path: root/tests/hazmat/backends/test_multibackend.py
blob: cc59a8d4924fd60b5d83ef7a8c9d1dc9f2bb9eb1 (plain)
# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
# 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository
# for complete details.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from cryptography import utils
from cryptography.exceptions import (
    UnsupportedAlgorithm, _Reasons
from cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces import (
    CMACBackend, CipherBackend, DERSerializationBackend, DSABackend,
    EllipticCurveBackend, HMACBackend, HashBackend, PBKDF2HMACBackend,
    PEMSerializationBackend, RSABackend, X509Backend
from cryptography.hazmat.backends.multibackend import MultiBackend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import cmac, hashes, hmac
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec, padding
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes

from ...utils import raises_unsupported_algorithm

class DummyCipherBackend(object):
    def __init__(self, supported_ciphers):
        self._ciphers = supported_ciphers

    def cipher_supported(self, cipher, mode):
        return (type(cipher), type(mode)) in self._ciphers

    def create_symmetric_encryption_ctx(self, cipher, mode):
        if not self.cipher_supported(cipher, mode):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm("", _Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER)

    def create_symmetric_decryption_ctx(self, cipher, mode):
        if not self.cipher_supported(cipher, mode):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm("", _Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER)

class DummyHashBackend(object):
    def __init__(self, supported_algorithms):
        self._algorithms = supported_algorithms

    def hash_supported(self, algorithm):
        return type(algorithm) in self._algorithms

    def create_hash_ctx(self, algorithm):
        if not self.hash_supported(algorithm):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm("", _Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_HASH)

class DummyHMACBackend(object):
    def __init__(self, supported_algorithms):
        self._algorithms = supported_algorithms

    def hmac_supported(self, algorithm):
        return type(algorithm) in self._algorithms

    def create_hmac_ctx(self, key, algorithm):
        if not self.hmac_supported(algorithm):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm("", _Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_HASH)

class DummyPBKDF2HMACBackend(object):
    def __init__(self, supported_algorithms):
        self._algorithms = supported_algorithms

    def pbkdf2_hmac_supported(self, algorithm):
        return type(algorithm) in self._algorithms

    def derive_pbkdf2_hmac(self, algorithm, length, salt, iterations,
        if not self.pbkdf2_hmac_supported(algorithm):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm("", _Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_HASH)

class DummyRSABackend(object):
    def generate_rsa_private_key(self, public_exponent, key_size):

    def rsa_padding_supported(self, padding):

    def generate_rsa_parameters_supported(self, public_exponent, key_size):

    def load_rsa_private_numbers(self, numbers):

    def load_rsa_public_numbers(self, numbers):

class DummyDSABackend(object):
    def generate_dsa_parameters(self, key_size):

    def generate_dsa_private_key(self, parameters):

    def generate_dsa_private_key_and_parameters(self, key_size):

    def dsa_hash_supported(self, algorithm):

    def dsa_parameters_supported(self, p, q, g):

    def load_dsa_private_numbers(self, numbers):

    def load_dsa_public_numbers(self, numbers):

    def load_dsa_parameter_numbers(self, numbers):

class DummyCMACBackend(object):
    def __init__(self, supported_algorithms):
        self._algorithms = supported_algorithms

    def cmac_algorithm_supported(self, algorithm):
        return type(algorithm) in self._algorithms

    def create_cmac_ctx(self, algorithm):
        if not self.cmac_algorithm_supported(algorithm):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm("", _Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER)

class DummyEllipticCurveBackend(object):
    def __init__(self, supported_curves):
        self._curves = supported_curves

    def elliptic_curve_supported(self, curve):
        return any(
            isinstance(curve, curve_type)
            for curve_type in self._curves

    def elliptic_curve_signature_algorithm_supported(
        self, signature_algorithm, curve
        return (
            isinstance(signature_algorithm, ec.ECDSA) and
                isinstance(curve, curve_type)
                for curve_type in self._curves

    def generate_elliptic_curve_private_key(self, curve):
        if not self.elliptic_curve_supported(curve):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE)

    def load_elliptic_curve_private_numbers(self, numbers):
        if not self.elliptic_curve_supported(numbers.public_numbers.curve):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE)

    def load_elliptic_curve_public_numbers(self, numbers):
        if not self.elliptic_curve_supported(numbers.curve):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE)

class DummyPEMSerializationBackend(object):
    def load_pem_private_key(self, data, password):

    def load_pem_public_key(self, data):

class DummyDERSerializationBackend(object):
    def load_der_private_key(self, data, password):

    def load_der_public_key(self, data):

class DummyX509Backend(object):
    def load_pem_x509_certificate(self, data):

    def load_der_x509_certificate(self, data):

    def load_pem_x509_csr(self, data):

    def load_der_x509_csr(self, data):

    def create_x509_csr(self, builder, private_key, algorithm):

    def create_x509_certificate(self, builder, private_key, algorithm):

class TestMultiBackend(object):
    def test_ciphers(self):
        backend = MultiBackend([
                (algorithms.AES, modes.CBC),
        assert backend.cipher_supported(
            algorithms.AES(b"\x00" * 16), modes.CBC(b"\x00" * 16)

        cipher = Cipher(
            algorithms.AES(b"\x00" * 16),
            modes.CBC(b"\x00" * 16),

        cipher = Cipher(
            algorithms.Camellia(b"\x00" * 16),
            modes.CBC(b"\x00" * 16),
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER):
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER):

    def test_hashes(self):
        backend = MultiBackend([
        assert backend.hash_supported(hashes.MD5())

        hashes.Hash(hashes.MD5(), backend=backend)

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_HASH):
            hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA1(), backend=backend)

    def test_hmac(self):
        backend = MultiBackend([
        assert backend.hmac_supported(hashes.MD5())

        hmac.HMAC(b"", hashes.MD5(), backend=backend)

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_HASH):
            hmac.HMAC(b"", hashes.SHA1(), backend=backend)

    def test_pbkdf2(self):
        backend = MultiBackend([
        assert backend.pbkdf2_hmac_supported(hashes.MD5())

        backend.derive_pbkdf2_hmac(hashes.MD5(), 10, b"", 10, b"")

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_HASH):
            backend.derive_pbkdf2_hmac(hashes.SHA1(), 10, b"", 10, b"")

    def test_rsa(self):
        backend = MultiBackend([

            key_size=1024, public_exponent=65537


        backend.generate_rsa_parameters_supported(65537, 1024)



        backend = MultiBackend([])
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(
            backend.generate_rsa_private_key(key_size=1024, public_exponent=3)

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(
            backend.generate_rsa_parameters_supported(65537, 1024)

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(

    def test_dsa(self):
        backend = MultiBackend([


        parameters = object()

        backend.dsa_parameters_supported(1, 2, 3)

        backend = MultiBackend([])
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(
            backend.dsa_parameters_supported('p', 'q', 'g')

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(

    def test_cmac(self):
        backend = MultiBackend([

        fake_key = b"\x00" * 16

        assert backend.cmac_algorithm_supported(
            algorithms.AES(fake_key)) is True

        cmac.CMAC(algorithms.AES(fake_key), backend)

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER):
            cmac.CMAC(algorithms.TripleDES(fake_key), backend)

    def test_elliptic_curve(self):
        backend = MultiBackend([

        assert backend.elliptic_curve_supported(ec.SECT283K1()) is True

        assert backend.elliptic_curve_signature_algorithm_supported(
        ) is True




        assert backend.elliptic_curve_supported(ec.SECT163K1()) is False

        assert backend.elliptic_curve_signature_algorithm_supported(
        ) is False

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE):

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE):

        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE):

    def test_pem_serialization_backend(self):
        backend = MultiBackend([DummyPEMSerializationBackend()])

        backend.load_pem_private_key(b"keydata", None)

        backend = MultiBackend([])
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_SERIALIZATION):
            backend.load_pem_private_key(b"keydata", None)
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_SERIALIZATION):

    def test_der_serialization_backend(self):
        backend = MultiBackend([DummyDERSerializationBackend()])

        backend.load_der_private_key(b"keydata", None)

        backend = MultiBackend([])
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_SERIALIZATION):
            backend.load_der_private_key(b"keydata", None)
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_SERIALIZATION):

    def test_x509_backend(self):
        backend = MultiBackend([DummyX509Backend()])

        backend.create_x509_csr(object(), b"privatekey", hashes.SHA1())
        backend.create_x509_certificate(object(), b"privatekey", hashes.SHA1())

