path: root/passes/sat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'passes/sat')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/passes/sat/mutate.cc b/passes/sat/mutate.cc
index 04aebd897..3ecb955f0 100644
--- a/passes/sat/mutate.cc
+++ b/passes/sat/mutate.cc
@@ -25,16 +25,19 @@ PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
struct mutate_t {
std::string mode, src;
- IdString modname, cellname, celltype, cellport;
+ Module *module;
+ Cell *cell;
+ IdString cellport;
SigBit outsigbit;
int portbit = -1;
+ bool used = false;
struct mutate_opts_t {
+ int seed = 0;
std::string mode;
IdString module, cell, port;
int bit = -1;
IdString ctrl_name;
int ctrl_width, ctrl_value;
@@ -44,10 +47,10 @@ void database_add(std::vector<mutate_t> &database, const mutate_opts_t &opts, co
if (!opts.mode.empty() && opts.mode != entry.mode)
- if (!opts.module.empty() && opts.module != entry.modname)
+ if (!opts.module.empty() && opts.module != entry.module->name)
- if (!opts.cell.empty() && opts.cell != entry.cellname)
+ if (!opts.cell.empty() && opts.cell != entry.cell->name)
if (!opts.port.empty() && opts.port != entry.cellport)
@@ -59,8 +62,159 @@ void database_add(std::vector<mutate_t> &database, const mutate_opts_t &opts, co
+struct xs128_t
+ uint32_t x = 123456789;
+ uint32_t y = 0, z = 0, w = 0;
+ xs128_t(int seed = 0) : w(seed) {
+ next();
+ next();
+ next();
+ }
+ void next() {
+ uint32_t t = x ^ (x << 11);
+ x = y, y = z, z = w;
+ w ^= (w >> 19) ^ t ^ (t >> 8);
+ }
+ int operator()() {
+ next();
+ return w & 0x3fffffff;
+ }
+ int operator()(int n) {
+ if (n < 2)
+ return 0;
+ while (1) {
+ int k = (*this)(), p = k % n;
+ if ((k - p + n) <= 0x40000000)
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
+struct mutate_leaf_queue_t
+ pool<mutate_t*, hash_ptr_ops> db;
+ mutate_t *pick(xs128_t &rng) {
+ while (!db.empty()) {
+ int i = rng(GetSize(db));
+ auto it = db.element(i);
+ mutate_t *m = *it;
+ db.erase(it);
+ if (m->used == false) {
+ m->used = true;
+ return m;
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ void add(mutate_t *m) {
+ db.insert(m);
+ }
+template <typename K, typename T>
+struct mutate_inner_queue_t
+ dict<K, T> db;
+ mutate_t *pick(xs128_t &rng) {
+ while (!db.empty()) {
+ int i = rng(GetSize(db));
+ auto it = db.element(i);
+ mutate_t *m = it->second.pick(rng);
+ if (m != nullptr)
+ return m;
+ db.erase(it);
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ template<typename... Args>
+ void add(mutate_t *m, K key, Args... args) {
+ db[key].add(m, args...);
+ }
void database_reduce(std::vector<mutate_t> &database, const mutate_opts_t &opts, int N)
+ if (N >= GetSize(database))
+ return;
+ mutate_inner_queue_t<Wire*, mutate_leaf_queue_t> primary_queue_wire;
+ mutate_inner_queue_t<SigBit, mutate_leaf_queue_t> primary_queue_bit;
+ mutate_inner_queue_t<Cell*, mutate_leaf_queue_t> primary_queue_cell;
+ mutate_inner_queue_t<string, mutate_leaf_queue_t> primary_queue_src;
+ mutate_inner_queue_t<Module*, mutate_inner_queue_t<Wire*, mutate_leaf_queue_t>> primary_queue_module_wire;
+ mutate_inner_queue_t<Module*, mutate_inner_queue_t<SigBit, mutate_leaf_queue_t>> primary_queue_module_bit;
+ mutate_inner_queue_t<Module*, mutate_inner_queue_t<Cell*, mutate_leaf_queue_t>> primary_queue_module_cell;
+ mutate_inner_queue_t<Module*, mutate_inner_queue_t<string, mutate_leaf_queue_t>> primary_queue_module_src;
+ for (auto &m : database)
+ {
+ if (m.outsigbit.wire) {
+ primary_queue_wire.add(&m, m.outsigbit.wire);
+ primary_queue_bit.add(&m, m.outsigbit);
+ primary_queue_module_wire.add(&m, m.module, m.outsigbit.wire);
