/** * Header file for Sensor Watch application * * Ideally you should implement your app entirely within these functions, as well as any * interrupt callbacks you register with the watch API. The general flow is as follows: * * 1. main.c configures the watch * 2. main.c calls your app_init() function. * - You may wish to enable some functionality and peripherals here. * - You should definitely set up some wake-up sources here. * 3. main.c calls your app_loop() function. * - Run code and update your UI here. * 4. main.c calls your app_prepare_for_sleep() function. * - Consider resetting any state that was set in your wakeup callback here. * - You may also want to disable / depower external sensors or peripherals here. * 5. main.c enters the STANDBY sleep mode. * - No user code will run, and the watch will enter a low power mode. * - The watch will remain in this state until something from (2) wakes it. * 6. main.c calls your app_wake_from_sleep() function. * - You may wish to re-enable any peripherals you disabled. * - After this, execution resumes at step (3). */ #include "watch.h" void app_init(); void app_loop(); void app_prepare_for_sleep(); void app_wake_from_sleep();