path: root/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib')
79 files changed, 6454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7f340023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# This module defines the interface for interacting with and loading a project
+# with Ceedling.
+module Ceedling
+ ##
+ # Returns the location where the gem is installed.
+ # === Return
+ # _String_ - The location where the gem lives.
+ def self.location
+ File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the path to the "built-in" plugins.
+ # === Return
+ # _String_ - The path where the default plugins live.
+ def self.load_path
+ File.join( self.location, 'plugins')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the path to the Ceedling Rakefile
+ # === Return
+ # _String_
+ def self.rakefile
+ File.join( self.location, 'lib', 'ceedling', 'rakefile.rb' )
+ end
+ ##
+ # This method selects the project file that Ceedling will use by setting the
+ # CEEDLING_MAIN_PROJECT_FILE environment variable before loading the ceedling
+ # rakefile. A path supplied as an argument to this method will override the
+ # current value of the environment variable. If no path is supplied as an
+ # argument then the existing value of the environment variable is used. If
+ # the environment variable has not been set and no argument has been supplied
+ # then a default path of './project.yml' will be used.
+ #
+ # === Arguments
+ # +options+ _Hash_::
+ # A hash containing the options for ceedling. Currently the following
+ # options are supported:
+ # * +config+ - The path to the project YAML configuration file.
+ # * +root+ - The root of the project directory.
+ # * +prefix+ - A prefix to prepend to plugin names in order to determine the
+ # corresponding gem name.
+ # * +plugins+ - The list of ceedling plugins to load
+ def self.load_project(options = {})
+ # Make sure our path to the yaml file is setup
+ if options.has_key? :config
+ ENV['CEEDLING_MAIN_PROJECT_FILE'] = options[:config]
+ ENV['CEEDLING_MAIN_PROJECT_FILE'] = './project.yml'
+ end
+ # Register the plugins
+ if options.has_key? :plugins
+ options[:plugins].each do |plugin|
+ register_plugin( plugin, options[:prefix] )
+ end
+ end
+ # Define the root of the project if specified
+ Object.const_set('PROJECT_ROOT', options[:root]) if options.has_key? :root
+ # Load ceedling
+ load "#{self.rakefile}"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Register a plugin for ceedling to use when a project is loaded. This method
+ # *must* be called prior to calling the _load_project_ method.
+ #
+ # This method is intended to be used for loading plugins distributed via the
+ # RubyGems mechanism. As such, the following gem structure is assumed for
+ # plugins.
+ #
+ # * The gem name must be prefixed with 'ceedling-' followed by the plugin
+ # name (ex. 'ceedling-bullseye')
+ #
+ # * The contents of the plugin must be isntalled into a subdirectory of
+ # the gem with the same name as the plugin (ex. 'bullseye/')
+ #
+ # === Arguments
+ # +name+ _String_:: The name of the plugin to load.
+ # +prefix+ _String_::
+ # (optional, default = nil) The prefix to use for the full gem name.
+ def self.register_plugin(name, prefix=nil)
+ # Figure out the full name of the gem and location
+ prefix ||= 'ceedling-'
+ gem_name = prefix + name
+ gem_dir = Gem::Specification.find_by_name(gem_name).gem_dir()
+ # Register the plugin with Ceedling
+ require 'ceedling/defaults'
+ DEFAULT_CEEDLING_CONFIG[:plugins][:enabled] << name
+ DEFAULT_CEEDLING_CONFIG[:plugins][:load_paths] << gem_dir
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/build_invoker_utils.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/build_invoker_utils.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b7d57f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/build_invoker_utils.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+# Utilities for raiser and reporting errors during building.
+class BuildInvokerUtils
+ constructor :configurator, :streaminator
+ ##
+ # Processes exceptions and tries to display a useful message for the user.
+ #
+ # ==== Attriboops...utes
+ #
+ # * _exception_: The exception given by a rescue statement.
+ # * _context_: A symbol representing where in the build the exception
+ # occurs.
+ # * _test_build_: A bool to signify if the exception occurred while building
+ # from test or source.
+ #
+ def process_exception(exception, context, test_build=true)
+ if (exception.message =~ /Don't know how to build task '(.+)'/i)
+ error_header = "ERROR: Rake could not find file referenced in source"
+ error_header += " or test" if (test_build)
+ error_header += ": '#{$1}'. Possible stale dependency."
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts( error_header )
+ if (@configurator.project_use_deep_dependencies)
+ help_message = "Try fixing #include statements or adding missing file. Then run '#{REFRESH_TASK_ROOT}#{context.to_s}' task and try again."
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts( help_message )
+ end
+ raise ''
+ else
+ raise exception
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/cacheinator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/cacheinator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..519a4aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/cacheinator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+class Cacheinator
+ constructor :cacheinator_helper, :file_path_utils, :file_wrapper, :yaml_wrapper
+ def cache_test_config(hash)
+ @yaml_wrapper.dump( @file_path_utils.form_test_build_cache_path( INPUT_CONFIGURATION_CACHE_FILE), hash )
+ end
+ def cache_release_config(hash)
+ @yaml_wrapper.dump( @file_path_utils.form_release_build_cache_path( INPUT_CONFIGURATION_CACHE_FILE ), hash )
+ end
+ def diff_cached_test_file( filepath )
+ cached_filepath = @file_path_utils.form_test_build_cache_path( filepath )
+ if (@file_wrapper.exist?( cached_filepath ) and (! filepath, cached_filepath )))
+ @file_wrapper.cp(filepath, cached_filepath, {:preserve => false})
+ return filepath
+ elsif (!@file_wrapper.exist?( cached_filepath ))
+ @file_wrapper.cp(filepath, cached_filepath, {:preserve => false})
+ return filepath
+ end
+ return cached_filepath
+ end
+ def diff_cached_test_config?(hash)
+ cached_filepath = @file_path_utils.form_test_build_cache_path(INPUT_CONFIGURATION_CACHE_FILE)
+ return @cacheinator_helper.diff_cached_config?( cached_filepath, hash )
+ end
+ def diff_cached_test_defines?(files)
+ cached_filepath = @file_path_utils.form_test_build_cache_path(DEFINES_DEPENDENCY_CACHE_FILE)
+ return @cacheinator_helper.diff_cached_defines?( cached_filepath, files )
+ end
+ def diff_cached_release_config?(hash)
+ cached_filepath = @file_path_utils.form_release_build_cache_path(INPUT_CONFIGURATION_CACHE_FILE)
+ return @cacheinator_helper.diff_cached_config?( cached_filepath, hash )
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/cacheinator_helper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/cacheinator_helper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2a161854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/cacheinator_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+class CacheinatorHelper
+ constructor :file_wrapper, :yaml_wrapper
+ def diff_cached_config?(cached_filepath, hash)
+ return true if ( not @file_wrapper.exist?(cached_filepath) )
+ return true if ( (@file_wrapper.exist?(cached_filepath)) and (!(@yaml_wrapper.load(cached_filepath) == hash)) )
+ return false
+ end
+ def diff_cached_defines?(cached_filepath, files)
+ current_defines = COLLECTION_DEFINES_TEST_AND_VENDOR.reject(&:empty?)
+ current_dependency = Hash[files.collect { |source| [source, current_defines.dup] }]
+ if not @file_wrapper.exist?(cached_filepath)
+ @yaml_wrapper.dump(cached_filepath, current_dependency)
+ return false
+ end
+ dependencies = @yaml_wrapper.load(cached_filepath)
+ if dependencies.values_at(*current_dependency.keys) != current_dependency.values
+ dependencies.merge!(current_dependency)
+ @yaml_wrapper.dump(cached_filepath, dependencies)
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/cmock_builder.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/cmock_builder.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4a74aa84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/cmock_builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require 'cmock'
+class CmockBuilder
+ attr_accessor :cmock
+ def setup
+ @cmock = nil
+ end
+ def manufacture(cmock_config)
+ @cmock =
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b5ad8982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+require 'ceedling/defaults'
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+require 'ceedling/file_path_utils'
+require 'deep_merge'
+class Configurator
+ attr_reader :project_config_hash, :script_plugins, :rake_plugins
+ attr_accessor :project_logging, :project_debug, :project_verbosity, :sanity_checks
+ constructor(:configurator_setup, :configurator_builder, :configurator_plugins, :cmock_builder, :yaml_wrapper, :system_wrapper) do
+ @project_logging = false
+ @project_debug = false
+ @project_verbosity = Verbosity::NORMAL
+ @sanity_checks = TestResultsSanityChecks::NORMAL
+ end
+ def setup
+ # special copy of cmock config to provide to cmock for construction
+ @cmock_config_hash = {}
+ # note: project_config_hash is an instance variable so constants and accessors created
+ # in eval() statements in build() have something of proper scope and persistence to reference
+ @project_config_hash = {}
+ @project_config_hash_backup = {}
+ @script_plugins = []
+ @rake_plugins = []
+ end
+ def replace_flattened_config(config)
+ @project_config_hash.merge!(config)
+ @configurator_setup.build_constants_and_accessors(@project_config_hash, binding())
+ end
+ def store_config
+ @project_config_hash_backup = @project_config_hash.clone
+ end
+ def restore_config
+ @project_config_hash = @project_config_hash_backup
+ @configurator_setup.build_constants_and_accessors(@project_config_hash, binding())
+ end
+ def reset_defaults(config)
+ [:test_compiler,
+ :test_linker,
+ :test_fixture,
+ :test_includes_preprocessor,
+ :test_file_preprocessor,
+ :test_dependencies_generator,
+ :release_compiler,
+ :release_assembler,
+ :release_linker,
+ :release_dependencies_generator].each do |tool|
+ config[:tools].delete(tool) if (not (config[:tools][tool].nil?))
+ end
+ end
+ # The default values defined in defaults.rb (eg. DEFAULT_TOOLS_TEST) are populated
+ # into @param config
+ def populate_defaults(config)
+ new_config = DEFAULT_CEEDLING_CONFIG.deep_clone
+ new_config.deep_merge!(config)
+ config.replace(new_config)
+ @configurator_builder.populate_defaults( config, DEFAULT_TOOLS_TEST )
+ @configurator_builder.populate_defaults( config, DEFAULT_TOOLS_TEST_PREPROCESSORS ) if (config[:project][:use_test_preprocessor])
+ @configurator_builder.populate_defaults( config, DEFAULT_TOOLS_TEST_DEPENDENCIES ) if (config[:project][:use_deep_dependencies])
+ @configurator_builder.populate_defaults( config, DEFAULT_TOOLS_RELEASE ) if (config[:project][:release_build])
+ @configurator_builder.populate_defaults( config, DEFAULT_TOOLS_RELEASE_ASSEMBLER ) if (config[:project][:release_build] and config[:release_build][:use_assembly])
+ @configurator_builder.populate_defaults( config, DEFAULT_TOOLS_RELEASE_DEPENDENCIES ) if (config[:project][:release_build] and config[:project][:use_deep_dependencies])
+ end
+ def populate_unity_defaults(config)
+ unity = config[:unity] || {}
+ @runner_config = unity.merge(@runner_config || config[:test_runner] || {})
+ end
+ def populate_cmock_defaults(config)
+ # cmock has its own internal defaults handling, but we need to set these specific values
+ # so they're present for the build environment to access;
+ # note: these need to end up in the hash given to initialize cmock for this to be successful
+ cmock = config[:cmock] || {}
+ # yes, we're duplicating the default mock_prefix in cmock, but it's because we need CMOCK_MOCK_PREFIX always available in Ceedling's environment
+ cmock[:mock_prefix] = 'Mock' if (cmock[:mock_prefix].nil?)
+ # just because strict ordering is the way to go
+ cmock[:enforce_strict_ordering] = true if (cmock[:enforce_strict_ordering].nil?)
+ cmock[:mock_path] = File.join(config[:project][:build_root], TESTS_BASE_PATH, 'mocks') if (cmock[:mock_path].nil?)
+ cmock[:verbosity] = @project_verbosity if (cmock[:verbosity].nil?)
+ cmock[:plugins] = [] if (cmock[:plugins].nil?)
+ cmock[:plugins].map! { |plugin| plugin.to_sym }
+ cmock[:plugins] << (:cexception) if (!cmock[:plugins].include?(:cexception) and (config[:project][:use_exceptions]))
+ cmock[:plugins].uniq!
+ cmock[:unity_helper] = false if (cmock[:unity_helper].nil?)
+ if (cmock[:unity_helper])
+ cmock[:unity_helper] = [cmock[:unity_helper]] if cmock[:unity_helper].is_a? String
+ cmock[:includes] += cmock[:unity_helper].map{|helper| File.basename(helper) }
+ cmock[:includes].uniq!
+ end
+ @runner_config = cmock.merge(@runner_config || config[:test_runner] || {})
+ @cmock_builder.manufacture(cmock)
+ end
+ def get_runner_config
+ @runner_config
+ end
+ # grab tool names from yaml and insert into tool structures so available for error messages
+ # set up default values
+ def tools_setup(config)
+ config[:tools].each_key do |name|
+ tool = config[:tools][name]
+ # populate name if not given
+ tool[:name] = name.to_s if (tool[:name].nil?)
+ # handle inline ruby string substitution in executable
+ if (tool[:executable] =~ RUBY_STRING_REPLACEMENT_PATTERN)
+ tool[:executable].replace(@system_wrapper.module_eval(tool[:executable]))
+ end
+ # populate stderr redirect option
+ tool[:stderr_redirect] = StdErrRedirect::NONE if (tool[:stderr_redirect].nil?)
+ # populate background execution option
+ tool[:background_exec] = BackgroundExec::NONE if (tool[:background_exec].nil?)
+ # populate optional option to control verification of executable in search paths
+ tool[:optional] = false if (tool[:optional].nil?)
+ end
+ end
+ def tools_supplement_arguments(config)
+ tools_name_prefix = 'tools_'
+ config[:tools].each_key do |name|
+ tool = @project_config_hash[(tools_name_prefix + name.to_s).to_sym]
+ # smoosh in extra arguments if specified at top-level of config (useful for plugins & default gcc tools)
+ # arguments are squirted in at _end_ of list
+ top_level_tool = (tools_name_prefix + name.to_s).to_sym
+ if (not config[top_level_tool].nil?)
+ # adding and flattening is not a good idea: might over-flatten if there's array nesting in tool args
+ tool[:arguments].concat config[top_level_tool][:arguments]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def find_and_merge_plugins(config)
+ # plugins must be loaded before generic path evaluation & magic that happen later;
+ # perform path magic here as discrete step
+ config[:plugins][:load_paths].each do |path|
+ path.replace(@system_wrapper.module_eval(path)) if (path =~ RUBY_STRING_REPLACEMENT_PATTERN)
+ FilePathUtils::standardize(path)
+ end
+ config[:plugins][:load_paths] << FilePathUtils::standardize(Ceedling.load_path)
+ config[:plugins][:load_paths].uniq!
+ paths_hash = @configurator_plugins.add_load_paths(config)
+ @rake_plugins = @configurator_plugins.find_rake_plugins(config, paths_hash)
+ @script_plugins = @configurator_plugins.find_script_plugins(config, paths_hash)
+ config_plugins = @configurator_plugins.find_config_plugins(config, paths_hash)
+ plugin_defaults = @configurator_plugins.find_plugin_defaults(config, paths_hash)
+ config_plugins.each do |plugin|
+ plugin_config = @yaml_wrapper.load(plugin)
+ config.deep_merge(plugin_config)
+ end
+ plugin_defaults.each do |defaults|
+ @configurator_builder.populate_defaults( config, @yaml_wrapper.load(defaults) )
+ end
+ # special plugin setting for results printing
+ config[:plugins][:display_raw_test_results] = true if (config[:plugins][:display_raw_test_results].nil?)
+ paths_hash.each_pair { |name, path| config[:plugins][name] = path }
+ end
+ def merge_imports(config)
+ if config[:import]
+ until config[:import].empty?
+ path = config[:import].shift
+ path = @system_wrapper.module_eval(path) if (path =~ RUBY_STRING_REPLACEMENT_PATTERN)
+ config.deep_merge!(@yaml_wrapper.load(path))
+ end
+ end
+ config.delete(:import)
+ end
+ def eval_environment_variables(config)
+ config[:environment].each do |hash|
+ key = hash.keys[0]
+ value = hash[key]
+ items = []
+ interstitial = ((key == :path) ? File::PATH_SEPARATOR : '')
+ items = ((value.class == Array) ? hash[key] : [value])
+ items.each { |item| item.replace( @system_wrapper.module_eval( item ) ) if (item =~ RUBY_STRING_REPLACEMENT_PATTERN) }
+ hash[key] = items.join( interstitial )
+ @system_wrapper.env_set( key.to_s.upcase, hash[key] )
+ end
+ end
+ def eval_paths(config)
+ # [:plugins]:[load_paths] already handled
+ paths = [ # individual paths that don't follow convention processed below
+ config[:project][:build_root],
+ config[:release_build][:artifacts]]
+ eval_path_list( paths )
+ config[:paths].each_pair { |collection, paths| eval_path_list( paths ) }
+ config[:files].each_pair { |collection, files| eval_path_list( files ) }
+ # all other paths at secondary hash key level processed by convention:
+ # ex. [:toplevel][:foo_path] & [:toplevel][:bar_paths] are evaluated
+ config.each_pair { |parent, child| eval_path_list( collect_path_list( child ) ) }
+ end
+ def standardize_paths(config)
+ # [:plugins]:[load_paths] already handled
+ paths = [ # individual paths that don't follow convention processed below
+ config[:project][:build_root],
+ config[:release_build][:artifacts]] # cmock path in case it was explicitly set in config
+ paths.flatten.each { |path| FilePathUtils::standardize( path ) }
+ config[:paths].each_pair do |collection, paths|
+ # ensure that list is an array (i.e. handle case of list being a single string,
+ # or a multidimensional array)
+ config[:paths][collection] = [paths]{|path| FilePathUtils::standardize( path )}
+ end
+ config[:files].each_pair { |collection, files| files.each{ |path| FilePathUtils::standardize( path ) } }
+ config[:tools].each_pair { |tool, config| FilePathUtils::standardize( config[:executable] ) if (config.include? :executable) }
+ # all other paths at secondary hash key level processed by convention:
+ # ex. [:toplevel][:foo_path] & [:toplevel][:bar_paths] are standardized
+ config.each_pair do |parent, child|
+ collect_path_list( child ).each { |path| FilePathUtils::standardize( path ) }
+ end
+ end
+ def validate(config)
+ # collect felonies and go straight to jail
+ raise if (not @configurator_setup.validate_required_sections( config ))
+ # collect all misdemeanors, everybody on probation
+ blotter = []
+ blotter << @configurator_setup.validate_required_section_values( config )
+ blotter << @configurator_setup.validate_paths( config )
+ blotter << @configurator_setup.validate_tools( config )
+ blotter << @configurator_setup.validate_plugins( config )
+ raise if (blotter.include?( false ))
+ end
+ # create constants and accessors (attached to this object) from given hash
+ def build(config, *keys)
+ # create flattened & expanded configuration hash
+ built_config = @configurator_setup.build_project_config( config, @configurator_builder.flattenify( config ) )
+ @project_config_hash = built_config.clone
+ store_config()
+ @configurator_setup.build_constants_and_accessors(built_config, binding())
+ # top-level keys disappear when we flatten, so create global constants & accessors to any specified keys
+ keys.each do |key|
+ hash = { key => config[key] }
+ @configurator_setup.build_constants_and_accessors(hash, binding())
+ end
+ end
+ # add to constants and accessors as post build step
+ def build_supplement(config_base, config_more)
+ # merge in our post-build additions to base configuration hash
+ config_base.deep_merge!( config_more )
+ # flatten our addition hash
+ config_more_flattened = @configurator_builder.flattenify( config_more )
+ # merge our flattened hash with built hash from previous build
+ @project_config_hash.deep_merge!( config_more_flattened )
+ store_config()
+ # create more constants and accessors
+ @configurator_setup.build_constants_and_accessors(config_more_flattened, binding())
+ # recreate constants & update accessors with new merged, base values
+ config_more.keys.each do |key|
+ hash = { key => config_base[key] }
+ @configurator_setup.build_constants_and_accessors(hash, binding())
+ end
+ end
+ def insert_rake_plugins(plugins)
+ plugins.each do |plugin|
+ @project_config_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << plugin
+ end
+ end
+ ### private ###
+ private
+ def collect_path_list( container )
+ paths = []
+ container.each_key { |key| paths << container[key] if (key.to_s =~ /_path(s)?$/) } if (container.class == Hash)
+ return paths.flatten
+ end
+ def eval_path_list( paths )
+ if paths.kind_of?(Array)
+ paths =
+ end
+ paths.flatten.each do |path|
+ path.replace( @system_wrapper.module_eval( path ) ) if (path =~ RUBY_STRING_REPLACEMENT_PATTERN)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_builder.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_builder.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..da8a816f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake' # for ext() method
+require 'ceedling/file_path_utils' # for class methods
+require 'ceedling/defaults'
+require 'ceedling/constants' # for Verbosity constants class & base file paths
+class ConfiguratorBuilder
+ constructor :file_system_utils, :file_wrapper, :system_wrapper
+ def build_global_constants(config)
+ config.each_pair do |key, value|
+ formatted_key = key.to_s.upcase
+ # undefine global constant if it already exists
+ Object.send(:remove_const, formatted_key.to_sym) if @system_wrapper.constants_include?(formatted_key)
+ # create global constant
+ Object.module_eval("#{formatted_key} = value")
+ end
+ end
+ def build_accessor_methods(config, context)
+ config.each_pair do |key, value|
+ # fill configurator object with accessor methods
+ eval("def #{key.to_s.downcase}() return @project_config_hash[:#{key.to_s}] end", context)
+ end
+ end
+ # create a flattened hash from the original configuration structure
+ def flattenify(config)
+ new_hash = {}
+ config.each_key do | parent |
+ # gracefully handle empty top-level entries
+ next if (config[parent].nil?)
+ case config[parent]
+ when Array
+ config[parent].each do |hash|
+ key = "#{parent.to_s.downcase}_#{hash.keys[0].to_s.downcase}".to_sym
+ new_hash[key] = hash[hash.keys[0]]
+ end
+ when Hash
+ config[parent].each_pair do | child, value |
+ key = "#{parent.to_s.downcase}_#{child.to_s.downcase}".to_sym
+ new_hash[key] = value
+ end
+ # handle entries with no children, only values
+ else
+ new_hash["#{parent.to_s.downcase}".to_sym] = config[parent]
+ end
+ end
+ return new_hash
+ end
+ def populate_defaults(config, defaults)
+ defaults.keys.sort.each do |section|
+ defaults[section].keys.sort.each do |entry|
+ config[section] = {} if config[section].nil?
