path: root/Demos/Host
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Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Update Doxygen confiuration files to 1.8.8.Dean Camera2014-08-2429-406/+1015
* Upgrade to latest Doxygen.Dean Camera2014-04-2129-783/+986
* Rename all Doxygen.conf file to doxyfile and distribute them in the Atmel Stu...Dean Camera2014-01-0858-0/+29
* Update copyrights for 2014.Dean Camera2014-01-04170-321/+321
* Upgrade Doxygen configuration files to the latest version.Dean Camera2013-12-2629-232/+899
* Update to latest Doxygen configurations, patch Doxygen->Docbook transform due...Dean Camera2013-08-2329-27260/+38715
* Add host application directories as distributables in Atmel Studio.Dean Camera2013-08-141-0/+129-58/+58
* Update Atmel Studio core board templates to use different templates for each ...Dean Camera2013-01-2729-29/+29
* Upgrade Doxygen configuration files to the latest version.Dean Camera2013-01-2029-261/+406
* Fix typo in the Host RNDISEthernet low level demo.Dean Camera2013-01-191-1/+1
* Move out dummy board module and add strong-references to it in each project, ...Dean Camera2013-01-1229-0/+29
* Add Atmel Studio keywords to all project XML files.Dean Camera2013-01-1229-1/+175
* Ensure the demo and project main text files are distributed in Atmel Studio p...Dean Camera2013-01-1129-0/+58
* Alter VSIX build script to verify all referenced filenames in all modules and...Dean Camera2013-01-111-2/+2
* Update and add missing Atmel Studio project description XML files.Dean Camera2013-01-1016-2/+601
* Make sure the INF driver file is distributed in Atmel Studio projects that re...Dean Camera2013-01-091-2/+2
* Add class driver host mode demo ASF module XML files.Dean Camera2013-01-0914-0/+509
* Update copyright year to 2013.Dean Camera2013-01-03170-308/+308
* Upgrade Doxygen configuration files to the latest Doxygen version.Dean Camera2013-01-0329-290/+1914
* Minor typo corrections.Dean Camera2013-01-021-1/+1
* Minor documentation improvements.Dean Camera2012-10-05138-138/+138
* Use the framework provided GlobalInterruptEnable() function instead of the AV...Dean Camera2012-09-1728-30/+30
* Add error message for debugging purposes to the low level AudioInputHost and ...Dean Camera2012-09-142-0/+6
* Upgrade Doxygen configuration files, custom style CSS and DOXYGEN build modul...Dean Camera2012-08-1329-696/+1160
* Add help text to the project makefiles to help new users get information on t...Dean Camera2012-08-1129-0/+58
* Upgrade Doxygen configuration files to Camera2012-07-2929-174/+116
* Minor documentation fixes.Dean Camera2012-07-261-0/+3
* Use immediate variable expansion in the second-deepest level makefile scripts...Dean Camera2012-07-142-2/+2
* Rename build system module makefiles from "lufa.MODULE.in" to "lufa_MODULE.mk...Dean Camera2012-07-1429-261/+261
* Fix project makefiles - remove trailing slash from LUFA_PATH entries and the ...Dean Camera2012-07-1129-29/+29
* Fix up makefile .NOTPARALLEL heuristics so that linear building is only enfor...Dean Camera2012-07-102-8/+12
* Slightly better method of recursive make - use proper make dependencies to al...Dean Camera2012-07-102-8/+34
* Don't enforce silent output on submake - pass down the value set by the user ...Dean Camera2012-06-242-4/+4
* Add svn:eol-style property on all source files where it was missing. Fix line...Dean Camera2012-06-212-308/+308
* Add HID bootloader build module (thanks to Stefan Hellermann).Dean Camera2012-06-2129-0/+29
* Add OBJDIR optional build variable to the BULD build system module, to allow ...Dean Camera2012-06-102-0/+4
* Spell check source code, fix mistakes.Dean Camera2012-06-092-2/+2
* Fix typos in recursive make rules.Dean Camera2012-06-042-2/+2
* Add new ATPROGRAM build system module. Add ATPROGRAM and CPPCHECK modules to ...Dean Camera2012-06-0429-0/+58