path: root/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_builder.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_builder.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 458 deletions
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_builder.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_builder.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index da8a816f..00000000
--- a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_builder.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'rake' # for ext() method
-require 'ceedling/file_path_utils' # for class methods
-require 'ceedling/defaults'
-require 'ceedling/constants' # for Verbosity constants class & base file paths
-class ConfiguratorBuilder
- constructor :file_system_utils, :file_wrapper, :system_wrapper
- def build_global_constants(config)
- config.each_pair do |key, value|
- formatted_key = key.to_s.upcase
- # undefine global constant if it already exists
- Object.send(:remove_const, formatted_key.to_sym) if @system_wrapper.constants_include?(formatted_key)
- # create global constant
- Object.module_eval("#{formatted_key} = value")
- end
- end
- def build_accessor_methods(config, context)
- config.each_pair do |key, value|
- # fill configurator object with accessor methods
- eval("def #{key.to_s.downcase}() return @project_config_hash[:#{key.to_s}] end", context)
- end
- end
- # create a flattened hash from the original configuration structure
- def flattenify(config)
- new_hash = {}
- config.each_key do | parent |
- # gracefully handle empty top-level entries
- next if (config[parent].nil?)
- case config[parent]
- when Array
- config[parent].each do |hash|
- key = "#{parent.to_s.downcase}_#{hash.keys[0].to_s.downcase}".to_sym
- new_hash[key] = hash[hash.keys[0]]
- end
- when Hash
- config[parent].each_pair do | child, value |
- key = "#{parent.to_s.downcase}_#{child.to_s.downcase}".to_sym
- new_hash[key] = value
- end
- # handle entries with no children, only values
- else
- new_hash["#{parent.to_s.downcase}".to_sym] = config[parent]
- end
- end
- return new_hash
- end
- def populate_defaults(config, defaults)
- defaults.keys.sort.each do |section|
- defaults[section].keys.sort.each do |entry|
- config[section] = {} if config[section].nil?
- config[section][entry] = defaults[section][entry].deep_clone if (config[section][entry].nil?)
- end
- end
- end
- def clean(in_hash)
- # ensure that include files inserted into test runners have file extensions & proper ones at that
- in_hash[:test_runner_includes].map!{|include| include.ext(in_hash[:extension_header])}
- end
- def set_build_paths(in_hash)
- out_hash = {}
- project_build_artifacts_root = File.join(in_hash[:project_build_root], 'artifacts')
- project_build_tests_root = File.join(in_hash[:project_build_root], TESTS_BASE_PATH)
- project_build_release_root = File.join(in_hash[:project_build_root], RELEASE_BASE_PATH)
- paths = [
- [:project_build_artifacts_root, project_build_artifacts_root, true ],
- [:project_build_tests_root, project_build_tests_root, true ],
- [:project_build_release_root, project_build_release_root, in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
- [:project_test_artifacts_path, File.join(project_build_artifacts_root, TESTS_BASE_PATH), true ],
- [:project_test_runners_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'runners'), true ],
- [:project_test_results_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'results'), true ],
- [:project_test_build_output_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'out'), true ],
- [:project_test_build_output_asm_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'out', 'asm'), true ],
- [:project_test_build_output_c_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'out', 'c'), true ],
- [:project_test_build_cache_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'cache'), true ],
- [:project_test_dependencies_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'dependencies'), true ],
- [:project_release_artifacts_path, File.join(project_build_artifacts_root, RELEASE_BASE_PATH), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
- [:project_release_build_cache_path, File.join(project_build_release_root, 'cache'), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
- [:project_release_build_output_path, File.join(project_build_release_root, 'out'), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
- [:project_release_build_output_asm_path, File.join(project_build_release_root, 'out', 'asm'), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
- [:project_release_build_output_c_path, File.join(project_build_release_root, 'out', 'c'), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
- [:project_release_dependencies_path, File.join(project_build_release_root, 'dependencies'), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
- [:project_log_path, File.join(in_hash[:project_build_root], 'logs'), true ],
- [:project_temp_path, File.join(in_hash[:project_build_root], 'temp'), true ],
- [:project_test_preprocess_includes_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'preprocess/includes'), in_hash[:project_use_test_preprocessor] ],
- [:project_test_preprocess_files_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'preprocess/files'), in_hash[:project_use_test_preprocessor] ],
- ]
- out_hash[:project_build_paths] = []
- # fetch already set mock path
- out_hash[:project_build_paths] << in_hash[:cmock_mock_path] if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
- paths.each do |path|
- build_path_name = path[0]
- build_path = path[1]
- build_path_add_condition = path[2]
- # insert path into build paths if associated with true condition
- out_hash[:project_build_paths] << build_path if build_path_add_condition
- # set path symbol name and path for each entry in paths array
- out_hash[build_path_name] = build_path
- end
- return out_hash
- end
- def set_force_build_filepaths(in_hash)
- out_hash = {}
