path: root/target/linux/at91-2.6/image
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'target/linux/at91-2.6/image')
48 files changed, 0 insertions, 22117 deletions
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/Config.in b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/Config.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 6607f6c325..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/Config.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-config AT91_DFBOOT
- bool "Build dataflashboot loader"
- depends LINUX_2_6_AT91
- default y
-config AT91_UBOOT
- bool "Build u-boot loader"
- depends LINUX_2_6_AT91
- default y
- string "U-Boot Board Configuration"
- depends LINUX_2_6_AT91
- depends AT91_UBOOT
- default "vlink"
- help
- For all supported boards there are ready-to-use default
- configurations available; just type "<board_name>".
- string "IP Address for U-Boot"
- depends LINUX_2_6_AT91
- depends AT91_UBOOT
- default ""
- help
- IP address of device to be used in U-Boot
- string "IP Address of TFTP server"
- depends LINUX_2_6_AT91
- depends AT91_UBOOT
- default ""
- help
- IP address of TFTP server for U-Boot
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/Makefile b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e855f06ef..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/image.mk
-define Build/Clean
- $(MAKE) -C dfboot clean
- $(MAKE) -C u-boot clean
-define Build/Compile
- $(MAKE) -C dfboot compile
- $(MAKE) -C u-boot compile
- $(KDIR)/u-boot-1.1.4/tools/ubparams
- cp params $(KDIR)
-define Image/Prepare
- cp $(LINUX_DIR)/arch/arm/boot/uImage $(KDIR)/uImage
- cp $(KDIR)/dfboot/dfboot.bin $(KDIR)/dfboot.bin
- cp $(KDIR)/dfboot/dfbptest.bin $(KDIR)/dfbptest.bin
- cp $(KDIR)/u-boot-1.1.4/u-boot.bin $(KDIR)/u-boot.bin
- dd if=$(KDIR)/u-boot.bin of=$(KDIR)/u-boot.block bs=100k count=1 conv=sync
- cat $(KDIR)/u-boot.block $(KDIR)/params > $(KDIR)/u-boot.full
-define Image/BuildKernel
- cp $(KDIR)/uImage $(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(BOARD)-$(KERNEL)-uImage
-define Image/Build
- dd if=$(KDIR)/uImage of=$(KDIR)/uImage.block bs=8448 conv=sync
- dd if=$(KDIR)/root.squashfs of=$(KDIR)/root.block bs=8448 conv=sync
- cat $(KDIR)/uImage.block $(KDIR)/root.block > $(KDIR)/knlroot.bin
- $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/trx -o $(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(BOARD)-$(KERNEL).trx -f $(KDIR)/dfboot.bin -f$(KDIR)/u-boot.full -f$(KDIR)/knlroot.bin
- cp $(KDIR)/dfbptest.bin $(BIN_DIR)
- $(call Image/Build/$(1),$(1))
-$(eval $(call BuildImage))
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/Makefile b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 355a4b540f..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-# $Id$
-include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/kernel.mk
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
-define Build/Prepare
- mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
- $(CP) ./src/* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/
-define Build/Compile
-define Build/InstallDev
- dd if=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/binary/dfboot.bin of=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/binary/dfboot.block bs=32k count=1 conv=sync
-$(eval $(call Build/DefaultTargets))
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/Makefile b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ff92e0d499..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for DataFlashBoot.bin
-# Must use toolchain with H/W FLoating Point
-LDFLAGS+=-T elf32-littlearm.lds -Ttext 0
-OBJS=objs/cstartup_ram.o objs/at45.o objs/com.o objs/dataflash.o\
- objs/div0.o objs/init.o objs/main.o objs/asm_isr.o objs/asm_mci_isr.o\
- objs/mci_device.o objs/jump.o objs/_udivsi3.o objs/_umodsi3.o
-OBJS2=objs/cstartup_ram.o objs/at45.o objs/com.o objs/dataflash.o\
- objs/div0.o objs/init.o objs/ptmain.o objs/asm_isr.o objs/asm_mci_isr.o\
- objs/mci_device.o objs/jump.o objs/_udivsi3.o objs/_umodsi3.o
-I=config.h com.h dataflash.h embedded_services.h main.h stdio.h include/AT91RM9200.h include/lib_AT91RM9200.h
-all:clean $(BASENAME) $(BASENAME2)
- $(LINK) -n -o $(OUTNAME) $(OBJS)
- $(OBJCOPY) $(OUTNAME) -O binary $(BINNAME)
- $(OBJDUMP) -h -s $(OUTNAME) > $(LSSNAME)
- $(NM) -n $(OUTNAME) | grep -v '\( [aUw] \)\|\(__crc_\)\|\( \$[adt]\)' > $(MAPNAME)
- cp $(BINNAME) binary
- $(LINK) -n -o $(OUTNAME2) $(OBJS2)
- $(OBJCOPY) $(OUTNAME2) -O binary $(BINNAME2)
- $(OBJDUMP) -h -s $(OUTNAME2) > $(LSSNAME2)
- $(NM) -n $(OUTNAME2) | grep -v '\( [aUw] \)\|\(__crc_\)\|\( \$[adt]\)' > $(MAPNAME2)
- cp $(BINNAME2) binary
-# C objects here
-objs/at45.o: at45.c $(I)
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/at45.o at45.c
-objs/com.o: com.c $(I)
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/com.o com.c
-objs/dataflash.o: dataflash.c $(I)
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/dataflash.o dataflash.c
-objs/mci_device.o: mci_device.c $(I)
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/mci_device.o mci_device.c
-objs/div0.o: div0.c $(I)
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/div0.o div0.c
-objs/init.o: init.c $(I)
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/init.o init.c
-objs/main.o: main.c $(I)
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/main.o main.c
-objs/ptmain.o: main.c $(I)
- $(BUILD) -c -D PRODTEST -o objs/ptmain.o main.c
-# ASM objects here
-objs/asm_isr.o: asm_isr.S
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/asm_isr.o asm_isr.S
-objs/asm_mci_isr.o: asm_mci_isr.S
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/asm_mci_isr.o asm_mci_isr.S
-objs/cstartup_ram.o: cstartup_ram.S
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/cstartup_ram.o cstartup_ram.S
-objs/jump.o: jump.S
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/jump.o jump.S
-objs/_udivsi3.o: _udivsi3.S
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/_udivsi3.o _udivsi3.S
-objs/_umodsi3.o: _umodsi3.S
- $(BUILD) -c -o objs/_umodsi3.o _umodsi3.S
-install: $(BINNAME) $(BINNAME2)
- cp $(BINNAME) binary
- cp $(BINNAME2) binary
- rm -f *~
- rm -f objs/*
- rm -f *.out
- rm -f *.bin
- rm -f *.lss
- rm -f *.map
- rm -f .unpacked
- mkdir -p objs
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/_udivsi3.S b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/_udivsi3.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cdcd48b49..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/_udivsi3.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-/* # 1 "libgcc1.S" */
-@ libgcc1 routines for ARM cpu.
-@ Division routines, written by Richard Earnshaw, (rearnsha@armltd.co.uk)
-dividend .req r0
-divisor .req r1
-result .req r2
-curbit .req r3
-/* ip .req r12 */
-/* sp .req r13 */
-/* lr .req r14 */
-/* pc .req r15 */
- .text
- .globl __udivsi3
- .type __udivsi3 ,function
- .align 0
- __udivsi3 :
- cmp divisor, #0
- beq Ldiv0
- mov curbit, #1
- mov result, #0
- cmp dividend, divisor
- bcc Lgot_result
- @ Unless the divisor is very big, shift it up in multiples of
- @ four bits, since this is the amount of unwinding in the main
- @ division loop. Continue shifting until the divisor is
- @ larger than the dividend.
- cmp divisor, #0x10000000
- cmpcc divisor, dividend
- movcc divisor, divisor, lsl #4
- movcc curbit, curbit, lsl #4
- bcc Loop1
- @ For very big divisors, we must shift it a bit at a time, or
- @ we will be in danger of overflowing.
- cmp divisor, #0x80000000
- cmpcc divisor, dividend
- movcc divisor, divisor, lsl #1
- movcc curbit, curbit, lsl #1
- bcc Lbignum
- @ Test for possible subtractions, and note which bits
- @ are done in the result. On the final pass, this may subtract
- @ too much from the dividend, but the result will be ok, since the
- @ "bit" will have been shifted out at the bottom.
- cmp dividend, divisor
- subcs dividend, dividend, divisor
- orrcs result, result, curbit
- cmp dividend, divisor, lsr #1
- subcs dividend, dividend, divisor, lsr #1
- orrcs result, result, curbit, lsr #1
- cmp dividend, divisor, lsr #2
- subcs dividend, dividend, divisor, lsr #2
- orrcs result, result, curbit, lsr #2
- cmp dividend, divisor, lsr #3
- subcs dividend, dividend, divisor, lsr #3
- orrcs result, result, curbit, lsr #3
- cmp dividend, #0 @ Early termination?
- movnes curbit, curbit, lsr #4 @ No, any more bits to do?
- movne divisor, divisor, lsr #4
- bne Loop3
- mov r0, result
- mov pc, lr
- str lr, [sp, #-4]!
- bl __div0 (PLT)
- mov r0, #0 @ about as wrong as it could be
- ldmia sp!, {pc}
- .size __udivsi3 , . - __udivsi3
-/* # 235 "libgcc1.S" */
-/* # 320 "libgcc1.S" */
-/* # 421 "libgcc1.S" */
-/* # 433 "libgcc1.S" */
-/* # 456 "libgcc1.S" */
-/* # 500 "libgcc1.S" */
-/* # 580 "libgcc1.S" */
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/_umodsi3.S b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/_umodsi3.S
deleted file mode 100644
index e4aebe84ca..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/_umodsi3.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-/* # 1 "libgcc1.S" */
-@ libgcc1 routines for ARM cpu.
-@ Division routines, written by Richard Earnshaw, (rearnsha@armltd.co.uk)
-/* # 145 "libgcc1.S" */
-dividend .req r0
-divisor .req r1
-overdone .req r2
-curbit .req r3
-/* ip .req r12 */
-/* sp .req r13 */
-/* lr .req r14 */
-/* pc .req r15 */
- .text
- .globl __umodsi3
- .type __umodsi3 ,function
- .align 0
- __umodsi3 :
- cmp divisor, #0
- beq Ldiv0
- mov curbit, #1
- cmp dividend, divisor
- movcc pc, lr
- @ Unless the divisor is very big, shift it up in multiples of
- @ four bits, since this is the amount of unwinding in the main
- @ division loop. Continue shifting until the divisor is
- @ larger than the dividend.
- cmp divisor, #0x10000000
- cmpcc divisor, dividend
- movcc divisor, divisor, lsl #4
- movcc curbit, curbit, lsl #4
- bcc Loop1
- @ For very big divisors, we must shift it a bit at a time, or
- @ we will be in danger of overflowing.
- cmp divisor, #0x80000000
- cmpcc divisor, dividend
- movcc divisor, divisor, lsl #1
- movcc curbit, curbit, lsl #1
- bcc Lbignum
- @ Test for possible subtractions. On the final pass, this may
- @ subtract too much from the dividend, so keep track of which
- @ subtractions are done, we can fix them up afterwards...
- mov overdone, #0
- cmp dividend, divisor
- subcs dividend, dividend, divisor
- cmp dividend, divisor, lsr #1
- subcs dividend, dividend, divisor, lsr #1
- orrcs overdone, overdone, curbit, ror #1
- cmp dividend, divisor, lsr #2
- subcs dividend, dividend, divisor, lsr #2
- orrcs overdone, overdone, curbit, ror #2
- cmp dividend, divisor, lsr #3
- subcs dividend, dividend, divisor, lsr #3
- orrcs overdone, overdone, curbit, ror #3
- mov ip, curbit
- cmp dividend, #0 @ Early termination?
- movnes curbit, curbit, lsr #4 @ No, any more bits to do?
- movne divisor, divisor, lsr #4
- bne Loop3
- @ Any subtractions that we should not have done will be recorded in
- @ the top three bits of "overdone". Exactly which were not needed
- @ are governed by the position of the bit, stored in ip.
- @ If we terminated early, because dividend became zero,
- @ then none of the below will match, since the bit in ip will not be
- @ in the bottom nibble.
- ands overdone, overdone, #0xe0000000
- moveq pc, lr @ No fixups needed
- tst overdone, ip, ror #3
- addne dividend, dividend, divisor, lsr #3
- tst overdone, ip, ror #2
- addne dividend, dividend, divisor, lsr #2
- tst overdone, ip, ror #1
- addne dividend, dividend, divisor, lsr #1
- mov pc, lr
- str lr, [sp, #-4]!
- bl __div0 (PLT)
- mov r0, #0 @ about as wrong as it could be
- ldmia sp!, {pc}
- .size __umodsi3 , . - __umodsi3
-/* # 320 "libgcc1.S" */
-/* # 421 "libgcc1.S" */
-/* # 433 "libgcc1.S" */
-/* # 456 "libgcc1.S" */
-/* # 500 "libgcc1.S" */
-/* # 580 "libgcc1.S" */
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/asm_isr.S b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/asm_isr.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d1d52e191..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/asm_isr.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#include "AT91RM9200_inc.h"
-#define ARM_MODE_USER 0x10
-#define ARM_MODE_FIQ 0x11
-#define ARM_MODE_IRQ 0x12
-#define ARM_MODE_SVC 0x13
-#define ARM_MODE_ABORT 0x17
-#define ARM_MODE_UNDEF 0x1B
-#define ARM_MODE_SYS 0x1F
-#define I_BIT 0x80
-#define F_BIT 0x40
-#define T_BIT 0x20
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AT91F_ASM_SPI_Handler
- ---------------------
- Handler called by the AIC
- Save context
- Call C handler
- Restore context
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Adjust and save LR_irq in IRQ stack */
- sub r14, r14, #4
- stmfd sp!, {r14}
-/* Write in the IVR to support Protect Mode
- No effect in Normal Mode
- De-assert the NIRQ and clear the source in Protect Mode */
- ldr r14, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
- str r14, [r14, #AIC_IVR]
-/* Save SPSR and r0 in IRQ stack */
- mrs r14, SPSR
- stmfd sp!, {r0, r14}
-/* Enable Interrupt and Switch in SYS Mode */
- mrs r0, CPSR
- bic r0, r0, #I_BIT
- orr r0, r0, #ARM_MODE_SYS
- msr CPSR_c, r0
-/* Save scratch/used registers and LR in User Stack */
- stmfd sp!, { r1-r3, r12, r14}
- ldr r1, =AT91F_ST_HANDLER
- mov r14, pc
- bx r1
-/* Restore scratch/used registers and LR from User Stack */
- ldmia sp!, { r1-r3, r12, r14}
-/* Disable Interrupt and switch back in IRQ mode */
- mrs r0, CPSR
- bic r0, r0, #ARM_MODE_SYS
- orr r0, r0, #I_BIT | ARM_MODE_IRQ
- msr CPSR_c, r0
-/* Mark the End of Interrupt on the AIC */
- ldr r0, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
- str r0, [r0, #AIC_EOICR]
-/* Restore SPSR_irq and r0 from IRQ stack */
- ldmia sp!, {r0, r14}
- msr SPSR_cxsf, r14
-/* Restore adjusted LR_irq from IRQ stack directly in the PC */
- ldmia sp!, {pc}^
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/asm_mci_isr.S b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/asm_mci_isr.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f66fc0d69..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/asm_mci_isr.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#include <AT91RM9200_inc.h>
-#define ARM_MODE_USER 0x10
-#define ARM_MODE_FIQ 0x11
-#define ARM_MODE_IRQ 0x12
-#define ARM_MODE_SVC 0x13
-#define ARM_MODE_ABORT 0x17
-#define ARM_MODE_UNDEF 0x1B
-#define ARM_MODE_SYS 0x1F
-#define I_BIT 0x80
-#define F_BIT 0x40
-#define T_BIT 0x20
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AT91F_ASM_MCI_Handler
- ---------------------
- Handler called by the AIC
- Save context
- Call C handler
- Restore context
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-.global AT91F_ASM_MCI_Handler
-/* Adjust and save LR_irq in IRQ stack */
- sub r14, r14, #4
- stmfd sp!, {r14}
-/* Write in the IVR to support Protect Mode
- No effect in Normal Mode
- De-assert the NIRQ and clear the source in Protect Mode */
- ldr r14, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
- str r14, [r14, #AIC_IVR]
-/* Save SPSR and r0 in IRQ stack */
- mrs r14, SPSR
- stmfd sp!, {r0, r14}
-/* Enable Interrupt and Switch in SYS Mode */
- mrs r0, CPSR
- bic r0, r0, #I_BIT
- orr r0, r0, #ARM_MODE_SYS
- msr CPSR_c, r0
-/* Save scratch/used registers and LR in User Stack */
- stmfd sp!, { r1-r3, r12, r14}
- ldr r1, =AT91F_MCI_Handler
- mov r14, pc
- bx r1
-/* Restore scratch/used registers and LR from User Stack */
- ldmia sp!, { r1-r3, r12, r14}
-/* Disable Interrupt and switch back in IRQ mode */
- mrs r0, CPSR
- bic r0, r0, #ARM_MODE_SYS
- orr r0, r0, #I_BIT | ARM_MODE_IRQ
- msr CPSR_c, r0
-/* Mark the End of Interrupt on the AIC */
- ldr r0, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
- str r0, [r0, #AIC_EOICR]
-/* Restore SPSR_irq and r0 from IRQ stack */
- ldmia sp!, {r0, r14}
- msr SPSR_cxsf, r14
-/* Restore adjusted LR_irq from IRQ stack directly in the PC */
- ldmia sp!, {pc}^
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/at45.c b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/at45.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8830d7e9b8..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/at45.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
- * ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
- * kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
- * limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
- * fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
- * intellectual property rights of others.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * File Name : at45c.h
- * Object :
- *
- * 1.0 10/12/03 HIi : Creation.
- * 1.01 03/05/04 HIi : Bug Fix in AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady() Function.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-#include "AT91RM9200.h"
-#include "lib_AT91RM9200.h"
-#include "dataflash.h"
-#include "main.h"
-/* \fn AT91F_SpiInit */
-/* \brief SPI Low level Init */
-void AT91F_SpiInit(void) {
- /* Configure PIOs */
- AT91C_PA1_MOSI | AT91C_PA5_NPCS2 |
- AT91C_PA6_NPCS3 | AT91C_PA0_MISO |
- AT91C_PA1_MOSI | AT91C_PA5_NPCS2 |
- AT91C_PA6_NPCS3 | AT91C_PA0_MISO |
- /* Enable CLock */
- /* Reset the SPI */
- /* Configure SPI in Master Mode with No CS selected !!! */
- /* Configure CS0 and CS3 */
- ((AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK / (2*AT91C_SPI_CLK)) << 8);
- ((AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK / (2*AT91C_SPI_CLK)) << 8);
-/* \fn AT91F_SpiEnable */
-/* \brief Enable SPI chip select */
-static void AT91F_SpiEnable(int cs) {
- switch(cs) {
- case 0: /* Configure SPI CS0 for Serial DataFlash AT45DBxx */
- break;
- case 3: /* Configure SPI CS3 for Serial DataFlash Card */
- /* Set up PIO SDC_TYPE to switch on DataFlash Card and not MMC/SDCard */
- AT91C_BASE_PIOB->PIO_PER = AT91C_PIO_PB7; /* Set in PIO mode */
- AT91C_BASE_PIOB->PIO_OER = AT91C_PIO_PB7; /* Configure in output */
- /* Clear Output */
- /* Configure PCS */
- break;
- }
- /* SPI_Enable */
-/* \fn AT91F_SpiWrite */
-/* \brief Set the PDC registers for a transfert */
-static unsigned int AT91F_SpiWrite(AT91PS_DataflashDesc pDesc)
- unsigned int timeout;
- /* Initialize the Transmit and Receive Pointer */
- AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_RPR = (unsigned int)pDesc->rx_cmd_pt ;
- AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_TPR = (unsigned int)pDesc->tx_cmd_pt ;
- /* Intialize the Transmit and Receive Counters */
- AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_RCR = pDesc->rx_cmd_size;
- AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_TCR = pDesc->tx_cmd_size;
- if ( pDesc->tx_data_size != 0 ) {
- /* Initialize the Next Transmit and Next Receive Pointer */
- AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_RNPR = (unsigned int)pDesc->rx_data_pt ;
- AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_TNPR = (unsigned int)pDesc->tx_data_pt ;
- /* Intialize the Next Transmit and Next Receive Counters */
- AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_RNCR = pDesc->rx_data_size ;
- AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_TNCR = pDesc->tx_data_size ;
- }
- /* ARM simple, non interrupt dependent timer */
- timeout = 0;
- while(!(AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_SR & AT91C_SPI_RXBUFF));
- if (timeout >= AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT){
- }
- return AT91C_DATAFLASH_OK;
-/* \fn AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand */
-/* \brief Generic function to send a command to the dataflash */
-static AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand(
- AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
- unsigned char OpCode,
- unsigned int CmdSize,
- unsigned int DataflashAddress)
- unsigned int adr;
- /* process the address to obtain page address and byte address */
- adr = ((DataflashAddress / (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size))
- << pDataFlash->pDevice->page_offset) +
- (DataflashAddress % (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size));
- /* fill the command buffer */
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[0] = OpCode;
- if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384)
- {
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[1] = (unsigned char)((adr & 0x0F000000) >> 24);
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[2] = (unsigned char)((adr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[3] = (unsigned char)((adr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[4] = (unsigned char)(adr & 0x000000FF);
- }
- else
- {
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[1] = (unsigned char)((adr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[2] = (unsigned char)((adr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[3] = (unsigned char)(adr & 0x000000FF) ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[4] = 0;
- }
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[5] = 0;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[6] = 0;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[7] = 0;
- /* Initialize the SpiData structure for the spi write fuction */
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_cmd_pt = pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_cmd_size = CmdSize ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_cmd_pt = pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_cmd_size = CmdSize ;
- return AT91F_SpiWrite(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc);
-/* \fn AT91F_DataFlashGetStatus */
-/* \brief Read the status register of the dataflash */
-static AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashGetStatus(AT91PS_DataflashDesc pDesc)
- AT91S_DataFlashStatus status;
- /* first send the read status command (D7H) */
- pDesc->command[0] = DB_STATUS;
- pDesc->command[1] = 0;
- pDesc->DataFlash_state = GET_STATUS;
- pDesc->tx_data_size = 0 ; /* Transmit the command and receive response */
- pDesc->tx_cmd_pt = pDesc->command ;
- pDesc->rx_cmd_pt = pDesc->command ;
- pDesc->rx_cmd_size = 2 ;
- pDesc->tx_cmd_size = 2 ;
- status = AT91F_SpiWrite (pDesc);
- pDesc->DataFlash_state = *( (unsigned char *) (pDesc->rx_cmd_pt) +1);
- return status;
- * Function Name : AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady
- * Object : wait for dataflash ready (bit7 of the status register == 1)
- * Input Parameters : DataFlash Service and timeout
- * Return value : DataFlash status "ready or not"
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(
- AT91PS_DataflashDesc pDataFlashDesc,
- unsigned int timeout)
- pDataFlashDesc->DataFlash_state = IDLE;
- do {
- AT91F_DataFlashGetStatus(pDataFlashDesc);
- timeout--;
- }
- while(((pDataFlashDesc->DataFlash_state & 0x80) != 0x80) && (timeout > 0));
- if((pDataFlashDesc->DataFlash_state & 0x80) != 0x80)
- return AT91C_DATAFLASH_OK;
-/* Function Name : AT91F_DataFlashContinuousRead */
-/* Object : Continuous stream Read */
-/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-/* : <src> = dataflash address */
-/* : <*dataBuffer> = data buffer pointer */
-/* : <sizeToRead> = data buffer size */
-/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-static AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashContinuousRead(
- AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
- int src,
- unsigned char *dataBuffer,
- int sizeToRead )
- AT91S_DataFlashStatus status;
- /* Test the size to read in the device */
- if ( (src + sizeToRead) > (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size * (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number)))
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_data_pt = dataBuffer;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_data_size = sizeToRead;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_pt = dataBuffer;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = sizeToRead;
- status = AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand(pDataFlash, DB_CONTINUOUS_ARRAY_READ, 8, src);
- /* Send the command to the dataflash */
- return(status);
-/* Function Name : AT91F_MainMemoryToBufferTransfer */
-/* Object : Read a page in the SRAM Buffer 1 or 2 */
-/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-/* : Page concerned */
-/* : */
-/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-static AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_MainMemoryToBufferTransfer(
- AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
- unsigned char BufferCommand,
- unsigned int page)
- int cmdsize;
- /* Test if the buffer command is legal */
- if ((BufferCommand != DB_PAGE_2_BUF1_TRF) && (BufferCommand != DB_PAGE_2_BUF2_TRF))
- /* no data to transmit or receive */
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = 0;
- cmdsize = 4;
- if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384)
- cmdsize = 5;
- return(AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand(pDataFlash, BufferCommand, cmdsize,
- page*pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size));
-/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Function Name : AT91F_DataFlashWriteBuffer */
-/* Object : Write data to the internal sram buffer 1 or 2 */
-/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-/* : <BufferCommand> = command to write buffer1 or buffer2 */
-/* : <*dataBuffer> = data buffer to write */
-/* : <bufferAddress> = address in the internal buffer */
-/* : <SizeToWrite> = data buffer size */
-/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-static AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashWriteBuffer(
- AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
- unsigned char BufferCommand,
- unsigned char *dataBuffer,
- unsigned int bufferAddress,
- int SizeToWrite )
- int cmdsize;
- /* Test if the buffer command is legal */
- if ((BufferCommand != DB_BUF1_WRITE) && (BufferCommand != DB_BUF2_WRITE))
- /* buffer address must be lower than page size */
- if (bufferAddress > pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size)
- /* Send first Write Command */
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[0] = BufferCommand;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[1] = 0;
- if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384)
- {
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[2] = 0;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[3] = (unsigned char)(((unsigned int)(bufferAddress & pDataFlash->pDevice->byte_mask)) >> 8) ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[4] = (unsigned char)((unsigned int)bufferAddress & 0x00FF) ;
- cmdsize = 5;
- }
- else
- {
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[2] = (unsigned char)(((unsigned int)(bufferAddress & pDataFlash->pDevice->byte_mask)) >> 8) ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[3] = (unsigned char)((unsigned int)bufferAddress & 0x00FF) ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[4] = 0;
- cmdsize = 4;
- }
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_cmd_pt = pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_cmd_size = cmdsize ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_cmd_pt = pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_cmd_size = cmdsize ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_data_pt = dataBuffer ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_pt = dataBuffer ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_data_size = SizeToWrite ;
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = SizeToWrite ;
- return AT91F_SpiWrite(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc);
-/* Function Name : AT91F_PageErase */
-/* Object : Read a page in the SRAM Buffer 1 or 2 */
-/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-/* : Page concerned */
-/* : */
-/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-static AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_PageErase(
- AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
- unsigned int page)
- int cmdsize;
- /* Test if the buffer command is legal */
- /* no data to transmit or receive */
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = 0;
- cmdsize = 4;
- if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384)
- cmdsize = 5;
- return(AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand(pDataFlash, DB_PAGE_ERASE, cmdsize,
- page*pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size));
-/* Function Name : AT91F_WriteBufferToMain */
-/* Object : Write buffer to the main memory */
-/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-/* : <BufferCommand> = command to send to buf1 or buf2 */
-/* : <dest> = main memory address */
-/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-static AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_WriteBufferToMain (
- AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
- unsigned char BufferCommand,
- unsigned int dest )
- int cmdsize;
- /* Test if the buffer command is correct */
- if ((BufferCommand != DB_BUF1_PAGE_PGM) &&
- (BufferCommand != DB_BUF1_PAGE_ERASE_PGM) &&
- (BufferCommand != DB_BUF2_PAGE_PGM) &&
- (BufferCommand != DB_BUF2_PAGE_ERASE_PGM) )
- /* no data to transmit or receive */
- pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = 0;
- cmdsize = 4;
- if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384)
- cmdsize = 5;
- /* Send the command to the dataflash */
- return(AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand (pDataFlash, BufferCommand, cmdsize, dest));
-/* Function Name : AT91F_PartialPageWrite */
-/* Object : Erase partially a page */
-/* Input Parameters : <page> = page number */
-/* : <AdrInpage> = adr to begin the fading */
-/* : <length> = Number of bytes to erase */
-static AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_PartialPageWrite (
- AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
- unsigned char *src,
- unsigned int dest,
- unsigned int size)
- unsigned int page;
- unsigned int AdrInPage;
- page = dest / (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size);
- AdrInPage = dest % (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size);
- /* Read the contents of the page in the Sram Buffer */
- AT91F_MainMemoryToBufferTransfer(pDataFlash, DB_PAGE_2_BUF1_TRF, page);
- AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT);
- /*Update the SRAM buffer */
- AT91F_DataFlashWriteBuffer(pDataFlash, DB_BUF1_WRITE, src, AdrInPage, size);
- AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT);
- /* Erase page if a 128 Mbits device */
- if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384)
- {
- AT91F_PageErase(pDataFlash, page);
- AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT);
- }
- /* Rewrite the modified Sram Buffer in the main memory */
- return(AT91F_WriteBufferToMain(pDataFlash, DB_BUF1_PAGE_ERASE_PGM,
- (page*pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size)));
-/* Function Name : AT91F_DataFlashWrite */
-/* Object : */
-/* Input Parameters : <*src> = Source buffer */
-/* : <dest> = dataflash adress */
-/* : <size> = data buffer size */
-AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashWrite(
- AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
- unsigned char *src,
- int dest,
- int size )
- unsigned int length;
- unsigned int page;
- unsigned int status;
- AT91F_SpiEnable(pDataFlash->pDevice->cs);
- if ( (dest + size) > (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size * (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number)))
- /* If destination does not fit a page start address */
- if ((dest % ((unsigned int)(pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size))) != 0 ) {
- length = pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size - (dest % ((unsigned int)(pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size)));
- if (size < length)
- length = size;
- if(!AT91F_PartialPageWrite(pDataFlash,src, dest, length))
- AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT);
- /* Update size, source and destination pointers */
- size -= length;
- dest += length;
- src += length;
- }
- while (( size - pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size ) >= 0 )
- {
- /* program dataflash page */
- page = (unsigned int)dest / (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size);
- status = AT91F_DataFlashWriteBuffer(pDataFlash, DB_BUF1_WRITE, src,
- 0, pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size);
- AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT);
- status = AT91F_PageErase(pDataFlash, page);
- AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT);
- if (!status)
- status = AT91F_WriteBufferToMain (pDataFlash, DB_BUF1_PAGE_PGM, dest);
- if(!status)
- AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT);
- /* Update size, source and destination pointers */
- size -= pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size ;
- dest += pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size ;
- src += pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size ;
- }
- /* If still some bytes to read */
- if ( size > 0 ) {
- /* program dataflash page */
- if(!AT91F_PartialPageWrite(pDataFlash, src, dest, size) )
- AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT);
- }
- return AT91C_DATAFLASH_OK;
-/* Function Name : AT91F_DataFlashRead */
-/* Object : Read a block in dataflash */
-/* Input Parameters : */
-/* Return value : */
-int AT91F_DataFlashRead(
- AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
- unsigned long addr,
- unsigned long size,
- char *buffer)
- unsigned long SizeToRead;
- AT91F_SpiEnable(pDataFlash->pDevice->cs);
- if(AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT) != AT91C_DATAFLASH_OK)
- return -1;
- while (size)
- {
- SizeToRead = (size < 0x8000)? size:0x8000;
- if (AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT)
- return -1;
- if (AT91F_DataFlashContinuousRead (pDataFlash, addr, (unsigned char *)buffer,
- SizeToRead) != AT91C_DATAFLASH_OK)
- return -1;
- size -= SizeToRead;
- addr += SizeToRead;
- buffer += SizeToRead;
- }
- return AT91C_DATAFLASH_OK;
-/* Function Name : AT91F_DataflashProbe */
-/* Object : */
-/* Input Parameters : */
-/* Return value : Dataflash status register */
-int AT91F_DataflashProbe(int cs, AT91PS_DataflashDesc pDesc)
- AT91F_SpiEnable(cs);
- AT91F_DataFlashGetStatus(pDesc);
- return ((pDesc->command[1] == 0xFF)? 0: (pDesc->command[1] & 0x3C));
-/* Function Name : AT91F_DataFlashErase */
-/* Object : */
-/* Input Parameters : <*pDataFlash> = Device info */
-AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashErase(AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash)
- unsigned int page;
- unsigned int status;
- AT91F_SpiEnable(pDataFlash->pDevice->cs);
- for(page=0; page < pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number; page++)
- {
- /* Erase dataflash page */
- if ((page & 0x00FF) == 0)
- printf("\rERA %d/%d", page, pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number);
- status = AT91F_PageErase(pDataFlash, page);
- AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT);
- if (!status)
- }
- return AT91C_DATAFLASH_OK;
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/com.c b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/com.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aacfb55558..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/com.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
- * ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
- * kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
- * limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
- * fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
- * intellectual property rights of others.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * File Name : com.c
- * Object :
- * Creation : HIi 03/27/2003
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#include "AT91RM9200.h"
-#include "lib_AT91RM9200.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "com.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-static char erase_seq[] = "\b \b"; /* erase sequence */
-#define MAX_UARTS 1
-//unsigned int usa[2] = {(unsigned int)AT91C_BASE_DBGU, (unsigned int)AT91C_ALTERNATE_USART};
-unsigned int usa[1] = {(unsigned int)AT91C_BASE_DBGU};
-unsigned int us;
-int port_detected;
-void at91_init_uarts(void)
- int i;
- port_detected = 0;
- AT91F_DBGU_CfgPIO();
- AT91F_US0_CfgPIO();
- AT91F_US0_CfgPMC();
- for(i=0; i<MAX_UARTS; i++) {
- us = usa[i];
- AT91F_US_ResetRx((AT91PS_USART)us);
- AT91F_US_ResetTx((AT91PS_USART)us);
- // Configure DBGU
- AT91F_US_Configure(
- (AT91PS_USART)us, // DBGU base address
- AT91C_US_ASYNC_MODE, // mode Register to be programmed
- 115200, // baudrate to be programmed
- 0 // timeguard to be programmed
- );
- // Enable Transmitter
- AT91F_US_EnableTx((AT91PS_USART)us);
- // Enable Receiver
- AT91F_US_EnableRx((AT91PS_USART)us);
- }
- us = usa[0];
-int at91_serial_putc(int ch)
- if (ch == '\n')
- at91_serial_putc('\r');
- while (!AT91F_US_TxReady((AT91PS_USART)us));
- AT91F_US_PutChar((AT91PS_USART)us, (char)ch);
- return ch;
-/* This getc is modified to be able work on more than one port. On certain
- * boards (i.e. Figment Designs VersaLink), the debug port is not available
- * once the unit is in it's enclosure, so, if one needs to get into dfboot
- * for any reason it is impossible. With this getc, it scans between the debug
- * port and another port and once it receives a character, it sets that port
- * as the debug port. */
-int at91_serial_getc()
- while(1) {
-#if 0
- if (!port_detected) {
- if (us == usa[0]) {
- us = usa[1];
- }
- else {
- us = usa[0];
- }
- }
- if(AT91F_US_RxReady((AT91PS_USART)us)) {
-#if 0
- port_detected = 1;
- return((int)AT91F_US_GetChar((AT91PS_USART)us));
- }
- }
- * Function Name : AT91F_ReadLine()
- * Object :
- * Input Parameters :
- * Return value :
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-int AT91F_ReadLine (const char *const prompt, char *console_buffer)
- char *p = console_buffer;
- int n = 0; /* buffer index */
- int plen = strlen (prompt); /* prompt length */
- int col; /* output column cnt */
- char c;
- /* print prompt */
- if (prompt)
- printf(prompt);
- col = plen;
- for (;;) {
- c = getc();
- switch (c) {
- case '\r': /* Enter */
- case '\n':
- *p = '\0';
- puts ("\n");
- return (p - console_buffer);
- case 0x03: /* ^C - break */
- console_buffer[0] = '\0'; /* discard input */
- return (-1);
- case 0x08: /* ^H - backspace */
- case 0x7F: /* DEL - backspace */
- if (n) {
- --p;
- printf(erase_seq);
- col--;
- n--;
- }
- continue;
- default:
- /*
- * Must be a normal character then
- */
- if (n < (AT91C_CB_SIZE -2))
- {
- ++col; /* echo input */
- putc(c);
- *p++ = c;
- ++n;
- }
- else
- { /* Buffer full */
- putc('\a');
- }
- }
- }
- * Function Name : AT91F_WaitKeyPressed()
- * Object :
- * Input Parameters :
- * Return value :
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-void AT91F_WaitKeyPressed(void)
- int c;
- puts("KEY");
- c = getc();
- putc('\n');
-int puts(const char *str)
- while(*str != 0) {
- at91_serial_putc(*str);
- str++;
- }
- return 1;
-int putc(int c)
- return at91_serial_putc(c);
-int putchar(c)
- return putc(c);
-int getc()
- return at91_serial_getc();
-int strlen(const char *str)
- int len = 0;
- if(str == (char *)0)
- return 0;
- while(*str++ != 0)
- len++;
- return len;
-#define ZEROPAD 1 /* pad with zero */
-#define SIGN 2 /* unsigned/signed long */
-#define LEFT 4 /* left justified */
-#define LARGE 8 /* use 'ABCDEF' instead of 'abcdef' */
-#define do_div(n,base) ({ \
- int __res; \
- __res = ((unsigned) n) % (unsigned) base; \
- n = ((unsigned) n) / (unsigned) base; \
- __res; \
-static int number(int num, int base, int size,
- int precision, int type)
- char c, sign, tmp[66];
- const char *digits="0123456789ABCDEF";
- int i;
- if (type & LEFT)
- type &= ~ZEROPAD;
- if (base < 2 || base > 16)
- return 0;
- c = (type & ZEROPAD) ? '0' : ' ';
- sign = 0;
- if(type & SIGN && num < 0)
- {
- sign = '-';
- num = -num;
- size--;
- }
- i = 0;
- if(num == 0)
- tmp[i++] = digits[0];
- else while(num != 0)
- tmp[i++] = digits[do_div(num, base)];
- if(i > precision)
- precision = i;
- size -= precision;
- if(!(type&(ZEROPAD+LEFT)))
- while(size-->0)
- putc(' ');
- if(sign)
- putc(sign);
- if (!(type & LEFT))
- while (size-- > 0)
- putc(c);
- while (i < precision--)
- putc('0');
- while (i-- > 0)
- putc(tmp[i]);
- while (size-- > 0)
- putc(' ');;
- return 1;
-int hvfprintf(const char *fmt, va_list va)
- char *s;
- do {
- if(*fmt == '%') {
- bool done = false;
- int type = 0;
- int precision = 0;
- do {
- fmt++;
- switch(*fmt) {
- case '0' :
- if(!precision)
- type |= ZEROPAD;
- case '1' :
- case '2' :
- case '3' :
- case '4' :
- case '5' :
- case '6' :
- case '7' :
- case '8' :
- case '9' :
- precision = precision * 10 + (*fmt - '0');
- break;
- case '.' :
- break;
- case 's' :
- s = va_arg(va, char *);
- if(!s)
- puts("<NULL>");
- else
- puts(s);
- done = true;
- break;
- case 'c' :
- putc(va_arg(va, int));
- done = true;
- break;
- case 'd' :
- number(va_arg(va, int), 10, 0, precision, type);
- done = true;
- break;
- case 'x' :
- case 'X' :
- number(va_arg(va, int), 16, 0, precision, type);
- done = true;
- break;
- case '%' :
- putc(*fmt);
- done = true;
- default:
- putc('%');
- putc(*fmt);
- done = true;
- break;
- }
- } while(!done);
- } else if(*fmt == '\\') {
- fmt++;
- if(*fmt == 'r') {
- putc('\r');
- } else if(*fmt == 'n') {
- putc('\n');
- }
- } else {
- putc(*fmt);
- }
- fmt++;
- } while(*fmt != 0);
- return 0;
-int printf(const char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- int i;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- i = hvfprintf(fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- return i;
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/com.h b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/com.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af09e4d6d..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/com.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
- * kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
- * limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
- * fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
- * intellectual property rights of others.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * File Name : com.h
- * Object :
- *
- * 1.0 27/03/03 HIi : Creation
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#ifndef com_h
-#define com_h
-#define AT91C_CB_SIZE 20 /* size of the console buffer */
-/* Escape sequences */
-#define ESC \033
-extern int AT91F_ReadLine (const char *const prompt, char *console_buffer);
-extern void AT91F_WaitKeyPressed(void);
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/config.h b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/config.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3be8d499a0..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/config.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _CONFIG_H
-#define _CONFIG_H
-//#define PAGESZ_1056 1
-#undef PAGESZ_1056
-#define SPI_LOW_SPEED 1
-#define AT91C_DELAY_TO_BOOT 1500
-#define CRC_RETRIES 0x100
-#define AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK 59904000
-#define AT91C_BAUD_RATE 115200
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/cstartup_ram.S b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/cstartup_ram.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 223900098d..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/cstartup_ram.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-#include "AT91RM9200_inc.h"
-ARM Core Mode and Status Bits
-.section start
- .text
-#define ARM_MODE_USER 0x10
-#define ARM_MODE_FIQ 0x11
-#define ARM_MODE_IRQ 0x12
-#define ARM_MODE_SVC 0x13
-#define ARM_MODE_ABORT 0x17
-#define ARM_MODE_UNDEF 0x1B
-#define ARM_MODE_SYS 0x1F
-#define I_BIT 0x80
-#define F_BIT 0x40
-#define T_BIT 0x20
- Area Definition
- Must be defined as function to put first in the code as it must be mapped
- at offset 0 of the flash EBI_CSR0, ie. at address 0 before remap.
- .align 4
- .globl _start
- Exception vectors ( before Remap )
- These vectors are read at address 0.
- They absolutely requires to be in relative addresssing mode in order to
- guarantee a valid jump. For the moment, all are just looping (what may be
- dangerous in a final system). If an exception occurs before remap, this
- would result in an infinite loop.
- b reset /* reset */
- b undefvec /* Undefined Instruction */
- b swivec /* Software Interrupt */
- b pabtvec /* Prefetch Abort */
- b dabtvec /* Data Abort */
- b rsvdvec /* reserved */
- b aicvec /* IRQ : read the AIC */
- b fiqvec /* FIQ */
- b undefvec
-#define MEMEND 0x00004000
-/* ----------------------------
- Setup the stack for each mode
----------------------------- */
-#define IRQ_STACK_SIZE 0x10
-#define FIQ_STACK_SIZE 0x04
-#define ABT_STACK_SIZE 0x04
-#define UND_STACK_SIZE 0x04
-#define SVC_STACK_SIZE 0x10
-#define USER_STACK_SIZE 0x400
- ldr r0,= MEMEND
-/*- Set up Supervisor Mode and set Supervisor Mode Stack*/
- mov r13, r0 /* Init stack Undef*/
- sub r0, r0, #SVC_STACK_SIZE
-/*- Set up Interrupt Mode and set IRQ Mode Stack*/
- mov r13, r0 /* Init stack IRQ*/
- sub r0, r0, #IRQ_STACK_SIZE
-/*- Set up Fast Interrupt Mode and set FIQ Mode Stack*/
- mov r13, r0 /* Init stack FIQ*/
- sub r0, r0, #FIQ_STACK_SIZE
-/*- Set up Abort Mode and set Abort Mode Stack*/
- mov r13, r0 /* Init stack Abort*/
- sub r0, r0, #ABT_STACK_SIZE
-/*- Set up Undefined Instruction Mode and set Undef Mode Stack*/
- mov r13, r0 /* Init stack Undef*/
- sub r0, r0, #UND_STACK_SIZE
-/*- Set up user Mode and set System Mode Stack*/
- bic r0, r0, #3 /* Insure word alignement */
- mov sp, r0 /* Init stack System */
- ldr r0, = AT91F_LowLevelInit
- mov lr, pc
- bx r0
- Read/modify/write CP15 control register
- mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0,0 /* read cp15 control registre (cp15 r1) in r0 */
- ldr r3,= 0xC0000080 /* Reset bit :Little Endian end fast bus mode */
- ldr r4,= 0xC0001000 /* Set bit :Asynchronous clock mode, Not Fast Bus, I-Cache enable */
- bic r0, r0, r3
- orr r0, r0, r4
- mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0,0 /* write r0 in cp15 control registre (cp15 r1) */
-/* Enable interrupts */
-- Branch on C code Main function (with interworking)
-- Branch must be performed by an interworking call as either an ARM or Thumb
-- _start function must be supported. This makes the code not position-
-- independent. A Branch with link would generate errors
-/*- Branch to _start by interworking*/
- ldr r4, = main
- mov lr, pc
- bx r4
-- Loop for ever
-- End of application. Normally, never occur.
-- Could jump on Software Reset ( B 0x0 ).
- b End
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/dataflash.c b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/dataflash.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e54460b72..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/dataflash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
- * ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
- * kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
- * limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
- * fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
- * intellectual property rights of others.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * File Name : dataflash.c
- * Object : High level functions for the dataflash
- * Creation : HIi 10/10/2003
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-#include "dataflash.h"
-static AT91S_DataFlash DataFlashInst;
- {CFG_DATAFLASH_LOGIC_ADDR_CS0, 0}, /* Logical adress, CS */
-int AT91F_DataflashInit(void)
- int i;
- int dfcode;
- int Nb_device = 0;
- AT91F_SpiInit();
- for (i = 0; i < CFG_MAX_DATAFLASH_BANKS; i++) {
- dataflash_info[i].id = 0;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_number = 0;
- dfcode = AT91F_DataflashProbe (cs[i][1], &dataflash_info[i].Desc);
- switch (dfcode) {
- case AT45DB161:
- dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_number = 4096;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_size = 528;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.page_offset = 10;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.byte_mask = 0x300;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.cs = cs[i][1];
- dataflash_info[i].Desc.DataFlash_state = IDLE;
- dataflash_info[i].logical_address = cs[i][0];
- dataflash_info[i].id = dfcode;
- Nb_device++;
- break;
- case AT45DB321:
- dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_number = 8192;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_size = 528;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.page_offset = 10;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.byte_mask = 0x300;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.cs = cs[i][1];
- dataflash_info[i].Desc.DataFlash_state = IDLE;
- dataflash_info[i].logical_address = cs[i][0];
- dataflash_info[i].id = dfcode;
- Nb_device++;
- break;
- case AT45DB642:
- dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_number = 8192;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_size = 1056;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.page_offset = 11;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.byte_mask = 0x700;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.cs = cs[i][1];
- dataflash_info[i].Desc.DataFlash_state = IDLE;
- dataflash_info[i].logical_address = cs[i][0];
- dataflash_info[i].id = dfcode;
- Nb_device++;
- break;
- case AT45DB128:
- dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_number = 16384;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_size = 1056;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.page_offset = 11;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.byte_mask = 0x700;
- dataflash_info[i].Device.cs = cs[i][1];
- dataflash_info[i].Desc.DataFlash_state = IDLE;
- dataflash_info[i].logical_address = cs[i][0];
- dataflash_info[i].id = dfcode;
- Nb_device++;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return (Nb_device);
-void AT91F_DataflashPrintInfo(void)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < CFG_MAX_DATAFLASH_BANKS; i++) {
- if (dataflash_info[i].id != 0) {
- printf ("DF:AT45DB");
- switch (dataflash_info[i].id) {
- case AT45DB161:
- printf ("161");
- break;
- case AT45DB321:
- printf ("321");
- break;
- case AT45DB642:
- printf ("642");
- break;
- case AT45DB128:
- printf ("128");
- break;
- }
- printf ("\n# PG: %6d\n"
- "PG SZ: %6d\n"
- "SZ=%8d bytes\n"
- "ADDR: %08X\n",
- (unsigned int) dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_number,
- (unsigned int) dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_size,
- (unsigned int) dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_number *
- dataflash_info[i].Device.pages_size,
- (unsigned int) dataflash_info[i].logical_address);
- }
- }
-/* Function Name : AT91F_DataflashSelect */
-/* Object : Select the correct device */
-static AT91PS_DataFlash AT91F_DataflashSelect(AT91PS_DataFlash pFlash,
- unsigned int *addr)
- char addr_valid = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < CFG_MAX_DATAFLASH_BANKS; i++)
- if ((*addr & 0xFF000000) == dataflash_info[i].logical_address) {
- addr_valid = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (!addr_valid) {
- pFlash = (AT91PS_DataFlash) 0;
- return pFlash;
- }
- pFlash->pDataFlashDesc = &(dataflash_info[i].Desc);
- pFlash->pDevice = &(dataflash_info[i].Device);
- *addr -= dataflash_info[i].logical_address;
- return (pFlash);
-/* Function Name : read_dataflash */
-/* Object : dataflash memory read */
-int read_dataflash(unsigned long addr, unsigned long size, char *result)
- unsigned int AddrToRead = addr;
- AT91PS_DataFlash pFlash = &DataFlashInst;
- pFlash = AT91F_DataflashSelect (pFlash, &AddrToRead);
- if (pFlash == 0)
- return -1;
- return (AT91F_DataFlashRead(pFlash, AddrToRead, size, result));
-/* Function Name : write_dataflash */
-/* Object : write a block in dataflash */
-int write_dataflash(unsigned long addr_dest, unsigned int addr_src,
- unsigned int size)
- unsigned int AddrToWrite = addr_dest;
- AT91PS_DataFlash pFlash = &DataFlashInst;
- pFlash = AT91F_DataflashSelect(pFlash, &AddrToWrite);
- if (AddrToWrite == -1)
- return -1;
- return AT91F_DataFlashWrite(pFlash, (unsigned char *) addr_src, AddrToWrite, size);
-/* Function Name : erase_dataflash */
-/* Object : Erase entire dataflash */
-int erase_dataflash(unsigned long addr_dest)
- unsigned int AddrToWrite = addr_dest;
- AT91PS_DataFlash pFlash = &DataFlashInst;
- pFlash = AT91F_DataflashSelect (pFlash, &AddrToWrite);
- if (AddrToWrite == -1)
- return -1;
- return AT91F_DataFlashErase(pFlash);
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/dataflash.h b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/dataflash.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fab63fa9e..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/dataflash.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-//* ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
-//* The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
-//* kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
-//* limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
-//* fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
-//* intellectual property rights of others.
-//* File Name : AT91_SpiDataFlash.h
-//* Object : Data Flash Atmel Description File
-//* Translator :
-//* 1.0 03/04/01 HI : Creation
-#ifndef _DataFlash_h
-#define _DataFlash_h
-/* Max value = 15Mhz to be compliant with the Continuous array read function */
-#define AT91C_SPI_CLK 14976000/4
-#define AT91C_SPI_CLK 14976000
-/* AC characteristics */
-/* DLYBS = tCSS= 250ns min and DLYBCT = tCSH = 250ns */
-#define DATAFLASH_TCSS (0xf << 16) /* 250ns 15/60000000 */
-#define DATAFLASH_TCHS (0x1 << 24) /* 250ns 32*1/60000000 */
-#define AT91C_SPI_PCS0_SERIAL_DATAFLASH 0xE /* Chip Select 0 : NPCS0 %1110 */
-#define AT91C_SPI_PCS3_DATAFLASH_CARD 0x7 /* Chip Select 3 : NPCS3 %0111 */
-#define CFG_DATAFLASH_LOGIC_ADDR_CS0 0xC0000000
-#define CFG_DATAFLASH_LOGIC_ADDR_CS3 0xD0000000
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long base; /* logical base address for a bank */
- unsigned long size; /* total bank size */
- unsigned long page_count;
- unsigned long page_size;
- unsigned long id; /* device id */
-} dataflash_info_t;
-typedef unsigned int AT91S_DataFlashStatus;
-/* DataFlash Structures */
-/* DataFlash Descriptor Structure Definition */
-typedef struct _AT91S_DataflashDesc {
- unsigned char *tx_cmd_pt;
- unsigned int tx_cmd_size;
- unsigned char *rx_cmd_pt;
- unsigned int rx_cmd_size;
- unsigned char *tx_data_pt;
- unsigned int tx_data_size;
- unsigned char *rx_data_pt;
- unsigned int rx_data_size;
- volatile unsigned char DataFlash_state;
- unsigned char command[8];
-} AT91S_DataflashDesc, *AT91PS_DataflashDesc;
-/* DataFlash device definition structure */
-typedef struct _AT91S_Dataflash {
- int pages_number; /* dataflash page number */
- int pages_size; /* dataflash page size */
- int page_offset; /* page offset in command */
- int byte_mask; /* byte mask in command */
- int cs;
-} AT91S_DataflashFeatures, *AT91PS_DataflashFeatures;
-/* DataFlash Structure Definition */
-typedef struct _AT91S_DataFlash {
- AT91PS_DataflashDesc pDataFlashDesc; /* dataflash descriptor */
- AT91PS_DataflashFeatures pDevice; /* Pointer on a dataflash features array */
-} AT91S_DataFlash, *AT91PS_DataFlash;
-typedef struct _AT91S_DATAFLASH_INFO {
- AT91S_DataflashDesc Desc;
- AT91S_DataflashFeatures Device; /* Pointer on a dataflash features array */
- unsigned long logical_address;
- unsigned int id; /* device id */
-#define AT45DB161 0x2c
-#define AT45DB321 0x34
-#define AT45DB642 0x3c
-#define AT45DB128 0x10
-#define AT91C_DATAFLASH_TIMEOUT 20000 /* For AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady */
-/* DataFlash return value */
-#define AT91C_DATAFLASH_BUSY 0x00
-#define AT91C_DATAFLASH_OK 0x01
-#define AT91C_DATAFLASH_ERROR 0x02
-/* Driver State */
-#define IDLE 0x0
-#define BUSY 0x1
-#define ERROR 0x2
-/* DataFlash Driver State */
-#define GET_STATUS 0x0F
-/* Command Definition */
-#define DB_CONTINUOUS_ARRAY_READ 0xE8 /* Continuous array read */
-#define DB_BURST_ARRAY_READ 0xE8 /* Burst array read */
-#define DB_PAGE_READ 0xD2 /* Main memory page read */
-#define DB_BUF1_READ 0xD4 /* Buffer 1 read */
-#define DB_BUF2_READ 0xD6 /* Buffer 2 read */
-#define DB_STATUS 0xD7 /* Status Register */
-#define DB_BUF1_WRITE 0x84 /* Buffer 1 write */
-#define DB_BUF2_WRITE 0x87 /* Buffer 2 write */
-#define DB_BUF1_PAGE_ERASE_PGM 0x83 /* Buffer 1 to main memory page program with built-In erase */
-#define DB_BUF1_PAGE_ERASE_FASTPGM 0x93 /* Buffer 1 to main memory page program with built-In erase, Fast program */
-#define DB_BUF2_PAGE_ERASE_PGM 0x86 /* Buffer 2 to main memory page program with built-In erase */
-#define DB_BUF2_PAGE_ERASE_FASTPGM 0x96 /* Buffer 1 to main memory page program with built-In erase, Fast program */
-#define DB_BUF1_PAGE_PGM 0x88 /* Buffer 1 to main memory page program without built-In erase */
-#define DB_BUF1_PAGE_FASTPGM 0x98 /* Buffer 1 to main memory page program without built-In erase, Fast program */
-#define DB_BUF2_PAGE_PGM 0x89 /* Buffer 2 to main memory page program without built-In erase */
-#define DB_BUF2_PAGE_FASTPGM 0x99 /* Buffer 1 to main memory page program without built-In erase, Fast program */
-#define DB_PAGE_ERASE 0x81 /* Page Erase */
-#define DB_BLOCK_ERASE 0x50 /* Block Erase */
-#define DB_PAGE_PGM_BUF1 0x82 /* Main memory page through buffer 1 */
-#define DB_PAGE_FASTPGM_BUF1 0x92 /* Main memory page through buffer 1, Fast program */
-#define DB_PAGE_PGM_BUF2 0x85 /* Main memory page through buffer 2 */
-#define DB_PAGE_FastPGM_BUF2 0x95 /* Main memory page through buffer 2, Fast program */
-#define DB_PAGE_2_BUF1_TRF 0x53 /* Main memory page to buffer 1 transfert */
-#define DB_PAGE_2_BUF2_TRF 0x55 /* Main memory page to buffer 2 transfert */
-#define DB_PAGE_2_BUF1_CMP 0x60 /* Main memory page to buffer 1 compare */
-#define DB_PAGE_2_BUF2_CMP 0x61 /* Main memory page to buffer 2 compare */
-#define DB_AUTO_PAGE_PGM_BUF1 0x58 /* Auto page rewrite throught buffer 1 */
-#define DB_AUTO_PAGE_PGM_BUF2 0x59 /* Auto page rewrite throught buffer 2 */
-extern void AT91F_SpiInit(void);
-extern int AT91F_DataflashProbe(int i, AT91PS_DataflashDesc pDesc);
-extern int AT91F_DataFlashRead(AT91PS_DataFlash, unsigned long , unsigned long, char *);
-extern AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashWrite(AT91PS_DataFlash ,unsigned char *, int, int);
-extern AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashErase(AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash);
-extern int AT91F_DataflashInit(void);
-extern void AT91F_DataflashPrintInfo(void);
-extern int read_dataflash(unsigned long addr, unsigned long size, char *result);
-extern int write_dataflash(unsigned long addr_dest, unsigned int addr_src, unsigned int size);
-extern int erase_dataflash(unsigned long addr_dest);
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/div0.c b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/div0.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d6fd90ec31..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/div0.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2002
- * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-/* Replacement (=dummy) for GNU/Linux division-by zero handler */
-void __div0 (void)
- while(-1);
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/elf32-littlearm.lds b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/elf32-littlearm.lds
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d4efb6ad8..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/elf32-littlearm.lds
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm")
- . = 0x00000000;
- . = ALIGN(4);
- .text : { *(.text) }
- . = ALIGN(4);
- .rodata : { *(.rodata) }
- . = ALIGN(4);
- .data : { *(.data) }
- . = ALIGN(4);
- .bss : { *(.bss) }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/embedded_services.h b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/embedded_services.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 956b9edf06..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/embedded_services.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-//* ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
-//* The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
-//* kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
-//* limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
-//* fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
-//* intellectual property rights of others.
-//* File Name : embedded_sevices.h
-//* Object : Header File with all the embedded software services definitions
-//* 1.0 24 Jan 2003 FB : Creation
-#ifndef embedded_sevices_h
-#define embedded_sevices_h
-#include "AT91RM9200.h"
-#define AT91C_BASE_ROM (char *)0x00100000
-/* Return values */
-typedef unsigned int AT91S_BufferStatus;
-struct _AT91S_Pipe;
-// This structure is a virtual object of a buffer
-typedef struct _AT91S_Buffer
- struct _AT91S_Pipe *pPipe;
- void *pChild;
- // Functions invoked by the pipe
- AT91S_BufferStatus (*SetRdBuffer) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer, char *pBuffer, unsigned int Size);
- AT91S_BufferStatus (*SetWrBuffer) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer, char const *pBuffer, unsigned int Size);
- AT91S_BufferStatus (*RstRdBuffer) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer);
- AT91S_BufferStatus (*RstWrBuffer) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer);
- char (*MsgWritten) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer, char const *pBuffer);
- char (*MsgRead) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer, char const *pBuffer);
- // Functions invoked by the peripheral
- AT91S_BufferStatus (*GetWrBuffer) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer, char const **pData, unsigned int *pSize);
- AT91S_BufferStatus (*GetRdBuffer) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer, char **pData, unsigned int *pSize);
- AT91S_BufferStatus (*EmptyWrBuffer) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer, unsigned int size);
- AT91S_BufferStatus (*FillRdBuffer) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer, unsigned int size);
- char (*IsWrEmpty) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer);
- char (*IsRdFull) (struct _AT91S_Buffer *pSBuffer);
-} AT91S_Buffer, *AT91PS_Buffer;
-// ===========================================================================================
-// SimpleBuffer definition
-// This structure is pointed by pRealBuffer field in the SBuffer
-// It contains usefull information for a real implementation of
-// a SBuffer object.
-// The application just create an instance of SSBUffer and SBuffer,
-// call OpenSimpleBuffer, and continue using SBuffer instance
-typedef struct _AT91S_SBuffer
- AT91S_Buffer parent;
- char *pRdBuffer;
- char const *pWrBuffer;
- unsigned int szRdBuffer;
- unsigned int szWrBuffer;
- unsigned int stRdBuffer;
- unsigned int stWrBuffer;
-} AT91S_SBuffer, *AT91PS_SBuffer;
-typedef AT91PS_Buffer (*AT91PF_OpenSBuffer) (AT91PS_SBuffer);
-// This function is called by the application
-extern AT91PS_Buffer AT91F_OpenSBuffer(AT91PS_SBuffer pBuffer);
-// Functions invoked by the pipe
-extern AT91S_BufferStatus AT91F_SbSetRdBuffer (AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer, char *pData, unsigned int Size);
-extern AT91S_BufferStatus AT91F_SbSetWrBuffer (AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer, char const *pData, unsigned int Size);
-extern AT91S_BufferStatus AT91F_SbRstRdBuffer (AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer);
-extern AT91S_BufferStatus AT91F_SbRstWrBuffer (AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer);
-extern char AT91F_SbMsgWritten (AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer, char const *pMsg);
-extern char AT91F_SbMsgRead (AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer, char const *pMsg);
-// Functions invoked by the peripheral
-extern AT91S_BufferStatus AT91F_SbGetWrBuffer (AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer, char const **pData, unsigned int *pSize);
-extern AT91S_BufferStatus AT91F_SbGetRdBuffer (AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer, char **pData, unsigned int *pSize);
-extern AT91S_BufferStatus AT91F_SbEmptyWrBuffer(AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer, unsigned int size);
-extern AT91S_BufferStatus AT91F_SbFillRdBuffer (AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer, unsigned int size);
-extern char AT91F_SbIsWrEmpty (AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer);
-extern char AT91F_SbIsRdFull (AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer);
-extern char const *AT91F_SbGetError(AT91S_BufferStatus errorNumber);
-#define AT91C_START_OK 2
-#define AT91C_STOP_OK 3
-typedef enum _AT91E_SvcTempo {
-} AT91E_SvcTempo;
-typedef unsigned int AT91S_TempoStatus;
-// AT91S_SvcTempo
-typedef struct _AT91S_SvcTempo
- // Methods:
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*Start) (
- struct _AT91S_SvcTempo *pSvc,
- unsigned int timeout,
- unsigned int reload,
- void (*callback) (AT91S_TempoStatus, void *),
- void *pData);
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*Stop) (struct _AT91S_SvcTempo *pSvc);
- struct _AT91S_SvcTempo *pPreviousTempo;
- struct _AT91S_SvcTempo *pNextTempo;
- // Data
- unsigned int TickTempo; //* timeout value
- unsigned int ReloadTempo;//* Reload value for periodic execution
- void (*TempoCallback)(AT91S_TempoStatus, void *);
- void *pPrivateData;
- AT91E_SvcTempo flag;
-} AT91S_SvcTempo, *AT91PS_SvcTempo;
-// AT91S_CtrlTempo
-typedef struct _AT91S_CtlTempo
- // Members:
- // Start and stop for Timer hardware
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*CtlTempoStart) (void *pTimer);
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*CtlTempoStop) (void *pTimer);
- // Start and stop for Tempo service
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*SvcTempoStart) (
- struct _AT91S_SvcTempo *pSvc,
- unsigned int timeout,
- unsigned int reload,
- void (*callback) (AT91S_TempoStatus, void *),
- void *pData);
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*SvcTempoStop) (struct _AT91S_SvcTempo *pSvc);
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*CtlTempoSetTime)(struct _AT91S_CtlTempo *pCtrl, unsigned int NewTime);
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*CtlTempoGetTime)(struct _AT91S_CtlTempo *pCtrl);
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*CtlTempoIsStart)(struct _AT91S_CtlTempo *pCtrl);
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*CtlTempoCreate) (
- struct _AT91S_CtlTempo *pCtrl,
- struct _AT91S_SvcTempo *pTempo);
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*CtlTempoRemove) (
- struct _AT91S_CtlTempo *pCtrl,
- struct _AT91S_SvcTempo *pTempo);
- AT91S_TempoStatus (*CtlTempoTick) (struct _AT91S_CtlTempo *pCtrl);
- // Data:
- void *pPrivateData; // Pointer to devived class
- void const *pTimer; // hardware
- AT91PS_SvcTempo pFirstTempo;
- AT91PS_SvcTempo pNewTempo;
-} AT91S_CtlTempo, *AT91PS_CtlTempo;
-typedef AT91S_TempoStatus (*AT91PF_OpenCtlTempo) ( AT91PS_CtlTempo, void const *);
-// This function is called by the application.
-extern AT91S_TempoStatus AT91F_OpenCtlTempo( AT91PS_CtlTempo pCtrlTempo, void const *pTempoTimer );
-extern AT91S_TempoStatus AT91F_STStart (void *);
-extern AT91S_TempoStatus AT91F_STStop (void *);
-extern AT91S_TempoStatus AT91F_STSetTime (AT91PS_CtlTempo, unsigned int);
-extern AT91S_TempoStatus AT91F_STGetTime (AT91PS_CtlTempo);
-extern AT91S_TempoStatus AT91F_STIsStart (AT91PS_CtlTempo);
-extern AT91S_TempoStatus AT91F_CtlTempoCreate (AT91PS_CtlTempo, AT91PS_SvcTempo);
-extern AT91S_TempoStatus AT91F_CtlTempoRemove (AT91PS_CtlTempo, AT91PS_SvcTempo);
-extern AT91S_TempoStatus AT91F_CtlTempoTick (AT91PS_CtlTempo);
-extern AT91S_TempoStatus AT91F_SvcTempoStart (
- AT91PS_SvcTempo pSvc,
- unsigned int timeout,
- unsigned int reload,
- void (*callback) (AT91S_TempoStatus, void *),
- void *pData);
-extern AT91S_TempoStatus AT91F_SvcTempoStop (AT91PS_SvcTempo);
-// Following types are defined in another header files
-struct _AT91S_Buffer;
-// Constants:
-typedef unsigned int AT91S_SvcCommStatus;
-// AT91S_Service definition
-// This structure is an abstraction of a communication peripheral
-typedef struct _AT91S_Service
- // Methods:
- AT91S_SvcCommStatus (*Reset) (struct _AT91S_Service *pService);
- AT91S_SvcCommStatus (*StartTx)(struct _AT91S_Service *pService);
- AT91S_SvcCommStatus (*StartRx)(struct _AT91S_Service *pService);
- AT91S_SvcCommStatus (*StopTx) (struct _AT91S_Service *pService);
- AT91S_SvcCommStatus (*StopRx) (struct _AT91S_Service *pService);
- char (*TxReady)(struct _AT91S_Service *pService);
- char (*RxReady)(struct _AT91S_Service *pService);
- // Data:
- struct _AT91S_Buffer *pBuffer; // Link to a buffer object
- void *pChild;
-} AT91S_SvcComm, *AT91PS_SvcComm;
-// Constants:
-#define AT91C_XMODEM_SOH 0x01 /* Start of Heading for 128 bytes */
-#define AT91C_XMODEM_STX 0x02 /* Start of heading for 1024 bytes */
-#define AT91C_XMODEM_EOT 0x04 /* End of transmission */
-#define AT91C_XMODEM_ACK 0x06 /* Acknowledge */
-#define AT91C_XMODEM_NAK 0x15 /* Negative Acknowledge */
-#define AT91C_XMODEM_CRCCHR 'C'
-#define AT91C_XMODEM_PACKET_SIZE 2 // packet + packetCRC
-#define AT91C_XMODEM_CRC_SIZE 2 // crcLSB + crcMSB
-#define AT91C_XMODEM_DATA_SIZE_SOH 128 // data 128 corresponding to SOH header
-#define AT91C_XMODEM_DATA_SIZE_STX 1024 // data 1024 corresponding to STX header
-//* Following structure is used by SPipe to refer to the USB device peripheral endpoint
-typedef struct _AT91PS_SvcXmodem {
- // Public Methods:
- AT91S_SvcCommStatus (*Handler) (struct _AT91PS_SvcXmodem *, unsigned int);
- AT91S_SvcCommStatus (*StartTx) (struct _AT91PS_SvcXmodem *, unsigned int);
- AT91S_SvcCommStatus (*StopTx) (struct _AT91PS_SvcXmodem *, unsigned int);
- // Private Methods:
- AT91S_SvcCommStatus (*ReadHandler) (struct _AT91PS_SvcXmodem *, unsigned int csr);
- AT91S_SvcCommStatus (*WriteHandler) (struct _AT91PS_SvcXmodem *, unsigned int csr);
- unsigned short (*GetCrc) (char *ptr, unsigned int count);
- char (*CheckHeader) (unsigned char currentPacket, char *packet);
- char (*CheckData) (struct _AT91PS_SvcXmodem *);
- AT91S_SvcComm parent; // Base class
- AT91PS_USART pUsart;
- AT91S_SvcTempo tempo; // Link to a AT91S_Tempo object
- char *pData;
- unsigned int dataSize; // = XMODEM_DATA_STX or XMODEM_DATA_SOH
- char packetDesc[AT91C_XMODEM_PACKET_SIZE];
- unsigned char packetId; // Current packet
- char packetStatus;
- char isPacketDesc;
- char eot; // end of transmition
-} AT91S_SvcXmodem, *AT91PS_SvcXmodem;
-typedef AT91PS_SvcComm (*AT91PF_OpenSvcXmodem) ( AT91PS_SvcXmodem, AT91PS_USART, AT91PS_CtlTempo);
-// This function is called by the application.
-extern AT91PS_SvcComm AT91F_OpenSvcXmodem( AT91PS_SvcXmodem, AT91PS_USART, AT91PS_CtlTempo);
-extern unsigned short AT91F_SvcXmodemGetCrc (char *ptr, unsigned int count);
-extern char AT91F_SvcXmodemCheckHeader(unsigned char currentPacket, char *packet);
-extern char AT91F_SvcXmodemCheckData (AT91PS_SvcXmodem pSvcXmodem);
-extern AT91S_SvcCommStatus AT91F_SvcXmodemReadHandler(AT91PS_SvcXmodem pSvcXmodem, unsigned int csr);
-extern AT91S_SvcCommStatus AT91F_SvcXmodemWriteHandler(AT91PS_SvcXmodem pSvcXmodem, unsigned int csr);
-extern AT91S_SvcCommStatus AT91F_SvcXmodemStartTx(AT91PS_SvcComm pSvcComm);
-extern AT91S_SvcCommStatus AT91F_SvcXmodemStopTx(AT91PS_SvcComm pSvcComm);
-extern AT91S_SvcCommStatus AT91F_SvcXmodemStartRx(AT91PS_SvcComm pSvcComm);
-extern AT91S_SvcCommStatus AT91F_SvcXmodemStopRx(AT91PS_SvcComm pSvcComm);
-extern char AT91F_SvcXmodemTxReady(AT91PS_SvcComm pService);
-extern char AT91F_SvcXmodemRxReady(AT91PS_SvcComm pSvcComm);
-// Constants:
-#define AT91C_PIPE_SUCCESS 0
-/* _AT91S_Pipe stucture */
-typedef unsigned int AT91S_PipeStatus;
-typedef struct _AT91S_Pipe
- // A pipe is linked with a peripheral and a buffer
- AT91PS_SvcComm pSvcComm;
- AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer;
- // Callback functions with their arguments
- void (*WriteCallback) (AT91S_PipeStatus, void *);
- void (*ReadCallback) (AT91S_PipeStatus, void *);
- void *pPrivateReadData;
- void *pPrivateWriteData;
- // Pipe methods
- AT91S_PipeStatus (*Write) (
- struct _AT91S_Pipe *pPipe,
- char const * pData,
- unsigned int size,
- void (*callback) (AT91S_PipeStatus, void *),
- void *privateData);
- AT91S_PipeStatus (*Read) (
- struct _AT91S_Pipe *pPipe,
- char *pData,
- unsigned int size,
- void (*callback) (AT91S_PipeStatus, void *),
- void *privateData);
- AT91S_PipeStatus (*AbortWrite) (
- struct _AT91S_Pipe *pPipe);
- AT91S_PipeStatus (*AbortRead) (
- struct _AT91S_Pipe *pPipe);
- AT91S_PipeStatus (*Reset) (
- struct _AT91S_Pipe *pPipe);
- char (*IsWritten) (
- struct _AT91S_Pipe *pPipe,
- char const *pVoid);
- char (*IsReceived) (
- struct _AT91S_Pipe *pPipe,
- char const *pVoid);
-} AT91S_Pipe, *AT91PS_Pipe;
-// types used in AT91S_Pipe
-typedef AT91PS_Pipe (*AT91PF_OpenPipe) (AT91PS_Pipe, AT91PS_SvcComm, AT91PS_Buffer);
-typedef void (*AT91PF_PipeWriteCallBack) (AT91S_PipeStatus, void *);
-typedef void (*AT91PF_PipeReadCallBack) (AT91S_PipeStatus, void *);
-typedef AT91S_PipeStatus (*AT91PF_PipeWrite) (AT91PS_Pipe, char const *, unsigned int, void (*) (AT91S_PipeStatus, void *), void *);
-typedef AT91S_PipeStatus (*AT91PF_PipeRead) (AT91PS_Pipe, char const *, unsigned int, void (*) (AT91S_PipeStatus, void *), void *);
-typedef AT91S_PipeStatus (*AT91PF_PipeAbortWrite) (AT91PS_Pipe);
-typedef AT91S_PipeStatus (*AT91PF_PipeAbortRead) (AT91PS_Pipe);
-typedef AT91S_PipeStatus (*AT91PF_PipeReset) (AT91PS_Pipe);
-typedef char (*AT91PF_PipeIsWritten) (AT91PS_Pipe, char const *);
-typedef char (*AT91PF_PipeIsReceived) (AT91PS_Pipe, char const *);
-// This function is called by the application
-extern AT91PS_Pipe AT91F_OpenPipe(
- AT91PS_Pipe pPipe,
- AT91PS_SvcComm pSvcComm,
- AT91PS_Buffer pBuffer);
-// Following functions are called through AT91S_Pipe pointers
-extern AT91S_PipeStatus AT91F_PipeWrite(
- AT91PS_Pipe pPipe,
- char const *pVoid,
- unsigned int size,
- AT91PF_PipeWriteCallBack callback,
- void *privateData);
-extern AT91S_PipeStatus AT91F_PipeRead(
- AT91PS_Pipe pPipe,
- char *pVoid,
- unsigned int Size,
- AT91PF_PipeReadCallBack callback,
- void *privateData);
-extern AT91S_PipeStatus AT91F_PipeAbortWrite(AT91PS_Pipe pPipe);
-extern AT91S_PipeStatus AT91F_PipeAbortRead(AT91PS_Pipe pPipe);
-extern AT91S_PipeStatus AT91F_PipeReset(AT91PS_Pipe pPipe);
-extern char AT91F_PipeMsgWritten(AT91PS_Pipe pPipe, char const *pVoid);
-extern char AT91F_PipeMsgReceived(AT91PS_Pipe pPipe, char const *pVoid);
-#ifdef DBG_DRV_PIPE
-// This function parse the error number and return a string
-// describing the error message
-extern char const *AT91F_PipeGetError(AT91S_PipeStatus msgId);
-extern const unsigned char bit_rev[256];
-extern void CalculateCrc32(const unsigned char *,unsigned int, unsigned int *);
-extern void CalculateCrc16(const unsigned char *, unsigned int , unsigned short *);
-extern void CalculateCrcHdlc(const unsigned char *, unsigned int, unsigned short *);
-extern void CalculateCrc16ccitt(const unsigned char *, unsigned int , unsigned short *);
-typedef const unsigned char* AT91PS_SVC_CRC_BIT_REV ;
-typedef void (*AT91PF_SVC_CRC32) (const unsigned char *, unsigned int, unsigned int *);
-typedef void (*AT91PF_SVC_CRC16) (const unsigned char *, unsigned int, unsigned short *);
-typedef void (*AT91PF_SVC_CRCHDLC) (const unsigned char *, unsigned int, unsigned short *);
-typedef void (*AT91PF_SVC_CRCCCITT)(const unsigned char *, unsigned int , unsigned short *);
-typedef short (*AT91PF_Sinus) (int angle);
-typedef const short * AT91PS_SINE_TAB;
-extern short AT91F_Sinus(int angle);
-extern const short AT91C_SINUS180_TAB[256];
-typedef void (TypeAICHandler) (void) ;
-// ROM BOOT Structure Element Definition (liv v2)
-typedef struct _AT91S_MEMCDesc
- AT91PS_MC memc_base ; /* Peripheral base */
- unsigned char periph_id ; /* MC Peripheral Identifier */
-} AT91S_MEMCDesc, *AT91PS_MEMCDesc ;
-typedef struct _AT91S_Pio2Desc
- AT91PS_PIO pio_base ; /* Base Address */
- unsigned char periph_id ; /* Peripheral Identifier */
- unsigned char pio_number ; /* Total Pin Number */
-} AT91S_Pio2Desc, *AT91PS_Pio2Desc ;
-typedef struct _AT91S_SPIDesc
- AT91PS_SPI spi_base ;
- const AT91PS_PIO pio_base ;
- unsigned char periph_id ;
- unsigned char pin_spck ;
- unsigned char pin_miso ;
- unsigned char pin_mosi ;
- unsigned char pin_npcs[4] ;
-} AT91S_SPIDesc, *AT91PS_SPIDesc ;
-typedef struct _AT91S_USART2Desc
- AT91PS_USART usart_base ; /* Peripheral base */
- const AT91PS_PIO pio_base ; /* IO controller descriptor */
- unsigned int pin_rxd ; /* RXD pin number in the PIO */
- unsigned int pin_txd ; /* TXD pin number in the PIO */
- unsigned int pin_sck ; /* SCK pin number in the PIO */
- unsigned int pin_rts ; /* RTS pin number in the PIO */
- unsigned int pin_cts ; /* CTS pin number in the PIO */
- unsigned int pin_dtr ; /* DTR pin number in the PIO */
- unsigned int pin_ri ; /* RI pin number in the PIO */
- unsigned int pin_dsr ; /* DSR pin number in the PIO */
- unsigned int pin_dcd ; /* DCD pin number in the PIO */
- unsigned int periph_id ; /* USART Peripheral Identifier */
-} AT91S_USART2Desc, *AT91PS_USART2Desc ;
-typedef struct _AT91S_TWIDesc
- AT91PS_TWI TWI_base ;
- const AT91PS_PIO pio_base ;
- unsigned int pin_sck ;
- unsigned int pin_sda ;
- unsigned int periph_id;
-}AT91S_TWIDesc, *AT91PS_TWIDesc;
-typedef struct _AT91S_STDesc
- AT91PS_ST st_base ; /* Peripheral base address */
- TypeAICHandler *AsmSTHandler ; /* Assembly interrupt handler */
- unsigned char PeriphId ; /* Peripheral Identifier */
-} AT91S_STDesc, *AT91PS_STDesc;
-typedef struct _AT91S_RomBoot {
- const unsigned int version;
- // Peripheral descriptors
- const AT91S_MEMCDesc MEMC_DESC;
- const AT91S_Pio2Desc PIOA_DESC;
- const AT91S_Pio2Desc PIOB_DESC;
- const AT91S_USART2Desc DBGU_DESC;
- const AT91S_USART2Desc USART0_DESC;
- const AT91S_USART2Desc USART1_DESC;
- const AT91S_USART2Desc USART2_DESC;
- const AT91S_USART2Desc USART3_DESC;
- const AT91S_TWIDesc TWI_DESC;
- const AT91S_SPIDesc SPI_DESC;
- // Objects entry
- const AT91PF_OpenPipe OpenPipe;
- const AT91PF_OpenSBuffer OpenSBuffer;
- const unsigned int reserved1;
- const AT91PF_OpenSvcXmodem OpenSvcXmodem;
- const AT91PF_OpenCtlTempo OpenCtlTempo;
- const unsigned int reserved2;
- const unsigned int reserved3;
- const unsigned int reserved4;
- const AT91PF_SVC_CRC16 CRC16;
- const AT91PF_SVC_CRC32 CRC32;
- const AT91PS_SVC_CRC_BIT_REV Bit_Reverse_Array;
- const AT91PS_SINE_TAB SineTab;
- const AT91PF_Sinus Sine;
-} AT91S_RomBoot, *AT91PS_RomBoot;
-#define AT91C_ROM_BOOT_ADDRESS ((const AT91S_RomBoot *) ( *((unsigned int *) (AT91C_BASE_ROM + 0x20))) )
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91C_MCI_Device.h b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91C_MCI_Device.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 43d5835234..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91C_MCI_Device.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-//* ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
-//* The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
-//* kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
-//* limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
-//* fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
-//* intellectual property rights of others.
-//* File Name : AT91C_MCI_Device.h
-//* Object : Data Flash Atmel Description File
-//* Translator :
-//* 1.0 26/11/02 FB : Creation
-#ifndef AT91C_MCI_Device_h
-#define AT91C_MCI_Device_h
-#include "AT91RM9200.h"
-#include "lib_AT91RM9200.h"
-typedef unsigned int AT91S_MCIDeviceStatus;
-#define AT91C_CARD_REMOVED 0
-#define AT91C_NO_ARGUMENT 0x0
-#define AT91C_FIRST_RCA 0xCAFE
-#define AT91C_MAX_MCI_CARDS 10
-#define AT91C_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT 0x00
-#define AT91C_BUS_WIDTH_4BITS 0x02
-/* Driver State */
-#define AT91C_MCI_IDLE 0x0
-#define AT91C_MCI_TIMEOUT_ERROR 0x1
-#define AT91C_MCI_RX_SINGLE_BLOCK 0x2
-#define AT91C_MCI_RX_STREAM 0x4
-#define AT91C_MCI_TX_SINGLE_BLOCK 0x5
-#define AT91C_MCI_TX_STREAM 0x7
-/* TimeOut */
-#define AT91C_TIMEOUT_CMDRDY 30
-// MMC & SDCard Structures
-/* SDCard Device Descriptor Structure Definition */
-typedef struct _AT91S_MciDeviceDesc
- volatile unsigned char state;
- unsigned char SDCard_bus_width;
-} AT91S_MciDeviceDesc, *AT91PS_MciDeviceDesc;
-/* MMC & SDCard Structure Device Features */
-typedef struct _AT91S_MciDeviceFeatures
- unsigned char Card_Inserted; // (0=AT91C_CARD_REMOVED) (1=AT91C_MMC_CARD_INSERTED) (2=AT91C_SD_CARD_INSERTED)
- unsigned int Relative_Card_Address; // RCA
- unsigned int Max_Read_DataBlock_Length; // 2^(READ_BL_LEN) in CSD
- unsigned int Max_Write_DataBlock_Length; // 2^(WRITE_BL_LEN) in CSD
- unsigned char Read_Partial; // READ_BL_PARTIAL
- unsigned char Write_Partial; // WRITE_BL_PARTIAL
- unsigned char Erase_Block_Enable; // ERASE_BLK_EN
- unsigned char Read_Block_Misalignment; // READ_BLK_MISALIGN
- unsigned char Write_Block_Misalignment; // WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN
- unsigned char Sector_Size; // SECTOR_SIZE
- unsigned int Memory_Capacity; // Size in bits of the device
-} AT91S_MciDeviceFeatures, *AT91PS_MciDeviceFeatures ;
-/* MCI Device Structure Definition */
-typedef struct _AT91S_MciDevice
- AT91PS_MciDeviceDesc pMCI_DeviceDesc; // MCI device descriptor
- AT91PS_MciDeviceFeatures pMCI_DeviceFeatures;// Pointer on a MCI device features array
-}AT91S_MciDevice, *AT91PS_MciDevice;
-// MCI_CMD Register Value
-// Class 0 & 1 commands: Basic commands and Read Stream commands
-//* Class 2 commands: Block oriented Read commands
-//* Class 3 commands: Sequential write commands
-//* Class 4 commands: Block oriented write commands
-#define AT91C_PROGRAM_CSD_CMD (27 | AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_48 )
-//* Class 6 commands: Group Write protect
-#define AT91C_SET_WRITE_PROT_CMD (28 | AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_48 )
-#define AT91C_CLR_WRITE_PROT_CMD (29 | AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_48 )
-#define AT91C_SEND_WRITE_PROT_CMD (30 | AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_48 )
-//* Class 5 commands: Erase commands
-//* Class 7 commands: Lock commands
-// Class 8 commands: Application specific commands
-#define AT91C_GEN_CMD (56 | AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_NONE | AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_48 | AT91C_MCI_TRCMD_NO | AT91C_MCI_MAXLAT) // no tested
-//* Class 9 commands: IO Mode commands
-// Functions returnals
-#define AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK 0 // Command ok
-#define AT91C_CMD_SEND_ERROR -1 // Command failed
-#define AT91C_INIT_OK 2 // Init Successfull
-#define AT91C_INIT_ERROR 3 // Init Failed
-#define AT91C_READ_OK 4 // Read Successfull
-#define AT91C_READ_ERROR 5 // Read Failed
-#define AT91C_WRITE_OK 6 // Write Successfull
-#define AT91C_WRITE_ERROR 7 // Write Failed
-#define AT91C_ERASE_OK 8 // Erase Successfull
-#define AT91C_ERASE_ERROR 9 // Erase Failed
-#define AT91C_CARD_SELECTED_OK 10 // Card Selection Successfull
-#define AT91C_CARD_SELECTED_ERROR 11 // Card Selection Failed
-// MCI_SR Errors
-#define AT91C_MCI_SR_ERROR (AT91C_MCI_UNRE |\
-// OCR Register
-#define AT91C_VDD_16_17 (1 << 4)
-#define AT91C_VDD_17_18 (1 << 5)
-#define AT91C_VDD_18_19 (1 << 6)
-#define AT91C_VDD_19_20 (1 << 7)
-#define AT91C_VDD_20_21 (1 << 8)
-#define AT91C_VDD_21_22 (1 << 9)
-#define AT91C_VDD_22_23 (1 << 10)
-#define AT91C_VDD_23_24 (1 << 11)
-#define AT91C_VDD_24_25 (1 << 12)
-#define AT91C_VDD_25_26 (1 << 13)
-#define AT91C_VDD_26_27 (1 << 14)
-#define AT91C_VDD_27_28 (1 << 15)
-#define AT91C_VDD_28_29 (1 << 16)
-#define AT91C_VDD_29_30 (1 << 17)
-#define AT91C_VDD_30_31 (1 << 18)
-#define AT91C_VDD_31_32 (1 << 19)
-#define AT91C_VDD_32_33 (1 << 20)
-#define AT91C_VDD_33_34 (1 << 21)
-#define AT91C_VDD_34_35 (1 << 22)
-#define AT91C_VDD_35_36 (1 << 23)
-#define AT91C_CARD_POWER_UP_BUSY (1 << 31)
-#define AT91C_MMC_HOST_VOLTAGE_RANGE (AT91C_VDD_27_28 +\
- AT91C_VDD_28_29 +\
- AT91C_VDD_29_30 +\
- AT91C_VDD_30_31 +\
- AT91C_VDD_31_32 +\
- AT91C_VDD_32_33)
-// CURRENT_STATE & READY_FOR_DATA in SDCard Status Register definition (response type R1)
-#define AT91C_SR_READY_FOR_DATA (1 << 8) // corresponds to buffer empty signalling on the bus
-#define AT91C_SR_IDLE (0 << 9)
-#define AT91C_SR_READY (1 << 9)
-#define AT91C_SR_IDENT (2 << 9)
-#define AT91C_SR_STBY (3 << 9)
-#define AT91C_SR_TRAN (4 << 9)
-#define AT91C_SR_DATA (5 << 9)
-#define AT91C_SR_RCV (6 << 9)
-#define AT91C_SR_PRG (7 << 9)
-#define AT91C_SR_DIS (8 << 9)
-// MMC CSD register header File
-// AT91C_CSD_xxx_S for shift value
-// AT91C_CSD_xxx_M for mask value
-// First Response INT <=> CSD[3] : bits 0 to 31
-#define AT91C_CSD_BIT0_S 0 // [0:0]
-#define AT91C_CSD_BIT0_M 0x01
-#define AT91C_CSD_CRC_S 1 // [7:1]
-#define AT91C_CSD_CRC_M 0x7F
-#define AT91C_CSD_MMC_ECC_S 8 // [9:8] reserved for MMC compatibility
-#define AT91C_CSD_MMC_ECC_M 0x03
-#define AT91C_CSD_FILE_FMT_S 10 // [11:10]
-#define AT91C_CSD_FILE_FMT_M 0x03
-#define AT91C_CSD_TMP_WP_S 12 // [12:12]
-#define AT91C_CSD_TMP_WP_M 0x01
-#define AT91C_CSD_PERM_WP_S 13 // [13:13]
-#define AT91C_CSD_PERM_WP_M 0x01
-#define AT91C_CSD_COPY_S 14 // [14:14]
-#define AT91C_CSD_COPY_M 0x01
-#define AT91C_CSD_FILE_FMT_GRP_S 15 // [15:15]
-#define AT91C_CSD_FILE_FMT_GRP_M 0x01
-// reserved 16 // [20:16]
-// reserved 0x1F
-#define AT91C_CSD_WBLOCK_P_S 21 // [21:21]
-#define AT91C_CSD_WBLOCK_P_M 0x01
-#define AT91C_CSD_WBLEN_S 22 // [25:22]
-#define AT91C_CSD_WBLEN_M 0x0F
-#define AT91C_CSD_R2W_F_S 26 // [28:26]
-#define AT91C_CSD_R2W_F_M 0x07
-#define AT91C_CSD_MMC_DEF_ECC_S 29 // [30:29] reserved for MMC compatibility
-#define AT91C_CSD_MMC_DEF_ECC_M 0x03
-#define AT91C_CSD_WP_GRP_EN_S 31 // [31:31]
-#define AT91C_CSD_WP_GRP_EN_M 0x01
-// Seconde Response INT <=> CSD[2] : bits 32 to 63
-#define AT91C_CSD_v21_WP_GRP_SIZE_S 0 // [38:32]
-#define AT91C_CSD_v21_WP_GRP_SIZE_M 0x7F
-#define AT91C_CSD_v21_SECT_SIZE_S 7 // [45:39]
-#define AT91C_CSD_v21_SECT_SIZE_M 0x7F
-#define AT91C_CSD_v21_ER_BLEN_EN_S 14 // [46:46]
-#define AT91C_CSD_v21_ER_BLEN_EN_M 0x01
-#define AT91C_CSD_v22_WP_GRP_SIZE_S 0 // [36:32]
-#define AT91C_CSD_v22_WP_GRP_SIZE_M 0x1F
-#define AT91C_CSD_v22_ER_GRP_SIZE_S 5 // [41:37]
-#define AT91C_CSD_v22_ER_GRP_SIZE_M 0x1F
-#define AT91C_CSD_v22_SECT_SIZE_S 10 // [46:42]
-#define AT91C_CSD_v22_SECT_SIZE_M 0x1F
-#define AT91C_CSD_C_SIZE_M_S 15 // [49:47]
-#define AT91C_CSD_C_SIZE_M_M 0x07
-#define AT91C_CSD_VDD_WMAX_S 18 // [52:50]
-#define AT91C_CSD_VDD_WMAX_M 0x07
-#define AT91C_CSD_VDD_WMIN_S 21 // [55:53]
-#define AT91C_CSD_VDD_WMIN_M 0x07
-#define AT91C_CSD_RCUR_MAX_S 24 // [58:56]
-#define AT91C_CSD_RCUR_MAX_M 0x07
-#define AT91C_CSD_RCUR_MIN_S 27 // [61:59]
-#define AT91C_CSD_RCUR_MIN_M 0x07
-#define AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_L_S 30 // [63:62] <=> 2 LSB of CSIZE
-#define AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_L_M 0x03
-// Third Response INT <=> CSD[1] : bits 64 to 95
-#define AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_H_S 0 // [73:64] <=> 10 MSB of CSIZE
-#define AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_H_M 0x03FF
-// reserved 10 // [75:74]
-// reserved 0x03
-#define AT91C_CSD_DSR_I_S 12 // [76:76]
-#define AT91C_CSD_DSR_I_M 0x01
-#define AT91C_CSD_RD_B_MIS_S 13 // [77:77]
-#define AT91C_CSD_RD_B_MIS_M 0x01
-#define AT91C_CSD_WR_B_MIS_S 14 // [78:78]
-#define AT91C_CSD_WR_B_MIS_M 0x01
-#define AT91C_CSD_RD_B_PAR_S 15 // [79:79]
-#define AT91C_CSD_RD_B_PAR_M 0x01
-#define AT91C_CSD_RD_B_LEN_S 16 // [83:80]
-#define AT91C_CSD_RD_B_LEN_M 0x0F
-#define AT91C_CSD_CCC_S 20 // [95:84]
-#define AT91C_CSD_CCC_M 0x0FFF
-// Fourth Response INT <=> CSD[0] : bits 96 to 127
-#define AT91C_CSD_TRANS_SPEED_S 0 // [103:96]
-#define AT91C_CSD_NSAC_S 8 // [111:104]
-#define AT91C_CSD_NSAC_M 0xFF
-#define AT91C_CSD_TAAC_S 16 // [119:112]
-#define AT91C_CSD_TAAC_M 0xFF
-// reserved 24 // [121:120]
-// reserved 0x03
-#define AT91C_CSD_MMC_SPEC_VERS_S 26 // [125:122] reserved for MMC compatibility
-#define AT91C_CSD_MMC_SPEC_VERS_M 0x0F
-#define AT91C_CSD_STRUCT_S 30 // [127:126]
-#define AT91C_CSD_STRUCT_M 0x03
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91RM9200.h b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91RM9200.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd153b421..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91RM9200.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2745 +0,0 @@
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
-// kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
-// limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
-// fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
-// intellectual property rights of others.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// File Name : AT91RM9200.h
-// Object : AT91RM9200 definitions
-// Generated : AT91 SW Application Group 11/19/2003 (17:20:50)
-// CVS Reference : /AT91RM9200.pl/1.16/Fri Feb 07 10:29:51 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /SYS_AT91RM9200.pl/1.2/Fri Jan 17 12:44:37 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /MC_1760A.pl/1.1/Fri Aug 23 14:38:22 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /AIC_1796B.pl/ Jun 28 09:36:47 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /PMC_2636A.pl/ Jun 28 09:36:48 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /ST_1763B.pl/1.1/Fri Aug 23 14:41:42 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /RTC_1245D.pl/1.2/Fri Jan 31 12:19:06 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /PIO_1725D.pl/ Jun 28 09:36:47 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /DBGU_1754A.pl/1.4/Fri Jan 31 12:18:24 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /UDP_1765B.pl/1.3/Fri Aug 02 14:45:38 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /MCI_1764A.pl/1.2/Thu Nov 14 17:48:24 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /US_1739C.pl/1.2/Fri Jul 12 07:49:25 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /SPI_AT91RMxxxx.pl/1.3/Tue Nov 26 10:20:29 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /SSC_1762A.pl/1.2/Fri Nov 08 13:26:39 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /TC_1753B.pl/1.2/Fri Jan 31 12:19:55 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /TWI_1761B.pl/1.4/Fri Feb 07 10:30:07 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /PDC_1734B.pl/1.2/Thu Nov 21 16:38:23 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /UHP_xxxxA.pl/1.1/Mon Jul 22 12:21:58 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /EMAC_1794A.pl/1.4/Fri Jan 17 12:11:54 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /EBI_1759B.pl/1.10/Fri Jan 17 12:44:29 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /SMC_1783A.pl/1.3/Thu Oct 31 14:38:17 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /SDRC_1758B.pl/1.2/Thu Oct 03 13:04:41 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /BFC_1757B.pl/1.3/Thu Oct 31 14:38:00 2002//
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef AT91RM9200_H
-#define AT91RM9200_H
-typedef volatile unsigned int AT91_REG;// Hardware register definition
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_SYS {
- AT91_REG AIC_SMR[32]; // Source Mode Register
- AT91_REG AIC_SVR[32]; // Source Vector Register
- AT91_REG AIC_IVR; // IRQ Vector Register
- AT91_REG AIC_FVR; // FIQ Vector Register
- AT91_REG AIC_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG AIC_IPR; // Interrupt Pending Register
- AT91_REG AIC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG AIC_CISR; // Core Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[2]; //
- AT91_REG AIC_IECR; // Interrupt Enable Command Register
- AT91_REG AIC_IDCR; // Interrupt Disable Command Register
- AT91_REG AIC_ICCR; // Interrupt Clear Command Register
- AT91_REG AIC_ISCR; // Interrupt Set Command Register
- AT91_REG AIC_EOICR; // End of Interrupt Command Register
- AT91_REG AIC_SPU; // Spurious Vector Register
- AT91_REG AIC_DCR; // Debug Control Register (Protect)
- AT91_REG Reserved1[1]; //
- AT91_REG AIC_FFER; // Fast Forcing Enable Register
- AT91_REG AIC_FFDR; // Fast Forcing Disable Register
- AT91_REG AIC_FFSR; // Fast Forcing Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved2[45]; //
- AT91_REG DBGU_CR; // Control Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_MR; // Mode Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_CSR; // Channel Status Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_RHR; // Receiver Holding Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_THR; // Transmitter Holding Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_BRGR; // Baud Rate Generator Register
- AT91_REG Reserved3[7]; //
- AT91_REG DBGU_C1R; // Chip ID1 Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_C2R; // Chip ID2 Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_FNTR; // Force NTRST Register
- AT91_REG Reserved4[45]; //
- AT91_REG DBGU_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved5[54]; //
- AT91_REG PIOA_PER; // PIO Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_PDR; // PIO Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_PSR; // PIO Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved6[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOA_OER; // Output Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_ODR; // Output Disable Registerr
- AT91_REG PIOA_OSR; // Output Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved7[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOA_IFER; // Input Filter Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_IFDR; // Input Filter Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_IFSR; // Input Filter Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved8[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOA_SODR; // Set Output Data Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_CODR; // Clear Output Data Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_ODSR; // Output Data Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_PDSR; // Pin Data Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_MDER; // Multi-driver Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_MDDR; // Multi-driver Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_MDSR; // Multi-driver Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved9[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOA_PPUDR; // Pull-up Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_PPUER; // Pull-up Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_PPUSR; // Pad Pull-up Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved10[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOA_ASR; // Select A Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_BSR; // Select B Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_ABSR; // AB Select Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved11[9]; //
- AT91_REG PIOA_OWER; // Output Write Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_OWDR; // Output Write Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOA_OWSR; // Output Write Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved12[85]; //
- AT91_REG PIOB_PER; // PIO Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_PDR; // PIO Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_PSR; // PIO Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved13[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOB_OER; // Output Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_ODR; // Output Disable Registerr
- AT91_REG PIOB_OSR; // Output Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved14[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOB_IFER; // Input Filter Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_IFDR; // Input Filter Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_IFSR; // Input Filter Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved15[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOB_SODR; // Set Output Data Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_CODR; // Clear Output Data Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_ODSR; // Output Data Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_PDSR; // Pin Data Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_MDER; // Multi-driver Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_MDDR; // Multi-driver Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_MDSR; // Multi-driver Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved16[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOB_PPUDR; // Pull-up Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_PPUER; // Pull-up Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_PPUSR; // Pad Pull-up Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved17[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOB_ASR; // Select A Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_BSR; // Select B Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_ABSR; // AB Select Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved18[9]; //
- AT91_REG PIOB_OWER; // Output Write Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_OWDR; // Output Write Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOB_OWSR; // Output Write Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved19[85]; //
- AT91_REG PIOC_PER; // PIO Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_PDR; // PIO Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_PSR; // PIO Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved20[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOC_OER; // Output Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_ODR; // Output Disable Registerr
- AT91_REG PIOC_OSR; // Output Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved21[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOC_IFER; // Input Filter Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_IFDR; // Input Filter Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_IFSR; // Input Filter Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved22[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOC_SODR; // Set Output Data Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_CODR; // Clear Output Data Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_ODSR; // Output Data Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_PDSR; // Pin Data Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_MDER; // Multi-driver Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_MDDR; // Multi-driver Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_MDSR; // Multi-driver Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved23[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOC_PPUDR; // Pull-up Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_PPUER; // Pull-up Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_PPUSR; // Pad Pull-up Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved24[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOC_ASR; // Select A Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_BSR; // Select B Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_ABSR; // AB Select Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved25[9]; //
- AT91_REG PIOC_OWER; // Output Write Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_OWDR; // Output Write Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOC_OWSR; // Output Write Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved26[85]; //
- AT91_REG PIOD_PER; // PIO Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_PDR; // PIO Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_PSR; // PIO Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved27[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOD_OER; // Output Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_ODR; // Output Disable Registerr
- AT91_REG PIOD_OSR; // Output Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved28[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOD_IFER; // Input Filter Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_IFDR; // Input Filter Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_IFSR; // Input Filter Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved29[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOD_SODR; // Set Output Data Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_CODR; // Clear Output Data Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_ODSR; // Output Data Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_PDSR; // Pin Data Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_MDER; // Multi-driver Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_MDDR; // Multi-driver Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_MDSR; // Multi-driver Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved30[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOD_PPUDR; // Pull-up Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_PPUER; // Pull-up Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_PPUSR; // Pad Pull-up Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved31[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIOD_ASR; // Select A Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_BSR; // Select B Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_ABSR; // AB Select Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved32[9]; //
- AT91_REG PIOD_OWER; // Output Write Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_OWDR; // Output Write Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIOD_OWSR; // Output Write Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved33[85]; //
- AT91_REG PMC_SCER; // System Clock Enable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_SCDR; // System Clock Disable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_SCSR; // System Clock Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved34[1]; //
- AT91_REG PMC_PCER; // Peripheral Clock Enable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_PCDR; // Peripheral Clock Disable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_PCSR; // Peripheral Clock Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved35[1]; //
- AT91_REG CKGR_MOR; // Main Oscillator Register
- AT91_REG CKGR_MCFR; // Main Clock Frequency Register
- AT91_REG CKGR_PLLAR; // PLL A Register
- AT91_REG CKGR_PLLBR; // PLL B Register
- AT91_REG PMC_MCKR; // Master Clock Register
- AT91_REG Reserved36[3]; //
- AT91_REG PMC_PCKR[8]; // Programmable Clock Register
- AT91_REG PMC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_SR; // Status Register
- AT91_REG PMC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG Reserved37[36]; //
- AT91_REG ST_CR; // Control Register
- AT91_REG ST_PIMR; // Period Interval Mode Register
- AT91_REG ST_WDMR; // Watchdog Mode Register
- AT91_REG ST_RTMR; // Real-time Mode Register
- AT91_REG ST_SR; // Status Register
- AT91_REG ST_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG ST_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG ST_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG ST_RTAR; // Real-time Alarm Register
- AT91_REG ST_CRTR; // Current Real-time Register
- AT91_REG Reserved38[54]; //
- AT91_REG RTC_CR; // Control Register
- AT91_REG RTC_MR; // Mode Register
- AT91_REG RTC_TIMR; // Time Register
- AT91_REG RTC_CALR; // Calendar Register
- AT91_REG RTC_TIMALR; // Time Alarm Register
- AT91_REG RTC_CALALR; // Calendar Alarm Register
- AT91_REG RTC_SR; // Status Register
- AT91_REG RTC_SCCR; // Status Clear Command Register
- AT91_REG RTC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG RTC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG RTC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG RTC_VER; // Valid Entry Register
- AT91_REG Reserved39[52]; //
- AT91_REG MC_RCR; // MC Remap Control Register
- AT91_REG MC_ASR; // MC Abort Status Register
- AT91_REG MC_AASR; // MC Abort Address Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved40[1]; //
- AT91_REG MC_PUIA[16]; // MC Protection Unit Area
- AT91_REG MC_PUP; // MC Protection Unit Peripherals
- AT91_REG MC_PUER; // MC Protection Unit Enable Register
- AT91_REG Reserved41[2]; //
- AT91_REG EBI_CSA; // Chip Select Assignment Register
- AT91_REG EBI_CFGR; // Configuration Register
- AT91_REG Reserved42[2]; //
- AT91_REG EBI_SMC2_CSR[8]; // SMC2 Chip Select Register
- AT91_REG EBI_SDRC_MR; // SDRAM Controller Mode Register
- AT91_REG EBI_SDRC_TR; // SDRAM Controller Refresh Timer Register
- AT91_REG EBI_SDRC_CR; // SDRAM Controller Configuration Register
- AT91_REG EBI_SDRC_SRR; // SDRAM Controller Self Refresh Register
- AT91_REG EBI_SDRC_LPR; // SDRAM Controller Low Power Register
- AT91_REG EBI_SDRC_IER; // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG EBI_SDRC_IDR; // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG EBI_SDRC_IMR; // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG EBI_SDRC_ISR; // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG Reserved43[3]; //
- AT91_REG EBI_BFC_MR; // BFC Mode Register
-} AT91S_SYS, *AT91PS_SYS;
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Memory Controller Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_MC {
- AT91_REG MC_RCR; // MC Remap Control Register
- AT91_REG MC_ASR; // MC Abort Status Register
- AT91_REG MC_AASR; // MC Abort Address Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[1]; //
- AT91_REG MC_PUIA[16]; // MC Protection Unit Area
- AT91_REG MC_PUP; // MC Protection Unit Peripherals
- AT91_REG MC_PUER; // MC Protection Unit Enable Register
-} AT91S_MC, *AT91PS_MC;
-// -------- MC_RCR : (MC Offset: 0x0) MC Remap Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_MC_RCB ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (MC) Remap Command Bit
-// -------- MC_ASR : (MC Offset: 0x4) MC Abort Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_MC_UNDADD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (MC) Undefined Addess Abort Status
-#define AT91C_MC_MISADD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (MC) Misaligned Addess Abort Status
-#define AT91C_MC_MPU ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (MC) Memory protection Unit Abort Status
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (MC) Abort Size Status
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_BYTE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 8) // (MC) Byte
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_HWORD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (MC) Half-word
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_WORD ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 8) // (MC) Word
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 10) // (MC) Abort Type Status
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAR ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 10) // (MC) Data Read
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAW ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (MC) Data Write
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_FETCH ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 10) // (MC) Code Fetch
-#define AT91C_MC_MST0 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (MC) Master 0 Abort Source
-#define AT91C_MC_MST1 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (MC) Master 1 Abort Source
-#define AT91C_MC_SVMST0 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 24) // (MC) Saved Master 0 Abort Source
-#define AT91C_MC_SVMST1 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 25) // (MC) Saved Master 1 Abort Source
-// -------- MC_PUIA : (MC Offset: 0x10) MC Protection Unit Area --------
-#define AT91C_MC_PROT ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 0) // (MC) Protection
-#define AT91C_MC_PROT_PNAUNA ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (MC) Privilege: No Access, User: No Access
-#define AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWUNA ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: No Access
-#define AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWURO ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: Read Only
-#define AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWURW ((unsigned int) 0x3) // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: Read/Write
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE ((unsigned int) 0xF << 4) // (MC) Internal Area Size
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_1KB ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 4) // (MC) Area size 1KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_2KB ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (MC) Area size 2KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_4KB ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 4) // (MC) Area size 4KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_8KB ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 4) // (MC) Area size 8KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_16KB ((unsigned int) 0x4 << 4) // (MC) Area size 16KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_32KB ((unsigned int) 0x5 << 4) // (MC) Area size 32KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_64KB ((unsigned int) 0x6 << 4) // (MC) Area size 64KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_128KB ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 4) // (MC) Area size 128KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_256KB ((unsigned int) 0x8 << 4) // (MC) Area size 256KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_512KB ((unsigned int) 0x9 << 4) // (MC) Area size 512KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_1MB ((unsigned int) 0xA << 4) // (MC) Area size 1MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_2MB ((unsigned int) 0xB << 4) // (MC) Area size 2MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_4MB ((unsigned int) 0xC << 4) // (MC) Area size 4MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_8MB ((unsigned int) 0xD << 4) // (MC) Area size 8MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_16MB ((unsigned int) 0xE << 4) // (MC) Area size 16MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_64MB ((unsigned int) 0xF << 4) // (MC) Area size 64MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_BA ((unsigned int) 0x3FFFF << 10) // (MC) Internal Area Base Address
-// -------- MC_PUP : (MC Offset: 0x50) MC Protection Unit Peripheral --------
-// -------- MC_PUER : (MC Offset: 0x54) MC Protection Unit Area --------
-#define AT91C_MC_PUEB ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (MC) Protection Unit enable Bit
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Real-time Clock Alarm and Parallel Load Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_RTC {
- AT91_REG RTC_CR; // Control Register
- AT91_REG RTC_MR; // Mode Register
- AT91_REG RTC_TIMR; // Time Register
- AT91_REG RTC_CALR; // Calendar Register
- AT91_REG RTC_TIMALR; // Time Alarm Register
- AT91_REG RTC_CALALR; // Calendar Alarm Register
- AT91_REG RTC_SR; // Status Register
- AT91_REG RTC_SCCR; // Status Clear Command Register
- AT91_REG RTC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG RTC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG RTC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG RTC_VER; // Valid Entry Register
-} AT91S_RTC, *AT91PS_RTC;
-// -------- RTC_CR : (RTC Offset: 0x0) RTC Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_UPDTIM ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (RTC) Update Request Time Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_UPDCAL ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (RTC) Update Request Calendar Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (RTC) Time Event Selection
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_MINUTE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 8) // (RTC) Minute change.
