/* ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /** * @file templates/chconf.h * @brief Configuration file template. * @details A copy of this file must be placed in each project directory, it * contains the application specific kernel settings. * * @addtogroup config * @details Kernel related settings and hooks. * @{ */ #ifndef CHCONF_H #define CHCONF_H #define _CHIBIOS_RT_CONF_ /*===========================================================================*/ /** * @name System timers settings * @{ */ /*===========================================================================*/ /** * @brief System time counter resolution. * @note Allowed values are 16 or 32 bits. */ #define CH_CFG_ST_RESOLUTION 32 /** * @brief System tick frequency. * @details Frequency of the system timer that drives the system ticks. This * setting also defines the system tick time unit. */ #define CH_CFG_ST_FREQUENCY 100000 /** * @brief Time delta constant for the tick-less mode. * @note If this value is zero then the system uses the classic * periodic tick. This value represents the minimum number * of ticks that is safe to specify in a timeout directive. * The value one is not valid, timeouts are rounded up to * this value. */ #define CH_CFG_ST_TIMEDELTA 0 /** @} */ /*===========================================================================*/ /** * @name Kernel parameters and options * @{ */ /*===========================================================================*/ /** * @brief Round robin interval. * @details This constant is the number of system ticks allowed for the * threads before preemption occurs. Setting this value to zero * disables the preemption for threads with equal priority and the * round robin becomes cooperative. Note that higher priority * threads can still preempt, the kernel is always preemptive. * @note Disabling the round robin preemption makes the kernel more compact * and generally faster. * @note The round robin preemption is not supported in tickless mode and * must be set to zero in that case. */ #define CH_CFG_TIME_QUANTUM 20 /** * @brief Managed RAM size. * @details Size of the RAM area to be managed by the OS. If set to zero * then the whole available RAM is used. The core memory is made * available to the heap allocator and/or can be used directly through * the simplified core memory allocator. * * @note In order to let the OS manage the whole RAM the linker script must * provide the @p __heap_base__ and @p __heap_end__ symbols. * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_MEMCORE. */ #define CH_CFG_MEMCORE_SIZE 0 /** * @brief Idle thread automatic spawn suppression. * @details When this option is activated the function @p chSysInit() * does not spawn the idle thread. The application @p main() * function becomes the idle thread and must implement an * infinite loop. */ #define CH_CFG_NO_IDLE_THREAD FALSE /* Use __WFI in the idle thread for waiting. Does lower the power * consumption. */ #define CORTEX_ENABLE_WFI_IDLE TRUE /** @} */ /*===========================================================================*/ /** * @name Performance options * @{ */ /*===========================================================================*/ /** * @brief OS optimization. * @details If enabled then time efficient rather than space efficient code * is used when two possible implementations exist. * * @note This is not related to the compiler optimization options. * @note The default is @p TRUE. */ #define CH_CFG_OPTIMIZE_SPEED TRUE /** @} */ /*===========================================================================*/ /** * @name Subsystem options * @{ */ /*===========================================================================*/ /** * @brief Time Measurement APIs. * @details If enabled then the time measurement APIs are included in * the kernel. * * @note The default is @p TRUE. */ #define CH_CFG_USE_TM FALSE /** * @brief Threads registry APIs. * @details If enabled then the registry APIs are included in the kernel. * * @note The default is @p TRUE. */ #define CH_CFG_USE_REGISTRY TRUE /** * @brief Threads synchronization APIs. * @details If enabled then the @p chThdWait() function is included in * the kernel. * * @note The default is @p TRUE. */ #define CH_CFG_USE_WAITEXIT TRUE /**
# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
SUBTARGETS:=clean download prepare compile install update refresh prereq
subtarget-default = $(filter-out ., \
$(if $($(1)/builddirs-$(2)),$($(1)/builddirs-$(2)), \
$(if $($(1)/builddirs-default),$($(1)/builddirs-default), \
define subtarget
$(call warn_eval,$(1),t,T,$(1)/$(2): $($(1)/) $(foreach bd,$(call subtarget-default,$(1),$(2)),$(1)/$(bd)/$(2)))
# Parameters: <subdir>
define subdir
$(call warn,$(1),d,D $(1))
$(foreach bd,$($(1)/builddirs),
$(call warn,$(1),d,BD $(1)/$(bd))
$(foreach target,$(SUBTARGETS),
$(call warn_eval,$(1)/$(bd),t,T,$(1)/$(bd)/$(target): $(if $(QUILT),,$($(1)/$(bd)/$(target)) $(call $(1)//$(target),$(1)/$(bd))))
+$$(MAKE) -j1 -C $(1)/$(bd) $(target)
$$(if $(call debug,$(1)/$(bd),v),,.SILENT: $(1)/$(bd)/$(target))
# legacy targets
$(call warn_eval,$(1)/$(bd),l,T,$(1)/$(bd)-$(target): $(1)/$(bd)/$(target))
$(foreach target,$(SUBTARGETS),$(call subtarget,$(1),$(target)))
# Parameters: <subdir> <name> <target> <depends>
define stampfile
$$($(1)/stamp-$(3)): $(TMP_DIR)/.build $(4)
@+$(SCRIPT_DIR)/timestamp.pl -n $$($(1)/stamp-$(3)) $(1) $(4) || \
$(MAKE) $$($(1)/flags-$(3)) $(1)/$(3)
@mkdir -p $$$$(dirname $$($(1)/stamp-$(3)))
@touch $$($(1)/stamp-$(3))
$$(if $(call debug,$(1),v),,.SILENT: $$($(1)/stamp-$(3)))
.PRECIOUS: $$($(1)/stamp-$(3)) # work around a make bug
$(1)/stamp-$(3)/clean: FORCE
@rm -f $$($(1)/stamp-$(3))