path: root/tinyusb/examples/device/usbtmc/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tinyusb/examples/device/usbtmc/')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tinyusb/examples/device/usbtmc/ b/tinyusb/examples/device/usbtmc/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..50a765a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/examples/device/usbtmc/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import visa
+import time
+import sys
+def test_idn():
+ idn = inst.query("*idn?");
+ assert (idn == "TinyUSB,ModelNumber,SerialNumber,FirmwareVer123456\r\n")
+ assert (inst.is_4882_compliant)
+def test_echo(m,n):
+ longstr = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" * 50
+ t0 = time.monotonic()
+ #Next try echo from 1 to 175 characters (200 is max buffer size on DUT)
+ for i in range(m,n):
+ #print(i)
+ x = longstr[0:i]
+ xt = x + inst.write_termination
+ y = inst.query(x)
+ #print(x)
+ #print (":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in xt))
+ #print (":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in y))
+ assert(xt == y), f"failed i={i}"
+ #inst.read_stb();# Just to make USB logging easier by sending a control query (bad thing is that this made things slow)
+ t = time.monotonic() - t0
+ print(f" elapsed: {t:0.3} sec")
+def test_trig():
+ # clear SRQ
+ inst.read_stb()
+ assert (inst.read_stb() == 0)
+ inst.assert_trigger()
+ time.sleep(0.3) # SRQ may have some delay
+ assert (inst.read_stb() & 0x40), "SRQ not set after 0.3 seconds"
+ assert (inst.read_stb() == 0)
+def test_mav():
+ inst.write("delay 50")
+ inst.read_stb() # clear STB
+ assert (inst.read_stb() == 0)
+ inst.write("123")
+ time.sleep(0.3)
+ assert (inst.read_stb() & 0x10), "MAV not set after 0.5 seconds"
+ rsp =
+ assert(rsp == "123\r\n")
+def test_srq():
+ assert (inst.read_stb() == 0)
+ inst.write("123")
+ #inst.enable_event(visa.constants.VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ, visa.constants.VI_QUEUE)
+ #waitrsp = inst.wait_on_event(visa.constants.VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ, 5000)
+ #inst.discard_events(visa.constants.VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ, visa.constants.VI_QUEUE)
+ #inst.wait_for_srq()
+ time.sleep(0.3)
+ stb = inst.read_stb()
+ msg = "SRQ not set after 0.5 seconds, was {:02x}".format(stb)
+ assert (stb == 0x50),msg
+ assert (inst.read_stb() == 0x10), "SRQ set at second read!"
+ rsp =
+ assert(rsp == "123\r\n")
+def test_read_timeout():
+ inst.timeout = 500
+ # First read with no MAV
+ inst.read_stb()
+ assert (inst.read_stb() == 0)
+ inst.write("delay 500")
+ t0 = time.monotonic()
+ try:
+ rsp =
+ assert(false), "Read should have resulted in timeout"
+ except visa.VisaIOError:
+ print(" Got expected exception")
+ t = time.monotonic() - t0
+ assert ((t*1000.0) > (inst.timeout - 300))
+ assert ((t*1000.0) < (inst.timeout + 300))
+ print(f"Delay was {t:0.3}")
+ # Response is still in queue, so send a clear (to be more helpful to the next test)
+ inst.clear()
+ time.sleep(0.3)
+ assert(0 == (inst.read_stb() & 0x10)), "MAV not reset after clear"
+def test_abort_in():
+ inst.timeout = 200
+ # First read with no MAV
+ inst.read_stb()
+ assert (inst.read_stb() == 0)
+ inst.write("delay 500")
+ inst.write("xxx")
+ t0 = time.monotonic()
+ try:
+ rsp =
+ assert(false), "Read should have resulted in timeout"
+ except visa.VisaIOError:
+ print(" Got expected exception")
+ t = time.monotonic() - t0
+ assert ((t*1000.0) > (inst.timeout - 300))
+ assert ((t*1000.0) < (inst.timeout + 300))
+ print(f" Delay was {t:0.3}")
+ # Response is still in queue, so send a clear (to be more helpful to the next test)
+ inst.timeout = 800
+ y =
+ assert(y == "xxx\r\n")
+def test_indicate():
+ # perform indicator pulse
+ usb_iface = inst.get_visa_attribute(visa.constants.VI_ATTR_USB_INTFC_NUM)
+ retv = inst.control_in(request_type_bitmap_field=0xA1, request_id=64, request_value=0x0000, index=usb_iface, length=0x0001)
+ assert((retv[1] == visa.constants.StatusCode(0)) and (retv[0] == b'\x01')), f"indicator pulse failed: retv={retv}"
+def test_multi_read():
+ old_chunk_size = inst.chunk_size
+ longstr = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" * 10
+ timeout = 10
+ x = longstr[0:174]
+ inst.chunk_size = 50 # Seems chunk size only applies to read but not write
+ inst.write(x)
+ # I'm not sure how to request just the remaining bit using a max count... so just read it all.
+ y =
+ assert (x + "\r\n" == y)
+ #inst.chunk_size = old_chunk_size
+def test_stall_ep0():
+ usb_iface = inst.get_visa_attribute(visa.constants.VI_ATTR_USB_INTFC_NUM)
+ inst.read_stb()
+ # This is an invalid request, should create stall.
+ try:
+ retv = inst.control_in(request_type_bitmap_field=0xA1, request_id=60, request_value=0x0000, index=usb_iface, length=0x0001)
+ assert false
+ except visa.VisaIOError:
+ pass
+ assert (inst.read_stb() == 0)
+rm = visa.ResourceManager()
+reslist = rm.list_resources("USB?::?*::INSTR")
+if (len(reslist) == 0):
+ sys.exit()
+inst = rm.open_resource(reslist[0]);
+inst.timeout = 3000
+print("+ IDN")
+print("+test abort in")
+inst.timeout = 2000
+print("+ multi read")
+print("+ echo delay=0")
+inst.write("delay 0")
+print("+ echo delay=2")
+inst.write("delay 2")
+print("+ echo delay=150")
+inst.write("delay 150")
+print("+ Read timeout (no MAV)")
+print("+ Test EP0 stall recovery")
+print("+ MAV")
+print("+ SRQ")
+print("+ indicate")
+print("+ TRIG")
+# Untested:
+# abort bulk out
+# LLO, GTL, etc
+# Throughput rate?
+# Transmitting a message using multiple transfers
+print("Test complete")