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_HOUR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (RTC) Hour change.
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_DAY24 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 8) // (RTC) Every day at midnight.
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_DAY12 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (RTC) Every day at noon.
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 16) // (RTC) Calendar Event Selection
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_WEEK ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 16) // (RTC) Week change (every Monday at time 00:00:00).
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_MONTH ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (RTC) Month change (every 01 of each month at time 00:00:00).
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_YEAR ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 16) // (RTC) Year change (every January 1 at time 00:00:00).
-// -------- RTC_MR : (RTC Offset: 0x4) RTC Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_HRMOD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (RTC) 12-24 hour Mode
-// -------- RTC_TIMR : (RTC Offset: 0x8) RTC Time Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_SEC ((unsigned int) 0x7F << 0) // (RTC) Current Second
-#define AT91C_RTC_MIN ((unsigned int) 0x7F << 8) // (RTC) Current Minute
-#define AT91C_RTC_HOUR ((unsigned int) 0x1F << 16) // (RTC) Current Hour
-#define AT91C_RTC_AMPM ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 22) // (RTC) Ante Meridiem, Post Meridiem Indicator
-// -------- RTC_CALR : (RTC Offset: 0xc) RTC Calendar Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_CENT ((unsigned int) 0x3F << 0) // (RTC) Current Century
-#define AT91C_RTC_YEAR ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 8) // (RTC) Current Year
-#define AT91C_RTC_MONTH ((unsigned int) 0x1F << 16) // (RTC) Current Month
-#define AT91C_RTC_DAY ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 21) // (RTC) Current Day
-#define AT91C_RTC_DATE ((unsigned int) 0x3F << 24) // (RTC) Current Date
-// -------- RTC_TIMALR : (RTC Offset: 0x10) RTC Time Alarm Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_SECEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (RTC) Second Alarm Enable
-#define AT91C_RTC_MINEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (RTC) Minute Alarm
-#define AT91C_RTC_HOUREN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 23) // (RTC) Current Hour
-// -------- RTC_CALALR : (RTC Offset: 0x14) RTC Calendar Alarm Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_MONTHEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 23) // (RTC) Month Alarm Enable
-#define AT91C_RTC_DATEEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 31) // (RTC) Date Alarm Enable
-// -------- RTC_SR : (RTC Offset: 0x18) RTC Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_ACKUPD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (RTC) Acknowledge for Update
-#define AT91C_RTC_ALARM ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (RTC) Alarm Flag
-#define AT91C_RTC_SECEV ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (RTC) Second Event
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEV ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (RTC) Time Event
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEV ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (RTC) Calendar event
-// -------- RTC_SCCR : (RTC Offset: 0x1c) RTC Status Clear Command Register --------
-// -------- RTC_IER : (RTC Offset: 0x20) RTC Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- RTC_IDR : (RTC Offset: 0x24) RTC Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- RTC_IMR : (RTC Offset: 0x28) RTC Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- RTC_VER : (RTC Offset: 0x2c) RTC Valid Entry Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVTIM ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (RTC) Non valid Time
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVCAL ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (RTC) Non valid Calendar
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVTIMALR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (RTC) Non valid time Alarm
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVCALALR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (RTC) Nonvalid Calendar Alarm
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR System Timer Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_ST {
- AT91_REG ST_CR; // Control Register
- AT91_REG ST_PIMR; // Period Interval Mode Register
- AT91_REG ST_WDMR; // Watchdog Mode Register
- AT91_REG ST_RTMR; // Real-time Mode Register
- AT91_REG ST_SR; // Status Register
- AT91_REG ST_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG ST_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG ST_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG ST_RTAR; // Real-time Alarm Register
- AT91_REG ST_CRTR; // Current Real-time Register
-} AT91S_ST, *AT91PS_ST;
-// -------- ST_CR : (ST Offset: 0x0) System Timer Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_WDRST ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
-// -------- ST_PIMR : (ST Offset: 0x4) System Timer Period Interval Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_PIV ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF << 0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
-// -------- ST_WDMR : (ST Offset: 0x8) System Timer Watchdog Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_WDV ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF << 0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
-#define AT91C_ST_RSTEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (ST) Reset Enable
-#define AT91C_ST_EXTEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (ST) External Signal Assertion Enable
-// -------- ST_RTMR : (ST Offset: 0xc) System Timer Real-time Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_RTPRES ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF << 0) // (ST) Real-time Timer Prescaler Value
-// -------- ST_SR : (ST Offset: 0x10) System Timer Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_PITS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (ST) Period Interval Timer Interrupt
-#define AT91C_ST_WDOVF ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (ST) Watchdog Overflow
-#define AT91C_ST_RTTINC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (ST) Real-time Timer Increment
-#define AT91C_ST_ALMS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (ST) Alarm Status
-// -------- ST_IER : (ST Offset: 0x14) System Timer Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- ST_IDR : (ST Offset: 0x18) System Timer Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- ST_IMR : (ST Offset: 0x1c) System Timer Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- ST_RTAR : (ST Offset: 0x20) System Timer Real-time Alarm Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_ALMV ((unsigned int) 0xFFFFF << 0) // (ST) Alarm Value Value
-// -------- ST_CRTR : (ST Offset: 0x24) System Timer Current Real-time Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_CRTV ((unsigned int) 0xFFFFF << 0) // (ST) Current Real-time Value
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Power Management Controler
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_PMC {
- AT91_REG PMC_SCER; // System Clock Enable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_SCDR; // System Clock Disable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_SCSR; // System Clock Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[1]; //
- AT91_REG PMC_PCER; // Peripheral Clock Enable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_PCDR; // Peripheral Clock Disable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_PCSR; // Peripheral Clock Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved1[5]; //
- AT91_REG PMC_MCKR; // Master Clock Register
- AT91_REG Reserved2[3]; //
- AT91_REG PMC_PCKR[8]; // Programmable Clock Register
- AT91_REG PMC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG PMC_SR; // Status Register
- AT91_REG PMC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
-} AT91S_PMC, *AT91PS_PMC;
-// -------- PMC_SCER : (PMC Offset: 0x0) System Clock Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (PMC) Processor Clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_UDP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (PMC) USB Device Port Clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_MCKUDP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (PMC) USB Device Port Master Clock Automatic Disable on Suspend
-#define AT91C_PMC_UHP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (PMC) USB Host Port Clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK3 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK4 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK5 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK6 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK7 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-// -------- PMC_SCDR : (PMC Offset: 0x4) System Clock Disable Register --------
-// -------- PMC_SCSR : (PMC Offset: 0x8) System Clock Status Register --------
-// -------- PMC_MCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x30) Master Clock Register --------
-#define AT91C_PMC_CSS ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 0) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Selection
-#define AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (PMC) Slow Clock is selected
-#define AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (PMC) Main Clock is selected
-#define AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLA_CLK ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (PMC) Clock from PLL A is selected
-#define AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLB_CLK ((unsigned int) 0x3) // (PMC) Clock from PLL B is selected
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 2) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Prescaler
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 2
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_4 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 4
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_8 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 8
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_16 ((unsigned int) 0x4 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 16
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_32 ((unsigned int) 0x5 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 32
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_64 ((unsigned int) 0x6 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 64
-#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (PMC) Master Clock Division
-#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV_1 ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 8) // (PMC) The master clock and the processor clock are the same
-#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV_2 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (PMC) The processor clock is twice as fast as the master clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV_3 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 8) // (PMC) The processor clock is three times faster than the master clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV_4 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (PMC) The processor clock is four times faster than the master clock
-// -------- PMC_PCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x40) Programmable Clock Register --------
-// -------- PMC_IER : (PMC Offset: 0x60) PMC Interrupt Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_PMC_MOSCS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (PMC) MOSC Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_LOCKA ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (PMC) PLL A Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_LOCKB ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (PMC) PLL B Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (PMC) MCK_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0RDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (PMC) PCK0_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1RDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (PMC) PCK1_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2RDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (PMC) PCK2_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK3RDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (PMC) PCK3_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK4RDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (PMC) PCK4_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK5RDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (PMC) PCK5_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK6RDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (PMC) PCK6_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK7RDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (PMC) PCK7_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-// -------- PMC_IDR : (PMC Offset: 0x64) PMC Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- PMC_SR : (PMC Offset: 0x68) PMC Status Register --------
-// -------- PMC_IMR : (PMC Offset: 0x6c) PMC Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Clock Generator Controler
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_CKGR {
- AT91_REG CKGR_MOR; // Main Oscillator Register
- AT91_REG CKGR_MCFR; // Main Clock Frequency Register
- AT91_REG CKGR_PLLAR; // PLL A Register
- AT91_REG CKGR_PLLBR; // PLL B Register
-// -------- CKGR_MOR : (CKGR Offset: 0x0) Main Oscillator Register --------
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MOSCEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Enable
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCTEST ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (CKGR) Oscillator Test
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCOUNT ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 8) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Start-up Time
-// -------- CKGR_MCFR : (CKGR Offset: 0x4) Main Clock Frequency Register --------
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINF ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF << 0) // (CKGR) Main Clock Frequency
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (CKGR) Main Clock Ready
-// -------- CKGR_PLLAR : (CKGR Offset: 0x8) PLL A Register --------
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVA ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 0) // (CKGR) Divider Selected
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_0 ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (CKGR) Divider output is 0
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_BYPASS ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (CKGR) Divider is bypassed
-#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLACOUNT ((unsigned int) 0x3F << 8) // (CKGR) PLL A Counter
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) PLL A Output Frequency Range
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_0 ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_1 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_2 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_3 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MULA ((unsigned int) 0x7FF << 16) // (CKGR) PLL A Multiplier
-#define AT91C_CKGR_SRCA ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 29) // (CKGR) PLL A Source
-// -------- CKGR_PLLBR : (CKGR Offset: 0xc) PLL B Register --------
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVB ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 0) // (CKGR) Divider Selected
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_0 ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (CKGR) Divider output is 0
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_BYPASS ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (CKGR) Divider is bypassed
-#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLBCOUNT ((unsigned int) 0x3F << 8) // (CKGR) PLL B Counter
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) PLL B Output Frequency Range
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_0 ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_1 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_2 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_3 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MULB ((unsigned int) 0x7FF << 16) // (CKGR) PLL B Multiplier
-#define AT91C_CKGR_USB_96M ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 28) // (CKGR) Divider for USB Ports
-#define AT91C_CKGR_USB_PLL ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 29) // (CKGR) PLL Use
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Parallel Input Output Controler
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_PIO {
- AT91_REG PIO_PER; // PIO Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_PDR; // PIO Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_PSR; // PIO Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIO_OER; // Output Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_ODR; // Output Disable Registerr
- AT91_REG PIO_OSR; // Output Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved1[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIO_IFER; // Input Filter Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_IFDR; // Input Filter Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_IFSR; // Input Filter Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved2[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIO_SODR; // Set Output Data Register
- AT91_REG PIO_CODR; // Clear Output Data Register
- AT91_REG PIO_ODSR; // Output Data Status Register
- AT91_REG PIO_PDSR; // Pin Data Status Register
- AT91_REG PIO_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG PIO_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG PIO_MDER; // Multi-driver Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_MDDR; // Multi-driver Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_MDSR; // Multi-driver Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved3[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIO_PPUDR; // Pull-up Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_PPUER; // Pull-up Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_PPUSR; // Pad Pull-up Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved4[1]; //
- AT91_REG PIO_ASR; // Select A Register
- AT91_REG PIO_BSR; // Select B Register
- AT91_REG PIO_ABSR; // AB Select Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved5[9]; //
- AT91_REG PIO_OWER; // Output Write Enable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_OWDR; // Output Write Disable Register
- AT91_REG PIO_OWSR; // Output Write Status Register
-} AT91S_PIO, *AT91PS_PIO;
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_DBGU {
- AT91_REG DBGU_CR; // Control Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_MR; // Mode Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_CSR; // Channel Status Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_RHR; // Receiver Holding Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_THR; // Transmitter Holding Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_BRGR; // Baud Rate Generator Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[7]; //
- AT91_REG DBGU_C1R; // Chip ID1 Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_C2R; // Chip ID2 Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_FNTR; // Force NTRST Register
- AT91_REG Reserved1[45]; //
- AT91_REG DBGU_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
- AT91_REG DBGU_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
-// -------- DBGU_CR : (DBGU Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_RSTRX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (DBGU) Reset Receiver
-#define AT91C_US_RSTTX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (DBGU) Reset Transmitter
-#define AT91C_US_RXEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (DBGU) Receiver Enable
-#define AT91C_US_RXDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (DBGU) Receiver Disable
-#define AT91C_US_TXEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (DBGU) Transmitter Enable
-#define AT91C_US_TXDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (DBGU) Transmitter Disable
-// -------- DBGU_MR : (DBGU Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_PAR ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 9) // (DBGU) Parity type
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_EVEN ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 9) // (DBGU) Even Parity
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_ODD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (DBGU) Odd Parity
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_SPACE ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 9) // (DBGU) Parity forced to 0 (Space)
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_MARK ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 9) // (DBGU) Parity forced to 1 (Mark)
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x4 << 9) // (DBGU) No Parity
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_MULTI_DROP ((unsigned int) 0x6 << 9) // (DBGU) Multi-drop mode
-#define AT91C_US_CHMODE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (DBGU) Channel Mode
-#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_NORMAL ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 14) // (DBGU) Normal Mode: The USART channel operates as an RX/TX USART.
-#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_AUTO ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (DBGU) Automatic Echo: Receiver Data Input is connected to the TXD pin.
-#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_LOCAL ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 14) // (DBGU) Local Loopback: Transmitter Output Signal is connected to Receiver Input Signal.
-#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_REMOTE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (DBGU) Remote Loopback: RXD pin is internally connected to TXD pin.
-// -------- DBGU_IER : (DBGU Offset: 0x8) Debug Unit Interrupt Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_RXRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (DBGU) RXRDY Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_TXRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (DBGU) TXRDY Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_ENDRX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (DBGU) End of Receive Transfer Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_ENDTX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (DBGU) End of Transmit Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_OVRE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (DBGU) Overrun Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_FRAME ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (DBGU) Framing Error Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_PARE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (DBGU) Parity Error Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_TXEMPTY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (DBGU) TXEMPTY Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_TXBUFE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (DBGU) TXBUFE Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_RXBUFF ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (DBGU) RXBUFF Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_COMM_TX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 30) // (DBGU) COMM_TX Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_COMM_RX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 31) // (DBGU) COMM_RX Interrupt
-// -------- DBGU_IDR : (DBGU Offset: 0xc) Debug Unit Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- DBGU_IMR : (DBGU Offset: 0x10) Debug Unit Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- DBGU_CSR : (DBGU Offset: 0x14) Debug Unit Channel Status Register --------
-// -------- DBGU_FNTR : (DBGU Offset: 0x48) Debug Unit FORCE_NTRST Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_FORCE_NTRST ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (DBGU) Force NTRST in JTAG
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Peripheral Data Controller
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_PDC {
- AT91_REG PDC_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
- AT91_REG PDC_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
- AT91_REG PDC_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
- AT91_REG PDC_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
- AT91_REG PDC_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG PDC_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG PDC_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG PDC_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG PDC_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
- AT91_REG PDC_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
-} AT91S_PDC, *AT91PS_PDC;
-// -------- PDC_PTCR : (PDC Offset: 0x20) PDC Transfer Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_PDC_RXTEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (PDC) Receiver Transfer Enable
-#define AT91C_PDC_RXTDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (PDC) Receiver Transfer Disable
-#define AT91C_PDC_TXTEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Enable
-#define AT91C_PDC_TXTDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Disable
-// -------- PDC_PTSR : (PDC Offset: 0x24) PDC Transfer Status Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Advanced Interrupt Controller
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_AIC {
- AT91_REG AIC_SMR[32]; // Source Mode Register
- AT91_REG AIC_SVR[32]; // Source Vector Register
- AT91_REG AIC_IVR; // IRQ Vector Register
- AT91_REG AIC_FVR; // FIQ Vector Register
- AT91_REG AIC_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG AIC_IPR; // Interrupt Pending Register
- AT91_REG AIC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG AIC_CISR; // Core Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[2]; //
- AT91_REG AIC_IECR; // Interrupt Enable Command Register
- AT91_REG AIC_IDCR; // Interrupt Disable Command Register
- AT91_REG AIC_ICCR; // Interrupt Clear Command Register
- AT91_REG AIC_ISCR; // Interrupt Set Command Register
- AT91_REG AIC_EOICR; // End of Interrupt Command Register
- AT91_REG AIC_SPU; // Spurious Vector Register
- AT91_REG AIC_DCR; // Debug Control Register (Protect)
- AT91_REG Reserved1[1]; //
- AT91_REG AIC_FFER; // Fast Forcing Enable Register
- AT91_REG AIC_FFDR; // Fast Forcing Disable Register
- AT91_REG AIC_FFSR; // Fast Forcing Status Register
-} AT91S_AIC, *AT91PS_AIC;
-// -------- AIC_SMR : (AIC Offset: 0x0) Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_AIC_PRIOR ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 0) // (AIC) Priority Level
-#define AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_LOWEST ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (AIC) Lowest priority level
-#define AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_HIGHEST ((unsigned int) 0x7) // (AIC) Highest priority level
-#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 5) // (AIC) Interrupt Source Type
-#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 5) // (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label Level Sensitive
-#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_EDGE_TRIGGERED ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label Edge triggered
-#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_HIGH_LEVEL ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 5) // (AIC) External Sources Code Label High-level Sensitive
-#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_POSITIVE_EDGE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 5) // (AIC) External Sources Code Label Positive Edge triggered
-// -------- AIC_CISR : (AIC Offset: 0x114) AIC Core Interrupt Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_AIC_NFIQ ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (AIC) NFIQ Status
-#define AT91C_AIC_NIRQ ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (AIC) NIRQ Status
-// -------- AIC_DCR : (AIC Offset: 0x138) AIC Debug Control Register (Protect) --------
-#define AT91C_AIC_DCR_PROT ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (AIC) Protection Mode
-#define AT91C_AIC_DCR_GMSK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (AIC) General Mask
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Serial Parallel Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_SPI {
- AT91_REG SPI_CR; // Control Register
- AT91_REG SPI_MR; // Mode Register
- AT91_REG SPI_RDR; // Receive Data Register
- AT91_REG SPI_TDR; // Transmit Data Register
- AT91_REG SPI_SR; // Status Register
- AT91_REG SPI_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG SPI_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG SPI_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[4]; //
- AT91_REG SPI_CSR[4]; // Chip Select Register
- AT91_REG Reserved1[48]; //
- AT91_REG SPI_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
- AT91_REG SPI_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
- AT91_REG SPI_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
- AT91_REG SPI_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
- AT91_REG SPI_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG SPI_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG SPI_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG SPI_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG SPI_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
- AT91_REG SPI_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
-} AT91S_SPI, *AT91PS_SPI;
-// -------- SPI_CR : (SPI Offset: 0x0) SPI Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPIEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (SPI) SPI Enable
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (SPI) SPI Disable
-#define AT91C_SPI_SWRST ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (SPI) SPI Software reset
-// -------- SPI_MR : (SPI Offset: 0x4) SPI Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_MSTR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (SPI) Master/Slave Mode
-#define AT91C_SPI_PS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Peripheral Select
-#define AT91C_SPI_PS_FIXED ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 1) // (SPI) Fixed Peripheral Select
-#define AT91C_SPI_PS_VARIABLE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Variable Peripheral Select
-#define AT91C_SPI_PCSDEC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (SPI) Chip Select Decode
-#define AT91C_SPI_DIV32 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (SPI) Clock Selection
-#define AT91C_SPI_MODFDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (SPI) Mode Fault Detection
-#define AT91C_SPI_LLB ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (SPI) Clock Selection
-#define AT91C_SPI_PCS ((unsigned int) 0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select
-#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBCS ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 24) // (SPI) Delay Between Chip Selects
-// -------- SPI_RDR : (SPI Offset: 0x8) Receive Data Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_RD ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF << 0) // (SPI) Receive Data
-#define AT91C_SPI_RPCS ((unsigned int) 0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
-// -------- SPI_TDR : (SPI Offset: 0xc) Transmit Data Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_TD ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF << 0) // (SPI) Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_SPI_TPCS ((unsigned int) 0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
-// -------- SPI_SR : (SPI Offset: 0x10) Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_RDRF ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (SPI) Receive Data Register Full
-#define AT91C_SPI_TDRE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Transmit Data Register Empty
-#define AT91C_SPI_MODF ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (SPI) Mode Fault Error
-#define AT91C_SPI_OVRES ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (SPI) Overrun Error Status
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPENDRX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPENDTX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_RXBUFF ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (SPI) RXBUFF Interrupt
-#define AT91C_SPI_TXBUFE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (SPI) TXBUFE Interrupt
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPIENS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (SPI) Enable Status
-// -------- SPI_IER : (SPI Offset: 0x14) Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- SPI_IDR : (SPI Offset: 0x18) Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- SPI_IMR : (SPI Offset: 0x1c) Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- SPI_CSR : (SPI Offset: 0x30) Chip Select Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_CPOL ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (SPI) Clock Polarity
-#define AT91C_SPI_NCPHA ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Clock Phase
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS ((unsigned int) 0xF << 4) // (SPI) Bits Per Transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_8 ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 4) // (SPI) 8 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_9 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (SPI) 9 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_10 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 4) // (SPI) 10 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_11 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 4) // (SPI) 11 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_12 ((unsigned int) 0x4 << 4) // (SPI) 12 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_13 ((unsigned int) 0x5 << 4) // (SPI) 13 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_14 ((unsigned int) 0x6 << 4) // (SPI) 14 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_15 ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 4) // (SPI) 15 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_16 ((unsigned int) 0x8 << 4) // (SPI) 16 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_SCBR ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 8) // (SPI) Serial Clock Baud Rate
-#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBS ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 16) // (SPI) Serial Clock Baud Rate
-#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBCT ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 24) // (SPI) Delay Between Consecutive Transfers
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Synchronous Serial Controller Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_SSC {
- AT91_REG SSC_CR; // Control Register
- AT91_REG SSC_CMR; // Clock Mode Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[2]; //
- AT91_REG SSC_RCMR; // Receive Clock ModeRegister
- AT91_REG SSC_RFMR; // Receive Frame Mode Register
- AT91_REG SSC_TCMR; // Transmit Clock Mode Register
- AT91_REG SSC_TFMR; // Transmit Frame Mode Register
- AT91_REG SSC_RHR; // Receive Holding Register
- AT91_REG SSC_THR; // Transmit Holding Register
- AT91_REG Reserved1[2]; //
- AT91_REG SSC_RSHR; // Receive Sync Holding Register
- AT91_REG SSC_TSHR; // Transmit Sync Holding Register
- AT91_REG SSC_RC0R; // Receive Compare 0 Register
- AT91_REG SSC_RC1R; // Receive Compare 1 Register
- AT91_REG SSC_SR; // Status Register
- AT91_REG SSC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG SSC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG SSC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG Reserved2[44]; //
- AT91_REG SSC_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
- AT91_REG SSC_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
- AT91_REG SSC_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
- AT91_REG SSC_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
- AT91_REG SSC_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG SSC_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG SSC_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG SSC_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG SSC_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
- AT91_REG SSC_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
-} AT91S_SSC, *AT91PS_SSC;
-// -------- SSC_CR : (SSC Offset: 0x0) SSC Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (SSC) Receive Enable
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (SSC) Receive Disable
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (SSC) Transmit Enable
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (SSC) Transmit Disable
-#define AT91C_SSC_SWRST ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (SSC) Software Reset
-// -------- SSC_RCMR : (SSC Offset: 0x10) SSC Receive Clock Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKS ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 0) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKS_DIV ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (SSC) Divided Clock
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKS_TK ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (SSC) TK Clock signal
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKS_RK ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (SSC) RK pin
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKO ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKO_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode: None RK pin: Input-only
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKO_CONTINOUS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (SSC) Continuous Receive/Transmit Clock RK pin: Output
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKO_DATA_TX ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock only during data transfers RK pin: Output
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKI ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Inversion
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKG ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Gating Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKG_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Gating: None, continuous clock
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKG_LOW ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock enabled only if RF Low
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKG_HIGH ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock enabled only if RF High
-#define AT91C_SSC_START ((unsigned int) 0xF << 8) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_CONTINOUS ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 8) // (SSC) Continuous, as soon as the receiver is enabled, and immediately after the end of transfer of the previous data.
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_TX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (SSC) Transmit/Receive start
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_LOW_RF ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a low level on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_HIGH_RF ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a high level on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_FALL_RF ((unsigned int) 0x4 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a falling edge on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_RISE_RF ((unsigned int) 0x5 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a rising edge on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_LEVEL_RF ((unsigned int) 0x6 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of any level change on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_EDGE_RF ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of any edge on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_0 ((unsigned int) 0x8 << 8) // (SSC) Compare 0
-#define AT91C_SSC_STOP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (SSC) Receive Stop Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_STTOUT ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Output Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_STTDLY ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 16) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Delay
-#define AT91C_SSC_PERIOD ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 24) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Period Divider Selection
-// -------- SSC_RFMR : (SSC Offset: 0x14) SSC Receive Frame Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_SSC_DATLEN ((unsigned int) 0x1F << 0) // (SSC) Data Length
-#define AT91C_SSC_LOOP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Loop Mode
-#define AT91C_SSC_MSBF ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (SSC) Most Significant Bit First
-#define AT91C_SSC_DATNB ((unsigned int) 0xF << 8) // (SSC) Data Number per Frame
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSLEN ((unsigned int) 0xF << 16) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync length
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 20) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Output Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: None RK pin Input-only
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NEGATIVE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Negative Pulse
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_POSITIVE ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Positive Pulse
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_LOW ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver Low during data transfer
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_HIGH ((unsigned int) 0x4 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver High during data transfer
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_TOGGLE ((unsigned int) 0x5 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Toggling at each start of data transfer
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSEDGE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 24) // (SSC) Frame Sync Edge Detection
-// -------- SSC_TCMR : (SSC Offset: 0x18) SSC Transmit Clock Mode Register --------
-// -------- SSC_TFMR : (SSC Offset: 0x1c) SSC Transmit Frame Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_SSC_DATDEF ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Data Default Value
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSDEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 23) // (SSC) Frame Sync Data Enable
-// -------- SSC_SR : (SSC Offset: 0x40) SSC Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (SSC) Transmit Ready
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXEMPTY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (SSC) Transmit Empty
-#define AT91C_SSC_ENDTX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (SSC) End Of Transmission
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXBUFE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (SSC) Transmit Buffer Empty
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (SSC) Receive Ready
-#define AT91C_SSC_OVRUN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Receive Overrun
-#define AT91C_SSC_ENDRX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (SSC) End of Reception
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXBUFF ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (SSC) Receive Buffer Full
-#define AT91C_SSC_CP0 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (SSC) Compare 0
-#define AT91C_SSC_CP1 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (SSC) Compare 1
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXSYN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (SSC) Transmit Sync
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXSYN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (SSC) Receive Sync
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXENA ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (SSC) Transmit Enable
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXENA ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (SSC) Receive Enable
-// -------- SSC_IER : (SSC Offset: 0x44) SSC Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- SSC_IDR : (SSC Offset: 0x48) SSC Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- SSC_IMR : (SSC Offset: 0x4c) SSC Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_USART {
- AT91_REG US_CR; // Control Register
- AT91_REG US_MR; // Mode Register
- AT91_REG US_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG US_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG US_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG US_CSR; // Channel Status Register
- AT91_REG US_RHR; // Receiver Holding Register
- AT91_REG US_THR; // Transmitter Holding Register
- AT91_REG US_BRGR; // Baud Rate Generator Register
- AT91_REG US_RTOR; // Receiver Time-out Register
- AT91_REG US_TTGR; // Transmitter Time-guard Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[5]; //
- AT91_REG US_FIDI; // FI_DI_Ratio Register
- AT91_REG US_NER; // Nb Errors Register
- AT91_REG US_XXR; // XON_XOFF Register
- AT91_REG US_IF; // IRDA_FILTER Register
- AT91_REG Reserved1[44]; //
- AT91_REG US_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
- AT91_REG US_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
- AT91_REG US_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
- AT91_REG US_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
- AT91_REG US_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG US_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG US_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG US_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG US_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
- AT91_REG US_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
-// -------- US_CR : (USART Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_RSTSTA ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (USART) Reset Status Bits
-#define AT91C_US_STTBRK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (USART) Start Break
-#define AT91C_US_STPBRK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (USART) Stop Break
-#define AT91C_US_STTTO ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (USART) Start Time-out
-#define AT91C_US_SENDA ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (USART) Send Address
-#define AT91C_US_RSTIT ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (USART) Reset Iterations
-#define AT91C_US_RSTNACK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (USART) Reset Non Acknowledge
-#define AT91C_US_RETTO ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (USART) Rearm Time-out
-#define AT91C_US_DTREN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (USART) Data Terminal ready Enable
-#define AT91C_US_DTRDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (USART) Data Terminal ready Disable
-#define AT91C_US_RTSEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (USART) Request to Send enable
-#define AT91C_US_RTSDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 19) // (USART) Request to Send Disable
-// -------- US_MR : (USART Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE ((unsigned int) 0xF << 0) // (USART) Usart mode
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_NORMAL ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (USART) Normal
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_RS485 ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (USART) RS485
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_HWHSH ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (USART) Hardware Handshaking
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_MODEM ((unsigned int) 0x3) // (USART) Modem
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_0 ((unsigned int) 0x4) // (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 0
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_1 ((unsigned int) 0x6) // (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 1
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_IRDA ((unsigned int) 0x8) // (USART) IrDA
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_SWHSH ((unsigned int) 0xC) // (USART) Software Handshaking
-#define AT91C_US_CLKS ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 4) // (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
-#define AT91C_US_CLKS_CLOCK ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 4) // (USART) Clock
-#define AT91C_US_CLKS_FDIV1 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (USART) fdiv1
-#define AT91C_US_CLKS_SLOW ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 4) // (USART) slow_clock (ARM)
-#define AT91C_US_CLKS_EXT ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 4) // (USART) External (SCK)
-#define AT91C_US_CHRL ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 6) // (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
-#define AT91C_US_CHRL_5_BITS ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 5 bits
-#define AT91C_US_CHRL_6_BITS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 6 bits
-#define AT91C_US_CHRL_7_BITS ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 7 bits
-#define AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 8 bits
-#define AT91C_US_SYNC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (USART) Synchronous Mode Select
-#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 12) // (USART) Number of Stop bits
-#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP_1_BIT ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 12) // (USART) 1 stop bit
-#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP_15_BIT ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (USART) Asynchronous (SYNC=0) 2 stop bits Synchronous (SYNC=1) 2 stop bits
-#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP_2_BIT ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 12) // (USART) 2 stop bits
-#define AT91C_US_MSBF ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (USART) Bit Order
-#define AT91C_US_MODE9 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (USART) 9-bit Character length
-#define AT91C_US_CKLO ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (USART) Clock Output Select
-#define AT91C_US_OVER ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 19) // (USART) Over Sampling Mode
-#define AT91C_US_INACK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 20) // (USART) Inhibit Non Acknowledge
-#define AT91C_US_DSNACK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 21) // (USART) Disable Successive NACK
-#define AT91C_US_MAX_ITER ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 24) // (USART) Number of Repetitions
-#define AT91C_US_FILTER ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 28) // (USART) Receive Line Filter
-// -------- US_IER : (USART Offset: 0x8) Debug Unit Interrupt Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_RXBRK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (USART) Break Received/End of Break
-#define AT91C_US_TIMEOUT ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (USART) Receiver Time-out
-#define AT91C_US_ITERATION ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (USART) Max number of Repetitions Reached
-#define AT91C_US_NACK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (USART) Non Acknowledge
-#define AT91C_US_RIIC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (USART) Ring INdicator Input Change Flag
-#define AT91C_US_DSRIC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (USART) Data Set Ready Input Change Flag
-#define AT91C_US_DCDIC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (USART) Data Carrier Flag
-#define AT91C_US_CTSIC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 19) // (USART) Clear To Send Input Change Flag
-// -------- US_IDR : (USART Offset: 0xc) Debug Unit Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- US_IMR : (USART Offset: 0x10) Debug Unit Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- US_CSR : (USART Offset: 0x14) Debug Unit Channel Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_RI ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 20) // (USART) Image of RI Input
-#define AT91C_US_DSR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 21) // (USART) Image of DSR Input
-#define AT91C_US_DCD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 22) // (USART) Image of DCD Input
-#define AT91C_US_CTS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 23) // (USART) Image of CTS Input
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_TWI {
- AT91_REG TWI_CR; // Control Register
- AT91_REG TWI_MMR; // Master Mode Register
- AT91_REG TWI_SMR; // Slave Mode Register
- AT91_REG TWI_IADR; // Internal Address Register
- AT91_REG TWI_CWGR; // Clock Waveform Generator Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[3]; //
- AT91_REG TWI_SR; // Status Register
- AT91_REG TWI_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG TWI_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG TWI_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG TWI_RHR; // Receive Holding Register
- AT91_REG TWI_THR; // Transmit Holding Register
-} AT91S_TWI, *AT91PS_TWI;
-// -------- TWI_CR : (TWI Offset: 0x0) TWI Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_TWI_START ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (TWI) Send a START Condition
-#define AT91C_TWI_STOP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (TWI) Send a STOP Condition
-#define AT91C_TWI_MSEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Enabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_MSDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Disabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (TWI) TWI Slave Transfer Enabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (TWI) TWI Slave Transfer Disabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_SWRST ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (TWI) Software Reset
-// -------- TWI_MMR : (TWI Offset: 0x4) TWI Master Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (TWI) Internal Device Address Size
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_NO ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 8) // (TWI) No internal device address
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_1_BYTE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (TWI) One-byte internal device address
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_2_BYTE ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 8) // (TWI) Two-byte internal device address
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_3_BYTE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (TWI) Three-byte internal device address
-#define AT91C_TWI_MREAD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (TWI) Master Read Direction
-#define AT91C_TWI_DADR ((unsigned int) 0x7F << 16) // (TWI) Device Address
-// -------- TWI_SMR : (TWI Offset: 0x8) TWI Slave Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_TWI_SADR ((unsigned int) 0x7F << 16) // (TWI) Slave Device Address
-// -------- TWI_CWGR : (TWI Offset: 0x10) TWI Clock Waveform Generator Register --------
-#define AT91C_TWI_CLDIV ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 0) // (TWI) Clock Low Divider
-#define AT91C_TWI_CHDIV ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 8) // (TWI) Clock High Divider
-#define AT91C_TWI_CKDIV ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 16) // (TWI) Clock Divider
-// -------- TWI_SR : (TWI Offset: 0x20) TWI Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_TWI_TXCOMP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (TWI) Transmission Completed
-#define AT91C_TWI_RXRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (TWI) Receive holding register ReaDY
-#define AT91C_TWI_TXRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (TWI) Transmit holding register ReaDY
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVREAD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (TWI) Slave Read
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVACC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (TWI) Slave Access
-#define AT91C_TWI_GCACC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (TWI) General Call Access
-#define AT91C_TWI_OVRE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (TWI) Overrun Error
-#define AT91C_TWI_UNRE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (TWI) Underrun Error
-#define AT91C_TWI_NACK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (TWI) Not Acknowledged
-#define AT91C_TWI_ARBLST ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (TWI) Arbitration Lost
-// -------- TWI_IER : (TWI Offset: 0x24) TWI Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- TWI_IDR : (TWI Offset: 0x28) TWI Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- TWI_IMR : (TWI Offset: 0x2c) TWI Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Multimedia Card Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_MCI {
- AT91_REG MCI_CR; // MCI Control Register
- AT91_REG MCI_MR; // MCI Mode Register
- AT91_REG MCI_DTOR; // MCI Data Timeout Register
- AT91_REG MCI_SDCR; // MCI SD Card Register
- AT91_REG MCI_ARGR; // MCI Argument Register
- AT91_REG MCI_CMDR; // MCI Command Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[2]; //
- AT91_REG MCI_RSPR[4]; // MCI Response Register
- AT91_REG MCI_RDR; // MCI Receive Data Register
- AT91_REG MCI_TDR; // MCI Transmit Data Register
- AT91_REG Reserved1[2]; //
- AT91_REG MCI_SR; // MCI Status Register
- AT91_REG MCI_IER; // MCI Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG MCI_IDR; // MCI Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG MCI_IMR; // MCI Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG Reserved2[44]; //
- AT91_REG MCI_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
- AT91_REG MCI_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
- AT91_REG MCI_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
- AT91_REG MCI_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
- AT91_REG MCI_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG MCI_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG MCI_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
- AT91_REG MCI_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
- AT91_REG MCI_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
- AT91_REG MCI_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
-} AT91S_MCI, *AT91PS_MCI;
-// -------- MCI_CR : (MCI Offset: 0x0) MCI Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_MCIEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (MCI) Multimedia Interface Enable
-#define AT91C_MCI_MCIDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (MCI) Multimedia Interface Disable
-#define AT91C_MCI_PWSEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (MCI) Power Save Mode Enable
-#define AT91C_MCI_PWSDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (MCI) Power Save Mode Disable
-// -------- MCI_MR : (MCI Offset: 0x4) MCI Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_CLKDIV ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (MCI) Clock Divider
-#define AT91C_MCI_PWSDIV ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (MCI) Power Saving Divider
-#define AT91C_MCI_PDCPADV ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (MCI) PDC Padding Value
-#define AT91C_MCI_PDCMODE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (MCI) PDC Oriented Mode
-#define AT91C_MCI_BLKLEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (MCI) Data Block Length
-// -------- MCI_DTOR : (MCI Offset: 0x8) MCI Data Timeout Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOCYC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (MCI) Data Timeout Cycle Number
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 4) // (MCI) Data Timeout Multiplier
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1 ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_16 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 16
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_128 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 128
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_256 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 256
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1024 ((unsigned int) 0x4 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1024
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_4096 ((unsigned int) 0x5 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 4096
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_65536 ((unsigned int) 0x6 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 65536
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1048576 ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1048576
-// -------- MCI_SDCR : (MCI Offset: 0xc) MCI SD Card Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_SCDSEL ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (MCI) SD Card Selector
-#define AT91C_MCI_SCDBUS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (MCI) SD Card Bus Width
-// -------- MCI_CMDR : (MCI Offset: 0x14) MCI Command Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_CMDNB ((unsigned int) 0x1F << 0) // (MCI) Command Number
-#define AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 6) // (MCI) Response Type
-#define AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_NO ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 6) // (MCI) No response
-#define AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_48 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (MCI) 48-bit response
-#define AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_136 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 6) // (MCI) 136-bit response
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 8) // (MCI) Special CMD
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 8) // (MCI) Not a special CMD
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_INIT ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (MCI) Initialization CMD
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_SYNC ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 8) // (MCI) Synchronized CMD
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_IT_CMD ((unsigned int) 0x4 << 8) // (MCI) Interrupt command
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_IT_REP ((unsigned int) 0x5 << 8) // (MCI) Interrupt response
-#define AT91C_MCI_OPDCMD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (MCI) Open Drain Command
-#define AT91C_MCI_MAXLAT ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (MCI) Maximum Latency for Command to respond
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRCMD ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 16) // (MCI) Transfer CMD
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRCMD_NO ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 16) // (MCI) No transfer
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRCMD_START ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (MCI) Start transfer
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRCMD_STOP ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 16) // (MCI) Stop transfer
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRDIR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (MCI) Transfer Direction
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRTYP ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 19) // (MCI) Transfer Type
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRTYP_BLOCK ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 19) // (MCI) Block Transfer type
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRTYP_MULTIPLE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 19) // (MCI) Multiple Block transfer type
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRTYP_STREAM ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 19) // (MCI) Stream transfer type
-// -------- MCI_SR : (MCI Offset: 0x40) MCI Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_CMDRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (MCI) Command Ready flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RXRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (MCI) RX Ready flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_TXRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (MCI) TX Ready flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_BLKE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (MCI) Data Block Transfer Ended flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTIP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (MCI) Data Transfer in Progress flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_NOTBUSY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (MCI) Data Line Not Busy flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_ENDRX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (MCI) End of RX Buffer flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_ENDTX ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (MCI) End of TX Buffer flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RXBUFF ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (MCI) RX Buffer Full flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_TXBUFE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (MCI) TX Buffer Empty flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RINDE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (MCI) Response Index Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RDIRE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (MCI) Response Direction Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RCRCE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (MCI) Response CRC Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RENDE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 19) // (MCI) Response End Bit Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RTOE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 20) // (MCI) Response Time-out Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_DCRCE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 21) // (MCI) data CRC Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 22) // (MCI) Data timeout Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_OVRE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 30) // (MCI) Overrun flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_UNRE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 31) // (MCI) Underrun flag
-// -------- MCI_IER : (MCI Offset: 0x44) MCI Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- MCI_IDR : (MCI Offset: 0x48) MCI Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- MCI_IMR : (MCI Offset: 0x4c) MCI Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_UDP {
- AT91_REG UDP_NUM; // Frame Number Register
- AT91_REG UDP_GLBSTATE; // Global State Register
- AT91_REG UDP_FADDR; // Function Address Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[1]; //
- AT91_REG UDP_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG UDP_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG UDP_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG UDP_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG UDP_ICR; // Interrupt Clear Register
- AT91_REG Reserved1[1]; //
- AT91_REG UDP_RSTEP; // Reset Endpoint Register
- AT91_REG Reserved2[1]; //
- AT91_REG UDP_CSR[8]; // Endpoint Control and Status Register
- AT91_REG UDP_FDR[8]; // Endpoint FIFO Data Register
-} AT91S_UDP, *AT91PS_UDP;
-// -------- UDP_FRM_NUM : (UDP Offset: 0x0) USB Frame Number Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_FRM_NUM ((unsigned int) 0x7FF << 0) // (UDP) Frame Number as Defined in the Packet Field Formats
-#define AT91C_UDP_FRM_ERR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (UDP) Frame Error
-#define AT91C_UDP_FRM_OK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (UDP) Frame OK
-// -------- UDP_GLB_STATE : (UDP Offset: 0x4) USB Global State Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_FADDEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Function Address Enable
-#define AT91C_UDP_CONFG ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Configured
-#define AT91C_UDP_RMWUPE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Remote Wake Up Enable
-#define AT91C_UDP_RSMINPR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (UDP) A Resume Has Been Sent to the Host
-// -------- UDP_FADDR : (UDP Offset: 0x8) USB Function Address Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_FADD ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 0) // (UDP) Function Address Value
-#define AT91C_UDP_FEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (UDP) Function Enable
-// -------- UDP_IER : (UDP Offset: 0x10) USB Interrupt Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT0 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Endpoint 0 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT1 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Endpoint 0 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT2 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Endpoint 2 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT3 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (UDP) Endpoint 3 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT4 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (UDP) Endpoint 4 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT5 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (UDP) Endpoint 5 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT6 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (UDP) Endpoint 6 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT7 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (UDP) Endpoint 7 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_RXSUSP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (UDP) USB Suspend Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_RXRSM ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (UDP) USB Resume Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EXTRSM ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (UDP) USB External Resume Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_SOFINT ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (UDP) USB Start Of frame Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_WAKEUP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (UDP) USB Resume Interrupt
-// -------- UDP_IDR : (UDP Offset: 0x14) USB Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- UDP_IMR : (UDP Offset: 0x18) USB Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- UDP_ISR : (UDP Offset: 0x1c) USB Interrupt Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_ENDBUSRES ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (UDP) USB End Of Bus Reset Interrupt
-// -------- UDP_ICR : (UDP Offset: 0x20) USB Interrupt Clear Register --------
-// -------- UDP_RST_EP : (UDP Offset: 0x28) USB Reset Endpoint Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP0 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 0
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP1 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 1
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP2 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 2
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP3 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 3
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP4 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 4
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP5 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 5
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP6 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 6
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP7 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 7
-// -------- UDP_CSR : (UDP Offset: 0x30) USB Endpoint Control and Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Generates an IN packet with data previously written in the DPR
-#define AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Receive Data Bank 0
-#define AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Sends STALL to the Host (Control endpoints)
-#define AT91C_UDP_ISOERROR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (UDP) Isochronous error (Isochronous endpoints)
-#define AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (UDP) Transmit Packet Ready
-#define AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (UDP) Force Stall (used by Control, Bulk and Isochronous endpoints).
-#define AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK1 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (UDP) Receive Data Bank 1 (only used by endpoints with ping-pong attributes).
-#define AT91C_UDP_DIR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (UDP) Transfer Direction
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 8) // (UDP) Endpoint type
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_CTRL ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 8) // (UDP) Control
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_ISO_OUT ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (UDP) Isochronous OUT
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_OUT ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 8) // (UDP) Bulk OUT
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_OUT ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (UDP) Interrupt OUT
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_ISO_IN ((unsigned int) 0x5 << 8) // (UDP) Isochronous IN
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_IN ((unsigned int) 0x6 << 8) // (UDP) Bulk IN
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_IN ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 8) // (UDP) Interrupt IN
-#define AT91C_UDP_DTGLE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (UDP) Data Toggle
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPEDS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (UDP) Endpoint Enable Disable
-#define AT91C_UDP_RXBYTECNT ((unsigned int) 0x7FF << 16) // (UDP) Number Of Bytes Available in the FIFO
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Timer Counter Channel Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_TC {
- AT91_REG TC_CCR; // Channel Control Register
- AT91_REG TC_CMR; // Channel Mode Register
- AT91_REG Reserved0[2]; //
- AT91_REG TC_CV; // Counter Value
- AT91_REG TC_RA; // Register A
- AT91_REG TC_RB; // Register B
- AT91_REG TC_RC; // Register C
- AT91_REG TC_SR; // Status Register
- AT91_REG TC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG TC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG TC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
-} AT91S_TC, *AT91PS_TC;
-// -------- TC_CCR : (TC Offset: 0x0) TC Channel Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_TC_CLKEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (TC) Counter Clock Enable Command
-#define AT91C_TC_CLKDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (TC) Counter Clock Disable Command
-#define AT91C_TC_SWTRG ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (TC) Software Trigger Command
-// -------- TC_CMR : (TC Offset: 0x4) TC Channel Mode Register: Capture Mode / Waveform Mode --------
-#define AT91C_TC_CPCSTOP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (TC) Counter Clock Stopped with RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_CPCDIS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (TC) Counter Clock Disable with RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (TC) External Event Edge Selection
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 8) // (TC) Edge: None
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_RISING ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (TC) Edge: rising edge
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_FALLING ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 8) // (TC) Edge: falling edge
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_BOTH ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (TC) Edge: each edge
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVT ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 10) // (TC) External Event Selection
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: TIOB TIOB direction: input
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_RISING ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC0 TIOB direction: output
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_FALLING ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC1 TIOB direction: output
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_BOTH ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC2 TIOB direction: output
-#define AT91C_TC_ENETRG ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (TC) External Event Trigger enable
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 13) // (TC) Waveform Selection
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UP ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 13) // (TC) UP mode without atomatic trigger on RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UPDOWN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (TC) UPDOWN mode without automatic trigger on RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UP_AUTO ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 13) // (TC) UP mode with automatic trigger on RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UPDOWN_AUTO ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 13) // (TC) UPDOWN mode with automatic trigger on RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_CPCTRG ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (TC) RC Compare Trigger Enable
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (TC)
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPA ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 16) // (TC) RA Compare Effect on TIOA
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 16) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_SET ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_CLEAR ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 16) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_TOGGLE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 16) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPC ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 18) // (TC) RC Compare Effect on TIOA
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 18) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_SET ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_CLEAR ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 18) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_TOGGLE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 18) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 20) // (TC) External Event Effect on TIOA
-#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 20) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_SET ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 20) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_CLEAR ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 20) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_TOGGLE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 20) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 22) // (TC) Software Trigger Effect on TIOA
-#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 22) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_SET ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 22) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_CLEAR ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 22) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_TOGGLE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 22) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPB ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 24) // (TC) RB Compare Effect on TIOB
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 24) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_SET ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 24) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_CLEAR ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 24) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_TOGGLE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 24) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPC ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 26) // (TC) RC Compare Effect on TIOB
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 26) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_SET ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 26) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_CLEAR ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 26) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_TOGGLE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 26) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 28) // (TC) External Event Effect on TIOB
-#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 28) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_SET ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 28) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_CLEAR ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 28) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_TOGGLE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 28) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 30) // (TC) Software Trigger Effect on TIOB
-#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 30) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_SET ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 30) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_CLEAR ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 30) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_TOGGLE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 30) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-// -------- TC_SR : (TC Offset: 0x20) TC Channel Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_TC_COVFS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (TC) Counter Overflow
-#define AT91C_TC_LOVRS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (TC) Load Overrun
-#define AT91C_TC_CPAS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (TC) RA Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_CPBS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (TC) RB Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_CPCS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (TC) RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_LDRAS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (TC) RA Loading
-#define AT91C_TC_LDRBS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (TC) RB Loading
-#define AT91C_TC_ETRCS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (TC) External Trigger
-#define AT91C_TC_ETRGS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (TC) Clock Enabling
-#define AT91C_TC_MTIOA ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (TC) TIOA Mirror
-#define AT91C_TC_MTIOB ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (TC) TIOA Mirror
-// -------- TC_IER : (TC Offset: 0x24) TC Channel Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- TC_IDR : (TC Offset: 0x28) TC Channel Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- TC_IMR : (TC Offset: 0x2c) TC Channel Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Timer Counter Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_TCB {
- AT91S_TC TCB_TC0; // TC Channel 0
- AT91_REG Reserved0[4]; //
- AT91S_TC TCB_TC1; // TC Channel 1
- AT91_REG Reserved1[4]; //
- AT91S_TC TCB_TC2; // TC Channel 2
- AT91_REG Reserved2[4]; //
- AT91_REG TCB_BCR; // TC Block Control Register
- AT91_REG TCB_BMR; // TC Block Mode Register
-} AT91S_TCB, *AT91PS_TCB;
-// -------- TCB_BCR : (TCB Offset: 0xc0) TC Block Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_TCB_SYNC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (TCB) Synchro Command
-// -------- TCB_BMR : (TCB Offset: 0xc4) TC Block Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (TCB) External Clock Signal 0 Selection
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TCLK0 ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (TCB) TCLK0 connected to XC0
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (TCB) None signal connected to XC0
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TIOA1 ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (TCB) TIOA1 connected to XC0
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TIOA2 ((unsigned int) 0x3) // (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC0
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (TCB) External Clock Signal 1 Selection
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TCLK1 ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 2) // (TCB) TCLK1 connected to XC1
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (TCB) None signal connected to XC1
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TIOA0 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 2) // (TCB) TIOA0 connected to XC1
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TIOA2 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 2) // (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC1
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (TCB) External Clock Signal 2 Selection
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TCLK2 ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 4) // (TCB) TCLK2 connected to XC2
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_NONE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (TCB) None signal connected to XC2
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TIOA0 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 4) // (TCB) TIOA0 connected to XC2
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TIOA2 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 4) // (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC2
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_UHP {
- AT91_REG UHP_HcRevision; // Revision
- AT91_REG UHP_HcControl; // Operating modes for the Host Controller
- AT91_REG UHP_HcCommandStatus; // Command & status Register
- AT91_REG UHP_HcInterruptStatus; // Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG UHP_HcInterruptEnable; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG UHP_HcInterruptDisable; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG UHP_HcHCCA; // Pointer to the Host Controller Communication Area
- AT91_REG UHP_HcPeriodCurrentED; // Current Isochronous or Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor
- AT91_REG UHP_HcControlHeadED; // First Endpoint Descriptor of the Control list
- AT91_REG UHP_HcControlCurrentED; // Endpoint Control and Status Register
- AT91_REG UHP_HcBulkHeadED; // First endpoint register of the Bulk list
- AT91_REG UHP_HcBulkCurrentED; // Current endpoint of the Bulk list
- AT91_REG UHP_HcBulkDoneHead; // Last completed transfer descriptor
- AT91_REG UHP_HcFmInterval; // Bit time between 2 consecutive SOFs
- AT91_REG UHP_HcFmRemaining; // Bit time remaining in the current Frame
- AT91_REG UHP_HcFmNumber; // Frame number
- AT91_REG UHP_HcPeriodicStart; // Periodic Start
- AT91_REG UHP_HcLSThreshold; // LS Threshold
- AT91_REG UHP_HcRhDescriptorA; // Root Hub characteristics A
- AT91_REG UHP_HcRhDescriptorB; // Root Hub characteristics B
- AT91_REG UHP_HcRhStatus; // Root Hub Status register
- AT91_REG UHP_HcRhPortStatus[2]; // Root Hub Port Status Register
-} AT91S_UHP, *AT91PS_UHP;
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_EMAC {
- AT91_REG EMAC_CTL; // Network Control Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_CFG; // Network Configuration Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_SR; // Network Status Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_TAR; // Transmit Address Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_TCR; // Transmit Control Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_TSR; // Transmit Status Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_RBQP; // Receive Buffer Queue Pointer
- AT91_REG Reserved0[1]; //
- AT91_REG EMAC_RSR; // Receive Status Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_MAN; // PHY Maintenance Register
- AT91_REG Reserved1[2]; //
- AT91_REG EMAC_FRA; // Frames Transmitted OK Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_SCOL; // Single Collision Frame Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_MCOL; // Multiple Collision Frame Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_OK; // Frames Received OK Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_SEQE; // Frame Check Sequence Error Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_ALE; // Alignment Error Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_DTE; // Deferred Transmission Frame Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_LCOL; // Late Collision Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_ECOL; // Excessive Collision Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_CSE; // Carrier Sense Error Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_TUE; // Transmit Underrun Error Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_CDE; // Code Error Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_ELR; // Excessive Length Error Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_RJB; // Receive Jabber Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_USF; // Undersize Frame Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_SQEE; // SQE Test Error Register
- AT91_REG EMAC_DRFC; // Discarded RX Frame Register
- AT91_REG Reserved2[3]; //
- AT91_REG EMAC_HSH; // Hash Address High[63:32]
- AT91_REG EMAC_HSL; // Hash Address Low[31:0]
- AT91_REG EMAC_SA1L; // Specific Address 1 Low, First 4 bytes
- AT91_REG EMAC_SA1H; // Specific Address 1 High, Last 2 bytes
- AT91_REG EMAC_SA2L; // Specific Address 2 Low, First 4 bytes
- AT91_REG EMAC_SA2H; // Specific Address 2 High, Last 2 bytes
- AT91_REG EMAC_SA3L; // Specific Address 3 Low, First 4 bytes
- AT91_REG EMAC_SA3H; // Specific Address 3 High, Last 2 bytes
- AT91_REG EMAC_SA4L; // Specific Address 4 Low, First 4 bytes
- AT91_REG EMAC_SA4H; // Specific Address 4 High, Last 2 bytesr
-// -------- EMAC_CTL : (EMAC Offset: 0x0) --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LB ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (EMAC) Loopback. Optional. When set, loopback signal is at high level.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LBL ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (EMAC) Loopback local.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (EMAC) Receive enable.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (EMAC) Transmit enable.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_MPE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (EMAC) Management port enable.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CSR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (EMAC) Clear statistics registers.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_ISR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (EMAC) Increment statistics registers.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_WES ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (EMAC) Write enable for statistics registers.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_BP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (EMAC) Back pressure.
-// -------- EMAC_CFG : (EMAC Offset: 0x4) Network Configuration Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SPD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (EMAC) Speed.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_FD ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (EMAC) Full duplex.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_BR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (EMAC) Bit rate.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CAF ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (EMAC) Copy all frames.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_NBC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (EMAC) No broadcast.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_MTI ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (EMAC) Multicast hash enable
-#define AT91C_EMAC_UNI ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (EMAC) Unicast hash enable.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_BIG ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (EMAC) Receive 1522 bytes.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_EAE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (EMAC) External address match enable.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CLK ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 10) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_8 ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 10) // (EMAC) HCLK divided by 8
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_16 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (EMAC) HCLK divided by 16
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_32 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 10) // (EMAC) HCLK divided by 32
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_64 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 10) // (EMAC) HCLK divided by 64
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RTY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RMII ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_SR : (EMAC Offset: 0x8) Network Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_MDIO ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_IDLE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_TCR : (EMAC Offset: 0x10) Transmit Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LEN ((unsigned int) 0x7FF << 0) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_NCRC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_TSR : (EMAC Offset: 0x14) Transmit Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_OVR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_COL ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RLE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TXIDLE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_BNQ ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_COMP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_UND ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_RSR : (EMAC Offset: 0x20) Receive Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_BNA ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_REC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_ISR : (EMAC Offset: 0x24) Interrupt Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_DONE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RCOM ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RBNA ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TOVR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TUND ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RTRY ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 5) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TBRE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 6) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TCOM ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TIDLE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LINK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 9) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_ROVR ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_HRESP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_IER : (EMAC Offset: 0x28) Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- EMAC_IDR : (EMAC Offset: 0x2c) Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- EMAC_IMR : (EMAC Offset: 0x30) Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- EMAC_MAN : (EMAC Offset: 0x34) PHY Maintenance Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_DATA ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF << 0) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CODE ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 16) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_REGA ((unsigned int) 0x1F << 18) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_PHYA ((unsigned int) 0x1F << 23) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RW ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 28) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_HIGH ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 30) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LOW ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 31) // (EMAC)
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR External Bus Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_EBI {
- AT91_REG EBI_CSA; // Chip Select Assignment Register
- AT91_REG EBI_CFGR; // Configuration Register
-} AT91S_EBI, *AT91PS_EBI;
-// -------- EBI_CSA : (EBI Offset: 0x0) Chip Select Assignment Register --------
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS0A ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (EBI) Chip Select 0 Assignment
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS0A_SMC ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (EBI) Chip Select 0 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS0A_BFC ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (EBI) Chip Select 0 is assigned to the Burst Flash Controller.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS1A ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (EBI) Chip Select 1 Assignment
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS1A_SMC ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 1) // (EBI) Chip Select 1 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS1A_SDRAMC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (EBI) Chip Select 1 is assigned to the SDRAM Controller.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS3A ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (EBI) Chip Select 3 Assignment
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS3A_SMC ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 3) // (EBI) Chip Select 3 is only assigned to the Static Memory Controller and NCS3 behaves as defined by the SMC2.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS3A_SMC_SmartMedia ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 3) // (EBI) Chip Select 3 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller and the SmartMedia Logic is activated.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS4A ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (EBI) Chip Select 4 Assignment
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS4A_SMC ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 4) // (EBI) Chip Select 4 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller and NCS4,NCS5 and NCS6 behave as defined by the SMC2.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS4A_SMC_CompactFlash ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (EBI) Chip Select 4 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller and the CompactFlash Logic is activated.
-// -------- EBI_CFGR : (EBI Offset: 0x4) Configuration Register --------
-#define AT91C_EBI_DBPUC ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (EBI) Data Bus Pull-Up Configuration
-#define AT91C_EBI_EBSEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 1) // (EBI) Bus Sharing Enable
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Static Memory Controller 2 Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_SMC2 {
- AT91_REG SMC2_CSR[8]; // SMC2 Chip Select Register
-} AT91S_SMC2, *AT91PS_SMC2;
-// -------- SMC2_CSR : (SMC2 Offset: 0x0) SMC2 Chip Select Register --------
-#define AT91C_SMC2_NWS ((unsigned int) 0x7F << 0) // (SMC2) Number of Wait States
-#define AT91C_SMC2_WSEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 7) // (SMC2) Wait State Enable
-#define AT91C_SMC2_TDF ((unsigned int) 0xF << 8) // (SMC2) Data Float Time
-#define AT91C_SMC2_BAT ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (SMC2) Byte Access Type
-#define AT91C_SMC2_DBW ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (SMC2) Data Bus Width
-#define AT91C_SMC2_DBW_16 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (SMC2) 16-bit.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_DBW_8 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 13) // (SMC2) 8-bit.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_DRP ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (SMC2) Data Read Protocol
-#define AT91C_SMC2_ACSS ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 16) // (SMC2) Address to Chip Select Setup
-#define AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_STANDARD ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 16) // (SMC2) Standard, asserted at the beginning of the access and deasserted at the end.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_1_CYCLE ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (SMC2) One cycle less at the beginning and the end of the access.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_2_CYCLES ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 16) // (SMC2) Two cycles less at the beginning and the end of the access.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_3_CYCLES ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 16) // (SMC2) Three cycles less at the beginning and the end of the access.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_RWSETUP ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 24) // (SMC2) Read and Write Signal Setup Time
-#define AT91C_SMC2_RWHOLD ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 29) // (SMC2) Read and Write Signal Hold Time
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_SDRC {
- AT91_REG SDRC_MR; // SDRAM Controller Mode Register
- AT91_REG SDRC_TR; // SDRAM Controller Refresh Timer Register
- AT91_REG SDRC_CR; // SDRAM Controller Configuration Register
- AT91_REG SDRC_SRR; // SDRAM Controller Self Refresh Register
- AT91_REG SDRC_LPR; // SDRAM Controller Low Power Register
- AT91_REG SDRC_IER; // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Enable Register
- AT91_REG SDRC_IDR; // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Disable Register
- AT91_REG SDRC_IMR; // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
- AT91_REG SDRC_ISR; // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
-// -------- SDRC_MR : (SDRC Offset: 0x0) SDRAM Controller Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE ((unsigned int) 0xF << 0) // (SDRC) Mode
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE_NORMAL_CMD ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (SDRC) Normal Mode
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE_NOP_CMD ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (SDRC) NOP Command
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE_PRCGALL_CMD ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (SDRC) All Banks Precharge Command
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE_LMR_CMD ((unsigned int) 0x3) // (SDRC) Load Mode Register Command
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE_RFSH_CMD ((unsigned int) 0x4) // (SDRC) Refresh Command
-#define AT91C_SDRC_DBW ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (SDRC) Data Bus Width
-#define AT91C_SDRC_DBW_32_BITS ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 4) // (SDRC) 32 Bits datas bus
-#define AT91C_SDRC_DBW_16_BITS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (SDRC) 16 Bits datas bus
-// -------- SDRC_TR : (SDRC Offset: 0x4) SDRC Refresh Timer Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_COUNT ((unsigned int) 0xFFF << 0) // (SDRC) Refresh Counter
-// -------- SDRC_CR : (SDRC Offset: 0x8) SDRAM Configuration Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NC ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 0) // (SDRC) Number of Column Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NC_8 ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (SDRC) 8 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NC_9 ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (SDRC) 9 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NC_10 ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (SDRC) 10 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NC_11 ((unsigned int) 0x3) // (SDRC) 11 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NR ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 2) // (SDRC) Number of Row Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NR_11 ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 2) // (SDRC) 11 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NR_12 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (SDRC) 12 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NR_13 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 2) // (SDRC) 13 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NB ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (SDRC) Number of Banks
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NB_2_BANKS ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 4) // (SDRC) 2 banks
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NB_4_BANKS ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 4) // (SDRC) 4 banks
-#define AT91C_SDRC_CAS ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 5) // (SDRC) CAS Latency
-#define AT91C_SDRC_CAS_2 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 5) // (SDRC) 2 cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TWR ((unsigned int) 0xF << 7) // (SDRC) Number of Write Recovery Time Cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TRC ((unsigned int) 0xF << 11) // (SDRC) Number of RAS Cycle Time Cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TRP ((unsigned int) 0xF << 15) // (SDRC) Number of RAS Precharge Time Cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TRCD ((unsigned int) 0xF << 19) // (SDRC) Number of RAS to CAS Delay Cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TRAS ((unsigned int) 0xF << 23) // (SDRC) Number of RAS Active Time Cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TXSR ((unsigned int) 0xF << 27) // (SDRC) Number of Command Recovery Time Cycles
-// -------- SDRC_SRR : (SDRC Offset: 0xc) SDRAM Controller Self-refresh Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_SRCB ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (SDRC) Self-refresh Command Bit
-// -------- SDRC_LPR : (SDRC Offset: 0x10) SDRAM Controller Low-power Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_LPCB ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (SDRC) Low-power Command Bit
-// -------- SDRC_IER : (SDRC Offset: 0x14) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_RES ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 0) // (SDRC) Refresh Error Status
-// -------- SDRC_IDR : (SDRC Offset: 0x18) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- SDRC_IMR : (SDRC Offset: 0x1c) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- SDRC_ISR : (SDRC Offset: 0x20) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Status Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Burst Flash Controller Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-typedef struct _AT91S_BFC {
- AT91_REG BFC_MR; // BFC Mode Register
-} AT91S_BFC, *AT91PS_BFC;
-// -------- BFC_MR : (BFC Offset: 0x0) BFC Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCOM ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 0) // (BFC) Burst Flash Controller Operating Mode
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCOM_DISABLED ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (BFC) NPCS0 is driven by the SMC or remains high.
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCOM_ASYNC ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (BFC) Asynchronous
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCOM_BURST_READ ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (BFC) Burst Read
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCC ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 2) // (BFC) Burst Flash Controller Operating Mode
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCC_MCK ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 2) // (BFC) Master Clock.
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCC_MCK_DIV_2 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 2) // (BFC) Master Clock divided by 2.
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCC_MCK_DIV_4 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 2) // (BFC) Master Clock divided by 4.