+ primary_queue_module_bit.add(&m, m.module, m.outsigbit);
+ }
+ primary_queue_cell.add(&m, m.cell);
+ primary_queue_module_cell.add(&m, m.module, m.cell);
+ if (!m.src.empty()) {
+ primary_queue_src.add(&m, m.src);
+ primary_queue_module_src.add(&m, m.module, m.src);
+ }
+ }
+ int weight_pq_w = 100;
+ int weight_pq_b = 100;
+ int weight_pq_c = 100;
+ int weight_pq_s = 100;
+ int weight_pq_mw = 100;
+ int weight_pq_mb = 100;
+ int weight_pq_mc = 100;
+ int weight_pq_ms = 100;
+ int total_weight = weight_pq_w + weight_pq_b + weight_pq_c + weight_pq_s;
+ total_weight += weight_pq_mw + weight_pq_mb + weight_pq_mc + weight_pq_ms;
+ std::vector<mutate_t> new_database;
+ xs128_t rng(opts.seed);
+ while (GetSize(new_database) < N)
+ {
+ int k = rng(total_weight);
+#define X(__wght, __queue) \
+ k -= __wght; \
+ if (k < 0) { \
+ mutate_t *m = __queue.pick(rng); \
+ if (m != nullptr) \
+ new_database.push_back(*m); \
+ continue; \
+ }
+ X(weight_pq_w, primary_queue_wire)
+ X(weight_pq_b, primary_queue_bit)
+ X(weight_pq_c, primary_queue_cell)
+ X(weight_pq_s, primary_queue_src)
+ X(weight_pq_mw, primary_queue_module_wire)
+ X(weight_pq_mb, primary_queue_module_bit)
+ X(weight_pq_mc, primary_queue_module_cell)
+ X(weight_pq_ms, primary_queue_module_src)
+ }
+ std::swap(new_database, database);
void mutate_list(Design *design, const mutate_opts_t &opts, const string &filename, int N)
@@ -108,9 +262,8 @@ void mutate_list(Design *design, const mutate_opts_t &opts, const string &filena
mutate_t entry;
entry.mode = "inv";
entry.src = cell->get_src_attribute();
- entry.modname = module->name;
- entry.cellname = cell->name;
- entry.celltype = cell->type;
+ entry.module = module;
+ entry.cell = cell;
entry.cellport = conn.first;
entry.portbit = i;
@@ -140,12 +293,17 @@ void mutate_list(Design *design, const mutate_opts_t &opts, const string &filena
log_error("Could not open file \"%s\" with write access.\n", filename.c_str());
+ int ctrl_value = opts.ctrl_value;
for (auto &entry : database) {
- string str = stringf("mutate -mode %s", entry.mode.c_str());
- if (!entry.modname.empty())
- str += stringf(" -module %s", log_id(entry.modname));
- if (!entry.cellname.empty())
- str += stringf(" -cell %s", log_id(entry.cellname));
+ string str = "mutate";
+ if (!opts.ctrl_name.empty())
+ str += stringf(" -ctrl %s %d %d", log_id(opts.ctrl_name), opts.ctrl_width, ctrl_value++);
+ str += stringf(" -mode %s", entry.mode.c_str());
+ if (entry.module)
+ str += stringf(" -module %s", log_id(entry.module));
+ if (entry.cell)
+ str += stringf(" -cell %s", log_id(entry.cell));
if (!entry.cellport.empty())
str += stringf(" -port %s", log_id(entry.cellport));
if (entry.portbit >= 0)
@@ -253,6 +411,13 @@ struct MutatePass : public Pass {
log(" -o filename\n");
log(" Write list to this file instead of console output\n");
+ log(" -seed N\n");
+ log(" RNG seed for selecting mutations\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -ctrl name width value\n");
+ log(" Add -ctrl options to the output. Use 'value' for first mutation, then\n");
+ log(" simply count up from there.\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -mode name\n");
log(" -module name\n");
log(" -cell name\n");
@@ -296,6 +461,10 @@ struct MutatePass : public Pass {
filename = args[++argidx];
+ if (args[argidx] == "-seed" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ opts.seed = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
if (args[argidx] == "-mode" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
opts.mode = args[++argidx];