#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 2009 Henk Vergonet # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # Description: # Replacement for brcmImagebuilder # # Disclaimer: # Use this software at your own risk. # # Changelog: # 2009-01-01 Henk.Vergonet at gmail.com # use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Compress::Zlib; my $version = "0.1"; my %arg = ( o => 'bcm963xx_fs_kernel', b => 'OpenWrt', c => '6348', s => 64, f => 0xbfc00000, x => 0x00010000, a => 0x80010000, e => 0x80010000, i => 2, ); my $prog = $0; $prog =~ s/^.*\///; getopts("r:k:o:lc:b:s:f:i:a:e:tpvh", \%arg); die "usage: $prog ~opts~ -r : input rootfs file -k : input kernel file -o : output image file, default $arg{o} -l : littleendian system, default ".($arg{l} ? 'yes' : 'no')." -c : default $arg{c} -b : default $arg{b} -s : erase sise flash, default $arg{s} -f : flash base, default ".sprintf('0x%x', $arg{f})." -x : length of cfe, default ".sprintf('0x%x', $arg{x})." -i : 2=dual image, default $arg{i} -a : Kernel load address, default ".sprintf('0x%x', $arg{a})." -e : Kernel entry address, default ".sprintf('0x%x', $arg{e})." -t : Prefix kernel with load,entry,size -p : Add a 'gOtO' partition -v : be more verbose -h : help, version $version EXAMPLES: $prog -k kern -r rootfs " if $arg{h} || !$arg{k} || !$arg{r}; sub Read_Image { open my $fh, $_[0] or die "open $_[0]: $!"; local $/; # Set input to "slurp" mode. my $buf = <$fh>; close $fh; return $buf; } sub Padlen { my $p = $_[0] % $_[1]; return ($p ? $_[1] - $p : 0); } sub Pad { my ($buf, $off, $bs) = @_[0..2]; $buf .= chr(255) x Padlen(length($buf) + $off, $bs); return $buf; } sub bcmImage { my ($k, $f) = @_[0..1]; my $tmp = $arg{x} + 0x100 + $arg{f}; # regular: rootfs+kernel my ($img, $fa, $ka) = ( $f.$k, $tmp, $tmp + length($f) ); # test: kernel+rootfs # my ($img, $fa, $ka) = ( $k.$f, $tmp + length($k), $tmp ); $fa = 0 unless length($f); my $hdr = pack("a4a20a14a6a16a2a10a12a10a12a10a12a10a2a2a74Na16", '6', 'LinuxInside', 'ver. 2.0', $arg{c}, $arg{b}, ($arg{l} ? '0' : '1'), length($img), '0', '0', $fa, length($f), $ka, length($k), ($arg{i}==2 ? '1' : '0'), '', # if 1, the image is INACTIVE; if 0, active '', ~crc32($k, crc32($f)), ''); $hdr .= pack('Na16', ~crc32($hdr), ''); printf "kernel at 0x%x length 0x%x(%u)\n", $ka, length($k), length($k) if $arg{v}; printf "rootfs at 0x%x length 0x%x(%u)\n", $fa, length($f), length($f) if $arg{v}; open(FO, ">$arg{o}"); print FO $hdr; print FO $img; close FO; } # MAIN my $kern = Read_Image $arg{k}; my $root = Read_Image $arg{r}; $kern = pack('NNN', $arg{a}, $arg{e}, length($kern)).$kern if $arg{t}; # specific fixup for the CFE that expects rootfs-kernel order if ($arg{p}) { $kern = Pad($kern, 0x10c, $arg{s} * 1024); my $dummy_root = pack('a4NN', 'gOtO', length($kern)+12, length($root)+Padlen(length($root), $arg{s} * 1024) ); $kern .= $root; $root = $dummy_root; } bcmImage($kern, $root); '>7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37