-#define AT91C_BFC_AVL ((unsigned int) 0xF << 4) // (BFC) Address Valid Latency
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 8) // (BFC) Page Size
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_NO_PAGE ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 8) // (BFC) No page handling.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_16 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 8) // (BFC) 16 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_32 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 8) // (BFC) 32 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_64 ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 8) // (BFC) 64 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_128 ((unsigned int) 0x4 << 8) // (BFC) 128 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_256 ((unsigned int) 0x5 << 8) // (BFC) 256 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_512 ((unsigned int) 0x6 << 8) // (BFC) 512 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_1024 ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 8) // (BFC) 1024 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_OEL ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 12) // (BFC) Output Enable Latency
-#define AT91C_BFC_BAAEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (BFC) Burst Address Advance Enable
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFOEH ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (BFC) Burst Flash Output Enable Handling
-#define AT91C_BFC_MUXEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (BFC) Multiplexed Bus Enable
-#define AT91C_BFC_RDYEN ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 19) // (BFC) Ready Enable Mode
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-// ========== Register definition for SYS peripheral ==========
-// ========== Register definition for MC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_MC_PUER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF54) // (MC) MC Protection Unit Enable Register
-#define AT91C_MC_ASR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF04) // (MC) MC Abort Status Register
-#define AT91C_MC_PUP ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF50) // (MC) MC Protection Unit Peripherals
-#define AT91C_MC_PUIA ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF10) // (MC) MC Protection Unit Area
-#define AT91C_MC_AASR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF08) // (MC) MC Abort Address Status Register
-#define AT91C_MC_RCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF00) // (MC) MC Remap Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for RTC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_RTC_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE28) // (RTC) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE20) // (RTC) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE18) // (RTC) Status Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMALR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE10) // (RTC) Time Alarm Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE08) // (RTC) Time Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE00) // (RTC) Control Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_VER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE2C) // (RTC) Valid Entry Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE24) // (RTC) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_SCCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE1C) // (RTC) Status Clear Command Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALALR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE14) // (RTC) Calendar Alarm Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE0C) // (RTC) Calendar Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_MR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFE04) // (RTC) Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for ST peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_ST_CRTR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD24) // (ST) Current Real-time Register
-#define AT91C_ST_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD1C) // (ST) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_ST_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD14) // (ST) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_ST_RTMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD0C) // (ST) Real-time Mode Register
-#define AT91C_ST_PIMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD04) // (ST) Period Interval Mode Register
-#define AT91C_ST_RTAR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD20) // (ST) Real-time Alarm Register
-#define AT91C_ST_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD18) // (ST) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_ST_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD10) // (ST) Status Register
-#define AT91C_ST_WDMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD08) // (ST) Watchdog Mode Register
-#define AT91C_ST_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD00) // (ST) Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for PMC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_PMC_SCSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC08) // (PMC) System Clock Status Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_SCER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC00) // (PMC) System Clock Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC6C) // (PMC) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC64) // (PMC) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC14) // (PMC) Peripheral Clock Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_SCDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC04) // (PMC) System Clock Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC68) // (PMC) Status Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC60) // (PMC) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_MCKR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC30) // (PMC) Master Clock Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC10) // (PMC) Peripheral Clock Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC18) // (PMC) Peripheral Clock Status Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCKR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC40) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Register
-// ========== Register definition for CKGR peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLBR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC2C) // (CKGR) PLL B Register
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MCFR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC24) // (CKGR) Main Clock Frequency Register
-#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLAR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC28) // (CKGR) PLL A Register
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MOR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC20) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Register
-// ========== Register definition for PIOD peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PDSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA3C) // (PIOD) Pin Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_CODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA34) // (PIOD) Clear Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_OWER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFAA0) // (PIOD) Output Write Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_MDER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA50) // (PIOD) Multi-driver Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA48) // (PIOD) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA40) // (PIOD) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_ODSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA38) // (PIOD) Output Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_SODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA30) // (PIOD) Set Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA00) // (PIOD) PIO Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_OWDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFAA4) // (PIOD) Output Write Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PPUER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA64) // (PIOD) Pull-up Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_MDDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA54) // (PIOD) Multi-driver Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_ISR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA4C) // (PIOD) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA44) // (PIOD) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA04) // (PIOD) PIO Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_ODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA14) // (PIOD) Output Disable Registerr
-#define AT91C_PIOD_OWSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFAA8) // (PIOD) Output Write Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_ABSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA78) // (PIOD) AB Select Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_ASR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA70) // (PIOD) Select A Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PPUSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA68) // (PIOD) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PPUDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA60) // (PIOD) Pull-up Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_MDSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA58) // (PIOD) Multi-driver Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA08) // (PIOD) PIO Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_OER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA10) // (PIOD) Output Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_OSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA18) // (PIOD) Output Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IFER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA20) // (PIOD) Input Filter Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_BSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA74) // (PIOD) Select B Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IFDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA24) // (PIOD) Input Filter Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IFSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFA28) // (PIOD) Input Filter Status Register
-// ========== Register definition for PIOC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IFDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF824) // (PIOC) Input Filter Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_ODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF814) // (PIOC) Output Disable Registerr
-#define AT91C_PIOC_ABSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF878) // (PIOC) AB Select Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_SODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF830) // (PIOC) Set Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IFSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF828) // (PIOC) Input Filter Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_CODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF834) // (PIOC) Clear Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_ODSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF838) // (PIOC) Output Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF840) // (PIOC) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF848) // (PIOC) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_OWDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF8A4) // (PIOC) Output Write Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_MDDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF854) // (PIOC) Multi-driver Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PDSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF83C) // (PIOC) Pin Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF844) // (PIOC) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_ISR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF84C) // (PIOC) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF804) // (PIOC) PIO Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_OWSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF8A8) // (PIOC) Output Write Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_OWER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF8A0) // (PIOC) Output Write Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_ASR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF870) // (PIOC) Select A Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PPUSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF868) // (PIOC) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PPUDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF860) // (PIOC) Pull-up Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_MDSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF858) // (PIOC) Multi-driver Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_MDER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF850) // (PIOC) Multi-driver Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IFER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF820) // (PIOC) Input Filter Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_OSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF818) // (PIOC) Output Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_OER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF810) // (PIOC) Output Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF808) // (PIOC) PIO Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF800) // (PIOC) PIO Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_BSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF874) // (PIOC) Select B Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PPUER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF864) // (PIOC) Pull-up Enable Register
-// ========== Register definition for PIOB peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_PIOB_OWSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF6A8) // (PIOB) Output Write Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PPUSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF668) // (PIOB) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PPUDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF660) // (PIOB) Pull-up Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_MDSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF658) // (PIOB) Multi-driver Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_MDER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF650) // (PIOB) Multi-driver Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF648) // (PIOB) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_OSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF618) // (PIOB) Output Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_OER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF610) // (PIOB) Output Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF608) // (PIOB) PIO Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF600) // (PIOB) PIO Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_BSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF674) // (PIOB) Select B Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PPUER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF664) // (PIOB) Pull-up Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IFDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF624) // (PIOB) Input Filter Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_ODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF614) // (PIOB) Output Disable Registerr
-#define AT91C_PIOB_ABSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF678) // (PIOB) AB Select Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_ASR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF670) // (PIOB) Select A Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IFER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF620) // (PIOB) Input Filter Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IFSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF628) // (PIOB) Input Filter Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_SODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF630) // (PIOB) Set Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_ODSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF638) // (PIOB) Output Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_CODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF634) // (PIOB) Clear Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PDSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF63C) // (PIOB) Pin Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_OWER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF6A0) // (PIOB) Output Write Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF640) // (PIOB) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_OWDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF6A4) // (PIOB) Output Write Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_MDDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF654) // (PIOB) Multi-driver Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_ISR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF64C) // (PIOB) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF644) // (PIOB) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF604) // (PIOB) PIO Disable Register
-// ========== Register definition for PIOA peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF448) // (PIOA) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF440) // (PIOA) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_OWDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF4A4) // (PIOA) Output Write Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_ISR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF44C) // (PIOA) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PPUDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF460) // (PIOA) Pull-up Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_MDSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF458) // (PIOA) Multi-driver Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_MDER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF450) // (PIOA) Multi-driver Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF400) // (PIOA) PIO Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF408) // (PIOA) PIO Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_OER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF410) // (PIOA) Output Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_BSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF474) // (PIOA) Select B Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PPUER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF464) // (PIOA) Pull-up Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_MDDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF454) // (PIOA) Multi-driver Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF404) // (PIOA) PIO Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_ODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF414) // (PIOA) Output Disable Registerr
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IFDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF424) // (PIOA) Input Filter Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_ABSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF478) // (PIOA) AB Select Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_ASR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF470) // (PIOA) Select A Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PPUSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF468) // (PIOA) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_ODSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF438) // (PIOA) Output Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_SODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF430) // (PIOA) Set Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IFSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF428) // (PIOA) Input Filter Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IFER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF420) // (PIOA) Input Filter Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_OSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF418) // (PIOA) Output Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF444) // (PIOA) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PDSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF43C) // (PIOA) Pin Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_CODR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF434) // (PIOA) Clear Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_OWSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF4A8) // (PIOA) Output Write Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_OWER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF4A0) // (PIOA) Output Write Enable Register
-// ========== Register definition for DBGU peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_DBGU_C2R ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF244) // (DBGU) Chip ID2 Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_THR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF21C) // (DBGU) Transmitter Holding Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_CSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF214) // (DBGU) Channel Status Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF20C) // (DBGU) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_MR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF204) // (DBGU) Mode Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_FNTR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF248) // (DBGU) Force NTRST Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_C1R ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF240) // (DBGU) Chip ID1 Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_BRGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF220) // (DBGU) Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_RHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF218) // (DBGU) Receiver Holding Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF210) // (DBGU) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF208) // (DBGU) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF200) // (DBGU) Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_DBGU peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_DBGU_TNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF31C) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_RNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF314) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_PTCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF320) // (PDC_DBGU) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_PTSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF324) // (PDC_DBGU) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_RCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF304) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Counter Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_TCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF30C) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_RPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF300) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_TPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF308) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_RNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF310) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_TNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF318) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-// ========== Register definition for AIC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_AIC_ICCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF128) // (AIC) Interrupt Clear Command Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_IECR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF120) // (AIC) Interrupt Enable Command Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_SMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF000) // (AIC) Source Mode Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_ISCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF12C) // (AIC) Interrupt Set Command Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_EOICR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF130) // (AIC) End of Interrupt Command Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_DCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF138) // (AIC) Debug Control Register (Protect)
-#define AT91C_AIC_FFER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF140) // (AIC) Fast Forcing Enable Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_SVR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF080) // (AIC) Source Vector Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_SPU ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF134) // (AIC) Spurious Vector Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_FFDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF144) // (AIC) Fast Forcing Disable Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_FVR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF104) // (AIC) FIQ Vector Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_FFSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF148) // (AIC) Fast Forcing Status Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF110) // (AIC) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_ISR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF108) // (AIC) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_IVR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF100) // (AIC) IRQ Vector Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_IDCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF124) // (AIC) Interrupt Disable Command Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_CISR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF114) // (AIC) Core Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_IPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF10C) // (AIC) Interrupt Pending Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_SPI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SPI_PTCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0120) // (PDC_SPI) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_TNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0118) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_RNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0110) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_TPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0108) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_RPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0100) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_PTSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0124) // (PDC_SPI) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_TNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE011C) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_RNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0114) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_TCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE010C) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_RCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0104) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for SPI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SPI_CSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0030) // (SPI) Chip Select Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0018) // (SPI) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0010) // (SPI) Status Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_RDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0008) // (SPI) Receive Data Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0000) // (SPI) Control Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE001C) // (SPI) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0014) // (SPI) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_TDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE000C) // (SPI) Transmit Data Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_MR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0004) // (SPI) Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_SSC2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC2_PTCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8120) // (PDC_SSC2) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8118) // (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8110) // (PDC_SSC2) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8108) // (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8100) // (PDC_SSC2) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_PTSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8124) // (PDC_SSC2) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD811C) // (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8114) // (PDC_SSC2) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD810C) // (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8104) // (PDC_SSC2) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for SSC2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC2_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD804C) // (SSC2) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8044) // (SSC2) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RC1R ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD803C) // (SSC2) Receive Compare 1 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TSHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8034) // (SSC2) Transmit Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_CMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8004) // (SSC2) Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8048) // (SSC2) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TCMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8018) // (SSC2) Transmit Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RCMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8010) // (SSC2) Receive Clock ModeRegister
-#define AT91C_SSC2_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8000) // (SSC2) Control Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RFMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8014) // (SSC2) Receive Frame Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TFMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD801C) // (SSC2) Transmit Frame Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_THR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8024) // (SSC2) Transmit Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8040) // (SSC2) Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RC0R ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8038) // (SSC2) Receive Compare 0 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RSHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8030) // (SSC2) Receive Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8020) // (SSC2) Receive Holding Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_SSC1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC1_PTCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4120) // (PDC_SSC1) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4118) // (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4110) // (PDC_SSC1) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4108) // (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4100) // (PDC_SSC1) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_PTSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4124) // (PDC_SSC1) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD411C) // (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4114) // (PDC_SSC1) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD410C) // (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4104) // (PDC_SSC1) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for SSC1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RFMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4014) // (SSC1) Receive Frame Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_CMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4004) // (SSC1) Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4048) // (SSC1) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4040) // (SSC1) Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RC0R ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4038) // (SSC1) Receive Compare 0 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RSHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4030) // (SSC1) Receive Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4020) // (SSC1) Receive Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TCMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4018) // (SSC1) Transmit Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RCMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4010) // (SSC1) Receive Clock ModeRegister
-#define AT91C_SSC1_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4000) // (SSC1) Control Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD404C) // (SSC1) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4044) // (SSC1) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RC1R ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD403C) // (SSC1) Receive Compare 1 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TSHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4034) // (SSC1) Transmit Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_THR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4024) // (SSC1) Transmit Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TFMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD401C) // (SSC1) Transmit Frame Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_SSC0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC0_PTCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0120) // (PDC_SSC0) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0118) // (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0110) // (PDC_SSC0) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0108) // (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0100) // (PDC_SSC0) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_PTSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0124) // (PDC_SSC0) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD011C) // (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0114) // (PDC_SSC0) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD010C) // (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0104) // (PDC_SSC0) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for SSC0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC0_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD004C) // (SSC0) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0044) // (SSC0) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RC1R ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD003C) // (SSC0) Receive Compare 1 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TSHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0034) // (SSC0) Transmit Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_THR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0024) // (SSC0) Transmit Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TFMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD001C) // (SSC0) Transmit Frame Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RFMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0014) // (SSC0) Receive Frame Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_CMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0004) // (SSC0) Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0048) // (SSC0) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0040) // (SSC0) Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RC0R ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0038) // (SSC0) Receive Compare 0 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RSHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0030) // (SSC0) Receive Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0020) // (SSC0) Receive Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TCMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0018) // (SSC0) Transmit Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RCMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0010) // (SSC0) Receive Clock ModeRegister
-#define AT91C_SSC0_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD0000) // (SSC0) Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_US3 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US3_PTSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC124) // (PDC_US3) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_US3_TNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC11C) // (PDC_US3) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC114) // (PDC_US3) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US3_TCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC10C) // (PDC_US3) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC104) // (PDC_US3) Receive Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US3_PTCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC120) // (PDC_US3) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_US3_TNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC118) // (PDC_US3) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC110) // (PDC_US3) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US3_TPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC108) // (PDC_US3) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC100) // (PDC_US3) Receive Pointer Register
-// ========== Register definition for US3 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US3_IF ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC04C) // (US3) IRDA_FILTER Register
-#define AT91C_US3_NER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC044) // (US3) Nb Errors Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RTOR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC024) // (US3) Receiver Time-out Register
-#define AT91C_US3_THR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC01C) // (US3) Transmitter Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US3_CSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC014) // (US3) Channel Status Register
-#define AT91C_US3_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC00C) // (US3) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_US3_MR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC004) // (US3) Mode Register
-#define AT91C_US3_XXR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC048) // (US3) XON_XOFF Register
-#define AT91C_US3_FIDI ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC040) // (US3) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-#define AT91C_US3_TTGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC028) // (US3) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-#define AT91C_US3_BRGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC020) // (US3) Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC018) // (US3) Receiver Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US3_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC010) // (US3) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_US3_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC008) // (US3) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_US3_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC000) // (US3) Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_US2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US2_PTSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8124) // (PDC_US2) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_US2_TNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC811C) // (PDC_US2) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8114) // (PDC_US2) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US2_TCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC810C) // (PDC_US2) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US2_PTCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8120) // (PDC_US2) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8104) // (PDC_US2) Receive Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US2_TNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8118) // (PDC_US2) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8100) // (PDC_US2) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US2_TPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8108) // (PDC_US2) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8110) // (PDC_US2) Receive Next Pointer Register
-// ========== Register definition for US2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US2_XXR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8048) // (US2) XON_XOFF Register
-#define AT91C_US2_FIDI ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8040) // (US2) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-#define AT91C_US2_TTGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8028) // (US2) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-#define AT91C_US2_BRGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8020) // (US2) Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8018) // (US2) Receiver Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US2_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8010) // (US2) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_US2_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8008) // (US2) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_US2_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8000) // (US2) Control Register
-#define AT91C_US2_IF ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC804C) // (US2) IRDA_FILTER Register
-#define AT91C_US2_NER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8044) // (US2) Nb Errors Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RTOR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8024) // (US2) Receiver Time-out Register
-#define AT91C_US2_THR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC801C) // (US2) Transmitter Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US2_CSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8014) // (US2) Channel Status Register
-#define AT91C_US2_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC800C) // (US2) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_US2_MR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC8004) // (US2) Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_US1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US1_PTSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4124) // (PDC_US1) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_US1_TNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC411C) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4114) // (PDC_US1) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US1_TCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC410C) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4104) // (PDC_US1) Receive Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US1_PTCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4120) // (PDC_US1) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_US1_TNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4118) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4110) // (PDC_US1) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US1_TPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4108) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4100) // (PDC_US1) Receive Pointer Register
-// ========== Register definition for US1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US1_XXR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4048) // (US1) XON_XOFF Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4018) // (US1) Receiver Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US1_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4010) // (US1) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_US1_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4008) // (US1) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_US1_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4000) // (US1) Control Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RTOR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4024) // (US1) Receiver Time-out Register
-#define AT91C_US1_THR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC401C) // (US1) Transmitter Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US1_CSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4014) // (US1) Channel Status Register
-#define AT91C_US1_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC400C) // (US1) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_US1_FIDI ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4040) // (US1) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-#define AT91C_US1_BRGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4020) // (US1) Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define AT91C_US1_TTGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4028) // (US1) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-#define AT91C_US1_IF ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC404C) // (US1) IRDA_FILTER Register
-#define AT91C_US1_NER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4044) // (US1) Nb Errors Register
-#define AT91C_US1_MR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4004) // (US1) Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_US0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US0_PTCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0120) // (PDC_US0) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_US0_TNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0118) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0110) // (PDC_US0) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US0_TPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0108) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0100) // (PDC_US0) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US0_PTSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0124) // (PDC_US0) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_US0_TNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC011C) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0114) // (PDC_US0) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US0_TCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC010C) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0104) // (PDC_US0) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for US0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US0_TTGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0028) // (US0) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-#define AT91C_US0_BRGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0020) // (US0) Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0018) // (US0) Receiver Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US0_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0010) // (US0) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_US0_NER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0044) // (US0) Nb Errors Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RTOR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0024) // (US0) Receiver Time-out Register
-#define AT91C_US0_XXR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0048) // (US0) XON_XOFF Register
-#define AT91C_US0_FIDI ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0040) // (US0) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-#define AT91C_US0_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0000) // (US0) Control Register
-#define AT91C_US0_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0008) // (US0) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_US0_IF ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC004C) // (US0) IRDA_FILTER Register
-#define AT91C_US0_MR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0004) // (US0) Mode Register
-#define AT91C_US0_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC000C) // (US0) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_US0_CSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0014) // (US0) Channel Status Register
-#define AT91C_US0_THR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC001C) // (US0) Transmitter Holding Register
-// ========== Register definition for TWI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TWI_RHR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8030) // (TWI) Receive Holding Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8028) // (TWI) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8020) // (TWI) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_CWGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8010) // (TWI) Clock Waveform Generator Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_SMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8008) // (TWI) Slave Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8000) // (TWI) Control Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_THR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8034) // (TWI) Transmit Holding Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB802C) // (TWI) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8024) // (TWI) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB800C) // (TWI) Internal Address Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_MMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8004) // (TWI) Master Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_MCI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_MCI_PTCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4120) // (PDC_MCI) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_TNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4118) // (PDC_MCI) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RNPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4110) // (PDC_MCI) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_TPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4108) // (PDC_MCI) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4100) // (PDC_MCI) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_PTSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4124) // (PDC_MCI) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_TNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB411C) // (PDC_MCI) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RNCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4114) // (PDC_MCI) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_TCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB410C) // (PDC_MCI) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4104) // (PDC_MCI) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for MCI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_MCI_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4048) // (MCI) MCI Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4040) // (MCI) MCI Status Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4030) // (MCI) MCI Receive Data Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RSPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4020) // (MCI) MCI Response Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_ARGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4010) // (MCI) MCI Argument Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4008) // (MCI) MCI Data Timeout Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4000) // (MCI) MCI Control Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB404C) // (MCI) MCI Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4044) // (MCI) MCI Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_TDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4034) // (MCI) MCI Transmit Data Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_CMDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4014) // (MCI) MCI Command Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_SDCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB400C) // (MCI) MCI SD Card Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_MR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB4004) // (MCI) MCI Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for UDP peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_UDP_ISR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB001C) // (UDP) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0014) // (UDP) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_GLBSTATE ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0004) // (UDP) Global State Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_FDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0050) // (UDP) Endpoint FIFO Data Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_CSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0030) // (UDP) Endpoint Control and Status Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_RSTEP ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0028) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_ICR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0020) // (UDP) Interrupt Clear Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0018) // (UDP) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0010) // (UDP) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_FADDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0008) // (UDP) Function Address Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_NUM ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0000) // (UDP) Frame Number Register
-// ========== Register definition for TC5 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC5_CMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4084) // (TC5) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA40A8) // (TC5) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA40A0) // (TC5) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_RB ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4098) // (TC5) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC5_CV ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4090) // (TC5) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC5_CCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4080) // (TC5) Channel Control Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA40AC) // (TC5) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA40A4) // (TC5) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_RC ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA409C) // (TC5) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC5_RA ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4094) // (TC5) Register A
-// ========== Register definition for TC4 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC4_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA406C) // (TC4) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC4_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4064) // (TC4) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC4_RC ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA405C) // (TC4) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC4_RA ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4054) // (TC4) Register A
-#define AT91C_TC4_CMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4044) // (TC4) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC4_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4068) // (TC4) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC4_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4060) // (TC4) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TC4_RB ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4058) // (TC4) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC4_CV ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4050) // (TC4) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC4_CCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4040) // (TC4) Channel Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for TC3 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC3_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA402C) // (TC3) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC3_CV ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4010) // (TC3) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC3_CCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4000) // (TC3) Channel Control Register
-#define AT91C_TC3_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4024) // (TC3) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC3_CMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4004) // (TC3) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC3_RA ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4014) // (TC3) Register A
-#define AT91C_TC3_RC ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA401C) // (TC3) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC3_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4028) // (TC3) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC3_RB ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4018) // (TC3) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC3_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4020) // (TC3) Status Register
-// ========== Register definition for TCB1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TCB1_BCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4140) // (TCB1) TC Block Control Register
-#define AT91C_TCB1_BMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA4144) // (TCB1) TC Block Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for TC2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC2_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00AC) // (TC2) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC2_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00A4) // (TC2) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC2_RC ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA009C) // (TC2) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC2_RA ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0094) // (TC2) Register A
-#define AT91C_TC2_CMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0084) // (TC2) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC2_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00A8) // (TC2) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC2_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00A0) // (TC2) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TC2_RB ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0098) // (TC2) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC2_CV ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0090) // (TC2) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC2_CCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0080) // (TC2) Channel Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for TC1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC1_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA006C) // (TC1) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC1_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0064) // (TC1) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC1_RC ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA005C) // (TC1) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC1_RA ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0054) // (TC1) Register A
-#define AT91C_TC1_CMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0044) // (TC1) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC1_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0068) // (TC1) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC1_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0060) // (TC1) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TC1_RB ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0058) // (TC1) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC1_CV ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0050) // (TC1) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC1_CCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0040) // (TC1) Channel Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for TC0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC0_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA002C) // (TC0) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC0_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0024) // (TC0) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC0_RC ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA001C) // (TC0) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC0_RA ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0014) // (TC0) Register A
-#define AT91C_TC0_CMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0004) // (TC0) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC0_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0028) // (TC0) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC0_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0020) // (TC0) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TC0_RB ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0018) // (TC0) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC0_CV ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0010) // (TC0) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC0_CCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0000) // (TC0) Channel Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for TCB0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TCB0_BMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00C4) // (TCB0) TC Block Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TCB0_BCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00C0) // (TCB0) TC Block Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for UHP peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcRhDescriptorA ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300048) // (UHP) Root Hub characteristics A
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcRhPortStatus ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300054) // (UHP) Root Hub Port Status Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcRhDescriptorB ((AT91_REG *) 0x0030004C) // (UHP) Root Hub characteristics B
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcControl ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300004) // (UHP) Operating modes for the Host Controller
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcInterruptStatus ((AT91_REG *) 0x0030000C) // (UHP) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcRhStatus ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300050) // (UHP) Root Hub Status register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcRevision ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300000) // (UHP) Revision
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcCommandStatus ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300008) // (UHP) Command & status Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcInterruptEnable ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300010) // (UHP) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcHCCA ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300018) // (UHP) Pointer to the Host Controller Communication Area
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcControlHeadED ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300020) // (UHP) First Endpoint Descriptor of the Control list
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcInterruptDisable ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300014) // (UHP) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcPeriodCurrentED ((AT91_REG *) 0x0030001C) // (UHP) Current Isochronous or Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcControlCurrentED ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300024) // (UHP) Endpoint Control and Status Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcBulkCurrentED ((AT91_REG *) 0x0030002C) // (UHP) Current endpoint of the Bulk list
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcFmInterval ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300034) // (UHP) Bit time between 2 consecutive SOFs
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcBulkHeadED ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300028) // (UHP) First endpoint register of the Bulk list
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcBulkDoneHead ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300030) // (UHP) Last completed transfer descriptor
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcFmRemaining ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300038) // (UHP) Bit time remaining in the current Frame
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcPeriodicStart ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300040) // (UHP) Periodic Start
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcLSThreshold ((AT91_REG *) 0x00300044) // (UHP) LS Threshold
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcFmNumber ((AT91_REG *) 0x0030003C) // (UHP) Frame number
-// ========== Register definition for EMAC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC020) // (EMAC) Receive Status Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_MAN ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC034) // (EMAC) PHY Maintenance Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_HSH ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC090) // (EMAC) Hash Address High[63:32]
-#define AT91C_EMAC_MCOL ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC048) // (EMAC) Multiple Collision Frame Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC028) // (EMAC) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA2H ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC0A4) // (EMAC) Specific Address 2 High, Last 2 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_HSL ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC094) // (EMAC) Hash Address Low[31:0]
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LCOL ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC05C) // (EMAC) Late Collision Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_OK ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC04C) // (EMAC) Frames Received OK Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CFG ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC004) // (EMAC) Network Configuration Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA3L ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC0A8) // (EMAC) Specific Address 3 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SEQE ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC050) // (EMAC) Frame Check Sequence Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_ECOL ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC060) // (EMAC) Excessive Collision Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_ELR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC070) // (EMAC) Excessive Length Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC008) // (EMAC) Network Status Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RBQP ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC018) // (EMAC) Receive Buffer Queue Pointer
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CSE ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC064) // (EMAC) Carrier Sense Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RJB ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC074) // (EMAC) Receive Jabber Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_USF ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC078) // (EMAC) Undersize Frame Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC02C) // (EMAC) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA1L ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC098) // (EMAC) Specific Address 1 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC030) // (EMAC) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_FRA ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC040) // (EMAC) Frames Transmitted OK Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA3H ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC0AC) // (EMAC) Specific Address 3 High, Last 2 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA1H ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC09C) // (EMAC) Specific Address 1 High, Last 2 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SCOL ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC044) // (EMAC) Single Collision Frame Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_ALE ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC054) // (EMAC) Alignment Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TAR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC00C) // (EMAC) Transmit Address Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA4L ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC0B0) // (EMAC) Specific Address 4 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA2L ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC0A0) // (EMAC) Specific Address 2 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TUE ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC068) // (EMAC) Transmit Underrun Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_DTE ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC058) // (EMAC) Deferred Transmission Frame Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TCR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC010) // (EMAC) Transmit Control Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CTL ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC000) // (EMAC) Network Control Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA4H ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC0B4) // (EMAC) Specific Address 4 High, Last 2 bytesr
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CDE ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC06C) // (EMAC) Code Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SQEE ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC07C) // (EMAC) SQE Test Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC014) // (EMAC) Transmit Status Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_DRFC ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFBC080) // (EMAC) Discarded RX Frame Register
-// ========== Register definition for EBI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_EBI_CFGR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF64) // (EBI) Configuration Register
-#define AT91C_EBI_CSA ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF60) // (EBI) Chip Select Assignment Register
-// ========== Register definition for SMC2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SMC2_CSR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF70) // (SMC2) SMC2 Chip Select Register
-// ========== Register definition for SDRC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SDRC_IMR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFFAC) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_IER ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFFA4) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_SRR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF9C) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Self Refresh Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF94) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Refresh Timer Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_ISR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFFB0) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_IDR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFFA8) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_LPR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFFA0) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Low Power Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_CR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF98) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Configuration Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF90) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for BFC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_BFC_MR ((AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFFC0) // (BFC) BFC Mode Register
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA0 ((unsigned int) 1 << 0) // Pin Controlled by PA0
-#define AT91C_PA0_MISO ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA0) // SPI Master In Slave
-#define AT91C_PA0_PCK3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA0) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA1 ((unsigned int) 1 << 1) // Pin Controlled by PA1
-#define AT91C_PA1_MOSI ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA1) // SPI Master Out Slave
-#define AT91C_PA1_PCK0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA1) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA10 ((unsigned int) 1 << 10) // Pin Controlled by PA10
-#define AT91C_PA10_ETX1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA10) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 1
-#define AT91C_PA10_MCDB1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA10) // Multimedia Card B Data 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA11 ((unsigned int) 1 << 11) // Pin Controlled by PA11
-#define AT91C_PA11_ECRS_ECRSDV ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA11) // Ethernet MAC Carrier Sense/Carrier Sense and Data Valid
-#define AT91C_PA11_MCDB2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA11) // Multimedia Card B Data 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA12 ((unsigned int) 1 << 12) // Pin Controlled by PA12
-#define AT91C_PA12_ERX0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA12) // Ethernet MAC Receive Data 0
-#define AT91C_PA12_MCDB3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA12) // Multimedia Card B Data 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA13 ((unsigned int) 1 << 13) // Pin Controlled by PA13
-#define AT91C_PA13_ERX1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA13) // Ethernet MAC Receive Data 1
-#define AT91C_PA13_TCLK0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA13) // Timer Counter 0 external clock input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA14 ((unsigned int) 1 << 14) // Pin Controlled by PA14
-#define AT91C_PA14_ERXER ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA14) // Ethernet MAC Receive Error
-#define AT91C_PA14_TCLK1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA14) // Timer Counter 1 external clock input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA15 ((unsigned int) 1 << 15) // Pin Controlled by PA15
-#define AT91C_PA15_EMDC ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA15) // Ethernet MAC Management Data Clock
-#define AT91C_PA15_TCLK2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA15) // Timer Counter 2 external clock input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA16 ((unsigned int) 1 << 16) // Pin Controlled by PA16
-#define AT91C_PA16_EMDIO ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA16) // Ethernet MAC Management Data Input/Output
-#define AT91C_PA16_IRQ6 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA16) // AIC Interrupt input 6
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA17 ((unsigned int) 1 << 17) // Pin Controlled by PA17
-#define AT91C_PA17_TXD0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA17) // USART 0 Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PA17_TIOA0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA17) // Timer Counter 0 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA18 ((unsigned int) 1 << 18) // Pin Controlled by PA18
-#define AT91C_PA18_RXD0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA18) // USART 0 Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PA18_TIOB0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA18) // Timer Counter 0 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA19 ((unsigned int) 1 << 19) // Pin Controlled by PA19
-#define AT91C_PA19_SCK0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA19) // USART 0 Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PA19_TIOA1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA19) // Timer Counter 1 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA2 ((unsigned int) 1 << 2) // Pin Controlled by PA2
-#define AT91C_PA2_SPCK ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA2) // SPI Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PA2_IRQ4 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA2) // AIC Interrupt Input 4
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA20 ((unsigned int) 1 << 20) // Pin Controlled by PA20
-#define AT91C_PA20_CTS0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA20) // USART 0 Clear To Send
-#define AT91C_PA20_TIOB1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA20) // Timer Counter 1 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA21 ((unsigned int) 1 << 21) // Pin Controlled by PA21
-#define AT91C_PA21_RTS0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA21) // Usart 0 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PA21_TIOA2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA21) // Timer Counter 2 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA22 ((unsigned int) 1 << 22) // Pin Controlled by PA22
-#define AT91C_PA22_RXD2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA22) // USART 2 Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PA22_TIOB2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA22) // Timer Counter 2 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA23 ((unsigned int) 1 << 23) // Pin Controlled by PA23
-#define AT91C_PA23_TXD2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA23) // USART 2 Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PA23_IRQ3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA23) // Interrupt input 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA24 ((unsigned int) 1 << 24) // Pin Controlled by PA24
-#define AT91C_PA24_SCK2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA24) // USART2 Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PA24_PCK1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA24) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA25 ((unsigned int) 1 << 25) // Pin Controlled by PA25
-#define AT91C_PA25_TWD ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA25) // TWI Two-wire Serial Data
-#define AT91C_PA25_IRQ2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA25) // Interrupt input 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA26 ((unsigned int) 1 << 26) // Pin Controlled by PA26
-#define AT91C_PA26_TWCK ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA26) // TWI Two-wire Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PA26_IRQ1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA26) // Interrupt input 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA27 ((unsigned int) 1 << 27) // Pin Controlled by PA27
-#define AT91C_PA27_MCCK ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA27) // Multimedia Card Clock
-#define AT91C_PA27_TCLK3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA27) // Timer Counter 3 External Clock Input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA28 ((unsigned int) 1 << 28) // Pin Controlled by PA28
-#define AT91C_PA28_MCCDA ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA28) // Multimedia Card A Command
-#define AT91C_PA28_TCLK4 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA28) // Timer Counter 4 external Clock Input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA29 ((unsigned int) 1 << 29) // Pin Controlled by PA29
-#define AT91C_PA29_MCDA0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA29) // Multimedia Card A Data 0
-#define AT91C_PA29_TCLK5 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA29) // Timer Counter 5 external clock input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA3 ((unsigned int) 1 << 3) // Pin Controlled by PA3
-#define AT91C_PA3_NPCS0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA3) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 0
-#define AT91C_PA3_IRQ5 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA3) // AIC Interrupt Input 5
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA30 ((unsigned int) 1 << 30) // Pin Controlled by PA30
-#define AT91C_PA30_DRXD ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA30) // DBGU Debug Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PA30_CTS2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA30) // Usart 2 Clear To Send
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA31 ((unsigned int) 1 << 31) // Pin Controlled by PA31
-#define AT91C_PA31_DTXD ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA31) // DBGU Debug Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PA31_RTS2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA31) // USART 2 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA4 ((unsigned int) 1 << 4) // Pin Controlled by PA4
-#define AT91C_PA4_NPCS1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA4) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 1
-#define AT91C_PA4_PCK1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA4) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA5 ((unsigned int) 1 << 5) // Pin Controlled by PA5
-#define AT91C_PA5_NPCS2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA5) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 2
-#define AT91C_PA5_TXD3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA5) // USART 3 Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA6 ((unsigned int) 1 << 6) // Pin Controlled by PA6
-#define AT91C_PA6_NPCS3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA6) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 3
-#define AT91C_PA6_RXD3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA6) // USART 3 Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA7 ((unsigned int) 1 << 7) // Pin Controlled by PA7
-#define AT91C_PA7_ETXCK_EREFCK ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA7) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Clock/Reference Clock
-#define AT91C_PA7_PCK2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA7) // PMC Programmable Clock 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA8 ((unsigned int) 1 << 8) // Pin Controlled by PA8
-#define AT91C_PA8_ETXEN ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA8) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Enable
-#define AT91C_PA8_MCCDB ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA8) // Multimedia Card B Command
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA9 ((unsigned int) 1 << 9) // Pin Controlled by PA9
-#define AT91C_PA9_ETX0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA9) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 0
-#define AT91C_PA9_MCDB0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PA9) // Multimedia Card B Data 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB0 ((unsigned int) 1 << 0) // Pin Controlled by PB0
-#define AT91C_PB0_TF0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB0) // SSC Transmit Frame Sync 0
-#define AT91C_PB0_TIOB3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB0) // Timer Counter 3 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB1 ((unsigned int) 1 << 1) // Pin Controlled by PB1
-#define AT91C_PB1_TK0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB1) // SSC Transmit Clock 0
-#define AT91C_PB1_CTS3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB1) // USART 3 Clear To Send
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB10 ((unsigned int) 1 << 10) // Pin Controlled by PB10
-#define AT91C_PB10_RK1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB10) // SSC Receive Clock 1
-#define AT91C_PB10_TIOA5 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB10) // Timer Counter 5 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB11 ((unsigned int) 1 << 11) // Pin Controlled by PB11
-#define AT91C_PB11_RF1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB11) // SSC Receive Frame Sync 1
-#define AT91C_PB11_TIOB5 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB11) // Timer Counter 5 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB12 ((unsigned int) 1 << 12) // Pin Controlled by PB12
-#define AT91C_PB12_TF2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB12) // SSC Transmit Frame Sync 2
-#define AT91C_PB12_ETX2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB12) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB13 ((unsigned int) 1 << 13) // Pin Controlled by PB13
-#define AT91C_PB13_TK2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB13) // SSC Transmit Clock 2
-#define AT91C_PB13_ETX3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB13) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB14 ((unsigned int) 1 << 14) // Pin Controlled by PB14
-#define AT91C_PB14_TD2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB14) // SSC Transmit Data 2
-#define AT91C_PB14_ETXER ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB14) // Ethernet MAC Transmikt Coding Error
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB15 ((unsigned int) 1 << 15) // Pin Controlled by PB15
-#define AT91C_PB15_RD2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB15) // SSC Receive Data 2
-#define AT91C_PB15_ERX2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB15) // Ethernet MAC Receive Data 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB16 ((unsigned int) 1 << 16) // Pin Controlled by PB16
-#define AT91C_PB16_RK2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB16) // SSC Receive Clock 2
-#define AT91C_PB16_ERX3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB16) // Ethernet MAC Receive Data 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB17 ((unsigned int) 1 << 17) // Pin Controlled by PB17
-#define AT91C_PB17_RF2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB17) // SSC Receive Frame Sync 2
-#define AT91C_PB17_ERXDV ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB17) // Ethernet MAC Receive Data Valid
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB18 ((unsigned int) 1 << 18) // Pin Controlled by PB18
-#define AT91C_PB18_RI1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB18) // USART 1 Ring Indicator
-#define AT91C_PB18_ECOL ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB18) // Ethernet MAC Collision Detected
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB19 ((unsigned int) 1 << 19) // Pin Controlled by PB19
-#define AT91C_PB19_DTR1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB19) // USART 1 Data Terminal ready
-#define AT91C_PB19_ERXCK ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB19) // Ethernet MAC Receive Clock
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB2 ((unsigned int) 1 << 2) // Pin Controlled by PB2
-#define AT91C_PB2_TD0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB2) // SSC Transmit data
-#define AT91C_PB2_SCK3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB2) // USART 3 Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB20 ((unsigned int) 1 << 20) // Pin Controlled by PB20
-#define AT91C_PB20_TXD1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB20) // USART 1 Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB21 ((unsigned int) 1 << 21) // Pin Controlled by PB21
-#define AT91C_PB21_RXD1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB21) // USART 1 Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB22 ((unsigned int) 1 << 22) // Pin Controlled by PB22
-#define AT91C_PB22_SCK1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB22) // USART1 Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB23 ((unsigned int) 1 << 23) // Pin Controlled by PB23
-#define AT91C_PB23_DCD1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB23) // USART 1 Data Carrier Detect
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB24 ((unsigned int) 1 << 24) // Pin Controlled by PB24
-#define AT91C_PB24_CTS1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB24) // USART 1 Clear To Send
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB25 ((unsigned int) 1 << 25) // Pin Controlled by PB25
-#define AT91C_PB25_DSR1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB25) // USART 1 Data Set ready
-#define AT91C_PB25_EF100 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB25) // Ethernet MAC Force 100 Mbits/sec
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB26 ((unsigned int) 1 << 26) // Pin Controlled by PB26
-#define AT91C_PB26_RTS1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB26) // Usart 0 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB27 ((unsigned int) 1 << 27) // Pin Controlled by PB27
-#define AT91C_PB27_PCK0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB27) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB28 ((unsigned int) 1 << 28) // Pin Controlled by PB28
-#define AT91C_PB28_FIQ ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB28) // AIC Fast Interrupt Input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB29 ((unsigned int) 1 << 29) // Pin Controlled by PB29
-#define AT91C_PB29_IRQ0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB29) // Interrupt input 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB3 ((unsigned int) 1 << 3) // Pin Controlled by PB3
-#define AT91C_PB3_RD0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB3) // SSC Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PB3_MCDA1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB3) // Multimedia Card A Data 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB4 ((unsigned int) 1 << 4) // Pin Controlled by PB4
-#define AT91C_PB4_RK0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB4) // SSC Receive Clock
-#define AT91C_PB4_MCDA2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB4) // Multimedia Card A Data 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB5 ((unsigned int) 1 << 5) // Pin Controlled by PB5
-#define AT91C_PB5_RF0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB5) // SSC Receive Frame Sync 0
-#define AT91C_PB5_MCDA3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB5) // Multimedia Card A Data 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB6 ((unsigned int) 1 << 6) // Pin Controlled by PB6
-#define AT91C_PB6_TF1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB6) // SSC Transmit Frame Sync 1
-#define AT91C_PB6_TIOA3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB6) // Timer Counter 4 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB7 ((unsigned int) 1 << 7) // Pin Controlled by PB7
-#define AT91C_PB7_TK1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB7) // SSC Transmit Clock 1
-#define AT91C_PB7_TIOB3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB7) // Timer Counter 3 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB8 ((unsigned int) 1 << 8) // Pin Controlled by PB8
-#define AT91C_PB8_TD1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB8) // SSC Transmit Data 1
-#define AT91C_PB8_TIOA4 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB8) // Timer Counter 4 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB9 ((unsigned int) 1 << 9) // Pin Controlled by PB9
-#define AT91C_PB9_RD1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB9) // SSC Receive Data 1
-#define AT91C_PB9_TIOB4 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PB9) // Timer Counter 4 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC0 ((unsigned int) 1 << 0) // Pin Controlled by PC0
-#define AT91C_PC0_BFCK ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC0) // Burst Flash Clock
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC1 ((unsigned int) 1 << 1) // Pin Controlled by PC1
-#define AT91C_PC1_BFRDY_SMOE ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC1) // Burst Flash Ready
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC10 ((unsigned int) 1 << 10) // Pin Controlled by PC10
-#define AT91C_PC10_NCS4_CFCS ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC10) // Compact Flash Chip Select
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC11 ((unsigned int) 1 << 11) // Pin Controlled by PC11
-#define AT91C_PC11_NCS5_CFCE1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC11) // Chip Select 5 / Compact Flash Chip Enable 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC12 ((unsigned int) 1 << 12) // Pin Controlled by PC12
-#define AT91C_PC12_NCS6_CFCE2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC12) // Chip Select 6 / Compact Flash Chip Enable 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC13 ((unsigned int) 1 << 13) // Pin Controlled by PC13
-#define AT91C_PC13_NCS7 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC13) // Chip Select 7
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC14 ((unsigned int) 1 << 14) // Pin Controlled by PC14
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC15 ((unsigned int) 1 << 15) // Pin Controlled by PC15
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC16 ((unsigned int) 1 << 16) // Pin Controlled by PC16
-#define AT91C_PC16_D16 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC16) // Data Bus [16]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC17 ((unsigned int) 1 << 17) // Pin Controlled by PC17
-#define AT91C_PC17_D17 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC17) // Data Bus [17]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC18 ((unsigned int) 1 << 18) // Pin Controlled by PC18
-#define AT91C_PC18_D18 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC18) // Data Bus [18]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC19 ((unsigned int) 1 << 19) // Pin Controlled by PC19
-#define AT91C_PC19_D19 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC19) // Data Bus [19]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC2 ((unsigned int) 1 << 2) // Pin Controlled by PC2
-#define AT91C_PC2_BFAVD ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC2) // Burst Flash Address Valid
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC20 ((unsigned int) 1 << 20) // Pin Controlled by PC20
-#define AT91C_PC20_D20 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC20) // Data Bus [20]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC21 ((unsigned int) 1 << 21) // Pin Controlled by PC21
-#define AT91C_PC21_D21 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC21) // Data Bus [21]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC22 ((unsigned int) 1 << 22) // Pin Controlled by PC22
-#define AT91C_PC22_D22 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC22) // Data Bus [22]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC23 ((unsigned int) 1 << 23) // Pin Controlled by PC23
-#define AT91C_PC23_D23 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC23) // Data Bus [23]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC24 ((unsigned int) 1 << 24) // Pin Controlled by PC24
-#define AT91C_PC24_D24 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC24) // Data Bus [24]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC25 ((unsigned int) 1 << 25) // Pin Controlled by PC25
-#define AT91C_PC25_D25 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC25) // Data Bus [25]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC26 ((unsigned int) 1 << 26) // Pin Controlled by PC26
-#define AT91C_PC26_D26 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC26) // Data Bus [26]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC27 ((unsigned int) 1 << 27) // Pin Controlled by PC27
-#define AT91C_PC27_D27 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC27) // Data Bus [27]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC28 ((unsigned int) 1 << 28) // Pin Controlled by PC28
-#define AT91C_PC28_D28 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC28) // Data Bus [28]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC29 ((unsigned int) 1 << 29) // Pin Controlled by PC29
-#define AT91C_PC29_D29 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC29) // Data Bus [29]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC3 ((unsigned int) 1 << 3) // Pin Controlled by PC3
-#define AT91C_PC3_BFBAA_SMWE ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC3) // Burst Flash Address Advance / SmartMedia Write Enable
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC30 ((unsigned int) 1 << 30) // Pin Controlled by PC30
-#define AT91C_PC30_D30 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC30) // Data Bus [30]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC31 ((unsigned int) 1 << 31) // Pin Controlled by PC31
-#define AT91C_PC31_D31 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC31) // Data Bus [31]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC4 ((unsigned int) 1 << 4) // Pin Controlled by PC4
-#define AT91C_PC4_BFOE ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC4) // Burst Flash Output Enable
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC5 ((unsigned int) 1 << 5) // Pin Controlled by PC5
-#define AT91C_PC5_BFWE ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC5) // Burst Flash Write Enable
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC6 ((unsigned int) 1 << 6) // Pin Controlled by PC6
-#define AT91C_PC6_NWAIT ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC6) // NWAIT
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC7 ((unsigned int) 1 << 7) // Pin Controlled by PC7
-#define AT91C_PC7_A23 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC7) // Address Bus[23]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC8 ((unsigned int) 1 << 8) // Pin Controlled by PC8
-#define AT91C_PC8_A24 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC8) // Address Bus[24]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC9 ((unsigned int) 1 << 9) // Pin Controlled by PC9
-#define AT91C_PC9_A25_CFRNW ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PC9) // Address Bus[25] / Compact Flash Read Not Write
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD0 ((unsigned int) 1 << 0) // Pin Controlled by PD0
-#define AT91C_PD0_ETX0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD0) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD1 ((unsigned int) 1 << 1) // Pin Controlled by PD1
-#define AT91C_PD1_ETX1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD1) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD10 ((unsigned int) 1 << 10) // Pin Controlled by PD10
-#define AT91C_PD10_PCK3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD10) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 3
-#define AT91C_PD10_TPS1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD10) // ETM ARM9 pipeline status 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD11 ((unsigned int) 1 << 11) // Pin Controlled by PD11
-#define AT91C_PD11_ ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD11) //
-#define AT91C_PD11_TPS2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD11) // ETM ARM9 pipeline status 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD12 ((unsigned int) 1 << 12) // Pin Controlled by PD12
-#define AT91C_PD12_ ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD12) //
-#define AT91C_PD12_TPK0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD12) // ETM Trace Packet 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD13 ((unsigned int) 1 << 13) // Pin Controlled by PD13
-#define AT91C_PD13_ ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD13) //
-#define AT91C_PD13_TPK1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD13) // ETM Trace Packet 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD14 ((unsigned int) 1 << 14) // Pin Controlled by PD14
-#define AT91C_PD14_ ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD14) //
-#define AT91C_PD14_TPK2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD14) // ETM Trace Packet 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD15 ((unsigned int) 1 << 15) // Pin Controlled by PD15
-#define AT91C_PD15_TD0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD15) // SSC Transmit data
-#define AT91C_PD15_TPK3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD15) // ETM Trace Packet 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD16 ((unsigned int) 1 << 16) // Pin Controlled by PD16
-#define AT91C_PD16_TD1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD16) // SSC Transmit Data 1
-#define AT91C_PD16_TPK4 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD16) // ETM Trace Packet 4
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD17 ((unsigned int) 1 << 17) // Pin Controlled by PD17
-#define AT91C_PD17_TD2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD17) // SSC Transmit Data 2
-#define AT91C_PD17_TPK5 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD17) // ETM Trace Packet 5
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD18 ((unsigned int) 1 << 18) // Pin Controlled by PD18
-#define AT91C_PD18_NPCS1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD18) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 1
-#define AT91C_PD18_TPK6 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD18) // ETM Trace Packet 6
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD19 ((unsigned int) 1 << 19) // Pin Controlled by PD19
-#define AT91C_PD19_NPCS2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD19) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 2
-#define AT91C_PD19_TPK7 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD19) // ETM Trace Packet 7
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD2 ((unsigned int) 1 << 2) // Pin Controlled by PD2
-#define AT91C_PD2_ETX2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD2) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD20 ((unsigned int) 1 << 20) // Pin Controlled by PD20
-#define AT91C_PD20_NPCS3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD20) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 3
-#define AT91C_PD20_TPK8 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD20) // ETM Trace Packet 8
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD21 ((unsigned int) 1 << 21) // Pin Controlled by PD21
-#define AT91C_PD21_RTS0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD21) // Usart 0 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PD21_TPK9 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD21) // ETM Trace Packet 9
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD22 ((unsigned int) 1 << 22) // Pin Controlled by PD22
-#define AT91C_PD22_RTS1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD22) // Usart 0 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PD22_TPK10 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD22) // ETM Trace Packet 10
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD23 ((unsigned int) 1 << 23) // Pin Controlled by PD23
-#define AT91C_PD23_RTS2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD23) // USART 2 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PD23_TPK11 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD23) // ETM Trace Packet 11
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD24 ((unsigned int) 1 << 24) // Pin Controlled by PD24
-#define AT91C_PD24_RTS3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD24) // USART 3 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PD24_TPK12 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD24) // ETM Trace Packet 12
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD25 ((unsigned int) 1 << 25) // Pin Controlled by PD25
-#define AT91C_PD25_DTR1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD25) // USART 1 Data Terminal ready
-#define AT91C_PD25_TPK13 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD25) // ETM Trace Packet 13
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD26 ((unsigned int) 1 << 26) // Pin Controlled by PD26
-#define AT91C_PD26_TPK14 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD26) // ETM Trace Packet 14
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD27 ((unsigned int) 1 << 27) // Pin Controlled by PD27
-#define AT91C_PD27_TPK15 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD27) // ETM Trace Packet 15
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD3 ((unsigned int) 1 << 3) // Pin Controlled by PD3
-#define AT91C_PD3_ETX3 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD3) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD4 ((unsigned int) 1 << 4) // Pin Controlled by PD4
-#define AT91C_PD4_ETXEN ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD4) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Enable
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD5 ((unsigned int) 1 << 5) // Pin Controlled by PD5
-#define AT91C_PD5_ETXER ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD5) // Ethernet MAC Transmikt Coding Error
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD6 ((unsigned int) 1 << 6) // Pin Controlled by PD6
-#define AT91C_PD6_DTXD ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD6) // DBGU Debug Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD7 ((unsigned int) 1 << 7) // Pin Controlled by PD7
-#define AT91C_PD7_PCK0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD7) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 0
-#define AT91C_PD7_TSYNC ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD7) // ETM Synchronization signal
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD8 ((unsigned int) 1 << 8) // Pin Controlled by PD8
-#define AT91C_PD8_PCK1 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD8) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 1
-#define AT91C_PD8_TCLK ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD8) // ETM Trace Clock signal
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD9 ((unsigned int) 1 << 9) // Pin Controlled by PD9
-#define AT91C_PD9_PCK2 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD9) // PMC Programmable Clock 2
-#define AT91C_PD9_TPS0 ((unsigned int) AT91C_PIO_PD9) // ETM ARM9 pipeline status 0
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-#define AT91C_ID_FIQ ((unsigned int) 0) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (FIQ)
-#define AT91C_ID_SYS ((unsigned int) 1) // System Peripheral
-#define AT91C_ID_PIOA ((unsigned int) 2) // Parallel IO Controller A
-#define AT91C_ID_PIOB ((unsigned int) 3) // Parallel IO Controller B
-#define AT91C_ID_PIOC ((unsigned int) 4) // Parallel IO Controller C
-#define AT91C_ID_PIOD ((unsigned int) 5) // Parallel IO Controller D
-#define AT91C_ID_US0 ((unsigned int) 6) // USART 0
-#define AT91C_ID_US1 ((unsigned int) 7) // USART 1
-#define AT91C_ID_US2 ((unsigned int) 8) // USART 2
-#define AT91C_ID_US3 ((unsigned int) 9) // USART 3
-#define AT91C_ID_MCI ((unsigned int) 10) // Multimedia Card Interface
-#define AT91C_ID_UDP ((unsigned int) 11) // USB Device Port
-#define AT91C_ID_TWI ((unsigned int) 12) // Two-Wire Interface
-#define AT91C_ID_SPI ((unsigned int) 13) // Serial Peripheral Interface
-#define AT91C_ID_SSC0 ((unsigned int) 14) // Serial Synchronous Controller 0
-#define AT91C_ID_SSC1 ((unsigned int) 15) // Serial Synchronous Controller 1
-#define AT91C_ID_SSC2 ((unsigned int) 16) // Serial Synchronous Controller 2
-#define AT91C_ID_TC0 ((unsigned int) 17) // Timer Counter 0
-#define AT91C_ID_TC1 ((unsigned int) 18) // Timer Counter 1
-#define AT91C_ID_TC2 ((unsigned int) 19) // Timer Counter 2
-#define AT91C_ID_TC3 ((unsigned int) 20) // Timer Counter 3
-#define AT91C_ID_TC4 ((unsigned int) 21) // Timer Counter 4
-#define AT91C_ID_TC5 ((unsigned int) 22) // Timer Counter 5
-#define AT91C_ID_UHP ((unsigned int) 23) // USB Host port
-#define AT91C_ID_EMAC ((unsigned int) 24) // Ethernet MAC
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ0 ((unsigned int) 25) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ0)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ1 ((unsigned int) 26) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ1)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ2 ((unsigned int) 27) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ2)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ3 ((unsigned int) 28) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ3)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ4 ((unsigned int) 29) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ4)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ5 ((unsigned int) 30) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ5)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ6 ((unsigned int) 31) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ6)
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-#define AT91C_BASE_SYS ((AT91PS_SYS) 0xFFFFF000) // (SYS) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_MC ((AT91PS_MC) 0xFFFFFF00) // (MC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_RTC ((AT91PS_RTC) 0xFFFFFE00) // (RTC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_ST ((AT91PS_ST) 0xFFFFFD00) // (ST) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PMC ((AT91PS_PMC) 0xFFFFFC00) // (PMC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_CKGR ((AT91PS_CKGR) 0xFFFFFC20) // (CKGR) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PIOD ((AT91PS_PIO) 0xFFFFFA00) // (PIOD) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PIOC ((AT91PS_PIO) 0xFFFFF800) // (PIOC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PIOB ((AT91PS_PIO) 0xFFFFF600) // (PIOB) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PIOA ((AT91PS_PIO) 0xFFFFF400) // (PIOA) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_DBGU ((AT91PS_DBGU) 0xFFFFF200) // (DBGU) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_DBGU ((AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFFF300) // (PDC_DBGU) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_AIC ((AT91PS_AIC) 0xFFFFF000) // (AIC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_SPI ((AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFE0100) // (PDC_SPI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SPI ((AT91PS_SPI) 0xFFFE0000) // (SPI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC2 ((AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFD8100) // (PDC_SSC2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SSC2 ((AT91PS_SSC) 0xFFFD8000) // (SSC2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC1 ((AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFD4100) // (PDC_SSC1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SSC1 ((AT91PS_SSC) 0xFFFD4000) // (SSC1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC0 ((AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFD0100) // (PDC_SSC0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SSC0 ((AT91PS_SSC) 0xFFFD0000) // (SSC0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_US3 ((AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFCC100) // (PDC_US3) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_US3 ((AT91PS_USART) 0xFFFCC000) // (US3) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_US2 ((AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFC8100) // (PDC_US2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_US2 ((AT91PS_USART) 0xFFFC8000) // (US2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_US1 ((AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFC4100) // (PDC_US1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_US1 ((AT91PS_USART) 0xFFFC4000) // (US1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_US0 ((AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFC0100) // (PDC_US0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_US0 ((AT91PS_USART) 0xFFFC0000) // (US0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TWI ((AT91PS_TWI) 0xFFFB8000) // (TWI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_MCI ((AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFB4100) // (PDC_MCI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_MCI ((AT91PS_MCI) 0xFFFB4000) // (MCI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_UDP ((AT91PS_UDP) 0xFFFB0000) // (UDP) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC5 ((AT91PS_TC) 0xFFFA4080) // (TC5) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC4 ((AT91PS_TC) 0xFFFA4040) // (TC4) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC3 ((AT91PS_TC) 0xFFFA4000) // (TC3) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TCB1 ((AT91PS_TCB) 0xFFFA4080) // (TCB1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC2 ((AT91PS_TC) 0xFFFA0080) // (TC2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC1 ((AT91PS_TC) 0xFFFA0040) // (TC1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC0 ((AT91PS_TC) 0xFFFA0000) // (TC0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TCB0 ((AT91PS_TCB) 0xFFFA0000) // (TCB0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_UHP ((AT91PS_UHP) 0x00300000) // (UHP) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_EMAC ((AT91PS_EMAC) 0xFFFBC000) // (EMAC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_EBI ((AT91PS_EBI) 0xFFFFFF60) // (EBI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SMC2 ((AT91PS_SMC2) 0xFFFFFF70) // (SMC2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SDRC ((AT91PS_SDRC) 0xFFFFFF90) // (SDRC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_BFC ((AT91PS_BFC) 0xFFFFFFC0) // (BFC) Base Address
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-#define AT91C_ISRAM ((char *) 0x00200000) // Internal SRAM base address
-#define AT91C_ISRAM_SIZE ((unsigned int) 0x00004000) // Internal SRAM size in byte (16 Kbyte)
-#define AT91C_IROM ((char *) 0x00100000) // Internal ROM base address
-#define AT91C_IROM_SIZE ((unsigned int) 0x00020000) // Internal ROM size in byte (128 Kbyte)
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91RM9200.inc b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91RM9200.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 670e023fb5..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91RM9200.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2437 +0,0 @@
-;- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;- ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
-;- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;- The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
-;- kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
-;- limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
-;- fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
-;- intellectual property rights of others.
-;- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;- File Name : AT91RM9200.h
-;- Object : AT91RM9200 definitions
-;- Generated : AT91 SW Application Group 11/19/2003 (17:20:51)
-;- CVS Reference : /AT91RM9200.pl/1.16/Fri Feb 07 10:29:51 2003//
-;- CVS Reference : /SYS_AT91RM9200.pl/1.2/Fri Jan 17 12:44:37 2003//
-;- CVS Reference : /MC_1760A.pl/1.1/Fri Aug 23 14:38:22 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /AIC_1796B.pl/ Jun 28 09:36:47 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /PMC_2636A.pl/ Jun 28 09:36:48 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /ST_1763B.pl/1.1/Fri Aug 23 14:41:42 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /RTC_1245D.pl/1.2/Fri Jan 31 12:19:06 2003//
-;- CVS Reference : /PIO_1725D.pl/ Jun 28 09:36:47 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /DBGU_1754A.pl/1.4/Fri Jan 31 12:18:24 2003//
-;- CVS Reference : /UDP_1765B.pl/1.3/Fri Aug 02 14:45:38 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /MCI_1764A.pl/1.2/Thu Nov 14 17:48:24 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /US_1739C.pl/1.2/Fri Jul 12 07:49:25 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /SPI_AT91RMxxxx.pl/1.3/Tue Nov 26 10:20:29 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /SSC_1762A.pl/1.2/Fri Nov 08 13:26:39 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /TC_1753B.pl/1.2/Fri Jan 31 12:19:55 2003//
-;- CVS Reference : /TWI_1761B.pl/1.4/Fri Feb 07 10:30:07 2003//
-;- CVS Reference : /PDC_1734B.pl/1.2/Thu Nov 21 16:38:23 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /UHP_xxxxA.pl/1.1/Mon Jul 22 12:21:58 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /EMAC_1794A.pl/1.4/Fri Jan 17 12:11:54 2003//
-;- CVS Reference : /EBI_1759B.pl/1.10/Fri Jan 17 12:44:29 2003//
-;- CVS Reference : /SMC_1783A.pl/1.3/Thu Oct 31 14:38:17 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /SDRC_1758B.pl/1.2/Thu Oct 03 13:04:41 2002//
-;- CVS Reference : /BFC_1757B.pl/1.3/Thu Oct 31 14:38:00 2002//
-;- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;- Hardware register definition
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Memory Controller Interface
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_MC
-MC_RCR # 4 ;- MC Remap Control Register
-MC_ASR # 4 ;- MC Abort Status Register
-MC_AASR # 4 ;- MC Abort Address Status Register
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-MC_PUIA # 64 ;- MC Protection Unit Area
-MC_PUP # 4 ;- MC Protection Unit Peripherals
-MC_PUER # 4 ;- MC Protection Unit Enable Register
-;- -------- MC_RCR : (MC Offset: 0x0) MC Remap Control Register --------
-AT91C_MC_RCB EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (MC) Remap Command Bit
-;- -------- MC_ASR : (MC Offset: 0x4) MC Abort Status Register --------
-AT91C_MC_UNDADD EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (MC) Undefined Addess Abort Status
-AT91C_MC_MISADD EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (MC) Misaligned Addess Abort Status
-AT91C_MC_MPU EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (MC) Memory protection Unit Abort Status
-AT91C_MC_ABTSZ EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (MC) Abort Size Status
-AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_BYTE EQU (0x0:SHL:8) ;- (MC) Byte
-AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_HWORD EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (MC) Half-word
-AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_WORD EQU (0x2:SHL:8) ;- (MC) Word
-AT91C_MC_ABTTYP EQU (0x3:SHL:10) ;- (MC) Abort Type Status
-AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAR EQU (0x0:SHL:10) ;- (MC) Data Read
-AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAW EQU (0x1:SHL:10) ;- (MC) Data Write
-AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_FETCH EQU (0x2:SHL:10) ;- (MC) Code Fetch
-AT91C_MC_MST0 EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (MC) Master 0 Abort Source
-AT91C_MC_MST1 EQU (0x1:SHL:17) ;- (MC) Master 1 Abort Source
-AT91C_MC_SVMST0 EQU (0x1:SHL:24) ;- (MC) Saved Master 0 Abort Source
-AT91C_MC_SVMST1 EQU (0x1:SHL:25) ;- (MC) Saved Master 1 Abort Source
-;- -------- MC_PUIA : (MC Offset: 0x10) MC Protection Unit Area --------
-AT91C_MC_PROT EQU (0x3:SHL:0) ;- (MC) Protection
-AT91C_MC_PROT_PNAUNA EQU (0x0) ;- (MC) Privilege: No Access, User: No Access
-AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWUNA EQU (0x1) ;- (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: No Access
-AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWURO EQU (0x2) ;- (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: Read Only
-AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWURW EQU (0x3) ;- (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: Read/Write
-AT91C_MC_SIZE EQU (0xF:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Internal Area Size
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_1KB EQU (0x0:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 1KByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_2KB EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 2KByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_4KB EQU (0x2:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 4KByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_8KB EQU (0x3:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 8KByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_16KB EQU (0x4:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 16KByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_32KB EQU (0x5:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 32KByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_64KB EQU (0x6:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 64KByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_128KB EQU (0x7:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 128KByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_256KB EQU (0x8:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 256KByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_512KB EQU (0x9:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 512KByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_1MB EQU (0xA:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 1MByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_2MB EQU (0xB:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 2MByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_4MB EQU (0xC:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 4MByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_8MB EQU (0xD:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 8MByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_16MB EQU (0xE:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 16MByte
-AT91C_MC_SIZE_64MB EQU (0xF:SHL:4) ;- (MC) Area size 64MByte
-AT91C_MC_BA EQU (0x3FFFF:SHL:10) ;- (MC) Internal Area Base Address
-;- -------- MC_PUP : (MC Offset: 0x50) MC Protection Unit Peripheral --------
-;- -------- MC_PUER : (MC Offset: 0x54) MC Protection Unit Area --------
-AT91C_MC_PUEB EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (MC) Protection Unit enable Bit
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Real-time Clock Alarm and Parallel Load Interface
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_RTC
-RTC_CR # 4 ;- Control Register
-RTC_MR # 4 ;- Mode Register
-RTC_TIMR # 4 ;- Time Register
-RTC_CALR # 4 ;- Calendar Register
-RTC_TIMALR # 4 ;- Time Alarm Register
-RTC_CALALR # 4 ;- Calendar Alarm Register
-RTC_SR # 4 ;- Status Register
-RTC_SCCR # 4 ;- Status Clear Command Register
-RTC_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-RTC_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-RTC_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
-RTC_VER # 4 ;- Valid Entry Register
-;- -------- RTC_CR : (RTC Offset: 0x0) RTC Control Register --------
-AT91C_RTC_UPDTIM EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (RTC) Update Request Time Register
-AT91C_RTC_UPDCAL EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (RTC) Update Request Calendar Register
-AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (RTC) Time Event Selection
-AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_MINUTE EQU (0x0:SHL:8) ;- (RTC) Minute change.
-AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_HOUR EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (RTC) Hour change.
-AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_DAY24 EQU (0x2:SHL:8) ;- (RTC) Every day at midnight.
-AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_DAY12 EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (RTC) Every day at noon.
-AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL EQU (0x3:SHL:16) ;- (RTC) Calendar Event Selection
-AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_WEEK EQU (0x0:SHL:16) ;- (RTC) Week change (every Monday at time 00:00:00).
-AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_MONTH EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (RTC) Month change (every 01 of each month at time 00:00:00).
-AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_YEAR EQU (0x2:SHL:16) ;- (RTC) Year change (every January 1 at time 00:00:00).
-;- -------- RTC_MR : (RTC Offset: 0x4) RTC Mode Register --------
-AT91C_RTC_HRMOD EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (RTC) 12-24 hour Mode
-;- -------- RTC_TIMR : (RTC Offset: 0x8) RTC Time Register --------
-AT91C_RTC_SEC EQU (0x7F:SHL:0) ;- (RTC) Current Second
-AT91C_RTC_MIN EQU (0x7F:SHL:8) ;- (RTC) Current Minute
-AT91C_RTC_HOUR EQU (0x1F:SHL:16) ;- (RTC) Current Hour
-AT91C_RTC_AMPM EQU (0x1:SHL:22) ;- (RTC) Ante Meridiem, Post Meridiem Indicator
-;- -------- RTC_CALR : (RTC Offset: 0xc) RTC Calendar Register --------
-AT91C_RTC_CENT EQU (0x3F:SHL:0) ;- (RTC) Current Century
-AT91C_RTC_YEAR EQU (0xFF:SHL:8) ;- (RTC) Current Year
-AT91C_RTC_MONTH EQU (0x1F:SHL:16) ;- (RTC) Current Month
-AT91C_RTC_DAY EQU (0x7:SHL:21) ;- (RTC) Current Day
-AT91C_RTC_DATE EQU (0x3F:SHL:24) ;- (RTC) Current Date
-;- -------- RTC_TIMALR : (RTC Offset: 0x10) RTC Time Alarm Register --------
-AT91C_RTC_SECEN EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (RTC) Second Alarm Enable
-AT91C_RTC_MINEN EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (RTC) Minute Alarm
-AT91C_RTC_HOUREN EQU (0x1:SHL:23) ;- (RTC) Current Hour
-;- -------- RTC_CALALR : (RTC Offset: 0x14) RTC Calendar Alarm Register --------
-AT91C_RTC_MONTHEN EQU (0x1:SHL:23) ;- (RTC) Month Alarm Enable
-AT91C_RTC_DATEEN EQU (0x1:SHL:31) ;- (RTC) Date Alarm Enable
-;- -------- RTC_SR : (RTC Offset: 0x18) RTC Status Register --------
-AT91C_RTC_ACKUPD EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (RTC) Acknowledge for Update
-AT91C_RTC_ALARM EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (RTC) Alarm Flag
-AT91C_RTC_SECEV EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (RTC) Second Event
-AT91C_RTC_TIMEV EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (RTC) Time Event
-AT91C_RTC_CALEV EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (RTC) Calendar event
-;- -------- RTC_SCCR : (RTC Offset: 0x1c) RTC Status Clear Command Register --------
-;- -------- RTC_IER : (RTC Offset: 0x20) RTC Interrupt Enable Register --------
-;- -------- RTC_IDR : (RTC Offset: 0x24) RTC Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- RTC_IMR : (RTC Offset: 0x28) RTC Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- -------- RTC_VER : (RTC Offset: 0x2c) RTC Valid Entry Register --------
-AT91C_RTC_NVTIM EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (RTC) Non valid Time
-AT91C_RTC_NVCAL EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (RTC) Non valid Calendar
-AT91C_RTC_NVTIMALR EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (RTC) Non valid time Alarm
-AT91C_RTC_NVCALALR EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (RTC) Nonvalid Calendar Alarm
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR System Timer Interface
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_ST
-ST_CR # 4 ;- Control Register
-ST_PIMR # 4 ;- Period Interval Mode Register
-ST_WDMR # 4 ;- Watchdog Mode Register
-ST_RTMR # 4 ;- Real-time Mode Register
-ST_SR # 4 ;- Status Register
-ST_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-ST_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-ST_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
-ST_RTAR # 4 ;- Real-time Alarm Register
-ST_CRTR # 4 ;- Current Real-time Register
-;- -------- ST_CR : (ST Offset: 0x0) System Timer Control Register --------
-AT91C_ST_WDRST EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
-;- -------- ST_PIMR : (ST Offset: 0x4) System Timer Period Interval Mode Register --------
-AT91C_ST_PIV EQU (0xFFFF:SHL:0) ;- (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
-;- -------- ST_WDMR : (ST Offset: 0x8) System Timer Watchdog Mode Register --------
-AT91C_ST_WDV EQU (0xFFFF:SHL:0) ;- (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
-AT91C_ST_RSTEN EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (ST) Reset Enable
-AT91C_ST_EXTEN EQU (0x1:SHL:17) ;- (ST) External Signal Assertion Enable
-;- -------- ST_RTMR : (ST Offset: 0xc) System Timer Real-time Mode Register --------
-AT91C_ST_RTPRES EQU (0xFFFF:SHL:0) ;- (ST) Real-time Timer Prescaler Value
-;- -------- ST_SR : (ST Offset: 0x10) System Timer Status Register --------
-AT91C_ST_PITS EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (ST) Period Interval Timer Interrupt
-AT91C_ST_WDOVF EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (ST) Watchdog Overflow
-AT91C_ST_RTTINC EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (ST) Real-time Timer Increment
-AT91C_ST_ALMS EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (ST) Alarm Status
-;- -------- ST_IER : (ST Offset: 0x14) System Timer Interrupt Enable Register --------
-;- -------- ST_IDR : (ST Offset: 0x18) System Timer Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- ST_IMR : (ST Offset: 0x1c) System Timer Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- -------- ST_RTAR : (ST Offset: 0x20) System Timer Real-time Alarm Register --------
-AT91C_ST_ALMV EQU (0xFFFFF:SHL:0) ;- (ST) Alarm Value Value
-;- -------- ST_CRTR : (ST Offset: 0x24) System Timer Current Real-time Register --------
-AT91C_ST_CRTV EQU (0xFFFFF:SHL:0) ;- (ST) Current Real-time Value
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Power Management Controler
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_PMC
-PMC_SCER # 4 ;- System Clock Enable Register
-PMC_SCDR # 4 ;- System Clock Disable Register
-PMC_SCSR # 4 ;- System Clock Status Register
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-PMC_PCER # 4 ;- Peripheral Clock Enable Register
-PMC_PCDR # 4 ;- Peripheral Clock Disable Register
-PMC_PCSR # 4 ;- Peripheral Clock Status Register
- # 20 ;- Reserved
-PMC_MCKR # 4 ;- Master Clock Register
- # 12 ;- Reserved
-PMC_PCKR # 32 ;- Programmable Clock Register
-PMC_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-PMC_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-PMC_SR # 4 ;- Status Register
-PMC_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
-;- -------- PMC_SCER : (PMC Offset: 0x0) System Clock Enable Register --------
-AT91C_PMC_PCK EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (PMC) Processor Clock
-AT91C_PMC_UDP EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (PMC) USB Device Port Clock
-AT91C_PMC_MCKUDP EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (PMC) USB Device Port Master Clock Automatic Disable on Suspend
-AT91C_PMC_UHP EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (PMC) USB Host Port Clock
-AT91C_PMC_PCK0 EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-AT91C_PMC_PCK1 EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-AT91C_PMC_PCK2 EQU (0x1:SHL:10) ;- (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-AT91C_PMC_PCK3 EQU (0x1:SHL:11) ;- (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-AT91C_PMC_PCK4 EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-AT91C_PMC_PCK5 EQU (0x1:SHL:13) ;- (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-AT91C_PMC_PCK6 EQU (0x1:SHL:14) ;- (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-AT91C_PMC_PCK7 EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-;- -------- PMC_SCDR : (PMC Offset: 0x4) System Clock Disable Register --------
-;- -------- PMC_SCSR : (PMC Offset: 0x8) System Clock Status Register --------
-;- -------- PMC_MCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x30) Master Clock Register --------
-AT91C_PMC_CSS EQU (0x3:SHL:0) ;- (PMC) Programmable Clock Selection
-AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK EQU (0x0) ;- (PMC) Slow Clock is selected
-AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK EQU (0x1) ;- (PMC) Main Clock is selected
-AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLA_CLK EQU (0x2) ;- (PMC) Clock from PLL A is selected
-AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLB_CLK EQU (0x3) ;- (PMC) Clock from PLL B is selected
-AT91C_PMC_PRES EQU (0x7:SHL:2) ;- (PMC) Programmable Clock Prescaler
-AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK EQU (0x0:SHL:2) ;- (PMC) Selected clock
-AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2 EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (PMC) Selected clock divided by 2
-AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_4 EQU (0x2:SHL:2) ;- (PMC) Selected clock divided by 4
-AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_8 EQU (0x3:SHL:2) ;- (PMC) Selected clock divided by 8
-AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_16 EQU (0x4:SHL:2) ;- (PMC) Selected clock divided by 16
-AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_32 EQU (0x5:SHL:2) ;- (PMC) Selected clock divided by 32
-AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_64 EQU (0x6:SHL:2) ;- (PMC) Selected clock divided by 64
-AT91C_PMC_MDIV EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (PMC) Master Clock Division
-AT91C_PMC_MDIV_1 EQU (0x0:SHL:8) ;- (PMC) The master clock and the processor clock are the same
-AT91C_PMC_MDIV_2 EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (PMC) The processor clock is twice as fast as the master clock
-AT91C_PMC_MDIV_3 EQU (0x2:SHL:8) ;- (PMC) The processor clock is three times faster than the master clock
-AT91C_PMC_MDIV_4 EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (PMC) The processor clock is four times faster than the master clock
-;- -------- PMC_PCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x40) Programmable Clock Register --------
-;- -------- PMC_IER : (PMC Offset: 0x60) PMC Interrupt Enable Register --------
-AT91C_PMC_MOSCS EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (PMC) MOSC Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-AT91C_PMC_LOCKA EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (PMC) PLL A Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-AT91C_PMC_LOCKB EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (PMC) PLL B Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (PMC) MCK_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-AT91C_PMC_PCK0RDY EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (PMC) PCK0_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-AT91C_PMC_PCK1RDY EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (PMC) PCK1_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-AT91C_PMC_PCK2RDY EQU (0x1:SHL:10) ;- (PMC) PCK2_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-AT91C_PMC_PCK3RDY EQU (0x1:SHL:11) ;- (PMC) PCK3_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-AT91C_PMC_PCK4RDY EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (PMC) PCK4_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-AT91C_PMC_PCK5RDY EQU (0x1:SHL:13) ;- (PMC) PCK5_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-AT91C_PMC_PCK6RDY EQU (0x1:SHL:14) ;- (PMC) PCK6_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-AT91C_PMC_PCK7RDY EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (PMC) PCK7_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-;- -------- PMC_IDR : (PMC Offset: 0x64) PMC Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- PMC_SR : (PMC Offset: 0x68) PMC Status Register --------
-;- -------- PMC_IMR : (PMC Offset: 0x6c) PMC Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Clock Generator Controler
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_CKGR
-CKGR_MOR # 4 ;- Main Oscillator Register
-CKGR_MCFR # 4 ;- Main Clock Frequency Register
-CKGR_PLLAR # 4 ;- PLL A Register
-CKGR_PLLBR # 4 ;- PLL B Register
-;- -------- CKGR_MOR : (CKGR Offset: 0x0) Main Oscillator Register --------
-AT91C_CKGR_MOSCEN EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (CKGR) Main Oscillator Enable
-AT91C_CKGR_OSCTEST EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (CKGR) Oscillator Test
-AT91C_CKGR_OSCOUNT EQU (0xFF:SHL:8) ;- (CKGR) Main Oscillator Start-up Time
-;- -------- CKGR_MCFR : (CKGR Offset: 0x4) Main Clock Frequency Register --------
-AT91C_CKGR_MAINF EQU (0xFFFF:SHL:0) ;- (CKGR) Main Clock Frequency
-AT91C_CKGR_MAINRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (CKGR) Main Clock Ready
-;- -------- CKGR_PLLAR : (CKGR Offset: 0x8) PLL A Register --------
-AT91C_CKGR_DIVA EQU (0xFF:SHL:0) ;- (CKGR) Divider Selected
-AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_0 EQU (0x0) ;- (CKGR) Divider output is 0
-AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_BYPASS EQU (0x1) ;- (CKGR) Divider is bypassed
-AT91C_CKGR_OUTA EQU (0x3:SHL:14) ;- (CKGR) PLL A Output Frequency Range
-AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_0 EQU (0x0:SHL:14) ;- (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_1 EQU (0x1:SHL:14) ;- (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_2 EQU (0x2:SHL:14) ;- (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_3 EQU (0x3:SHL:14) ;- (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-AT91C_CKGR_MULA EQU (0x7FF:SHL:16) ;- (CKGR) PLL A Multiplier
-AT91C_CKGR_SRCA EQU (0x1:SHL:29) ;- (CKGR) PLL A Source
-;- -------- CKGR_PLLBR : (CKGR Offset: 0xc) PLL B Register --------
-AT91C_CKGR_DIVB EQU (0xFF:SHL:0) ;- (CKGR) Divider Selected
-AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_0 EQU (0x0) ;- (CKGR) Divider output is 0
-AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_BYPASS EQU (0x1) ;- (CKGR) Divider is bypassed
-AT91C_CKGR_OUTB EQU (0x3:SHL:14) ;- (CKGR) PLL B Output Frequency Range
-AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_0 EQU (0x0:SHL:14) ;- (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_1 EQU (0x1:SHL:14) ;- (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_2 EQU (0x2:SHL:14) ;- (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_3 EQU (0x3:SHL:14) ;- (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-AT91C_CKGR_MULB EQU (0x7FF:SHL:16) ;- (CKGR) PLL B Multiplier
-AT91C_CKGR_USB_96M EQU (0x1:SHL:28) ;- (CKGR) Divider for USB Ports
-AT91C_CKGR_USB_PLL EQU (0x1:SHL:29) ;- (CKGR) PLL Use
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Parallel Input Output Controler
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_PIO
-PIO_PER # 4 ;- PIO Enable Register
-PIO_PDR # 4 ;- PIO Disable Register
-PIO_PSR # 4 ;- PIO Status Register
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-PIO_OER # 4 ;- Output Enable Register
-PIO_ODR # 4 ;- Output Disable Registerr
-PIO_OSR # 4 ;- Output Status Register
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-PIO_IFER # 4 ;- Input Filter Enable Register
-PIO_IFDR # 4 ;- Input Filter Disable Register
-PIO_IFSR # 4 ;- Input Filter Status Register
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-PIO_SODR # 4 ;- Set Output Data Register
-PIO_CODR # 4 ;- Clear Output Data Register
-PIO_ODSR # 4 ;- Output Data Status Register
-PIO_PDSR # 4 ;- Pin Data Status Register
-PIO_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-PIO_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-PIO_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
-PIO_ISR # 4 ;- Interrupt Status Register
-PIO_MDER # 4 ;- Multi-driver Enable Register
-PIO_MDDR # 4 ;- Multi-driver Disable Register
-PIO_MDSR # 4 ;- Multi-driver Status Register
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-PIO_PPUDR # 4 ;- Pull-up Disable Register
-PIO_PPUER # 4 ;- Pull-up Enable Register
-PIO_PPUSR # 4 ;- Pad Pull-up Status Register
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-PIO_ASR # 4 ;- Select A Register
-PIO_BSR # 4 ;- Select B Register
-PIO_ABSR # 4 ;- AB Select Status Register
- # 36 ;- Reserved
-PIO_OWER # 4 ;- Output Write Enable Register
-PIO_OWDR # 4 ;- Output Write Disable Register
-PIO_OWSR # 4 ;- Output Write Status Register
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_DBGU
-DBGU_CR # 4 ;- Control Register
-DBGU_MR # 4 ;- Mode Register
-DBGU_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-DBGU_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-DBGU_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
-DBGU_CSR # 4 ;- Channel Status Register
-DBGU_RHR # 4 ;- Receiver Holding Register
-DBGU_THR # 4 ;- Transmitter Holding Register
-DBGU_BRGR # 4 ;- Baud Rate Generator Register
- # 28 ;- Reserved
-DBGU_C1R # 4 ;- Chip ID1 Register
-DBGU_C2R # 4 ;- Chip ID2 Register
-DBGU_FNTR # 4 ;- Force NTRST Register
- # 180 ;- Reserved
-DBGU_RPR # 4 ;- Receive Pointer Register
-DBGU_RCR # 4 ;- Receive Counter Register
-DBGU_TPR # 4 ;- Transmit Pointer Register
-DBGU_TCR # 4 ;- Transmit Counter Register
-DBGU_RNPR # 4 ;- Receive Next Pointer Register
-DBGU_RNCR # 4 ;- Receive Next Counter Register
-DBGU_TNPR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Pointer Register
-DBGU_TNCR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Counter Register
-DBGU_PTCR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Control Register
-DBGU_PTSR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Status Register
-;- -------- DBGU_CR : (DBGU Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register --------
-AT91C_US_RSTRX EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (DBGU) Reset Receiver
-AT91C_US_RSTTX EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (DBGU) Reset Transmitter
-AT91C_US_RXEN EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (DBGU) Receiver Enable
-AT91C_US_RXDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (DBGU) Receiver Disable
-AT91C_US_TXEN EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (DBGU) Transmitter Enable
-AT91C_US_TXDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (DBGU) Transmitter Disable
-;- -------- DBGU_MR : (DBGU Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register --------
-AT91C_US_PAR EQU (0x7:SHL:9) ;- (DBGU) Parity type
-AT91C_US_PAR_EVEN EQU (0x0:SHL:9) ;- (DBGU) Even Parity
-AT91C_US_PAR_ODD EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (DBGU) Odd Parity
-AT91C_US_PAR_SPACE EQU (0x2:SHL:9) ;- (DBGU) Parity forced to 0 (Space)
-AT91C_US_PAR_MARK EQU (0x3:SHL:9) ;- (DBGU) Parity forced to 1 (Mark)
-AT91C_US_PAR_NONE EQU (0x4:SHL:9) ;- (DBGU) No Parity
-AT91C_US_PAR_MULTI_DROP EQU (0x6:SHL:9) ;- (DBGU) Multi-drop mode
-AT91C_US_CHMODE EQU (0x3:SHL:14) ;- (DBGU) Channel Mode
-AT91C_US_CHMODE_NORMAL EQU (0x0:SHL:14) ;- (DBGU) Normal Mode: The USART channel operates as an RX/TX USART.
-AT91C_US_CHMODE_AUTO EQU (0x1:SHL:14) ;- (DBGU) Automatic Echo: Receiver Data Input is connected to the TXD pin.
-AT91C_US_CHMODE_LOCAL EQU (0x2:SHL:14) ;- (DBGU) Local Loopback: Transmitter Output Signal is connected to Receiver Input Signal.
-AT91C_US_CHMODE_REMOTE EQU (0x3:SHL:14) ;- (DBGU) Remote Loopback: RXD pin is internally connected to TXD pin.
-;- -------- DBGU_IER : (DBGU Offset: 0x8) Debug Unit Interrupt Enable Register --------
-AT91C_US_RXRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (DBGU) RXRDY Interrupt
-AT91C_US_TXRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (DBGU) TXRDY Interrupt
-AT91C_US_ENDRX EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (DBGU) End of Receive Transfer Interrupt
-AT91C_US_ENDTX EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (DBGU) End of Transmit Interrupt
-AT91C_US_OVRE EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (DBGU) Overrun Interrupt
-AT91C_US_FRAME EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (DBGU) Framing Error Interrupt
-AT91C_US_PARE EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (DBGU) Parity Error Interrupt
-AT91C_US_TXEMPTY EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (DBGU) TXEMPTY Interrupt
-AT91C_US_TXBUFE EQU (0x1:SHL:11) ;- (DBGU) TXBUFE Interrupt
-AT91C_US_RXBUFF EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (DBGU) RXBUFF Interrupt
-AT91C_US_COMM_TX EQU (0x1:SHL:30) ;- (DBGU) COMM_TX Interrupt
-AT91C_US_COMM_RX EQU (0x1:SHL:31) ;- (DBGU) COMM_RX Interrupt
-;- -------- DBGU_IDR : (DBGU Offset: 0xc) Debug Unit Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- DBGU_IMR : (DBGU Offset: 0x10) Debug Unit Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- -------- DBGU_CSR : (DBGU Offset: 0x14) Debug Unit Channel Status Register --------
-;- -------- DBGU_FNTR : (DBGU Offset: 0x48) Debug Unit FORCE_NTRST Register --------
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Peripheral Data Controller
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_PDC
-PDC_RPR # 4 ;- Receive Pointer Register
-PDC_RCR # 4 ;- Receive Counter Register
-PDC_TPR # 4 ;- Transmit Pointer Register
-PDC_TCR # 4 ;- Transmit Counter Register
-PDC_RNPR # 4 ;- Receive Next Pointer Register
-PDC_RNCR # 4 ;- Receive Next Counter Register
-PDC_TNPR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Pointer Register
-PDC_TNCR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Counter Register
-PDC_PTCR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Control Register
-PDC_PTSR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Status Register
-;- -------- PDC_PTCR : (PDC Offset: 0x20) PDC Transfer Control Register --------
-AT91C_PDC_RXTEN EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (PDC) Receiver Transfer Enable
-AT91C_PDC_RXTDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (PDC) Receiver Transfer Disable
-AT91C_PDC_TXTEN EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Enable
-AT91C_PDC_TXTDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Disable
-;- -------- PDC_PTSR : (PDC Offset: 0x24) PDC Transfer Status Register --------
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Advanced Interrupt Controller
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_AIC
-AIC_SMR # 128 ;- Source Mode Register
-AIC_SVR # 128 ;- Source Vector Register
-AIC_IVR # 4 ;- IRQ Vector Register
-AIC_FVR # 4 ;- FIQ Vector Register
-AIC_ISR # 4 ;- Interrupt Status Register
-AIC_IPR # 4 ;- Interrupt Pending Register
-AIC_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
-AIC_CISR # 4 ;- Core Interrupt Status Register
- # 8 ;- Reserved
-AIC_IECR # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Command Register
-AIC_IDCR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Command Register
-AIC_ICCR # 4 ;- Interrupt Clear Command Register
-AIC_ISCR # 4 ;- Interrupt Set Command Register
-AIC_EOICR # 4 ;- End of Interrupt Command Register
-AIC_SPU # 4 ;- Spurious Vector Register
-AIC_DCR # 4 ;- Debug Control Register (Protect)
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-AIC_FFER # 4 ;- Fast Forcing Enable Register
-AIC_FFDR # 4 ;- Fast Forcing Disable Register
-AIC_FFSR # 4 ;- Fast Forcing Status Register
-;- -------- AIC_SMR : (AIC Offset: 0x0) Control Register --------
-AT91C_AIC_PRIOR EQU (0x7:SHL:0) ;- (AIC) Priority Level
-AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_LOWEST EQU (0x0) ;- (AIC) Lowest priority level
-AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_HIGHEST EQU (0x7) ;- (AIC) Highest priority level
-AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE EQU (0x3:SHL:5) ;- (AIC) Interrupt Source Type
-AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE EQU (0x0:SHL:5) ;- (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label Level Sensitive
-AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_EDGE_TRIGGERED EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label Edge triggered
-AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_HIGH_LEVEL EQU (0x2:SHL:5) ;- (AIC) External Sources Code Label High-level Sensitive
-AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_POSITIVE_EDGE EQU (0x3:SHL:5) ;- (AIC) External Sources Code Label Positive Edge triggered
-;- -------- AIC_CISR : (AIC Offset: 0x114) AIC Core Interrupt Status Register --------
-AT91C_AIC_NFIQ EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (AIC) NFIQ Status
-AT91C_AIC_NIRQ EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (AIC) NIRQ Status
-;- -------- AIC_DCR : (AIC Offset: 0x138) AIC Debug Control Register (Protect) --------
-AT91C_AIC_DCR_PROT EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (AIC) Protection Mode
-AT91C_AIC_DCR_GMSK EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (AIC) General Mask
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Serial Parallel Interface
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_SPI
-SPI_CR # 4 ;- Control Register
-SPI_MR # 4 ;- Mode Register
-SPI_RDR # 4 ;- Receive Data Register
-SPI_TDR # 4 ;- Transmit Data Register
-SPI_SR # 4 ;- Status Register
-SPI_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-SPI_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-SPI_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
- # 16 ;- Reserved
-SPI_CSR # 16 ;- Chip Select Register
- # 192 ;- Reserved
-SPI_RPR # 4 ;- Receive Pointer Register
-SPI_RCR # 4 ;- Receive Counter Register
-SPI_TPR # 4 ;- Transmit Pointer Register
-SPI_TCR # 4 ;- Transmit Counter Register
-SPI_RNPR # 4 ;- Receive Next Pointer Register
-SPI_RNCR # 4 ;- Receive Next Counter Register
-SPI_TNPR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Pointer Register
-SPI_TNCR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Counter Register
-SPI_PTCR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Control Register
-SPI_PTSR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Status Register
-;- -------- SPI_CR : (SPI Offset: 0x0) SPI Control Register --------
-AT91C_SPI_SPIEN EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (SPI) SPI Enable
-AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (SPI) SPI Disable
-AT91C_SPI_SWRST EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (SPI) SPI Software reset
-;- -------- SPI_MR : (SPI Offset: 0x4) SPI Mode Register --------
-AT91C_SPI_MSTR EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (SPI) Master/Slave Mode
-AT91C_SPI_PS EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (SPI) Peripheral Select
-AT91C_SPI_PS_FIXED EQU (0x0:SHL:1) ;- (SPI) Fixed Peripheral Select
-AT91C_SPI_PS_VARIABLE EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (SPI) Variable Peripheral Select
-AT91C_SPI_PCSDEC EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (SPI) Chip Select Decode
-AT91C_SPI_DIV32 EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (SPI) Clock Selection
-AT91C_SPI_MODFDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) Mode Fault Detection
-AT91C_SPI_LLB EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (SPI) Clock Selection
-AT91C_SPI_PCS EQU (0xF:SHL:16) ;- (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select
-AT91C_SPI_DLYBCS EQU (0xFF:SHL:24) ;- (SPI) Delay Between Chip Selects
-;- -------- SPI_RDR : (SPI Offset: 0x8) Receive Data Register --------
-AT91C_SPI_RD EQU (0xFFFF:SHL:0) ;- (SPI) Receive Data
-AT91C_SPI_RPCS EQU (0xF:SHL:16) ;- (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
-;- -------- SPI_TDR : (SPI Offset: 0xc) Transmit Data Register --------
-AT91C_SPI_TD EQU (0xFFFF:SHL:0) ;- (SPI) Transmit Data
-AT91C_SPI_TPCS EQU (0xF:SHL:16) ;- (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
-;- -------- SPI_SR : (SPI Offset: 0x10) Status Register --------
-AT91C_SPI_RDRF EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (SPI) Receive Data Register Full
-AT91C_SPI_TDRE EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (SPI) Transmit Data Register Empty
-AT91C_SPI_MODF EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (SPI) Mode Fault Error
-AT91C_SPI_OVRES EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (SPI) Overrun Error Status
-AT91C_SPI_SPENDRX EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
-AT91C_SPI_SPENDTX EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
-AT91C_SPI_RXBUFF EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (SPI) RXBUFF Interrupt
-AT91C_SPI_TXBUFE EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (SPI) TXBUFE Interrupt
-AT91C_SPI_SPIENS EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (SPI) Enable Status
-;- -------- SPI_IER : (SPI Offset: 0x14) Interrupt Enable Register --------
-;- -------- SPI_IDR : (SPI Offset: 0x18) Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- SPI_IMR : (SPI Offset: 0x1c) Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- -------- SPI_CSR : (SPI Offset: 0x30) Chip Select Register --------
-AT91C_SPI_CPOL EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (SPI) Clock Polarity
-AT91C_SPI_NCPHA EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (SPI) Clock Phase
-AT91C_SPI_BITS EQU (0xF:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) Bits Per Transfer
-AT91C_SPI_BITS_8 EQU (0x0:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) 8 Bits Per transfer
-AT91C_SPI_BITS_9 EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) 9 Bits Per transfer
-AT91C_SPI_BITS_10 EQU (0x2:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) 10 Bits Per transfer
-AT91C_SPI_BITS_11 EQU (0x3:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) 11 Bits Per transfer
-AT91C_SPI_BITS_12 EQU (0x4:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) 12 Bits Per transfer
-AT91C_SPI_BITS_13 EQU (0x5:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) 13 Bits Per transfer
-AT91C_SPI_BITS_14 EQU (0x6:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) 14 Bits Per transfer
-AT91C_SPI_BITS_15 EQU (0x7:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) 15 Bits Per transfer
-AT91C_SPI_BITS_16 EQU (0x8:SHL:4) ;- (SPI) 16 Bits Per transfer
-AT91C_SPI_SCBR EQU (0xFF:SHL:8) ;- (SPI) Serial Clock Baud Rate
-AT91C_SPI_DLYBS EQU (0xFF:SHL:16) ;- (SPI) Serial Clock Baud Rate
-AT91C_SPI_DLYBCT EQU (0xFF:SHL:24) ;- (SPI) Delay Between Consecutive Transfers
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Synchronous Serial Controller Interface
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_SSC
-SSC_CR # 4 ;- Control Register
-SSC_CMR # 4 ;- Clock Mode Register
- # 8 ;- Reserved
-SSC_RCMR # 4 ;- Receive Clock ModeRegister
-SSC_RFMR # 4 ;- Receive Frame Mode Register
-SSC_TCMR # 4 ;- Transmit Clock Mode Register
-SSC_TFMR # 4 ;- Transmit Frame Mode Register
-SSC_RHR # 4 ;- Receive Holding Register
-SSC_THR # 4 ;- Transmit Holding Register
- # 8 ;- Reserved
-SSC_RSHR # 4 ;- Receive Sync Holding Register
-SSC_TSHR # 4 ;- Transmit Sync Holding Register
-SSC_RC0R # 4 ;- Receive Compare 0 Register
-SSC_RC1R # 4 ;- Receive Compare 1 Register
-SSC_SR # 4 ;- Status Register
-SSC_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-SSC_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-SSC_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
- # 176 ;- Reserved
-SSC_RPR # 4 ;- Receive Pointer Register
-SSC_RCR # 4 ;- Receive Counter Register
-SSC_TPR # 4 ;- Transmit Pointer Register
-SSC_TCR # 4 ;- Transmit Counter Register
-SSC_RNPR # 4 ;- Receive Next Pointer Register
-SSC_RNCR # 4 ;- Receive Next Counter Register
-SSC_TNPR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Pointer Register
-SSC_TNCR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Counter Register
-SSC_PTCR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Control Register
-SSC_PTSR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Status Register
-;- -------- SSC_CR : (SSC Offset: 0x0) SSC Control Register --------
-AT91C_SSC_RXEN EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (SSC) Receive Enable
-AT91C_SSC_RXDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (SSC) Receive Disable
-AT91C_SSC_TXEN EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Transmit Enable
-AT91C_SSC_TXDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (SSC) Transmit Disable
-AT91C_SSC_SWRST EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (SSC) Software Reset
-;- -------- SSC_RCMR : (SSC Offset: 0x10) SSC Receive Clock Mode Register --------
-AT91C_SSC_CKS EQU (0x3:SHL:0) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Selection
-AT91C_SSC_CKS_DIV EQU (0x0) ;- (SSC) Divided Clock
-AT91C_SSC_CKS_TK EQU (0x1) ;- (SSC) TK Clock signal
-AT91C_SSC_CKS_RK EQU (0x2) ;- (SSC) RK pin
-AT91C_SSC_CKO EQU (0x7:SHL:2) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode Selection
-AT91C_SSC_CKO_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:2) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode: None RK pin: Input-only
-AT91C_SSC_CKO_CONTINOUS EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (SSC) Continuous Receive/Transmit Clock RK pin: Output
-AT91C_SSC_CKO_DATA_TX EQU (0x2:SHL:2) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock only during data transfers RK pin: Output
-AT91C_SSC_CKI EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Inversion
-AT91C_SSC_CKG EQU (0x3:SHL:6) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Gating Selection
-AT91C_SSC_CKG_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:6) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Gating: None, continuous clock
-AT91C_SSC_CKG_LOW EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock enabled only if RF Low
-AT91C_SSC_CKG_HIGH EQU (0x2:SHL:6) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock enabled only if RF High
-AT91C_SSC_START EQU (0xF:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Selection
-AT91C_SSC_START_CONTINOUS EQU (0x0:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Continuous, as soon as the receiver is enabled, and immediately after the end of transfer of the previous data.
-AT91C_SSC_START_TX EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Transmit/Receive start
-AT91C_SSC_START_LOW_RF EQU (0x2:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Detection of a low level on RF input
-AT91C_SSC_START_HIGH_RF EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Detection of a high level on RF input
-AT91C_SSC_START_FALL_RF EQU (0x4:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Detection of a falling edge on RF input
-AT91C_SSC_START_RISE_RF EQU (0x5:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Detection of a rising edge on RF input
-AT91C_SSC_START_LEVEL_RF EQU (0x6:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Detection of any level change on RF input
-AT91C_SSC_START_EDGE_RF EQU (0x7:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Detection of any edge on RF input
-AT91C_SSC_START_0 EQU (0x8:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Compare 0
-AT91C_SSC_STOP EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (SSC) Receive Stop Selection
-AT91C_SSC_STTOUT EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Output Selection
-AT91C_SSC_STTDLY EQU (0xFF:SHL:16) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Delay
-AT91C_SSC_PERIOD EQU (0xFF:SHL:24) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Period Divider Selection
-;- -------- SSC_RFMR : (SSC Offset: 0x14) SSC Receive Frame Mode Register --------
-AT91C_SSC_DATLEN EQU (0x1F:SHL:0) ;- (SSC) Data Length
-AT91C_SSC_LOOP EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (SSC) Loop Mode
-AT91C_SSC_MSBF EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (SSC) Most Significant Bit First
-AT91C_SSC_DATNB EQU (0xF:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Data Number per Frame
-AT91C_SSC_FSLEN EQU (0xF:SHL:16) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync length
-AT91C_SSC_FSOS EQU (0x7:SHL:20) ;- (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Output Selection
-AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:20) ;- (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: None RK pin Input-only
-AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NEGATIVE EQU (0x1:SHL:20) ;- (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Negative Pulse
-AT91C_SSC_FSOS_POSITIVE EQU (0x2:SHL:20) ;- (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Positive Pulse
-AT91C_SSC_FSOS_LOW EQU (0x3:SHL:20) ;- (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver Low during data transfer
-AT91C_SSC_FSOS_HIGH EQU (0x4:SHL:20) ;- (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver High during data transfer
-AT91C_SSC_FSOS_TOGGLE EQU (0x5:SHL:20) ;- (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Toggling at each start of data transfer
-AT91C_SSC_FSEDGE EQU (0x1:SHL:24) ;- (SSC) Frame Sync Edge Detection
-;- -------- SSC_TCMR : (SSC Offset: 0x18) SSC Transmit Clock Mode Register --------
-;- -------- SSC_TFMR : (SSC Offset: 0x1c) SSC Transmit Frame Mode Register --------
-AT91C_SSC_DATDEF EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (SSC) Data Default Value
-AT91C_SSC_FSDEN EQU (0x1:SHL:23) ;- (SSC) Frame Sync Data Enable
-;- -------- SSC_SR : (SSC Offset: 0x40) SSC Status Register --------
-AT91C_SSC_TXRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (SSC) Transmit Ready
-AT91C_SSC_TXEMPTY EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (SSC) Transmit Empty
-AT91C_SSC_ENDTX EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (SSC) End Of Transmission
-AT91C_SSC_TXBUFE EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (SSC) Transmit Buffer Empty
-AT91C_SSC_RXRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (SSC) Receive Ready
-AT91C_SSC_OVRUN EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (SSC) Receive Overrun
-AT91C_SSC_ENDRX EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (SSC) End of Reception
-AT91C_SSC_RXBUFF EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (SSC) Receive Buffer Full
-AT91C_SSC_CP0 EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (SSC) Compare 0
-AT91C_SSC_CP1 EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (SSC) Compare 1
-AT91C_SSC_TXSYN EQU (0x1:SHL:10) ;- (SSC) Transmit Sync
-AT91C_SSC_RXSYN EQU (0x1:SHL:11) ;- (SSC) Receive Sync
-AT91C_SSC_TXENA EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (SSC) Transmit Enable
-AT91C_SSC_RXENA EQU (0x1:SHL:17) ;- (SSC) Receive Enable
-;- -------- SSC_IER : (SSC Offset: 0x44) SSC Interrupt Enable Register --------
-;- -------- SSC_IDR : (SSC Offset: 0x48) SSC Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- SSC_IMR : (SSC Offset: 0x4c) SSC Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_USART
-US_CR # 4 ;- Control Register
-US_MR # 4 ;- Mode Register
-US_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-US_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-US_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
-US_CSR # 4 ;- Channel Status Register
-US_RHR # 4 ;- Receiver Holding Register
-US_THR # 4 ;- Transmitter Holding Register
-US_BRGR # 4 ;- Baud Rate Generator Register
-US_RTOR # 4 ;- Receiver Time-out Register
-US_TTGR # 4 ;- Transmitter Time-guard Register
- # 20 ;- Reserved
-US_FIDI # 4 ;- FI_DI_Ratio Register
-US_NER # 4 ;- Nb Errors Register
-US_XXR # 4 ;- XON_XOFF Register
-US_IF # 4 ;- IRDA_FILTER Register
- # 176 ;- Reserved
-US_RPR # 4 ;- Receive Pointer Register
-US_RCR # 4 ;- Receive Counter Register
-US_TPR # 4 ;- Transmit Pointer Register
-US_TCR # 4 ;- Transmit Counter Register
-US_RNPR # 4 ;- Receive Next Pointer Register
-US_RNCR # 4 ;- Receive Next Counter Register
-US_TNPR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Pointer Register
-US_TNCR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Counter Register
-US_PTCR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Control Register
-US_PTSR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Status Register
-;- -------- US_CR : (USART Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register --------
-AT91C_US_RSTSTA EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (USART) Reset Status Bits
-AT91C_US_STTBRK EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (USART) Start Break
-AT91C_US_STPBRK EQU (0x1:SHL:10) ;- (USART) Stop Break
-AT91C_US_STTTO EQU (0x1:SHL:11) ;- (USART) Start Time-out
-AT91C_US_SENDA EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (USART) Send Address
-AT91C_US_RSTIT EQU (0x1:SHL:13) ;- (USART) Reset Iterations
-AT91C_US_RSTNACK EQU (0x1:SHL:14) ;- (USART) Reset Non Acknowledge
-AT91C_US_RETTO EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (USART) Rearm Time-out
-AT91C_US_DTREN EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (USART) Data Terminal ready Enable
-AT91C_US_DTRDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:17) ;- (USART) Data Terminal ready Disable
-AT91C_US_RTSEN EQU (0x1:SHL:18) ;- (USART) Request to Send enable
-AT91C_US_RTSDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:19) ;- (USART) Request to Send Disable
-;- -------- US_MR : (USART Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register --------
-AT91C_US_USMODE EQU (0xF:SHL:0) ;- (USART) Usart mode
-AT91C_US_USMODE_RS485 EQU (0x1) ;- (USART) RS485
-AT91C_US_USMODE_HWHSH EQU (0x2) ;- (USART) Hardware Handshaking
-AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_0 EQU (0x4) ;- (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 0
-AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_1 EQU (0x6) ;- (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 1
-AT91C_US_USMODE_SWHSH EQU (0xC) ;- (USART) Software Handshaking
-AT91C_US_CLKS EQU (0x3:SHL:4) ;- (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
-AT91C_US_CLKS_CLOCK EQU (0x0:SHL:4) ;- (USART) Clock
-AT91C_US_CLKS_FDIV1 EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (USART) fdiv1
-AT91C_US_CLKS_SLOW EQU (0x2:SHL:4) ;- (USART) slow_clock (ARM)
-AT91C_US_CLKS_EXT EQU (0x3:SHL:4) ;- (USART) External (SCK)
-AT91C_US_CHRL EQU (0x3:SHL:6) ;- (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
-AT91C_US_CHRL_5_BITS EQU (0x0:SHL:6) ;- (USART) Character Length: 5 bits
-AT91C_US_CHRL_6_BITS EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (USART) Character Length: 6 bits
-AT91C_US_CHRL_7_BITS EQU (0x2:SHL:6) ;- (USART) Character Length: 7 bits
-AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS EQU (0x3:SHL:6) ;- (USART) Character Length: 8 bits
-AT91C_US_SYNC EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (USART) Synchronous Mode Select
-AT91C_US_NBSTOP EQU (0x3:SHL:12) ;- (USART) Number of Stop bits
-AT91C_US_NBSTOP_1_BIT EQU (0x0:SHL:12) ;- (USART) 1 stop bit
-AT91C_US_NBSTOP_15_BIT EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (USART) Asynchronous (SYNC=0) 2 stop bits Synchronous (SYNC=1) 2 stop bits
-AT91C_US_NBSTOP_2_BIT EQU (0x2:SHL:12) ;- (USART) 2 stop bits
-AT91C_US_MSBF EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (USART) Bit Order
-AT91C_US_MODE9 EQU (0x1:SHL:17) ;- (USART) 9-bit Character length
-AT91C_US_CKLO EQU (0x1:SHL:18) ;- (USART) Clock Output Select
-AT91C_US_OVER EQU (0x1:SHL:19) ;- (USART) Over Sampling Mode
-AT91C_US_INACK EQU (0x1:SHL:20) ;- (USART) Inhibit Non Acknowledge
-AT91C_US_DSNACK EQU (0x1:SHL:21) ;- (USART) Disable Successive NACK
-AT91C_US_MAX_ITER EQU (0x1:SHL:24) ;- (USART) Number of Repetitions
-AT91C_US_FILTER EQU (0x1:SHL:28) ;- (USART) Receive Line Filter
-;- -------- US_IER : (USART Offset: 0x8) Debug Unit Interrupt Enable Register --------
-AT91C_US_RXBRK EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (USART) Break Received/End of Break
-AT91C_US_TIMEOUT EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (USART) Receiver Time-out
-AT91C_US_ITERATION EQU (0x1:SHL:10) ;- (USART) Max number of Repetitions Reached
-AT91C_US_NACK EQU (0x1:SHL:13) ;- (USART) Non Acknowledge
-AT91C_US_RIIC EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (USART) Ring INdicator Input Change Flag
-AT91C_US_DSRIC EQU (0x1:SHL:17) ;- (USART) Data Set Ready Input Change Flag
-AT91C_US_DCDIC EQU (0x1:SHL:18) ;- (USART) Data Carrier Flag
-AT91C_US_CTSIC EQU (0x1:SHL:19) ;- (USART) Clear To Send Input Change Flag
-;- -------- US_IDR : (USART Offset: 0xc) Debug Unit Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- US_IMR : (USART Offset: 0x10) Debug Unit Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- -------- US_CSR : (USART Offset: 0x14) Debug Unit Channel Status Register --------
-AT91C_US_RI EQU (0x1:SHL:20) ;- (USART) Image of RI Input
-AT91C_US_DSR EQU (0x1:SHL:21) ;- (USART) Image of DSR Input
-AT91C_US_DCD EQU (0x1:SHL:22) ;- (USART) Image of DCD Input
-AT91C_US_CTS EQU (0x1:SHL:23) ;- (USART) Image of CTS Input
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_TWI
-TWI_CR # 4 ;- Control Register
-TWI_MMR # 4 ;- Master Mode Register
-TWI_SMR # 4 ;- Slave Mode Register
-TWI_IADR # 4 ;- Internal Address Register
-TWI_CWGR # 4 ;- Clock Waveform Generator Register
- # 12 ;- Reserved
-TWI_SR # 4 ;- Status Register
-TWI_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-TWI_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-TWI_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
-TWI_RHR # 4 ;- Receive Holding Register
-TWI_THR # 4 ;- Transmit Holding Register
-;- -------- TWI_CR : (TWI Offset: 0x0) TWI Control Register --------
-AT91C_TWI_START EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (TWI) Send a START Condition
-AT91C_TWI_STOP EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (TWI) Send a STOP Condition
-AT91C_TWI_MSEN EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Enabled
-AT91C_TWI_MSDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Disabled
-AT91C_TWI_SVEN EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (TWI) TWI Slave Transfer Enabled
-AT91C_TWI_SVDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (TWI) TWI Slave Transfer Disabled
-AT91C_TWI_SWRST EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (TWI) Software Reset
-;- -------- TWI_MMR : (TWI Offset: 0x4) TWI Master Mode Register --------
-AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (TWI) Internal Device Address Size
-AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_NO EQU (0x0:SHL:8) ;- (TWI) No internal device address
-AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_1_BYTE EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (TWI) One-byte internal device address
-AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_2_BYTE EQU (0x2:SHL:8) ;- (TWI) Two-byte internal device address
-AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_3_BYTE EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (TWI) Three-byte internal device address
-AT91C_TWI_MREAD EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (TWI) Master Read Direction
-AT91C_TWI_DADR EQU (0x7F:SHL:16) ;- (TWI) Device Address
-;- -------- TWI_SMR : (TWI Offset: 0x8) TWI Slave Mode Register --------
-AT91C_TWI_SADR EQU (0x7F:SHL:16) ;- (TWI) Slave Device Address
-;- -------- TWI_CWGR : (TWI Offset: 0x10) TWI Clock Waveform Generator Register --------
-AT91C_TWI_CLDIV EQU (0xFF:SHL:0) ;- (TWI) Clock Low Divider
-AT91C_TWI_CHDIV EQU (0xFF:SHL:8) ;- (TWI) Clock High Divider
-AT91C_TWI_CKDIV EQU (0x7:SHL:16) ;- (TWI) Clock Divider
-;- -------- TWI_SR : (TWI Offset: 0x20) TWI Status Register --------
-AT91C_TWI_TXCOMP EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (TWI) Transmission Completed
-AT91C_TWI_RXRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (TWI) Receive holding register ReaDY
-AT91C_TWI_TXRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (TWI) Transmit holding register ReaDY
-AT91C_TWI_SVREAD EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (TWI) Slave Read
-AT91C_TWI_SVACC EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (TWI) Slave Access
-AT91C_TWI_GCACC EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (TWI) General Call Access
-AT91C_TWI_OVRE EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (TWI) Overrun Error
-AT91C_TWI_UNRE EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (TWI) Underrun Error
-AT91C_TWI_NACK EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (TWI) Not Acknowledged
-AT91C_TWI_ARBLST EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (TWI) Arbitration Lost
-;- -------- TWI_IER : (TWI Offset: 0x24) TWI Interrupt Enable Register --------
-;- -------- TWI_IDR : (TWI Offset: 0x28) TWI Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- TWI_IMR : (TWI Offset: 0x2c) TWI Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Multimedia Card Interface
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_MCI
-MCI_CR # 4 ;- MCI Control Register
-MCI_MR # 4 ;- MCI Mode Register
-MCI_DTOR # 4 ;- MCI Data Timeout Register
-MCI_SDCR # 4 ;- MCI SD Card Register
-MCI_ARGR # 4 ;- MCI Argument Register
-MCI_CMDR # 4 ;- MCI Command Register
- # 8 ;- Reserved
-MCI_RSPR # 16 ;- MCI Response Register
-MCI_RDR # 4 ;- MCI Receive Data Register
-MCI_TDR # 4 ;- MCI Transmit Data Register
- # 8 ;- Reserved
-MCI_SR # 4 ;- MCI Status Register
-MCI_IER # 4 ;- MCI Interrupt Enable Register
-MCI_IDR # 4 ;- MCI Interrupt Disable Register
-MCI_IMR # 4 ;- MCI Interrupt Mask Register
- # 176 ;- Reserved
-MCI_RPR # 4 ;- Receive Pointer Register
-MCI_RCR # 4 ;- Receive Counter Register
-MCI_TPR # 4 ;- Transmit Pointer Register
-MCI_TCR # 4 ;- Transmit Counter Register
-MCI_RNPR # 4 ;- Receive Next Pointer Register
-MCI_RNCR # 4 ;- Receive Next Counter Register
-MCI_TNPR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Pointer Register
-MCI_TNCR # 4 ;- Transmit Next Counter Register
-MCI_PTCR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Control Register
-MCI_PTSR # 4 ;- PDC Transfer Status Register
-;- -------- MCI_CR : (MCI Offset: 0x0) MCI Control Register --------
-AT91C_MCI_MCIEN EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (MCI) Multimedia Interface Enable
-AT91C_MCI_MCIDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (MCI) Multimedia Interface Disable
-AT91C_MCI_PWSEN EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (MCI) Power Save Mode Enable
-AT91C_MCI_PWSDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (MCI) Power Save Mode Disable
-;- -------- MCI_MR : (MCI Offset: 0x4) MCI Mode Register --------
-AT91C_MCI_CLKDIV EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (MCI) Clock Divider
-AT91C_MCI_PWSDIV EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (MCI) Power Saving Divider
-AT91C_MCI_PDCPADV EQU (0x1:SHL:14) ;- (MCI) PDC Padding Value
-AT91C_MCI_PDCMODE EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (MCI) PDC Oriented Mode
-AT91C_MCI_BLKLEN EQU (0x1:SHL:18) ;- (MCI) Data Block Length
-;- -------- MCI_DTOR : (MCI Offset: 0x8) MCI Data Timeout Register --------
-AT91C_MCI_DTOCYC EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (MCI) Data Timeout Cycle Number
-AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL EQU (0x7:SHL:4) ;- (MCI) Data Timeout Multiplier
-AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1 EQU (0x0:SHL:4) ;- (MCI) DTOCYC x 1
-AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_16 EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (MCI) DTOCYC x 16
-AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_128 EQU (0x2:SHL:4) ;- (MCI) DTOCYC x 128
-AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_256 EQU (0x3:SHL:4) ;- (MCI) DTOCYC x 256
-AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1024 EQU (0x4:SHL:4) ;- (MCI) DTOCYC x 1024
-AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_4096 EQU (0x5:SHL:4) ;- (MCI) DTOCYC x 4096
-AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_65536 EQU (0x6:SHL:4) ;- (MCI) DTOCYC x 65536
-AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1048576 EQU (0x7:SHL:4) ;- (MCI) DTOCYC x 1048576
-;- -------- MCI_SDCR : (MCI Offset: 0xc) MCI SD Card Register --------
-AT91C_MCI_SCDSEL EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (MCI) SD Card Selector
-AT91C_MCI_SCDBUS EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (MCI) SD Card Bus Width
-;- -------- MCI_CMDR : (MCI Offset: 0x14) MCI Command Register --------
-AT91C_MCI_CMDNB EQU (0x1F:SHL:0) ;- (MCI) Command Number
-AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP EQU (0x3:SHL:6) ;- (MCI) Response Type
-AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_NO EQU (0x0:SHL:6) ;- (MCI) No response
-AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_48 EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (MCI) 48-bit response
-AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_136 EQU (0x2:SHL:6) ;- (MCI) 136-bit response
-AT91C_MCI_SPCMD EQU (0x7:SHL:8) ;- (MCI) Special CMD
-AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:8) ;- (MCI) Not a special CMD
-AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_INIT EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (MCI) Initialization CMD
-AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_SYNC EQU (0x2:SHL:8) ;- (MCI) Synchronized CMD
-AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_IT_CMD EQU (0x4:SHL:8) ;- (MCI) Interrupt command
-AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_IT_REP EQU (0x5:SHL:8) ;- (MCI) Interrupt response
-AT91C_MCI_OPDCMD EQU (0x1:SHL:11) ;- (MCI) Open Drain Command
-AT91C_MCI_MAXLAT EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (MCI) Maximum Latency for Command to respond
-AT91C_MCI_TRCMD EQU (0x3:SHL:16) ;- (MCI) Transfer CMD
-AT91C_MCI_TRCMD_NO EQU (0x0:SHL:16) ;- (MCI) No transfer
-AT91C_MCI_TRCMD_START EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (MCI) Start transfer
-AT91C_MCI_TRCMD_STOP EQU (0x2:SHL:16) ;- (MCI) Stop transfer
-AT91C_MCI_TRDIR EQU (0x1:SHL:18) ;- (MCI) Transfer Direction
-AT91C_MCI_TRTYP EQU (0x3:SHL:19) ;- (MCI) Transfer Type
-AT91C_MCI_TRTYP_BLOCK EQU (0x0:SHL:19) ;- (MCI) Block Transfer type
-AT91C_MCI_TRTYP_MULTIPLE EQU (0x1:SHL:19) ;- (MCI) Multiple Block transfer type
-AT91C_MCI_TRTYP_STREAM EQU (0x2:SHL:19) ;- (MCI) Stream transfer type
-;- -------- MCI_SR : (MCI Offset: 0x40) MCI Status Register --------
-AT91C_MCI_CMDRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (MCI) Command Ready flag
-AT91C_MCI_RXRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (MCI) RX Ready flag
-AT91C_MCI_TXRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (MCI) TX Ready flag
-AT91C_MCI_BLKE EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (MCI) Data Block Transfer Ended flag
-AT91C_MCI_DTIP EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (MCI) Data Transfer in Progress flag
-AT91C_MCI_NOTBUSY EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (MCI) Data Line Not Busy flag
-AT91C_MCI_ENDRX EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (MCI) End of RX Buffer flag
-AT91C_MCI_ENDTX EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (MCI) End of TX Buffer flag
-AT91C_MCI_RXBUFF EQU (0x1:SHL:14) ;- (MCI) RX Buffer Full flag
-AT91C_MCI_TXBUFE EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (MCI) TX Buffer Empty flag
-AT91C_MCI_RINDE EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (MCI) Response Index Error flag
-AT91C_MCI_RDIRE EQU (0x1:SHL:17) ;- (MCI) Response Direction Error flag
-AT91C_MCI_RCRCE EQU (0x1:SHL:18) ;- (MCI) Response CRC Error flag
-AT91C_MCI_RENDE EQU (0x1:SHL:19) ;- (MCI) Response End Bit Error flag
-AT91C_MCI_RTOE EQU (0x1:SHL:20) ;- (MCI) Response Time-out Error flag
-AT91C_MCI_DCRCE EQU (0x1:SHL:21) ;- (MCI) data CRC Error flag
-AT91C_MCI_DTOE EQU (0x1:SHL:22) ;- (MCI) Data timeout Error flag
-AT91C_MCI_OVRE EQU (0x1:SHL:30) ;- (MCI) Overrun flag
-AT91C_MCI_UNRE EQU (0x1:SHL:31) ;- (MCI) Underrun flag
-;- -------- MCI_IER : (MCI Offset: 0x44) MCI Interrupt Enable Register --------
-;- -------- MCI_IDR : (MCI Offset: 0x48) MCI Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- MCI_IMR : (MCI Offset: 0x4c) MCI Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_UDP
-UDP_NUM # 4 ;- Frame Number Register
-UDP_GLBSTATE # 4 ;- Global State Register
-UDP_FADDR # 4 ;- Function Address Register
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-UDP_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-UDP_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-UDP_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
-UDP_ISR # 4 ;- Interrupt Status Register
-UDP_ICR # 4 ;- Interrupt Clear Register
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-UDP_RSTEP # 4 ;- Reset Endpoint Register
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-UDP_CSR # 32 ;- Endpoint Control and Status Register
-UDP_FDR # 32 ;- Endpoint FIFO Data Register
-;- -------- UDP_FRM_NUM : (UDP Offset: 0x0) USB Frame Number Register --------
-AT91C_UDP_FRM_NUM EQU (0x7FF:SHL:0) ;- (UDP) Frame Number as Defined in the Packet Field Formats
-AT91C_UDP_FRM_ERR EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (UDP) Frame Error
-AT91C_UDP_FRM_OK EQU (0x1:SHL:17) ;- (UDP) Frame OK
-;- -------- UDP_GLB_STATE : (UDP Offset: 0x4) USB Global State Register --------
-AT91C_UDP_FADDEN EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (UDP) Function Address Enable
-AT91C_UDP_CONFG EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (UDP) Configured
-AT91C_UDP_RMWUPE EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (UDP) Remote Wake Up Enable
-AT91C_UDP_RSMINPR EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (UDP) A Resume Has Been Sent to the Host
-;- -------- UDP_FADDR : (UDP Offset: 0x8) USB Function Address Register --------
-AT91C_UDP_FADD EQU (0xFF:SHL:0) ;- (UDP) Function Address Value
-AT91C_UDP_FEN EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (UDP) Function Enable
-;- -------- UDP_IER : (UDP Offset: 0x10) USB Interrupt Enable Register --------
-AT91C_UDP_EPINT0 EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (UDP) Endpoint 0 Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_EPINT1 EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (UDP) Endpoint 0 Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_EPINT2 EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (UDP) Endpoint 2 Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_EPINT3 EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (UDP) Endpoint 3 Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_EPINT4 EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (UDP) Endpoint 4 Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_EPINT5 EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (UDP) Endpoint 5 Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_EPINT6 EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (UDP) Endpoint 6 Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_EPINT7 EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (UDP) Endpoint 7 Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_RXSUSP EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (UDP) USB Suspend Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_RXRSM EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (UDP) USB Resume Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_EXTRSM EQU (0x1:SHL:10) ;- (UDP) USB External Resume Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_SOFINT EQU (0x1:SHL:11) ;- (UDP) USB Start Of frame Interrupt
-AT91C_UDP_WAKEUP EQU (0x1:SHL:13) ;- (UDP) USB Resume Interrupt
-;- -------- UDP_IDR : (UDP Offset: 0x14) USB Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- UDP_IMR : (UDP Offset: 0x18) USB Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- -------- UDP_ISR : (UDP Offset: 0x1c) USB Interrupt Status Register --------
-AT91C_UDP_ENDBUSRES EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (UDP) USB End Of Bus Reset Interrupt
-;- -------- UDP_ICR : (UDP Offset: 0x20) USB Interrupt Clear Register --------
-;- -------- UDP_RST_EP : (UDP Offset: 0x28) USB Reset Endpoint Register --------
-AT91C_UDP_EP0 EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (UDP) Reset Endpoint 0
-AT91C_UDP_EP1 EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (UDP) Reset Endpoint 1
-AT91C_UDP_EP2 EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (UDP) Reset Endpoint 2
-AT91C_UDP_EP3 EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (UDP) Reset Endpoint 3
-AT91C_UDP_EP4 EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (UDP) Reset Endpoint 4
-AT91C_UDP_EP5 EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (UDP) Reset Endpoint 5
-AT91C_UDP_EP6 EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (UDP) Reset Endpoint 6
-AT91C_UDP_EP7 EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (UDP) Reset Endpoint 7
-;- -------- UDP_CSR : (UDP Offset: 0x30) USB Endpoint Control and Status Register --------
-AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (UDP) Generates an IN packet with data previously written in the DPR
-AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0 EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (UDP) Receive Data Bank 0
-AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (UDP) Sends STALL to the Host (Control endpoints)
-AT91C_UDP_ISOERROR EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (UDP) Isochronous error (Isochronous endpoints)
-AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (UDP) Transmit Packet Ready
-AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (UDP) Force Stall (used by Control, Bulk and Isochronous endpoints).
-AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK1 EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (UDP) Receive Data Bank 1 (only used by endpoints with ping-pong attributes).
