path: root/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/fake_function_framework/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/fake_function_framework/lib')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/tinyusb b/tinyusb
new file mode 160000
+Subproject f8288be03f28ad7b944e6925f49422dfa39202c
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/fake_function_framework/lib/fake_function_framework.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/fake_function_framework/lib/fake_function_framework.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 51a90b3a..00000000
--- a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/fake_function_framework/lib/fake_function_framework.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-require 'ceedling/plugin'
-require 'fff_mock_generator'
-class FakeFunctionFramework < Plugin
- # Set up Ceedling to use this plugin.
- def setup
- # Get the location of this plugin.
- @plugin_root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
- puts "Using fake function framework (fff)..."
- # Switch out the cmock_builder with our own.
- @ceedling[:cmock_builder].cmock =[:setupinator].config_hash[:cmock])
- # Add the path to fff.h to the include paths.
- end
- def post_runner_generate(arg_hash)
- # After the test runner file has been created, append the FFF globals
- # definition to the end of the test runner. These globals will be shared by
- # all mocks linked into the test.
-[:runner_file], 'a') do |f|
- f.puts
- f.puts "//=======Defintions of FFF variables====="
- f.puts %{#include "fff.h"}
- end
- end
-end # class FakeFunctionFramework
-class FffMockGeneratorForCMock
- def initialize(options=nil)
- @cm_config =
- @cm_parser =
- @silent = (@cm_config.verbosity < 2)
- # These are the additional files to include in the mock files.
- @includes_h_pre_orig_header = (@cm_config.includes || @cm_config.includes_h_pre_orig_header || []).map{|h| h =~ /</ ? h : "\"#{h}\""}
- @includes_h_post_orig_header = (@cm_config.includes_h_post_orig_header || []).map{|h| h =~ /</ ? h : "\"#{h}\""}
- @includes_c_pre_header = (@cm_config.includes_c_pre_header || []).map{|h| h =~ /</ ? h : "\"#{h}\""}
- @includes_c_post_header = (@cm_config.includes_c_post_header || []).map{|h| h =~ /</ ? h : "\"#{h}\""}
- end
- def setup_mocks(files)
- [files].flatten.each do |src|
- generate_mock (src)
- end
- end
- def generate_mock (header_file_to_mock)
- module_name = File.basename(header_file_to_mock, '.h')
- puts "Creating mock for #{module_name}..." unless @silent
- mock_name = @cm_config.mock_prefix + module_name + @cm_config.mock_suffix
- mock_path = @cm_config.mock_path
- if @cm_config.subdir
- # If a subdirectory has been configured, append it to the mock path.
- mock_path = "#{mock_path}/#{@cm_config.subdir}"
- end
- full_path_for_mock = "#{mock_path}/#{mock_name}"
- # Parse the header file so we know what to mock.
- parsed_header = @cm_parser.parse(module_name,
- # Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
- mkdir_p full_path_for_mock.pathmap("%d")
- # Generate the mock header file.
- puts "Creating mock: #{full_path_for_mock}.h"
- # Create the mock header.
-"#{full_path_for_mock}.h", 'w') do |f|
- f.write(FffMockGenerator.create_mock_header(module_name, mock_name, parsed_header,
- @includes_h_pre_orig_header, @includes_h_post_orig_header))
- end
- # Create the mock source file.
-"#{full_path_for_mock}.c", 'w') do |f|
- f.write(FffMockGenerator.create_mock_source(mock_name, parsed_header,
- @includes_c_pre_orig_header, @includes_c_post_orig_header))
- end
- end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/fake_function_framework/lib/fff_mock_generator.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/fake_function_framework/lib/fff_mock_generator.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 9dc03a65..00000000
--- a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/fake_function_framework/lib/fff_mock_generator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# Creates mock files from parsed header files that can be linked into applications.
-# The mocks created are compatible with CMock for use with Ceedling.