+ config[section][entry] = defaults[section][entry].deep_clone if (config[section][entry].nil?)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def clean(in_hash)
+ # ensure that include files inserted into test runners have file extensions & proper ones at that
+ in_hash[:test_runner_includes].map!{|include| include.ext(in_hash[:extension_header])}
+ end
+ def set_build_paths(in_hash)
+ out_hash = {}
+ project_build_artifacts_root = File.join(in_hash[:project_build_root], 'artifacts')
+ project_build_tests_root = File.join(in_hash[:project_build_root], TESTS_BASE_PATH)
+ project_build_release_root = File.join(in_hash[:project_build_root], RELEASE_BASE_PATH)
+ paths = [
+ [:project_build_artifacts_root, project_build_artifacts_root, true ],
+ [:project_build_tests_root, project_build_tests_root, true ],
+ [:project_build_release_root, project_build_release_root, in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
+ [:project_test_artifacts_path, File.join(project_build_artifacts_root, TESTS_BASE_PATH), true ],
+ [:project_test_runners_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'runners'), true ],
+ [:project_test_results_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'results'), true ],
+ [:project_test_build_output_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'out'), true ],
+ [:project_test_build_output_asm_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'out', 'asm'), true ],
+ [:project_test_build_output_c_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'out', 'c'), true ],
+ [:project_test_build_cache_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'cache'), true ],
+ [:project_test_dependencies_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'dependencies'), true ],
+ [:project_release_artifacts_path, File.join(project_build_artifacts_root, RELEASE_BASE_PATH), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
+ [:project_release_build_cache_path, File.join(project_build_release_root, 'cache'), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
+ [:project_release_build_output_path, File.join(project_build_release_root, 'out'), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
+ [:project_release_build_output_asm_path, File.join(project_build_release_root, 'out', 'asm'), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
+ [:project_release_build_output_c_path, File.join(project_build_release_root, 'out', 'c'), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
+ [:project_release_dependencies_path, File.join(project_build_release_root, 'dependencies'), in_hash[:project_release_build] ],
+ [:project_log_path, File.join(in_hash[:project_build_root], 'logs'), true ],
+ [:project_temp_path, File.join(in_hash[:project_build_root], 'temp'), true ],
+ [:project_test_preprocess_includes_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'preprocess/includes'), in_hash[:project_use_test_preprocessor] ],
+ [:project_test_preprocess_files_path, File.join(project_build_tests_root, 'preprocess/files'), in_hash[:project_use_test_preprocessor] ],
+ ]
+ out_hash[:project_build_paths] = []
+ # fetch already set mock path
+ out_hash[:project_build_paths] << in_hash[:cmock_mock_path] if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
+ paths.each do |path|
+ build_path_name = path[0]
+ build_path = path[1]
+ build_path_add_condition = path[2]
+ # insert path into build paths if associated with true condition
+ out_hash[:project_build_paths] << build_path if build_path_add_condition
+ # set path symbol name and path for each entry in paths array
+ out_hash[build_path_name] = build_path
+ end
+ return out_hash
+ end
+ def set_force_build_filepaths(in_hash)
+ out_hash = {}
+ out_hash[:project_test_force_rebuild_filepath] = File.join( in_hash[:project_test_dependencies_path], 'force_build' )
+ out_hash[:project_release_force_rebuild_filepath] = File.join( in_hash[:project_release_dependencies_path], 'force_build' ) if (in_hash[:project_release_build])
+ return out_hash
+ end
+ def set_rakefile_components(in_hash)
+ out_hash = {
+ :project_rakefile_component_files =>
+ [File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_base.rake'),
+ File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_filesystem.rake'),
+ File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_tests.rake'),
+ File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_vendor.rake'),
+ File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_tests.rake')]}
+ out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_cmock.rake') if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
+ out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_preprocess.rake') if (in_hash[:project_use_test_preprocessor])
+ out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_tests_deep_dependencies.rake') if (in_hash[:project_use_deep_dependencies])
+ out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_tests_deep_dependencies.rake') if (in_hash[:project_use_deep_dependencies])
+ out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_release_deep_dependencies.rake') if (in_hash[:project_release_build] and in_hash[:project_use_deep_dependencies])
+ out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_release.rake') if (in_hash[:project_release_build])
+ out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_release_deep_dependencies.rake') if (in_hash[:project_release_build] and in_hash[:project_use_deep_dependencies])
+ out_hash[:project_rakefile_component_files] << File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'tasks_release.rake') if (in_hash[:project_release_build])
+ return out_hash
+ end
+ def set_release_target(in_hash)
+ return {} if (not in_hash[:project_release_build])
+ release_target_file = ((in_hash[:release_build_output].nil?) ? (DEFAULT_RELEASE_TARGET_NAME.ext(in_hash[:extension_executable])) : in_hash[:release_build_output])
+ release_map_file = ((in_hash[:release_build_output].nil?) ? (DEFAULT_RELEASE_TARGET_NAME.ext(in_hash[:extension_map])) : in_hash[:release_build_output].ext(in_hash[:extension_map]))
+ return {
+ # tempted to make a helper method in file_path_utils? stop right there, pal. you'll introduce a cyclical dependency
+ :project_release_build_target => File.join(in_hash[:project_build_release_root], release_target_file),
+ :project_release_build_map => File.join(in_hash[:project_build_release_root], release_map_file)
+ }
+ end
+ def collect_project_options(in_hash)
+ options = []
+ in_hash[:project_options_paths].each do |path|
+ options << @file_wrapper.directory_listing( File.join(path, '*.yml') )
+ end
+ return {
+ :collection_project_options => options.flatten
+ }
+ end
+ def expand_all_path_globs(in_hash)
+ out_hash = {}
+ path_keys = []
+ in_hash.each_key do |key|
+ next if (not key.to_s[0..4] == 'paths')
+ path_keys << key
+ end
+ # sorted to provide assured order of traversal in test calls on mocks
+ path_keys.sort.each do |key|
+ out_hash["collection_#{key.to_s}".to_sym] = @file_system_utils.collect_paths( in_hash[key] )
+ end
+ return out_hash
+ end
+ def collect_source_and_include_paths(in_hash)
+ return {
+ :collection_paths_source_and_include =>
+ ( in_hash[:collection_paths_source] +
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_include] ).select {|x|}
+ }
+ end
+ def collect_source_include_vendor_paths(in_hash)
+ extra_paths = []
+ extra_paths << File.join(in_hash[:cexception_vendor_path], CEXCEPTION_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
+ return {
+ :collection_paths_source_include_vendor =>
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_source_and_include] +
+ extra_paths
+ }
+ end
+ def collect_test_support_source_include_paths(in_hash)
+ return {
+ :collection_paths_test_support_source_include =>
+ (in_hash[:collection_paths_test] +
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_support] +
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_source] +
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_include] ).select {|x|}
+ }
+ end
+ def collect_vendor_paths(in_hash)
+ return {:collection_paths_vendor => get_vendor_paths(in_hash)}
+ end
+ def collect_test_support_source_include_vendor_paths(in_hash)
+ return {
+ :collection_paths_test_support_source_include_vendor =>
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_test_support_source_include] +
+ get_vendor_paths(in_hash)
+ }
+ end
+ def collect_tests(in_hash)
+ all_tests = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_test].each do |path|
+ all_tests.include( File.join(path, "#{in_hash[:project_test_file_prefix]}*#{in_hash[:extension_source]}") )
+ end
+ @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_tests, in_hash[:files_test] )
+ return {:collection_all_tests => all_tests}
+ end
+ def collect_assembly(in_hash)
+ all_assembly = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
+ return {:collection_all_assembly => all_assembly} if ((not in_hash[:release_build_use_assembly]) && (not in_hash[:test_build_use_assembly]))
+ # Sprinkle in all assembly files we can find in the source folders
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_source].each do |path|
+ all_assembly.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_assembly]}") )
+ end
+ # Also add all assembly files we can find in the support folders
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_support].each do |path|
+ all_assembly.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_assembly]}") )
+ end
+ # Also add files that we are explicitly adding via :files:assembly: section
+ @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_assembly, in_hash[:files_assembly] )
+ return {:collection_all_assembly => all_assembly}
+ end
+ def collect_source(in_hash)
+ all_source = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_source].each do |path|
+ if File.exists?(path) and not
+ all_source.include( path )
+ else
+ all_source.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_source]}") )
+ end
+ end
+ @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_source, in_hash[:files_source] )
+ return {:collection_all_source => all_source}
+ end
+ def collect_headers(in_hash)
+ all_headers = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
+ paths =
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_test] +
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_support] +
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_source] +
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_include]
+ paths.each do |path|
+ all_headers.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_header]}") )
+ end
+ @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_headers, in_hash[:files_include] )
+ return {:collection_all_headers => all_headers}
+ end
+ def collect_release_existing_compilation_input(in_hash)
+ release_input = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
+ paths =
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_source] +
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_include]
+ paths << File.join(in_hash[:cexception_vendor_path], CEXCEPTION_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
+ paths.each do |path|
+ release_input.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_header]}") )
+ if File.exists?(path) and not
+ release_input.include( path )
+ else
+ release_input.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_source]}") )
+ end
+ end
+ @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( release_input, in_hash[:files_source] )
+ @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( release_input, in_hash[:files_include] )
+ # finding assembly files handled explicitly through other means
+ return {:collection_release_existing_compilation_input => release_input}
+ end
+ def collect_all_existing_compilation_input(in_hash)
+ all_input = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list
+ paths =
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_test] +
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_support] +
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_source] +
+ in_hash[:collection_paths_include] +
+ [File.join(in_hash[:unity_vendor_path], UNITY_LIB_PATH)]
+ paths << File.join(in_hash[:cexception_vendor_path], CEXCEPTION_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
+ paths << File.join(in_hash[:cmock_vendor_path], CMOCK_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
+ paths.each do |path|
+ all_input.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_header]}") )
+ if File.exists?(path) and not
+ all_input.include( path )
+ else
+ all_input.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_source]}") )
+ all_input.include( File.join(path, "*#{in_hash[:extension_assembly]}") ) if (defined?(TEST_BUILD_USE_ASSEMBLY) && TEST_BUILD_USE_ASSEMBLY)
+ end
+ end
+ @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_input, in_hash[:files_test] )
+ @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_input, in_hash[:files_support] )
+ @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_input, in_hash[:files_source] )
+ @file_system_utils.revise_file_list( all_input, in_hash[:files_include] )
+ # finding assembly files handled explicitly through other means
+ return {:collection_all_existing_compilation_input => all_input}
+ end
+ def collect_test_and_vendor_defines(in_hash)
+ test_defines = in_hash[:defines_test].clone
+ test_defines.concat(in_hash[:unity_defines])
+ test_defines.concat(in_hash[:cmock_defines]) if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
+ test_defines.concat(in_hash[:cexception_defines]) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
+ return {:collection_defines_test_and_vendor => test_defines}
+ end
+ def collect_release_and_vendor_defines(in_hash)
+ release_defines = in_hash[:defines_release].clone
+ release_defines.concat(in_hash[:cexception_defines]) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
+ return {:collection_defines_release_and_vendor => release_defines}
+ end
+ def collect_release_artifact_extra_link_objects(in_hash)
+ objects = []
+ # no build paths here so plugins can remap if necessary (i.e. path mapping happens at runtime)
+ objects << CEXCEPTION_C_FILE.ext( in_hash[:extension_object] ) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
+ return {:collection_release_artifact_extra_link_objects => objects}
+ end
+ def collect_test_fixture_extra_link_objects(in_hash)
+ # Note: Symbols passed to compiler at command line can change Unity and CException behavior / configuration;
+ # we also handle those dependencies elsewhere in compilation dependencies
+ objects = [UNITY_C_FILE]
+ in_hash[:files_support].each { |file| objects << File.basename(file) }
+ # we don't include paths here because use of plugins or mixing different compilers may require different build paths
+ objects << CEXCEPTION_C_FILE if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
+ objects << CMOCK_C_FILE if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
+ # if we're using mocks & a unity helper is defined & that unity helper includes a source file component (not only a header of macros),
+ # then link in the unity_helper object file too
+ if ( in_hash[:project_use_mocks] and in_hash[:cmock_unity_helper] )
+ in_hash[:cmock_unity_helper].each do |helper|
+ if @file_wrapper.exist?(helper.ext(in_hash[:extension_source]))
+ objects << File.basename(helper)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # no build paths here so plugins can remap if necessary (i.e. path mapping happens at runtime)
+! { |object| object.ext(in_hash[:extension_object]) }
+ return { :collection_test_fixture_extra_link_objects => objects }
+ end
+ private
+ def get_vendor_paths(in_hash)
+ vendor_paths = []
+ vendor_paths << File.join(in_hash[:unity_vendor_path], UNITY_LIB_PATH)
+ vendor_paths << File.join(in_hash[:cexception_vendor_path], CEXCEPTION_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_exceptions])
+ vendor_paths << File.join(in_hash[:cmock_vendor_path], CMOCK_LIB_PATH) if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
+ vendor_paths << in_hash[:cmock_mock_path] if (in_hash[:project_use_mocks])
+ return vendor_paths
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_plugins.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_plugins.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..70ca884a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_plugins.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class ConfiguratorPlugins
+ constructor :stream_wrapper, :file_wrapper, :system_wrapper
+ attr_reader :rake_plugins, :script_plugins
+ def setup
+ @rake_plugins = []
+ @script_plugins = []
+ end
+ def add_load_paths(config)
+ plugin_paths = {}
+ config[:plugins][:enabled].each do |plugin|
+ config[:plugins][:load_paths].each do |root|
+ path = File.join(root, plugin)
+ is_script_plugin = ( not @file_wrapper.directory_listing( File.join( path, 'lib', '*.rb' ) ).empty? )
+ is_rake_plugin = ( not @file_wrapper.directory_listing( File.join( path, '*.rake' ) ).empty? )
+ if is_script_plugin or is_rake_plugin
+ plugin_paths[(plugin + '_path').to_sym] = path
+ if is_script_plugin
+ @system_wrapper.add_load_path( File.join( path, 'lib') )
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return plugin_paths
+ end
+ # gather up and return .rake filepaths that exist on-disk
+ def find_rake_plugins(config, plugin_paths)
+ @rake_plugins = []
+ plugins_with_path = []
+ config[:plugins][:enabled].each do |plugin|
+ if path = plugin_paths[(plugin + '_path').to_sym]
+ rake_plugin_path = File.join(path, "#{plugin}.rake")
+ if (@file_wrapper.exist?(rake_plugin_path))
+ plugins_with_path << rake_plugin_path
+ @rake_plugins << plugin
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return plugins_with_path
+ end
+ # gather up and return just names of .rb classes that exist on-disk
+ def find_script_plugins(config, plugin_paths)
+ @script_plugins = []
+ config[:plugins][:enabled].each do |plugin|
+ if path = plugin_paths[(plugin + '_path').to_sym]
+ script_plugin_path = File.join(path, "lib", "#{plugin}.rb")
+ if @file_wrapper.exist?(script_plugin_path)
+ @script_plugins << plugin
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return @script_plugins
+ end
+ # gather up and return configuration .yml filepaths that exist on-disk
+ def find_config_plugins(config, plugin_paths)
+ plugins_with_path = []
+ config[:plugins][:enabled].each do |plugin|
+ if path = plugin_paths[(plugin + '_path').to_sym]
+ config_plugin_path = File.join(path, "config", "#{plugin}.yml")
+ if @file_wrapper.exist?(config_plugin_path)
+ plugins_with_path << config_plugin_path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return plugins_with_path
+ end
+ # gather up and return default .yml filepaths that exist on-disk
+ def find_plugin_defaults(config, plugin_paths)
+ defaults_with_path = []
+ config[:plugins][:enabled].each do |plugin|
+ if path = plugin_paths[(plugin + '_path').to_sym]
+ default_path = File.join(path, 'config', 'defaults.yml')
+ if @file_wrapper.exist?(default_path)
+ defaults_with_path << default_path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return defaults_with_path
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_setup.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_setup.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1d029b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_setup.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# add sort-ability to symbol so we can order keys array in hash for test-ability
+class Symbol
+ include Comparable
+ def <=>(other)
+ self.to_s <=> other.to_s
+ end
+class ConfiguratorSetup
+ constructor :configurator_builder, :configurator_validator, :configurator_plugins, :stream_wrapper
+ def build_project_config(config, flattened_config)
+ ### flesh out config
+ @configurator_builder.clean(flattened_config)
+ ### add to hash values we build up from configuration & file system contents
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.set_build_paths(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.set_force_build_filepaths(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.set_rakefile_components(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.set_release_target(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_project_options(flattened_config))
+ ### iterate through all entries in paths section and expand any & all globs to actual paths
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.expand_all_path_globs(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_vendor_paths(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_source_and_include_paths(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_source_include_vendor_paths(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_test_support_source_include_paths(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_test_support_source_include_vendor_paths(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_tests(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_assembly(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_source(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_headers(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_release_existing_compilation_input(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_all_existing_compilation_input(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_test_and_vendor_defines(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_release_and_vendor_defines(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_release_artifact_extra_link_objects(flattened_config))
+ flattened_config.merge!(@configurator_builder.collect_test_fixture_extra_link_objects(flattened_config))
+ return flattened_config
+ end
+ def build_constants_and_accessors(config, context)
+ @configurator_builder.build_global_constants(config)
+ @configurator_builder.build_accessor_methods(config, context)
+ end
+ def validate_required_sections(config)
+ validation = []
+ validation << @configurator_validator.exists?(config, :project)
+ validation << @configurator_validator.exists?(config, :paths)
+ return false if (validation.include?(false))
+ return true
+ end
+ def validate_required_section_values(config)
+ validation = []
+ validation << @configurator_validator.exists?(config, :project, :build_root)
+ validation << @configurator_validator.exists?(config, :paths, :test)
+ validation << @configurator_validator.exists?(config, :paths, :source)
+ return false if (validation.include?(false))
+ return true
+ end
+ def validate_paths(config)
+ validation = []
+ if config[:cmock][:unity_helper]
+ config[:cmock][:unity_helper].each do |path|
+ validation << @configurator_validator.validate_filepath_simple( path, :cmock, :unity_helper )
+ end
+ end
+ config[:project][:options_paths].each do |path|
+ validation << @configurator_validator.validate_filepath_simple( path, :project, :options_paths )
+ end
+ config[:plugins][:load_paths].each do |path|
+ validation << @configurator_validator.validate_filepath_simple( path, :plugins, :load_paths )
+ end
+ config[:paths].keys.sort.each do |key|
+ validation << @configurator_validator.validate_path_list(config, :paths, key)
+ end
+ return false if (validation.include?(false))
+ return true
+ end
+ def validate_tools(config)
+ validation = []
+ config[:tools].keys.sort.each do |key|
+ validation << @configurator_validator.exists?(config, :tools, key, :executable)
+ validation << @configurator_validator.validate_executable_filepath(config, :tools, key, :executable) if (not config[:tools][key][:optional])
+ validation << @configurator_validator.validate_tool_stderr_redirect(config, :tools, key)
+ end
+ return false if (validation.include?(false))
+ return true
+ end
+ def validate_plugins(config)
+ missing_plugins =
+ config[:plugins][:enabled] ) -
+ @configurator_plugins.rake_plugins ) -
+ @configurator_plugins.script_plugins )
+ missing_plugins.each do |plugin|
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_puts("ERROR: Ceedling plugin '#{plugin}' contains no rake or ruby class entry point. (Misspelled or missing files?)")
+ end
+ return ( (missing_plugins.size > 0) ? false : true )
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_validator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_validator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fc021012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator_validator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake' # for ext()
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+require 'ceedling/tool_executor' # for argument replacement pattern
+require 'ceedling/file_path_utils' # for glob handling class methods
+class ConfiguratorValidator
+ constructor :file_wrapper, :stream_wrapper, :system_wrapper
+ # walk into config hash verify existence of data at key depth
+ def exists?(config, *keys)
+ hash = retrieve_value(config, keys)
+ exist = !hash[:value].nil?
+ if (not exist)
+ # no verbosity checking since this is lowest level anyhow & verbosity checking depends on configurator
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_puts("ERROR: Required config file entry #{format_key_sequence(keys, hash[:depth])} does not exist.")
+ end
+ return exist
+ end
+ # walk into config hash. verify directory path(s) at given key depth
+ def validate_path_list(config, *keys)
+ hash = retrieve_value(config, keys)
+ list = hash[:value]
+ # return early if we couldn't walk into hash and find a value
+ return false if (list.nil?)
+ path_list = []
+ exist = true
+ case list
+ when String then path_list << list
+ when Array then path_list = list
+ end
+ path_list.each do |path|
+ base_path = FilePathUtils::extract_path(path) # lop off add/subtract notation & glob specifiers
+ if (not @file_wrapper.exist?(base_path))
+ # no verbosity checking since this is lowest level anyhow & verbosity checking depends on configurator
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_puts("ERROR: Config path #{format_key_sequence(keys, hash[:depth])}['#{base_path}'] does not exist on disk.")
+ exist = false
+ end
+ end
+ return exist
+ end
+ # simple path verification
+ def validate_filepath_simple(path, *keys)
+ validate_path = path
+ if (not @file_wrapper.exist?(validate_path))
+ # no verbosity checking since this is lowest level anyhow & verbosity checking depends on configurator
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_puts("ERROR: Config path '#{validate_path}' associated with #{format_key_sequence(keys, keys.size)} does not exist on disk.")
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ # walk into config hash. verify specified file exists.
+ def validate_filepath(config, *keys)
+ hash = retrieve_value(config, keys)
+ filepath = hash[:value]
+ # return early if we couldn't walk into hash and find a value
+ return false if (filepath.nil?)
+ # skip everything if we've got an argument replacement pattern
+ if (not @file_wrapper.exist?(filepath))
+ # See if we can deal with it internally.
+ if GENERATED_DIR_PATH.include?(filepath)
+ # we already made this directory before let's make it again.
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), filepath)
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_puts("WARNING: Generated filepath #{format_key_sequence(keys, hash[:depth])}['#{filepath}'] does not exist on disk. Recreating")
+ else
+ # no verbosity checking since this is lowest level anyhow & verbosity checking depends on configurator
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_puts("ERROR: Config filepath #{format_key_sequence(keys, hash[:depth])}['#{filepath}'] does not exist on disk.")
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ # walk into config hash. verify specified file exists.
+ def validate_executable_filepath(config, *keys)
+ exe_extension = config[:extension][:executable]
+ hash = retrieve_value(config, keys)
+ filepath = hash[:value]
+ # return early if we couldn't walk into hash and find a value
+ return false if (filepath.nil?)
+ # skip everything if we've got an argument replacement pattern
+ # if there's no path included, verify file exists somewhere in system search paths
+ if (not filepath.include?('/'))
+ exists = false
+ @system_wrapper.search_paths.each do |path|
+ if (@file_wrapper.exist?( File.join(path, filepath)) )
+ exists = true
+ break
+ end
+ if (@file_wrapper.exist?( (File.join(path, filepath)).ext( exe_extension ) ))
+ exists = true
+ break
+ elsif ( and @file_wrapper.exist?( (File.join(path, filepath)).ext( EXTENSION_WIN_EXE ) ))
+ exists = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if (not exists)
+ # no verbosity checking since this is lowest level anyhow & verbosity checking depends on configurator
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_puts("ERROR: Config filepath #{format_key_sequence(keys, hash[:depth])}['#{filepath}'] does not exist in system search paths.")
+ return false
+ end
+ # if there is a path included, check that explicit filepath exists
+ else
+ if (not @file_wrapper.exist?(filepath))
+ # no verbosity checking since this is lowest level anyhow & verbosity checking depends on configurator
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_puts("ERROR: Config filepath #{format_key_sequence(keys, hash[:depth])}['#{filepath}'] does not exist on disk.")
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ def validate_tool_stderr_redirect(config, tools, tool)
+ redirect = config[tools][tool][:stderr_redirect]
+ if (redirect.class == Symbol)
+ # map constants and force to array of strings for runtime universality across ruby versions
+ if (not{|constant| constant.to_s}.include?(redirect.to_s.upcase))
+ error = "ERROR: [:#{tools}][:#{tool}][:stderr_redirect][:#{redirect}] is not a recognized option " +
+ "{#{{|constant| ':' + constant.to_s.downcase}.join(', ')}}."
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_puts(error)
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ private #########################################
+ def retrieve_value(config, keys)
+ value = nil
+ hash = config
+ depth = 0
+ # walk into hash & extract value at requested key sequence
+ keys.each do |symbol|
+ depth += 1
+ if (not hash[symbol].nil?)