-AT91C_UDP_DIR EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (UDP) Transfer Direction
-AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE EQU (0x7:SHL:8) ;- (UDP) Endpoint type
-AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_CTRL EQU (0x0:SHL:8) ;- (UDP) Control
-AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_ISO_OUT EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (UDP) Isochronous OUT
-AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_OUT EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (UDP) Interrupt OUT
-AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_ISO_IN EQU (0x5:SHL:8) ;- (UDP) Isochronous IN
-AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_IN EQU (0x7:SHL:8) ;- (UDP) Interrupt IN
-AT91C_UDP_DTGLE EQU (0x1:SHL:11) ;- (UDP) Data Toggle
-AT91C_UDP_EPEDS EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (UDP) Endpoint Enable Disable
-AT91C_UDP_RXBYTECNT EQU (0x7FF:SHL:16) ;- (UDP) Number Of Bytes Available in the FIFO
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Timer Counter Channel Interface
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_TC
-TC_CCR # 4 ;- Channel Control Register
-TC_CMR # 4 ;- Channel Mode Register
- # 8 ;- Reserved
-TC_CV # 4 ;- Counter Value
-TC_RA # 4 ;- Register A
-TC_RB # 4 ;- Register B
-TC_RC # 4 ;- Register C
-TC_SR # 4 ;- Status Register
-TC_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-TC_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-TC_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
-;- -------- TC_CCR : (TC Offset: 0x0) TC Channel Control Register --------
-AT91C_TC_CLKEN EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (TC) Counter Clock Enable Command
-AT91C_TC_CLKDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (TC) Counter Clock Disable Command
-AT91C_TC_SWTRG EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (TC) Software Trigger Command
-;- -------- TC_CMR : (TC Offset: 0x4) TC Channel Mode Register: Capture Mode / Waveform Mode --------
-AT91C_TC_CPCSTOP EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (TC) Counter Clock Stopped with RC Compare
-AT91C_TC_CPCDIS EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (TC) Counter Clock Disable with RC Compare
-AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (TC) External Event Edge Selection
-AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:8) ;- (TC) Edge: None
-AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_RISING EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (TC) Edge: rising edge
-AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_FALLING EQU (0x2:SHL:8) ;- (TC) Edge: falling edge
-AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_BOTH EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (TC) Edge: each edge
-AT91C_TC_EEVT EQU (0x3:SHL:10) ;- (TC) External Event Selection
-AT91C_TC_EEVT_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:10) ;- (TC) Signal selected as external event: TIOB TIOB direction: input
-AT91C_TC_EEVT_RISING EQU (0x1:SHL:10) ;- (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC0 TIOB direction: output
-AT91C_TC_EEVT_FALLING EQU (0x2:SHL:10) ;- (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC1 TIOB direction: output
-AT91C_TC_EEVT_BOTH EQU (0x3:SHL:10) ;- (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC2 TIOB direction: output
-AT91C_TC_ENETRG EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (TC) External Event Trigger enable
-AT91C_TC_WAVESEL EQU (0x3:SHL:13) ;- (TC) Waveform Selection
-AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UP EQU (0x0:SHL:13) ;- (TC) UP mode without atomatic trigger on RC Compare
-AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UPDOWN EQU (0x1:SHL:13) ;- (TC) UPDOWN mode without automatic trigger on RC Compare
-AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UP_AUTO EQU (0x2:SHL:13) ;- (TC) UP mode with automatic trigger on RC Compare
-AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UPDOWN_AUTO EQU (0x3:SHL:13) ;- (TC) UPDOWN mode with automatic trigger on RC Compare
-AT91C_TC_CPCTRG EQU (0x1:SHL:14) ;- (TC) RC Compare Trigger Enable
-AT91C_TC_WAVE EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (TC)
-AT91C_TC_ACPA EQU (0x3:SHL:16) ;- (TC) RA Compare Effect on TIOA
-AT91C_TC_ACPA_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:16) ;- (TC) Effect: none
-AT91C_TC_ACPA_SET EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (TC) Effect: set
-AT91C_TC_ACPA_CLEAR EQU (0x2:SHL:16) ;- (TC) Effect: clear
-AT91C_TC_ACPA_TOGGLE EQU (0x3:SHL:16) ;- (TC) Effect: toggle
-AT91C_TC_ACPC EQU (0x3:SHL:18) ;- (TC) RC Compare Effect on TIOA
-AT91C_TC_ACPC_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:18) ;- (TC) Effect: none
-AT91C_TC_ACPC_SET EQU (0x1:SHL:18) ;- (TC) Effect: set
-AT91C_TC_ACPC_CLEAR EQU (0x2:SHL:18) ;- (TC) Effect: clear
-AT91C_TC_ACPC_TOGGLE EQU (0x3:SHL:18) ;- (TC) Effect: toggle
-AT91C_TC_AEEVT EQU (0x3:SHL:20) ;- (TC) External Event Effect on TIOA
-AT91C_TC_AEEVT_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:20) ;- (TC) Effect: none
-AT91C_TC_AEEVT_SET EQU (0x1:SHL:20) ;- (TC) Effect: set
-AT91C_TC_AEEVT_CLEAR EQU (0x2:SHL:20) ;- (TC) Effect: clear
-AT91C_TC_AEEVT_TOGGLE EQU (0x3:SHL:20) ;- (TC) Effect: toggle
-AT91C_TC_ASWTRG EQU (0x3:SHL:22) ;- (TC) Software Trigger Effect on TIOA
-AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:22) ;- (TC) Effect: none
-AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_SET EQU (0x1:SHL:22) ;- (TC) Effect: set
-AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_CLEAR EQU (0x2:SHL:22) ;- (TC) Effect: clear
-AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_TOGGLE EQU (0x3:SHL:22) ;- (TC) Effect: toggle
-AT91C_TC_BCPB EQU (0x3:SHL:24) ;- (TC) RB Compare Effect on TIOB
-AT91C_TC_BCPB_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:24) ;- (TC) Effect: none
-AT91C_TC_BCPB_SET EQU (0x1:SHL:24) ;- (TC) Effect: set
-AT91C_TC_BCPB_CLEAR EQU (0x2:SHL:24) ;- (TC) Effect: clear
-AT91C_TC_BCPB_TOGGLE EQU (0x3:SHL:24) ;- (TC) Effect: toggle
-AT91C_TC_BCPC EQU (0x3:SHL:26) ;- (TC) RC Compare Effect on TIOB
-AT91C_TC_BCPC_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:26) ;- (TC) Effect: none
-AT91C_TC_BCPC_SET EQU (0x1:SHL:26) ;- (TC) Effect: set
-AT91C_TC_BCPC_CLEAR EQU (0x2:SHL:26) ;- (TC) Effect: clear
-AT91C_TC_BCPC_TOGGLE EQU (0x3:SHL:26) ;- (TC) Effect: toggle
-AT91C_TC_BEEVT EQU (0x3:SHL:28) ;- (TC) External Event Effect on TIOB
-AT91C_TC_BEEVT_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:28) ;- (TC) Effect: none
-AT91C_TC_BEEVT_SET EQU (0x1:SHL:28) ;- (TC) Effect: set
-AT91C_TC_BEEVT_CLEAR EQU (0x2:SHL:28) ;- (TC) Effect: clear
-AT91C_TC_BEEVT_TOGGLE EQU (0x3:SHL:28) ;- (TC) Effect: toggle
-AT91C_TC_BSWTRG EQU (0x3:SHL:30) ;- (TC) Software Trigger Effect on TIOB
-AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_NONE EQU (0x0:SHL:30) ;- (TC) Effect: none
-AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_SET EQU (0x1:SHL:30) ;- (TC) Effect: set
-AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_CLEAR EQU (0x2:SHL:30) ;- (TC) Effect: clear
-AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_TOGGLE EQU (0x3:SHL:30) ;- (TC) Effect: toggle
-;- -------- TC_SR : (TC Offset: 0x20) TC Channel Status Register --------
-AT91C_TC_COVFS EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (TC) Counter Overflow
-AT91C_TC_LOVRS EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (TC) Load Overrun
-AT91C_TC_CPAS EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (TC) RA Compare
-AT91C_TC_CPBS EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (TC) RB Compare
-AT91C_TC_CPCS EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (TC) RC Compare
-AT91C_TC_LDRAS EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (TC) RA Loading
-AT91C_TC_LDRBS EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (TC) RB Loading
-AT91C_TC_ETRCS EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (TC) External Trigger
-AT91C_TC_ETRGS EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (TC) Clock Enabling
-AT91C_TC_MTIOA EQU (0x1:SHL:17) ;- (TC) TIOA Mirror
-AT91C_TC_MTIOB EQU (0x1:SHL:18) ;- (TC) TIOA Mirror
-;- -------- TC_IER : (TC Offset: 0x24) TC Channel Interrupt Enable Register --------
-;- -------- TC_IDR : (TC Offset: 0x28) TC Channel Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- TC_IMR : (TC Offset: 0x2c) TC Channel Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Timer Counter Interface
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_TCB
-TCB_TC0 # 48 ;- TC Channel 0
- # 16 ;- Reserved
-TCB_TC1 # 48 ;- TC Channel 1
- # 16 ;- Reserved
-TCB_TC2 # 48 ;- TC Channel 2
- # 16 ;- Reserved
-TCB_BCR # 4 ;- TC Block Control Register
-TCB_BMR # 4 ;- TC Block Mode Register
-;- -------- TCB_BCR : (TCB Offset: 0xc0) TC Block Control Register --------
-AT91C_TCB_SYNC EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (TCB) Synchro Command
-;- -------- TCB_BMR : (TCB Offset: 0xc4) TC Block Mode Register --------
-AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (TCB) External Clock Signal 0 Selection
-AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TCLK0 EQU (0x0) ;- (TCB) TCLK0 connected to XC0
-AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_NONE EQU (0x1) ;- (TCB) None signal connected to XC0
-AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TIOA1 EQU (0x2) ;- (TCB) TIOA1 connected to XC0
-AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TIOA2 EQU (0x3) ;- (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC0
-AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (TCB) External Clock Signal 1 Selection
-AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TCLK1 EQU (0x0:SHL:2) ;- (TCB) TCLK1 connected to XC1
-AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_NONE EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (TCB) None signal connected to XC1
-AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TIOA0 EQU (0x2:SHL:2) ;- (TCB) TIOA0 connected to XC1
-AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TIOA2 EQU (0x3:SHL:2) ;- (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC1
-AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (TCB) External Clock Signal 2 Selection
-AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TCLK2 EQU (0x0:SHL:4) ;- (TCB) TCLK2 connected to XC2
-AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_NONE EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (TCB) None signal connected to XC2
-AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TIOA0 EQU (0x2:SHL:4) ;- (TCB) TIOA0 connected to XC2
-AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TIOA2 EQU (0x3:SHL:4) ;- (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC2
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_UHP
-UHP_HcRevision # 4 ;- Revision
-UHP_HcControl # 4 ;- Operating modes for the Host Controller
-UHP_HcCommandStatus # 4 ;- Command & status Register
-UHP_HcInterruptStatus # 4 ;- Interrupt Status Register
-UHP_HcInterruptEnable # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-UHP_HcInterruptDisable # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-UHP_HcHCCA # 4 ;- Pointer to the Host Controller Communication Area
-UHP_HcPeriodCurrentED # 4 ;- Current Isochronous or Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor
-UHP_HcControlHeadED # 4 ;- First Endpoint Descriptor of the Control list
-UHP_HcControlCurrentED # 4 ;- Endpoint Control and Status Register
-UHP_HcBulkHeadED # 4 ;- First endpoint register of the Bulk list
-UHP_HcBulkCurrentED # 4 ;- Current endpoint of the Bulk list
-UHP_HcBulkDoneHead # 4 ;- Last completed transfer descriptor
-UHP_HcFmInterval # 4 ;- Bit time between 2 consecutive SOFs
-UHP_HcFmRemaining # 4 ;- Bit time remaining in the current Frame
-UHP_HcFmNumber # 4 ;- Frame number
-UHP_HcPeriodicStart # 4 ;- Periodic Start
-UHP_HcLSThreshold # 4 ;- LS Threshold
-UHP_HcRhDescriptorA # 4 ;- Root Hub characteristics A
-UHP_HcRhDescriptorB # 4 ;- Root Hub characteristics B
-UHP_HcRhStatus # 4 ;- Root Hub Status register
-UHP_HcRhPortStatus # 8 ;- Root Hub Port Status Register
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_EMAC
-EMAC_CTL # 4 ;- Network Control Register
-EMAC_CFG # 4 ;- Network Configuration Register
-EMAC_SR # 4 ;- Network Status Register
-EMAC_TAR # 4 ;- Transmit Address Register
-EMAC_TCR # 4 ;- Transmit Control Register
-EMAC_TSR # 4 ;- Transmit Status Register
-EMAC_RBQP # 4 ;- Receive Buffer Queue Pointer
- # 4 ;- Reserved
-EMAC_RSR # 4 ;- Receive Status Register
-EMAC_ISR # 4 ;- Interrupt Status Register
-EMAC_IER # 4 ;- Interrupt Enable Register
-EMAC_IDR # 4 ;- Interrupt Disable Register
-EMAC_IMR # 4 ;- Interrupt Mask Register
-EMAC_MAN # 4 ;- PHY Maintenance Register
- # 8 ;- Reserved
-EMAC_FRA # 4 ;- Frames Transmitted OK Register
-EMAC_SCOL # 4 ;- Single Collision Frame Register
-EMAC_MCOL # 4 ;- Multiple Collision Frame Register
-EMAC_OK # 4 ;- Frames Received OK Register
-EMAC_SEQE # 4 ;- Frame Check Sequence Error Register
-EMAC_ALE # 4 ;- Alignment Error Register
-EMAC_DTE # 4 ;- Deferred Transmission Frame Register
-EMAC_LCOL # 4 ;- Late Collision Register
-EMAC_ECOL # 4 ;- Excessive Collision Register
-EMAC_CSE # 4 ;- Carrier Sense Error Register
-EMAC_TUE # 4 ;- Transmit Underrun Error Register
-EMAC_CDE # 4 ;- Code Error Register
-EMAC_ELR # 4 ;- Excessive Length Error Register
-EMAC_RJB # 4 ;- Receive Jabber Register
-EMAC_USF # 4 ;- Undersize Frame Register
-EMAC_SQEE # 4 ;- SQE Test Error Register
-EMAC_DRFC # 4 ;- Discarded RX Frame Register
- # 12 ;- Reserved
-EMAC_HSH # 4 ;- Hash Address High[63:32]
-EMAC_HSL # 4 ;- Hash Address Low[31:0]
-EMAC_SA1L # 4 ;- Specific Address 1 Low, First 4 bytes
-EMAC_SA1H # 4 ;- Specific Address 1 High, Last 2 bytes
-EMAC_SA2L # 4 ;- Specific Address 2 Low, First 4 bytes
-EMAC_SA2H # 4 ;- Specific Address 2 High, Last 2 bytes
-EMAC_SA3L # 4 ;- Specific Address 3 Low, First 4 bytes
-EMAC_SA3H # 4 ;- Specific Address 3 High, Last 2 bytes
-EMAC_SA4L # 4 ;- Specific Address 4 Low, First 4 bytes
-EMAC_SA4H # 4 ;- Specific Address 4 High, Last 2 bytesr
-;- -------- EMAC_CTL : (EMAC Offset: 0x0) --------
-AT91C_EMAC_LB EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (EMAC) Loopback. Optional. When set, loopback signal is at high level.
-AT91C_EMAC_LBL EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (EMAC) Loopback local.
-AT91C_EMAC_RE EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (EMAC) Receive enable.
-AT91C_EMAC_TE EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (EMAC) Transmit enable.
-AT91C_EMAC_MPE EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (EMAC) Management port enable.
-AT91C_EMAC_CSR EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (EMAC) Clear statistics registers.
-AT91C_EMAC_ISR EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (EMAC) Increment statistics registers.
-AT91C_EMAC_WES EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (EMAC) Write enable for statistics registers.
-AT91C_EMAC_BP EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (EMAC) Back pressure.
-;- -------- EMAC_CFG : (EMAC Offset: 0x4) Network Configuration Register --------
-AT91C_EMAC_SPD EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (EMAC) Speed.
-AT91C_EMAC_FD EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (EMAC) Full duplex.
-AT91C_EMAC_BR EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (EMAC) Bit rate.
-AT91C_EMAC_CAF EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (EMAC) Copy all frames.
-AT91C_EMAC_NBC EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (EMAC) No broadcast.
-AT91C_EMAC_MTI EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (EMAC) Multicast hash enable
-AT91C_EMAC_UNI EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (EMAC) Unicast hash enable.
-AT91C_EMAC_BIG EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (EMAC) Receive 1522 bytes.
-AT91C_EMAC_EAE EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (EMAC) External address match enable.
-AT91C_EMAC_CLK EQU (0x3:SHL:10) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_8 EQU (0x0:SHL:10) ;- (EMAC) HCLK divided by 8
-AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_16 EQU (0x1:SHL:10) ;- (EMAC) HCLK divided by 16
-AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_32 EQU (0x2:SHL:10) ;- (EMAC) HCLK divided by 32
-AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_64 EQU (0x3:SHL:10) ;- (EMAC) HCLK divided by 64
-AT91C_EMAC_RTY EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_RMII EQU (0x1:SHL:13) ;- (EMAC)
-;- -------- EMAC_SR : (EMAC Offset: 0x8) Network Status Register --------
-AT91C_EMAC_MDIO EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_IDLE EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (EMAC)
-;- -------- EMAC_TCR : (EMAC Offset: 0x10) Transmit Control Register --------
-AT91C_EMAC_NCRC EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (EMAC)
-;- -------- EMAC_TSR : (EMAC Offset: 0x14) Transmit Control Register --------
-AT91C_EMAC_OVR EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_COL EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_RLE EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_BNQ EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_COMP EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_UND EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (EMAC)
-;- -------- EMAC_RSR : (EMAC Offset: 0x20) Receive Status Register --------
-AT91C_EMAC_BNA EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_REC EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (EMAC)
-;- -------- EMAC_ISR : (EMAC Offset: 0x24) Interrupt Status Register --------
-AT91C_EMAC_DONE EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_RCOM EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_RBNA EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_TOVR EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_TUND EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_RTRY EQU (0x1:SHL:5) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_TBRE EQU (0x1:SHL:6) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_TCOM EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_LINK EQU (0x1:SHL:9) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_ROVR EQU (0x1:SHL:10) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_HRESP EQU (0x1:SHL:11) ;- (EMAC)
-;- -------- EMAC_IER : (EMAC Offset: 0x28) Interrupt Enable Register --------
-;- -------- EMAC_IDR : (EMAC Offset: 0x2c) Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- EMAC_IMR : (EMAC Offset: 0x30) Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- -------- EMAC_MAN : (EMAC Offset: 0x34) PHY Maintenance Register --------
-AT91C_EMAC_CODE EQU (0x3:SHL:16) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_REGA EQU (0x1F:SHL:18) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_PHYA EQU (0x1F:SHL:23) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_RW EQU (0x3:SHL:28) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_HIGH EQU (0x1:SHL:30) ;- (EMAC)
-AT91C_EMAC_LOW EQU (0x1:SHL:31) ;- (EMAC)
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR External Bus Interface
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_EBI
-EBI_CSA # 4 ;- Chip Select Assignment Register
-EBI_CFGR # 4 ;- Configuration Register
-;- -------- EBI_CSA : (EBI Offset: 0x0) Chip Select Assignment Register --------
-AT91C_EBI_CS0A EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 0 Assignment
-AT91C_EBI_CS0A_SMC EQU (0x0) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 0 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller.
-AT91C_EBI_CS0A_BFC EQU (0x1) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 0 is assigned to the Burst Flash Controller.
-AT91C_EBI_CS1A EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 1 Assignment
-AT91C_EBI_CS1A_SMC EQU (0x0:SHL:1) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 1 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller.
-AT91C_EBI_CS1A_SDRAMC EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 1 is assigned to the SDRAM Controller.
-AT91C_EBI_CS3A EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 3 Assignment
-AT91C_EBI_CS3A_SMC EQU (0x0:SHL:3) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 3 is only assigned to the Static Memory Controller and NCS3 behaves as defined by the SMC2.
-AT91C_EBI_CS3A_SMC_SmartMedia EQU (0x1:SHL:3) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 3 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller and the SmartMedia Logic is activated.
-AT91C_EBI_CS4A EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 4 Assignment
-AT91C_EBI_CS4A_SMC EQU (0x0:SHL:4) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 4 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller and NCS4,NCS5 and NCS6 behave as defined by the SMC2.
-AT91C_EBI_CS4A_SMC_CompactFlash EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (EBI) Chip Select 4 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller and the CompactFlash Logic is activated.
-;- -------- EBI_CFGR : (EBI Offset: 0x4) Configuration Register --------
-AT91C_EBI_DBPUC EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (EBI) Data Bus Pull-Up Configuration
-AT91C_EBI_EBSEN EQU (0x1:SHL:1) ;- (EBI) Bus Sharing Enable
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Static Memory Controller 2 Interface
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_SMC2
-SMC2_CSR # 32 ;- SMC2 Chip Select Register
-;- -------- SMC2_CSR : (SMC2 Offset: 0x0) SMC2 Chip Select Register --------
-AT91C_SMC2_NWS EQU (0x7F:SHL:0) ;- (SMC2) Number of Wait States
-AT91C_SMC2_WSEN EQU (0x1:SHL:7) ;- (SMC2) Wait State Enable
-AT91C_SMC2_TDF EQU (0xF:SHL:8) ;- (SMC2) Data Float Time
-AT91C_SMC2_BAT EQU (0x1:SHL:12) ;- (SMC2) Byte Access Type
-AT91C_SMC2_DBW EQU (0x1:SHL:13) ;- (SMC2) Data Bus Width
-AT91C_SMC2_DBW_16 EQU (0x1:SHL:13) ;- (SMC2) 16-bit.
-AT91C_SMC2_DBW_8 EQU (0x2:SHL:13) ;- (SMC2) 8-bit.
-AT91C_SMC2_DRP EQU (0x1:SHL:15) ;- (SMC2) Data Read Protocol
-AT91C_SMC2_ACSS EQU (0x3:SHL:16) ;- (SMC2) Address to Chip Select Setup
-AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_STANDARD EQU (0x0:SHL:16) ;- (SMC2) Standard, asserted at the beginning of the access and deasserted at the end.
-AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_1_CYCLE EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (SMC2) One cycle less at the beginning and the end of the access.
-AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_2_CYCLES EQU (0x2:SHL:16) ;- (SMC2) Two cycles less at the beginning and the end of the access.
-AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_3_CYCLES EQU (0x3:SHL:16) ;- (SMC2) Three cycles less at the beginning and the end of the access.
-AT91C_SMC2_RWSETUP EQU (0x7:SHL:24) ;- (SMC2) Read and Write Signal Setup Time
-AT91C_SMC2_RWHOLD EQU (0x7:SHL:29) ;- (SMC2) Read and Write Signal Hold Time
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_SDRC
-SDRC_MR # 4 ;- SDRAM Controller Mode Register
-SDRC_TR # 4 ;- SDRAM Controller Refresh Timer Register
-SDRC_CR # 4 ;- SDRAM Controller Configuration Register
-SDRC_SRR # 4 ;- SDRAM Controller Self Refresh Register
-SDRC_LPR # 4 ;- SDRAM Controller Low Power Register
-SDRC_IER # 4 ;- SDRAM Controller Interrupt Enable Register
-SDRC_IDR # 4 ;- SDRAM Controller Interrupt Disable Register
-SDRC_IMR # 4 ;- SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
-SDRC_ISR # 4 ;- SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
-;- -------- SDRC_MR : (SDRC Offset: 0x0) SDRAM Controller Mode Register --------
-AT91C_SDRC_MODE EQU (0xF:SHL:0) ;- (SDRC) Mode
-AT91C_SDRC_MODE_NORMAL_CMD EQU (0x0) ;- (SDRC) Normal Mode
-AT91C_SDRC_MODE_NOP_CMD EQU (0x1) ;- (SDRC) NOP Command
-AT91C_SDRC_MODE_PRCGALL_CMD EQU (0x2) ;- (SDRC) All Banks Precharge Command
-AT91C_SDRC_MODE_LMR_CMD EQU (0x3) ;- (SDRC) Load Mode Register Command
-AT91C_SDRC_MODE_RFSH_CMD EQU (0x4) ;- (SDRC) Refresh Command
-AT91C_SDRC_DBW EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (SDRC) Data Bus Width
-AT91C_SDRC_DBW_32_BITS EQU (0x0:SHL:4) ;- (SDRC) 32 Bits datas bus
-AT91C_SDRC_DBW_16_BITS EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (SDRC) 16 Bits datas bus
-;- -------- SDRC_TR : (SDRC Offset: 0x4) SDRC Refresh Timer Register --------
-AT91C_SDRC_COUNT EQU (0xFFF:SHL:0) ;- (SDRC) Refresh Counter
-;- -------- SDRC_CR : (SDRC Offset: 0x8) SDRAM Configuration Register --------
-AT91C_SDRC_NC EQU (0x3:SHL:0) ;- (SDRC) Number of Column Bits
-AT91C_SDRC_NC_8 EQU (0x0) ;- (SDRC) 8 Bits
-AT91C_SDRC_NC_9 EQU (0x1) ;- (SDRC) 9 Bits
-AT91C_SDRC_NC_10 EQU (0x2) ;- (SDRC) 10 Bits
-AT91C_SDRC_NC_11 EQU (0x3) ;- (SDRC) 11 Bits
-AT91C_SDRC_NR EQU (0x3:SHL:2) ;- (SDRC) Number of Row Bits
-AT91C_SDRC_NR_11 EQU (0x0:SHL:2) ;- (SDRC) 11 Bits
-AT91C_SDRC_NR_12 EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (SDRC) 12 Bits
-AT91C_SDRC_NR_13 EQU (0x2:SHL:2) ;- (SDRC) 13 Bits
-AT91C_SDRC_NB EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (SDRC) Number of Banks
-AT91C_SDRC_NB_2_BANKS EQU (0x0:SHL:4) ;- (SDRC) 2 banks
-AT91C_SDRC_NB_4_BANKS EQU (0x1:SHL:4) ;- (SDRC) 4 banks
-AT91C_SDRC_CAS EQU (0x3:SHL:5) ;- (SDRC) CAS Latency
-AT91C_SDRC_CAS_2 EQU (0x2:SHL:5) ;- (SDRC) 2 cycles
-AT91C_SDRC_TWR EQU (0xF:SHL:7) ;- (SDRC) Number of Write Recovery Time Cycles
-AT91C_SDRC_TRC EQU (0xF:SHL:11) ;- (SDRC) Number of RAS Cycle Time Cycles
-AT91C_SDRC_TRP EQU (0xF:SHL:15) ;- (SDRC) Number of RAS Precharge Time Cycles
-AT91C_SDRC_TRCD EQU (0xF:SHL:19) ;- (SDRC) Number of RAS to CAS Delay Cycles
-AT91C_SDRC_TRAS EQU (0xF:SHL:23) ;- (SDRC) Number of RAS Active Time Cycles
-AT91C_SDRC_TXSR EQU (0xF:SHL:27) ;- (SDRC) Number of Command Recovery Time Cycles
-;- -------- SDRC_SRR : (SDRC Offset: 0xc) SDRAM Controller Self-refresh Register --------
-AT91C_SDRC_SRCB EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (SDRC) Self-refresh Command Bit
-;- -------- SDRC_LPR : (SDRC Offset: 0x10) SDRAM Controller Low-power Register --------
-AT91C_SDRC_LPCB EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (SDRC) Low-power Command Bit
-;- -------- SDRC_IER : (SDRC Offset: 0x14) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Enable Register --------
-AT91C_SDRC_RES EQU (0x1:SHL:0) ;- (SDRC) Refresh Error Status
-;- -------- SDRC_IDR : (SDRC Offset: 0x18) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Disable Register --------
-;- -------- SDRC_IMR : (SDRC Offset: 0x1c) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register --------
-;- -------- SDRC_ISR : (SDRC Offset: 0x20) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Status Register --------
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Burst Flash Controller Interface
-;- *****************************************************************************
- ^ 0 ;- AT91S_BFC
-BFC_MR # 4 ;- BFC Mode Register
-;- -------- BFC_MR : (BFC Offset: 0x0) BFC Mode Register --------
-AT91C_BFC_BFCOM EQU (0x3:SHL:0) ;- (BFC) Burst Flash Controller Operating Mode
-AT91C_BFC_BFCOM_DISABLED EQU (0x0) ;- (BFC) NPCS0 is driven by the SMC or remains high.
-AT91C_BFC_BFCOM_ASYNC EQU (0x1) ;- (BFC) Asynchronous
-AT91C_BFC_BFCOM_BURST_READ EQU (0x2) ;- (BFC) Burst Read
-AT91C_BFC_BFCC EQU (0x3:SHL:2) ;- (BFC) Burst Flash Controller Operating Mode
-AT91C_BFC_BFCC_MCK EQU (0x1:SHL:2) ;- (BFC) Master Clock.
-AT91C_BFC_BFCC_MCK_DIV_2 EQU (0x2:SHL:2) ;- (BFC) Master Clock divided by 2.
-AT91C_BFC_BFCC_MCK_DIV_4 EQU (0x3:SHL:2) ;- (BFC) Master Clock divided by 4.
-AT91C_BFC_AVL EQU (0xF:SHL:4) ;- (BFC) Address Valid Latency
-AT91C_BFC_PAGES EQU (0x7:SHL:8) ;- (BFC) Page Size
-AT91C_BFC_PAGES_NO_PAGE EQU (0x0:SHL:8) ;- (BFC) No page handling.
-AT91C_BFC_PAGES_16 EQU (0x1:SHL:8) ;- (BFC) 16 bytes page size.
-AT91C_BFC_PAGES_32 EQU (0x2:SHL:8) ;- (BFC) 32 bytes page size.
-AT91C_BFC_PAGES_64 EQU (0x3:SHL:8) ;- (BFC) 64 bytes page size.
-AT91C_BFC_PAGES_128 EQU (0x4:SHL:8) ;- (BFC) 128 bytes page size.
-AT91C_BFC_PAGES_256 EQU (0x5:SHL:8) ;- (BFC) 256 bytes page size.
-AT91C_BFC_PAGES_512 EQU (0x6:SHL:8) ;- (BFC) 512 bytes page size.
-AT91C_BFC_PAGES_1024 EQU (0x7:SHL:8) ;- (BFC) 1024 bytes page size.
-AT91C_BFC_OEL EQU (0x3:SHL:12) ;- (BFC) Output Enable Latency
-AT91C_BFC_BAAEN EQU (0x1:SHL:16) ;- (BFC) Burst Address Advance Enable
-AT91C_BFC_BFOEH EQU (0x1:SHL:17) ;- (BFC) Burst Flash Output Enable Handling
-AT91C_BFC_MUXEN EQU (0x1:SHL:18) ;- (BFC) Multiplexed Bus Enable
-AT91C_BFC_RDYEN EQU (0x1:SHL:19) ;- (BFC) Ready Enable Mode
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- ========== Register definition for SYS peripheral ==========
-;- ========== Register definition for MC peripheral ==========
-AT91C_MC_PUER EQU (0xFFFFFF54) ;- (MC) MC Protection Unit Enable Register
-AT91C_MC_ASR EQU (0xFFFFFF04) ;- (MC) MC Abort Status Register
-AT91C_MC_PUP EQU (0xFFFFFF50) ;- (MC) MC Protection Unit Peripherals
-AT91C_MC_PUIA EQU (0xFFFFFF10) ;- (MC) MC Protection Unit Area
-AT91C_MC_AASR EQU (0xFFFFFF08) ;- (MC) MC Abort Address Status Register
-AT91C_MC_RCR EQU (0xFFFFFF00) ;- (MC) MC Remap Control Register
-;- ========== Register definition for RTC peripheral ==========
-AT91C_RTC_IMR EQU (0xFFFFFE28) ;- (RTC) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_RTC_IER EQU (0xFFFFFE20) ;- (RTC) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_RTC_SR EQU (0xFFFFFE18) ;- (RTC) Status Register
-AT91C_RTC_TIMALR EQU (0xFFFFFE10) ;- (RTC) Time Alarm Register
-AT91C_RTC_TIMR EQU (0xFFFFFE08) ;- (RTC) Time Register
-AT91C_RTC_CR EQU (0xFFFFFE00) ;- (RTC) Control Register
-AT91C_RTC_VER EQU (0xFFFFFE2C) ;- (RTC) Valid Entry Register
-AT91C_RTC_IDR EQU (0xFFFFFE24) ;- (RTC) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_RTC_SCCR EQU (0xFFFFFE1C) ;- (RTC) Status Clear Command Register
-AT91C_RTC_CALALR EQU (0xFFFFFE14) ;- (RTC) Calendar Alarm Register
-AT91C_RTC_CALR EQU (0xFFFFFE0C) ;- (RTC) Calendar Register
-AT91C_RTC_MR EQU (0xFFFFFE04) ;- (RTC) Mode Register
-;- ========== Register definition for ST peripheral ==========
-AT91C_ST_CRTR EQU (0xFFFFFD24) ;- (ST) Current Real-time Register
-AT91C_ST_IMR EQU (0xFFFFFD1C) ;- (ST) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_ST_IER EQU (0xFFFFFD14) ;- (ST) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_ST_RTMR EQU (0xFFFFFD0C) ;- (ST) Real-time Mode Register
-AT91C_ST_PIMR EQU (0xFFFFFD04) ;- (ST) Period Interval Mode Register
-AT91C_ST_RTAR EQU (0xFFFFFD20) ;- (ST) Real-time Alarm Register
-AT91C_ST_IDR EQU (0xFFFFFD18) ;- (ST) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_ST_SR EQU (0xFFFFFD10) ;- (ST) Status Register
-AT91C_ST_WDMR EQU (0xFFFFFD08) ;- (ST) Watchdog Mode Register
-AT91C_ST_CR EQU (0xFFFFFD00) ;- (ST) Control Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PMC peripheral ==========
-AT91C_PMC_SCSR EQU (0xFFFFFC08) ;- (PMC) System Clock Status Register
-AT91C_PMC_SCER EQU (0xFFFFFC00) ;- (PMC) System Clock Enable Register
-AT91C_PMC_IMR EQU (0xFFFFFC6C) ;- (PMC) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_PMC_IDR EQU (0xFFFFFC64) ;- (PMC) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_PMC_PCDR EQU (0xFFFFFC14) ;- (PMC) Peripheral Clock Disable Register
-AT91C_PMC_SCDR EQU (0xFFFFFC04) ;- (PMC) System Clock Disable Register
-AT91C_PMC_SR EQU (0xFFFFFC68) ;- (PMC) Status Register
-AT91C_PMC_IER EQU (0xFFFFFC60) ;- (PMC) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_PMC_MCKR EQU (0xFFFFFC30) ;- (PMC) Master Clock Register
-AT91C_PMC_PCER EQU (0xFFFFFC10) ;- (PMC) Peripheral Clock Enable Register
-AT91C_PMC_PCSR EQU (0xFFFFFC18) ;- (PMC) Peripheral Clock Status Register
-AT91C_PMC_PCKR EQU (0xFFFFFC40) ;- (PMC) Programmable Clock Register
-;- ========== Register definition for CKGR peripheral ==========
-AT91C_CKGR_MCFR EQU (0xFFFFFC24) ;- (CKGR) Main Clock Frequency Register
-AT91C_CKGR_MOR EQU (0xFFFFFC20) ;- (CKGR) Main Oscillator Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PIOD peripheral ==========
-AT91C_PIOD_PDSR EQU (0xFFFFFA3C) ;- (PIOD) Pin Data Status Register
-AT91C_PIOD_CODR EQU (0xFFFFFA34) ;- (PIOD) Clear Output Data Register
-AT91C_PIOD_OWER EQU (0xFFFFFAA0) ;- (PIOD) Output Write Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_MDER EQU (0xFFFFFA50) ;- (PIOD) Multi-driver Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_IMR EQU (0xFFFFFA48) ;- (PIOD) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_PIOD_IER EQU (0xFFFFFA40) ;- (PIOD) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_ODSR EQU (0xFFFFFA38) ;- (PIOD) Output Data Status Register
-AT91C_PIOD_SODR EQU (0xFFFFFA30) ;- (PIOD) Set Output Data Register
-AT91C_PIOD_PER EQU (0xFFFFFA00) ;- (PIOD) PIO Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_OWDR EQU (0xFFFFFAA4) ;- (PIOD) Output Write Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_PPUER EQU (0xFFFFFA64) ;- (PIOD) Pull-up Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_MDDR EQU (0xFFFFFA54) ;- (PIOD) Multi-driver Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_ISR EQU (0xFFFFFA4C) ;- (PIOD) Interrupt Status Register
-AT91C_PIOD_IDR EQU (0xFFFFFA44) ;- (PIOD) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_PDR EQU (0xFFFFFA04) ;- (PIOD) PIO Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_ODR EQU (0xFFFFFA14) ;- (PIOD) Output Disable Registerr
-AT91C_PIOD_OWSR EQU (0xFFFFFAA8) ;- (PIOD) Output Write Status Register
-AT91C_PIOD_ABSR EQU (0xFFFFFA78) ;- (PIOD) AB Select Status Register
-AT91C_PIOD_ASR EQU (0xFFFFFA70) ;- (PIOD) Select A Register
-AT91C_PIOD_PPUSR EQU (0xFFFFFA68) ;- (PIOD) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-AT91C_PIOD_PPUDR EQU (0xFFFFFA60) ;- (PIOD) Pull-up Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_MDSR EQU (0xFFFFFA58) ;- (PIOD) Multi-driver Status Register
-AT91C_PIOD_PSR EQU (0xFFFFFA08) ;- (PIOD) PIO Status Register
-AT91C_PIOD_OER EQU (0xFFFFFA10) ;- (PIOD) Output Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_OSR EQU (0xFFFFFA18) ;- (PIOD) Output Status Register
-AT91C_PIOD_IFER EQU (0xFFFFFA20) ;- (PIOD) Input Filter Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_BSR EQU (0xFFFFFA74) ;- (PIOD) Select B Register
-AT91C_PIOD_IFDR EQU (0xFFFFFA24) ;- (PIOD) Input Filter Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOD_IFSR EQU (0xFFFFFA28) ;- (PIOD) Input Filter Status Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PIOC peripheral ==========
-AT91C_PIOC_IFDR EQU (0xFFFFF824) ;- (PIOC) Input Filter Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_ODR EQU (0xFFFFF814) ;- (PIOC) Output Disable Registerr
-AT91C_PIOC_ABSR EQU (0xFFFFF878) ;- (PIOC) AB Select Status Register
-AT91C_PIOC_SODR EQU (0xFFFFF830) ;- (PIOC) Set Output Data Register
-AT91C_PIOC_IFSR EQU (0xFFFFF828) ;- (PIOC) Input Filter Status Register
-AT91C_PIOC_CODR EQU (0xFFFFF834) ;- (PIOC) Clear Output Data Register
-AT91C_PIOC_ODSR EQU (0xFFFFF838) ;- (PIOC) Output Data Status Register
-AT91C_PIOC_IER EQU (0xFFFFF840) ;- (PIOC) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_IMR EQU (0xFFFFF848) ;- (PIOC) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_PIOC_OWDR EQU (0xFFFFF8A4) ;- (PIOC) Output Write Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_MDDR EQU (0xFFFFF854) ;- (PIOC) Multi-driver Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_PDSR EQU (0xFFFFF83C) ;- (PIOC) Pin Data Status Register
-AT91C_PIOC_IDR EQU (0xFFFFF844) ;- (PIOC) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_ISR EQU (0xFFFFF84C) ;- (PIOC) Interrupt Status Register
-AT91C_PIOC_PDR EQU (0xFFFFF804) ;- (PIOC) PIO Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_OWSR EQU (0xFFFFF8A8) ;- (PIOC) Output Write Status Register
-AT91C_PIOC_OWER EQU (0xFFFFF8A0) ;- (PIOC) Output Write Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_ASR EQU (0xFFFFF870) ;- (PIOC) Select A Register
-AT91C_PIOC_PPUSR EQU (0xFFFFF868) ;- (PIOC) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-AT91C_PIOC_PPUDR EQU (0xFFFFF860) ;- (PIOC) Pull-up Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_MDSR EQU (0xFFFFF858) ;- (PIOC) Multi-driver Status Register
-AT91C_PIOC_MDER EQU (0xFFFFF850) ;- (PIOC) Multi-driver Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_IFER EQU (0xFFFFF820) ;- (PIOC) Input Filter Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_OSR EQU (0xFFFFF818) ;- (PIOC) Output Status Register
-AT91C_PIOC_OER EQU (0xFFFFF810) ;- (PIOC) Output Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_PSR EQU (0xFFFFF808) ;- (PIOC) PIO Status Register
-AT91C_PIOC_PER EQU (0xFFFFF800) ;- (PIOC) PIO Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOC_BSR EQU (0xFFFFF874) ;- (PIOC) Select B Register
-AT91C_PIOC_PPUER EQU (0xFFFFF864) ;- (PIOC) Pull-up Enable Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PIOB peripheral ==========
-AT91C_PIOB_OWSR EQU (0xFFFFF6A8) ;- (PIOB) Output Write Status Register
-AT91C_PIOB_PPUSR EQU (0xFFFFF668) ;- (PIOB) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-AT91C_PIOB_PPUDR EQU (0xFFFFF660) ;- (PIOB) Pull-up Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_MDSR EQU (0xFFFFF658) ;- (PIOB) Multi-driver Status Register
-AT91C_PIOB_MDER EQU (0xFFFFF650) ;- (PIOB) Multi-driver Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_IMR EQU (0xFFFFF648) ;- (PIOB) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_PIOB_OSR EQU (0xFFFFF618) ;- (PIOB) Output Status Register
-AT91C_PIOB_OER EQU (0xFFFFF610) ;- (PIOB) Output Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_PSR EQU (0xFFFFF608) ;- (PIOB) PIO Status Register
-AT91C_PIOB_PER EQU (0xFFFFF600) ;- (PIOB) PIO Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_BSR EQU (0xFFFFF674) ;- (PIOB) Select B Register
-AT91C_PIOB_PPUER EQU (0xFFFFF664) ;- (PIOB) Pull-up Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_IFDR EQU (0xFFFFF624) ;- (PIOB) Input Filter Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_ODR EQU (0xFFFFF614) ;- (PIOB) Output Disable Registerr
-AT91C_PIOB_ABSR EQU (0xFFFFF678) ;- (PIOB) AB Select Status Register
-AT91C_PIOB_ASR EQU (0xFFFFF670) ;- (PIOB) Select A Register
-AT91C_PIOB_IFER EQU (0xFFFFF620) ;- (PIOB) Input Filter Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_IFSR EQU (0xFFFFF628) ;- (PIOB) Input Filter Status Register
-AT91C_PIOB_SODR EQU (0xFFFFF630) ;- (PIOB) Set Output Data Register
-AT91C_PIOB_ODSR EQU (0xFFFFF638) ;- (PIOB) Output Data Status Register
-AT91C_PIOB_CODR EQU (0xFFFFF634) ;- (PIOB) Clear Output Data Register
-AT91C_PIOB_PDSR EQU (0xFFFFF63C) ;- (PIOB) Pin Data Status Register
-AT91C_PIOB_OWER EQU (0xFFFFF6A0) ;- (PIOB) Output Write Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_IER EQU (0xFFFFF640) ;- (PIOB) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_OWDR EQU (0xFFFFF6A4) ;- (PIOB) Output Write Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_MDDR EQU (0xFFFFF654) ;- (PIOB) Multi-driver Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_ISR EQU (0xFFFFF64C) ;- (PIOB) Interrupt Status Register
-AT91C_PIOB_IDR EQU (0xFFFFF644) ;- (PIOB) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOB_PDR EQU (0xFFFFF604) ;- (PIOB) PIO Disable Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PIOA peripheral ==========
-AT91C_PIOA_IMR EQU (0xFFFFF448) ;- (PIOA) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_PIOA_IER EQU (0xFFFFF440) ;- (PIOA) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_OWDR EQU (0xFFFFF4A4) ;- (PIOA) Output Write Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_ISR EQU (0xFFFFF44C) ;- (PIOA) Interrupt Status Register
-AT91C_PIOA_PPUDR EQU (0xFFFFF460) ;- (PIOA) Pull-up Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_MDSR EQU (0xFFFFF458) ;- (PIOA) Multi-driver Status Register
-AT91C_PIOA_MDER EQU (0xFFFFF450) ;- (PIOA) Multi-driver Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_PER EQU (0xFFFFF400) ;- (PIOA) PIO Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_PSR EQU (0xFFFFF408) ;- (PIOA) PIO Status Register
-AT91C_PIOA_OER EQU (0xFFFFF410) ;- (PIOA) Output Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_BSR EQU (0xFFFFF474) ;- (PIOA) Select B Register
-AT91C_PIOA_PPUER EQU (0xFFFFF464) ;- (PIOA) Pull-up Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_MDDR EQU (0xFFFFF454) ;- (PIOA) Multi-driver Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_PDR EQU (0xFFFFF404) ;- (PIOA) PIO Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_ODR EQU (0xFFFFF414) ;- (PIOA) Output Disable Registerr
-AT91C_PIOA_IFDR EQU (0xFFFFF424) ;- (PIOA) Input Filter Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_ABSR EQU (0xFFFFF478) ;- (PIOA) AB Select Status Register
-AT91C_PIOA_ASR EQU (0xFFFFF470) ;- (PIOA) Select A Register
-AT91C_PIOA_PPUSR EQU (0xFFFFF468) ;- (PIOA) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-AT91C_PIOA_ODSR EQU (0xFFFFF438) ;- (PIOA) Output Data Status Register
-AT91C_PIOA_SODR EQU (0xFFFFF430) ;- (PIOA) Set Output Data Register
-AT91C_PIOA_IFSR EQU (0xFFFFF428) ;- (PIOA) Input Filter Status Register
-AT91C_PIOA_IFER EQU (0xFFFFF420) ;- (PIOA) Input Filter Enable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_OSR EQU (0xFFFFF418) ;- (PIOA) Output Status Register
-AT91C_PIOA_IDR EQU (0xFFFFF444) ;- (PIOA) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_PIOA_PDSR EQU (0xFFFFF43C) ;- (PIOA) Pin Data Status Register
-AT91C_PIOA_CODR EQU (0xFFFFF434) ;- (PIOA) Clear Output Data Register
-AT91C_PIOA_OWSR EQU (0xFFFFF4A8) ;- (PIOA) Output Write Status Register
-AT91C_PIOA_OWER EQU (0xFFFFF4A0) ;- (PIOA) Output Write Enable Register
-;- ========== Register definition for DBGU peripheral ==========
-AT91C_DBGU_C2R EQU (0xFFFFF244) ;- (DBGU) Chip ID2 Register
-AT91C_DBGU_THR EQU (0xFFFFF21C) ;- (DBGU) Transmitter Holding Register
-AT91C_DBGU_CSR EQU (0xFFFFF214) ;- (DBGU) Channel Status Register
-AT91C_DBGU_IDR EQU (0xFFFFF20C) ;- (DBGU) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_DBGU_MR EQU (0xFFFFF204) ;- (DBGU) Mode Register
-AT91C_DBGU_FNTR EQU (0xFFFFF248) ;- (DBGU) Force NTRST Register
-AT91C_DBGU_C1R EQU (0xFFFFF240) ;- (DBGU) Chip ID1 Register
-AT91C_DBGU_BRGR EQU (0xFFFFF220) ;- (DBGU) Baud Rate Generator Register
-AT91C_DBGU_RHR EQU (0xFFFFF218) ;- (DBGU) Receiver Holding Register
-AT91C_DBGU_IMR EQU (0xFFFFF210) ;- (DBGU) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_DBGU_IER EQU (0xFFFFF208) ;- (DBGU) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_DBGU_CR EQU (0xFFFFF200) ;- (DBGU) Control Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PDC_DBGU peripheral ==========
-AT91C_DBGU_TNCR EQU (0xFFFFF31C) ;- (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Next Counter Register
-AT91C_DBGU_RNCR EQU (0xFFFFF314) ;- (PDC_DBGU) Receive Next Counter Register
-AT91C_DBGU_PTCR EQU (0xFFFFF320) ;- (PDC_DBGU) PDC Transfer Control Register
-AT91C_DBGU_PTSR EQU (0xFFFFF324) ;- (PDC_DBGU) PDC Transfer Status Register
-AT91C_DBGU_RCR EQU (0xFFFFF304) ;- (PDC_DBGU) Receive Counter Register
-AT91C_DBGU_TCR EQU (0xFFFFF30C) ;- (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Counter Register
-AT91C_DBGU_RPR EQU (0xFFFFF300) ;- (PDC_DBGU) Receive Pointer Register
-AT91C_DBGU_TPR EQU (0xFFFFF308) ;- (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Pointer Register
-AT91C_DBGU_RNPR EQU (0xFFFFF310) ;- (PDC_DBGU) Receive Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_DBGU_TNPR EQU (0xFFFFF318) ;- (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-;- ========== Register definition for AIC peripheral ==========
-AT91C_AIC_ICCR EQU (0xFFFFF128) ;- (AIC) Interrupt Clear Command Register
-AT91C_AIC_IECR EQU (0xFFFFF120) ;- (AIC) Interrupt Enable Command Register
-AT91C_AIC_SMR EQU (0xFFFFF000) ;- (AIC) Source Mode Register
-AT91C_AIC_ISCR EQU (0xFFFFF12C) ;- (AIC) Interrupt Set Command Register
-AT91C_AIC_EOICR EQU (0xFFFFF130) ;- (AIC) End of Interrupt Command Register
-AT91C_AIC_DCR EQU (0xFFFFF138) ;- (AIC) Debug Control Register (Protect)
-AT91C_AIC_FFER EQU (0xFFFFF140) ;- (AIC) Fast Forcing Enable Register
-AT91C_AIC_SVR EQU (0xFFFFF080) ;- (AIC) Source Vector Register
-AT91C_AIC_SPU EQU (0xFFFFF134) ;- (AIC) Spurious Vector Register
-AT91C_AIC_FFDR EQU (0xFFFFF144) ;- (AIC) Fast Forcing Disable Register
-AT91C_AIC_FVR EQU (0xFFFFF104) ;- (AIC) FIQ Vector Register
-AT91C_AIC_FFSR EQU (0xFFFFF148) ;- (AIC) Fast Forcing Status Register
-AT91C_AIC_IMR EQU (0xFFFFF110) ;- (AIC) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_AIC_ISR EQU (0xFFFFF108) ;- (AIC) Interrupt Status Register
-AT91C_AIC_IVR EQU (0xFFFFF100) ;- (AIC) IRQ Vector Register
-AT91C_AIC_IDCR EQU (0xFFFFF124) ;- (AIC) Interrupt Disable Command Register
-AT91C_AIC_CISR EQU (0xFFFFF114) ;- (AIC) Core Interrupt Status Register
-AT91C_AIC_IPR EQU (0xFFFFF10C) ;- (AIC) Interrupt Pending Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PDC_SPI peripheral ==========
-AT91C_SPI_PTCR EQU (0xFFFE0120) ;- (PDC_SPI) PDC Transfer Control Register
-AT91C_SPI_TNPR EQU (0xFFFE0118) ;- (PDC_SPI) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_SPI_RNPR EQU (0xFFFE0110) ;- (PDC_SPI) Receive Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_SPI_TPR EQU (0xFFFE0108) ;- (PDC_SPI) Transmit Pointer Register
-AT91C_SPI_RPR EQU (0xFFFE0100) ;- (PDC_SPI) Receive Pointer Register
-AT91C_SPI_PTSR EQU (0xFFFE0124) ;- (PDC_SPI) PDC Transfer Status Register
-AT91C_SPI_TNCR EQU (0xFFFE011C) ;- (PDC_SPI) Transmit Next Counter Register
-AT91C_SPI_RNCR EQU (0xFFFE0114) ;- (PDC_SPI) Receive Next Counter Register
-AT91C_SPI_TCR EQU (0xFFFE010C) ;- (PDC_SPI) Transmit Counter Register
-AT91C_SPI_RCR EQU (0xFFFE0104) ;- (PDC_SPI) Receive Counter Register
-;- ========== Register definition for SPI peripheral ==========
-AT91C_SPI_CSR EQU (0xFFFE0030) ;- (SPI) Chip Select Register
-AT91C_SPI_IDR EQU (0xFFFE0018) ;- (SPI) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_SPI_SR EQU (0xFFFE0010) ;- (SPI) Status Register
-AT91C_SPI_RDR EQU (0xFFFE0008) ;- (SPI) Receive Data Register
-AT91C_SPI_CR EQU (0xFFFE0000) ;- (SPI) Control Register
-AT91C_SPI_IMR EQU (0xFFFE001C) ;- (SPI) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_SPI_IER EQU (0xFFFE0014) ;- (SPI) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_SPI_TDR EQU (0xFFFE000C) ;- (SPI) Transmit Data Register
-AT91C_SPI_MR EQU (0xFFFE0004) ;- (SPI) Mode Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PDC_SSC2 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_SSC2_PTCR EQU (0xFFFD8120) ;- (PDC_SSC2) PDC Transfer Control Register
-AT91C_SSC2_TNPR EQU (0xFFFD8118) ;- (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC2_RNPR EQU (0xFFFD8110) ;- (PDC_SSC2) Receive Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC2_TPR EQU (0xFFFD8108) ;- (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC2_RPR EQU (0xFFFD8100) ;- (PDC_SSC2) Receive Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC2_PTSR EQU (0xFFFD8124) ;- (PDC_SSC2) PDC Transfer Status Register
-AT91C_SSC2_TNCR EQU (0xFFFD811C) ;- (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Next Counter Register
-AT91C_SSC2_RNCR EQU (0xFFFD8114) ;- (PDC_SSC2) Receive Next Counter Register
-AT91C_SSC2_TCR EQU (0xFFFD810C) ;- (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Counter Register
-AT91C_SSC2_RCR EQU (0xFFFD8104) ;- (PDC_SSC2) Receive Counter Register
-;- ========== Register definition for SSC2 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_SSC2_IMR EQU (0xFFFD804C) ;- (SSC2) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_SSC2_IER EQU (0xFFFD8044) ;- (SSC2) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_SSC2_RC1R EQU (0xFFFD803C) ;- (SSC2) Receive Compare 1 Register
-AT91C_SSC2_TSHR EQU (0xFFFD8034) ;- (SSC2) Transmit Sync Holding Register
-AT91C_SSC2_CMR EQU (0xFFFD8004) ;- (SSC2) Clock Mode Register
-AT91C_SSC2_IDR EQU (0xFFFD8048) ;- (SSC2) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_SSC2_TCMR EQU (0xFFFD8018) ;- (SSC2) Transmit Clock Mode Register
-AT91C_SSC2_RCMR EQU (0xFFFD8010) ;- (SSC2) Receive Clock ModeRegister
-AT91C_SSC2_CR EQU (0xFFFD8000) ;- (SSC2) Control Register
-AT91C_SSC2_RFMR EQU (0xFFFD8014) ;- (SSC2) Receive Frame Mode Register
-AT91C_SSC2_TFMR EQU (0xFFFD801C) ;- (SSC2) Transmit Frame Mode Register
-AT91C_SSC2_THR EQU (0xFFFD8024) ;- (SSC2) Transmit Holding Register
-AT91C_SSC2_SR EQU (0xFFFD8040) ;- (SSC2) Status Register
-AT91C_SSC2_RC0R EQU (0xFFFD8038) ;- (SSC2) Receive Compare 0 Register
-AT91C_SSC2_RSHR EQU (0xFFFD8030) ;- (SSC2) Receive Sync Holding Register
-AT91C_SSC2_RHR EQU (0xFFFD8020) ;- (SSC2) Receive Holding Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PDC_SSC1 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_SSC1_PTCR EQU (0xFFFD4120) ;- (PDC_SSC1) PDC Transfer Control Register
-AT91C_SSC1_TNPR EQU (0xFFFD4118) ;- (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC1_RNPR EQU (0xFFFD4110) ;- (PDC_SSC1) Receive Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC1_TPR EQU (0xFFFD4108) ;- (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC1_RPR EQU (0xFFFD4100) ;- (PDC_SSC1) Receive Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC1_PTSR EQU (0xFFFD4124) ;- (PDC_SSC1) PDC Transfer Status Register
-AT91C_SSC1_TNCR EQU (0xFFFD411C) ;- (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Next Counter Register
-AT91C_SSC1_RNCR EQU (0xFFFD4114) ;- (PDC_SSC1) Receive Next Counter Register
-AT91C_SSC1_TCR EQU (0xFFFD410C) ;- (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Counter Register
-AT91C_SSC1_RCR EQU (0xFFFD4104) ;- (PDC_SSC1) Receive Counter Register
-;- ========== Register definition for SSC1 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_SSC1_RFMR EQU (0xFFFD4014) ;- (SSC1) Receive Frame Mode Register
-AT91C_SSC1_CMR EQU (0xFFFD4004) ;- (SSC1) Clock Mode Register
-AT91C_SSC1_IDR EQU (0xFFFD4048) ;- (SSC1) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_SSC1_SR EQU (0xFFFD4040) ;- (SSC1) Status Register
-AT91C_SSC1_RC0R EQU (0xFFFD4038) ;- (SSC1) Receive Compare 0 Register
-AT91C_SSC1_RSHR EQU (0xFFFD4030) ;- (SSC1) Receive Sync Holding Register
-AT91C_SSC1_RHR EQU (0xFFFD4020) ;- (SSC1) Receive Holding Register
-AT91C_SSC1_TCMR EQU (0xFFFD4018) ;- (SSC1) Transmit Clock Mode Register
-AT91C_SSC1_RCMR EQU (0xFFFD4010) ;- (SSC1) Receive Clock ModeRegister
-AT91C_SSC1_CR EQU (0xFFFD4000) ;- (SSC1) Control Register
-AT91C_SSC1_IMR EQU (0xFFFD404C) ;- (SSC1) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_SSC1_IER EQU (0xFFFD4044) ;- (SSC1) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_SSC1_RC1R EQU (0xFFFD403C) ;- (SSC1) Receive Compare 1 Register
-AT91C_SSC1_TSHR EQU (0xFFFD4034) ;- (SSC1) Transmit Sync Holding Register
-AT91C_SSC1_THR EQU (0xFFFD4024) ;- (SSC1) Transmit Holding Register
-AT91C_SSC1_TFMR EQU (0xFFFD401C) ;- (SSC1) Transmit Frame Mode Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PDC_SSC0 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_SSC0_PTCR EQU (0xFFFD0120) ;- (PDC_SSC0) PDC Transfer Control Register
-AT91C_SSC0_TNPR EQU (0xFFFD0118) ;- (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC0_RNPR EQU (0xFFFD0110) ;- (PDC_SSC0) Receive Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC0_TPR EQU (0xFFFD0108) ;- (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC0_RPR EQU (0xFFFD0100) ;- (PDC_SSC0) Receive Pointer Register
-AT91C_SSC0_PTSR EQU (0xFFFD0124) ;- (PDC_SSC0) PDC Transfer Status Register
-AT91C_SSC0_TNCR EQU (0xFFFD011C) ;- (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Next Counter Register
-AT91C_SSC0_RNCR EQU (0xFFFD0114) ;- (PDC_SSC0) Receive Next Counter Register
-AT91C_SSC0_TCR EQU (0xFFFD010C) ;- (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Counter Register
-AT91C_SSC0_RCR EQU (0xFFFD0104) ;- (PDC_SSC0) Receive Counter Register
-;- ========== Register definition for SSC0 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_SSC0_IMR EQU (0xFFFD004C) ;- (SSC0) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_SSC0_IER EQU (0xFFFD0044) ;- (SSC0) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_SSC0_RC1R EQU (0xFFFD003C) ;- (SSC0) Receive Compare 1 Register
-AT91C_SSC0_TSHR EQU (0xFFFD0034) ;- (SSC0) Transmit Sync Holding Register
-AT91C_SSC0_THR EQU (0xFFFD0024) ;- (SSC0) Transmit Holding Register
-AT91C_SSC0_TFMR EQU (0xFFFD001C) ;- (SSC0) Transmit Frame Mode Register
-AT91C_SSC0_RFMR EQU (0xFFFD0014) ;- (SSC0) Receive Frame Mode Register
-AT91C_SSC0_CMR EQU (0xFFFD0004) ;- (SSC0) Clock Mode Register
-AT91C_SSC0_IDR EQU (0xFFFD0048) ;- (SSC0) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_SSC0_SR EQU (0xFFFD0040) ;- (SSC0) Status Register
-AT91C_SSC0_RC0R EQU (0xFFFD0038) ;- (SSC0) Receive Compare 0 Register
-AT91C_SSC0_RSHR EQU (0xFFFD0030) ;- (SSC0) Receive Sync Holding Register
-AT91C_SSC0_RHR EQU (0xFFFD0020) ;- (SSC0) Receive Holding Register
-AT91C_SSC0_TCMR EQU (0xFFFD0018) ;- (SSC0) Transmit Clock Mode Register
-AT91C_SSC0_RCMR EQU (0xFFFD0010) ;- (SSC0) Receive Clock ModeRegister
-AT91C_SSC0_CR EQU (0xFFFD0000) ;- (SSC0) Control Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PDC_US3 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_US3_PTSR EQU (0xFFFCC124) ;- (PDC_US3) PDC Transfer Status Register
-AT91C_US3_TNCR EQU (0xFFFCC11C) ;- (PDC_US3) Transmit Next Counter Register
-AT91C_US3_RNCR EQU (0xFFFCC114) ;- (PDC_US3) Receive Next Counter Register
-AT91C_US3_TCR EQU (0xFFFCC10C) ;- (PDC_US3) Transmit Counter Register
-AT91C_US3_RCR EQU (0xFFFCC104) ;- (PDC_US3) Receive Counter Register
-AT91C_US3_PTCR EQU (0xFFFCC120) ;- (PDC_US3) PDC Transfer Control Register
-AT91C_US3_TNPR EQU (0xFFFCC118) ;- (PDC_US3) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_US3_RNPR EQU (0xFFFCC110) ;- (PDC_US3) Receive Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_US3_TPR EQU (0xFFFCC108) ;- (PDC_US3) Transmit Pointer Register
-AT91C_US3_RPR EQU (0xFFFCC100) ;- (PDC_US3) Receive Pointer Register
-;- ========== Register definition for US3 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_US3_IF EQU (0xFFFCC04C) ;- (US3) IRDA_FILTER Register
-AT91C_US3_NER EQU (0xFFFCC044) ;- (US3) Nb Errors Register
-AT91C_US3_RTOR EQU (0xFFFCC024) ;- (US3) Receiver Time-out Register
-AT91C_US3_THR EQU (0xFFFCC01C) ;- (US3) Transmitter Holding Register
-AT91C_US3_CSR EQU (0xFFFCC014) ;- (US3) Channel Status Register
-AT91C_US3_IDR EQU (0xFFFCC00C) ;- (US3) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_US3_MR EQU (0xFFFCC004) ;- (US3) Mode Register
-AT91C_US3_XXR EQU (0xFFFCC048) ;- (US3) XON_XOFF Register
-AT91C_US3_FIDI EQU (0xFFFCC040) ;- (US3) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-AT91C_US3_TTGR EQU (0xFFFCC028) ;- (US3) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-AT91C_US3_BRGR EQU (0xFFFCC020) ;- (US3) Baud Rate Generator Register
-AT91C_US3_RHR EQU (0xFFFCC018) ;- (US3) Receiver Holding Register
-AT91C_US3_IMR EQU (0xFFFCC010) ;- (US3) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_US3_IER EQU (0xFFFCC008) ;- (US3) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_US3_CR EQU (0xFFFCC000) ;- (US3) Control Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PDC_US2 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_US2_PTSR EQU (0xFFFC8124) ;- (PDC_US2) PDC Transfer Status Register
-AT91C_US2_TNCR EQU (0xFFFC811C) ;- (PDC_US2) Transmit Next Counter Register
-AT91C_US2_RNCR EQU (0xFFFC8114) ;- (PDC_US2) Receive Next Counter Register
-AT91C_US2_TCR EQU (0xFFFC810C) ;- (PDC_US2) Transmit Counter Register
-AT91C_US2_PTCR EQU (0xFFFC8120) ;- (PDC_US2) PDC Transfer Control Register
-AT91C_US2_RCR EQU (0xFFFC8104) ;- (PDC_US2) Receive Counter Register
-AT91C_US2_TNPR EQU (0xFFFC8118) ;- (PDC_US2) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_US2_RPR EQU (0xFFFC8100) ;- (PDC_US2) Receive Pointer Register
-AT91C_US2_TPR EQU (0xFFFC8108) ;- (PDC_US2) Transmit Pointer Register
-AT91C_US2_RNPR EQU (0xFFFC8110) ;- (PDC_US2) Receive Next Pointer Register
-;- ========== Register definition for US2 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_US2_XXR EQU (0xFFFC8048) ;- (US2) XON_XOFF Register
-AT91C_US2_FIDI EQU (0xFFFC8040) ;- (US2) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-AT91C_US2_TTGR EQU (0xFFFC8028) ;- (US2) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-AT91C_US2_BRGR EQU (0xFFFC8020) ;- (US2) Baud Rate Generator Register
-AT91C_US2_RHR EQU (0xFFFC8018) ;- (US2) Receiver Holding Register
-AT91C_US2_IMR EQU (0xFFFC8010) ;- (US2) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_US2_IER EQU (0xFFFC8008) ;- (US2) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_US2_CR EQU (0xFFFC8000) ;- (US2) Control Register
-AT91C_US2_IF EQU (0xFFFC804C) ;- (US2) IRDA_FILTER Register
-AT91C_US2_NER EQU (0xFFFC8044) ;- (US2) Nb Errors Register
-AT91C_US2_RTOR EQU (0xFFFC8024) ;- (US2) Receiver Time-out Register
-AT91C_US2_THR EQU (0xFFFC801C) ;- (US2) Transmitter Holding Register
-AT91C_US2_CSR EQU (0xFFFC8014) ;- (US2) Channel Status Register
-AT91C_US2_IDR EQU (0xFFFC800C) ;- (US2) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_US2_MR EQU (0xFFFC8004) ;- (US2) Mode Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PDC_US1 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_US1_PTSR EQU (0xFFFC4124) ;- (PDC_US1) PDC Transfer Status Register
-AT91C_US1_TNCR EQU (0xFFFC411C) ;- (PDC_US1) Transmit Next Counter Register
-AT91C_US1_RNCR EQU (0xFFFC4114) ;- (PDC_US1) Receive Next Counter Register
-AT91C_US1_TCR EQU (0xFFFC410C) ;- (PDC_US1) Transmit Counter Register
-AT91C_US1_RCR EQU (0xFFFC4104) ;- (PDC_US1) Receive Counter Register
-AT91C_US1_PTCR EQU (0xFFFC4120) ;- (PDC_US1) PDC Transfer Control Register
-AT91C_US1_TNPR EQU (0xFFFC4118) ;- (PDC_US1) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_US1_RNPR EQU (0xFFFC4110) ;- (PDC_US1) Receive Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_US1_TPR EQU (0xFFFC4108) ;- (PDC_US1) Transmit Pointer Register
-AT91C_US1_RPR EQU (0xFFFC4100) ;- (PDC_US1) Receive Pointer Register
-;- ========== Register definition for US1 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_US1_XXR EQU (0xFFFC4048) ;- (US1) XON_XOFF Register
-AT91C_US1_RHR EQU (0xFFFC4018) ;- (US1) Receiver Holding Register
-AT91C_US1_IMR EQU (0xFFFC4010) ;- (US1) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_US1_IER EQU (0xFFFC4008) ;- (US1) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_US1_CR EQU (0xFFFC4000) ;- (US1) Control Register
-AT91C_US1_RTOR EQU (0xFFFC4024) ;- (US1) Receiver Time-out Register
-AT91C_US1_THR EQU (0xFFFC401C) ;- (US1) Transmitter Holding Register
-AT91C_US1_CSR EQU (0xFFFC4014) ;- (US1) Channel Status Register
-AT91C_US1_IDR EQU (0xFFFC400C) ;- (US1) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_US1_FIDI EQU (0xFFFC4040) ;- (US1) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-AT91C_US1_BRGR EQU (0xFFFC4020) ;- (US1) Baud Rate Generator Register
-AT91C_US1_TTGR EQU (0xFFFC4028) ;- (US1) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-AT91C_US1_IF EQU (0xFFFC404C) ;- (US1) IRDA_FILTER Register
-AT91C_US1_NER EQU (0xFFFC4044) ;- (US1) Nb Errors Register
-AT91C_US1_MR EQU (0xFFFC4004) ;- (US1) Mode Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PDC_US0 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_US0_PTCR EQU (0xFFFC0120) ;- (PDC_US0) PDC Transfer Control Register
-AT91C_US0_TNPR EQU (0xFFFC0118) ;- (PDC_US0) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_US0_RNPR EQU (0xFFFC0110) ;- (PDC_US0) Receive Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_US0_TPR EQU (0xFFFC0108) ;- (PDC_US0) Transmit Pointer Register
-AT91C_US0_RPR EQU (0xFFFC0100) ;- (PDC_US0) Receive Pointer Register
-AT91C_US0_PTSR EQU (0xFFFC0124) ;- (PDC_US0) PDC Transfer Status Register
-AT91C_US0_TNCR EQU (0xFFFC011C) ;- (PDC_US0) Transmit Next Counter Register
-AT91C_US0_RNCR EQU (0xFFFC0114) ;- (PDC_US0) Receive Next Counter Register
-AT91C_US0_TCR EQU (0xFFFC010C) ;- (PDC_US0) Transmit Counter Register
-AT91C_US0_RCR EQU (0xFFFC0104) ;- (PDC_US0) Receive Counter Register
-;- ========== Register definition for US0 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_US0_TTGR EQU (0xFFFC0028) ;- (US0) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-AT91C_US0_BRGR EQU (0xFFFC0020) ;- (US0) Baud Rate Generator Register
-AT91C_US0_RHR EQU (0xFFFC0018) ;- (US0) Receiver Holding Register
-AT91C_US0_IMR EQU (0xFFFC0010) ;- (US0) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_US0_NER EQU (0xFFFC0044) ;- (US0) Nb Errors Register
-AT91C_US0_RTOR EQU (0xFFFC0024) ;- (US0) Receiver Time-out Register
-AT91C_US0_XXR EQU (0xFFFC0048) ;- (US0) XON_XOFF Register
-AT91C_US0_FIDI EQU (0xFFFC0040) ;- (US0) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-AT91C_US0_CR EQU (0xFFFC0000) ;- (US0) Control Register
-AT91C_US0_IER EQU (0xFFFC0008) ;- (US0) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_US0_IF EQU (0xFFFC004C) ;- (US0) IRDA_FILTER Register
-AT91C_US0_MR EQU (0xFFFC0004) ;- (US0) Mode Register
-AT91C_US0_IDR EQU (0xFFFC000C) ;- (US0) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_US0_CSR EQU (0xFFFC0014) ;- (US0) Channel Status Register
-AT91C_US0_THR EQU (0xFFFC001C) ;- (US0) Transmitter Holding Register
-;- ========== Register definition for TWI peripheral ==========
-AT91C_TWI_RHR EQU (0xFFFB8030) ;- (TWI) Receive Holding Register
-AT91C_TWI_IDR EQU (0xFFFB8028) ;- (TWI) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_TWI_SR EQU (0xFFFB8020) ;- (TWI) Status Register
-AT91C_TWI_CWGR EQU (0xFFFB8010) ;- (TWI) Clock Waveform Generator Register
-AT91C_TWI_SMR EQU (0xFFFB8008) ;- (TWI) Slave Mode Register
-AT91C_TWI_CR EQU (0xFFFB8000) ;- (TWI) Control Register
-AT91C_TWI_THR EQU (0xFFFB8034) ;- (TWI) Transmit Holding Register
-AT91C_TWI_IMR EQU (0xFFFB802C) ;- (TWI) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_TWI_IER EQU (0xFFFB8024) ;- (TWI) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_TWI_IADR EQU (0xFFFB800C) ;- (TWI) Internal Address Register
-AT91C_TWI_MMR EQU (0xFFFB8004) ;- (TWI) Master Mode Register
-;- ========== Register definition for PDC_MCI peripheral ==========
-AT91C_MCI_PTCR EQU (0xFFFB4120) ;- (PDC_MCI) PDC Transfer Control Register
-AT91C_MCI_TNPR EQU (0xFFFB4118) ;- (PDC_MCI) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_MCI_RNPR EQU (0xFFFB4110) ;- (PDC_MCI) Receive Next Pointer Register
-AT91C_MCI_TPR EQU (0xFFFB4108) ;- (PDC_MCI) Transmit Pointer Register
-AT91C_MCI_RPR EQU (0xFFFB4100) ;- (PDC_MCI) Receive Pointer Register
-AT91C_MCI_PTSR EQU (0xFFFB4124) ;- (PDC_MCI) PDC Transfer Status Register
-AT91C_MCI_TNCR EQU (0xFFFB411C) ;- (PDC_MCI) Transmit Next Counter Register
-AT91C_MCI_RNCR EQU (0xFFFB4114) ;- (PDC_MCI) Receive Next Counter Register
-AT91C_MCI_TCR EQU (0xFFFB410C) ;- (PDC_MCI) Transmit Counter Register
-AT91C_MCI_RCR EQU (0xFFFB4104) ;- (PDC_MCI) Receive Counter Register
-;- ========== Register definition for MCI peripheral ==========
-AT91C_MCI_IDR EQU (0xFFFB4048) ;- (MCI) MCI Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_MCI_SR EQU (0xFFFB4040) ;- (MCI) MCI Status Register
-AT91C_MCI_RDR EQU (0xFFFB4030) ;- (MCI) MCI Receive Data Register
-AT91C_MCI_RSPR EQU (0xFFFB4020) ;- (MCI) MCI Response Register
-AT91C_MCI_ARGR EQU (0xFFFB4010) ;- (MCI) MCI Argument Register
-AT91C_MCI_DTOR EQU (0xFFFB4008) ;- (MCI) MCI Data Timeout Register
-AT91C_MCI_CR EQU (0xFFFB4000) ;- (MCI) MCI Control Register
-AT91C_MCI_IMR EQU (0xFFFB404C) ;- (MCI) MCI Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_MCI_IER EQU (0xFFFB4044) ;- (MCI) MCI Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_MCI_TDR EQU (0xFFFB4034) ;- (MCI) MCI Transmit Data Register
-AT91C_MCI_CMDR EQU (0xFFFB4014) ;- (MCI) MCI Command Register
-AT91C_MCI_SDCR EQU (0xFFFB400C) ;- (MCI) MCI SD Card Register
-AT91C_MCI_MR EQU (0xFFFB4004) ;- (MCI) MCI Mode Register
-;- ========== Register definition for UDP peripheral ==========
-AT91C_UDP_ISR EQU (0xFFFB001C) ;- (UDP) Interrupt Status Register
-AT91C_UDP_IDR EQU (0xFFFB0014) ;- (UDP) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_UDP_GLBSTATE EQU (0xFFFB0004) ;- (UDP) Global State Register
-AT91C_UDP_FDR EQU (0xFFFB0050) ;- (UDP) Endpoint FIFO Data Register
-AT91C_UDP_CSR EQU (0xFFFB0030) ;- (UDP) Endpoint Control and Status Register
-AT91C_UDP_RSTEP EQU (0xFFFB0028) ;- (UDP) Reset Endpoint Register
-AT91C_UDP_ICR EQU (0xFFFB0020) ;- (UDP) Interrupt Clear Register
-AT91C_UDP_IMR EQU (0xFFFB0018) ;- (UDP) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_UDP_IER EQU (0xFFFB0010) ;- (UDP) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_UDP_FADDR EQU (0xFFFB0008) ;- (UDP) Function Address Register
-AT91C_UDP_NUM EQU (0xFFFB0000) ;- (UDP) Frame Number Register
-;- ========== Register definition for TC5 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_TC5_CMR EQU (0xFFFA4084) ;- (TC5) Channel Mode Register
-AT91C_TC5_IDR EQU (0xFFFA40A8) ;- (TC5) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_TC5_SR EQU (0xFFFA40A0) ;- (TC5) Status Register
-AT91C_TC5_RB EQU (0xFFFA4098) ;- (TC5) Register B
-AT91C_TC5_CV EQU (0xFFFA4090) ;- (TC5) Counter Value
-AT91C_TC5_CCR EQU (0xFFFA4080) ;- (TC5) Channel Control Register
-AT91C_TC5_IMR EQU (0xFFFA40AC) ;- (TC5) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_TC5_IER EQU (0xFFFA40A4) ;- (TC5) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_TC5_RC EQU (0xFFFA409C) ;- (TC5) Register C
-AT91C_TC5_RA EQU (0xFFFA4094) ;- (TC5) Register A
-;- ========== Register definition for TC4 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_TC4_IMR EQU (0xFFFA406C) ;- (TC4) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_TC4_IER EQU (0xFFFA4064) ;- (TC4) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_TC4_RC EQU (0xFFFA405C) ;- (TC4) Register C
-AT91C_TC4_RA EQU (0xFFFA4054) ;- (TC4) Register A
-AT91C_TC4_CMR EQU (0xFFFA4044) ;- (TC4) Channel Mode Register
-AT91C_TC4_IDR EQU (0xFFFA4068) ;- (TC4) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_TC4_SR EQU (0xFFFA4060) ;- (TC4) Status Register
-AT91C_TC4_RB EQU (0xFFFA4058) ;- (TC4) Register B
-AT91C_TC4_CV EQU (0xFFFA4050) ;- (TC4) Counter Value
-AT91C_TC4_CCR EQU (0xFFFA4040) ;- (TC4) Channel Control Register
-;- ========== Register definition for TC3 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_TC3_IMR EQU (0xFFFA402C) ;- (TC3) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_TC3_CV EQU (0xFFFA4010) ;- (TC3) Counter Value
-AT91C_TC3_CCR EQU (0xFFFA4000) ;- (TC3) Channel Control Register
-AT91C_TC3_IER EQU (0xFFFA4024) ;- (TC3) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_TC3_CMR EQU (0xFFFA4004) ;- (TC3) Channel Mode Register
-AT91C_TC3_RA EQU (0xFFFA4014) ;- (TC3) Register A
-AT91C_TC3_RC EQU (0xFFFA401C) ;- (TC3) Register C
-AT91C_TC3_IDR EQU (0xFFFA4028) ;- (TC3) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_TC3_RB EQU (0xFFFA4018) ;- (TC3) Register B
-AT91C_TC3_SR EQU (0xFFFA4020) ;- (TC3) Status Register
-;- ========== Register definition for TCB1 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_TCB1_BCR EQU (0xFFFA4140) ;- (TCB1) TC Block Control Register
-AT91C_TCB1_BMR EQU (0xFFFA4144) ;- (TCB1) TC Block Mode Register
-;- ========== Register definition for TC2 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_TC2_IMR EQU (0xFFFA00AC) ;- (TC2) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_TC2_IER EQU (0xFFFA00A4) ;- (TC2) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_TC2_RC EQU (0xFFFA009C) ;- (TC2) Register C
-AT91C_TC2_RA EQU (0xFFFA0094) ;- (TC2) Register A
-AT91C_TC2_CMR EQU (0xFFFA0084) ;- (TC2) Channel Mode Register
-AT91C_TC2_IDR EQU (0xFFFA00A8) ;- (TC2) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_TC2_SR EQU (0xFFFA00A0) ;- (TC2) Status Register
-AT91C_TC2_RB EQU (0xFFFA0098) ;- (TC2) Register B
-AT91C_TC2_CV EQU (0xFFFA0090) ;- (TC2) Counter Value
-AT91C_TC2_CCR EQU (0xFFFA0080) ;- (TC2) Channel Control Register
-;- ========== Register definition for TC1 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_TC1_IMR EQU (0xFFFA006C) ;- (TC1) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_TC1_IER EQU (0xFFFA0064) ;- (TC1) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_TC1_RC EQU (0xFFFA005C) ;- (TC1) Register C
-AT91C_TC1_RA EQU (0xFFFA0054) ;- (TC1) Register A
-AT91C_TC1_CMR EQU (0xFFFA0044) ;- (TC1) Channel Mode Register
-AT91C_TC1_IDR EQU (0xFFFA0068) ;- (TC1) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_TC1_SR EQU (0xFFFA0060) ;- (TC1) Status Register
-AT91C_TC1_RB EQU (0xFFFA0058) ;- (TC1) Register B
-AT91C_TC1_CV EQU (0xFFFA0050) ;- (TC1) Counter Value
-AT91C_TC1_CCR EQU (0xFFFA0040) ;- (TC1) Channel Control Register
-;- ========== Register definition for TC0 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_TC0_IMR EQU (0xFFFA002C) ;- (TC0) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_TC0_IER EQU (0xFFFA0024) ;- (TC0) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_TC0_RC EQU (0xFFFA001C) ;- (TC0) Register C
-AT91C_TC0_RA EQU (0xFFFA0014) ;- (TC0) Register A
-AT91C_TC0_CMR EQU (0xFFFA0004) ;- (TC0) Channel Mode Register
-AT91C_TC0_IDR EQU (0xFFFA0028) ;- (TC0) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_TC0_SR EQU (0xFFFA0020) ;- (TC0) Status Register
-AT91C_TC0_RB EQU (0xFFFA0018) ;- (TC0) Register B
-AT91C_TC0_CV EQU (0xFFFA0010) ;- (TC0) Counter Value
-AT91C_TC0_CCR EQU (0xFFFA0000) ;- (TC0) Channel Control Register
-;- ========== Register definition for TCB0 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_TCB0_BMR EQU (0xFFFA00C4) ;- (TCB0) TC Block Mode Register
-AT91C_TCB0_BCR EQU (0xFFFA00C0) ;- (TCB0) TC Block Control Register
-;- ========== Register definition for UHP peripheral ==========
-AT91C_UHP_HcRhDescriptorA EQU (0x00300048) ;- (UHP) Root Hub characteristics A
-AT91C_UHP_HcRhPortStatus EQU (0x00300054) ;- (UHP) Root Hub Port Status Register
-AT91C_UHP_HcRhDescriptorB EQU (0x0030004C) ;- (UHP) Root Hub characteristics B
-AT91C_UHP_HcControl EQU (0x00300004) ;- (UHP) Operating modes for the Host Controller
-AT91C_UHP_HcInterruptStatus EQU (0x0030000C) ;- (UHP) Interrupt Status Register
-AT91C_UHP_HcRhStatus EQU (0x00300050) ;- (UHP) Root Hub Status register
-AT91C_UHP_HcRevision EQU (0x00300000) ;- (UHP) Revision
-AT91C_UHP_HcCommandStatus EQU (0x00300008) ;- (UHP) Command & status Register
-AT91C_UHP_HcInterruptEnable EQU (0x00300010) ;- (UHP) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_UHP_HcHCCA EQU (0x00300018) ;- (UHP) Pointer to the Host Controller Communication Area
-AT91C_UHP_HcControlHeadED EQU (0x00300020) ;- (UHP) First Endpoint Descriptor of the Control list
-AT91C_UHP_HcInterruptDisable EQU (0x00300014) ;- (UHP) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_UHP_HcPeriodCurrentED EQU (0x0030001C) ;- (UHP) Current Isochronous or Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor
-AT91C_UHP_HcControlCurrentED EQU (0x00300024) ;- (UHP) Endpoint Control and Status Register
-AT91C_UHP_HcBulkCurrentED EQU (0x0030002C) ;- (UHP) Current endpoint of the Bulk list
-AT91C_UHP_HcFmInterval EQU (0x00300034) ;- (UHP) Bit time between 2 consecutive SOFs
-AT91C_UHP_HcBulkHeadED EQU (0x00300028) ;- (UHP) First endpoint register of the Bulk list
-AT91C_UHP_HcBulkDoneHead EQU (0x00300030) ;- (UHP) Last completed transfer descriptor
-AT91C_UHP_HcFmRemaining EQU (0x00300038) ;- (UHP) Bit time remaining in the current Frame
-AT91C_UHP_HcPeriodicStart EQU (0x00300040) ;- (UHP) Periodic Start
-AT91C_UHP_HcLSThreshold EQU (0x00300044) ;- (UHP) LS Threshold
-AT91C_UHP_HcFmNumber EQU (0x0030003C) ;- (UHP) Frame number
-;- ========== Register definition for EMAC peripheral ==========
-AT91C_EMAC_RSR EQU (0xFFFBC020) ;- (EMAC) Receive Status Register
-AT91C_EMAC_MAN EQU (0xFFFBC034) ;- (EMAC) PHY Maintenance Register
-AT91C_EMAC_HSH EQU (0xFFFBC090) ;- (EMAC) Hash Address High[63:32]
-AT91C_EMAC_MCOL EQU (0xFFFBC048) ;- (EMAC) Multiple Collision Frame Register
-AT91C_EMAC_IER EQU (0xFFFBC028) ;- (EMAC) Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_EMAC_SA2H EQU (0xFFFBC0A4) ;- (EMAC) Specific Address 2 High, Last 2 bytes
-AT91C_EMAC_HSL EQU (0xFFFBC094) ;- (EMAC) Hash Address Low[31:0]
-AT91C_EMAC_LCOL EQU (0xFFFBC05C) ;- (EMAC) Late Collision Register
-AT91C_EMAC_OK EQU (0xFFFBC04C) ;- (EMAC) Frames Received OK Register
-AT91C_EMAC_CFG EQU (0xFFFBC004) ;- (EMAC) Network Configuration Register
-AT91C_EMAC_SA3L EQU (0xFFFBC0A8) ;- (EMAC) Specific Address 3 Low, First 4 bytes
-AT91C_EMAC_SEQE EQU (0xFFFBC050) ;- (EMAC) Frame Check Sequence Error Register
-AT91C_EMAC_ECOL EQU (0xFFFBC060) ;- (EMAC) Excessive Collision Register
-AT91C_EMAC_ELR EQU (0xFFFBC070) ;- (EMAC) Excessive Length Error Register
-AT91C_EMAC_SR EQU (0xFFFBC008) ;- (EMAC) Network Status Register
-AT91C_EMAC_RBQP EQU (0xFFFBC018) ;- (EMAC) Receive Buffer Queue Pointer
-AT91C_EMAC_CSE EQU (0xFFFBC064) ;- (EMAC) Carrier Sense Error Register
-AT91C_EMAC_RJB EQU (0xFFFBC074) ;- (EMAC) Receive Jabber Register
-AT91C_EMAC_USF EQU (0xFFFBC078) ;- (EMAC) Undersize Frame Register
-AT91C_EMAC_IDR EQU (0xFFFBC02C) ;- (EMAC) Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_EMAC_SA1L EQU (0xFFFBC098) ;- (EMAC) Specific Address 1 Low, First 4 bytes
-AT91C_EMAC_IMR EQU (0xFFFBC030) ;- (EMAC) Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_EMAC_FRA EQU (0xFFFBC040) ;- (EMAC) Frames Transmitted OK Register
-AT91C_EMAC_SA3H EQU (0xFFFBC0AC) ;- (EMAC) Specific Address 3 High, Last 2 bytes
-AT91C_EMAC_SA1H EQU (0xFFFBC09C) ;- (EMAC) Specific Address 1 High, Last 2 bytes
-AT91C_EMAC_SCOL EQU (0xFFFBC044) ;- (EMAC) Single Collision Frame Register
-AT91C_EMAC_ALE EQU (0xFFFBC054) ;- (EMAC) Alignment Error Register
-AT91C_EMAC_TAR EQU (0xFFFBC00C) ;- (EMAC) Transmit Address Register
-AT91C_EMAC_SA4L EQU (0xFFFBC0B0) ;- (EMAC) Specific Address 4 Low, First 4 bytes
-AT91C_EMAC_SA2L EQU (0xFFFBC0A0) ;- (EMAC) Specific Address 2 Low, First 4 bytes
-AT91C_EMAC_TUE EQU (0xFFFBC068) ;- (EMAC) Transmit Underrun Error Register
-AT91C_EMAC_DTE EQU (0xFFFBC058) ;- (EMAC) Deferred Transmission Frame Register
-AT91C_EMAC_TCR EQU (0xFFFBC010) ;- (EMAC) Transmit Control Register
-AT91C_EMAC_CTL EQU (0xFFFBC000) ;- (EMAC) Network Control Register
-AT91C_EMAC_SA4H EQU (0xFFFBC0B4) ;- (EMAC) Specific Address 4 High, Last 2 bytesr
-AT91C_EMAC_CDE EQU (0xFFFBC06C) ;- (EMAC) Code Error Register
-AT91C_EMAC_SQEE EQU (0xFFFBC07C) ;- (EMAC) SQE Test Error Register
-AT91C_EMAC_TSR EQU (0xFFFBC014) ;- (EMAC) Transmit Status Register
-AT91C_EMAC_DRFC EQU (0xFFFBC080) ;- (EMAC) Discarded RX Frame Register
-;- ========== Register definition for EBI peripheral ==========
-AT91C_EBI_CFGR EQU (0xFFFFFF64) ;- (EBI) Configuration Register
-AT91C_EBI_CSA EQU (0xFFFFFF60) ;- (EBI) Chip Select Assignment Register
-;- ========== Register definition for SMC2 peripheral ==========
-AT91C_SMC2_CSR EQU (0xFFFFFF70) ;- (SMC2) SMC2 Chip Select Register
-;- ========== Register definition for SDRC peripheral ==========
-AT91C_SDRC_IMR EQU (0xFFFFFFAC) ;- (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_SDRC_IER EQU (0xFFFFFFA4) ;- (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Enable Register
-AT91C_SDRC_SRR EQU (0xFFFFFF9C) ;- (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Self Refresh Register
-AT91C_SDRC_TR EQU (0xFFFFFF94) ;- (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Refresh Timer Register
-AT91C_SDRC_ISR EQU (0xFFFFFFB0) ;- (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
-AT91C_SDRC_IDR EQU (0xFFFFFFA8) ;- (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Disable Register
-AT91C_SDRC_LPR EQU (0xFFFFFFA0) ;- (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Low Power Register
-AT91C_SDRC_CR EQU (0xFFFFFF98) ;- (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Configuration Register
-AT91C_SDRC_MR EQU (0xFFFFFF90) ;- (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Mode Register
-;- ========== Register definition for BFC peripheral ==========
-AT91C_BFC_MR EQU (0xFFFFFFC0) ;- (BFC) BFC Mode Register
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
-AT91C_PIO_PA0 EQU (1:SHL:0) ;- Pin Controlled by PA0
-AT91C_PA0_MISO EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA0) ;- SPI Master In Slave
-AT91C_PA0_PCK3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA0) ;- PMC Programmable Clock Output 3
-AT91C_PIO_PA1 EQU (1:SHL:1) ;- Pin Controlled by PA1
-AT91C_PA1_MOSI EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA1) ;- SPI Master Out Slave
-AT91C_PA1_PCK0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA1) ;- PMC Programmable Clock Output 0
-AT91C_PIO_PA10 EQU (1:SHL:10) ;- Pin Controlled by PA10
-AT91C_PA10_ETX1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA10) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 1
-AT91C_PA10_MCDB1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA10) ;- Multimedia Card B Data 1
-AT91C_PIO_PA11 EQU (1:SHL:11) ;- Pin Controlled by PA11
-AT91C_PA11_ECRS_ECRSDV EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA11) ;- Ethernet MAC Carrier Sense/Carrier Sense and Data Valid
-AT91C_PA11_MCDB2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA11) ;- Multimedia Card B Data 2
-AT91C_PIO_PA12 EQU (1:SHL:12) ;- Pin Controlled by PA12
-AT91C_PA12_ERX0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA12) ;- Ethernet MAC Receive Data 0
-AT91C_PA12_MCDB3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA12) ;- Multimedia Card B Data 3
-AT91C_PIO_PA13 EQU (1:SHL:13) ;- Pin Controlled by PA13
-AT91C_PA13_ERX1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA13) ;- Ethernet MAC Receive Data 1
-AT91C_PA13_TCLK0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA13) ;- Timer Counter 0 external clock input
-AT91C_PIO_PA14 EQU (1:SHL:14) ;- Pin Controlled by PA14
-AT91C_PA14_ERXER EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA14) ;- Ethernet MAC Receive Error
-AT91C_PA14_TCLK1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA14) ;- Timer Counter 1 external clock input
-AT91C_PIO_PA15 EQU (1:SHL:15) ;- Pin Controlled by PA15
-AT91C_PA15_EMDC EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA15) ;- Ethernet MAC Management Data Clock
-AT91C_PA15_TCLK2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA15) ;- Timer Counter 2 external clock input
-AT91C_PIO_PA16 EQU (1:SHL:16) ;- Pin Controlled by PA16
-AT91C_PA16_EMDIO EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA16) ;- Ethernet MAC Management Data Input/Output
-AT91C_PA16_IRQ6 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA16) ;- AIC Interrupt input 6
-AT91C_PIO_PA17 EQU (1:SHL:17) ;- Pin Controlled by PA17
-AT91C_PA17_TXD0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA17) ;- USART 0 Transmit Data
-AT91C_PA17_TIOA0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA17) ;- Timer Counter 0 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-AT91C_PIO_PA18 EQU (1:SHL:18) ;- Pin Controlled by PA18
-AT91C_PA18_RXD0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA18) ;- USART 0 Receive Data
-AT91C_PA18_TIOB0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA18) ;- Timer Counter 0 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-AT91C_PIO_PA19 EQU (1:SHL:19) ;- Pin Controlled by PA19
-AT91C_PA19_SCK0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA19) ;- USART 0 Serial Clock
-AT91C_PA19_TIOA1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA19) ;- Timer Counter 1 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-AT91C_PIO_PA2 EQU (1:SHL:2) ;- Pin Controlled by PA2
-AT91C_PA2_SPCK EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA2) ;- SPI Serial Clock
-AT91C_PA2_IRQ4 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA2) ;- AIC Interrupt Input 4
-AT91C_PIO_PA20 EQU (1:SHL:20) ;- Pin Controlled by PA20
-AT91C_PA20_CTS0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA20) ;- USART 0 Clear To Send
-AT91C_PA20_TIOB1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA20) ;- Timer Counter 1 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-AT91C_PIO_PA21 EQU (1:SHL:21) ;- Pin Controlled by PA21
-AT91C_PA21_RTS0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA21) ;- Usart 0 Ready To Send
-AT91C_PA21_TIOA2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA21) ;- Timer Counter 2 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-AT91C_PIO_PA22 EQU (1:SHL:22) ;- Pin Controlled by PA22
-AT91C_PA22_RXD2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA22) ;- USART 2 Receive Data
-AT91C_PA22_TIOB2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA22) ;- Timer Counter 2 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-AT91C_PIO_PA23 EQU (1:SHL:23) ;- Pin Controlled by PA23
-AT91C_PA23_TXD2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA23) ;- USART 2 Transmit Data
-AT91C_PA23_IRQ3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA23) ;- Interrupt input 3
-AT91C_PIO_PA24 EQU (1:SHL:24) ;- Pin Controlled by PA24
-AT91C_PA24_SCK2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA24) ;- USART2 Serial Clock
-AT91C_PA24_PCK1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA24) ;- PMC Programmable Clock Output 1
-AT91C_PIO_PA25 EQU (1:SHL:25) ;- Pin Controlled by PA25
-AT91C_PA25_TWD EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA25) ;- TWI Two-wire Serial Data
-AT91C_PA25_IRQ2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA25) ;- Interrupt input 2
-AT91C_PIO_PA26 EQU (1:SHL:26) ;- Pin Controlled by PA26
-AT91C_PA26_TWCK EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA26) ;- TWI Two-wire Serial Clock
-AT91C_PA26_IRQ1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA26) ;- Interrupt input 1
-AT91C_PIO_PA27 EQU (1:SHL:27) ;- Pin Controlled by PA27
-AT91C_PA27_MCCK EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA27) ;- Multimedia Card Clock
-AT91C_PA27_TCLK3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA27) ;- Timer Counter 3 External Clock Input
-AT91C_PIO_PA28 EQU (1:SHL:28) ;- Pin Controlled by PA28
-AT91C_PA28_MCCDA EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA28) ;- Multimedia Card A Command
-AT91C_PA28_TCLK4 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA28) ;- Timer Counter 4 external Clock Input
-AT91C_PIO_PA29 EQU (1:SHL:29) ;- Pin Controlled by PA29
-AT91C_PA29_MCDA0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA29) ;- Multimedia Card A Data 0
-AT91C_PA29_TCLK5 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA29) ;- Timer Counter 5 external clock input
-AT91C_PIO_PA3 EQU (1:SHL:3) ;- Pin Controlled by PA3
-AT91C_PA3_NPCS0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA3) ;- SPI Peripheral Chip Select 0
-AT91C_PA3_IRQ5 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA3) ;- AIC Interrupt Input 5
-AT91C_PIO_PA30 EQU (1:SHL:30) ;- Pin Controlled by PA30
-AT91C_PA30_DRXD EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA30) ;- DBGU Debug Receive Data
-AT91C_PA30_CTS2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA30) ;- Usart 2 Clear To Send
-AT91C_PIO_PA31 EQU (1:SHL:31) ;- Pin Controlled by PA31
-AT91C_PA31_DTXD EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA31) ;- DBGU Debug Transmit Data
-AT91C_PA31_RTS2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA31) ;- USART 2 Ready To Send
-AT91C_PIO_PA4 EQU (1:SHL:4) ;- Pin Controlled by PA4
-AT91C_PA4_NPCS1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA4) ;- SPI Peripheral Chip Select 1
-AT91C_PA4_PCK1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA4) ;- PMC Programmable Clock Output 1
-AT91C_PIO_PA5 EQU (1:SHL:5) ;- Pin Controlled by PA5
-AT91C_PA5_NPCS2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA5) ;- SPI Peripheral Chip Select 2
-AT91C_PA5_TXD3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA5) ;- USART 3 Transmit Data
-AT91C_PIO_PA6 EQU (1:SHL:6) ;- Pin Controlled by PA6
-AT91C_PA6_NPCS3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA6) ;- SPI Peripheral Chip Select 3
-AT91C_PA6_RXD3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA6) ;- USART 3 Receive Data
-AT91C_PIO_PA7 EQU (1:SHL:7) ;- Pin Controlled by PA7
-AT91C_PA7_ETXCK_EREFCK EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA7) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmit Clock/Reference Clock
-AT91C_PA7_PCK2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA7) ;- PMC Programmable Clock 2
-AT91C_PIO_PA8 EQU (1:SHL:8) ;- Pin Controlled by PA8
-AT91C_PA8_ETXEN EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA8) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmit Enable
-AT91C_PA8_MCCDB EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA8) ;- Multimedia Card B Command
-AT91C_PIO_PA9 EQU (1:SHL:9) ;- Pin Controlled by PA9
-AT91C_PA9_ETX0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA9) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 0
-AT91C_PA9_MCDB0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PA9) ;- Multimedia Card B Data 0
-AT91C_PIO_PB0 EQU (1:SHL:0) ;- Pin Controlled by PB0
-AT91C_PB0_TF0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB0) ;- SSC Transmit Frame Sync 0
-AT91C_PB0_TIOB3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB0) ;- Timer Counter 3 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-AT91C_PIO_PB1 EQU (1:SHL:1) ;- Pin Controlled by PB1
-AT91C_PB1_TK0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB1) ;- SSC Transmit Clock 0
-AT91C_PB1_CTS3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB1) ;- USART 3 Clear To Send
-AT91C_PIO_PB10 EQU (1:SHL:10) ;- Pin Controlled by PB10
-AT91C_PB10_RK1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB10) ;- SSC Receive Clock 1
-AT91C_PB10_TIOA5 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB10) ;- Timer Counter 5 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-AT91C_PIO_PB11 EQU (1:SHL:11) ;- Pin Controlled by PB11
-AT91C_PB11_RF1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB11) ;- SSC Receive Frame Sync 1
-AT91C_PB11_TIOB5 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB11) ;- Timer Counter 5 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-AT91C_PIO_PB12 EQU (1:SHL:12) ;- Pin Controlled by PB12
-AT91C_PB12_TF2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB12) ;- SSC Transmit Frame Sync 2
-AT91C_PB12_ETX2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB12) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 2
-AT91C_PIO_PB13 EQU (1:SHL:13) ;- Pin Controlled by PB13
-AT91C_PB13_TK2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB13) ;- SSC Transmit Clock 2
-AT91C_PB13_ETX3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB13) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 3
-AT91C_PIO_PB14 EQU (1:SHL:14) ;- Pin Controlled by PB14
-AT91C_PB14_TD2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB14) ;- SSC Transmit Data 2
-AT91C_PB14_ETXER EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB14) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmikt Coding Error
-AT91C_PIO_PB15 EQU (1:SHL:15) ;- Pin Controlled by PB15
-AT91C_PB15_RD2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB15) ;- SSC Receive Data 2
-AT91C_PB15_ERX2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB15) ;- Ethernet MAC Receive Data 2
-AT91C_PIO_PB16 EQU (1:SHL:16) ;- Pin Controlled by PB16
-AT91C_PB16_RK2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB16) ;- SSC Receive Clock 2
-AT91C_PB16_ERX3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB16) ;- Ethernet MAC Receive Data 3
-AT91C_PIO_PB17 EQU (1:SHL:17) ;- Pin Controlled by PB17
-AT91C_PB17_RF2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB17) ;- SSC Receive Frame Sync 2
-AT91C_PB17_ERXDV EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB17) ;- Ethernet MAC Receive Data Valid
-AT91C_PIO_PB18 EQU (1:SHL:18) ;- Pin Controlled by PB18
-AT91C_PB18_RI1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB18) ;- USART 1 Ring Indicator
-AT91C_PB18_ECOL EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB18) ;- Ethernet MAC Collision Detected
-AT91C_PIO_PB19 EQU (1:SHL:19) ;- Pin Controlled by PB19
-AT91C_PB19_DTR1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB19) ;- USART 1 Data Terminal ready
-AT91C_PB19_ERXCK EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB19) ;- Ethernet MAC Receive Clock
-AT91C_PIO_PB2 EQU (1:SHL:2) ;- Pin Controlled by PB2
-AT91C_PB2_TD0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB2) ;- SSC Transmit data
-AT91C_PB2_SCK3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB2) ;- USART 3 Serial Clock
-AT91C_PIO_PB20 EQU (1:SHL:20) ;- Pin Controlled by PB20
-AT91C_PB20_TXD1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB20) ;- USART 1 Transmit Data
-AT91C_PIO_PB21 EQU (1:SHL:21) ;- Pin Controlled by PB21
-AT91C_PB21_RXD1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB21) ;- USART 1 Receive Data
-AT91C_PIO_PB22 EQU (1:SHL:22) ;- Pin Controlled by PB22
-AT91C_PB22_SCK1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB22) ;- USART1 Serial Clock
-AT91C_PIO_PB23 EQU (1:SHL:23) ;- Pin Controlled by PB23
-AT91C_PB23_DCD1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB23) ;- USART 1 Data Carrier Detect
-AT91C_PIO_PB24 EQU (1:SHL:24) ;- Pin Controlled by PB24
-AT91C_PB24_CTS1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB24) ;- USART 1 Clear To Send
-AT91C_PIO_PB25 EQU (1:SHL:25) ;- Pin Controlled by PB25
-AT91C_PB25_DSR1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB25) ;- USART 1 Data Set ready
-AT91C_PB25_EF100 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB25) ;- Ethernet MAC Force 100 Mbits/sec
-AT91C_PIO_PB26 EQU (1:SHL:26) ;- Pin Controlled by PB26
-AT91C_PB26_RTS1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB26) ;- Usart 0 Ready To Send
-AT91C_PIO_PB27 EQU (1:SHL:27) ;- Pin Controlled by PB27
-AT91C_PB27_PCK0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB27) ;- PMC Programmable Clock Output 0
-AT91C_PIO_PB28 EQU (1:SHL:28) ;- Pin Controlled by PB28
-AT91C_PB28_FIQ EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB28) ;- AIC Fast Interrupt Input
-AT91C_PIO_PB29 EQU (1:SHL:29) ;- Pin Controlled by PB29
-AT91C_PB29_IRQ0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB29) ;- Interrupt input 0
-AT91C_PIO_PB3 EQU (1:SHL:3) ;- Pin Controlled by PB3
-AT91C_PB3_RD0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB3) ;- SSC Receive Data
-AT91C_PB3_MCDA1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB3) ;- Multimedia Card A Data 1
-AT91C_PIO_PB4 EQU (1:SHL:4) ;- Pin Controlled by PB4
-AT91C_PB4_RK0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB4) ;- SSC Receive Clock
-AT91C_PB4_MCDA2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB4) ;- Multimedia Card A Data 2
-AT91C_PIO_PB5 EQU (1:SHL:5) ;- Pin Controlled by PB5
-AT91C_PB5_RF0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB5) ;- SSC Receive Frame Sync 0
-AT91C_PB5_MCDA3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB5) ;- Multimedia Card A Data 3
-AT91C_PIO_PB6 EQU (1:SHL:6) ;- Pin Controlled by PB6
-AT91C_PB6_TF1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB6) ;- SSC Transmit Frame Sync 1
-AT91C_PB6_TIOA3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB6) ;- Timer Counter 4 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-AT91C_PIO_PB7 EQU (1:SHL:7) ;- Pin Controlled by PB7
-AT91C_PB7_TK1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB7) ;- SSC Transmit Clock 1
-AT91C_PB7_TIOB3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB7) ;- Timer Counter 3 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-AT91C_PIO_PB8 EQU (1:SHL:8) ;- Pin Controlled by PB8
-AT91C_PB8_TD1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB8) ;- SSC Transmit Data 1
-AT91C_PB8_TIOA4 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB8) ;- Timer Counter 4 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-AT91C_PIO_PB9 EQU (1:SHL:9) ;- Pin Controlled by PB9
-AT91C_PB9_RD1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB9) ;- SSC Receive Data 1
-AT91C_PB9_TIOB4 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PB9) ;- Timer Counter 4 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-AT91C_PIO_PC0 EQU (1:SHL:0) ;- Pin Controlled by PC0
-AT91C_PC0_BFCK EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC0) ;- Burst Flash Clock
-AT91C_PIO_PC1 EQU (1:SHL:1) ;- Pin Controlled by PC1
-AT91C_PC1_BFRDY_SMOE EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC1) ;- Burst Flash Ready
-AT91C_PIO_PC10 EQU (1:SHL:10) ;- Pin Controlled by PC10
-AT91C_PC10_NCS4_CFCS EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC10) ;- Compact Flash Chip Select
-AT91C_PIO_PC11 EQU (1:SHL:11) ;- Pin Controlled by PC11
-AT91C_PC11_NCS5_CFCE1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC11) ;- Chip Select 5 / Compact Flash Chip Enable 1
-AT91C_PIO_PC12 EQU (1:SHL:12) ;- Pin Controlled by PC12
-AT91C_PC12_NCS6_CFCE2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC12) ;- Chip Select 6 / Compact Flash Chip Enable 2
-AT91C_PIO_PC13 EQU (1:SHL:13) ;- Pin Controlled by PC13
-AT91C_PC13_NCS7 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC13) ;- Chip Select 7
-AT91C_PIO_PC14 EQU (1:SHL:14) ;- Pin Controlled by PC14
-AT91C_PIO_PC15 EQU (1:SHL:15) ;- Pin Controlled by PC15
-AT91C_PIO_PC16 EQU (1:SHL:16) ;- Pin Controlled by PC16
-AT91C_PC16_D16 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC16) ;- Data Bus [16]
-AT91C_PIO_PC17 EQU (1:SHL:17) ;- Pin Controlled by PC17
-AT91C_PC17_D17 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC17) ;- Data Bus [17]
-AT91C_PIO_PC18 EQU (1:SHL:18) ;- Pin Controlled by PC18
-AT91C_PC18_D18 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC18) ;- Data Bus [18]
-AT91C_PIO_PC19 EQU (1:SHL:19) ;- Pin Controlled by PC19
-AT91C_PC19_D19 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC19) ;- Data Bus [19]
-AT91C_PIO_PC2 EQU (1:SHL:2) ;- Pin Controlled by PC2
-AT91C_PC2_BFAVD EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC2) ;- Burst Flash Address Valid
-AT91C_PIO_PC20 EQU (1:SHL:20) ;- Pin Controlled by PC20
-AT91C_PC20_D20 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC20) ;- Data Bus [20]
-AT91C_PIO_PC21 EQU (1:SHL:21) ;- Pin Controlled by PC21
-AT91C_PC21_D21 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC21) ;- Data Bus [21]
-AT91C_PIO_PC22 EQU (1:SHL:22) ;- Pin Controlled by PC22
-AT91C_PC22_D22 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC22) ;- Data Bus [22]
-AT91C_PIO_PC23 EQU (1:SHL:23) ;- Pin Controlled by PC23
-AT91C_PC23_D23 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC23) ;- Data Bus [23]
-AT91C_PIO_PC24 EQU (1:SHL:24) ;- Pin Controlled by PC24
-AT91C_PC24_D24 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC24) ;- Data Bus [24]
-AT91C_PIO_PC25 EQU (1:SHL:25) ;- Pin Controlled by PC25
-AT91C_PC25_D25 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC25) ;- Data Bus [25]
-AT91C_PIO_PC26 EQU (1:SHL:26) ;- Pin Controlled by PC26
-AT91C_PC26_D26 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC26) ;- Data Bus [26]
-AT91C_PIO_PC27 EQU (1:SHL:27) ;- Pin Controlled by PC27
-AT91C_PC27_D27 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC27) ;- Data Bus [27]
-AT91C_PIO_PC28 EQU (1:SHL:28) ;- Pin Controlled by PC28
-AT91C_PC28_D28 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC28) ;- Data Bus [28]
-AT91C_PIO_PC29 EQU (1:SHL:29) ;- Pin Controlled by PC29
-AT91C_PC29_D29 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC29) ;- Data Bus [29]
-AT91C_PIO_PC3 EQU (1:SHL:3) ;- Pin Controlled by PC3
-AT91C_PC3_BFBAA_SMWE EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC3) ;- Burst Flash Address Advance / SmartMedia Write Enable
-AT91C_PIO_PC30 EQU (1:SHL:30) ;- Pin Controlled by PC30
-AT91C_PC30_D30 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC30) ;- Data Bus [30]
-AT91C_PIO_PC31 EQU (1:SHL:31) ;- Pin Controlled by PC31
-AT91C_PC31_D31 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC31) ;- Data Bus [31]
-AT91C_PIO_PC4 EQU (1:SHL:4) ;- Pin Controlled by PC4
-AT91C_PC4_BFOE EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC4) ;- Burst Flash Output Enable
-AT91C_PIO_PC5 EQU (1:SHL:5) ;- Pin Controlled by PC5
-AT91C_PC5_BFWE EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC5) ;- Burst Flash Write Enable
-AT91C_PIO_PC6 EQU (1:SHL:6) ;- Pin Controlled by PC6
-AT91C_PIO_PC7 EQU (1:SHL:7) ;- Pin Controlled by PC7
-AT91C_PC7_A23 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC7) ;- Address Bus[23]
-AT91C_PIO_PC8 EQU (1:SHL:8) ;- Pin Controlled by PC8
-AT91C_PC8_A24 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC8) ;- Address Bus[24]
-AT91C_PIO_PC9 EQU (1:SHL:9) ;- Pin Controlled by PC9
-AT91C_PC9_A25_CFRNW EQU (AT91C_PIO_PC9) ;- Address Bus[25] / Compact Flash Read Not Write
-AT91C_PIO_PD0 EQU (1:SHL:0) ;- Pin Controlled by PD0
-AT91C_PD0_ETX0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD0) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 0
-AT91C_PIO_PD1 EQU (1:SHL:1) ;- Pin Controlled by PD1
-AT91C_PD1_ETX1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD1) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 1
-AT91C_PIO_PD10 EQU (1:SHL:10) ;- Pin Controlled by PD10
-AT91C_PD10_PCK3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD10) ;- PMC Programmable Clock Output 3
-AT91C_PD10_TPS1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD10) ;- ETM ARM9 pipeline status 1
-AT91C_PIO_PD11 EQU (1:SHL:11) ;- Pin Controlled by PD11
-AT91C_PD11_ EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD11) ;-
-AT91C_PD11_TPS2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD11) ;- ETM ARM9 pipeline status 2
-AT91C_PIO_PD12 EQU (1:SHL:12) ;- Pin Controlled by PD12
-AT91C_PD12_ EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD12) ;-
-AT91C_PD12_TPK0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD12) ;- ETM Trace Packet 0
-AT91C_PIO_PD13 EQU (1:SHL:13) ;- Pin Controlled by PD13
-AT91C_PD13_ EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD13) ;-
-AT91C_PD13_TPK1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD13) ;- ETM Trace Packet 1
-AT91C_PIO_PD14 EQU (1:SHL:14) ;- Pin Controlled by PD14
-AT91C_PD14_ EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD14) ;-
-AT91C_PD14_TPK2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD14) ;- ETM Trace Packet 2
-AT91C_PIO_PD15 EQU (1:SHL:15) ;- Pin Controlled by PD15
-AT91C_PD15_TD0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD15) ;- SSC Transmit data
-AT91C_PD15_TPK3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD15) ;- ETM Trace Packet 3
-AT91C_PIO_PD16 EQU (1:SHL:16) ;- Pin Controlled by PD16
-AT91C_PD16_TD1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD16) ;- SSC Transmit Data 1
-AT91C_PD16_TPK4 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD16) ;- ETM Trace Packet 4
-AT91C_PIO_PD17 EQU (1:SHL:17) ;- Pin Controlled by PD17
-AT91C_PD17_TD2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD17) ;- SSC Transmit Data 2
-AT91C_PD17_TPK5 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD17) ;- ETM Trace Packet 5
-AT91C_PIO_PD18 EQU (1:SHL:18) ;- Pin Controlled by PD18
-AT91C_PD18_NPCS1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD18) ;- SPI Peripheral Chip Select 1
-AT91C_PD18_TPK6 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD18) ;- ETM Trace Packet 6
-AT91C_PIO_PD19 EQU (1:SHL:19) ;- Pin Controlled by PD19
-AT91C_PD19_NPCS2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD19) ;- SPI Peripheral Chip Select 2
-AT91C_PD19_TPK7 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD19) ;- ETM Trace Packet 7
-AT91C_PIO_PD2 EQU (1:SHL:2) ;- Pin Controlled by PD2
-AT91C_PD2_ETX2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD2) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 2
-AT91C_PIO_PD20 EQU (1:SHL:20) ;- Pin Controlled by PD20
-AT91C_PD20_NPCS3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD20) ;- SPI Peripheral Chip Select 3
-AT91C_PD20_TPK8 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD20) ;- ETM Trace Packet 8
-AT91C_PIO_PD21 EQU (1:SHL:21) ;- Pin Controlled by PD21
-AT91C_PD21_RTS0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD21) ;- Usart 0 Ready To Send
-AT91C_PD21_TPK9 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD21) ;- ETM Trace Packet 9
-AT91C_PIO_PD22 EQU (1:SHL:22) ;- Pin Controlled by PD22
-AT91C_PD22_RTS1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD22) ;- Usart 0 Ready To Send
-AT91C_PD22_TPK10 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD22) ;- ETM Trace Packet 10
-AT91C_PIO_PD23 EQU (1:SHL:23) ;- Pin Controlled by PD23
-AT91C_PD23_RTS2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD23) ;- USART 2 Ready To Send
-AT91C_PD23_TPK11 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD23) ;- ETM Trace Packet 11
-AT91C_PIO_PD24 EQU (1:SHL:24) ;- Pin Controlled by PD24
-AT91C_PD24_RTS3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD24) ;- USART 3 Ready To Send
-AT91C_PD24_TPK12 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD24) ;- ETM Trace Packet 12
-AT91C_PIO_PD25 EQU (1:SHL:25) ;- Pin Controlled by PD25
-AT91C_PD25_DTR1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD25) ;- USART 1 Data Terminal ready
-AT91C_PD25_TPK13 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD25) ;- ETM Trace Packet 13
-AT91C_PIO_PD26 EQU (1:SHL:26) ;- Pin Controlled by PD26
-AT91C_PD26_TPK14 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD26) ;- ETM Trace Packet 14
-AT91C_PIO_PD27 EQU (1:SHL:27) ;- Pin Controlled by PD27
-AT91C_PD27_TPK15 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD27) ;- ETM Trace Packet 15
-AT91C_PIO_PD3 EQU (1:SHL:3) ;- Pin Controlled by PD3
-AT91C_PD3_ETX3 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD3) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 3
-AT91C_PIO_PD4 EQU (1:SHL:4) ;- Pin Controlled by PD4
-AT91C_PD4_ETXEN EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD4) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmit Enable
-AT91C_PIO_PD5 EQU (1:SHL:5) ;- Pin Controlled by PD5
-AT91C_PD5_ETXER EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD5) ;- Ethernet MAC Transmikt Coding Error
-AT91C_PIO_PD6 EQU (1:SHL:6) ;- Pin Controlled by PD6
-AT91C_PD6_DTXD EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD6) ;- DBGU Debug Transmit Data
-AT91C_PIO_PD7 EQU (1:SHL:7) ;- Pin Controlled by PD7
-AT91C_PD7_PCK0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD7) ;- PMC Programmable Clock Output 0
-AT91C_PD7_TSYNC EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD7) ;- ETM Synchronization signal
-AT91C_PIO_PD8 EQU (1:SHL:8) ;- Pin Controlled by PD8
-AT91C_PD8_PCK1 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD8) ;- PMC Programmable Clock Output 1
-AT91C_PD8_TCLK EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD8) ;- ETM Trace Clock signal
-AT91C_PIO_PD9 EQU (1:SHL:9) ;- Pin Controlled by PD9
-AT91C_PD9_PCK2 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD9) ;- PMC Programmable Clock 2
-AT91C_PD9_TPS0 EQU (AT91C_PIO_PD9) ;- ETM ARM9 pipeline status 0
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
-AT91C_ID_FIQ EQU ( 0) ;- Advanced Interrupt Controller (FIQ)
-AT91C_ID_SYS EQU ( 1) ;- System Peripheral
-AT91C_ID_PIOA EQU ( 2) ;- Parallel IO Controller A
-AT91C_ID_PIOB EQU ( 3) ;- Parallel IO Controller B
-AT91C_ID_PIOC EQU ( 4) ;- Parallel IO Controller C
-AT91C_ID_PIOD EQU ( 5) ;- Parallel IO Controller D
-AT91C_ID_US0 EQU ( 6) ;- USART 0
-AT91C_ID_US1 EQU ( 7) ;- USART 1
-AT91C_ID_US2 EQU ( 8) ;- USART 2
-AT91C_ID_US3 EQU ( 9) ;- USART 3
-AT91C_ID_MCI EQU (10) ;- Multimedia Card Interface
-AT91C_ID_UDP EQU (11) ;- USB Device Port
-AT91C_ID_TWI EQU (12) ;- Two-Wire Interface
-AT91C_ID_SPI EQU (13) ;- Serial Peripheral Interface
-AT91C_ID_SSC0 EQU (14) ;- Serial Synchronous Controller 0
-AT91C_ID_SSC1 EQU (15) ;- Serial Synchronous Controller 1
-AT91C_ID_SSC2 EQU (16) ;- Serial Synchronous Controller 2
-AT91C_ID_TC0 EQU (17) ;- Timer Counter 0
-AT91C_ID_TC1 EQU (18) ;- Timer Counter 1
-AT91C_ID_TC2 EQU (19) ;- Timer Counter 2
-AT91C_ID_TC3 EQU (20) ;- Timer Counter 3
-AT91C_ID_TC4 EQU (21) ;- Timer Counter 4
-AT91C_ID_TC5 EQU (22) ;- Timer Counter 5
-AT91C_ID_UHP EQU (23) ;- USB Host port
-AT91C_ID_EMAC EQU (24) ;- Ethernet MAC
-AT91C_ID_IRQ0 EQU (25) ;- Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ0)
-AT91C_ID_IRQ1 EQU (26) ;- Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ1)
-AT91C_ID_IRQ2 EQU (27) ;- Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ2)
-AT91C_ID_IRQ3 EQU (28) ;- Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ3)
-AT91C_ID_IRQ4 EQU (29) ;- Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ4)
-AT91C_ID_IRQ5 EQU (30) ;- Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ5)
-AT91C_ID_IRQ6 EQU (31) ;- Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ6)
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
-AT91C_BASE_SYS EQU (0xFFFFF000) ;- (SYS) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_MC EQU (0xFFFFFF00) ;- (MC) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_RTC EQU (0xFFFFFE00) ;- (RTC) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_ST EQU (0xFFFFFD00) ;- (ST) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PMC EQU (0xFFFFFC00) ;- (PMC) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_CKGR EQU (0xFFFFFC20) ;- (CKGR) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PIOD EQU (0xFFFFFA00) ;- (PIOD) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PIOC EQU (0xFFFFF800) ;- (PIOC) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PIOB EQU (0xFFFFF600) ;- (PIOB) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PIOA EQU (0xFFFFF400) ;- (PIOA) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_DBGU EQU (0xFFFFF200) ;- (DBGU) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PDC_DBGU EQU (0xFFFFF300) ;- (PDC_DBGU) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_AIC EQU (0xFFFFF000) ;- (AIC) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PDC_SPI EQU (0xFFFE0100) ;- (PDC_SPI) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_SPI EQU (0xFFFE0000) ;- (SPI) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC2 EQU (0xFFFD8100) ;- (PDC_SSC2) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_SSC2 EQU (0xFFFD8000) ;- (SSC2) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC1 EQU (0xFFFD4100) ;- (PDC_SSC1) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_SSC1 EQU (0xFFFD4000) ;- (SSC1) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC0 EQU (0xFFFD0100) ;- (PDC_SSC0) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_SSC0 EQU (0xFFFD0000) ;- (SSC0) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PDC_US3 EQU (0xFFFCC100) ;- (PDC_US3) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_US3 EQU (0xFFFCC000) ;- (US3) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PDC_US2 EQU (0xFFFC8100) ;- (PDC_US2) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_US2 EQU (0xFFFC8000) ;- (US2) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PDC_US1 EQU (0xFFFC4100) ;- (PDC_US1) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_US1 EQU (0xFFFC4000) ;- (US1) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PDC_US0 EQU (0xFFFC0100) ;- (PDC_US0) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_US0 EQU (0xFFFC0000) ;- (US0) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_TWI EQU (0xFFFB8000) ;- (TWI) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_PDC_MCI EQU (0xFFFB4100) ;- (PDC_MCI) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_MCI EQU (0xFFFB4000) ;- (MCI) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_UDP EQU (0xFFFB0000) ;- (UDP) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_TC5 EQU (0xFFFA4080) ;- (TC5) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_TC4 EQU (0xFFFA4040) ;- (TC4) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_TC3 EQU (0xFFFA4000) ;- (TC3) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_TCB1 EQU (0xFFFA4080) ;- (TCB1) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_TC2 EQU (0xFFFA0080) ;- (TC2) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_TC1 EQU (0xFFFA0040) ;- (TC1) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_TC0 EQU (0xFFFA0000) ;- (TC0) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_TCB0 EQU (0xFFFA0000) ;- (TCB0) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_UHP EQU (0x00300000) ;- (UHP) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_EMAC EQU (0xFFFBC000) ;- (EMAC) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_EBI EQU (0xFFFFFF60) ;- (EBI) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_SMC2 EQU (0xFFFFFF70) ;- (SMC2) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_SDRC EQU (0xFFFFFF90) ;- (SDRC) Base Address
-AT91C_BASE_BFC EQU (0xFFFFFFC0) ;- (BFC) Base Address
-;- *****************************************************************************
-;- *****************************************************************************
-AT91C_ISRAM EQU (0x00200000) ;- Internal SRAM base address
-AT91C_ISRAM_SIZE EQU (0x00004000) ;- Internal SRAM size in byte (16 Kbyte)
-AT91C_IROM EQU (0x00100000) ;- Internal ROM base address
-AT91C_IROM_SIZE EQU (0x00020000) ;- Internal ROM size in byte (128 Kbyte)
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91RM9200_inc.h b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91RM9200_inc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dabab01c77..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/AT91RM9200_inc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2401 +0,0 @@
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
-// kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
-// limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
-// fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
-// intellectual property rights of others.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// File Name : AT91RM9200.h
-// Object : AT91RM9200 definitions
-// Generated : AT91 SW Application Group 11/19/2003 (17:20:51)
-// CVS Reference : /AT91RM9200.pl/1.16/Fri Feb 07 10:29:51 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /SYS_AT91RM9200.pl/1.2/Fri Jan 17 12:44:37 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /MC_1760A.pl/1.1/Fri Aug 23 14:38:22 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /AIC_1796B.pl/ Jun 28 09:36:47 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /PMC_2636A.pl/ Jun 28 09:36:48 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /ST_1763B.pl/1.1/Fri Aug 23 14:41:42 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /RTC_1245D.pl/1.2/Fri Jan 31 12:19:06 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /PIO_1725D.pl/ Jun 28 09:36:47 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /DBGU_1754A.pl/1.4/Fri Jan 31 12:18:24 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /UDP_1765B.pl/1.3/Fri Aug 02 14:45:38 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /MCI_1764A.pl/1.2/Thu Nov 14 17:48:24 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /US_1739C.pl/1.2/Fri Jul 12 07:49:25 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /SPI_AT91RMxxxx.pl/1.3/Tue Nov 26 10:20:29 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /SSC_1762A.pl/1.2/Fri Nov 08 13:26:39 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /TC_1753B.pl/1.2/Fri Jan 31 12:19:55 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /TWI_1761B.pl/1.4/Fri Feb 07 10:30:07 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /PDC_1734B.pl/1.2/Thu Nov 21 16:38:23 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /UHP_xxxxA.pl/1.1/Mon Jul 22 12:21:58 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /EMAC_1794A.pl/1.4/Fri Jan 17 12:11:54 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /EBI_1759B.pl/1.10/Fri Jan 17 12:44:29 2003//
-// CVS Reference : /SMC_1783A.pl/1.3/Thu Oct 31 14:38:17 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /SDRC_1758B.pl/1.2/Thu Oct 03 13:04:41 2002//
-// CVS Reference : /BFC_1757B.pl/1.3/Thu Oct 31 14:38:00 2002//
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Hardware register definition
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Memory Controller Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_MC structure ***
-#define MC_RCR ( 0) // MC Remap Control Register
-#define MC_ASR ( 4) // MC Abort Status Register
-#define MC_AASR ( 8) // MC Abort Address Status Register
-#define MC_PUIA (16) // MC Protection Unit Area
-#define MC_PUP (80) // MC Protection Unit Peripherals
-#define MC_PUER (84) // MC Protection Unit Enable Register
-// -------- MC_RCR : (MC Offset: 0x0) MC Remap Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_MC_RCB (0x1 << 0) // (MC) Remap Command Bit
-// -------- MC_ASR : (MC Offset: 0x4) MC Abort Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_MC_UNDADD (0x1 << 0) // (MC) Undefined Addess Abort Status
-#define AT91C_MC_MISADD (0x1 << 1) // (MC) Misaligned Addess Abort Status
-#define AT91C_MC_MPU (0x1 << 2) // (MC) Memory protection Unit Abort Status
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ (0x3 << 8) // (MC) Abort Size Status
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_BYTE (0x0 << 8) // (MC) Byte
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_HWORD (0x1 << 8) // (MC) Half-word
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_WORD (0x2 << 8) // (MC) Word
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP (0x3 << 10) // (MC) Abort Type Status
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAR (0x0 << 10) // (MC) Data Read
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAW (0x1 << 10) // (MC) Data Write
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_FETCH (0x2 << 10) // (MC) Code Fetch
-#define AT91C_MC_MST0 (0x1 << 16) // (MC) Master 0 Abort Source
-#define AT91C_MC_MST1 (0x1 << 17) // (MC) Master 1 Abort Source
-#define AT91C_MC_SVMST0 (0x1 << 24) // (MC) Saved Master 0 Abort Source
-#define AT91C_MC_SVMST1 (0x1 << 25) // (MC) Saved Master 1 Abort Source
-// -------- MC_PUIA : (MC Offset: 0x10) MC Protection Unit Area --------
-#define AT91C_MC_PROT (0x3 << 0) // (MC) Protection
-#define AT91C_MC_PROT_PNAUNA (0x0) // (MC) Privilege: No Access, User: No Access
-#define AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWUNA (0x1) // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: No Access
-#define AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWURO (0x2) // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: Read Only
-#define AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWURW (0x3) // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: Read/Write
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE (0xF << 4) // (MC) Internal Area Size
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_1KB (0x0 << 4) // (MC) Area size 1KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_2KB (0x1 << 4) // (MC) Area size 2KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_4KB (0x2 << 4) // (MC) Area size 4KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_8KB (0x3 << 4) // (MC) Area size 8KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_16KB (0x4 << 4) // (MC) Area size 16KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_32KB (0x5 << 4) // (MC) Area size 32KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_64KB (0x6 << 4) // (MC) Area size 64KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_128KB (0x7 << 4) // (MC) Area size 128KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_256KB (0x8 << 4) // (MC) Area size 256KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_512KB (0x9 << 4) // (MC) Area size 512KByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_1MB (0xA << 4) // (MC) Area size 1MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_2MB (0xB << 4) // (MC) Area size 2MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_4MB (0xC << 4) // (MC) Area size 4MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_8MB (0xD << 4) // (MC) Area size 8MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_16MB (0xE << 4) // (MC) Area size 16MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE_64MB (0xF << 4) // (MC) Area size 64MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_BA (0x3FFFF << 10) // (MC) Internal Area Base Address
-// -------- MC_PUP : (MC Offset: 0x50) MC Protection Unit Peripheral --------
-// -------- MC_PUER : (MC Offset: 0x54) MC Protection Unit Area --------
-#define AT91C_MC_PUEB (0x1 << 0) // (MC) Protection Unit enable Bit
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Real-time Clock Alarm and Parallel Load Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_RTC structure ***
-#define RTC_CR ( 0) // Control Register
-#define RTC_MR ( 4) // Mode Register
-#define RTC_TIMR ( 8) // Time Register
-#define RTC_CALR (12) // Calendar Register
-#define RTC_TIMALR (16) // Time Alarm Register
-#define RTC_CALALR (20) // Calendar Alarm Register
-#define RTC_SR (24) // Status Register
-#define RTC_SCCR (28) // Status Clear Command Register
-#define RTC_IER (32) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define RTC_IDR (36) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define RTC_IMR (40) // Interrupt Mask Register
-#define RTC_VER (44) // Valid Entry Register
-// -------- RTC_CR : (RTC Offset: 0x0) RTC Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_UPDTIM (0x1 << 0) // (RTC) Update Request Time Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_UPDCAL (0x1 << 1) // (RTC) Update Request Calendar Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL (0x3 << 8) // (RTC) Time Event Selection
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_MINUTE (0x0 << 8) // (RTC) Minute change.
