#include #include #include "lis2dh_logging_face.h" #include "lis2dh.h" #include "watch.h" // This watch face is just for testing; if we want to build accelerometer support, it will likely have to be part of Movement itself. // The watch face only logs events when it is on screen and not in low energy mode, so you should set LE mode to Never when using it // and make it the first watch face in the list (so we come back to it from other modes). // On an interrupt, it flashes the Signal icon, and displays the axis or axes that were over the threshold. // The main display contains, from left to right, the number of interrupt events that were detected in each of the last three minutes. // Pressing the alarm button enters the log mode, where the main display shows the number of interrupts detected in each of the last // 24 hours (the hour is shown in the top right digit and AM/PM indicator, if the clock is set to 12 hour mode) void _lis2dh_logging_face_log_data(lis2dh_logger_state_t *logger_state) { watch_date_time date_time = watch_rtc_get_date_time(); size_t pos = logger_state->data_points % LIS2DH_LOGGING_NUM_DATA_POINTS; logger_state->data[pos].timestamp.reg = date_time.reg; logger_state->data[pos].interrupts = logger_state->interrupts_this_hour; logger_state->data_points++; logger_state->interrupts_this_hour = 0; } void lis2dh_logging_face_setup(movement_settings_t *settings, void ** context_ptr) { (void) settings; if (*context_ptr == NULL) { *context_ptr = malloc(sizeof(lis2dh_logger_state_t)); memset(*context_ptr, 0, sizeof(lis2dh_logger_state_t)); gpio_set_pin_direction(A0, GPIO_DIRECTION_OUT); gpio_set_pin_function(A0, GPIO_PIN_FUNCTION_OFF); gpio_set_pin_level(A0, true); watch_enable_i2c(); lis2dh_begin(); lis2dh_set_data_rate(LIS2DH_DATA_RATE_10_HZ); lis2dh_configure_aoi_int1( LIS2DH_INTERRUPT_CONFIGURATION_OR | LIS2DH_INTERRUPT_CONFIGURATION_X_HIGH_ENABLE | LIS2DH_INTERRUPT_CONFIGURATION_Y_HIGH_ENABLE | LIS2DH_INTERRUPT_CONFIGURATION_Z_HIGH_ENABLE, 96, 0, true); } } void lis2dh_logging_face_activate(movement_settings_t *settings, void *context) { (void) settings; lis2dh_logger_state_t *logger_state = (lis2dh_logger_state_t *)context; logger_state->display_index = 0; logger_state->log_ticks = 0; watch_enable_digital_input(A1); } bool tick = false; bool lis2dh_logging_face_loop(movement_event_t event, movement_settings_t *settings, void *context) { lis2dh_logger_state_t *logger_state = (lis2dh_logger_state_t *)context; lis2dh_interrupt_state interrupt_state = 0; watch_date_time date_time; char buf[14]; char time_indication_character; int8_t pos; switch (event.event_type) { case EVENT_MODE_BUTTON_UP: movement_move_to_next_face(); break; case EVENT_LIGHT_LONG_PRESS: break; case EVENT_LIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN: break; case EVENT_ALARM_BUTTON_UP: if (logger_state->log_ticks) { logger_state->display_index = (logger_state->display_index + 1) % LIS2DH_LOGGING_NUM_DATA_POINTS; } logger_state->log_ticks = 60; // fall through case EVENT_ACTIVATE: case EVENT_TICK: tick = !tick; if (watch_get_pin_level(A1)) { watch_set_indicator(WATCH_INDICATOR_SIGNAL); interrupt_state = lis2dh_get_int1_state(); logger_state->interrupts[0]++; logger_state->interrupts_this_hour++; } else { watch_clear_indicator(WATCH_INDICATOR_SIGNAL); } if (logger_state->log_ticks) { pos = (logger_state->data_points - 1 - logger_state->display_index) % LIS2DH_LOGGING_NUM_DATA_POINTS; if (pos < 0) { watch_clear_colon(); sprintf(buf, "NO data "); } else { date_time = logger_state->data[pos].timestamp; watch_set_colon(); if (settings->bit.clock_mode_24h) { watch_set_indicator(WATCH_INDICATOR_24H); } else { if (date_time.unit.hour > 11) watch_set_indicator(WATCH_INDICATOR_PM); date_time.unit.hour %= 12; if (date_time.unit.hour == 0) date_time.unit.hour = 12; } sprintf(buf, "AT%2d1n%4ld", date_time.unit.hour, logger_state->data[pos].interrupts); } } else { date_time = watch_rtc_get_date_time(); watch_clear_colon(); if ((59 - date_time.unit.second) < 10) time_indication_character = '0' + (59 - date_time.unit.second); else time_indication_character = (date_time.unit.second % 2) ? 'i' : '_'; sprintf(buf, "%c%c%c%c%2d%2d%2d", (interrupt_state & LIS2DH_INTERRUPT_STATE_Y_HIGH) ? 'Y' : ' ', (interrupt_state & LIS2DH_INTERRUPT_STATE_X_HIGH) ? 'X' : ' ', (interrupt_state & LIS2DH_INTERRUPT_STATE_Z_HIGH) ? '2' : ' ', time_indication_character, logger_state->interrupts[0], logger_state->interrupts[1], logger_state->interrupts[2]); } watch_display_string(buf, 0); break; case EVENT_BACKGROUND_TASK: _lis2dh_logging_face_log_data(logger_state); break; default: break; } return true; } void lis2dh_logging_face_resign(movement_settings_t *settings, void *context) { (void) settings; (void) context; watch_disable_digital_input(A1); } bool lis2dh_logging_face_wants_background_task(movement_settings_t *settings, void *context) { (void) settings; lis2dh_logger_state_t *logger_state = (lis2dh_logger_state_t *)context; // this is kind of an abuse of the API, but, let's use the 1 minute tick to shift all our data over. logger_state->interrupts[2] = logger_state->interrupts[1]; logger_state->interrupts[1] = logger_state->interrupts[0]; logger_state->interrupts[0] = 0; // and do our logging task at the top of the hour return watch_rtc_get_date_time().unit.minute == 0; }