellTiming[cell].portClasses, toPort, TMG_IGNORE) == TMG_IGNORE) cellTiming[cell].portClasses[toPort] = TMG_COMB_OUTPUT; cellTiming[cell].combDelays[CellDelayKey{fromPort, toPort}] = delay; } void Arch::addCellTimingSetupHold(IdString cell, IdString port, IdString clock, DelayPair setup, DelayPair hold) { TimingClockingInfo ci; ci.clock_port = clock; ci.edge = RISING_EDGE; ci.setup = setup; ci.hold = hold; cellTiming[cell].clockingInfo[port].push_back(ci); cellTiming[cell].portClasses[port] = TMG_REGISTER_INPUT; } void Arch::addCellTimingClockToOut(IdString cell, IdString port, IdString clock, DelayQuad clktoq) { TimingClockingInfo ci; ci.clock_port = clock; ci.edge = RISING_EDGE; ci.clockToQ = clktoq; cellTiming[cell].clockingInfo[port].push_back(ci); cellTiming[cell].portClasses[port] = TMG_REGISTER_OUTPUT; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO represent wires more intelligently. IdString Arch::wireToGlobal(int &row, int &col, const DatabasePOD *db, IdString &wire) { const std::string &wirename = wire.str(this); char buf[32]; if (wirename == "VCC" || wirename == "GND") { return wire; } if (!isdigit(wirename[1]) || !isdigit(wirename[2]) || !isdigit(wirename[3])) { snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_%s", row + 1, col + 1, wirename.c_str()); return id(buf); } char direction = wirename[0]; int num = std::stoi(wirename.substr(1, 2)); int segment = std::stoi(wirename.substr(3, 1)); switch (direction) { case 'N': row += segment; break; case 'S': row -= segment; break; case 'E': col -= segment; break; case 'W': col += segment; break; default: snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_%s", row + 1, col + 1, wirename.c_str()); return id(buf); break; } // wires wrap around the edges // assumes 0-based indexes if (row < 0) { row = -1 - row; direction = 'N'; } else if (col < 0) { col = -1 - col; direction = 'W'; } else if (row >= db->rows) { row = 2 * db->rows - 1 - row; direction = 'S'; } else if (col >= db->cols) { col = 2 * db->cols - 1 - col; direction = 'E'; } snprintf(buf, 32, "%c%d0", direction, num); wire = id(buf); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_%c%d", row + 1, col + 1, direction, num); return id(buf); } const PairPOD *pairLookup(const PairPOD *list, const size_t len, const int dest) { for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { const PairPOD *pair = &list[i]; if (pair->dest_id == dest) { return pair; } } return nullptr; } bool aliasCompare(GlobalAliasPOD i, GlobalAliasPOD j) { return (i.dest_row < j.dest_row) || (i.dest_row == j.dest_row && i.dest_col < j.dest_col) || (i.dest_row == j.dest_row && i.dest_col == j.dest_col && i.dest_id < j.dest_id); } bool timingCompare(TimingPOD i, TimingPOD j) { return i.name_id < j.name_id; } template const T *genericLookup(const T *first, int len, const T val, C compare) { auto res = std::lower_bound(first, first + len, val, compare); if (res - first != len && !compare(val, *res)) { return res; } else { return nullptr; } } DelayQuad delayLookup(const TimingPOD *first, int len, IdString name) { TimingPOD needle; needle.name_id = name.index; const TimingPOD *timing = genericLookup(first, len, needle, timingCompare); DelayQuad delay; if (timing != nullptr) { delay.fall.max_delay = std::max(timing->ff, timing->rf) / 1000; delay.fall.min_delay = std::min(timing->ff, timing->rf) / 1000; delay.rise.max_delay = std::max(timing->rr, timing->fr) / 1000; delay.rise.min_delay = std::min(timing->rr, timing->fr) / 1000; } else { delay = DelayQuad(0); } return delay; } DelayQuad Arch::getWireTypeDelay(IdString wire) { IdString len; IdString glbsrc; switch (wire.index) { case ID_X01: case ID_X02: case ID_X03: case ID_X04: case ID_X05: case ID_X06: case ID_X07: case ID_X08: len = id_X0; break; case ID_N100: case ID_N130: case ID_S100: case ID_S130: case ID_E100: case ID_E130: case ID_W100: case ID_W130: case ID_E110: case ID_W110: case ID_E120: case ID_W120: case ID_S110: case ID_N110: case