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_HOUR (0x1 << 8) // (RTC) Hour change.
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_DAY24 (0x2 << 8) // (RTC) Every day at midnight.
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_DAY12 (0x3 << 8) // (RTC) Every day at noon.
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL (0x3 << 16) // (RTC) Calendar Event Selection
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_WEEK (0x0 << 16) // (RTC) Week change (every Monday at time 00:00:00).
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_MONTH (0x1 << 16) // (RTC) Month change (every 01 of each month at time 00:00:00).
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_YEAR (0x2 << 16) // (RTC) Year change (every January 1 at time 00:00:00).
-// -------- RTC_MR : (RTC Offset: 0x4) RTC Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_HRMOD (0x1 << 0) // (RTC) 12-24 hour Mode
-// -------- RTC_TIMR : (RTC Offset: 0x8) RTC Time Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_SEC (0x7F << 0) // (RTC) Current Second
-#define AT91C_RTC_MIN (0x7F << 8) // (RTC) Current Minute
-#define AT91C_RTC_HOUR (0x1F << 16) // (RTC) Current Hour
-#define AT91C_RTC_AMPM (0x1 << 22) // (RTC) Ante Meridiem, Post Meridiem Indicator
-// -------- RTC_CALR : (RTC Offset: 0xc) RTC Calendar Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_CENT (0x3F << 0) // (RTC) Current Century
-#define AT91C_RTC_YEAR (0xFF << 8) // (RTC) Current Year
-#define AT91C_RTC_MONTH (0x1F << 16) // (RTC) Current Month
-#define AT91C_RTC_DAY (0x7 << 21) // (RTC) Current Day
-#define AT91C_RTC_DATE (0x3F << 24) // (RTC) Current Date
-// -------- RTC_TIMALR : (RTC Offset: 0x10) RTC Time Alarm Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_SECEN (0x1 << 7) // (RTC) Second Alarm Enable
-#define AT91C_RTC_MINEN (0x1 << 15) // (RTC) Minute Alarm
-#define AT91C_RTC_HOUREN (0x1 << 23) // (RTC) Current Hour
-// -------- RTC_CALALR : (RTC Offset: 0x14) RTC Calendar Alarm Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_MONTHEN (0x1 << 23) // (RTC) Month Alarm Enable
-#define AT91C_RTC_DATEEN (0x1 << 31) // (RTC) Date Alarm Enable
-// -------- RTC_SR : (RTC Offset: 0x18) RTC Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_ACKUPD (0x1 << 0) // (RTC) Acknowledge for Update
-#define AT91C_RTC_ALARM (0x1 << 1) // (RTC) Alarm Flag
-#define AT91C_RTC_SECEV (0x1 << 2) // (RTC) Second Event
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEV (0x1 << 3) // (RTC) Time Event
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEV (0x1 << 4) // (RTC) Calendar event
-// -------- RTC_SCCR : (RTC Offset: 0x1c) RTC Status Clear Command Register --------
-// -------- RTC_IER : (RTC Offset: 0x20) RTC Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- RTC_IDR : (RTC Offset: 0x24) RTC Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- RTC_IMR : (RTC Offset: 0x28) RTC Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- RTC_VER : (RTC Offset: 0x2c) RTC Valid Entry Register --------
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVTIM (0x1 << 0) // (RTC) Non valid Time
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVCAL (0x1 << 1) // (RTC) Non valid Calendar
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVTIMALR (0x1 << 2) // (RTC) Non valid time Alarm
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVCALALR (0x1 << 3) // (RTC) Nonvalid Calendar Alarm
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR System Timer Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_ST structure ***
-#define ST_CR ( 0) // Control Register
-#define ST_PIMR ( 4) // Period Interval Mode Register
-#define ST_WDMR ( 8) // Watchdog Mode Register
-#define ST_RTMR (12) // Real-time Mode Register
-#define ST_SR (16) // Status Register
-#define ST_IER (20) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define ST_IDR (24) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define ST_IMR (28) // Interrupt Mask Register
-#define ST_RTAR (32) // Real-time Alarm Register
-#define ST_CRTR (36) // Current Real-time Register
-// -------- ST_CR : (ST Offset: 0x0) System Timer Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_WDRST (0x1 << 0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
-// -------- ST_PIMR : (ST Offset: 0x4) System Timer Period Interval Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_PIV (0xFFFF << 0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
-// -------- ST_WDMR : (ST Offset: 0x8) System Timer Watchdog Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_WDV (0xFFFF << 0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
-#define AT91C_ST_RSTEN (0x1 << 16) // (ST) Reset Enable
-#define AT91C_ST_EXTEN (0x1 << 17) // (ST) External Signal Assertion Enable
-// -------- ST_RTMR : (ST Offset: 0xc) System Timer Real-time Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_RTPRES (0xFFFF << 0) // (ST) Real-time Timer Prescaler Value
-// -------- ST_SR : (ST Offset: 0x10) System Timer Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_PITS (0x1 << 0) // (ST) Period Interval Timer Interrupt
-#define AT91C_ST_WDOVF (0x1 << 1) // (ST) Watchdog Overflow
-#define AT91C_ST_RTTINC (0x1 << 2) // (ST) Real-time Timer Increment
-#define AT91C_ST_ALMS (0x1 << 3) // (ST) Alarm Status
-// -------- ST_IER : (ST Offset: 0x14) System Timer Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- ST_IDR : (ST Offset: 0x18) System Timer Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- ST_IMR : (ST Offset: 0x1c) System Timer Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- ST_RTAR : (ST Offset: 0x20) System Timer Real-time Alarm Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_ALMV (0xFFFFF << 0) // (ST) Alarm Value Value
-// -------- ST_CRTR : (ST Offset: 0x24) System Timer Current Real-time Register --------
-#define AT91C_ST_CRTV (0xFFFFF << 0) // (ST) Current Real-time Value
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Power Management Controler
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_PMC structure ***
-#define PMC_SCER ( 0) // System Clock Enable Register
-#define PMC_SCDR ( 4) // System Clock Disable Register
-#define PMC_SCSR ( 8) // System Clock Status Register
-#define PMC_PCER (16) // Peripheral Clock Enable Register
-#define PMC_PCDR (20) // Peripheral Clock Disable Register
-#define PMC_PCSR (24) // Peripheral Clock Status Register
-#define PMC_MCKR (48) // Master Clock Register
-#define PMC_PCKR (64) // Programmable Clock Register
-#define PMC_IER (96) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define PMC_IDR (100) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define PMC_SR (104) // Status Register
-#define PMC_IMR (108) // Interrupt Mask Register
-// -------- PMC_SCER : (PMC Offset: 0x0) System Clock Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK (0x1 << 0) // (PMC) Processor Clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_UDP (0x1 << 1) // (PMC) USB Device Port Clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_MCKUDP (0x1 << 2) // (PMC) USB Device Port Master Clock Automatic Disable on Suspend
-#define AT91C_PMC_UHP (0x1 << 4) // (PMC) USB Host Port Clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0 (0x1 << 8) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1 (0x1 << 9) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2 (0x1 << 10) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK3 (0x1 << 11) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK4 (0x1 << 12) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK5 (0x1 << 13) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK6 (0x1 << 14) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK7 (0x1 << 15) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-// -------- PMC_SCDR : (PMC Offset: 0x4) System Clock Disable Register --------
-// -------- PMC_SCSR : (PMC Offset: 0x8) System Clock Status Register --------
-// -------- PMC_MCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x30) Master Clock Register --------
-#define AT91C_PMC_CSS (0x3 << 0) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Selection
-#define AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK (0x0) // (PMC) Slow Clock is selected
-#define AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK (0x1) // (PMC) Main Clock is selected
-#define AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLA_CLK (0x2) // (PMC) Clock from PLL A is selected
-#define AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLB_CLK (0x3) // (PMC) Clock from PLL B is selected
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES (0x7 << 2) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Prescaler
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK (0x0 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2 (0x1 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 2
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_4 (0x2 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 4
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_8 (0x3 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 8
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_16 (0x4 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 16
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_32 (0x5 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 32
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_64 (0x6 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 64
-#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV (0x3 << 8) // (PMC) Master Clock Division
-#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV_1 (0x0 << 8) // (PMC) The master clock and the processor clock are the same
-#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV_2 (0x1 << 8) // (PMC) The processor clock is twice as fast as the master clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV_3 (0x2 << 8) // (PMC) The processor clock is three times faster than the master clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV_4 (0x3 << 8) // (PMC) The processor clock is four times faster than the master clock
-// -------- PMC_PCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x40) Programmable Clock Register --------
-// -------- PMC_IER : (PMC Offset: 0x60) PMC Interrupt Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_PMC_MOSCS (0x1 << 0) // (PMC) MOSC Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_LOCKA (0x1 << 1) // (PMC) PLL A Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_LOCKB (0x1 << 2) // (PMC) PLL B Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY (0x1 << 3) // (PMC) MCK_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0RDY (0x1 << 8) // (PMC) PCK0_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1RDY (0x1 << 9) // (PMC) PCK1_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2RDY (0x1 << 10) // (PMC) PCK2_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK3RDY (0x1 << 11) // (PMC) PCK3_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK4RDY (0x1 << 12) // (PMC) PCK4_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK5RDY (0x1 << 13) // (PMC) PCK5_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK6RDY (0x1 << 14) // (PMC) PCK6_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK7RDY (0x1 << 15) // (PMC) PCK7_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-// -------- PMC_IDR : (PMC Offset: 0x64) PMC Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- PMC_SR : (PMC Offset: 0x68) PMC Status Register --------
-// -------- PMC_IMR : (PMC Offset: 0x6c) PMC Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Clock Generator Controler
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_CKGR structure ***
-#define CKGR_MOR ( 0) // Main Oscillator Register
-#define CKGR_MCFR ( 4) // Main Clock Frequency Register
-#define CKGR_PLLAR ( 8) // PLL A Register
-#define CKGR_PLLBR (12) // PLL B Register
-// -------- CKGR_MOR : (CKGR Offset: 0x0) Main Oscillator Register --------
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MOSCEN (0x1 << 0) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Enable
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCTEST (0x1 << 1) // (CKGR) Oscillator Test
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCOUNT (0xFF << 8) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Start-up Time
-// -------- CKGR_MCFR : (CKGR Offset: 0x4) Main Clock Frequency Register --------
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINF (0xFFFF << 0) // (CKGR) Main Clock Frequency
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINRDY (0x1 << 16) // (CKGR) Main Clock Ready
-// -------- CKGR_PLLAR : (CKGR Offset: 0x8) PLL A Register --------
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVA (0xFF << 0) // (CKGR) Divider Selected
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_0 (0x0) // (CKGR) Divider output is 0
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_BYPASS (0x1) // (CKGR) Divider is bypassed
-#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLACOUNT (0x3F << 8) // (CKGR) PLL A Counter
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA (0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) PLL A Output Frequency Range
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_0 (0x0 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_1 (0x1 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_2 (0x2 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_3 (0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MULA (0x7FF << 16) // (CKGR) PLL A Multiplier
-#define AT91C_CKGR_SRCA (0x1 << 29) // (CKGR) PLL A Source
-// -------- CKGR_PLLBR : (CKGR Offset: 0xc) PLL B Register --------
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVB (0xFF << 0) // (CKGR) Divider Selected
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_0 (0x0) // (CKGR) Divider output is 0
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_BYPASS (0x1) // (CKGR) Divider is bypassed
-#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLBCOUNT (0x3F << 8) // (CKGR) PLL B Counter
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB (0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) PLL B Output Frequency Range
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_0 (0x0 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_1 (0x1 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_2 (0x2 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_3 (0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MULB (0x7FF << 16) // (CKGR) PLL B Multiplier
-#define AT91C_CKGR_USB_96M (0x1 << 28) // (CKGR) Divider for USB Ports
-#define AT91C_CKGR_USB_PLL (0x1 << 29) // (CKGR) PLL Use
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Parallel Input Output Controler
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_PIO structure ***
-#define PIO_PER ( 0) // PIO Enable Register
-#define PIO_PDR ( 4) // PIO Disable Register
-#define PIO_PSR ( 8) // PIO Status Register
-#define PIO_OER (16) // Output Enable Register
-#define PIO_ODR (20) // Output Disable Registerr
-#define PIO_OSR (24) // Output Status Register
-#define PIO_IFER (32) // Input Filter Enable Register
-#define PIO_IFDR (36) // Input Filter Disable Register
-#define PIO_IFSR (40) // Input Filter Status Register
-#define PIO_SODR (48) // Set Output Data Register
-#define PIO_CODR (52) // Clear Output Data Register
-#define PIO_ODSR (56) // Output Data Status Register
-#define PIO_PDSR (60) // Pin Data Status Register
-#define PIO_IER (64) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define PIO_IDR (68) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define PIO_IMR (72) // Interrupt Mask Register
-#define PIO_ISR (76) // Interrupt Status Register
-#define PIO_MDER (80) // Multi-driver Enable Register
-#define PIO_MDDR (84) // Multi-driver Disable Register
-#define PIO_MDSR (88) // Multi-driver Status Register
-#define PIO_PPUDR (96) // Pull-up Disable Register
-#define PIO_PPUER (100) // Pull-up Enable Register
-#define PIO_PPUSR (104) // Pad Pull-up Status Register
-#define PIO_ASR (112) // Select A Register
-#define PIO_BSR (116) // Select B Register
-#define PIO_ABSR (120) // AB Select Status Register
-#define PIO_OWER (160) // Output Write Enable Register
-#define PIO_OWDR (164) // Output Write Disable Register
-#define PIO_OWSR (168) // Output Write Status Register
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_DBGU structure ***
-#define DBGU_CR ( 0) // Control Register
-#define DBGU_MR ( 4) // Mode Register
-#define DBGU_IER ( 8) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define DBGU_IDR (12) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define DBGU_IMR (16) // Interrupt Mask Register
-#define DBGU_CSR (20) // Channel Status Register
-#define DBGU_RHR (24) // Receiver Holding Register
-#define DBGU_THR (28) // Transmitter Holding Register
-#define DBGU_BRGR (32) // Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define DBGU_C1R (64) // Chip ID1 Register
-#define DBGU_C2R (68) // Chip ID2 Register
-#define DBGU_FNTR (72) // Force NTRST Register
-#define DBGU_RPR (256) // Receive Pointer Register
-#define DBGU_RCR (260) // Receive Counter Register
-#define DBGU_TPR (264) // Transmit Pointer Register
-#define DBGU_TCR (268) // Transmit Counter Register
-#define DBGU_RNPR (272) // Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define DBGU_RNCR (276) // Receive Next Counter Register
-#define DBGU_TNPR (280) // Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define DBGU_TNCR (284) // Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define DBGU_PTCR (288) // PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define DBGU_PTSR (292) // PDC Transfer Status Register
-// -------- DBGU_CR : (DBGU Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_RSTRX (0x1 << 2) // (DBGU) Reset Receiver
-#define AT91C_US_RSTTX (0x1 << 3) // (DBGU) Reset Transmitter
-#define AT91C_US_RXEN (0x1 << 4) // (DBGU) Receiver Enable
-#define AT91C_US_RXDIS (0x1 << 5) // (DBGU) Receiver Disable
-#define AT91C_US_TXEN (0x1 << 6) // (DBGU) Transmitter Enable
-#define AT91C_US_TXDIS (0x1 << 7) // (DBGU) Transmitter Disable
-// -------- DBGU_MR : (DBGU Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_PAR (0x7 << 9) // (DBGU) Parity type
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_EVEN (0x0 << 9) // (DBGU) Even Parity
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_ODD (0x1 << 9) // (DBGU) Odd Parity
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_SPACE (0x2 << 9) // (DBGU) Parity forced to 0 (Space)
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_MARK (0x3 << 9) // (DBGU) Parity forced to 1 (Mark)
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_NONE (0x4 << 9) // (DBGU) No Parity
-#define AT91C_US_PAR_MULTI_DROP (0x6 << 9) // (DBGU) Multi-drop mode
-#define AT91C_US_CHMODE (0x3 << 14) // (DBGU) Channel Mode
-#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_NORMAL (0x0 << 14) // (DBGU) Normal Mode: The USART channel operates as an RX/TX USART.
-#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_AUTO (0x1 << 14) // (DBGU) Automatic Echo: Receiver Data Input is connected to the TXD pin.
-#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_LOCAL (0x2 << 14) // (DBGU) Local Loopback: Transmitter Output Signal is connected to Receiver Input Signal.
-#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_REMOTE (0x3 << 14) // (DBGU) Remote Loopback: RXD pin is internally connected to TXD pin.
-// -------- DBGU_IER : (DBGU Offset: 0x8) Debug Unit Interrupt Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_RXRDY (0x1 << 0) // (DBGU) RXRDY Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_TXRDY (0x1 << 1) // (DBGU) TXRDY Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_ENDRX (0x1 << 3) // (DBGU) End of Receive Transfer Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_ENDTX (0x1 << 4) // (DBGU) End of Transmit Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_OVRE (0x1 << 5) // (DBGU) Overrun Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_FRAME (0x1 << 6) // (DBGU) Framing Error Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_PARE (0x1 << 7) // (DBGU) Parity Error Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_TXEMPTY (0x1 << 9) // (DBGU) TXEMPTY Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_TXBUFE (0x1 << 11) // (DBGU) TXBUFE Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_RXBUFF (0x1 << 12) // (DBGU) RXBUFF Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_COMM_TX (0x1 << 30) // (DBGU) COMM_TX Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_COMM_RX (0x1 << 31) // (DBGU) COMM_RX Interrupt
-// -------- DBGU_IDR : (DBGU Offset: 0xc) Debug Unit Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- DBGU_IMR : (DBGU Offset: 0x10) Debug Unit Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- DBGU_CSR : (DBGU Offset: 0x14) Debug Unit Channel Status Register --------
-// -------- DBGU_FNTR : (DBGU Offset: 0x48) Debug Unit FORCE_NTRST Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_FORCE_NTRST (0x1 << 0) // (DBGU) Force NTRST in JTAG
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Peripheral Data Controller
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_PDC structure ***
-#define PDC_RPR ( 0) // Receive Pointer Register
-#define PDC_RCR ( 4) // Receive Counter Register
-#define PDC_TPR ( 8) // Transmit Pointer Register
-#define PDC_TCR (12) // Transmit Counter Register
-#define PDC_RNPR (16) // Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define PDC_RNCR (20) // Receive Next Counter Register
-#define PDC_TNPR (24) // Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define PDC_TNCR (28) // Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define PDC_PTCR (32) // PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define PDC_PTSR (36) // PDC Transfer Status Register
-// -------- PDC_PTCR : (PDC Offset: 0x20) PDC Transfer Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_PDC_RXTEN (0x1 << 0) // (PDC) Receiver Transfer Enable
-#define AT91C_PDC_RXTDIS (0x1 << 1) // (PDC) Receiver Transfer Disable
-#define AT91C_PDC_TXTEN (0x1 << 8) // (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Enable
-#define AT91C_PDC_TXTDIS (0x1 << 9) // (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Disable
-// -------- PDC_PTSR : (PDC Offset: 0x24) PDC Transfer Status Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Advanced Interrupt Controller
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_AIC structure ***
-#define AIC_SMR ( 0) // Source Mode Register
-#define AIC_SVR (128) // Source Vector Register
-#define AIC_IVR (256) // IRQ Vector Register
-#define AIC_FVR (260) // FIQ Vector Register
-#define AIC_ISR (264) // Interrupt Status Register
-#define AIC_IPR (268) // Interrupt Pending Register
-#define AIC_IMR (272) // Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AIC_CISR (276) // Core Interrupt Status Register
-#define AIC_IECR (288) // Interrupt Enable Command Register
-#define AIC_IDCR (292) // Interrupt Disable Command Register
-#define AIC_ICCR (296) // Interrupt Clear Command Register
-#define AIC_ISCR (300) // Interrupt Set Command Register
-#define AIC_EOICR (304) // End of Interrupt Command Register
-#define AIC_SPU (308) // Spurious Vector Register
-#define AIC_DCR (312) // Debug Control Register (Protect)
-#define AIC_FFER (320) // Fast Forcing Enable Register
-#define AIC_FFDR (324) // Fast Forcing Disable Register
-#define AIC_FFSR (328) // Fast Forcing Status Register
-// -------- AIC_SMR : (AIC Offset: 0x0) Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_AIC_PRIOR (0x7 << 0) // (AIC) Priority Level
-#define AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_LOWEST (0x0) // (AIC) Lowest priority level
-#define AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_HIGHEST (0x7) // (AIC) Highest priority level
-#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE (0x3 << 5) // (AIC) Interrupt Source Type
-#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE (0x0 << 5) // (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label Level Sensitive
-#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_EDGE_TRIGGERED (0x1 << 5) // (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label Edge triggered
-#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_HIGH_LEVEL (0x2 << 5) // (AIC) External Sources Code Label High-level Sensitive
-#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_POSITIVE_EDGE (0x3 << 5) // (AIC) External Sources Code Label Positive Edge triggered
-// -------- AIC_CISR : (AIC Offset: 0x114) AIC Core Interrupt Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_AIC_NFIQ (0x1 << 0) // (AIC) NFIQ Status
-#define AT91C_AIC_NIRQ (0x1 << 1) // (AIC) NIRQ Status
-// -------- AIC_DCR : (AIC Offset: 0x138) AIC Debug Control Register (Protect) --------
-#define AT91C_AIC_DCR_PROT (0x1 << 0) // (AIC) Protection Mode
-#define AT91C_AIC_DCR_GMSK (0x1 << 1) // (AIC) General Mask
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Serial Parallel Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_SPI structure ***
-#define SPI_CR ( 0) // Control Register
-#define SPI_MR ( 4) // Mode Register
-#define SPI_RDR ( 8) // Receive Data Register
-#define SPI_TDR (12) // Transmit Data Register
-#define SPI_SR (16) // Status Register
-#define SPI_IER (20) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define SPI_IDR (24) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define SPI_IMR (28) // Interrupt Mask Register
-#define SPI_CSR (48) // Chip Select Register
-#define SPI_RPR (256) // Receive Pointer Register
-#define SPI_RCR (260) // Receive Counter Register
-#define SPI_TPR (264) // Transmit Pointer Register
-#define SPI_TCR (268) // Transmit Counter Register
-#define SPI_RNPR (272) // Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define SPI_RNCR (276) // Receive Next Counter Register
-#define SPI_TNPR (280) // Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define SPI_TNCR (284) // Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define SPI_PTCR (288) // PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define SPI_PTSR (292) // PDC Transfer Status Register
-// -------- SPI_CR : (SPI Offset: 0x0) SPI Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPIEN (0x1 << 0) // (SPI) SPI Enable
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS (0x1 << 1) // (SPI) SPI Disable
-#define AT91C_SPI_SWRST (0x1 << 7) // (SPI) SPI Software reset
-// -------- SPI_MR : (SPI Offset: 0x4) SPI Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_MSTR (0x1 << 0) // (SPI) Master/Slave Mode
-#define AT91C_SPI_PS (0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Peripheral Select
-#define AT91C_SPI_PS_FIXED (0x0 << 1) // (SPI) Fixed Peripheral Select
-#define AT91C_SPI_PS_VARIABLE (0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Variable Peripheral Select
-#define AT91C_SPI_PCSDEC (0x1 << 2) // (SPI) Chip Select Decode
-#define AT91C_SPI_DIV32 (0x1 << 3) // (SPI) Clock Selection
-#define AT91C_SPI_MODFDIS (0x1 << 4) // (SPI) Mode Fault Detection
-#define AT91C_SPI_LLB (0x1 << 7) // (SPI) Clock Selection
-#define AT91C_SPI_PCS (0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select
-#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBCS (0xFF << 24) // (SPI) Delay Between Chip Selects
-// -------- SPI_RDR : (SPI Offset: 0x8) Receive Data Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_RD (0xFFFF << 0) // (SPI) Receive Data
-#define AT91C_SPI_RPCS (0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
-// -------- SPI_TDR : (SPI Offset: 0xc) Transmit Data Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_TD (0xFFFF << 0) // (SPI) Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_SPI_TPCS (0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
-// -------- SPI_SR : (SPI Offset: 0x10) Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_RDRF (0x1 << 0) // (SPI) Receive Data Register Full
-#define AT91C_SPI_TDRE (0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Transmit Data Register Empty
-#define AT91C_SPI_MODF (0x1 << 2) // (SPI) Mode Fault Error
-#define AT91C_SPI_OVRES (0x1 << 3) // (SPI) Overrun Error Status
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPENDRX (0x1 << 4) // (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPENDTX (0x1 << 5) // (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_RXBUFF (0x1 << 6) // (SPI) RXBUFF Interrupt
-#define AT91C_SPI_TXBUFE (0x1 << 7) // (SPI) TXBUFE Interrupt
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPIENS (0x1 << 16) // (SPI) Enable Status
-// -------- SPI_IER : (SPI Offset: 0x14) Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- SPI_IDR : (SPI Offset: 0x18) Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- SPI_IMR : (SPI Offset: 0x1c) Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- SPI_CSR : (SPI Offset: 0x30) Chip Select Register --------
-#define AT91C_SPI_CPOL (0x1 << 0) // (SPI) Clock Polarity
-#define AT91C_SPI_NCPHA (0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Clock Phase
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS (0xF << 4) // (SPI) Bits Per Transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_8 (0x0 << 4) // (SPI) 8 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_9 (0x1 << 4) // (SPI) 9 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_10 (0x2 << 4) // (SPI) 10 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_11 (0x3 << 4) // (SPI) 11 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_12 (0x4 << 4) // (SPI) 12 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_13 (0x5 << 4) // (SPI) 13 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_14 (0x6 << 4) // (SPI) 14 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_15 (0x7 << 4) // (SPI) 15 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_16 (0x8 << 4) // (SPI) 16 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_SCBR (0xFF << 8) // (SPI) Serial Clock Baud Rate
-#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBS (0xFF << 16) // (SPI) Serial Clock Baud Rate
-#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBCT (0xFF << 24) // (SPI) Delay Between Consecutive Transfers
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Synchronous Serial Controller Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_SSC structure ***
-#define SSC_CR ( 0) // Control Register
-#define SSC_CMR ( 4) // Clock Mode Register
-#define SSC_RCMR (16) // Receive Clock ModeRegister
-#define SSC_RFMR (20) // Receive Frame Mode Register
-#define SSC_TCMR (24) // Transmit Clock Mode Register
-#define SSC_TFMR (28) // Transmit Frame Mode Register
-#define SSC_RHR (32) // Receive Holding Register
-#define SSC_THR (36) // Transmit Holding Register
-#define SSC_RSHR (48) // Receive Sync Holding Register
-#define SSC_TSHR (52) // Transmit Sync Holding Register
-#define SSC_RC0R (56) // Receive Compare 0 Register
-#define SSC_RC1R (60) // Receive Compare 1 Register
-#define SSC_SR (64) // Status Register
-#define SSC_IER (68) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define SSC_IDR (72) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define SSC_IMR (76) // Interrupt Mask Register
-#define SSC_RPR (256) // Receive Pointer Register
-#define SSC_RCR (260) // Receive Counter Register
-#define SSC_TPR (264) // Transmit Pointer Register
-#define SSC_TCR (268) // Transmit Counter Register
-#define SSC_RNPR (272) // Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define SSC_RNCR (276) // Receive Next Counter Register
-#define SSC_TNPR (280) // Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define SSC_TNCR (284) // Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define SSC_PTCR (288) // PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define SSC_PTSR (292) // PDC Transfer Status Register
-// -------- SSC_CR : (SSC Offset: 0x0) SSC Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXEN (0x1 << 0) // (SSC) Receive Enable
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXDIS (0x1 << 1) // (SSC) Receive Disable
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXEN (0x1 << 8) // (SSC) Transmit Enable
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXDIS (0x1 << 9) // (SSC) Transmit Disable
-#define AT91C_SSC_SWRST (0x1 << 15) // (SSC) Software Reset
-// -------- SSC_RCMR : (SSC Offset: 0x10) SSC Receive Clock Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKS (0x3 << 0) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKS_DIV (0x0) // (SSC) Divided Clock
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKS_TK (0x1) // (SSC) TK Clock signal
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKS_RK (0x2) // (SSC) RK pin
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKO (0x7 << 2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKO_NONE (0x0 << 2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode: None RK pin: Input-only
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKO_CONTINOUS (0x1 << 2) // (SSC) Continuous Receive/Transmit Clock RK pin: Output
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKO_DATA_TX (0x2 << 2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock only during data transfers RK pin: Output
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKI (0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Inversion
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKG (0x3 << 6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Gating Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKG_NONE (0x0 << 6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Gating: None, continuous clock
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKG_LOW (0x1 << 6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock enabled only if RF Low
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKG_HIGH (0x2 << 6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock enabled only if RF High
-#define AT91C_SSC_START (0xF << 8) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_CONTINOUS (0x0 << 8) // (SSC) Continuous, as soon as the receiver is enabled, and immediately after the end of transfer of the previous data.
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_TX (0x1 << 8) // (SSC) Transmit/Receive start
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_LOW_RF (0x2 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a low level on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_HIGH_RF (0x3 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a high level on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_FALL_RF (0x4 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a falling edge on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_RISE_RF (0x5 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a rising edge on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_LEVEL_RF (0x6 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of any level change on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_EDGE_RF (0x7 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of any edge on RF input
-#define AT91C_SSC_START_0 (0x8 << 8) // (SSC) Compare 0
-#define AT91C_SSC_STOP (0x1 << 12) // (SSC) Receive Stop Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_STTOUT (0x1 << 15) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Output Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_STTDLY (0xFF << 16) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Delay
-#define AT91C_SSC_PERIOD (0xFF << 24) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Period Divider Selection
-// -------- SSC_RFMR : (SSC Offset: 0x14) SSC Receive Frame Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_SSC_DATLEN (0x1F << 0) // (SSC) Data Length
-#define AT91C_SSC_LOOP (0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Loop Mode
-#define AT91C_SSC_MSBF (0x1 << 7) // (SSC) Most Significant Bit First
-#define AT91C_SSC_DATNB (0xF << 8) // (SSC) Data Number per Frame
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSLEN (0xF << 16) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync length
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS (0x7 << 20) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Output Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NONE (0x0 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: None RK pin Input-only
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NEGATIVE (0x1 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Negative Pulse
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_POSITIVE (0x2 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Positive Pulse
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_LOW (0x3 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver Low during data transfer
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_HIGH (0x4 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver High during data transfer
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_TOGGLE (0x5 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Toggling at each start of data transfer
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSEDGE (0x1 << 24) // (SSC) Frame Sync Edge Detection
-// -------- SSC_TCMR : (SSC Offset: 0x18) SSC Transmit Clock Mode Register --------
-// -------- SSC_TFMR : (SSC Offset: 0x1c) SSC Transmit Frame Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_SSC_DATDEF (0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Data Default Value
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSDEN (0x1 << 23) // (SSC) Frame Sync Data Enable
-// -------- SSC_SR : (SSC Offset: 0x40) SSC Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXRDY (0x1 << 0) // (SSC) Transmit Ready
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXEMPTY (0x1 << 1) // (SSC) Transmit Empty
-#define AT91C_SSC_ENDTX (0x1 << 2) // (SSC) End Of Transmission
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXBUFE (0x1 << 3) // (SSC) Transmit Buffer Empty
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXRDY (0x1 << 4) // (SSC) Receive Ready
-#define AT91C_SSC_OVRUN (0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Receive Overrun
-#define AT91C_SSC_ENDRX (0x1 << 6) // (SSC) End of Reception
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXBUFF (0x1 << 7) // (SSC) Receive Buffer Full
-#define AT91C_SSC_CP0 (0x1 << 8) // (SSC) Compare 0
-#define AT91C_SSC_CP1 (0x1 << 9) // (SSC) Compare 1
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXSYN (0x1 << 10) // (SSC) Transmit Sync
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXSYN (0x1 << 11) // (SSC) Receive Sync
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXENA (0x1 << 16) // (SSC) Transmit Enable
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXENA (0x1 << 17) // (SSC) Receive Enable
-// -------- SSC_IER : (SSC Offset: 0x44) SSC Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- SSC_IDR : (SSC Offset: 0x48) SSC Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- SSC_IMR : (SSC Offset: 0x4c) SSC Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_USART structure ***
-#define US_CR ( 0) // Control Register
-#define US_MR ( 4) // Mode Register
-#define US_IER ( 8) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define US_IDR (12) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define US_IMR (16) // Interrupt Mask Register
-#define US_CSR (20) // Channel Status Register
-#define US_RHR (24) // Receiver Holding Register
-#define US_THR (28) // Transmitter Holding Register
-#define US_BRGR (32) // Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define US_RTOR (36) // Receiver Time-out Register
-#define US_TTGR (40) // Transmitter Time-guard Register
-#define US_FIDI (64) // FI_DI_Ratio Register
-#define US_NER (68) // Nb Errors Register
-#define US_XXR (72) // XON_XOFF Register
-#define US_IF (76) // IRDA_FILTER Register
-#define US_RPR (256) // Receive Pointer Register
-#define US_RCR (260) // Receive Counter Register
-#define US_TPR (264) // Transmit Pointer Register
-#define US_TCR (268) // Transmit Counter Register
-#define US_RNPR (272) // Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define US_RNCR (276) // Receive Next Counter Register
-#define US_TNPR (280) // Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define US_TNCR (284) // Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define US_PTCR (288) // PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define US_PTSR (292) // PDC Transfer Status Register
-// -------- US_CR : (USART Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_RSTSTA (0x1 << 8) // (USART) Reset Status Bits
-#define AT91C_US_STTBRK (0x1 << 9) // (USART) Start Break
-#define AT91C_US_STPBRK (0x1 << 10) // (USART) Stop Break
-#define AT91C_US_STTTO (0x1 << 11) // (USART) Start Time-out
-#define AT91C_US_SENDA (0x1 << 12) // (USART) Send Address
-#define AT91C_US_RSTIT (0x1 << 13) // (USART) Reset Iterations
-#define AT91C_US_RSTNACK (0x1 << 14) // (USART) Reset Non Acknowledge
-#define AT91C_US_RETTO (0x1 << 15) // (USART) Rearm Time-out
-#define AT91C_US_DTREN (0x1 << 16) // (USART) Data Terminal ready Enable
-#define AT91C_US_DTRDIS (0x1 << 17) // (USART) Data Terminal ready Disable
-#define AT91C_US_RTSEN (0x1 << 18) // (USART) Request to Send enable
-#define AT91C_US_RTSDIS (0x1 << 19) // (USART) Request to Send Disable
-// -------- US_MR : (USART Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE (0xF << 0) // (USART) Usart mode
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_NORMAL (0x0) // (USART) Normal
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_RS485 (0x1) // (USART) RS485
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_HWHSH (0x2) // (USART) Hardware Handshaking
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_MODEM (0x3) // (USART) Modem
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_0 (0x4) // (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 0
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_1 (0x6) // (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 1
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_IRDA (0x8) // (USART) IrDA
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE_SWHSH (0xC) // (USART) Software Handshaking
-#define AT91C_US_CLKS (0x3 << 4) // (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
-#define AT91C_US_CLKS_CLOCK (0x0 << 4) // (USART) Clock
-#define AT91C_US_CLKS_FDIV1 (0x1 << 4) // (USART) fdiv1
-#define AT91C_US_CLKS_SLOW (0x2 << 4) // (USART) slow_clock (ARM)
-#define AT91C_US_CLKS_EXT (0x3 << 4) // (USART) External (SCK)
-#define AT91C_US_CHRL (0x3 << 6) // (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
-#define AT91C_US_CHRL_5_BITS (0x0 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 5 bits
-#define AT91C_US_CHRL_6_BITS (0x1 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 6 bits
-#define AT91C_US_CHRL_7_BITS (0x2 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 7 bits
-#define AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS (0x3 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 8 bits
-#define AT91C_US_SYNC (0x1 << 8) // (USART) Synchronous Mode Select
-#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP (0x3 << 12) // (USART) Number of Stop bits
-#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP_1_BIT (0x0 << 12) // (USART) 1 stop bit
-#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP_15_BIT (0x1 << 12) // (USART) Asynchronous (SYNC=0) 2 stop bits Synchronous (SYNC=1) 2 stop bits
-#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP_2_BIT (0x2 << 12) // (USART) 2 stop bits
-#define AT91C_US_MSBF (0x1 << 16) // (USART) Bit Order
-#define AT91C_US_MODE9 (0x1 << 17) // (USART) 9-bit Character length
-#define AT91C_US_CKLO (0x1 << 18) // (USART) Clock Output Select
-#define AT91C_US_OVER (0x1 << 19) // (USART) Over Sampling Mode
-#define AT91C_US_INACK (0x1 << 20) // (USART) Inhibit Non Acknowledge
-#define AT91C_US_DSNACK (0x1 << 21) // (USART) Disable Successive NACK
-#define AT91C_US_MAX_ITER (0x1 << 24) // (USART) Number of Repetitions
-#define AT91C_US_FILTER (0x1 << 28) // (USART) Receive Line Filter
-// -------- US_IER : (USART Offset: 0x8) Debug Unit Interrupt Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_RXBRK (0x1 << 2) // (USART) Break Received/End of Break
-#define AT91C_US_TIMEOUT (0x1 << 8) // (USART) Receiver Time-out
-#define AT91C_US_ITERATION (0x1 << 10) // (USART) Max number of Repetitions Reached
-#define AT91C_US_NACK (0x1 << 13) // (USART) Non Acknowledge
-#define AT91C_US_RIIC (0x1 << 16) // (USART) Ring INdicator Input Change Flag
-#define AT91C_US_DSRIC (0x1 << 17) // (USART) Data Set Ready Input Change Flag
-#define AT91C_US_DCDIC (0x1 << 18) // (USART) Data Carrier Flag
-#define AT91C_US_CTSIC (0x1 << 19) // (USART) Clear To Send Input Change Flag
-// -------- US_IDR : (USART Offset: 0xc) Debug Unit Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- US_IMR : (USART Offset: 0x10) Debug Unit Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- US_CSR : (USART Offset: 0x14) Debug Unit Channel Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_US_RI (0x1 << 20) // (USART) Image of RI Input
-#define AT91C_US_DSR (0x1 << 21) // (USART) Image of DSR Input
-#define AT91C_US_DCD (0x1 << 22) // (USART) Image of DCD Input
-#define AT91C_US_CTS (0x1 << 23) // (USART) Image of CTS Input
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_TWI structure ***
-#define TWI_CR ( 0) // Control Register
-#define TWI_MMR ( 4) // Master Mode Register
-#define TWI_SMR ( 8) // Slave Mode Register
-#define TWI_IADR (12) // Internal Address Register
-#define TWI_CWGR (16) // Clock Waveform Generator Register
-#define TWI_SR (32) // Status Register
-#define TWI_IER (36) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define TWI_IDR (40) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define TWI_IMR (44) // Interrupt Mask Register
-#define TWI_RHR (48) // Receive Holding Register
-#define TWI_THR (52) // Transmit Holding Register
-// -------- TWI_CR : (TWI Offset: 0x0) TWI Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_TWI_START (0x1 << 0) // (TWI) Send a START Condition
-#define AT91C_TWI_STOP (0x1 << 1) // (TWI) Send a STOP Condition
-#define AT91C_TWI_MSEN (0x1 << 2) // (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Enabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_MSDIS (0x1 << 3) // (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Disabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVEN (0x1 << 4) // (TWI) TWI Slave Transfer Enabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVDIS (0x1 << 5) // (TWI) TWI Slave Transfer Disabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_SWRST (0x1 << 7) // (TWI) Software Reset
-// -------- TWI_MMR : (TWI Offset: 0x4) TWI Master Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ (0x3 << 8) // (TWI) Internal Device Address Size
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_NO (0x0 << 8) // (TWI) No internal device address
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_1_BYTE (0x1 << 8) // (TWI) One-byte internal device address
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_2_BYTE (0x2 << 8) // (TWI) Two-byte internal device address
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_3_BYTE (0x3 << 8) // (TWI) Three-byte internal device address
-#define AT91C_TWI_MREAD (0x1 << 12) // (TWI) Master Read Direction
-#define AT91C_TWI_DADR (0x7F << 16) // (TWI) Device Address
-// -------- TWI_SMR : (TWI Offset: 0x8) TWI Slave Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_TWI_SADR (0x7F << 16) // (TWI) Slave Device Address
-// -------- TWI_CWGR : (TWI Offset: 0x10) TWI Clock Waveform Generator Register --------
-#define AT91C_TWI_CLDIV (0xFF << 0) // (TWI) Clock Low Divider
-#define AT91C_TWI_CHDIV (0xFF << 8) // (TWI) Clock High Divider
-#define AT91C_TWI_CKDIV (0x7 << 16) // (TWI) Clock Divider
-// -------- TWI_SR : (TWI Offset: 0x20) TWI Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_TWI_TXCOMP (0x1 << 0) // (TWI) Transmission Completed
-#define AT91C_TWI_RXRDY (0x1 << 1) // (TWI) Receive holding register ReaDY
-#define AT91C_TWI_TXRDY (0x1 << 2) // (TWI) Transmit holding register ReaDY
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVREAD (0x1 << 3) // (TWI) Slave Read
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVACC (0x1 << 4) // (TWI) Slave Access
-#define AT91C_TWI_GCACC (0x1 << 5) // (TWI) General Call Access
-#define AT91C_TWI_OVRE (0x1 << 6) // (TWI) Overrun Error
-#define AT91C_TWI_UNRE (0x1 << 7) // (TWI) Underrun Error
-#define AT91C_TWI_NACK (0x1 << 8) // (TWI) Not Acknowledged
-#define AT91C_TWI_ARBLST (0x1 << 9) // (TWI) Arbitration Lost
-// -------- TWI_IER : (TWI Offset: 0x24) TWI Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- TWI_IDR : (TWI Offset: 0x28) TWI Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- TWI_IMR : (TWI Offset: 0x2c) TWI Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Multimedia Card Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_MCI structure ***
-#define MCI_CR ( 0) // MCI Control Register
-#define MCI_MR ( 4) // MCI Mode Register
-#define MCI_DTOR ( 8) // MCI Data Timeout Register
-#define MCI_SDCR (12) // MCI SD Card Register
-#define MCI_ARGR (16) // MCI Argument Register
-#define MCI_CMDR (20) // MCI Command Register
-#define MCI_RSPR (32) // MCI Response Register
-#define MCI_RDR (48) // MCI Receive Data Register
-#define MCI_TDR (52) // MCI Transmit Data Register
-#define MCI_SR (64) // MCI Status Register
-#define MCI_IER (68) // MCI Interrupt Enable Register
-#define MCI_IDR (72) // MCI Interrupt Disable Register
-#define MCI_IMR (76) // MCI Interrupt Mask Register
-#define MCI_RPR (256) // Receive Pointer Register
-#define MCI_RCR (260) // Receive Counter Register
-#define MCI_TPR (264) // Transmit Pointer Register
-#define MCI_TCR (268) // Transmit Counter Register
-#define MCI_RNPR (272) // Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define MCI_RNCR (276) // Receive Next Counter Register
-#define MCI_TNPR (280) // Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define MCI_TNCR (284) // Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define MCI_PTCR (288) // PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define MCI_PTSR (292) // PDC Transfer Status Register
-// -------- MCI_CR : (MCI Offset: 0x0) MCI Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_MCIEN (0x1 << 0) // (MCI) Multimedia Interface Enable
-#define AT91C_MCI_MCIDIS (0x1 << 1) // (MCI) Multimedia Interface Disable
-#define AT91C_MCI_PWSEN (0x1 << 2) // (MCI) Power Save Mode Enable
-#define AT91C_MCI_PWSDIS (0x1 << 3) // (MCI) Power Save Mode Disable
-// -------- MCI_MR : (MCI Offset: 0x4) MCI Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_CLKDIV (0x1 << 0) // (MCI) Clock Divider
-#define AT91C_MCI_PWSDIV (0x1 << 8) // (MCI) Power Saving Divider
-#define AT91C_MCI_PDCPADV (0x1 << 14) // (MCI) PDC Padding Value
-#define AT91C_MCI_PDCMODE (0x1 << 15) // (MCI) PDC Oriented Mode
-#define AT91C_MCI_BLKLEN (0x1 << 18) // (MCI) Data Block Length
-// -------- MCI_DTOR : (MCI Offset: 0x8) MCI Data Timeout Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOCYC (0x1 << 0) // (MCI) Data Timeout Cycle Number
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL (0x7 << 4) // (MCI) Data Timeout Multiplier
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1 (0x0 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_16 (0x1 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 16
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_128 (0x2 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 128
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_256 (0x3 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 256
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1024 (0x4 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1024
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_4096 (0x5 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 4096
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_65536 (0x6 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 65536
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1048576 (0x7 << 4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1048576
-// -------- MCI_SDCR : (MCI Offset: 0xc) MCI SD Card Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_SCDSEL (0x1 << 0) // (MCI) SD Card Selector
-#define AT91C_MCI_SCDBUS (0x1 << 7) // (MCI) SD Card Bus Width
-// -------- MCI_CMDR : (MCI Offset: 0x14) MCI Command Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_CMDNB (0x1F << 0) // (MCI) Command Number
-#define AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP (0x3 << 6) // (MCI) Response Type
-#define AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_NO (0x0 << 6) // (MCI) No response
-#define AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_48 (0x1 << 6) // (MCI) 48-bit response
-#define AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_136 (0x2 << 6) // (MCI) 136-bit response
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD (0x7 << 8) // (MCI) Special CMD
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_NONE (0x0 << 8) // (MCI) Not a special CMD
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_INIT (0x1 << 8) // (MCI) Initialization CMD
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_SYNC (0x2 << 8) // (MCI) Synchronized CMD
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_IT_CMD (0x4 << 8) // (MCI) Interrupt command
-#define AT91C_MCI_SPCMD_IT_REP (0x5 << 8) // (MCI) Interrupt response
-#define AT91C_MCI_OPDCMD (0x1 << 11) // (MCI) Open Drain Command
-#define AT91C_MCI_MAXLAT (0x1 << 12) // (MCI) Maximum Latency for Command to respond
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRCMD (0x3 << 16) // (MCI) Transfer CMD
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRCMD_NO (0x0 << 16) // (MCI) No transfer
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRCMD_START (0x1 << 16) // (MCI) Start transfer
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRCMD_STOP (0x2 << 16) // (MCI) Stop transfer
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRDIR (0x1 << 18) // (MCI) Transfer Direction
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRTYP (0x3 << 19) // (MCI) Transfer Type
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRTYP_BLOCK (0x0 << 19) // (MCI) Block Transfer type
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRTYP_MULTIPLE (0x1 << 19) // (MCI) Multiple Block transfer type
-#define AT91C_MCI_TRTYP_STREAM (0x2 << 19) // (MCI) Stream transfer type
-// -------- MCI_SR : (MCI Offset: 0x40) MCI Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_MCI_CMDRDY (0x1 << 0) // (MCI) Command Ready flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RXRDY (0x1 << 1) // (MCI) RX Ready flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_TXRDY (0x1 << 2) // (MCI) TX Ready flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_BLKE (0x1 << 3) // (MCI) Data Block Transfer Ended flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTIP (0x1 << 4) // (MCI) Data Transfer in Progress flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_NOTBUSY (0x1 << 5) // (MCI) Data Line Not Busy flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_ENDRX (0x1 << 6) // (MCI) End of RX Buffer flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_ENDTX (0x1 << 7) // (MCI) End of TX Buffer flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RXBUFF (0x1 << 14) // (MCI) RX Buffer Full flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_TXBUFE (0x1 << 15) // (MCI) TX Buffer Empty flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RINDE (0x1 << 16) // (MCI) Response Index Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RDIRE (0x1 << 17) // (MCI) Response Direction Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RCRCE (0x1 << 18) // (MCI) Response CRC Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RENDE (0x1 << 19) // (MCI) Response End Bit Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_RTOE (0x1 << 20) // (MCI) Response Time-out Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_DCRCE (0x1 << 21) // (MCI) data CRC Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOE (0x1 << 22) // (MCI) Data timeout Error flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_OVRE (0x1 << 30) // (MCI) Overrun flag
-#define AT91C_MCI_UNRE (0x1 << 31) // (MCI) Underrun flag
-// -------- MCI_IER : (MCI Offset: 0x44) MCI Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- MCI_IDR : (MCI Offset: 0x48) MCI Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- MCI_IMR : (MCI Offset: 0x4c) MCI Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_UDP structure ***
-#define UDP_NUM ( 0) // Frame Number Register
-#define UDP_GLBSTATE ( 4) // Global State Register
-#define UDP_FADDR ( 8) // Function Address Register
-#define UDP_IER (16) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define UDP_IDR (20) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define UDP_IMR (24) // Interrupt Mask Register
-#define UDP_ISR (28) // Interrupt Status Register
-#define UDP_ICR (32) // Interrupt Clear Register
-#define UDP_RSTEP (40) // Reset Endpoint Register
-#define UDP_CSR (48) // Endpoint Control and Status Register
-#define UDP_FDR (80) // Endpoint FIFO Data Register
-// -------- UDP_FRM_NUM : (UDP Offset: 0x0) USB Frame Number Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_FRM_NUM (0x7FF << 0) // (UDP) Frame Number as Defined in the Packet Field Formats
-#define AT91C_UDP_FRM_ERR (0x1 << 16) // (UDP) Frame Error
-#define AT91C_UDP_FRM_OK (0x1 << 17) // (UDP) Frame OK
-// -------- UDP_GLB_STATE : (UDP Offset: 0x4) USB Global State Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_FADDEN (0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Function Address Enable
-#define AT91C_UDP_CONFG (0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Configured
-#define AT91C_UDP_RMWUPE (0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Remote Wake Up Enable
-#define AT91C_UDP_RSMINPR (0x1 << 3) // (UDP) A Resume Has Been Sent to the Host
-// -------- UDP_FADDR : (UDP Offset: 0x8) USB Function Address Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_FADD (0xFF << 0) // (UDP) Function Address Value
-#define AT91C_UDP_FEN (0x1 << 8) // (UDP) Function Enable
-// -------- UDP_IER : (UDP Offset: 0x10) USB Interrupt Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT0 (0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Endpoint 0 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT1 (0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Endpoint 0 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT2 (0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Endpoint 2 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT3 (0x1 << 3) // (UDP) Endpoint 3 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT4 (0x1 << 4) // (UDP) Endpoint 4 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT5 (0x1 << 5) // (UDP) Endpoint 5 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT6 (0x1 << 6) // (UDP) Endpoint 6 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT7 (0x1 << 7) // (UDP) Endpoint 7 Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_RXSUSP (0x1 << 8) // (UDP) USB Suspend Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_RXRSM (0x1 << 9) // (UDP) USB Resume Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_EXTRSM (0x1 << 10) // (UDP) USB External Resume Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_SOFINT (0x1 << 11) // (UDP) USB Start Of frame Interrupt
-#define AT91C_UDP_WAKEUP (0x1 << 13) // (UDP) USB Resume Interrupt
-// -------- UDP_IDR : (UDP Offset: 0x14) USB Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- UDP_IMR : (UDP Offset: 0x18) USB Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- UDP_ISR : (UDP Offset: 0x1c) USB Interrupt Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_ENDBUSRES (0x1 << 12) // (UDP) USB End Of Bus Reset Interrupt
-// -------- UDP_ICR : (UDP Offset: 0x20) USB Interrupt Clear Register --------
-// -------- UDP_RST_EP : (UDP Offset: 0x28) USB Reset Endpoint Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP0 (0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 0
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP1 (0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 1
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP2 (0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 2
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP3 (0x1 << 3) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 3
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP4 (0x1 << 4) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 4
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP5 (0x1 << 5) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 5
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP6 (0x1 << 6) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 6
-#define AT91C_UDP_EP7 (0x1 << 7) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 7
-// -------- UDP_CSR : (UDP Offset: 0x30) USB Endpoint Control and Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP (0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Generates an IN packet with data previously written in the DPR
-#define AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0 (0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Receive Data Bank 0
-#define AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP (0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Sends STALL to the Host (Control endpoints)
-#define AT91C_UDP_ISOERROR (0x1 << 3) // (UDP) Isochronous error (Isochronous endpoints)
-#define AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY (0x1 << 4) // (UDP) Transmit Packet Ready
-#define AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL (0x1 << 5) // (UDP) Force Stall (used by Control, Bulk and Isochronous endpoints).
-#define AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK1 (0x1 << 6) // (UDP) Receive Data Bank 1 (only used by endpoints with ping-pong attributes).
-#define AT91C_UDP_DIR (0x1 << 7) // (UDP) Transfer Direction
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE (0x7 << 8) // (UDP) Endpoint type
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_CTRL (0x0 << 8) // (UDP) Control
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_ISO_OUT (0x1 << 8) // (UDP) Isochronous OUT
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_OUT (0x2 << 8) // (UDP) Bulk OUT
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_OUT (0x3 << 8) // (UDP) Interrupt OUT
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_ISO_IN (0x5 << 8) // (UDP) Isochronous IN
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_IN (0x6 << 8) // (UDP) Bulk IN
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_IN (0x7 << 8) // (UDP) Interrupt IN
-#define AT91C_UDP_DTGLE (0x1 << 11) // (UDP) Data Toggle
-#define AT91C_UDP_EPEDS (0x1 << 15) // (UDP) Endpoint Enable Disable
-#define AT91C_UDP_RXBYTECNT (0x7FF << 16) // (UDP) Number Of Bytes Available in the FIFO
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Timer Counter Channel Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_TC structure ***
-#define TC_CCR ( 0) // Channel Control Register
-#define TC_CMR ( 4) // Channel Mode Register
-#define TC_CV (16) // Counter Value
-#define TC_RA (20) // Register A
-#define TC_RB (24) // Register B
-#define TC_RC (28) // Register C
-#define TC_SR (32) // Status Register
-#define TC_IER (36) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define TC_IDR (40) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define TC_IMR (44) // Interrupt Mask Register
-// -------- TC_CCR : (TC Offset: 0x0) TC Channel Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_TC_CLKEN (0x1 << 0) // (TC) Counter Clock Enable Command
-#define AT91C_TC_CLKDIS (0x1 << 1) // (TC) Counter Clock Disable Command
-#define AT91C_TC_SWTRG (0x1 << 2) // (TC) Software Trigger Command
-// -------- TC_CMR : (TC Offset: 0x4) TC Channel Mode Register: Capture Mode / Waveform Mode --------
-#define AT91C_TC_CPCSTOP (0x1 << 6) // (TC) Counter Clock Stopped with RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_CPCDIS (0x1 << 7) // (TC) Counter Clock Disable with RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG (0x3 << 8) // (TC) External Event Edge Selection
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_NONE (0x0 << 8) // (TC) Edge: None
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_RISING (0x1 << 8) // (TC) Edge: rising edge
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_FALLING (0x2 << 8) // (TC) Edge: falling edge
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_BOTH (0x3 << 8) // (TC) Edge: each edge
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVT (0x3 << 10) // (TC) External Event Selection
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_NONE (0x0 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: TIOB TIOB direction: input
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_RISING (0x1 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC0 TIOB direction: output
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_FALLING (0x2 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC1 TIOB direction: output
-#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_BOTH (0x3 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC2 TIOB direction: output
-#define AT91C_TC_ENETRG (0x1 << 12) // (TC) External Event Trigger enable
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL (0x3 << 13) // (TC) Waveform Selection
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UP (0x0 << 13) // (TC) UP mode without atomatic trigger on RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UPDOWN (0x1 << 13) // (TC) UPDOWN mode without automatic trigger on RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UP_AUTO (0x2 << 13) // (TC) UP mode with automatic trigger on RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UPDOWN_AUTO (0x3 << 13) // (TC) UPDOWN mode with automatic trigger on RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_CPCTRG (0x1 << 14) // (TC) RC Compare Trigger Enable
-#define AT91C_TC_WAVE (0x1 << 15) // (TC)
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPA (0x3 << 16) // (TC) RA Compare Effect on TIOA
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_NONE (0x0 << 16) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_SET (0x1 << 16) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_CLEAR (0x2 << 16) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_TOGGLE (0x3 << 16) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPC (0x3 << 18) // (TC) RC Compare Effect on TIOA
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_NONE (0x0 << 18) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_SET (0x1 << 18) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_CLEAR (0x2 << 18) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_TOGGLE (0x3 << 18) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT (0x3 << 20) // (TC) External Event Effect on TIOA
-#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_NONE (0x0 << 20) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_SET (0x1 << 20) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_CLEAR (0x2 << 20) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_TOGGLE (0x3 << 20) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG (0x3 << 22) // (TC) Software Trigger Effect on TIOA
-#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_NONE (0x0 << 22) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_SET (0x1 << 22) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_CLEAR (0x2 << 22) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_TOGGLE (0x3 << 22) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPB (0x3 << 24) // (TC) RB Compare Effect on TIOB
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_NONE (0x0 << 24) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_SET (0x1 << 24) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_CLEAR (0x2 << 24) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_TOGGLE (0x3 << 24) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPC (0x3 << 26) // (TC) RC Compare Effect on TIOB
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_NONE (0x0 << 26) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_SET (0x1 << 26) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_CLEAR (0x2 << 26) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_TOGGLE (0x3 << 26) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT (0x3 << 28) // (TC) External Event Effect on TIOB
-#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_NONE (0x0 << 28) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_SET (0x1 << 28) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_CLEAR (0x2 << 28) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_TOGGLE (0x3 << 28) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG (0x3 << 30) // (TC) Software Trigger Effect on TIOB
-#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_NONE (0x0 << 30) // (TC) Effect: none
-#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_SET (0x1 << 30) // (TC) Effect: set
-#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_CLEAR (0x2 << 30) // (TC) Effect: clear
-#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_TOGGLE (0x3 << 30) // (TC) Effect: toggle
-// -------- TC_SR : (TC Offset: 0x20) TC Channel Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_TC_COVFS (0x1 << 0) // (TC) Counter Overflow
-#define AT91C_TC_LOVRS (0x1 << 1) // (TC) Load Overrun
-#define AT91C_TC_CPAS (0x1 << 2) // (TC) RA Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_CPBS (0x1 << 3) // (TC) RB Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_CPCS (0x1 << 4) // (TC) RC Compare
-#define AT91C_TC_LDRAS (0x1 << 5) // (TC) RA Loading
-#define AT91C_TC_LDRBS (0x1 << 6) // (TC) RB Loading
-#define AT91C_TC_ETRCS (0x1 << 7) // (TC) External Trigger
-#define AT91C_TC_ETRGS (0x1 << 16) // (TC) Clock Enabling
-#define AT91C_TC_MTIOA (0x1 << 17) // (TC) TIOA Mirror
-#define AT91C_TC_MTIOB (0x1 << 18) // (TC) TIOA Mirror
-// -------- TC_IER : (TC Offset: 0x24) TC Channel Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- TC_IDR : (TC Offset: 0x28) TC Channel Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- TC_IMR : (TC Offset: 0x2c) TC Channel Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Timer Counter Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_TCB structure ***
-#define TCB_TC0 ( 0) // TC Channel 0
-#define TCB_TC1 (64) // TC Channel 1
-#define TCB_TC2 (128) // TC Channel 2
-#define TCB_BCR (192) // TC Block Control Register
-#define TCB_BMR (196) // TC Block Mode Register
-// -------- TCB_BCR : (TCB Offset: 0xc0) TC Block Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_TCB_SYNC (0x1 << 0) // (TCB) Synchro Command
-// -------- TCB_BMR : (TCB Offset: 0xc4) TC Block Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S (0x1 << 0) // (TCB) External Clock Signal 0 Selection
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TCLK0 (0x0) // (TCB) TCLK0 connected to XC0
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_NONE (0x1) // (TCB) None signal connected to XC0
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TIOA1 (0x2) // (TCB) TIOA1 connected to XC0
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TIOA2 (0x3) // (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC0
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S (0x1 << 2) // (TCB) External Clock Signal 1 Selection
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TCLK1 (0x0 << 2) // (TCB) TCLK1 connected to XC1
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_NONE (0x1 << 2) // (TCB) None signal connected to XC1
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TIOA0 (0x2 << 2) // (TCB) TIOA0 connected to XC1
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TIOA2 (0x3 << 2) // (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC1
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S (0x1 << 4) // (TCB) External Clock Signal 2 Selection
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TCLK2 (0x0 << 4) // (TCB) TCLK2 connected to XC2
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_NONE (0x1 << 4) // (TCB) None signal connected to XC2
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TIOA0 (0x2 << 4) // (TCB) TIOA0 connected to XC2
-#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TIOA2 (0x3 << 4) // (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC2
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_UHP structure ***
-#define UHP_HcRevision ( 0) // Revision
-#define UHP_HcControl ( 4) // Operating modes for the Host Controller
-#define UHP_HcCommandStatus ( 8) // Command & status Register
-#define UHP_HcInterruptStatus (12) // Interrupt Status Register
-#define UHP_HcInterruptEnable (16) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define UHP_HcInterruptDisable (20) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define UHP_HcHCCA (24) // Pointer to the Host Controller Communication Area
-#define UHP_HcPeriodCurrentED (28) // Current Isochronous or Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor
-#define UHP_HcControlHeadED (32) // First Endpoint Descriptor of the Control list
-#define UHP_HcControlCurrentED (36) // Endpoint Control and Status Register
-#define UHP_HcBulkHeadED (40) // First endpoint register of the Bulk list
-#define UHP_HcBulkCurrentED (44) // Current endpoint of the Bulk list
-#define UHP_HcBulkDoneHead (48) // Last completed transfer descriptor
-#define UHP_HcFmInterval (52) // Bit time between 2 consecutive SOFs
-#define UHP_HcFmRemaining (56) // Bit time remaining in the current Frame
-#define UHP_HcFmNumber (60) // Frame number
-#define UHP_HcPeriodicStart (64) // Periodic Start
-#define UHP_HcLSThreshold (68) // LS Threshold
-#define UHP_HcRhDescriptorA (72) // Root Hub characteristics A
-#define UHP_HcRhDescriptorB (76) // Root Hub characteristics B
-#define UHP_HcRhStatus (80) // Root Hub Status register
-#define UHP_HcRhPortStatus (84) // Root Hub Port Status Register
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_EMAC structure ***
-#define EMAC_CTL ( 0) // Network Control Register
-#define EMAC_CFG ( 4) // Network Configuration Register
-#define EMAC_SR ( 8) // Network Status Register
-#define EMAC_TAR (12) // Transmit Address Register
-#define EMAC_TCR (16) // Transmit Control Register
-#define EMAC_TSR (20) // Transmit Status Register
-#define EMAC_RBQP (24) // Receive Buffer Queue Pointer
-#define EMAC_RSR (32) // Receive Status Register
-#define EMAC_ISR (36) // Interrupt Status Register
-#define EMAC_IER (40) // Interrupt Enable Register
-#define EMAC_IDR (44) // Interrupt Disable Register
-#define EMAC_IMR (48) // Interrupt Mask Register
-#define EMAC_MAN (52) // PHY Maintenance Register
-#define EMAC_FRA (64) // Frames Transmitted OK Register
-#define EMAC_SCOL (68) // Single Collision Frame Register
-#define EMAC_MCOL (72) // Multiple Collision Frame Register
-#define EMAC_OK (76) // Frames Received OK Register
-#define EMAC_SEQE (80) // Frame Check Sequence Error Register
-#define EMAC_ALE (84) // Alignment Error Register
-#define EMAC_DTE (88) // Deferred Transmission Frame Register
-#define EMAC_LCOL (92) // Late Collision Register
-#define EMAC_ECOL (96) // Excessive Collision Register
-#define EMAC_CSE (100) // Carrier Sense Error Register
-#define EMAC_TUE (104) // Transmit Underrun Error Register
-#define EMAC_CDE (108) // Code Error Register
-#define EMAC_ELR (112) // Excessive Length Error Register
-#define EMAC_RJB (116) // Receive Jabber Register
-#define EMAC_USF (120) // Undersize Frame Register
-#define EMAC_SQEE (124) // SQE Test Error Register
-#define EMAC_DRFC (128) // Discarded RX Frame Register
-#define EMAC_HSH (144) // Hash Address High[63:32]
-#define EMAC_HSL (148) // Hash Address Low[31:0]
-#define EMAC_SA1L (152) // Specific Address 1 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define EMAC_SA1H (156) // Specific Address 1 High, Last 2 bytes
-#define EMAC_SA2L (160) // Specific Address 2 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define EMAC_SA2H (164) // Specific Address 2 High, Last 2 bytes
-#define EMAC_SA3L (168) // Specific Address 3 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define EMAC_SA3H (172) // Specific Address 3 High, Last 2 bytes
-#define EMAC_SA4L (176) // Specific Address 4 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define EMAC_SA4H (180) // Specific Address 4 High, Last 2 bytesr
-// -------- EMAC_CTL : (EMAC Offset: 0x0) --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LB (0x1 << 0) // (EMAC) Loopback. Optional. When set, loopback signal is at high level.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LBL (0x1 << 1) // (EMAC) Loopback local.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RE (0x1 << 2) // (EMAC) Receive enable.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TE (0x1 << 3) // (EMAC) Transmit enable.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_MPE (0x1 << 4) // (EMAC) Management port enable.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CSR (0x1 << 5) // (EMAC) Clear statistics registers.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_ISR (0x1 << 6) // (EMAC) Increment statistics registers.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_WES (0x1 << 7) // (EMAC) Write enable for statistics registers.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_BP (0x1 << 8) // (EMAC) Back pressure.
-// -------- EMAC_CFG : (EMAC Offset: 0x4) Network Configuration Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SPD (0x1 << 0) // (EMAC) Speed.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_FD (0x1 << 1) // (EMAC) Full duplex.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_BR (0x1 << 2) // (EMAC) Bit rate.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CAF (0x1 << 4) // (EMAC) Copy all frames.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_NBC (0x1 << 5) // (EMAC) No broadcast.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_MTI (0x1 << 6) // (EMAC) Multicast hash enable
-#define AT91C_EMAC_UNI (0x1 << 7) // (EMAC) Unicast hash enable.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_BIG (0x1 << 8) // (EMAC) Receive 1522 bytes.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_EAE (0x1 << 9) // (EMAC) External address match enable.
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CLK (0x3 << 10) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_8 (0x0 << 10) // (EMAC) HCLK divided by 8
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_16 (0x1 << 10) // (EMAC) HCLK divided by 16
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_32 (0x2 << 10) // (EMAC) HCLK divided by 32
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CLK_HCLK_64 (0x3 << 10) // (EMAC) HCLK divided by 64
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RTY (0x1 << 12) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RMII (0x1 << 13) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_SR : (EMAC Offset: 0x8) Network Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_MDIO (0x1 << 1) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_IDLE (0x1 << 2) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_TCR : (EMAC Offset: 0x10) Transmit Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LEN (0x7FF << 0) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_NCRC (0x1 << 15) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_TSR : (EMAC Offset: 0x14) Transmit Control Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_OVR (0x1 << 0) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_COL (0x1 << 1) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RLE (0x1 << 2) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TXIDLE (0x1 << 3) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_BNQ (0x1 << 4) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_COMP (0x1 << 5) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_UND (0x1 << 6) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_RSR : (EMAC Offset: 0x20) Receive Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_BNA (0x1 << 0) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_REC (0x1 << 1) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_ISR : (EMAC Offset: 0x24) Interrupt Status Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_DONE (0x1 << 0) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RCOM (0x1 << 1) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RBNA (0x1 << 2) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TOVR (0x1 << 3) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TUND (0x1 << 4) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RTRY (0x1 << 5) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TBRE (0x1 << 6) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TCOM (0x1 << 7) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TIDLE (0x1 << 8) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LINK (0x1 << 9) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_ROVR (0x1 << 10) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_HRESP (0x1 << 11) // (EMAC)
-// -------- EMAC_IER : (EMAC Offset: 0x28) Interrupt Enable Register --------
-// -------- EMAC_IDR : (EMAC Offset: 0x2c) Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- EMAC_IMR : (EMAC Offset: 0x30) Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- EMAC_MAN : (EMAC Offset: 0x34) PHY Maintenance Register --------
-#define AT91C_EMAC_DATA (0xFFFF << 0) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CODE (0x3 << 16) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_REGA (0x1F << 18) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_PHYA (0x1F << 23) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RW (0x3 << 28) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_HIGH (0x1 << 30) // (EMAC)
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LOW (0x1 << 31) // (EMAC)
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR External Bus Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_EBI structure ***
-#define EBI_CSA ( 0) // Chip Select Assignment Register
-#define EBI_CFGR ( 4) // Configuration Register
-// -------- EBI_CSA : (EBI Offset: 0x0) Chip Select Assignment Register --------
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS0A (0x1 << 0) // (EBI) Chip Select 0 Assignment
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS0A_SMC (0x0) // (EBI) Chip Select 0 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS0A_BFC (0x1) // (EBI) Chip Select 0 is assigned to the Burst Flash Controller.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS1A (0x1 << 1) // (EBI) Chip Select 1 Assignment
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS1A_SMC (0x0 << 1) // (EBI) Chip Select 1 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS1A_SDRAMC (0x1 << 1) // (EBI) Chip Select 1 is assigned to the SDRAM Controller.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS3A (0x1 << 3) // (EBI) Chip Select 3 Assignment
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS3A_SMC (0x0 << 3) // (EBI) Chip Select 3 is only assigned to the Static Memory Controller and NCS3 behaves as defined by the SMC2.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS3A_SMC_SmartMedia (0x1 << 3) // (EBI) Chip Select 3 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller and the SmartMedia Logic is activated.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS4A (0x1 << 4) // (EBI) Chip Select 4 Assignment
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS4A_SMC (0x0 << 4) // (EBI) Chip Select 4 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller and NCS4,NCS5 and NCS6 behave as defined by the SMC2.
-#define AT91C_EBI_CS4A_SMC_CompactFlash (0x1 << 4) // (EBI) Chip Select 4 is assigned to the Static Memory Controller and the CompactFlash Logic is activated.
-// -------- EBI_CFGR : (EBI Offset: 0x4) Configuration Register --------
-#define AT91C_EBI_DBPUC (0x1 << 0) // (EBI) Data Bus Pull-Up Configuration
-#define AT91C_EBI_EBSEN (0x1 << 1) // (EBI) Bus Sharing Enable
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Static Memory Controller 2 Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_SMC2 structure ***
-#define SMC2_CSR ( 0) // SMC2 Chip Select Register
-// -------- SMC2_CSR : (SMC2 Offset: 0x0) SMC2 Chip Select Register --------
-#define AT91C_SMC2_NWS (0x7F << 0) // (SMC2) Number of Wait States
-#define AT91C_SMC2_WSEN (0x1 << 7) // (SMC2) Wait State Enable
-#define AT91C_SMC2_TDF (0xF << 8) // (SMC2) Data Float Time
-#define AT91C_SMC2_BAT (0x1 << 12) // (SMC2) Byte Access Type
-#define AT91C_SMC2_DBW (0x1 << 13) // (SMC2) Data Bus Width
-#define AT91C_SMC2_DBW_16 (0x1 << 13) // (SMC2) 16-bit.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_DBW_8 (0x2 << 13) // (SMC2) 8-bit.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_DRP (0x1 << 15) // (SMC2) Data Read Protocol
-#define AT91C_SMC2_ACSS (0x3 << 16) // (SMC2) Address to Chip Select Setup
-#define AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_STANDARD (0x0 << 16) // (SMC2) Standard, asserted at the beginning of the access and deasserted at the end.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_1_CYCLE (0x1 << 16) // (SMC2) One cycle less at the beginning and the end of the access.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_2_CYCLES (0x2 << 16) // (SMC2) Two cycles less at the beginning and the end of the access.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_ACSS_3_CYCLES (0x3 << 16) // (SMC2) Three cycles less at the beginning and the end of the access.
-#define AT91C_SMC2_RWSETUP (0x7 << 24) // (SMC2) Read and Write Signal Setup Time
-#define AT91C_SMC2_RWHOLD (0x7 << 29) // (SMC2) Read and Write Signal Hold Time
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_SDRC structure ***
-#define SDRC_MR ( 0) // SDRAM Controller Mode Register
-#define SDRC_TR ( 4) // SDRAM Controller Refresh Timer Register
-#define SDRC_CR ( 8) // SDRAM Controller Configuration Register
-#define SDRC_SRR (12) // SDRAM Controller Self Refresh Register
-#define SDRC_LPR (16) // SDRAM Controller Low Power Register
-#define SDRC_IER (20) // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Enable Register
-#define SDRC_IDR (24) // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Disable Register
-#define SDRC_IMR (28) // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
-#define SDRC_ISR (32) // SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
-// -------- SDRC_MR : (SDRC Offset: 0x0) SDRAM Controller Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE (0xF << 0) // (SDRC) Mode
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE_NORMAL_CMD (0x0) // (SDRC) Normal Mode
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE_NOP_CMD (0x1) // (SDRC) NOP Command
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE_PRCGALL_CMD (0x2) // (SDRC) All Banks Precharge Command
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE_LMR_CMD (0x3) // (SDRC) Load Mode Register Command
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MODE_RFSH_CMD (0x4) // (SDRC) Refresh Command
-#define AT91C_SDRC_DBW (0x1 << 4) // (SDRC) Data Bus Width
-#define AT91C_SDRC_DBW_32_BITS (0x0 << 4) // (SDRC) 32 Bits datas bus
-#define AT91C_SDRC_DBW_16_BITS (0x1 << 4) // (SDRC) 16 Bits datas bus
-// -------- SDRC_TR : (SDRC Offset: 0x4) SDRC Refresh Timer Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_COUNT (0xFFF << 0) // (SDRC) Refresh Counter
-// -------- SDRC_CR : (SDRC Offset: 0x8) SDRAM Configuration Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NC (0x3 << 0) // (SDRC) Number of Column Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NC_8 (0x0) // (SDRC) 8 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NC_9 (0x1) // (SDRC) 9 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NC_10 (0x2) // (SDRC) 10 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NC_11 (0x3) // (SDRC) 11 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NR (0x3 << 2) // (SDRC) Number of Row Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NR_11 (0x0 << 2) // (SDRC) 11 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NR_12 (0x1 << 2) // (SDRC) 12 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NR_13 (0x2 << 2) // (SDRC) 13 Bits
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NB (0x1 << 4) // (SDRC) Number of Banks
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NB_2_BANKS (0x0 << 4) // (SDRC) 2 banks
-#define AT91C_SDRC_NB_4_BANKS (0x1 << 4) // (SDRC) 4 banks
-#define AT91C_SDRC_CAS (0x3 << 5) // (SDRC) CAS Latency
-#define AT91C_SDRC_CAS_2 (0x2 << 5) // (SDRC) 2 cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TWR (0xF << 7) // (SDRC) Number of Write Recovery Time Cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TRC (0xF << 11) // (SDRC) Number of RAS Cycle Time Cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TRP (0xF << 15) // (SDRC) Number of RAS Precharge Time Cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TRCD (0xF << 19) // (SDRC) Number of RAS to CAS Delay Cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TRAS (0xF << 23) // (SDRC) Number of RAS Active Time Cycles
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TXSR (0xF << 27) // (SDRC) Number of Command Recovery Time Cycles
-// -------- SDRC_SRR : (SDRC Offset: 0xc) SDRAM Controller Self-refresh Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_SRCB (0x1 << 0) // (SDRC) Self-refresh Command Bit
-// -------- SDRC_LPR : (SDRC Offset: 0x10) SDRAM Controller Low-power Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_LPCB (0x1 << 0) // (SDRC) Low-power Command Bit
-// -------- SDRC_IER : (SDRC Offset: 0x14) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Enable Register --------
-#define AT91C_SDRC_RES (0x1 << 0) // (SDRC) Refresh Error Status
-// -------- SDRC_IDR : (SDRC Offset: 0x18) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Disable Register --------
-// -------- SDRC_IMR : (SDRC Offset: 0x1c) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register --------
-// -------- SDRC_ISR : (SDRC Offset: 0x20) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Status Register --------
-// *****************************************************************************
-// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Burst Flash Controller Interface
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *** Register offset in AT91S_BFC structure ***
-#define BFC_MR ( 0) // BFC Mode Register
-// -------- BFC_MR : (BFC Offset: 0x0) BFC Mode Register --------
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCOM (0x3 << 0) // (BFC) Burst Flash Controller Operating Mode
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCOM_DISABLED (0x0) // (BFC) NPCS0 is driven by the SMC or remains high.
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCOM_ASYNC (0x1) // (BFC) Asynchronous
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCOM_BURST_READ (0x2) // (BFC) Burst Read
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCC (0x3 << 2) // (BFC) Burst Flash Controller Operating Mode
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCC_MCK (0x1 << 2) // (BFC) Master Clock.
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCC_MCK_DIV_2 (0x2 << 2) // (BFC) Master Clock divided by 2.
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFCC_MCK_DIV_4 (0x3 << 2) // (BFC) Master Clock divided by 4.