        backend = MultiBackend([])
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_X509):
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_X509):
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_X509):
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_X509):
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_X509):
            backend.create_x509_csr(object(), b"privatekey", hashes.SHA1())
        with raises_unsupported_algorithm(_Reasons.UNSUPPORTED_X509):
                object(), b"privatekey", hashes.SHA1()
2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 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3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 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11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 11559 11560 11561 11562 11563 11564 11565 11566 11567 11568 11569 11570 11571 11572 11573 11574 11575 11576 11577 11578 11579 11580 11581 11582 11583 11584 11585 11586 11587 11588 11589 11590 11591 11592 11593 11594 11595 11596 11597 11598 11599 11600 11601 11602 11603 11604 11605 11606 11607 11608 11609 11610 11611 11612 11613 11614 11615 11616 11617 11618 11619 11620 11621 11622 11623 11624 11625 11626 11627 11628 11629 11630 11631 11632 11633 11634 11635 11636 11637 11638 11639 11640 11641 11642 11643 11644 11645 11646 11647 11648 11649 11650 11651 11652 11653 11654 11655 11656 11657 11658 11659 11660 11661 11662 11663 11664 11665 11666 11667 11668 11669 11670 11671 11672 11673 11674 11675 11676 11677 11678 11679 11680 11681 11682 11683 11684 11685 11686 11687 11688 11689 11690 11691 11692 11693 11694 11695 11696 11697 11698 11699 11700 11701 11702 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11869 11870 11871 11872 11873 11874 11875 11876 11877 11878 11879 11880 11881 11882 11883 11884 11885 11886 11887 11888 11889 11890 11891 11892 11893 11894 11895 11896 11897 11898 11899 11900 11901 11902 11903 11904 11905 11906 11907 11908 11909 11910 11911 11912 11913 11914 11915 11916 11917 11918 11919 11920 11921 11922 11923 11924 11925 11926 11927 11928 11929 11930 11931 11932 11933 11934 11935 11936 11937 11938 11939 11940 11941 11942 11943 11944 11945 11946 11947 11948 11949 11950 11951 11952 11953 11954 11955 11956 11957 11958 11959 11960 11961 11962 11963 11964 11965 11966 11967 11968 11969 11970 11971 11972 11973 11974 11975 11976 11977 11978 11979 11980 11981 11982 11983 11984 11985 11986 11987 11988 11989 11990 11991 11992 11993 11994 11995 11996 11997 11998 11999 12000 12001 12002 12003 12004 12005 12006 12007 12008 12009 12010 12011 12012 12013 12014 12015 12016 12017 12018 12019 12020 12021 12022 12023 12024 12025 12026 12027 12028 12029 12030 12031 12032 12033 12034 12035 12036 12037 12038 12039 12040 12041 12042 12043 12044 12045 12046 12047 12048 12049 12050 12051 12052 12053 12054 12055 12056 12057 12058 12059 12060 12061 12062 12063 12064 12065 12066 12067 12068 12069 12070 12071 12072 12073 12074 12075 12076 12077 12078 12079 12080 12081 12082 12083 12084 12085 12086 12087 12088 12089 12090 12091 12092 12093 12094 12095 12096 12097 12098 12099 12100 12101 12102 12103 12104 12105 12106 12107 12108 12109 12110 12111 12112 12113 12114 12115 12116 12117 12118 12119 12120 12121 12122 12123 12124 12125 12126 12127 12128 12129 12130 12131 12132 12133 12134 12135 12136 12137 12138 12139 12140 12141 12142 12143 12144 12145 12146 12147 12148 12149 12150 12151 12152 12153 12154 12155 12156 12157 12158 12159 12160 12161 12162 12163 12164 12165 12166 12167 12168 12169 12170 12171 12172 12173 12174 12175 12176 12177 12178 12179 12180 12181 12182 12183 12184 12185 12186 12187 12188 12189 12190 12191 12192 12193 12194 12195 12196 12197 12198 12199 12200 12201 12202 12203 12204 12205 12206 12207 12208 12209 12210 12211 12212 12213 12214 12215 12216 12217 12218 12219 12220 12221 12222 12223 12224 12225 12226 12227 12228 12229 12230 12231 12232 12233 12234 12235 12236 12237 12238 12239 12240 12241 12242 12243 12244 12245 12246 12247 12248 12249 12250 12251 12252 12253 12254 12255 12256 12257 12258 12259 12260 12261 12262 12263 12264 12265 12266 12267 12268 12269 12270 12271 12272 12273 12274 12275 12276 12277 12278 12279 12280 12281 12282 12283 12284 12285 12286 12287 12288 12289 12290 12291 12292 12293 12294 12295 12296 12297 12298 12299 12300 12301 12302 12303 12304 12305 12306 12307 12308 12309 12310 12311 12312 12313 12314 12315 12316 12317 12318 12319 12320 12321 12322 12323 12324 12325 12326 12327 12328 12329 12330 12331 12332 12333 12334 12335 12336 12337 12338 12339 12340 12341 12342 12343 12344 12345 12346 12347 12348 12349 12350 12351 12352 12353 12354 12355 12356 12357 12358 12359 12360 12361 12362 12363 12364 12365 12366 12367 12368 12369 12370 12371 12372 12373 12374 12375 12376 12377 12378 12379 12380 12381 12382 12383 12384 12385 12386 12387 12388 12389 12390 12391 12392 12393 12394 12395 12396 12397 12398 12399 12400 12401 12402 12403 12404 12405 12406 12407 12408 12409 12410 12411 12412 12413 12414 12415 12416 12417 12418 12419 12420 12421 12422 12423 12424 12425 12426 12427 12428 12429 12430 12431 12432 12433 12434 12435 12436 12437 12438 12439 12440 12441 12442 12443 12444 12445 12446 12447 12448 12449 12450 12451 12452 12453 12454 12455 12456 12457 12458 12459 12460 12461 12462 12463 12464 12465 12466 12467 12468 12469 12470 12471 12472 12473 12474 12475 12476 12477 12478 12479 12480 12481 12482 12483 12484 12485 12486 12487 12488 12489 12490 12491 12492 12493 12494 12495 12496 12497 12498 12499 12500 12501 12502 12503 12504 12505 12506 12507 12508 12509 12510 12511 12512 12513 12514 12515 12516 12517 12518 12519 12520 12521 12522 12523 12524 12525 12526 12527 12528 12529 12530 12531 12532 12533 12534 12535 12536 12537 12538 12539 12540 12541 12542 12543 12544 12545 12546 12547 12548 12549 12550 12551 12552 12553 12554 12555 12556 12557 12558 12559 12560 12561 12562 12563 12564 12565 12566 12567 12568 12569 12570 12571 12572 12573 12574 12575 12576 12577 12578 12579 12580 12581 12582 12583 12584 12585 12586 12587 12588 12589 12590 12591 12592 12593 12594 12595 12596 12597 12598 12599 12600 12601 12602 12603 12604 12605 12606 12607 12608 12609 12610 12611 12612 12613 12614 12615 12616 12617 12618 12619 12620 12621 12622 12623 12624 12625 12626 12627 12628 12629 12630 12631 12632 12633 12634 12635 12636 12637 12638 12639 12640 12641 12642 12643 12644 12645 12646 12647 12648 12649 12650 12651 12652 12653 12654 12655 12656 12657 12658 12659 12660 12661 12662 12663 12664 12665 12666 12667 12668 12669 12670 12671 12672 12673 12674 12675 12676 12677 12678 12679 12680 12681 12682 12683 12684 12685 12686 12687 12688 12689 12690 12691 12692 12693 12694 12695 12696 12697 12698 12699 12700 12701 12702 12703 12704 12705 12706 12707 12708 12709 12710 12711 12712 12713 12714 12715 12716 12717 12718 12719 12720 12721 12722 12723 12724 12725 12726 12727 12728 12729 12730 12731 12732 12733 12734 12735 12736 12737 12738 12739 12740 12741 12742 12743 12744 12745 12746 12747 12748 12749 12750 12751 12752 12753 12754 12755 12756 12757 12758 12759 12760 12761 12762 12763 12764 12765 12766 12767 12768 12769 12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 12780 12781 12782 12783 12784 12785 12786 12787 12788 12789 12790 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 12802 12803 12804 12805 12806 12807 12808 12809 12810 12811 12812 12813 12814 12815 12816 12817 12818 12819 12820 12821 12822 12823 12824 12825 12826 12827 12828 12829 12830 12831 12832 12833 12834 12835 12836 12837 12838 12839 12840 12841 12842 12843 12844 12845 12846 12847 12848 12849 12850 12851 12852 12853 12854 12855 12856 12857 12858 12859 12860 12861 12862 12863 12864 12865 12866 12867 12868 12869 12870 12871 12872 12873 12874 12875 12876 12877 12878 12879 12880 12881 12882 12883 12884 12885 12886 12887 12888 12889 12890 12891 12892 12893 12894 12895 12896 12897 12898 12899 12900 12901 12902 12903 12904 12905 12906 12907 12908 12909 12910 12911 12912 12913 12914 12915 12916 12917 12918 12919 12920 12921 12922 12923 12924 12925 12926 12927 12928 12929 12930 12931 12932 12933 12934 12935 12936 12937 12938 12939 12940 12941 12942 12943 12944 12945 12946 12947 12948 12949 12950 12951 12952 12953 12954 12955 12956 12957 12958 12959 12960 12961 12962 12963 12964 12965 12966 12967 12968 12969 12970 12971 12972 12973 12974 12975 12976 12977 12978 12979 12980 12981 12982 12983 12984 12985 12986 12987 12988 12989 12990 12991 12992 12993 12994 12995 12996 12997 12998 12999 13000 13001 13002 13003 13004 13005 13006 13007 13008 13009 13010 13011 13012 13013 13014 13015 13016 13017 13018 13019 13020 13021 13022 13023 13024 13025 13026 13027 13028 13029 13030 13031 13032 13033 13034 13035 13036 13037 13038 13039 13040 13041 13042 13043 13044 13045 13046 13047 13048 13049 13050 13051 13052 13053 13054 13055 13056 13057 13058 13059 13060 13061 13062 13063 13064 13065 13066 13067 13068 13069 13070 13071 13072 13073 13074 13075 13076 13077 13078 13079 13080 13081 13082 13083 13084 13085 13086 13087 13088 13089 13090 13091 13092 13093 13094 13095 13096 13097 13098 13099 13100 13101 13102 13103 13104 13105 13106 13107 13108 13109 13110 13111 13112 13113 13114 13115 13116 13117 13118 13119 13120 13121 13122 13123 13124 13125 13126 13127 13128 13129 13130 13131 13132 13133 13134 13135 13136 13137 13138 13139 13140 13141 13142 13143 13144 13145 13146 13147 13148 13149 13150 13151 13152 13153 13154 13155 13156 13157 13158 13159 13160 13161 13162 13163 13164 13165 13166 13167 13168 13169 13170 13171 13172 13173 13174 13175 13176 13177 13178 13179 13180 13181 13182 13183 13184 13185 13186 13187 13188 13189 13190 13191 13192 13193 13194 13195 13196 13197 13198 13199 13200 13201 13202 13203 13204 13205 13206 13207 13208 13209 13210 13211 13212 13213 13214 13215 13216 13217 13218 13219 13220 13221 13222 13223 13224 13225 13226 13227 13228 13229 13230 13231 13232 13233 13234 13235 13236 13237 13238 13239 13240 13241 13242 13243 13244 13245 13246 13247 13248 13249 13250 13251 13252 13253 13254 13255 13256 13257 13258 13259 13260 13261 13262 13263 13264 13265 13266 13267 13268 13269 13270 13271 13272 13273 13274 13275 13276 13277 13278 13279 13280 13281 13282 13283 13284 13285 13286 13287 13288 13289 13290 13291 13292 13293 13294 13295 13296 13297 13298 13299 13300 13301 13302 13303 13304 13305 13306 13307 13308 13309 13310 13311 13312 13313 13314 13315 13316 13317 13318 13319 13320 13321 13322 13323 13324 13325 13326 13327 13328 13329 13330 13331 13332 13333 13334 13335 13336 13337 13338 13339 13340 13341 13342 13343 13344 13345 13346 13347 13348 13349 13350 13351 13352 13353 13354 13355 13356 13357 13358 13359 13360 13361 13362 13363 13364 13365 13366 13367 13368 13369 13370 13371 13372 13373 13374 13375 13376 13377 13378 13379 13380 13381 13382 13383 13384 13385 13386 13387 13388 13389 13390 13391 13392 13393 13394 13395 13396 13397 13398 13399 13400 13401 13402 13403 13404 13405 13406 13407 13408 13409 13410 13411 13412 13413 13414 13415 13416 13417 13418 13419 13420 13421 13422 13423 13424 13425 13426 13427 13428 13429 13430 13431 13432 13433 13434 13435 13436 13437 13438 13439 13440 13441 13442 13443 13444 13445 13446 13447 13448 13449 13450 13451 13452 13453 13454 13455 13456 13457 13458 13459 13460 13461 13462 13463 13464 13465 13466 13467 13468 13469 13470 13471 13472 13473 13474 13475 13476 13477 13478 13479 13480 13481 13482 13483 13484 13485 13486 13487 13488 13489 13490 13491 13492 13493 13494 13495 13496 13497 13498 13499 13500 13501 13502 13503 13504 13505 13506 13507 13508 13509 13510 13511 13512 13513 13514 13515 13516 13517 13518 13519 13520 13521 13522 13523 13524 13525 13526 13527 13528 13529 13530 13531 13532 13533 13534 13535 13536 13537 13538 13539 13540 13541 13542 13543 13544 13545 13546 13547 13548 13549 13550 13551 13552 13553 13554 13555 13556 13557 13558 13559 13560 13561 13562 13563 13564 13565 13566 13567 13568 13569 13570 13571 13572 13573 13574 13575 13576 13577
// tm4c123gh6pz.h - TM4C123GH6PZ Register Definitions
// Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Texas Instruments Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
//   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
//   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
//   are met:
//   Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
//   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//   Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
//   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
//   documentation and/or other materials provided with the  
//   distribution.
//   Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
//   its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
//   from this software without specific prior written permission.
// This is part of revision of the Tiva Firmware Development Package.

#ifndef __TM4C123GH6PZ_H__
#define __TM4C123GH6PZ_H__

// Interrupt assignments
#define INT_GPIOA               16          // GPIO Port A
#define INT_GPIOB               17          // GPIO Port B
#define INT_GPIOC               18          // GPIO Port C
#define INT_GPIOD               19          // GPIO Port D
#define INT_GPIOE               20          // GPIO Port E
#define INT_UART0               21          // UART0
#define INT_UART1               22          // UART1
#define INT_SSI0                23          // SSI0
#define INT_I2C0                24          // I2C0
#define INT_PWM0_FAULT          25          // PWM0 Fault
#define INT_PWM0_0              26          // PWM0 Generator 0
#define INT_PWM0_1              27          // PWM0 Generator 1
#define INT_PWM0_2              28          // PWM0 Generator 2
#define INT_QEI0                29          // QEI0
#define INT_ADC0SS0             30          // ADC0 Sequence 0
#define INT_ADC0SS1             31          // ADC0 Sequence 1
#define INT_ADC0SS2             32          // ADC0 Sequence 2
#define INT_ADC0SS3             33          // ADC0 Sequence 3
#define INT_WATCHDOG            34          // Watchdog Timers 0 and 1
#define INT_TIMER0A             35          // 16/32-Bit Timer 0A
#define INT_TIMER0B             36          // 16/32-Bit Timer 0B
#define INT_TIMER1A             37          // 16/32-Bit Timer 1A
#define INT_TIMER1B             38          // 16/32-Bit Timer 1B
#define INT_TIMER2A             39          // 16/32-Bit Timer 2A
#define INT_TIMER2B             40          // 16/32-Bit Timer 2B
#define INT_COMP0               41          // Analog Comparator 0
#define INT_COMP1               42          // Analog Comparator 1
#define INT_COMP2               43          // Analog Comparator 2
#define INT_SYSCTL              44          // System Control
#define INT_FLASH               45          // Flash Memory Control and EEPROM
                                            // Control
#define INT_GPIOF               46          // GPIO Port F
#define INT_GPIOG               47          // GPIO Port G
#define INT_GPIOH               48          // GPIO Port H
#define INT_UART2               49          // UART2
#define INT_SSI1                50          // SSI1
#define INT_TIMER3A             51          // 16/32-Bit Timer 3A
#define INT_TIMER3B             52          // Timer 3B
#define INT_I2C1                53          // I2C1
#define INT_QEI1                54          // QEI1
#define INT_CAN0                55          // CAN0
#define INT_CAN1                56          // CAN1
#define INT_HIBERNATE           59          // Hibernation Module
#define INT_USB0                60          // USB
#define INT_PWM0_3              61          // PWM Generator 3
#define INT_UDMA                62          // uDMA Software
#define INT_UDMAERR             63          // uDMA Error
#define INT_ADC1SS0             64          // ADC1 Sequence 0
#define INT_ADC1SS1             65          // ADC1 Sequence 1
#define INT_ADC1SS2             66          // ADC1 Sequence 2
#define INT_ADC1SS3             67          // ADC1 Sequence 3
#define INT_GPIOJ               70          // GPIO Port J
#define INT_GPIOK               71          // GPIO Port K
#define INT_SSI2                73          // SSI2
#define INT_SSI3                74          // SSI3
#define INT_UART3               75          // UART3
#define INT_UART4               76          // UART4
#define INT_UART5               77          // UART5
#define INT_UART6               78          // UART6
#define INT_UART7               79          // UART7
#define INT_I2C2                84          // I2C2
#define INT_I2C3                85          // I2C3
#define INT_TIMER4A             86          // 16/32-Bit Timer 4A
#define INT_TIMER4B             87          // 16/32-Bit Timer 4B
#define INT_TIMER5A             108         // 16/32-Bit Timer 5A
#define INT_TIMER5B             109         // 16/32-Bit Timer 5B
#define INT_WTIMER0A            110         // 32/64-Bit Timer 0A
#define INT_WTIMER0B            111         // 32/64-Bit Timer 0B
#define INT_WTIMER1A            112         // 32/64-Bit Timer 1A
#define INT_WTIMER1B            113         // 32/64-Bit Timer 1B
#define INT_WTIMER2A            114         // 32/64-Bit Timer 2A
#define INT_WTIMER2B            115         // 32/64-Bit Timer 2B
#define INT_WTIMER3A            116         // 32/64-Bit Timer 3A
#define INT_WTIMER3B            117         // 32/64-Bit Timer 3B
#define INT_WTIMER4A            118         // 32/64-Bit Timer 4A
#define INT_WTIMER4B            119         // 32/64-Bit Timer 4B
#define INT_WTIMER5A            120         // 32/64-Bit Timer 5A
#define INT_WTIMER5B            121         // 32/64-Bit Timer 5B
#define INT_SYSEXC              122         // System Exception (imprecise)
#define INT_I2C4                125         // I2C4
#define INT_I2C5                126         // I2C5
#define INT_PWM1_0              150         // PWM1 Generator 0
#define INT_PWM1_1              151         // PWM1 Generator 1
#define INT_PWM1_2              152         // PWM1 Generator 2
#define INT_PWM1_3              153         // PWM1 Generator 3
#define INT_PWM1_FAULT          154         // PWM1 Fault

// Watchdog Timer registers (WATCHDOG0)
#define WATCHDOG0_LOAD_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40000000))
#define WATCHDOG0_VALUE_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40000004))
#define WATCHDOG0_CTL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40000008))
#define WATCHDOG0_ICR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000000C))
#define WATCHDOG0_RIS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40000010))
#define WATCHDOG0_MIS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40000014))
#define WATCHDOG0_TEST_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40000418))
#define WATCHDOG0_LOCK_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40000C00))

// Watchdog Timer registers (WATCHDOG1)
#define WATCHDOG1_LOAD_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40001000))
#define WATCHDOG1_VALUE_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40001004))
#define WATCHDOG1_CTL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40001008))
#define WATCHDOG1_ICR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000100C))
#define WATCHDOG1_RIS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40001010))
#define WATCHDOG1_MIS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40001014))
#define WATCHDOG1_TEST_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40001418))
#define WATCHDOG1_LOCK_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40001C00))

// GPIO registers (PORTA)
#define GPIO_PORTA_DATA_BITS_R  ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004000)
#define GPIO_PORTA_DATA_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400043FC))
#define GPIO_PORTA_DIR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004400))
#define GPIO_PORTA_IS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004404))
#define GPIO_PORTA_IBE_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004408))
#define GPIO_PORTA_IEV_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000440C))
#define GPIO_PORTA_IM_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004410))
#define GPIO_PORTA_RIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004414))
#define GPIO_PORTA_MIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004418))
#define GPIO_PORTA_ICR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000441C))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AFSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004420))
#define GPIO_PORTA_DR2R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004500))
#define GPIO_PORTA_DR4R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004504))
#define GPIO_PORTA_DR8R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004508))
#define GPIO_PORTA_ODR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000450C))
#define GPIO_PORTA_PUR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004510))
#define GPIO_PORTA_PDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004514))
#define GPIO_PORTA_SLR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004518))
#define GPIO_PORTA_DEN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000451C))
#define GPIO_PORTA_LOCK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004520))
#define GPIO_PORTA_CR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004524))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AMSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004528))
#define GPIO_PORTA_PCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000452C))
#define GPIO_PORTA_ADCCTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004530))
#define GPIO_PORTA_DMACTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40004534))