ID_S120: case ID_N120: case ID_SN10: case ID_SN20: case ID_EW10: case ID_EW20: len = id_FX1; break; case ID_N200: case ID_N210: case ID_N220: case ID_N230: case ID_N240: case ID_N250: case ID_N260: case ID_N270: case ID_S200: case ID_S210: case ID_S220: case ID_S230: case ID_S240: case ID_S250: case ID_S260: case ID_S270: case ID_E200: case ID_E210: case ID_E220: case ID_E230: case ID_E240: case ID_E250: case ID_E260: case ID_E270: case ID_W200: case ID_W210: case ID_W220: case ID_W230: case ID_W240: case ID_W250: case ID_W260: case ID_W270: len = id_X2; break; case ID_N800: case ID_N810: case ID_N820: case ID_N830: case ID_S800: case ID_S810: case ID_S820: case ID_S830: case ID_E800: case ID_E810: case ID_E820: case ID_E830: case ID_W800: case ID_W810: case ID_W820: case ID_W830: len = id_X8; break; case ID_GT00: case ID_GT10: glbsrc = id_SPINE_TAP_PCLK; break; case ID_GBO0: case ID_GBO1: glbsrc = id_TAP_BRANCH_PCLK; break; case ID_GB00: case ID_GB10: case ID_GB20: case ID_GB30: case ID_GB40: case ID_GB50: case ID_GB60: case ID_GB70: glbsrc = id_BRANCH_PCLK; break; default: if (wire.str(this).rfind("SPINE", 0) == 0) { glbsrc = IdString(ID_CENT_SPINE_PCLK); } else if (wire.str(this).rfind("UNK", 0) == 0) { glbsrc = IdString(ID_PIO_CENT_PCLK); } break; } if (len != IdString()) { return delayLookup(speed->wire.timings.get(), speed->wire.num_timings, len); } else if (glbsrc != IdString()) { return delayLookup(speed->glbsrc.timings.get(), speed->glbsrc.num_timings, glbsrc); } else { return DelayQuad(0); } } void Arch::read_cst(std::istream &in) { std::regex iobre = std::regex("IO_LOC +\"([^\"]+)\" +([^ ;]+) *;.*"); std::regex portre = std::regex("IO_PORT +\"([^\"]+)\" +([^;]+;).*"); std::regex port_attrre = std::regex("([^ =;]+=[^ =;]+) *([^;]*;)"); std::smatch match, match_attr; std::string line; bool io_loc; while (!in.eof()) { std::getline(in, line); io_loc = true; if (!std::regex_match(line, match, iobre)) { if (std::regex_match(line, match, portre)) { io_loc = false; } else { if ((!line.empty()) && (line.rfind("//", 0) == std::string::npos)) { log_warning("Invalid constraint: %s\n", line.c_str()); } continue; } } IdString net = id(match[1]); auto it = cells.find(net); if (it == cells.end()) { log_info("Cell %s not found\n", net.c_str(this)); continue; } if (io_loc) { // IO_LOC name pin IdString pinname = id(match[2]); const PairPOD *belname = pairLookup(package->pins.get(), package->num_pins, pinname.index); if (belname == nullptr) log_error("Pin %s not found\n", pinname.c_str(this)); std::string bel = IdString(belname->src_id).str(this); it->second->attrs[IdString(ID_BEL)] = bel; } else { // IO_PORT attr=value std::string attr_val = match[2]; while (std::regex_match(attr_val, match_attr, port_attrre)) { std::string attr = "&"; attr += match_attr[1]; boost::algorithm::to_upper(attr); it->second->attrs[id(attr)] = 1; attr_val = match_attr[2]; } } } } Arch::Arch(ArchArgs args) : args(args) { family = args.family; device = args.device; // Load database std::string chipdb = stringf("gowin/chipdb-%s.bin", family.c_str()); auto db = reinterpret_cast(get_chipdb(chipdb)); if (db == nullptr) log_error("Failed to load chipdb '%s'\n", chipdb.c_str()); if (db->family.get() != family) { log_error("Database is for family '%s' but provided device is family '%s'.\n", db->family.get(), family.c_str()); } // setup id strings for (size_t i = 0; i < db->num_ids; i++) { IdString::initialize_add(this, db->id_strs[i].get(), uint32_t(i) + db->num_constids); } // setup timing info speed = nullptr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < db->num_speeds; i++) { const TimingClassPOD *tc = &db->speeds[i]; // std::cout << IdString(tc->name_id).str(this) << std::endl; if (IdString(tc->name_id) == id(args.speed)) { speed = tc->groups.get(); break; } } if (speed == nullptr) { log_error("Unsuported speed grade '%s'.