-#define AT91C_BFC_AVL (0xF << 4) // (BFC) Address Valid Latency
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES (0x7 << 8) // (BFC) Page Size
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_NO_PAGE (0x0 << 8) // (BFC) No page handling.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_16 (0x1 << 8) // (BFC) 16 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_32 (0x2 << 8) // (BFC) 32 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_64 (0x3 << 8) // (BFC) 64 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_128 (0x4 << 8) // (BFC) 128 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_256 (0x5 << 8) // (BFC) 256 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_512 (0x6 << 8) // (BFC) 512 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_PAGES_1024 (0x7 << 8) // (BFC) 1024 bytes page size.
-#define AT91C_BFC_OEL (0x3 << 12) // (BFC) Output Enable Latency
-#define AT91C_BFC_BAAEN (0x1 << 16) // (BFC) Burst Address Advance Enable
-#define AT91C_BFC_BFOEH (0x1 << 17) // (BFC) Burst Flash Output Enable Handling
-#define AT91C_BFC_MUXEN (0x1 << 18) // (BFC) Multiplexed Bus Enable
-#define AT91C_BFC_RDYEN (0x1 << 19) // (BFC) Ready Enable Mode
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-// ========== Register definition for SYS peripheral ==========
-// ========== Register definition for MC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_MC_PUER (0xFFFFFF54) // (MC) MC Protection Unit Enable Register
-#define AT91C_MC_ASR (0xFFFFFF04) // (MC) MC Abort Status Register
-#define AT91C_MC_PUP (0xFFFFFF50) // (MC) MC Protection Unit Peripherals
-#define AT91C_MC_PUIA (0xFFFFFF10) // (MC) MC Protection Unit Area
-#define AT91C_MC_AASR (0xFFFFFF08) // (MC) MC Abort Address Status Register
-#define AT91C_MC_RCR (0xFFFFFF00) // (MC) MC Remap Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for RTC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_RTC_IMR (0xFFFFFE28) // (RTC) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_IER (0xFFFFFE20) // (RTC) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_SR (0xFFFFFE18) // (RTC) Status Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMALR (0xFFFFFE10) // (RTC) Time Alarm Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMR (0xFFFFFE08) // (RTC) Time Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_CR (0xFFFFFE00) // (RTC) Control Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_VER (0xFFFFFE2C) // (RTC) Valid Entry Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_IDR (0xFFFFFE24) // (RTC) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_SCCR (0xFFFFFE1C) // (RTC) Status Clear Command Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALALR (0xFFFFFE14) // (RTC) Calendar Alarm Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALR (0xFFFFFE0C) // (RTC) Calendar Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_MR (0xFFFFFE04) // (RTC) Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for ST peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_ST_CRTR (0xFFFFFD24) // (ST) Current Real-time Register
-#define AT91C_ST_IMR (0xFFFFFD1C) // (ST) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_ST_IER (0xFFFFFD14) // (ST) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_ST_RTMR (0xFFFFFD0C) // (ST) Real-time Mode Register
-#define AT91C_ST_PIMR (0xFFFFFD04) // (ST) Period Interval Mode Register
-#define AT91C_ST_RTAR (0xFFFFFD20) // (ST) Real-time Alarm Register
-#define AT91C_ST_IDR (0xFFFFFD18) // (ST) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_ST_SR (0xFFFFFD10) // (ST) Status Register
-#define AT91C_ST_WDMR (0xFFFFFD08) // (ST) Watchdog Mode Register
-#define AT91C_ST_CR (0xFFFFFD00) // (ST) Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for PMC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_PMC_SCSR (0xFFFFFC08) // (PMC) System Clock Status Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_SCER (0xFFFFFC00) // (PMC) System Clock Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_IMR (0xFFFFFC6C) // (PMC) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_IDR (0xFFFFFC64) // (PMC) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCDR (0xFFFFFC14) // (PMC) Peripheral Clock Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_SCDR (0xFFFFFC04) // (PMC) System Clock Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_SR (0xFFFFFC68) // (PMC) Status Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_IER (0xFFFFFC60) // (PMC) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_MCKR (0xFFFFFC30) // (PMC) Master Clock Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCER (0xFFFFFC10) // (PMC) Peripheral Clock Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCSR (0xFFFFFC18) // (PMC) Peripheral Clock Status Register
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCKR (0xFFFFFC40) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Register
-// ========== Register definition for CKGR peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLBR (0xFFFFFC2C) // (CKGR) PLL B Register
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MCFR (0xFFFFFC24) // (CKGR) Main Clock Frequency Register
-#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLAR (0xFFFFFC28) // (CKGR) PLL A Register
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MOR (0xFFFFFC20) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Register
-// ========== Register definition for PIOD peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PDSR (0xFFFFFA3C) // (PIOD) Pin Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_CODR (0xFFFFFA34) // (PIOD) Clear Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_OWER (0xFFFFFAA0) // (PIOD) Output Write Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_MDER (0xFFFFFA50) // (PIOD) Multi-driver Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IMR (0xFFFFFA48) // (PIOD) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IER (0xFFFFFA40) // (PIOD) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_ODSR (0xFFFFFA38) // (PIOD) Output Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_SODR (0xFFFFFA30) // (PIOD) Set Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PER (0xFFFFFA00) // (PIOD) PIO Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_OWDR (0xFFFFFAA4) // (PIOD) Output Write Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PPUER (0xFFFFFA64) // (PIOD) Pull-up Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_MDDR (0xFFFFFA54) // (PIOD) Multi-driver Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_ISR (0xFFFFFA4C) // (PIOD) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IDR (0xFFFFFA44) // (PIOD) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PDR (0xFFFFFA04) // (PIOD) PIO Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_ODR (0xFFFFFA14) // (PIOD) Output Disable Registerr
-#define AT91C_PIOD_OWSR (0xFFFFFAA8) // (PIOD) Output Write Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_ABSR (0xFFFFFA78) // (PIOD) AB Select Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_ASR (0xFFFFFA70) // (PIOD) Select A Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PPUSR (0xFFFFFA68) // (PIOD) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PPUDR (0xFFFFFA60) // (PIOD) Pull-up Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_MDSR (0xFFFFFA58) // (PIOD) Multi-driver Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_PSR (0xFFFFFA08) // (PIOD) PIO Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_OER (0xFFFFFA10) // (PIOD) Output Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_OSR (0xFFFFFA18) // (PIOD) Output Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IFER (0xFFFFFA20) // (PIOD) Input Filter Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_BSR (0xFFFFFA74) // (PIOD) Select B Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IFDR (0xFFFFFA24) // (PIOD) Input Filter Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOD_IFSR (0xFFFFFA28) // (PIOD) Input Filter Status Register
-// ========== Register definition for PIOC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IFDR (0xFFFFF824) // (PIOC) Input Filter Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_ODR (0xFFFFF814) // (PIOC) Output Disable Registerr
-#define AT91C_PIOC_ABSR (0xFFFFF878) // (PIOC) AB Select Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_SODR (0xFFFFF830) // (PIOC) Set Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IFSR (0xFFFFF828) // (PIOC) Input Filter Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_CODR (0xFFFFF834) // (PIOC) Clear Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_ODSR (0xFFFFF838) // (PIOC) Output Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IER (0xFFFFF840) // (PIOC) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IMR (0xFFFFF848) // (PIOC) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_OWDR (0xFFFFF8A4) // (PIOC) Output Write Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_MDDR (0xFFFFF854) // (PIOC) Multi-driver Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PDSR (0xFFFFF83C) // (PIOC) Pin Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IDR (0xFFFFF844) // (PIOC) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_ISR (0xFFFFF84C) // (PIOC) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PDR (0xFFFFF804) // (PIOC) PIO Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_OWSR (0xFFFFF8A8) // (PIOC) Output Write Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_OWER (0xFFFFF8A0) // (PIOC) Output Write Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_ASR (0xFFFFF870) // (PIOC) Select A Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PPUSR (0xFFFFF868) // (PIOC) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PPUDR (0xFFFFF860) // (PIOC) Pull-up Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_MDSR (0xFFFFF858) // (PIOC) Multi-driver Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_MDER (0xFFFFF850) // (PIOC) Multi-driver Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_IFER (0xFFFFF820) // (PIOC) Input Filter Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_OSR (0xFFFFF818) // (PIOC) Output Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_OER (0xFFFFF810) // (PIOC) Output Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PSR (0xFFFFF808) // (PIOC) PIO Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PER (0xFFFFF800) // (PIOC) PIO Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_BSR (0xFFFFF874) // (PIOC) Select B Register
-#define AT91C_PIOC_PPUER (0xFFFFF864) // (PIOC) Pull-up Enable Register
-// ========== Register definition for PIOB peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_PIOB_OWSR (0xFFFFF6A8) // (PIOB) Output Write Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PPUSR (0xFFFFF668) // (PIOB) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PPUDR (0xFFFFF660) // (PIOB) Pull-up Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_MDSR (0xFFFFF658) // (PIOB) Multi-driver Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_MDER (0xFFFFF650) // (PIOB) Multi-driver Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IMR (0xFFFFF648) // (PIOB) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_OSR (0xFFFFF618) // (PIOB) Output Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_OER (0xFFFFF610) // (PIOB) Output Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PSR (0xFFFFF608) // (PIOB) PIO Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PER (0xFFFFF600) // (PIOB) PIO Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_BSR (0xFFFFF674) // (PIOB) Select B Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PPUER (0xFFFFF664) // (PIOB) Pull-up Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IFDR (0xFFFFF624) // (PIOB) Input Filter Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_ODR (0xFFFFF614) // (PIOB) Output Disable Registerr
-#define AT91C_PIOB_ABSR (0xFFFFF678) // (PIOB) AB Select Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_ASR (0xFFFFF670) // (PIOB) Select A Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IFER (0xFFFFF620) // (PIOB) Input Filter Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IFSR (0xFFFFF628) // (PIOB) Input Filter Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_SODR (0xFFFFF630) // (PIOB) Set Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_ODSR (0xFFFFF638) // (PIOB) Output Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_CODR (0xFFFFF634) // (PIOB) Clear Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PDSR (0xFFFFF63C) // (PIOB) Pin Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_OWER (0xFFFFF6A0) // (PIOB) Output Write Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IER (0xFFFFF640) // (PIOB) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_OWDR (0xFFFFF6A4) // (PIOB) Output Write Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_MDDR (0xFFFFF654) // (PIOB) Multi-driver Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_ISR (0xFFFFF64C) // (PIOB) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_IDR (0xFFFFF644) // (PIOB) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOB_PDR (0xFFFFF604) // (PIOB) PIO Disable Register
-// ========== Register definition for PIOA peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IMR (0xFFFFF448) // (PIOA) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IER (0xFFFFF440) // (PIOA) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_OWDR (0xFFFFF4A4) // (PIOA) Output Write Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_ISR (0xFFFFF44C) // (PIOA) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PPUDR (0xFFFFF460) // (PIOA) Pull-up Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_MDSR (0xFFFFF458) // (PIOA) Multi-driver Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_MDER (0xFFFFF450) // (PIOA) Multi-driver Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PER (0xFFFFF400) // (PIOA) PIO Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PSR (0xFFFFF408) // (PIOA) PIO Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_OER (0xFFFFF410) // (PIOA) Output Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_BSR (0xFFFFF474) // (PIOA) Select B Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PPUER (0xFFFFF464) // (PIOA) Pull-up Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_MDDR (0xFFFFF454) // (PIOA) Multi-driver Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PDR (0xFFFFF404) // (PIOA) PIO Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_ODR (0xFFFFF414) // (PIOA) Output Disable Registerr
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IFDR (0xFFFFF424) // (PIOA) Input Filter Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_ABSR (0xFFFFF478) // (PIOA) AB Select Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_ASR (0xFFFFF470) // (PIOA) Select A Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PPUSR (0xFFFFF468) // (PIOA) Pad Pull-up Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_ODSR (0xFFFFF438) // (PIOA) Output Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_SODR (0xFFFFF430) // (PIOA) Set Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IFSR (0xFFFFF428) // (PIOA) Input Filter Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IFER (0xFFFFF420) // (PIOA) Input Filter Enable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_OSR (0xFFFFF418) // (PIOA) Output Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_IDR (0xFFFFF444) // (PIOA) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_PDSR (0xFFFFF43C) // (PIOA) Pin Data Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_CODR (0xFFFFF434) // (PIOA) Clear Output Data Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_OWSR (0xFFFFF4A8) // (PIOA) Output Write Status Register
-#define AT91C_PIOA_OWER (0xFFFFF4A0) // (PIOA) Output Write Enable Register
-// ========== Register definition for DBGU peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_DBGU_C2R (0xFFFFF244) // (DBGU) Chip ID2 Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_THR (0xFFFFF21C) // (DBGU) Transmitter Holding Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_CSR (0xFFFFF214) // (DBGU) Channel Status Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_IDR (0xFFFFF20C) // (DBGU) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_MR (0xFFFFF204) // (DBGU) Mode Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_FNTR (0xFFFFF248) // (DBGU) Force NTRST Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_C1R (0xFFFFF240) // (DBGU) Chip ID1 Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_BRGR (0xFFFFF220) // (DBGU) Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_RHR (0xFFFFF218) // (DBGU) Receiver Holding Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_IMR (0xFFFFF210) // (DBGU) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_IER (0xFFFFF208) // (DBGU) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_CR (0xFFFFF200) // (DBGU) Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_DBGU peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_DBGU_TNCR (0xFFFFF31C) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_RNCR (0xFFFFF314) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_PTCR (0xFFFFF320) // (PDC_DBGU) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_PTSR (0xFFFFF324) // (PDC_DBGU) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_RCR (0xFFFFF304) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Counter Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_TCR (0xFFFFF30C) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_RPR (0xFFFFF300) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_TPR (0xFFFFF308) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_RNPR (0xFFFFF310) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_DBGU_TNPR (0xFFFFF318) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-// ========== Register definition for AIC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_AIC_ICCR (0xFFFFF128) // (AIC) Interrupt Clear Command Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_IECR (0xFFFFF120) // (AIC) Interrupt Enable Command Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_SMR (0xFFFFF000) // (AIC) Source Mode Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_ISCR (0xFFFFF12C) // (AIC) Interrupt Set Command Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_EOICR (0xFFFFF130) // (AIC) End of Interrupt Command Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_DCR (0xFFFFF138) // (AIC) Debug Control Register (Protect)
-#define AT91C_AIC_FFER (0xFFFFF140) // (AIC) Fast Forcing Enable Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_SVR (0xFFFFF080) // (AIC) Source Vector Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_SPU (0xFFFFF134) // (AIC) Spurious Vector Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_FFDR (0xFFFFF144) // (AIC) Fast Forcing Disable Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_FVR (0xFFFFF104) // (AIC) FIQ Vector Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_FFSR (0xFFFFF148) // (AIC) Fast Forcing Status Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_IMR (0xFFFFF110) // (AIC) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_ISR (0xFFFFF108) // (AIC) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_IVR (0xFFFFF100) // (AIC) IRQ Vector Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_IDCR (0xFFFFF124) // (AIC) Interrupt Disable Command Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_CISR (0xFFFFF114) // (AIC) Core Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_AIC_IPR (0xFFFFF10C) // (AIC) Interrupt Pending Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_SPI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SPI_PTCR (0xFFFE0120) // (PDC_SPI) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_TNPR (0xFFFE0118) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_RNPR (0xFFFE0110) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_TPR (0xFFFE0108) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_RPR (0xFFFE0100) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_PTSR (0xFFFE0124) // (PDC_SPI) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_TNCR (0xFFFE011C) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_RNCR (0xFFFE0114) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_TCR (0xFFFE010C) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_RCR (0xFFFE0104) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for SPI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SPI_CSR (0xFFFE0030) // (SPI) Chip Select Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_IDR (0xFFFE0018) // (SPI) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_SR (0xFFFE0010) // (SPI) Status Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_RDR (0xFFFE0008) // (SPI) Receive Data Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_CR (0xFFFE0000) // (SPI) Control Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_IMR (0xFFFE001C) // (SPI) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_IER (0xFFFE0014) // (SPI) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_TDR (0xFFFE000C) // (SPI) Transmit Data Register
-#define AT91C_SPI_MR (0xFFFE0004) // (SPI) Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_SSC2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC2_PTCR (0xFFFD8120) // (PDC_SSC2) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TNPR (0xFFFD8118) // (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RNPR (0xFFFD8110) // (PDC_SSC2) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TPR (0xFFFD8108) // (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RPR (0xFFFD8100) // (PDC_SSC2) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_PTSR (0xFFFD8124) // (PDC_SSC2) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TNCR (0xFFFD811C) // (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RNCR (0xFFFD8114) // (PDC_SSC2) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TCR (0xFFFD810C) // (PDC_SSC2) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RCR (0xFFFD8104) // (PDC_SSC2) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for SSC2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC2_IMR (0xFFFD804C) // (SSC2) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_IER (0xFFFD8044) // (SSC2) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RC1R (0xFFFD803C) // (SSC2) Receive Compare 1 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TSHR (0xFFFD8034) // (SSC2) Transmit Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_CMR (0xFFFD8004) // (SSC2) Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_IDR (0xFFFD8048) // (SSC2) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TCMR (0xFFFD8018) // (SSC2) Transmit Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RCMR (0xFFFD8010) // (SSC2) Receive Clock ModeRegister
-#define AT91C_SSC2_CR (0xFFFD8000) // (SSC2) Control Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RFMR (0xFFFD8014) // (SSC2) Receive Frame Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_TFMR (0xFFFD801C) // (SSC2) Transmit Frame Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_THR (0xFFFD8024) // (SSC2) Transmit Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_SR (0xFFFD8040) // (SSC2) Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RC0R (0xFFFD8038) // (SSC2) Receive Compare 0 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RSHR (0xFFFD8030) // (SSC2) Receive Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC2_RHR (0xFFFD8020) // (SSC2) Receive Holding Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_SSC1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC1_PTCR (0xFFFD4120) // (PDC_SSC1) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TNPR (0xFFFD4118) // (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RNPR (0xFFFD4110) // (PDC_SSC1) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TPR (0xFFFD4108) // (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RPR (0xFFFD4100) // (PDC_SSC1) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_PTSR (0xFFFD4124) // (PDC_SSC1) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TNCR (0xFFFD411C) // (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RNCR (0xFFFD4114) // (PDC_SSC1) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TCR (0xFFFD410C) // (PDC_SSC1) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RCR (0xFFFD4104) // (PDC_SSC1) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for SSC1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RFMR (0xFFFD4014) // (SSC1) Receive Frame Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_CMR (0xFFFD4004) // (SSC1) Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_IDR (0xFFFD4048) // (SSC1) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_SR (0xFFFD4040) // (SSC1) Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RC0R (0xFFFD4038) // (SSC1) Receive Compare 0 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RSHR (0xFFFD4030) // (SSC1) Receive Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RHR (0xFFFD4020) // (SSC1) Receive Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TCMR (0xFFFD4018) // (SSC1) Transmit Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RCMR (0xFFFD4010) // (SSC1) Receive Clock ModeRegister
-#define AT91C_SSC1_CR (0xFFFD4000) // (SSC1) Control Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_IMR (0xFFFD404C) // (SSC1) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_IER (0xFFFD4044) // (SSC1) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_RC1R (0xFFFD403C) // (SSC1) Receive Compare 1 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TSHR (0xFFFD4034) // (SSC1) Transmit Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_THR (0xFFFD4024) // (SSC1) Transmit Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC1_TFMR (0xFFFD401C) // (SSC1) Transmit Frame Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_SSC0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC0_PTCR (0xFFFD0120) // (PDC_SSC0) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TNPR (0xFFFD0118) // (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RNPR (0xFFFD0110) // (PDC_SSC0) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TPR (0xFFFD0108) // (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RPR (0xFFFD0100) // (PDC_SSC0) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_PTSR (0xFFFD0124) // (PDC_SSC0) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TNCR (0xFFFD011C) // (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RNCR (0xFFFD0114) // (PDC_SSC0) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TCR (0xFFFD010C) // (PDC_SSC0) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RCR (0xFFFD0104) // (PDC_SSC0) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for SSC0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SSC0_IMR (0xFFFD004C) // (SSC0) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_IER (0xFFFD0044) // (SSC0) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RC1R (0xFFFD003C) // (SSC0) Receive Compare 1 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TSHR (0xFFFD0034) // (SSC0) Transmit Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_THR (0xFFFD0024) // (SSC0) Transmit Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TFMR (0xFFFD001C) // (SSC0) Transmit Frame Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RFMR (0xFFFD0014) // (SSC0) Receive Frame Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_CMR (0xFFFD0004) // (SSC0) Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_IDR (0xFFFD0048) // (SSC0) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_SR (0xFFFD0040) // (SSC0) Status Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RC0R (0xFFFD0038) // (SSC0) Receive Compare 0 Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RSHR (0xFFFD0030) // (SSC0) Receive Sync Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RHR (0xFFFD0020) // (SSC0) Receive Holding Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_TCMR (0xFFFD0018) // (SSC0) Transmit Clock Mode Register
-#define AT91C_SSC0_RCMR (0xFFFD0010) // (SSC0) Receive Clock ModeRegister
-#define AT91C_SSC0_CR (0xFFFD0000) // (SSC0) Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_US3 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US3_PTSR (0xFFFCC124) // (PDC_US3) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_US3_TNCR (0xFFFCC11C) // (PDC_US3) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RNCR (0xFFFCC114) // (PDC_US3) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US3_TCR (0xFFFCC10C) // (PDC_US3) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RCR (0xFFFCC104) // (PDC_US3) Receive Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US3_PTCR (0xFFFCC120) // (PDC_US3) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_US3_TNPR (0xFFFCC118) // (PDC_US3) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RNPR (0xFFFCC110) // (PDC_US3) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US3_TPR (0xFFFCC108) // (PDC_US3) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RPR (0xFFFCC100) // (PDC_US3) Receive Pointer Register
-// ========== Register definition for US3 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US3_IF (0xFFFCC04C) // (US3) IRDA_FILTER Register
-#define AT91C_US3_NER (0xFFFCC044) // (US3) Nb Errors Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RTOR (0xFFFCC024) // (US3) Receiver Time-out Register
-#define AT91C_US3_THR (0xFFFCC01C) // (US3) Transmitter Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US3_CSR (0xFFFCC014) // (US3) Channel Status Register
-#define AT91C_US3_IDR (0xFFFCC00C) // (US3) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_US3_MR (0xFFFCC004) // (US3) Mode Register
-#define AT91C_US3_XXR (0xFFFCC048) // (US3) XON_XOFF Register
-#define AT91C_US3_FIDI (0xFFFCC040) // (US3) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-#define AT91C_US3_TTGR (0xFFFCC028) // (US3) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-#define AT91C_US3_BRGR (0xFFFCC020) // (US3) Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define AT91C_US3_RHR (0xFFFCC018) // (US3) Receiver Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US3_IMR (0xFFFCC010) // (US3) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_US3_IER (0xFFFCC008) // (US3) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_US3_CR (0xFFFCC000) // (US3) Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_US2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US2_PTSR (0xFFFC8124) // (PDC_US2) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_US2_TNCR (0xFFFC811C) // (PDC_US2) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RNCR (0xFFFC8114) // (PDC_US2) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US2_TCR (0xFFFC810C) // (PDC_US2) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US2_PTCR (0xFFFC8120) // (PDC_US2) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RCR (0xFFFC8104) // (PDC_US2) Receive Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US2_TNPR (0xFFFC8118) // (PDC_US2) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RPR (0xFFFC8100) // (PDC_US2) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US2_TPR (0xFFFC8108) // (PDC_US2) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RNPR (0xFFFC8110) // (PDC_US2) Receive Next Pointer Register
-// ========== Register definition for US2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US2_XXR (0xFFFC8048) // (US2) XON_XOFF Register
-#define AT91C_US2_FIDI (0xFFFC8040) // (US2) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-#define AT91C_US2_TTGR (0xFFFC8028) // (US2) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-#define AT91C_US2_BRGR (0xFFFC8020) // (US2) Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RHR (0xFFFC8018) // (US2) Receiver Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US2_IMR (0xFFFC8010) // (US2) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_US2_IER (0xFFFC8008) // (US2) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_US2_CR (0xFFFC8000) // (US2) Control Register
-#define AT91C_US2_IF (0xFFFC804C) // (US2) IRDA_FILTER Register
-#define AT91C_US2_NER (0xFFFC8044) // (US2) Nb Errors Register
-#define AT91C_US2_RTOR (0xFFFC8024) // (US2) Receiver Time-out Register
-#define AT91C_US2_THR (0xFFFC801C) // (US2) Transmitter Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US2_CSR (0xFFFC8014) // (US2) Channel Status Register
-#define AT91C_US2_IDR (0xFFFC800C) // (US2) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_US2_MR (0xFFFC8004) // (US2) Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_US1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US1_PTSR (0xFFFC4124) // (PDC_US1) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_US1_TNCR (0xFFFC411C) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RNCR (0xFFFC4114) // (PDC_US1) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US1_TCR (0xFFFC410C) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RCR (0xFFFC4104) // (PDC_US1) Receive Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US1_PTCR (0xFFFC4120) // (PDC_US1) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_US1_TNPR (0xFFFC4118) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RNPR (0xFFFC4110) // (PDC_US1) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US1_TPR (0xFFFC4108) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RPR (0xFFFC4100) // (PDC_US1) Receive Pointer Register
-// ========== Register definition for US1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US1_XXR (0xFFFC4048) // (US1) XON_XOFF Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RHR (0xFFFC4018) // (US1) Receiver Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US1_IMR (0xFFFC4010) // (US1) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_US1_IER (0xFFFC4008) // (US1) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_US1_CR (0xFFFC4000) // (US1) Control Register
-#define AT91C_US1_RTOR (0xFFFC4024) // (US1) Receiver Time-out Register
-#define AT91C_US1_THR (0xFFFC401C) // (US1) Transmitter Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US1_CSR (0xFFFC4014) // (US1) Channel Status Register
-#define AT91C_US1_IDR (0xFFFC400C) // (US1) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_US1_FIDI (0xFFFC4040) // (US1) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-#define AT91C_US1_BRGR (0xFFFC4020) // (US1) Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define AT91C_US1_TTGR (0xFFFC4028) // (US1) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-#define AT91C_US1_IF (0xFFFC404C) // (US1) IRDA_FILTER Register
-#define AT91C_US1_NER (0xFFFC4044) // (US1) Nb Errors Register
-#define AT91C_US1_MR (0xFFFC4004) // (US1) Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_US0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US0_PTCR (0xFFFC0120) // (PDC_US0) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_US0_TNPR (0xFFFC0118) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RNPR (0xFFFC0110) // (PDC_US0) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US0_TPR (0xFFFC0108) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RPR (0xFFFC0100) // (PDC_US0) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_US0_PTSR (0xFFFC0124) // (PDC_US0) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_US0_TNCR (0xFFFC011C) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RNCR (0xFFFC0114) // (PDC_US0) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US0_TCR (0xFFFC010C) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RCR (0xFFFC0104) // (PDC_US0) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for US0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_US0_TTGR (0xFFFC0028) // (US0) Transmitter Time-guard Register
-#define AT91C_US0_BRGR (0xFFFC0020) // (US0) Baud Rate Generator Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RHR (0xFFFC0018) // (US0) Receiver Holding Register
-#define AT91C_US0_IMR (0xFFFC0010) // (US0) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_US0_NER (0xFFFC0044) // (US0) Nb Errors Register
-#define AT91C_US0_RTOR (0xFFFC0024) // (US0) Receiver Time-out Register
-#define AT91C_US0_XXR (0xFFFC0048) // (US0) XON_XOFF Register
-#define AT91C_US0_FIDI (0xFFFC0040) // (US0) FI_DI_Ratio Register
-#define AT91C_US0_CR (0xFFFC0000) // (US0) Control Register
-#define AT91C_US0_IER (0xFFFC0008) // (US0) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_US0_IF (0xFFFC004C) // (US0) IRDA_FILTER Register
-#define AT91C_US0_MR (0xFFFC0004) // (US0) Mode Register
-#define AT91C_US0_IDR (0xFFFC000C) // (US0) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_US0_CSR (0xFFFC0014) // (US0) Channel Status Register
-#define AT91C_US0_THR (0xFFFC001C) // (US0) Transmitter Holding Register
-// ========== Register definition for TWI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TWI_RHR (0xFFFB8030) // (TWI) Receive Holding Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_IDR (0xFFFB8028) // (TWI) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_SR (0xFFFB8020) // (TWI) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_CWGR (0xFFFB8010) // (TWI) Clock Waveform Generator Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_SMR (0xFFFB8008) // (TWI) Slave Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_CR (0xFFFB8000) // (TWI) Control Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_THR (0xFFFB8034) // (TWI) Transmit Holding Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_IMR (0xFFFB802C) // (TWI) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_IER (0xFFFB8024) // (TWI) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADR (0xFFFB800C) // (TWI) Internal Address Register
-#define AT91C_TWI_MMR (0xFFFB8004) // (TWI) Master Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for PDC_MCI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_MCI_PTCR (0xFFFB4120) // (PDC_MCI) PDC Transfer Control Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_TNPR (0xFFFB4118) // (PDC_MCI) Transmit Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RNPR (0xFFFB4110) // (PDC_MCI) Receive Next Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_TPR (0xFFFB4108) // (PDC_MCI) Transmit Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RPR (0xFFFB4100) // (PDC_MCI) Receive Pointer Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_PTSR (0xFFFB4124) // (PDC_MCI) PDC Transfer Status Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_TNCR (0xFFFB411C) // (PDC_MCI) Transmit Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RNCR (0xFFFB4114) // (PDC_MCI) Receive Next Counter Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_TCR (0xFFFB410C) // (PDC_MCI) Transmit Counter Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RCR (0xFFFB4104) // (PDC_MCI) Receive Counter Register
-// ========== Register definition for MCI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_MCI_IDR (0xFFFB4048) // (MCI) MCI Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_SR (0xFFFB4040) // (MCI) MCI Status Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RDR (0xFFFB4030) // (MCI) MCI Receive Data Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_RSPR (0xFFFB4020) // (MCI) MCI Response Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_ARGR (0xFFFB4010) // (MCI) MCI Argument Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOR (0xFFFB4008) // (MCI) MCI Data Timeout Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_CR (0xFFFB4000) // (MCI) MCI Control Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_IMR (0xFFFB404C) // (MCI) MCI Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_IER (0xFFFB4044) // (MCI) MCI Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_TDR (0xFFFB4034) // (MCI) MCI Transmit Data Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_CMDR (0xFFFB4014) // (MCI) MCI Command Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_SDCR (0xFFFB400C) // (MCI) MCI SD Card Register
-#define AT91C_MCI_MR (0xFFFB4004) // (MCI) MCI Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for UDP peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_UDP_ISR (0xFFFB001C) // (UDP) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_IDR (0xFFFB0014) // (UDP) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_GLBSTATE (0xFFFB0004) // (UDP) Global State Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_FDR (0xFFFB0050) // (UDP) Endpoint FIFO Data Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_CSR (0xFFFB0030) // (UDP) Endpoint Control and Status Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_RSTEP (0xFFFB0028) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_ICR (0xFFFB0020) // (UDP) Interrupt Clear Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_IMR (0xFFFB0018) // (UDP) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_IER (0xFFFB0010) // (UDP) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_FADDR (0xFFFB0008) // (UDP) Function Address Register
-#define AT91C_UDP_NUM (0xFFFB0000) // (UDP) Frame Number Register
-// ========== Register definition for TC5 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC5_CMR (0xFFFA4084) // (TC5) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_IDR (0xFFFA40A8) // (TC5) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_SR (0xFFFA40A0) // (TC5) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_RB (0xFFFA4098) // (TC5) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC5_CV (0xFFFA4090) // (TC5) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC5_CCR (0xFFFA4080) // (TC5) Channel Control Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_IMR (0xFFFA40AC) // (TC5) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_IER (0xFFFA40A4) // (TC5) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC5_RC (0xFFFA409C) // (TC5) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC5_RA (0xFFFA4094) // (TC5) Register A
-// ========== Register definition for TC4 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC4_IMR (0xFFFA406C) // (TC4) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC4_IER (0xFFFA4064) // (TC4) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC4_RC (0xFFFA405C) // (TC4) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC4_RA (0xFFFA4054) // (TC4) Register A
-#define AT91C_TC4_CMR (0xFFFA4044) // (TC4) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC4_IDR (0xFFFA4068) // (TC4) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC4_SR (0xFFFA4060) // (TC4) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TC4_RB (0xFFFA4058) // (TC4) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC4_CV (0xFFFA4050) // (TC4) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC4_CCR (0xFFFA4040) // (TC4) Channel Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for TC3 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC3_IMR (0xFFFA402C) // (TC3) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC3_CV (0xFFFA4010) // (TC3) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC3_CCR (0xFFFA4000) // (TC3) Channel Control Register
-#define AT91C_TC3_IER (0xFFFA4024) // (TC3) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC3_CMR (0xFFFA4004) // (TC3) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC3_RA (0xFFFA4014) // (TC3) Register A
-#define AT91C_TC3_RC (0xFFFA401C) // (TC3) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC3_IDR (0xFFFA4028) // (TC3) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC3_RB (0xFFFA4018) // (TC3) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC3_SR (0xFFFA4020) // (TC3) Status Register
-// ========== Register definition for TCB1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TCB1_BCR (0xFFFA4140) // (TCB1) TC Block Control Register
-#define AT91C_TCB1_BMR (0xFFFA4144) // (TCB1) TC Block Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for TC2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC2_IMR (0xFFFA00AC) // (TC2) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC2_IER (0xFFFA00A4) // (TC2) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC2_RC (0xFFFA009C) // (TC2) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC2_RA (0xFFFA0094) // (TC2) Register A
-#define AT91C_TC2_CMR (0xFFFA0084) // (TC2) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC2_IDR (0xFFFA00A8) // (TC2) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC2_SR (0xFFFA00A0) // (TC2) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TC2_RB (0xFFFA0098) // (TC2) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC2_CV (0xFFFA0090) // (TC2) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC2_CCR (0xFFFA0080) // (TC2) Channel Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for TC1 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC1_IMR (0xFFFA006C) // (TC1) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC1_IER (0xFFFA0064) // (TC1) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC1_RC (0xFFFA005C) // (TC1) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC1_RA (0xFFFA0054) // (TC1) Register A
-#define AT91C_TC1_CMR (0xFFFA0044) // (TC1) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC1_IDR (0xFFFA0068) // (TC1) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC1_SR (0xFFFA0060) // (TC1) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TC1_RB (0xFFFA0058) // (TC1) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC1_CV (0xFFFA0050) // (TC1) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC1_CCR (0xFFFA0040) // (TC1) Channel Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for TC0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TC0_IMR (0xFFFA002C) // (TC0) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_TC0_IER (0xFFFA0024) // (TC0) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_TC0_RC (0xFFFA001C) // (TC0) Register C
-#define AT91C_TC0_RA (0xFFFA0014) // (TC0) Register A
-#define AT91C_TC0_CMR (0xFFFA0004) // (TC0) Channel Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TC0_IDR (0xFFFA0028) // (TC0) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_TC0_SR (0xFFFA0020) // (TC0) Status Register
-#define AT91C_TC0_RB (0xFFFA0018) // (TC0) Register B
-#define AT91C_TC0_CV (0xFFFA0010) // (TC0) Counter Value
-#define AT91C_TC0_CCR (0xFFFA0000) // (TC0) Channel Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for TCB0 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_TCB0_BMR (0xFFFA00C4) // (TCB0) TC Block Mode Register
-#define AT91C_TCB0_BCR (0xFFFA00C0) // (TCB0) TC Block Control Register
-// ========== Register definition for UHP peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcRhDescriptorA (0x00300048) // (UHP) Root Hub characteristics A
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcRhPortStatus (0x00300054) // (UHP) Root Hub Port Status Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcRhDescriptorB (0x0030004C) // (UHP) Root Hub characteristics B
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcControl (0x00300004) // (UHP) Operating modes for the Host Controller
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcInterruptStatus (0x0030000C) // (UHP) Interrupt Status Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcRhStatus (0x00300050) // (UHP) Root Hub Status register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcRevision (0x00300000) // (UHP) Revision
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcCommandStatus (0x00300008) // (UHP) Command & status Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcInterruptEnable (0x00300010) // (UHP) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcHCCA (0x00300018) // (UHP) Pointer to the Host Controller Communication Area
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcControlHeadED (0x00300020) // (UHP) First Endpoint Descriptor of the Control list
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcInterruptDisable (0x00300014) // (UHP) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcPeriodCurrentED (0x0030001C) // (UHP) Current Isochronous or Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcControlCurrentED (0x00300024) // (UHP) Endpoint Control and Status Register
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcBulkCurrentED (0x0030002C) // (UHP) Current endpoint of the Bulk list
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcFmInterval (0x00300034) // (UHP) Bit time between 2 consecutive SOFs
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcBulkHeadED (0x00300028) // (UHP) First endpoint register of the Bulk list
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcBulkDoneHead (0x00300030) // (UHP) Last completed transfer descriptor
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcFmRemaining (0x00300038) // (UHP) Bit time remaining in the current Frame
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcPeriodicStart (0x00300040) // (UHP) Periodic Start
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcLSThreshold (0x00300044) // (UHP) LS Threshold
-#define AT91C_UHP_HcFmNumber (0x0030003C) // (UHP) Frame number
-// ========== Register definition for EMAC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RSR (0xFFFBC020) // (EMAC) Receive Status Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_MAN (0xFFFBC034) // (EMAC) PHY Maintenance Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_HSH (0xFFFBC090) // (EMAC) Hash Address High[63:32]
-#define AT91C_EMAC_MCOL (0xFFFBC048) // (EMAC) Multiple Collision Frame Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_IER (0xFFFBC028) // (EMAC) Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA2H (0xFFFBC0A4) // (EMAC) Specific Address 2 High, Last 2 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_HSL (0xFFFBC094) // (EMAC) Hash Address Low[31:0]
-#define AT91C_EMAC_LCOL (0xFFFBC05C) // (EMAC) Late Collision Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_OK (0xFFFBC04C) // (EMAC) Frames Received OK Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CFG (0xFFFBC004) // (EMAC) Network Configuration Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA3L (0xFFFBC0A8) // (EMAC) Specific Address 3 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SEQE (0xFFFBC050) // (EMAC) Frame Check Sequence Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_ECOL (0xFFFBC060) // (EMAC) Excessive Collision Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_ELR (0xFFFBC070) // (EMAC) Excessive Length Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SR (0xFFFBC008) // (EMAC) Network Status Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RBQP (0xFFFBC018) // (EMAC) Receive Buffer Queue Pointer
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CSE (0xFFFBC064) // (EMAC) Carrier Sense Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_RJB (0xFFFBC074) // (EMAC) Receive Jabber Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_USF (0xFFFBC078) // (EMAC) Undersize Frame Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_IDR (0xFFFBC02C) // (EMAC) Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA1L (0xFFFBC098) // (EMAC) Specific Address 1 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_IMR (0xFFFBC030) // (EMAC) Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_FRA (0xFFFBC040) // (EMAC) Frames Transmitted OK Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA3H (0xFFFBC0AC) // (EMAC) Specific Address 3 High, Last 2 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA1H (0xFFFBC09C) // (EMAC) Specific Address 1 High, Last 2 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SCOL (0xFFFBC044) // (EMAC) Single Collision Frame Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_ALE (0xFFFBC054) // (EMAC) Alignment Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TAR (0xFFFBC00C) // (EMAC) Transmit Address Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA4L (0xFFFBC0B0) // (EMAC) Specific Address 4 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA2L (0xFFFBC0A0) // (EMAC) Specific Address 2 Low, First 4 bytes
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TUE (0xFFFBC068) // (EMAC) Transmit Underrun Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_DTE (0xFFFBC058) // (EMAC) Deferred Transmission Frame Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TCR (0xFFFBC010) // (EMAC) Transmit Control Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CTL (0xFFFBC000) // (EMAC) Network Control Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SA4H (0xFFFBC0B4) // (EMAC) Specific Address 4 High, Last 2 bytesr
-#define AT91C_EMAC_CDE (0xFFFBC06C) // (EMAC) Code Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_SQEE (0xFFFBC07C) // (EMAC) SQE Test Error Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_TSR (0xFFFBC014) // (EMAC) Transmit Status Register
-#define AT91C_EMAC_DRFC (0xFFFBC080) // (EMAC) Discarded RX Frame Register
-// ========== Register definition for EBI peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_EBI_CFGR (0xFFFFFF64) // (EBI) Configuration Register
-#define AT91C_EBI_CSA (0xFFFFFF60) // (EBI) Chip Select Assignment Register
-// ========== Register definition for SMC2 peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SMC2_CSR (0xFFFFFF70) // (SMC2) SMC2 Chip Select Register
-// ========== Register definition for SDRC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_SDRC_IMR (0xFFFFFFAC) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_IER (0xFFFFFFA4) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Enable Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_SRR (0xFFFFFF9C) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Self Refresh Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_TR (0xFFFFFF94) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Refresh Timer Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_ISR (0xFFFFFFB0) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Mask Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_IDR (0xFFFFFFA8) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Interrupt Disable Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_LPR (0xFFFFFFA0) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Low Power Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_CR (0xFFFFFF98) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Configuration Register
-#define AT91C_SDRC_MR (0xFFFFFF90) // (SDRC) SDRAM Controller Mode Register
-// ========== Register definition for BFC peripheral ==========
-#define AT91C_BFC_MR (0xFFFFFFC0) // (BFC) BFC Mode Register
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA0 (1 << 0) // Pin Controlled by PA0
-#define AT91C_PA0_MISO (AT91C_PIO_PA0) // SPI Master In Slave
-#define AT91C_PA0_PCK3 (AT91C_PIO_PA0) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA1 (1 << 1) // Pin Controlled by PA1
-#define AT91C_PA1_MOSI (AT91C_PIO_PA1) // SPI Master Out Slave
-#define AT91C_PA1_PCK0 (AT91C_PIO_PA1) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA10 (1 << 10) // Pin Controlled by PA10
-#define AT91C_PA10_ETX1 (AT91C_PIO_PA10) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 1
-#define AT91C_PA10_MCDB1 (AT91C_PIO_PA10) // Multimedia Card B Data 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA11 (1 << 11) // Pin Controlled by PA11
-#define AT91C_PA11_ECRS_ECRSDV (AT91C_PIO_PA11) // Ethernet MAC Carrier Sense/Carrier Sense and Data Valid
-#define AT91C_PA11_MCDB2 (AT91C_PIO_PA11) // Multimedia Card B Data 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA12 (1 << 12) // Pin Controlled by PA12
-#define AT91C_PA12_ERX0 (AT91C_PIO_PA12) // Ethernet MAC Receive Data 0
-#define AT91C_PA12_MCDB3 (AT91C_PIO_PA12) // Multimedia Card B Data 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA13 (1 << 13) // Pin Controlled by PA13
-#define AT91C_PA13_ERX1 (AT91C_PIO_PA13) // Ethernet MAC Receive Data 1
-#define AT91C_PA13_TCLK0 (AT91C_PIO_PA13) // Timer Counter 0 external clock input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA14 (1 << 14) // Pin Controlled by PA14
-#define AT91C_PA14_ERXER (AT91C_PIO_PA14) // Ethernet MAC Receive Error
-#define AT91C_PA14_TCLK1 (AT91C_PIO_PA14) // Timer Counter 1 external clock input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA15 (1 << 15) // Pin Controlled by PA15
-#define AT91C_PA15_EMDC (AT91C_PIO_PA15) // Ethernet MAC Management Data Clock
-#define AT91C_PA15_TCLK2 (AT91C_PIO_PA15) // Timer Counter 2 external clock input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA16 (1 << 16) // Pin Controlled by PA16
-#define AT91C_PA16_EMDIO (AT91C_PIO_PA16) // Ethernet MAC Management Data Input/Output
-#define AT91C_PA16_IRQ6 (AT91C_PIO_PA16) // AIC Interrupt input 6
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA17 (1 << 17) // Pin Controlled by PA17
-#define AT91C_PA17_TXD0 (AT91C_PIO_PA17) // USART 0 Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PA17_TIOA0 (AT91C_PIO_PA17) // Timer Counter 0 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA18 (1 << 18) // Pin Controlled by PA18
-#define AT91C_PA18_RXD0 (AT91C_PIO_PA18) // USART 0 Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PA18_TIOB0 (AT91C_PIO_PA18) // Timer Counter 0 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA19 (1 << 19) // Pin Controlled by PA19
-#define AT91C_PA19_SCK0 (AT91C_PIO_PA19) // USART 0 Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PA19_TIOA1 (AT91C_PIO_PA19) // Timer Counter 1 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA2 (1 << 2) // Pin Controlled by PA2
-#define AT91C_PA2_SPCK (AT91C_PIO_PA2) // SPI Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PA2_IRQ4 (AT91C_PIO_PA2) // AIC Interrupt Input 4
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA20 (1 << 20) // Pin Controlled by PA20
-#define AT91C_PA20_CTS0 (AT91C_PIO_PA20) // USART 0 Clear To Send
-#define AT91C_PA20_TIOB1 (AT91C_PIO_PA20) // Timer Counter 1 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA21 (1 << 21) // Pin Controlled by PA21
-#define AT91C_PA21_RTS0 (AT91C_PIO_PA21) // Usart 0 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PA21_TIOA2 (AT91C_PIO_PA21) // Timer Counter 2 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA22 (1 << 22) // Pin Controlled by PA22
-#define AT91C_PA22_RXD2 (AT91C_PIO_PA22) // USART 2 Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PA22_TIOB2 (AT91C_PIO_PA22) // Timer Counter 2 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA23 (1 << 23) // Pin Controlled by PA23
-#define AT91C_PA23_TXD2 (AT91C_PIO_PA23) // USART 2 Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PA23_IRQ3 (AT91C_PIO_PA23) // Interrupt input 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA24 (1 << 24) // Pin Controlled by PA24
-#define AT91C_PA24_SCK2 (AT91C_PIO_PA24) // USART2 Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PA24_PCK1 (AT91C_PIO_PA24) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA25 (1 << 25) // Pin Controlled by PA25
-#define AT91C_PA25_TWD (AT91C_PIO_PA25) // TWI Two-wire Serial Data
-#define AT91C_PA25_IRQ2 (AT91C_PIO_PA25) // Interrupt input 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA26 (1 << 26) // Pin Controlled by PA26
-#define AT91C_PA26_TWCK (AT91C_PIO_PA26) // TWI Two-wire Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PA26_IRQ1 (AT91C_PIO_PA26) // Interrupt input 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA27 (1 << 27) // Pin Controlled by PA27
-#define AT91C_PA27_MCCK (AT91C_PIO_PA27) // Multimedia Card Clock
-#define AT91C_PA27_TCLK3 (AT91C_PIO_PA27) // Timer Counter 3 External Clock Input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA28 (1 << 28) // Pin Controlled by PA28
-#define AT91C_PA28_MCCDA (AT91C_PIO_PA28) // Multimedia Card A Command
-#define AT91C_PA28_TCLK4 (AT91C_PIO_PA28) // Timer Counter 4 external Clock Input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA29 (1 << 29) // Pin Controlled by PA29
-#define AT91C_PA29_MCDA0 (AT91C_PIO_PA29) // Multimedia Card A Data 0
-#define AT91C_PA29_TCLK5 (AT91C_PIO_PA29) // Timer Counter 5 external clock input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA3 (1 << 3) // Pin Controlled by PA3
-#define AT91C_PA3_NPCS0 (AT91C_PIO_PA3) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 0
-#define AT91C_PA3_IRQ5 (AT91C_PIO_PA3) // AIC Interrupt Input 5
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA30 (1 << 30) // Pin Controlled by PA30
-#define AT91C_PA30_DRXD (AT91C_PIO_PA30) // DBGU Debug Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PA30_CTS2 (AT91C_PIO_PA30) // Usart 2 Clear To Send
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA31 (1 << 31) // Pin Controlled by PA31
-#define AT91C_PA31_DTXD (AT91C_PIO_PA31) // DBGU Debug Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PA31_RTS2 (AT91C_PIO_PA31) // USART 2 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA4 (1 << 4) // Pin Controlled by PA4
-#define AT91C_PA4_NPCS1 (AT91C_PIO_PA4) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 1
-#define AT91C_PA4_PCK1 (AT91C_PIO_PA4) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA5 (1 << 5) // Pin Controlled by PA5
-#define AT91C_PA5_NPCS2 (AT91C_PIO_PA5) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 2
-#define AT91C_PA5_TXD3 (AT91C_PIO_PA5) // USART 3 Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA6 (1 << 6) // Pin Controlled by PA6
-#define AT91C_PA6_NPCS3 (AT91C_PIO_PA6) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 3
-#define AT91C_PA6_RXD3 (AT91C_PIO_PA6) // USART 3 Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA7 (1 << 7) // Pin Controlled by PA7
-#define AT91C_PA7_ETXCK_EREFCK (AT91C_PIO_PA7) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Clock/Reference Clock
-#define AT91C_PA7_PCK2 (AT91C_PIO_PA7) // PMC Programmable Clock 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA8 (1 << 8) // Pin Controlled by PA8
-#define AT91C_PA8_ETXEN (AT91C_PIO_PA8) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Enable
-#define AT91C_PA8_MCCDB (AT91C_PIO_PA8) // Multimedia Card B Command
-#define AT91C_PIO_PA9 (1 << 9) // Pin Controlled by PA9
-#define AT91C_PA9_ETX0 (AT91C_PIO_PA9) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 0
-#define AT91C_PA9_MCDB0 (AT91C_PIO_PA9) // Multimedia Card B Data 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB0 (1 << 0) // Pin Controlled by PB0
-#define AT91C_PB0_TF0 (AT91C_PIO_PB0) // SSC Transmit Frame Sync 0
-#define AT91C_PB0_TIOB3 (AT91C_PIO_PB0) // Timer Counter 3 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB1 (1 << 1) // Pin Controlled by PB1
-#define AT91C_PB1_TK0 (AT91C_PIO_PB1) // SSC Transmit Clock 0
-#define AT91C_PB1_CTS3 (AT91C_PIO_PB1) // USART 3 Clear To Send
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB10 (1 << 10) // Pin Controlled by PB10
-#define AT91C_PB10_RK1 (AT91C_PIO_PB10) // SSC Receive Clock 1
-#define AT91C_PB10_TIOA5 (AT91C_PIO_PB10) // Timer Counter 5 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB11 (1 << 11) // Pin Controlled by PB11
-#define AT91C_PB11_RF1 (AT91C_PIO_PB11) // SSC Receive Frame Sync 1
-#define AT91C_PB11_TIOB5 (AT91C_PIO_PB11) // Timer Counter 5 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB12 (1 << 12) // Pin Controlled by PB12
-#define AT91C_PB12_TF2 (AT91C_PIO_PB12) // SSC Transmit Frame Sync 2
-#define AT91C_PB12_ETX2 (AT91C_PIO_PB12) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB13 (1 << 13) // Pin Controlled by PB13
-#define AT91C_PB13_TK2 (AT91C_PIO_PB13) // SSC Transmit Clock 2
-#define AT91C_PB13_ETX3 (AT91C_PIO_PB13) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB14 (1 << 14) // Pin Controlled by PB14
-#define AT91C_PB14_TD2 (AT91C_PIO_PB14) // SSC Transmit Data 2
-#define AT91C_PB14_ETXER (AT91C_PIO_PB14) // Ethernet MAC Transmikt Coding Error
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB15 (1 << 15) // Pin Controlled by PB15
-#define AT91C_PB15_RD2 (AT91C_PIO_PB15) // SSC Receive Data 2
-#define AT91C_PB15_ERX2 (AT91C_PIO_PB15) // Ethernet MAC Receive Data 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB16 (1 << 16) // Pin Controlled by PB16
-#define AT91C_PB16_RK2 (AT91C_PIO_PB16) // SSC Receive Clock 2
-#define AT91C_PB16_ERX3 (AT91C_PIO_PB16) // Ethernet MAC Receive Data 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB17 (1 << 17) // Pin Controlled by PB17
-#define AT91C_PB17_RF2 (AT91C_PIO_PB17) // SSC Receive Frame Sync 2
-#define AT91C_PB17_ERXDV (AT91C_PIO_PB17) // Ethernet MAC Receive Data Valid
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB18 (1 << 18) // Pin Controlled by PB18
-#define AT91C_PB18_RI1 (AT91C_PIO_PB18) // USART 1 Ring Indicator
-#define AT91C_PB18_ECOL (AT91C_PIO_PB18) // Ethernet MAC Collision Detected
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB19 (1 << 19) // Pin Controlled by PB19
-#define AT91C_PB19_DTR1 (AT91C_PIO_PB19) // USART 1 Data Terminal ready
-#define AT91C_PB19_ERXCK (AT91C_PIO_PB19) // Ethernet MAC Receive Clock
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB2 (1 << 2) // Pin Controlled by PB2
-#define AT91C_PB2_TD0 (AT91C_PIO_PB2) // SSC Transmit data
-#define AT91C_PB2_SCK3 (AT91C_PIO_PB2) // USART 3 Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB20 (1 << 20) // Pin Controlled by PB20
-#define AT91C_PB20_TXD1 (AT91C_PIO_PB20) // USART 1 Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB21 (1 << 21) // Pin Controlled by PB21
-#define AT91C_PB21_RXD1 (AT91C_PIO_PB21) // USART 1 Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB22 (1 << 22) // Pin Controlled by PB22
-#define AT91C_PB22_SCK1 (AT91C_PIO_PB22) // USART1 Serial Clock
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB23 (1 << 23) // Pin Controlled by PB23
-#define AT91C_PB23_DCD1 (AT91C_PIO_PB23) // USART 1 Data Carrier Detect
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB24 (1 << 24) // Pin Controlled by PB24
-#define AT91C_PB24_CTS1 (AT91C_PIO_PB24) // USART 1 Clear To Send
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB25 (1 << 25) // Pin Controlled by PB25
-#define AT91C_PB25_DSR1 (AT91C_PIO_PB25) // USART 1 Data Set ready
-#define AT91C_PB25_EF100 (AT91C_PIO_PB25) // Ethernet MAC Force 100 Mbits/sec
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB26 (1 << 26) // Pin Controlled by PB26
-#define AT91C_PB26_RTS1 (AT91C_PIO_PB26) // Usart 0 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB27 (1 << 27) // Pin Controlled by PB27
-#define AT91C_PB27_PCK0 (AT91C_PIO_PB27) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB28 (1 << 28) // Pin Controlled by PB28
-#define AT91C_PB28_FIQ (AT91C_PIO_PB28) // AIC Fast Interrupt Input
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB29 (1 << 29) // Pin Controlled by PB29
-#define AT91C_PB29_IRQ0 (AT91C_PIO_PB29) // Interrupt input 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB3 (1 << 3) // Pin Controlled by PB3
-#define AT91C_PB3_RD0 (AT91C_PIO_PB3) // SSC Receive Data
-#define AT91C_PB3_MCDA1 (AT91C_PIO_PB3) // Multimedia Card A Data 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB4 (1 << 4) // Pin Controlled by PB4
-#define AT91C_PB4_RK0 (AT91C_PIO_PB4) // SSC Receive Clock
-#define AT91C_PB4_MCDA2 (AT91C_PIO_PB4) // Multimedia Card A Data 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB5 (1 << 5) // Pin Controlled by PB5
-#define AT91C_PB5_RF0 (AT91C_PIO_PB5) // SSC Receive Frame Sync 0
-#define AT91C_PB5_MCDA3 (AT91C_PIO_PB5) // Multimedia Card A Data 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB6 (1 << 6) // Pin Controlled by PB6
-#define AT91C_PB6_TF1 (AT91C_PIO_PB6) // SSC Transmit Frame Sync 1
-#define AT91C_PB6_TIOA3 (AT91C_PIO_PB6) // Timer Counter 4 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB7 (1 << 7) // Pin Controlled by PB7
-#define AT91C_PB7_TK1 (AT91C_PIO_PB7) // SSC Transmit Clock 1
-#define AT91C_PB7_TIOB3 (AT91C_PIO_PB7) // Timer Counter 3 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB8 (1 << 8) // Pin Controlled by PB8
-#define AT91C_PB8_TD1 (AT91C_PIO_PB8) // SSC Transmit Data 1
-#define AT91C_PB8_TIOA4 (AT91C_PIO_PB8) // Timer Counter 4 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
-#define AT91C_PIO_PB9 (1 << 9) // Pin Controlled by PB9
-#define AT91C_PB9_RD1 (AT91C_PIO_PB9) // SSC Receive Data 1
-#define AT91C_PB9_TIOB4 (AT91C_PIO_PB9) // Timer Counter 4 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC0 (1 << 0) // Pin Controlled by PC0
-#define AT91C_PC0_BFCK (AT91C_PIO_PC0) // Burst Flash Clock
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC1 (1 << 1) // Pin Controlled by PC1
-#define AT91C_PC1_BFRDY_SMOE (AT91C_PIO_PC1) // Burst Flash Ready
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC10 (1 << 10) // Pin Controlled by PC10
-#define AT91C_PC10_NCS4_CFCS (AT91C_PIO_PC10) // Compact Flash Chip Select
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC11 (1 << 11) // Pin Controlled by PC11
-#define AT91C_PC11_NCS5_CFCE1 (AT91C_PIO_PC11) // Chip Select 5 / Compact Flash Chip Enable 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC12 (1 << 12) // Pin Controlled by PC12
-#define AT91C_PC12_NCS6_CFCE2 (AT91C_PIO_PC12) // Chip Select 6 / Compact Flash Chip Enable 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC13 (1 << 13) // Pin Controlled by PC13
-#define AT91C_PC13_NCS7 (AT91C_PIO_PC13) // Chip Select 7
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC14 (1 << 14) // Pin Controlled by PC14
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC15 (1 << 15) // Pin Controlled by PC15
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC16 (1 << 16) // Pin Controlled by PC16
-#define AT91C_PC16_D16 (AT91C_PIO_PC16) // Data Bus [16]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC17 (1 << 17) // Pin Controlled by PC17
-#define AT91C_PC17_D17 (AT91C_PIO_PC17) // Data Bus [17]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC18 (1 << 18) // Pin Controlled by PC18
-#define AT91C_PC18_D18 (AT91C_PIO_PC18) // Data Bus [18]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC19 (1 << 19) // Pin Controlled by PC19
-#define AT91C_PC19_D19 (AT91C_PIO_PC19) // Data Bus [19]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC2 (1 << 2) // Pin Controlled by PC2
-#define AT91C_PC2_BFAVD (AT91C_PIO_PC2) // Burst Flash Address Valid
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC20 (1 << 20) // Pin Controlled by PC20
-#define AT91C_PC20_D20 (AT91C_PIO_PC20) // Data Bus [20]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC21 (1 << 21) // Pin Controlled by PC21
-#define AT91C_PC21_D21 (AT91C_PIO_PC21) // Data Bus [21]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC22 (1 << 22) // Pin Controlled by PC22
-#define AT91C_PC22_D22 (AT91C_PIO_PC22) // Data Bus [22]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC23 (1 << 23) // Pin Controlled by PC23
-#define AT91C_PC23_D23 (AT91C_PIO_PC23) // Data Bus [23]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC24 (1 << 24) // Pin Controlled by PC24
-#define AT91C_PC24_D24 (AT91C_PIO_PC24) // Data Bus [24]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC25 (1 << 25) // Pin Controlled by PC25
-#define AT91C_PC25_D25 (AT91C_PIO_PC25) // Data Bus [25]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC26 (1 << 26) // Pin Controlled by PC26
-#define AT91C_PC26_D26 (AT91C_PIO_PC26) // Data Bus [26]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC27 (1 << 27) // Pin Controlled by PC27
-#define AT91C_PC27_D27 (AT91C_PIO_PC27) // Data Bus [27]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC28 (1 << 28) // Pin Controlled by PC28
-#define AT91C_PC28_D28 (AT91C_PIO_PC28) // Data Bus [28]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC29 (1 << 29) // Pin Controlled by PC29
-#define AT91C_PC29_D29 (AT91C_PIO_PC29) // Data Bus [29]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC3 (1 << 3) // Pin Controlled by PC3
-#define AT91C_PC3_BFBAA_SMWE (AT91C_PIO_PC3) // Burst Flash Address Advance / SmartMedia Write Enable
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC30 (1 << 30) // Pin Controlled by PC30
-#define AT91C_PC30_D30 (AT91C_PIO_PC30) // Data Bus [30]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC31 (1 << 31) // Pin Controlled by PC31
-#define AT91C_PC31_D31 (AT91C_PIO_PC31) // Data Bus [31]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC4 (1 << 4) // Pin Controlled by PC4
-#define AT91C_PC4_BFOE (AT91C_PIO_PC4) // Burst Flash Output Enable
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC5 (1 << 5) // Pin Controlled by PC5
-#define AT91C_PC5_BFWE (AT91C_PIO_PC5) // Burst Flash Write Enable
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC6 (1 << 6) // Pin Controlled by PC6
-#define AT91C_PC6_NWAIT (AT91C_PIO_PC6) // NWAIT
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC7 (1 << 7) // Pin Controlled by PC7
-#define AT91C_PC7_A23 (AT91C_PIO_PC7) // Address Bus[23]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC8 (1 << 8) // Pin Controlled by PC8
-#define AT91C_PC8_A24 (AT91C_PIO_PC8) // Address Bus[24]
-#define AT91C_PIO_PC9 (1 << 9) // Pin Controlled by PC9
-#define AT91C_PC9_A25_CFRNW (AT91C_PIO_PC9) // Address Bus[25] / Compact Flash Read Not Write
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD0 (1 << 0) // Pin Controlled by PD0
-#define AT91C_PD0_ETX0 (AT91C_PIO_PD0) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD1 (1 << 1) // Pin Controlled by PD1
-#define AT91C_PD1_ETX1 (AT91C_PIO_PD1) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD10 (1 << 10) // Pin Controlled by PD10
-#define AT91C_PD10_PCK3 (AT91C_PIO_PD10) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 3
-#define AT91C_PD10_TPS1 (AT91C_PIO_PD10) // ETM ARM9 pipeline status 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD11 (1 << 11) // Pin Controlled by PD11
-#define AT91C_PD11_ (AT91C_PIO_PD11) //
-#define AT91C_PD11_TPS2 (AT91C_PIO_PD11) // ETM ARM9 pipeline status 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD12 (1 << 12) // Pin Controlled by PD12
-#define AT91C_PD12_ (AT91C_PIO_PD12) //
-#define AT91C_PD12_TPK0 (AT91C_PIO_PD12) // ETM Trace Packet 0
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD13 (1 << 13) // Pin Controlled by PD13
-#define AT91C_PD13_ (AT91C_PIO_PD13) //
-#define AT91C_PD13_TPK1 (AT91C_PIO_PD13) // ETM Trace Packet 1
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD14 (1 << 14) // Pin Controlled by PD14
-#define AT91C_PD14_ (AT91C_PIO_PD14) //
-#define AT91C_PD14_TPK2 (AT91C_PIO_PD14) // ETM Trace Packet 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD15 (1 << 15) // Pin Controlled by PD15
-#define AT91C_PD15_TD0 (AT91C_PIO_PD15) // SSC Transmit data
-#define AT91C_PD15_TPK3 (AT91C_PIO_PD15) // ETM Trace Packet 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD16 (1 << 16) // Pin Controlled by PD16
-#define AT91C_PD16_TD1 (AT91C_PIO_PD16) // SSC Transmit Data 1
-#define AT91C_PD16_TPK4 (AT91C_PIO_PD16) // ETM Trace Packet 4
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD17 (1 << 17) // Pin Controlled by PD17
-#define AT91C_PD17_TD2 (AT91C_PIO_PD17) // SSC Transmit Data 2
-#define AT91C_PD17_TPK5 (AT91C_PIO_PD17) // ETM Trace Packet 5
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD18 (1 << 18) // Pin Controlled by PD18
-#define AT91C_PD18_NPCS1 (AT91C_PIO_PD18) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 1
-#define AT91C_PD18_TPK6 (AT91C_PIO_PD18) // ETM Trace Packet 6
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD19 (1 << 19) // Pin Controlled by PD19
-#define AT91C_PD19_NPCS2 (AT91C_PIO_PD19) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 2
-#define AT91C_PD19_TPK7 (AT91C_PIO_PD19) // ETM Trace Packet 7
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD2 (1 << 2) // Pin Controlled by PD2
-#define AT91C_PD2_ETX2 (AT91C_PIO_PD2) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 2
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD20 (1 << 20) // Pin Controlled by PD20
-#define AT91C_PD20_NPCS3 (AT91C_PIO_PD20) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 3
-#define AT91C_PD20_TPK8 (AT91C_PIO_PD20) // ETM Trace Packet 8
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD21 (1 << 21) // Pin Controlled by PD21
-#define AT91C_PD21_RTS0 (AT91C_PIO_PD21) // Usart 0 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PD21_TPK9 (AT91C_PIO_PD21) // ETM Trace Packet 9
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD22 (1 << 22) // Pin Controlled by PD22
-#define AT91C_PD22_RTS1 (AT91C_PIO_PD22) // Usart 0 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PD22_TPK10 (AT91C_PIO_PD22) // ETM Trace Packet 10
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD23 (1 << 23) // Pin Controlled by PD23
-#define AT91C_PD23_RTS2 (AT91C_PIO_PD23) // USART 2 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PD23_TPK11 (AT91C_PIO_PD23) // ETM Trace Packet 11
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD24 (1 << 24) // Pin Controlled by PD24
-#define AT91C_PD24_RTS3 (AT91C_PIO_PD24) // USART 3 Ready To Send
-#define AT91C_PD24_TPK12 (AT91C_PIO_PD24) // ETM Trace Packet 12
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD25 (1 << 25) // Pin Controlled by PD25
-#define AT91C_PD25_DTR1 (AT91C_PIO_PD25) // USART 1 Data Terminal ready
-#define AT91C_PD25_TPK13 (AT91C_PIO_PD25) // ETM Trace Packet 13
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD26 (1 << 26) // Pin Controlled by PD26
-#define AT91C_PD26_TPK14 (AT91C_PIO_PD26) // ETM Trace Packet 14
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD27 (1 << 27) // Pin Controlled by PD27
-#define AT91C_PD27_TPK15 (AT91C_PIO_PD27) // ETM Trace Packet 15
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD3 (1 << 3) // Pin Controlled by PD3
-#define AT91C_PD3_ETX3 (AT91C_PIO_PD3) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Data 3
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD4 (1 << 4) // Pin Controlled by PD4
-#define AT91C_PD4_ETXEN (AT91C_PIO_PD4) // Ethernet MAC Transmit Enable
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD5 (1 << 5) // Pin Controlled by PD5
-#define AT91C_PD5_ETXER (AT91C_PIO_PD5) // Ethernet MAC Transmikt Coding Error
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD6 (1 << 6) // Pin Controlled by PD6
-#define AT91C_PD6_DTXD (AT91C_PIO_PD6) // DBGU Debug Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD7 (1 << 7) // Pin Controlled by PD7
-#define AT91C_PD7_PCK0 (AT91C_PIO_PD7) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 0
-#define AT91C_PD7_TSYNC (AT91C_PIO_PD7) // ETM Synchronization signal
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD8 (1 << 8) // Pin Controlled by PD8
-#define AT91C_PD8_PCK1 (AT91C_PIO_PD8) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 1
-#define AT91C_PD8_TCLK (AT91C_PIO_PD8) // ETM Trace Clock signal
-#define AT91C_PIO_PD9 (1 << 9) // Pin Controlled by PD9
-#define AT91C_PD9_PCK2 (AT91C_PIO_PD9) // PMC Programmable Clock 2
-#define AT91C_PD9_TPS0 (AT91C_PIO_PD9) // ETM ARM9 pipeline status 0
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-#define AT91C_ID_FIQ ( 0) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (FIQ)
-#define AT91C_ID_SYS ( 1) // System Peripheral
-#define AT91C_ID_PIOA ( 2) // Parallel IO Controller A
-#define AT91C_ID_PIOB ( 3) // Parallel IO Controller B
-#define AT91C_ID_PIOC ( 4) // Parallel IO Controller C
-#define AT91C_ID_PIOD ( 5) // Parallel IO Controller D
-#define AT91C_ID_US0 ( 6) // USART 0
-#define AT91C_ID_US1 ( 7) // USART 1
-#define AT91C_ID_US2 ( 8) // USART 2
-#define AT91C_ID_US3 ( 9) // USART 3
-#define AT91C_ID_MCI (10) // Multimedia Card Interface
-#define AT91C_ID_UDP (11) // USB Device Port
-#define AT91C_ID_TWI (12) // Two-Wire Interface
-#define AT91C_ID_SPI (13) // Serial Peripheral Interface
-#define AT91C_ID_SSC0 (14) // Serial Synchronous Controller 0
-#define AT91C_ID_SSC1 (15) // Serial Synchronous Controller 1
-#define AT91C_ID_SSC2 (16) // Serial Synchronous Controller 2
-#define AT91C_ID_TC0 (17) // Timer Counter 0
-#define AT91C_ID_TC1 (18) // Timer Counter 1
-#define AT91C_ID_TC2 (19) // Timer Counter 2
-#define AT91C_ID_TC3 (20) // Timer Counter 3
-#define AT91C_ID_TC4 (21) // Timer Counter 4
-#define AT91C_ID_TC5 (22) // Timer Counter 5
-#define AT91C_ID_UHP (23) // USB Host port
-#define AT91C_ID_EMAC (24) // Ethernet MAC
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ0 (25) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ0)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ1 (26) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ1)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ2 (27) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ2)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ3 (28) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ3)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ4 (29) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ4)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ5 (30) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ5)
-#define AT91C_ID_IRQ6 (31) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ6)
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-#define AT91C_BASE_SYS (0xFFFFF000) // (SYS) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_MC (0xFFFFFF00) // (MC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_RTC (0xFFFFFE00) // (RTC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_ST (0xFFFFFD00) // (ST) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PMC (0xFFFFFC00) // (PMC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_CKGR (0xFFFFFC20) // (CKGR) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PIOD (0xFFFFFA00) // (PIOD) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PIOC (0xFFFFF800) // (PIOC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PIOB (0xFFFFF600) // (PIOB) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PIOA (0xFFFFF400) // (PIOA) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_DBGU (0xFFFFF200) // (DBGU) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_DBGU (0xFFFFF300) // (PDC_DBGU) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_AIC (0xFFFFF000) // (AIC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_SPI (0xFFFE0100) // (PDC_SPI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SPI (0xFFFE0000) // (SPI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC2 (0xFFFD8100) // (PDC_SSC2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SSC2 (0xFFFD8000) // (SSC2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC1 (0xFFFD4100) // (PDC_SSC1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SSC1 (0xFFFD4000) // (SSC1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC0 (0xFFFD0100) // (PDC_SSC0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SSC0 (0xFFFD0000) // (SSC0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_US3 (0xFFFCC100) // (PDC_US3) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_US3 (0xFFFCC000) // (US3) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_US2 (0xFFFC8100) // (PDC_US2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_US2 (0xFFFC8000) // (US2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_US1 (0xFFFC4100) // (PDC_US1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_US1 (0xFFFC4000) // (US1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_US0 (0xFFFC0100) // (PDC_US0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_US0 (0xFFFC0000) // (US0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TWI (0xFFFB8000) // (TWI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_MCI (0xFFFB4100) // (PDC_MCI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_MCI (0xFFFB4000) // (MCI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_UDP (0xFFFB0000) // (UDP) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC5 (0xFFFA4080) // (TC5) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC4 (0xFFFA4040) // (TC4) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC3 (0xFFFA4000) // (TC3) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TCB1 (0xFFFA4080) // (TCB1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC2 (0xFFFA0080) // (TC2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC1 (0xFFFA0040) // (TC1) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TC0 (0xFFFA0000) // (TC0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_TCB0 (0xFFFA0000) // (TCB0) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_UHP (0x00300000) // (UHP) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_EMAC (0xFFFBC000) // (EMAC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_EBI (0xFFFFFF60) // (EBI) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SMC2 (0xFFFFFF70) // (SMC2) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_SDRC (0xFFFFFF90) // (SDRC) Base Address
-#define AT91C_BASE_BFC (0xFFFFFFC0) // (BFC) Base Address
-// *****************************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************************
-#define AT91C_ISRAM (0x00200000) // Internal SRAM base address
-#define AT91C_ISRAM_SIZE (0x00004000) // Internal SRAM size in byte (16 Kbyte)
-#define AT91C_IROM (0x00100000) // Internal ROM base address
-#define AT91C_IROM_SIZE (0x00020000) // Internal ROM size in byte (128 Kbyte)
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/led.h b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/led.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bebd9c3cb..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/led.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2006
- * Atmel Nordic AB <www.atmel.com>
- * Ulf Samuelsson <ulf@atmel.com>
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #ifndef __LED_H
-#define __LED_H
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-extern void LED_init (void);
-extern void LED_set(unsigned int led);
-extern void red_LED_on(void);
-extern void red_LED_off(void);
-extern void green_LED_on(void);
-extern void green_LED_off(void);
-extern void yellow_LED_on(void);
-extern void yellow_LED_off(void);
-extern void LED_blink(unsigned int led);
- .extern LED_init
- .extern LED_set
- .extern LED_blink
- .extern red_LED_on
- .extern red_LED_off
- .extern yellow_LED_on
- .extern yellow_LED_off
- .extern green_LED_on
- .extern green_LED_off
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/lib_AT91RM9200.h b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/lib_AT91RM9200.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c322b32a49..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/include/lib_AT91RM9200.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2978 +0,0 @@
-//* ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
-//* The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
-//* kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
-//* limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
-//* fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
-//* intellectual property rights of others.
-//* File Name : lib_AT91RM9200.h
-//* Object : AT91RM9200 inlined functions
-//* Generated : AT91 SW Application Group 11/19/2003 (17:20:51)
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_pdc.h/1.2/Tue Jul 02 12:29:40 2002//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_dbgu.h/1.1/Fri Jan 31 12:18:40 2003//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_rtc_1245d.h/1.1/Fri Jan 31 12:19:12 2003//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_ssc.h/1.4/Fri Jan 31 12:19:20 2003//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_spi_AT91RMxxxx.h/1.2/Fri Jan 31 12:19:31 2003//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_tc_1753b.h/1.1/Fri Jan 31 12:20:02 2003//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_pmc.h/1.3/Thu Nov 14 07:40:45 2002//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_pio.h/1.3/Fri Jan 31 12:18:56 2003//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_twi.h/1.2/Fri Jan 31 12:19:38 2003//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_usart.h/1.5/Thu Nov 21 16:01:53 2002//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_mci.h/1.2/Wed Nov 20 14:18:55 2002//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_aic.h/1.3/Fri Jul 12 07:46:11 2002//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_udp.h/1.3/Fri Jan 31 12:19:48 2003//
-//* CVS Reference : /lib_st.h/1.4/Fri Jan 31 12:20:13 2003//
-#ifndef lib_AT91RM9200_H
-#define lib_AT91RM9200_H
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx
-//* \brief Set the next receive transfer descriptor
-static inline void AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx (
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC, // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
- char *address, // \arg address to the next bloc to be received
- unsigned int bytes) // \arg number of bytes to be received
- pPDC->PDC_RNPR = (unsigned int) address;
- pPDC->PDC_RNCR = bytes;
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx
-//* \brief Set the next transmit transfer descriptor
-static inline void AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx (
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC, // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
- char *address, // \arg address to the next bloc to be transmitted
- unsigned int bytes) // \arg number of bytes to be transmitted
- pPDC->PDC_TNPR = (unsigned int) address;
- pPDC->PDC_TNCR = bytes;
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_SetRx
-//* \brief Set the receive transfer descriptor
-static inline void AT91F_PDC_SetRx (
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC, // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
- char *address, // \arg address to the next bloc to be received
- unsigned int bytes) // \arg number of bytes to be received
- pPDC->PDC_RPR = (unsigned int) address;
- pPDC->PDC_RCR = bytes;
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_SetTx
-//* \brief Set the transmit transfer descriptor
-static inline void AT91F_PDC_SetTx (
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC, // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
- char *address, // \arg address to the next bloc to be transmitted
- unsigned int bytes) // \arg number of bytes to be transmitted
- pPDC->PDC_TPR = (unsigned int) address;
- pPDC->PDC_TCR = bytes;
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_EnableTx
-//* \brief Enable transmit
-static inline void AT91F_PDC_EnableTx (
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_EnableRx
-//* \brief Enable receive
-static inline void AT91F_PDC_EnableRx (
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_DisableTx
-//* \brief Disable transmit
-static inline void AT91F_PDC_DisableTx (
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_DisableRx
-//* \brief Disable receive
-static inline void AT91F_PDC_DisableRx (
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_IsTxEmpty
-//* \brief Test if the current transfer descriptor has been sent
-static inline int AT91F_PDC_IsTxEmpty ( // \return return 1 if transfer is complete
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
- return !(pPDC->PDC_TCR);
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_IsNextTxEmpty
-//* \brief Test if the next transfer descriptor has been moved to the current td
-static inline int AT91F_PDC_IsNextTxEmpty ( // \return return 1 if transfer is complete
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
- return !(pPDC->PDC_TNCR);
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_IsRxEmpty
-//* \brief Test if the current transfer descriptor has been filled
-static inline int AT91F_PDC_IsRxEmpty ( // \return return 1 if transfer is complete
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
- return !(pPDC->PDC_RCR);
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_IsNextRxEmpty
-//* \brief Test if the next transfer descriptor has been moved to the current td
-static inline int AT91F_PDC_IsNextRxEmpty ( // \return return 1 if transfer is complete
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
- return !(pPDC->PDC_RNCR);
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_Open
-//* \brief Open PDC: disable TX and RX reset transfer descriptors, re-enable RX and TX
-static inline void AT91F_PDC_Open (
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
- //* Disable the RX and TX PDC transfer requests
- AT91F_PDC_DisableRx(pPDC);
- AT91F_PDC_DisableTx(pPDC);
- //* Reset all Counter register Next buffer first
- AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx(pPDC, (char *) 0, 0);
- AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx(pPDC, (char *) 0, 0);
- AT91F_PDC_SetTx(pPDC, (char *) 0, 0);
- AT91F_PDC_SetRx(pPDC, (char *) 0, 0);
- //* Enable the RX and TX PDC transfer requests
- AT91F_PDC_EnableRx(pPDC);
- AT91F_PDC_EnableTx(pPDC);
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_Close
-//* \brief Close PDC: disable TX and RX reset transfer descriptors
-static inline void AT91F_PDC_Close (
- AT91PS_PDC pPDC) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
- //* Disable the RX and TX PDC transfer requests
- AT91F_PDC_DisableRx(pPDC);
- AT91F_PDC_DisableTx(pPDC);
- //* Reset all Counter register Next buffer first
- AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx(pPDC, (char *) 0, 0);
- AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx(pPDC, (char *) 0, 0);
- AT91F_PDC_SetTx(pPDC, (char *) 0, 0);
- AT91F_PDC_SetRx(pPDC, (char *) 0, 0);
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_SendFrame
-//* \brief Close PDC: disable TX and RX reset transfer descriptors
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PDC_SendFrame(
- char *pBuffer,
- unsigned int szBuffer,
- char *pNextBuffer,
- unsigned int szNextBuffer )
- if (AT91F_PDC_IsTxEmpty(pPDC)) {
- //* Buffer and next buffer can be initialized
- AT91F_PDC_SetTx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
- AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx(pPDC, pNextBuffer, szNextBuffer);
- return 2;
- }
- else if (AT91F_PDC_IsNextTxEmpty(pPDC)) {
- //* Only one buffer can be initialized
- AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- //* All buffer are in use...
- return 0;
- }
-//* \fn AT91F_PDC_ReceiveFrame
-//* \brief Close PDC: disable TX and RX reset transfer descriptors
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PDC_ReceiveFrame (
- char *pBuffer,
- unsigned int szBuffer,
- char *pNextBuffer,
- unsigned int szNextBuffer )
- if (AT91F_PDC_IsRxEmpty(pPDC)) {
- //* Buffer and next buffer can be initialized
- AT91F_PDC_SetRx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
- AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx(pPDC, pNextBuffer, szNextBuffer);
- return 2;
- }
- else if (AT91F_PDC_IsNextRxEmpty(pPDC)) {
- //* Only one buffer can be initialized
- AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- //* All buffer are in use...