// GPIO registers (PORTB)
#define GPIO_PORTB_DATA_BITS_R  ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005000)
#define GPIO_PORTB_DATA_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400053FC))
#define GPIO_PORTB_DIR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005400))
#define GPIO_PORTB_IS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005404))
#define GPIO_PORTB_IBE_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005408))
#define GPIO_PORTB_IEV_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000540C))
#define GPIO_PORTB_IM_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005410))
#define GPIO_PORTB_RIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005414))
#define GPIO_PORTB_MIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005418))
#define GPIO_PORTB_ICR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000541C))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AFSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005420))
#define GPIO_PORTB_DR2R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005500))
#define GPIO_PORTB_DR4R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005504))
#define GPIO_PORTB_DR8R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005508))
#define GPIO_PORTB_ODR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000550C))
#define GPIO_PORTB_PUR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005510))
#define GPIO_PORTB_PDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005514))
#define GPIO_PORTB_SLR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005518))
#define GPIO_PORTB_DEN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000551C))
#define GPIO_PORTB_LOCK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005520))
#define GPIO_PORTB_CR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005524))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AMSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005528))
#define GPIO_PORTB_PCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000552C))
#define GPIO_PORTB_ADCCTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005530))
#define GPIO_PORTB_DMACTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40005534))

// GPIO registers (PORTC)
#define GPIO_PORTC_DATA_BITS_R  ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006000)
#define GPIO_PORTC_DATA_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400063FC))
#define GPIO_PORTC_DIR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006400))
#define GPIO_PORTC_IS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006404))
#define GPIO_PORTC_IBE_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006408))
#define GPIO_PORTC_IEV_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000640C))
#define GPIO_PORTC_IM_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006410))
#define GPIO_PORTC_RIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006414))
#define GPIO_PORTC_MIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006418))
#define GPIO_PORTC_ICR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000641C))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AFSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006420))
#define GPIO_PORTC_DR2R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006500))
#define GPIO_PORTC_DR4R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006504))
#define GPIO_PORTC_DR8R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006508))
#define GPIO_PORTC_ODR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000650C))
#define GPIO_PORTC_PUR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006510))
#define GPIO_PORTC_PDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006514))
#define GPIO_PORTC_SLR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006518))
#define GPIO_PORTC_DEN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000651C))
#define GPIO_PORTC_LOCK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006520))
#define GPIO_PORTC_CR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006524))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AMSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006528))
#define GPIO_PORTC_PCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000652C))
#define GPIO_PORTC_ADCCTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006530))
#define GPIO_PORTC_DMACTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40006534))

// GPIO registers (PORTD)
#define GPIO_PORTD_DATA_BITS_R  ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007000)
#define GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400073FC))
#define GPIO_PORTD_DIR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007400))
#define GPIO_PORTD_IS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007404))
#define GPIO_PORTD_IBE_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007408))
#define GPIO_PORTD_IEV_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000740C))
#define GPIO_PORTD_IM_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007410))
#define GPIO_PORTD_RIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007414))
#define GPIO_PORTD_MIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007418))
#define GPIO_PORTD_ICR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000741C))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AFSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007420))
#define GPIO_PORTD_DR2R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007500))
#define GPIO_PORTD_DR4R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007504))
#define GPIO_PORTD_DR8R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007508))
#define GPIO_PORTD_ODR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000750C))
#define GPIO_PORTD_PUR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007510))
#define GPIO_PORTD_PDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007514))
#define GPIO_PORTD_SLR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007518))
#define GPIO_PORTD_DEN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000751C))
#define GPIO_PORTD_LOCK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007520))
#define GPIO_PORTD_CR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007524))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AMSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007528))
#define GPIO_PORTD_PCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000752C))
#define GPIO_PORTD_ADCCTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007530))
#define GPIO_PORTD_DMACTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40007534))

// SSI registers (SSI0)
#define SSI0_CR0_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40008000))
#define SSI0_CR1_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40008004))
#define SSI0_DR_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40008008))
#define SSI0_SR_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000800C))
#define SSI0_CPSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40008010))
#define SSI0_IM_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40008014))
#define SSI0_RIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40008018))
#define SSI0_MIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000801C))
#define SSI0_ICR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40008020))
#define SSI0_DMACTL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40008024))
#define SSI0_CC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40008FC8))

// SSI registers (SSI1)
#define SSI1_CR0_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40009000))
#define SSI1_CR1_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40009004))
#define SSI1_DR_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40009008))
#define SSI1_SR_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000900C))
#define SSI1_CPSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40009010))
#define SSI1_IM_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40009014))
#define SSI1_RIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40009018))
#define SSI1_MIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000901C))
#define SSI1_ICR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40009020))
#define SSI1_DMACTL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40009024))
#define SSI1_CC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40009FC8))

// SSI registers (SSI2)
#define SSI2_CR0_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000A000))
#define SSI2_CR1_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000A004))
#define SSI2_DR_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000A008))
#define SSI2_SR_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000A00C))
#define SSI2_CPSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000A010))
#define SSI2_IM_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000A014))
#define SSI2_RIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000A018))
#define SSI2_MIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000A01C))
#define SSI2_ICR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000A020))
#define SSI2_DMACTL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000A024))
#define SSI2_CC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000AFC8))

// SSI registers (SSI3)
#define SSI3_CR0_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000B000))
#define SSI3_CR1_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000B004))
#define SSI3_DR_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000B008))
#define SSI3_SR_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000B00C))
#define SSI3_CPSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000B010))
#define SSI3_IM_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000B014))
#define SSI3_RIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000B018))
#define SSI3_MIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000B01C))
#define SSI3_ICR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000B020))
#define SSI3_DMACTL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000B024))
#define SSI3_CC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000BFC8))

// UART registers (UART0)
#define UART0_DR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C000))
#define UART0_RSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C004))
#define UART0_ECR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C004))
#define UART0_FR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C018))
#define UART0_ILPR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C020))
#define UART0_IBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C024))
#define UART0_FBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C028))
#define UART0_LCRH_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C02C))
#define UART0_CTL_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C030))
#define UART0_IFLS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C034))
#define UART0_IM_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C038))
#define UART0_RIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C03C))
#define UART0_MIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C040))
#define UART0_ICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C044))
#define UART0_DMACTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C048))
#define UART0_9BITADDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C0A4))
#define UART0_9BITAMASK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000C0A8))
#define UART0_PP_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000CFC0))
#define UART0_CC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000CFC8))

// UART registers (UART1)
#define UART1_DR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D000))
#define UART1_RSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D004))
#define UART1_ECR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D004))
#define UART1_FR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D018))
#define UART1_ILPR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D020))
#define UART1_IBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D024))
#define UART1_FBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D028))
#define UART1_LCRH_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D02C))
#define UART1_CTL_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D030))
#define UART1_IFLS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D034))
#define UART1_IM_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D038))
#define UART1_RIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D03C))
#define UART1_MIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D040))
#define UART1_ICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D044))
#define UART1_DMACTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D048))
#define UART1_9BITADDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D0A4))
#define UART1_9BITAMASK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000D0A8))
#define UART1_PP_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000DFC0))
#define UART1_CC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000DFC8))

// UART registers (UART2)
#define UART2_DR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E000))
#define UART2_RSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E004))
#define UART2_ECR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E004))
#define UART2_FR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E018))
#define UART2_ILPR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E020))
#define UART2_IBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E024))
#define UART2_FBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E028))
#define UART2_LCRH_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E02C))
#define UART2_CTL_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E030))
#define UART2_IFLS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E034))
#define UART2_IM_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E038))
#define UART2_RIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E03C))
#define UART2_MIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E040))
#define UART2_ICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E044))
#define UART2_DMACTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E048))
#define UART2_9BITADDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E0A4))
#define UART2_9BITAMASK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000E0A8))
#define UART2_PP_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000EFC0))
#define UART2_CC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000EFC8))

// UART registers (UART3)
#define UART3_DR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F000))
#define UART3_RSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F004))
#define UART3_ECR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F004))
#define UART3_FR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F018))
#define UART3_ILPR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F020))
#define UART3_IBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F024))
#define UART3_FBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F028))
#define UART3_LCRH_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F02C))
#define UART3_CTL_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F030))
#define UART3_IFLS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F034))
#define UART3_IM_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F038))
#define UART3_RIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F03C))
#define UART3_MIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F040))
#define UART3_ICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F044))
#define UART3_DMACTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F048))
#define UART3_9BITADDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F0A4))
#define UART3_9BITAMASK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000F0A8))
#define UART3_PP_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000FFC0))
#define UART3_CC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000FFC8))

// UART registers (UART4)
#define UART4_DR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010000))
#define UART4_RSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010004))
#define UART4_ECR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010004))
#define UART4_FR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010018))
#define UART4_ILPR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010020))
#define UART4_IBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010024))
#define UART4_FBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010028))
#define UART4_LCRH_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4001002C))
#define UART4_CTL_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010030))
#define UART4_IFLS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010034))
#define UART4_IM_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010038))
#define UART4_RIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4001003C))
#define UART4_MIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010040))
#define UART4_ICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010044))
#define UART4_DMACTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010048))
#define UART4_9BITADDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400100A4))
#define UART4_9BITAMASK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400100A8))
#define UART4_PP_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010FC0))
#define UART4_CC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40010FC8))

// UART registers (UART5)
#define UART5_DR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011000))
#define UART5_RSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011004))
#define UART5_ECR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011004))
#define UART5_FR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011018))
#define UART5_ILPR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011020))
#define UART5_IBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011024))
#define UART5_FBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011028))
#define UART5_LCRH_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4001102C))
#define UART5_CTL_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011030))
#define UART5_IFLS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011034))
#define UART5_IM_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011038))
#define UART5_RIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4001103C))
#define UART5_MIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011040))
#define UART5_ICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011044))
#define UART5_DMACTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011048))
#define UART5_9BITADDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400110A4))
#define UART5_9BITAMASK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400110A8))
#define UART5_PP_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011FC0))
#define UART5_CC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40011FC8))

// UART registers (UART6)
#define UART6_DR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012000))
#define UART6_RSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012004))
#define UART6_ECR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012004))
#define UART6_FR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012018))
#define UART6_ILPR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012020))
#define UART6_IBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012024))
#define UART6_FBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012028))
#define UART6_LCRH_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4001202C))
#define UART6_CTL_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012030))
#define UART6_IFLS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012034))
#define UART6_IM_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012038))
#define UART6_RIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4001203C))
#define UART6_MIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012040))
#define UART6_ICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012044))
#define UART6_DMACTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012048))
#define UART6_9BITADDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400120A4))
#define UART6_9BITAMASK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400120A8))
#define UART6_PP_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012FC0))
#define UART6_CC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40012FC8))

// UART registers (UART7)
#define UART7_DR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013000))
#define UART7_RSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013004))
#define UART7_ECR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013004))
#define UART7_FR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013018))
#define UART7_ILPR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013020))
#define UART7_IBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013024))
#define UART7_FBRD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013028))
#define UART7_LCRH_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4001302C))
#define UART7_CTL_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013030))
#define UART7_IFLS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013034))
#define UART7_IM_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013038))
#define UART7_RIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4001303C))
#define UART7_MIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013040))
#define UART7_ICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013044))
#define UART7_DMACTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013048))
#define UART7_9BITADDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400130A4))
#define UART7_9BITAMASK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400130A8))
#define UART7_PP_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013FC0))
#define UART7_CC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40013FC8))

// I2C registers (I2C0)
#define I2C0_MSA_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020000))
#define I2C0_MCS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020004))
#define I2C0_MDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020008))
#define I2C0_MTPR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002000C))
#define I2C0_MIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020010))
#define I2C0_MRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020014))
#define I2C0_MMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020018))
#define I2C0_MICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002001C))
#define I2C0_MCR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020020))
#define I2C0_MCLKOCNT_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020024))
#define I2C0_MBMON_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002002C))
#define I2C0_MCR2_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020038))
#define I2C0_SOAR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020800))
#define I2C0_SCSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020804))
#define I2C0_SDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020808))
#define I2C0_SIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002080C))
#define I2C0_SRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020810))
#define I2C0_SMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020814))
#define I2C0_SICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020818))
#define I2C0_SOAR2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002081C))
#define I2C0_SACKCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020820))
#define I2C0_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020FC0))
#define I2C0_PC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40020FC4))

// I2C registers (I2C1)
#define I2C1_MSA_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021000))
#define I2C1_MCS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021004))
#define I2C1_MDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021008))
#define I2C1_MTPR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002100C))
#define I2C1_MIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021010))
#define I2C1_MRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021014))
#define I2C1_MMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021018))
#define I2C1_MICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002101C))
#define I2C1_MCR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021020))
#define I2C1_MCLKOCNT_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021024))
#define I2C1_MBMON_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002102C))
#define I2C1_MCR2_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021038))
#define I2C1_SOAR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021800))
#define I2C1_SCSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021804))
#define I2C1_SDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021808))
#define I2C1_SIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002180C))
#define I2C1_SRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021810))
#define I2C1_SMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021814))
#define I2C1_SICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021818))
#define I2C1_SOAR2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002181C))
#define I2C1_SACKCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021820))
#define I2C1_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021FC0))
#define I2C1_PC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40021FC4))

// I2C registers (I2C2)
#define I2C2_MSA_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022000))
#define I2C2_MCS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022004))
#define I2C2_MDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022008))
#define I2C2_MTPR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002200C))
#define I2C2_MIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022010))
#define I2C2_MRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022014))
#define I2C2_MMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022018))
#define I2C2_MICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002201C))
#define I2C2_MCR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022020))
#define I2C2_MCLKOCNT_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022024))
#define I2C2_MBMON_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002202C))
#define I2C2_MCR2_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022038))
#define I2C2_SOAR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022800))
#define I2C2_SCSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022804))
#define I2C2_SDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022808))
#define I2C2_SIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002280C))
#define I2C2_SRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022810))
#define I2C2_SMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022814))
#define I2C2_SICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022818))
#define I2C2_SOAR2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002281C))
#define I2C2_SACKCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022820))
#define I2C2_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022FC0))
#define I2C2_PC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40022FC4))

// I2C registers (I2C3)
#define I2C3_MSA_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023000))
#define I2C3_MCS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023004))
#define I2C3_MDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023008))
#define I2C3_MTPR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002300C))
#define I2C3_MIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023010))
#define I2C3_MRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023014))
#define I2C3_MMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023018))
#define I2C3_MICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002301C))
#define I2C3_MCR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023020))
#define I2C3_MCLKOCNT_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023024))
#define I2C3_MBMON_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002302C))
#define I2C3_MCR2_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023038))
#define I2C3_SOAR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023800))
#define I2C3_SCSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023804))
#define I2C3_SDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023808))
#define I2C3_SIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002380C))
#define I2C3_SRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023810))
#define I2C3_SMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023814))
#define I2C3_SICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023818))
#define I2C3_SOAR2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002381C))
#define I2C3_SACKCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023820))
#define I2C3_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023FC0))
#define I2C3_PC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40023FC4))

