path: root/target/linux/brcm2708
198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468
--  GHDL driver for synthesis
--  Copyright (C) 2016 Tristan Gingold
--  GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--  Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--  version.
--  GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
--  for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
--  Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--  02111-1307, USA.

with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;

with Types; use Types;
with Ghdllocal; use Ghdllocal;
with Ghdlcomp; use Ghdlcomp;
with Ghdlmain; use Ghdlmain;
with Options; use Options;
with Errorout;
with Errorout.Console;
with Version;
with Default_Paths;
with Bug;

with Libraries;
with Flags;
with Vhdl.Nodes; use Vhdl.Nodes;
with Vhdl.Errors;
with Vhdl.Scanner;
with Vhdl.Std_Package;
with Vhdl.Canon;
with Vhdl.Configuration;
with Vhdl.Annotations;
with Vhdl.Utils;

with Netlists.Dump;
with Netlists.Disp_Vhdl;
with Netlists.Errors;

with Synthesis;
with Synth.Disp_Vhdl;
with Synth.Context; use Synth.Context;
with Synth.Flags; use Synth.Flags;

package body Ghdlsynth is
   type Out_Format is
     (Format_Default, Format_Raw, Format_Dump, Format_Vhdl, Format_None);

   --  Command --synth
   type Command_Synth is new Command_Lib with record
      Disp_Inline : Boolean := True;
      Disp_Id : Boolean := True;
      Oformat : Out_Format := Format_Default;
      Expect_Failure : Boolean := False;
   end record;
   function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Synth; Name : String)
                           return Boolean;
   function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Synth) return String;
   procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Synth;
                            Option : String;
                            Arg : String;
                            Res : out Option_State);
   procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Synth;
                             Args : Argument_List);

   function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Synth; Name : String)
                           return Boolean
      pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
      return Name = "--synth";
   end Decode_Command;

   function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Synth) return String
      pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
      return "--synth [FILES... -e] UNIT [ARCH]   Synthesis from UNIT";
   end Get_Short_Help;

   procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Synth;
                            Option : String;
                            Arg : String;
                            Res : out Option_State)
      pragma Assert (Option'First = 1);
      if Option'Last > 3
        and then Option (2) = 'g'
        and then Is_Generic_Override_Option (Option)
         Res := Decode_Generic_Override_Option (Option);
      elsif Option = "--expect-failure" then
         Cmd.Expect_Failure := True;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "--disp-noinline" then
         Cmd.Disp_Inline := False;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "--disp-noid" then
         Cmd.Disp_Id := False;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "--out=raw" then
         Cmd.Oformat := Format_Raw;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "--out=dump" then
         Cmd.Oformat := Format_Dump;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "--out=none" then
         Cmd.Oformat := Format_None;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "--out=vhdl" then
         Cmd.Oformat := Format_Vhdl;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "-di" then
         Flag_Debug_Noinference := True;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "-dc" then
         Flag_Debug_Nocleanup := True;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "-dm" then
         Flag_Debug_Nomemory := True;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "-de" then
         Flag_Debug_Noexpand := True;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "-t" then
         Flag_Trace_Statements := True;
         Res := Option_Ok;
      elsif Option = "-i" then
         Flag_Debug_Init := True;
         Res := Option_Ok;
         Decode_Option (Command_Lib (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res);
      end if;
   end Decode_Option;

   --  Init, analyze and configure.
   --  Return the top configuration.
   function Ghdl_Synth_Configure (Init : Boolean; Args : Argument_List)
                                 return Node
      use Vhdl.Errors;
      use Vhdl.Configuration;
      use Errorout;
      E_Opt : Integer;
      Opt_Arg : Natural;
      Design_File : Iir;
      Config : Iir;
      Top : Iir;
      Prim_Id : Name_Id;
      Sec_Id : Name_Id;
      --  If the '-e' switch is present, there is a list of files.
      E_Opt := Args'First - 1;
      for I in Args'Range loop
         if Args (I).all = "-e" then
            E_Opt := I;
         end if;
      end loop;

      if Init then
         Vhdl.Annotations.Flag_Synthesis := True;
         Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Comment_Keyword := True;
         Vhdl.Scanner.Flag_Pragma_Comment := True;

