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+# Unity Configuration Guide
+## C Standards, Compilers and Microcontrollers
+The embedded software world contains its challenges. Compilers support different
+revisions of the C Standard. They ignore requirements in places, sometimes to
+make the language more usable in some special regard. Sometimes it's to simplify
+their support. Sometimes it's due to specific quirks of the microcontroller they
+are targeting. Simulators add another dimension to this menagerie.
+Unity is designed to run on almost anything that is targeted by a C compiler. It
+would be awesome if this could be done with zero configuration. While there are
+some targets that come close to this dream, it is sadly not universal. It is
+likely that you are going to need at least a couple of the configuration options
+described in this document.
+All of Unity's configuration options are `#defines`. Most of these are simple
+definitions. A couple are macros with arguments. They live inside the
+unity_internals.h header file. We don't necessarily recommend opening that file
+unless you really need to. That file is proof that a cross-platform library is
+challenging to build. From a more positive perspective, it is also proof that a
+great deal of complexity can be centralized primarily to one place to
+provide a more consistent and simple experience elsewhere.
+### Using These Options
+It doesn't matter if you're using a target-specific compiler and a simulator or
+a native compiler. In either case, you've got a couple choices for configuring
+these options:
+1. Because these options are specified via C defines, you can pass most of these
+options to your compiler through command line compiler flags. Even if you're
+using an embedded target that forces you to use their overbearing IDE for all
+configuration, there will be a place somewhere in your project to configure
+defines for your compiler.
+2. You can create a custom `unity_config.h` configuration file (present in your
+toolchain's search paths). In this file, you will list definitions and macros
+specific to your target. All you must do is define `UNITY_INCLUDE_CONFIG_H` and
+Unity will rely on `unity_config.h` for any further definitions it may need.
+## The Options
+### Integer Types
+If you've been a C developer for long, you probably already know that C's
+concept of an integer varies from target to target. The C Standard has rules
+about the `int` matching the register size of the target microprocessor. It has
+rules about the `int` and how its size relates to other integer types. An `int`
+on one target might be 16 bits while on another target it might be 64. There are
+more specific types in compilers compliant with C99 or later, but that's
+certainly not every compiler you are likely to encounter. Therefore, Unity has a
+number of features for helping to adjust itself to match your required integer
+sizes. It starts off by trying to do it automatically.
+The first thing that Unity does to guess your types is check `stdint.h`.
+This file includes defines like `UINT_MAX` that Unity can use to
+learn a lot about your system. It's possible you don't want it to do this
+(um. why not?) or (more likely) it's possible that your system doesn't
+support `stdint.h`. If that's the case, you're going to want to define this.
+That way, Unity will know to skip the inclusion of this file and you won't
+be left with a compiler error.
+The second attempt to guess your types is to check `limits.h`. Some compilers
+that don't support `stdint.h` could include `limits.h` instead. If you don't
+want Unity to check this file either, define this to make it skip the inclusion.
+If you've disabled both of the automatic options above, you're going to have to
+do the configuration yourself. Don't worry. Even this isn't too bad... there are
+just a handful of defines that you are going to specify if you don't like the
+Define this to be the number of bits an `int` takes up on your system. The
+default, if not autodetected, is 32 bits.
+ #define UNITY_INT_WIDTH 16
+Define this to be the number of bits a `long` takes up on your system. The
+default, if not autodetected, is 32 bits. This is used to figure out what kind
+of 64-bit support your system can handle. Does it need to specify a `long` or a
+`long long` to get a 64-bit value. On 16-bit systems, this option is going to be
+ #define UNITY_LONG_WIDTH 16
+Define this to be the number of bits a pointer takes up on your system. The
+default, if not autodetected, is 32-bits. If you're getting ugly compiler
+warnings about casting from pointers, this is the one to look at.
+##### `UNITY_SUPPORT_64`
+Unity will automatically include 64-bit support if it auto-detects it, or if
+your `int`, `long`, or pointer widths are greater than 32-bits. Define this to
+enable 64-bit support if none of the other options already did it for you. There
+can be a significant size and speed impact to enabling 64-bit support on small
+targets, so don't define it if you don't need it.
+ #define UNITY_SUPPORT_64
+### Floating Point Types
+In the embedded world, it's not uncommon for targets to have no support for
+floating point operations at all or to have support that is limited to only
+single precision. We are able to guess integer sizes on the fly because integers
+are always available in at least one size. Floating point, on the other hand, is
+sometimes not available at all. Trying to include `float.h` on these platforms
+would result in an error. This leaves manual configuration as the only option.