\n", args.speed.c_str()); } const VariantPOD *variant = nullptr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < db->num_variants; i++) { auto var = &db->variants[i]; // std::cout << IdString(var->name_id).str(this) << std::endl; if (IdString(var->name_id) == id(args.device)) { variant = var; break; } } if (variant == nullptr) { log_error("Unsuported device grade '%s'.\n", args.device.c_str()); } package = nullptr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < variant->num_packages; i++) { auto pkg = &variant->packages[i]; // std::cout << IdString(pkg->name_id).str(this) << std::endl; if (IdString(pkg->name_id) == id(args.package)) { package = pkg; break; } // for (int j=0; j < pkg->num_pins; j++) { // auto pin = pkg->pins[j]; // std::cout << IdString(pin.src_id).str(this) << " " << IdString(pin.dest_id).str(this) << std::endl; // } } if (package == nullptr) { log_error("Unsuported package '%s'.\n", args.package.c_str()); } // setup db char buf[32]; for (int i = 0; i < db->rows * db->cols; i++) { int row = i / db->cols; int col = i % db->cols; const TilePOD *tile = db->grid[i].get(); // setup wires const PairPOD *pips[2] = {tile->pips.get(), tile->clock_pips.get()}; unsigned int num_pips[2] = {tile->num_pips, tile->num_clock_pips}; for (int p = 0; p < 2; p++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_pips[p]; j++) { const PairPOD pip = pips[p][j]; int destrow = row; int destcol = col; IdString destid(pip.dest_id), gdestid(pip.dest_id); IdString gdestname = wireToGlobal(destrow, destcol, db, gdestid); if (wires.count(gdestname) == 0) addWire(gdestname, destid, destcol, destrow); int srcrow = row; int srccol = col; IdString srcid(pip.src_id), gsrcid(pip.src_id); IdString gsrcname = wireToGlobal(srcrow, srccol, db, gsrcid); if (wires.count(gsrcname) == 0) addWire(gsrcname, srcid, srccol, srcrow); } } for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tile->num_bels; j++) { const BelsPOD *bel = &tile->bels[j]; IdString belname; IdString portname; int z = 0; bool dff = true; switch (static_cast(bel->type_id)) { // fall through the ++ case ID_LUT7: z++; dff = false; /* fall-through*/ case ID_LUT6: z++; dff = false; /* fall-through*/ case ID_LUT5: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_LUT4: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_LUT3: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_LUT2: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_LUT1: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_LUT0: // common LUT+DFF code snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_SLICE%d", row + 1, col + 1, z); belname = id(buf); addBel(belname, id_SLICE, Loc(col, row, z), false); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_F%d", row + 1, col + 1, z); addBelOutput(belname, id_F, id(buf)); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_A%d", row + 1, col + 1, z); addBelInput(belname, id_A, id(buf)); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_B%d", row + 1, col + 1, z); addBelInput(belname, id_B, id(buf)); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_C%d", row + 1, col + 1, z); addBelInput(belname, id_C, id(buf)); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_D%d", row + 1, col + 1, z); addBelInput(belname, id_D, id(buf)); if (dff) { snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_CLK%d", row + 1, col + 1, z / 2); addBelInput(belname, id_CLK, id(buf)); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_LSR%d", row + 1, col + 1, z / 2); addBelInput(belname, id_LSR, id(buf)); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_CE%d", row + 1, col + 1, z / 2); addBelInput(belname, id_CE, id(buf)); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_Q%d", row + 1, col + 1, z); addBelOutput(belname, id_Q, id(buf)); } break; case ID_IOBJ: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_IOBI: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_IOBH: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_IOBG: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_IOBF: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_IOBE: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_IOBD: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_IOBC: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_IOBB: z++; /* fall-through*/ case ID_IOBA: snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_IOB%c", row + 1, col + 1, 'A' + z); belname = id(buf); addBel(belname, id_IOB, Loc(col, row, z), false); portname = IdString(pairLookup(bel->ports.get(), bel->num_ports, ID_O)->src_id); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_%s", row + 1, col + 1, portname.c_str(this)); addBelOutput(belname, id_O, id(buf)); portname = IdString(pairLookup(bel->ports.get(), bel->num_ports, ID_I)->src_id); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_%s", row + 1, col + 1, portname.c_str(this)); addBelInput(belname, id_I, id(buf)); portname = IdString(pairLookup(bel->ports.get(), bel->num_ports, ID_OE)->src_id); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_%s", row + 1, col + 1, portname.c_str(this)); addBelInput(belname, id_OEN, id(buf)); break; default: break; } } } // setup pips for (int i = 0; i < db->rows * db->cols; i++) { int row = i / db->cols; int col = i % db->cols; const TilePOD *tile = db->grid[i].get(); const PairPOD *pips[2] = {tile->pips.get(), tile->clock_pips.get()}; unsigned int num_pips[2] = {tile->num_pips, tile->num_clock_pips}; for (int p = 0; p < 2; p++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_pips[p]; j++) { const PairPOD pip = pips[p][j]; int destrow = row; int destcol = col; IdString destid(pip.dest_id), gdestid(pip.dest_id); IdString gdestname = wireToGlobal(destrow, destcol, db, gdestid); int srcrow = row; int srccol = col; IdString srcid(pip.src_id), gsrcid(pip.src_id); IdString gsrcname = wireToGlobal(srcrow, srccol, db, gsrcid); snprintf(buf, 32, "R%dC%d_%s_%s", row + 1, col + 1, srcid.c_str(this), destid.c_str(this)); IdString pipname = id(buf); DelayQuad delay = getWireTypeDelay(destid); // local alias auto local_alias = pairLookup(tile->aliases.get(), tile->num_aliases, srcid.index); // std::cout << "srcid " << srcid.str(this) << std::endl; if (local_alias != nullptr) { srcid = IdString(local_alias->src_id); gsrcname = wireToGlobal(srcrow, srccol, db, srcid); } // global alias srcid = IdString(pip.src_id); GlobalAliasPOD alias; alias.dest_col = srccol; alias.dest_row = srcrow; alias.dest_id = srcid.index; auto alias_src = genericLookup(db->aliases.get(), db->num_aliases, alias, aliasCompare); if (alias_src != nullptr) { srccol = alias_src->src_col; srcrow = alias_src->src_row; srcid = IdString(alias_src->src_id); gsrcname = wireToGlobal(srcrow, srccol, db, srcid); // std::cout << buf << std::endl; } addPip(pipname, destid, gsrcname, gdestname, delay, Loc(col, row, j)); } } } BaseArch::init_cell_types(); BaseArch::init_bel_buckets(); } void IdString::initialize_arch(const BaseCtx *ctx) { #define X(t) initialize_add(ctx, #t, ID_##t); #include "constids.inc" #undef X } // --------------------------------------------------------------- BelId Arch::getBelByName(IdStringList name) const { if (bels.count(name[0])) return name[0]; return BelId(); } IdStringList Arch::getBelName(BelId bel) const { return IdStringList(bel); } Loc Arch::getBelLocation(BelId bel) const { auto &info = bels.at(bel); return Loc(info.x, info.y, info.z); } BelId Arch::getBelByLocation(Loc loc) const { auto it = bel_by_loc.find(loc); if (it != bel_by_loc.end()) return it->second; return BelId(); } const std::vector &Arch::getBelsByTile(int x, int y) const { return bels_by_tile.at(x).at(y); } bool Arch::getBelGlobalBuf(BelId bel) const { return bels.at(bel).gb; } void Arch::bindBel(BelId bel, CellInfo *cell, PlaceStrength strength) { bels.at(bel).bound_cell = cell; cell->bel = bel; cell->belStrength = strength; refreshUiBel(bel); } void Arch::unbindBel(BelId bel) { bels.at(bel).bound_cell->bel = BelId(); bels.at(bel).bound_cell->belStrength = STRENGTH_NONE; bels.at(bel).bound_cell = nullptr; refreshUiBel(bel); } bool Arch::checkBelAvail(BelId bel) const { return bels.at(bel).bound_cell == nullptr; } CellInfo *Arch::getBoundBelCell(BelId bel) const { return bels.at(bel).bound_cell; } CellInfo *Arch::getConflictingBelCell(BelId bel) const { return bels.at(bel).bound_cell; } const std::vector &Arch::getBels() const { return bel_ids; } IdString Arch::getBelType(BelId bel) const { return bels.at(bel).type; } const std::map &Arch::getBelAttrs(BelId bel) const { return bels.at(bel).attrs; } WireId Arch::getBelPinWire(BelId bel, IdString pin) const { const auto &bdata = bels.at(bel); if (!bdata.pins.count(pin)) log_error("bel '%s' has no pin '%s'\n", bel.c_str(this), pin.c_str(this)); return bdata.pins.at(pin).wire; } PortType Arch::getBelPinType(BelId bel, IdString pin) const { return bels.at(bel).pins.at(pin).type; } std::vector Arch::getBelPins(BelId bel) const { std::vector ret; for (auto &it : bels.at(bel).pins) ret.push_back(it.first); return ret; } std::array Arch::getBelPinsForCellPin(const CellInfo *cell_info, IdString pin) const { return {pin}; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- WireId Arch::getWireByName(IdStringList name) const { if (wires.count(name[0])) return name[0]; return WireId(); } IdStringList Arch::getWireName(WireId wire) const { return IdStringList(wire); } IdString Arch::getWireType(WireId wire) const { return wires.at(wire).type; } const std::map &Arch::getWireAttrs(WireId wire) const { return wires.at(wire).attrs; } void Arch::bindWire(WireId wire, NetInfo *net, PlaceStrength strength) { wires.at(wire).bound_net = net; net->wires[wire].pip = PipId(); net->wires[wire].strength = strength; refreshUiWire(wire); } void Arch::unbindWire(WireId wire) { auto &net_wires = wires.at(wire).bound_net->wires; auto pip = net_wires.at(wire).pip; if (pip != PipId()) { pips.at(pip).bound_net = nullptr; refreshUiPip(pip); } net_wires.erase(wire); wires.at(wire).bound_net = nullptr; refreshUiWire(wire); } bool Arch::checkWireAvail(WireId wire) const { return wires.at(wire).bound_net == nullptr; } NetInfo *Arch::getBoundWireNet(WireId wire) const { return wires.at(wire).bound_net; } NetInfo *Arch::getConflictingWireNet(WireId wire) const { return wires.at(wire).bound_net; } const std::vector &Arch::getWireBelPins(WireId wire) const { return wires.at(wire).bel_pins; } const std::vector &Arch::getWires() const { return wire_ids; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- PipId Arch::getPipByName(IdStringList name) const { if (pips.count(name[0])) return name[0]; return PipId(); } IdStringList Arch::getPipName(PipId pip) const { return IdStringList(pip); } IdString Arch::getPipType(PipId pip) const { return pips.at(pip).type; } const std::map &Arch::getPipAttrs(PipId pip) const { return pips.at(pip).attrs; } void Arch::bindPip(PipId pip, NetInfo *net, PlaceStrength strength) { WireId wire = pips.at(pip).dstWire; pips.at(pip).bound_net = net; wires.at(wire).bound_net = net; net->wires[wire].pip = pip; net->wires[wire].strength = strength; refreshUiPip(pip); refreshUiWire(wire); } void Arch::unbindPip(PipId pip) { WireId wire = pips.at(pip).dstWire; wires.at(wire).bound_net->wires.erase(wire); pips.at(pip).bound_net = nullptr; wires.at(wire).bound_net = nullptr; refreshUiPip(pip); refreshUiWire(wire); } bool Arch::checkPipAvail(PipId pip) const { return pips.at(pip).bound_net == nullptr; } NetInfo *Arch::getBoundPipNet(PipId pip) const { return pips.at(pip).bound_net; } NetInfo *Arch::getConflictingPipNet(PipId pip) const { return pips.at(pip).bound_net; } WireId Arch::getConflictingPipWire(PipId pip) const { return pips.at(pip).bound_net ? pips.at(pip).dstWire : WireId(); } const std::vector &Arch::getPips() const { return pip_ids; } Loc Arch::getPipLocation(PipId pip) const { return pips.at(pip).loc; } WireId Arch::getPipSrcWire(PipId pip) const { return pips.at(pip).srcWire; } WireId Arch::getPipDstWire(PipId pip) const { return