# # Copyright (C) 2006-2011 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # ifeq ($(__target_inc),) include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/target.mk endif ifeq ($(DUMP),1) KERNEL?=<KERNEL> BOARD?=<BOARD> LINUX_VERSION?=<LINUX_VERSION> LINUX_VERMAGIC?=<LINUX_VERMAGIC> else ifeq ($(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN),) export GCC_HONOUR_COPTS=s endif LINUX_KMOD_SUFFIX=ko ifneq (,$(findstring uml,$(BOARD))) KERNEL_CC?=$(HOSTCC) KERNEL_CROSS?= else KERNEL_CC?=$(TARGET_CC) KERNEL_CROSS?=$(TARGET_CROSS) endif ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD),1) PATCH_DIR ?= ./patches$(if $(wildcard ./patches-$(KERNEL_PATCHVER)),-$(KERNEL_PATCHVER)) FILES_DIR ?= $(foreach dir,$(wildcard ./files ./files-$(KERNEL_PATCHVER)),"$(dir)") endif KERNEL_BUILD_DIR ?= $(BUILD_DIR)/linux-$(BOARD)$(if $(SUBTARGET),_$(SUBTARGET)) LINUX_DIR ?= $(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION) LINUX_UAPI_DIR=uapi/ LINUX_VERMAGIC:=$(strip $(shell cat $(LINUX_DIR)/.vermagic 2>/dev/null)) LINUX_VERMAGIC:=$(if $(LINUX_VERMAGIC),$(LINUX_VERMAGIC),unknown) LINUX_UNAME_VERSION:=$(if $(word 3,$(subst ., ,$(KERNEL_BASE))),$(KERNEL_BASE),$(KERNEL_BASE).0) ifneq ($(findstring -rc,$(LINUX_VERSION)),) LINUX_UNAME_VERSION:=$(LINUX_UNAME_VERSION)-$(strip $(lastword $(subst -, ,$(LINUX_VERSION)))) endif MODULES_SUBDIR:=lib/modules/$(LINUX_UNAME_VERSION) TARGET_MODULES_DIR := $(LINUX_TARGET_DIR)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR) LINUX_KERNEL:=$(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR)/vmlinux LINUX_SOURCE:=linux-$(LINUX_VERSION).tar.xz TESTING:=$(if $(findstring -rc,$(LINUX_VERSION)),/testing,) ifeq ($(call qstrip,$(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_TREE))$(call qstrip,$(CONFIG_KERNEL_GIT_CLONE_URI)),) LINUX_SITE:=@KERNEL/linux/kernel/v3.x$(TESTING) endif ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD),1) PKG_BUILD_DIR ?= $(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME)$(if $(PKG_VERSION),-$(PKG_VERSION)) endif endif ifneq (,$(findstring uml,$(BOARD))) LINUX_KARCH=um else ifneq (,$(findstring $(ARCH), aarch64 aarch64_be)) LINUX_KARCH := arm64 else ifneq (,$(findstring $(ARCH), armeb)) LINUX_KARCH := arm else ifneq (,$(findstring $(ARCH), mipsel mips64 mips64el)) LINUX_KARCH := mips else ifneq (,$(findstring $(ARCH), sh2 sh3 sh4)) LINUX_KARCH := sh else ifneq (,$(findstring $(ARCH), i386 x86_64)) LINUX_KARCH := x86 else LINUX_KARCH := $(ARCH) endif define KernelPackage/Defaults FILES:= AUTOLOAD:= endef define ModuleAutoLoad $(SH_FUNC) \ export modules=; \ probe_module() { \ mods="$$$$$$$$1"; \ boot="$$$$$$$$2"; \ shift 2; \ for mod in $$$$$$$$mods; do \ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules.d; \ echo "$$$$$$$$mod" >> $(2)/etc/modules.d/$(1); \ done; \ if [ -e $(2)/etc/modules.d/$(1) ]; then \ if [ "$$$$$$$$boot" = "1" ]; then \ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules-boot.d; \ ln -s ../modules.d/$(1) $(2)/etc/modules-boot.d/; \ fi; \ modules="$$$$$$$${modules:+$$$$$$$$modules}"; \ fi; \ }; \ add_module() { \ priority="$$$$$$$$1"; \ mods="$$$$$$$$2"; \ boot="$$$$$$$$3"; \ shift 3; \ for mod in $$$$$$$$mods; do \ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules.d; \ echo "$$$$$$$$mod" >> $(2)/etc/modules.d/$$$$$$$$priority-$(1); \ done; \ if [ -e $(2)/etc/modules.d/$$$$$$$$priority-$(1) ]; then \ if [ "$$$$$$$$boot" = "1" ]; then \ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules-boot.d; \ ln -s ../modules.d/$$$$$$$$priority-$(1) $(2)/etc/modules-boot.d/; \ fi; \ modules="$$$$$$$${modules:+$$$$$$$$modules }$$$$$$$$priority-$(1)"; \ fi; \ }; \ $(3) \ if [ -n "$$$$$$$$modules" ]; then \ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules.d; \ mkdir -p $(2)/CONTROL; \ echo "#!