path: root/Smol Watch Project/My Project/Config/hpl_adc_config.h
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-/* Auto-generated config file hpl_adc_config.h */
-// <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>
-#ifndef CONF_ADC_0_ENABLE
-#define CONF_ADC_0_ENABLE 1
-// <h> Basic Configuration
-// <o> Conversion Result Resolution
-// <0x0=>12-bit
-// <0x1=>16-bit (averaging must be enabled)
-// <0x2=>10-bit
-// <0x3=>8-bit
-// <i> Defines the bit resolution for the ADC sample values (RESSEL)
-// <id> adc_resolution
-#ifndef CONF_ADC_0_RESSEL
-#define CONF_ADC_0_RESSEL 0x0
-// <o> Reference Selection
-// <0x0=>Internal bandgap reference
-// <0x1=>1/1.6 VDDANA
-// <0x2=>1/2 VDDANA (only for VDDANA > 2.0V)
-// <0x3=>External reference A
-// <0x4=>External reference B
-// <0x5=>VDDANA
-// <i> Select the reference for the ADC (REFSEL)
-// <id> adc_reference
-#ifndef CONF_ADC_0_REFSEL
-#define CONF_ADC_0_REFSEL 0x0
-// <o> Prescaler configuration
-// <0x0=>Peripheral clock divided by 2
-// <0x1=>Peripheral clock divided by 4
-// <0x2=>Peripheral clock divided by 8
-// <0x3=>Peripheral clock divided by 16
-// <0x4=>Peripheral clock divided by 32
-// <0x5=>Peripheral clock divided by 64
-// <0x6=>Peripheral clock divided by 128
-// <0x7=>Peripheral clock divided by 256
-// <i> These bits define the ADC clock relative to the peripheral clock (PRESCALER)
-// <id> adc_prescaler
-#define CONF_ADC_0_PRESCALER 0x0
-// <q> Free Running Mode
-// <i> When enabled, the ADC is in free running mode and a new conversion will be initiated when a previous conversion completes. (FREERUN)
-// <id> adc_freerunning_mode
-#define CONF_ADC_0_FREERUN 0
-// <q> Differential Mode
-// <i> In differential mode, the voltage difference between the MUXPOS and MUXNEG inputs will be converted by the ADC. (DIFFMODE)
-// <id> adc_differential_mode
-#define CONF_ADC_0_DIFFMODE 0
-// <o> Positive Mux Input Selection
-// <0x00=>ADC AIN0 pin
-// <0x01=>ADC AIN1 pin
-// <0x02=>ADC AIN2 pin
-// <0x03=>ADC AIN3 pin
-// <0x04=>ADC AIN4 pin
-// <0x05=>ADC AIN5 pin
-// <0x06=>ADC AIN6 pin
-// <0x07=>ADC AIN7 pin
-// <0x08=>ADC AIN8 pin
-// <0x09=>ADC AIN9 pin
-// <0x0A=>ADC AIN10 pin
-// <0x0B=>ADC AIN11 pin
-// <0x0C=>ADC AIN12 pin
-// <0x0D=>ADC AIN13 pin
-// <0x0E=>ADC AIN14 pin
-// <0x0F=>ADC AIN15 pin
-// <0x10=>ADC AIN16 pin
-// <0x11=>ADC AIN17 pin
-// <0x12=>ADC AIN18 pin
-// <0x13=>ADC AIN19 pin
-// <0x18=>Temperature reference
-// <0x19=>Bandgap voltage
-// <0x1A=>1/4 scaled core supply
-// <0x1B=>1/4 scaled I/O supply
-// <0x1D=>1/4 Scaled VBAT Supply
-// <0x1E=>CTAT Output
-// <i> These bits define the Mux selection for the positive ADC input. (MUXPOS)
-// <id> adc_pinmux_positive
-#ifndef CONF_ADC_0_MUXPOS
-#define CONF_ADC_0_MUXPOS 0x0
-// <o> Negative Mux Input Selection
-// <0x00=>ADC AIN0 pin
-// <0x01=>ADC AIN1 pin
-// <0x02=>ADC AIN2 pin
-// <0x03=>ADC AIN3 pin
-// <0x04=>ADC AIN4 pin
-// <0x05=>ADC AIN5 pin
-// <0x06=>ADC AIN6 pin
-// <0x07=>ADC AIN7 pin
-// <0x18=>Internal ground
-// <i> These bits define the Mux selection for the negative ADC input. (MUXNEG)
-// <id> adc_pinmux_negative
-#ifndef CONF_ADC_0_MUXNEG
-#define CONF_ADC_0_MUXNEG 0x0
-// </h>
-// <e> Advanced Configuration
-// <id> adc_advanced_settings
-#define CONF_ADC_0_ADVANCED 0
-// <q> Run in standby
-// <i> Indicates whether the ADC will continue running in standby sleep mode or not (RUNSTDBY)
-// <id> adc_arch_runstdby
-#define CONF_ADC_0_RUNSTDBY 0
-// <q>Debug Run
-// <i> If enabled, the ADC is running if the CPU is halted by an external debugger. (DBGRUN)
-// <id> adc_arch_dbgrun
-#ifndef CONF_ADC_0_DBGRUN
-#define CONF_ADC_0_DBGRUN 0
-// <q> On Demand Control
-// <i> Will keep the ADC peripheral running if requested by other peripherals (ONDEMAND)
-// <id> adc_arch_ondemand
-#define CONF_ADC_0_ONDEMAND 0
-// <q> Left-Adjusted Result
-// <i> When enabled, the ADC conversion result is left-adjusted in the RESULT register. The high byte of the 12-bit result will be present in the upper part of the result register. (LEFTADJ)
-// <id> adc_arch_leftadj
-#define CONF_ADC_0_LEFTADJ 0
-// <q> Reference Buffer Offset Compensation Enable
-// <i> The accuracy of the gain stage can be increased by enabling the reference buffer offset compensation. This will decrease the input impedance and thus increase the start-up time of the reference. (REFCOMP)