pips.at(pip).dstWire; } DelayQuad Arch::getPipDelay(PipId pip) const { return pips.at(pip).delay; } const std::vector &Arch::getPipsDownhill(WireId wire) const { return wires.at(wire).downhill; } const std::vector &Arch::getPipsUphill(WireId wire) const { return wires.at(wire).uphill; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- GroupId Arch::getGroupByName(IdStringList name) const { return name[0]; } IdStringList Arch::getGroupName(GroupId group) const { return IdStringList(group); } std::vector Arch::getGroups() const { std::vector ret; for (auto &it : groups) ret.push_back(it.first); return ret; } const std::vector &Arch::getGroupBels(GroupId group) const { return groups.at(group).bels; } const std::vector &Arch::getGroupWires(GroupId group) const { return groups.at(group).wires; } const std::vector &Arch::getGroupPips(GroupId group) const { return groups.at(group).pips; } const std::vector &Arch::getGroupGroups(GroupId group) const { return groups.at(group).groups; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- delay_t Arch::estimateDelay(WireId src, WireId dst) const { const WireInfo &s = wires.at(src); const WireInfo &d = wires.at(dst); int dx = abs(s.x - d.x); int dy = abs(s.y - d.y); return (dx + dy) * args.delayScale + args.delayOffset; } delay_t Arch::predictDelay(const NetInfo *net_info, const PortRef &sink) const { const auto &driver = net_info->driver; auto driver_loc = getBelLocation(driver.cell->bel); auto sink_loc = getBelLocation(sink.cell->bel); int dx = abs(sink_loc.x - driver_loc.x); int dy = abs(sink_loc.y - driver_loc.y); return (dx + dy) * args.delayScale + args.delayOffset; } bool Arch::getBudgetOverride(const NetInfo *net_info, const PortRef &sink, delay_t &budget) const { return false; } ArcBounds Arch::getRouteBoundingBox(WireId src, WireId dst) const { ArcBounds bb; int src_x = wires.at(src).x; int src_y = wires.at(src).y; int dst_x = wires.at(dst).x; int dst_y = wires.at(dst).y; bb.x0 = src_x; bb.y0 = src_y; bb.x1 = src_x; bb.y1 = src_y; auto extend = [&](int x, int y) { bb.x0 = std::min(bb.x0, x); bb.x1 = std::max(bb.x1, x); bb.y0 = std::min(bb.y0, y); bb.y1 = std::max(bb.y1, y); }; extend(dst_x, dst_y); return bb; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- bool Arch::place() { std::string placer = str_or_default(settings, id("placer"), defaultPlacer); if (placer == "heap") { bool have_iobuf_or_constr = false; for (auto &cell : cells) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second.get(); if (ci->type == id("IOB") || ci->bel != BelId() || ci->attrs.count(id("BEL"))) { have_iobuf_or_constr = true; break; } } bool retVal; if (!have_iobuf_or_constr) { log_warning("Unable to use HeAP due to a lack of IO buffers or constrained cells as anchors; reverting to " "SA.\n"); retVal = placer1(getCtx(), Placer1Cfg(getCtx())); } else { PlacerHeapCfg cfg(getCtx()); cfg.ioBufTypes.insert(id("IOB")); cfg.beta = 0.5; retVal = placer_heap(getCtx(), cfg); } getCtx()->settings[getCtx()->id("place")] = 1; archInfoToAttributes(); return retVal; } else if (placer == "sa") { bool retVal = placer1(getCtx(), Placer1Cfg(getCtx())); getCtx()->settings[getCtx()->id("place")] = 1; archInfoToAttributes(); return retVal; } else { log_error("Gowin architecture does not support placer '%s'\n", placer.c_str()); } } bool Arch::route() { std::string router = str_or_default(settings, id("router"), defaultRouter); bool result; if (router == "router1") { result = router1(getCtx(), Router1Cfg(getCtx())); } else if (router == "router2") { router2(getCtx(), Router2Cfg(getCtx())); result = true; } else { log_error("Gowin architecture does not support router '%s'\n", router.c_str()); } getCtx()->settings[getCtx()->id("route")] = 1; archInfoToAttributes(); return result; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- bool Arch::getCellDelay(const CellInfo *cell, IdString fromPort, IdString toPort, DelayQuad &delay) const { if (!cellTiming.count(cell->name)) return false; const