path: root/demos/applications/justget10/jg10.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/applications/justget10/jg10.c')
1 files changed, 501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/applications/justget10/jg10.c b/demos/applications/justget10/jg10.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ea4e951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/applications/justget10/jg10.c
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+#include "gfx.h"
+#include "src/gwin/gwin_class.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "jg10.h"
+GEventMouse ev;
+GHandle mainWin, Jg10SelectWidget;
+typedef struct jg10WidgetObject_t {
+ GWidgetObject w; // Base Class
+} jg10WidgetObject;
+GHandle jg10SelectionWidgetGCreate(GDisplay* g, jg10WidgetObject* wo, GWidgetInit* pInit);
+#define jg10SelectionWidgetCreate(wo, pInit) jg10SelectionWidgetGCreate(GDISP, wo, pInit)
+typedef struct { // Node properties
+ uint8_t num; // Node number
+ bool_t check; // Node needs to be checked or not
+ bool_t sel; // Node selected or not
+} nodeProps;
+nodeProps jg10Field[JG10_FIELD_WIDTH][JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT]; // jg10 field array
+bool_t jg10GameOver = FALSE;
+const char *jg10Graph[] = {"background.bmp", "1.bmp","2.bmp","3.bmp","4.bmp","5.bmp","6.bmp","7.bmp","8.bmp", "9.bmp", "10.bmp", "11.bmp", "12.bmp", "13.bmp", "14.bmp", "15.bmp", "16.bmp", "17.bmp", "18.bmp", "19.bmp", "20.bmp"}; // 21 elements (0-20)
+gdispImage jg10Image[JG10_MAX_COUNT];
+#define JG10_ANIM_IMAGES 5
+#define JG10_ANIM_DELAY 60
+const char *jg10GraphAnim[] = {"a1.bmp","a2.bmp","a3.bmp","a4.bmp","background.bmp"}; // 5 elements (0-4)
+gdispImage jg10ImageAnim[JG10_ANIM_IMAGES];
+uint8_t jg10MaxVal=4; // Max value in field...
+font_t font;
+GTimer jg10SplashBlink;
+bool_t jg10SplashTxtVisible = FALSE;
+gdispImage jg10SplashImage;
+static void initRng(void) {
+ srand(gfxSystemTicks());
+static uint32_t randomInt(uint32_t max) {
+ return rand() % max;
+static int uitoa(unsigned int value, char * buf, int max) {
+ int n = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ int tmp = 0;
+ if (!buf) return -3;
+ if (2 > max) return -4;
+ i=1;
+ tmp = value;
+ if (0 > tmp) {
+ tmp *= -1;
+ i++;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ tmp /= 10;
+ if (0 >= tmp) break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i >= max) {
+ buf[0] = '?';
+ buf[1] = 0x0;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ n = i;
+ tmp = value;
+ if (0 > tmp) {
+ tmp *= -1;
+ }
+ buf[i--] = 0x0;
+ for (;;) {
+ buf[i--] = (tmp % 10) + '0';
+ tmp /= 10;
+ if (0 >= tmp) break;
+ }
+ if (-1 != i) {
+ buf[i--] = '-';
+ }
+ return n;
+static bool_t inRange(int16_t x, int16_t y) {
+ if ((x >= 0) && (x < JG10_FIELD_WIDTH) && (y >= 0) && (y < JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT)) return TRUE; else return FALSE;
+static void clean_SelCheck(void) {
+ uint16_t i ,j;
+ for (i = 0; i < JG10_FIELD_WIDTH; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT; j++) {
+ jg10Field[i][j].check = FALSE;
+ jg10Field[i][j].sel = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+static void remove_Selected(void) {
+ uint16_t i ,j, step;
+ systemticks_t delay_start = 0;
+ systemticks_t delay=0;
+ for (step = 0; step < JG10_ANIM_IMAGES; step++) {