// GPIO registers (PORTE)
#define GPIO_PORTE_DATA_BITS_R  ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024000)
#define GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400243FC))
#define GPIO_PORTE_DIR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024400))
#define GPIO_PORTE_IS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024404))
#define GPIO_PORTE_IBE_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024408))
#define GPIO_PORTE_IEV_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002440C))
#define GPIO_PORTE_IM_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024410))
#define GPIO_PORTE_RIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024414))
#define GPIO_PORTE_MIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024418))
#define GPIO_PORTE_ICR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002441C))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AFSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024420))
#define GPIO_PORTE_DR2R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024500))
#define GPIO_PORTE_DR4R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024504))
#define GPIO_PORTE_DR8R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024508))
#define GPIO_PORTE_ODR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002450C))
#define GPIO_PORTE_PUR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024510))
#define GPIO_PORTE_PDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024514))
#define GPIO_PORTE_SLR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024518))
#define GPIO_PORTE_DEN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002451C))
#define GPIO_PORTE_LOCK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024520))
#define GPIO_PORTE_CR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024524))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AMSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024528))
#define GPIO_PORTE_PCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002452C))
#define GPIO_PORTE_ADCCTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024530))
#define GPIO_PORTE_DMACTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40024534))

// GPIO registers (PORTF)
#define GPIO_PORTF_DATA_BITS_R  ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025000)
#define GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400253FC))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025400))
#define GPIO_PORTF_IS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025404))
#define GPIO_PORTF_IBE_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025408))
#define GPIO_PORTF_IEV_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002540C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_IM_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025410))
#define GPIO_PORTF_RIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025414))
#define GPIO_PORTF_MIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025418))
#define GPIO_PORTF_ICR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002541C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AFSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025420))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DR2R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025500))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DR4R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025504))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DR8R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025508))
#define GPIO_PORTF_ODR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002550C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_PUR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025510))
#define GPIO_PORTF_PDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025514))
#define GPIO_PORTF_SLR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025518))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002551C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_LOCK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025520))
#define GPIO_PORTF_CR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025524))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025528))
#define GPIO_PORTF_PCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002552C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_ADCCTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025530))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DMACTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40025534))

// GPIO registers (PORTG)
#define GPIO_PORTG_DATA_BITS_R  ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026000)
#define GPIO_PORTG_DATA_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400263FC))
#define GPIO_PORTG_DIR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026400))
#define GPIO_PORTG_IS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026404))
#define GPIO_PORTG_IBE_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026408))
#define GPIO_PORTG_IEV_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002640C))
#define GPIO_PORTG_IM_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026410))
#define GPIO_PORTG_RIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026414))
#define GPIO_PORTG_MIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026418))
#define GPIO_PORTG_ICR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002641C))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AFSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026420))
#define GPIO_PORTG_DR2R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026500))
#define GPIO_PORTG_DR4R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026504))
#define GPIO_PORTG_DR8R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026508))
#define GPIO_PORTG_ODR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002650C))
#define GPIO_PORTG_PUR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026510))
#define GPIO_PORTG_PDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026514))
#define GPIO_PORTG_SLR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026518))
#define GPIO_PORTG_DEN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002651C))
#define GPIO_PORTG_LOCK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026520))
#define GPIO_PORTG_CR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026524))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AMSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026528))
#define GPIO_PORTG_PCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002652C))
#define GPIO_PORTG_ADCCTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026530))
#define GPIO_PORTG_DMACTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40026534))

// GPIO registers (PORTH)
#define GPIO_PORTH_DATA_BITS_R  ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027000)
#define GPIO_PORTH_DATA_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400273FC))
#define GPIO_PORTH_DIR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027400))
#define GPIO_PORTH_IS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027404))
#define GPIO_PORTH_IBE_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027408))
#define GPIO_PORTH_IEV_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002740C))
#define GPIO_PORTH_IM_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027410))
#define GPIO_PORTH_RIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027414))
#define GPIO_PORTH_MIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027418))
#define GPIO_PORTH_ICR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002741C))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AFSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027420))
#define GPIO_PORTH_DR2R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027500))
#define GPIO_PORTH_DR4R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027504))
#define GPIO_PORTH_DR8R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027508))
#define GPIO_PORTH_ODR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002750C))
#define GPIO_PORTH_PUR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027510))
#define GPIO_PORTH_PDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027514))
#define GPIO_PORTH_SLR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027518))
#define GPIO_PORTH_DEN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002751C))
#define GPIO_PORTH_LOCK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027520))
#define GPIO_PORTH_CR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027524))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AMSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027528))
#define GPIO_PORTH_PCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002752C))
#define GPIO_PORTH_ADCCTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027530))
#define GPIO_PORTH_DMACTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40027534))

// PWM registers (PWM0)
#define PWM0_CTL_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028000))
#define PWM0_SYNC_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028004))
#define PWM0_ENABLE_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028008))
#define PWM0_INVERT_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002800C))
#define PWM0_FAULT_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028010))
#define PWM0_INTEN_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028014))
#define PWM0_RIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028018))
#define PWM0_ISC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002801C))
#define PWM0_STATUS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028020))
#define PWM0_FAULTVAL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028024))
#define PWM0_ENUPD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028028))
#define PWM0_0_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028040))
#define PWM0_0_INTEN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028044))
#define PWM0_0_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028048))
#define PWM0_0_ISC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002804C))
#define PWM0_0_LOAD_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028050))
#define PWM0_0_COUNT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028054))
#define PWM0_0_CMPA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028058))
#define PWM0_0_CMPB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002805C))
#define PWM0_0_GENA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028060))
#define PWM0_0_GENB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028064))
#define PWM0_0_DBCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028068))
#define PWM0_0_DBRISE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002806C))
#define PWM0_0_DBFALL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028070))
#define PWM0_0_FLTSRC0_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028074))
#define PWM0_0_FLTSRC1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028078))
#define PWM0_0_MINFLTPER_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002807C))
#define PWM0_1_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028080))
#define PWM0_1_INTEN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028084))
#define PWM0_1_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028088))
#define PWM0_1_ISC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002808C))
#define PWM0_1_LOAD_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028090))
#define PWM0_1_COUNT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028094))
#define PWM0_1_CMPA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028098))
#define PWM0_1_CMPB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002809C))
#define PWM0_1_GENA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280A0))
#define PWM0_1_GENB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280A4))
#define PWM0_1_DBCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280A8))
#define PWM0_1_DBRISE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280AC))
#define PWM0_1_DBFALL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280B0))
#define PWM0_1_FLTSRC0_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280B4))
#define PWM0_1_FLTSRC1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280B8))
#define PWM0_1_MINFLTPER_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280BC))
#define PWM0_2_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280C0))
#define PWM0_2_INTEN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280C4))
#define PWM0_2_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280C8))
#define PWM0_2_ISC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280CC))
#define PWM0_2_LOAD_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280D0))
#define PWM0_2_COUNT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280D4))
#define PWM0_2_CMPA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280D8))
#define PWM0_2_CMPB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280DC))
#define PWM0_2_GENA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280E0))
#define PWM0_2_GENB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280E4))
#define PWM0_2_DBCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280E8))
#define PWM0_2_DBRISE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280EC))
#define PWM0_2_DBFALL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280F0))
#define PWM0_2_FLTSRC0_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280F4))
#define PWM0_2_FLTSRC1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280F8))
#define PWM0_2_MINFLTPER_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400280FC))
#define PWM0_3_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028100))
#define PWM0_3_INTEN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028104))
#define PWM0_3_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028108))
#define PWM0_3_ISC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002810C))
#define PWM0_3_LOAD_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028110))
#define PWM0_3_COUNT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028114))
#define PWM0_3_CMPA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028118))
#define PWM0_3_CMPB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002811C))
#define PWM0_3_GENA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028120))
#define PWM0_3_GENB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028124))
#define PWM0_3_DBCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028128))
#define PWM0_3_DBRISE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002812C))
#define PWM0_3_DBFALL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028130))
#define PWM0_3_FLTSRC0_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028134))
#define PWM0_3_FLTSRC1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028138))
#define PWM0_3_MINFLTPER_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002813C))
#define PWM0_0_FLTSEN_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028800))
#define PWM0_0_FLTSTAT0_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028804))
#define PWM0_0_FLTSTAT1_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028808))
#define PWM0_1_FLTSEN_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028880))
#define PWM0_1_FLTSTAT0_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028884))
#define PWM0_1_FLTSTAT1_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028888))
#define PWM0_2_FLTSEN_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028900))
#define PWM0_2_FLTSTAT0_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028904))
#define PWM0_2_FLTSTAT1_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028908))
#define PWM0_3_FLTSEN_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028980))
#define PWM0_3_FLTSTAT0_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028984))
#define PWM0_3_FLTSTAT1_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028988))
#define PWM0_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40028FC0))

// PWM registers (PWM1)
#define PWM1_CTL_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029000))
#define PWM1_SYNC_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029004))
#define PWM1_ENABLE_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029008))
#define PWM1_INVERT_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002900C))
#define PWM1_FAULT_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029010))
#define PWM1_INTEN_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029014))
#define PWM1_RIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029018))
#define PWM1_ISC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002901C))
#define PWM1_STATUS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029020))
#define PWM1_FAULTVAL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029024))
#define PWM1_ENUPD_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029028))
#define PWM1_0_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029040))
#define PWM1_0_INTEN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029044))
#define PWM1_0_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029048))
#define PWM1_0_ISC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002904C))
#define PWM1_0_LOAD_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029050))
#define PWM1_0_COUNT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029054))
#define PWM1_0_CMPA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029058))
#define PWM1_0_CMPB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002905C))
#define PWM1_0_GENA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029060))
#define PWM1_0_GENB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029064))
#define PWM1_0_DBCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029068))
#define PWM1_0_DBRISE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002906C))
#define PWM1_0_DBFALL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029070))
#define PWM1_0_FLTSRC0_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029074))
#define PWM1_0_FLTSRC1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029078))
#define PWM1_0_MINFLTPER_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002907C))
#define PWM1_1_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029080))
#define PWM1_1_INTEN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029084))
#define PWM1_1_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029088))
#define PWM1_1_ISC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002908C))
#define PWM1_1_LOAD_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029090))
#define PWM1_1_COUNT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029094))
#define PWM1_1_CMPA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029098))
#define PWM1_1_CMPB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002909C))
#define PWM1_1_GENA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290A0))
#define PWM1_1_GENB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290A4))
#define PWM1_1_DBCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290A8))
#define PWM1_1_DBRISE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290AC))
#define PWM1_1_DBFALL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290B0))
#define PWM1_1_FLTSRC0_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290B4))
#define PWM1_1_FLTSRC1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290B8))
#define PWM1_1_MINFLTPER_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290BC))
#define PWM1_2_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290C0))
#define PWM1_2_INTEN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290C4))
#define PWM1_2_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290C8))
#define PWM1_2_ISC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290CC))
#define PWM1_2_LOAD_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290D0))
#define PWM1_2_COUNT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290D4))
#define PWM1_2_CMPA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290D8))
#define PWM1_2_CMPB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290DC))
#define PWM1_2_GENA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290E0))
#define PWM1_2_GENB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290E4))
#define PWM1_2_DBCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290E8))
#define PWM1_2_DBRISE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290EC))
#define PWM1_2_DBFALL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290F0))
#define PWM1_2_FLTSRC0_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290F4))
#define PWM1_2_FLTSRC1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290F8))
#define PWM1_2_MINFLTPER_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400290FC))
#define PWM1_3_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029100))
#define PWM1_3_INTEN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029104))
#define PWM1_3_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029108))
#define PWM1_3_ISC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002910C))
#define PWM1_3_LOAD_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029110))
#define PWM1_3_COUNT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029114))
#define PWM1_3_CMPA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029118))
#define PWM1_3_CMPB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002911C))
#define PWM1_3_GENA_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029120))
#define PWM1_3_GENB_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029124))
#define PWM1_3_DBCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029128))
#define PWM1_3_DBRISE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002912C))
#define PWM1_3_DBFALL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029130))
#define PWM1_3_FLTSRC0_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029134))
#define PWM1_3_FLTSRC1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029138))
#define PWM1_3_MINFLTPER_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002913C))
#define PWM1_0_FLTSEN_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029800))
#define PWM1_0_FLTSTAT0_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029804))
#define PWM1_0_FLTSTAT1_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029808))
#define PWM1_1_FLTSEN_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029880))
#define PWM1_1_FLTSTAT0_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029884))
#define PWM1_1_FLTSTAT1_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029888))
#define PWM1_2_FLTSEN_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029900))
#define PWM1_2_FLTSTAT0_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029904))
#define PWM1_2_FLTSTAT1_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029908))
#define PWM1_3_FLTSEN_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029980))
#define PWM1_3_FLTSTAT0_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029984))
#define PWM1_3_FLTSTAT1_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029988))
#define PWM1_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40029FC0))

// QEI registers (QEI0)
#define QEI0_CTL_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C000))
#define QEI0_STAT_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C004))
#define QEI0_POS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C008))
#define QEI0_MAXPOS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C00C))
#define QEI0_LOAD_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C010))
#define QEI0_TIME_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C014))
#define QEI0_COUNT_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C018))
#define QEI0_SPEED_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C01C))
#define QEI0_INTEN_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C020))
#define QEI0_RIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C024))
#define QEI0_ISC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C028))

// QEI registers (QEI1)
#define QEI1_CTL_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002D000))
#define QEI1_STAT_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002D004))
#define QEI1_POS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002D008))
#define QEI1_MAXPOS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002D00C))
#define QEI1_LOAD_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002D010))
#define QEI1_TIME_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002D014))
#define QEI1_COUNT_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002D018))
#define QEI1_SPEED_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002D01C))
#define QEI1_INTEN_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002D020))
#define QEI1_RIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002D024))
#define QEI1_ISC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4002D028))

// Timer registers (TIMER0)
#define TIMER0_CFG_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030000))
#define TIMER0_TAMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030004))
#define TIMER0_TBMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030008))
#define TIMER0_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003000C))
#define TIMER0_SYNC_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030010))
#define TIMER0_IMR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030018))
#define TIMER0_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003001C))
#define TIMER0_MIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030020))
#define TIMER0_ICR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030024))
#define TIMER0_TAILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030028))
#define TIMER0_TBILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003002C))
#define TIMER0_TAMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030030))
#define TIMER0_TBMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030034))
#define TIMER0_TAPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030038))
#define TIMER0_TBPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003003C))
#define TIMER0_TAPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030040))
#define TIMER0_TBPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030044))
#define TIMER0_TAR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030048))
#define TIMER0_TBR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003004C))
#define TIMER0_TAV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030050))
#define TIMER0_TBV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030054))
#define TIMER0_RTCPD_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030058))
#define TIMER0_TAPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003005C))
#define TIMER0_TBPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030060))
#define TIMER0_TAPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030064))
#define TIMER0_TBPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030068))
#define TIMER0_PP_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40030FC0))

