# Leave these lines at the top of the file. # TOP should get us to the root of the project... TOP = ../.. # ...and make.mk has all the watch library sources and includes. include $(TOP)/make.mk # If you add any other subdirectories with header files you wish to include, add them after ./ # Note that you will need to add a backslash at the end of any line you wish to continue, i.e. # INCLUDES += \ # -I./ \ # -I drivers/ \ # -I utils/ INCLUDES += \ -I./ \ # If you add any other source files you wish to compile, add them after app.c # Note that you will need to add a backslash at the end of any line you wish to continue, i.e. # SRCS += \ # ./app.c \ # ./drivers/bmp280.c \ # ./utils/temperature.c SRCS += \ ./app.c \ # Leave this line at the bottom of the file; rules.mk has all the targets for making your project. include $(TOP)/rules.mk