- out_hash[:project_test_force_rebuild_filepath] = File.join( in_hash[:project_test_dependencies_path], 'force_build' )
- out_hash[:project_release_force_rebuild_filepath] = File.join( in_hash[:project_release_dependencies_path], 'force_build' ) if (in_hash[:project_release_build])
- return out_hash
- end
- def set_rakefile_components(in_hash)
- out_hash = {
- :project_rakefile_component_files =>
- [File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_base.rake'),
- File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_filesystem.rake'),
- File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_tests.rake'),
- File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_vendor.rake'),
- File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_tests.rake')]}
- out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_cmock.rake') if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
- out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_preprocess.rake') if (in_hash[:project_use_test_preprocessor])
- out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_tests_deep_dependencies.rake') if (in_hash[:project_use_deep_dependencies])
- out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_tests_deep_dependencies.rake') if (in_hash[:project_use_deep_dependencies])
- out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_release_deep_dependencies.rake') if (in_hash[:project_release_build] and in_hash[:project_use_deep_dependencies])
- out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_release.rake') if (in_hash[:project_release_build])
- out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_release_deep_dependencies.rake') if (in_hash[:project_release_build] and in_hash[:project_use_deep_dependencies])
- out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_release.rake') if (in_hash[:project_release_build])
- return out_hash
- end
- def set_release_target(in_hash)
- return {} if (not in_hash[:project_release_build])
- release_target_file = ((in_hash[:release_build_output].nil?) ? (DEFAULT_RELEASE_TARGET_NAME.ext(in_hash[:extension_executable])) : in_hash[:release_build_output])
- release_map_file = ((in_hash[:release_build_output].nil?) ? (DEFAULT_RELEASE_TARGET_NAME.ext(in_hash[:extension_map])) : in_hash[:release_build_output].ext(in_hash[:extension_map]))
- return {
- # tempted to make a helper method in file_path_utils? stop right there, pal. you'll introduce a cyclical dependency
- :project_release_build_target => File.join(in_hash[:project_build_release_root], release_target_file),
- :project_release_build_map => File.join(in_hash[:project_build_release_root], release_map_file)
- }
- end
- def collect_project_options(in_hash)
- options = []
- in_hash[:project_options_paths].each do |path|
- options << @file_wrapper.directory_listing( File.join(path, '*.yml') )
- end
- return {
- :collection_project_options => options.flatten
- }
- end
- def expand_all_path_globs(in_hash)
- out_hash = {}
- path_keys = []
- in_hash.each_key do |key|
- next if (not key.to_s[0..4] == 'paths')
- path_keys << key
- end
- # sorted to provide assured order of traversal in test calls on mocks
- path_keys.sort.each do |key|
- out_hash["collection_#{key.to_s}".to_sym] = @file_system_utils.collect_paths( in_hash[key] )
- end
- return out_hash
- end
- def collect_source_and_include_paths(in_hash)
- return {
- :collection_paths_source_and_include =>
- ( in_hash[:collection_paths_source] +
- in_hash[:collection_paths_include] ).select {|x|}
- }
- end
- def collect_source_include_vendor_paths(in_hash)
- extra_paths = []
- extra_paths << File.join(in_hash[:cexception_vendor_path], CEXCEPTION_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
- return {
- :collection_paths_source_include_vendor =>
- in_hash[:collection_paths_source_and_include] +
- extra_paths
- }
- end
- def collect_test_support_source_include_paths(in_hash)
- return {
- :collection_paths_test_support_source_include =>
- (in_hash[:collection_paths_test] +
- in_hash[:collection_paths_support] +
- in_hash[:collection_paths_source] +
- in_hash[:collection_paths_include] ).select {|x|}
- }
- end
- def collect_vendor_paths(in_hash)
- return {:collection_paths_vendor => get_vendor_paths(in_hash)}
- end
- def collect_test_support_source_include_vendor_paths(in_hash)
- return {
- :collection_paths_test_support_source_include_vendor =>
- in_hash[:collection_paths_test_support_source_include] +
- get_vendor_paths(in_hash)
- }
- end
- def collect_tests(in_hash)
- all_tests = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
- in_hash[:collection_paths_test].each do |path|
- all_tests.include( File.join(path, "#{in_hash[:project_test_file_prefix]}*#{in_hash[:extension_source]}") )
- end
- @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_tests, in_hash[:files_test] )
- return {:collection_all_tests => all_tests}
- end
- def collect_assembly(in_hash)
- all_assembly = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
- return {:collection_all_assembly => all_assembly} if ((not in_hash[:release_build_use_assembly]) && (not in_hash[:test_build_use_assembly]))
- # Sprinkle in all assembly files we can find in the source folders
- in_hash[:collection_paths_source].each do |path|
- all_assembly.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_assembly]}") )
- end
- # Also add all assembly files we can find in the support folders
- in_hash[:collection_paths_support].each do |path|
- all_assembly.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_assembly]}") )
- end
- # Also add files that we are explicitly adding via :files:assembly: section
- @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_assembly, in_hash[:files_assembly] )
- return {:collection_all_assembly => all_assembly}
- end
- def collect_source(in_hash)
- all_source = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
- in_hash[:collection_paths_source].each do |path|
- if File.exists?(path) and not
- all_source.include( path )
- else