+ delay_start = gfxSystemTicks();
+ for (i = 0; i < JG10_FIELD_WIDTH; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT; j++) {
+ if (jg10Field[i][j].sel) {
+ gdispImageDraw(&jg10ImageAnim[step], (i*JG10_CELL_HEIGHT)+1, (j*JG10_CELL_WIDTH)+1, JG10_CELL_WIDTH, JG10_CELL_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delay = gfxSystemTicks()-delay_start;
+ if (delay <= JG10_ANIM_DELAY) {
+ gfxSleepMilliseconds(JG10_ANIM_DELAY-delay);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < JG10_FIELD_WIDTH; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT; j++) {
+ if (jg10Field[i][j].sel) {
+ jg10Field[i][j].sel = FALSE;
+ jg10Field[i][j].num = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// gwinRedraw(mainWin);
+static uint8_t jg10_randomer(uint8_t max, uint8_t th) {
+ uint32_t r = randomInt((1<<max)-1);
+ if (r != 0) {
+ for (int8_t i = max; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (r >= (uint32_t)(1<<i)) {
+ if ((max-i) >= th) {
+ return randomInt(max-i)+1;
+ } else {
+ return randomInt(th)+1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return randomInt(max-1)+1;
+static void movePiecesDown(void) {
+ uint8_t tmp = 0;
+ bool_t needToCheck = TRUE;
+ while (needToCheck) {
+ needToCheck = FALSE;
+ for (int8_t y = (JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT-1); y >= 0; y--) {
+ for (uint8_t x = 0; x < JG10_FIELD_WIDTH; x++) {
+ if (jg10Field[x][y].num == 0) {
+ // check if there is at least single none empty piece
+ tmp = 0;
+ for (int8_t tmpy = y; tmpy >= 0; tmpy--) {
+ if (jg10Field[x][tmpy].num != 0) tmp++;
+ }
+ if (tmp != 0) {
+ for (int8_t tmpy = y; tmpy > 0; tmpy--) {
+ jg10Field[x][tmpy].num = jg10Field[x][tmpy-1].num;
+ }
+ jg10Field[x][0].num = 0;
+ needToCheck = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gwinRedraw(mainWin);
+ // Add new pieces
+ needToCheck = TRUE;
+ while (needToCheck) {
+ needToCheck = FALSE;
+ for (int8_t y = (JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT-1); y >= 0; y--) {
+ for (uint8_t x = 0; x < JG10_FIELD_WIDTH; x++) {
+ if (jg10Field[x][y].num == 0) {
+ for (int8_t tmpy = y; tmpy > 0; tmpy--) {
+ jg10Field[x][tmpy].num = jg10Field[x][tmpy-1].num;
+ }
+ jg10Field[x][0].num = jg10_randomer(jg10MaxVal, 3);
+ needToCheck = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gwinRedraw(mainWin);
+ gfxSleepMilliseconds(50);
+ }
+static bool_t checkForPossibleMove(void) {
+ bool_t canMove = FALSE;
+ uint16_t i ,j;
+ for (i = 0; i < JG10_FIELD_WIDTH; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT; j++) {
+ if ((inRange(i,j-1) && jg10Field[i][j-1].num == jg10Field[i][j].num) ||
+ (inRange(i-1,j) && jg10Field[i-1][j].num == jg10Field[i][j].num) ||
+ (inRange(i,j+1) && jg10Field[i][j+1].num == jg10Field[i][j].num) ||
+ (inRange(i+1,j) && jg10Field[i+1][j].num == jg10Field[i][j].num)) {
+ canMove = TRUE;
+ return canMove;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return canMove;
+static void printGameOver(void) {
+ gdispFillArea(JG10_TOTAL_FIELD_WIDTH, (gdispGetHeight()/2)-10, gdispGetWidth()-JG10_TOTAL_FIELD_WIDTH, 80, Black);
+ if (jg10GameOver) {
+ gdispDrawString(JG10_TOTAL_FIELD_WIDTH+((gdispGetWidth()-JG10_TOTAL_FIELD_WIDTH)/2)-(gdispGetStringWidth("Game Over", font)/2), gdispGetHeight()/2, "Game Over", font, White);
