path: root/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov
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7 files changed, 0 insertions, 541 deletions
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+Subproject f8288be03f28ad7b944e6925f49422dfa39202c
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deleted file mode 100755
index 096ffa10..00000000
--- a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Plugin Overview
-Plugin for integrating GNU GCov code coverage tool into Ceedling projects.
-Currently only designed for the gcov command (like LCOV for example). In the
-future we could configure this to work with other code coverage tools.
-This plugin currently uses `gcovr` to generate HTML and/or XML reports as a
-utility. The normal gcov plugin _must_ be run first for this report to generate.
-## Installation
-Gcovr can be installed via pip like so:
-pip install gcovr
-## Configuration
-The gcov plugin supports configuration options via your `project.yml` provided
-by Ceedling.
-Generation of HTML reports may be enabled or disabled with the following
-config. Set to `true` to enable or set to `false` to disable.
- :html_report: true
-Generation of XML reports may be enabled or disabled with the following
-config. Set to `true` to enable or set to `false` to disable.
- :xml_report: true
-There are two types of gcovr HTML reports that can be configured in your
-`project.yml`. To create a basic HTML report, with only the overall file
-information, use the following config.
- :html_report_type: basic
-To create a detailed HTML report, with line by line breakdown of the
-coverage, use the following config.
- :html_report_type: detailed
-There are a number of options to control which files are considered part of
-the coverage report. Most often, we only care about coverage on our source code, and not
-on tests or automatically generated mocks, runners, etc. However, there are times
-where this isn't true... or there are times where we've moved ceedling's directory
-structure so that the project file isn't at the root of the project anymore. In these
-cases, you may need to tweak the following:
- :report_root: "."
- :report_exclude: "^build|^vendor|^test|^support"
- :report_include: "^src"
-One important note about html_report_root: gcovr will only take a single root folder, unlike
-Ceedling's ability to take as many as you like. So you will need to choose a folder which is
-a superset of ALL the folders you want, and then use the include or exclude options to set up
-patterns of files to pay attention to or ignore. It's not ideal, but it works.
-Finally, there are a number of settings which can be specified in order to adjust the
-default behaviors of gcov:
- :html_medium_threshold: 75
- :html_high_threshold: 90
- :fail_under_line: 30
- :fail_under_branch: 30
-These HTML and XML reports will be found in `build/artifacts/gcov`.
-## Example Usage
-ceedling gcov:all utils:gcov
-## To-Do list
-- Generate overall report (combined statistics from all files with coverage)
-- Generate coverage output files
-- Easier option override for better customisation
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/assets/template.erb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/assets/template.erb
deleted file mode 100755
index 5e5a1742..00000000
--- a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/assets/template.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-% function_string = hash[:coverage][:functions].to_s
-% branch_string = hash[:coverage][:branches].to_s
-% format_string = "%#{[function_string.length, branch_string.length].max}i"
-<%=@ceedling[:plugin_reportinator].generate_banner("#{GCOV_ROOT_NAME.upcase}: CODE COVERAGE SUMMARY")%>
-% if (!hash[:coverage][:functions].nil?)
-FUNCTIONS: <%=sprintf(format_string, hash[:coverage][:functions])%>%
-% else
-% end
-% if (!hash[:coverage][:branches].nil?)