- all_source.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_source]}") )
- end
- end
- @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_source, in_hash[:files_source] )
- return {:collection_all_source => all_source}
- end
- def collect_headers(in_hash)
- all_headers = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
- paths =
- in_hash[:collection_paths_test] +
- in_hash[:collection_paths_support] +
- in_hash[:collection_paths_source] +
- in_hash[:collection_paths_include]
- paths.each do |path|
- all_headers.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_header]}") )
- end
- @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_headers, in_hash[:files_include] )
- return {:collection_all_headers => all_headers}
- end
- def collect_release_existing_compilation_input(in_hash)
- release_input = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
- paths =
- in_hash[:collection_paths_source] +
- in_hash[:collection_paths_include]
- paths << File.join(in_hash[:cexception_vendor_path], CEXCEPTION_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
- paths.each do |path|
- release_input.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_header]}") )
- if File.exists?(path) and not
- release_input.include( path )
- else
- release_input.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_source]}") )
- end
- end
- @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( release_input, in_hash[:files_source] )
- @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( release_input, in_hash[:files_include] )
- # finding assembly files handled explicitly through other means
- return {:collection_release_existing_compilation_input => release_input}
- end
- def collect_all_existing_compilation_input(in_hash)
- all_input = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
- paths =
- in_hash[:collection_paths_test] +
- in_hash[:collection_paths_support] +
- in_hash[:collection_paths_source] +
- in_hash[:collection_paths_include] +
- [File.join(in_hash[:unity_vendor_path], UNITY_LIB_PATH)]
- paths << File.join(in_hash[:cexception_vendor_path], CEXCEPTION_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
- paths << File.join(in_hash[:cmock_vendor_path], CMOCK_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
- paths.each do |path|
- all_input.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_header]}") )
- if File.exists?(path) and not
- all_input.include( path )
- else
- all_input.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_source]}") )
- all_input.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_assembly]}") ) if (defined?(TEST_BUILD_USE_ASSEMBLY) && TEST_BUILD_USE_ASSEMBLY)
- end
- end
- @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_input, in_hash[:files_test] )
- @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_input, in_hash[:files_support] )
- @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_input, in_hash[:files_source] )
- @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_input, in_hash[:files_include] )
- # finding assembly files handled explicitly through other means
- return {:collection_all_existing_compilation_input => all_input}
- end
- def collect_test_and_vendor_defines(in_hash)
- test_defines = in_hash[:defines_test].clone
- test_defines.concat(in_hash[:unity_defines])
- test_defines.concat(in_hash[:cmock_defines]) if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
- test_defines.concat(in_hash[:cexception_defines]) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
- return {:collection_defines_test_and_vendor => test_defines}
- end
- def collect_release_and_vendor_defines(in_hash)
- release_defines = in_hash[:defines_release].clone
- release_defines.concat(in_hash[:cexception_defines]) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
- return {:collection_defines_release_and_vendor => release_defines}
- end
- def collect_release_artifact_extra_link_objects(in_hash)
- objects = []
- # no build paths here so plugins can remap if necessary (i.e. path mapping happens at runtime)
- objects << CEXCEPTION_C_FILE.ext( in_hash[:extension_object] ) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
- return {:collection_release_artifact_extra_link_objects => objects}
- end
- def collect_test_fixture_extra_link_objects(in_hash)
- # Note: Symbols passed to compiler at command line can change Unity and CException behavior / configuration;
- # we also handle those dependencies elsewhere in compilation dependencies
- objects = [UNITY_C_FILE]
- in_hash[:files_support].each { |file| objects << File.basename(file) }
- # we don't include paths here because use of plugins or mixing different compilers may require different build paths
- objects << CEXCEPTION_C_FILE if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
- objects << CMOCK_C_FILE if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
- # if we're using mocks & a unity helper is defined & that unity helper includes a source file component (not only a header of macros),
- # then link in the unity_helper object file too
- if ( in_hash[:project_use_mocks] and in_hash[:cmock_unity_helper] )
- in_hash[:cmock_unity_helper].each do |helper|
- if @file_wrapper.exist?(helper.ext(in_hash[:extension_source]))
- objects << File.basename(helper)
- end
- end
- end
- # no build paths here so plugins can remap if necessary (i.e. path mapping happens at runtime)
-! { |object| object.ext(in_hash[:extension_object]) }
- return { :collection_test_fixture_extra_link_objects => objects }
- end
- private
- def get_vendor_paths(in_hash)
- vendor_paths = []
- vendor_paths << File.join(in_hash[:unity_vendor_path], UNITY_LIB_PATH)
- vendor_paths << File.join(in_hash[:cexception_vendor_path], CEXCEPTION_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
- vendor_paths << File.join(in_hash[:cmock_vendor_path], CMOCK_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
- vendor_paths << in_hash[:cmock_mock_path] if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
- return vendor_paths
- end