BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterremove all use of FP in printf as it's not thread safeJames McKenzie2 years
old-mastersysclk back to 168MHz, 10Mhz -> TIM2fishsoupisgood6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2023-02-18remove all use of FP in printf as it's not thread safeHEADmasterJames McKenzie9-85/+89
2023-02-18add code for fetching epheredies and ublox assit dataJames McKenzie7-29/+125
2021-03-21add code for fetching and decrypting the the DCF77 weather data, and the ship...root2-0/+805
2021-03-21fix content-type headers, and store a day's worth of weather dataroot6-9/+88
2021-03-20add mdns responderroot5-3/+26
2021-03-20make the interval bisection work properly for events in the next hour, add an...root7-12/+72
2021-03-20add alarm supportroot9-77/+452
2021-03-20add webserver contentroot10-34/+172
2021-03-20handle non contiguous frames on ethernet transmitroot1-5/+31