/* ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2018 Giovanni Di Sirio Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /** * @file STM32L4xx+/stm32_rcc.h * @brief RCC helper driver header. * @note This file requires definitions from the ST header file * @p stm32l4xx.h. * * @addtogroup STM32L4xx_RCC * @{ */ #ifndef STM32_RCC_H #define STM32_RCC_H /*===========================================================================*/ /* Driver constants. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Driver pre-compile time settings. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Derived constants and error checks. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Driver data structures and types. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Driver macros. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /** * @name Generic RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the clock of one or more peripheral on the APB1 bus (R1). * * @param[in] mask APB1 R1 peripherals mask * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableAPB1R1(mask, lp) { \ RCC->APB1ENR1 |= (mask); \ if (lp) \ RCC->APB1SMENR1 |= (mask); \ else \ RCC->APB1SMENR1 &= ~(mask); \ (void)RCC->APB1SMENR1; \ } /** * @brief Disables the clock of one or more peripheral on the APB1 bus (R1). * * @param[in] mask APB1 R1 peripherals mask * * @api */ #define rccDisableAPB1R1(mask) { \ RCC->APB1ENR1 &= ~(mask); \ RCC->APB1SMENR1 &= ~(mask); \ (void)RCC->APB1SMENR1; \ } /** * @brief Resets one or more peripheral on the APB1 bus (R1). * * @param[in] mask APB1 R1 peripherals mask * * @api */ #define rccResetAPB1R1(mask) { \ RCC->APB1RSTR1 |= (mask); \ RCC->APB1RSTR1 &= ~(mask); \ (void)RCC->APB1RSTR1; \ } /** * @brief Enables the clock of one or more peripheral on the APB1 bus (R2). * * @param[in] mask APB1 R2 peripherals mask * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableAPB1R2(mask, lp) { \ RCC->APB1ENR2 |= (mask); \ if (lp) \ RCC->APB1SMENR2 |= (mask); \ else \ RCC->APB1SMENR2 &= ~(mask); \ (void)RCC->APB1SMENR2; \ } /** * @brief Disables the clock of one or more peripheral on the APB1 bus (R2). * * @param[in] mask APB1 R2 peripherals mask * * @api */ #define rccDisableAPB1R2(mask) { \ RCC->APB1ENR2 &= ~(mask); \ RCC->APB1SMENR2 &= ~(mask); \ (void)RCC->APB1SMENR2; \ } /** * @brief Resets one or more peripheral on the APB1 bus (R2). * * @param[in] mask APB1 R2 peripherals mask * * @api */ #define rccResetAPB1R2(mask) { \ RCC->APB1RSTR2 |= (mask); \ RCC->APB1RSTR2 &= ~(mask); \ (void)RCC->APB1RSTR2; \ } /** * @brief Enables the clock of one or more peripheral on the APB2 bus. * * @param[in] mask APB2 peripherals mask * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableAPB2(mask, lp) { \ RCC->APB2ENR |= (mask); \ if (lp) \ RCC->APB2SMENR |= (ma
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OpenWrt Project is a Linux operating system targeting embedded devices. Instead
of trying to create a single, static firmware, OpenWrt provides a fully
writable filesystem with package management. This frees you from the
application selection and configuration provided by the vendor and allows you
to customize the device through the use of packages to suit any application.
For developers, OpenWrt is the framework to build an application without having
to build a complete firmware around it; for users this means the ability for
full customization, to use the device in ways never envisioned.


## Development

To build your own firmware you need a GNU/Linux, BSD or MacOSX system (case
sensitive filesystem required). Cygwin is unsupported because of the lack of a
case sensitive file system.

### Requirements

You need the following tools to compile OpenWrt, the package names vary between
distributions. A complete list with distribution specific packages is found in
the [Build System Setup](https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/build-system/install-buildsystem)

binutils bzip2 diff find flex gawk gcc-6+ getopt grep install libc-dev libz-dev
make4.1+ perl python3.6+ rsync subversion unzip which

### Quickstart

1. Run `./scripts/feeds update -a` to obtain all the latest package definitions
   defined in feeds.conf / feeds.conf.default

2. Run `./scripts/feeds install -a` to install symlinks for all obtained
   packages into package/feeds/

3. Run `make menuconfig` to select your preferred configuration for the
   toolchain, target system & firmware packages.

4. Run `make` to build your firmware. This will download all sources, build the
   cross-compile toolchain and then cross-compile the GNU/Linux kernel & all chosen
   applications for your target system.

### Related Repositories

The main repository uses multiple sub-repositories to manage packages of
different categories. All packages are installed via the OpenWrt package
manager called `opkg`. If you're looking to develop the web interface or port
packages to OpenWrt, please find the fitting repository below.

* [LuCI Web Interface](https://github.com/openwrt/luci): Modern and modular
  interface to control the device via a web browser.

* [OpenWrt Packages](https://github.com/openwrt/packages): Community repository
  of ported packages.

* [OpenWrt Routing](https://github.com/openwrt/routing): Packages specifically
  focused on (mesh) routing.

* [OpenWrt Video](https://github.com/openwrt/video): Packages specifically
  focused on display servers and clients (Xorg and Wayland).