+By default, Unity guesses that you will want single precision floating point
+support, but not double precision. It's easy to change either of these using the
+include and exclude options here. You may include neither, either, or both, as
+suits your needs. For features that are enabled, the following floating point
+options also become available.
+ //what manner of strange processor is this?
+Unity aims for as small of a footprint as possible and avoids most standard
+library calls (some embedded platforms don’t have a standard library!). Because
+of this, its routines for printing integer values are minimalist and hand-coded.
+Therefore, the display of floating point values during a failure are optional.
+By default, Unity will print the actual results of floating point assertion
+failure (e.g. ”Expected 4.56 Was 4.68”). To not include this extra support, you
+can use this define to instead respond to a failed assertion with a message like
+”Values Not Within Delta”. If you would like verbose failure messages for floating
+point assertions, use these options to give more explicit failure messages.
+If enabled, Unity assumes you want your `FLOAT` asserts to compare standard C
+floats. If your compiler supports a specialty floating point type, you can
+always override this behavior by using this definition.
+ #define UNITY_FLOAT_TYPE float16_t
+If enabled, Unity assumes you want your `DOUBLE` asserts to compare standard C
+doubles. If you would like to change this, you can specify something else by
+using this option. For example, defining `UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE` to `long double`
+could enable gargantuan floating point types on your 64-bit processor instead of
+the standard `double`.
+ #define UNITY_DOUBLE_TYPE long double
+documented in the big daddy Unity Assertion Guide, you will learn that they are
+not really asserting that two values are equal but rather that two values are
+"close enough" to equal. "Close enough" is controlled by these precision
+configuration options. If you are working with 32-bit floats and/or 64-bit
+doubles (the normal on most processors), you should have no need to change these
+options. They are both set to give you approximately 1 significant bit in either
+direction. The float precision is 0.00001 while the double is 10-12.
+For further details on how this works, see the appendix of the Unity Assertion
+ #define UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION 0.001f
+### Toolset Customization
+In addition to the options listed above, there are a number of other options
+which will come in handy to customize Unity's behavior for your specific
+toolchain. It is possible that you may not need to touch any of these... but
+certain platforms, particularly those running in simulators, may need to jump
+through extra hoops to run properly. These macros will help in those
+By default, Unity prints its results to `stdout` as it runs. This works
+perfectly fine in most situations where you are using a native compiler for
+testing. It works on some simulators as well so long as they have `stdout`
+routed back to the command line. There are times, however, where the simulator
+will lack support for dumping results or you will want to route results
+elsewhere for other reasons. In these cases, you should define the
+`UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR` macro. This macro accepts a single character at a time (as
+an `int`, since this is the parameter type of the standard C `putchar` function
+most commonly used). You may replace this with whatever function call you like.
+Say you are forced to run your test suite on an embedded processor with no
+`stdout` option. You decide to route your test result output to a custom serial
+`RS232_putc()` function you wrote like thus:
+ #include "RS232_header.h"
+ ...
+ #define UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(a) RS232_putc(a)
+ #define UNITY_OUTPUT_START() RS232_config(115200,1,8,0)
+ #define UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH() RS232_flush()
+ #define UNITY_OUTPUT_COMPLETE() RS232_close()
+`UNITY_OUTPUT_FLUSH()` can be set to the standard out flush function simply by
+specifying `UNITY_USE_FLUSH_STDOUT`. No other defines are required.
+##### `UNITY_NO_WEAK`
+For some targets, Unity can make the otherwise required setUp() and tearDown()
+functions optional. This is a nice convenience for test writers since setUp and
+tearDown don’t often actually do anything. If you’re using gcc or clang, this
+option is automatically defined for you. Other compilers can also support this
+behavior, if they support a C feature called weak functions. A weak function is
+a function that is compiled into your executable unless a non-weak version of
+the same function is defined elsewhere. If a non-weak version is found, the weak
+version is ignored as if it never existed. If your compiler supports this feature,
+you can let Unity know by defining UNITY_WEAK_ATTRIBUTE or UNITY_WEAK_PRAGMA as
+the function attributes that would need to be applied to identify a function as
+weak. If your compiler lacks support for weak functions, you will always need to
+define setUp and tearDown functions (though they can be and often will be just
+empty). You can also force Unity to NOT use weak functions by defining
+UNITY_NO_WEAK. The most common options for this feature are:
+ #define UNITY_WEAK_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((weak))
+ #define UNITY_NO_WEAK
+Some compilers require a custom attribute to be assigned to pointers, like
+`near` or `far`. In these cases, you can give Unity a safe default for these by
+defining this option with the attribute you would like.