+ }
+static void printCongrats(void) {
+ char pps_str[3];
+ gdispFillArea(JG10_TOTAL_FIELD_WIDTH, (gdispGetHeight()/2)-10, gdispGetWidth()-JG10_TOTAL_FIELD_WIDTH, 80, Black);
+ gdispDrawString(JG10_TOTAL_FIELD_WIDTH+((gdispGetWidth()-JG10_TOTAL_FIELD_WIDTH)/2)-(gdispGetStringWidth("Congrats, now try to get", font)/2), gdispGetHeight()/2, "Congrats, now try to get", font, White);
+ uitoa(jg10MaxVal+1, pps_str, sizeof(pps_str));
+ gdispDrawString(JG10_TOTAL_FIELD_WIDTH+((gdispGetWidth()-JG10_TOTAL_FIELD_WIDTH)/2)-(gdispGetStringWidth(pps_str, font)/2), (gdispGetHeight()/2)+20, pps_str, font, Red);
+static DECLARE_THREAD_FUNCTION(thdJg10, msg) {
+ (void)msg;
+ uint16_t x,y;
+ while (!jg10GameOver) {
+ srand(gfxSystemTicks());
+ ginputGetMouseStatus(0, &ev);
+ if (ev.buttons & GINPUT_MOUSE_BTN_LEFT) {
+ x = ev.x/JG10_CELL_WIDTH;
+ y = ev.y/JG10_CELL_HEIGHT;
+ if (x < JG10_FIELD_WIDTH && y < JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT) {
+ while (ev.buttons & GINPUT_MOUSE_BTN_LEFT) { // Wait until release
+ ginputGetMouseStatus(0, &ev);
+ }
+ if (!jg10Field[x][y].sel) {
+ // Check if we have at least two
+ if ((inRange(x,y-1) && jg10Field[x][y-1].num == jg10Field[x][y].num) ||
+ (inRange(x-1,y) && jg10Field[x-1][y].num == jg10Field[x][y].num) ||
+ (inRange(x,y+1) && jg10Field[x][y+1].num == jg10Field[x][y].num) ||
+ (inRange(x+1,y) && jg10Field[x+1][y].num == jg10Field[x][y].num)) {
+ gwinSetVisible(Jg10SelectWidget, FALSE);
+ clean_SelCheck();
+ jg10Field[x][y].check = TRUE;
+ gwinSetVisible(Jg10SelectWidget, TRUE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // already selected section clicked...
+ jg10Field[x][y].num++;
+ if (jg10Field[x][y].num > jg10MaxVal) {
+ jg10MaxVal = jg10Field[x][y].num;
+ if (jg10MaxVal >= 10) printCongrats();
+ if (jg10MaxVal == 20) { // Just in case someone got so far :D I cannot imaginge though
+ jg10GameOver = TRUE;
+ printGameOver();
+ }
+ }
+ jg10Field[x][y].sel = FALSE;
+ gwinSetVisible(Jg10SelectWidget, FALSE);
+ remove_Selected();
+ movePiecesDown();
+ if (checkForPossibleMove()) {
+ clean_SelCheck();
+ //gwinRedraw(mainWin);
+ } else {
+ jg10GameOver = TRUE;
+ printGameOver();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void initField(void) {
+ jg10MaxVal = 4;
+ for (uint8_t x = 0; x < JG10_FIELD_WIDTH; x++) {
+ for (uint8_t y = 0; y < JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT; y++) {
+ jg10Field[x][y].num = randomInt(jg10MaxVal)+1;
+ //jg10Field[x][y].num = 1; // good for animation testing
+ //jg10Field[x][y].num = x+x+5; // good to get high score fast
+ //jg10Field[x][y].num = x+y+5; // good demo to check out pieces :D
+ jg10Field[x][y].check = FALSE;
+ jg10Field[x][y].sel = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ jg10GameOver = FALSE;
+ printGameOver();
+static void mainWinDraw(GWidgetObject* gw, void* param) {
+ (void)param;
+ for (uint8_t x = 0; x < JG10_FIELD_WIDTH; x++) {
+ for (uint8_t y = 0; y < JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT; y++) {
+ gdispGImageDraw(gw->g.display, &jg10Image[jg10Field[x][y].num], (x*JG10_CELL_HEIGHT)+1, (y*JG10_CELL_WIDTH)+1, JG10_CELL_WIDTH, JG10_CELL_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+static void jg10SelectionWidget_Draw(GWidgetObject* gw, void* param) {
+ int16_t x, y;