- return 0;
- }
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* \fn AT91F_DBGU_InterruptEnable
-//* \brief Enable DBGU Interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_DBGU_InterruptEnable(
- AT91PS_DBGU pDbgu, // \arg pointer to a DBGU controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg dbgu interrupt to be enabled
- pDbgu->DBGU_IER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_DBGU_InterruptDisable
-//* \brief Disable DBGU Interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_DBGU_InterruptDisable(
- AT91PS_DBGU pDbgu, // \arg pointer to a DBGU controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg dbgu interrupt to be disabled
- pDbgu->DBGU_IDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_DBGU_GetInterruptMaskStatus
-//* \brief Return DBGU Interrupt Mask Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_DBGU_GetInterruptMaskStatus( // \return DBGU Interrupt Mask Status
- AT91PS_DBGU pDbgu) // \arg pointer to a DBGU controller
- return pDbgu->DBGU_IMR;
-//* \fn AT91F_DBGU_IsInterruptMasked
-//* \brief Test if DBGU Interrupt is Masked
-static inline int AT91F_DBGU_IsInterruptMasked(
- AT91PS_DBGU pDbgu, // \arg pointer to a DBGU controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_DBGU_GetInterruptMaskStatus(pDbgu) & flag);
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* \fn AT91F_RTC_InterruptEnable
-//* \brief Enable RTC Interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_RTC_InterruptEnable(
- AT91PS_RTC pRtc, // \arg pointer to a RTC controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg RTC interrupt to be enabled
- pRtc->RTC_IER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_RTC_InterruptDisable
-//* \brief Disable RTC Interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_RTC_InterruptDisable(
- AT91PS_RTC pRtc, // \arg pointer to a RTC controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg RTC interrupt to be disabled
- pRtc->RTC_IDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_RTC_GetInterruptMaskStatus
-//* \brief Return RTC Interrupt Mask Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_RTC_GetInterruptMaskStatus( // \return RTC Interrupt Mask Status
- AT91PS_RTC pRtc) // \arg pointer to a RTC controller
- return pRtc->RTC_IMR;
-//* \fn AT91F_RTC_IsInterruptMasked
-//* \brief Test if RTC Interrupt is Masked
-static inline int AT91F_RTC_IsInterruptMasked(
- AT91PS_RTC pRtc, // \arg pointer to a RTC controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_RTC_GetInterruptMaskStatus(pRtc) & flag);
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* Define the standard I2S mode configuration
-//* Configuration to set in the SSC Transmit Clock Mode Register
-//* Parameters : nb_bit_by_slot : 8, 16 or 32 bits
-//* nb_slot_by_frame : number of channels
-#define AT91C_I2S_ASY_MASTER_TX_SETTING(nb_bit_by_slot, nb_slot_by_frame)( +\
- ((1<<16) & AT91C_SSC_STTDLY) +\
- ((((nb_bit_by_slot*nb_slot_by_frame)/2)-1) <<24))
-//* Configuration to set in the SSC Transmit Frame Mode Register
-//* Parameters : nb_bit_by_slot : 8, 16 or 32 bits
-//* nb_slot_by_frame : number of channels
-#define AT91C_I2S_ASY_TX_FRAME_SETTING(nb_bit_by_slot, nb_slot_by_frame)( +\
- (nb_bit_by_slot-1) +\
- (((nb_slot_by_frame-1)<<8) & AT91C_SSC_DATNB) +\
- (((nb_bit_by_slot-1)<<16) & AT91C_SSC_FSLEN) +\
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate
-//* \brief Set the baudrate according to the CPU clock
-static inline void AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate (
- AT91PS_SSC pSSC, // \arg pointer to a SSC controller
- unsigned int mainClock, // \arg peripheral clock
- unsigned int speed) // \arg SSC baudrate
- unsigned int baud_value;
- //* Define the baud rate divisor register
- if (speed == 0)
- baud_value = 0;
- else
- {
- baud_value = (unsigned int) (mainClock * 10)/(2*speed);
- if ((baud_value % 10) >= 5)
- baud_value = (baud_value / 10) + 1;
- else
- baud_value /= 10;
- }
- pSSC->SSC_CMR = baud_value;
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_Configure
-//* \brief Configure SSC
-static inline void AT91F_SSC_Configure (
- AT91PS_SSC pSSC, // \arg pointer to a SSC controller
- unsigned int syst_clock, // \arg System Clock Frequency
- unsigned int baud_rate, // \arg Expected Baud Rate Frequency
- unsigned int clock_rx, // \arg Receiver Clock Parameters
- unsigned int mode_rx, // \arg mode Register to be programmed
- unsigned int clock_tx, // \arg Transmitter Clock Parameters
- unsigned int mode_tx) // \arg mode Register to be programmed
- //* Disable interrupts
- pSSC->SSC_IDR = (unsigned int) -1;
- //* Reset receiver and transmitter
- //* Define the Clock Mode Register
- AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate(pSSC, syst_clock, baud_rate);
- //* Write the Receive Clock Mode Register
- pSSC->SSC_RCMR = clock_rx;
- //* Write the Transmit Clock Mode Register
- pSSC->SSC_TCMR = clock_tx;
- //* Write the Receive Frame Mode Register
- pSSC->SSC_RFMR = mode_rx;
- //* Write the Transmit Frame Mode Register
- pSSC->SSC_TFMR = mode_tx;
- //* Clear Transmit and Receive Counters
- AT91F_PDC_Open((AT91PS_PDC) &(pSSC->SSC_RPR));
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_EnableRx
-//* \brief Enable receiving datas
-static inline void AT91F_SSC_EnableRx (
- AT91PS_SSC pSSC) // \arg pointer to a SSC controller
- //* Enable receiver
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_DisableRx
-//* \brief Disable receiving datas
-static inline void AT91F_SSC_DisableRx (
- AT91PS_SSC pSSC) // \arg pointer to a SSC controller
- //* Disable receiver
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_EnableTx
-//* \brief Enable sending datas
-static inline void AT91F_SSC_EnableTx (
- AT91PS_SSC pSSC) // \arg pointer to a SSC controller
- //* Enable transmitter
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_DisableTx
-//* \brief Disable sending datas
-static inline void AT91F_SSC_DisableTx (
- AT91PS_SSC pSSC) // \arg pointer to a SSC controller
- //* Disable transmitter
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_EnableIt
-//* \brief Enable SSC IT
-static inline void AT91F_SSC_EnableIt (
- AT91PS_SSC pSSC, // \arg pointer to a SSC controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg IT to be enabled
- //* Write to the IER register
- pSSC->SSC_IER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_DisableIt
-//* \brief Disable SSC IT
-static inline void AT91F_SSC_DisableIt (
- AT91PS_SSC pSSC, // \arg pointer to a SSC controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg IT to be disabled
- //* Write to the IDR register
- pSSC->SSC_IDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_ReceiveFrame
-//* \brief Return 2 if PDC has been initialized with Buffer and Next Buffer, 1 if PDC has been initialized with Next Buffer, 0 if PDC is busy
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_SSC_ReceiveFrame (
- char *pBuffer,
- unsigned int szBuffer,
- char *pNextBuffer,
- unsigned int szNextBuffer )
- return AT91F_PDC_ReceiveFrame(
- (AT91PS_PDC) &(pSSC->SSC_RPR),
- pBuffer,
- szBuffer,
- pNextBuffer,
- szNextBuffer);
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_SendFrame
-//* \brief Return 2 if PDC has been initialized with Buffer and Next Buffer, 1 if PDC has been initialized with Next Buffer, 0 if PDC is busy
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_SSC_SendFrame(
- char *pBuffer,
- unsigned int szBuffer,
- char *pNextBuffer,
- unsigned int szNextBuffer )
- return AT91F_PDC_SendFrame(
- (AT91PS_PDC) &(pSSC->SSC_RPR),
- pBuffer,
- szBuffer,
- pNextBuffer,
- szNextBuffer);
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_GetInterruptMaskStatus
-//* \brief Return SSC Interrupt Mask Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_SSC_GetInterruptMaskStatus( // \return SSC Interrupt Mask Status
- AT91PS_SSC pSsc) // \arg pointer to a SSC controller
- return pSsc->SSC_IMR;
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC_IsInterruptMasked
-//* \brief Test if SSC Interrupt is Masked
-static inline int AT91F_SSC_IsInterruptMasked(
- AT91PS_SSC pSsc, // \arg pointer to a SSC controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_SSC_GetInterruptMaskStatus(pSsc) & flag);
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_Open
-//* \brief Open a SPI Port
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_SPI_Open (
- const unsigned int null) // \arg
- return ( 0 );
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_CfgCs
-//* \brief Configure SPI chip select register
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_CfgCs (
- int cs, // SPI cs number (0 to 3)
- int val) // chip select register
- //* Write to the CSR register
- *(AT91C_SPI_CSR + cs) = val;
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_EnableIt
-//* \brief Enable SPI interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_EnableIt (
- AT91PS_SPI pSPI, // pointer to a SPI controller
- unsigned int flag) // IT to be enabled
- //* Write to the IER register
- pSPI->SPI_IER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_DisableIt
-//* \brief Disable SPI interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_DisableIt (
- AT91PS_SPI pSPI, // pointer to a SPI controller
- unsigned int flag) // IT to be disabled
- //* Write to the IDR register
- pSPI->SPI_IDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_Reset
-//* \brief Reset the SPI controller
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_Reset (
- AT91PS_SPI pSPI // pointer to a SPI controller
- )
- //* Write to the CR register
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_Enable
-//* \brief Enable the SPI controller
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_Enable (
- AT91PS_SPI pSPI // pointer to a SPI controller
- )
- //* Write to the CR register
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_Disable
-//* \brief Disable the SPI controller
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_Disable (
- AT91PS_SPI pSPI // pointer to a SPI controller
- )
- //* Write to the CR register
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_CfgMode
-//* \brief Enable the SPI controller
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_CfgMode (
- AT91PS_SPI pSPI, // pointer to a SPI controller
- int mode) // mode register
- //* Write to the MR register
- pSPI->SPI_MR = mode;
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_CfgPCS
-//* \brief Switch to the correct PCS of SPI Mode Register : Fixed Peripheral Selected
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_CfgPCS (
- AT91PS_SPI pSPI, // pointer to a SPI controller
- char PCS_Device) // PCS of the Device
- //* Write to the MR register
- pSPI->SPI_MR |= ( (PCS_Device<<16) & AT91C_SPI_PCS );
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_ReceiveFrame
-//* \brief Return 2 if PDC has been initialized with Buffer and Next Buffer, 1 if PDC has been initializaed with Next Buffer, 0 if PDC is busy
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_SPI_ReceiveFrame (
- char *pBuffer,
- unsigned int szBuffer,
- char *pNextBuffer,
- unsigned int szNextBuffer )
- return AT91F_PDC_ReceiveFrame(
- (AT91PS_PDC) &(pSPI->SPI_RPR),
- pBuffer,
- szBuffer,
- pNextBuffer,
- szNextBuffer);
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_SendFrame
-//* \brief Return 2 if PDC has been initialized with Buffer and Next Buffer, 1 if PDC has been initializaed with Next Buffer, 0 if PDC is bSPIy
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_SPI_SendFrame(
- char *pBuffer,
- unsigned int szBuffer,
- char *pNextBuffer,
- unsigned int szNextBuffer )
- return AT91F_PDC_SendFrame(
- (AT91PS_PDC) &(pSPI->SPI_RPR),
- pBuffer,
- szBuffer,
- pNextBuffer,
- szNextBuffer);
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_Close
-//* \brief Close SPI: disable IT disable transfert, close PDC
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_Close (
- AT91PS_SPI pSPI) // \arg pointer to a SPI controller
- //* Reset all the Chip Select register
- pSPI->SPI_CSR[0] = 0 ;
- pSPI->SPI_CSR[1] = 0 ;
- pSPI->SPI_CSR[2] = 0 ;
- pSPI->SPI_CSR[3] = 0 ;
- //* Reset the SPI mode
- pSPI->SPI_MR = 0 ;
- //* Disable all interrupts
- //* Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers
- AT91F_PDC_Close((AT91PS_PDC) &(pSPI->SPI_RPR));
- //* Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_PutChar
-//* \brief Send a character,does not check if ready to send
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_PutChar (
- unsigned int character,
- unsigned int cs_number )
- unsigned int value_for_cs;
- value_for_cs = (~(1 << cs_number)) & 0xF; //Place a zero among a 4 ONEs number
- pSPI->SPI_TDR = (character & 0xFFFF) | (value_for_cs << 16);
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_GetChar
-//* \brief Receive a character,does not check if a character is available
-static inline int AT91F_SPI_GetChar (
- const AT91PS_SPI pSPI)
- return((pSPI->SPI_RDR) & 0xFFFF);
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_GetInterruptMaskStatus
-//* \brief Return SPI Interrupt Mask Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_SPI_GetInterruptMaskStatus( // \return SPI Interrupt Mask Status
- AT91PS_SPI pSpi) // \arg pointer to a SPI controller
- return pSpi->SPI_IMR;
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_IsInterruptMasked
-//* \brief Test if SPI Interrupt is Masked
-static inline int AT91F_SPI_IsInterruptMasked(
- AT91PS_SPI pSpi, // \arg pointer to a SPI controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_SPI_GetInterruptMaskStatus(pSpi) & flag);
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* \fn AT91F_TC_InterruptEnable
-//* \brief Enable TC Interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_TC_InterruptEnable(
- AT91PS_TC pTc, // \arg pointer to a TC controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg TC interrupt to be enabled
- pTc->TC_IER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_TC_InterruptDisable
-//* \brief Disable TC Interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_TC_InterruptDisable(
- AT91PS_TC pTc, // \arg pointer to a TC controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg TC interrupt to be disabled
- pTc->TC_IDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_TC_GetInterruptMaskStatus
-//* \brief Return TC Interrupt Mask Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_TC_GetInterruptMaskStatus( // \return TC Interrupt Mask Status
- AT91PS_TC pTc) // \arg pointer to a TC controller
- return pTc->TC_IMR;
-//* \fn AT91F_TC_IsInterruptMasked
-//* \brief Test if TC Interrupt is Masked
-static inline int AT91F_TC_IsInterruptMasked(
- AT91PS_TC pTc, // \arg pointer to a TC controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_TC_GetInterruptMaskStatus(pTc) & flag);
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* \fn AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock
-//* \brief Return Main clock in Hz
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock (
- AT91PS_CKGR pCKGR, // \arg pointer to CKGR controller
- unsigned int slowClock) // \arg slowClock in Hz
- return ((pCKGR->CKGR_MCFR & AT91C_CKGR_MAINF) * slowClock) >> 4;
-//* \fn AT91F_PMC_GetProcessorClock
-//* \brief Return processor clock in Hz (for AT91RM3400 and AT91RM9200)
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PMC_GetProcessorClock (
- AT91PS_PMC pPMC, // \arg pointer to PMC controller
- AT91PS_CKGR pCKGR, // \arg pointer to CKGR controller
- unsigned int slowClock) // \arg slowClock in Hz
- unsigned int reg = pPMC->PMC_MCKR;
- unsigned int prescaler = (1 << ((reg & AT91C_PMC_PRES) >> 2));
- unsigned int pllDivider, pllMultiplier;
- switch (reg & AT91C_PMC_CSS) {
- case AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK: // Slow clock selected
- return slowClock / prescaler;
- case AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK: // Main clock is selected
- return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock(pCKGR, slowClock) / prescaler;
- case AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLA_CLK: // PLLA clock is selected
- reg = pCKGR->CKGR_PLLAR;
- pllDivider = (reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIVA);
- pllMultiplier = ((reg & AT91C_CKGR_MULA) >> 16) + 1;
- if (reg & AT91C_CKGR_SRCA) // Source is Main clock
- return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock(pCKGR, slowClock) / pllDivider * pllMultiplier / prescaler;
- else // Source is Slow clock
- return slowClock / pllDivider * pllMultiplier / prescaler;
- case AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLB_CLK: // PLLB clock is selected
- reg = pCKGR->CKGR_PLLBR;
- pllDivider = (reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIVB);
- pllMultiplier = ((reg & AT91C_CKGR_MULB) >> 16) + 1;
- return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock(pCKGR, slowClock) / pllDivider * pllMultiplier / prescaler;
- }
- return 0;
-//* \fn AT91F_PMC_GetMasterClock
-//* \brief Return master clock in Hz (just for AT91RM9200)
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PMC_GetMasterClock (
- AT91PS_PMC pPMC, // \arg pointer to PMC controller
- AT91PS_CKGR pCKGR, // \arg pointer to CKGR controller
- unsigned int slowClock) // \arg slowClock in Hz
- return AT91F_PMC_GetProcessorClock(pPMC, pCKGR, slowClock) /
- (((pPMC->PMC_MCKR & AT91C_PMC_MDIV) >> 8)+1);
-//* \fn AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock
-//* \brief Enable peripheral clock
-static inline void AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock (
- AT91PS_PMC pPMC, // \arg pointer to PMC controller
- unsigned int periphIds) // \arg IDs of peripherals to enable
- pPMC->PMC_PCER = periphIds;
-//* \fn AT91F_PMC_DisablePeriphClock
-//* \brief Enable peripheral clock
-static inline void AT91F_PMC_DisablePeriphClock (
- AT91PS_PMC pPMC, // \arg pointer to PMC controller
- unsigned int periphIds) // \arg IDs of peripherals to enable
- pPMC->PMC_PCDR = periphIds;
-//* \fn AT91F_PMC_EnablePCK
-//* \brief Enable peripheral clock
-static inline void AT91F_PMC_EnablePCK (
- AT91PS_PMC pPMC, // \arg pointer to PMC controller
- unsigned int pck, // \arg Peripheral clock identifier 0 .. 7
- unsigned int ccs, // \arg clock selection: AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK, AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK, AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLA_CLK, AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLB_CLK
- unsigned int pres) // \arg Programmable clock prescalar AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK, AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2, ..., AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_64
- pPMC->PMC_PCKR[pck] = ccs | pres;
- pPMC->PMC_SCER = (1 << pck) << 8;
-//* \fn AT91F_PMC_DisablePCK
-//* \brief Enable peripheral clock
-static inline void AT91F_PMC_DisablePCK (
- AT91PS_PMC pPMC, // \arg pointer to PMC controller
- unsigned int pck) // \arg Peripheral clock identifier 0 .. 7
- pPMC->PMC_SCDR = (1 << pck) << 8;
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph
-//* \brief Enable pins to be drived by peripheral
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int periphAEnable, // \arg PERIPH A to enable
- unsigned int periphBEnable) // \arg PERIPH B to enable
- pPio->PIO_ASR = periphAEnable;
- pPio->PIO_BSR = periphBEnable;
- pPio->PIO_PDR = (periphAEnable | periphBEnable); // Set in Periph mode
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_CfgOutput
-//* \brief Enable PIO in output mode
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_CfgOutput(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int pioEnable) // \arg PIO to be enabled
- pPio->PIO_PER = pioEnable; // Set in PIO mode
- pPio->PIO_OER = pioEnable; // Configure in Output
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_CfgInput
-//* \brief Enable PIO in input mode
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_CfgInput(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int inputEnable) // \arg PIO to be enabled
- // Disable output
- pPio->PIO_ODR = inputEnable;
- pPio->PIO_PER = inputEnable;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_CfgOpendrain
-//* \brief Configure PIO in open drain
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_CfgOpendrain(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int multiDrvEnable) // \arg pio to be configured in open drain
- // Configure the multi-drive option
- pPio->PIO_MDDR = ~multiDrvEnable;
- pPio->PIO_MDER = multiDrvEnable;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_CfgPullup
-//* \brief Enable pullup on PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_CfgPullup(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int pullupEnable) // \arg enable pullup on PIO
- // Connect or not Pullup
- pPio->PIO_PPUDR = ~pullupEnable;
- pPio->PIO_PPUER = pullupEnable;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_CfgDirectDrive
-//* \brief Enable direct drive on PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_CfgDirectDrive(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int directDrive) // \arg PIO to be configured with direct drive
- // Configure the Direct Drive
- pPio->PIO_OWDR = ~directDrive;
- pPio->PIO_OWER = directDrive;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_CfgInputFilter
-//* \brief Enable input filter on input PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_CfgInputFilter(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int inputFilter) // \arg PIO to be configured with input filter
- // Configure the Direct Drive
- pPio->PIO_IFDR = ~inputFilter;
- pPio->PIO_IFER = inputFilter;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_GetInput
-//* \brief Return PIO input value
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PIO_GetInput( // \return PIO input
- AT91PS_PIO pPio) // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- return pPio->PIO_PDSR;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_IsInputSet
-//* \brief Test if PIO is input flag is active
-static inline int AT91F_PIO_IsInputSet(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_PIO_GetInput(pPio) & flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_SetOutput
-//* \brief Set to 1 output PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_SetOutput(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg output to be set
- pPio->PIO_SODR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput
-//* \brief Set to 0 output PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg output to be cleared
- pPio->PIO_CODR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_ForceOutput
-//* \brief Force output when Direct drive option is enabled
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_ForceOutput(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg output to be forced
- pPio->PIO_ODSR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_Enable
-//* \brief Enable PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_Enable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio to be enabled
- pPio->PIO_PER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_Disable
-//* \brief Disable PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_Disable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio to be disabled
- pPio->PIO_PDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_GetStatus
-//* \brief Return PIO Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PIO_GetStatus( // \return PIO Status
- AT91PS_PIO pPio) // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- return pPio->PIO_PSR;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_IsSet
-//* \brief Test if PIO is Set
-static inline int AT91F_PIO_IsSet(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_PIO_GetStatus(pPio) & flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_OutputEnable
-//* \brief Output Enable PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_OutputEnable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio output to be enabled
- pPio->PIO_OER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_OutputDisable
-//* \brief Output Enable PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_OutputDisable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio output to be disabled
- pPio->PIO_ODR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_GetOutputStatus
-//* \brief Return PIO Output Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PIO_GetOutputStatus( // \return PIO Output Status
- AT91PS_PIO pPio) // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- return pPio->PIO_OSR;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_IsOuputSet
-//* \brief Test if PIO Output is Set
-static inline int AT91F_PIO_IsOutputSet(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_PIO_GetOutputStatus(pPio) & flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_InputFilterEnable
-//* \brief Input Filter Enable PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_InputFilterEnable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio input filter to be enabled
- pPio->PIO_IFER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_InputFilterDisable
-//* \brief Input Filter Disable PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_InputFilterDisable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio input filter to be disabled
- pPio->PIO_IFDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_GetInputFilterStatus
-//* \brief Return PIO Input Filter Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PIO_GetInputFilterStatus( // \return PIO Input Filter Status
- AT91PS_PIO pPio) // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- return pPio->PIO_IFSR;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_IsInputFilterSet
-//* \brief Test if PIO Input filter is Set
-static inline int AT91F_PIO_IsInputFilterSet(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_PIO_GetInputFilterStatus(pPio) & flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_GetOutputDataStatus
-//* \brief Return PIO Output Data Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PIO_GetOutputDataStatus( // \return PIO Output Data Status
- AT91PS_PIO pPio) // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- return pPio->PIO_ODSR;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_InterruptEnable
-//* \brief Enable PIO Interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_InterruptEnable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio interrupt to be enabled
- pPio->PIO_IER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_InterruptDisable
-//* \brief Disable PIO Interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_InterruptDisable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio interrupt to be disabled
- pPio->PIO_IDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_GetInterruptMaskStatus
-//* \brief Return PIO Interrupt Mask Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PIO_GetInterruptMaskStatus( // \return PIO Interrupt Mask Status
- AT91PS_PIO pPio) // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- return pPio->PIO_IMR;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_GetInterruptStatus
-//* \brief Return PIO Interrupt Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PIO_GetInterruptStatus( // \return PIO Interrupt Status
- AT91PS_PIO pPio) // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- return pPio->PIO_ISR;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_IsInterruptMasked
-//* \brief Test if PIO Interrupt is Masked
-static inline int AT91F_PIO_IsInterruptMasked(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_PIO_GetInterruptMaskStatus(pPio) & flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_IsInterruptSet
-//* \brief Test if PIO Interrupt is Set
-static inline int AT91F_PIO_IsInterruptSet(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_PIO_GetInterruptStatus(pPio) & flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_MultiDriverEnable
-//* \brief Multi Driver Enable PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_MultiDriverEnable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio to be enabled
- pPio->PIO_MDER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_MultiDriverDisable
-//* \brief Multi Driver Disable PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_MultiDriverDisable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio to be disabled
- pPio->PIO_MDDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_GetMultiDriverStatus
-//* \brief Return PIO Multi Driver Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PIO_GetMultiDriverStatus( // \return PIO Multi Driver Status
- AT91PS_PIO pPio) // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- return pPio->PIO_MDSR;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_IsMultiDriverSet
-//* \brief Test if PIO MultiDriver is Set
-static inline int AT91F_PIO_IsMultiDriverSet(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_PIO_GetMultiDriverStatus(pPio) & flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_A_RegisterSelection
-//* \brief PIO A Register Selection
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_A_RegisterSelection(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio A register selection
- pPio->PIO_ASR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_B_RegisterSelection
-//* \brief PIO B Register Selection
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_B_RegisterSelection(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio B register selection
- pPio->PIO_BSR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_Get_AB_RegisterStatus
-//* \brief Return PIO Interrupt Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PIO_Get_AB_RegisterStatus( // \return PIO AB Register Status
- AT91PS_PIO pPio) // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- return pPio->PIO_ABSR;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_IsAB_RegisterSet
-//* \brief Test if PIO AB Register is Set
-static inline int AT91F_PIO_IsAB_RegisterSet(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_PIO_Get_AB_RegisterStatus(pPio) & flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_OutputWriteEnable
-//* \brief Output Write Enable PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_OutputWriteEnable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio output write to be enabled
- pPio->PIO_OWER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_OutputWriteDisable
-//* \brief Output Write Disable PIO
-static inline void AT91F_PIO_OutputWriteDisable(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg pio output write to be disabled
- pPio->PIO_OWDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_GetOutputWriteStatus
-//* \brief Return PIO Output Write Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PIO_GetOutputWriteStatus( // \return PIO Output Write Status
- AT91PS_PIO pPio) // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- return pPio->PIO_OWSR;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_IsOutputWriteSet
-//* \brief Test if PIO OutputWrite is Set
-static inline int AT91F_PIO_IsOutputWriteSet(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_PIO_GetOutputWriteStatus(pPio) & flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_GetCfgPullup
-//* \brief Return PIO Configuration Pullup
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_PIO_GetCfgPullup( // \return PIO Configuration Pullup
- AT91PS_PIO pPio) // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- return pPio->PIO_PPUSR;
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_IsOutputDataStatusSet
-//* \brief Test if PIO Output Data Status is Set
-static inline int AT91F_PIO_IsOutputDataStatusSet(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_PIO_GetOutputDataStatus(pPio) & flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_PIO_IsCfgPullupStatusSet
-//* \brief Test if PIO Configuration Pullup Status is Set
-static inline int AT91F_PIO_IsCfgPullupStatusSet(
- AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (~AT91F_PIO_GetCfgPullup(pPio) & flag);
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* \fn AT91F_TWI_EnableIt
-//* \brief Enable TWI IT
-static inline void AT91F_TWI_EnableIt (
- AT91PS_TWI pTWI, // \arg pointer to a TWI controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg IT to be enabled
- //* Write to the IER register
- pTWI->TWI_IER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_TWI_DisableIt
-//* \brief Disable TWI IT
-static inline void AT91F_TWI_DisableIt (
- AT91PS_TWI pTWI, // \arg pointer to a TWI controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg IT to be disabled
- //* Write to the IDR register
- pTWI->TWI_IDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_TWI_Configure
-//* \brief Configure TWI in master mode
-static inline void AT91F_TWI_Configure ( AT91PS_TWI pTWI ) // \arg pointer to a TWI controller
- //* Disable interrupts
- pTWI->TWI_IDR = (unsigned int) -1;
- //* Reset peripheral
- //* Set Master mode
-//* \fn AT91F_TWI_GetInterruptMaskStatus
-//* \brief Return TWI Interrupt Mask Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_TWI_GetInterruptMaskStatus( // \return TWI Interrupt Mask Status
- AT91PS_TWI pTwi) // \arg pointer to a TWI controller
- return pTwi->TWI_IMR;
-//* \fn AT91F_TWI_IsInterruptMasked
-//* \brief Test if TWI Interrupt is Masked
-static inline int AT91F_TWI_IsInterruptMasked(
- AT91PS_TWI pTwi, // \arg pointer to a TWI controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_TWI_GetInterruptMaskStatus(pTwi) & flag);
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* \fn AT91F_US_Baudrate
-//* \brief Calculate the baudrate
-//* Standard Asynchronous Mode : 8 bits , 1 stop , no parity
- AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS + \
-//* Standard External Asynchronous Mode : 8 bits , 1 stop , no parity
- AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS + \
-//* Standard Synchronous Mode : 8 bits , 1 stop , no parity
-#define AT91C_US_SYNC_MODE ( AT91C_US_SYNC + \
- AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS + \
-//* SCK used Label
-//* Standard ISO T=0 Mode : 8 bits , 1 stop , parity
-#define AT91C_US_ISO_READER_MODE ( AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_0 + \
- AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS + \
- AT91C_US_CKLO +\
-//* Standard IRDA mode
- AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS + \
-//* \fn AT91F_US_Baudrate
-//* \brief Caluculate baud_value according to the main clock and the baud rate
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_US_Baudrate (
- const unsigned int main_clock, // \arg peripheral clock
- const unsigned int baud_rate) // \arg UART baudrate
- unsigned int baud_value = ((main_clock*10)/(baud_rate * 16));
- if ((baud_value % 10) >= 5)
- baud_value = (baud_value / 10) + 1;
- else
- baud_value /= 10;
- return baud_value;
-//* \fn AT91F_US_SetBaudrate
-//* \brief Set the baudrate according to the CPU clock
-static inline void AT91F_US_SetBaudrate (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART, // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- unsigned int mainClock, // \arg peripheral clock
- unsigned int speed) // \arg UART baudrate
- //* Define the baud rate divisor register
- pUSART->US_BRGR = AT91F_US_Baudrate(mainClock, speed);
-//* \fn AT91F_US_SetTimeguard
-//* \brief Set USART timeguard
-static inline void AT91F_US_SetTimeguard (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART, // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- unsigned int timeguard) // \arg timeguard value
- //* Write the Timeguard Register
- pUSART->US_TTGR = timeguard ;
-//* \fn AT91F_US_EnableIt
-//* \brief Enable USART IT
-static inline void AT91F_US_EnableIt (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART, // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg IT to be enabled
- //* Write to the IER register
- pUSART->US_IER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_US_DisableIt
-//* \brief Disable USART IT
-static inline void AT91F_US_DisableIt (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART, // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg IT to be disabled
- //* Write to the IER register
- pUSART->US_IDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_US_Configure
-//* \brief Configure USART
-static inline void AT91F_US_Configure (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART, // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- unsigned int mainClock, // \arg peripheral clock
- unsigned int mode , // \arg mode Register to be programmed
- unsigned int baudRate , // \arg baudrate to be programmed
- unsigned int timeguard ) // \arg timeguard to be programmed
- //* Disable interrupts
- pUSART->US_IDR = (unsigned int) -1;
- //* Reset receiver and transmitter
- //* Define the baud rate divisor register
- AT91F_US_SetBaudrate(pUSART, mainClock, baudRate);
- //* Write the Timeguard Register
- AT91F_US_SetTimeguard(pUSART, timeguard);
- //* Clear Transmit and Receive Counters
- AT91F_PDC_Open((AT91PS_PDC) &(pUSART->US_RPR));
- //* Define the USART mode
- pUSART->US_MR = mode ;
-//* \fn AT91F_US_EnableRx
-//* \brief Enable receiving characters
-static inline void AT91F_US_EnableRx (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- //* Enable receiver
-//* \fn AT91F_US_EnableTx
-//* \brief Enable sending characters
-static inline void AT91F_US_EnableTx (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- //* Enable transmitter
-//* \fn AT91F_US_ResetRx
-//* \brief Reset Receiver and re-enable it
-static inline void AT91F_US_ResetRx (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- //* Reset receiver
- //* Re-Enable receiver
-//* \fn AT91F_US_ResetTx
-//* \brief Reset Transmitter and re-enable it
-static inline void AT91F_US_ResetTx (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- //* Reset transmitter
- //* Enable transmitter
-//* \fn AT91F_US_DisableRx
-//* \brief Disable Receiver
-static inline void AT91F_US_DisableRx (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- //* Disable receiver
-//* \fn AT91F_US_DisableTx
-//* \brief Disable Transmitter
-static inline void AT91F_US_DisableTx (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- //* Disable transmitter
-//* \fn AT91F_US_Close
-//* \brief Close USART: disable IT disable receiver and transmitter, close PDC
-static inline void AT91F_US_Close (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- //* Reset the baud rate divisor register
- pUSART->US_BRGR = 0 ;
- //* Reset the USART mode
- pUSART->US_MR = 0 ;
- //* Reset the Timeguard Register
- pUSART->US_TTGR = 0;
- //* Disable all interrupts
- //* Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers
- AT91F_PDC_Close((AT91PS_PDC) &(pUSART->US_RPR));
- //* Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately
-//* \fn AT91F_US_TxReady
-//* \brief Return 1 if a character can be written in US_THR
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_US_TxReady (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART ) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- return (pUSART->US_CSR & AT91C_US_TXRDY);
-//* \fn AT91F_US_RxReady
-//* \brief Return 1 if a character can be read in US_RHR
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_US_RxReady (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART ) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- return (pUSART->US_CSR & AT91C_US_RXRDY);
-//* \fn AT91F_US_Error
-//* \brief Return the error flag
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_US_Error (
- AT91PS_USART pUSART ) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
- return (pUSART->US_CSR &
- (AT91C_US_OVRE | // Overrun error
- AT91C_US_FRAME | // Framing error
- AT91C_US_PARE)); // Parity error
-//* \fn AT91F_US_PutChar
-//* \brief Send a character,does not check if ready to send
-static inline void AT91F_US_PutChar (
- int character )
- pUSART->US_THR = (character & 0x1FF);
-//* \fn AT91F_US_GetChar
-//* \brief Receive a character,does not check if a character is available
-static inline int AT91F_US_GetChar (
- const AT91PS_USART pUSART)
- return((pUSART->US_RHR) & 0x1FF);
-//* \fn AT91F_US_SendFrame
-//* \brief Return 2 if PDC has been initialized with Buffer and Next Buffer, 1 if PDC has been initializaed with Next Buffer, 0 if PDC is busy
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_US_SendFrame(
- char *pBuffer,
- unsigned int szBuffer,
- char *pNextBuffer,
- unsigned int szNextBuffer )
- return AT91F_PDC_SendFrame(
- pBuffer,
- szBuffer,
- pNextBuffer,
- szNextBuffer);
-//* \fn AT91F_US_ReceiveFrame
-//* \brief Return 2 if PDC has been initialized with Buffer and Next Buffer, 1 if PDC has been initializaed with Next Buffer, 0 if PDC is busy
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_US_ReceiveFrame (
- char *pBuffer,
- unsigned int szBuffer,
- char *pNextBuffer,
- unsigned int szNextBuffer )
- return AT91F_PDC_ReceiveFrame(
- pBuffer,
- szBuffer,
- pNextBuffer,
- szNextBuffer);
-//* \fn AT91F_US_SetIrdaFilter
-//* \brief Set the value of IrDa filter tregister
-static inline void AT91F_US_SetIrdaFilter (
- unsigned char value
- pUSART->US_IF = value;
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* Classic MCI Mode Register Configuration with PDC mode enabled and MCK = MCI Clock
- (AT91C_MCI_PWSDIV<<1) |\
-//* Classic MCI Data Timeout Register Configuration with 1048576 MCK cycles between 2 data transfer
-//* Classic MCI SDCard Register Configuration with 1-bit data bus on slot A
-#define AT91C_MCI_MMC_SLOTA (AT91C_MCI_SCDSEL & 0x0)
-//* Classic MCI SDCard Register Configuration with 1-bit data bus on slot B
-//* Classic MCI SDCard Register Configuration with 4-bit data bus on slot A
-//* Classic MCI SDCard Register Configuration with 4-bit data bus on slot B
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_Configure
-//* \brief Configure the MCI
-static inline void AT91F_MCI_Configure (
- AT91PS_MCI pMCI, // \arg pointer to a MCI controller
- unsigned int DTOR_register, // \arg Data Timeout Register to be programmed
- unsigned int MR_register, // \arg Mode Register to be programmed
- unsigned int SDCR_register) // \arg SDCard Register to be programmed
- //* Reset the MCI
- //* Disable all the interrupts
- //* Set the Data Timeout Register
- pMCI->MCI_DTOR = DTOR_register;
- //* Set the Mode Register
- pMCI->MCI_MR = MR_register;
- //* Set the SDCard Register
- pMCI->MCI_SDCR = SDCR_register;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_EnableIt
-//* \brief Enable MCI IT
-static inline void AT91F_MCI_EnableIt (
- AT91PS_MCI pMCI, // \arg pointer to a MCI controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg IT to be enabled
- //* Write to the IER register
- pMCI->MCI_IER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_DisableIt
-//* \brief Disable MCI IT
-static inline void AT91F_MCI_DisableIt (
- AT91PS_MCI pMCI, // \arg pointer to a MCI controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg IT to be disabled
- //* Write to the IDR register
- pMCI->MCI_IDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_Enable_Interface
-//* \brief Enable the MCI Interface
-static inline void AT91F_MCI_Enable_Interface (
- AT91PS_MCI pMCI) // \arg pointer to a MCI controller
- //* Enable the MCI
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_Disable_Interface
-//* \brief Disable the MCI Interface
-static inline void AT91F_MCI_Disable_Interface (
- AT91PS_MCI pMCI) // \arg pointer to a MCI controller
- //* Disable the MCI
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_Cfg_ModeRegister
-//* \brief Configure the MCI Mode Register
-static inline void AT91F_MCI_Cfg_ModeRegister (
- AT91PS_MCI pMCI, // \arg pointer to a MCI controller
- unsigned int mode_register) // \arg value to set in the mode register
- //* Configure the MCI MR
- pMCI->MCI_MR = mode_register;
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-#define AT91C_AIC_BRANCH_OPCODE ((void (*) ()) 0xE51FFF20) // ldr, pc, [pc, #-&F20]
-//* \fn AT91F_AIC_ConfigureIt
-//* \brief Interrupt Handler Initialization
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_AIC_ConfigureIt (
- AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
- unsigned int irq_id, // \arg interrupt number to initialize
- unsigned int priority, // \arg priority to give to the interrupt
- unsigned int src_type, // \arg activation and sense of activation
- void (*newHandler) (void) ) // \arg address of the interrupt handler
- unsigned int oldHandler;
- unsigned int mask ;
- oldHandler = pAic->AIC_SVR[irq_id];
- mask = 0x1 << irq_id ;
- //* Disable the interrupt on the interrupt controller
- pAic->AIC_IDCR = mask ;
- //* Save the interrupt handler routine pointer and the interrupt priority
- pAic->AIC_SVR[irq_id] = (unsigned int) newHandler ;
- //* Store the Source Mode Register
- pAic->AIC_SMR[irq_id] = src_type | priority ;
- //* Clear the interrupt on the interrupt controller
- pAic->AIC_ICCR = mask ;
- return oldHandler;
-//* \fn AT91F_AIC_EnableIt
-//* \brief Enable corresponding IT number
-static inline void AT91F_AIC_EnableIt (
- AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
- unsigned int irq_id ) // \arg interrupt number to initialize
- //* Enable the interrupt on the interrupt controller
- pAic->AIC_IECR = 0x1 << irq_id ;
-//* \fn AT91F_AIC_DisableIt
-//* \brief Disable corresponding IT number
-static inline void AT91F_AIC_DisableIt (
- AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
- unsigned int irq_id ) // \arg interrupt number to initialize
- unsigned int mask = 0x1 << irq_id;
- //* Disable the interrupt on the interrupt controller
- pAic->AIC_IDCR = mask ;
- //* Clear the interrupt on the Interrupt Controller ( if one is pending )
- pAic->AIC_ICCR = mask ;
-//* \fn AT91F_AIC_ClearIt
-//* \brief Clear corresponding IT number
-static inline void AT91F_AIC_ClearIt (
- AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
- unsigned int irq_id) // \arg interrupt number to initialize
- //* Clear the interrupt on the Interrupt Controller ( if one is pending )
- pAic->AIC_ICCR = (0x1 << irq_id);
-//* \fn AT91F_AIC_AcknowledgeIt
-//* \brief Acknowledge corresponding IT number
-static inline void AT91F_AIC_AcknowledgeIt (
- AT91PS_AIC pAic) // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
- pAic->AIC_EOICR = pAic->AIC_EOICR;
-//* \fn AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector
-//* \brief Configure vector handler
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector (
- unsigned int *pVector, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
- void (*Handler) () ) // \arg Interrupt Handler
- unsigned int oldVector = *pVector;
- if ((unsigned int) Handler == (unsigned int) AT91C_AIC_BRANCH_OPCODE)
- *pVector = (unsigned int) AT91C_AIC_BRANCH_OPCODE;
- else
- *pVector = (((((unsigned int) Handler) - ((unsigned int) pVector) - 0x8) >> 2) & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0xEA000000;
- return oldVector;
-//* \fn AT91F_AIC_Trig
-//* \brief Trig an IT
-static inline void AT91F_AIC_Trig (
- AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
- unsigned int irq_id) // \arg interrupt number
- pAic->AIC_ISCR = (0x1 << irq_id) ;
-//* \fn AT91F_AIC_IsActive
-//* \brief Test if an IT is active
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_AIC_IsActive (
- AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
- unsigned int irq_id) // \arg Interrupt Number
- return (pAic->AIC_ISR & (0x1 << irq_id));
-//* \fn AT91F_AIC_IsPending
-//* \brief Test if an IT is pending
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_AIC_IsPending (
- AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
- unsigned int irq_id) // \arg Interrupt Number
- return (pAic->AIC_IPR & (0x1 << irq_id));
-//* \fn AT91F_AIC_Open
-//* \brief Set exception vectors and AIC registers to default values
-static inline void AT91F_AIC_Open(
- AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
- void (*IrqHandler) (), // \arg Default IRQ vector exception
- void (*FiqHandler) (), // \arg Default FIQ vector exception
- void (*DefaultHandler) (), // \arg Default Handler set in ISR
- void (*SpuriousHandler) (), // \arg Default Spurious Handler
- unsigned int protectMode) // \arg Debug Control Register
- int i;
- // Disable all interrupts and set IVR to the default handler
- for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
- AT91F_AIC_DisableIt(pAic, i);
- }
- // Set the IRQ exception vector
- AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector((unsigned int *) 0x18, IrqHandler);
- // Set the Fast Interrupt exception vector
- AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector((unsigned int *) 0x1C, FiqHandler);
- pAic->AIC_SPU = (unsigned int) SpuriousHandler;
- pAic->AIC_DCR = protectMode;
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_EnableIt
-//* \brief Enable UDP IT
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_EnableIt (
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg IT to be enabled
- //* Write to the IER register
- pUDP->UDP_IER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_DisableIt
-//* \brief Disable UDP IT
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_DisableIt (
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg IT to be disabled
- //* Write to the IDR register
- pUDP->UDP_IDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_SetAddress
-//* \brief Set UDP functional address
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_SetAddress (
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned char address) // \arg new UDP address
- pUDP->UDP_FADDR = (AT91C_UDP_FEN | address);
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_EnableEp
-//* \brief Enable Endpoint
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_EnableEp (
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg endpoints to be enabled
- pUDP->UDP_GLBSTATE |= flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_DisableEp
-//* \brief Enable Endpoint
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_DisableEp (
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg endpoints to be enabled
- pUDP->UDP_GLBSTATE &= ~(flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_SetState
-//* \brief Set UDP Device state
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_SetState (
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg new UDP address
- pUDP->UDP_GLBSTATE |= flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_GetState
-//* \brief return UDP Device state
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_UDP_GetState ( // \return the UDP device state
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP) // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_ResetEp
-//* \brief Reset UDP endpoint
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_ResetEp ( // \return the UDP device state
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg Endpoints to be reset
- pUDP->UDP_RSTEP = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_EpStall
-//* \brief Endpoint will STALL requests
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_EpStall(
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned char endpoint) // \arg endpoint number
- pUDP->UDP_CSR[endpoint] |= AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL;
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_EpWrite
-//* \brief Write value in the DPR
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_EpWrite(
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned char endpoint, // \arg endpoint number
- unsigned char value) // \arg value to be written in the DPR
- pUDP->UDP_FDR[endpoint] = value;
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_EpRead
-//* \brief Return value from the DPR
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_UDP_EpRead(
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned char endpoint) // \arg endpoint number
- return pUDP->UDP_FDR[endpoint];
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_EpEndOfWr
-//* \brief Notify the UDP that values in DPR are ready to be sent
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_EpEndOfWr(
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned char endpoint) // \arg endpoint number
- pUDP->UDP_CSR[endpoint] |= AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY;
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_EpClear
-//* \brief Clear flag in the endpoint CSR register
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_EpClear(
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned char endpoint, // \arg endpoint number
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be cleared
- pUDP->UDP_CSR[endpoint] &= ~(flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_EpSet
-//* \brief Set flag in the endpoint CSR register
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_EpSet(
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned char endpoint, // \arg endpoint number
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be cleared
- pUDP->UDP_CSR[endpoint] |= flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_EpStatus
-//* \brief Return the endpoint CSR register
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_UDP_EpStatus(
- AT91PS_UDP pUDP, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned char endpoint) // \arg endpoint number
- return pUDP->UDP_CSR[endpoint];
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_GetInterruptMaskStatus
-//* \brief Return UDP Interrupt Mask Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_UDP_GetInterruptMaskStatus( // \return UDP Interrupt Mask Status
- AT91PS_UDP pUdp) // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- return pUdp->UDP_IMR;
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_IsInterruptMasked
-//* \brief Test if UDP Interrupt is Masked
-static inline int AT91F_UDP_IsInterruptMasked(
- AT91PS_UDP pUdp, // \arg pointer to a UDP controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_UDP_GetInterruptMaskStatus(pUdp) & flag);
-/* *****************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************** */
-//* \fn AT91F_ST_SetPeriodInterval
-//* \brief Set Periodic Interval Interrupt (period in ms)
-static inline void AT91F_ST_SetPeriodInterval(
- AT91PS_ST pSt,
- unsigned int period)
- volatile int status;
- pSt->ST_IDR = AT91C_ST_PITS; /* Interrupt disable Register */
- status = pSt->ST_SR;
- pSt->ST_PIMR = period << 5; /* Period Interval Mode Register == timer interval = 1ms*/
-//* \fn AT91F_ST_EnableIt
-//* \brief Enable system timer interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_ST_EnableIt(
- AT91PS_ST pSt,
- unsigned int flag)
- pSt->ST_IER = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_ST_DisableIt
-//* \brief Disable system timer interrupt
-static inline void AT91F_ST_DisableIt(
- AT91PS_ST pSt,
- unsigned int flag)
- pSt->ST_IDR = flag;
-//* \fn AT91F_ST_GetInterruptMaskStatus
-//* \brief Return ST Interrupt Mask Status
-static inline unsigned int AT91F_ST_GetInterruptMaskStatus( // \return ST Interrupt Mask Status
- AT91PS_ST pSt) // \arg pointer to a ST controller
- return pSt->ST_IMR;
-//* \fn AT91F_ST_IsInterruptMasked
-//* \brief Test if ST Interrupt is Masked
-static inline int AT91F_ST_IsInterruptMasked(
- AT91PS_ST pSt, // \arg pointer to a ST controller
- unsigned int flag) // \arg flag to be tested
- return (AT91F_ST_GetInterruptMaskStatus(pSt) & flag);
-//* \fn AT91F_EBI_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive EBI signals
-static inline void AT91F_EBI_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC8_A24 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC7_A23 ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_DBGU_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for DBGU
-static inline void AT91F_DBGU_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_SYS));
-//* \fn AT91F_DBGU_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive DBGU signals
-static inline void AT91F_DBGU_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOA, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA31_DTXD ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA30_DRXD ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_SYS_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for SYS
-static inline void AT91F_SYS_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_SYS));
-//* \fn AT91F_UHP_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for UHP
-static inline void AT91F_UHP_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_UHP));
-//* \fn AT91F_SDRC_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive SDRC signals
-static inline void AT91F_SDRC_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC20_D20 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC21_D21 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC30_D30 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC22_D22 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC31_D31 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC23_D23 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC16_D16 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC24_D24 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC17_D17 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC25_D25 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC18_D18 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC26_D26 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC19_D19 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC27_D27 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC28_D28 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC29_D29 ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_EMAC_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for EMAC
-static inline void AT91F_EMAC_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_EMAC));
-//* \fn AT91F_EMAC_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive EMAC signals
-static inline void AT91F_EMAC_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOA, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA14_ERXER ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA12_ERX0 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA13_ERX1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA8_ETXEN ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA16_EMDIO ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA9_ETX0 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA10_ETX1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA11_ECRS_ECRSDV) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA15_EMDC ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA7_ETXCK_EREFCK), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_RTC_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for RTC
-static inline void AT91F_RTC_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_SYS));
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC2_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for SSC2
-static inline void AT91F_SSC2_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_SSC2));
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC2_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive SSC2 signals
-static inline void AT91F_SSC2_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOB, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB12_TF2 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB17_RF2 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB13_TK2 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB16_RK2 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB14_TD2 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB15_RD2 ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC1_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for SSC1
-static inline void AT91F_SSC1_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_SSC1));
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC1_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive SSC1 signals
-static inline void AT91F_SSC1_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOB, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB11_RF1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB10_RK1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB8_TD1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB9_RD1 ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_SSC0_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for SSC0
-static inline void AT91F_SSC0_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_SSC0));
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for SPI
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_SPI));
-//* \fn AT91F_SPI_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive SPI signals
-static inline void AT91F_SPI_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOA, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA3_NPCS0 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA4_NPCS1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA1_MOSI ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA5_NPCS2 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA6_NPCS3 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA0_MISO ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA2_SPCK ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_TC5_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for TC5
-static inline void AT91F_TC5_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_TC5));
-//* \fn AT91F_TC4_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for TC4
-static inline void AT91F_TC4_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_TC4));
-//* \fn AT91F_TC3_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for TC3
-static inline void AT91F_TC3_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_TC3));
-//* \fn AT91F_TC2_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for TC2
-static inline void AT91F_TC2_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_TC2));
-//* \fn AT91F_TC1_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for TC1
-static inline void AT91F_TC1_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_TC1));
-//* \fn AT91F_TC0_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for TC0
-static inline void AT91F_TC0_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_TC0));
-//* \fn AT91F_SMC2_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive SMC2 signals
-static inline void AT91F_SMC2_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC10_NCS4_CFCS) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC9_A25_CFRNW) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC12_NCS6_CFCE2) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PC11_NCS5_CFCE1), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_PMC_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for PMC
-static inline void AT91F_PMC_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_SYS));
-//* \fn AT91F_PMC_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive PMC signals
-static inline void AT91F_PMC_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOA, // PIO controller base address
- 0, // Peripheral A
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA24_PCK1 )); // Peripheral B
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOB, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB27_PCK0 ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_PIOD_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for PIOD
-static inline void AT91F_PIOD_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_PIOD));
-//* \fn AT91F_PIOC_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for PIOC
-static inline void AT91F_PIOC_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_PIOC));
-//* \fn AT91F_PIOB_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for PIOB
-static inline void AT91F_PIOB_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_PIOB));
-//* \fn AT91F_PIOA_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for PIOA
-static inline void AT91F_PIOA_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_PIOA));
-//* \fn AT91F_TWI_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for TWI
-static inline void AT91F_TWI_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_TWI));
-//* \fn AT91F_TWI_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive TWI signals
-static inline void AT91F_TWI_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOA, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA25_TWD ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA26_TWCK ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_US3_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for US3
-static inline void AT91F_US3_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_US3));
-//* \fn AT91F_US2_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for US2
-static inline void AT91F_US2_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_US2));
-//* \fn AT91F_US2_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive US2 signals
-static inline void AT91F_US2_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOA, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA23_TXD2 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA22_RXD2 ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_US1_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for US1
-static inline void AT91F_US1_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_US1));
-//* \fn AT91F_US1_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive US1 signals
-static inline void AT91F_US1_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOB, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB21_RXD1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB26_RTS1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB25_DSR1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB24_CTS1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB19_DTR1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB23_DCD1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB20_TXD1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB18_RI1 ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_US0_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for US0
-static inline void AT91F_US0_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_US0));
-//* \fn AT91F_US0_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive US0 signals
-static inline void AT91F_US0_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOA, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA17_TXD0 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA21_RTS0 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA19_SCK0 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA20_CTS0 ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for MCI
-static inline void AT91F_MCI_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_MCI));
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_CfgPIO
-//* \brief Configure PIO controllers to drive MCI signals
-static inline void AT91F_MCI_CfgPIO (void)
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOA, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA28_MCCDA ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA29_MCDA0 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PA27_MCCK ), // Peripheral A
- 0); // Peripheral B
- // Configure PIO controllers to periph mode
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOB, // PIO controller base address
- 0, // Peripheral A
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB5_MCDA3 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB3_MCDA1 ) |
- ((unsigned int) AT91C_PB4_MCDA2 )); // Peripheral B
-//* \fn AT91F_AIC_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for AIC
-static inline void AT91F_AIC_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_IRQ4) |
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_FIQ) |
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_IRQ5) |
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_IRQ6) |
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_IRQ0) |
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_IRQ1) |
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_IRQ2) |
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_IRQ3));
-//* \fn AT91F_UDP_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for UDP
-static inline void AT91F_UDP_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_UDP));
-//* \fn AT91F_ST_CfgPMC
-//* \brief Enable Peripheral clock in PMC for ST
-static inline void AT91F_ST_CfgPMC (void)
- AT91F_PMC_EnablePeriphClock(
- AT91C_BASE_PMC, // PIO controller base address
- ((unsigned int) 1 << AT91C_ID_SYS));
-#endif // lib_AT91RM9200_H
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/init.c b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/init.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4088973f7d..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/init.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-//* ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
-//* The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
-//* kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
-//* limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
-//* fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
-//* intellectual property rights of others.
-//* File Name : init.c
-//* Object : Low level initialisations written in C
-//* Creation : HIi 10/10/2003
-#include "config.h"
-#include "AT91RM9200.h"
-#include "lib_AT91RM9200.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-//* \fn AT91F_DataAbort
-//* \brief This function reports an Abort
-static void AT91F_SpuriousHandler()
- puts("ISI");
- while (1);
-//* \fn AT91F_DataAbort
-//* \brief This function reports an Abort
-static void AT91F_DataAbort()
- puts("IDA");
- while (1);
-//* \fn AT91F_FetchAbort
-//* \brief This function reports an Abort
-static void AT91F_FetchAbort()
- puts("IFA");
- while (1);
-//* \fn AT91F_UndefHandler
-//* \brief This function reports that no handler have been set for current IT
-static void AT91F_UndefHandler()
- puts("IUD");
- while (1);
-//* Function Name : AT91F_InitSdram
-//* Object : Initialize the SDRAM
-//* Input Parameters :
-//* Output Parameters :
-static void AT91F_InitSdram()
- int *pRegister;
- //* Configure PIOC as peripheral (D16/D31)
- AT91F_PIO_CfgPeriph(
- AT91C_BASE_PIOC, // PIO controller base address
- 0xFFFF0030,
- 0
- );
- //*Init SDRAM
- pRegister = (int *)0xFFFFFF98;
- *pRegister = 0x2188c155;
- pRegister = (int *)0xFFFFFF90;
- *pRegister = 0x2;
- pRegister = (int *)0x20000000;
- *pRegister = 0;
- pRegister = (int *)0xFFFFFF90;
- *pRegister = 0x4;
- pRegister = (int *)0x20000000;
- *pRegister = 0;
- *pRegister = 0;
- *pRegister = 0;
- *pRegister = 0;
- *pRegister = 0;
- *pRegister = 0;
- *pRegister = 0;
- *pRegister = 0;
- pRegister = (int *)0xFFFFFF90;
- *pRegister = 0x3;
- pRegister = (int *)0x20000080;
- *pRegister = 0;
- pRegister = (int *)0xFFFFFF94;
- *pRegister = 0x2e0;
- pRegister = (int *)0x20000000;
- *pRegister = 0;
- pRegister = (int *)0xFFFFFF90;
- *pRegister = 0x00;
- pRegister = (int *)0x20000000;
- *pRegister = 0;
-//* \fn AT91F_InitFlash
-//* \brief This function performs low level HW initialization
-static void AT91F_InitMemories()
- int *pEbi = (int *)0xFFFFFF60;
- //* Setup MEMC to support all connected memories (CS0 = FLASH; CS1=SDRAM)
- pEbi = (int *)0xFFFFFF60;
- *pEbi = 0x00000002;
- //* CS0 cs for flash
- pEbi = (int *)0xFFFFFF70;
- *pEbi = 0x00003284;
- AT91F_InitSdram();
-//* \fn AT91F_LowLevelInit
-//* \brief This function performs very low level HW initialization
-void AT91F_LowLevelInit(void)
- int i;
- // Init Interrupt Controller
- AT91F_AIC_Open(
- AT91C_BASE_AIC, // pointer to the AIC registers
- AT91C_AIC_BRANCH_OPCODE, // IRQ exception vector
- AT91F_UndefHandler, // FIQ exception vector
- AT91F_UndefHandler, // AIC default handler
- AT91F_SpuriousHandler, // AIC spurious handler
- 0); // Protect mode
- // Perform 8 End Of Interrupt Command to make sýre AIC will not Lock out nIRQ
- for(i=0; i<8; i++)
- AT91F_AIC_AcknowledgeIt(AT91C_BASE_AIC);
- AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector((unsigned int *)0x0C, AT91F_FetchAbort);
- AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector((unsigned int *)0x10, AT91F_DataAbort);
- AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector((unsigned int *)0x4, AT91F_UndefHandler);
- //Initialize SDRAM and Flash
- AT91F_InitMemories();
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/jump.S b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/jump.S
deleted file mode 100644
index cc69311569..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/jump.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-.global Jump
-Jump: mov pc, r0
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/led.c b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/led.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 40d49113c7..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/led.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2006
- * Atmel Nordic AB <www.atmel.com>
- * Ulf Samuelsson <ulf@atmel.com>
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <AT91RM9200.h>
-#define GREEN_LED AT91C_PIO_PB0
-#define RED_LED AT91C_PIO_PB2
-void LED_set(unsigned int led)
- PIOB->PIO_SODR = (led ^ 0x7) & 0x7; // All 0's => Set PIO high => OFF
- PIOB->PIO_CODR = led & 0x7; // All 1's => Set PIO low => ON
-void green_LED_on(void)
- PIOB->PIO_CODR = (1 << 0);
-void yellow_LED_on(void)
- PIOB->PIO_CODR = (1 << 1);
-void red_LED_on(void)
- PIOB->PIO_CODR = (1 << 2);
-void green_LED_off(void)
- PIOB->PIO_SODR = (1 << 0);
-void yellow_LED_off(void)
- PIOB->PIO_SODR = (1 << 1);
-void red_LED_off(void)
- PIOB->PIO_SODR = (1 << 2);
-void LED_blink(unsigned int led)
- volatile int i,j;
- for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- LED_set((1 << led)&0x7);
- for(j= 0; j < 200000; j++);
- LED_set(0);
- for(j= 0; j < 200000; j++);
- }
-void LED_init (void)
- PMC->PMC_PCER = (1 << AT91C_ID_PIOB); // Enable PIOB clock
- // Disable peripherals on LEDs
- // Enable pins as outputs
- // Turn all LEDs OFF
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/main.c b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c0705dec60..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,811 +0,0 @@
- * ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
- * kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
- * limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
- * fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
- * intellectual property rights of others.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * File Name : main.c
- * Object :
- * Creation : HIi 10/10/2003
- * Modif : HIi 15/06/2004 : add crc32 to verify the download
- * from dataflash
- * : HIi 21/09/2004 : Set first PLLA to 180Mhz and MCK to
- * 60Mhz to speed up dataflash boot (15Mhz)
- * : MLC 12/04/2005 : Modify SetPLL() to avoid errata
- * : USA 30/12/2005 : Change to page Size 1056
- * Change startaddress to C0008400
- * Change SPI Speed to ~4 Mhz
- * Add retry on CRC Error
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-#include "AT91RM9200.h"
-#include "lib_AT91RM9200.h"
-#include "com.h"
-#include "main.h"
-#include "dataflash.h"
-#include "AT91C_MCI_Device.h"
-#define DEBUGOUT
-#define XMODEM
-#define MEMDISP
-#ifdef PAGESZ_1056
-#define PAGESIZE 1056
-#define PAGESIZE 1024
-#define AT91C_SDRAM_START 0x20000000
-#define AT91C_BOOT_ADDR 0x21F00000
-#ifdef PAGESZ_1056
-#define AT91C_BOOT_DATAFLASH_ADDR 0xC0008400
-#define AT91C_BOOT_DATAFLASH_ADDR 0xC0008000
-#define AT91C_PLLA_VALUE 0x237A3E5A // crystal= 18.432MHz - fixes BRG error at 115kbps
-//#define AT91C_PLLA_VALUE 0x2026BE04 // crystal= 18.432MHz
-//#define AT91C_PLLA_VALUE 0x202CBE01 // crystal= 4MHz
-#define DISP_LINE_LEN 16
-// Reason for boot failure
-#define IMAGE_BAD_SIZE 0
-#define IMAGE_CRC_ERROR 2
-#define IMAGE_ERROR 3
-#define SUCCESS -1
-/* prototypes*/
-extern void AT91F_ST_ASM_HANDLER(void);
-extern void Jump(unsigned int addr);
-const char *menu_dataflash[] = {
-#ifdef XMODEM
- "1: P DFboot\n",
- "2: P U-Boot\n",
- "3: P SDCard\n",
-#ifdef PAGESZ_1056
- "4: R UBOOT\n",
- "4: R UBOOT\n",
-#ifdef XMODEM
- "5: P DF [addr]\n",
- "6: RD DF [addr]\n",
- "7: E DF\n"
-#ifdef XMODEM
-#define MAXMENU 7
-#define MAXMENU 4
-char message[20];
-#ifdef XMODEM
-volatile char XmodemComplete = 0;
-unsigned int StTick = 0;
-AT91S_RomBoot const *pAT91;
-#ifdef XMODEM
-AT91S_SBuffer sXmBuffer;
-AT91S_SvcXmodem svcXmodem;
-AT91S_Pipe xmodemPipe;
-AT91S_CtlTempo ctlTempo;
-//* Function Name : GetTickCount()
-//* Object : Return the number of systimer tick
-//* Input Parameters :
-//* Output Parameters :
-unsigned int GetTickCount(void)
- return StTick;
-#ifdef XMODEM
-//* Function Name : AT91_XmodemComplete()
-//* Object : Perform the remap and jump to appli in RAM
-//* Input Parameters :
-//* Output Parameters :
-static void AT91_XmodemComplete(AT91S_PipeStatus status, void *pVoid)
- /* stop the Xmodem tempo */
- svcXmodem.tempo.Stop(&(svcXmodem.tempo));
- XmodemComplete = 1;
-//* Function Name : AT91F_XmodemProtocol(AT91S_PipeStatus status, void *pVoid)
-//* Object : Xmodem dispatcher
-//* Input Parameters :
-//* Output Parameters :
-static void XmodemProtocol(AT91S_PipeStatus status, void *pVoid)
- AT91PS_SBuffer pSBuffer = (AT91PS_SBuffer) xmodemPipe.pBuffer->pChild;
- AT91PS_USART pUsart = svcXmodem.pUsart;
- if (pSBuffer->szRdBuffer == 0) {
- /* Start a tempo to wait the Xmodem protocol complete */
- svcXmodem.tempo.Start(&(svcXmodem.tempo), 10, 0, AT91_XmodemComplete, pUsart);
- }
-//* Function Name : irq1_c_handler()
-//* Object : C Interrupt handler for Interrutp source 1
-//* Input Parameters : none
-//* Output Parameters : none
-void AT91F_ST_HANDLER(void)
- volatile unsigned int csr = *AT91C_DBGU_CSR;
-#ifdef XMODEM
- unsigned int error;
- if (AT91C_BASE_ST->ST_SR & 0x01) {
- StTick++;
- ctlTempo.CtlTempoTick(&ctlTempo);
- return;
- }
-#ifdef XMODEM
- error = AT91F_US_Error((AT91PS_USART)AT91C_BASE_DBGU);
- if (csr & error) {
- /* Stop previous Xmodem transmition*/
- }
- else if (csr & (AT91C_US_TXRDY | AT91C_US_ENDTX | AT91C_US_TXEMPTY |
- if ( !(svcXmodem.eot) )
- svcXmodem.Handler(&svcXmodem, csr);
- }
-//* Function Name : AT91F_DisplayMenu()
-//* Object :
-//* Input Parameters :
-//* Return value :
-static int AT91F_DisplayMenu(void)
- int i, mci_present = 0;
- printf("\nDF LOADER %s %s %s\n",AT91C_VERSION,__DATE__,__TIME__);
- AT91F_DataflashPrintInfo();
- mci_present = AT91F_MCI_Init();
- for(i = 0; i < MAXMENU; i++) {
- puts(menu_dataflash[i]);
- }
- return mci_present;
-//* Function Name : AsciiToHex()
-//* Object : ascii to hexa conversion
-//* Input Parameters :
-//* Return value :
-static unsigned int AsciiToHex(char *s, unsigned int *val)
- int n;
- *val=0;
- if(s[0] == '0' && ((s[1] == 'x') || (s[1] == 'X')))
- s+=2;
- n = 0;
- while((n < 8) && (s[n] !=0))
- {
- *val <<= 4;
- if ( (s[n] >= '0') && (s[n] <='9'))
- *val += (s[n] - '0');
- else
- if ((s[n] >= 'a') && (s[n] <='f'))
- *val += (s[n] - 0x57);
- else
- if ((s[n] >= 'A') && (s[n] <='F'))
- *val += (s[n] - 0x37);
- else
- return 0;
- n++;
- }
- return 1;
-#ifdef MEMDISP
-//* Function Name : AT91F_MemoryDisplay()
-//* Object : Display the content of the dataflash
-//* Input Parameters :
-//* Return value :
-static int AT91F_MemoryDisplay(unsigned int addr, unsigned int length)
- unsigned long i, nbytes, linebytes;
- char *cp;
-// unsigned int *uip;
-// unsigned short *usp;
- unsigned char *ucp;
- char linebuf[DISP_LINE_LEN];
-// nbytes = length * size;
- nbytes = length;
- do
- {
-// uip = (unsigned int *)linebuf;
-// usp = (unsigned short *)linebuf;
- ucp = (unsigned char *)linebuf;
- printf("%08x:", addr);
- linebytes = (nbytes > DISP_LINE_LEN)?DISP_LINE_LEN:nbytes;
- if((addr & 0xF0000000) == 0x20000000) {
- for(i = 0; i < linebytes; i ++) {
- linebuf[i] = *(char *)(addr+i);
- }
- } else {
- read_dataflash(addr, linebytes, linebuf);
- }
- for (i=0; i<linebytes; i++)
- {
-/* if (size == 4)
- printf(" %08x", *uip++);
- else if (size == 2)
- printf(" %04x", *usp++);
- else
- printf(" %02x", *ucp++);
-// addr += size;
- addr++;
- }
- printf(" ");
- cp = linebuf;
- for (i=0; i<linebytes; i++) {
- if ((*cp < 0x20) || (*cp > 0x7e))
- printf(".");
- else
- printf("%c", *cp);
- cp++;
- }
- printf("\n");
- nbytes -= linebytes;
- } while (nbytes > 0);
- return 0;
-//* Function Name : AT91F_SetPLL
-//* Object : Set the PLLA to 180Mhz and Master clock to 60 Mhz
-//* Input Parameters :
-//* Output Parameters :
-static unsigned int AT91F_SetPLL(void)
- AT91_REG tmp;
- /* -Setup the PLL A */
- while (!(*AT91C_PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_LOCKA));
- /* - Switch Master Clock from PLLB to PLLA/3 */
- tmp = pPmc->PMC_MCKR;
- /* See Atmel Errata #27 and #28 */
- if (tmp & 0x0000001C) {
- tmp = (tmp & ~0x0000001C);
- pPmc->PMC_MCKR = tmp;
- while (!(*AT91C_PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY));
- }
- if (tmp != 0x00000202) {
- pPmc->PMC_MCKR = 0x00000202;
- if ((tmp & 0x00000003) != 0x00000002)
- while (!(*AT91C_PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY));
- }
- return 1;
-//* Function Name : AT91F_ResetRegisters
-//* Object : Restore the initial state to registers
-//* Input Parameters :
-//* Output Parameters :
-static unsigned int AT91F_ResetRegisters(void)
- volatile int i = 0;
- /* set the PIOs in input*/
- /* This disables the UART output, so dont execute for now*/
-#ifndef DEBUGOUT
- *AT91C_PIOA_ODR = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Disables all the output pins */
- *AT91C_PIOA_PER = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Enables the PIO to control all the pins */
- AT91F_AIC_DisableIt (AT91C_BASE_AIC, AT91C_ID_SYS);
- /* close all peripheral clocks */
-#ifndef DEBUGOUT
- /* Disable core interrupts and set supervisor mode */
- __asm__ ("msr CPSR_c, #0xDF"); //* ARM_MODE_SYS(0x1F) | I_BIT(0x80) | F_BIT(0x40)
- /* Clear all the interrupts */
- *AT91C_AIC_ICCR = 0xffffffff;
- /* read the AIC_IVR and AIC_FVR */
- i = *AT91C_AIC_IVR;
- i = *AT91C_AIC_FVR;
- /* write the end of interrupt control register */
- *AT91C_AIC_EOICR = 0;
- return 1;
-static int AT91F_LoadBoot(void)
-// volatile unsigned int crc1 = 0, crc2 = 0;
- volatile unsigned int SizeToDownload = 0x21400;
- volatile unsigned int AddressToDownload = AT91C_BOOT_ADDR;
-#if 0
- /* Read vector 6 to extract size to load */
- if (read_dataflash(AT91C_BOOT_DATAFLASH_ADDR, 32,
- (char *)AddressToDownload) != AT91C_DATAFLASH_OK)
- {
- printf("Bad Code Size\n");
- return IMAGE_BAD_SIZE;
- }
- /* calculate the size to download */
- SizeToDownload = *(int *)(AddressToDownload + AT91C_OFFSET_VECT6);
-// printf("\nLoad UBOOT from dataflash[%x] to SDRAM[%x]\n",
- if (read_dataflash(AT91C_BOOT_DATAFLASH_ADDR, SizeToDownload + 8,
- (char *)AddressToDownload) != AT91C_DATAFLASH_OK)
- {
- printf("F DF RD\n");
- }
-#if 0
- pAT91->CRC32((const unsigned char *)AT91C_BOOT_ADDR,
- (unsigned int)SizeToDownload , (unsigned int *)&crc2);
- crc1 = (int)(*(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload)) +
- (int)(*(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload + 1) << 8) +
- (int)(*(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload + 2) << 16) +
- (int)(*(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload + 3) << 24);
- /* Restore the value of Vector 6 */
- *(int *)(AddressToDownload + AT91C_OFFSET_VECT6) =
- *(int *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload + 4);
- if (crc1 != crc2) {
- printf("DF CRC bad %x != %x\n",crc1,crc2);
- }
- return SUCCESS;
-static int AT91F_StartBoot(void)
- int sts;
- if((sts = AT91F_LoadBoot()) != SUCCESS) return sts;
-// printf("\n");
-// printf("PLLA[180MHz], MCK[60Mhz] ==> Start UBOOT\n");
- if (AT91F_ResetRegisters())
- {
- printf("Jump");
- Jump(AT91C_BOOT_ADDR);
-// LED_blink(0);
- }
- return IMAGE_ERROR;
-#if 0
-static void AT91F_RepeatedStartBoot(void)
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < CRC_RETRIES; i++) {
- if(AT91F_StartBoot() != IMAGE_CRC_ERROR){
-// LED_blink(1);
- return;
- }
- }
- return;
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-#define TRX_MAGIC 0x30524448 /* "HDR0" */
-#define TRX_VERSION 1
-struct trx_header {
- unsigned int magic;
- unsigned int len;
- unsigned int crc32;
- unsigned int flag_version;
- unsigned int offsets[3];
-#define AT91C_MCI_TIMEOUT 1000000
-extern AT91S_MciDevice MCI_Device;
-extern void AT91F_MCIDeviceWaitReady(unsigned int);
-extern int AT91F_MCI_ReadBlockSwab(AT91PS_MciDevice, int, unsigned int *, int);
-int Program_From_MCI(void)
- int i;
- unsigned int Max_Read_DataBlock_Length;
- int block = 0;
- int NbPage = 0;
- struct trx_header *p;
- p = (struct trx_header *)bufpos;
- Max_Read_DataBlock_Length = MCI_Device.pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Read_DataBlock_Length;
- AT91F_MCIDeviceWaitReady(AT91C_MCI_TIMEOUT);
- AT91F_MCI_ReadBlockSwab(&MCI_Device, block*Max_Read_DataBlock_Length, (unsigned int *)bufpos, Max_Read_DataBlock_Length);
- if (p->magic != TRX_MAGIC) {
- printf("Inv IMG 0x%08x\n", p->magic);
- return FALSE;
- }
- printf("RDSD");
- for (i=0; i<(p->len/512); i++) {
- AT91F_MCI_ReadBlockSwab(&MCI_Device, block*Max_Read_DataBlock_Length, (unsigned int *)bufpos, Max_Read_DataBlock_Length);
- block++;
- bufpos += Max_Read_DataBlock_Length;
- }
- NbPage = 0;
- i = dataflash_info[0].Device.pages_number;
- while(i >>= 1)
- NbPage++;
- i = ((p->offsets[1] - p->offsets[0])/ 512) + 1 + (NbPage << 13) + (dataflash_info[0].Device.pages_size << 17);
- *(int *)(buffer + p->offsets[0] + AT91C_OFFSET_VECT6) = i;
- printf(" WDFB");
- write_dataflash(0xc0000000, buffer + p->offsets[0], p->offsets[1] - p->offsets[0]);
- printf(" WUB");
- write_dataflash(0xc0008000, buffer + p->offsets[1], p->offsets[2] - p->offsets[1]);
- printf(" WKRFS");
- write_dataflash(0xc0042000, buffer + p->offsets[2], p->len - p->offsets[2]);
- return TRUE;
-//* Function Name : main
-//* Object : Main function
-//* Input Parameters : none
-//* Output Parameters : True
-int main(void)
-#ifdef XMODEM
- AT91PS_Buffer pXmBuffer;
- AT91PS_SvcComm pSvcXmodem;
- AT91S_SvcTempo svcBootTempo; // Link to a AT91S_Tempo object
- unsigned int ix;
- volatile unsigned int AddressToDownload, SizeToDownload;
- unsigned int DeviceAddress = 0;
- char command = 0;
-#ifdef XMODEM
- volatile int i = 0;
- unsigned int crc1 = 0, crc2 = 0;
- volatile int device;
- int NbPage;
- volatile int Nb_Device = 0;
- int mci_present = 0;
- if (!AT91F_SetPLL())
- {
- printf("F SetPLL");
- while(1);
- }
- at91_init_uarts();
- /* Tempo Initialisation */
- pAT91->OpenCtlTempo(&ctlTempo, (void *) &(pAT91->SYSTIMER_DESC));
- ctlTempo.CtlTempoStart((void *) &(pAT91->SYSTIMER_DESC));
- // Attach the tempo to a tempo controler
- ctlTempo.CtlTempoCreate(&ctlTempo, &svcBootTempo);
-// LED_init();
-// LED_blink(2);
-#ifdef XMODEM
- /* Xmodem Initialisation */
- pXmBuffer = pAT91->OpenSBuffer(&sXmBuffer);
- pSvcXmodem = pAT91->OpenSvcXmodem(&svcXmodem,
- (AT91PS_USART)AT91C_BASE_DBGU, &ctlTempo);
- pAT91->OpenPipe(&xmodemPipe, pSvcXmodem, pXmBuffer);
- /* System Timer initialization */
- AT91F_AIC_ConfigureIt(
- AT91C_BASE_AIC, // AIC base address
- AT91C_ID_SYS, // System peripheral ID
- AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_HIGHEST, // Max priority
- );
- /* Enable ST interrupt */
-#ifndef PRODTEST
- /* Start tempo to start Boot in a delay of
- * AT91C_DELAY_TO_BOOT sec if no key pressed */
- svcBootTempo.Start(&svcBootTempo, AT91C_DELAY_TO_BOOT,
- 0, AT91F_StartBoot, NULL);
- while(1)
- {
- while(command == 0)
- {
- AddressToDownload = AT91C_DOWNLOAD_BASE_ADDRESS;
- SizeToDownload = AT91C_DOWNLOAD_MAX_SIZE;
- DeviceAddress = 0;
- /* try to detect Dataflash */
- if (!Nb_Device)
- Nb_Device = AT91F_DataflashInit();
- mci_present = AT91F_DisplayMenu();
-#ifdef PRODTEST
- if (mci_present) {
- if (Program_From_MCI())
- AT91F_StartBoot();
- }
- message[0] = 0;
- AT91F_ReadLine ("Enter: ", message);
-#ifndef PRODTEST
- /* stop tempo ==> stop autoboot */
- svcBootTempo.Stop(&svcBootTempo);
- command = message[0];
- for(ix = 1; (message[ix] == ' ') && (ix < 12); ix++); // Skip some whitespace
- if(!AsciiToHex(&message[ix], &DeviceAddress) )
- DeviceAddress = 0; // Illegal DeviceAddress
- switch(command)
- {
-#ifdef XMODEM
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '5':
- if(command == '1') {
- DeviceAddress = 0xC0000000;
-// printf("Download DataflashBoot.bin to [0x%x]\n", DeviceAddress);
- } else if(command == '2') {
- DeviceAddress = AT91C_BOOT_DATAFLASH_ADDR;
-// printf("Download u-boot.bin to [0x%x]\n", DeviceAddress);
- } else {
-// printf("Download Dataflash to [0x%x]\n", DeviceAddress);
- }
- switch(DeviceAddress & 0xFF000000)
- {
- if (dataflash_info[0].id == 0){
- printf("No DF");
- AT91F_WaitKeyPressed();
- command = 0;
- }
- device = 0;
- break;
- if (dataflash_info[1].id == 0){
- printf("No DF");
- AT91F_WaitKeyPressed();
- command = 0;
- }
- device = 1;
- break;
- default:
- command = 0;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case '3':
- if (mci_present)
- Program_From_MCI();
- command = 0;
- break;
- case '4':
- AT91F_StartBoot();
- command = 0;
- break;
-#ifdef MEMDISP
- case '6':
- do
- {
- AT91F_MemoryDisplay(DeviceAddress, 256);
- AT91F_ReadLine (NULL, message);
- DeviceAddress += 0x100;
- }
- while(message[0] == '\0');
- command = 0;
- break;
- case '7':
- switch(DeviceAddress & 0xFF000000)
- {
- break;
- break;
- default:
- command = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (command != 0) {
- AT91F_ReadLine ("RDY ERA\nSure?",
- message);
- if(message[0] == 'Y' || message[0] == 'y') {
- erase_dataflash(DeviceAddress & 0xFF000000);
-// printf("Erase complete\n\n");
- }
-// else
-// printf("Erase aborted\n");
- }
- command = 0;
- break;
- default:
- command = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
-#ifdef XMODEM
- for(i = 0; i <= AT91C_DOWNLOAD_MAX_SIZE; i++)
- *(unsigned char *)(AddressToDownload + i) = 0;
- xmodemPipe.Read(&xmodemPipe, (char *)AddressToDownload,
- SizeToDownload, XmodemProtocol, 0);
- while(XmodemComplete !=1);
- SizeToDownload = (unsigned int)((svcXmodem.pData) -
- (unsigned int)AddressToDownload);
- /* Modification of vector 6 */
- if ((DeviceAddress == CFG_DATAFLASH_LOGIC_ADDR_CS0)) {
- // Vector 6 must be compliant to the BootRom description (ref Datasheet)
- NbPage = 0;
- i = dataflash_info[device].Device.pages_number;
- while(i >>= 1)
- NbPage++;
- i = (SizeToDownload / 512)+1 + (NbPage << 13) +
- (dataflash_info[device].Device.pages_size << 17); //+4 to add crc32
- SizeToDownload = 512 * (i &0xFF);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Save the contents of vector 6 ==> will be restored
- * at boot time (AT91F_StartBoot) */
- *(int *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload + 4) =
- *(int *)(AddressToDownload + AT91C_OFFSET_VECT6);
- /* Modify Vector 6 to contain the size of the
- * file to copy (Dataflash -> SDRAM)*/
- i = SizeToDownload;
- }
- *(int *)(AddressToDownload + AT91C_OFFSET_VECT6) = i;
-// printf("\nModification of Arm Vector 6 :%x\n", i);
-// printf("\nWrite %d bytes in DataFlash [0x%x]\n",SizeToDownload, DeviceAddress);
- crc1 = 0;
- pAT91->CRC32((const unsigned char *)AddressToDownload, SizeToDownload , &crc1);
- /* Add the crc32 at the end of the code */
- *(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload) = (char)(crc1 & 0x000000FF);
- *(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload + 1) = (char)((crc1 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
- *(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload + 2) = (char)((crc1 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
- *(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload + 3) = (char)((crc1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
- /* write dataflash */
- write_dataflash (DeviceAddress, AddressToDownload, (SizeToDownload + 8));
- /* clear the buffer before read */
- for(i=0; i <= SizeToDownload; i++)
- *(unsigned char *)(AddressToDownload + i) = 0;
- /* Read dataflash to check the validity of the data */
- read_dataflash (DeviceAddress, (SizeToDownload + 4), (char *)(AddressToDownload));
- printf("VFY: ");
- crc2 = 0;
- pAT91->CRC32((const unsigned char *)AddressToDownload, SizeToDownload , &crc2);
- crc1 = (int)(*(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload)) +
- (int)(*(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload + 1) << 8) +
- (int)(*(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload + 2) << 16) +
- (int)(*(char *)(AddressToDownload + SizeToDownload + 3) << 24);
- if (crc1 != crc2)
- printf("ERR");
- else
- printf("OK");
- command = 0;
- XmodemComplete = 0;
- AT91F_WaitKeyPressed();
- }
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/main.h b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/main.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a8cd325ca9..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/main.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-//* ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
-//* The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
-//* kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
-//* limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
-//* fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
-//* intellectual property rights of others.
-//* File Name : main.h
-//* Object :
-//* 1.0 27/03/03 HIi : Creation
-//* 1.01 03/05/04 HIi : AT9C_VERSION incremented to 1.01
-//* 1.02 15/06/04 HIi : AT9C_VERSION incremented to 1.02 ==>
-//* Add crc32 to verify dataflash download
-//* 1.03 18/04/05 MLC : AT91C_VERSION incremented to 1.03g
-//* Repeat boot on CRC Failure
-//* Change Page Size to 1056
-//* Reduce SPI speed to 4 Mbit
-//* Change U-Boot boot address to a 1056 byte page boundary
-//* 1.04 30/04/05 USA : AT91C_VERSION incremented to 1.04
-//* 1.05 07/08/06 USA : AT91C_VERSION incremented to 1.05
-//* Will only support loading Dataflashboot.bin and U-Boot
-#ifndef main_h
-#define main_h
-#include "embedded_services.h"
-#define AT91C_DOWNLOAD_BASE_ADDRESS 0x20000000
-#define AT91C_DOWNLOAD_MAX_SIZE 0x00040000
-#define AT91C_OFFSET_VECT6 0x14 //* Offset for ARM vector 6
-#define AT91C_VERSION "VER 1.05"
-// Global variables and functions definition
-extern unsigned int GetTickCount(void);
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/mci_device.c b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/mci_device.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cce74a3ae8..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/mci_device.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
-//* ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
-//* The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
-//* kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
-//* limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
-//* fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
-//* intellectual property rights of others.
-//* File Name : mci_device.c
-//* Object : TEST DataFlash Functions
-//* Creation : FB 26/11/2002
-#include <AT91C_MCI_Device.h>
-#include "stdio.h"
-#define AT91C_MCI_TIMEOUT 1000000 /* For AT91F_MCIDeviceWaitReady */
-#define MASTER_CLOCK 60000000
-#define FALSE 0
-#define TRUE 1
-//* External Functions
-extern void AT91F_ASM_MCI_Handler(void);
-//* Global Variables
-AT91S_MciDeviceFeatures MCI_Device_Features;
-AT91S_MciDeviceDesc MCI_Device_Desc;
-AT91S_MciDevice MCI_Device;
-#undef MMC
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_SendCommand
-//* \brief Generic function to send a command to the MMC or SDCard
-int AT91F_MCI_SendCommand (
- AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device,
- unsigned int Cmd,
- unsigned int Arg)
- unsigned int error,status;
- //unsigned int tick=0;
- // Send the command
- // wait for CMDRDY Status flag to read the response
- do
- {
- status = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_SR;
- //tick++;
- }
- while( !(status & AT91C_MCI_CMDRDY) );//&& (tick<100) );
- // Test error ==> if crc error and response R3 ==> don't check error
- error = (AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_SR) & AT91C_MCI_SR_ERROR;
- if(error != 0 )
- {
- // if the command is SEND_OP_COND the CRC error flag is always present (cf : R3 response)
- if ( (Cmd != AT91C_SDCARD_APP_OP_COND_CMD) && (Cmd != AT91C_MMC_SEND_OP_COND_CMD) )
- return ((AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_SR) & AT91C_MCI_SR_ERROR);
- else
- {
- if (error != AT91C_MCI_RCRCE)
- return ((AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_SR) & AT91C_MCI_SR_ERROR);
- }
- }
- return AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_SDCard_SendAppCommand
-//* \brief Specific function to send a specific command to the SDCard
-int AT91F_MCI_SDCard_SendAppCommand (
- AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device,
- unsigned int Cmd_App,
- unsigned int Arg )
- unsigned int status;
- //unsigned int tick=0;
- // Send the CMD55 for application specific command
- AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_ARGR = (pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Relative_Card_Address << 16 );
- // wait for CMDRDY Status flag to read the response
- do
- {
- status = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_SR;
- //tick++;
- }
- while( !(status & AT91C_MCI_CMDRDY) );//&& (tick<100) );
- // if an error occurs
- if (((AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_SR) & AT91C_MCI_SR_ERROR) != 0 )
- return ((AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_SR) & AT91C_MCI_SR_ERROR);
- // check if it is a specific command and then send the command
- if ( (Cmd_App && AT91C_SDCARD_APP_ALL_CMD) == 0)
- return AT91C_CMD_SEND_ERROR;
- return( AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device,Cmd_App,Arg) );
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_GetStatus
-//* \brief Addressed card sends its status register
-int AT91F_MCI_GetStatus(AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device,unsigned int relative_card_address)
- if (AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device,
- relative_card_address <<16) == AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- return (AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[0]);
- return AT91C_CMD_SEND_ERROR;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_Device_Handler
-//* \brief MCI C interrupt handler
-void AT91F_MCI_Device_Handler(
- AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device,
- unsigned int status)
- // If End of Tx Buffer Empty interrupt occurred
- if ( status & AT91C_MCI_TXBUFE )
- {
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceDesc->state = AT91C_MCI_IDLE;
- } // End of if AT91C_MCI_TXBUFF
- // If End of Rx Buffer Full interrupt occurred
- if ( status & AT91C_MCI_RXBUFF )
- {
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceDesc->state = AT91C_MCI_IDLE;
- } // End of if AT91C_MCI_RXBUFF
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_Handler
-//* \brief MCI Handler
-void AT91F_MCI_Handler(void)
- int status;
- status = ( AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_SR & AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_IMR );
- AT91F_MCI_Device_Handler(&MCI_Device,status);
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_ReadBlock
-//* \brief Read an ENTIRE block or PARTIAL block
-int AT91F_MCI_ReadBlock(
- AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device,
- int src,
- unsigned int *dataBuffer,
- int sizeToRead )
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if(pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceDesc->state != AT91C_MCI_IDLE)
- return AT91C_READ_ERROR;
- if( (AT91F_MCI_GetStatus(pMCI_Device,pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Relative_Card_Address) & AT91C_SR_READY_FOR_DATA) != AT91C_SR_READY_FOR_DATA)
- return AT91C_READ_ERROR;
- if ( (src + sizeToRead) > pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Memory_Capacity )
- return AT91C_READ_ERROR;
- // If source does not fit a begin of a block
- if ( (src % pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Read_DataBlock_Length) != 0 )
- return AT91C_READ_ERROR;
- // Test if the MMC supports Partial Read Block
- if( (sizeToRead < pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Read_DataBlock_Length)
- && (pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Read_Partial == 0x00) )
- return AT91C_READ_ERROR;
- if( sizeToRead > pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Read_DataBlock_Length)
- return AT91C_READ_ERROR;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Init Mode Register
- AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_MR |= ((pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Read_DataBlock_Length << 16) | AT91C_MCI_PDCMODE);
- if (sizeToRead %4)
- sizeToRead = (sizeToRead /4)+1;
- else
- sizeToRead = sizeToRead/4;
- AT91C_BASE_PDC_MCI->PDC_RPR = (unsigned int)dataBuffer;
- AT91C_BASE_PDC_MCI->PDC_RCR = sizeToRead;
- // Send the Read single block command
- if ( AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device, AT91C_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK_CMD, src) != AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK )
- return AT91C_READ_ERROR;
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceDesc->state = AT91C_MCI_RX_SINGLE_BLOCK;
- // Enable AT91C_MCI_RXBUFF Interrupt
- // (PDC) Receiver Transfer Enable
- return AT91C_READ_OK;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_WriteBlock
-//* \brief Write an ENTIRE block but not always PARTIAL block !!!
-int AT91F_MCI_WriteBlock(
- AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device,
- int dest,
- unsigned int *dataBuffer,
- int sizeToWrite )
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if( pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceDesc->state != AT91C_MCI_IDLE)
- return AT91C_WRITE_ERROR;
- if( (AT91F_MCI_GetStatus(pMCI_Device,pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Relative_Card_Address) & AT91C_SR_READY_FOR_DATA) != AT91C_SR_READY_FOR_DATA)
- return AT91C_WRITE_ERROR;
- if ( (dest + sizeToWrite) > pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Memory_Capacity )
- return AT91C_WRITE_ERROR;
- // If source does not fit a begin of a block
- if ( (dest % pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Read_DataBlock_Length) != 0 )
- return AT91C_WRITE_ERROR;
- // Test if the MMC supports Partial Write Block
- if( (sizeToWrite < pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Write_DataBlock_Length)
- && (pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Write_Partial == 0x00) )
- return AT91C_WRITE_ERROR;
- if( sizeToWrite > pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Write_DataBlock_Length )
- return AT91C_WRITE_ERROR;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Init Mode Register
- AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_MR |= ((pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Write_DataBlock_Length << 16) | AT91C_MCI_PDCMODE);
- if (sizeToWrite %4)
- sizeToWrite = (sizeToWrite /4)+1;
- else
- sizeToWrite = sizeToWrite/4;
- // Init PDC for write sequence
- AT91C_BASE_PDC_MCI->PDC_TPR = (unsigned int) dataBuffer;
- AT91C_BASE_PDC_MCI->PDC_TCR = sizeToWrite;
- // Send the write single block command
- if ( AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device, AT91C_WRITE_BLOCK_CMD, dest) != AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- return AT91C_WRITE_ERROR;
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceDesc->state = AT91C_MCI_TX_SINGLE_BLOCK;
- // Enable AT91C_MCI_TXBUFE Interrupt
- // Enables TX for PDC transfert requests
- return AT91C_WRITE_OK;
-#ifdef MMC
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_MMC_SelectCard
-//* \brief Toggles a card between the Stand_by and Transfer states or between Programming and Disconnect states
-int AT91F_MCI_MMC_SelectCard(AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device, unsigned int relative_card_address)
- int status;
- //* Check if the MMC card chosen is already the selected one
- status = AT91F_MCI_GetStatus(pMCI_Device,relative_card_address);
- if (status < 0)
- //* Search for the MMC Card to be selected, status = the Corresponding Device Number
- status = 0;
- while( (pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[status].Relative_Card_Address != relative_card_address)
- && (status < AT91C_MAX_MCI_CARDS) )
- status++;
- if (status > AT91C_MAX_MCI_CARDS)
- if (AT91F_MCI_SendCommand( pMCI_Device,
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[status].Relative_Card_Address << 16) == AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_GetCSD
-//* \brief Asks to the specified card to send its CSD
-int AT91F_MCI_GetCSD (AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device, unsigned int relative_card_address , unsigned int * response)
- if(AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device,
- (relative_card_address << 16)) != AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- return AT91C_CMD_SEND_ERROR;
- response[0] = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[0];
- response[1] = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[1];
- response[2] = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[2];
- response[3] = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[3];
- return AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_SetBlocklength
-//* \brief Select a block length for all following block commands (R/W)
-int AT91F_MCI_SetBlocklength(AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device,unsigned int length)
- return( AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device, AT91C_SET_BLOCKLEN_CMD, length) );
-#ifdef MMC
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_MMC_GetAllOCR
-//* \brief Asks to all cards to send their operations conditions
-int AT91F_MCI_MMC_GetAllOCR (AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device)
- unsigned int response =0x0;
- while(1)
- {
- response = AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device,
- if (response != AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- return AT91C_INIT_ERROR;
- response = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[0];
- if ( (response & AT91C_CARD_POWER_UP_BUSY) == AT91C_CARD_POWER_UP_BUSY)
- return(response);
- }
-#ifdef MMC
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_MMC_GetAllCID
-//* \brief Asks to the MMC on the chosen slot to send its CID
-int AT91F_MCI_MMC_GetAllCID (AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device, unsigned int *response)
- int Nb_Cards_Found=-1;
- while(1)
- {
- if(AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device,
- return Nb_Cards_Found;
- else
- {
- Nb_Cards_Found = 0;
- //* Assignation of the relative address to the MMC CARD
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[Nb_Cards_Found].Relative_Card_Address = Nb_Cards_Found + AT91C_FIRST_RCA;
- //* Set the insert flag
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[Nb_Cards_Found].Card_Inserted = AT91C_MMC_CARD_INSERTED;
- if (AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device,
- (Nb_Cards_Found + AT91C_FIRST_RCA) << 16) != AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- return AT91C_CMD_SEND_ERROR;
- //* If no error during assignation address ==> Increment Nb_cards_Found
- Nb_Cards_Found++ ;
- }
- }
-#ifdef MMC
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_MMC_Init
-//* \brief Return the MMC initialisation status
-int AT91F_MCI_MMC_Init (AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device)
- unsigned int tab_response[4];
- unsigned int mult,blocknr;
- unsigned int i,Nb_Cards_Found=0;
- //* Resets all MMC Cards in Idle state
- if(AT91F_MCI_MMC_GetAllOCR(pMCI_Device) == AT91C_INIT_ERROR)
- return AT91C_INIT_ERROR;
- Nb_Cards_Found = AT91F_MCI_MMC_GetAllCID(pMCI_Device,tab_response);
- if (Nb_Cards_Found != AT91C_CMD_SEND_ERROR)
- {
- //* Set the Mode Register
- for(i = 0; i < Nb_Cards_Found; i++)
- {
- if (AT91F_MCI_GetCSD(pMCI_Device,
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Relative_Card_Address,
- tab_response) != AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Relative_Card_Address = 0;
- else
- {
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Max_Read_DataBlock_Length = 1 << ((tab_response[1] >> AT91C_CSD_RD_B_LEN_S) & AT91C_CSD_RD_B_LEN_M );
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Max_Write_DataBlock_Length = 1 << ((tab_response[3] >> AT91C_CSD_WBLEN_S) & AT91C_CSD_WBLEN_M );
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Sector_Size = 1 + ((tab_response[2] >> AT91C_CSD_v22_SECT_SIZE_S) & AT91C_CSD_v22_SECT_SIZE_M );
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Read_Partial = (tab_response[1] >> AT91C_CSD_RD_B_PAR_S) & AT91C_CSD_RD_B_PAR_M;
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Write_Partial = (tab_response[3] >> AT91C_CSD_WBLOCK_P_S) & AT91C_CSD_WBLOCK_P_M;
- // None in MMC specification version 2.2
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Erase_Block_Enable = 0;
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Read_Block_Misalignment = (tab_response[1] >> AT91C_CSD_RD_B_MIS_S) & AT91C_CSD_RD_B_MIS_M;
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Write_Block_Misalignment = (tab_response[1] >> AT91C_CSD_WR_B_MIS_S) & AT91C_CSD_WR_B_MIS_M;
- //// Compute Memory Capacity
- // compute MULT
- mult = 1 << ( ((tab_response[2] >> AT91C_CSD_C_SIZE_M_S) & AT91C_CSD_C_SIZE_M_M) + 2 );
- // compute MSB of C_SIZE
- blocknr = ((tab_response[1] >> AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_H_S) & AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_H_M) << 2;
- // compute MULT * (LSB of C-SIZE + MSB already computed + 1) = BLOCKNR
- blocknr = mult * ( ( blocknr + ( (tab_response[2] >> AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_L_S) & AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_L_M) ) + 1 );
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Memory_Capacity = pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures[i].Max_Read_DataBlock_Length * blocknr;
- //// End of Compute Memory Capacity
- } // end of else
- } // end of for
- return AT91C_INIT_OK;
- } // end of if
- return AT91C_INIT_ERROR;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_SDCard_GetOCR
-//* \brief Asks to all cards to send their operations conditions
-int AT91F_MCI_SDCard_GetOCR (AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device)
- unsigned int response =0x0;
- // The RCA to be used for CMD55 in Idle state shall be the card's default RCA=0x0000.
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Relative_Card_Address = 0x0;
- while( (response & AT91C_CARD_POWER_UP_BUSY) != AT91C_CARD_POWER_UP_BUSY )
- {
- response = AT91F_MCI_SDCard_SendAppCommand(pMCI_Device,
- if (response != AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- return AT91C_INIT_ERROR;
- response = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[0];
- }
- return(AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[0]);
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_SDCard_GetCID
-//* \brief Asks to the SDCard on the chosen slot to send its CID
-int AT91F_MCI_SDCard_GetCID (AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device, unsigned int *response)
- if(AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device,
- return AT91C_CMD_SEND_ERROR;
- response[0] = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[0];
- response[1] = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[1];
- response[2] = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[2];
- response[3] = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[3];
- return AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_SDCard_SetBusWidth
-//* \brief Set bus width for SDCard
-int AT91F_MCI_SDCard_SetBusWidth(AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device)
- volatile int ret_value;
- char bus_width;
- do
- {
- ret_value =AT91F_MCI_GetStatus(pMCI_Device,pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Relative_Card_Address);
- }
- while((ret_value > 0) && ((ret_value & AT91C_SR_READY_FOR_DATA) == 0));
- // Select Card
- AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device,
- (pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Relative_Card_Address)<<16);
- // Set bus width for Sdcard
- if(pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceDesc->SDCard_bus_width == AT91C_MCI_SCDBUS)
- bus_width = AT91C_BUS_WIDTH_4BITS;
- else bus_width = AT91C_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT;
- if (AT91F_MCI_SDCard_SendAppCommand(pMCI_Device,AT91C_SDCARD_SET_BUS_WIDTH_CMD,bus_width) != AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- return AT91C_CMD_SEND_ERROR;
- return AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_SDCard_Init
-//* \brief Return the SDCard initialisation status
-int AT91F_MCI_SDCard_Init (AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device)
- unsigned int tab_response[4];
- unsigned int mult,blocknr;
- if(AT91F_MCI_SDCard_GetOCR(pMCI_Device) == AT91C_INIT_ERROR)
- return AT91C_INIT_ERROR;
- if (AT91F_MCI_SDCard_GetCID(pMCI_Device,tab_response) == AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- {
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Card_Inserted = AT91C_SD_CARD_INSERTED;
- if (AT91F_MCI_SendCommand(pMCI_Device, AT91C_SET_RELATIVE_ADDR_CMD, 0) == AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- {
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Relative_Card_Address = (AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_RSPR[0] >> 16);
- if (AT91F_MCI_GetCSD(pMCI_Device,pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Relative_Card_Address,tab_response) == AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- {
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Read_DataBlock_Length = 1 << ((tab_response[1] >> AT91C_CSD_RD_B_LEN_S) & AT91C_CSD_RD_B_LEN_M );
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Write_DataBlock_Length = 1 << ((tab_response[3] >> AT91C_CSD_WBLEN_S) & AT91C_CSD_WBLEN_M );
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Sector_Size = 1 + ((tab_response[2] >> AT91C_CSD_v21_SECT_SIZE_S) & AT91C_CSD_v21_SECT_SIZE_M );
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Read_Partial = (tab_response[1] >> AT91C_CSD_RD_B_PAR_S) & AT91C_CSD_RD_B_PAR_M;
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Write_Partial = (tab_response[3] >> AT91C_CSD_WBLOCK_P_S) & AT91C_CSD_WBLOCK_P_M;
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Erase_Block_Enable = (tab_response[3] >> AT91C_CSD_v21_ER_BLEN_EN_S) & AT91C_CSD_v21_ER_BLEN_EN_M;
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Read_Block_Misalignment = (tab_response[1] >> AT91C_CSD_RD_B_MIS_S) & AT91C_CSD_RD_B_MIS_M;
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Write_Block_Misalignment = (tab_response[1] >> AT91C_CSD_WR_B_MIS_S) & AT91C_CSD_WR_B_MIS_M;
- //// Compute Memory Capacity
- // compute MULT
- mult = 1 << ( ((tab_response[2] >> AT91C_CSD_C_SIZE_M_S) & AT91C_CSD_C_SIZE_M_M) + 2 );
- // compute MSB of C_SIZE
- blocknr = ((tab_response[1] >> AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_H_S) & AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_H_M) << 2;
- // compute MULT * (LSB of C-SIZE + MSB already computed + 1) = BLOCKNR
- blocknr = mult * ( ( blocknr + ( (tab_response[2] >> AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_L_S) & AT91C_CSD_CSIZE_L_M) ) + 1 );
- pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Memory_Capacity = pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Read_DataBlock_Length * blocknr;
- //// End of Compute Memory Capacity
- printf("SD-Card: %d Bytes\n\r", pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Memory_Capacity);
- if( AT91F_MCI_SDCard_SetBusWidth(pMCI_Device) == AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK )
- {
- if (AT91F_MCI_SetBlocklength(pMCI_Device,pMCI_Device->pMCI_DeviceFeatures->Max_Read_DataBlock_Length) == AT91C_CMD_SEND_OK)
- return AT91C_INIT_OK;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return AT91C_INIT_ERROR;
-//* \fn AT91F_CfgDevice
-//* \brief This function is used to initialise MMC or SDCard Features
-void AT91F_CfgDevice(void)
- // Init Device Structure
- MCI_Device_Features.Relative_Card_Address = 0;
- MCI_Device_Features.Card_Inserted = AT91C_CARD_REMOVED;
- MCI_Device_Features.Max_Read_DataBlock_Length = 0;
- MCI_Device_Features.Max_Write_DataBlock_Length = 0;
- MCI_Device_Features.Read_Partial = 0;
- MCI_Device_Features.Write_Partial = 0;
- MCI_Device_Features.Erase_Block_Enable = 0;
- MCI_Device_Features.Sector_Size = 0;
- MCI_Device_Features.Memory_Capacity = 0;
- MCI_Device_Desc.state = AT91C_MCI_IDLE;
- MCI_Device_Desc.SDCard_bus_width = AT91C_MCI_SCDBUS;
- // Init AT91S_DataFlash Global Structure, by default AT45DB choosen !!!
- MCI_Device.pMCI_DeviceDesc = &MCI_Device_Desc;
- MCI_Device.pMCI_DeviceFeatures = &MCI_Device_Features;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_Init
-//* \brief Initialsise Card
-int AT91F_MCI_Init(void)
-// MCI Init : common to MMC and SDCard
- // Set up PIO SDC_TYPE to switch on MMC/SDCard and not DataFlash Card
- // Init MCI for MMC and SDCard interface
- AT91F_MCI_CfgPIO();
- AT91F_MCI_CfgPMC();
- // Disable all the interrupts
- // Init MCI Device Structures
- AT91F_CfgDevice();
- // Configure MCI interrupt
- AT91F_AIC_ConfigureIt(AT91C_BASE_AIC,
- AT91F_ASM_MCI_Handler);
- // Enable MCI interrupt
- // Enable Receiver
- AT91F_MCI_Configure(AT91C_BASE_MCI,
- AT91C_MCI_MR_PDCMODE, // 15MHz for MCK = 60MHz (CLKDIV = 1)
- if(AT91F_MCI_SDCard_Init(&MCI_Device) != AT91C_INIT_OK)
- return FALSE;
- else
- return TRUE;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCIDeviceWaitReady
-//* \brief Wait for MCI Device ready
-void AT91F_MCIDeviceWaitReady(unsigned int timeout)
- volatile int status;
- do
- {
- status = AT91C_BASE_MCI->MCI_SR;
- timeout--;
- }
- while( !(status & AT91C_MCI_NOTBUSY) && (timeout>0) );
-unsigned int swab32(unsigned int data)
- unsigned int res = 0;
- res = (data & 0x000000ff) << 24 |
- (data & 0x0000ff00) << 8 |
- (data & 0x00ff0000) >> 8 |
- (data & 0xff000000) >> 24;
- return res;
-//* \fn AT91F_MCI_ReadBlockSwab
-//* \brief Read Block and swap byte order
-int AT91F_MCI_ReadBlockSwab(
- AT91PS_MciDevice pMCI_Device,
- int src,
- unsigned int *databuffer,
- int sizeToRead)
- int i;
- unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)databuffer;
- //* Read Block 1
- for(i=0;i<BUFFER_SIZE_MCI_DEVICE;i++)
- *buf++ = 0x00;
- AT91F_MCI_ReadBlock(&MCI_Device,src,databuffer,sizeToRead);
- //* Wait end of Read
- AT91F_MCIDeviceWaitReady(AT91C_MCI_TIMEOUT);
- {
- int index;
- unsigned int *uiBuffer = databuffer;
- for(index = 0; index < 512/4; index++)
- uiBuffer[index] = swab32(uiBuffer[index]);
- }
- return(1);
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/stdio.h b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/stdio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e4e35ecf4d..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/dfboot/src/stdio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#ifndef NULL
-#define NULL ((void *)0)
-void at91_init_uarts(void);
-int puts(const char *str);
-int putc(int c);
-int putchar(int c);
-int getc();
-int strlen(const char *str);
-int hvfprintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap);
-int printf(const char *fmt, ...);
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/Makefile b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fd667de12..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-# $Id$
-include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/kernel.mk
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
-UBOOT_CONFIG=$(strip $(subst ",, $(CONFIG_UBOOT_TARGET)))
-LAN_SERVERIP=$(strip $(subst ",, $(CONFIG_UBOOT_SERVERIP)))
-define Build/Compile
- export LAN_IP=$(LAN_IP); \
- mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ubclient
- $(CP) ./ubclient/* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ubclient
- export LAN_IP=$(LAN_IP); \
- $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ubclient \
-define Build/InstallDev
- dd if=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/u-boot.bin of=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/u-boot.block bs=232k count=1 conv=sync
-# $(INSTALL_DIR) $(STAGING_DIR)/ubclient/sbin
-# $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ubclient/ubpar $(STAGING_DIR)/ubclient/sbin/
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ubclient/ubpar ../../base-files/default/sbin
-$(eval $(call Build/DefaultTargets))
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/001-lowlevel-config.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/001-lowlevel-config.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 25f92e4963..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/001-lowlevel-config.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
---- u-boot-1.1.4/cpu/arm920t/config.mk 2005-12-16 17:39:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.klaus/cpu/arm920t/config.mk 2006-02-27 19:07:41.000000000 +0100
-@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@
- # Supply options according to compiler version
- #
- # =========================================================================
--PLATFORM_CPPFLAGS +=$(call cc-option,-mapcs-32,-mabi=apcs-gnu)
-+PLATFORM_CPPFLAGS +=$(call cc-option,-mapcs-32)
- PLATFORM_RELFLAGS +=$(call cc-option,-mshort-load-bytes,$(call cc-option,-malignment-traps,))
---- u-boot-1.1.4/cpu/arm920t/start.S 2005-12-16 17:39:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.klaus/cpu/arm920t/start.S 2006-02-22 16:45:24.000000000 +0100
-@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@
- */
- cpu_init_crit:
- /*
- * flush v4 I/D caches
-@@ -265,6 +266,7 @@
- mov lr, ip
- mov pc, lr
- /*
- *************************************************************************
---- u-boot-1.1.4/examples/Makefile 2005-12-16 17:39:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.klaus/examples/Makefile 2006-03-02 02:37:14.000000000 +0100
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
--LOAD_ADDR = 0xc100000
-+LOAD_ADDR = 0x21000000
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),mips)
---- u-boot-1.1.4/include/config.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.klaus/include/config.h 2006-02-27 19:04:46.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-+/* Automatically generated - do not edit */
-+#include <configs/at91rm9200dk.h>
---- u-boot-1.1.4/include/config.mk 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.klaus/include/config.mk 2006-02-27 19:04:46.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
-+ARCH = arm
-+CPU = arm920t
-+BOARD = at91rm9200dk
-+SOC = at91rm9200
---- u-boot-1.1.4/include/configs/at91rm9200dk.h 2005-12-16 17:39:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.klaus/include/configs/at91rm9200dk.h 2006-02-26 22:44:17.000000000 +0100
-@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@
- #ifndef __CONFIG_H
- #define __CONFIG_H
-+// Added 2 defines to skip re-init lowlevel and relocate HCG HLH
- /* ARM asynchronous clock */
- #define AT91C_MAIN_CLOCK 179712000 /* from 18.432 MHz crystal (18432000 / 4 * 39) */
- #define AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK 59904000 /* peripheral clock (AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK / 3) */
-@@ -165,12 +170,12 @@
- #define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT (2*CFG_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Erase */
- #define CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT (2*CFG_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Write */
--#define CFG_ENV_OFFSET 0x20000
-+#define CFG_ENV_OFFSET 0x21000
--#define CFG_ENV_SIZE 0x2000 /* 0x8000 */
-+#define CFG_ENV_SIZE 0x8400 /* 0x8000 */
- #else
- #define CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH 1
---- u-boot-1.1.4/Makefile 2005-12-16 17:39:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.klaus/Makefile 2006-03-02 02:49:23.000000000 +0100
-@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
- CROSS_COMPILE = powerpc-linux-
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
--CROSS_COMPILE = arm-linux-
-+CROSS_COMPILE = ../staging_dir/bin/arm-linux-
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)
- ifeq ($(HOSTARCH),i387)
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/002-dataflash_machine.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/002-dataflash_machine.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cf7648c522..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/002-dataflash_machine.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6065 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/at45.c u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/at45.c
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/at45.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/at45.c 2005-12-16 17:39:27.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
-+/* Driver for ATMEL DataFlash support
-+ * Author : Hamid Ikdoumi (Atmel)
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <config.h>
-+#include <common.h>
-+#include <asm/hardware.h>
-+#include <dataflash.h>
-+#define AT91C_SPI_CLK 10000000 /* Max Value = 10MHz to be compliant to
-+the Continuous Array Read function */
-+/* AC Characteristics */
-+/* DLYBS = tCSS = 250ns min and DLYBCT = tCSH = 250ns */
-+#define DATAFLASH_TCSS (0xC << 16)
-+#define DATAFLASH_TCHS (0x1 << 24)
-+#define AT91C_TIMEOUT_WRDY 200000
-+#define AT91C_SPI_PCS0_SERIAL_DATAFLASH 0xE /* Chip Select 0 : NPCS0 %1110 */
-+#define AT91C_SPI_PCS3_DATAFLASH_CARD 0x7 /* Chip Select 3 : NPCS3 %0111 */
-+void AT91F_SpiInit(void) {
-+/* SPI DataFlash Init */
-+ /* Configure PIOs */
-+ /* Enable CLock */
-+ /* Reset the SPI */
-+ /* Configure SPI in Master Mode with No CS selected !!! */
-+ /* Configure CS0 and CS3 */
-+void AT91F_SpiEnable(int cs) {
-+ switch(cs) {
-+ case 0: /* Configure SPI CS0 for Serial DataFlash AT45DBxx */
-+ break;
-+ case 3: /* Configure SPI CS3 for Serial DataFlash Card */
-+ /* Set up PIO SDC_TYPE to switch on DataFlash Card and not MMC/SDCard */
-+ AT91C_BASE_PIOB->PIO_PER = AT91C_PIO_PB7; /* Set in PIO mode */
-+ AT91C_BASE_PIOB->PIO_OER = AT91C_PIO_PB7; /* Configure in output */
-+ /* Clear Output */
-+ /* Configure PCS */
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* SPI_Enable */
-+/* \fn AT91F_SpiWrite */
-+/* \brief Set the PDC registers for a transfert */
-+unsigned int AT91F_SpiWrite ( AT91PS_DataflashDesc pDesc )
-+ unsigned int timeout;
-+ pDesc->state = BUSY;
-+ /* Initialize the Transmit and Receive Pointer */
-+ AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_RPR = (unsigned int)pDesc->rx_cmd_pt ;
-+ AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_TPR = (unsigned int)pDesc->tx_cmd_pt ;
-+ /* Intialize the Transmit and Receive Counters */
-+ AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_RCR = pDesc->rx_cmd_size;
-+ AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_TCR = pDesc->tx_cmd_size;
-+ if ( pDesc->tx_data_size != 0 ) {
-+ /* Initialize the Next Transmit and Next Receive Pointer */
-+ AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_RNPR = (unsigned int)pDesc->rx_data_pt ;
-+ AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_TNPR = (unsigned int)pDesc->tx_data_pt ;
-+ /* Intialize the Next Transmit and Next Receive Counters */
-+ AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_RNCR = pDesc->rx_data_size ;
-+ AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_TNCR = pDesc->tx_data_size ;
-+ }
-+ /* arm simple, non interrupt dependent timer */
-+ reset_timer_masked();
-+ timeout = 0;
-+ while(!(AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_SR & AT91C_SPI_RXBUFF) && ((timeout = get_timer_masked() ) < CFG_SPI_WRITE_TOUT));
-+ pDesc->state = IDLE;
-+ if (timeout >= CFG_SPI_WRITE_TOUT){
-+ printf("Error Timeout\n\r");
-+ }
-+ return DATAFLASH_OK;
-+/* \fn AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand */
-+/* \brief Generic function to send a command to the dataflash */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand(
-+ AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
-+ unsigned char OpCode,
-+ unsigned int CmdSize,
-+ unsigned int DataflashAddress)
-+ unsigned int adr;
-+ if ( (pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->state) != IDLE)
-+ /* process the address to obtain page address and byte address */
-+ adr = ((DataflashAddress / (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size)) << pDataFlash->pDevice->page_offset) + (DataflashAddress % (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size));
-+ /* fill the command buffer */
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[0] = OpCode;
-+ if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384) {
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[1] = (unsigned char)((adr & 0x0F000000) >> 24);
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[2] = (unsigned char)((adr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[3] = (unsigned char)((adr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[4] = (unsigned char)(adr & 0x000000FF);
-+ } else {
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[1] = (unsigned char)((adr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[2] = (unsigned char)((adr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[3] = (unsigned char)(adr & 0x000000FF) ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[4] = 0;
-+ }
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[5] = 0;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[6] = 0;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[7] = 0;
-+ /* Initialize the SpiData structure for the spi write fuction */
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_cmd_pt = pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_cmd_size = CmdSize ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_cmd_pt = pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_cmd_size = CmdSize ;
-+ /* send the command and read the data */
-+ return AT91F_SpiWrite (pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc);
-+/* \fn AT91F_DataFlashGetStatus */
-+/* \brief Read the status register of the dataflash */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashGetStatus(AT91PS_DataflashDesc pDesc)
-+ AT91S_DataFlashStatus status;
-+ /* if a transfert is in progress ==> return 0 */
-+ if( (pDesc->state) != IDLE)
-+ /* first send the read status command (D7H) */
-+ pDesc->command[0] = DB_STATUS;
-+ pDesc->command[1] = 0;
-+ pDesc->DataFlash_state = GET_STATUS;
-+ pDesc->tx_data_size = 0 ; /* Transmit the command and receive response */
-+ pDesc->tx_cmd_pt = pDesc->command ;
-+ pDesc->rx_cmd_pt = pDesc->command ;
-+ pDesc->rx_cmd_size = 2 ;
-+ pDesc->tx_cmd_size = 2 ;
-+ status = AT91F_SpiWrite (pDesc);
-+ pDesc->DataFlash_state = *( (unsigned char *) (pDesc->rx_cmd_pt) +1);
-+ return status;
-+/* \fn AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady */
-+/* \brief wait for dataflash ready (bit7 of the status register == 1) */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(AT91PS_DataflashDesc pDataFlashDesc, unsigned int timeout)
-+ pDataFlashDesc->DataFlash_state = IDLE;
-+ do {
-+ AT91F_DataFlashGetStatus(pDataFlashDesc);
-+ timeout--;
-+ } while( ((pDataFlashDesc->DataFlash_state & 0x80) != 0x80) && (timeout > 0) );
-+ if((pDataFlashDesc->DataFlash_state & 0x80) != 0x80)
-+ return DATAFLASH_OK;
-+/* Function Name : AT91F_DataFlashContinuousRead */
-+/* Object : Continuous stream Read */
-+/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-+/* : <src> = dataflash address */
-+/* : <*dataBuffer> = data buffer pointer */
-+/* : <sizeToRead> = data buffer size */
-+/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashContinuousRead (
-+ AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
-+ int src,
-+ unsigned char *dataBuffer,
-+ int sizeToRead )
-+ AT91S_DataFlashStatus status;
-+ /* Test the size to read in the device */
-+ if ( (src + sizeToRead) > (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size * (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number)))
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_data_pt = dataBuffer;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_data_size = sizeToRead;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_pt = dataBuffer;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = sizeToRead;
-+ status = AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand (pDataFlash, DB_CONTINUOUS_ARRAY_READ, 8, src);
-+ /* Send the command to the dataflash */
-+ return(status);
-+/* Function Name : AT91F_DataFlashPagePgmBuf */
-+/* Object : Main memory page program through buffer 1 or buffer 2 */
-+/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-+/* : <*src> = Source buffer */
-+/* : <dest> = dataflash destination address */
-+/* : <SizeToWrite> = data buffer size */
-+/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashPagePgmBuf(
-+ AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
-+ unsigned char *src,
-+ unsigned int dest,
-+ unsigned int SizeToWrite)
-+ int cmdsize;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_pt = src ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = SizeToWrite ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_data_pt = src;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_data_size = SizeToWrite;
-+ cmdsize = 4;
-+ /* Send the command to the dataflash */
-+ if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384)
-+ cmdsize = 5;
-+ return(AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand (pDataFlash, DB_PAGE_PGM_BUF1, cmdsize, dest));
-+/* Function Name : AT91F_MainMemoryToBufferTransfert */
-+/* Object : Read a page in the SRAM Buffer 1 or 2 */
-+/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-+/* : Page concerned */
-+/* : */
-+/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_MainMemoryToBufferTransfert(
-+ AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
-+ unsigned char BufferCommand,
-+ unsigned int page)
-+ int cmdsize;
-+ /* Test if the buffer command is legal */
-+ if ((BufferCommand != DB_PAGE_2_BUF1_TRF) && (BufferCommand != DB_PAGE_2_BUF2_TRF))
-+ /* no data to transmit or receive */
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = 0;
-+ cmdsize = 4;
-+ if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384)
-+ cmdsize = 5;
-+ return(AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand (pDataFlash, BufferCommand, cmdsize, page*pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size));
-+/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+/* Function Name : AT91F_DataFlashWriteBuffer */
-+/* Object : Write data to the internal sram buffer 1 or 2 */
-+/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-+/* : <BufferCommand> = command to write buffer1 or buffer2 */
-+/* : <*dataBuffer> = data buffer to write */
-+/* : <bufferAddress> = address in the internal buffer */
-+/* : <SizeToWrite> = data buffer size */
-+/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashWriteBuffer (
-+ AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
-+ unsigned char BufferCommand,
-+ unsigned char *dataBuffer,
-+ unsigned int bufferAddress,
-+ int SizeToWrite )
-+ int cmdsize;
-+ /* Test if the buffer command is legal */
-+ if ((BufferCommand != DB_BUF1_WRITE) && (BufferCommand != DB_BUF2_WRITE))
-+ /* buffer address must be lower than page size */
-+ if (bufferAddress > pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size)
-+ if ( (pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->state) != IDLE)
-+ /* Send first Write Command */
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[0] = BufferCommand;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[1] = 0;
-+ if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384) {
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[2] = 0;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[3] = (unsigned char)(((unsigned int)(bufferAddress & pDataFlash->pDevice->byte_mask)) >> 8) ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[4] = (unsigned char)((unsigned int)bufferAddress & 0x00FF) ;
-+ cmdsize = 5;
-+ } else {
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[2] = (unsigned char)(((unsigned int)(bufferAddress & pDataFlash->pDevice->byte_mask)) >> 8) ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[3] = (unsigned char)((unsigned int)bufferAddress & 0x00FF) ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command[4] = 0;
-+ cmdsize = 4;
-+ }
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_cmd_pt = pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_cmd_size = cmdsize ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_cmd_pt = pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->command ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_cmd_size = cmdsize ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_data_pt = dataBuffer ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_pt = dataBuffer ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->rx_data_size = SizeToWrite ;
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = SizeToWrite ;
-+ return AT91F_SpiWrite(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc);
-+/* Function Name : AT91F_PageErase */
-+/* Object : Erase a page */
-+/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-+/* : Page concerned */
-+/* : */
-+/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_PageErase(
-+ AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
-+ unsigned int page)
-+ int cmdsize;
-+ /* Test if the buffer command is legal */
-+ /* no data to transmit or receive */
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = 0;
-+ cmdsize = 4;
-+ if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384)
-+ cmdsize = 5;
-+ return(AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand (pDataFlash, DB_PAGE_ERASE, cmdsize, page*pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size));
-+/* Function Name : AT91F_BlockErase */
-+/* Object : Erase a Block */
-+/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-+/* : Page concerned */
-+/* : */
-+/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_BlockErase(
-+ AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
-+ unsigned int block)
-+ int cmdsize;
-+ /* Test if the buffer command is legal */
-+ /* no data to transmit or receive */
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = 0;
-+ cmdsize = 4;
-+ if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384)
-+ cmdsize = 5;
-+ return(AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand (pDataFlash, DB_BLOCK_ERASE,cmdsize, block*8*pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size));
-+/* Function Name : AT91F_WriteBufferToMain */
-+/* Object : Write buffer to the main memory */
-+/* Input Parameters : DataFlash Service */
-+/* : <BufferCommand> = command to send to buffer1 or buffer2 */
-+/* : <dest> = main memory address */
-+/* Return value : State of the dataflash */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_WriteBufferToMain (
-+ AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
-+ unsigned char BufferCommand,
-+ unsigned int dest )
-+ int cmdsize;
-+ /* Test if the buffer command is correct */
-+ if ((BufferCommand != DB_BUF1_PAGE_PGM) &&
-+ (BufferCommand != DB_BUF1_PAGE_ERASE_PGM) &&
-+ (BufferCommand != DB_BUF2_PAGE_PGM) &&
-+ (BufferCommand != DB_BUF2_PAGE_ERASE_PGM) )
-+ /* no data to transmit or receive */
-+ pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc->tx_data_size = 0;
-+ cmdsize = 4;
-+ if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384)
-+ cmdsize = 5;
-+ /* Send the command to the dataflash */
-+ return(AT91F_DataFlashSendCommand (pDataFlash, BufferCommand, cmdsize, dest));
-+/* Function Name : AT91F_PartialPageWrite */
-+/* Object : Erase partielly a page */
-+/* Input Parameters : <page> = page number */
-+/* : <AdrInpage> = adr to begin the fading */
-+/* : <length> = Number of bytes to erase */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_PartialPageWrite (
-+ AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
-+ unsigned char *src,
-+ unsigned int dest,
-+ unsigned int size)
-+ unsigned int page;
-+ unsigned int AdrInPage;
-+ page = dest / (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size);
-+ AdrInPage = dest % (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size);
-+ /* Read the contents of the page in the Sram Buffer */
-+ AT91F_MainMemoryToBufferTransfert(pDataFlash, DB_PAGE_2_BUF1_TRF, page);
-+ AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_TIMEOUT_WRDY);
-+ /*Update the SRAM buffer */
-+ AT91F_DataFlashWriteBuffer(pDataFlash, DB_BUF1_WRITE, src, AdrInPage, size);
-+ AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_TIMEOUT_WRDY);
-+ /* Erase page if a 128 Mbits device */
-+ if (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number >= 16384) {
-+ AT91F_PageErase(pDataFlash, page);
-+ /* Rewrite the modified Sram Buffer in the main memory */
-+ AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_TIMEOUT_WRDY);
-+ }
-+ /* Rewrite the modified Sram Buffer in the main memory */
-+ return(AT91F_WriteBufferToMain(pDataFlash, DB_BUF1_PAGE_ERASE_PGM, (page*pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size)));
-+/* Function Name : AT91F_DataFlashWrite */
-+/* Object : */
-+/* Input Parameters : <*src> = Source buffer */
-+/* : <dest> = dataflash adress */
-+/* : <size> = data buffer size */
-+AT91S_DataFlashStatus AT91F_DataFlashWrite(
-+ AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
-+ unsigned char *src,
-+ int dest,
-+ int size )
-+ unsigned int length;
-+ unsigned int page;
-+ unsigned int status;
-+ AT91F_SpiEnable(pDataFlash->pDevice->cs);
-+ if ( (dest + size) > (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size * (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_number)))
-+ /* If destination does not fit a page start address */
-+ if ((dest % ((unsigned int)(pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size))) != 0 ) {
-+ length = pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size - (dest % ((unsigned int)(pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size)));
-+ if (size < length)
-+ length = size;
-+ if(!AT91F_PartialPageWrite(pDataFlash,src, dest, length))
-+ AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_TIMEOUT_WRDY);
-+ /* Update size, source and destination pointers */
-+ size -= length;
-+ dest += length;
-+ src += length;
-+ }
-+ while (( size - pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size ) >= 0 ) {
-+ /* program dataflash page */
-+ page = (unsigned int)dest / (pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size);
-+ status = AT91F_DataFlashWriteBuffer(pDataFlash, DB_BUF1_WRITE, src, 0, pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size);
-+ AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_TIMEOUT_WRDY);
-+ status = AT91F_PageErase(pDataFlash, page);
-+ AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_TIMEOUT_WRDY);
-+ if (!status)
-+ status = AT91F_WriteBufferToMain (pDataFlash, DB_BUF1_PAGE_PGM, dest);
-+ if(!status)
-+ AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_TIMEOUT_WRDY);
-+ /* Update size, source and destination pointers */
-+ size -= pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size ;
-+ dest += pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size ;
-+ src += pDataFlash->pDevice->pages_size ;
-+ }
-+ /* If still some bytes to read */
-+ if ( size > 0 ) {
-+ /* program dataflash page */
-+ if(!AT91F_PartialPageWrite(pDataFlash, src, dest, size) )
-+ AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_TIMEOUT_WRDY);
-+ }
-+ return DATAFLASH_OK;
-+/* Function Name : AT91F_DataFlashRead */
-+/* Object : Read a block in dataflash */
-+/* Input Parameters : */
-+/* Return value : */
-+int AT91F_DataFlashRead(
-+ AT91PS_DataFlash pDataFlash,
-+ unsigned long addr,
-+ unsigned long size,
-+ char *buffer)
-+ unsigned long SizeToRead;
-+ AT91F_SpiEnable(pDataFlash->pDevice->cs);
-+ if(AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_TIMEOUT_WRDY) != DATAFLASH_OK)
-+ return -1;
-+ while (size) {
-+ SizeToRead = (size < 0x8000)? size:0x8000;
-+ if (AT91F_DataFlashWaitReady(pDataFlash->pDataFlashDesc, AT91C_TIMEOUT_WRDY) != DATAFLASH_OK)
-+ return -1;
-+ if (AT91F_DataFlashContinuousRead (pDataFlash, addr, buffer, SizeToRead) != DATAFLASH_OK)
-+ return -1;
-+ size -= SizeToRead;
-+ addr += SizeToRead;
-+ buffer += SizeToRead;
-+ }
-+ return DATAFLASH_OK;
-+/* Function Name : AT91F_DataflashProbe */
-+/* Object : */
-+/* Input Parameters : */
-+/* Return value : Dataflash status register */
-+int AT91F_DataflashProbe(int cs, AT91PS_DataflashDesc pDesc)
-+ AT91F_SpiEnable(cs);
-+ AT91F_DataFlashGetStatus(pDesc);
-+ return((pDesc->command[1] == 0xFF)? 0: pDesc->command[1] & 0x3C);
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/config.mk u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/config.mk
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/config.mk 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/config.mk 2005-12-16 17:39:27.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1 @@
-+TEXT_BASE = 0x21f00000
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/flash.c u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/flash.c
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/flash.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/flash.c 2006-06-05 02:44:43.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
-+ * (C) Copyright 2002
-+ * Lineo, Inc. <www.lineo.com>
-+ * Bernhard Kuhn <bkuhn@lineo.com>
-+ *
-+ * (C) Copyright 2002
-+ * Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <www.elinos.com>
-+ * Alex Zuepke <azu@sysgo.de>
-+ *
-+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
-+ * project.