## Support Information

For a list of supported devices see the [OpenWrt Hardware Database](https://openwrt.org/supported_devices)

### Documentation

* [Quick Start Guide](https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-quick-start/start)
* [User Guide](https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/start)
* [Developer Documentation](https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/start)
* [Technical Reference](https://openwrt.org/docs/techref/start)

### Support Community

* [Forum](https://forum.openwrt.org): For usage, projects, discussions and hardware advise.
* [Support Chat](https://webchat.oftc.net/#openwrt): Channel `#openwrt` on **oftc.net**.

### Developer Community

* [Bug Reports](https://bugs.openwrt.org): Report bugs in OpenWrt
* [Dev Mailing List](https://lists.openwrt.org/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel): Send patches
* [Dev Chat](https://webchat.oftc.net/#openwrt-devel): Channel `#openwrt-devel` on **oftc.net**.

## License

OpenWrt is licensed under GPL-2.0
PB1ENR1_I2C1EN) /** * @brief Resets the I2C1 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetI2C1() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_I2C1RST) /** * @brief Enables the I2C2 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableI2C2(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_I2C2EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the I2C2 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableI2C2() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_I2C2EN) /** * @brief Resets the I2C2 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetI2C2() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_I2C2RST) /** * @brief Enables the I2C3 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableI2C3(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_I2C3EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the I2C3 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableI2C3() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_I2C3EN) /** * @brief Resets the I2C3 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetI2C3() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_I2C3RST) /** * @brief Enables the I2C4 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableI2C4(lp) rccEnableAPB1R2(RCC_APB1ENR2_I2C4EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the I2C4 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableI2C4() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR2_I2C4EN) /** * @brief Resets the I2C4 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetI2C4() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR2_I2C4RST) /** @} */ /** * @name OTG peripherals specific RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the OTG_FS peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableOTG_FS(lp) rccEnableAHB2(RCC_AHB2ENR_OTGFSEN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the OTG_FS peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableOTG_FS() rccDisableAHB2(RCC_AHB2ENR_OTGFSEN) /** * @brief Resets the OTG_FS peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetOTG_FS() rccResetAHB2(RCC_AHB2RSTR_OTGFSRST) /** @} */ /** * @name OCTOSPI peripherals specific RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the OCTOSPI1 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableOCTOSPI1(lp) rccEnableAHB3(RCC_AHB3ENR_OSPI1EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the OCTOSPI1 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableOCTOSPI1() rccDisableAHB3(RCC_AHB3ENR_OSPI1EN) /** * @brief Resets the OCTOSPI1 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetOCTOSPI1() rccResetAHB3(RCC_AHB3RSTR_OSPI1RST) /** * @brief Enables the OCTOSPI2 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableOCTOSPI2(lp) rccEnableAHB3(RCC_AHB3ENR_OSPI2EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the OCTOSPI2 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableOCTOSPI2() rccDisableAHB3(RCC_AHB3ENR_OSPI2EN) /** * @brief Resets the OCTOSPI1 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetOCTOSPI2() rccResetAHB3(RCC_AHB3RSTR_OSPI2RST) /** @} */ /** * @name RNG peripherals specific RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the RNG peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableRNG(lp) rccEnableAHB2(RCC_AHB2ENR_RNGEN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the RNG peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableRNG() rccDisableAHB2(RCC_AHB2ENR_RNGEN) /** * @brief Resets the RNG peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetRNG() rccResetAHB3(RCC_AHB2RSTR_RNGRST) /** @} */ /** * @name SDMMC peripheral specific RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the SDMMC1 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableSDMMC1(lp) rccEnableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_SDMMC1EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the SDMMC1 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableSDMMC1() rccDisableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_SDMMC1EN) /** * @brief Resets the SDMMC1 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetSDMMC1() rccResetAPB2(RCC_APB2RSTR_SDMMC1RST) /** @} */ /** * @name SPI peripherals specific RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the SPI1 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableSPI1(lp) rccEnableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the SPI1 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableSPI1() rccDisableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN) /** * @brief Resets the SPI1 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetSPI1() rccResetAPB2(RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST) /** * @brief Enables the SPI2 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableSPI2(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_SPI2EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the SPI2 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableSPI2() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_SPI2EN) /** * @brief Resets the SPI2 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetSPI2() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_SPI2RST) /** * @brief Enables the SPI3 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableSPI3(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_SPI3EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the SPI3 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableSPI3() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_SPI3EN) /** * @brief Resets the SPI3 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetSPI3() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_SPI3RST) /** @} */ /** * @name TIM peripherals specific RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the TIM1 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableTIM1(lp) rccEnableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the TIM1 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableTIM1() rccDisableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN) /** * @brief Resets the TIM1 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetTIM1() rccResetAPB2(RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM1RST) /** * @brief Enables the TIM2 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableTIM2(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM2EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the TIM2 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableTIM2() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM2EN) /** * @brief Resets the TIM2 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetTIM2() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM2RST) /** * @brief Enables the TIM3 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableTIM3(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM3EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the TIM3 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableTIM3() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM3EN) /** * @brief Resets the TIM3 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetTIM3() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM3RST) /** * @brief Enables the TIM4 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableTIM4(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM4EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the TIM4 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableTIM4() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM4EN) /** * @brief Resets the TIM4 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetTIM4() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM4RST) /** * @brief Enables the TIM5 