/** * \file * * \brief Sync I2C Hardware Abstraction Layer(HAL) declaration. * * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ #ifndef _HAL_I2C_M_SYNC_H_INCLUDED #define _HAL_I2C_M_SYNC_H_INCLUDED #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * \addtogroup doc_driver_hal_i2c_controller_sync * * @{ */ #define I2C_M_MAX_RETRY 1 /** * \brief I2C descriptor structure, embed i2c_device & i2c_interface */ struct i2c_m_sync_desc { struct _i2c_m_sync_device device; struct io_descriptor io; uint16_t periph_addr; }; /** * \brief Initialize synchronous I2C interface * * This function initializes the given I/O descriptor to be used as a * synchronous I2C interface descriptor. * It checks if the given hardware is not initialized and if the given hardware * is permitted to be initialized. * * \param[in] i2c An I2C descriptor, which is used to communicate through I2C * \param[in] hw The pointer to hardware instance * * \return Initialization status. * \retval -1 The passed parameters were invalid or the interface is already initialized * \retval 0 The initialization is completed successfully */ int32_t i2c_m_sync_init(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c, void *hw); /** * \brief Deinitialize I2C interface * * This function deinitializes the given I/O descriptor. * It checks if the given hardware is initialized and if the given hardware is permitted to be deinitialized. * * \param[in] i2c An I2C descriptor, which is used to communicate through I2C * * \return Uninitialization status. * \retval -1 The passed parameters were invalid or the interface is already deinitialized * \retval 0 The de-initialization is completed successfully */ int32_t i2c_m_sync_deinit(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c); /** * \brief Set the peripheral device address * * This function sets the next transfer target peripheral I2C device address. * It takes no effect to any already started access. * * \param[in] i2c An I2C descriptor, which is used to communicate through I2C * \param[in] addr The peripheral address to access * \param[in] addr_len The peripheral address length, can be I2C_M_TEN or I2C_M_SEVEN * * \return Masked peripheral address. The mask is a maximum 10-bit address, and 10th * bit is set if a 10-bit address is used */ int32_t i2c_m_sync_set_periphaddr(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c, int16_t addr, int32_t addr_len); /** * \brief Set baudrate * * This function sets the I2C device to the specified baudrate. * It only takes effect when the hardware is disabled. * * \param[in] i2c An I2C descriptor, which is used to communicate through I2C * \param[in] clkrate Unused parameter. Should always be 0 * \param[in] baudrate The baudrate value set to controller * * \return Whether successfully set the baudrate * \retval -1 The passed parameters were invalid or the device is already enabled * \retval 0 The baudrate set is completed successfully */ int32_t i2c_m_sync_set_baudrate(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c, uint32_t clkrate, uint32_t baudrate); /** * \brief Sync version of enable hardware * * This function enables the I2C device, and then waits for this enabling operation to be done * * \param[in] i2c An I2C descriptor, which is used to communicate through I2C * * \return Whether successfully enable the device * \retval -1 The passed parameters were invalid or the device enable failed * \retval 0 The hardware enabling is completed successfully */ int32_t i2c_m_sync_enable(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c); /** * \brief Sync version of disable hardware * * This function disables the I2C device and then waits for this disabling operation to be done * * \param[in] i2c An I2C descriptor, which is used to communicate through I2C * * \return Whether successfully disable the device * \retval -1 The passed parameters were invalid or the device disable failed * \retval 0 The hardware disabling is completed successfully */ int32_t i2c_m_sync_disable(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c); /** * \brief Sync version of write command to I2C peripheral * * This function will write the value to a specified register in the I2C peripheral device and * then wait for this operation to be done. * * The sequence of this routine is * sta->address(write)->ack->reg address->ack->resta->address(write)->ack->reg value->nack->stt * * \param[in] i2c An I2C descriptor, which is used to communicate through I2C * \param[in] reg The internal address/register of the I2C peripheral device * \param[in] buffer The buffer holding data to write to the I2C peripheral device * \param[in] length The length (in bytes) to write to the I2C peripheral device * * \return Whether successfully write to the device * \retval <0 The passed parameters were invalid or write fail * \retval 0 Writing to register is completed successfully */ int32_t i2c_m_sync_cmd_write(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length); /** * \brief Sync version of read register value from I2C peripheral * * This function will read a byte value from a specified register in the I2C peripheral device and * then wait for this operation to be done. * * The sequence of this routine is * sta->address(write)->ack->reg address->ack->resta->address(read)->ack->reg value->nack->stt * * \param[in] i2c An I2C descriptor, which is used to communicate through I2C * \param[in] reg The internal address/register of the I2C peripheral device * \param[in] buffer The buffer to hold the read data from the I2C peripheral device * \param[in] length The length (in bytes) to read from the I2C peripheral device * * \return Whether successfully read from the device * \retval <0 The passed parameters were invalid or read fail * \retval 0 Reading from register is completed successfully */ int32_t i2c_m_sync_cmd_read(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length); /** * \brief Sync version of transfer message to/from the I2C peripheral * * This function will transfer a message between the I2C peripheral and the controller. * This function will wait for the operation to be done. * * \param[in] i2c An I2C descriptor, which is used to communicate through I2C * \param[in] msg An i2c_m_msg struct * * \return The status of the operation * \retval 0 Operation completed successfully * \retval <0 Operation failed */ int32_t i2c_m_sync_transfer(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *const i2c, struct _i2c_m_msg *msg); /** * \brief Sync version of send stop condition on the i2c bus * * This function will create a stop condition on the i2c bus to release the bus * * \param[in] i2c An I2C descriptor, which is used to communicate through I2C * * \return The status of the operation * \retval 0 Operation completed successfully * \retval <0 Operation failed */ int32_t i2c_m_sync_send_stop(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *const i2c); /** * \brief Return I/O descriptor for this I2C instance * * This function will return a I/O instance for this I2C driver instance * * \param[in] i2c_m_sync_desc An I2C descriptor, which is used to communicate through I2C * \param[in] io_descriptor A pointer to an I/O descriptor pointer type * * \return Error code * \retval 0 No error detected * \retval <0 Error code */ int32_t i2c_m_sync_get_io_descriptor(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *const i2c, struct io_descriptor **io); /** * \brief Retrieve the current driver version * * \return Current driver version. */ uint32_t i2c_m_sync_get_version(void); /**@}*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif