path: root/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/bin/ceedling
diff options
authorJoey Castillo <>2021-08-28 12:50:18 -0400
committerJoey Castillo <>2021-08-28 12:50:18 -0400
commit39a5c822a2a2e798e2e39ff8a98b7af84253026c (patch)
treefa157c98d3aea0d4f996e4415aa2a7ad1093ac05 /tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/bin/ceedling
parentc9e00b83bbdcb05058806d915ec4fff3cf4e596f (diff)
add tinyusb
Diffstat (limited to 'tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/bin/ceedling')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/bin/ceedling b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/bin/ceedling
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fa099590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/bin/ceedling
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+#these are always used
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'fileutils'
+# Check for the main project file (either the one defined in the ENV or the default)
+project_found = (!main_filepath.nil? && File.exists?(main_filepath))
+if (!project_found)
+ main_filepath = "project.yml"
+ project_found = File.exists?(main_filepath)
+def is_windows?
+ return ((RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/) ? true : false) if defined?(RbConfig)
+ return ((Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/) ? true : false)
+unless (project_found)
+#===================================== We Do Not Have A Project ================================================
+ puts "Welcome to Ceedling!"
+ require 'thor'
+ def here
+ File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/.."
+ end
+ class CeedlingTasks < Thor
+ include Thor::Actions
+ desc "new PROJECT_NAME", "create a new ceedling project"
+ method_option :docs, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Add docs in project vendor directory"
+ method_option :local, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Create a copy of Ceedling in the project vendor directory"
+ method_option :gitignore, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Create a gitignore file for ignoring ceedling generated files"
+ method_option :no_configs, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Don't install starter configuration files"
+ method_option :noconfigs, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ #deprecated:
+ method_option :no_docs, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ method_option :nodocs, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ method_option :as_gem, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ method_option :asgem, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ method_option :with_ignore, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ method_option :withignore, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ def new(name, silent = false)
+ copy_assets_and_create_structure(name, silent, false, options)
+ end
+ desc "upgrade PROJECT_NAME", "upgrade ceedling for a project (not req'd if gem used)"
+ method_option :docs, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Add docs in project vendor directory"
+ method_option :local, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Create a copy of Ceedling in the project vendor directory"
+ method_option :no_configs, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Don't install starter configuration files"
+ method_option :noconfigs, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ #deprecated:
+ method_option :no_docs, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ method_option :nodocs, :type => :boolean, :default => false
+ def upgrade(name, silent = false)
+ copy_assets_and_create_structure(name, silent, true, options || {:upgrade => true})
+ end
+ no_commands do
+ def copy_assets_and_create_structure(name, silent=false, force=false, options = {})
+ puts "WARNING: --no_docs deprecated. It is now the default. Specify -docs if you want docs installed." if (options[:no_docs] || options[:nodocs])
+ puts "WARNING: --as_gem deprecated. It is now the default. Specify -local if you want ceedling installed to this project." if (options[:as_gem] || options[:asgem])
+ puts "WARNING: --with_ignore deprecated. It is now called -gitignore" if (options[:with_ignore] || options[:with_ignore])
+ use_docs = options[:docs] || false
+ use_configs = !(options[:no_configs] || options[:noconfigs] || false)
+ use_gem = !(options[:local])
+ use_ignore = options[:gitignore] || false
+ is_upgrade = options[:upgrade] || false
+ ceedling_path = File.join(name, 'vendor', 'ceedling')
+ source_path = File.join(name, 'src')
+ test_path = File.join(name, 'test')
+ test_support_path = File.join(name, 'test/support')
+ # If it's not an upgrade, make sure we have the paths we expect
+ if (!is_upgrade)
+ [source_path, test_path, test_support_path].each do |d|
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p d
+ end
+ end
+ # Genarate gitkeep in test support path
+ FileUtils.touch(File.join(test_support_path, '.gitkeep'))
+ # If documentation requested, create a place to dump them and do so
+ if use_docs
+ doc_path = File.join(ceedling_path, 'docs')
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p doc_path
+ in_doc_path = lambda {|f| File.join(doc_path, f)}
+ doc_files = [
+ 'docs/',
+ 'vendor/c_exception/docs/',
+ 'vendor/cmock/docs/',
+ 'vendor/unity/docs/UnityAssertionsCheatSheetSuitableforPrintingandPossiblyFraming.pdf',
+ 'vendor/unity/docs/',
+ 'vendor/unity/docs/',
+ 'vendor/unity/docs/',
+ 'vendor/unity/docs/',
+ 'vendor/unity/docs/',
+ ]
+ doc_files.each do |f|
+ copy_file(f,, :force => force)
+ end
+ end
+ # If installed locally to project, copy ceedling, unity, cmock, & supports to vendor
+ unless use_gem
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p ceedling_path
+ #copy full folders from ceedling gem into project
+ %w{plugins lib bin}.map do |f|
+ {:src => f, :dst => File.join(ceedling_path, f)}
+ end.each do |f|
+ directory(f[:src], f[:dst], :force => force)
+ end
+ # mark ceedling as an executable
+ File.chmod(0755, File.join(ceedling_path, 'bin', 'ceedling')) unless is_windows?