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
-+ */
-+#include <common.h>
-+ulong myflush(void);
-+/* Flash Organization Structure */
-+typedef struct OrgDef
-+ unsigned int sector_number;
-+ unsigned int sector_size;
-+} OrgDef;
-+/* Flash Organizations */
-+OrgDef OrgAT49BV16x4[] =
-+ { 8, 8*1024 }, /* 8 * 8 kBytes sectors */
-+ { 2, 32*1024 }, /* 2 * 32 kBytes sectors */
-+ { 30, 64*1024 }, /* 30 * 64 kBytes sectors */
-+OrgDef OrgAT49BV16x4A[] =
-+ { 8, 8*1024 }, /* 8 * 8 kBytes sectors */
-+ { 31, 64*1024 }, /* 31 * 64 kBytes sectors */
-+OrgDef OrgAT49BV6416[] =
-+ { 8, 8*1024 }, /* 8 * 8 kBytes sectors */
-+ { 127, 64*1024 }, /* 127 * 64 kBytes sectors */
-+flash_info_t flash_info[CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS];
-+/* AT49BV1614A Codes */
-+#define FLASH_CODE1 0xAA
-+#define FLASH_CODE2 0x55
-+#define ID_IN_CODE 0x90
-+#define ID_OUT_CODE 0xF0
-+#define CMD_READ_ARRAY 0x00F0
-+#define CMD_UNLOCK1 0x00AA
-+#define CMD_UNLOCK2 0x0055
-+#define CMD_ERASE_SETUP 0x0080
-+#define CMD_ERASE_CONFIRM 0x0030
-+#define CMD_PROGRAM 0x00A0
-+#define CMD_UNLOCK_BYPASS 0x0020
-+#define CMD_SECTOR_UNLOCK 0x0070
-+#define MEM_FLASH_ADDR1 (*(volatile u16 *)(CFG_FLASH_BASE + (0x00005555<<1)))
-+#define MEM_FLASH_ADDR2 (*(volatile u16 *)(CFG_FLASH_BASE + (0x00002AAA<<1)))
-+#define BIT_ERASE_DONE 0x0080
-+#define BIT_RDY_MASK 0x0080
-+#define BIT_PROGRAM_ERROR 0x0020
-+#define BIT_TIMEOUT 0x80000000 /* our flag */
-+#define READY 1
-+#define ERR 2
-+#define TMO 4
-+ */
-+void flash_identification (flash_info_t * info)
-+ volatile u16 manuf_code, device_code, add_device_code;
-+ manuf_code = *(volatile u16 *) CFG_FLASH_BASE;
-+ device_code = *(volatile u16 *) (CFG_FLASH_BASE + 2);
-+ add_device_code = *(volatile u16 *) (CFG_FLASH_BASE + (3 << 1));
-+ /* Vendor type */
-+ info->flash_id = ATM_MANUFACT & FLASH_VENDMASK;
-+ printf ("Atmel: ");
-+ if ((device_code & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == (ATM_ID_BV1614 & FLASH_TYPEMASK)) {
-+ if ((add_device_code & FLASH_TYPEMASK) ==
-+ info->flash_id |= ATM_ID_BV1614A & FLASH_TYPEMASK;
-+ printf ("AT49BV1614A (16Mbit)\n");
-+ } else { /* AT49BV1614 Flash */
-+ info->flash_id |= ATM_ID_BV1614 & FLASH_TYPEMASK;
-+ printf ("AT49BV1614 (16Mbit)\n");
-+ }
-+ } else if ((device_code & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == (ATM_ID_BV6416 & FLASH_TYPEMASK)) {
-+ info->flash_id |= ATM_ID_BV6416 & FLASH_TYPEMASK;
-+ printf ("AT49BV6416 (64Mbit)\n");
-+ }
-+ushort flash_number_sector(OrgDef *pOrgDef, unsigned int nb_blocks)
-+ int i, nb_sectors = 0;
-+ for (i=0; i<nb_blocks; i++){
-+ nb_sectors += pOrgDef[i].sector_number;
-+ }
-+ return nb_sectors;
-+void flash_unlock_sector(flash_info_t * info, unsigned int sector)
-+ volatile u16 *addr = (volatile u16 *) (info->start[sector]);
-+ulong flash_init (void)
-+ int i, j, k;
-+ unsigned int flash_nb_blocks, sector;
-+ unsigned int start_address;
-+ OrgDef *pOrgDef;
-+ ulong size = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS; i++) {
-+ ulong flashbase = 0;
-+ flash_identification (&flash_info[i]);
-+ if ((flash_info[i].flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) ==
-+ pOrgDef = OrgAT49BV16x4;
-+ flash_nb_blocks = sizeof (OrgAT49BV16x4) / sizeof (OrgDef);
-+ } else if ((flash_info[i].flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) ==
-+ (ATM_ID_BV1614A & FLASH_TYPEMASK)){ /* AT49BV1614A Flash */
-+ pOrgDef = OrgAT49BV16x4A;
-+ flash_nb_blocks = sizeof (OrgAT49BV16x4A) / sizeof (OrgDef);
-+ } else if ((flash_info[i].flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) ==
-+ (ATM_ID_BV6416 & FLASH_TYPEMASK)){ /* AT49BV6416 Flash */
-+ pOrgDef = OrgAT49BV6416;
-+ flash_nb_blocks = sizeof (OrgAT49BV6416) / sizeof (OrgDef);
-+ } else {
-+ flash_nb_blocks = 0;
-+ pOrgDef = OrgAT49BV16x4;
-+ }
-+ flash_info[i].sector_count = flash_number_sector(pOrgDef, flash_nb_blocks);
-+ memset (flash_info[i].protect, 0, flash_info[i].sector_count);
-+ if (i == 0)
-+ flashbase = PHYS_FLASH_1;
-+ else
-+ panic ("configured too many flash banks!\n");
-+ sector = 0;
-+ start_address = flashbase;
-+ flash_info[i].size = 0;
-+ for (j = 0; j < flash_nb_blocks; j++) {
-+ for (k = 0; k < pOrgDef[j].sector_number; k++) {
-+ flash_info[i].start[sector++] = start_address;
-+ start_address += pOrgDef[j].sector_size;
-+ flash_info[i].size += pOrgDef[j].sector_size;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ size += flash_info[i].size;
-+ if ((flash_info[i].flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) ==
-+ (ATM_ID_BV6416 & FLASH_TYPEMASK)){ /* AT49BV6416 Flash */
-+ /* Unlock all sectors at reset */
-+ for (j=0; j<flash_info[i].sector_count; j++){
-+ flash_unlock_sector(&flash_info[i], j);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Protect binary boot image */
-+ flash_protect (FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
-+ CFG_FLASH_BASE + CFG_BOOT_SIZE - 1, &flash_info[0]);
-+ /* Protect environment variables */
-+ flash_protect (FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
-+ CFG_ENV_ADDR + CFG_ENV_SIZE - 1, &flash_info[0]);
-+ /* Protect U-Boot gzipped image */
-+ flash_protect (FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
-+ CFG_U_BOOT_BASE + CFG_U_BOOT_SIZE - 1, &flash_info[0]);
-+ return size;
-+ */
-+void flash_print_info (flash_info_t * info)
-+ int i;
-+ switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) {
-+ printf ("Atmel: ");
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ printf ("Unknown Vendor ");
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) {
-+ case (ATM_ID_BV1614 & FLASH_TYPEMASK):
-+ printf ("AT49BV1614 (16Mbit)\n");
-+ break;
-+ case (ATM_ID_BV1614A & FLASH_TYPEMASK):
-+ printf ("AT49BV1614A (16Mbit)\n");
-+ break;
-+ case (ATM_ID_BV6416 & FLASH_TYPEMASK):
-+ printf ("AT49BV6416 (64Mbit)\n");
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ printf ("Unknown Chip Type\n");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ printf (" Size: %ld MB in %d Sectors\n",
-+ info->size >> 20, info->sector_count);
-+ printf (" Sector Start Addresses:");
-+ for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++) {
-+ if ((i % 5) == 0) {
-+ printf ("\n ");
-+ }
-+ printf (" %08lX%s", info->start[i],
-+ info->protect[i] ? " (RO)" : " ");
-+ }
-+ printf ("\n");
-+ */
-+int flash_erase (flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last)
-+ ulong result;
-+ int iflag, cflag, prot, sect;
-+ int rc = ERR_OK;
-+ int chip1;
-+ /* first look for protection bits */
-+ if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN)
-+ if ((s_first < 0) || (s_first > s_last)) {
-+ return ERR_INVAL;
-+ }
-+ if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) !=
-+ }
-+ prot = 0;
-+ for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last; ++sect) {
-+ if (info->protect[sect]) {
-+ prot++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (prot)
-+ return ERR_PROTECTED;
-+ /*
-+ * Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout
-+ * here. Remember that our exception vectors are
-+ * at address 0 in the flash, and we don't want a
-+ * (ticker) exception to happen while the flash
-+ * chip is in programming mode.
-+ */
-+ cflag = icache_status ();
-+ icache_disable ();
-+ iflag = disable_interrupts ();
-+ /* Start erase on unprotected sectors */
-+ for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last && !ctrlc (); sect++) {
-+ printf ("Erasing sector %2d ... ", sect);
-+ /* arm simple, non interrupt dependent timer */
-+ reset_timer_masked ();
-+ if (info->protect[sect] == 0) { /* not protected */
-+ volatile u16 *addr = (volatile u16 *) (info->start[sect]);
-+ /* wait until flash is ready */
-+ chip1 = 0;
-+ do {
-+ result = *addr;
-+ /* check timeout */
-+ if (get_timer_masked () > CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT) {
-+ chip1 = TMO;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (!chip1 && (result & 0xFFFF) & BIT_ERASE_DONE)
-+ chip1 = READY;
-+ } while (!chip1);
-+ if (chip1 == ERR) {
-+ goto outahere;
-+ }
-+ if (chip1 == TMO) {
-+ rc = ERR_TIMOUT;
-+ goto outahere;
-+ }
-+ printf ("ok.\n");
-+ } else { /* it was protected */
-+ printf ("protected!\n");
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (ctrlc ())
-+ printf ("User Interrupt!\n");
-+ /* allow flash to settle - wait 10 ms */
-+ udelay_masked (10000);
-+ if (iflag)
-+ enable_interrupts ();
-+ if (cflag)
-+ icache_enable ();
-+ return rc;
-+ * Copy memory to flash
-+ */
-+volatile static int write_word (flash_info_t * info, ulong dest,
-+ ulong data)
-+ volatile u16 *addr = (volatile u16 *) dest;
-+ ulong result;
-+ int rc = ERR_OK;
-+ int cflag, iflag;
-+ int chip1;
-+ /*
-+ * Check if Flash is (sufficiently) erased
-+ */
-+ result = *addr;
-+ if ((result & data) != data)
-+ return ERR_NOT_ERASED;
-+ /*
-+ * Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout
-+ * here. Remember that our exception vectors are
-+ * at address 0 in the flash, and we don't want a
-+ * (ticker) exception to happen while the flash
-+ * chip is in programming mode.
-+ */
-+ cflag = icache_status ();
-+ icache_disable ();
-+ iflag = disable_interrupts ();
-+ *addr = data;
-+ /* arm simple, non interrupt dependent timer */
-+ reset_timer_masked ();
-+ /* wait until flash is ready */
-+ chip1 = 0;
-+ do {
-+ result = *addr;
-+ /* check timeout */
-+ if (get_timer_masked () > CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT) {
-+ chip1 = ERR | TMO;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (!chip1 && ((result & 0x80) == (data & 0x80)))
-+ chip1 = READY;
-+ } while (!chip1);
-+ *addr = CMD_READ_ARRAY;
-+ if (chip1 == ERR || *addr != data)
-+ if (iflag)
-+ enable_interrupts ();
-+ if (cflag)
-+ icache_enable ();
-+ return rc;
-+ * Copy memory to flash.
-+ */
-+int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
-+ ulong wp, data;
-+ int rc;
-+ if (addr & 1) {
-+ printf ("unaligned destination not supported\n");
-+ return ERR_ALIGN;
-+ };
-+ if ((int) src & 1) {
-+ printf ("unaligned source not supported\n");
-+ return ERR_ALIGN;
-+ };
-+ wp = addr;
-+ while (cnt >= 2) {
-+ data = *((volatile u16 *) src);
-+ if ((rc = write_word (info, wp, data)) != 0) {
-+ return (rc);
-+ }
-+ src += 2;
-+ wp += 2;
-+ cnt -= 2;
-+ }
-+ if (cnt == 1) {
-+ data = (*((volatile u8 *) src)) | (*((volatile u8 *) (wp + 1)) <<
-+ 8);
-+ if ((rc = write_word (info, wp, data)) != 0) {
-+ return (rc);
-+ }
-+ src += 1;
-+ wp += 1;
-+ cnt -= 1;
-+ };
-+ return ERR_OK;
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/Makefile u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/Makefile
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/Makefile 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/Makefile 2006-06-05 02:48:33.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
-+# (C) Copyright 2003
-+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
-+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
-+# project.
-+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+# GNU General Public License for more details.
-+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-+# MA 02111-1307 USA
-+include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk
-+LIB = lib$(BOARD).a
-+OBJS := vlink.o at45.o flash.o
-+$(LIB): $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
-+ $(AR) crv $@ $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
-+ rm -f $(SOBJS) $(OBJS)
-+distclean: clean
-+ rm -f $(LIB) core *.bak .depend
-+.depend: Makefile $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(OBJS:.o=.c)
-+ $(CC) -M $(CPPFLAGS) $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(OBJS:.o=.c) > $@
-+-include .depend
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/u-boot.lds u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/u-boot.lds
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/u-boot.lds 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/u-boot.lds 2005-12-16 17:39:27.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
-+ * (C) Copyright 2002
-+ * Gary Jennejohn, DENX Software Engineering, <gj@denx.de>
-+ *
-+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
-+ * project.
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
-+ */
-+OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm")
-+/*OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-arm", "elf32-arm", "elf32-arm")*/
-+ . = 0x00000000;
-+ . = ALIGN(4);
-+ .text :
-+ {
-+ cpu/arm920t/start.o (.text)
-+ *(.text)
-+ }
-+ . = ALIGN(4);
-+ .rodata : { *(.rodata) }
-+ . = ALIGN(4);
-+ .data : { *(.data) }
-+ . = ALIGN(4);
-+ .got : { *(.got) }
-+ . = .;
-+ __u_boot_cmd_start = .;
-+ .u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }
-+ __u_boot_cmd_end = .;
-+ . = ALIGN(4);
-+ __bss_start = .;
-+ .bss : { *(.bss) }
-+ _end = .;
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/vlink.c u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/vlink.c
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/board/vlink/vlink.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/board/vlink/vlink.c 2006-06-05 03:10:22.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
-+ * (C) Copyright 2002
-+ * Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <www.elinos.com>
-+ * Marius Groeger <mgroeger@sysgo.de>
-+ *
-+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
-+ * project.
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
-+ */
-+#include <common.h>
-+#include <asm/arch/AT91RM9200.h>
-+#include <at91rm9200_net.h>
-+#include <dm9161.h>
-+#include <asm/mach-types.h>
-+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+ * Miscelaneous platform dependent initialisations
-+ */
-+int board_init (void)
-+ /* Enable Ctrlc */
-+ console_init_f ();
-+ /* Correct IRDA resistor problem */
-+ /* Set PA23_TXD in Output */
-+ /* memory and cpu-speed are setup before relocation */
-+ /* so we do _nothing_ here */
-+ /* arch number of Versalink-Board */
-+ gd->bd->bi_arch_number = MACH_TYPE_VLINK;
-+ /* adress of boot parameters */
-+ gd->bd->bi_boot_params = PHYS_SDRAM + 0x100;
-+ return 0;
-+int dram_init (void)
-+ gd->bd->bi_dram[0].start = PHYS_SDRAM;
-+ gd->bd->bi_dram[0].size = PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE;
-+ return 0;
-+ * Name:
-+ * at91rm9200_GetPhyInterface
-+ * Description:
-+ * Initialise the interface functions to the PHY
-+ * Arguments:
-+ * None
-+ * Return value:
-+ * None
-+ */
-+void at91rm9200_GetPhyInterface(AT91PS_PhyOps p_phyops)
-+ p_phyops->Init = dm9161_InitPhy;
-+ p_phyops->IsPhyConnected = dm9161_IsPhyConnected;
-+ p_phyops->GetLinkSpeed = dm9161_GetLinkSpeed;
-+ p_phyops->AutoNegotiate = dm9161_AutoNegotiate;
-+#endif /* CONFIG_DRIVER_ETHER */
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/include/asm-arm/mach-types.h u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/include/asm-arm/mach-types.h
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/include/asm-arm/mach-types.h 2005-12-16 17:39:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/include/asm-arm/mach-types.h 2006-06-05 01:29:25.000000000 +0200
-@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
- #define MACH_TYPE_MPORT3S 411
- #define MACH_TYPE_RA_ALPHA 412
- #define MACH_TYPE_XCEP 413
- #define MACH_TYPE_STARGATE 415
- #define MACH_TYPE_ELROY_JACK 417
-@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
- #define MACH_TYPE_XM250 444
- #define MACH_TYPE_T6TC1XB 445
- #define MACH_TYPE_ESS710 446
--#define MACH_TYPE_MX3ADS 447
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MX31ADS 447
- #define MACH_TYPE_HIMALAYA 448
- #define MACH_TYPE_BOLFENK 449
- #define MACH_TYPE_AT91RM9200KR 450
-@@ -563,8 +563,8 @@
- #define MACH_TYPE_ENS_CMU 550
- #define MACH_TYPE_MM6_SDB 551
- #define MACH_TYPE_SATURN 552
--#define MACH_TYPE_SCMA11EVB 554
-+#define MACH_TYPE_I30030EVB 553
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MXC27530EVB 554
- #define MACH_TYPE_SMDK2800 555
- #define MACH_TYPE_MTWILSON 556
- #define MACH_TYPE_ZITI 557
-@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@
- #define MACH_TYPE_MX2JAZZ 631
- #define MACH_TYPE_MULTIIO 632
--#define MACH_TYPE_SCMA11BB 634
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MXC27530ADS 634
- #define MACH_TYPE_TRIZEPS3 635
-@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@
- #define MACH_TYPE_GEM 707
- #define MACH_TYPE_I858 708
- #define MACH_TYPE_HX2750 709
--#define MACH_TYPE_ZEUSEVB 710
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MXC91131EVB 710
- #define MACH_TYPE_P700 711
- #define MACH_TYPE_CPE 712
- #define MACH_TYPE_SPITZ 713
-@@ -736,6 +736,331 @@
- #define MACH_TYPE_LN2410SBC 725
- #define MACH_TYPE_CB3RUFC 726
- #define MACH_TYPE_MP2USB 727
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NTNP425C 728
-+#define MACH_TYPE_COLIBRI 729
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PCM7220 730
-+#define MACH_TYPE_GATEWAY7001 731
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PCM027 732
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CMPXA 733
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ANUBIS 734
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ITE8152 735
-+#define MACH_TYPE_LPC3XXX 736
-+#define MACH_TYPE_E570 739
-+#define MACH_TYPE_X50 740
-+#define MACH_TYPE_RECON 741
-+#define MACH_TYPE_XBOARDGP8 742
-+#define MACH_TYPE_FPIC2 743
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AKITA 744
-+#define MACH_TYPE_A81 745
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SVM_SC25X 746
-+#define MACH_TYPE_VADATECH020 747
-+#define MACH_TYPE_TLI 748
-+#define MACH_TYPE_EDB9315LC 749
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PASSEC 750
-+#define MACH_TYPE_DS_TIGER 751
-+#define MACH_TYPE_E310 752
-+#define MACH_TYPE_E330 753
-+#define MACH_TYPE_RT3000 754
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NOKIA770 755
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PNX0106 756
-+#define MACH_TYPE_HX21XX 757
-+#define MACH_TYPE_FARADAY 758
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SBC9312 759
-+#define MACH_TYPE_BATMAN 760
-+#define MACH_TYPE_JPD201 761
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MIPSA 762
-+#define MACH_TYPE_KACOM 763
-+#define MACH_TYPE_BANFF 768
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CARMEVA 769
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SAM255 770
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PPM10 771
-+#define MACH_TYPE_EDB9315A 772
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SUNSET 773
-+#define MACH_TYPE_STARGATE2 774
-+#define MACH_TYPE_INTELMOTE2 775
-+#define MACH_TYPE_TRIZEPS4 776
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MAINSTONE2 777
-+#define MACH_TYPE_EZ_IXP42X 778
-+#define MACH_TYPE_HICOARM9 781
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PNX4008 782
-+#define MACH_TYPE_KWS6000 783
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PORTUX920T 784
-+#define MACH_TYPE_EZ_X5 785
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CPUAT91 787
-+#define MACH_TYPE_REA9200 788
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ACTS_PUNE_SA1110 789
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IXP425 790
-+#define MACH_TYPE_I30030ADS 791
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PERCH 792
-+#define MACH_TYPE_EIS05R1 793
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SB3010 795
-+#define MACH_TYPE_RM9200 796
-+#define MACH_TYPE_DMA03 797
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ROAD_S101 798
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_A 799
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_B 800
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_C 801
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_D 802
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_E 803
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MALLOW_AT91 804
-+#define MACH_TYPE_GESBC931X 806
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CENTIPAD 807
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ARMSOC 808
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SE4200 809
-+#define MACH_TYPE_EMS197A 810
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MICRO9 811
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MICRO9L 812
-+#define MACH_TYPE_UC5471DSP 813
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SJ5471ENG 814
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CMPXA26X 815
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NC 816
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AJAX52X 818
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AT91RM9200UTL 821
-+#define MACH_TYPE_BIOSAFE 822
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MP1000 823
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PARSY 824
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CCXP 825
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SAMOA 828
-+#define MACH_TYPE_T3XSCALE 829
-+#define MACH_TYPE_I878 830
-+#define MACH_TYPE_BORZOI 831
-+#define MACH_TYPE_GECKO 832
-+#define MACH_TYPE_DS101 833
-+#define MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMTT2 834
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CC9C 836
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SBC1670 837
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IXDP28X5 838
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ML696K 840
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ARCOM_ZEUS 841
-+#define MACH_TYPE_OSIRIS 842
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MAESTRO 843
-+#define MACH_TYPE_TUNGE2 844
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IXBBM 845
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MX27 846
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AX8004 847
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AT91SAM9261EK 848
-+#define MACH_TYPE_LOFT 849
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MAGPIE 850
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MX21 851
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MB87M3400 852
-+#define MACH_TYPE_TPAD 856
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ROVERP3 857
-+#define MACH_TYPE_JORNADA928 858
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MV88FXX81 859
-+#define MACH_TYPE_STMP36XX 860
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SXNI79524 861
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AMS_DELTA 862
-+#define MACH_TYPE_URANIUM 863
-+#define MACH_TYPE_UCON 864
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NAS100D 865
-+#define MACH_TYPE_L083_1000 866
-+#define MACH_TYPE_EZX 867
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PNX5220 868
-+#define MACH_TYPE_BUTTE 869
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SRM2 870
-+#define MACH_TYPE_DSBR 871
-+#define MACH_TYPE_TINYPXA27X 873
-+#define MACH_TYPE_HERBIE 874
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MAGICIAN 875
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CM4002 876
-+#define MACH_TYPE_B4 877
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MAUI 878
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NXDKN 880
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MIO8390 881
-+#define MACH_TYPE_OMI_BOARD 882
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MX21CIV 883
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MAHI_CDAC 884
-+#define MACH_TYPE_S3C2413 887
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SAMSYS_EP0 888
-+#define MACH_TYPE_WG302V1 889
-+#define MACH_TYPE_WG302V2 890
-+#define MACH_TYPE_EB42X 891
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IQ331ES 892
-+#define MACH_TYPE_COSYDSP 893
-+#define MACH_TYPE_UPLAT7D 894
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MBUS 896
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NADIA2VB 897
-+#define MACH_TYPE_R1000 898
-+#define MACH_TYPE_HW90250 899
-+#define MACH_TYPE_OMAP_2430SDP 900
-+#define MACH_TYPE_OLOCREEK 903
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PALMZ72 904
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NXDB500 905
-+#define MACH_TYPE_APF9328 906
-+#define MACH_TYPE_OMAP_WIPOQ 907
-+#define MACH_TYPE_OMAP_TWIP 908
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ACUMEN 910
-+#define MACH_TYPE_XP100 911
-+#define MACH_TYPE_FS2410 912
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PXA270_CERF 913
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SQ2FTLPALM 914
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MXC30030EVB 920
-+#define MACH_TYPE_REA_2D 921
-+#define MACH_TYPE_TI3E524 922
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ATEB9200 923
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AUCKLAND 924
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AK3320M 925
-+#define MACH_TYPE_DURAMAX 926
-+#define MACH_TYPE_N35 927
-+#define MACH_TYPE_FUNDY 929
-+#define MACH_TYPE_LOGICPD_PXA270 930
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CPU777 931
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SIMICON9201 932
-+#define MACH_TYPE_LEAP2_HPM 933
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CM922TXA10 934
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PXA 935
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE2 936
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE2G 937
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE2P 938
-+#define MACH_TYPE_FRED_JACK 939
-+#define MACH_TYPE_TTG_COLOR1 940
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NXEB500HMI 941
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NETDCU8 942
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ML675050_CPU_BOA 943
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NG_FVX538 944
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NG_FVS338 945
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PNX4103 946
-+#define MACH_TYPE_HESDB 947
-+#define MACH_TYPE_XSILO 948
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ESPRESSO 949
-+#define MACH_TYPE_EMLC 950
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SISTERON 951
-+#define MACH_TYPE_RX1950 952
-+#define MACH_TYPE_TSC_VENUS 953
-+#define MACH_TYPE_DS101J 954
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MXC30030ADS 955
-+#define MACH_TYPE_GESBC9312 958
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IXDP435 960
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CATPROVT100 961
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PICOTUX1XX 962
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PICOTUX2XX 963
-+#define MACH_TYPE_DSMG600 964
-+#define MACH_TYPE_EMPC2 965
-+#define MACH_TYPE_VENTURA 966
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IJ3K 968
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PISGAH 969
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SG720 971
-+#define MACH_TYPE_REDFOX 972
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MYSH_EP9315_1 973
-+#define MACH_TYPE_TPF106 974
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AT91RM9200KG 975
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SLEDB 976
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ONTRACK 977
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PM1200 978
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ESS24XXX 979
-+#define MACH_TYPE_COREMP7 980
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NEXCODER_6446 981
-+#define MACH_TYPE_STVC8380 982
-+#define MACH_TYPE_TEKLYNX 983
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SYSMOS_MP730 985
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SNAPPER_CL15 986
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PGIGIM 987
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PTX9160P2 988
-+#define MACH_TYPE_DCORE1 989
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MX2DTB 991
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PXA_IREX_ER0100 992
-+#define MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMZ71 993
-+#define MACH_TYPE_BARTEC_DEG 994
-+#define MACH_TYPE_HW50251 995
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IBOX 996
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ATLASLH7A404 997
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PT2026 998
-+#define MACH_TYPE_BARTEC_VTU 1000
-+#define MACH_TYPE_VCOREII 1001
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PDNB3 1002
-+#define MACH_TYPE_S3C6400 1004
-+#define MACH_TYPE_S3C2443 1005
-+#define MACH_TYPE_OMAP_LDK 1006
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SMDK2460 1007
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SMDK2440 1008
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SMDK2412 1009
-+#define MACH_TYPE_WEBBOX 1010
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CWWNDP 1011
-+#define MACH_TYPE_DRAGON 1012
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CCM2200 1014
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ETWARM 1015
-+#define MACH_TYPE_M93030 1016
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CC7U 1017
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MTT_RANGER 1018
-+#define MACH_TYPE_NEXUS 1019
-+#define MACH_TYPE_DESMAN 1020
-+#define MACH_TYPE_BKDE303 1021
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SMDK2413 1022
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AML_M7200 1023
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AML_M5900 1024
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SG640 1025
-+#define MACH_TYPE_EDG79524 1026
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AI2410 1027
-+#define MACH_TYPE_IXP465 1028
-+#define MACH_TYPE_BALLOON3 1029
-+#define MACH_TYPE_HEINS 1030
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MPLUSEVA 1031
-+#define MACH_TYPE_RT042 1032
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CWIEM 1033
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CM_X270 1034
-+#define MACH_TYPE_CM_X255 1035
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ESH_AT91 1036
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE3 1037
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PRIMO 1038
-+#define MACH_TYPE_GEMSTONE 1039
-+#define MACH_TYPE_PICOMOD1 1042
-+#define MACH_TYPE_SG590 1043
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AKAI9307 1044
-+#define MACH_TYPE_FONTAINE 1045
-+#define MACH_TYPE_WOMBAT 1046
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ACQ300 1047
-+#define MACH_TYPE_MOD_270 1048
-+#define MACH_TYPE_VC0820 1049
-+#define MACH_TYPE_ANI_AIM 1050
-+#define MACH_TYPE_JELLYFISH 1051
-+#define MACH_TYPE_AMANITA 1052
-+#define MACH_TYPE_VLINK 1053
- #ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_EBSA110
- # ifdef machine_arch_type
-@@ -3540,9 +3865,9 @@
- # else
- # define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_RAMSES
- # endif
--# define machine_is_ramses() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_RAMSES)
-+# define machine_is_mnci() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_RAMSES)
- #else
--# define machine_is_ramses() (0)
-+# define machine_is_mnci() (0)
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_S28X
-@@ -4500,9 +4825,9 @@
- # else
- # define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_M825XX
- # endif
--# define machine_is_m825xx() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_M825XX)
-+# define machine_is_comcerto() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_M825XX)
- #else
--# define machine_is_m825xx() (0)
-+# define machine_is_comcerto() (0)
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_SA1100_M7100
-@@ -5657,16 +5982,16 @@
- # define machine_is_xcep() (0)
- #endif
- # ifdef machine_arch_type
- # undef machine_arch_type
- # define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
- # else
--# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ARCOM_MERCURY
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ARCOM_VULCAN
- # endif
--# define machine_is_arcom_mercury() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ARCOM_MERCURY)
-+# define machine_is_arcom_vulcan() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ARCOM_VULCAN)
- #else
--# define machine_is_arcom_mercury() (0)
-+# define machine_is_arcom_vulcan() (0)
- #endif
-@@ -6053,16 +6378,16 @@
- # define machine_is_ess710() (0)
- #endif
- # ifdef machine_arch_type
- # undef machine_arch_type
- # define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
- # else
--# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MX3ADS
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MX31ADS
- # endif
--# define machine_is_mx3ads() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MX3ADS)
-+# define machine_is_mx31ads() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MX31ADS)
- #else
--# define machine_is_mx3ads() (0)
-+# define machine_is_mx31ads() (0)
- #endif
-@@ -7325,28 +7650,28 @@
- # define machine_is_saturn() (0)
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_I30030EVB
- # ifdef machine_arch_type
- # undef machine_arch_type
- # define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
- # else
--# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ARGONPLUSEVB
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_I30030EVB
- # endif
--# define machine_is_argonplusevb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ARGONPLUSEVB)
-+# define machine_is_i30030evb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_I30030EVB)
- #else
--# define machine_is_argonplusevb() (0)
-+# define machine_is_i30030evb() (0)
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MXC27530EVB
- # ifdef machine_arch_type
- # undef machine_arch_type
- # define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
- # else
--# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SCMA11EVB
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MXC27530EVB
- # endif
--# define machine_is_scma11evb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SCMA11EVB)
-+# define machine_is_mxc27530evb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MXC27530EVB)
- #else
--# define machine_is_scma11evb() (0)
-+# define machine_is_mxc27530evb() (0)
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SMDK2800
-@@ -8297,16 +8622,16 @@
- # define machine_is_hrdisplay() (0)
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MXC27530ADS
- # ifdef machine_arch_type
- # undef machine_arch_type
- # define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
- # else
--# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SCMA11BB
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MXC27530ADS
- # endif
--# define machine_is_scma11bb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SCMA11BB)
-+# define machine_is_mxc27530ads() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MXC27530ADS)
- #else
--# define machine_is_scma11bb() (0)
-+# define machine_is_mxc27530ads() (0)
- #endif
-@@ -9185,16 +9510,16 @@
- # define machine_is_hx2750() (0)
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MXC91131EVB
- # ifdef machine_arch_type
- # undef machine_arch_type
- # define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
- # else
--# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ZEUSEVB
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MXC91131EVB
- # endif
--# define machine_is_zeusevb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ZEUSEVB)
-+# define machine_is_mxc91131evb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MXC91131EVB)
- #else
--# define machine_is_zeusevb() (0)
-+# define machine_is_mxc91131evb() (0)
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_MACH_P700
-@@ -9401,6 +9726,3906 @@
- # define machine_is_mp2usb() (0)
- #endif
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NTNP425C
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ntnp425c() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NTNP425C)
-+# define machine_is_ntnp425c() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_COLIBRI
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_colibri() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_COLIBRI)
-+# define machine_is_colibri() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_PCM7220
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PCM7220
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pcm7220() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PCM7220)
-+# define machine_is_pcm7220() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_GATEWAY7001
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_gateway7001() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_GATEWAY7001)
-+# define machine_is_gateway7001() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_PCM027
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PCM027
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pcm027() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PCM027)
-+# define machine_is_pcm027() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CMPXA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cmpxa() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CMPXA)
-+# define machine_is_cmpxa() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ANUBIS
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_anubis() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ANUBIS)
-+# define machine_is_anubis() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_ITE8152
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ITE8152
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ite8152() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ITE8152)
-+# define machine_is_ite8152() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_LPC3XXX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_lpc3xxx() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_LPC3XXX)
-+# define machine_is_lpc3xxx() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PUPPETEER
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_puppeteer() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PUPPETEER)
-+# define machine_is_puppeteer() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MACH_VADATECH
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_vt001() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MACH_VADATECH)
-+# define machine_is_vt001() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_E570
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_E570
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_e570() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_E570)
-+# define machine_is_e570() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_X50
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_X50
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_x50() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_X50)
-+# define machine_is_x50() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_RECON
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_recon() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_RECON)
-+# define machine_is_recon() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_XBOARDGP8
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_xboardgp8() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_XBOARDGP8)
-+# define machine_is_xboardgp8() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_FPIC2
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_fpic2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_FPIC2)
-+# define machine_is_fpic2() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AKITA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_akita() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AKITA)
-+# define machine_is_akita() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_A81
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_A81
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_a81() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_A81)
-+# define machine_is_a81() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SVM_SC25X
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_svm_sc25x() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SVM_SC25X)
-+# define machine_is_svm_sc25x() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_VADATECH020
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_vt020() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_VADATECH020)
-+# define machine_is_vt020() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_TLI
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_tli() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_TLI)
-+# define machine_is_tli() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_EDB9315LC
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_EDB9315LC
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_edb9315lc() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_EDB9315LC)
-+# define machine_is_edb9315lc() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PASSEC
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_passec() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PASSEC)
-+# define machine_is_passec() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DS_TIGER
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ds_tiger() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DS_TIGER)
-+# define machine_is_ds_tiger() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_E310
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_E310
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_e310() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_E310)
-+# define machine_is_e310() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_E330
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_E330
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_e330() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_E330)
-+# define machine_is_e330() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_RT3000
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_RT3000
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_rt3000() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_RT3000)
-+# define machine_is_rt3000() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NOKIA770
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_nokia770() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NOKIA770)
-+# define machine_is_nokia770() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_PNX0106
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PNX0106
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pnx0106() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PNX0106)
-+# define machine_is_pnx0106() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HX21XX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_hx21xx() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HX21XX)
-+# define machine_is_hx21xx() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_FARADAY
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_faraday() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_FARADAY)
-+# define machine_is_faraday() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SBC9312
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SBC9312
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sbc9312() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SBC9312)
-+# define machine_is_sbc9312() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_BATMAN
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_batman() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_BATMAN)
-+# define machine_is_batman() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_JPD201
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_JPD201
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_jpd201() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_JPD201)
-+# define machine_is_jpd201() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MIPSA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mipsa() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MIPSA)
-+# define machine_is_mipsa() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_KACOM
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_kacom() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_KACOM)
-+# define machine_is_kacom() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SWARCOCPU
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_swarcocpu() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SWARCOCPU)
-+# define machine_is_swarcocpu() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SWARCODSL
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_swarcodsl() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SWARCODSL)
-+# define machine_is_swarcodsl() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_BLUEANGEL
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_blueangel() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_BLUEANGEL)
-+# define machine_is_blueangel() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HAIRYGRAMA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_hairygrama() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HAIRYGRAMA)
-+# define machine_is_hairygrama() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_BANFF
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_banff() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_BANFF)
-+# define machine_is_banff() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CARMEVA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_carmeva() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CARMEVA)
-+# define machine_is_carmeva() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SAM255
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SAM255
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sam255() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SAM255)
-+# define machine_is_sam255() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_PPM10
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PPM10
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ppm10() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PPM10)
-+# define machine_is_ppm10() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_EDB9315A
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_EDB9315A
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_edb9315a() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_EDB9315A)
-+# define machine_is_edb9315a() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SUNSET
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sunset() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SUNSET)
-+# define machine_is_sunset() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_STARGATE2
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_stargate2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_STARGATE2)
-+# define machine_is_stargate2() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_INTELMOTE2
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_intelmote2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_INTELMOTE2)
-+# define machine_is_intelmote2() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_TRIZEPS4
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_trizeps4() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_TRIZEPS4)
-+# define machine_is_trizeps4() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MAINSTONE2
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mainstone2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MAINSTONE2)
-+# define machine_is_mainstone2() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_EZ_IXP42X
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ez_ixp42x() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_EZ_IXP42X)
-+# define machine_is_ez_ixp42x() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_TAPWAVE_ZODIAC
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_tapwave_zodiac() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_TAPWAVE_ZODIAC)
-+# define machine_is_tapwave_zodiac() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_UNIVERSALMETER
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_universalmeter() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_UNIVERSALMETER)
-+# define machine_is_universalmeter() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HICOARM9
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_hicoarm9() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HICOARM9)
-+# define machine_is_hicoarm9() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_PNX4008
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PNX4008
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pnx4008() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PNX4008)
-+# define machine_is_pnx4008() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_KWS6000
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_KWS6000
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_kws6000() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_KWS6000)
-+# define machine_is_kws6000() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PORTUX920T
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_portux920t() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PORTUX920T)
-+# define machine_is_portux920t() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_EZ_X5
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_EZ_X5
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ez_x5() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_EZ_X5)
-+# define machine_is_ez_x5() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_RUDOLPH
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_rudolph() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_RUDOLPH)
-+# define machine_is_omap_rudolph() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CPUAT91
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cpuat91() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CPUAT91)
-+# define machine_is_cpuat91() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_REA9200
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_REA9200
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_rea9200() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_REA9200)
-+# define machine_is_rea9200() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ACTS_PUNE_SA1110
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_acts_pune_sa1110() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ACTS_PUNE_SA1110)
-+# define machine_is_acts_pune_sa1110() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_IXP425
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IXP425
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ixp425() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IXP425)
-+# define machine_is_ixp425() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_I30030ADS
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_I30030ADS
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_i30030ads() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_I30030ADS)
-+# define machine_is_i30030ads() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PERCH
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_perch() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PERCH)
-+# define machine_is_perch() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_EIS05R1
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_EIS05R1
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_eis05r1() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_EIS05R1)
-+# define machine_is_eis05r1() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PEPPERPAD
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pepperpad() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PEPPERPAD)
-+# define machine_is_pepperpad() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SB3010
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SB3010
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sb3010() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SB3010)
-+# define machine_is_sb3010() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_RM9200
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_RM9200
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_rm9200() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_RM9200)
-+# define machine_is_rm9200() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_DMA03
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DMA03
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_dma03() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DMA03)
-+# define machine_is_dma03() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_ROAD_S101
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ROAD_S101
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_road_s101() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ROAD_S101)
-+# define machine_is_road_s101() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_A
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_iq_nextgen_a() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_A)
-+# define machine_is_iq_nextgen_a() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_B
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_iq_nextgen_b() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_B)
-+# define machine_is_iq_nextgen_b() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_C
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_iq_nextgen_c() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_C)
-+# define machine_is_iq_nextgen_c() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_D
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_iq_nextgen_d() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_D)
-+# define machine_is_iq_nextgen_d() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_E
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_iq_nextgen_e() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IQ_NEXTGEN_E)
-+# define machine_is_iq_nextgen_e() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MALLOW_AT91
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mallow_at91() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MALLOW_AT91)
-+# define machine_is_mallow_at91() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CYBERTRACKER_I
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cybertracker_i() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CYBERTRACKER_I)
-+# define machine_is_cybertracker_i() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_GESBC931X
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_gesbc931x() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_GESBC931X)
-+# define machine_is_gesbc931x() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CENTIPAD
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_centipad() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CENTIPAD)
-+# define machine_is_centipad() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ARMSOC
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_armsoc() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ARMSOC)
-+# define machine_is_armsoc() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SE4200
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SE4200
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_se4200() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SE4200)
-+# define machine_is_se4200() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_EMS197A
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_EMS197A
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ems197a() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_EMS197A)
-+# define machine_is_ems197a() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MICRO9
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_micro9() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MICRO9)
-+# define machine_is_micro9() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MICRO9L
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_micro9l() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MICRO9L)
-+# define machine_is_micro9l() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_UC5471DSP
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_UC5471DSP
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_uc5471dsp() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_UC5471DSP)
-+# define machine_is_uc5471dsp() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SJ5471ENG
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SJ5471ENG
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sj5471eng() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SJ5471ENG)
-+# define machine_is_sj5471eng() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CMPXA26X
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_none() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CMPXA26X)
-+# define machine_is_none() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NC
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_nc1() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NC)
-+# define machine_is_nc1() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMTE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_palmte() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMTE)
-+# define machine_is_omap_palmte() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AJAX52X
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ajax52x() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AJAX52X)
-+# define machine_is_ajax52x() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SIRIUSTAR
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_siriustar() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SIRIUSTAR)
-+# define machine_is_siriustar() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IODATA_HDLG
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_iodata_hdlg() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IODATA_HDLG)
-+# define machine_is_iodata_hdlg() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_AT91RM9200UTL
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AT91RM9200UTL
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_at91rm9200utl() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AT91RM9200UTL)
-+# define machine_is_at91rm9200utl() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_BIOSAFE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_biosafe() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_BIOSAFE)
-+# define machine_is_biosafe() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MP1000
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MP1000
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mp1000() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MP1000)
-+# define machine_is_mp1000() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PARSY
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_parsy() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PARSY)
-+# define machine_is_parsy() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CCXP
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ccxp270() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CCXP)
-+# define machine_is_ccxp270() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_GSAMPLE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_gsample() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_GSAMPLE)
-+# define machine_is_omap_gsample() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_REALVIEW_EB
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_realview_eb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_REALVIEW_EB)
-+# define machine_is_realview_eb() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SAMOA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_samoa() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SAMOA)
-+# define machine_is_samoa() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_T3XSCALE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_t3xscale() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_T3XSCALE)
-+# define machine_is_t3xscale() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_I878
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_I878
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_i878() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_I878)
-+# define machine_is_i878() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_BORZOI
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_borzoi() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_BORZOI)
-+# define machine_is_borzoi() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_GECKO
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_gecko() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_GECKO)
-+# define machine_is_gecko() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_DS101
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DS101
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ds101() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DS101)
-+# define machine_is_ds101() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMTT2
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_palmtt2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMTT2)
-+# define machine_is_omap_palmtt2() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_XSCALE_PALMLD
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_xscale_palmld() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_XSCALE_PALMLD)
-+# define machine_is_xscale_palmld() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CC9C
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cc9c() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CC9C)
-+# define machine_is_cc9c() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SBC1670
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SBC1670
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sbc1670() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SBC1670)
-+# define machine_is_sbc1670() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IXDP28X5
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ixdp28x5() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IXDP28X5)
-+# define machine_is_ixdp28x5() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMTT
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_palmtt() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMTT)
-+# define machine_is_omap_palmtt() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_ML696K
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ML696K
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ml696k() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ML696K)
-+# define machine_is_ml696k() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ARCOM_ZEUS
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_arcom_zeus() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ARCOM_ZEUS)
-+# define machine_is_arcom_zeus() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OSIRIS
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_osiris() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OSIRIS)
-+# define machine_is_osiris() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MAESTRO
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_maestro() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MAESTRO)
-+# define machine_is_maestro() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_TUNGE2
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_tunge2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_TUNGE2)
-+# define machine_is_tunge2() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IXBBM
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ixbbm() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IXBBM)
-+# define machine_is_ixbbm() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MX27
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MX27
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mx27ads() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MX27)
-+# define machine_is_mx27ads() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_AX8004
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AX8004
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ax8004() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AX8004)
-+# define machine_is_ax8004() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_AT91SAM9261EK
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AT91SAM9261EK
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_at91sam9261ek() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AT91SAM9261EK)
-+# define machine_is_at91sam9261ek() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_LOFT
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_loft() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_LOFT)
-+# define machine_is_loft() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MAGPIE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_magpie() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MAGPIE)
-+# define machine_is_magpie() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MX21
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MX21
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mx21ads() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MX21)
-+# define machine_is_mx21ads() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MB87M3400
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MB87M3400
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mb87m3400() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MB87M3400)
-+# define machine_is_mb87m3400() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MGUARD_DELTA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mguard_delta() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MGUARD_DELTA)
-+# define machine_is_mguard_delta() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DAVINCI_DVDP
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_davinci_dvdp() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DAVINCI_DVDP)
-+# define machine_is_davinci_dvdp() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HTCUNIVERSAL
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_htcuniversal() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HTCUNIVERSAL)
-+# define machine_is_htcuniversal() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_TPAD
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_tpad() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_TPAD)
-+# define machine_is_tpad() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ROVERP3
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_roverp3() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ROVERP3)
-+# define machine_is_roverp3() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_JORNADA928
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_jornada928() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_JORNADA928)
-+# define machine_is_jornada928() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MV88FXX81
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MV88FXX81
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mv88fxx81() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MV88FXX81)
-+# define machine_is_mv88fxx81() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_STMP36XX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_stmp36xx() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_STMP36XX)
-+# define machine_is_stmp36xx() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SXNI79524
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SXNI79524
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sxni79524() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SXNI79524)
-+# define machine_is_sxni79524() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AMS_DELTA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ams_delta() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AMS_DELTA)
-+# define machine_is_ams_delta() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_URANIUM
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_uranium() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_URANIUM)
-+# define machine_is_uranium() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_UCON
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ucon() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_UCON)
-+# define machine_is_ucon() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_NAS100D
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NAS100D
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_nas100d() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NAS100D)
-+# define machine_is_nas100d() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_L083_1000
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_L083_1000
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_l083() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_L083_1000)
-+# define machine_is_l083() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_EZX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ezx() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_EZX)
-+# define machine_is_ezx() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_PNX5220
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PNX5220
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pnx5220() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PNX5220)
-+# define machine_is_pnx5220() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_BUTTE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_butte() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_BUTTE)
-+# define machine_is_butte() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SRM2
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_srm2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SRM2)
-+# define machine_is_srm2() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DSBR
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_dsbr() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DSBR)
-+# define machine_is_dsbr() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CRYSTALBALL
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_crystalball() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CRYSTALBALL)
-+# define machine_is_crystalball() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_TINYPXA27X
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_tinypxa27x() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_TINYPXA27X)
-+# define machine_is_tinypxa27x() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HERBIE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_herbie() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HERBIE)
-+# define machine_is_herbie() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MAGICIAN
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_magician() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MAGICIAN)
-+# define machine_is_magician() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_CM4002
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CM4002
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cm4002() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CM4002)
-+# define machine_is_cm4002() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_B4
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_B4
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_b4() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_B4)
-+# define machine_is_b4() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MAUI
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_maui() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MAUI)
-+# define machine_is_maui() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CYBERTRACKER_G
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cybertracker_g() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CYBERTRACKER_G)
-+# define machine_is_cybertracker_g() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NXDKN
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_nxdkn() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NXDKN)
-+# define machine_is_nxdkn() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MIO8390
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MIO8390
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mio8390() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MIO8390)
-+# define machine_is_mio8390() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMI_BOARD
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omi_board() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMI_BOARD)
-+# define machine_is_omi_board() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MX21CIV
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mx21civ() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MX21CIV)
-+# define machine_is_mx21civ() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MAHI_CDAC
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mahi_cdac() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MAHI_CDAC)
-+# define machine_is_mahi_cdac() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_XSCALE_PALMTX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_xscale_palmtx() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_XSCALE_PALMTX)
-+# define machine_is_xscale_palmtx() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_S3C2413
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_S3C2413
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_s3c2413() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_S3C2413)
-+# define machine_is_s3c2413() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SAMSYS_EP0
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_samsys_ep0() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SAMSYS_EP0)
-+# define machine_is_samsys_ep0() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_WG302V1
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_WG302V1
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_wg302v1() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_WG302V1)
-+# define machine_is_wg302v1() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_WG302V2
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_WG302V2
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_wg302v2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_WG302V2)
-+# define machine_is_wg302v2() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_EB42X
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_EB42X
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_eb42x() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_EB42X)
-+# define machine_is_eb42x() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_IQ331ES
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IQ331ES
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_iq331es() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IQ331ES)
-+# define machine_is_iq331es() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_COSYDSP
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cosydsp() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_COSYDSP)
-+# define machine_is_cosydsp() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_UPLAT7D
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_uplat7d_proto() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_UPLAT7D)
-+# define machine_is_uplat7d_proto() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PTDAVINCI
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ptdavinci() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PTDAVINCI)
-+# define machine_is_ptdavinci() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MBUS
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mbus() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MBUS)
-+# define machine_is_mbus() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NADIA2VB
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_nadia2vb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NADIA2VB)
-+# define machine_is_nadia2vb() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_R1000
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_R1000
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_r1000() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_R1000)
-+# define machine_is_r1000() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_HW90250
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HW90250
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_hw90250() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HW90250)
-+# define machine_is_hw90250() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_2430SDP
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_2430sdp() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_2430SDP)
-+# define machine_is_omap_2430sdp() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DAVINCI_EVM
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_davinci_evm() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DAVINCI_EVM)
-+# define machine_is_davinci_evm() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_TORNADO
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_tornado() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_TORNADO)
-+# define machine_is_omap_tornado() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OLOCREEK
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_olocreek() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OLOCREEK)
-+# define machine_is_olocreek() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PALMZ72
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_palmz72() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PALMZ72)
-+# define machine_is_palmz72() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_NXDB500
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NXDB500
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_nxdb500() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NXDB500)
-+# define machine_is_nxdb500() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_APF9328
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_APF9328
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_apf9328() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_APF9328)
-+# define machine_is_apf9328() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_WIPOQ
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_wipoq() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_WIPOQ)
-+# define machine_is_omap_wipoq() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_TWIP
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_twip() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_TWIP)
-+# define machine_is_omap_twip() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_XSCALE_PALMTREO650
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_xscale_treo650() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_XSCALE_PALMTREO650)
-+# define machine_is_xscale_treo650() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ACUMEN
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_acumen() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ACUMEN)
-+# define machine_is_acumen() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_XP100
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_XP100
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_xp100() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_XP100)
-+# define machine_is_xp100() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_FS2410
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_FS2410
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_fs2410() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_FS2410)
-+# define machine_is_fs2410() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PXA270_CERF
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pxa270_cerf() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PXA270_CERF)
-+# define machine_is_pxa270_cerf() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SQ2FTLPALM
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sq2ftlpalm() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SQ2FTLPALM)
-+# define machine_is_sq2ftlpalm() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_BSEMSERVER
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_bsemserver() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_BSEMSERVER)
-+# define machine_is_bsemserver() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NETCLIENT
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_netclient() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NETCLIENT)
-+# define machine_is_netclient() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_XSCALE_PALMTT5
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_xscale_palmtt5() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_XSCALE_PALMTT5)
-+# define machine_is_xscale_palmtt5() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMTC
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_xscale_palmtc() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMTC)
-+# define machine_is_xscale_palmtc() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_APOLLON
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_apollon() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_APOLLON)
-+# define machine_is_omap_apollon() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MXC30030EVB
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MXC30030EVB
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mxc30030evb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MXC30030EVB)
-+# define machine_is_mxc30030evb() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_REA_2D
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_rea_2d() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_REA_2D)
-+# define machine_is_rea_2d() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_TI3E524
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_TI3E524
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_eti3e524() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_TI3E524)
-+# define machine_is_eti3e524() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_ATEB9200
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ATEB9200
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ateb9200() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ATEB9200)
-+# define machine_is_ateb9200() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AUCKLAND
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_auckland() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AUCKLAND)
-+# define machine_is_auckland() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_AK3320M
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AK3320M
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ak3220m() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AK3320M)
-+# define machine_is_ak3220m() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DURAMAX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_duramax() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DURAMAX)
-+# define machine_is_duramax() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_N35
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_N35
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_n35() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_N35)
-+# define machine_is_n35() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PRONGHORN
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pronghorn() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PRONGHORN)
-+# define machine_is_pronghorn() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_FUNDY
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_fundy() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_FUNDY)
-+# define machine_is_fundy() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_LOGICPD_PXA270
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_logicpd_pxa270() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_LOGICPD_PXA270)
-+# define machine_is_logicpd_pxa270() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_CPU777
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CPU777
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cpu777() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CPU777)
-+# define machine_is_cpu777() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SIMICON9201
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_simicon9201() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SIMICON9201)
-+# define machine_is_simicon9201() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_LEAP2_HPM
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_leap2_hpm() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_LEAP2_HPM)
-+# define machine_is_leap2_hpm() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_CM922TXA10
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CM922TXA10
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cm922txa10() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CM922TXA10)
-+# define machine_is_cm922txa10() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PXA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sandgate() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PXA)
-+# define machine_is_sandgate() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE2
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sandgate2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE2)
-+# define machine_is_sandgate2() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE2G
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sandgate2g() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE2G)
-+# define machine_is_sandgate2g() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE2P
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sandgate2p() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE2P)
-+# define machine_is_sandgate2p() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_FRED_JACK
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_fred_jack() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_FRED_JACK)
-+# define machine_is_fred_jack() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_TTG_COLOR1
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ttg_color1() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_TTG_COLOR1)
-+# define machine_is_ttg_color1() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NXEB500HMI
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_nxeb500hmi() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NXEB500HMI)
-+# define machine_is_nxeb500hmi() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NETDCU8
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_netdcu8() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NETDCU8)
-+# define machine_is_netdcu8() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_ML675050_CPU_BOA
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ML675050_CPU_BOA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ml675050_cpu_boa() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ML675050_CPU_BOA)
-+# define machine_is_ml675050_cpu_boa() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_NG_FVX538
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NG_FVX538
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ng_fvx538() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NG_FVX538)
-+# define machine_is_ng_fvx538() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_NG_FVS338
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NG_FVS338
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ng_fvs338() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NG_FVS338)
-+# define machine_is_ng_fvs338() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_PNX4103
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PNX4103
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pnx4103() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PNX4103)
-+# define machine_is_pnx4103() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HESDB
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_hesdb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HESDB)
-+# define machine_is_hesdb() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_XSILO
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_xsilo() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_XSILO)
-+# define machine_is_xsilo() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ESPRESSO
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_espresso() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ESPRESSO)
-+# define machine_is_espresso() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_EMLC
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_emlc() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_EMLC)
-+# define machine_is_emlc() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SISTERON
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sisteron() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SISTERON)
-+# define machine_is_sisteron() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_RX1950
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_RX1950
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_rx1950() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_RX1950)
-+# define machine_is_rx1950() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_TSC_VENUS
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_tsc_venus() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_TSC_VENUS)
-+# define machine_is_tsc_venus() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_DS101J
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DS101J
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ds101j() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DS101J)
-+# define machine_is_ds101j() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MXC30030ADS
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MXC30030ADS
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mxc30030ads() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MXC30030ADS)
-+# define machine_is_mxc30030ads() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_FUJITSU_WIMAXSOC
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_fujitsu_wimaxsoc() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_FUJITSU_WIMAXSOC)
-+# define machine_is_fujitsu_wimaxsoc() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DUALPCMODEM
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_dualpcmodem() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DUALPCMODEM)
-+# define machine_is_dualpcmodem() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_GESBC9312
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_GESBC9312
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_gesbc9312() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_GESBC9312)
-+# define machine_is_gesbc9312() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HTCAPACHE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_htcapache() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HTCAPACHE)
-+# define machine_is_htcapache() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_IXDP435
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IXDP435
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ixdp435() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IXDP435)
-+# define machine_is_ixdp435() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CATPROVT100
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_catprovt100() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CATPROVT100)
-+# define machine_is_catprovt100() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PICOTUX1XX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_picotux1xx() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PICOTUX1XX)
-+# define machine_is_picotux1xx() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PICOTUX2XX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_picotux2xx() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PICOTUX2XX)
-+# define machine_is_picotux2xx() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_DSMG600
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DSMG600
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_dsmg600() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DSMG600)
-+# define machine_is_dsmg600() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_EMPC2
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_empc2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_EMPC2)
-+# define machine_is_empc2() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_VENTURA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ventura() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_VENTURA)
-+# define machine_is_ventura() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PHIDGET_SBC
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_phidget_sbc() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PHIDGET_SBC)
-+# define machine_is_phidget_sbc() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IJ3K
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ij3k() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IJ3K)
-+# define machine_is_ij3k() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PISGAH
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pisgah() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PISGAH)
-+# define machine_is_pisgah() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_FSAMPLE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_fsample() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_FSAMPLE)
-+# define machine_is_omap_fsample() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SG720
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SG720
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sg720() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SG720)
-+# define machine_is_sg720() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_REDFOX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_redfox() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_REDFOX)
-+# define machine_is_redfox() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MYSH_EP9315_1
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MYSH_EP9315_1
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mysh_ep9315_1() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MYSH_EP9315_1)
-+# define machine_is_mysh_ep9315_1() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_TPF106
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_TPF106
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_tpf106() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_TPF106)
-+# define machine_is_tpf106() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_AT91RM9200KG
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AT91RM9200KG
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_at91rm9200kg() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AT91RM9200KG)
-+# define machine_is_at91rm9200kg() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SLEDB
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_racemt2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SLEDB)
-+# define machine_is_racemt2() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ONTRACK
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ontrack() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ONTRACK)
-+# define machine_is_ontrack() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_PM1200
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PM1200
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pm1200() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PM1200)
-+# define machine_is_pm1200() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ESS24XXX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ess24562() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ESS24XXX)
-+# define machine_is_ess24562() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_COREMP7
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_coremp7() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_COREMP7)
-+# define machine_is_coremp7() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NEXCODER_6446
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_nexcoder_6446() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NEXCODER_6446)
-+# define machine_is_nexcoder_6446() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_STVC8380
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_STVC8380
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_stvc8380() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_STVC8380)
-+# define machine_is_stvc8380() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_TEKLYNX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_teklynx() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_TEKLYNX)
-+# define machine_is_teklynx() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CARBONADO
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_carbonado() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CARBONADO)
-+# define machine_is_carbonado() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SYSMOS_MP730
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sysmos_mp730() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SYSMOS_MP730)
-+# define machine_is_sysmos_mp730() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SNAPPER_CL15
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_snapper_cl15() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SNAPPER_CL15)
-+# define machine_is_snapper_cl15() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PGIGIM
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pgigim() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PGIGIM)
-+# define machine_is_pgigim() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_PTX9160P2
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PTX9160P2
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ptx9160p2() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PTX9160P2)
-+# define machine_is_ptx9160p2() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DCORE1
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_dcore1() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DCORE1)
-+# define machine_is_dcore1() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_VICTORPXA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_victorpxa() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_VICTORPXA)
-+# define machine_is_victorpxa() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MX2DTB
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mx2dtb() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MX2DTB)
-+# define machine_is_mx2dtb() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PXA_IREX_ER0100
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pxa_irex_er0100() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PXA_IREX_ER0100)
-+# define machine_is_pxa_irex_er0100() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMZ71
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_palmz71() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_PALMZ71)
-+# define machine_is_omap_palmz71() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_BARTEC_DEG
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_bartec_deg() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_BARTEC_DEG)
-+# define machine_is_bartec_deg() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_HW50251
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HW50251
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_hw50251() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HW50251)
-+# define machine_is_hw50251() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IBOX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ibox() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IBOX)
-+# define machine_is_ibox() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ATLASLH7A404
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_atlaslh7a404() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ATLASLH7A404)
-+# define machine_is_atlaslh7a404() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_PT2026
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PT2026
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pt2026() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PT2026)
-+# define machine_is_pt2026() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HTCALPINE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_htcalpine() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HTCALPINE)
-+# define machine_is_htcalpine() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_BARTEC_VTU
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_bartec_vtu() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_BARTEC_VTU)
-+# define machine_is_bartec_vtu() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_VCOREII
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_vcoreii() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_VCOREII)
-+# define machine_is_vcoreii() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PDNB3
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pdnb3() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PDNB3)
-+# define machine_is_pdnb3() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HTCBEETLES
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_htcbeetles() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HTCBEETLES)
-+# define machine_is_htcbeetles() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_S3C6400
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_S3C6400
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_s3c6400() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_S3C6400)
-+# define machine_is_s3c6400() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_S3C2443
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_S3C2443
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_s3c2443() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_S3C2443)
-+# define machine_is_s3c2443() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OMAP_LDK
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_omap_ldk() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OMAP_LDK)
-+# define machine_is_omap_ldk() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SMDK2460
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SMDK2460
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_smdk2460() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SMDK2460)
-+# define machine_is_smdk2460() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SMDK2440
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SMDK2440
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_smdk2440() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SMDK2440)
-+# define machine_is_smdk2440() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SMDK2412
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SMDK2412
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_smdk2412() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SMDK2412)
-+# define machine_is_smdk2412() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_WEBBOX
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_webbox() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_WEBBOX)
-+# define machine_is_webbox() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CWWNDP
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cwwndp() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CWWNDP)
-+# define machine_is_cwwndp() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DRAGON
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_dragon() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DRAGON)
-+# define machine_is_dragon() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_OPENDO_CPU_BOARD
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_opendo_cpu_board() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_OPENDO_CPU_BOARD)
-+# define machine_is_opendo_cpu_board() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_CCM2200
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CCM2200
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ccm2200() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CCM2200)
-+# define machine_is_ccm2200() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ETWARM
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_etwarm() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ETWARM)
-+# define machine_is_etwarm() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_M93030
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_M93030
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_m93030() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_M93030)
-+# define machine_is_m93030() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CC7U
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cc7u() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CC7U)
-+# define machine_is_cc7u() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MTT_RANGER
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mtt_ranger() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MTT_RANGER)
-+# define machine_is_mtt_ranger() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_NEXUS
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_nexus() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_NEXUS)
-+# define machine_is_nexus() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_DESMAN
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_desman() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_DESMAN)
-+# define machine_is_desman() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_BKDE303
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_BKDE303
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_bkde303() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_BKDE303)
-+# define machine_is_bkde303() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SMDK2413
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SMDK2413
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_smdk2413() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SMDK2413)
-+# define machine_is_smdk2413() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_AML_M7200
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AML_M7200
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_aml_m7200() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AML_M7200)
-+# define machine_is_aml_m7200() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_AML_M5900
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AML_M5900
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_aml_m5900() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AML_M5900)
-+# define machine_is_aml_m5900() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SG640
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SG640
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sg640() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SG640)
-+# define machine_is_sg640() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_EDG79524
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_EDG79524
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_edg79524() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_EDG79524)
-+# define machine_is_edg79524() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_AI2410
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AI2410
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ai2410() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AI2410)
-+# define machine_is_ai2410() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_IXP465
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_IXP465
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ixp465() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_IXP465)
-+# define machine_is_ixp465() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_BALLOON3
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_balloon3() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_BALLOON3)
-+# define machine_is_balloon3() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_HEINS
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_heins() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_HEINS)
-+# define machine_is_heins() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MPLUSEVA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mpluseva() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MPLUSEVA)
-+# define machine_is_mpluseva() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_RT042
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_RT042
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_rt042() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_RT042)
-+# define machine_is_rt042() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CWIEM
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cwiem() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CWIEM)
-+# define machine_is_cwiem() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_CM_X270
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CM_X270
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cm_x270() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CM_X270)
-+# define machine_is_cm_x270() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_CM_X255
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_CM_X255
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_cm_x255() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_CM_X255)
-+# define machine_is_cm_x255() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ESH_AT91
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_esh_at91() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ESH_AT91)
-+# define machine_is_esh_at91() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE3
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sandgate3() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SANDGATE3)
-+# define machine_is_sandgate3() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PRIMO
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_primo() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PRIMO)
-+# define machine_is_primo() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_GEMSTONE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_gemstone() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_GEMSTONE)
-+# define machine_is_gemstone() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PRONGHORNMETRO
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_pronghorn_metro() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PRONGHORNMETRO)
-+# define machine_is_pronghorn_metro() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SIDEWINDER
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sidewinder() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SIDEWINDER)
-+# define machine_is_sidewinder() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_PICOMOD1
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_picomod1() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_PICOMOD1)
-+# define machine_is_picomod1() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_SG590
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_SG590
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_sg590() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_SG590)
-+# define machine_is_sg590() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_AKAI9307
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AKAI9307
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_akai9307() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AKAI9307)
-+# define machine_is_akai9307() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_FONTAINE
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_fontaine() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_FONTAINE)
-+# define machine_is_fontaine() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_WOMBAT
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_wombat() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_WOMBAT)
-+# define machine_is_wombat() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_ACQ300
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ACQ300
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_acq300() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ACQ300)
-+# define machine_is_acq300() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_MOD_270
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_MOD_270
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_mod_270() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_MOD_270)
-+# define machine_is_mod_270() (0)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_MACH_VC0820
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_VC0820
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_vmc_vc0820() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_VC0820)
-+# define machine_is_vmc_vc0820() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_ANI_AIM
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_ani_aim() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_ANI_AIM)
-+# define machine_is_ani_aim() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_JELLYFISH
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_jellyfish() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_JELLYFISH)
-+# define machine_is_jellyfish() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_AMANITA
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_amanita() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_AMANITA)
-+# define machine_is_amanita() (0)
-+# ifdef machine_arch_type
-+# undef machine_arch_type
-+# define machine_arch_type __machine_arch_type
-+# else
-+# define machine_arch_type MACH_TYPE_VLINK
-+# endif
-+# define machine_is_vlink() (machine_arch_type == MACH_TYPE_VLINK)
-+# define machine_is_vlink() (0)
- /*
- * These have not yet been registered
- */
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/include/config.h u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/include/config.h
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/include/config.h 2006-06-05 05:04:25.000000000 +0200
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/include/config.h 2006-06-05 05:03:47.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- /* Automatically generated - do not edit */
--#include <configs/at91rm9200dk.h>
-+#include <configs/vlink.h>
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/include/config.mk u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/include/config.mk
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/include/config.mk 2006-06-05 05:04:25.000000000 +0200
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/include/config.mk 2006-06-05 05:03:47.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- ARCH = arm
- CPU = arm920t
--BOARD = at91rm9200dk
-+BOARD = vlink
- SOC = at91rm9200
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/include/configs/vlink.h u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/include/configs/vlink.h
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/include/configs/vlink.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/include/configs/vlink.h 2006-06-05 03:37:15.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
-+ * Hamish Guthrie <hamish@prodigi.ch>
-+ *
-+ * Configuation settings for the Figment Designs Versalink board.
-+ *
-+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
-+ * project.
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
-+ */
-+#ifndef __CONFIG_H
-+#define __CONFIG_H
-+// Added 2 defines to skip re-init lowlevel and relocate HCG HLH
-+/* ARM asynchronous clock */
-+#define AT91C_MAIN_CLOCK 179712000 /* from 18.432 MHz crystal (18432000 / 4 * 39) */
-+#define AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK 59904000 /* peripheral clock (AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK / 3) */
-+/* #define AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK 44928000 */ /* peripheral clock (AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK / 4) */
-+#define AT91_SLOW_CLOCK 32768 /* slow clock */
-+#define CONFIG_ARM920T 1 /* This is an ARM920T Core */
-+#define CONFIG_AT91RM9200 1 /* It's an Atmel AT91RM9200 SoC */
-+#define CONFIG_VLINK 1 /* on a Versalink Board */
-+#define CONFIG_IDENT_STRING " FDL Versalink"
-+#undef CONFIG_USE_IRQ /* we don't need IRQ/FIQ stuff */
-+#define USE_920T_MMU 1
-+#define CONFIG_CMDLINE_TAG 1 /* enable passing of ATAGs */
-+/* flash */
-+#define MC_PUIA_VAL 0x00000000
-+#define MC_PUP_VAL 0x00000000
-+#define MC_PUER_VAL 0x00000000
-+#define MC_ASR_VAL 0x00000000
-+#define MC_AASR_VAL 0x00000000
-+#define EBI_CFGR_VAL 0x00000000
-+#define SMC2_CSR_VAL 0x00003284 /* 16bit, 2 TDF, 4 WS */
-+/* clocks */
-+#define PLLAR_VAL 0x20263E04 /* 179.712000 MHz for PCK */
-+#define PLLBR_VAL 0x10483E0E /* 48.054857 MHz (divider by 2 for USB) */
-+#define MCKR_VAL 0x00000202 /* PCK/3 = MCK Master Clock = 59.904000MHz from PLLA */
-+/* sdram */
-+#define PIOC_ASR_VAL 0xFFFF0000 /* Configure PIOC as peripheral (D16/D31) */
-+#define PIOC_BSR_VAL 0x00000000
-+#define PIOC_PDR_VAL 0xFFFF0000
-+#define EBI_CSA_VAL 0x00000002 /* CS1=SDRAM */
-+#define SDRC_CR_VAL 0x2188c155 /* set up the SDRAM */
-+#define SDRAM 0x20000000 /* address of the SDRAM */
-+#define SDRAM1 0x20000080 /* address of the SDRAM */
-+#define SDRAM_VAL 0x00000000 /* value written to SDRAM */
-+#define SDRC_MR_VAL 0x00000002 /* Precharge All */
-+#define SDRC_MR_VAL1 0x00000004 /* refresh */
-+#define SDRC_MR_VAL2 0x00000003 /* Load Mode Register */
-+#define SDRC_MR_VAL3 0x00000000 /* Normal Mode */
-+#define SDRC_TR_VAL 0x000002E0 /* Write refresh rate */
-+ * Size of malloc() pool
-+ */
-+#define CFG_MALLOC_LEN (CFG_ENV_SIZE + 128*1024)
-+#define CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE 128 /* size in bytes reserved for initial data */
-+#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE 115200
-+ * Hardware drivers
-+ */
-+/* define one of these to choose the DBGU, USART0 or USART1 as console */
-+#define CONFIG_DBGU
-+#undef CONFIG_USART0
-+#undef CONFIG_USART1
-+#undef CONFIG_HWFLOW /* don't include RTS/CTS flow control support */
-+#undef CONFIG_MODEM_SUPPORT /* disable modem initialization stuff */
-+/* #define CONFIG_ENV_OVERWRITE 1 */
-+ CFG_CMD_DHCP ) & \
-+ ~(CFG_CMD_BDI | \
-+ CFG_CMD_IMI | \
-+/* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
-+#include <cmd_confdefs.h>
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VLINK
-+#define CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE 1 /* Max number of NAND devices */
-+#define SECTORSIZE 512
-+#define ADDR_COLUMN 1
-+#define ADDR_PAGE 2
-+#define ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE 3
-+#define NAND_ChipID_UNKNOWN 0x00
-+#define NAND_MAX_FLOORS 1
-+#define NAND_MAX_CHIPS 1
-+#define AT91_SMART_MEDIA_ALE (1 << 22) /* our ALE is AD22 */
-+#define AT91_SMART_MEDIA_CLE (1 << 21) /* our CLE is AD21 */
-+#define NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand) do { *AT91C_PIOC_SODR = AT91C_PIO_PC0;} while(0)
-+#define NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand) do { *AT91C_PIOC_CODR = AT91C_PIO_PC0;} while(0)
-+#define NAND_WAIT_READY(nand) while (!(*AT91C_PIOC_PDSR & AT91C_PIO_PC2))
-+#define WRITE_NAND_COMMAND(d, adr) do{ *(volatile __u8 *)((unsigned long)adr | AT91_SMART_MEDIA_CLE) = (__u8)(d); } while(0)
-+#define WRITE_NAND_ADDRESS(d, adr) do{ *(volatile __u8 *)((unsigned long)adr | AT91_SMART_MEDIA_ALE) = (__u8)(d); } while(0)
-+#define WRITE_NAND(d, adr) do{ *(volatile __u8 *)((unsigned long)adr) = (__u8)d; } while(0)
-+#define READ_NAND(adr) ((volatile unsigned char)(*(volatile __u8 *)(unsigned long)adr))
-+/* the following are NOP's in our implementation */
-+#define NAND_CTL_CLRALE(nandptr)
-+#define NAND_CTL_SETALE(nandptr)
-+#define NAND_CTL_CLRCLE(nandptr)
-+#define NAND_CTL_SETCLE(nandptr)
-+#define PHYS_SDRAM 0x20000000
-+#define PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE 0x2000000 /* 32 megs */
-+#define CFG_DATAFLASH_LOGIC_ADDR_CS0 0xC0000000 /* Logical adress for CS0 */
-+#define CFG_DATAFLASH_LOGIC_ADDR_CS3 0xD0000000 /* Logical adress for CS3 */
-+#define PHYS_FLASH_1 0x10000000
-+#define PHYS_FLASH_SIZE 0x200000 /* 2 megs main flash */
-+#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT 256
-+#define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT (2*CFG_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Erase */
-+#define CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT (2*CFG_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Write */
-+#define CFG_ENV_OFFSET 0x21000
-+#define CFG_ENV_SIZE 0x8400 /* 0x8000 */
-+#define CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH 1
-+#define CFG_ENV_ADDR (PHYS_FLASH_1 + 0x60000) /* after u-boot.bin */
-+#define CFG_ENV_SIZE 0x10000 /* sectors are 64K here */
-+#define CFG_ENV_ADDR (PHYS_FLASH_1 + 0xe000) /* between boot.bin and u-boot.bin.gz */
-+#define CFG_ENV_SIZE 0x2000 /* 0x8000 */
-+#endif /* CFG_ENV_IS_IN_DATAFLASH */
-+#define CFG_LOAD_ADDR 0x21000000 /* default load address */
-+#define CFG_BOOT_SIZE 0x00 /* 0 KBytes */
-+#define CFG_U_BOOT_SIZE 0x60000 /* 384 KBytes */
-+#define CFG_BOOT_SIZE 0x6000 /* 24 KBytes */
-+#define CFG_U_BOOT_BASE (PHYS_FLASH_1 + 0x10000)
-+#define CFG_U_BOOT_SIZE 0x10000 /* 64 KBytes */
-+#define CFG_BAUDRATE_TABLE {115200 , 19200, 38400, 57600, 9600 }
-+#define CFG_PROMPT "U-Boot> " /* Monitor Command Prompt */
-+#define CFG_CBSIZE 256 /* Console I/O Buffer Size */
-+#define CFG_MAXARGS 16 /* max number of command args */
-+#define CFG_PBSIZE (CFG_CBSIZE+sizeof(CFG_PROMPT)+16) /* Print Buffer Size */
-+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-+ * Board specific extension for bd_info
-+ *
-+ * This structure is embedded in the global bd_info (bd_t) structure
-+ * and can be used by the board specific code (eg board/...)
-+ */
-+struct bd_info_ext {
-+ /* helper variable for board environment handling
-+ *
-+ * env_crc_valid == 0 => uninitialised
-+ * env_crc_valid > 0 => environment crc in flash is valid
-+ * env_crc_valid < 0 => environment crc in flash is invalid
-+ */
-+ int env_crc_valid;
-+#define CFG_HZ 1000
-+#define CFG_HZ_CLOCK AT91C_MASTER_CLOCK/2 /* AT91C_TC0_CMR is implicitly set to */
-+#define CONFIG_STACKSIZE (32*1024) /* regular stack */
-+#error CONFIG_USE_IRQ not supported
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/MAKEALL u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/MAKEALL
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/MAKEALL 2005-12-16 17:39:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/MAKEALL 2006-06-05 02:44:24.000000000 +0200
-@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
- mx1ads mx1fs2 omap1510inn omap1610h2 \
- omap1610inn omap730p2 scb9328 smdk2400 \
- smdk2410 trab VCMA9 versatile \
-- versatileab versatilepb voiceblue
-+ versatileab versatilepb voiceblue vlink
- "
- #########################################################################
-diff -Naur u-boot-1.1.4.org/Makefile u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/Makefile
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/Makefile 2006-06-02 15:58:57.000000000 +0200
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/Makefile 2006-06-05 04:40:45.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1419,6 +1419,9 @@
- mp2usb_config : unconfig
- @./mkconfig $(@:_config=) arm arm920t mp2usb NULL at91rm9200
-+vlink_config : unconfig
-+ @./mkconfig $(@:_config=) arm arm920t vlink NULL at91rm9200
- ########################################################################
- ## ARM Integrator boards - see doc/README-integrator for more info.
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/003-mac_init.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/003-mac_init.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ec5dffa0cb..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/003-mac_init.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- u-boot-1.1.4.org/lib_arm/board.c 2006-06-05 12:36:22.000000000 +0200
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4.tmp/lib_arm/board.c 2006-06-05 12:36:44.000000000 +0200
-@@ -332,6 +332,11 @@
- }
- #endif /* CONFIG_DRIVER_SMC91111 || CONFIG_DRIVER_LAN91C96 */
-+ printf("Initialising MAC address\n\r");
-+ eth_init(gd->bd);
- /* Initialize from environment */
- if ((s = getenv ("loadaddr")) != NULL) {
- load_addr = simple_strtoul (s, NULL, 16);
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/004-mac_config.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/004-mac_config.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 73a8260d68..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/004-mac_config.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- u-boot-1.1.4.ttt/include/configs/vlink.h 2006-06-05 15:57:37.000000000 +0200
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/include/configs/vlink.h 2006-06-07 13:11:01.000000000 +0200
-@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@
-- CFG_CMD_DHCP ) & \
-- ~(CFG_CMD_BDI | \
-- CFG_CMD_IMI | \
-+ CFG_CMD_BDI ) & \
-+ ~(CFG_CMD_IMI | \
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/005-remove_float.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/005-remove_float.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 802c963396..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/005-remove_float.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN u-boot-1.1.4.old/cpu/arm920t/config.mk u-boot-1.1.4/cpu/arm920t/config.mk
---- u-boot-1.1.4.old/cpu/arm920t/config.mk 2007-03-19 12:44:39.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/cpu/arm920t/config.mk 2007-03-20 09:23:54.000000000 +0100
-@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
- # MA 02111-1307 USA
- #
--PLATFORM_RELFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -ffixed-r8 \
-- -msoft-float
-+PLATFORM_RELFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -ffixed-r8
- PLATFORM_CPPFLAGS += -march=armv4
- # =========================================================================
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/006-generate_params.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/006-generate_params.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d278cfb2da..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/006-generate_params.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
---- u-boot-1.1.4.old/tools/Makefile 2007-03-22 18:17:25.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/tools/Makefile 2007-03-22 17:08:46.000000000 +0100
-@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
- # MA 02111-1307 USA
- #
--BINS = img2srec$(SFX) mkimage$(SFX) envcrc$(SFX) gen_eth_addr$(SFX) bmp_logo$(SFX)
-+BINS = img2srec$(SFX) mkimage$(SFX) envcrc$(SFX) gen_eth_addr$(SFX) bmp_logo$(SFX) ubparams$(SFX)
--OBJS = environment.o img2srec.o mkimage.o crc32.o envcrc.o gen_eth_addr.o bmp_logo.o
-+OBJS = environment.o img2srec.o mkimage.o crc32.o envcrc.o gen_eth_addr.o bmp_logo.o ubparams.o
- ifeq ($(ARCH),mips)
- BINS += inca-swap-bytes$(SFX)
-@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@
- all: .depend $(BINS) $(LOGO_H) subdirs
-+ubparams$(SFX): ubparams.o crc32.o
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
- envcrc$(SFX): envcrc.o crc32.o environment.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
-@@ -149,6 +152,9 @@
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HOST_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^
- $(STRIP) $@
-+ubparams.o: ubparams.c
-+ $(CC) -g $(CFLAGS) -c $<
- envcrc.o: envcrc.c
- $(CC) -g $(CFLAGS) -c $<
---- u-boot-1.1.4.old/tools/ubparams.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/tools/ubparams.c 2007-03-22 18:09:52.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
-+ * ubparams.c
-+ *
-+ * Generate a u-boot parameter block with correct crc
-+ *
-+ * (C) 1007 Guthrie Consulting
-+ * hamish@prodigi.ch
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-+#define __ASSEMBLY__
-+#define __ASM_STUB_PROCESSOR_H__
-+#include <config.h>
-+#undef __ASSEMBLY__
-+#include "environment.h"
-+#define XMK_STR(x) #x
-+#define MK_STR(x) XMK_STR(x)
-+extern unsigned long crc32 (unsigned long, const unsigned char *, unsigned int);
-+#if !defined(ENV_CRC)
-+#define ENV_CRC ~0
-+unsigned int env_size = 0x8400;
-+env_t environment = {
-+ "bootdelay=3\0"
-+ "baudrate=115200\0"
-+ "stdin=serial\0"
-+ "stdout=serial\0"
-+ "stderr=serial\0"
-+ "partitions=mtdparts=AT45DB642.spi0:132k(bootloader),33k(ubparams),99k(spare),1056k(linux),2112k(rootfs),33k(nvram),-(rootfs_data)\0"
-+ "fbargs=setenv bootargs mtdparts=AT45DB642.spi0:132k(bootloader),33k(ubparams),99k(spare),1056k(linux),2112k(rootfs),33k(nvram),-(rootfs_data) root=/dev/mtdblock4 ro init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
-+ "rdba=setenv bootargs mtdparts=AT45DB642.spi0:132k(bootloader),33k(ubparams),99k(spare),1056k(linux),2112k(rootfs),33k(nvram),-(rootfs_data) root=/dev/ram rw initrd=0x21200000,6000000 ramdisk_size=20000 init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
-+ "rdram=run rdba; tftp 21000000 vImage; tftp 21200000 root.squashfs; bootm 21000000\0"
-+ "flash=run fbargs; bootm 0xc0042000\0"
-+ "bootargs=setenv bootargs mtdparts=AT45DB642.spi0:132k(bootloader),33k(ubparams),99k(spare),1056k(linux),2112k(rootfs),33k(nvram),-(rootfs_data) root=/dev/mtdblock4 ro init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
-+ "bootcmd=bootm 0xc0042000\0"
-+ "ethaddr=00:30:49:00:00:01\0"
-+ "ipaddr=\0"
-+ "serverip=\0"
-+ "serial#=MX070205484\0"
-+ "\0"
-+ };
-+int main(void) {
-+ env_t *envptr, *source;
-+ unsigned char *dataptr;
-+ FILE *params;
-+ source = &environment;
-+ envptr = (env_t *)malloc(CFG_ENV_SIZE);
-+ dataptr = (unsigned char *)envptr + ENV_HEADER_SIZE;
-+ printf("Make u-boot params\n");
-+ printf("Params size is %d\n", CFG_ENV_SIZE);
-+ memset(envptr, 0, CFG_ENV_SIZE);
-+ memcpy(envptr, source, sizeof(environment));
-+ envptr->crc = crc32(0, envptr->data, ENV_SIZE);
-+ params = fopen("params", "w");
-+ fwrite(envptr, CFG_ENV_SIZE, 1, params);
-+ fclose(params);
-+ free(envptr);
-+ }
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/007-ubparams_bugfix.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/007-ubparams_bugfix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d069e4d39..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/007-ubparams_bugfix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- u-boot-1.1.4.old/tools/ubparams.c 2007-03-22 18:09:52.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/tools/ubparams.c 2007-03-22 18:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- #define __ASM_STUB_PROCESSOR_H__
- #include <config.h>
- #undef __ASSEMBLY__
--#include "environment.h"
-+#include <environment.h>
- #define XMK_STR(x) #x
- #define MK_STR(x) XMK_STR(x)
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/008-ubparams_bugfix.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/008-ubparams_bugfix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a16e1998f..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/008-ubparams_bugfix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- u-boot-1.1.4.old/tools/ubparams.c 2007-03-23 10:51:17.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/tools/ubparams.c 2007-03-23 10:49:37.000000000 +0100
-@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
- fclose(params);
- free(envptr);
-+ return 0;
- }
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/009-mac_init_bugfix.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/009-mac_init_bugfix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a36ebe3251..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/009-mac_init_bugfix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN u-boot-1.1.4.old/lib_arm/board.c u-boot-1.1.4/lib_arm/board.c
---- u-boot-1.1.4.old/lib_arm/board.c 2007-03-23 10:53:52.000000000 +0100
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/lib_arm/board.c 2007-03-24 13:17:12.000000000 +0100
-@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
- }
- #endif /* CONFIG_DRIVER_SMC91111 || CONFIG_DRIVER_LAN91C96 */
- printf("Initialising MAC address\n\r");
- eth_init(gd->bd);
- #endif
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/010-irda-patch-remove.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/010-irda-patch-remove.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f23f5b38b..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/010-irda-patch-remove.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- u-boot-1.1.4.old/board/vlink/vlink.c 2007-04-03 11:42:39.000000000 +0200
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/board/vlink/vlink.c 2007-04-03 11:48:33.000000000 +0200
-@@ -40,10 +40,6 @@
- /* Enable Ctrlc */
- console_init_f ();
-- /* Correct IRDA resistor problem */
-- /* Set PA23_TXD in Output */
- /* memory and cpu-speed are setup before relocation */
- /* so we do _nothing_ here */
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/011-ubparams_update.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/011-ubparams_update.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 267903efe4..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/011-ubparams_update.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN u-boot-1.1.4.old/tools/ubparams.c u-boot-1.1.4/tools/ubparams.c
---- u-boot-1.1.4.old/tools/ubparams.c 2007-05-01 13:20:17.000000000 +0200
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/tools/ubparams.c 2007-05-04 10:13:34.000000000 +0200
-@@ -37,12 +37,11 @@
- "stdin=serial\0"
- "stdout=serial\0"
- "stderr=serial\0"
-- "partitions=mtdparts=AT45DB642.spi0:132k(bootloader),33k(ubparams),99k(spare),1056k(linux),2112k(rootfs),33k(nvram),-(rootfs_data)\0"
-- "fbargs=setenv bootargs mtdparts=AT45DB642.spi0:132k(bootloader),33k(ubparams),99k(spare),1056k(linux),2112k(rootfs),33k(nvram),-(rootfs_data) root=/dev/mtdblock4 ro init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
-- "rdba=setenv bootargs mtdparts=AT45DB642.spi0:132k(bootloader),33k(ubparams),99k(spare),1056k(linux),2112k(rootfs),33k(nvram),-(rootfs_data) root=/dev/ram rw initrd=0x21200000,6000000 ramdisk_size=20000 init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
-+ "fbargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock3 ro init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
-+ "rdba=setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram rw initrd=0x21200000,6000000 ramdisk_size=20000 init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
- "rdram=run rdba; tftp 21000000 vImage; tftp 21200000 root.squashfs; bootm 21000000\0"
- "flash=run fbargs; bootm 0xc0042000\0"
-- "bootargs=setenv bootargs mtdparts=AT45DB642.spi0:132k(bootloader),33k(ubparams),99k(spare),1056k(linux),2112k(rootfs),33k(nvram),-(rootfs_data) root=/dev/mtdblock4 ro init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
-+ "bootargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock3 ro init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
- "bootcmd=bootm 0xc0042000\0"
- "ethaddr=00:30:49:00:00:01\0"
- "ipaddr=\0"
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/012-make_3.81.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/012-make_3.81.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 767493f901..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/012-make_3.81.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN u-boot-1.1.4.orig/examples/Makefile u-boot-1.1.4/examples/Makefile
---- u-boot-1.1.4.orig/examples/Makefile 2007-05-13 13:45:44.000000000 +0200
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/examples/Makefile 2007-05-13 13:48:43.000000000 +0200
-@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@
- $(LD) -g $(EX_LDFLAGS) -Ttext $(LOAD_ADDR) \
- -o $@ -e $(<:.o=) $< $(LIB) \
- -L$(gcclibdir) -lgcc
--%.srec: %
-+%.srec: %.o
- $(OBJCOPY) -O srec $< $@ 2>/dev/null
--%.bin: %
-+%.bin: %.o
- $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ 2>/dev/null
- #########################################################################
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/013-params-in-config.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/013-params-in-config.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 11ff2a39cb..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/013-params-in-config.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
---- u-boot-1.1.4.old/tools/Makefile 2007-06-13 13:35:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/tools/Makefile 2007-06-14 15:33:04.000000000 +0200
-@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
- $(STRIP) $@
- ubparams.o: ubparams.c
-- $(CC) -g $(CFLAGS) -c $<
- envcrc.o: envcrc.c
- $(CC) -g $(CFLAGS) -c $<
---- u-boot-1.1.4.old/tools/ubparams.c 2007-06-13 13:35:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/tools/ubparams.c 2007-06-14 15:31:55.000000000 +0200
-@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
- "bootargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock3 ro init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
- "bootcmd=bootm 0xc0042000\0"
- "ethaddr=00:30:49:00:00:01\0"
-- "ipaddr=\0"
-- "serverip=\0"
-+ "ipaddr=" MK_STR(LAN_IP) "\0"
-+ "serverip=" MK_STR(LAN_SERVERIP) "\0"
- "serial#=MX070205484\0"
- "\0"
- };
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/014-ubparam-kernel.patch b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/014-ubparam-kernel.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f6d0a1b191..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/patches/014-ubparam-kernel.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- u-boot-1.1.4.old/tools/ubparams.c 2007-06-19 14:24:39.000000000 +0200
-+++ u-boot-1.1.4/tools/ubparams.c 2007-06-19 14:25:05.000000000 +0200
-@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
- "stderr=serial\0"
- "fbargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock3 ro init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
- "rdba=setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram rw initrd=0x21200000,6000000 ramdisk_size=20000 init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
-- "rdram=run rdba; tftp 21000000 vImage; tftp 21200000 root.squashfs; bootm 21000000\0"
-+ "rdram=run rdba; tftp 21000000 uImage; tftp 21200000 root.squashfs; bootm 21000000\0"
- "flash=run fbargs; bootm 0xc0042000\0"
- "bootargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock3 ro init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
- "bootcmd=bootm 0xc0042000\0"
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/ubclient/Makefile b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/ubclient/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f8ff67cd18..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/ubclient/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-all: ubpar
- ln -s ../lib_generic/crc32.c ./
-%.o: %.c
- $(CC) -I ../include $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_FLAGS) -DLAN_IP=$(LAN_IP) -DLAN_SERVERIP=$(LAN_SERVERIP) -c -o $@ $^
-ubpar: ubpar.o crc32.o
- $(CC) -o $@ $^
- rm -f *.o ubpar
diff --git a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/ubclient/ubpar.c b/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/ubclient/ubpar.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e8ea0eb2d..0000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91-2.6/image/u-boot/ubclient/ubpar.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- * ubparams.c
- *
- * Generate a u-boot parameter block with correct crc
- *
- * (C) 1007 Guthrie Consulting
- * hamish@prodigi.ch
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-#define __ASSEMBLY__
-#include <config.h>
-#undef __ASSEMBLY__
-#include <environment.h>
-#define XMK_STR(x) #x
-#define MK_STR(x) XMK_STR(x)
-extern unsigned long crc32 (unsigned long, const unsigned char *, unsigned int);
-#if !defined(ENV_CRC)
-#define ENV_CRC ~0
-#ifdef LAN_IP
- #warning LAN_IP
- #warning LAN_SERVERIP
-static char *environment[] = {
- "bootdelay=3\0"
- "baudrate=115200\0"
- "stdin=serial\0"
- "stdout=serial\0"
- "stderr=serial\0"
- "fbargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock3 ro init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
- "rdba=setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram rw initrd=0x21200000,6000000 ramdisk_size=20000 init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
- "rdram=run rdba; tftp 21000000 uImage; tftp 21200000 root.squashfs; bootm 21000000\0"
- "flash=run fbargs; bootm 0xc0042000\0"
- "bootargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock3 ro init=/etc/preinit console=/dev/ttyS0,115200,mem=32M\0"
- "bootcmd=bootm 0xc0042000\0"
- "ipaddr=" MK_STR(LAN_IP) "\0"
- "serverip=" MK_STR(LAN_SERVERIP) "\0"
- "\0"
- };
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- env_t *envptr;
- char *src, *srcptr;
- char *dataptr;
- FILE *params;
- int argfail = 1;
- char newmac[30];
- char newser[30];
- int paramlen = 0;
- int progmac = 0;
- int progser = 0;
- if (argc < 3) {
- printf ("Invalid arguments\n");
- return 1;
- }
- switch (argc) {
- case 5:
- if (strcmp(argv[3], "--serial") == 0) {
- argfail = 0;
- sprintf(newser, "serial#=%s", argv[4]);
- progser = 1;
- }
- case 3:
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "--mac") == 0) {
- argfail = 0;
- sprintf(newmac, "ethaddr=%s", argv[2]);
- progmac = 1;
- }
- else
- argfail = 1;
- }
- if (argfail) {
- printf("Invalid arguments\n");
- return 1;
- }
- src = srcptr = *environment;
- envptr = (env_t *)malloc(CFG_ENV_SIZE);
- dataptr = (char *)envptr + ENV_HEADER_SIZE;
- while(*srcptr) {
- //printf("%d, %s\n", strlen(srcptr), srcptr);
- paramlen += strlen(srcptr) + 1;
- srcptr += strlen(srcptr) + 1;
- }
- printf("Make u-boot params\n");
- printf("Params size is %d\n", CFG_ENV_SIZE);
- memset(envptr, 0, CFG_ENV_SIZE);
- memcpy(dataptr, src, paramlen);
- dataptr += paramlen;
- if (progmac) {
- memcpy(dataptr, newmac, strlen(newmac));
- dataptr += strlen(newmac) + 1;
- }
- if (progser) {
- memcpy(dataptr, newser, strlen(newser));
- dataptr += strlen(newser) + 1;
- }
- envptr->crc = crc32(0, envptr->data, ENV_SIZE);
- params = fopen("/dev/mtd1", "w");
- fwrite(envptr, CFG_ENV_SIZE, 1, params);
- fclose(params);
- free(envptr);
- return 0;