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableTIM5(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM5EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the TIM5 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableTIM5() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM5EN) /** * @brief Resets the TIM5 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetTIM5() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM5RST) /** * @brief Enables the TIM6 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableTIM6(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM6EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the TIM6 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableTIM6() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM6EN) /** * @brief Resets the TIM6 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetTIM6() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM6RST) /** * @brief Enables the TIM7 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableTIM7(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM7EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the TIM7 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableTIM7() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM7EN) /** * @brief Resets the TIM7 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetTIM7() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM7RST) /** * @brief Enables the TIM8 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableTIM8(lp) rccEnableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM8EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the TIM8 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableTIM8() rccDisableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM8EN) /** * @brief Resets the TIM8 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetTIM8() rccResetAPB2(RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM8RST) /** * @brief Enables the TIM15 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableTIM15(lp) rccEnableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM15EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the TIM15 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableTIM15() rccDisableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM15EN) /** * @brief Resets the TIM15 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetTIM15() rccResetAPB2(RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM15RST) /** * @brief Enables the TIM16 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableTIM16(lp) rccEnableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM16EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the TIM16 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableTIM16() rccDisableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM16EN) /** * @brief Resets the TIM16 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetTIM16() rccResetAPB2(RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM16RST) /** * @brief Enables the TIM17 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableTIM17(lp) rccEnableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM17EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the TIM17 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableTIM17() rccDisableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_TIM17EN) /** * @brief Resets the TIM17 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetTIM17() rccResetAPB2(RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM17RST) /** @} */ /** * @name USART/UART peripherals specific RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the USART1 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableUSART1(lp) rccEnableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the USART1 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableUSART1() rccDisableAPB2(RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN) /** * @brief Resets the USART1 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetUSART1() rccResetAPB2(RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST) /** * @brief Enables the USART2 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableUSART2(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_USART2EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the USART2 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableUSART2() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_USART2EN) /** * @brief Resets the USART2 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetUSART2() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_USART2RST) /** * @brief Enables the USART3 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableUSART3(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_USART3EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the USART3 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableUSART3() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_USART3EN) /** * @brief Resets the USART3 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetUSART3() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_USART3RST) /** * @brief Enables the UART4 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableUART4(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_UART4EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the UART4 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableUART4() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_UART4EN) /** * @brief Resets the UART4 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetUART4() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_UART4RST) /** * @brief Enables the UART5 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableUART5(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_UART5EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the UART5 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableUART5() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_UART5EN) /** * @brief Resets the UART5 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetUART5() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_UART5RST) /** * @brief Enables the LPUART1 peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableLPUART1(lp) rccEnableAPB1R2(RCC_APB1ENR2_LPUART1EN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the LPUART1 peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableLPUART1() rccDisableAPB1R2(RCC_APB1ENR2_LPUART1EN) /** * @brief Resets the USART1 peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetLPUART1() rccResetAPB1R2(RCC_APB1RSTR2_LPUART1RST) /** @} */ /** * @name USB peripheral specific RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the USB peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableUSB(lp) rccEnableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_USBFSEN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the USB peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableUSB() rccDisableAPB1R1(RCC_APB1ENR1_USBFSEN) /** * @brief Resets the USB peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetUSB() rccResetAPB1R1(RCC_APB1RSTR1_USBFSRST) /** @} */ /** * @name CRC peripheral specific RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the CRC peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableCRC(lp) rccEnableAHB1(RCC_AHB1ENR_CRCEN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the CRC peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableCRC() rccDisableAHB1(RCC_AHB1ENR_CRCEN) /** * @brief Resets the CRC peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetCRC() rccResetAHB1(RCC_AHB1RSTR_CRCRST) /** @} */ /** * @name FSMC peripherals specific RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the FSMC peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableFSMC(lp) rccEnableAHB3(RCC_AHB3ENR_FMCEN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the FSMC peripheral clock. * * @api */ #define rccDisableFSMC() rccDisableAHB3(RCC_AHB3ENR_FMCEN) /** * @brief Resets the FSMC peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetFSMC() rccResetAHB3(RCC_AHB3RSTR_FMCRST) /** @} */ /** * @name DCMI peripheral specific RCC operations * @{ */ /** * @brief Enables the DCMI peripheral clock. * * @param[in] lp low power enable flag * * @api */ #define rccEnableDCMI(lp) rccEnableAHB2(RCC_AHB2ENR_DCMIEN, lp) /** * @brief Disables the DCMI peripheral clock. + * + * @api */ #define rccDisableDCMI() rccDisableAHB2(RCC_AHB2ENR_DCMIEN) /** * @brief Resets the DCMI peripheral. * * @api */ #define rccResetDCMI() rccResetAHB2(RCC_AHB2RSTR_DCMIRST) /** @} */ /*===========================================================================*/ /* External declarations. */ /*===========================================================================*/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* STM32_RCC_H */ /** @} */