path: root/package/ppp/patches/203-opt_flags.patch
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* ppp: annotate most patches with description and S-o-bJo-Philipp Wich2012-06-191-0/+8
* refresh patchesHauke Mehrtens2009-05-211-8/+6
* Make patches apply agagin. The deleted parts were two times in the patches.Hauke Mehrtens2009-05-211-26/+0
* update ppp to v2.4.4 (#5102)Jo-Philipp Wich2009-05-201-0/+52
4 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238
# - IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel backend
# Copyright (c) 2010-2012

[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
	. /etc/
	. ../
	init_proto "$@"

find_6to4_wanif() {
	local if=$(ip -4 r l e; if="${if#default* dev }"; if="${if%% *}"
	[ -n "$if" ] && grep -qs "^ *$if:" /proc/net/dev && echo "$if"

find_6to4_wanip() {
	local ip=$(ip -4 a s dev "$1"); ip="${ip#*inet }"
	echo "${ip%%[^0-9.]*}"

find_6to4_prefix() {
	local ip4="$1"
	local oIFS="$IFS"; IFS="."; set -- $ip4; IFS="$oIFS"

	printf "2002:%02x%02x:%02x%02x\n" $1 $2 $3 $4

	local oIFS="$IFS"; IFS="."; set -- $1; IFS="$oIFS"
	[ $1 -eq  10 ] && return 0
	[ $1 -eq 192 ] && [ $2 -eq 168 ] && return 0
	[ $1 -eq 172 ] && [ $2 -ge  16 ] && [ $2 -le  31 ] && return 0
	return 1

set_6to4_radvd_interface() {
	local cfgid="$1"
	local lanif="${2:-lan}"
	local ifmtu="${3:-1280}"
	local ifsection=""

	find_ifsection() {
		local net
		local cfg="$1"
		config_get net "$cfg" interface

		[ "$net" = "$lanif" ] && {
			return 1

	config_foreach find_ifsection interface

	[ -z "$ifsection" ] && {
		uci_set_state radvd "$ifsection" "" interface
		uci_set_state radvd "$ifsection" interface "$lanif"

	uci_set_state radvd "$ifsection" ignore            0
	uci_set_state radvd "$ifsection" IgnoreIfMissing   1
	uci_set_state radvd "$ifsection" AdvSendAdvert     1
	uci_set_state radvd "$ifsection" MaxRtrAdvInterval 30
	uci_set_state radvd "$ifsection" AdvLinkMTU        "$ifmtu"

set_6to4_radvd_prefix() {
	local cfgid="$1"
	local lanif="${2:-lan}"
	local wanif="${3:-wan}"
	local prefix="${4:-0:0:0:1::/64}"
	local vlt="${5:-300}"
	local plt="${6:-120}"
	local pfxsection=""

	find_pfxsection() {
		local net base
		local cfg="$1"
		config_get net  "$cfg" interface
		config_get base "$cfg" Base6to4Interface

		[ "$net" = "$lanif" ] && [ "$base" = "$wanif" ] && {
			return 1

	config_foreach find_pfxsection prefix

	[ -z "$pfxsection" ] && {
		uci_set_state radvd "$pfxsection" ""                   prefix
		uci_set_state radvd "$pfxsection" ignore               0
		uci_set_state radvd "$pfxsection" interface            "$lanif"
		uci_set_state radvd "$pfxsection" prefix               "$prefix"
		uci_set_state radvd "$pfxsection" AdvOnLink            1
		uci_set_state radvd "$pfxsection" AdvAutonomous        1
		uci_set_state radvd "$pfxsection" AdvValidLifetime     "$vlt"
		uci_set_state radvd "$pfxsection" AdvPreferredLifetime "$plt"
		uci_set_state radvd "$pfxsection" Base6to4Interface    "$wanif"

tun_error() {
	local cfg="$1"; shift;

	[ -n "$1" ] && proto_notify_error "$cfg" "$@"
	proto_block_restart "$cfg"

proto_6to4_setup() {
	local cfg="$1"
	local iface="$2"
	local link="6to4-$cfg"

	json_get_var mtu mtu
	json_get_var ttl ttl
	json_get_var local4 ipaddr

	json_get_var adv_subnet adv_subnet
	json_get_var adv_interface adv_interface
	json_get_var adv_valid_lifetime adv_valid_lifetime
	json_get_var adv_preferred_lifetime adv_preferred_lifetime

	local wanif=$(find_6to4_wanif)
	[ -z "$wanif" ] && {
		tun_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"

	. /lib/network/
	local wancfg="$(find_config "$wanif")"
	[ -z "$wancfg" ] && {
		tun_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"

	# If local4 is unset, guess local IPv4 address from the
	# interface used by the default route.
	[ -z "$local4" ] && {
		[ -n "$wanif" ] && local4=$(find_6to4_wanip "$wanif")

	[ -z "$local4" ] && {
		tun_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"

	test_6to4_rfc1918 "$local4" && {
		tun_error "$cfg" "INVALID_LOCAL_ADDRESS"

	# find our local prefix
	local prefix6=$(find_6to4_prefix "$local4")
	local local6="$prefix6::1"

	proto_init_update "$link" 1
	proto_add_ipv6_address "$local6" 16
	proto_add_ipv6_route "::" 0 "::"

	json_add_string mode sit
	json_add_int mtu "${mtu:-1280}"
	json_add_int ttl "${ttl:-64}"
	json_add_string local "$local4"

	proto_send_update "$cfg"

	[ -f /etc/config/radvd ] && /etc/init.d/radvd enabled && {
		local sid="6to4_$cfg"

		uci_revert_state radvd
		config_load radvd


		local adv_subnets=""

		for adv_interface in ${adv_interface:-lan}; do
			local adv_ifname
			config_get adv_ifname "${adv_interface:-lan}" ifname

			grep -qs "^ *$adv_ifname:" /proc/net/dev && {
				local subnet6="$(printf "%s:%x::1/64" "$prefix6" $adv_subnet)"

				logger -t "$link" " * Advertising IPv6 subnet $subnet6 on ${adv_interface:-lan} ($adv_ifname)"
				ip -6 addr add $subnet6 dev $adv_ifname

				set_6to4_radvd_interface "$sid" "$adv_interface" "$mtu"
				set_6to4_radvd_prefix    "$sid" "$adv_interface" \
					"$wancfg" "$(printf "0:0:0:%x::/64" $adv_subnet)" \
					"$adv_valid_lifetime" "$adv_preferred_lifetime"

				adv_subnets="${adv_subnets:+$adv_subnets }$adv_ifname:$subnet6"
				adv_subnet=$(($adv_subnet + 1))

		uci_set_state network "$cfg" adv_subnets "$adv_subnets"

		/etc/init.d/radvd restart

proto_6to4_teardown() {
	local cfg="$1"
	local link="6to4-$cfg"

	local adv_subnets=$(uci_get_state network "$cfg" adv_subnets)

	grep -qs "^ *$link:" /proc/net/dev && {
		[ -n "$adv_subnets" ] && {
			uci_revert_state radvd
			/etc/init.d/radvd enabled && /etc/init.d/radvd restart

proto_6to4_init_config() {

	proto_config_add_string "ipaddr"
	proto_config_add_int "mtu"
	proto_config_add_int "ttl"
	proto_config_add_string "adv_interface"
	proto_config_add_string "adv_subnet"
	proto_config_add_int "adv_valid_lifetime"
	proto_config_add_int "adv_preferred_lifetime"

[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
	add_protocol 6to4