+ #copy necessary subcomponents from ceedling gem into project
+ sub_components = [
+ {:src => 'vendor/c_exception/lib/', :dst => 'vendor/c_exception/lib'},
+ {:src => 'vendor/cmock/config/', :dst => 'vendor/cmock/config'},
+ {:src => 'vendor/cmock/lib/', :dst => 'vendor/cmock/lib'},
+ {:src => 'vendor/cmock/src/', :dst => 'vendor/cmock/src'},
+ {:src => 'vendor/deep_merge/lib/', :dst => 'vendor/deep_merge/lib'},
+ {:src => 'vendor/diy/lib', :dst => 'vendor/diy/lib'},
+ {:src => 'vendor/unity/auto/', :dst => 'vendor/unity/auto'},
+ {:src => 'vendor/unity/src/', :dst => 'vendor/unity/src'},
+ ]
+ sub_components.each do |c|
+ directory(c[:src], File.join(ceedling_path, c[:dst]), :force => force)
+ end
+ end
+ # We're copying in a configuration file if we haven't said not to
+ if (use_configs)
+ if use_gem
+ copy_file(File.join('assets', 'project_as_gem.yml'), File.join(name, 'project.yml'), :force => force)
+ else
+ copy_file(File.join('assets', 'project_with_guts.yml'), File.join(name, 'project.yml'), :force => force)
+ if is_windows?
+ copy_file(File.join('assets', 'ceedling.cmd'), File.join(name, 'ceedling.cmd'), :force => force)
+ else
+ copy_file(File.join('assets', 'ceedling'), File.join(name, 'ceedling'), :force => force)
+ File.chmod(0755, File.join(name, 'ceedling'))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Copy the gitignore file if requested
+ if (use_ignore)
+ copy_file(File.join('assets', 'default_gitignore'), File.join(name, '.gitignore'), :force => force)
+ end
+ unless silent
+ puts "\n"
+ puts "Project '#{name}' #{force ? "upgraded" : "created"}!"
+ puts " - Tool documentation is located in vendor/ceedling/docs" if use_docs
+ puts " - Execute 'ceedling help' to view available test & build tasks"
+ puts ''
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ desc "examples", "list available example projects"
+ def examples()
+ puts "Available sample projects:"
+, "examples")) do
+ Dir["*"].each {|proj| puts " #{proj}"}
+ end
+ end
+ desc "example PROJ_NAME [DEST]", "new specified example project (in DEST, if specified)"
+ def example(proj_name, dest=nil)
+ if dest.nil? then dest = proj_name end
+ copy_assets_and_create_structure(dest, true, false, {:local=>true, :docs=>true})
+ dest_src = File.join(dest,'src')
+ dest_test = File.join(dest,'test')
+ dest_project = File.join(dest,'project.yml')
+ directory "examples/#{proj_name}/src", dest_src
+ directory "examples/#{proj_name}/test", dest_test
+ remove_file dest_project
+ copy_file "examples/#{proj_name}/project.yml", dest_project
+ puts "\n"
+ puts "Example project '#{proj_name}' created!"