+ hash = hash[symbol]
+ value = hash
+ else
+ value = nil
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return {:value => value, :depth => depth}
+ end
+ def format_key_sequence(keys, depth)
+ walked_keys = keys.slice(0, depth)
+ formatted_keys ={|key| "[:#{key.to_s}]"}
+ return formatted_keys.join
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/constants.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/constants.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..993ce8db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/constants.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+class Verbosity
+ SILENT = 0 # as silent as possible (though there are some messages that must be spit out)
+ ERRORS = 1 # only errors
+ COMPLAIN = 2 # spit out errors and warnings/notices
+ NORMAL = 3 # errors, warnings/notices, standard status messages
+ OBNOXIOUS = 4 # all messages including extra verbose output (used for lite debugging / verification)
+ DEBUG = 5 # special extra verbose output for hardcore debugging
+class TestResultsSanityChecks
+ NONE = 0 # no sanity checking of test results
+ NORMAL = 1 # perform non-problematic checks
+ THOROUGH = 2 # perform checks that require inside knowledge of system workings
+class StdErrRedirect
+ NONE = :none
+ AUTO = :auto
+ WIN = :win
+ UNIX = :unix
+ TCSH = :tcsh
+class BackgroundExec
+ NONE = :none
+ AUTO = :auto
+ WIN = :win
+ UNIX = :unix
+unless defined?(PROJECT_ROOT)
+ PROJECT_ROOT = Dir.pwd()
+GENERATED_DIR_PATH = [['vendor', 'ceedling'], 'src', "test", ['test', 'support'], 'build'].each{|p| File.join(*p)}
+CEXCEPTION_ROOT_PATH = 'c_exception'
+CEXCEPTION_C_FILE = 'CException.c'
+CEXCEPTION_H_FILE = 'CException.h'
+UNITY_ROOT_PATH = 'unity'
+UNITY_C_FILE = 'unity.c'
+UNITY_H_FILE = 'unity.h'
+UNITY_INTERNALS_H_FILE = 'unity_internals.h'
+CMOCK_ROOT_PATH = 'cmock'
+CMOCK_C_FILE = 'cmock.c'
+CMOCK_H_FILE = 'cmock.h'
+DEFAULT_CEEDLING_MAIN_PROJECT_FILE = 'project.yml' unless defined?(DEFAULT_CEEDLING_MAIN_PROJECT_FILE) # main project file
+DEFAULT_CEEDLING_USER_PROJECT_FILE = 'user.yml' unless defined?(DEFAULT_CEEDLING_USER_PROJECT_FILE) # supplemental user config file
+INPUT_CONFIGURATION_CACHE_FILE = 'input.yml' unless defined?(INPUT_CONFIGURATION_CACHE_FILE) # input configuration file dump
+DEFINES_DEPENDENCY_CACHE_FILE = 'defines_dependency.yml' unless defined?(DEFINES_DEPENDENCY_CACHE_FILE) # preprocessor definitions for files
+TEST_ROOT_NAME = 'test' unless defined?(TEST_ROOT_NAME)
+TEST_SYM = TEST_ROOT_NAME.to_sym unless defined?(TEST_SYM)
+RELEASE_ROOT_NAME = 'release' unless defined?(RELEASE_ROOT_NAME)
+REFRESH_ROOT_NAME = 'refresh' unless defined?(REFRESH_ROOT_NAME)
+UTILS_ROOT_NAME = 'utils' unless defined?(UTILS_ROOT_NAME)
+UTILS_SYM = UTILS_ROOT_NAME.to_sym unless defined?(UTILS_SYM)
+TEST_STDOUT_STATISTICS_PATTERN = /\n-+\s*(\d+)\s+Tests\s+(\d+)\s+Failures\s+(\d+)\s+Ignored\s+(OK|FAIL)\s*/i
+NULL_FILE_PATH = '/dev/null'
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/defaults.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/defaults.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9e391fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/defaults.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+require 'ceedling/system_wrapper'
+require 'ceedling/file_path_utils'
+#this should be defined already, but not always during system specs
+CEEDLING_VENDOR = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../vendor') unless defined? CEEDLING_VENDOR
+ :executable => FilePathUtils.os_executable_ext('gcc').freeze,
+ :name => 'default_test_compiler'.freeze,
+ :stderr_redirect => StdErrRedirect::NONE.freeze,
+ :background_exec => BackgroundExec::NONE.freeze,
+ :optional => false.freeze,
+ :arguments => [
+ "-DGNU_COMPILER".freeze,
+ "-g".freeze,
+ "-c \"${1}\"".freeze,
+ "-o \"${2}\"".freeze,
+ # gcc's list file output options are complex; no use of ${3} parameter in default config
+ "-MMD".freeze,
+ "-MF \"${4}\"".freeze,
+ ].freeze
+ }
+ :executable => FilePathUtils.os_executable_ext('gcc').freeze,
+ :name => 'default_test_linker'.freeze,
+ :stderr_redirect => StdErrRedirect::NONE.freeze,
+ :background_exec => BackgroundExec::NONE.freeze,
+ :optional => false.freeze,
+ :arguments => [
+ "\"${1}\"".freeze,
+ "-o \"${2}\"".freeze,
+ "".freeze,
+ "${4}".freeze
+ ].freeze
+ }
+ :executable => '${1}'.freeze,
+ :name => 'default_test_fixture'.freeze,
+ :stderr_redirect => StdErrRedirect::AUTO.freeze,
+ :background_exec => BackgroundExec::NONE.freeze,
+ :optional => false.freeze,
+ :arguments => [].freeze
+ }
+ :executable => FilePathUtils.os_executable_ext('gcc').freeze,
+ :name => 'default_test_includes_preprocessor'.freeze,
+ :stderr_redirect => StdErrRedirect::NONE.freeze,
+ :background_exec => BackgroundExec::NONE.freeze,
+ :optional => false.freeze,
+ :arguments => [
+ '-E'.freeze, # OSX clang
+ '-MM'.freeze,
+ '-MG'.freeze,
+ # avoid some possibility of deep system lib header file complications by omitting vendor paths
+ # if cpp is run on *nix system, escape spaces in paths; if cpp on windows just use the paths collection as is
+ # {"-I\"$\"" => "{ ? COLLECTION_PATHS_TEST_SUPPORT_SOURCE_INCLUDE :{|path| path.gsub(\/ \/, \'\\\\ \') }}"}.freeze,
+ {"-D$" => 'DEFINES_TEST_PREPROCESS'}.freeze,
+ "-DGNU_COMPILER".freeze, # OSX clang
+ '-w'.freeze,
+ # '-nostdinc'.freeze, # disabled temporarily due to stdio access violations on OSX
+ "\"${1}\"".freeze
+ ].freeze
+ }
+ :executable => FilePathUtils.os_executable_ext('gcc').freeze,
+ :name => 'default_test_file_preprocessor'.freeze,
+ :stderr_redirect => StdErrRedirect::NONE.freeze,
+ :background_exec => BackgroundExec::NONE.freeze,
+ :optional => false.freeze,
+ :arguments => [
+ '-E'.freeze,
+ {"-D$" => 'DEFINES_TEST_PREPROCESS'}.freeze,
+ "-DGNU_COMPILER".freeze,
+ # '-nostdinc'.freeze, # disabled temporarily due to stdio access violations on OSX
+ "\"${1}\"".freeze,
+ "-o \"${2}\"".freeze
+ ].freeze
+ }
+# Disable the -MD flag for OSX LLVM Clang, since unsupported
+if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ && `gcc --version 2> /dev/null` =~ /Apple LLVM version .* \(clang/m # OSX w/LLVM Clang
+ MD_FLAG = '' # Clang doesn't support the -MD flag
+ MD_FLAG = '-MD'
+ :executable => FilePathUtils.os_executable_ext('gcc').freeze,
+ :name => 'default_test_dependencies_generator'.freeze,
+ :stderr_redirect => StdErrRedirect::NONE.freeze,
+ :background_exec => BackgroundExec::NONE.freeze,
+ :optional => false.freeze,
+ :arguments => [
+ '-E'.freeze,
+ {"-D$" => 'DEFINES_TEST_PREPROCESS'}.freeze,
+ "-DGNU_COMPILER".freeze,
+ "-MT \"${3}\"".freeze,
+ '-MM'.freeze,
+ MD_FLAG.freeze,
+ '-MG'.freeze,
+ "-MF \"${2}\"".freeze,
+ "-c \"${1}\"".freeze,
+ # '-nostdinc'.freeze,
+ ].freeze
+ }
+ :executable => FilePathUtils.os_executable_ext('gcc').freeze,
+ :name => 'default_release_dependencies_generator'.freeze,
+ :stderr_redirect => StdErrRedirect::NONE.freeze,
+ :background_exec => BackgroundExec::NONE.freeze,
+ :optional => false.freeze,
+ :arguments => [
+ '-E'.freeze,
+ "-DGNU_COMPILER".freeze,
+ "-MT \"${3}\"".freeze,
+ '-MM'.freeze,
+ MD_FLAG.freeze,
+ '-MG'.freeze,
+ "-MF \"${2}\"".freeze,
+ "-c \"${1}\"".freeze,
+ # '-nostdinc'.freeze,
+ ].freeze
+ }
+ :executable => FilePathUtils.os_executable_ext('gcc').freeze,
+ :name => 'default_release_compiler'.freeze,
+ :stderr_redirect => StdErrRedirect::NONE.freeze,
+ :background_exec => BackgroundExec::NONE.freeze,
+ :optional => false.freeze,
+ :arguments => [
+ "-DGNU_COMPILER".freeze,
+ "-c \"${1}\"".freeze,
+ "-o \"${2}\"".freeze,
+ # gcc's list file output options are complex; no use of ${3} parameter in default config
+ "-MMD".freeze,
+ "-MF \"${4}\"".freeze,
+ ].freeze
+ }
+ :executable => FilePathUtils.os_executable_ext('as').freeze,
+ :name => 'default_release_assembler'.freeze,
+ :stderr_redirect => StdErrRedirect::NONE.freeze,
+ :background_exec => BackgroundExec::NONE.freeze,
+ :optional => false.freeze,
+ :arguments => [
+ "\"${1}\"".freeze,
+ "-o \"${2}\"".freeze,
+ ].freeze
+ }
+ :executable => FilePathUtils.os_executable_ext('gcc').freeze,
+ :name => 'default_release_linker'.freeze,
+ :stderr_redirect => StdErrRedirect::NONE.freeze,
+ :background_exec => BackgroundExec::NONE.freeze,
+ :optional => false.freeze,
+ :arguments => [
+ "\"${1}\"".freeze,
+ "-o \"${2}\"".freeze,
+ "".freeze,
+ "${4}".freeze
+ ].freeze
+ }
+ :tools => {
+ :test_compiler => DEFAULT_TEST_COMPILER_TOOL,
+ :test_linker => DEFAULT_TEST_LINKER_TOOL,
+ :test_fixture => DEFAULT_TEST_FIXTURE_TOOL,
+ }
+ }
+ :tools => {
+ :test_includes_preprocessor => DEFAULT_TEST_INCLUDES_PREPROCESSOR_TOOL,
+ :test_file_preprocessor => DEFAULT_TEST_FILE_PREPROCESSOR_TOOL,
+ }
+ }
+ :tools => {
+ :test_dependencies_generator => DEFAULT_TEST_DEPENDENCIES_GENERATOR_TOOL,
+ }
+ }
+ :tools => {
+ :release_compiler => DEFAULT_RELEASE_COMPILER_TOOL,
+ :release_linker => DEFAULT_RELEASE_LINKER_TOOL,
+ }
+ }
+ :tools => {
+ :release_assembler => DEFAULT_RELEASE_ASSEMBLER_TOOL,
+ }
+ }
+ :tools => {
+ :release_dependencies_generator => DEFAULT_RELEASE_DEPENDENCIES_GENERATOR_TOOL,
+ }
+ }
+ :project => {
+ # :build_root must be set by user
+ :use_exceptions => true,
+ :use_mocks => true,
+ :compile_threads => 1,
+ :test_threads => 1,
+ :use_test_preprocessor => false,
+ :use_deep_dependencies => false,
+ :generate_deep_dependencies => true, # only applicable if use_deep_dependencies is true
+ :test_file_prefix => 'test_',
+ :options_paths => [],
+ :release_build => false,
+ },
+ :release_build => {
+ # :output is set while building configuration -- allows smart default system-dependent file extension handling
+ :use_assembly => false,
+ :artifacts => [],
+ },
+ :paths => {
+ :test => [], # must be populated by user
+ :source => [], # must be populated by user
+ :support => [],
+ :include => [],
+ :test_toolchain_include => [],
+ :release_toolchain_include => [],
+ },
+ :files => {
+ :test => [],
+ :source => [],
+ :assembly => [],
+ :support => [],
+ :include => [],
+ },
+ # unlike other top-level entries, environment's value is an array to preserve order
+ :environment => [
+ # when evaluated, this provides wider text field for rake task comments
+ {:rake_columns => '120'},
+ ],
+ :defines => {
+ :test => [],
+ :test_preprocess => [],
+ :release => [],
+ :release_preprocess => [],
+ :use_test_definition => false,
+ },
+ :libraries => {
+ :test => [],
+ :test_preprocess => [],
+ :release => [],
+ :release_preprocess => [],
+ },
+ :flags => {},
+ :extension => {
+ :header => '.h',
+ :source => '.c',
+ :assembly => '.s',
+ :object => '.o',
+ :map => '.map',
+ :list => '.lst',
+ :testpass => '.pass',
+ :testfail => '.fail',
+ :dependencies => '.d',
+ },
+ :unity => {
+ :vendor_path => CEEDLING_VENDOR,
+ :defines => []
+ },
+ :cmock => {
+ :vendor_path => CEEDLING_VENDOR,
+ :defines => [],
+ :includes => []
+ },
+ :cexception => {
+ :vendor_path => CEEDLING_VENDOR,
+ :defines => []
+ },
+ :test_runner => {
+ :includes => [],
+ :file_suffix => '_runner',
+ },
+ # all tools populated while building up config structure
+ :tools => {},
+ # empty argument lists for default tools
+ # (these can be overridden in project file to add arguments to tools without totally redefining tools)
+ :test_compiler => { :arguments => [] },
+ :test_linker => { :arguments => [] },
+ :test_fixture => {
+ :arguments => [],
+ :link_objects => [], # compiled object files to always be linked in (e.g. cmock.o if using mocks)
+ },
+ :test_includes_preprocessor => { :arguments => [] },
+ :test_file_preprocessor => { :arguments => [] },
+ :test_dependencies_generator => { :arguments => [] },
+ :release_compiler => { :arguments => [] },
+ :release_linker => { :arguments => [] },
+ :release_assembler => { :arguments => [] },
+ :release_dependencies_generator => { :arguments => [] },
+ :plugins => {
+ :load_paths => CEEDLING_PLUGINS,
+ :enabled => [],
+ }
+ }.freeze
+% ignored = hash[:results][:counts][:ignored]
+% failed = hash[:results][:counts][:failed]
+% stdout_count = hash[:results][:counts][:stdout]
+% header_prepend = ((hash[:header].length > 0) ? "#{hash[:header]}: " : '')
+% banner_width = 25 + header_prepend.length # widest message
+% if (stdout_count > 0)
+<%=@ceedling[:plugin_reportinator].generate_banner(header_prepend + 'TEST OUTPUT')%>
+% hash[:results][:stdout].each do |string|
+% string[:collection].each do |item|
+<%=string[:source][:path]%><%=File::SEPARATOR%><%=string[:source][:file]%>: "<%=item%>"
+% end
+% end
+% end
+% if (ignored > 0)
+<%=@ceedling[:plugin_reportinator].generate_banner(header_prepend + 'IGNORED TEST SUMMARY')%>
+% hash[:results][:ignores].each do |ignore|
+% ignore[:collection].each do |item|
+% if (item[:message].length > 0)
+: "<%=item[:message]%>"
+% else
+% end
+% end
+% end
+% end
+% if (failed > 0)
+<%=@ceedling[:plugin_reportinator].generate_banner(header_prepend + 'FAILED TEST SUMMARY')%>
+% hash[:results][:failures].each do |failure|
+% failure[:collection].each do |item|
+% if (item[:message].length > 0)
+: "<%=item[:message]%>"
+% else
+% end
+% end
+% end
+% end
+% total_string = hash[:results][:counts][:total].to_s
+% format_string = "%#{total_string.length}i"
+<%=@ceedling[:plugin_reportinator].generate_banner(header_prepend + 'OVERALL TEST SUMMARY')%>
+% if (hash[:results][:counts][:total] > 0)
+TESTED: <%=hash[:results][:counts][:total].to_s%>
+PASSED: <%=sprintf(format_string, hash[:results][:counts][:passed])%>
+FAILED: <%=sprintf(format_string, failed)%>
+IGNORED: <%=sprintf(format_string, ignored)%>
+% else
+No tests executed.
+% end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/dependinator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/dependinator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ebd12377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/dependinator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+class Dependinator
+ constructor :configurator, :project_config_manager, :test_includes_extractor, :file_path_utils, :rake_wrapper, :file_wrapper
+ def touch_force_rebuild_files
+ @file_wrapper.touch( @configurator.project_test_force_rebuild_filepath )
+ @file_wrapper.touch( @configurator.project_release_force_rebuild_filepath ) if (@configurator.project_release_build)
+ end
+ def load_release_object_deep_dependencies(dependencies_list)
+ dependencies_list.each do |dependencies_file|
+ if File.exists?(dependencies_file)
+ @rake_wrapper.load_dependencies( dependencies_file )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def enhance_release_file_dependencies(files)
+ files.each do |filepath|
+ @rake_wrapper[filepath].enhance( [@configurator.project_release_force_rebuild_filepath] ) if (@project_config_manager.release_config_changed)
+ end
+ end
+ def load_test_object_deep_dependencies(files_list)
+ dependencies_list = @file_path_utils.form_test_dependencies_filelist(files_list)
+ dependencies_list.each do |dependencies_file|
+ if File.exists?(dependencies_file)
+ @rake_wrapper.load_dependencies(dependencies_file)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def enhance_runner_dependencies(runner_filepath)
+ @rake_wrapper[runner_filepath].enhance( [@configurator.project_test_force_rebuild_filepath] ) if (@project_config_manager.test_config_changed ||
+ @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed)
+ end
+ def enhance_shallow_include_lists_dependencies(include_lists)
+ include_lists.each do |include_list_filepath|
+ @rake_wrapper[include_list_filepath].enhance( [@configurator.project_test_force_rebuild_filepath] ) if (@project_config_manager.test_config_changed ||
+ @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed)
+ end
+ end
+ def enhance_preprocesed_file_dependencies(files)
+ files.each do |filepath|
+ @rake_wrapper[filepath].enhance( [@configurator.project_test_force_rebuild_filepath] ) if (@project_config_manager.test_config_changed ||
+ @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed)
+ end
+ end
+ def enhance_mock_dependencies(mocks_list)
+ # if input configuration or ceedling changes, make sure these guys get rebuilt
+ mocks_list.each do |mock_filepath|
+ @rake_wrapper[mock_filepath].enhance( [@configurator.project_test_force_rebuild_filepath] ) if (@project_config_manager.test_config_changed ||
+ @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed)
+ @rake_wrapper[mock_filepath].enhance( @configurator.cmock_unity_helper ) if (@configurator.cmock_unity_helper)
+ end
+ end
+ def enhance_dependencies_dependencies(dependencies)
+ dependencies.each do |dependencies_filepath|
+ @rake_wrapper[dependencies_filepath].enhance( [@configurator.project_test_force_rebuild_filepath] ) if (@project_config_manager.test_config_changed ||
+ @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed)
+ end
+ end
+ def enhance_test_build_object_dependencies(objects)
+ objects.each do |object_filepath|
+ @rake_wrapper[object_filepath].enhance( [@configurator.project_test_force_rebuild_filepath] ) if (@project_config_manager.test_config_changed ||
+ @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed)
+ end
+ end
+ def enhance_results_dependencies(result_filepath)
+ @rake_wrapper[result_filepath].enhance( [@configurator.project_test_force_rebuild_filepath] ) if (@project_config_manager.test_config_changed ||
+ @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed)
+ end
+ def setup_test_executable_dependencies(test, objects)
+ @rake_wrapper.create_file_task( @file_path_utils.form_test_executable_filepath(test), objects )
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/erb_wrapper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/erb_wrapper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8d70b6d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/erb_wrapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+require 'erb'
+class ErbWrapper
+ def generate_file(template, data, output_file)
+, "w") do |f|
+ f <<, 0, "<>").result(binding)
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_finder.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_finder.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..53775b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_finder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake' # for adding ext() method to string
+require 'thread'
+class FileFinder
+ constructor :configurator, :file_finder_helper, :cacheinator, :file_path_utils, :file_wrapper, :yaml_wrapper
+ def prepare_search_sources
+ @all_test_source_and_header_file_collection =
+ @configurator.collection_all_tests +
+ @configurator.collection_all_source +
+ @configurator.collection_all_headers
+ end
+ def find_header_file(mock_file)
+ header = File.basename(mock_file).sub(/#{@configurator.cmock_mock_prefix}/, '').ext(@configurator.extension_header)
+ found_path = @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(header, @configurator.collection_all_headers, :error)
+ return found_path
+ end
+ def find_header_input_for_mock_file(mock_file)
+ found_path = find_header_file(mock_file)
+ mock_input = found_path
+ if (@configurator.project_use_test_preprocessor)
+ mock_input = @cacheinator.diff_cached_test_file( @file_path_utils.form_preprocessed_file_filepath( found_path ) )
+ end
+ return mock_input
+ end
+ def find_source_from_test(test, complain)
+ test_prefix = @configurator.project_test_file_prefix
+ source_paths = @configurator.collection_all_source
+ source = File.basename(test).sub(/#{test_prefix}/, '')
+ # we don't blow up if a test file has no corresponding source file
+ return @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(source, source_paths, complain)
+ end
+ def find_test_from_runner_path(runner_path)
+ extension_source = @configurator.extension_source
+ test_file = File.basename(runner_path).sub(/#{@configurator.test_runner_file_suffix}#{'\\'+extension_source}/, extension_source)
+ found_path = @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(test_file, @configurator.collection_all_tests, :error)
+ return found_path
+ end
+ def find_test_input_for_runner_file(runner_path)
+ found_path = find_test_from_runner_path(runner_path)
+ runner_input = found_path
+ if (@configurator.project_use_test_preprocessor)
+ runner_input = @cacheinator.diff_cached_test_file( @file_path_utils.form_preprocessed_file_filepath( found_path ) )
+ end
+ return runner_input
+ end
+ def find_test_from_file_path(file_path)
+ test_file = File.basename(file_path).ext(@configurator.extension_source)
+ found_path = @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(test_file, @configurator.collection_all_tests, :error)
+ return found_path
+ end
+ def find_test_or_source_or_header_file(file_path)
+ file = File.basename(file_path)
+ return @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(file, @all_test_source_and_header_file_collection, :error)
+ end
+ def find_compilation_input_file(file_path, complain=:error, release=false)
+ found_file = nil
+ source_file = File.basename(file_path).ext(@configurator.extension_source)
+ # We only collect files that already exist when we start up.
+ # FileLists can produce undesired results for dynamically generated files depending on when they're accessed.
+ # So collect mocks and runners separately and right now.
+ SEMAPHORE.synchronize {
+ if (source_file =~ /#{@configurator.test_runner_file_suffix}/)
+ found_file =
+ @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(
+ source_file,
+ @file_wrapper.directory_listing( File.join(@configurator.project_test_runners_path, '*') ),
+ complain)
+ elsif (@configurator.project_use_mocks and (source_file =~ /#{@configurator.cmock_mock_prefix}/))
+ found_file =
+ @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(
+ source_file,
+ @file_wrapper.directory_listing( File.join(@configurator.cmock_mock_path, '*') ),
+ complain)
+ elsif release
+ found_file =
+ @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(
+ source_file,
+ @configurator.collection_release_existing_compilation_input,
+ complain)
+ else
+ temp_complain = (defined?(TEST_BUILD_USE_ASSEMBLY) && TEST_BUILD_USE_ASSEMBLY) ? :ignore : complain
+ found_file =
+ @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(
+ source_file,
+ @configurator.collection_all_existing_compilation_input,
+ temp_complain)
+ found_file ||= find_assembly_file(file_path, false) if (defined?(TEST_BUILD_USE_ASSEMBLY) && TEST_BUILD_USE_ASSEMBLY)
+ end
+ }
+ return found_file
+ end
+ def find_source_file(file_path, complain)
+ source_file = File.basename(file_path).ext(@configurator.extension_source)
+ return @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(source_file, @configurator.collection_all_source, complain)
+ end
+ def find_assembly_file(file_path, complain = :error)
+ assembly_file = File.basename(file_path).ext(@configurator.extension_assembly)
+ return @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(assembly_file, @configurator.collection_all_assembly, complain)
+ end
+ def find_file_from_list(file_path, file_list, complain)
+ return @file_finder_helper.find_file_in_collection(file_path, file_list, complain)
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_finder_helper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_finder_helper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0a31b44b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_finder_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'ceedling/constants' # for Verbosity enumeration
+class FileFinderHelper
+ constructor :streaminator
+ def find_file_in_collection(file_name, file_list, complain, extra_message="")
+ file_to_find = nil
+ file_list.each do |item|
+ base_file = File.basename(item)
+ # case insensitive comparison
+ if (base_file.casecmp(file_name) == 0)
+ # case sensitive check
+ if (base_file == file_name)
+ file_to_find = item
+ break
+ else
+ blow_up(file_name, "However, a filename having different capitalization was found: '#{item}'.")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ case (complain)
+ when :error then blow_up(file_name, extra_message) if (file_to_find.nil?)
+ when :warn then gripe(file_name, extra_message) if (file_to_find.nil?)
+ #when :ignore then
+ end
+ return file_to_find
+ end
+ private
+ def blow_up(file_name, extra_message="")
+ error = "ERROR: Found no file '#{file_name}' in search paths."
