OSO-MISC-21-017 SPI Flash Chip A1: SPI Clock (SCK) A2: Watch SDO (MOSI) A3: Chip Select (CS) A4: Watch SDI (MISO) <b>https://componentsearchengine.com</b><p> <author>Created by SamacSys</author> <b>FH19C-9S-0.5SH(10)-1</b><br> <b>0603 MicroPitch</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>OSH Park Design Rules</b> <p> Please make sure your boards conform to these design rules. </p> <p> Note, that not all DRC settings must be set by the manufacturer. Several can be adjusted for the design, including those listed on our docs page here. <a href="http://docs.oshpark.com/design-tools/eagle/design-rules-files/">Adjustable Settings</a> </p> Since Version 6.2.2 text objects can contain more than one line, which will not be processed correctly with this version.