-BRANCHES: <%=sprintf(format_string, hash[:coverage][:branches])%>%
-% else
-% end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/config/defaults.yml b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/config/defaults.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index 13bac556..00000000
--- a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/config/defaults.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- :gcov_compiler:
- :executable: gcc
- :arguments:
- - -g
- - -fprofile-arcs
- - -ftest-coverage
- - -c "${1}"
- - -o "${2}"
- :gcov_linker:
- :executable: gcc
- :arguments:
- - -fprofile-arcs
- - -ftest-coverage
- - ${1}
- - -o ${2}
- - ${3}
- :gcov_fixture:
- :executable: ${1}
- :gcov_report:
- :executable: gcov
- :arguments:
- - -n
- - -p
- - -b
- - "\"${1}\""
- :gcov_post_report:
- :executable: gcovr
- :optional: TRUE
- :arguments:
- - -p
- - -b
- - ${1}
- - --html
- - -o GcovCoverageResults.html
- :gcov_post_report_basic:
- :executable: gcovr
- :optional: TRUE
- :arguments:
- - -p
- - -b
- - ${1}
- - --html
- :gcov_post_report_advanced:
- :executable: gcovr
- :optional: TRUE
- :arguments:
- - -p
- - -b
- - ${1}
- - --html
- - --html-details
- :gcov_post_report_xml:
- :executable: gcovr
- :optional: TRUE
- :arguments:
- - -p
- - -b
- - ${1}
- - --xml
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/gcov.rake b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/gcov.rake
deleted file mode 100755
index 3acab856..00000000
--- a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/gcov.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-CLEAN.include(File.join(GCOV_BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH, '*'))
-CLEAN.include(File.join(GCOV_RESULTS_PATH, '*'))
-CLEAN.include(File.join(GCOV_ARTIFACTS_PATH, '*'))
-CLEAN.include(File.join(GCOV_DEPENDENCIES_PATH, '*'))
-CLOBBER.include(File.join(GCOV_BUILD_PATH, '**/*'))
-rule(/#{GCOV_BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH}\/#{'.+\\' + EXTENSION_OBJECT}$/ => [
- proc do |task_name|
- @ceedling[:file_finder].find_compilation_input_file(task_name)
- end
- ]) do |object|
- if File.basename(object.source) =~ /^(#{PROJECT_TEST_FILE_PREFIX}|#{CMOCK_MOCK_PREFIX}|#{GCOV_IGNORE_SOURCES.join('|')})/i
- @ceedling[:generator].generate_object_file(
- object.source,
- @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_build_list_filepath(
- )
- else
- @ceedling[GCOV_SYM].generate_coverage_object_file(object.source,
- end
-rule(/#{GCOV_BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH}\/#{'.+\\' + EXTENSION_EXECUTABLE}$/) do |bin_file|
- lib_args = @ceedling[:test_invoker].convert_libraries_to_arguments()
- @ceedling[:generator].generate_executable_file(
- bin_file.prerequisites,
- lib_args,
- @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_build_map_filepath(
- )
-rule(/#{GCOV_RESULTS_PATH}\/#{'.+\\' + EXTENSION_TESTPASS}$/ => [
- proc do |task_name|
- @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_executable_filepath(task_name)
- end
- ]) do |test_result|
- @ceedling[:generator].generate_test_results(TOOLS_GCOV_FIXTURE, GCOV_SYM, test_result.source,
- proc do |task_name|
- @ceedling[:file_finder].find_compilation_input_file(task_name)
- end
- ]) do |dep|
- @ceedling[:generator].generate_dependencies_file(
- dep.source,
- File.join(GCOV_BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH, File.basename(dep.source).ext(EXTENSION_OBJECT)),
- )
-namespace GCOV_SYM do
- task source_coverage: COLLECTION_ALL_SOURCE.pathmap("#{GCOV_BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH}/%n#{@ceedling[:configurator].extension_object}")
- desc 'Run code coverage for all tests'
- task all: [:directories] do
- @ceedling[:configurator].replace_flattened_config(@ceedling[GCOV_SYM].config)
- @ceedling[:test_invoker].setup_and_invoke(COLLECTION_ALL_TESTS, GCOV_SYM)
- @ceedling[:configurator].restore_config
- end
- desc 'Run single test w/ coverage ([*] real test or source file name, no path).'