+ error += ' ' if (extra_message.length > 0)
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts(error + extra_message, Verbosity::ERRORS)
+ raise
+ end
+ def gripe(file_name, extra_message="")
+ warning = "WARNING: Found no file '#{file_name}' in search paths."
+ warning += ' ' if (extra_message.length > 0)
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts(warning + extra_message, Verbosity::COMPLAIN)
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_path_utils.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_path_utils.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..607039fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_path_utils.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake' # for ext()
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'ceedling/system_wrapper'
+# global utility methods (for plugins, project files, etc.)
+def ceedling_form_filepath(destination_path, original_filepath, new_extension=nil)
+ filename = File.basename(original_filepath)
+ filename.replace(filename.ext(new_extension)) if (!new_extension.nil?)
+ return File.join( destination_path.gsub(/\\/, '/'), filename )
+class FilePathUtils
+ GLOB_MATCHER = /[\*\?\{\}\[\]]/
+ constructor :configurator, :file_wrapper
+ ######### class methods ##########
+ # standardize path to use '/' path separator & have no trailing path separator
+ def self.standardize(path)
+ path.strip!
+ path.gsub!(/\\/, '/')
+ path.chomp!('/')
+ return path
+ end
+ def self.os_executable_ext(executable)
+ return executable.ext('.exe') if
+ return executable
+ end
+ # extract directory path from between optional add/subtract aggregation modifiers and up to glob specifiers
+ # note: slightly different than File.dirname in that /files/foo remains /files/foo and does not become /files
+ def self.extract_path(path)
+ path = path.sub(/^(\+|-):/, '')
+ # find first occurrence of path separator followed by directory glob specifier: *, ?, {, }, [, ]
+ find_index = (path =~ GLOB_MATCHER)
+ # no changes needed (lop off final path separator)
+ return path.chomp('/') if (find_index.nil?)
+ # extract up to first glob specifier
+ path = path[0..(find_index-1)]
+ # lop off everything up to and including final path separator
+ find_index = path.rindex('/')
+ return path[0..(find_index-1)] if (not find_index.nil?)
+ # return string up to first glob specifier if no path separator found
+ return path
+ end
+ # return whether the given path is to be aggregated (no aggregation modifier defaults to same as +:)
+ def self.add_path?(path)
+ return (path =~ /^-:/).nil?
+ end
+ # get path (and glob) lopping off optional +: / -: prefixed aggregation modifiers
+ def self.extract_path_no_aggregation_operators(path)
+ return path.sub(/^(\+|-):/, '')
+ end
+ # all the globs that may be in a path string work fine with one exception;
+ # to recurse through all subdirectories, the glob is dir/**/** but our paths use
+ # convention of only dir/**
+ def self.reform_glob(path)
+ return path if (path =~ /\/\*\*$/).nil?
+ return path + '/**'
+ end
+ ######### instance methods ##########
+ def form_temp_path(filepath, prefix='')
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_temp_path, prefix + File.basename(filepath) )
+ end
+ ### release ###
+ def form_release_build_cache_path(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_release_build_cache_path, File.basename(filepath) )
+ end
+ def form_release_dependencies_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_release_dependencies_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_dependencies) )
+ end
+ def form_release_build_c_object_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_release_build_output_c_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_object) )
+ end
+ def form_release_build_asm_object_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_release_build_output_asm_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_object) )
+ end
+ def form_release_build_c_objects_filelist(files)
+ return (@file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list(files)).pathmap("#{@configurator.project_release_build_output_c_path}/%n#{@configurator.extension_object}")
+ end
+ def form_release_build_asm_objects_filelist(files)
+ return (@file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list(files)).pathmap("#{@configurator.project_release_build_output_asm_path}/%n#{@configurator.extension_object}")
+ end
+ def form_release_build_c_list_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_release_build_output_c_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_list) )
+ end
+ def form_release_dependencies_filelist(files)
+ return (@file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list(files)).pathmap("#{@configurator.project_release_dependencies_path}/%n#{@configurator.extension_dependencies}")
+ end
+ ### tests ###
+ def form_test_build_cache_path(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_build_cache_path, File.basename(filepath) )
+ end
+ def form_test_dependencies_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_dependencies_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_dependencies) )
+ end
+ def form_pass_results_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_results_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_testpass) )
+ end
+ def form_fail_results_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_results_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_testfail) )
+ end
+ def form_runner_filepath_from_test(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_runners_path, File.basename(filepath, @configurator.extension_source)) + @configurator.test_runner_file_suffix + @configurator.extension_source
+ end
+ def form_test_filepath_from_runner(filepath)
+ return filepath.sub(/#{TEST_RUNNER_FILE_SUFFIX}/, '')
+ end
+ def form_runner_object_filepath_from_test(filepath)
+ return (form_test_build_c_object_filepath(filepath)).sub(/(#{@configurator.extension_object})$/, "#{@configurator.test_runner_file_suffix}\\1")
+ end
+ def form_test_build_c_object_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_build_output_c_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_object) )
+ end
+ def form_test_build_asm_object_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_build_output_asm_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_object) )
+ end
+ def form_test_executable_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_build_output_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_executable) )
+ end
+ def form_test_build_map_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_build_output_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_map) )
+ end
+ def form_test_build_list_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_build_output_path, File.basename(filepath).ext(@configurator.extension_list) )
+ end
+ def form_preprocessed_file_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_preprocess_files_path, File.basename(filepath) )
+ end
+ def form_preprocessed_includes_list_filepath(filepath)
+ return File.join( @configurator.project_test_preprocess_includes_path, File.basename(filepath) )
+ end
+ def form_test_build_objects_filelist(sources)
+ return (@file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list(sources)).pathmap("#{@configurator.project_test_build_output_c_path}/%n#{@configurator.extension_object}")
+ end
+ def form_preprocessed_mockable_headers_filelist(mocks)
+ list = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list(mocks)
+ headers = do |file|
+ module_name = File.basename(file).sub(/^#{@configurator.cmock_mock_prefix}/, '').sub(/\.[a-zA-Z]+$/,'')
+ "#{@configurator.project_test_preprocess_files_path}/#{module_name}#{@configurator.extension_header}"
+ end
+ return headers
+ end
+ def form_mocks_source_filelist(mocks)
+ list = (@file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list(mocks))
+ sources ={|file| "#{@configurator.cmock_mock_path}/#{file}#{@configurator.extension_source}"}
+ return sources
+ end
+ def form_test_dependencies_filelist(files)
+ list = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list(files)
+ return list.pathmap("#{@configurator.project_test_dependencies_path}/%n#{@configurator.extension_dependencies}")
+ end
+ def form_pass_results_filelist(path, files)
+ list = @file_wrapper.instantiate_file_list(files)
+ return list.pathmap("#{path}/%n#{@configurator.extension_testpass}")
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_system_utils.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_system_utils.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..97e5856f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_system_utils.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake'
+require 'set'
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'ceedling/file_path_utils'
+class FileSystemUtils
+ constructor :file_wrapper
+ # build up path list from input of one or more strings or arrays of (+/-) paths & globs
+ def collect_paths(*paths)
+ raw = [] # all paths and globs
+ plus = # all paths to expand and add
+ minus = # all paths to remove from plus set
+ # assemble all globs and simple paths, reforming our glob notation to ruby globs
+ paths.each do |paths_container|
+ case (paths_container)
+ when String then raw << (FilePathUtils::reform_glob(paths_container))
+ when Array then paths_container.each {|path| raw << (FilePathUtils::reform_glob(path))}
+ else raise "Don't know how to handle #{paths_container.class}"
+ end
+ end
+ # iterate through each path and glob
+ raw.each do |path|
+ dirs = [] # container for only (expanded) paths
+ # if a glob, expand it and slurp up all non-file paths
+ if path.include?('*')
+ # grab base directory only if globs are snug up to final path separator
+ if (path =~ /\/\*+$/)
+ dirs << FilePathUtils.extract_path(path)
+ end
+ # grab expanded sub-directory globs
+ expanded = @file_wrapper.directory_listing( FilePathUtils.extract_path_no_aggregation_operators(path) )
+ expanded.each do |entry|
+ dirs << entry if
+ end
+ # else just grab simple path
+ # note: we could just run this through glob expansion but such an
+ # approach doesn't handle a path not yet on disk)
+ else
+ dirs << FilePathUtils.extract_path_no_aggregation_operators(path)
+ end
+ # add dirs to the appropriate set based on path aggregation modifier if present
+ FilePathUtils.add_path?(path) ? plus.merge(dirs) : minus.merge(dirs)
+ end
+ return (plus - minus).to_a.uniq
+ end
+ # given a file list, add to it or remove from it
+ def revise_file_list(list, revisions)
+ revisions.each do |revision|
+ # include or exclude file or glob to file list
+ file = FilePathUtils.extract_path_no_aggregation_operators( revision )
+ FilePathUtils.add_path?(revision) ? list.include(file) : list.exclude(file)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_system_wrapper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_system_wrapper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..807cbd23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_system_wrapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+class FileSystemWrapper
+ def cd(path)
+ path do
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_wrapper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_wrapper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1680ca52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/file_wrapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake' # for FileList
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class FileWrapper
+ def get_expanded_path(path)
+ return File.expand_path(path)
+ end
+ def basename(path, extension=nil)
+ return File.basename(path, extension) if extension
+ return File.basename(path)
+ end
+ def exist?(filepath)
+ return true if (filepath == NULL_FILE_PATH)
+ return File.exist?(filepath)
+ end
+ def directory?(path)
+ return
+ end
+ def dirname(path)
+ return File.dirname(path)
+ end
+ def directory_listing(glob)
+ return Dir.glob(glob, File::FNM_PATHNAME)
+ end
+ def rm_f(filepath, options={})
+ FileUtils.rm_f(filepath, options)
+ end
+ def rm_r(filepath, options={})
+ FileUtils.rm_r(filepath, options={})
+ end
+ def cp(source, destination, options={})
+ FileUtils.cp(source, destination, options)
+ end
+ def compare(from, to)
+ return FileUtils.compare_file(from, to)
+ end
+ def open(filepath, flags)
+, flags) do |file|
+ yield(file)
+ end
+ end
+ def read(filepath)
+ return
+ end
+ def touch(filepath, options={})
+ FileUtils.touch(filepath, options)
+ end
+ def write(filepath, contents, flags='w')
+, flags) do |file|
+ file.write(contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def readlines(filepath)
+ return File.readlines(filepath)
+ end
+ def instantiate_file_list(files=[])
+ return
+ end
+ def mkdir(folder)
+ return FileUtils.mkdir_p(folder)
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/flaginator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/flaginator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..31d62c46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/flaginator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake' # for ext()
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+# :flags:
+# :release:
+# :compile:
+# :'test_.+'
+# - -pedantic # add '-pedantic' to every test file
+# :*: # add '-foo' to compilation of all files not main.c
+# - -foo
+# :main: # add '-Wall' to compilation of main.c
+# - -Wall
+# :test:
+# :link:
+# :test_main: # add '--bar --baz' to linking of test_main.exe
+# - --bar
+# - --baz
+def partition(hash, &predicate)
+ hash.partition(&predicate).map(&:to_h)
+class Flaginator
+ constructor :configurator
+ def get_flag(hash, file_name)
+ file_key = file_name.to_sym
+ # 1. try literals
+ literals, magic = partition(hash) { |k, v| k.to_s =~ /^\w+$/ }
+ return literals[file_key] if literals.include?(file_key)
+ any, regex = partition(magic) { |k, v| (k == :'*') || (k == :'.*') } # glob or regex wild card
+ # 2. try regexes
+ find_res = regex.find { |k, v| file_name =~ /^#{k.to_s}$/ }
+ return find_res[1] if find_res
+ # 3. try anything
+ find_res = any.find { |k, v| file_name =~ /.*/ }
+ return find_res[1] if find_res
+ # 4. well, we've tried
+ return []
+ end
+ def flag_down( operation, context, file )
+ # create configurator accessor method
+ accessor = ('flags_' + context.to_s).to_sym
+ # create simple filename key from whatever filename provided
+ file_name = File.basename( file ).ext('')
+ file_key = File.basename( file ).ext('').to_sym
+ # if no entry in configuration for flags for this context, bail out
+ return [] if not @configurator.respond_to?( accessor )
+ # get flags sub hash associated with this context
+ flags = @configurator.send( accessor )
+ # if operation not represented in flags hash, bail out
+ return [] if not flags.include?( operation )
+ # redefine flags to sub hash associated with the operation
+ flags = flags[operation]
+ return get_flag(flags, file_name)
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..828a0c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class Generator
+ constructor :configurator,
+ :generator_helper,
+ :preprocessinator,
+ :cmock_builder,
+ :generator_test_runner,
+ :generator_test_results,
+ :flaginator,
+ :test_includes_extractor,
+ :tool_executor,
+ :file_finder,
+ :file_path_utils,
+ :streaminator,
+ :plugin_manager,
+ :file_wrapper
+ def generate_shallow_includes_list(context, file)
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Generating include list for #{File.basename(file)}...", Verbosity::NORMAL)
+ @preprocessinator.preprocess_shallow_includes(file)
+ end
+ def generate_preprocessed_file(context, file)
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Preprocessing #{File.basename(file)}...", Verbosity::NORMAL)
+ @preprocessinator.preprocess_file(file)
+ end
+ def generate_dependencies_file(tool, context, source, object, dependencies)
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Generating dependencies for #{File.basename(source)}...", Verbosity::NORMAL)
+ command =
+ @tool_executor.build_command_line(
+ tool,
+ [], # extra per-file command line parameters
+ source,
+ dependencies,
+ object)
+ @tool_executor.exec( command[:line], command[:options] )
+ end
+ def generate_mock(context, header_filepath)
+ arg_hash = {:header_file => header_filepath, :context => context}
+ @plugin_manager.pre_mock_generate( arg_hash )
+ begin
+ @cmock_builder.cmock.setup_mocks( arg_hash[:header_file] )
+ rescue
+ raise
+ ensure
+ @plugin_manager.post_mock_generate( arg_hash )
+ end
+ end
+ # test_filepath may be either preprocessed test file or original test file
+ def generate_test_runner(context, test_filepath, runner_filepath)
+ arg_hash = {:context => context, :test_file => test_filepath, :runner_file => runner_filepath}
+ @plugin_manager.pre_runner_generate(arg_hash)
+ # collect info we need
+ module_name = File.basename(arg_hash[:test_file])
+ test_cases = @generator_test_runner.find_test_cases( @file_finder.find_test_from_runner_path(runner_filepath) )
+ mock_list = @test_includes_extractor.lookup_raw_mock_list(arg_hash[:test_file])
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Generating runner for #{module_name}...", Verbosity::NORMAL)
+ test_file_includes = [] # Empty list for now, since apparently unused
+ # build runner file
+ begin
+ @generator_test_runner.generate(module_name, runner_filepath, test_cases, mock_list, test_file_includes)
+ rescue
+ raise
+ ensure
+ @plugin_manager.post_runner_generate(arg_hash)
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_object_file(tool, operation, context, source, object, list='', dependencies='')
+ shell_result = {}
+ arg_hash = {:tool => tool, :operation => operation, :context => context, :source => source, :object => object, :list => list, :dependencies => dependencies}
+ @plugin_manager.pre_compile_execute(arg_hash)
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Compiling #{File.basename(arg_hash[:source])}...", Verbosity::NORMAL)
+ command =
+ @tool_executor.build_command_line( arg_hash[:tool],
+ @flaginator.flag_down( operation, context, source ),
+ arg_hash[:source],
+ arg_hash[:object],
+ arg_hash[:list],
+ arg_hash[:dependencies])
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Command: #{command}", Verbosity::DEBUG)
+ begin
+ shell_result = @tool_executor.exec( command[:line], command[:options] )
+ rescue ShellExecutionException => ex
+ shell_result = ex.shell_result
+ raise ex
+ ensure
+ arg_hash[:shell_result] = shell_result
+ @plugin_manager.post_compile_execute(arg_hash)
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_executable_file(tool, context, objects, executable, map='', libraries=[])
+ shell_result = {}
+ arg_hash = { :tool => tool,
+ :context => context,
+ :objects => objects,
+ :executable => executable,
+ :map => map,
+ :libraries => libraries
+ }
+ @plugin_manager.pre_link_execute(arg_hash)
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Linking #{File.basename(arg_hash[:executable])}...", Verbosity::NORMAL)
+ command =
+ @tool_executor.build_command_line( arg_hash[:tool],
+ @flaginator.flag_down( OPERATION_LINK_SYM, context, executable ),
+ arg_hash[:objects],
+ arg_hash[:executable],
+ arg_hash[:map],
+ arg_hash[:libraries]
+ )
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Command: #{command}", Verbosity::DEBUG)
+ begin
+ shell_result = @tool_executor.exec( command[:line], command[:options] )
+ rescue ShellExecutionException => ex
+ notice = "\n" +
+ "NOTICE: If the linker reports missing symbols, the following may be to blame:\n" +
+ " 1. Test lacks #include statements corresponding to needed source files.\n" +
+ " 2. Project search paths do not contain source files corresponding to #include statements in the test.\n"
+ if (@configurator.project_use_mocks)
+ notice += " 3. Test does not #include needed mocks.\n\n"
+ else
+ notice += "\n"
+ end
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts(notice, Verbosity::COMPLAIN)
+ shell_result = ex.shell_result
+ raise ''
+ ensure
+ arg_hash[:shell_result] = shell_result
+ @plugin_manager.post_link_execute(arg_hash)
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_test_results(tool, context, executable, result)
+ arg_hash = {:tool => tool, :context => context, :executable => executable, :result_file => result}
+ @plugin_manager.pre_test_fixture_execute(arg_hash)
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Running #{File.basename(arg_hash[:executable])}...", Verbosity::NORMAL)
+ # Unity's exit code is equivalent to the number of failed tests, so we tell @tool_executor not to fail out if there are failures
+ # so that we can run all tests and collect all results
+ command = @tool_executor.build_command_line(arg_hash[:tool], [], arg_hash[:executable])
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Command: #{command}", Verbosity::DEBUG)
+ command[:options][:boom] = false
+ shell_result = @tool_executor.exec( command[:line], command[:options] )
+ #Don't Let The Failure Count Make Us Believe Things Aren't Working
+ shell_result[:exit_code] = 0
+ @generator_helper.test_results_error_handler(executable, shell_result)
+ processed = @generator_test_results.process_and_write_results( shell_result,
+ arg_hash[:result_file],
+ @file_finder.find_test_from_file_path(arg_hash[:executable]) )
+ arg_hash[:result_file] = processed[:result_file]
+ arg_hash[:results] = processed[:results]
+ arg_hash[:shell_result] = shell_result # for raw output display if no plugins for formatted display
+ @plugin_manager.post_test_fixture_execute(arg_hash)
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_helper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_helper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..34315609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class GeneratorHelper
+ constructor :streaminator
+ def test_results_error_handler(executable, shell_result)
+ notice = ''
+ error = false
+ if (shell_result[:output].nil? or shell_result[:output].strip.empty?)
+ error = true
+ # mirror style of generic tool_executor failure output
+ notice = "\n" +
+ "ERROR: Test executable \"#{File.basename(executable)}\" failed.\n" +
+ "> Produced no output to $stdout.\n"
+ elsif ((shell_result[:output] =~ TEST_STDOUT_STATISTICS_PATTERN).nil?)
+ error = true
+ # mirror style of generic tool_executor failure output
+ notice = "\n" +
+ "ERROR: Test executable \"#{File.basename(executable)}\" failed.\n" +
+ "> Produced no final test result counts in $stdout:\n" +
+ "#{shell_result[:output].strip}\n"
+ end
+ if (error)
+ # since we told the tool executor to ignore the exit code, handle it explicitly here
+ notice += "> And exited with status: [#{shell_result[:exit_code]}] (count of failed tests).\n" if (shell_result[:exit_code] != nil)
+ notice += "> And then likely crashed.\n" if (shell_result[:exit_code] == nil)
+ notice += "> This is often a symptom of a bad memory access in source or test code.\n\n"
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts(notice, Verbosity::COMPLAIN)
+ raise
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_test_results.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_test_results.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1d0c5201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_test_results.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake' # for .ext()
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class GeneratorTestResults
+ constructor :configurator, :generator_test_results_sanity_checker, :yaml_wrapper
+ def process_and_write_results(unity_shell_result, results_file, test_file)
+ output_file = results_file
+ results = get_results_structure
+ results[:source][:path] = File.dirname(test_file)
+ results[:source][:file] = File.basename(test_file)
+ results[:time] = unity_shell_result[:time] unless unity_shell_result[:time].nil?
+ # process test statistics
+ if (unity_shell_result[:output] =~ TEST_STDOUT_STATISTICS_PATTERN)
+ results[:counts][:total] = $1.to_i
+ results[:counts][:failed] = $2.to_i
+ results[:counts][:ignored] = $3.to_i
+ results[:counts][:passed] = (results[:counts][:total] - results[:counts][:failed] - results[:counts][:ignored])
+ end
+ # remove test statistics lines
+ output_string = unity_shell_result[:output].sub(TEST_STDOUT_STATISTICS_PATTERN, '')
+ output_string.lines do |line|
+ # process unity output
+ case line
+ when /(:IGNORE)/
+ elements = extract_line_elements(line, results[:source][:file])
+ results[:ignores] << elements[0]
+ results[:stdout] << elements[1] if (!elements[1].nil?)
+ when /(:PASS$)/
+ elements = extract_line_elements(line, results[:source][:file])
+ results[:successes] << elements[0]
+ results[:stdout] << elements[1] if (!elements[1].nil?)
+ when /(:FAIL)/
+ elements = extract_line_elements(line, results[:source][:file])
+ results[:failures] << elements[0]
+ results[:stdout] << elements[1] if (!elements[1].nil?)
+ else # collect up all other
+ results[:stdout] << line.chomp
+ end
+ end
+ @generator_test_results_sanity_checker.verify(results, unity_shell_result[:exit_code])
+ output_file = results_file.ext(@configurator.extension_testfail) if (results[:counts][:failed] > 0)
+ @yaml_wrapper.dump(output_file, results)
+ return { :result_file => output_file, :result => results }
+ end
+ private
+ def get_results_structure
+ return {
+ :source => {:path => '', :file => ''},
+ :successes => [],
+ :failures => [],
+ :ignores => [],
+ :counts => {:total => 0, :passed => 0, :failed => 0, :ignored => 0},
+ :stdout => [],
+ :time => 0.0
+ }
+ end
+ def extract_line_elements(line, filename)
+ # handle anything preceding filename in line as extra output to be collected
+ stdout = nil
+ stdout_regex = /(.+)#{Regexp.escape(filename)}.+/i
+ if (line =~ stdout_regex)
+ stdout = $1.clone
+ line.sub!(/#{Regexp.escape(stdout)}/, '')
+ end
+ # collect up test results minus and extra output
+ elements = (line.strip.split(':'))[1..-1]
+ return {:test => elements[1], :line => elements[0].to_i, :message => (elements[3..-1].join(':')).strip}, stdout if elements.size >= 3
+ return {:test => '???', :line => -1, :message => nil} #fallback safe option. TODO better handling
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_test_results_sanity_checker.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_test_results_sanity_checker.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0b518325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_test_results_sanity_checker.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake' # for ext() method
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class GeneratorTestResultsSanityChecker
+ constructor :configurator, :streaminator
+ def verify(results, unity_exit_code)
+ # do no sanity checking if it's disabled
+ return if (@configurator.sanity_checks == TestResultsSanityChecks::NONE)
+ raise "results nil or empty" if results.nil? || results.empty?
+ ceedling_ignores_count = results[:ignores].size
+ ceedling_failures_count = results[:failures].size
+ ceedling_tests_summation = (ceedling_ignores_count + ceedling_failures_count + results[:successes].size)
+ # Exit code handling is not a sanity check that can always be performed because
+ # command line simulators may or may not pass through Unity's exit code
+ if (@configurator.sanity_checks >= TestResultsSanityChecks::THOROUGH)
+ # many platforms limit exit codes to a maximum of 255
+ if ((ceedling_failures_count != unity_exit_code) and (unity_exit_code < 255))
+ sanity_check_warning(results[:source][:file], "Unity's exit code (#{unity_exit_code}) does not match Ceedling's summation of failed test cases (#{ceedling_failures_count}).")
+ end
+ if ((ceedling_failures_count < 255) and (unity_exit_code == 255))
+ sanity_check_warning(results[:source][:file], "Ceedling's summation of failed test cases (#{ceedling_failures_count}) is less than Unity's exit code (255 or more).")