-// <id> adc_arch_refcomp
-#define CONF_ADC_0_REFCOMP 0
-// <q>Comparator Offset Compensation Enable
-// <i> This bit indicates whether the Comparator Offset Compensation is enabled or not (OFFCOMP)
-// <id> adc_arch_offcomp
-#define CONF_ADC_0_OFFCOMP 0
-// <q> Digital Correction Logic Enabled
-// <i> When enabled, the ADC conversion result in the RESULT register is then corrected for gain and offset based on the values in the GAINCAL and OFFSETCAL registers. (CORREN)
-// <id> adc_arch_corren
-#ifndef CONF_ADC_0_CORREN
-#define CONF_ADC_0_CORREN 0
-// <o> Offset Correction Value <0-4095>
-// <i> If the digital correction logic is enabled (CTRLB.CORREN = 1), these bits define how the ADC conversion result is compensated for offset error before being written to the Result register. (OFFSETCORR)
-// <id> adc_arch_offsetcorr
-// <o> Gain Correction Value <0-4095>
-// <i> If the digital correction logic is enabled (CTRLB.CORREN = 1), these bits define how the ADC conversion result is compensated for gain error before being written to the result register. (GAINCORR)
-// <id> adc_arch_gaincorr
-#define CONF_ADC_0_GAINCORR 0
-// <o> Adjusting Result / Division Coefficient <0-7>
-// <i> These bits define the division coefficient in 2n steps. (ADJRES)
-// <id> adc_arch_adjres
-#ifndef CONF_ADC_0_ADJRES
-#define CONF_ADC_0_ADJRES 0x0
-// <o.0..10> Number of Samples to be Collected
-// <0x0=>1 sample
-// <0x1=>2 samples
-// <0x2=>4 samples
-// <0x3=>8 samples
-// <0x4=>16 samples
-// <0x5=>32 samples
-// <0x6=>64 samples
-// <0x7=>128 samples
-// <0x8=>256 samples
-// <0x9=>512 samples
-// <0xA=>1024 samples
-// <i> Define how many samples should be added together.The result will be available in the Result register (SAMPLENUM)
-// <id> adc_arch_samplenum
-#define CONF_ADC_0_SAMPLENUM 0x0
-// <o> Sampling Time Length <0-63>
-// <i> These bits control the ADC sampling time in number of CLK_ADC cycles, depending of the prescaler value, thus controlling the ADC input impedance. (SAMPLEN)
-// <id> adc_arch_samplen
-#define CONF_ADC_0_SAMPLEN 0
-// <o> Window Monitor Mode
-// <0x0=>No window mode
-// <0x1=>Mode 1: RESULT above lower threshold
-// <0x2=>Mode 2: RESULT beneath upper threshold
-// <0x3=>Mode 3: RESULT inside lower and upper threshold
-// <0x4=>Mode 4: RESULT outside lower and upper threshold
-// <i> These bits enable and define the window monitor mode. (WINMODE)
-// <id> adc_arch_winmode
-#define CONF_ADC_0_WINMODE 0x0
-// <o> Window Monitor Lower Threshold <0-65535>
-// <i> If the window monitor is enabled, these bits define the lower threshold value. (WINLT)
-// <id> adc_arch_winlt
-#ifndef CONF_ADC_0_WINLT
-#define CONF_ADC_0_WINLT 0
-// <o> Window Monitor Upper Threshold <0-65535>
-// <i> If the window monitor is enabled, these bits define the lower threshold value. (WINUT)
-// <id> adc_arch_winut
-#ifndef CONF_ADC_0_WINUT
-#define CONF_ADC_0_WINUT 0
-// <o> Bitmask for positive input sequence <0-4294967295>
-// <i> Use this parameter to input the bitmask for positive input sequence control (refer to datasheet for the device).
-// <id> adc_arch_seqen
-#ifndef CONF_ADC_0_SEQEN
-#define CONF_ADC_0_SEQEN 0x0
-// </e>
-// <e> Event Control
-// <id> adc_arch_event_settings
-// <q> Window Monitor Event Out
-// <i> Enables event output on window event (WINMONEO)
-// <id> adc_arch_winmoneo
-#define CONF_ADC_0_WINMONEO 0
-// <q> Result Ready Event Out
-// <i> Enables event output on result ready event (RESRDEO)
-// <id> adc_arch_resrdyeo
-#define CONF_ADC_0_RESRDYEO 0
-// <q> Invert flush Event Signal
-// <i> Invert the flush event input signal (FLUSHINV)
-// <id> adc_arch_flushinv
-#define CONF_ADC_0_FLUSHINV 0
-// <q> Trigger Flush On Event
-// <i> Trigger an ADC pipeline flush on event (FLUSHEI)
-// <id> adc_arch_flushei
-#define CONF_ADC_0_FLUSHEI 0
-// <q> Invert Start Conversion Event Signal
-// <i> Invert the start conversion event input signal (STARTINV)
-// <id> adc_arch_startinv
-#define CONF_ADC_0_STARTINV 0
-// <q> Trigger Conversion On Event
-// <i> Trigger a conversion on event. (STARTEI)
-// <id> adc_arch_startei
-#define CONF_ADC_0_STARTEI 0
-// </e>
-// <<< end of configuration section >>>
-#endif // HPL_ADC_CONFIG_H