Source: plptools Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.2), automake (>= 1:1.4-p4-1.1) | automake1.6, autoconf, libtool, gettext, libncurses5-dev, libreadline5-dev, libnewt-dev, kdoc Section: otherosfs Priority: optional Maintainer: John Lines Standards-Version: Package: plptools Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, debconf (>= 1.0) Description: Access a Psion PDA over a serial link This package lets you access EPOC devices' drives over a serial link. You can mount them NFS-style, access them FTP-style, and use a local printer from the remote device (EPOC32 only). . Homepage: Package: plptools-dev Architecture: any Section: devel Depends: plptools (= ${Source-Version}) Description: plptools (development files) This package provides a static library, headers and API documentation for plptools development. You need these files if you want to build programs which use libplp.