+ end
+ end
+ if (ceedling_ignores_count != results[:counts][:ignored])
+ sanity_check_warning(results[:source][:file], "Unity's final ignore count (#{results[:counts][:ignored]}) does not match Ceedling's summation of ignored test cases (#{ceedling_ignores_count}).")
+ end
+ if (ceedling_failures_count != results[:counts][:failed])
+ sanity_check_warning(results[:source][:file], "Unity's final fail count (#{results[:counts][:failed]}) does not match Ceedling's summation of failed test cases (#{ceedling_failures_count}).")
+ end
+ if (ceedling_tests_summation != results[:counts][:total])
+ sanity_check_warning(results[:source][:file], "Unity's final test count (#{results[:counts][:total]}) does not match Ceedling's summation of all test cases (#{ceedling_tests_summation}).")
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def sanity_check_warning(file, message)
+ notice = "\n" +
+ "ERROR: Internal sanity check for test fixture '#{file.ext(@configurator.extension_executable)}' finds that #{message}\n" +
+ " Possible causes:\n" +
+ " 1. Your test + source dereferenced a null pointer.\n" +
+ " 2. Your test + source indexed past the end of a buffer.\n" +
+ " 3. Your test + source committed a memory access violation.\n" +
+ " 4. Your test fixture produced an exit code of 0 despite execution ending prematurely.\n" +
+ " Sanity check failures of test results are usually a symptom of interrupted test execution.\n\n"
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts( notice )
+ raise
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_test_runner.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_test_runner.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6999faf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/generator_test_runner.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+class GeneratorTestRunner
+ constructor :configurator, :file_path_utils, :file_wrapper
+ def find_test_cases(test_file)
+ #Pull in Unity's Test Runner Generator
+ require 'generate_test_runner.rb'
+ @test_runner_generator ||= @configurator.get_runner_config )
+ if (@configurator.project_use_test_preprocessor)
+ #redirect to use the preprocessor file if we're doing that sort of thing
+ pre_test_file = @file_path_utils.form_preprocessed_file_filepath(test_file)
+ #actually look for the tests using Unity's test runner generator
+ contents =
+ tests_and_line_numbers = @test_runner_generator.find_tests(contents)
+ @test_runner_generator.find_setup_and_teardown(contents)
+ #look up the line numbers in the original file
+ source_lines ="\n")
+ source_index = 0;
+ tests_and_line_numbers.size.times do |i|
+ source_lines[source_index..-1].each_with_index do |line, index|
+ if (line =~ /#{tests_and_line_numbers[i][:test]}/)
+ source_index += index
+ tests_and_line_numbers[i][:line_number] = source_index + 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ #Just look for the tests using Unity's test runner generator
+ contents =
+ tests_and_line_numbers = @test_runner_generator.find_tests(contents)
+ @test_runner_generator.find_setup_and_teardown(contents)
+ end
+ return tests_and_line_numbers
+ end
+ def generate(module_name, runner_filepath, test_cases, mock_list, test_file_includes=[])
+ require 'generate_test_runner.rb'
+ #actually build the test runner using Unity's test runner generator
+ #(there is no need to use preprocessor here because we've already looked up test cases and are passing them in here)
+ @test_runner_generator ||= @configurator.get_runner_config )
+ @test_runner_generator.generate( module_name,
+ runner_filepath,
+ test_cases,
+ mock_list,
+ test_file_includes)
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/loginator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/loginator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..92276e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/loginator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+class Loginator
+ constructor :configurator, :project_file_loader, :project_config_manager, :file_wrapper, :system_wrapper
+ def setup_log_filepath
+ config_files = []
+ config_files << @project_file_loader.main_file
+ config_files << @project_file_loader.user_file
+ config_files.concat( @project_config_manager.options_files )
+ config_files.compact!
+! { |file| file.ext('') }
+ log_name = config_files.join( '_' )
+ @project_log_filepath = File.join( @configurator.project_log_path, log_name.ext('.log') )
+ end
+ def log(string, heading=nil)
+ return if (not @configurator.project_logging)
+ output = "\n[#{@system_wrapper.time_now}]"
+ output += " :: #{heading}" if (not heading.nil?)
+ output += "\n#{string.strip}\n"
+ @file_wrapper.write(@project_log_filepath, output, 'a')
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/makefile.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/makefile.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c3d7496d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/makefile.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# modified version of Rake's provided make-style dependency loader
+# customizations:
+# (1) handles windows drives in paths -- colons don't confuse task demarcation
+# (2) handles spaces in directory paths
+module Rake
+ # Makefile loader to be used with the import file loader.
+ class MakefileLoader
+ # Load the makefile dependencies in +fn+.
+ def load(fn)
+ open(fn) do |mf|
+ lines =
+ lines.gsub!(/#[^\n]*\n/m, "") # remove comments
+ lines.gsub!(/\\\n/, ' ') # string together line continuations into single line
+ lines.split("\n").each do |line|
+ process_line(line)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ # Process one logical line of makefile data.
+ def process_line(line)
+ # split on presence of task demaractor followed by space (i.e don't get confused by a colon in a win path)
+ file_tasks, args = line.split(/:\s/)
+ return if args.nil?
+ # split at non-escaped space boundary between files (i.e. escaped spaces in paths are left alone)
+ dependents = args.split(/\b\s+/)
+ # replace escaped spaces and clean up any extra whitespace
+! { |path| path.gsub(/\\ /, ' ').strip }
+ file_tasks.strip.split.each do |file_task|
+ file file_task => dependents
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Install the handler
+ Rake.application.add_loader('mf',
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/objects.yml b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/objects.yml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2e2e9b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/objects.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+ compose:
+ - rake_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - system_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose: file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - yaml_wrapper
+ - stream_wrapper
+ - system_wrapper
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - cacheinator
+ - configurator
+ - yaml_wrapper
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - cacheinator_helper
+ - file_path_utils
+ - file_wrapper
+ - yaml_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - file_wrapper
+ - yaml_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - tool_executor_helper
+ - streaminator
+ - system_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - streaminator
+ - system_utils
+ - system_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator_setup
+ - configurator_plugins
+ - configurator_builder
+ - cmock_builder
+ - yaml_wrapper
+ - system_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator_builder
+ - configurator_validator
+ - configurator_plugins
+ - stream_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - stream_wrapper
+ - file_wrapper
+ - system_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - file_wrapper
+ - stream_wrapper
+ - system_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - file_system_utils
+ - file_wrapper
+ - system_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - project_file_loader
+ - project_config_manager
+ - file_wrapper
+ - system_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - streaminator_helper
+ - verbosinator
+ - loginator
+ - stream_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - plugin_manager_helper
+ - streaminator
+ - reportinator
+ - system_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - plugin_reportinator_helper
+ - plugin_manager
+ - reportinator
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - streaminator
+ - yaml_wrapper
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose: configurator
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - file_finder_helper
+ - cacheinator
+ - file_path_utils
+ - file_wrapper
+ - yaml_wrapper
+ compose: streaminator
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - yaml_wrapper
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - dependinator
+ - rake_utils
+ - rake_wrapper
+ - project_config_manager
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - generator_helper
+ - preprocessinator
+ - cmock_builder
+ - generator_test_runner
+ - generator_test_results
+ - flaginator
+ - test_includes_extractor
+ - tool_executor
+ - file_finder
+ - file_path_utils
+ - streaminator
+ - plugin_manager
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - streaminator
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - generator_test_results_sanity_checker
+ - yaml_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - streaminator
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - file_path_utils
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - project_config_manager
+ - test_includes_extractor
+ - file_path_utils
+ - rake_wrapper
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - preprocessinator_helper
+ - preprocessinator_includes_handler
+ - preprocessinator_file_handler
+ - task_invoker
+ - file_path_utils
+ - yaml_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - test_includes_extractor
+ - task_invoker
+ - file_finder
+ - file_path_utils
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - tool_executor
+ - task_invoker
+ - file_path_utils
+ - yaml_wrapper
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - preprocessinator_extractor
+ - configurator
+ - tool_executor
+ - file_path_utils
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - test_invoker_helper
+ - plugin_manager
+ - streaminator
+ - preprocessinator
+ - task_invoker
+ - dependinator
+ - project_config_manager
+ - build_invoker_utils
+ - file_path_utils
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - task_invoker
+ - test_includes_extractor
+ - file_finder
+ - file_path_utils
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - release_invoker_helper
+ - build_invoker_utils
+ - dependinator
+ - task_invoker
+ - file_path_utils
+ - file_wrapper
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - dependinator
+ - task_invoker
+ compose:
+ - configurator
+ - streaminator
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/par_map.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/par_map.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..98198a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/par_map.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+def par_map(n, things, &block)
+ queue =
+ things.each { |thing| queue << thing }
+ threads = (1..n).collect do
+ do
+ begin
+ while true
+ yield queue.pop(true)
+ end
+ rescue ThreadError
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ threads.each { |t| t.join }
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f20b3a3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+class String
+ # reformat a multiline string to have given number of whitespace columns;
+ # helpful for formatting heredocs
+ def left_margin(margin=0)
+ non_whitespace_column = 0
+ new_lines = []
+ # find first line with non-whitespace and count left columns of whitespace
+ self.each_line do |line|
+ if (line =~ /^\s*\S/)
+ non_whitespace_column = $&.length - 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ # iterate through each line, chopping off leftmost whitespace columns and add back the desired whitespace margin
+ self.each_line do |line|
+ columns = []
+ margin.times{columns << ' '}
+ # handle special case of line being narrower than width to be lopped off
+ if (non_whitespace_column < line.length)
+ new_lines << "#{columns.join}#{line[non_whitespace_column..-1]}"
+ else
+ new_lines << "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ return new_lines.join
+ end
+class Plugin
+ attr_reader :name, :environment
+ attr_accessor :plugin_objects
+ def initialize(system_objects, name)
+ @environment = []
+ @ceedling = system_objects
+ @name = name
+ self.setup
+ end
+ def setup; end
+ # mock generation
+ def pre_mock_generate(arg_hash); end
+ def post_mock_generate(arg_hash); end
+ # test runner generation
+ def pre_runner_generate(arg_hash); end
+ def post_runner_generate(arg_hash); end
+ # compilation (test or source)
+ def pre_compile_execute(arg_hash); end
+ def post_compile_execute(arg_hash); end
+ # linking (test or source)
+ def pre_link_execute(arg_hash); end
+ def post_link_execute(arg_hash); end
+ # test fixture execution
+ def pre_test_fixture_execute(arg_hash); end
+ def post_test_fixture_execute(arg_hash); end
+ # test task
+ def pre_test(test); end
+ def post_test(test); end
+ # release task
+ def pre_release; end
+ def post_release; end
+ # whole shebang (any use of Ceedling)
+ def pre_build; end
+ def post_build; end
+ def summary; end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_builder.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_builder.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1269141f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+require 'ceedling/plugin'
+class PluginBuilder
+ attr_accessor :plugin_objects
+ def construct_plugin(plugin_name, object_map_yaml, system_objects)
+ # @streaminator.stdout_puts("Constructing plugin #{plugin_name}...", Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS)
+ object_map = {}
+ @plugin_objects = {}
+ @system_objects = system_objects
+ if object_map_yaml
+ @object_map = YAML.load(object_map_yaml)
+ @object_map.each_key do |obj|
+ construct_object(obj)
+ end
+ else
+ raise "Invalid object map for plugin #{plugin_name}!"
+ end
+ return @plugin_objects
+ end
+ private
+ def camelize(underscored_name)
+ return underscored_name.gsub(/(_|^)([a-z0-9])/) {$2.upcase}
+ end
+ def construct_object(obj)
+ if @plugin_objects[obj].nil?
+ if @object_map[obj] && @object_map[obj]['compose']
+ @object_map[obj]['compose'].each do |dep|
+ construct_object(dep)
+ end
+ end
+ build_object(obj)
+ end
+ end
+ def build_object(new_object)
+ if @plugin_objects[new_object.to_sym].nil?
+ # @streaminator.stdout_puts("Building plugin object #{new_object}", Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS)
+ require new_object
+ class_name = camelize(new_object)
+ new_instance = eval("#{class_name}.new(@system_objects, class_name.to_s)")
+ new_instance.plugin_objects = @plugin_objects
+ @plugin_objects[new_object.to_sym] = new_instance
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_manager.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_manager.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0468f2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_manager.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class PluginManager
+ constructor :configurator, :plugin_manager_helper, :streaminator, :reportinator, :system_wrapper
+ def setup
+ @build_fail_registry = []
+ @plugin_objects = [] # so we can preserve order
+ end
+ def load_plugin_scripts(script_plugins, system_objects)
+ environment = []
+ script_plugins.each do |plugin|
+ # protect against instantiating object multiple times due to processing config multiple times (option files, etc)
+ next if (@plugin_manager_helper.include?(@plugin_objects, plugin))
+ begin
+ @system_wrapper.require_file( "#{plugin}.rb" )
+ object = @plugin_manager_helper.instantiate_plugin_script( camelize(plugin), system_objects, plugin )
+ @plugin_objects << object
+ environment += object.environment
+ # add plugins to hash of all system objects
+ system_objects[plugin.downcase.to_sym] = object
+ rescue
+ puts "Exception raised while trying to load plugin: #{plugin}"
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ yield( { :environment => environment } ) if (environment.size > 0)
+ end
+ def plugins_failed?
+ return (@build_fail_registry.size > 0)
+ end
+ def print_plugin_failures
+ if (@build_fail_registry.size > 0)
+ report = @reportinator.generate_banner('BUILD FAILURE SUMMARY')
+ @build_fail_registry.each do |failure|
+ report += "#{' - ' if (@build_fail_registry.size > 1)}#{failure}\n"
+ end
+ report += "\n"
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts(report, Verbosity::ERRORS)
+ end
+ end
+ def register_build_failure(message)
+ @build_fail_registry << message if (message and not message.empty?)
+ end
+ #### execute all plugin methods ####
+ def pre_mock_generate(arg_hash); execute_plugins(:pre_mock_generate, arg_hash); end
+ def post_mock_generate(arg_hash); execute_plugins(:post_mock_generate, arg_hash); end
+ def pre_runner_generate(arg_hash); execute_plugins(:pre_runner_generate, arg_hash); end
+ def post_runner_generate(arg_hash); execute_plugins(:post_runner_generate, arg_hash); end
+ def pre_compile_execute(arg_hash); execute_plugins(:pre_compile_execute, arg_hash); end
+ def post_compile_execute(arg_hash); execute_plugins(:post_compile_execute, arg_hash); end
+ def pre_link_execute(arg_hash); execute_plugins(:pre_link_execute, arg_hash); end
+ def post_link_execute(arg_hash); execute_plugins(:post_link_execute, arg_hash); end
+ def pre_test_fixture_execute(arg_hash); execute_plugins(:pre_test_fixture_execute, arg_hash); end
+ def post_test_fixture_execute(arg_hash)
+ # special arbitration: raw test results are printed or taken over by plugins handling the job
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts(arg_hash[:shell_result][:output]) if (@configurator.plugins_display_raw_test_results)
+ execute_plugins(:post_test_fixture_execute, arg_hash)
+ end
+ def pre_test(test); execute_plugins(:pre_test, test); end
+ def post_test(test); execute_plugins(:post_test, test); end
+ def pre_release; execute_plugins(:pre_release); end
+ def post_release; execute_plugins(:post_release); end
+ def pre_build; execute_plugins(:pre_build); end
+ def post_build; execute_plugins(:post_build); end
+ def post_error; execute_plugins(:post_error); end
+ def summary; execute_plugins(:summary); end
+ private ####################################
+ def camelize(underscored_name)
+ return underscored_name.gsub(/(_|^)([a-z0-9])/) {$2.upcase}
+ end
+ def execute_plugins(method, *args)
+ @plugin_objects.each do |plugin|
+ begin
+ plugin.send(method, *args) if plugin.respond_to?(method)
+ rescue
+ puts "Exception raised in plugin: #{}, in method #{method}"
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_manager_helper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_manager_helper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b18248a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_manager_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+class PluginManagerHelper
+ def include?(plugins, name)
+ include = false
+ plugins.each do |plugin|
+ if ( == name)
+ include = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return include
+ end
+ def instantiate_plugin_script(plugin, system_objects, name)
+ return eval("#{plugin}.new(system_objects, name)")
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_reportinator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_reportinator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8d83727b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_reportinator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+require 'ceedling/defaults'
+class PluginReportinator
+ constructor :plugin_reportinator_helper, :plugin_manager, :reportinator
+ def setup
+ @test_results_template = nil
+ end
+ def set_system_objects(system_objects)
+ @plugin_reportinator_helper.ceedling = system_objects
+ end
+ def fetch_results(results_path, test, options={:boom => false})
+ return @plugin_reportinator_helper.fetch_results( File.join(results_path, test), options )
+ end
+ def generate_banner(message)
+ return @reportinator.generate_banner(message)
+ end
+ def assemble_test_results(results_list, options={:boom => false})
+ aggregated_results = get_results_structure
+ results_list.each do |result_path|
+ results = @plugin_reportinator_helper.fetch_results( result_path, options )
+ @plugin_reportinator_helper.process_results(aggregated_results, results)
+ end
+ return aggregated_results
+ end
+ def register_test_results_template(template)
+ @test_results_template = template if (@test_results_template.nil?)
+ end
+ def run_test_results_report(hash, verbosity=Verbosity::NORMAL, &block)
+ run_report( $stdout,
+ ((@test_results_template.nil?) ? DEFAULT_TESTS_RESULTS_REPORT_TEMPLATE : @test_results_template),
+ hash,
+ verbosity,
+ &block )
+ end
+ def run_report(stream, template, hash=nil, verbosity=Verbosity::NORMAL)
+ failure = nil
+ failure = yield() if block_given?
+ @plugin_manager.register_build_failure( failure )
+ @plugin_reportinator_helper.run_report( stream, template, hash, verbosity )
+ end
+ private ###############################
+ def get_results_structure
+ return {
+ :successes => [],
+ :failures => [],
+ :ignores => [],
+ :stdout => [],
+ :counts => {:total => 0, :passed => 0, :failed => 0, :ignored => 0, :stdout => 0},
+ :time => 0.0
+ }
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_reportinator_helper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_reportinator_helper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..322a530b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/plugin_reportinator_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+require 'erb'
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake' # for ext()
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class PluginReportinatorHelper
+ attr_writer :ceedling
+ constructor :configurator, :streaminator, :yaml_wrapper, :file_wrapper
+ def fetch_results(results_path, options)
+ pass_path = File.join(results_path.ext( @configurator.extension_testpass ))
+ fail_path = File.join(results_path.ext( @configurator.extension_testfail ))
+ if (@file_wrapper.exist?(fail_path))
+ return @yaml_wrapper.load(fail_path)
+ elsif (@file_wrapper.exist?(pass_path))
+ return @yaml_wrapper.load(pass_path)
+ else
+ if (options[:boom])
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts("Could find no test results for '#{File.basename(results_path).ext(@configurator.extension_source)}'", Verbosity::ERRORS)
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ return {}
+ end
+ def process_results(aggregate_results, results)
+ return if (results.empty?)
+ aggregate_results[:successes] << { :source => results[:source].clone, :collection => results[:successes].clone } if (results[:successes].size > 0)
+ aggregate_results[:failures] << { :source => results[:source].clone, :collection => results[:failures].clone } if (results[:failures].size > 0)
+ aggregate_results[:ignores] << { :source => results[:source].clone, :collection => results[:ignores].clone } if (results[:ignores].size > 0)
+ aggregate_results[:stdout] << { :source => results[:source].clone, :collection => results[:stdout].clone } if (results[:stdout].size > 0)
+ aggregate_results[:counts][:total] += results[:counts][:total]
+ aggregate_results[:counts][:passed] += results[:counts][:passed]
+ aggregate_results[:counts][:failed] += results[:counts][:failed]
+ aggregate_results[:counts][:ignored] += results[:counts][:ignored]
+ aggregate_results[:counts][:stdout] += results[:stdout].size
+ aggregate_results[:time] += results[:time]
+ end
+ def run_report(stream, template, hash, verbosity)
+ output =, 0, "%<>")
+ @streaminator.stream_puts(stream, output.result(binding()), verbosity)
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f07750dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+class Preprocessinator
+ attr_reader :preprocess_file_proc
+ constructor :preprocessinator_helper, :preprocessinator_includes_handler, :preprocessinator_file_handler, :task_invoker, :file_path_utils, :yaml_wrapper
+ def setup
+ # fashion ourselves callbacks @preprocessinator_helper can use
+ @preprocess_includes_proc = { |filepath| self.preprocess_shallow_includes(filepath) }
+ @preprocess_file_proc = { |filepath| self.preprocess_file(filepath) }
+ end
+ def preprocess_test_and_invoke_test_mocks(test)
+ @preprocessinator_helper.preprocess_includes(test, @preprocess_includes_proc)
+ mocks_list = @preprocessinator_helper.assemble_mocks_list(test)
+ @preprocessinator_helper.preprocess_mockable_headers(mocks_list, @preprocess_file_proc)
+ @task_invoker.invoke_test_mocks(mocks_list)
+ @preprocessinator_helper.preprocess_test_file(test, @preprocess_file_proc)
+ return mocks_list
+ end
+ def preprocess_shallow_includes(filepath)
+ includes = @preprocessinator_includes_handler.extract_includes(filepath)
+ @preprocessinator_includes_handler.write_shallow_includes_list(
+ @file_path_utils.form_preprocessed_includes_list_filepath(filepath), includes)
+ end
+ def preprocess_file(filepath)
+ @preprocessinator_includes_handler.invoke_shallow_includes_list(filepath)
+ @preprocessinator_file_handler.preprocess_file( filepath, @yaml_wrapper.load(@file_path_utils.form_preprocessed_includes_list_filepath(filepath)) )
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_extractor.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_extractor.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..49509a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_extractor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+class PreprocessinatorExtractor
+ def extract_base_file_from_preprocessed_expansion(filepath)
+ # preprocessing by way of toolchain preprocessor expands macros, eliminates
+ # comments, strips out #ifdef code, etc. however, it also expands in place
+ # each #include'd file. so, we must extract only the lines of the file
+ # that belong to the file originally preprocessed
+ # iterate through all lines and alternate between extract and ignore modes
+ # all lines between a '#'line containing file name of our filepath and the
+ # next '#'line should be extracted
+ base_name = File.basename(filepath)
+ not_pragma = /^#(?!pragma\b)/ # preprocessor directive that's not a #pragma
+ pattern = /^#.*(\s|\/|\\|\")#{Regexp.escape(base_name)}/
+ found_file = false # have we found the file we care about?
+ lines = []
+ File.readlines(filepath).each do |line|
+ if found_file and not line =~ not_pragma
+ lines << line
+ else
+ found_file = false
+ end
+ found_file = true if line =~ pattern
+ end
+ return lines
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_file_handler.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_file_handler.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b6b5efbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_file_handler.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class PreprocessinatorFileHandler
+ constructor :preprocessinator_extractor, :configurator, :tool_executor, :file_path_utils, :file_wrapper
+ def preprocess_file(filepath, includes)
+ preprocessed_filepath = @file_path_utils.form_preprocessed_file_filepath(filepath)
+ command = @tool_executor.build_command_line(@configurator.tools_test_file_preprocessor, [], filepath, preprocessed_filepath)
+ @tool_executor.exec(command[:line], command[:options])
+ contents = @preprocessinator_extractor.extract_base_file_from_preprocessed_expansion(preprocessed_filepath)
+ includes.each{|include| contents.unshift("#include \"#{include}\"")}
+ @file_wrapper.write(preprocessed_filepath, contents.join("\n"))
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_helper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_helper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1419a561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+class PreprocessinatorHelper
+ constructor :configurator, :test_includes_extractor, :task_invoker, :file_finder, :file_path_utils
+ def preprocess_includes(test, preprocess_includes_proc)
+ if (@configurator.project_use_test_preprocessor)
+ preprocessed_includes_list = @file_path_utils.form_preprocessed_includes_list_filepath(test)
+ @file_finder.find_test_from_file_path(preprocessed_includes_list) )
+ @test_includes_extractor.parse_includes_list(preprocessed_includes_list)
+ else
+ @test_includes_extractor.parse_test_file(test)
+ end
+ end
+ def assemble_mocks_list(test)
+ return @file_path_utils.form_mocks_source_filelist( @test_includes_extractor.lookup_raw_mock_list(test) )
+ end
+ def preprocess_mockable_headers(mock_list, preprocess_file_proc)
+ if (@configurator.project_use_test_preprocessor)
+ preprocess_files_smartly(
+ @file_path_utils.form_preprocessed_mockable_headers_filelist(mock_list),
+ preprocess_file_proc ) { |file| @file_finder.find_header_file(file) }
+ end
+ end
+ def preprocess_test_file(test, preprocess_file_proc)
+ return if (!@configurator.project_use_test_preprocessor)
+ end
+ private ############################
+ def preprocess_files_smartly(file_list, preprocess_file_proc)
+ if (@configurator.project_use_deep_dependencies)
+ @task_invoker.invoke_test_preprocessed_files(file_list)
+ else
+ file_list.each { |file| yield(file) ) }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_includes_handler.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_includes_handler.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..703c84f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/preprocessinator_includes_handler.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+class PreprocessinatorIncludesHandler
+ constructor :configurator, :tool_executor, :task_invoker, :file_path_utils, :yaml_wrapper, :file_wrapper
+ @@makefile_cache = {}
+ # shallow includes: only those headers a source file explicitly includes
+ def invoke_shallow_includes_list(filepath)
+ @task_invoker.invoke_test_shallow_include_lists( [@file_path_utils.form_preprocessed_includes_list_filepath(filepath)] )
+ end
+ ##
+ # Ask the preprocessor for a make-style dependency rule of only the headers
+ # the source file immediately includes.