// Timer registers (TIMER1)
#define TIMER1_CFG_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031000))
#define TIMER1_TAMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031004))
#define TIMER1_TBMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031008))
#define TIMER1_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003100C))
#define TIMER1_SYNC_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031010))
#define TIMER1_IMR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031018))
#define TIMER1_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003101C))
#define TIMER1_MIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031020))
#define TIMER1_ICR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031024))
#define TIMER1_TAILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031028))
#define TIMER1_TBILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003102C))
#define TIMER1_TAMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031030))
#define TIMER1_TBMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031034))
#define TIMER1_TAPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031038))
#define TIMER1_TBPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003103C))
#define TIMER1_TAPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031040))
#define TIMER1_TBPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031044))
#define TIMER1_TAR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031048))
#define TIMER1_TBR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003104C))
#define TIMER1_TAV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031050))
#define TIMER1_TBV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031054))
#define TIMER1_RTCPD_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031058))
#define TIMER1_TAPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003105C))
#define TIMER1_TBPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031060))
#define TIMER1_TAPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031064))
#define TIMER1_TBPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031068))
#define TIMER1_PP_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40031FC0))

// Timer registers (TIMER2)
#define TIMER2_CFG_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032000))
#define TIMER2_TAMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032004))
#define TIMER2_TBMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032008))
#define TIMER2_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003200C))
#define TIMER2_SYNC_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032010))
#define TIMER2_IMR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032018))
#define TIMER2_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003201C))
#define TIMER2_MIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032020))
#define TIMER2_ICR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032024))
#define TIMER2_TAILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032028))
#define TIMER2_TBILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003202C))
#define TIMER2_TAMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032030))
#define TIMER2_TBMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032034))
#define TIMER2_TAPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032038))
#define TIMER2_TBPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003203C))
#define TIMER2_TAPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032040))
#define TIMER2_TBPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032044))
#define TIMER2_TAR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032048))
#define TIMER2_TBR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003204C))
#define TIMER2_TAV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032050))
#define TIMER2_TBV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032054))
#define TIMER2_RTCPD_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032058))
#define TIMER2_TAPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003205C))
#define TIMER2_TBPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032060))
#define TIMER2_TAPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032064))
#define TIMER2_TBPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032068))
#define TIMER2_PP_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40032FC0))

// Timer registers (TIMER3)
#define TIMER3_CFG_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033000))
#define TIMER3_TAMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033004))
#define TIMER3_TBMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033008))
#define TIMER3_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003300C))
#define TIMER3_SYNC_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033010))
#define TIMER3_IMR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033018))
#define TIMER3_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003301C))
#define TIMER3_MIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033020))
#define TIMER3_ICR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033024))
#define TIMER3_TAILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033028))
#define TIMER3_TBILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003302C))
#define TIMER3_TAMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033030))
#define TIMER3_TBMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033034))
#define TIMER3_TAPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033038))
#define TIMER3_TBPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003303C))
#define TIMER3_TAPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033040))
#define TIMER3_TBPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033044))
#define TIMER3_TAR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033048))
#define TIMER3_TBR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003304C))
#define TIMER3_TAV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033050))
#define TIMER3_TBV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033054))
#define TIMER3_RTCPD_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033058))
#define TIMER3_TAPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003305C))
#define TIMER3_TBPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033060))
#define TIMER3_TAPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033064))
#define TIMER3_TBPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033068))
#define TIMER3_PP_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40033FC0))

// Timer registers (TIMER4)
#define TIMER4_CFG_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034000))
#define TIMER4_TAMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034004))
#define TIMER4_TBMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034008))
#define TIMER4_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003400C))
#define TIMER4_SYNC_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034010))
#define TIMER4_IMR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034018))
#define TIMER4_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003401C))
#define TIMER4_MIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034020))
#define TIMER4_ICR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034024))
#define TIMER4_TAILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034028))
#define TIMER4_TBILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003402C))
#define TIMER4_TAMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034030))
#define TIMER4_TBMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034034))
#define TIMER4_TAPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034038))
#define TIMER4_TBPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003403C))
#define TIMER4_TAPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034040))
#define TIMER4_TBPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034044))
#define TIMER4_TAR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034048))
#define TIMER4_TBR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003404C))
#define TIMER4_TAV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034050))
#define TIMER4_TBV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034054))
#define TIMER4_RTCPD_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034058))
#define TIMER4_TAPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003405C))
#define TIMER4_TBPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034060))
#define TIMER4_TAPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034064))
#define TIMER4_TBPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034068))
#define TIMER4_PP_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40034FC0))

// Timer registers (TIMER5)
#define TIMER5_CFG_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035000))
#define TIMER5_TAMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035004))
#define TIMER5_TBMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035008))
#define TIMER5_CTL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003500C))
#define TIMER5_SYNC_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035010))
#define TIMER5_IMR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035018))
#define TIMER5_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003501C))
#define TIMER5_MIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035020))
#define TIMER5_ICR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035024))
#define TIMER5_TAILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035028))
#define TIMER5_TBILR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003502C))
#define TIMER5_TAMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035030))
#define TIMER5_TBMATCHR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035034))
#define TIMER5_TAPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035038))
#define TIMER5_TBPR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003503C))
#define TIMER5_TAPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035040))
#define TIMER5_TBPMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035044))
#define TIMER5_TAR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035048))
#define TIMER5_TBR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003504C))
#define TIMER5_TAV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035050))
#define TIMER5_TBV_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035054))
#define TIMER5_RTCPD_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035058))
#define TIMER5_TAPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003505C))
#define TIMER5_TBPS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035060))
#define TIMER5_TAPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035064))
#define TIMER5_TBPV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035068))
#define TIMER5_PP_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40035FC0))

// Timer registers (WTIMER0)
#define WTIMER0_CFG_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036000))
#define WTIMER0_TAMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036004))
#define WTIMER0_TBMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036008))
#define WTIMER0_CTL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003600C))
#define WTIMER0_SYNC_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036010))
#define WTIMER0_IMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036018))
#define WTIMER0_RIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003601C))
#define WTIMER0_MIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036020))
#define WTIMER0_ICR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036024))
#define WTIMER0_TAILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036028))
#define WTIMER0_TBILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003602C))
#define WTIMER0_TAMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036030))
#define WTIMER0_TBMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036034))
#define WTIMER0_TAPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036038))
#define WTIMER0_TBPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003603C))
#define WTIMER0_TAPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036040))
#define WTIMER0_TBPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036044))
#define WTIMER0_TAR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036048))
#define WTIMER0_TBR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003604C))
#define WTIMER0_TAV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036050))
#define WTIMER0_TBV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036054))
#define WTIMER0_RTCPD_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036058))
#define WTIMER0_TAPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003605C))
#define WTIMER0_TBPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036060))
#define WTIMER0_TAPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036064))
#define WTIMER0_TBPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036068))
#define WTIMER0_PP_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40036FC0))

// Timer registers (WTIMER1)
#define WTIMER1_CFG_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037000))
#define WTIMER1_TAMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037004))
#define WTIMER1_TBMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037008))
#define WTIMER1_CTL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003700C))
#define WTIMER1_SYNC_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037010))
#define WTIMER1_IMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037018))
#define WTIMER1_RIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003701C))
#define WTIMER1_MIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037020))
#define WTIMER1_ICR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037024))
#define WTIMER1_TAILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037028))
#define WTIMER1_TBILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003702C))
#define WTIMER1_TAMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037030))
#define WTIMER1_TBMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037034))
#define WTIMER1_TAPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037038))
#define WTIMER1_TBPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003703C))
#define WTIMER1_TAPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037040))
#define WTIMER1_TBPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037044))
#define WTIMER1_TAR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037048))
#define WTIMER1_TBR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003704C))
#define WTIMER1_TAV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037050))
#define WTIMER1_TBV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037054))
#define WTIMER1_RTCPD_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037058))
#define WTIMER1_TAPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003705C))
#define WTIMER1_TBPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037060))
#define WTIMER1_TAPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037064))
#define WTIMER1_TBPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037068))
#define WTIMER1_PP_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40037FC0))

// ADC registers (ADC0)
#define ADC0_ACTSS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038000))
#define ADC0_RIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038004))
#define ADC0_IM_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038008))
#define ADC0_ISC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003800C))
#define ADC0_OSTAT_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038010))
#define ADC0_EMUX_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038014))
#define ADC0_USTAT_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038018))
#define ADC0_TSSEL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003801C))
#define ADC0_SSPRI_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038020))
#define ADC0_SPC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038024))
#define ADC0_PSSI_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038028))
#define ADC0_SAC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038030))
#define ADC0_DCISC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038034))
#define ADC0_CTL_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038038))
#define ADC0_SSMUX0_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038040))
#define ADC0_SSCTL0_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038044))
#define ADC0_SSFIFO0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038048))
#define ADC0_SSFSTAT0_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003804C))
#define ADC0_SSOP0_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038050))
#define ADC0_SSDC0_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038054))
#define ADC0_SSEMUX0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038058))
#define ADC0_SSMUX1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038060))
#define ADC0_SSCTL1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038064))
#define ADC0_SSFIFO1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038068))
#define ADC0_SSFSTAT1_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003806C))
#define ADC0_SSOP1_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038070))
#define ADC0_SSDC1_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038074))
#define ADC0_SSEMUX1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038078))
#define ADC0_SSMUX2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038080))
#define ADC0_SSCTL2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038084))
#define ADC0_SSFIFO2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038088))
#define ADC0_SSFSTAT2_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003808C))
#define ADC0_SSOP2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038090))
#define ADC0_SSDC2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038094))
#define ADC0_SSEMUX2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038098))
#define ADC0_SSMUX3_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400380A0))
#define ADC0_SSCTL3_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400380A4))
#define ADC0_SSFIFO3_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400380A8))
#define ADC0_SSFSTAT3_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400380AC))
#define ADC0_SSOP3_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400380B0))
#define ADC0_SSDC3_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400380B4))
#define ADC0_SSEMUX3_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400380B8))
#define ADC0_DCRIC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038D00))
#define ADC0_DCCTL0_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E00))
#define ADC0_DCCTL1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E04))
#define ADC0_DCCTL2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E08))
#define ADC0_DCCTL3_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E0C))
#define ADC0_DCCTL4_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E10))
#define ADC0_DCCTL5_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E14))
#define ADC0_DCCTL6_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E18))
#define ADC0_DCCTL7_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E1C))
#define ADC0_DCCMP0_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E40))
#define ADC0_DCCMP1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E44))
#define ADC0_DCCMP2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E48))
#define ADC0_DCCMP3_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E4C))
#define ADC0_DCCMP4_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E50))
#define ADC0_DCCMP5_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E54))
#define ADC0_DCCMP6_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E58))
#define ADC0_DCCMP7_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038E5C))
#define ADC0_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038FC0))
#define ADC0_PC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038FC4))
#define ADC0_CC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40038FC8))

// ADC registers (ADC1)
#define ADC1_ACTSS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039000))
#define ADC1_RIS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039004))
#define ADC1_IM_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039008))
#define ADC1_ISC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003900C))
#define ADC1_OSTAT_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039010))
#define ADC1_EMUX_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039014))
#define ADC1_USTAT_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039018))
#define ADC1_TSSEL_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003901C))
#define ADC1_SSPRI_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039020))
#define ADC1_SPC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039024))
#define ADC1_PSSI_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039028))
#define ADC1_SAC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039030))
#define ADC1_DCISC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039034))
#define ADC1_CTL_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039038))
#define ADC1_SSMUX0_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039040))
#define ADC1_SSCTL0_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039044))
#define ADC1_SSFIFO0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039048))
#define ADC1_SSFSTAT0_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003904C))
#define ADC1_SSOP0_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039050))
#define ADC1_SSDC0_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039054))
#define ADC1_SSEMUX0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039058))
#define ADC1_SSMUX1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039060))
#define ADC1_SSCTL1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039064))
#define ADC1_SSFIFO1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039068))
#define ADC1_SSFSTAT1_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003906C))
#define ADC1_SSOP1_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039070))
#define ADC1_SSDC1_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039074))
#define ADC1_SSEMUX1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039078))
#define ADC1_SSMUX2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039080))
#define ADC1_SSCTL2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039084))
#define ADC1_SSFIFO2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039088))
#define ADC1_SSFSTAT2_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003908C))
#define ADC1_SSOP2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039090))
#define ADC1_SSDC2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039094))
#define ADC1_SSEMUX2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039098))
#define ADC1_SSMUX3_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400390A0))
#define ADC1_SSCTL3_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400390A4))
#define ADC1_SSFIFO3_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400390A8))
#define ADC1_SSFSTAT3_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400390AC))
#define ADC1_SSOP3_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400390B0))
#define ADC1_SSDC3_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400390B4))
#define ADC1_SSEMUX3_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400390B8))
#define ADC1_DCRIC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039D00))
#define ADC1_DCCTL0_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E00))
#define ADC1_DCCTL1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E04))
#define ADC1_DCCTL2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E08))
#define ADC1_DCCTL3_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E0C))
#define ADC1_DCCTL4_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E10))
#define ADC1_DCCTL5_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E14))
#define ADC1_DCCTL6_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E18))
#define ADC1_DCCTL7_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E1C))
#define ADC1_DCCMP0_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E40))
#define ADC1_DCCMP1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E44))
#define ADC1_DCCMP2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E48))
#define ADC1_DCCMP3_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E4C))
#define ADC1_DCCMP4_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E50))
#define ADC1_DCCMP5_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E54))
#define ADC1_DCCMP6_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E58))
#define ADC1_DCCMP7_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039E5C))
#define ADC1_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039FC0))
#define ADC1_PC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039FC4))
#define ADC1_CC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40039FC8))

// Comparator registers (COMP)
#define COMP_ACMIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003C000))
#define COMP_ACRIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003C004))
#define COMP_ACINTEN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003C008))
#define COMP_ACREFCTL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003C010))
#define COMP_ACSTAT0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003C020))
#define COMP_ACCTL0_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003C024))
#define COMP_ACSTAT1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003C040))
#define COMP_ACCTL1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003C044))
#define COMP_ACSTAT2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003C060))
#define COMP_ACCTL2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003C064))
#define COMP_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003CFC0))

// GPIO registers (PORTJ)
#define GPIO_PORTJ_DATA_BITS_R  ((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D000)
#define GPIO_PORTJ_DATA_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D3FC))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_DIR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D400))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_IS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D404))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_IBE_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D408))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_IEV_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D40C))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_IM_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D410))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_RIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D414))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_MIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D418))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_ICR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D41C))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AFSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D420))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_DR2R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D500))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_DR4R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D504))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_DR8R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D508))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_ODR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D50C))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_PUR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D510))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_PDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D514))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_SLR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D518))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_DEN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D51C))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_LOCK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D520))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_CR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D524))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AMSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D528))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_PCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D52C))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_ADCCTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D530))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_DMACTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4003D534))

