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background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */


A compact split ortholinear keyboard.

Keyboard Maintainer: [Makoto Kurauchi](https://github.com/MakotoKurauchi/) [@pluis9](https://twitter.com/pluis9)  
Hardware Supported: Helix PCB Alpha, Beta, Pro Micro  
Hardware Availability: [PCB & Case Data](https://github.com/MakotoKurauchi/helix), [Yushakobo Shop](https://yushakobo.jp/shop/), [Little Keyboards](https://littlekeyboards.com/collections/helix) 

## How to build
 * [Helix how to Customize and Compile](rev2/keymaps/default/readme.md#customize)
 * [HelixPico how to Customize and Compile](pico/keymaps/default/readme.md#customize)

See [build environment setup](https://docs.qmk.fm/#/getting_started_build_tools) then the [make instructions](https://docs.qmk.fm/#/getting_started_make_guide) for more information.
8' href='#n178'>178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263
From df0a2db3e96b39e9cd48acb069f2e60919be49f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andy Green <andy@openmoko.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 23:06:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] fix-pcf50633-kill-white-splash-of-death-on-suspend.patch

mach-gta02 meddles with the regulator platform struct after
it is defined, leading to LCM power getting lost in suspend
despite I set it to be left up.  Fixing this finally removes
the incredibly stubborn white LCM on suspend "flash".

This is also going to be implicated in Sean McNeil's
experience of monochromatic LCM after resume, which was
previously attacked by resetting and re-initing the LCM
from scratch.

In addition, I realized that we take down core_1v3 in
pcf50633 suspend action, this is happening near the
start of suspend, so we are in a meta-race to finish
suspend in a controlled way before the caps on core_1v3
run out (I only saw 23.3uF total).  If it's true, this
is where the weirdo sensitivity to timing during
suspend is coming from.

Therefore in this patch we also remove sleeps and
dev_info() etc (which have to flush on serial console)
from the pc50633 isr workqueue if we are in pcf50633
driver suspend state 1, ie, suspending... because we
don't have time for it.

Signed-off-by: Andy Green <andy@openmoko.com>
 arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/mach-gta02.c |   43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 drivers/i2c/chips/pcf50633.c       |   29 ++++++++++++-----------
 drivers/mfd/glamo/glamo-core.c     |    2 +
 drivers/video/display/jbt6k74.c    |    1 +
 4 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/mach-gta02.c b/arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/mach-gta02.c
index 654dc8f..0bacafa 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/mach-gta02.c
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/mach-gta02.c
@@ -485,6 +485,9 @@ static struct pcf50633_platform_data gta02_pcf_pdata = {
 		[1] = PCF50633_INT2_ONKEYF,
 		[2] = PCF50633_INT3_ONKEY1S
+	/* warning: these get rewritten during machine init below
+	 * depending on pcb variant
+	 */
 	.rails	= {
 		[PCF50633_REGULATOR_AUTO] = {
 			.name		= "io_3v3",
@@ -496,6 +499,12 @@ static struct pcf50633_platform_data gta02_pcf_pdata = {
 		[PCF50633_REGULATOR_DOWN1] = {
 			.name		= "core_1v3",
+			/* Wow, when we are going into suspend, after pcf50633
+			 * runs its suspend (which happens real early since it
+			 * is an i2c device) we are running out of the 22uF cap
+			 * on core_1v3 rail !!!!
+			 */
+			.flags		= PMU_VRAIL_F_SUSPEND_ON,
 			.voltage	= {
 				.init	= 1300,
 				.max	= 1600,
@@ -503,6 +512,7 @@ static struct pcf50633_platform_data gta02_pcf_pdata = {
 		[PCF50633_REGULATOR_DOWN2] = {
 			.name		= "core_1v8",
+			.flags		= PMU_VRAIL_F_SUSPEND_ON,
 			.voltage	= {
 				.init	= 1800,
 				.max	= 1800,
@@ -516,8 +526,7 @@ static struct pcf50633_platform_data gta02_pcf_pdata = {
 		[PCF50633_REGULATOR_LDO1] = {
-			.name		= "stby_1v3",
-			.flags		= PMU_VRAIL_F_SUSPEND_ON,
+			.name		= "gsensor_3v3",
 			.voltage	= {
 				.init	= 1300,
 				.max	= 1330,
@@ -531,7 +540,7 @@ static struct pcf50633_platform_data gta02_pcf_pdata = {
 		[PCF50633_REGULATOR_LDO3] = {
-			.name		= "lcm_3v",
+			.name		= "unused3",
 			.voltage	= {
 				.init	= 3000,
 				.max	= 3000,
@@ -545,20 +554,28 @@ static struct pcf50633_platform_data gta02_pcf_pdata = {
 		[PCF50633_REGULATOR_LDO5] = {
-			.name		= "gl_1v5",
+			.name		= "rf3v",
 			.voltage	= {
 				.init	= 1500,
 				.max	= 1500,
 		[PCF50633_REGULATOR_LDO6] = {
-			.name		= "user1",
+			.name		= "lcm_3v",
 			.flags = PMU_VRAIL_F_SUSPEND_ON,
 			.voltage	= {
 				.init	= 0,
 				.max	= 3300,
+			.name		= "memldo",
+			.flags = PMU_VRAIL_F_SUSPEND_ON,
+			.voltage	= {
+				.init	= 1800,
+				.max	= 1800,
+			},
+		},
 	.defer_resume_backlight = 1,
@@ -611,13 +628,15 @@ static void mangle_pmu_pdata_by_system_rev(void)
 								.max = 3000,
-		gta02_pcf_pdata.rails[PCF50633_REGULATOR_LDO6] = ((struct pmu_voltage_rail) {
-							.name = "lcm_3v",
-							.voltage = {
-								.init = 3000,
-								.max = 3000,
-							}
-						});
+		gta02_pcf_pdata.rails[PCF50633_REGULATOR_LDO6] =
+					((struct pmu_voltage_rail) {
+						.name = "lcm_3v",
+						.flags = PMU_VRAIL_F_SUSPEND_ON,
+						.voltage = {
+							.init = 3000,
+							.max = 3000,
+						}
+					});
diff --git a/drivers/i2c/chips/pcf50633.c b/drivers/i2c/chips/pcf50633.c
index 4002c03..37dfca6 100644
--- a/drivers/i2c/chips/pcf50633.c
+++ b/drivers/i2c/chips/pcf50633.c
@@ -750,9 +750,6 @@ static void pcf50633_work(struct work_struct *work)
 	pcf->working = 1;
-	dev_info(&pcf->client.dev, "pcf50633_work called with suspended = %d\n",
-				   pcf->have_been_suspended);
 	 * If we are inside suspend -> resume completion time we don't attempt
 	 * service until we have fully resumed.  Although we could talk to the
@@ -763,11 +760,8 @@ static void pcf50633_work(struct work_struct *work)
 	 * completed.
-	if (pcf->have_been_suspended && (pcf->have_been_suspended < 3)) {
-		dev_info(&pcf->client.dev, "rescheduling,  suspended = %d\n",
-					   pcf->have_been_suspended);
+	if (pcf->have_been_suspended && (pcf->have_been_suspended < 3))
 		goto reschedule;
-	}
 	 * datasheet says we have to read the five IRQ
@@ -1157,9 +1151,13 @@ static void pcf50633_work(struct work_struct *work)
 	/* don't spew, delaying whatever else is happening */
-	msleep(100);
-	dev_info(&pcf->client.dev, "rescheduling interrupt service\n");
+	/* EXCEPTION: if we are in the middle of suspending, we don't have
+	 * time to hang around since we may be turned off core 1V3 already
+	 */
+	if (pcf->have_been_suspended != 1) {
+		msleep(50);
+		dev_info(&pcf->client.dev, "rescheduling interrupt service\n");
+	}
 	if (!schedule_work(&pcf->work))
 		dev_err(&pcf->client.dev, "int service reschedule failed\n");
@@ -2333,7 +2331,7 @@ static int pcf50633_suspend(struct device *dev, pm_message_t state)
-	if (ret != 18)
+	if (ret != sizeof(pcf->standby_regs.misc))
 		dev_err(dev, "Failed to save misc levels and enables :-(\n");
 	/* regulator voltages and enable states */
@@ -2341,7 +2339,7 @@ static int pcf50633_suspend(struct device *dev, pm_message_t state)
-	if (ret != 14)
+	if (ret != sizeof(pcf->standby_regs.ldo))
 		dev_err(dev, "Failed to save LDO levels and enables :-(\n");
 	/* switch off power supplies that are not needed during suspend */
@@ -2349,8 +2347,6 @@ static int pcf50633_suspend(struct device *dev, pm_message_t state)
 		if ((pcf->pdata->rails[i].flags & PMU_VRAIL_F_SUSPEND_ON))
-		dev_dbg(dev, "disabling regulator %u\n", i);
 		/* we can save ourselves the read part of a read-modify-write
 		 * here because we captured all these already
@@ -2359,6 +2355,11 @@ static int pcf50633_suspend(struct device *dev, pm_message_t state)
 			tmp = pcf->standby_regs.ldo[(i - 4) * 2 + 1];
+		dev_info(dev, "disabling reg %s by setting ENA %d to 0x%02X\n",
+			      pcf->pdata->rails[i].name,
+			      regulator_registers[i] + 1, tmp & 0xfe);
+		/* associated enable is always +1 from OUT reg */
 		__reg_write(pcf, regulator_registers[i] + 1, tmp & 0xfe);
diff --git a/drivers/mfd/glamo/glamo-core.c b/drivers/mfd/glamo/glamo-core.c
index 3edbfa8..d4b526d 100644
--- a/drivers/mfd/glamo/glamo-core.c
+++ b/drivers/mfd/glamo/glamo-core.c
@@ -848,6 +848,7 @@ static void glamo_power(struct glamo_core *glamo,
 				 ARRAY_SIZE(glamo_resume_script), 0);
 		/* enable memory self-refresh */
 		__reg_set_bit_mask(glamo, GLAMO_REG_MEM_DRAM1,
@@ -859,6 +860,7 @@ static void glamo_power(struct glamo_core *glamo,
 		__reg_set_bit_mask(glamo, GLAMO_REG_PLL_GEN3, 0x2000, 0xffff);
 		__reg_set_bit_mask(glamo, GLAMO_REG_DFT_GEN5, 0x0001, 0xffff);
 		__reg_set_bit_mask(glamo, GLAMO_REG_MEM_DRAM2,
 				   GLAMO_MEM_DRAM2_DEEP_PWRDOWN, 0xffff);
diff --git a/drivers/video/display/jbt6k74.c b/drivers/video/display/jbt6k74.c
index 6fa1fe7..b406298 100644
--- a/drivers/video/display/jbt6k74.c
+++ b/drivers/video/display/jbt6k74.c
@@ -634,6 +634,7 @@ static int jbt_suspend(struct spi_device *spi, pm_message_t state)
 	/* Save mode for resume */
 	jbt->last_state = jbt->state;
 	jbt6k74_enter_state(jbt, JBT_STATE_DEEP_STANDBY);
 	jbt->have_resumed = 0;