KPsion" -- delete this, if kpsion is in global KDE entities --> %ents; ]> The &kpsion; handbook Fritz Elfert
2001 Fritz Elfert &FDLNotice; __DATE__ __VERSION__ &kpsion; is an application for handling backup, restore and formatting of Psion PDAs. KDE plptools KPsion Psion PDA backup restore format
Introduction Welcome to &kpsion;! &kpsion; is an application handling backup, restore and formatting of Psion PDAs for the K Desktop Environment. It uses the daemon ncpd and the libraries from the plptools package. This program is meant to be started from the command line or from .desktop files. Installation Downloading &kpsion; is part of the plptools package. The plptools package is available at Compiling The plptools package is not focussed on KDE application. Therefore, to enable the build of KDE related stuff (&kpsion; is part of that) you have to use the option when running plptools configure. The build process usual works like this: $ ./configure $ make $ make You will have to execute the last step as root. The installation process needs to be able to write to the system wide KDE directories. Using &kpsion; Usage of &kpsion; is easy. The syntax is one of the following: kpsion kpsion --autobackup kpsion --backup DRIVE kpsion --restore DRIVE kpsion --format DRIVE If started without any options, &kpsion; starts up in interactive mode. If started with any of the above options, &kpsion; performs the given task non interactively. This specifies to run a scheduled backup of the connected Psion. If no psion is connected, nothing happens. This option starts backup of the specified DRIVE. DRIVE is a single drive letter. This option starts restore of the specified DRIVE. DRIVE is a single drive letter. This option starts format of the specified DRIVE. DRIVE is a single drive letter. Configuration TBD Internals TBD Author Copyright 2001 Fritz Elfert &kpsion; is written by Fritz Elfert. The author can be reached through email at Please report any bugs you find to me so that I can fix them. If you have a suggestion, feel free to contact me. &underFDL; &underGPL;