/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #ifdef MAIN_EXECUTABLE #ifndef NO_GUI #include #include "application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #endif #ifndef NO_PYTHON #include "pybindings.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bitstream.h" #include "design_utils.h" #include "jsonparse.h" #include "log.h" #include "nextpnr.h" #include "pcf.h" #include "place_legaliser.h" #include "timing.h" #include "version.h" USING_NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE void svg_dump_decal(const Context *ctx, const DecalXY &decal) { const float scale = 10.0, offset = 10.0; const std::string style = "stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0.1\" fill=\"none\""; for (auto &el : ctx->getDecalGraphics(decal.decal)) { if (el.type == GraphicElement::TYPE_BOX) { std::cout << "\n"; } if (el.type == GraphicElement::TYPE_LINE) { std::cout << "\n"; } } } void conflicting_options(const boost::program_options::variables_map &vm, const char *opt1, const char *opt2) { if (vm.count(opt1) && !vm[opt1].defaulted() && vm.count(opt2) && !vm[opt2].defaulted()) { std::string msg = "Conflicting options '" + std::string(opt1) + "' and '" + std::string(opt1) + "'."; log_error("%s\n", msg.c_str()); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try { namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace pt = boost::property_tree; int rc = 0; std::string str; log_files.push_back(stdout); po::options_description options("Allowed options"); options.add_options()("help,h", "show help"); options.add_options()("verbose,v", "verbose output"); options.add_options()("debug", "debug output"); options.add_options()("force,f", "keep running after errors"); #ifndef NO_GUI options.add_options()("gui", "start gui"); #endif options.add_options()("svg", "dump SVG file"); options.add_options()("pack-only", "pack design only without placement or routing"); po::positional_options_description pos; #ifndef NO_PYTHON options.add_options()("run", po::value>(), "python file to execute"); pos.add("run", -1); #endif options.add_options()("json", po::value(), "JSON design file to ingest"); options.add_options()("pcf", po::value(), "PCF constraints file to ingest"); options.add_options()("asc", po::value(), "asc bitstream file to write"); options.add_options()("read", po::value(), "asc bitstream file to read"); options.add_options()("seed", po::value(), "seed value for random number generator"); options.add_options()("slack_redist_iter", po::value(), "number of iterations between slack redistribution"); options.add_options()("version,V", "show version"); options.add_options()("tmfuzz", "run path delay estimate fuzzer"); options.add_options()("test", "check architecture database integrity"); #ifdef ICE40_HX1K_ONLY options.add_options()("hx1k", "set device type to iCE40HX1K"); #else options.add_options()("lp384", "set device type to iCE40LP384"); options.add_options()("lp1k", "set device type to iCE40LP1K"); options.add_options()("lp8k", "set device type to iCE40LP8K"); options.add_options()("hx1k", "set device type to iCE40HX1K"); options.add_options()("hx8k", "set device type to iCE40HX8K"); options.add_options()("up5k", "set device type to iCE40UP5K"); #endif options.add_options()("freq", po::value(), "set target frequency for design in MHz"); options.add_options()("no-tmdriv", "disable timing-driven placement"); options.add_options()("package", po::value(), "set device package"); options.add_options()("save", po::value(), "project file to write"); options.add_options()("load", po::value(), "project file to read"); po::variables_map vm; try { po::parsed_options parsed = po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(options).positional(pos).run(); po::store(parsed, vm); po::notify(vm); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << e.what() << "\n"; return 1; } conflicting_options(vm, "read", "json"); #ifndef ICE40_HX1K_ONLY if ((vm.count("lp384") + vm.count("lp1k") + vm.count("lp8k") + vm.count("hx1k") + vm.count("hx8k") + vm.count("up5k")) > 