+ #
+ # === Arguments
+ # +filepath+ _String_:: Path to the test file to process.
+ #
+ # === Return
+ # _String_:: The text of the dependency rule generated by the preprocessor.
+ def form_shallow_dependencies_rule(filepath)
+ if @@makefile_cache.has_key?(filepath)
+ return @@makefile_cache[filepath]
+ end
+ # change filename (prefix of '_') to prevent preprocessor from finding
+ # include files in temp directory containing file it's scanning
+ temp_filepath = @file_path_utils.form_temp_path(filepath, '_')
+ # read the file and replace all include statements with a decorated version
+ # (decorating the names creates file names that don't exist, thus preventing
+ # the preprocessor from snaking out and discovering the entire include path
+ # that winds through the code). The decorated filenames indicate files that
+ # are included directly by the test file.
+ contents =
+ if !contents.valid_encoding?
+ contents = contents.encode("UTF-16be", :invalid=>:replace, :replace=>"?").encode('UTF-8')
+ end
+ contents.gsub!( /^\s*#include\s+[\"<]\s*(\S+)\s*[\">]/, "#include \"\\1\"\n#include \"@@@@\\1\"" )
+ contents.gsub!( /^\s*TEST_FILE\(\s*\"\s*(\S+)\s*\"\s*\)/, "#include \"\\1\"\n#include \"@@@@\\1\"")
+ @file_wrapper.write( temp_filepath, contents )
+ # extract the make-style dependency rule telling the preprocessor to
+ # ignore the fact that it can't find the included files
+ command = @tool_executor.build_command_line(@configurator.tools_test_includes_preprocessor, [], temp_filepath)
+ shell_result = @tool_executor.exec(command[:line], command[:options])
+ @@makefile_cache[filepath] = shell_result[:output]
+ return shell_result[:output]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Extract the headers that are directly included by a source file using the
+ # provided, annotated Make dependency rule.
+ #
+ # === Arguments
+ # +filepath+ _String_:: C source or header file to extract includes for.
+ #
+ # === Return
+ # _Array_ of _String_:: Array of the direct dependencies for the source file.
+ def extract_includes(filepath)
+ to_process = [filepath]
+ ignore_list = []
+ list = []
+ include_paths = @configurator.project_config_hash[:collection_paths_include]
+ include_paths = [] if include_paths.nil?
+! {|path| File.expand_path(path)}
+ while to_process.length > 0
+ target = to_process.shift()
+ ignore_list << target
+ # puts "[HELL] Processing: \t\t#{target}"
+ new_deps, new_to_process = extract_includes_helper(target, include_paths, ignore_list)
+ list += new_deps
+ to_process += new_to_process
+ if (!@configurator.project_config_hash.has_key?(:project_auto_link_deep_dependencies) or
+ !@configurator.project_config_hash[:project_auto_link_deep_dependencies])
+ break
+ else
+ list = list.uniq()
+ to_process = to_process.uniq()
+ end
+ end
+ return list
+ end
+ def extract_includes_helper(filepath, include_paths, ignore_list)
+ # Extract the dependencies from the make rule
+ hdr_ext = @configurator.extension_header
+ make_rule = self.form_shallow_dependencies_rule(filepath)
+ dependencies = make_rule.split.find_all {|path| path.end_with?(hdr_ext) }.uniq
+! {|hdr| hdr.gsub('\\','/') }
+ # Separate the real files form the annotated ones and remove the '@@@@'
+ annotated_headers, real_headers = dependencies.partition {|hdr| hdr =~ /^@@@@/ }
+! {|hdr| hdr.gsub('@@@@','') }
+ # Matching annotated_headers values against real_headers to ensure that
+ # annotated_headers contain full path entries (as returned by make rule)
+! {|hdr| real_headers.find {|real_hdr| !real_hdr.match(/(.*\/)?#{Regexp.escape(hdr)}/).nil? } }
+ annotated_headers = annotated_headers.compact
+ # Find which of our annotated headers are "real" dependencies. This is
+ # intended to weed out dependencies that have been removed due to build
+ # options defined in the project yaml and/or in the headers themselves.
+ list = annotated_headers.find_all do |annotated_header|
+ # find the index of the "real" include that matches the annotated one.
+ idx = real_headers.find_index do |real_header|
+ real_header =~ /^(.*\/)?#{Regexp.escape(annotated_header)}$/
+ end
+ # If we found a real include, delete it from the array and return it,
+ # otherwise return nil. Since nil is falsy this has the effect of making
+ # find_all return only the annotated headers for which a real include was
+ # found/deleted
+ idx ? real_headers.delete_at(idx) : nil
+ end.compact
+ # Extract direct dependencies that were also added
+ src_ext = @configurator.extension_source
+ sdependencies = make_rule.split.find_all {|path| path.end_with?(src_ext) }.uniq
+! {|hdr| hdr.gsub('\\','/') }
+ list += sdependencies
+ to_process = []
+ if @configurator.project_config_hash.has_key?(:project_auto_link_deep_dependencies) && @configurator.project_config_hash[:project_auto_link_deep_dependencies]
+ # Creating list of mocks
+ mocks = annotated_headers.find_all do |annotated_header|
+ File.basename(annotated_header) =~ /^#{@configurator.project_config_hash[:cmock_mock_prefix]}.*$/
+ end.compact
+ # Creating list of headers that should be recursively pre-processed
+ # Skipping mocks and unity.h
+ headers_to_deep_link = do |annotated_header|
+ !(mocks.include? annotated_header) and (annotated_header.match(/^(.*\/)?unity\.h$/).nil?)
+ end
+! {|hdr| File.expand_path(hdr)}
+ mocks.each do |mock|
+ dirname = File.dirname(mock)
+ #basename = File.basename(mock).delete_prefix(@configurator.project_config_hash[:cmock_mock_prefix])
+ basename = File.basename(mock).sub(@configurator.project_config_hash[:cmock_mock_prefix], '')
+ if dirname != "."
+ ignore_list << File.join(dirname, basename)
+ else
+ ignore_list << basename
+ end
+ end.compact
+ # Filtering list of final includes to only include mocks and anything that is NOT in the ignore_list
+ list = do |item|
+ mocks.include? item or !(ignore_list.any? { |ignore_item| !item.match(/^(.*\/)?#{Regexp.escape(ignore_item)}$/).nil? })
+ end
+ headers_to_deep_link.each do |hdr|
+ if (ignore_list.none? {|ignore_header| hdr.match(/^(.*\/)?#{Regexp.escape(ignore_header)}$/)} and
+ include_paths.none? {|include_path| hdr =~ /^#{include_path}\.*/})
+ if File.exist?(hdr)
+ to_process << hdr
+ #source_file = hdr.delete_suffix(hdr_ext) + src_ext
+ source_file = hdr.chomp(hdr_ext) + src_ext
+ if source_file != hdr and File.exist?(source_file)
+ to_process << source_file
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return list, to_process
+ end
+ def write_shallow_includes_list(filepath, list)
+ @yaml_wrapper.dump(filepath, list)
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/project_config_manager.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/project_config_manager.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..31f7e3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/project_config_manager.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class ProjectConfigManager
+ attr_reader :options_files, :release_config_changed, :test_config_changed, :test_defines_changed
+ attr_accessor :config_hash
+ constructor :cacheinator, :configurator, :yaml_wrapper, :file_wrapper
+ def setup
+ @options_files = []
+ @release_config_changed = false
+ @test_config_changed = false
+ @test_defines_changed = false
+ end
+ def merge_options(config_hash, option_filepath)
+ @options_files << File.basename( option_filepath )
+ config_hash.deep_merge!( @yaml_wrapper.load( option_filepath ) )
+ end
+ def process_release_config_change
+ # has project configuration changed since last release build
+ @release_config_changed = @cacheinator.diff_cached_release_config?( @config_hash )
+ end
+ def process_test_config_change
+ # has project configuration changed since last test build
+ @test_config_changed = @cacheinator.diff_cached_test_config?( @config_hash )
+ end
+ def process_test_defines_change(files)
+ # has definitions changed since last test build
+ @test_defines_changed = @cacheinator.diff_cached_test_defines?( files )
+ if @test_defines_changed
+ # update timestamp for rake task prerequisites
+ @file_wrapper.touch( @configurator.project_test_force_rebuild_filepath )
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/project_file_loader.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/project_file_loader.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..bf5dcd41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/project_file_loader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class ProjectFileLoader
+ attr_reader :main_file, :user_file
+ constructor :yaml_wrapper, :stream_wrapper, :system_wrapper, :file_wrapper
+ def setup
+ @main_file = nil
+ @mixin_files = []
+ @user_file = nil
+ @main_project_filepath = ''
+ @mixin_project_filepaths = []
+ @user_project_filepath = ''
+ end
+ def find_project_files
+ # first go hunting for optional user project file by looking for environment variable and then default location on disk
+ user_filepath = @system_wrapper.env_get('CEEDLING_USER_PROJECT_FILE')
+ if ( not user_filepath.nil? and @file_wrapper.exist?(user_filepath) )
+ @user_project_filepath = user_filepath
+ elsif (@file_wrapper.exist?(DEFAULT_CEEDLING_USER_PROJECT_FILE))
+ @user_project_filepath = DEFAULT_CEEDLING_USER_PROJECT_FILE
+ end
+ # next check for mixin project files by looking for environment variable
+ mixin_filepaths = @system_wrapper.env_get('CEEDLING_MIXIN_PROJECT_FILES')
+ if ( not mixin_filepaths.nil? )
+ mixin_filepaths.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |filepath|
+ if ( @file_wrapper.exist?(filepath) )
+ @mixin_project_filepaths.push(filepath)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # next check for main project file by looking for environment variable and then default location on disk;
+ # blow up if we don't find this guy -- like, he's so totally important
+ main_filepath = @system_wrapper.env_get('CEEDLING_MAIN_PROJECT_FILE')
+ if ( not main_filepath.nil? and @file_wrapper.exist?(main_filepath) )
+ @main_project_filepath = main_filepath
+ elsif (@file_wrapper.exist?(DEFAULT_CEEDLING_MAIN_PROJECT_FILE))
+ @main_project_filepath = DEFAULT_CEEDLING_MAIN_PROJECT_FILE
+ else
+ # no verbosity checking since this is lowest level reporting anyhow &
+ # verbosity checking depends on configurator which in turns needs this class (circular dependency)
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_puts('Found no Ceedling project file (*.yml)')
+ raise
+ end
+ @main_file = File.basename( @main_project_filepath )
+ @mixin_project_filepaths.each do |filepath|
+ @mixin_files.push(File.basename( filepath ))
+ end
+ @user_file = File.basename( @user_project_filepath ) if ( not @user_project_filepath.empty? )
+ end
+ def yaml_merger(y1, y2)
+ o1 = y1
+ y2.each_pair do |k,v|
+ if o1[k].nil?
+ o1[k] = v
+ else
+ if (o1[k].instance_of? Hash)
+ o1[k] = yaml_merger(o1[k], v)
+ elsif (o1[k].instance_of? Array)
+ o1[k] += v
+ else
+ o1[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return o1
+ end
+ def load_project_config
+ config_hash = @yaml_wrapper.load(@main_project_filepath)
+ # if there are mixin project files, then use them
+ @mixin_project_filepaths.each do |filepath|
+ mixin = @yaml_wrapper.load(filepath)
+ config_hash = yaml_merger( config_hash, mixin )
+ end
+ # if there's a user project file, then use it
+ if ( not @user_project_filepath.empty? )
+ user_hash = @yaml_wrapper.load(@user_project_filepath)
+ config_hash = yaml_merger( config_hash, user_hash )
+ end
+ return config_hash
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rake_utils.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rake_utils.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3f667c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rake_utils.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+class RakeUtils
+ constructor :rake_wrapper
+ def task_invoked?(task_regex)
+ task_invoked = false
+ @rake_wrapper.task_list.each do |task|
+ if ((task.already_invoked) and (task.to_s =~ task_regex))
+ task_invoked = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return task_invoked
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rake_wrapper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rake_wrapper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..15e47961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rake_wrapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake'
+require 'ceedling/makefile' # our replacement for rake's make-style dependency loader
+include Rake::DSL if defined?(Rake::DSL)
+class Rake::Task
+ attr_reader :already_invoked
+class RakeWrapper
+ def initialize
+ @makefile_loader = # use our custom replacement noted above
+ end
+ def [](task)
+ return Rake::Task[task]
+ end
+ def task_list
+ return Rake::Task.tasks
+ end
+ def create_file_task(file_task, dependencies)
+ file(file_task => dependencies)
+ end
+ def load_dependencies(dependencies_path)
+ @makefile_loader.load(dependencies_path)
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rakefile.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rakefile.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..37001bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rakefile.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+# get directory containing this here file, back up one directory, and expand to full path
+CEEDLING_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..')
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift( File.join(CEEDLING_VENDOR, 'unity/auto') )
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift( File.join(CEEDLING_VENDOR, 'diy/lib') )
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift( File.join(CEEDLING_VENDOR, 'cmock/lib') )
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift( File.join(CEEDLING_VENDOR, 'deep_merge/lib') )
+require 'rake'
+#Let's make sure we remember the task descriptions in case we need them
+Rake::TaskManager.record_task_metadata = true
+require 'diy'
+require 'constructor'
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+require 'ceedling/target_loader'
+# construct all our objects
+# ensure load path contains all libraries needed first
+lib_ceedling_load_path_temp = File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling')
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift( lib_ceedling_load_path_temp )
+@ceedling = DIY::Context.from_yaml( File.join(lib_ceedling_load_path_temp, 'objects.yml') ) )
+# now that all objects are built, delete 'lib/ceedling' from load path
+# one-stop shopping for all our setup and such after construction
+@ceedling[:setupinator].ceedling = @ceedling
+project_config =
+ begin
+ cfg = @ceedling[:setupinator].load_project_files
+ TargetLoader.inspect(cfg, ENV['TARGET'])
+ rescue TargetLoader::NoTargets
+ cfg
+ rescue TargetLoader::RequestReload
+ @ceedling[:setupinator].load_project_files
+ end
+@ceedling[:setupinator].do_setup( project_config )
+# tell all our plugins we're about to do something
+# load rakefile component files (*.rake)
+PROJECT_RAKEFILE_COMPONENT_FILES.each { |component| load(component) }
+# tell rake to shut up by default (overridden in verbosity / debug tasks as appropriate)
+# end block always executed following rake run
+END {
+ $stdout.flush unless $stdout.nil?
+ $stderr.flush unless $stderr.nil?
+ # cache our input configurations to use in comparison upon next execution
+ @ceedling[:cacheinator].cache_test_config( @ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash ) if (@ceedling[:task_invoker].test_invoked?)
+ @ceedling[:cacheinator].cache_release_config( @ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash ) if (@ceedling[:task_invoker].release_invoked?)
+ # delete all temp files unless we're in debug mode
+ if (not @ceedling[:configurator].project_debug)
+ @ceedling[:file_wrapper].rm_f( @ceedling[:file_wrapper].directory_listing( File.join(@ceedling[:configurator].project_temp_path, '*') ))
+ end
+ # only perform these final steps if we got here without runtime exceptions or errors
+ if (@ceedling[:system_wrapper].ruby_success)
+ # tell all our plugins the build is done and process results
+ @ceedling[:plugin_manager].post_build
+ @ceedling[:plugin_manager].print_plugin_failures
+ exit(1) if (@ceedling[:plugin_manager].plugins_failed? && !@ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash[:graceful_fail])
+ else
+ puts "ERROR: Ceedling Failed"
+ @ceedling[:plugin_manager].post_error
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/release_invoker.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/release_invoker.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5bfb6cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/release_invoker.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class ReleaseInvoker
+ constructor :configurator, :release_invoker_helper, :build_invoker_utils, :dependinator, :task_invoker, :file_path_utils, :file_wrapper
+ def setup_and_invoke_c_objects( c_files )
+ objects = @file_path_utils.form_release_build_c_objects_filelist( c_files )
+ begin
+ @release_invoker_helper.process_deep_dependencies( @file_path_utils.form_release_dependencies_filelist( c_files ) )
+ @dependinator.enhance_release_file_dependencies( objects )
+ @task_invoker.invoke_release_objects( objects )
+ rescue => e
+ @build_invoker_utils.process_exception( e, RELEASE_SYM, false )
+ end
+ return objects
+ end
+ def setup_and_invoke_asm_objects( asm_files )
+ objects = @file_path_utils.form_release_build_asm_objects_filelist( asm_files )
+ begin
+ @dependinator.enhance_release_file_dependencies( objects )
+ @task_invoker.invoke_release_objects( objects )
+ rescue => e
+ @build_invoker_utils.process_exception( e, RELEASE_SYM, false )
+ end
+ return objects
+ end
+ def refresh_c_deep_dependencies
+ return if (not @configurator.project_use_deep_dependencies)
+ @file_wrapper.rm_f(
+ @file_wrapper.directory_listing(
+ File.join( @configurator.project_release_dependencies_path, '*' + @configurator.extension_dependencies ) ) )
+ @release_invoker_helper.process_deep_dependencies(
+ @file_path_utils.form_release_dependencies_filelist(
+ @configurator.collection_all_source ) )
+ end
+ def artifactinate( *files )
+ files.flatten.each do |file|
+ @file_wrapper.cp( file, @configurator.project_release_artifacts_path ) if @file_wrapper.exist?( file )
+ end
+ end
+ def convert_libraries_to_arguments(libraries)
+ args = (libraries || []) + ((defined? LIBRARIES_SYSTEM) ? LIBRARIES_SYSTEM : [])
+ if (defined? LIBRARIES_FLAG)
+! {|v| LIBRARIES_FLAG.gsub(/\$\{1\}/, v) }
+ end
+ return args
+ end
+ def sort_objects_and_libraries(both)
+ sorted_objects = both.group_by {|v| v.match(/.+#{extension}$/) ? :libraries : :objects }
+ libraries = sorted_objects[:libraries] || []
+ objects = sorted_objects[:objects] || []
+ return objects, libraries
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/release_invoker_helper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/release_invoker_helper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f83a2a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/release_invoker_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+class ReleaseInvokerHelper
+ constructor :configurator, :dependinator, :task_invoker
+ def process_deep_dependencies(dependencies_list)
+ return if (not @configurator.project_use_deep_dependencies)
+ if @configurator.project_generate_deep_dependencies
+ @dependinator.enhance_release_file_dependencies( dependencies_list )
+ @task_invoker.invoke_release_dependencies_files( dependencies_list )
+ end
+ @dependinator.load_release_object_deep_dependencies( dependencies_list )
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/reportinator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/reportinator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0f583d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/reportinator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Pretifies reports
+class Reportinator
+ ##
+ # Generates a banner for a message based on the length of the message or a
+ # given width.
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * _message_: The message to put.
+ # * _width_: The width of the message. If nil the size of the banner is
+ # determined by the length of the message.
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # rp =
+ # rp.generate_banner("Hello world!") => "------------\nHello world!\n------------\n"
+ # rp.generate_banner("Hello world!", 3) => "---\nHello world!\n---\n"
+ #
+ #
+ def generate_banner(message, width=nil)
+ dash_count = ((width.nil?) ? message.strip.length : width)
+ return "#{'-' * dash_count}\n#{message}\n#{'-' * dash_count}\n"
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_cmock.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_cmock.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..70ddcbc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_cmock.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+rule(/#{CMOCK_MOCK_PREFIX}[^\/\\]+#{'\\'+EXTENSION_SOURCE}$/ => [
+ proc do |task_name|
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_header_input_for_mock_file(task_name)
+ end
+ ]) do |mock|
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_mock(TEST_SYM, mock.source)
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_preprocess.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_preprocess.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c2911127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_preprocess.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# invocations against this rule should only happen when enhanced dependencies are enabled;
+# otherwise, dependency tracking will be too shallow and preprocessed files could intermittently
+# fail to be updated when they actually need to be.
+ proc do |task_name|
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_test_or_source_or_header_file(task_name)
+ end
+ ]) do |file|
+ if (not @ceedling[:configurator].project_use_deep_dependencies)
+ raise 'ERROR: Ceedling preprocessing rule invoked though neccessary auxiliary dependency support not enabled.'