- task :* do
- message = "\nOops! '#{GCOV_ROOT_NAME}:*' isn't a real task. " \
- "Use a real test or source file name (no path) in place of the wildcard.\n" \
- "Example: rake #{GCOV_ROOT_NAME}:foo.c\n\n"
- @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts(message)
- end
- desc 'Run tests by matching regular expression pattern.'
- task :pattern, [:regex] => [:directories] do |_t, args|
- matches = []
- COLLECTION_ALL_TESTS.each do |test|
- matches << test if test =~ /#{args.regex}/
- end
- if !matches.empty?
- @ceedling[:configurator].replace_flattened_config(@ceedling[GCOV_SYM].config)
- @ceedling[:test_invoker].setup_and_invoke(matches, GCOV_SYM, force_run: false)
- @ceedling[:configurator].restore_config
- else
- @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts("\nFound no tests matching pattern /#{args.regex}/.")
- end
- end
- desc 'Run tests whose test path contains [dir] or [dir] substring.'
- task :path, [:dir] => [:directories] do |_t, args|
- matches = []
- COLLECTION_ALL_TESTS.each do |test|
- matches << test if File.dirname(test).include?('\\', '/'))
- end
- if !matches.empty?
- @ceedling[:configurator].replace_flattened_config(@ceedling[GCOV_SYM].config)
- @ceedling[:test_invoker].setup_and_invoke(matches, GCOV_SYM, force_run: false)
- @ceedling[:configurator].restore_config
- else
- @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts("\nFound no tests including the given path or path component.")
- end
- end
- desc 'Run code coverage for changed files'
- task delta: [:directories] do
- @ceedling[:configurator].replace_flattened_config(@ceedling[GCOV_SYM].config)
- @ceedling[:test_invoker].setup_and_invoke(COLLECTION_ALL_TESTS, GCOV_SYM, force_run: false)
- @ceedling[:configurator].restore_config
- end
- # use a rule to increase efficiency for large projects
- # gcov test tasks by regex
- rule(/^#{GCOV_TASK_ROOT}\S+$/ => [
- proc do |task_name|
- test = task_name.sub(/#{GCOV_TASK_ROOT}/, '')
- test = "#{PROJECT_TEST_FILE_PREFIX}#{test}" unless test.start_with?(PROJECT_TEST_FILE_PREFIX)
- @ceedling[:file_finder].find_test_from_file_path(test)
- end
- ]) do |test|
- @ceedling[:rake_wrapper][:directories].invoke
- @ceedling[:configurator].replace_flattened_config(@ceedling[GCOV_SYM].config)
- @ceedling[:test_invoker].setup_and_invoke([test.source], GCOV_SYM)
- @ceedling[:configurator].restore_config
- end
- namespace REFRESH_SYM do
- task GCOV_SYM do
- @ceedling[:configurator].replace_flattened_config(@ceedling[GCOV_SYM].config)
- @ceedling[:test_invoker].refresh_deep_dependencies
- @ceedling[:configurator].restore_config
- end
- end
-namespace UTILS_SYM do
- def gcov_args_builder(opts)
- args = ""
- args += "-r \"#{opts[:gcov_report_root] || '.'}\" "
- args += "-f \"#{opts[:gcov_report_include]}\" " unless opts[:gcov_report_include].nil?
- args += "-e \"#{opts[:gcov_report_exclude] || GCOV_FILTER_EXCLUDE}\" "
- [ :gcov_fail_under_line, :gcov_fail_under_branch, :gcov_html_medium_threshold, :gcov_html_high_threshold].each do |opt|
- args += "--#{opt.to_s.gsub('_','-').sub(/:?gcov-/,'')} #{opts[opt]} " unless opts[opt].nil?
- end
- return args
- end
- desc 'Create gcov code coverage html report (must run ceedling gcov first)'
- task GCOV_SYM do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p GCOV_ARTIFACTS_PATH
- end
- args = gcov_args_builder(@ceedling[:configurator].project_config_hash)
- if @ceedling[:configurator].project_config_hash[:gcov_html_report].nil?