// CAN registers (CAN0)
#define CAN0_CTL_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040000))
#define CAN0_STS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040004))
#define CAN0_ERR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040008))
#define CAN0_BIT_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004000C))
#define CAN0_INT_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040010))
#define CAN0_TST_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040014))
#define CAN0_BRPE_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040018))
#define CAN0_IF1CRQ_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040020))
#define CAN0_IF1CMSK_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040024))
#define CAN0_IF1MSK1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040028))
#define CAN0_IF1MSK2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004002C))
#define CAN0_IF1ARB1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040030))
#define CAN0_IF1ARB2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040034))
#define CAN0_IF1MCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040038))
#define CAN0_IF1DA1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004003C))
#define CAN0_IF1DA2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040040))
#define CAN0_IF1DB1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040044))
#define CAN0_IF1DB2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040048))
#define CAN0_IF2CRQ_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040080))
#define CAN0_IF2CMSK_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040084))
#define CAN0_IF2MSK1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040088))
#define CAN0_IF2MSK2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004008C))
#define CAN0_IF2ARB1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040090))
#define CAN0_IF2ARB2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040094))
#define CAN0_IF2MCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040098))
#define CAN0_IF2DA1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004009C))
#define CAN0_IF2DA2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400400A0))
#define CAN0_IF2DB1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400400A4))
#define CAN0_IF2DB2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400400A8))
#define CAN0_TXRQ1_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040100))
#define CAN0_TXRQ2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040104))
#define CAN0_NWDA1_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040120))
#define CAN0_NWDA2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040124))
#define CAN0_MSG1INT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040140))
#define CAN0_MSG2INT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040144))
#define CAN0_MSG1VAL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040160))
#define CAN0_MSG2VAL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40040164))

// CAN registers (CAN1)
#define CAN1_CTL_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041000))
#define CAN1_STS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041004))
#define CAN1_ERR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041008))
#define CAN1_BIT_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004100C))
#define CAN1_INT_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041010))
#define CAN1_TST_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041014))
#define CAN1_BRPE_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041018))
#define CAN1_IF1CRQ_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041020))
#define CAN1_IF1CMSK_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041024))
#define CAN1_IF1MSK1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041028))
#define CAN1_IF1MSK2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004102C))
#define CAN1_IF1ARB1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041030))
#define CAN1_IF1ARB2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041034))
#define CAN1_IF1MCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041038))
#define CAN1_IF1DA1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004103C))
#define CAN1_IF1DA2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041040))
#define CAN1_IF1DB1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041044))
#define CAN1_IF1DB2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041048))
#define CAN1_IF2CRQ_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041080))
#define CAN1_IF2CMSK_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041084))
#define CAN1_IF2MSK1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041088))
#define CAN1_IF2MSK2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004108C))
#define CAN1_IF2ARB1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041090))
#define CAN1_IF2ARB2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041094))
#define CAN1_IF2MCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041098))
#define CAN1_IF2DA1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004109C))
#define CAN1_IF2DA2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400410A0))
#define CAN1_IF2DB1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400410A4))
#define CAN1_IF2DB2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400410A8))
#define CAN1_TXRQ1_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041100))
#define CAN1_TXRQ2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041104))
#define CAN1_NWDA1_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041120))
#define CAN1_NWDA2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041124))
#define CAN1_MSG1INT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041140))
#define CAN1_MSG2INT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041144))
#define CAN1_MSG1VAL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041160))
#define CAN1_MSG2VAL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40041164))

// Timer registers (WTIMER2)
#define WTIMER2_CFG_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C000))
#define WTIMER2_TAMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C004))
#define WTIMER2_TBMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C008))
#define WTIMER2_CTL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C00C))
#define WTIMER2_SYNC_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C010))
#define WTIMER2_IMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C018))
#define WTIMER2_RIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C01C))
#define WTIMER2_MIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C020))
#define WTIMER2_ICR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C024))
#define WTIMER2_TAILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C028))
#define WTIMER2_TBILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C02C))
#define WTIMER2_TAMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C030))
#define WTIMER2_TBMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C034))
#define WTIMER2_TAPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C038))
#define WTIMER2_TBPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C03C))
#define WTIMER2_TAPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C040))
#define WTIMER2_TBPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C044))
#define WTIMER2_TAR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C048))
#define WTIMER2_TBR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C04C))
#define WTIMER2_TAV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C050))
#define WTIMER2_TBV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C054))
#define WTIMER2_RTCPD_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C058))
#define WTIMER2_TAPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C05C))
#define WTIMER2_TBPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C060))
#define WTIMER2_TAPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C064))
#define WTIMER2_TBPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004C068))
#define WTIMER2_PP_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004CFC0))

// Timer registers (WTIMER3)
#define WTIMER3_CFG_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D000))
#define WTIMER3_TAMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D004))
#define WTIMER3_TBMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D008))
#define WTIMER3_CTL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D00C))
#define WTIMER3_SYNC_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D010))
#define WTIMER3_IMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D018))
#define WTIMER3_RIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D01C))
#define WTIMER3_MIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D020))
#define WTIMER3_ICR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D024))
#define WTIMER3_TAILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D028))
#define WTIMER3_TBILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D02C))
#define WTIMER3_TAMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D030))
#define WTIMER3_TBMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D034))
#define WTIMER3_TAPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D038))
#define WTIMER3_TBPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D03C))
#define WTIMER3_TAPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D040))
#define WTIMER3_TBPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D044))
#define WTIMER3_TAR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D048))
#define WTIMER3_TBR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D04C))
#define WTIMER3_TAV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D050))
#define WTIMER3_TBV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D054))
#define WTIMER3_RTCPD_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D058))
#define WTIMER3_TAPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D05C))
#define WTIMER3_TBPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D060))
#define WTIMER3_TAPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D064))
#define WTIMER3_TBPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004D068))
#define WTIMER3_PP_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004DFC0))

// Timer registers (WTIMER4)
#define WTIMER4_CFG_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E000))
#define WTIMER4_TAMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E004))
#define WTIMER4_TBMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E008))
#define WTIMER4_CTL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E00C))
#define WTIMER4_SYNC_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E010))
#define WTIMER4_IMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E018))
#define WTIMER4_RIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E01C))
#define WTIMER4_MIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E020))
#define WTIMER4_ICR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E024))
#define WTIMER4_TAILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E028))
#define WTIMER4_TBILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E02C))
#define WTIMER4_TAMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E030))
#define WTIMER4_TBMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E034))
#define WTIMER4_TAPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E038))
#define WTIMER4_TBPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E03C))
#define WTIMER4_TAPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E040))
#define WTIMER4_TBPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E044))
#define WTIMER4_TAR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E048))
#define WTIMER4_TBR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E04C))
#define WTIMER4_TAV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E050))
#define WTIMER4_TBV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E054))
#define WTIMER4_RTCPD_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E058))
#define WTIMER4_TAPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E05C))
#define WTIMER4_TBPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E060))
#define WTIMER4_TAPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E064))
#define WTIMER4_TBPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004E068))
#define WTIMER4_PP_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004EFC0))

// Timer registers (WTIMER5)
#define WTIMER5_CFG_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F000))
#define WTIMER5_TAMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F004))
#define WTIMER5_TBMR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F008))
#define WTIMER5_CTL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F00C))
#define WTIMER5_SYNC_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F010))
#define WTIMER5_IMR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F018))
#define WTIMER5_RIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F01C))
#define WTIMER5_MIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F020))
#define WTIMER5_ICR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F024))
#define WTIMER5_TAILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F028))
#define WTIMER5_TBILR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F02C))
#define WTIMER5_TAMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F030))
#define WTIMER5_TBMATCHR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F034))
#define WTIMER5_TAPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F038))
#define WTIMER5_TBPR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F03C))
#define WTIMER5_TAPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F040))
#define WTIMER5_TBPMR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F044))
#define WTIMER5_TAR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F048))
#define WTIMER5_TBR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F04C))
#define WTIMER5_TAV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F050))
#define WTIMER5_TBV_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F054))
#define WTIMER5_RTCPD_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F058))
#define WTIMER5_TAPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F05C))
#define WTIMER5_TBPS_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F060))
#define WTIMER5_TAPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F064))
#define WTIMER5_TBPV_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004F068))
#define WTIMER5_PP_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4004FFC0))

// Univeral Serial Bus registers (USB0)
#define USB0_FADDR_R            (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050000))
#define USB0_POWER_R            (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050001))
#define USB0_TXIS_R             (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050002))
#define USB0_RXIS_R             (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050004))
#define USB0_TXIE_R             (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050006))
#define USB0_RXIE_R             (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050008))
#define USB0_IS_R               (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005000A))
#define USB0_IE_R               (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005000B))
#define USB0_FRAME_R            (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x4005000C))
#define USB0_EPIDX_R            (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005000E))
#define USB0_TEST_R             (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005000F))
#define USB0_FIFO0_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050020))
#define USB0_FIFO1_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050024))
#define USB0_FIFO2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050028))
#define USB0_FIFO3_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005002C))
#define USB0_FIFO4_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050030))
#define USB0_FIFO5_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050034))
#define USB0_FIFO6_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050038))
#define USB0_FIFO7_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005003C))
#define USB0_DEVCTL_R           (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050060))
#define USB0_TXFIFOSZ_R         (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050062))
#define USB0_RXFIFOSZ_R         (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050063))
#define USB0_TXFIFOADD_R        (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050064))
#define USB0_RXFIFOADD_R        (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050066))
#define USB0_CONTIM_R           (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005007A))
#define USB0_VPLEN_R            (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005007B))
#define USB0_FSEOF_R            (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005007D))
#define USB0_LSEOF_R            (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005007E))
#define USB0_TXFUNCADDR0_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050080))
#define USB0_TXHUBADDR0_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050082))
#define USB0_TXHUBPORT0_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050083))
#define USB0_TXFUNCADDR1_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050088))
#define USB0_TXHUBADDR1_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005008A))
#define USB0_TXHUBPORT1_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005008B))
#define USB0_RXFUNCADDR1_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005008C))
#define USB0_RXHUBADDR1_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005008E))
#define USB0_RXHUBPORT1_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005008F))
#define USB0_TXFUNCADDR2_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050090))
#define USB0_TXHUBADDR2_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050092))
#define USB0_TXHUBPORT2_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050093))
#define USB0_RXFUNCADDR2_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050094))
#define USB0_RXHUBADDR2_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050096))
#define USB0_RXHUBPORT2_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050097))
#define USB0_TXFUNCADDR3_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050098))
#define USB0_TXHUBADDR3_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005009A))
#define USB0_TXHUBPORT3_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005009B))
#define USB0_RXFUNCADDR3_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005009C))
#define USB0_RXHUBADDR3_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005009E))
#define USB0_RXHUBPORT3_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005009F))
#define USB0_TXFUNCADDR4_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500A0))
#define USB0_TXHUBADDR4_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500A2))
#define USB0_TXHUBPORT4_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500A3))
#define USB0_RXFUNCADDR4_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500A4))
#define USB0_RXHUBADDR4_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500A6))
#define USB0_RXHUBPORT4_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500A7))
#define USB0_TXFUNCADDR5_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500A8))
#define USB0_TXHUBADDR5_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500AA))
#define USB0_TXHUBPORT5_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500AB))
#define USB0_RXFUNCADDR5_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500AC))
#define USB0_RXHUBADDR5_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500AE))
#define USB0_RXHUBPORT5_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500AF))
#define USB0_TXFUNCADDR6_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500B0))
#define USB0_TXHUBADDR6_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500B2))
#define USB0_TXHUBPORT6_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500B3))
#define USB0_RXFUNCADDR6_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500B4))
#define USB0_RXHUBADDR6_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500B6))
#define USB0_RXHUBPORT6_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500B7))
#define USB0_TXFUNCADDR7_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500B8))
#define USB0_TXHUBADDR7_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500BA))
#define USB0_TXHUBPORT7_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500BB))
#define USB0_RXFUNCADDR7_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500BC))
#define USB0_RXHUBADDR7_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500BE))
#define USB0_RXHUBPORT7_R       (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x400500BF))
#define USB0_CSRL0_R            (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050102))
#define USB0_CSRH0_R            (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050103))
#define USB0_COUNT0_R           (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050108))
#define USB0_TYPE0_R            (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005010A))
#define USB0_NAKLMT_R           (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005010B))
#define USB0_TXMAXP1_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050110))
#define USB0_TXCSRL1_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050112))
#define USB0_TXCSRH1_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050113))
#define USB0_RXMAXP1_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050114))
#define USB0_RXCSRL1_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050116))
#define USB0_RXCSRH1_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050117))
#define USB0_RXCOUNT1_R         (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050118))
#define USB0_TXTYPE1_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005011A))
#define USB0_TXINTERVAL1_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005011B))
#define USB0_RXTYPE1_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005011C))
#define USB0_RXINTERVAL1_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005011D))
#define USB0_TXMAXP2_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050120))
#define USB0_TXCSRL2_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050122))
#define USB0_TXCSRH2_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050123))
#define USB0_RXMAXP2_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050124))
#define USB0_RXCSRL2_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050126))
#define USB0_RXCSRH2_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050127))
#define USB0_RXCOUNT2_R         (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050128))
#define USB0_TXTYPE2_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005012A))
#define USB0_TXINTERVAL2_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005012B))
#define USB0_RXTYPE2_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005012C))
#define USB0_RXINTERVAL2_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005012D))
#define USB0_TXMAXP3_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050130))
#define USB0_TXCSRL3_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050132))
#define USB0_TXCSRH3_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050133))
#define USB0_RXMAXP3_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050134))
#define USB0_RXCSRL3_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050136))
#define USB0_RXCSRH3_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050137))
#define USB0_RXCOUNT3_R         (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050138))
#define USB0_TXTYPE3_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005013A))
#define USB0_TXINTERVAL3_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005013B))
#define USB0_RXTYPE3_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005013C))
#define USB0_RXINTERVAL3_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005013D))
#define USB0_TXMAXP4_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050140))
#define USB0_TXCSRL4_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050142))
#define USB0_TXCSRH4_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050143))
#define USB0_RXMAXP4_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050144))
#define USB0_RXCSRL4_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050146))
#define USB0_RXCSRH4_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050147))
#define USB0_RXCOUNT4_R         (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050148))
#define USB0_TXTYPE4_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005014A))
#define USB0_TXINTERVAL4_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005014B))
#define USB0_RXTYPE4_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005014C))
#define USB0_RXINTERVAL4_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005014D))
#define USB0_TXMAXP5_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050150))
#define USB0_TXCSRL5_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050152))
#define USB0_TXCSRH5_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050153))
#define USB0_RXMAXP5_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050154))
#define USB0_RXCSRL5_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050156))
#define USB0_RXCSRH5_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050157))
#define USB0_RXCOUNT5_R         (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050158))
#define USB0_TXTYPE5_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005015A))
#define USB0_TXINTERVAL5_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005015B))
#define USB0_RXTYPE5_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005015C))
#define USB0_RXINTERVAL5_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005015D))
#define USB0_TXMAXP6_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050160))
#define USB0_TXCSRL6_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050162))
#define USB0_TXCSRH6_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050163))
#define USB0_RXMAXP6_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050164))
#define USB0_RXCSRL6_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050166))
#define USB0_RXCSRH6_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050167))
#define USB0_RXCOUNT6_R         (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050168))
#define USB0_TXTYPE6_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005016A))
#define USB0_TXINTERVAL6_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005016B))
#define USB0_RXTYPE6_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005016C))
#define USB0_RXINTERVAL6_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005016D))
#define USB0_TXMAXP7_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050170))
#define USB0_TXCSRL7_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050172))
#define USB0_TXCSRH7_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050173))
#define USB0_RXMAXP7_R          (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050174))
#define USB0_RXCSRL7_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050176))
#define USB0_RXCSRH7_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x40050177))
#define USB0_RXCOUNT7_R         (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050178))
#define USB0_TXTYPE7_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005017A))
#define USB0_TXINTERVAL7_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005017B))
#define USB0_RXTYPE7_R          (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005017C))
#define USB0_RXINTERVAL7_R      (*((volatile uint8_t *)0x4005017D))
#define USB0_RQPKTCOUNT1_R      (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050304))
#define USB0_RQPKTCOUNT2_R      (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050308))
#define USB0_RQPKTCOUNT3_R      (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x4005030C))
#define USB0_RQPKTCOUNT4_R      (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050310))
#define USB0_RQPKTCOUNT5_R      (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050314))
#define USB0_RQPKTCOUNT6_R      (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050318))
#define USB0_RQPKTCOUNT7_R      (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x4005031C))
#define USB0_RXDPKTBUFDIS_R     (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050340))
#define USB0_TXDPKTBUFDIS_R     (*((volatile uint16_t *)0x40050342))
#define USB0_EPC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050400))
#define USB0_EPCRIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050404))
#define USB0_EPCIM_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050408))
#define USB0_EPCISC_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005040C))
#define USB0_DRRIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050410))
#define USB0_DRIM_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050414))
#define USB0_DRISC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050418))
#define USB0_GPCS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005041C))
#define USB0_VDC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050430))
#define USB0_VDCRIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050434))
#define USB0_VDCIM_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050438))
#define USB0_VDCISC_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005043C))
#define USB0_IDVRIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050444))
#define USB0_IDVIM_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050448))
#define USB0_IDVISC_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005044C))
#define USB0_DMASEL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050450))
#define USB0_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40050FC0))