         Common_Compile_Init (False);
         --  Will elaborate.
         Flags.Flag_Elaborate := True;

         --  Load content only if there are no files.
         Libraries.Load_Work_Library (E_Opt >= Args'First);

         --  Do not canon concurrent statements.
         Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Flag_Concurrent_Stmts := False;

         --  Do not create concurrent signal assignment for inertial
         --  association.  They are handled directly.
         Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Flag_Inertial_Associations := False;
      end if;

      Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated := E_Opt >= Args'First;

      --  Analyze files (if any)
      for I in Args'First .. E_Opt - 1 loop
            Arg : String renames Args (I).all;
            pragma Assert (Arg'First = 1);
            if Arg'Last > 7 and then Arg (1 .. 7) = "--work=" then
               if Libraries.Decode_Work_Option (Arg) then
                  Libraries.Load_Work_Library (True);
                  return Null_Iir;
               end if;
               Ghdlcomp.Compile_Load_File (Arg);
            end if;
      end loop;
      pragma Unreferenced (Design_File);

      if Nbr_Errors > 0 then
         --  No need to configure if there are missing units.
         return Null_Iir;
      end if;

      --  Elaborate
      if E_Opt = Args'Last then
         --  No unit.
         Top := Vhdl.Configuration.Find_Top_Entity (Libraries.Work_Library);
         if Top = Null_Node then
            Ghdlmain.Error ("no top unit found");
            return Null_Iir;
         end if;
         Errorout.Report_Msg (Msgid_Note, Option, No_Source_Coord,
                              "top entity is %i", (1 => +Top));
         if Nbr_Errors > 0 then
            --  No need to configure if there are missing units.
            return Null_Iir;
         end if;
         Prim_Id := Get_Identifier (Top);
         Sec_Id := Null_Identifier;
         Extract_Elab_Unit ("--synth", Args (E_Opt + 1 .. Args'Last), Opt_Arg,
                            Prim_Id, Sec_Id);
         if Opt_Arg <= Args'Last then
            Ghdlmain.Error ("extra options ignored");
            return Null_Iir;
         end if;
      end if;

      Config := Vhdl.Configuration.Configure (Prim_Id, Sec_Id);

      if Nbr_Errors > 0 then
         --  No need to configure if there are missing units.
         return Null_Iir;
      end if;


      --  Check (and possibly abandon) if entity can be at the top of the
      --  hierarchy.
         Entity : constant Iir :=
           Vhdl.Utils.Get_Entity_From_Configuration (Config);
         Vhdl.Configuration.Apply_Generic_Override (Entity);
         Vhdl.Configuration.Check_Entity_Declaration_Top (Entity, False);
         if Nbr_Errors > 0 then
            return Null_Iir;
         end if;

      --  Annotate all units.
      Vhdl.Annotations.Annotate (Vhdl.Std_Package.Std_Standard_Unit);
      for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
         Vhdl.Annotations.Annotate (Design_Units.Table (I));
      end loop;

      return Config;
   end Ghdl_Synth_Configure;

   procedure Disp_Design (Cmd : Command_Synth;
                          Default : Out_Format;
                          Res : Module;
                          Config : Iir;
                          Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc)
      Format : Out_Format;
      Ent : Iir;
      Format := Cmd.Oformat;
      if Format = Format_Default then
         Format := Default;
      end if;

      case Format is
         when Format_Default =>
            raise Internal_Error;
         when Format_None =>
         when Format_Raw =>
            Netlists.Dump.Flag_Disp_Inline := Cmd.Disp_Inline;
            Netlists.Dump.Flag_Disp_Id := Cmd.Disp_Id;
            Netlists.Dump.Disp_Module (Res);
         when Format_Dump =>
            Netlists.Dump.Flag_Disp_Inline := Cmd.Disp_Inline;
            Netlists.Dump.Dump_Module (Res);
         when Format_Vhdl =>
            if Boolean'(True) then
               Ent := Vhdl.Utils.Get_Entity_From_Configuration (Config);
               Synth.Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Vhdl_Wrapper (Ent, Res, Inst);
               Netlists.Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Vhdl (Res);
            end if;
      end case;
   end Disp_Design;

   function Ghdl_Synth
     (Init : Natural; Argc : Natural; Argv : C_String_Array_Acc)
     return Module
      use Vhdl.Configuration;
      Args : Argument_List (1 .. Argc);
      Res : Module;
      Cmd : Command_Acc;
      First_Arg : Natural;
      Config : Node;
      Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
      --  Create arguments list.
      for I in 0 .. Argc - 1 loop
            Arg : constant Ghdl_C_String := Argv (I);
            Args (I + 1) := new String'(Arg (1 .. strlen (Arg)));
      end loop;