-class FffMockGenerator
- def self.create_mock_header(module_name, mock_name, parsed_header, pre_includes=nil,
- post_includes=nil)
- output =
- write_opening_include_guard(mock_name, output)
- output.puts
- write_extra_includes(pre_includes, output)
- write_header_includes(module_name, output)
- write_extra_includes(post_includes, output)
- output.puts
- write_typedefs(parsed_header, output)
- output.puts
- write_function_declarations(parsed_header, output)
- output.puts
- write_control_function_prototypes(mock_name, output)
- output.puts
- write_closing_include_guard(mock_name, output)
- output.string
- end
- def self.create_mock_source (mock_name, parsed_header, pre_includes=nil,
- post_includes=nil)
- output =
- write_extra_includes(pre_includes, output)
- write_source_includes(mock_name, output)
- write_extra_includes(post_includes, output)
- output.puts
- write_function_definitions(parsed_header, output)
- output.puts
- write_control_function_definitions(mock_name, parsed_header, output)
- output.string
- end
- private
-# Header file generation functions.
- def self.write_opening_include_guard(mock_name, output)
- output.puts "#ifndef #{mock_name}_H"
- output.puts "#define #{mock_name}_H"
- end
- def self.write_header_includes(module_name, output)
- output.puts %{#include "fff.h"}
- output.puts %{#include "fff_unity_helper.h"}
- output.puts %{#include "#{module_name}.h"}
- end
- def self.write_typedefs(parsed_header, output)
- return unless parsed_header.key?(:typedefs)
- parsed_header[:typedefs].each do |typedef|
- output.puts typedef
- end
- end
- def self.write_function_declarations(parsed_header, output)
- write_function_macros("DECLARE", parsed_header, output)
- end
- def self.write_control_function_prototypes(mock_name, output)
- output.puts "void #{mock_name}_Init(void);"
- output.puts "void #{mock_name}_Verify(void);"
- output.puts "void #{mock_name}_Destroy(void);"
- end
- def self.write_closing_include_guard(mock_name, output)
- output.puts "#endif // #{mock_name}_H"
- end
-# Source file generation functions.
- def self.write_source_includes (mock_name, output)
- output.puts "#include <string.h>"
- output.puts %{#include "fff.h"}
- output.puts %{#include "#{mock_name}.h"}
- end
- def self.write_function_definitions(parsed_header, output)
- write_function_macros("DEFINE", parsed_header, output)
- end
- def self.write_control_function_definitions(mock_name, parsed_header, output)
- output.puts "void #{mock_name}_Init(void)"
- output.puts "{"
- # In the init function, reset the FFF globals. These are used for things
- # like the call history.
- output.puts " FFF_RESET_HISTORY();"
- # Also, reset all of the fakes.
- if parsed_header[:functions]
- parsed_header[:functions].each do |function|
- output.puts " RESET_FAKE(#{function[:name]})"
- end
- end
- output.puts "}"
- output.puts "void #{mock_name}_Verify(void)"
- output.puts "{"
- output.puts "}"
- output.puts "void #{mock_name}_Destroy(void)"
- output.puts "{"
- output.puts "}"
- end
-# Shared functions.
- def self.write_extra_includes(includes, output)
- if includes
- includes.each {|inc| output.puts "#include #{inc}\n"}
- end
- end
- def self.write_function_macros(macro_type, parsed_header, output)
- return unless parsed_header.key?(:functions)
- parsed_header[:functions].each do |function|
- name = function[:name]
- return_type = function[:return][:type]
- if function.has_key? :modifier
- # Prepend any modifier. If there isn't one, trim any leading whitespace.
- return_type = "#{function[:modifier]} #{return_type}".lstrip
- end
- arg_count = function[:args].size
- # Check for variable arguments.
- var_arg_suffix = ""
- if function[:var_arg]
- # If there are are variable arguments, then we need to add this argument
- # to the count, update the suffix that will get added to the macro.
- arg_count += 1
- var_arg_suffix = "_VARARG"
- end
- # Generate the correct macro.
- if return_type == 'void'
- output.print "#{macro_type}_FAKE_VOID_FUNC#{arg_count}#{var_arg_suffix}(#{name}"
- else
- output.print "#{macro_type}_FAKE_VALUE_FUNC#{arg_count}#{var_arg_suffix}(#{return_type}, #{name}"
- end
- # Append each argument type.
- function[:args].each do |arg|
- output.print ", "
- if arg[:const?]
- output.print "const "
- end
- output.print "#{arg[:type]}"
- end
- # If this argument list ends with a variable argument, add it here at the end.
- if function[:var_arg]
- output.print ", ..."
- end
- # Close the declaration.
- output.puts ");"
- end
- end