path: root/movement/movement.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'movement/movement.c')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/movement/movement.c b/movement/movement.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5622f17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/movement/movement.c
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "watch.h"
+#include "movement.h"
+#include "movement_config.h"
+movement_state_t movement_state;
+void * watch_face_contexts[MOVEMENT_NUM_FACES];
+const int32_t movement_le_inactivity_deadlines[8] = {INT_MAX, 3600, 7200, 21600, 43200, 86400, 172800, 604800};
+const int32_t movement_timeout_inactivity_deadlines[4] = {60, 120, 300, 1800};
+movement_event_t event;
+void cb_mode_btn_interrupt();
+void cb_light_btn_interrupt();
+void cb_alarm_btn_interrupt();
+void cb_alarm_btn_extwake();
+void cb_alarm_fired();
+void cb_tick();
+static inline void _movement_reset_inactivity_countdown() {
+ movement_state.le_mode_ticks = movement_le_inactivity_deadlines[movement_state.settings.bit.le_interval];
+ movement_state.timeout_ticks = movement_timeout_inactivity_deadlines[movement_state.settings.bit.to_interval];
+void _movement_handle_background_tasks() {
+ for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MOVEMENT_NUM_FACES; i++) {
+ // For each face, if the watch face wants a background task...
+ if (watch_faces[i].wants_background_task != NULL && watch_faces[i].wants_background_task(&movement_state.settings, watch_face_contexts[i])) {
+ // ...we give it one. pretty straightforward!
+ movement_event_t background_event = { EVENT_BACKGROUND_TASK, 0 };
+ watch_faces[i].loop(background_event, &movement_state.settings, watch_face_contexts[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ movement_state.needs_background_tasks_handled = false;
+void movement_request_tick_frequency(uint8_t freq) {
+ watch_rtc_disable_all_periodic_callbacks();
+ movement_state.subsecond = 0;
+ movement_state.tick_frequency = freq;
+ watch_rtc_register_periodic_callback(cb_tick, freq);
+void movement_illuminate_led() {
+ watch_set_led_color(movement_state.settings.bit.led_red_color ? (0xF | movement_state.settings.bit.led_red_color << 4) : 0,
+ movement_state.settings.bit.led_green_color ? (0xF | movement_state.settings.bit.led_green_color << 4) : 0);
+ movement_state.led_on = true;
+ movement_state.light_ticks = movement_state.settings.bit.led_duration * 2;
+void movement_move_to_face(uint8_t watch_face_index) {
+ movement_state.watch_face_changed = true;
+ movement_state.next_watch_face = watch_face_index;
+void movement_move_to_next_face() {
+ movement_move_to_face((movement_state.current_watch_face + 1) % MOVEMENT_NUM_FACES);
+void app_init() {
+ memset(&movement_state, 0, sizeof(movement_state));
+ movement_state.settings.bit.led_green_color = 0xF;
+ movement_state.settings.bit.button_should_sound = true;
+ movement_state.settings.bit.le_interval = 1;
+ movement_state.settings.bit.led_duration = 1;
+ _movement_reset_inactivity_countdown();
+void app_wake_from_backup() {
+ // This app does not support BACKUP mode.
+void app_setup() {
+ static bool is_first_launch = true;
+ if (is_first_launch) {
+ for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MOVEMENT_NUM_FACES; i++) {
+ watch_face_contexts[i] = NULL;
+ is_first_launch = false;
+ }
+ // set up the 1 minute alarm (for background tasks and low power updates)
+ watch_date_time alarm_time;
+ alarm_time.reg = 0;
+ alarm_time.unit.second = 59; // after a match, the alarm fires at the next rising edge of CLK_RTC_CNT, so 59 seconds lets us update at :00
+ watch_rtc_register_alarm_callback(cb_alarm_fired, alarm_time, ALARM_MATCH_SS);
+ }
+ if (movement_state.le_mode_ticks != -1) {
+ watch_disable_extwake_interrupt(BTN_ALARM);
+ watch_enable_external_interrupts();
+ watch_register_interrupt_callback(BTN_MODE, cb_mode_btn_interrupt, INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_BOTH);
+ watch_register_interrupt_callback(BTN_LIGHT, cb_light_btn_interrupt, INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_BOTH);
+ watch_register_interrupt_callback(BTN_ALARM, cb_alarm_btn_interrupt, INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_BOTH);
+ watch_enable_buzzer();
+ watch_enable_leds();
+ watch_enable_display();
+ movement_request_tick_frequency(1);
+ for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MOVEMENT_NUM_FACES; i++) {
+ watch_faces[i].setup(&movement_state.settings, &watch_face_contexts[i]);
+ }
+ watch_faces[0].activate(&movement_state.settings, watch_face_contexts[0]);
+ event.subsecond = 0;
+ event.event_type = EVENT_ACTIVATE;
+ }
+void app_prepare_for_standby() {
+void app_wake_from_standby() {
+bool app_loop() {
+ if (movement_state.watch_face_changed) {
+ if (movement_state.settings.bit.button_should_sound) {
+ // low note for nonzero case, high note for return to watch_face 0
+ watch_buzzer_play_note(movement_state.next_watch_face ? BUZZER_NOTE_C7 : BUZZER_NOTE_C8, 50);
+ }
+ watch_faces[movement_state.current_watch_face].resign(&movement_state.settings, watch_face_contexts[movement_state.current_watch_face]);
+ movement_state.current_watch_face = movement_state.next_watch_face;
+ watch_clear_display();
+ watch_faces[movement_state.current_watch_face].activate(&movement_state.settings, watch_face_contexts[movement_state.current_watch_face]);
+ event.subsecond = 0;
+ event.event_type = EVENT_ACTIVATE;
+ movement_state.watch_face_changed = false;
+ }
+ // if the LED is on and should be off, turn it off
+ if (movement_state.led_on && movement_state.light_ticks == 0) {
+ // unless the user is holding down the LIGHT button, in which case, give them more time.
