From 9afadf01b1be371ee88491819aa67364684461f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Crispin <>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2012 10:27:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/36] MIPS: lantiq: add atm hack

Signed-off-by: John Crispin <>
 arch/mips/include/asm/mach-lantiq/lantiq_atm.h |  196 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/mips/include/asm/mach-lantiq/lantiq_ptm.h |  203 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/mips/lantiq/irq.c                         |    2 +
 arch/mips/mm/cache.c                           |    4 +
 include/uapi/linux/atm.h                       |    6 +
 net/atm/common.c                               |    6 +
 net/atm/proc.c                                 |    2 +-
 7 files changed, 416 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/mips/include/asm/mach-lantiq/lantiq_atm.h
 create mode 100644 arch/mips/include/asm/mach-lantiq/lantiq_ptm.h

--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-lantiq/lantiq_atm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+** FILE NAME    : ifx_atm.h
+** PROJECT      : UEIP
+** MODULES      : ATM
+** DATE         : 17 Jun 2009
+** AUTHOR       : Xu Liang
+** DESCRIPTION  : Global ATM driver header file
+** COPYRIGHT    :       Copyright (c) 2006
+**                      Infineon Technologies AG
+**                      Am Campeon 1-12, 85579 Neubiberg, Germany
+**    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+**    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+**    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+**    (at your option) any later version.
+** $Date        $Author         $Comment
+** 07 JUL 2009  Xu Liang        Init Version
+#ifndef IFX_ATM_H
+#define IFX_ATM_H
+  \defgroup IFX_ATM UEIP Project - ATM driver module
+  \brief UEIP Project - ATM driver module, support Danube, Amazon-SE, AR9, VR9.
+ */
+  \defgroup IFX_ATM_IOCTL IOCTL Commands
+  \ingroup IFX_ATM
+  \brief IOCTL Commands used by user application.
+ */
+  \defgroup IFX_ATM_STRUCT Structures
+  \ingroup IFX_ATM
+  \brief Structures used by user application.
+ */
+  \file ifx_atm.h
+  \ingroup IFX_ATM
+  \brief ATM driver header file
+ */
+ * ####################################
+ *              Definition
+ * ####################################
+ */
+  \addtogroup IFX_ATM_STRUCT
+ */
+ *  ATM MIB
+ */
+  \struct atm_cell_ifEntry_t
+  \brief Structure used for Cell Level MIB Counters.
+  User application use this structure to call IOCTL command "PPE_ATM_MIB_CELL".
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	__u32	ifHCInOctets_h;     /*!< byte counter of ingress cells (upper 32 bits, total 64 bits)   */
+	__u32	ifHCInOctets_l;     /*!< byte counter of ingress cells (lower 32 bits, total 64 bits)   */
+	__u32	ifHCOutOctets_h;    /*!< byte counter of egress cells (upper 32 bits, total 64 bits)    */
+	__u32	ifHCOutOctets_l;    /*!< byte counter of egress cells (lower 32 bits, total 64 bits)    */
+	__u32	ifInErrors;         /*!< counter of error ingress cells     */
+	__u32	ifInUnknownProtos;  /*!< counter of unknown ingress cells   */
+	__u32	ifOutErrors;        /*!< counter of error egress cells      */
+} atm_cell_ifEntry_t;
+  \struct atm_aal5_ifEntry_t
+  \brief Structure used for AAL5 Frame Level MIB Counters.
+  User application use this structure to call IOCTL command "PPE_ATM_MIB_AAL5".
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	__u32	ifHCInOctets_h;     /*!< byte counter of ingress packets (upper 32 bits, total 64 bits) */
+	__u32	ifHCInOctets_l;     /*!< byte counter of ingress packets (lower 32 bits, total 64 bits) */
+	__u32	ifHCOutOctets_h;    /*!< byte counter of egress packets (upper 32 bits, total 64 bits)  */
+	__u32	ifHCOutOctets_l;    /*!< byte counter of egress packets (lower 32 bits, total 64 bits)  */
+	__u32	ifInUcastPkts;      /*!< counter of ingress packets         */
+	__u32	ifOutUcastPkts;     /*!< counter of egress packets          */
+	__u32	ifInErrors;         /*!< counter of error ingress packets   */
+	__u32	ifInDiscards;       /*!< counter of dropped ingress packets */
+	__u32	ifOutErros;         /*!< counter of error egress packets    */
+	__u32	ifOutDiscards;      /*!< counter of dropped egress packets  */
+} atm_aal5_ifEntry_t;
+  \struct atm_aal5_vcc_t
+  \brief Structure used for per PVC AAL5 Frame Level MIB Counters.
+  This structure is a part of structure "atm_aal5_vcc_x_t".
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	__u32	aal5VccCrcErrors;       /*!< counter of ingress packets with CRC error  */
+	__u32	aal5VccSarTimeOuts;     /*!< counter of ingress packets with Re-assemble timeout    */  //no timer support yet
+	__u32	aal5VccOverSizedSDUs;   /*!< counter of oversized ingress packets       */
+} atm_aal5_vcc_t;
+  \struct atm_aal5_vcc_x_t
+  \brief Structure used for per PVC AAL5 Frame Level MIB Counters.
+  User application use this structure to call IOCTL command "PPE_ATM_MIB_VCC".
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	int             vpi;        /*!< VPI of the VCC to get MIB counters */
+	int             vci;        /*!< VCI of the VCC to get MIB counters */
+	atm_aal5_vcc_t  mib_vcc;    /*!< structure to get MIB counters      */
+} atm_aal5_vcc_x_t;
+ * ####################################
+ *                IOCTL
+ * ####################################
+ */
+  \addtogroup IFX_ATM_IOCTL
+ */
+ *  ioctl Command
+ */
+  \brief ATM IOCTL Magic Number
+ */
+#define PPE_ATM_IOC_MAGIC       'o'
+  \brief ATM IOCTL Command - Get Cell Level MIB Counters
+   This command is obsolete. User can get cell level MIB from DSL API.
+   This command uses structure "atm_cell_ifEntry_t" as parameter for output of MIB counters.
+ */
+#define PPE_ATM_MIB_CELL        _IOW(PPE_ATM_IOC_MAGIC,  0, atm_cell_ifEntry_t)
+  \brief ATM IOCTL Command - Get AAL5 Level MIB Counters
+   Get AAL5 packet counters.
+   This command uses structure "atm_aal5_ifEntry_t" as parameter for output of MIB counters.
+ */
+#define PPE_ATM_MIB_AAL5        _IOW(PPE_ATM_IOC_MAGIC,  1, atm_aal5_ifEntry_t)
+  \brief ATM IOCTL Command - Get Per PVC MIB Counters
+   Get AAL5 packet counters for each PVC.
+   This command uses structure "atm_aal5_vcc_x_t" as parameter for input of VPI/VCI information and output of MIB counters.
+ */
+#define PPE_ATM_MIB_VCC         _IOWR(PPE_ATM_IOC_MAGIC, 2, atm_aal5_vcc_x_t)
+  \brief Total Number of ATM IOCTL Commands
+ */
+#define PPE_ATM_IOC_MAXNR       3
+ * ####################################
+ *                 API
+ * ####################################
+ */
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+struct port_cell_info {
+    unsigned int    port_num;
+    unsigned int    tx_link_rate[2];
+#endif  //  IFX_ATM_H
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-lantiq/lantiq_ptm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+** FILE NAME    : ifx_ptm.h
+** PROJECT      : UEIP
+** MODULES      : PTM
+** DATE         : 17 Jun 2009
+** AUTHOR       : Xu Liang
+** DESCRIPTION  : Global PTM driver header file
+** COPYRIGHT    :       Copyright (c) 2006
+**                      Infineon Technologies AG
+**                      Am Campeon 1-12, 85579 Neubiberg, Germany
+**    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+**    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+**    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+**    (at your option) any later version.
+** $Date        $Author         $Comment
+** 07 JUL 2009  Xu Liang        Init Version
+#ifndef IFX_PTM_H
+#define IFX_PTM_H
+  \defgroup IFX_PTM UEIP Project - PTM driver module
+  \brief UEIP Project - PTM driver module, support Danube, Amazon-SE, AR9, VR9.
+ */
+  \defgroup IFX_PTM_IOCTL IOCTL Commands
+  \ingroup IFX_PTM
+  \brief IOCTL Commands used by user application.
+ */
+  \defgroup IFX_PTM_STRUCT Structures
+  \ingroup IFX_PTM
+  \brief Structures used by user application.
+ */
+  \file ifx_ptm.h
+  \ingroup IFX_PTM
+  \brief PTM driver header file
+ */
+ * ####################################
+ *              Definition
+ * ####################################
+ */
+ * ####################################
+ *                IOCTL
+ * ####################################
+ */
+  \addtogroup IFX_PTM_IOCTL
+ */
+ *  ioctl Command
+ */
+  \brief PTM IOCTL Command - Get codeword MIB counters.
+  This command uses structure "PTM_CW_IF_ENTRY_T" to get codeword level MIB counters.
+ */
+#define IFX_PTM_MIB_CW_GET              SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 1
+  \brief PTM IOCTL Command - Get packet MIB counters.
+  This command uses structure "PTM_FRAME_MIB_T" to get packet level MIB counters.
+ */
+  \brief PTM IOCTL Command - Get firmware configuration (CRC).
+  This command uses structure "IFX_PTM_CFG_T" to get firmware configuration (CRC).
+ */
+#define IFX_PTM_CFG_GET                 SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 3
+  \brief PTM IOCTL Command - Set firmware configuration (CRC).
+  This command uses structure "IFX_PTM_CFG_T" to set firmware configuration (CRC).
+ */
+#define IFX_PTM_CFG_SET                 SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 4
+  \brief PTM IOCTL Command - Program priority value to TX queue mapping.
+  This command uses structure "IFX_PTM_PRIO_Q_MAP_T" to program priority value to TX queue mapping.
+ */
+  \addtogroup IFX_PTM_STRUCT
+ */
+ *  ioctl Data Type
+ */
+  \typedef PTM_CW_IF_ENTRY_T
+  \brief Wrapping of structure "ptm_cw_ifEntry_t".