+ bool_t needToCheck = TRUE;
+ (void)param;
+ while (needToCheck) {
+ needToCheck = FALSE;
+ for (x = 0; x < JG10_FIELD_WIDTH; x++) {
+ for (y = 0; y < JG10_FIELD_HEIGHT; y++) {
+ if (jg10Field[x][y].check && !jg10Field[x][y].sel) {
+ jg10Field[x][y].sel = TRUE;
+ jg10Field[x][y].check = FALSE;
+ // Up
+ if (inRange(x, y-1) && !jg10Field[x][y-1].sel && (jg10Field[x][y-1].num == jg10Field[x][y].num)) {
+ jg10Field[x][y-1].check = TRUE;
+ needToCheck = TRUE;
+ } else if (!inRange(x, y-1) || (inRange(x, y-1) && !jg10Field[x][y-1].sel)) {
+ // We need longer line if this is wide corner inside shape
+ if (inRange(x+1, y) && inRange(x+1, y-1) && (jg10Field[x][y].num == jg10Field[x+1][y].num) && (jg10Field[x][y].num == jg10Field[x+1][y-1].num)) {
+ gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, (x*JG10_CELL_WIDTH)+1, (y*JG10_CELL_HEIGHT)+1, JG10_CELL_WIDTH+2, 2, JG10_SEL_COLOR);
+ } else {
+ gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, (x*JG10_CELL_WIDTH)+1, (y*JG10_CELL_HEIGHT)+1, JG10_CELL_WIDTH, 2, JG10_SEL_COLOR);
+ }
+ }
+ // Down
+ if (inRange(x, y+1) && !jg10Field[x][y+1].sel && (jg10Field[x][y+1].num == jg10Field[x][y].num)) {
+ jg10Field[x][y+1].check = TRUE;
+ needToCheck = TRUE;
+ } else if (!inRange(x, y+1) || (inRange(x, y+1) && !jg10Field[x][y+1].sel)) {
+ // We need longer line if this is wide corner inside shape
+ if (inRange(x-1, y) && inRange(x-1, y+1) && (jg10Field[x][y].num == jg10Field[x-1][y].num) && (jg10Field[x][y].num == jg10Field[x-1][y+1].num)) {
+ gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, (x*JG10_CELL_WIDTH)-1, ((y+1)*JG10_CELL_HEIGHT)-1, JG10_CELL_WIDTH+2, 2, JG10_SEL_COLOR);
+ } else {
+ gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, (x*JG10_CELL_WIDTH)+1, ((y+1)*JG10_CELL_HEIGHT)-1, JG10_CELL_WIDTH, 2, JG10_SEL_COLOR);
+ }
+ }
+ // Left
+ if (inRange(x-1, y) && !jg10Field[x-1][y].sel && (jg10Field[x-1][y].num == jg10Field[x][y].num)) {
+ jg10Field[x-1][y].check = TRUE;
+ needToCheck = TRUE;
+ } else if (!inRange(x-1, y) || (inRange(x-1, y) && !jg10Field[x-1][y].sel)) {
+ // We need longer line if this is wide corner inside shape
+ if (inRange(x, y-1) && inRange(x-1, y-1) && (jg10Field[x][y].num == jg10Field[x][y-1].num) && (jg10Field[x][y].num == jg10Field[x-1][y-1].num)) {
+ gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, (x*JG10_CELL_WIDTH)+1, (y*JG10_CELL_HEIGHT)-1, 2, JG10_CELL_HEIGHT+2, JG10_SEL_COLOR);
+ } else {
+ gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, (x*JG10_CELL_WIDTH)+1, (y*JG10_CELL_HEIGHT)+1, 2, JG10_CELL_HEIGHT, JG10_SEL_COLOR);
+ }
+ }
+ // Right
+ if (inRange(x+1, y) && !jg10Field[x+1][y].sel && (jg10Field[x+1][y].num == jg10Field[x][y].num)) {
+ jg10Field[x+1][y].check = TRUE;
+ needToCheck = TRUE;
+ } else if (!inRange(x+1, y) || (inRange(x+1, y) && !jg10Field[x+1][y].sel)) {
+ // We need longer line if this is wide corner inside shape
+ if (inRange(x, y+1) && inRange(x+1, y+1) && (jg10Field[x][y].num == jg10Field[x][y+1].num) && (jg10Field[x][y].num == jg10Field[x+1][y+1].num)) {
+ gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, ((x+1)*JG10_CELL_WIDTH)-1, (y*JG10_CELL_HEIGHT)+1, 2, JG10_CELL_HEIGHT+2, JG10_SEL_COLOR);
+ } else {
+ gdispGFillArea(gw->g.display, ((x+1)*JG10_CELL_WIDTH)-1, (y*JG10_CELL_HEIGHT)+1, 2, JG10_CELL_HEIGHT, JG10_SEL_COLOR);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static const gwidgetVMT jg10SelectionWidgetVMT = {
+ {
+ "jg10SelectionWidget", // The classname
+ sizeof(jg10WidgetObject), // The object size
+ _gwidgetDestroy, // The destroy routine
+ _gwidgetRedraw, // The redraw routine
+ 0, // The after-clear routine
+ },
+ jg10SelectionWidget_Draw, // The default drawing routine
+ {
+ 0, // Process mouse down events
+ 0, // Process mouse up events
+ 0, // Process mouse move events
+ },
+ #endif
+ {
+ 0 // Process keyboard events
+ },
+ #endif
+ {
+ 0, // Toggle role
+ 0, // Assign Toggles
+ 0, // Get Toggles
+ 0, // Process toggle off events
+ 0, // Process toggle on events
+ },
+ #endif
+ {
+ 0, // No dial roles
+ 0, // Assign Dials
+ 0, // Get Dials
+ 0, // Process dial move events
+ },
+ #endif
+GHandle jg10SelectionWidgetGCreate(GDisplay* g, jg10WidgetObject* wo, GWidgetInit* pInit) {
+ if (!(wo = (jg10WidgetObject*)_gwidgetCreate(g, &wo->w, pInit, &jg10SelectionWidgetVMT))) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ gwinSetVisible((GHandle)wo, pInit->g.show);
+ return (GHandle)wo;
+static void createMainWin(void) {
+ GWidgetInit wi;
+ gwinWidgetClearInit(&wi);
+ // Container - mainWin
+ wi.g.show = FALSE;
+ wi.g.x = 0;
+ wi.g.y = 0;
+ wi.g.width = gdispGetWidth();
+ wi.g.height = gdispGetHeight();
+ wi.g.parent = 0;
+ wi.text = "Container";
+ wi.customDraw = mainWinDraw;
+ wi.customParam = 0;
+ wi.customStyle = 0;
+ mainWin = gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, 0);
+ // create selection widget
+ wi.g.show = FALSE;
+ wi.g.x = 0;
+ wi.g.y = 0;
+ wi.g.width = 272;
+ wi.g.height = 480;
+ wi.g.parent = mainWin;
+ wi.customDraw = jg10SelectionWidget_Draw;
+ Jg10SelectWidget = jg10SelectionWidgetCreate(0, &wi);
+void guiCreate(void) {
+ GWidgetInit wi;
+ gwinWidgetClearInit(&wi);
+ createMainWin();
+ gwinHide(mainWin);
+ gwinShow(mainWin);
+void jg10Start(void) {
+ gtimerStop(&jg10SplashBlink);
+ gdispClear(Black);
+ initField();
+ guiCreate();
+ gfxThreadCreate(0, 1024, NORMAL_PRIORITY, thdJg10, 0);
+ while (!jg10GameOver) {
+ gfxSleepMilliseconds(100);
+ }
+void jg10Init(void) {
+ initRng();
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < JG10_MAX_COUNT; i++) {
+ gdispImageOpenFile(&jg10Image[i], jg10Graph[i]);
+ gdispImageCache(&jg10Image[i]);
+ }
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < JG10_ANIM_IMAGES; i++) {
+ gdispImageOpenFile(&jg10ImageAnim[i], jg10GraphAnim[i]);
+ gdispImageCache(&jg10ImageAnim[i]);
+ }
+ font = gdispOpenFont("DejaVuSans16_aa");
+static void jg10SplashBlinker(void* arg) {
+ (void)arg;
+ jg10SplashTxtVisible = !jg10SplashTxtVisible;
+ if (jg10SplashTxtVisible) {
+ gdispImageOpenFile(&jg10SplashImage, "splashtxt.bmp");
+ } else {
+ gdispImageOpenFile(&jg10SplashImage, "splashclr.bmp");
+ }
+ gdispImageDraw(&jg10SplashImage, (gdispGetWidth()/2)-150+106, (gdispGetHeight()/2)-100+168, 89, 9, 0, 0);
+ gdispImageClose(&jg10SplashImage);
+void jg10ShowSplash(void) {
+ gdispImageOpenFile(&jg10SplashImage, "splash.bmp");
+ gdispImageDraw(&jg10SplashImage, (gdispGetWidth()/2)-150, (gdispGetHeight()/2)-100, 300, 200, 0, 0);
+ gdispImageClose(&jg10SplashImage);
+ gtimerStart(&jg10SplashBlink, jg10SplashBlinker, 0, TRUE, 400);
+#endif \ No newline at end of file