+ if (watch_get_pin_level(BTN_LIGHT)) {
+ movement_state.light_ticks = 3;
+ } else {
+ watch_set_led_off();
+ movement_state.led_on = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // if we have timed out of our timeout countdown, give the app a hint that they can resign.
+ if (movement_state.timeout_ticks == 0) {
+ event.event_type = EVENT_TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ // handle background tasks, if the alarm handler told us we need to
+ if (movement_state.needs_background_tasks_handled) _movement_handle_background_tasks();
+ // if we have timed out of our low energy mode countdown, enter low energy mode.
+ if (movement_state.le_mode_ticks == 0) {
+ movement_state.le_mode_ticks = -1;
+ watch_register_extwake_callback(BTN_ALARM, cb_alarm_btn_extwake, true);
+ event.event_type = EVENT_NONE;
+ event.subsecond = 0;
+ // this is a little mini-runloop.
+ // as long as le_mode_ticks is -1 (i.e. we are in low energy mode), we wake up here, update the screen, and go right back to sleep.
+ while (movement_state.le_mode_ticks == -1) {
+ // we also have to handle background tasks here in the mini-runloop
+ if (movement_state.needs_background_tasks_handled) _movement_handle_background_tasks();
+ event.event_type = EVENT_LOW_ENERGY_UPDATE;
+ watch_faces[movement_state.current_watch_face].loop(event, &movement_state.settings, watch_face_contexts[movement_state.current_watch_face]);
+ watch_enter_sleep_mode();
+ }
+ // as soon as le_mode_ticks is reset by the extwake handler, we bail out of the loop and reactivate ourselves.
+ event.event_type = EVENT_ACTIVATE;
+ // this is a hack tho: waking from sleep mode, app_setup does get called, but it happens before we have reset our ticks.
+ // need to figure out if there's a better heuristic for determining how we woke up.
+ app_setup();
+ }
+ static bool can_sleep = true;
+ if (event.event_type) {
+ event.subsecond = movement_state.subsecond;
+ can_sleep = watch_faces[movement_state.current_watch_face].loop(event, &movement_state.settings, watch_face_contexts[movement_state.current_watch_face]);
+ event.event_type = EVENT_NONE;
+ event.subsecond = 0;
+ }
+ return can_sleep && !movement_state.led_on;
+movement_event_type_t _figure_out_button_event(movement_event_type_t button_down_event_type, uint8_t *down_timestamp) {
+ watch_date_time date_time = watch_rtc_get_date_time();
+ if (*down_timestamp) {
+ uint8_t diff = ((61 + date_time.unit.second) - *down_timestamp) % 60;
+ *down_timestamp = 0;
+ if (diff > 1) return button_down_event_type + 2;
+ else return button_down_event_type + 1;
+ } else {
+ *down_timestamp = date_time.unit.second + 1;
+ return button_down_event_type;
+ }
+void cb_light_btn_interrupt() {
+ _movement_reset_inactivity_countdown();
+ event.event_type = _figure_out_button_event(EVENT_LIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN, &movement_state.light_down_timestamp);
+void cb_mode_btn_interrupt() {
+ _movement_reset_inactivity_countdown();
+ event.event_type = _figure_out_button_event(EVENT_MODE_BUTTON_DOWN, &movement_state.mode_down_timestamp);
+void cb_alarm_btn_interrupt() {
+ _movement_reset_inactivity_countdown();
+ event.event_type = _figure_out_button_event(EVENT_ALARM_BUTTON_DOWN, &movement_state.alarm_down_timestamp);
+void cb_alarm_btn_extwake() {
+ // wake up!
+ _movement_reset_inactivity_countdown();
+void cb_alarm_fired() {
+ movement_state.needs_background_tasks_handled = true;
+void cb_tick() {
+ event.event_type = EVENT_TICK;
+ watch_date_time date_time = watch_rtc_get_date_time();
+ if (date_time.unit.second != movement_state.last_second) {
+ // TODO: since we time the LED with the 1 Hz tick, the actual time lit can vary depending on whether the
+ // user hit it just before or just after a tick. If we time this with the system tick we can do better.
+ if (movement_state.light_ticks) movement_state.light_ticks--;
+ // TODO: can we consolidate these two ticks?
+ if (movement_state.settings.bit.le_interval && movement_state.le_mode_ticks > 0) movement_state.le_mode_ticks--;
+ if (movement_state.timeout_ticks > 0) movement_state.timeout_ticks--;
+ movement_state.last_second = date_time.unit.second;
+ movement_state.subsecond = 0;
+ } else {
+ movement_state.subsecond++;
+ }