auto &tmg = cellTiming.at(cell->name); auto fnd = tmg.combDelays.find(CellDelayKey{fromPort, toPort}); if (fnd != tmg.combDelays.end()) { delay = fnd->second; return true; } else { return false; } } // Get the port class, also setting clockPort if applicable TimingPortClass Arch::getPortTimingClass(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port, int &clockInfoCount) const { if (!cellTiming.count(cell->name)) return TMG_IGNORE; const auto &tmg = cellTiming.at(cell->name); if (tmg.clockingInfo.count(port)) clockInfoCount = int(tmg.clockingInfo.at(port).size()); else clockInfoCount = 0; return get_or_default(tmg.portClasses, port, TMG_IGNORE); } TimingClockingInfo Arch::getPortClockingInfo(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port, int index) const { NPNR_ASSERT(cellTiming.count(cell->name)); const auto &tmg = cellTiming.at(cell->name); NPNR_ASSERT(tmg.clockingInfo.count(port)); return tmg.clockingInfo.at(port).at(index); } bool Arch::isBelLocationValid(BelId bel) const { std::vector cells; Loc loc = getBelLocation(bel); for (auto tbel : getBelsByTile(loc.x, loc.y)) { CellInfo *bound = getBoundBelCell(tbel); if (bound != nullptr) cells.push_back(bound); } return cellsCompatible(cells.data(), int(cells.size())); } #ifdef WITH_HEAP const std::string Arch::defaultPlacer = "heap"; #else const std::string Arch::defaultPlacer = "sa"; #endif const std::vector Arch::availablePlacers = {"sa", #ifdef WITH_HEAP "heap" #endif }; const std::string Arch::defaultRouter = "router1"; const std::vector Arch::availableRouters = {"router1", "router2"}; void Arch::assignArchInfo() { for (auto &cell : getCtx()->cells) { IdString cname = cell.first; CellInfo *ci = cell.second.get(); if (ci->type == id("SLICE")) { ci->is_slice = true; ci->ff_used = ci->params.at(id_FF_USED).as_bool(); ci->ff_type = id(ci->params.at(id_FF_TYPE).as_string()); ci->slice_clk = get_net_or_empty(ci, id("CLK")); ci->slice_ce = get_net_or_empty(ci, id("CE")); ci->slice_lsr = get_net_or_empty(ci, id("LSR")); // add timing paths addCellTimingClock(cname, id_CLK); IdString ports[4] = {id_A, id_B, id_C, id_D}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { DelayPair setup = delayLookup(speed->dff.timings.get(), speed->dff.num_timings, id_clksetpos).delayPair(); DelayPair hold = delayLookup(speed->dff.timings.get(), speed->dff.num_timings, id_clkholdpos).delayPair(); addCellTimingSetupHold(cname, ports[i], id_CLK, setup, hold); } DelayQuad clkout = delayLookup(speed->dff.timings.get(), speed->dff.num_timings, id_clk_qpos); addCellTimingClockToOut(cname, id_Q, id_CLK, clkout); IdString port_delay[4] = {id_a_f, id_b_f, id_c_f, id_d_f}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { DelayQuad delay = delayLookup(speed->lut.timings.get(), speed->lut.num_timings, port_delay[i]); addCellTimingDelay(cname, ports[i], id_F, delay); } } else { ci->is_slice = false; } } } bool Arch::cellsCompatible(const CellInfo **cells, int count) const { const NetInfo *clk[4] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; const NetInfo *ce[4] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; const NetInfo *lsr[4] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; IdString mode[4] = {IdString(), IdString(), IdString(), IdString()}; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const CellInfo *ci = cells[i]; if (ci->is_slice) { Loc loc = getBelLocation(ci->bel); int cls = loc.z / 2; if (loc.z >= 6 && ci->ff_used) // top slice have no ff return false; if (clk[cls] == nullptr) clk[cls] = ci->slice_clk; else if (clk[cls] != ci->slice_clk) return false; if (ce[cls] == nullptr) ce[cls] = ci->slice_ce; else if (ce[cls] != ci->slice_ce) return false; if (lsr[cls] == nullptr) lsr[cls] = ci->slice_lsr; else if (lsr[cls] != ci->slice_lsr) return false; if (mode[cls] == IdString()) mode[cls] = ci->ff_type; else if (mode[cls] != ci->ff_type) return false; } } return true; } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END