/bin/sh" > $(2)/CONTROL/postinst; \ echo "[ -z \"\$$$$$$$$IPKG_INSTROOT\" ] || exit 0" >> $(2)/CONTROL/postinst; \ echo ". /lib/functions.sh" >> $(2)/CONTROL/postinst; \ echo "insert_modules $$$$$$$$modules" >> $(2)/CONTROL/postinst; \ chmod 0755 $(2)/CONTROL/postinst; \ fi endef ifeq ($(DUMP)$(TARGET_BUILD),) -include $(LINUX_DIR)/.config endif define KernelPackage/depends $(STAMP_BUILT): $(LINUX_DIR)/.config define KernelPackage/depends endef endef define KernelPackage NAME:=$(1) $(eval $(call Package/Default)) $(eval $(call KernelPackage/Defaults)) $(eval $(call KernelPackage/$(1))) $(eval $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/$(BOARD))) define Package/kmod-$(1) TITLE:=$(TITLE) SECTION:=kernel CATEGORY:=Kernel modules DESCRIPTION:=$(DESCRIPTION) EXTRA_DEPENDS:=kernel (=$(LINUX_VERSION)-$(LINUX_RELEASE)-$(LINUX_VERMAGIC)) VERSION:=$(LINUX_VERSION)$(if $(PKG_VERSION),+$(PKG_VERSION))-$(if $(PKG_RELEASE),$(PKG_RELEASE),$(LINUX_RELEASE)) $(call KernelPackage/$(1)) $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/$(BOARD)) endef ifdef KernelPackage/$(1)/description define Package/kmod-$(1)/description $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/description) endef endif ifdef KernelPackage/$(1)/config define Package/kmod-$(1)/config $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/config) endef endif $(call KernelPackage/depends) ifneq ($(if $(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG)),$(filter m y,$(foreach c,$(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG)),$($(c)))),.),) ifneq ($(if $(SDK),$(filter-out $(LINUX_DIR)/%.ko,$(FILES)),$(strip $(FILES))),) define Package/kmod-$(1)/install @for mod in $$(FILES); do \ if [ -e $$$$$$$$mod ]; then \ mkdir -p $$(1)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR) ; \ $(CP) -L $$$$$$$$mod $$(1)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR)/ ; \ elif [ -e "$(LINUX_DIR)/modules.builtin" ]; then \ if grep -q "$$$$$$$${mod##$(LINUX_DIR)/}" "$(LINUX_DIR)/modules.builtin"; then \ echo "NOTICE: module '$$$$$$$$mod' is built-in."; \ else \ echo "ERROR: module '$$$$$$$$mod' is missing." >&2; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ else \ echo "WARNING: module '$$$$$$$$mod' missing and modules.builtin not available, assuming built-in." >&2; \ fi; \ done; $(call ModuleAutoLoad,$(1),$$(1),$(AUTOLOAD)) $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/install,$$(1)) endef endif $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-$(1)), else compile: $(1)-disabled $(1)-disabled: @echo "WARNING: kmod-$(1) is not available in the kernel config - generating empty package" >&2 define Package/kmod-$(1)/install true endef ) endif $$(eval $$(call BuildPackage,kmod-$(1))) $$(IPKG_kmod-$(1)): $$(wildcard $$(FILES)) endef define AutoLoad add_module "$(1)" "$(2)" "$(3)"; endef define AutoProbe probe_module "$(1)" "$(2)"; endef version_field=$(if $(word $(1),$(2)),$(word $(1),$(2)),0) kernel_version_merge=$$(( ($(call version_field,1,$(1)) << 24) + ($(call version_field,2,$(1)) << 16) + ($(call version_field,3,$(1)) << 8) + $(call version_field,4,$(1)) )) ifdef DUMP kernel_version_cmp= else kernel_version_cmp=$(shell [ $(call kernel_version_merge,$(call split_version,$(2))) $(1) $(call kernel_version_merge,$(call split_version,$(3))) ] && echo 1 ) endif CompareKernelPatchVer=$(if $(call kernel_version_cmp,-$(2),$(1),$(3)),1,0) kernel_patchver_gt=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-gt,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1)) kernel_patchver_ge=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-ge,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1)) kernel_patchver_eq=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-eq,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1)) kernel_patchver_le=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-le,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1)) kernel_patchver_lt=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-lt,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1))