/* A KIOslave for KDE2 Copyright (C) 2001 Fritz Elfert This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "kio_plp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KIO; static int PLP_DEBUGAREA = 7999; // until we get an offical assignment #define kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) cout extern "C" { int kdemain(int argc, char **argv); } int kdemain( int argc, char **argv ) { KInstance instance( "kio_nfs" ); if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: kio_nfs protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2\n"); exit(-1); } kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "PLP: kdemain: starting" << endl; PLPProtocol slave(argv[2], argv[3]); slave.dispatchLoop(); return 0; } static void stripTrailingSlash(QString& path) { if (path=="/") path=""; else if (path[path.length()-1]=='/') path.truncate(path.length()-1); } static QString baseName(const QString& path) { return path.mid(path.findRev("/") + 1); } static QString removeFirstPart(const QString& path, QString &removed) { QString result(""); if (path.isEmpty()) { removed = ""; return result; } result = path.mid(1); int slashPos = result.find("/"); if (slashPos == -1) { removed = result; result = ""; } else { removed = result.left(slashPos); result = result.mid(slashPos); } return result; } PLPProtocol::PLPProtocol (const QCString &pool, const QCString &app) :SlaveBase("psion", pool, app), plpRfsv(0), plpRfsvSocket(0) { currentHost = ""; struct servent *se = getservbyname("psion", "tcp"); endservent(); if (se != 0L) currentPort = ntohs(se->s_port); else currentPort = DPORT; kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "PLP::PLP: -" << pool << "-" << endl; } PLPProtocol::~PLPProtocol() { closeConnection(); } void PLPProtocol:: closeConnection() { if (plpRfsv) delete(plpRfsv); if (plpRfsvSocket) delete(plpRfsvSocket); plpRfsv = 0; plpRfsvSocket = 0; } bool PLPProtocol:: isRoot(const QString& path) { return (path.isEmpty() || (path=="/")); } bool PLPProtocol:: isDrive(const QString& path) { QString tmp = path; stripTrailingSlash(tmp); for (QStringList::Iterator it = drives.begin(); it != drives.end(); it++) { QString cmp = "/" + *it; if (cmp == tmp) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool PLPProtocol:: isRomDrive(const QString& path) { return (driveChar(path) == 'Z'); } char PLPProtocol:: driveChar(const QString& path) { QString vname; QString dummy = removeFirstPart(path, vname); if (drivechars.find(vname) != drivechars.end()) return drivechars[vname]; return '\0'; } void PLPProtocol:: convertName(QString &path) { kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "convert: in='" << path << "' out='"; QString dummy; QString drive; drive.sprintf("%c:", driveChar(path)); path = drive + removeFirstPart(path, dummy); path.replace(QRegExp("/"), "\\"); kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << path << "'" << endl; } void PLPProtocol:: openConnection() { kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "PLP::openConnection" << endl; closeConnection(); plpRfsvSocket = new ppsocket(); if (!plpRfsvSocket->connect((char *)(currentHost.data()), currentPort)) { error(ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT, i18n("Could not connect to ncpd")); return; } rfsvfactory factory(plpRfsvSocket); plpRfsv = factory.create(false); if (plpRfsv == 0) { error(ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT, i18n("Could not read version info")); return; } long devbits; Enum res; if ((res = plpRfsv->devlist(devbits)) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { char vname[256]; long vtotal, vfree, vattr, vuniqueid; if ((devbits & 1) != 0) { if (plpRfsv->devinfo(i, vfree, vtotal, vattr, vuniqueid, vname) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { QString name; if (strlen(vname)) name = QString(vname); else name.sprintf("%c", 'A' + i); drives.append(name); drivechars.insert(name, 'A' + i); } } devbits >>= 1; } } else { error(ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT, i18n("Could not get drive list")); return; } connected(); kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "openConnection succeeded" << endl; } bool PLPProtocol:: checkConnection() { if (plpRfsv == 0) openConnection(); return (plpRfsv == 0); } void PLPProtocol:: listDir(const KURL& _url) { KURL url(_url); QString path(QFile::encodeName(url.path())); if (path.isEmpty()) { url.setPath("/"); redirection(url); finished(); return; } if (checkConnection()) return; if (isRoot(path)) { kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "listing root" << endl; totalSize(drives.count()); //in this case we don't need to do a real listdir UDSEntry entry; for (QStringList::Iterator it = drives.begin(); it != drives.end(); it++) { UDSAtom atom; entry.clear(); atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_NAME; atom.m_str = (*it); kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "listing " << (*it) << endl; entry.append(atom); createVirtualDirEntry(entry, drivechars[*it] == 'Z'); listEntry(entry, false); } listEntry(entry, true); finished(); return; } kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "getting subdir -" << path << "-" << endl; bool rom = isRomDrive(path); convertName(path); path += "\\"; PlpDir files; Enum res = plpRfsv->dir(path, files); if (checkForError(res)) return; totalSize(files.size()); UDSEntry entry; for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { UDSAtom atom; PlpDirent e = files[i]; long attr = e.getAttr(); entry.clear(); atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_NAME; atom.m_str = e.getName(); entry.append(atom); if (rom) attr |= rfsv::PSI_A_RDONLY; completeUDSEntry(entry, attr, e.getSize(), e.getPsiTime().getTime()); listEntry(entry, false); } listEntry(entry, true); // ready finished(); } void PLPProtocol:: createVirtualDirEntry(UDSEntry & entry, bool rdonly) { UDSAtom atom; atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE; atom.m_long = S_IFDIR; entry.append( atom ); atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_ACCESS; atom.m_long = S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; if (!rdonly) atom.m_long |= (S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH); entry.append( atom ); atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_SIZE; atom.m_long = 0; entry.append( atom ); } bool PLPProtocol:: emitTotalSize(QString &name) { long attr; long size; bool err; PsiTime time; Enum res = plpRfsv->fgeteattr(name, attr, size, time); if (checkForError(res)) return true; totalSize(size); return false; } void PLPProtocol:: stat( const KURL & url) { QString path(QFile::encodeName(url.path())); UDSEntry entry; UDSAtom atom; if (checkConnection()) return; kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "stat(" << path << ")" << endl; stripTrailingSlash(path); if (isRoot(path) || isDrive(path)) { atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_NAME; atom.m_str = path; entry.append(atom); createVirtualDirEntry(entry, isRoot(path) || isRomDrive(path)); statEntry(entry); finished(); kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "succeeded" << endl; return; } bool rom = isRomDrive(path); QString fileName = baseName(path); convertName(path); if (path.isEmpty()) { error(ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, fileName); return; } long attr, size; PsiTime time; Enum res = plpRfsv->fgeteattr(path, attr, size, time); if (checkForError(res)) return; if (rom) attr |= rfsv::PSI_A_RDONLY; atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_NAME; atom.m_str = fileName; entry.append(atom); completeUDSEntry(entry, attr, size, time.getTime()); statEntry(entry); finished(); } void PLPProtocol:: completeUDSEntry(UDSEntry& entry, const long attr, const long size, const time_t date) { UDSAtom atom; atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_SIZE; atom.m_long = size; entry.append(atom); atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME; atom.m_long = date; entry.append(atom); atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_ACCESS; atom.m_long = S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH; if (attr & rfsv::PSI_A_DIR) atom.m_long |= S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH; if (!(attr & rfsv::PSI_A_RDONLY)) atom.m_long |= S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH; entry.append(atom); atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE; atom.m_long = (attr & rfsv::PSI_A_DIR) ? S_IFDIR : S_IFREG; entry.append(atom); #if 0 KIO::UDSEntry::ConstIterator it = entry.begin(); for( ; it != entry.end(); it++ ) { switch ((*it).m_uds) { case KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE: kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "File Type : " << (mode_t)((*it).m_long) << endl; break; case KIO::UDS_SIZE: kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "File Size : " << (long)((*it).m_long) << endl; break; case KIO::UDS_ACCESS: kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "Access permissions : " << (mode_t)((*it).m_long) << endl; break; case KIO::UDS_USER: kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "User : " << ((*it).m_str.ascii() ) << endl; break; case KIO::UDS_GROUP: kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "Group : " << ((*it).m_str.ascii() ) << endl; break; case KIO::UDS_NAME: kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "Name : " << ((*it).m_str.ascii() ) << endl; //m_strText = decodeFileName( (*it).m_str ); break; case KIO::UDS_URL: kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "URL : " << ((*it).m_str.ascii() ) << endl; break; case KIO::UDS_MIME_TYPE: kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "MimeType : " << ((*it).m_str.ascii() ) << endl; break; case KIO::UDS_LINK_DEST: kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "LinkDest : " << ((*it).m_str.ascii() ) << endl; break; } } #endif } void PLPProtocol:: setHost(const QString& host, int port, const QString&, const QString&) { kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "setHost(" << host << "," << port << ")" << endl; QString tmphost = host; if (host.isEmpty()) tmphost = "localhost"; if (port == 0) { struct servent *se = getservbyname("psion", "tcp"); endservent(); if (se != 0L) port = ntohs(se->s_port); else port = DPORT; } if ((tmphost == currentHost) && (port == currentPort)) return; currentHost = tmphost; currentPort = port; closeConnection(); } void PLPProtocol:: mkdir(const KURL& url, int) { kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "mkdir" << endl; QString name(QFile::encodeName(url.path())); if (checkConnection()) return; kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "mkdir(" << name << ")" << endl; if (isRomDrive(name)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("read only filesystem")); return; } if (isRoot(name) || isDrive(name)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("Virtual directory")); return; } convertName(name); Enum res = plpRfsv->mkdir(name); if (checkForError(res)) return; finished(); } bool PLPProtocol:: checkForError(Enum res) { if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "plp error: " << res << endl; QString text(res.toString().data()); switch (res) { case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_ACCESS: error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, text); break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_EXIST: error(ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST, text); break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_NXIST: error(ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, text); break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_DIR: error(ERR_IS_DIRECTORY, text); break; default: error(ERR_UNKNOWN, text); break; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void PLPProtocol:: del( const KURL& url, bool isfile) { kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "del" << endl; QString name(QFile::encodeName(url.path())); if (checkConnection()) return; kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "del(" << name << ")" << endl; if (isRomDrive(name)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("read only filesystem")); return; } if (isRoot(name) || isDrive(name)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("Virtual directory")); return; } convertName(name); Enum res = (isfile) ? plpRfsv->remove(name) : plpRfsv->rmdir(name); if (checkForError(res)) return; finished(); } void PLPProtocol:: chmod( const KURL& url, int permissions ) { kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "del" << endl; QString name(QFile::encodeName(url.path())); if (checkConnection()) return; kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "chmod(" << name << ")" << endl; if (isRomDrive(name)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("read only filesystem")); return; } if (isRoot(name) || isDrive(name)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("Virtual directory")); return; } convertName(name); long attr[2]; attr[0] = attr[1] = 0; Enum res = plpRfsv->fsetattr(name, attr[0], attr[1]); if (checkForError(res)) return; finished(); } void PLPProtocol:: get( const KURL& url ) { kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "get" << endl; QString name(QFile::encodeName(url.path())); if (checkConnection()) return; kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "get(" << name << ")" << endl; if (isRoot(name) || isDrive(name)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("Virtual directory")); return; } convertName(name); Enum res; long handle; long len; long size; long total = 0; if (emitTotalSize(name)) return; res = plpRfsv->fopen(plpRfsv->opMode(rfsv::PSI_O_RDONLY), name, handle); if (checkForError(res)) return; QByteArray a(RFSV_SENDLEN); do { if ((res = plpRfsv->fread(handle, (unsigned char *)(a.data()), RFSV_SENDLEN, len)) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { if (len < RFSV_SENDLEN) a.resize(len); data(a); total += len; calcprogress(total); } } while ((len > 0) && (res == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE)); plpRfsv->fclose(handle); if (checkForError(res)) return; data(QByteArray()); finished(); } //TODO the partial putting thing is not yet implemented void PLPProtocol:: put( const KURL& url, int _mode, bool _overwrite, bool /*_resume*/ ) { kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "get" << endl; QString name(QFile::encodeName(url.path())); if (checkConnection()) return; kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "put(" << name << ")" << endl; if (isRomDrive(name)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("read only filesystem")); return; } if (isRoot(name) || isDrive(name)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("Virtual directory")); return; } convertName(name); Enum res; long handle; int result; res = plpRfsv->fcreatefile(plpRfsv->opMode(rfsv::PSI_O_RDWR), name, handle); if ((res == rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_EXIST) && _overwrite) res = plpRfsv->freplacefile(plpRfsv->opMode(rfsv::PSI_O_RDWR), name, handle); if (checkForError(res)) return; do { QByteArray a; dataReq(); result = readData(a); const unsigned char *data = (const unsigned char *)(a.data()); long len = a.size(); if (result > 0) do { long written; int count = (len > RFSV_SENDLEN) ? RFSV_SENDLEN : len; res = plpRfsv->fwrite(handle, data, count, written); if (checkForError(res)) { plpRfsv->fclose(handle); return; } len -= written; data += written; } while (len > 0); } while (result > 0); plpRfsv->fclose(handle); finished(); } void PLPProtocol:: rename(const KURL &src, const KURL &dest, bool _overwrite) { QString from(QFile::encodeName(src.path())); QString to(QFile::encodeName(dest.path())); if (checkConnection()) return; kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "rename(" << from << "," << to << ")" << endl; if ((driveChar(from) != driveChar(to)) && (driveChar(to) != '\0')) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("Virtual directory")); kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "from FS != to FS" << endl; return; } if (isRomDrive(from)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("read only filesystem")); kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "from ROFS" << endl; return; } if (isRoot(from)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("Virtual directory")); kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "from VFS" << endl; return; } bool volRename = isDrive(from); if (isRomDrive(to)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("read only filesystem")); kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "to ROFS" << endl; return; } if (isRoot(to)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("Virtual directory")); kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "to VFS" << endl; return; } Enum res; kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "ren: from=" << from << " to=" << to << endl; if (volRename) { to = to.mid(1); res = plpRfsv->setVolumeName(driveChar(from), to); if (res == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { char drvc = driveChar(from); drivechars.remove(from); drivechars.insert(to, drvc); } } else { convertName(from); convertName(to); if (!_overwrite) { long attr; if ((res = plpRfsv->fgetattr(to, attr)) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { error(ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST, to); return; } } res = plpRfsv->rename(from, to); } if (checkForError(res)) return; finished(); } extern "C" { static int progresswrapper(void *ptr, long total) { ((PLPProtocol *)ptr)->calcprogress(total); return 1; } } void PLPProtocol:: calcprogress(long total) { time_t t = time(0); if (t - t_last) { processedSize(total); speed(total / (t - t_start)); t_last = t; } } void PLPProtocol:: copy( const KURL &src, const KURL &dest, int _mode, bool _overwrite ) { QString from( QFile::encodeName(src.path())); QString to( QFile::encodeName(dest.path())); if (checkConnection()) return; kdDebug(PLP_DEBUGAREA) << "copy(" << from << "," << to << ")" << endl; if (isRoot(from) || isDrive(from)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("Virtual directory")); return; } convertName(from); if (isRomDrive(to)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("read only filesystem")); return; } if (isRoot(to) || isDrive(to)) { error(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, i18n("Virtual directory")); return; } convertName(to); Enum res; if (!_overwrite) { long attr; if ((res = plpRfsv->fgetattr(to, attr)) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { error(ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST, to); return; } } if (emitTotalSize(from)) return; t_last = t_start = time(0); res = plpRfsv->copyOnPsion(from, to, (void *)this, progresswrapper); if (checkForError(res)) return; finished(); }