/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Serge Bazanski * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fpgaviewwidget.h" #include "log.h" #include "mainwindow.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void PolyLine::buildPoint(LineShaderData *building, const QVector2D *prev, const QVector2D *cur, const QVector2D *next) const { // buildPoint emits two vertices per line point, along with normals to move // them the right directio when rendering and miter to compensate for // bends. if (cur == nullptr) { // BUG return; } if (prev == nullptr && next == nullptr) { // BUG return; } // TODO(q3k): fast path for vertical/horizontal lines? // TODO(q3k): consider moving some of the linear algebra to the GPU, // they're better at this than poor old CPUs. // Build two unit vectors pointing in the direction of the two segments // defined by (prev, cur) and (cur, next) QVector2D dprev, dnext; if (prev == nullptr) { dnext = *next - *cur; dprev = dnext; } else if (next == nullptr) { dprev = *cur - *prev; dnext = dprev; } else { dprev = *cur - *prev; dnext = *next - *cur; } dprev.normalize(); dnext.normalize(); // Calculate tangent unit vector. QVector2D tangent(dprev + dnext); tangent.normalize(); // Calculate normal to tangent - this is the line on which the vectors need // to be pushed to build a thickened line. const QVector2D tangent_normal = QVector2D(-tangent.y(), tangent.x()); // Calculate normal to one of the lines. const QVector2D dprev_normal = QVector2D(-dprev.y(), dprev.x()); // https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~sequin/CS184/IMGS/Sweep_PolyLine.jpg // (the ^-1 is performed in the shader) const float miter = QVector2D::dotProduct(tangent_normal, dprev_normal); const float x = cur->x(); const float y = cur->y(); const float mx = tangent_normal.x(); const float my = tangent_normal.y(); // Push back 'left' vertex. building->vertices.push_back(Vertex2DPOD(x, y)); building->normals.push_back(Vertex2DPOD(mx, my)); building->miters.push_back(miter); // Push back 'right' vertex. building->vertices.push_back(Vertex2DPOD(x, y)); building->normals.push_back(Vertex2DPOD(mx, my)); building->miters.push_back(-miter); } void PolyLine::build(LineShaderData &target) const { if (points_.size() < 2) { return; } const QVector2D *first = &points_.front(); const QVector2D *last = &points_.back(); // Index number of vertices, used to build the index buffer. unsigned int startIndex = target.vertices.size(); unsigned int index = startIndex; // For every point on the line, call buildPoint with (prev, point, next). // If we're building a closed line, prev/next wrap around. Otherwise // they are passed as nullptr and buildPoint interprets that accordinglu. const QVector2D *prev = nullptr; // Loop iterator used to ensure next is valid. unsigned int i = 0; for (const QVector2D &point : points_) { const QVector2D *next = nullptr; if (++i < points_.size()) { next = (&point + 1); } // If the line is closed, wrap around. Otherwise, pass nullptr. if (prev == nullptr && closed_) { buildPoint(&target, last, &point, next); } else if (next == nullptr && closed_) { buildPoint(&target, prev, &point, first); } else { buildPoint(&target, prev, &point, next); } // If we have a prev point relative to cur, build a pair of triangles // to render vertices into lines. if (prev != nullptr) { target.indices.push_back(index); target.indices.push_back(index + 1); target.indices.push_back(index + 2); target.indices.push_back(index + 2); target.indices.push_back(index + 1); target.indices.push_back(index + 3); index += 2; } prev = &point; } // If we're closed, build two more vertices that loop the line around. if (closed_) { target.indices.push_back(index); target.indices.push_back(index + 1); target.indices.push_back(startIndex); target.indices.push_back(startIndex); target.indices.push_back(index + 1); target.indices.push_back(startIndex + 1); } } bool LineShader::compile(void) { program_ = new QOpenGLShaderProgram(parent_); program_->addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::Vertex, vertexShaderSource_); program_->addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::Fragment, fragmentShaderSource_); if (!program_->link()) { printf("could not link program: %s\n", program_->log().toStdString().c_str()); return false; } if (!vao_.create()) log_abort(); vao_.bind(); if (!buffers_.position.create()) log_abort(); if (!buffers_.normal.create()) log_abort(); if (!buffers_.miter.create()) log_abort(); if (!buffers_.index.create()) log_abort(); attributes_.position = program_->attributeLocation("position"); attributes_.normal = program_->attributeLocation("normal"); attributes_.miter = program_->attributeLocation("miter"); uniforms_.thickness = program_->uniformLocation("thickness"); uniforms_.projection = program_->uniformLocation("projection"); uniforms_.color = program_->uniformLocation("color"); vao_.release(); return true; } void LineShader::draw(const LineShaderData &line, const QMatrix4x4 &projection) { auto gl = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions(); vao_.bind(); program_->bind(); buffers_.position.bind(); buffers_.position.allocate(&line.vertices[0], sizeof(Vertex2DPOD) * line.vertices.size()); buffers_.normal.bind(); buffers_.normal.allocate(&line.normals[0], sizeof(Vertex2DPOD) * line.normals.size()); buffers_.miter.bind(); buffers_.miter.allocate(&line.miters[0], sizeof(GLfloat) * line.miters.size()); buffers_.index.bind(); buffers_.index.allocate(&line.indices[0], sizeof(GLuint) * line.indices.size()); program_->setUniformValue(uniforms_.projection, projection); program_->setUniformValue(uniforms_.thickness, line.thickness); program_->setUniformValue(uniforms_.color, line.color.r, line.color.g, line.color.b, line.color.a); buffers_.position.bind(); program_->enableAttributeArray("position"); gl->glVertexAttribPointer(attributes_.position, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (void *)0); buffers_.normal.bind(); program_->enableAttributeArray("normal"); gl->glVertexAttribPointer(attributes_.normal, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (void *)0); buffers_.miter.bind(); program_->enableAttributeArray("miter"); gl->glVertexAttribPointer(attributes_.miter, 1, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (void *)0); buffers_.index.bind(); gl->glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, line.indices.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (void *)0); program_->disableAttributeArray("miter"); program_->disableAttributeArray("normal"); program_->disableAttributeArray("position"); program_->release(); vao_.release(); } FPGAViewWidget::FPGAViewWidget(QWidget *parent) : QOpenGLWidget(parent), lineShader_(this), zoom_(500.f), ctx_(nullptr) { backgroundColor = QColor("#ffffff"); gridColor = QColor("#ddd"); gFrameColor = QColor("#303030"); gHiddenColor = QColor("#a0a0a0"); gInactiveColor = QColor("#d0d0d0"); gActiveColor = QColor("#101010"); frameColor = QColor("#0066ba"); auto fmt = format(); fmt.setMajorVersion(3); fmt.setMinorVersion(1); setFormat(fmt); fmt = format(); // printf("FPGAViewWidget running on OpenGL %d.%d\n", fmt.majorVersion(), fmt.minorVersion()); if (fmt.majorVersion() < 3) { printf("Could not get OpenGL 3.0 context. Aborting.\n"); log_abort(); } if (fmt.minorVersion() < 1) { printf("Could not get OpenGL 3.1 context - trying anyway...\n "); } } FPGAViewWidget::~FPGAViewWidget() {} void FPGAViewWidget::newContext(Context *ctx) { ctx_ = ctx; update(); } QSize FPGAViewWidget::minimumSizeHint() const { return QSize(640, 480); } QSize FPGAViewWidget::sizeHint() const { return QSize(640, 480); } void FPGAViewWidget::initializeGL() { if (!lineShader_.compile()) { log_error("Could not compile shader.\n"); } initializeOpenGLFunctions(); glClearColor(backgroundColor.red() / 255, backgroundColor.green() / 255, backgroundColor.blue() / 255, 0.0); } void FPGAViewWidget::drawDecal(LineShaderData &out, const DecalXY &decal) { const float scale = 1.0; float offsetX = 0.0, offsetY = 0.0; for (auto &el : ctx_->getDecalGraphics(decal.decal)) { offsetX = decal.x; offsetY = decal.y; if (el.type == GraphicElement::G_BOX) { auto line = PolyLine(true); line.point(offsetX + scale * el.x1, offsetY + scale * el.y1); line.point(offsetX + scale * el.x2, offsetY + scale * el.y1); line.point(offsetX + scale * el.x2, offsetY + scale * el.y2); line.point(offsetX + scale * el.x1, offsetY + scale * el.y2); line.build(out); } if (el.type == GraphicElement::G_LINE) { PolyLine(offsetX + scale * el.x1, offsetY + scale * el.y1, offsetX + scale * el.x2, offsetY + scale * el.y2) .build(out); } } } void FPGAViewWidget::drawDecal(LineShaderData out[], const DecalXY &decal) { const float scale = 1.0; float