- puts "In your project.yml, define: \n\n:gcov:\n :html_report:\n\n to true or false to refine this feature."
- puts "For now, assumimg you want an html report generated."
- html_enabled = true
- else
- html_enabled = @ceedling[:configurator].project_config_hash[:gcov_html_report]
- end
- if @ceedling[:configurator].project_config_hash[:gcov_xml_report].nil?
- puts "In your project.yml, define: \n\n:gcov:\n :xml_report:\n\n to true or false to refine this feature."
- puts "For now, assumimg you do not want an xml report generated."
- xml_enabled = false
- else
- xml_enabled = @ceedling[:configurator].project_config_hash[:gcov_xml_report]
- end
- if html_enabled
- if @ceedling[:configurator].project_config_hash[:gcov_html_report_type] == 'basic'
- puts "Creating a basic html report of gcov results in #{GCOV_ARTIFACTS_FILE}..."
- command = @ceedling[:tool_executor].build_command_line(TOOLS_GCOV_POST_REPORT_BASIC, [], args)
- @ceedling[:tool_executor].exec(command[:line], command[:options])
- elsif @ceedling[:configurator].project_config_hash[:gcov_html_report_type] == 'detailed'
- puts "Creating a detailed html report of gcov results in #{GCOV_ARTIFACTS_FILE}..."
- command = @ceedling[:tool_executor].build_command_line(TOOLS_GCOV_POST_REPORT_ADVANCED, [], args)
- @ceedling[:tool_executor].exec(command[:line], command[:options])
- else
- puts "In your project.yml, define: \n\n:gcov:\n :html_report_type:\n\n to basic or detailed to refine this feature."
- puts "For now, just creating basic."
- puts "Creating a basic html report of gcov results in #{GCOV_ARTIFACTS_FILE}..."
- command = @ceedling[:tool_executor].build_command_line(TOOLS_GCOV_POST_REPORT_BASIC, [], args)
- @ceedling[:tool_executor].exec(command[:line], command[:options])
- end
- end
- if xml_enabled
- puts "Creating an xml report of gcov results in #{GCOV_ARTIFACTS_FILE_XML}..."
- command = @ceedling[:tool_executor].build_command_line(TOOLS_GCOV_POST_REPORT_XML, [], filter)
- @ceedling[:tool_executor].exec(command[:line], command[:options])
- end
- puts "Done."
- end
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/lib/gcov.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/lib/gcov.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 15a1b4cf..00000000
--- a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/lib/gcov.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-require 'ceedling/plugin'
-require 'ceedling/constants'
-require 'gcov_constants'
-class Gcov < Plugin
- attr_reader :config
- def setup
- @result_list = []
- @config = {
- project_test_build_output_path: GCOV_BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH,
- project_test_build_output_c_path: GCOV_BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH,
- project_test_results_path: GCOV_RESULTS_PATH,
- project_test_dependencies_path: GCOV_DEPENDENCIES_PATH,
- defines_test: DEFINES_TEST + ['CODE_COVERAGE'],
- gcov_html_report_filter: GCOV_FILTER_EXCLUDE
- }
- @plugin_root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
- @coverage_template_all = @ceedling[:file_wrapper].read(File.join(@plugin_root, 'assets/template.erb'))
- end
- def generate_coverage_object_file(source, object)
- lib_args = @ceedling[:test_invoker].convert_libraries_to_arguments()
- compile_command =
- @ceedling[:tool_executor].build_command_line(
- @ceedling[:flaginator].flag_down(OPERATION_COMPILE_SYM, GCOV_SYM, source),
- source,
- object,
- @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_test_build_list_filepath(object),
- lib_args
- )
- @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts("Compiling #{File.basename(source)} with coverage...")
