/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2020 Joey Castillo * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _WATCH_RTC_H_INCLUDED #define _WATCH_RTC_H_INCLUDED ////< @file watch_rtc.h #include "watch.h" #include "hpl_calendar.h" /** @addtogroup rtc Real-Time Clock * @brief This section covers functions related to the SAM L22's real-time clock peripheral, including * date, time and alarm functions. * @details The real-time clock is the only peripheral that main.c enables for you. It is the cornerstone * of low power operation on the watch, and it is required for several key functions that we * assume will be available, namely the wake from BACKUP mode and the callback on the ALARM button. * It is also required for the operation of the 1 Hz tick interrupt, which you will most likely use * to wake from STANDBY mode. */ /// @{ #define WATCH_RTC_REFERENCE_YEAR (2020) typedef union { struct { uint32_t second : 6; // 0-59 uint32_t minute : 6; // 0-59 uint32_t hour : 5; // 0-23 uint32_t day : 5; // 1-31 uint32_t month : 4; // 1-12 uint32_t year : 6; // 0-63 (representing 2020-2083) } unit; uint32_t reg; // the bit-packed value as expected by the RTC peripheral's CLOCK register. } watch_date_time; typedef enum watch_rtc_alarm_match { ALARM_MATCH_DISABLED = 0, ALARM_MATCH_SS, ALARM_MATCH_MMSS, ALARM_MATCH_HHMMSS, } watch_rtc_alarm_match; /** @brief Called by main.c to check if the RTC is enabled. * You may call this function, but outside of app_init, it should always return true. */ bool _watch_rtc_is_enabled(); /** @brief Sets the date and time. * @param date_time The date and time you wish to set, with a year value from 0-63 representing 2020-2083. * @note The SAM L22 stores the year as six bits representing a value from 0 to 63. It treats this as a year * offset from a reference year, which must be a leap year. Since 2020 was a leap year, and it allows * useful dates through 2083, it is assumed that watch apps will use 2020 as the reference year; thus * 1 means 2021, 2 means 2022, etc. **You will be responsible for handling this offset in your code**, * if the calendar year is needed for timestamp calculation logic or display purposes. */ void watch_rtc_set_date_time(watch_date_time date_time); /** @brief Returns the date and time. * @return A watch_date_time with the current date and time, with a year value from 0-63 representing 2020-2083. * @see watch_rtc_set_date_time for notes about how the year is stored. */ watch_date_time watch_rtc_get_date_time(); /** @brief Registers an alarm callback that will be called when the RTC time matches the target time, as masked * by the provided mask. * @param callback The function you wish to have called when the alarm fires. If this value is NULL, the alarm * interrupt will still be enabled, but no callback function will be called. * @param alarm_time The time that you wish to match. The date is currently ignored. * @param mask One of the values in watch_rtc_alarm_match indicating which values to check. * @details The alarm interrupt is a versatile tool for scheduling events in the future, especially since it can * wake the device from both shallow and deep sleep modes. The key to its versatility is the mask * parameter. Suppose we set an alarm for midnight, 00:00:00. * * if mask is ALARM_MATCH_SS, the alarm will fire every minute when the clock ticks to seconds == 0. * * with ALARM_MATCH_MMSS, the alarm will once an hour, at the top of each hour. * * with ALARM_MATCH_HHMMSS, the alarm will fire at midnight every day. * In theory the SAM L22's alarm function can match on days, months and even years, but I have not had * success with this yet; as such, I am omitting these options for now. */ void watch_rtc_register_alarm_callback(ext_irq_cb_t callback, watch_date_time alarm_time, watch_rtc_alarm_match mask); /** @brief Disables the alarm callback. */ void watch_rtc_disable_alarm_callback(); /** @brief Registers a "tick" callback that will be called once per second. * @param callback The function you wish to have called when the clock ticks. If you pass in NULL, the tick * interrupt will still be enabled, but no callback function will be called. * @note this is equivalent to calling watch_rtc_register_periodic_callback with a frequency of 1. It can be * disabled with either watch_rtc_disable_tick_callback() or watch_rtc_disable_periodic_callback(1), * and will also be disabled when watch_rtc_disable_all_periodic_callbacks is called. */ void watch_rtc_register_tick_callback(ext_irq_cb_t callback); /** @brief Disables the tick callback for the given period. */ void watch_rtc_disable_tick_callback(); /** @brief Registers a callback that will be called at a configurable period. * @param callback The function you wish to have called at the specified period. If you pass in NULL, the periodic * interrupt will still be enabled, but no callback function will be called. * @param frequency The frequency of the tick in Hz. **Must be a power of 2**, from 1 to 128 inclusive. * @note A 1 Hz tick (@see watch_rtc_register_tick_callback) is suitable for most applications, in that it gives you a * chance to update the display once a second — an ideal update rate for a watch! If however you are displaying * a value (such as an accelerometer output) that updates more frequently than once per second, you may want to * tick at 16 or 32 Hz to update the screen more quickly. Just remember that the more frequent the tick, the more * power your app will consume. Ideally you should enable the fast tick only when the user requires it (i.e. in * response to an input event), and move back to the slow tick after some time. * * Also note that the RTC peripheral does not have sub-second resolution, so even if you set a 2 or 4 Hz interval, * the system will not have any way of telling you where you are within a given second; watch_rtc_get_date_time * will return the exact same timestamp until the second ticks over. */ void watch_rtc_register_periodic_callback(ext_irq_cb_t callback, uint8_t frequency); /** @brief Disables the tick callback for the given period. * @param frequency The frequency of the tick you wish to disable, in Hz. **Must be a power of 2**, from 1 to 128. */ void watch_rtc_disable_periodic_callback(uint8_t frequency); /** @brief Disables all periodic callbacks, including the once-per-second tick callback. */ void watch_rtc_disable_all_periodic_callbacks(); /** @brief Sets the system date and time. * @param date_time A struct representing the date and time you wish to set. */ __attribute__((deprecated("Use watch_rtc_set_date_time function instead"))) void watch_set_date_time(struct calendar_date_time date_time); /** @brief Returns the system date and time in the provided struct. * @param date_time A pointer to a calendar_date_time struct. It will have with the correct date and time on return. */ __attribute__((deprecated("Use the watch_rtc_get_date_time function instead"))) void watch_get_date_time(struct calendar_date_time *date_time); /** @brief Registers a "tick" callback that will be called once per second. * @param callback The function you wish to have called when the clock ticks. If you pass in NULL, the tick * interrupt will still be enabled, but no callback function will be called. */ __attribute__((deprecated("Use the watch_rtc_register_tick_callback function instead"))) void watch_register_tick_callback(ext_irq_cb_t callback); /// @} #endif