offsetX = 0.0, offsetY = 0.0; for (auto &el : ctx_->getDecalGraphics(decal.decal)) { offsetX = decal.x; offsetY = decal.y; if (el.type == GraphicElement::G_BOX) { auto line = PolyLine(true); line.point(offsetX + scale * el.x1, offsetY + scale * el.y1); line.point(offsetX + scale * el.x2, offsetY + scale * el.y1); line.point(offsetX + scale * el.x2, offsetY + scale * el.y2); line.point(offsetX + scale * el.x1, offsetY + scale * el.y2); switch (el.style) { case GraphicElement::G_FRAME: line.build(out[0]); break; case GraphicElement::G_HIDDEN: break; case GraphicElement::G_INACTIVE: line.build(out[2]); break; case GraphicElement::G_ACTIVE: line.build(out[3]); break; } } if (el.type == GraphicElement::G_LINE) { auto line = PolyLine(offsetX + scale * el.x1, offsetY + scale * el.y1, offsetX + scale * el.x2, offsetY + scale * el.y2); switch (el.style) { case GraphicElement::G_FRAME: line.build(out[0]); break; case GraphicElement::G_HIDDEN: break; case GraphicElement::G_INACTIVE: line.build(out[2]); break; case GraphicElement::G_ACTIVE: line.build(out[3]); break; } } } } QMatrix4x4 FPGAViewWidget::getProjection(void) { QMatrix4x4 matrix; const float aspect = float(width()) / float(height()); matrix.perspective(3.14 / 2, aspect, zoomNear_, zoomFar_); matrix.translate(0.0f, 0.0f, -zoom_); return matrix; } void FPGAViewWidget::paintGL() { auto gl = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions(); const qreal retinaScale = devicePixelRatio(); gl->glViewport(0, 0, width() * retinaScale, height() * retinaScale); gl->glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); QMatrix4x4 matrix = getProjection(); matrix *= viewMove_; // Calculate world thickness to achieve a screen 1px/1.1px line. float thick1Px = mouseToWorldCoordinates(1, 0).x(); float thick11Px = mouseToWorldCoordinates(1.1, 0).x(); // Draw grid. auto grid = LineShaderData(thick1Px, gridColor); for (float i = -100.0f; i < 100.0f; i += 1.0f) { PolyLine(-100.0f, i, 100.0f, i).build(grid); PolyLine(i, -100.0f, i, 100.0f).build(grid); } lineShader_.draw(grid, matrix); LineShaderData shaders[4] = {LineShaderData(thick11Px, gFrameColor), // GraphicElement::G_FRAME LineShaderData(thick11Px, gHiddenColor), // GraphicElement::G_HIDDEN LineShaderData(thick11Px, gInactiveColor), // GraphicElement::G_INACTIVE LineShaderData(thick11Px, gActiveColor)}; // GraphicElement::G_ACTIVE if (ctx_) { // Draw Bels. for (auto bel : ctx_->getBels()) { drawDecal(shaders, ctx_->getBelDecal(bel)); } // Draw Wires. for (auto wire : ctx_->getWires()) { drawDecal(shaders, ctx_->getWireDecal(wire)); } // Draw Pips. for (auto pip : ctx_->getPips()) { drawDecal(shaders, ctx_->getPipDecal(pip)); } // Draw Groups. for (auto group : ctx_->getGroups()) { drawDecal(shaders, ctx_->getGroupDecal(group)); } } lineShader_.draw(shaders[0], matrix); lineShader_.draw(shaders[1], matrix); lineShader_.draw(shaders[2], matrix); lineShader_.draw(shaders[3], matrix); // Draw Frame Graphics. auto frames = LineShaderData(thick11Px, frameColor); if (ctx_) { drawDecal(frames, ctx_->getFrameDecal()); lineShader_.draw(frames, matrix); } } void FPGAViewWidget::resizeGL(int width, int height) {} void FPGAViewWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { lastPos_ = event->pos(); } // Invert the projection matrix to calculate screen/mouse to world/grid // coordinates. QVector4D FPGAViewWidget::mouseToWorldCoordinates(int x, int y) { QMatrix4x4 p = getProjection(); QVector2D unit = p.map(QVector4D(1, 1, 0, 1)).toVector2DAffine(); float sx = (((float)x) / (width() / 2)); float sy = (((float)y) / (height() / 2)); return QVector4D(sx / unit.x(), sy / unit.y(), 0, 1); } void FPGAViewWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { const int dx = event->x() - lastPos_.x(); const int dy = event->y() - lastPos_.y(); lastPos_ = event->pos(); auto world = mouseToWorldCoordinates(dx, dy); viewMove_.translate(world.x(), -world.y()); update(); } void FPGAViewWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { QPoint degree = event->angleDelta() / 8; if (!degree.isNull()) { if (zoom_ < zoomNear_) { zoom_ = zoomNear_; } else if (zoom_ < zoomLvl1_) { zoom_ -= degree.y() / 10.0; } else if (zoom_ < zoomLvl2_) { zoom_ -= degree.y() / 5.0; } else if (zoom_ < zoomFar_) { zoom_ -= degree.y(); } else { zoom_ = zoomFar_; } update(); } } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END