// GPIO registers (PORTA AHB)
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_DATA_BITS_R                                            \
                                ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058000)
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_DATA_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400583FC))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_DIR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058400))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_IS_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058404))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_IBE_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058408))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_IEV_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005840C))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_IM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058410))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_RIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058414))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_MIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058418))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_ICR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005841C))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_AFSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058420))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_DR2R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058500))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_DR4R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058504))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_DR8R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058508))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_ODR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005850C))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_PUR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058510))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_PDR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058514))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_SLR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058518))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_DEN_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005851C))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_LOCK_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058520))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_CR_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058524))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_AMSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058528))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_PCTL_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005852C))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_ADCCTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058530))
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_DMACTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40058534))

// GPIO registers (PORTB AHB)
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_DATA_BITS_R                                            \
                                ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059000)
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_DATA_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400593FC))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_DIR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059400))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_IS_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059404))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_IBE_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059408))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_IEV_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005940C))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_IM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059410))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_RIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059414))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_MIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059418))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_ICR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005941C))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_AFSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059420))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_DR2R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059500))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_DR4R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059504))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_DR8R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059508))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_ODR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005950C))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_PUR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059510))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_PDR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059514))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_SLR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059518))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_DEN_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005951C))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_LOCK_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059520))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_CR_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059524))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_AMSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059528))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_PCTL_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005952C))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_ADCCTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059530))
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_DMACTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40059534))

// GPIO registers (PORTC AHB)
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_DATA_BITS_R                                            \
                                ((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A000)
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_DATA_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A3FC))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_DIR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A400))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_IS_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A404))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_IBE_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A408))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_IEV_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A40C))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_IM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A410))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_RIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A414))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_MIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A418))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_ICR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A41C))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_AFSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A420))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_DR2R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A500))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_DR4R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A504))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_DR8R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A508))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_ODR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A50C))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_PUR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A510))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_PDR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A514))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_SLR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A518))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_DEN_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A51C))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_LOCK_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A520))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_CR_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A524))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_AMSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A528))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_PCTL_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A52C))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_ADCCTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A530))
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_DMACTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005A534))

// GPIO registers (PORTD AHB)
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_DATA_BITS_R                                            \
                                ((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B000)
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_DATA_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B3FC))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_DIR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B400))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_IS_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B404))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_IBE_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B408))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_IEV_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B40C))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_IM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B410))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_RIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B414))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_MIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B418))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_ICR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B41C))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_AFSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B420))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_DR2R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B500))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_DR4R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B504))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_DR8R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B508))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_ODR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B50C))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_PUR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B510))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_PDR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B514))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_SLR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B518))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_DEN_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B51C))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_LOCK_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B520))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_CR_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B524))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_AMSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B528))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_PCTL_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B52C))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_ADCCTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B530))
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_DMACTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005B534))

// GPIO registers (PORTE AHB)
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_DATA_BITS_R                                            \
                                ((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C000)
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_DATA_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C3FC))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_DIR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C400))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_IS_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C404))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_IBE_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C408))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_IEV_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C40C))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_IM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C410))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_RIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C414))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_MIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C418))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_ICR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C41C))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_AFSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C420))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_DR2R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C500))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_DR4R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C504))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_DR8R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C508))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_ODR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C50C))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_PUR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C510))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_PDR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C514))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_SLR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C518))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_DEN_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C51C))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_LOCK_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C520))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_CR_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C524))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_AMSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C528))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_PCTL_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C52C))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_ADCCTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C530))
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_DMACTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005C534))

// GPIO registers (PORTF AHB)
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_DATA_BITS_R                                            \
                                ((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D000)
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_DATA_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D3FC))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_DIR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D400))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_IS_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D404))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_IBE_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D408))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_IEV_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D40C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_IM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D410))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_RIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D414))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_MIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D418))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_ICR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D41C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_AFSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D420))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_DR2R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D500))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_DR4R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D504))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_DR8R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D508))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_ODR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D50C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_PUR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D510))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_PDR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D514))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_SLR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D518))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_DEN_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D51C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_LOCK_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D520))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_CR_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D524))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_AMSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D528))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_PCTL_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D52C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_ADCCTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D530))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_DMACTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005D534))

// GPIO registers (PORTG AHB)
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_DATA_BITS_R                                            \
                                ((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E000)
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_DATA_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E3FC))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_DIR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E400))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_IS_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E404))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_IBE_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E408))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_IEV_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E40C))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_IM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E410))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_RIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E414))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_MIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E418))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_ICR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E41C))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_AFSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E420))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_DR2R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E500))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_DR4R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E504))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_DR8R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E508))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_ODR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E50C))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_PUR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E510))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_PDR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E514))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_SLR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E518))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_DEN_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E51C))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_LOCK_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E520))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_CR_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E524))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_AMSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E528))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_PCTL_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E52C))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_ADCCTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E530))
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_DMACTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005E534))

// GPIO registers (PORTH AHB)
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_DATA_BITS_R                                            \
                                ((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F000)
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_DATA_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F3FC))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_DIR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F400))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_IS_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F404))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_IBE_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F408))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_IEV_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F40C))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_IM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F410))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_RIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F414))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_MIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F418))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_ICR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F41C))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_AFSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F420))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_DR2R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F500))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_DR4R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F504))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_DR8R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F508))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_ODR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F50C))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_PUR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F510))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_PDR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F514))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_SLR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F518))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_DEN_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F51C))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_LOCK_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F520))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_CR_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F524))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_AMSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F528))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_PCTL_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F52C))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_ADCCTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F530))
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_DMACTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4005F534))

// GPIO registers (PORTJ AHB)
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_DATA_BITS_R                                            \
                                ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060000)
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_DATA_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400603FC))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_DIR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060400))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_IS_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060404))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_IBE_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060408))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_IEV_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4006040C))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_IM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060410))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_RIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060414))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_MIS_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060418))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_ICR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4006041C))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_AFSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060420))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_DR2R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060500))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_DR4R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060504))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_DR8R_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060508))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_ODR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4006050C))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_PUR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060510))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_PDR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060514))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_SLR_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060518))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_DEN_R    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4006051C))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_LOCK_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060520))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_CR_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060524))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_AMSEL_R  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060528))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_PCTL_R   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4006052C))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_ADCCTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060530))
#define GPIO_PORTJ_AHB_DMACTL_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40060534))

// GPIO registers (PORTK)
#define GPIO_PORTK_DATA_BITS_R  ((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061000)
#define GPIO_PORTK_DATA_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400613FC))
#define GPIO_PORTK_DIR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061400))
#define GPIO_PORTK_IS_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061404))
#define GPIO_PORTK_IBE_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061408))
#define GPIO_PORTK_IEV_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4006140C))
#define GPIO_PORTK_IM_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061410))
#define GPIO_PORTK_RIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061414))
#define GPIO_PORTK_MIS_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061418))
#define GPIO_PORTK_ICR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4006141C))
#define GPIO_PORTK_AFSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061420))
#define GPIO_PORTK_DR2R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061500))
#define GPIO_PORTK_DR4R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061504))
#define GPIO_PORTK_DR8R_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061508))
#define GPIO_PORTK_ODR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4006150C))
#define GPIO_PORTK_PUR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061510))
#define GPIO_PORTK_PDR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061514))
#define GPIO_PORTK_SLR_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061518))
#define GPIO_PORTK_DEN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4006151C))
#define GPIO_PORTK_LOCK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061520))
#define GPIO_PORTK_CR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061524))
#define GPIO_PORTK_AMSEL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061528))
#define GPIO_PORTK_PCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4006152C))
#define GPIO_PORTK_ADCCTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061530))
#define GPIO_PORTK_DMACTL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x40061534))

// EEPROM registers (EEPROM)
#define EEPROM_EESIZE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF000))
#define EEPROM_EEBLOCK_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF004))
#define EEPROM_EEOFFSET_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF008))
#define EEPROM_EERDWR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF010))
#define EEPROM_EERDWRINC_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF014))
#define EEPROM_EEDONE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF018))
#define EEPROM_EESUPP_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF01C))
#define EEPROM_EEUNLOCK_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF020))
#define EEPROM_EEPROT_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF030))
#define EEPROM_EEPASS0_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF034))
#define EEPROM_EEPASS1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF038))
#define EEPROM_EEPASS2_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF03C))
#define EEPROM_EEINT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF040))
#define EEPROM_EEHIDE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF050))
#define EEPROM_EEDBGME_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AF080))
#define EEPROM_PP_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400AFFC0))

// I2C registers (I2C4)
#define I2C4_MSA_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0000))
#define I2C4_MCS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0004))
#define I2C4_MDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0008))
#define I2C4_MTPR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C000C))
#define I2C4_MIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0010))
#define I2C4_MRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0014))
#define I2C4_MMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0018))
#define I2C4_MICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C001C))
#define I2C4_MCR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0020))
#define I2C4_MCLKOCNT_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0024))
#define I2C4_MBMON_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C002C))
#define I2C4_MCR2_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0038))
#define I2C4_SOAR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0800))
#define I2C4_SCSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0804))
#define I2C4_SDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0808))
#define I2C4_SIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C080C))
#define I2C4_SRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0810))
#define I2C4_SMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0814))
#define I2C4_SICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0818))
#define I2C4_SOAR2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C081C))
#define I2C4_SACKCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0820))
#define I2C4_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0FC0))
#define I2C4_PC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C0FC4))

// I2C registers (I2C5)
#define I2C5_MSA_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1000))
#define I2C5_MCS_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1004))
#define I2C5_MDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1008))
#define I2C5_MTPR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C100C))
#define I2C5_MIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1010))
#define I2C5_MRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1014))
#define I2C5_MMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1018))
#define I2C5_MICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C101C))
#define I2C5_MCR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1020))
#define I2C5_MCLKOCNT_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1024))
#define I2C5_MBMON_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C102C))
#define I2C5_MCR2_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1038))
#define I2C5_SOAR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1800))
#define I2C5_SCSR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1804))
#define I2C5_SDR_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1808))
#define I2C5_SIMR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C180C))
#define I2C5_SRIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1810))
#define I2C5_SMIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1814))
#define I2C5_SICR_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1818))
#define I2C5_SOAR2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C181C))
#define I2C5_SACKCTL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1820))
#define I2C5_PP_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1FC0))
#define I2C5_PC_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400C1FC4))

// System Exception Module registers (SYSEXC)
#define SYSEXC_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400F9000))
#define SYSEXC_IM_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400F9004))
#define SYSEXC_MIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400F9008))
#define SYSEXC_IC_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400F900C))

// Hibernation module registers (HIB)
#define HIB_RTCC_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FC000))
#define HIB_RTCM0_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FC004))
#define HIB_RTCLD_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FC00C))
#define HIB_CTL_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FC010))
#define HIB_IM_R                (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FC014))
#define HIB_RIS_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FC018))
#define HIB_MIS_R               (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FC01C))
#define HIB_IC_R                (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FC020))
#define HIB_RTCT_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FC024))
#define HIB_RTCSS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FC028))
#define HIB_DATA_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FC030))

// FLASH registers (FLASH CTRL)
#define FLASH_FMA_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FD000))
#define FLASH_FMD_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FD004))
#define FLASH_FMC_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FD008))
#define FLASH_FCRIS_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FD00C))
#define FLASH_FCIM_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FD010))
#define FLASH_FCMISC_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FD014))
#define FLASH_FMC2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FD020))
#define FLASH_FWBVAL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FD030))
#define FLASH_FWBN_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FD100))
#define FLASH_FSIZE_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FDFC0))
#define FLASH_SSIZE_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FDFC4))
#define FLASH_ROMSWMAP_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FDFCC))
#define FLASH_RMCTL_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE0F0))
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE1D0))
#define FLASH_USERREG0_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE1E0))
#define FLASH_USERREG1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE1E4))
#define FLASH_USERREG2_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE1E8))
#define FLASH_USERREG3_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE1EC))
#define FLASH_FMPRE0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE200))
#define FLASH_FMPRE1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE204))
#define FLASH_FMPRE2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE208))
#define FLASH_FMPRE3_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE20C))
#define FLASH_FMPPE0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE400))
#define FLASH_FMPPE1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE404))
#define FLASH_FMPPE2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE408))
#define FLASH_FMPPE3_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE40C))