1) log_error("Only one device type can be set\n"); #endif if (vm.count("help") || argc == 1) { help: std::cout << boost::filesystem::basename(argv[0]) << " -- Next Generation Place and Route (git " "sha1 " GIT_COMMIT_HASH_STR ")\n"; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << options << "\n"; return argc != 1; } if (vm.count("version")) { std::cout << boost::filesystem::basename(argv[0]) << " -- Next Generation Place and Route (git " "sha1 " GIT_COMMIT_HASH_STR ")\n"; return 1; } if (vm.count("load")) { try { pt::ptree root; std::string filename = vm["load"].as(); pt::read_json(filename, root); log_info("Loading project %s...\n", filename.c_str()); log_break(); vm.clear(); int version = root.get("project.version"); if (version != 1) log_error("Wrong project format version.\n"); std::string arch_name = root.get("project.arch.name"); if (arch_name != "ice40") log_error("Unsuported project architecture.\n"); std::string arch_type = root.get("project.arch.type"); vm.insert(std::make_pair(arch_type, po::variable_value())); std::string arch_package = root.get("project.arch.package"); vm.insert(std::make_pair("package", po::variable_value(arch_package, false))); auto project = root.get_child("project"); if (project.count("input")) { auto input = project.get_child("input"); if (input.count("json")) vm.insert(std::make_pair("json", po::variable_value(input.get("json"), false))); if (input.count("pcf")) vm.insert(std::make_pair("pcf", po::variable_value(input.get("pcf"), false))); } if (project.count("params")) { auto params = project.get_child("params"); if (params.count("freq")) vm.insert(std::make_pair("freq", po::variable_value(params.get("freq"), false))); if (params.count("seed")) vm.insert(std::make_pair("seed", po::variable_value(params.get("seed"), false))); } po::notify(vm); } catch (...) { log_error("Error loading project file.\n"); } } ArchArgs chipArgs; if (vm.count("lp384")) { if (chipArgs.type != ArchArgs::NONE) goto help; chipArgs.type = ArchArgs::LP384; chipArgs.package = "qn32"; } if (vm.count("lp1k")) { if (chipArgs.type != ArchArgs::NONE) goto help; chipArgs.type = ArchArgs::LP1K; chipArgs.package = "tq144"; } if (vm.count("lp8k")) { if (chipArgs.type != ArchArgs::NONE) goto help; chipArgs.type = ArchArgs::LP8K; chipArgs.package = "ct256"; } if (vm.count("hx1k")) { if (chipArgs.type != ArchArgs::NONE) goto help; chipArgs.type = ArchArgs::HX1K; chipArgs.package = "tq144"; } if (vm.count("hx8k")) { if (chipArgs.type != ArchArgs::NONE) goto help; chipArgs.type = ArchArgs::HX8K; chipArgs.package = "ct256"; } if (vm.count("up5k")) { if (chipArgs.type != ArchArgs::NONE) goto help; chipArgs.type = ArchArgs::UP5K; chipArgs.package = "sg48"; } if (chipArgs.type == ArchArgs::NONE) { chipArgs.type = ArchArgs::HX1K; chipArgs.package = "tq144"; } #ifdef ICE40_HX1K_ONLY if (chipArgs.type != ArchArgs::HX1K) { std::cout << "This version of nextpnr-ice40 is built with " "HX1K-support " "only.\n"; return 1; } #endif if (vm.count("package")) chipArgs.package = vm["package"].as(); if (vm.count("save")) { Context ctx(chipArgs); std::string filename = vm["save"].as(); std::ofstream f(filename); pt::ptree root; root.put("project.version", 1); root.put("project.name", boost::filesystem::basename(filename)); root.put("project.arch.name", ctx.archId().c_str(&ctx)); root.put("project.arch.type", ctx.archArgsToId(chipArgs).c_str(&ctx)); root.put("project.arch.package", chipArgs.package); if (vm.count("json")) root.put("project.input.json", vm["json"].as()); if (vm.count("pcf")) root.put("project.input.pcf", vm["pcf"].as()); if (vm.count("freq")) root.put("project.params.freq", vm["freq"].as()); if (vm.count("seed")) root.put("project.params.seed", vm["seed"].as()); pt::write_json(f, root); return 1; } std::unique_ptr ctx = std::unique_ptr(new Context(chipArgs)); if (vm.count("verbose")) { ctx->verbose = true; } if (vm.count("debug")) { ctx->verbose = true; ctx->debug = true; } if (vm.count("force")) { ctx->force = true; } if (vm.count("seed")) { ctx->rngseed(vm["seed"].as()); } if (vm.count("slack_redist_iter")) { ctx->slack_redist_iter = vm["slack_redist_iter"].as(); } if (vm.count("svg")) { std::cout << "\n"; for (auto bel : ctx->getBels()) { std::cout << "\n"; svg_dump_decal(ctx.get(), ctx->getBelDecal(bel)); } std::cout << "\n"; svg_dump_decal(ctx.get(), ctx->getFrameDecal()); std::cout << "\n"; } if (vm.count("test")) ctx->archcheck(); if (vm.count("tmfuzz")) { std::vector src_wires, dst_wires; /*for (auto w : ctx->getWires()) src_wires.push_back(w);*/ for (auto b : ctx->getBels()) { if (ctx->getBelType(b) == TYPE_ICESTORM_LC) { src_wires.push_back(ctx->getBelPinWire(b, PIN_O)); } if (ctx->getBelType(b) == TYPE_SB_IO) { src_wires.push_back(ctx->getBelPinWire(b, PIN_D_IN_0)); } } for (auto b : ctx->getBels()) { if (ctx->getBelType(b) == TYPE_ICESTORM_LC) { dst_wires.push_back(ctx->getBelPinWire(b, PIN_I0)); dst_wires.push_back(ctx->getBelPinWire(b, PIN_I1)); dst_wires.push_back(ctx->getBelPinWire(b, PIN_I2)); dst_wires.push_back(ctx->getBelPinWire(b, PIN_I3)); dst_wires.push_back(ctx->getBelPinWire(b, PIN_CEN)); dst_wires.push_back(ctx->getBelPinWire(b, PIN_CIN)); } if (ctx->getBelType(b) == TYPE_SB_IO) { dst_wires.push_back(ctx->getBelPinWire(b, PIN_D_OUT_0)); dst_wires.push_back(ctx->getBelPinWire(b, PIN_OUTPUT_ENABLE)); } } ctx->shuffle(src_wires); ctx->shuffle(dst_wires); for (int i = 0; i < int(src_wires.size()) && i < int(dst_wires.size()); i++) { delay_t actual_delay; WireId src = src_wires[i], dst = dst_wires[i]; if (!ctx->getActualRouteDelay(src, dst, actual_delay)) continue; printf("%s %s %.3f %.3f %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", ctx->getWireName(src).c_str(ctx.get()), ctx->getWireName(dst).c_str(ctx.get()), ctx->getDelayNS(actual_delay), ctx->getDelayNS(ctx->estimateDelay(src, dst)), ctx->chip_info->wire_data[src.index].x, ctx->chip_info->wire_data[src.index].y, ctx->chip_info->wire_data[src.index].type, ctx->chip_info->wire_data[dst.index].x, ctx->chip_info->wire_data[dst.index].y, ctx->chip_info->wire_data[dst.index].type); } } if (vm.count("freq")) { ctx->target_freq = vm["freq"].as() * 1e6; ctx->user_freq = true; } else { #ifndef NO_GUI if (!vm.count("gui")) #endif log_warning("Target frequency not specified. Will optimise for max frequency.\n"); } ctx->timing_driven = true; if (vm.count("no-tmdriv")) ctx->timing_driven = false; if (vm.count("read")) { std::string filename = vm["read"].as(); std::ifstream f(filename); if (!read_asc(ctx.get(), f)) log_error("Loading ASC failed.\n"); } #ifndef NO_GUI if (vm.count("gui")) { Application a(argc, argv); MainWindow w(std::move(ctx), chipArgs); if (vm.count("json")) { std::string filename = vm["json"].as(); std::string pcf = ""; if (vm.count("pcf")) pcf = vm["pcf"].as(); w.load_json(filename, pcf); } w.show(); return a.exec(); } #endif if (vm.count("json")) { std::string filename = vm["json"].as(); std::ifstream f(filename); if (!parse_json_file(f, filename, ctx.get())) log_error("Loading design failed.\n"); if (vm.count("pcf")) { std::ifstream pcf(vm["pcf"].as()); if (!apply_pcf(ctx.get(), pcf)) log_error("Loading PCF failed.\n"); } if (!ctx->pack() && !ctx->force) log_error("Packing design failed.\n"); ctx->check(); print_utilisation(ctx.get()); if (!vm.count("pack-only")) { if (!ctx->place() && !ctx->force) log_error("Placing design failed.\n"); ctx->check(); if (!ctx->route() && !ctx->force) log_error("Routing design failed.\n"); } } if (vm.count("asc")) { std::string filename = vm["asc"].as(); std::ofstream f(filename); write_asc(ctx.get(), f); } #ifndef NO_PYTHON if (vm.count("run")) { init_python(argv[0], true); python_export_global("ctx", *ctx.get()); std::vector files = vm["run"].as>(); for (auto filename : files) execute_python_file(filename.c_str()); deinit_python(); } #endif return rc; } catch (log_execution_error_exception) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); #else _Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); #endif } } #endif