+ end
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_preprocessed_file(TEST_SYM, file.source)
+# invocations against this rule can always happen as there are no deeper dependencies to consider
+ proc do |task_name|
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_test_or_source_or_header_file(task_name)
+ end
+ ]) do |file|
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_shallow_includes_list(TEST_SYM, file.source)
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_release.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_release.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ae39a76e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_release.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ proc do |task_name|
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_assembly_file(task_name)
+ end
+ ]) do |object|
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_object_file(
+ object.source,
+ )
+ proc do |task_name|
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_compilation_input_file(task_name, :error, true)
+ end
+ ]) do |object|
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_object_file(
+ object.source,
+ @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_release_build_c_list_filepath( ),
+ @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_release_dependencies_filepath( ) )
+rule(/#{PROJECT_RELEASE_BUILD_TARGET}/) do |bin_file|
+ objects, libraries = @ceedling[:release_invoker].sort_objects_and_libraries(bin_file.prerequisites)
+ lib_args = @ceedling[:release_invoker].convert_libraries_to_arguments(libraries)
+ map_file = @ceedling[:configurator].project_release_build_map
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_executable_file(
+ tool,
+ objects,
+ map_file,
+ lib_args )
+ @ceedling[:release_invoker].artifactinate(, map_file, @ceedling[:configurator].release_build_artifacts )
+namespace RELEASE_SYM do
+ # use rules to increase efficiency for large projects (instead of iterating through all sources and creating defined tasks)
+ namespace :compile do
+ rule(/^#{RELEASE_COMPILE_TASK_ROOT}\S+#{'\\'+EXTENSION_SOURCE}$/ => [ # compile task names by regex
+ proc do |task_name|
+ source = task_name.sub(/#{RELEASE_COMPILE_TASK_ROOT}/, '')
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_source_file(source, :error)
+ end
+ ]) do |compile|
+ @ceedling[:rake_wrapper][:directories].invoke
+ @ceedling[:project_config_manager].process_release_config_change
+ @ceedling[:release_invoker].setup_and_invoke_c_objects( [compile.source] )
+ end
+ end
+ namespace :assemble do
+ rule(/^#{RELEASE_ASSEMBLE_TASK_ROOT}\S+#{'\\'+EXTENSION_ASSEMBLY}$/ => [ # assemble task names by regex
+ proc do |task_name|
+ source = task_name.sub(/#{RELEASE_ASSEMBLE_TASK_ROOT}/, '')
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_assembly_file(source)
+ end
+ ]) do |assemble|
+ @ceedling[:rake_wrapper][:directories].invoke
+ @ceedling[:project_config_manager].process_release_config_change
+ @ceedling[:release_invoker].setup_and_invoke_asm_objects( [assemble.source] )
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_release_deep_dependencies.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_release_deep_dependencies.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9550783c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_release_deep_dependencies.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ proc do |task_name|
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_compilation_input_file(task_name, :error, true)
+ end
+ ]) do |dep|
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_dependencies_file(
+ dep.source,
+ @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_release_build_c_object_filepath(dep.source),
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_tests.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_tests.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2b8f7af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_tests.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ proc do |task_name|
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_test_input_for_runner_file(task_name)
+ end
+ ]) do |runner|
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_test_runner(TEST_SYM, runner.source,
+ proc do |task_name|
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_compilation_input_file(task_name)
+ end
+ ]) do |object|
+ if (File.basename(object.source) =~ /#{EXTENSION_SOURCE}$/)
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_object_file(
+ object.source,
+ @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_build_list_filepath( ),
+ @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_dependencies_filepath( ))
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_object_file(
+ object.source,
+ )
+ end
+ lib_args = @ceedling[:test_invoker].convert_libraries_to_arguments()
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_executable_file(
+ bin_file.prerequisites,
+ @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_build_map_filepath( ),
+ lib_args )
+ proc do |task_name|
+ @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_executable_filepath(task_name)
+ end
+ ]) do |test_result|
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_test_results(TOOLS_TEST_FIXTURE, TEST_SYM, test_result.source,
+namespace TEST_SYM do
+ # use rules to increase efficiency for large projects (instead of iterating through all sources and creating defined tasks)
+ rule(/^#{TEST_TASK_ROOT}\S+$/ => [ # test task names by regex
+ proc do |task_name|
+ test = task_name.sub(/#{TEST_TASK_ROOT}/, '')
+ test = "#{PROJECT_TEST_FILE_PREFIX}#{test}" if not (test.start_with?(PROJECT_TEST_FILE_PREFIX))
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_test_from_file_path(test)
+ end
+ ]) do |test|
+ @ceedling[:rake_wrapper][:directories].reenable if @ceedling[:task_invoker].first_run == false && @ceedling[:project_config_manager].test_defines_changed
+ @ceedling[:rake_wrapper][:directories].invoke
+ @ceedling[:test_invoker].setup_and_invoke([test.source])
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_tests_deep_dependencies.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_tests_deep_dependencies.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7175ee3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/rules_tests_deep_dependencies.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ proc do |task_name|
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].find_compilation_input_file(task_name)
+ end
+ ]) do |dep|
+ @ceedling[:generator].generate_dependencies_file(
+ dep.source,
+ @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_build_c_object_filepath(dep.source),
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/setupinator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/setupinator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8347b42a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/setupinator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+class Setupinator
+ attr_reader :config_hash
+ attr_writer :ceedling
+ def setup
+ @ceedling = {}
+ @config_hash = {}
+ end
+ def load_project_files
+ @ceedling[:project_file_loader].find_project_files
+ return @ceedling[:project_file_loader].load_project_config
+ end
+ def do_setup(config_hash)
+ @config_hash = config_hash
+ # load up all the constants and accessors our rake files, objects, & external scripts will need;
+ # note: configurator modifies the cmock section of the hash with a couple defaults to tie
+ # project together - the modified hash is used to build cmock object
+ @ceedling[:configurator].populate_defaults( config_hash )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].populate_unity_defaults( config_hash )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].populate_cmock_defaults( config_hash )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].find_and_merge_plugins( config_hash )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].merge_imports( config_hash )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].tools_setup( config_hash )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].eval_environment_variables( config_hash )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].eval_paths( config_hash )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].standardize_paths( config_hash )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].validate( config_hash )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].build( config_hash, :environment )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].insert_rake_plugins( @ceedling[:configurator].rake_plugins )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].tools_supplement_arguments( config_hash )
+ # merge in any environment variables plugins specify, after the main build
+ @ceedling[:plugin_manager].load_plugin_scripts( @ceedling[:configurator].script_plugins, @ceedling ) do |env|
+ @ceedling[:configurator].eval_environment_variables( env )
+ @ceedling[:configurator].build_supplement( config_hash, env )
+ end
+ @ceedling[:plugin_reportinator].set_system_objects( @ceedling )
+ @ceedling[:file_finder].prepare_search_sources
+ @ceedling[:loginator].setup_log_filepath
+ @ceedling[:project_config_manager].config_hash = config_hash
+ end
+ def reset_defaults(config_hash)
+ @ceedling[:configurator].reset_defaults( config_hash )
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/stream_wrapper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/stream_wrapper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7e160527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/stream_wrapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+class StreamWrapper
+ def stdout_override(&fnc)
+ @stdout_overide_fnc = fnc
+ end
+ def stdout_puts(string)
+ if @stdout_overide_fnc
+ else
+ $stdout.puts(string)
+ end
+ end
+ def stdout_flush
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ def stderr_puts(string)
+ $stderr.puts(string)
+ end
+ def stderr_flush
+ $stderr.flush
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/streaminator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/streaminator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b8dcd070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/streaminator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class Streaminator
+ constructor :streaminator_helper, :verbosinator, :loginator, :stream_wrapper
+ # for those objects for whom the configurator has already been instantiated,
+ # Streaminator is a convenience object for handling verbosity and writing to the std streams
+ def stdout_puts(string, verbosity=Verbosity::NORMAL)
+ if (@verbosinator.should_output?(verbosity))
+ @stream_wrapper.stdout_puts(string)
+ @stream_wrapper.stdout_flush
+ end
+ # write to log as though Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS
+ @loginator.log( string, @streaminator_helper.extract_name($stdout) )
+ end
+ def stderr_puts(string, verbosity=Verbosity::NORMAL)
+ if (@verbosinator.should_output?(verbosity))
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_puts(string)
+ @stream_wrapper.stderr_flush
+ end
+ # write to log as though Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS
+ @loginator.log( string, @streaminator_helper.extract_name($stderr) )
+ end
+ def stream_puts(stream, string, verbosity=Verbosity::NORMAL)
+ if (@verbosinator.should_output?(verbosity))
+ stream.puts(string)
+ stream.flush
+ end
+ # write to log as though Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS
+ @loginator.log( string, @streaminator_helper.extract_name(stream) )
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/streaminator_helper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/streaminator_helper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9fb5cc0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/streaminator_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+class StreaminatorHelper
+ def extract_name(stream)
+ name = case (stream.fileno)
+ when 0 then '#<IO:$stdin>'
+ when 1 then '#<IO:$stdout>'
+ when 2 then '#<IO:$stderr>'
+ else stream.inspect
+ end
+ return name
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/system_utils.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/system_utils.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..477aba4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/system_utils.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+class Object
+ def deep_clone
+ Marshal::load(Marshal.dump(self))
+ end
+# Class containing system utility funcions.
+class SystemUtils
+ constructor :system_wrapper
+ ##
+ # Sets up the class.
+ def setup
+ @tcsh_shell = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Checks the system shell to see if it a tcsh shell.
+ def tcsh_shell?
+ # once run a single time, return state determined at that execution
+ return @tcsh_shell if not @tcsh_shell.nil?
+ result = @system_wrapper.shell_backticks('echo $version')
+ if ((result[:exit_code] == 0) and (result[:output].strip =~ /^tcsh/))
+ @tcsh_shell = true
+ else
+ @tcsh_shell = false
+ end
+ return @tcsh_shell
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/system_wrapper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/system_wrapper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2b0f1edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/system_wrapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+require 'rbconfig'
+class SystemWrapper
+ # static method for use in defaults
+ def
+ return ((RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/) ? true : false) if defined?(RbConfig)
+ return ((Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/) ? true : false)
+ end
+ # class method so as to be mockable for tests
+ def windows?
+ return
+ end
+ def module_eval(string)
+ return Object.module_eval("\"" + string + "\"")
+ end
+ def eval(string)
+ return eval(string)
+ end
+ def search_paths
+ return ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ end
+ def cmdline_args
+ return ARGV
+ end
+ def env_set(name, value)
+ ENV[name] = value
+ end
+ def env_get(name)
+ return ENV[name]
+ end
+ def time_now
+ return
+ end
+ def shell_backticks(command, boom = true)
+ retval = `#{command}`.freeze
+ $exit_code = ($?.exitstatus).freeze if boom
+ return {
+ :output => retval.freeze,
+ :exit_code => ($?.exitstatus).freeze
+ }
+ end
+ def shell_system(command, boom = true)
+ system( command )
+ $exit_code = ($?.exitstatus).freeze if boom
+ return {
+ :output => "".freeze,
+ :exit_code => ($?.exitstatus).freeze
+ }
+ end
+ def add_load_path(path)
+ $LOAD_PATH.unshift(path)
+ end
+ def require_file(path)
+ require(path)
+ end
+ def ruby_success
+ # We are successful if we've never had an exit code that went boom (either because it's empty or it was 0)
+ return ($exit_code.nil? || ($exit_code == 0)) && ($!.nil? || $!.is_a?(SystemExit) && $!.success?)
+ end
+ def constants_include?(item)
+ # forcing to strings provides consistency across Ruby versions
+ return{|constant| constant.to_s}.include?(item.to_s)
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/target_loader.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/target_loader.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7fbc0959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/target_loader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+module TargetLoader
+ class NoTargets < Exception; end
+ class NoDirectory < Exception; end
+ class NoDefault < Exception; end
+ class NoSuchTarget < Exception; end
+ class RequestReload < Exception; end
+ def self.inspect(config, target_name=nil)
+ unless config[:targets]
+ raise NoTargets
+ end
+ targets = config[:targets]
+ unless targets[:targets_directory]
+ raise"No targets directory specified.")
+ end
+ unless targets[:default_target]
+ raise"No default target specified.")
+ end
+ target_path = lambda {|name| File.join(targets[:targets_directory], name + ".yml")}
+ target = if target_name
+ else
+ end
+ unless File.exists? target
+ raise"No such target: #{target}")
+ end
+ raise RequestReload
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/task_invoker.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/task_invoker.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..642695c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/task_invoker.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+require 'ceedling/par_map'
+class TaskInvoker
+ attr_accessor :first_run
+ constructor :dependinator, :rake_utils, :rake_wrapper, :project_config_manager
+ def setup
+ @test_regexs = [/^#{TEST_ROOT_NAME}:/]
+ @release_regexs = [/^#{RELEASE_ROOT_NAME}(:|$)/]
+ @first_run = true
+ end
+ def add_test_task_regex(regex)
+ @test_regexs << regex
+ end
+ def add_release_task_regex(regex)
+ @release_regexs << regex
+ end
+ def test_invoked?
+ invoked = false
+ @test_regexs.each do |regex|
+ invoked = true if (@rake_utils.task_invoked?(regex))
+ break if invoked
+ end
+ return invoked
+ end
+ def release_invoked?
+ invoked = false
+ @release_regexs.each do |regex|
+ invoked = true if (@rake_utils.task_invoked?(regex))
+ break if invoked
+ end
+ return invoked
+ end
+ def invoked?(regex)
+ return @rake_utils.task_invoked?(regex)
+ end
+ def invoke_test_mocks(mocks)
+ @dependinator.enhance_mock_dependencies( mocks )
+ mocks.each { |mock|
+ @rake_wrapper[mock].reenable if @first_run == false && @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed
+ @rake_wrapper[mock].invoke
+ }
+ end
+ def invoke_test_runner(runner)
+ @dependinator.enhance_runner_dependencies( runner )
+ @rake_wrapper[runner].reenable if @first_run == false && @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed
+ @rake_wrapper[runner].invoke
+ end
+ def invoke_test_shallow_include_lists(files)
+ @dependinator.enhance_shallow_include_lists_dependencies( files )
+ par_map(PROJECT_COMPILE_THREADS, files) do |file|
+ @rake_wrapper[file].reenable if @first_run == false && @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed
+ @rake_wrapper[file].invoke
+ end
+ end
+ def invoke_test_preprocessed_files(files)
+ @dependinator.enhance_preprocesed_file_dependencies( files )
+ par_map(PROJECT_COMPILE_THREADS, files) do |file|
+ @rake_wrapper[file].reenable if @first_run == false && @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed
+ @rake_wrapper[file].invoke
+ end
+ end
+ def invoke_test_dependencies_files(files)
+ @dependinator.enhance_dependencies_dependencies( files )
+ par_map(PROJECT_COMPILE_THREADS, files) do |file|
+ @rake_wrapper[file].reenable if @first_run == false && @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed
+ @rake_wrapper[file].invoke
+ end
+ end
+ def invoke_test_objects(objects)
+ par_map(PROJECT_COMPILE_THREADS, objects) do |object|
+ @rake_wrapper[object].reenable if @first_run == false && @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed
+ @rake_wrapper[object].invoke
+ end
+ end
+ def invoke_test_executable(file)
+ @rake_wrapper[file].invoke
+ end
+ def invoke_test_results(result)
+ @dependinator.enhance_results_dependencies( result )
+ @rake_wrapper[result].reenable if @first_run == false && @project_config_manager.test_defines_changed
+ @rake_wrapper[result].invoke
+ end
+ def invoke_release_dependencies_files(files)
+ par_map(PROJECT_COMPILE_THREADS, files) do |file|
+ @rake_wrapper[file].invoke
+ end
+ end
+ def invoke_release_objects(objects)
+ par_map(PROJECT_COMPILE_THREADS, objects) do |object|
+ @rake_wrapper[object].invoke
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_base.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_base.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8c825309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_base.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+require 'ceedling/file_path_utils'
+require 'ceedling/version'
+desc "Display build environment version info."
+task :version do
+ puts " Ceedling:: #{Ceedling::Version::CEEDLING}"
+ [
+ [' Unity', File.join( CEEDLING_VENDOR, UNITY_ROOT_PATH)],
+ ].each do |tool|
+ name = tool[0]
+ base_path = tool[1]
+ version_string = begin
+ @ceedling[:file_wrapper].read( File.join(base_path, 'release', '') ).strip
+ rescue
+ end
+ build_string = begin
+ @ceedling[:file_wrapper].read( File.join(base_path, 'release', '') ).strip
+ rescue
+ end
+ puts "#{name}:: #{version_string.empty? ? '#.#.' : (version_string + '.')}#{build_string.empty? ? '?' : build_string}"
+ end
+desc "Set verbose output (silent:[#{Verbosity::SILENT}] - obnoxious:[#{Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS}])."
+task :verbosity, :level do |t, args|
+ verbosity_level = args.level.to_i
+ # don't store verbosity level in setupinator's config hash, use a copy;
+ # otherwise, the input configuration will change and trigger entire project rebuilds
+ hash = @ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash[:cmock].clone
+ hash[:verbosity] = verbosity_level
+ @ceedling[:cmock_builder].manufacture( hash )
+ end
+ @ceedling[:configurator].project_verbosity = verbosity_level
+ # control rake's verbosity with new setting
+ verbose( ((verbosity_level >= Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS) ? true : false) )
+desc "Enable logging"
+task :logging do
+ @ceedling[:configurator].project_logging = true
+# non advertised debug task
+task :debug do
+ Rake::Task[:verbosity].invoke(Verbosity::DEBUG)
+ Rake.application.options.trace = true
+ @ceedling[:configurator].project_debug = true
+# non advertised sanity checking task
+task :sanity_checks, :level do |t, args|
+ check_level = args.level.to_i
+ @ceedling[:configurator].sanity_checks = check_level
+# list expanded environment variables
+if (not ENVIRONMENT.empty?)
+desc "List all configured environment variables."
+task :environment do
+ env_list = []
+ ENVIRONMENT.each do |env|
+ env.each_key do |key|
+ name = key.to_s.upcase
+ env_list.push(" - #{name}: \"#{env[key]}\"")
+ end
+ end
+ env_list.sort.each do |env_line|
+ puts env_line
+ end
+namespace :options do
+ COLLECTION_PROJECT_OPTIONS.each do |option_path|
+ option = File.basename(option_path, '.yml')
+ desc "Merge #{option} project options."
+ task option.downcase.to_sym do
+ hash = @ceedling[:project_config_manager].merge_options( @ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash, option_path )
+ @ceedling[:setupinator].do_setup( hash )
+ if @ceedling[:configurator].project_release_build
+ load(File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_release.rake'))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# do not present task if there's no plugins
+if (not PLUGINS_ENABLED.empty?)
+desc "Execute plugin result summaries (no build triggering)."
+task :summary do
+ @ceedling[:plugin_manager].summary
+ puts "\nNOTE: Summaries may be out of date with project sources.\n\n"
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_filesystem.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_filesystem.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..58fa6511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_filesystem.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# rather than require 'rake/clean' & try to override, we replicate for finer control
+CLEAN = Rake::FileList["**/*~", "**/*.bak"]
+CLEAN.clear_exclude.exclude { |fn| fn.pathmap("%f") == 'core' && }
+CLEAN.include(File.join(PROJECT_TEST_RESULTS_PATH, '*'))
+CLEAN.include(File.join(PROJECT_BUILD_RELEASE_ROOT, '*.*'))
+CLOBBER.include(File.join(PROJECT_BUILD_TESTS_ROOT, '**/*'))
+CLOBBER.include(File.join(PROJECT_BUILD_RELEASE_ROOT, '**/*'))
+CLOBBER.include(File.join(PROJECT_LOG_PATH, '**/*'))
+CLOBBER.include(File.join(PROJECT_TEMP_PATH, '**/*'))
+# just in case they're using git, let's make sure we allow them to preserved the build directory if desired.
+CLOBBER.exclude(File.join(TESTS_BASE_PATH), '**/.gitkeep')
+# because of cmock config, mock path can optionally exist apart from standard test build paths
+CLOBBER.include(File.join(CMOCK_MOCK_PATH, '*'))
+REMOVE_FILE_PROC = { |fn| rm_r fn rescue nil }
+# redefine clean so we can override how it advertises itself
+desc "Delete all build artifacts and temporary products."
+task(:clean) do
+ # because :clean is a prerequisite for :clobber, intelligently display the progress message
+ if (not @ceedling[:task_invoker].invoked?(/^clobber$/))
+ @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts("\nCleaning build artifacts...\n(For large projects, this task may take a long time to complete)\n\n")
+ end
+ begin
+ CLEAN.each { |fn| }
+ rescue
+ end
+# redefine clobber so we can override how it advertises itself
+desc "Delete all generated files (and build artifacts)."
+task(:clobber => [:clean]) do
+ @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts("\nClobbering all generated files...\n(For large projects, this task may take a long time to complete)\n\n")
+ begin
+ CLOBBER.each { |fn| }
+ rescue
+ end
+PROJECT_BUILD_PATHS.each { |path| directory(path) }
+# create directories that hold build output and generated files & touching rebuild dependency sources
+task(:directories => PROJECT_BUILD_PATHS) { @ceedling[:dependinator].touch_force_rebuild_files }
+# list paths discovered at load time
+namespace :paths do
+ paths = @ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash[:paths]
+ paths.each_key do |section|
+ name = section.to_s.downcase
+ path_list = Object.const_get("COLLECTION_PATHS_#{name.upcase}")
+ if (path_list.size != 0)
+ desc "List all collected #{name} paths."
+ task(name.to_sym) { puts "#{name} paths:"; path_list.sort.each {|path| puts " - #{path}" } }
+ end
+ end
+# list files & file counts discovered at load time
+namespace :files do
+ categories = [
+ ]
+ using_assembly = (defined?(TEST_BUILD_USE_ASSEMBLY) && TEST_BUILD_USE_ASSEMBLY) ||
+ categories << ['assembly', COLLECTION_ALL_ASSEMBLY] if using_assembly
+ categories.each do |category|
+ name = category[0]
+ collection = category[1]
+ desc "List all collected #{name} files."
+ task(name.to_sym) do
+ puts "#{name} files:"
+ collection.sort.each { |filepath| puts " - #{filepath}" }
+ puts "file count: #{collection.size}"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_release.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_release.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b313b2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_release.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+require 'ceedling/file_path_utils'
+desc "Build release target."
+task RELEASE_SYM => [:directories] do
+ header = "Release build '#{File.basename(PROJECT_RELEASE_BUILD_TARGET)}'"
+ @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts("\n\n#{header}\n#{'-' * header.length}")
+ begin
+ @ceedling[:plugin_manager].pre_release
+ core_objects = []
+ extra_objects = @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_release_build_c_objects_filelist( COLLECTION_RELEASE_ARTIFACT_EXTRA_LINK_OBJECTS )
+ @ceedling[:project_config_manager].process_release_config_change
+ core_objects.concat( @ceedling[:release_invoker].setup_and_invoke_c_objects( COLLECTION_ALL_SOURCE ) )
+ # if assembler use isn't enabled, COLLECTION_ALL_ASSEMBLY is empty array & nothing happens
+ core_objects.concat( @ceedling[:release_invoker].setup_and_invoke_asm_objects( COLLECTION_ALL_ASSEMBLY ) )
+ # if we're using libraries, we need to add those to our collection as well
+ library_objects = (defined? LIBRARIES_RELEASE && !LIBRARIES_RELEASE.empty?) ? LIBRARIES_RELEASE.flatten.compact : []
+ file( PROJECT_RELEASE_BUILD_TARGET => (core_objects + extra_objects + library_objects) )
+ ensure
+ @ceedling[:plugin_manager].post_release
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_release_deep_dependencies.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_release_deep_dependencies.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..db2be5f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_release_deep_dependencies.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+namespace REFRESH_SYM do
+ task RELEASE_SYM do
+ @ceedling[:release_invoker].refresh_c_deep_dependencies
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_tests.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_tests.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5d09c1af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_tests.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+task :test => [:directories] do
+ Rake.application['test:all'].invoke
+namespace TEST_SYM do
+ desc "Run all unit tests (also just 'test' works)."
+ task :all => [:directories] do
+ @ceedling[:test_invoker].setup_and_invoke(COLLECTION_ALL_TESTS)
+ end
+ desc "Run single test ([*] real test or source file name, no path)."
+ task :* do
+ message = "\nOops! '#{TEST_ROOT_NAME}:*' isn't a real task. " +
+ "Use a real test or source file name (no path) in place of the wildcard.\n" +
+ "Example: rake #{TEST_ROOT_NAME}:foo.c\n\n"
+ @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts( message )
+ end
+ desc "Run tests for changed files."
+ task :delta => [:directories] do
+ @ceedling[:test_invoker].setup_and_invoke(COLLECTION_ALL_TESTS, TEST_SYM, {:force_run => false})
+ end
+ desc "Just build tests without running."
+ task :build_only => [:directories] do
+ @ceedling[:test_invoker].setup_and_invoke(COLLECTION_ALL_TESTS, TEST_SYM, {:build_only => true})
+ end
+ desc "Run tests by matching regular expression pattern."
+ task :pattern, [:regex] => [:directories] do |t, args|
+ matches = []
+ COLLECTION_ALL_TESTS.each { |test| matches << test if (test =~ /#{args.regex}/) }
+ if (matches.size > 0)
+ @ceedling[:test_invoker].setup_and_invoke(matches, TEST_SYM, {:force_run => false})
+ else
+ @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts("\nFound no tests matching pattern /#{args.regex}/.")
+ end
+ end
+ desc "Run tests whose test path contains [dir] or [dir] substring."
+ task :path, [:dir] => [:directories] do |t, args|
+ matches = []
+ COLLECTION_ALL_TESTS.each { |test| matches << test if File.dirname(test).include?(args.dir.gsub(/\\/, '/')) }
+ if (matches.size > 0)
+ @ceedling[:test_invoker].setup_and_invoke(matches, TEST_SYM, {:force_run => false})
+ else
+ @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts("\nFound no tests including the given path or path component.")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_tests_deep_dependencies.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_tests_deep_dependencies.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f8994071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_tests_deep_dependencies.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+namespace REFRESH_SYM do
+ task TEST_SYM do
+ @ceedling[:test_invoker].refresh_deep_dependencies
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_vendor.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_vendor.rake
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..63c2ca55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tasks_vendor.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+require 'ceedling/file_path_utils'
+# create file dependencies to ensure C-based components of vendor tools are recompiled when they are updated with new versions
+# forming these explicitly rather than depend on auxiliary dependencies so all scenarios are explicitly covered
+file( @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_build_c_object_filepath( UNITY_C_FILE ) => [
+ )
+file( @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_build_c_object_filepath( CMOCK_C_FILE ) => [
+ )
+file( @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_build_c_object_filepath( CEXCEPTION_C_FILE ) => [
+ )
+file( @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_release_build_c_object_filepath( CEXCEPTION_C_FILE ) => [
+ )
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/test_includes_extractor.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/test_includes_extractor.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..50cc7c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/test_includes_extractor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+class TestIncludesExtractor
+ constructor :configurator, :yaml_wrapper, :file_wrapper
+ def setup
+ @includes = {}
+ @mocks = {}
+ end
+ # for includes_list file, slurp up array from yaml file and sort & store includes
+ def parse_includes_list(includes_list)
+ gather_and_store_includes( includes_list, @yaml_wrapper.load(includes_list) )
+ end
+ # open, scan for, and sort & store includes of test file
+ def parse_test_file(test)
+ gather_and_store_includes( test, extract_from_file(test) )
+ end
+ # mocks with no file extension
+ def lookup_raw_mock_list(test)
+ file_key = form_file_key(test)
+ return [] if @mocks[file_key].nil?