+ puts " - Tool documentation is located in vendor/ceedling/docs"
+ puts " - Execute 'ceedling help' to view available test & build tasks"
+ puts ''
+ end
+ desc "version", "return the version of the tools installed"
+ def version()
+ require 'ceedling/version.rb'
+ puts " Ceedling:: #{Ceedling::Version::CEEDLING}"
+ puts " CMock:: #{Ceedling::Version::CMOCK}"
+ puts " Unity:: #{Ceedling::Version::UNITY}"
+ puts " CException:: #{Ceedling::Version::CEXCEPTION}"
+ end
+ end
+ if (ARGV[0] =~ /^\-T$/)
+ puts "\n(No Project Detected, Therefore Showing Options to Create Projects)"
+ CeedlingTasks.tasks.each_pair do |k,v|
+ puts v.usage.ljust(25,' ') + v.description
+ end
+ puts "\n"
+ else
+ CeedlingTasks.source_root here
+ CeedlingTasks.start
+ end
+#===================================== We Have A Project Already ================================================
+ require 'yaml'
+ require 'rbconfig'
+ #determine platform
+ platform = begin
+ case(RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'])
+ when /mswin|mingw|cygwin/i
+ :mswin
+ when /darwin/
+ :osx
+ else
+ :linux
+ end
+ rescue
+ :linux
+ end
+ #create our default meta-runner option set
+ options = {
+ :pretest => nil,
+ :args => [],
+ :add_path => [],
+ :path_connector => (platform == :mswin) ? ";" : ":",
+ :graceful_fail => false,
+ :which_ceedling => (Dir.exists?("vendor/ceedling") ? "vendor/ceedling" : 'gem'),
+ :default_tasks => [ 'test:all' ],
+ :list_tasks => false
+ }
+ #guess that we need a special script file first if it exists
+ if (platform == :mswin)
+ options[:pretest] = File.exists?("#{ platform.to_s }_setup.bat") ? "#{ platform.to_s }_setup.bat" : nil
+ else
+ options[:pretest] = File.exists?("#{ platform.to_s }") ? "source #{ platform.to_s }" : nil
+ end
+ #merge in project settings if they can be found here
+ yaml_options = YAML.load_file(main_filepath)
+ if (yaml_options[:paths])
+ options[:add_path] = yaml_options[:paths][:tools] || []
+ else
+ options[:add_path] = []
+ end
+ options[:graceful_fail] = yaml_options[:graceful_fail] if yaml_options[:graceful_fail]
+ options[:which_ceedling] = yaml_options[:project][:which_ceedling] if (yaml_options[:project] && yaml_options[:project][:which_ceedling])
+ options[:default_tasks] = yaml_options[:default_tasks] if yaml_options[:default_tasks]
+ #sort through command line options
+ ARGV.each do |v|
+ case(v)
+ when /^(?:new|examples?|templates?)$/
+ puts "\nOops. You called ceedling with argument '#{v}'.\n" +
+ " This is an operation that will create a new project... \n" +
+ " but it looks like you're already in a project. If you really \n" +
+ " want to do this, try moving to an empty folder.\n\n"
+ abort
+ when /^help$/
+ options[:list_tasks] = true
+ when /^-T$/
+ options[:list_tasks] = true
+ when /^project:(\w+)/
+ else
+ options[:args].push(v)
+ end
+ end
+ #add to the path
+ if (options[:add_path] && !options[:add_path].empty?)
+ path = ENV["PATH"]
+ options[:add_path].each do |p|
+ f = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__),p)
+ path = (f + options[:path_connector] + path) unless path.include? f
+ end
+ ENV["PATH"] = path
+ end
+ # Load Ceedling (either through the rakefile OR directly)
+ if (File.exists?("rakefile.rb"))
+ load 'rakefile.rb'
+ else
+ if (options[:which_ceedling] == 'gem')
+ require 'ceedling'
+ else
+ load "#{options[:which_ceedling]}/lib/ceedling.rb"
+ end
+ Ceedling.load_project
+ end
+ Rake.application.standard_exception_handling do
+ if options[:list_tasks]
+ # Display helpful task list when requested. This required us to dig into Rake internals a bit
+ Rake.application.define_singleton_method(:name=) {|n| @name = n}
+ = 'ceedling'
+ Rake.application.options.show_tasks = :tasks
+ Rake.application.options.show_task_pattern = /^(?!.*build).*$/
+ Rake.application.display_tasks_and_comments()
+ else
+ task :default => options[:default_tasks]
+ # Run our Tasks!
+ Rake.application.collect_command_line_tasks(options[:args])
+ Rake.application.top_level
+ end
+ end
+ true