+ #define UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((far))
+ #define UNITY_PTR_ATTRIBUTE near
+By default, Unity outputs \n at the end of each line of output. This is easy
+to parse by the scripts, by Ceedling, etc, but it might not be ideal for YOUR
+system. Feel free to override this and to make it whatever you wish.
+This is an option for if you absolutely must squeeze every byte of memory out of
+your system. Unity stores a set of internal scratchpads which are used to pass
+extra detail information around. It's used by systems like CMock in order to
+report which function or argument flagged an error. If you're not using CMock and
+you're not using these details for other things, then you can exclude them.
+If your embedded system doesn't support the standard library setjmp, you can
+exclude Unity's reliance on this by using this define. This dropped dependence
+comes at a price, though. You will be unable to use custom helper functions for
+your tests, and you will be unable to use tools like CMock. Very likely, if your
+compiler doesn't support setjmp, you wouldn't have had the memory space for those
+things anyway, though... so this option exists for those situations.
+If you want to add color using ANSI escape codes you can use this define.
+## Getting Into The Guts
+There will be cases where the options above aren't quite going to get everything
+perfect. They are likely sufficient for any situation where you are compiling
+and executing your tests with a native toolchain (e.g. clang on Mac). These
+options may even get you through the majority of cases encountered in working
+with a target simulator run from your local command line. But especially if you
+must run your test suite on your target hardware, your Unity configuration will
+require special help. This special help will usually reside in one of two
+places: the `main()` function or the `RUN_TEST` macro. Let's look at how these
+##### `main()`
+Each test module is compiled and run on its own, separate from the other test
+files in your project. Each test file, therefore, has a `main` function. This
+`main` function will need to contain whatever code is necessary to initialize
+your system to a workable state. This is particularly true for situations where
+you must set up a memory map or initialize a communication channel for the
+output of your test results.
+A simple main function looks something like this:
+ int main(void) {
+ RUN_TEST(test_TheFirst);
+ RUN_TEST(test_TheSecond);
+ RUN_TEST(test_TheThird);
+ return UNITY_END();
+ }
+You can see that our main function doesn't bother taking any arguments. For our
+most barebones case, we'll never have arguments because we just run all the
+tests each time. Instead, we start by calling `UNITY_BEGIN`. We run each test
+(in whatever order we wish). Finally, we call `UNITY_END`, returning its return
+value (which is the total number of failures).
+It should be easy to see that you can add code before any test cases are run or
+after all the test cases have completed. This allows you to do any needed
+system-wide setup or teardown that might be required for your special
+##### `RUN_TEST`
+The `RUN_TEST` macro is called with each test case function. Its job is to
+perform whatever setup and teardown is necessary for executing a single test
+case function. This includes catching failures, calling the test module's
+`setUp()` and `tearDown()` functions, and calling `UnityConcludeTest()`. If
+using CMock or test coverage, there will be additional stubs in use here. A
+simple minimalist RUN_TEST macro looks something like this:
+ #define RUN_TEST(testfunc) \
+ UNITY_NEW_TEST(#testfunc) \
+ if (TEST_PROTECT()) { \
+ setUp(); \
+ testfunc(); \
+ } \
+ tearDown(); \
+ UnityConcludeTest();
+So that's quite a macro, huh? It gives you a glimpse of what kind of stuff Unity
+has to deal with for every single test case. For each test case, we declare that
+it is a new test. Then we run `setUp` and our test function. These are run
+within a `TEST_PROTECT` block, the function of which is to handle failures that
+occur during the test. Then, assuming our test is still running and hasn't been
+ignored, we run `tearDown`. No matter what, our last step is to conclude this
+test before moving on to the next.
+Let's say you need to add a call to `fsync` to force all of your output data to
+flush to a file after each test. You could easily insert this after your
+`UnityConcludeTest` call. Maybe you want to write an xml tag before and after
+each result set. Again, you could do this by adding lines to this macro. Updates
+to this macro are for the occasions when you need an action before or after
+every single test case throughout your entire suite of tests.
+## Happy Porting
+The defines and macros in this guide should help you port Unity to just about
+any C target we can imagine. If you run into a snag or two, don't be afraid of
+asking for help on the forums. We love a good challenge!
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