+ */
+  \struct ptm_cw_ifEntry_t
+  \brief Structure used for CodeWord level MIB counters.
+ */
+typedef struct ptm_cw_ifEntry_t {
+    uint32_t    ifRxNoIdleCodewords;    /*!< output, number of ingress user codeword */
+    uint32_t    ifRxIdleCodewords;      /*!< output, number of ingress idle codeword */
+    uint32_t    ifRxCodingViolation;    /*!< output, number of error ingress codeword */
+    uint32_t    ifTxNoIdleCodewords;    /*!< output, number of egress user codeword */
+    uint32_t    ifTxIdleCodewords;      /*!< output, number of egress idle codeword */
+  \typedef PTM_FRAME_MIB_T
+  \brief Wrapping of structure "ptm_frame_mib_t".
+ */
+  \struct ptm_frame_mib_t
+  \brief Structure used for packet level MIB counters.
+ */
+typedef struct ptm_frame_mib_t {
+    uint32_t    RxCorrect;      /*!< output, number of ingress packet */
+    uint32_t    TC_CrcError;    /*!< output, number of egress packet with CRC error */
+    uint32_t    RxDropped;      /*!< output, number of dropped ingress packet */
+    uint32_t    TxSend;         /*!< output, number of egress packet */
+  \typedef IFX_PTM_CFG_T
+  \brief Wrapping of structure "ptm_cfg_t".
+ */
+  \struct ptm_cfg_t
+  \brief Structure used for ETH/TC CRC configuration.
+ */
+typedef struct ptm_cfg_t {
+    uint32_t    RxEthCrcPresent;    /*!< input/output, ingress packet has ETH CRC */
+    uint32_t    RxEthCrcCheck;      /*!< input/output, check ETH CRC of ingress packet */
+    uint32_t    RxTcCrcCheck;       /*!< input/output, check TC CRC of ingress codeword */
+    uint32_t    RxTcCrcLen;         /*!< input/output, length of TC CRC of ingress codeword */
+    uint32_t    TxEthCrcGen;        /*!< input/output, generate ETH CRC for egress packet */
+    uint32_t    TxTcCrcGen;         /*!< input/output, generate TC CRC for egress codeword */
+    uint32_t    TxTcCrcLen;         /*!< input/output, length of TC CRC of egress codeword */
+  \typedef IFX_PTM_PRIO_Q_MAP_T
+  \brief Wrapping of structure "ppe_prio_q_map".
+ */
+  \struct ppe_prio_q_map
+  \brief Structure used for Priority Value to TX Queue mapping.
+ */
+typedef struct ppe_prio_q_map {
+    int             pkt_prio;
+    int             qid;
+    int             vpi;    //  ignored in eth interface
+    int             vci;    //  ignored in eth interface
+ * ####################################
+ *                 API
+ * ####################################
+ */
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+struct port_cell_info {
+    unsigned int    port_num;
+    unsigned int    tx_link_rate[2];
+#endif  //  IFX_PTM_H
--- a/arch/mips/lantiq/irq.c
+++ b/arch/mips/lantiq/irq.c
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include <linux/of_platform.h>
 #include <linux/of_address.h>
 #include <linux/of_irq.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
 #include <asm/bootinfo.h>
 #include <asm/irq_cpu.h>
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ void ltq_disable_irq(struct irq_data *d)
 	raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ltq_icu_lock, flags);
 void ltq_mask_and_ack_irq(struct irq_data *d)
--- a/arch/mips/mm/cache.c
+++ b/arch/mips/mm/cache.c
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ void (*_dma_cache_wback_inv)(unsigned lo
 void (*_dma_cache_wback)(unsigned long start, unsigned long size);
 void (*_dma_cache_inv)(unsigned long start, unsigned long size);
--- a/include/uapi/linux/atm.h
+++ b/include/uapi/linux/atm.h
@@ -131,8 +131,14 @@
 #define ATM_ABR		4
 #define ATM_ANYCLASS	5		/* compatible with everything */
+#define ATM_VBR_NRT     ATM_VBR
+#define ATM_VBR_RT      6
+#define ATM_UBR_PLUS    7
+#define ATM_GFR         8
 #define ATM_MAX_PCR	-1		/* maximum available PCR */
 struct atm_trafprm {
 	unsigned char	traffic_class;	/* traffic class (ATM_UBR, ...) */
 	int		max_pcr;	/* maximum PCR in cells per second */
--- a/net/atm/proc.c
+++ b/net/atm/proc.c
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static void *vcc_seq_next(struct seq_fil
 static void pvc_info(struct seq_file *seq, struct atm_vcc *vcc)
 	static const char *const class_name[] = {
-		"off", "UBR", "CBR", "VBR", "ABR"};
+		"off","UBR","CBR","NTR-VBR","ABR","ANY","RT-VBR","UBR+","GFR"};
 	static const char *const aal_name[] = {
 		"---",	"1",	"2",	"3/4",	/*  0- 3 */
 		"???",	"5",	"???",	"???",	/*  4- 7 */