+ return @mocks[file_key]
+ end
+ # includes with file extension
+ def lookup_includes_list(file)
+ file_key = form_file_key(file)
+ return [] if (@includes[file_key]).nil?
+ return @includes[file_key]
+ end
+ private #################################
+ def form_file_key(filepath)
+ return File.basename(filepath).to_sym
+ end
+ def extract_from_file(file)
+ includes = []
+ header_extension = @configurator.extension_header
+ contents =
+ # remove line comments
+ contents = contents.gsub(/\/\/.*$/, '')
+ # remove block comments
+ contents = contents.gsub(/\/\*.*?\*\//m, '')
+ contents.split("\n").each do |line|
+ # look for include statement
+ scan_results = line.scan(/#include\s+\"\s*(.+#{'\\'+header_extension})\s*\"/)
+ includes << scan_results[0][0] if (scan_results.size > 0)
+ # look for TEST_FILE statement
+ scan_results = line.scan(/TEST_FILE\(\s*\"\s*(.+\.\w+)\s*\"\s*\)/)
+ includes << scan_results[0][0] if (scan_results.size > 0)
+ end
+ return includes.uniq
+ end
+ def gather_and_store_includes(file, includes)
+ mock_prefix = @configurator.cmock_mock_prefix
+ header_extension = @configurator.extension_header
+ file_key = form_file_key(file)
+ @mocks[file_key] = []
+ # add includes to lookup hash
+ @includes[file_key] = includes
+ includes.each do |include_file|
+ # check if include is a mock
+ scan_results = include_file.scan(/(#{mock_prefix}.+)#{'\\'+header_extension}/)
+ # add mock to lookup hash
+ @mocks[file_key] << scan_results[0][0] if (scan_results.size > 0)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/test_invoker.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/test_invoker.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..652cb318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/test_invoker.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+class TestInvoker
+ attr_reader :sources, :tests, :mocks
+ constructor :configurator,
+ :test_invoker_helper,
+ :plugin_manager,
+ :streaminator,
+ :preprocessinator,
+ :task_invoker,
+ :dependinator,
+ :project_config_manager,
+ :build_invoker_utils,
+ :file_path_utils,
+ :file_wrapper
+ def setup
+ @sources = []
+ @tests = []
+ @mocks = []
+ end
+ def get_test_definition_str(test)
+ return "-D" + File.basename(test, File.extname(test)).upcase.sub(/@.*$/, "")
+ end
+ def get_tools_compilers
+ tools_compilers =
+ tools_compilers["for unit test"] = TOOLS_TEST_COMPILER if defined? TOOLS_TEST_COMPILER
+ tools_compilers["for gcov"] = TOOLS_GCOV_COMPILER if defined? TOOLS_GCOV_COMPILER
+ return tools_compilers
+ end
+ def add_test_definition(test)
+ test_definition_str = get_test_definition_str(test)
+ get_tools_compilers.each do |tools_compiler_key, tools_compiler_value|
+ tools_compiler_value[:arguments].push("-D#{File.basename(test, ".*").strip.upcase.sub(/@.*$/, "")}")
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Add the definition value in the build option #{tools_compiler_value[:arguments][-1]} #{tools_compiler_key}", Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS)
+ end
+ end
+ def delete_test_definition(test)
+ test_definition_str = get_test_definition_str(test)
+ get_tools_compilers.each do |tools_compiler_key, tools_compiler_value|
+ num_options = tools_compiler_value[:arguments].size
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("Delete the definition value in the build option #{tools_compiler_value[:arguments][-1]} #{tools_compiler_key}", Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS)
+ tools_compiler_value[:arguments].delete_if{|i| i == test_definition_str}
+ if num_options > tools_compiler_value[:arguments].size + 1
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts("WARNING: duplicated test definition.")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Convert libraries configuration form YAML configuration
+ # into a string that can be given to the compiler.
+ def convert_libraries_to_arguments()
+ if @configurator.project_config_hash.has_key?(:libraries_test)
+ lib_args = @configurator.project_config_hash[:libraries_test]
+ lib_args.flatten!
+ lib_flag = @configurator.project_config_hash[:libraries_flag]
+! {|v| lib_flag.gsub(/\$\{1\}/, v) } if (defined? lib_flag)
+ return lib_args
+ end
+ end
+ def setup_and_invoke(tests, context=TEST_SYM, options={:force_run => true, :build_only => false})
+ @tests = tests
+ @project_config_manager.process_test_config_change
+ @tests.each do |test|
+ # announce beginning of test run
+ header = "Test '#{File.basename(test)}'"
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts("\n\n#{header}\n#{'-' * header.length}")
+ begin
+ @plugin_manager.pre_test( test )
+ test_name ="#{File.basename(test)}".chomp('.c')
+ def_test_key="defines_#{test_name.downcase}"
+ # Re-define the project out path and pre-processor defines.
+ if @configurator.project_config_hash.has_key?(def_test_key.to_sym)
+ @project_config_manager.test_config_changed
+ defs_bkp =
+ printf " ************** Specific test definitions for #{test_name} !!! \n"
+ tst_defs_cfg = @configurator.project_config_hash[def_test_key.to_sym]
+ orig_path = @configurator.project_test_build_output_path
+ @configurator.project_config_hash[:project_test_build_output_path] = File.join(@configurator.project_test_build_output_path, test_name)
+ @file_wrapper.mkdir(@configurator.project_test_build_output_path)
+ # printf " * new defines = #{COLLECTION_DEFINES_TEST_AND_VENDOR}\n"
+ end
+ # collect up test fixture pieces & parts
+ runner = @file_path_utils.form_runner_filepath_from_test( test )
+ mock_list = @preprocessinator.preprocess_test_and_invoke_test_mocks( test )
+ sources = @test_invoker_helper.extract_sources( test )
+ extras = @configurator.collection_test_fixture_extra_link_objects
+ core = [test] + mock_list + sources
+ objects = @file_path_utils.form_test_build_objects_filelist( [runner] + core + extras )
+ results_pass = @file_path_utils.form_pass_results_filepath( test )
+ results_fail = @file_path_utils.form_fail_results_filepath( test )
+ @project_config_manager.process_test_defines_change(sources)
+ # add the definition value in the build option for the unit test
+ if @configurator.defines_use_test_definition
+ add_test_definition(test)
+ end
+ # clean results files so we have a missing file with which to kick off rake's dependency rules
+ @test_invoker_helper.clean_results( {:pass => results_pass, :fail => results_fail}, options )
+ # load up auxiliary dependencies so deep changes cause rebuilding appropriately
+ @test_invoker_helper.process_deep_dependencies( core ) do |dependencies_list|
+ @dependinator.load_test_object_deep_dependencies( dependencies_list )
+ end
+ # tell rake to create test runner if needed
+ @task_invoker.invoke_test_runner( runner )
+ # enhance object file dependencies to capture externalities influencing regeneration
+ @dependinator.enhance_test_build_object_dependencies( objects )
+ # associate object files with executable
+ @dependinator.setup_test_executable_dependencies( test, objects )
+ # build test objects
+ @task_invoker.invoke_test_objects( objects )
+ # if the option build_only has been specified, build only the executable
+ # but don't run the test
+ if (options[:build_only])
+ executable = @file_path_utils.form_test_executable_filepath( test )
+ @task_invoker.invoke_test_executable( executable )
+ else
+ # 3, 2, 1... launch
+ @task_invoker.invoke_test_results( results_pass )
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ @build_invoker_utils.process_exception( e, context )
+ ensure
+ # delete the definition value in the build option for the unit test
+ if @configurator.defines_use_test_definition
+ delete_test_definition(test)
+ end
+ @plugin_manager.post_test( test )
+ # restore the project test defines
+ if @configurator.project_config_hash.has_key?(def_test_key.to_sym)
+ # @configurator.project_config_hash[:defines_test] =
+ # printf " ---- Restored defines at #{defs_bkp}"
+ @configurator.project_config_hash[:project_test_build_output_path] = orig_path
+ printf " ************** Restored defines and build path\n"
+ end
+ end
+ # store away what's been processed
+ @mocks.concat( mock_list )
+ @sources.concat( sources )
+ @task_invoker.first_run = false
+ end
+ # post-process collected mock list
+ @mocks.uniq!
+ # post-process collected sources list
+ @sources.uniq!
+ end
+ def refresh_deep_dependencies
+ @file_wrapper.rm_f(
+ @file_wrapper.directory_listing(
+ File.join( @configurator.project_test_dependencies_path, '*' + @configurator.extension_dependencies ) ) )
+ @test_invoker_helper.process_deep_dependencies(
+ @configurator.collection_all_tests + @configurator.collection_all_source )
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/test_invoker_helper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/test_invoker_helper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b0a223f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/test_invoker_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+class TestInvokerHelper
+ constructor :configurator, :task_invoker, :test_includes_extractor, :file_finder, :file_path_utils, :file_wrapper
+ def clean_results(results, options)
+ @file_wrapper.rm_f( results[:fail] )
+ @file_wrapper.rm_f( results[:pass] ) if (options[:force_run])
+ end
+ def process_deep_dependencies(files)
+ return if (not @configurator.project_use_deep_dependencies)
+ dependencies_list = @file_path_utils.form_test_dependencies_filelist( files )
+ if @configurator.project_generate_deep_dependencies
+ @task_invoker.invoke_test_dependencies_files( dependencies_list )
+ end
+ yield( dependencies_list ) if block_given?
+ end
+ def extract_sources(test)
+ sources = []
+ includes = @test_includes_extractor.lookup_includes_list(test)
+ includes.each { |include| sources << @file_finder.find_compilation_input_file(include, :ignore) }
+ return sources.compact
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tool_executor.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tool_executor.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0ab5ddca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tool_executor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+require 'benchmark'
+class ShellExecutionException < RuntimeError
+ attr_reader :shell_result
+ def initialize(shell_result)
+ @shell_result = shell_result
+ end
+class ToolExecutor
+ constructor :configurator, :tool_executor_helper, :streaminator, :system_wrapper
+ def setup
+ @tool_name = ''
+ @executable = ''
+ end
+ # build up a command line from yaml provided config
+ # @param extra_params is an array of parameters to append to executable
+ def build_command_line(tool_config, extra_params, *args)
+ @tool_name = tool_config[:name]
+ @executable = tool_config[:executable]
+ command = {}
+ # basic premise is to iterate top to bottom through arguments using '$' as
+ # a string replacement indicator to expand globals or inline yaml arrays
+ # into command line arguments via substitution strings
+ # executable must be quoted if it includes spaces (common on windows)
+ executable = @tool_executor_helper.osify_path_separators( expandify_element(@executable, *args) )
+ executable = "\"#{executable}\"" if executable.include?(' ')
+ command[:line] = [
+ executable,
+ extra_params.join(' ').strip,
+ build_arguments(tool_config[:arguments], *args),
+ ].reject{|s| s.nil? || s.empty?}.join(' ').strip
+ command[:options] = {
+ :stderr_redirect => @tool_executor_helper.stderr_redirection(tool_config, @configurator.project_logging),
+ :background_exec => tool_config[:background_exec]
+ }
+ return command
+ end
+ # shell out, execute command, and return response
+ def exec(command, options={}, args=[])
+ options[:boom] = true if (options[:boom].nil?)
+ options[:stderr_redirect] = StdErrRedirect::NONE if (options[:stderr_redirect].nil?)
+ options[:background_exec] = BackgroundExec::NONE if (options[:background_exec].nil?)
+ # build command line
+ command_line = [
+ @tool_executor_helper.background_exec_cmdline_prepend( options ),
+ command.strip,
+ args,
+ @tool_executor_helper.stderr_redirect_cmdline_append( options ),
+ @tool_executor_helper.background_exec_cmdline_append( options ),
+ ].flatten.compact.join(' ')
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts("Verbose: #{__method__.to_s}(): #{command_line}", Verbosity::DEBUG)
+ shell_result = {}
+ # depending on background exec option, we shell out differently
+ time = Benchmark.realtime do
+ if (options[:background_exec] != BackgroundExec::NONE)
+ shell_result = @system_wrapper.shell_system( command_line, options[:boom] )
+ else
+ shell_result = @system_wrapper.shell_backticks( command_line, options[:boom] )
+ end
+ end
+ shell_result[:time] = time
+ #scrub the string for illegal output
+ unless shell_result[:output].nil?
+ shell_result[:output] = shell_result[:output].scrub if "".respond_to?(:scrub)
+ shell_result[:output].gsub!(/\033\[\d\dm/,'')
+ end
+ @tool_executor_helper.print_happy_results( command_line, shell_result, options[:boom] )
+ @tool_executor_helper.print_error_results( command_line, shell_result, options[:boom] )
+ # go boom if exit code isn't 0 (but in some cases we don't want a non-0 exit code to raise)
+ raise if ((shell_result[:exit_code] != 0) and options[:boom])
+ return shell_result
+ end
+ private #############################
+ def build_arguments(config, *args)
+ build_string = ''
+ return nil if (config.nil?)
+ # iterate through each argument
+ # the yaml blob array needs to be flattened so that yaml substitution
+ # is handled correctly, since it creates a nested array when an anchor is
+ # dereferenced
+ config.flatten.each do |element|
+ argument = ''
+ case(element)
+ # if we find a simple string then look for string replacement operators
+ # and expand with the parameters in this method's argument list
+ when String then argument = expandify_element(element, *args)
+ # if we find a hash, then we grab the key as a substitution string and expand the
+ # hash's value(s) within that substitution string
+ when Hash then argument = dehashify_argument_elements(element)
+ end
+ build_string.concat("#{argument} ") if (argument.length > 0)
+ end
+ build_string.strip!
+ return build_string if (build_string.length > 0)
+ return nil
+ end
+ # handle simple text string argument & argument array string replacement operators
+ def expandify_element(element, *args)
+ match = //
+ to_process = nil
+ args_index = 0
+ # handle ${#} input replacement
+ args_index = ($2.to_i - 1)
+ if (args.nil? or args[args_index].nil?)
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts("ERROR: Tool '#{@tool_name}' expected valid argument data to accompany replacement operator #{$1}.", Verbosity::ERRORS)
+ raise
+ end
+ match = /#{Regexp.escape($1)}/
+ to_process = args[args_index]
+ end
+ # simple string argument: replace escaped '\$' and strip
+ element.sub!(/\\\$/, '$')
+ element.strip!
+ # handle inline ruby execution
+ element.replace(eval($1))
+ end
+ build_string = ''
+ # handle array or anything else passed into method to be expanded in place of replacement operators
+ case (to_process)
+ when Array then to_process.each {|value| build_string.concat( "#{element.sub(match, value.to_s)} " ) } if (to_process.size > 0)
+ else build_string.concat( element.sub(match, to_process.to_s) )
+ end
+ # handle inline ruby string substitution
+ build_string.replace(@system_wrapper.module_eval(build_string))
+ end
+ return build_string.strip
+ end
+ # handle argument hash: keys are substitution strings, values are data to be expanded within substitution strings
+ def dehashify_argument_elements(hash)
+ build_string = ''
+ elements = []
+ # grab the substitution string (hash key)
+ substitution = hash.keys[0].to_s
+ # grab the string(s) to squirt into the substitution string (hash value)
+ expand = hash[hash.keys[0]]
+ if (expand.nil?)
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts("ERROR: Tool '#{@tool_name}' could not expand nil elements for substitution string '#{substitution}'.", Verbosity::ERRORS)
+ raise
+ end
+ # array-ify expansion input if only a single string
+ expansion = ((expand.class == String) ? [expand] : expand)
+ expansion.each do |item|
+ # code eval substitution
+ elements << eval($1)
+ # string eval substitution
+ elements << @system_wrapper.module_eval(item)
+ # global constants
+ elsif (@system_wrapper.constants_include?(item))
+ const = Object.const_get(item)
+ if (const.nil?)
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts("ERROR: Tool '#{@tool_name}' found constant '#{item}' to be nil.", Verbosity::ERRORS)
+ raise
+ else
+ elements << const
+ end
+ elsif (item.class == Array)
+ elements << item
+ elsif (item.class == String)
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts("ERROR: Tool '#{@tool_name}' cannot expand nonexistent value '#{item}' for substitution string '#{substitution}'.", Verbosity::ERRORS)
+ raise
+ else
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts("ERROR: Tool '#{@tool_name}' cannot expand value having type '#{item.class}' for substitution string '#{substitution}'.", Verbosity::ERRORS)
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ # expand elements (whether string or array) into substitution string & replace escaped '\$'
+ elements.flatten!
+ elements.each do |element|
+ build_string.concat( substitution.sub(/([^\\]*)\$/, "\\1#{element}") ) # don't replace escaped '\$' but allow us to replace just a lonesome '$'
+ build_string.gsub!(/\\\$/, '$')
+ build_string.concat(' ')
+ end
+ return build_string.strip
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tool_executor_helper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tool_executor_helper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..de4cafe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/tool_executor_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+require 'ceedling/constants' # for Verbosity enumeration & $stderr redirect enumeration
+# Helper functions for the tool executor
+class ToolExecutorHelper
+ constructor :streaminator, :system_utils, :system_wrapper
+ ##
+ # Returns the stderr redirection based on the config and logging.
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * _tool_config_: A hash containing config information.
+ # * _logging_: A boolean representing if logging is enabled or not.
+ #
+ def stderr_redirection(tool_config, logging)
+ # if there's no logging enabled, return :stderr_redirect unmodified
+ return tool_config[:stderr_redirect] if (not logging)
+ # if there is logging enabled but the redirect is a custom value (not enum), return the custom string
+ return tool_config[:stderr_redirect] if (tool_config[:stderr_redirect].class == String)
+ # if logging is enabled but there's no custom string, return the AUTO enumeration so $stderr goes into the log
+ return StdErrRedirect::AUTO
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the background execution prepend based on the config.
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * _tool_config_: A hash containing config information.
+ #
+ def background_exec_cmdline_prepend(tool_config)
+ return nil if (tool_config.nil? || tool_config[:background_exec].nil?)
+ config_exec = tool_config[:background_exec]
+ if ((config_exec == BackgroundExec::AUTO) and (
+ return 'start'
+ end
+ if (config_exec == BackgroundExec::WIN)
+ return 'start'
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Modifies an executables path based on platform.
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * _executable_: The executable's path.
+ #
+ def osify_path_separators(executable)
+ return executable.gsub(/\//, '\\') if (
+ return executable
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the stderr redirect append based on the config.
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * _tool_config_: A hash containing config information.
+ #
+ def stderr_redirect_cmdline_append(tool_config)
+ return nil if (tool_config.nil? || tool_config[:stderr_redirect].nil?)
+ config_redirect = tool_config[:stderr_redirect]
+ redirect = StdErrRedirect::NONE
+ if (config_redirect == StdErrRedirect::AUTO)
+ if (
+ redirect = StdErrRedirect::WIN
+ elsif (@system_utils.tcsh_shell?)
+ redirect = StdErrRedirect::TCSH
+ else
+ redirect = StdErrRedirect::UNIX
+ end
+ end
+ case redirect
+ # we may need more complicated processing after some learning with various environments
+ when StdErrRedirect::NONE then nil
+ when StdErrRedirect::WIN then '2>&1'
+ when StdErrRedirect::UNIX then '2>&1'
+ when StdErrRedirect::TCSH then '|&'
+ else redirect.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the background execution append based on the config.
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * _tool_config_: A hash containing config information.
+ #
+ def background_exec_cmdline_append(tool_config)
+ return nil if (tool_config.nil? || tool_config[:background_exec].nil?)
+ config_exec = tool_config[:background_exec]
+ # if :auto & windows, then we already prepended 'start' and should append nothing
+ return nil if ((config_exec == BackgroundExec::AUTO) and (
+ # if :auto & not windows, then we append standard '&'
+ return '&' if ((config_exec == BackgroundExec::AUTO) and (not
+ # if explicitly Unix, then append '&'
+ return '&' if (config_exec == BackgroundExec::UNIX)
+ # * _command_str_: A hash containing config information.
+ # all other cases, including :none, :win, & anything unrecognized, append nothing
+ return nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Outputs success results if command succeeded and we have verbosity cranked up.
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * _command_str_: The command ran.
+ # * _shell_results_: The outputs of the command including exit code and
+ # output.
+ # * _boom_: A boolean representing if a non zero result is erroneous.
+ #
+ def print_happy_results(command_str, shell_result, boom=true)
+ if ((shell_result[:exit_code] == 0) or ((shell_result[:exit_code] != 0) and not boom))
+ output = "> Shell executed command:\n"
+ output += "'#{command_str}'\n"
+ output += "> Produced output:\n" if (not shell_result[:output].empty?)
+ output += "#{shell_result[:output].strip}\n" if (not shell_result[:output].empty?)
+ output += "> And exited with status: [#{shell_result[:exit_code]}].\n" if (shell_result[:exit_code] != 0)
+ output += "\n"
+ @streaminator.stdout_puts(output, Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Outputs failures results if command failed and we have verbosity set to minimum error level.
+ # ==== Attributes
+ #
+ # * _command_str_: The command ran.
+ # * _shell_results_: The outputs of the command including exit code and
+ # output.
+ # * _boom_: A boolean representing if a non zero result is erroneous.
+ #
+ def print_error_results(command_str, shell_result, boom=true)
+ if ((shell_result[:exit_code] != 0) and boom)
+ output = "ERROR: Shell command failed.\n"
+ output += "> Shell executed command:\n"
+ output += "'#{command_str}'\n"
+ output += "> Produced output:\n" if (not shell_result[:output].empty?)
+ output += "#{shell_result[:output].strip}\n" if (not shell_result[:output].empty?)
+ output += "> And exited with status: [#{shell_result[:exit_code]}].\n" if (shell_result[:exit_code] != nil)
+ output += "> And then likely crashed.\n" if (shell_result[:exit_code] == nil)
+ output += "\n"
+ @streaminator.stderr_puts(output, Verbosity::ERRORS)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/verbosinator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/verbosinator.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e8ed38d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/verbosinator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+class Verbosinator
+ constructor :configurator
+ def should_output?(level)
+ return (level <= @configurator.project_verbosity)
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/version.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/version.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ba917df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/version.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# @private
+module Ceedling
+ module Version
+ # Check for local or global version of vendor directory in order to look up versions
+ {
+ "CEXCEPTION" => File.join("vendor","c_exception","lib","CException.h"),
+ "CMOCK" => File.join("vendor","cmock","src","cmock.h"),
+ "UNITY" => File.join("vendor","unity","src","unity.h"),
+ }.each_pair do |name, path|
+ filename = if (File.exist?(File.join("..","..",path)))
+ File.join("..","..",path)
+ elsif (File.exist?(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","..",path)))
+ File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","..",path)
+ else
+ eval "#{name} = 'unknown'"
+ continue
+ end
+ # Actually look up the versions
+ a = [0,0,0]
+ File.readlines(filename) do |line|
+ ["VERSION_MAJOR", "VERSION_MINOR", "VERSION_BUILD"].each_with_index do |field, i|
+ m = line.match(/#{name}_#{field}\s+(\d+)/)
+ a[i] = m[1] unless (m.nil?)
+ end
+ end
+ # Make a constant from each, so that we can use it elsewhere
+ eval "#{name} = '#{a.join(".")}'"
+ end
+ GEM = "0.29.0"
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/version.rb.erb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/version.rb.erb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a31e3abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/version.rb.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# @private
+module Ceedling
+ module Version
+ # @private
+ GEM = "0.27.0"
+ # @private
+ CEEDLING = "<%= versions["CEEDLING"] %>"
+ # @private
+ CEXCEPTION = "<%= versions["CEXCEPTION"] %>"
+ # @private
+ CMOCK = "<%= versions["CMOCK"] %>"
+ # @private
+ UNITY = "<%= versions["UNITY"] %>"
+ end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/yaml_wrapper.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/yaml_wrapper.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..00ece514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/yaml_wrapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+require 'yaml'
+require 'erb'
+class YamlWrapper
+ def load(filepath)
+ return YAML.load(
+ end
+ def dump(filepath, structure)
+, 'w') do |output|
+ YAML.dump(structure, output)
+ end
+ end