- @ceedling[:tool_executor].exec(compile_command[:line], compile_command[:options])
- end
- def post_test_fixture_execute(arg_hash)
- result_file = arg_hash[:result_file]
- if (result_file =~ /#{GCOV_RESULTS_PATH}/) && !@result_list.include?(result_file)
- @result_list << arg_hash[:result_file]
- end
- end
- def post_build
- return unless @ceedling[:task_invoker].invoked?(/^#{GCOV_TASK_ROOT}/)
- # test results
- results = @ceedling[:plugin_reportinator].assemble_test_results(@result_list)
- hash = {
- header: GCOV_ROOT_NAME.upcase,
- results: results
- }
- @ceedling[:plugin_reportinator].run_test_results_report(hash) do
- message = ''
- message = 'Unit test failures.' if results[:counts][:failed] > 0
- message
- end
- report_per_file_coverage_results(@ceedling[:test_invoker].sources)
- end
- def summary
- result_list = @ceedling[:file_path_utils].form_pass_results_filelist(GCOV_RESULTS_PATH, COLLECTION_ALL_TESTS)
- # test results
- # get test results for only those tests in our configuration and of those only tests with results on disk
- hash = {
- header: GCOV_ROOT_NAME.upcase,
- results: @ceedling[:plugin_reportinator].assemble_test_results(result_list, boom: false)
- }
- @ceedling[:plugin_reportinator].run_test_results_report(hash)
- end
- private ###################################
- def report_per_file_coverage_results(sources)
- banner = @ceedling[:plugin_reportinator].generate_banner "#{GCOV_ROOT_NAME.upcase}: CODE COVERAGE SUMMARY"
- @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts "\n" + banner
- coverage_sources = sources.clone
- coverage_sources.delete_if { |item| item =~ /#{CMOCK_MOCK_PREFIX}.+#{EXTENSION_SOURCE}$/ }
- coverage_sources.delete_if { |item| item =~ /#{GCOV_IGNORE_SOURCES.join('|')}#{EXTENSION_SOURCE}$/ }
- coverage_sources.each do |source|
- basename = File.basename(source)
- command = @ceedling[:tool_executor].build_command_line(TOOLS_GCOV_REPORT, [], [basename])
- shell_results = @ceedling[:tool_executor].exec(command[:line], command[:options])
- coverage_results = shell_results[:output]
- if coverage_results.strip =~ /(File\s+'#{Regexp.escape(source)}'.+$)/m
- report = Regexp.last_match(1).lines.to_a[1..-1].map { |line| basename + ' ' + line }.join('')
- @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts(report + "\n\n")
- end
- end
- COLLECTION_ALL_SOURCE.each do |source|
- unless coverage_sources.include?(source)
- @ceedling[:streaminator].stdout_puts("Could not find coverage results for " + source + "\n")
- end
- end
- end
-# end blocks always executed following rake run
-END {
- # cache our input configurations to use in comparison upon next execution
- @ceedling[:cacheinator].cache_test_config(@ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash) if @ceedling[:task_invoker].invoked?(/^#{GCOV_TASK_ROOT}/)
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/lib/gcov_constants.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/lib/gcov_constants.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 539d46f7..00000000
--- a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/plugins/gcov/lib/gcov_constants.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-GCOV_ROOT_NAME = 'gcov'.freeze
-GCOV_RESULTS_PATH = File.join(GCOV_BUILD_PATH, "results")
-GCOV_DEPENDENCIES_PATH = File.join(GCOV_BUILD_PATH, "dependencies")
-GCOV_ARTIFACTS_FILE = File.join(GCOV_ARTIFACTS_PATH, "GcovCoverageResults.html")
-GCOV_ARTIFACTS_FILE_XML = File.join(GCOV_ARTIFACTS_PATH, "GcovCoverageResults.xml")
-GCOV_IGNORE_SOURCES = %w(unity cmock cexception).freeze
-GCOV_FILTER_EXCLUDE = '^vendor.*|^build.*|^test.*|^lib.*'