      --  Find the command.  This is a little bit convoluted...
      Decode_Command_Options ("--synth", Cmd, Args, First_Arg);

      --  Do the real work!
      Config := Ghdl_Synth_Configure
        (Init /= 0, Args (First_Arg .. Args'Last));
      if Config = Null_Iir then
         return No_Module;
      end if;

      Synthesis.Synth_Design (Config, Res, Inst);
      if Res = No_Module then
         return No_Module;
      end if;

      Disp_Design (Command_Synth (Cmd.all), Format_None, Res, Config, Inst);

      --  De-elaborate all packages, so that they could be re-used for
      --  synthesis of a second design.
      --  FIXME: move to vhdl.configure ?
      for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
         Set_Elab_Flag (Design_Units.Table (I), False);
      end loop;
      Set_Elab_Flag (Vhdl.Std_Package.Std_Standard_Unit, False);

      return Res;

      when Option_Error =>
         return No_Module;
      when E: others =>
         --  Avoid possible issues with exceptions...
         Bug.Disp_Bug_Box (E);
         return No_Module;
   end Ghdl_Synth;

   procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Synth;
                             Args : Argument_List)
      Res : Module;
      Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
      Config : Iir;
      Config := Ghdl_Synth_Configure (True, Args);

      if Config = Null_Iir then
         if Cmd.Expect_Failure then
            raise Errorout.Compilation_Error;
         end if;
      end if;


      Synthesis.Synth_Design (Config, Res, Inst);
      if Res = No_Module then
         if Cmd.Expect_Failure then
            raise Errorout.Compilation_Error;
         end if;
      elsif Cmd.Expect_Failure then
         raise Errorout.Compilation_Error;
      end if;

      Disp_Design (Cmd, Format_Vhdl, Res, Config, Inst);
   end Perform_Action;

   function Get_Libghdl_Name return String
      Libghdl_Version : String := Version.Ghdl_Ver;
      for I in Libghdl_Version'Range loop
         if Libghdl_Version (I) = '.' or Libghdl_Version (I) = '-' then
            Libghdl_Version (I) := '_';
         end if;
      end loop;
      return "libghdl-" & Libghdl_Version
        & Default_Paths.Shared_Library_Extension;
   end Get_Libghdl_Name;

   function Get_Libghdl_Path return String is
      if Ghdllocal.Exec_Prefix = null then
         --  Compute install path (only once).
      end if;

      return Ghdllocal.Exec_Prefix.all & Directory_Separator & "lib"
        & Directory_Separator & Get_Libghdl_Name;
   end Get_Libghdl_Path;

   function Get_Libghdl_Include_Dir return String is
      --  Compute install path

      return Ghdllocal.Exec_Prefix.all & Directory_Separator & "include";
   end Get_Libghdl_Include_Dir;

   procedure Register_Commands is
      Ghdlmain.Register_Command (new Command_Synth);
        (new Command_Str_Disp'
           (Command_Type with
            Cmd_Str => new String'
            Help_Str => new String'
              ("--libghdl-name  Display libghdl name"),
            Disp => Get_Libghdl_Name'Access));
        (new Command_Str_Disp'
           (Command_Type with
            Cmd_Str => new String'
            Help_Str => new String'
              ("--libghdl-library-path  Display libghdl library path"),
            Disp => Get_Libghdl_Path'Access));
        (new Command_Str_Disp'
           (Command_Type with
            Cmd_Str => new String'
            Help_Str => new String'
              ("--libghdl-include-dir  Display libghdl include directory"),
            Disp => Get_Libghdl_Include_Dir'Access));
   end Register_Commands;

   procedure Init_For_Ghdl_Synth is
   end Init_For_Ghdl_Synth;
end Ghdlsynth;