// System Control registers (SYSCTL)
#define SYSCTL_DID0_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE000))
#define SYSCTL_DID1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE004))
#define SYSCTL_DC0_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE008))
#define SYSCTL_DC1_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE010))
#define SYSCTL_DC2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE014))
#define SYSCTL_DC3_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE018))
#define SYSCTL_DC4_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE01C))
#define SYSCTL_DC5_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE020))
#define SYSCTL_DC6_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE024))
#define SYSCTL_DC7_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE028))
#define SYSCTL_DC8_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE02C))
#define SYSCTL_PBORCTL_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE030))
#define SYSCTL_SRCR0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE040))
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE044))
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE048))
#define SYSCTL_RIS_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE050))
#define SYSCTL_IMC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE054))
#define SYSCTL_MISC_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE058))
#define SYSCTL_RESC_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE05C))
#define SYSCTL_RCC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE060))
#define SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE06C))
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE070))
#define SYSCTL_MOSCCTL_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE07C))
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE100))
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE104))
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE108))
#define SYSCTL_SCGC0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE110))
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE114))
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE118))
#define SYSCTL_DCGC0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE120))
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE124))
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE128))
#define SYSCTL_DSLPCLKCFG_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE144))
#define SYSCTL_SYSPROP_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE14C))
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCCAL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE150))
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCSTAT_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE154))
#define SYSCTL_PLLFREQ0_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE160))
#define SYSCTL_PLLFREQ1_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE164))
#define SYSCTL_PLLSTAT_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE168))
#define SYSCTL_SLPPWRCFG_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE188))
#define SYSCTL_DSLPPWRCFG_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE18C))
#define SYSCTL_DC9_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE190))
#define SYSCTL_NVMSTAT_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE1A0))
#define SYSCTL_LDOSPCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE1B4))
#define SYSCTL_LDODPCTL_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE1BC))
#define SYSCTL_PPWD_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE300))
#define SYSCTL_PPTIMER_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE304))
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE308))
#define SYSCTL_PPDMA_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE30C))
#define SYSCTL_PPHIB_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE314))
#define SYSCTL_PPUART_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE318))
#define SYSCTL_PPSSI_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE31C))
#define SYSCTL_PPI2C_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE320))
#define SYSCTL_PPUSB_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE328))
#define SYSCTL_PPCAN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE334))
#define SYSCTL_PPADC_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE338))
#define SYSCTL_PPACMP_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE33C))
#define SYSCTL_PPPWM_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE340))
#define SYSCTL_PPQEI_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE344))
#define SYSCTL_PPEEPROM_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE358))
#define SYSCTL_PPWTIMER_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE35C))
#define SYSCTL_SRWD_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE500))
#define SYSCTL_SRTIMER_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE504))
#define SYSCTL_SRGPIO_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE508))
#define SYSCTL_SRDMA_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE50C))
#define SYSCTL_SRHIB_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE514))
#define SYSCTL_SRUART_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE518))
#define SYSCTL_SRSSI_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE51C))
#define SYSCTL_SRI2C_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE520))
#define SYSCTL_SRUSB_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE528))
#define SYSCTL_SRCAN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE534))
#define SYSCTL_SRADC_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE538))
#define SYSCTL_SRACMP_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE53C))
#define SYSCTL_SRPWM_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE540))
#define SYSCTL_SRQEI_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE544))
#define SYSCTL_SREEPROM_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE558))
#define SYSCTL_SRWTIMER_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE55C))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCWD_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE600))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCTIMER_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE604))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE608))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCDMA_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE60C))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCHIB_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE614))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE618))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCSSI_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE61C))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCI2C_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE620))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCUSB_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE628))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCCAN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE634))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCADC_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE638))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCACMP_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE63C))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCPWM_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE640))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCQEI_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE644))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCEEPROM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE658))
#define SYSCTL_RCGCWTIMER_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE65C))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCWD_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE700))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCTIMER_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE704))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE708))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCDMA_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE70C))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCHIB_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE714))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCUART_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE718))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCSSI_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE71C))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCI2C_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE720))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCUSB_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE728))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCCAN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE734))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCADC_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE738))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCACMP_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE73C))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCPWM_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE740))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCQEI_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE744))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCEEPROM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE758))
#define SYSCTL_SCGCWTIMER_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE75C))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCWD_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE800))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCTIMER_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE804))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE808))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCDMA_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE80C))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCHIB_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE814))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCUART_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE818))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCSSI_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE81C))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCI2C_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE820))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCUSB_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE828))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCCAN_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE834))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCADC_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE838))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCACMP_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE83C))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCPWM_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE840))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCQEI_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE844))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCEEPROM_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE858))
#define SYSCTL_DCGCWTIMER_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FE85C))
#define SYSCTL_PRWD_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA00))
#define SYSCTL_PRTIMER_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA04))
#define SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA08))
#define SYSCTL_PRDMA_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA0C))
#define SYSCTL_PRHIB_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA14))
#define SYSCTL_PRUART_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA18))
#define SYSCTL_PRSSI_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA1C))
#define SYSCTL_PRI2C_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA20))
#define SYSCTL_PRUSB_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA28))
#define SYSCTL_PRCAN_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA34))
#define SYSCTL_PRADC_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA38))
#define SYSCTL_PRACMP_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA3C))
#define SYSCTL_PRPWM_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA40))
#define SYSCTL_PRQEI_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA44))
#define SYSCTL_PREEPROM_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA58))
#define SYSCTL_PRWTIMER_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FEA5C))

// Micro Direct Memory Access registers (UDMA)
#define UDMA_STAT_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF000))
#define UDMA_CFG_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF004))
#define UDMA_CTLBASE_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF008))
#define UDMA_ALTBASE_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF00C))
#define UDMA_WAITSTAT_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF010))
#define UDMA_SWREQ_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF014))
#define UDMA_USEBURSTSET_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF018))
#define UDMA_USEBURSTCLR_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF01C))
#define UDMA_REQMASKSET_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF020))
#define UDMA_REQMASKCLR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF024))
#define UDMA_ENASET_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF028))
#define UDMA_ENACLR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF02C))
#define UDMA_ALTSET_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF030))
#define UDMA_ALTCLR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF034))
#define UDMA_PRIOSET_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF038))
#define UDMA_PRIOCLR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF03C))
#define UDMA_ERRCLR_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF04C))
#define UDMA_CHASGN_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF500))
#define UDMA_CHIS_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF504))
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF510))
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF514))
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF518))
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF51C))

// Micro Direct Memory Access (uDMA) offsets (UDMA)
#define UDMA_SRCENDP            0x00000000  // DMA Channel Source Address End
                                            // Pointer
#define UDMA_DSTENDP            0x00000004  // DMA Channel Destination Address
                                            // End Pointer
#define UDMA_CHCTL              0x00000008  // DMA Channel Control Word

// NVIC registers (NVIC)
#define NVIC_ACTLR_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E008))
#define NVIC_ST_CTRL_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E010))
#define NVIC_ST_RELOAD_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E014))
#define NVIC_ST_CURRENT_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E018))
#define NVIC_EN0_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E100))
#define NVIC_EN1_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E104))
#define NVIC_EN2_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E108))
#define NVIC_EN3_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E10C))
#define NVIC_EN4_R              (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E110))
#define NVIC_DIS0_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E180))
#define NVIC_DIS1_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E184))
#define NVIC_DIS2_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E188))
#define NVIC_DIS3_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E18C))
#define NVIC_DIS4_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E190))
#define NVIC_PEND0_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E200))
#define NVIC_PEND1_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E204))
#define NVIC_PEND2_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E208))
#define NVIC_PEND3_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E20C))
#define NVIC_PEND4_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E210))
#define NVIC_UNPEND0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E280))
#define NVIC_UNPEND1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E284))
#define NVIC_UNPEND2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E288))
#define NVIC_UNPEND3_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E28C))
#define NVIC_UNPEND4_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E290))
#define NVIC_ACTIVE0_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E300))
#define NVIC_ACTIVE1_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E304))
#define NVIC_ACTIVE2_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E308))
#define NVIC_ACTIVE3_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E30C))
#define NVIC_ACTIVE4_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E310))
#define NVIC_PRI0_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E400))
#define NVIC_PRI1_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E404))
#define NVIC_PRI2_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E408))
#define NVIC_PRI3_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E40C))
#define NVIC_PRI4_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E410))
#define NVIC_PRI5_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E414))
#define NVIC_PRI6_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E418))
#define NVIC_PRI7_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E41C))
#define NVIC_PRI8_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E420))
#define NVIC_PRI9_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E424))
#define NVIC_PRI10_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E428))
#define NVIC_PRI11_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E42C))
#define NVIC_PRI12_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E430))
#define NVIC_PRI13_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E434))
#define NVIC_PRI14_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E438))
#define NVIC_PRI15_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E43C))
#define NVIC_PRI16_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E440))
#define NVIC_PRI17_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E444))
#define NVIC_PRI18_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E448))
#define NVIC_PRI19_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E44C))
#define NVIC_PRI20_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E450))
#define NVIC_PRI21_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E454))
#define NVIC_PRI22_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E458))
#define NVIC_PRI23_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E45C))
#define NVIC_PRI24_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E460))
#define NVIC_PRI25_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E464))
#define NVIC_PRI26_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E468))
#define NVIC_PRI27_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E46C))
#define NVIC_PRI28_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E470))
#define NVIC_PRI29_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E474))
#define NVIC_PRI30_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E478))
#define NVIC_PRI31_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E47C))
#define NVIC_PRI32_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E480))
#define NVIC_PRI33_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E484))
#define NVIC_PRI34_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E488))
#define NVIC_CPUID_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED00))
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED04))
#define NVIC_VTABLE_R           (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED08))
#define NVIC_APINT_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED0C))
#define NVIC_SYS_CTRL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED10))
#define NVIC_CFG_CTRL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED14))
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI1_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED18))
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI2_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED1C))
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI3_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED20))
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_R     (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED24))
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED28))
#define NVIC_HFAULT_STAT_R      (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED2C))
#define NVIC_DEBUG_STAT_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED30))
#define NVIC_MM_ADDR_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED34))
#define NVIC_FAULT_ADDR_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED38))
#define NVIC_CPAC_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED88))
#define NVIC_MPU_TYPE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED90))
#define NVIC_MPU_CTRL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED94))
#define NVIC_MPU_NUMBER_R       (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED98))
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED9C))
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDA0))
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDA4))
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR1_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDA8))
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE2_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDAC))
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR2_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDB0))
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE3_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDB4))
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR3_R        (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDB8))
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDF0))
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDF4))
#define NVIC_DBG_DATA_R         (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDF8))
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDFC))
#define NVIC_SW_TRIG_R          (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EF00))
#define NVIC_FPCC_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EF34))
#define NVIC_FPCA_R             (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EF38))
#define NVIC_FPDSC_R            (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EF3C))

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the WDT_O_LOAD register.
#define WDT_LOAD_M              0xFFFFFFFF  // Watchdog Load Value
#define WDT_LOAD_S              0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the WDT_O_VALUE register.
#define WDT_VALUE_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // Watchdog Value
#define WDT_VALUE_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the WDT_O_CTL register.
#define WDT_CTL_WRC             0x80000000  // Write Complete
#define WDT_CTL_INTTYPE         0x00000004  // Watchdog Interrupt Type
#define WDT_CTL_RESEN           0x00000002  // Watchdog Reset Enable
#define WDT_CTL_INTEN           0x00000001  // Watchdog Interrupt Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the WDT_O_ICR register.
#define WDT_ICR_M               0xFFFFFFFF  // Watchdog Interrupt Clear
#define WDT_ICR_S               0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the WDT_O_RIS register.
#define WDT_RIS_WDTRIS          0x00000001  // Watchdog Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the WDT_O_MIS register.
#define WDT_MIS_WDTMIS          0x00000001  // Watchdog Masked Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the WDT_O_TEST register.
#define WDT_TEST_STALL          0x00000100  // Watchdog Stall Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the WDT_O_LOCK register.
#define WDT_LOCK_M              0xFFFFFFFF  // Watchdog Lock
#define WDT_LOCK_UNLOCKED       0x00000000  // Unlocked
#define WDT_LOCK_LOCKED         0x00000001  // Locked
#define WDT_LOCK_UNLOCK         0x1ACCE551  // Unlocks the watchdog timer

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_IM register.
#define GPIO_IM_GPIO_M          0x000000FF  // GPIO Interrupt Mask Enable
#define GPIO_IM_GPIO_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_RIS register.
#define GPIO_RIS_GPIO_M         0x000000FF  // GPIO Interrupt Raw Status
#define GPIO_RIS_GPIO_S         0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_MIS register.
#define GPIO_MIS_GPIO_M         0x000000FF  // GPIO Masked Interrupt Status
#define GPIO_MIS_GPIO_S         0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_ICR register.
#define GPIO_ICR_GPIO_M         0x000000FF  // GPIO Interrupt Clear
#define GPIO_ICR_GPIO_S         0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_LOCK register.
#define GPIO_LOCK_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPIO Lock
#define GPIO_LOCK_UNLOCKED      0x00000000  // The GPIOCR register is unlocked
                                            // and may be modified
#define GPIO_LOCK_LOCKED        0x00000001  // The GPIOCR register is locked
                                            // and may not be modified
#define GPIO_LOCK_KEY           0x4C4F434B  // Unlocks the GPIO_CR register

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_PCTL register for
// port A.
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA7_M         0xF0000000  // PA7 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA7_I2C1SDA   0x30000000  // I2C1SDA on PA7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA7_M1PWM3    0x50000000  // M1PWM3 on PA7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA6_M         0x0F000000  // PA6 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA6_I2C1SCL   0x03000000  // I2C1SCL on PA6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA6_M1PWM2    0x05000000  // M1PWM2 on PA6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA5_M         0x00F00000  // PA5 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA5_SSI0TX    0x00200000  // SSI0TX on PA5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA4_M         0x000F0000  // PA4 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA4_SSI0RX    0x00020000  // SSI0RX on PA4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA3_M         0x0000F000  // PA3 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA3_SSI0FSS   0x00002000  // SSI0FSS on PA3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA2_M         0x00000F00  // PA2 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA2_SSI0CLK   0x00000200  // SSI0CLK on PA2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA1_M         0x000000F0  // PA1 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA1_U0TX      0x00000010  // U0TX on PA1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA1_CAN1TX    0x00000080  // CAN1TX on PA1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA0_M         0x0000000F  // PA0 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA0_U0RX      0x00000001  // U0RX on PA0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PA0_CAN1RX    0x00000008  // CAN1RX on PA0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_PCTL register for
// port B.
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB5_M         0x00F00000  // PB5 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB5_SSI2FSS   0x00200000  // SSI2FSS on PB5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB5_M0PWM3    0x00400000  // M0PWM3 on PB5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB5_T1CCP1    0x00700000  // T1CCP1 on PB5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB5_CAN0TX    0x00800000  // CAN0TX on PB5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB4_M         0x000F0000  // PB4 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB4_SSI2CLK   0x00020000  // SSI2CLK on PB4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB4_M0PWM2    0x00040000  // M0PWM2 on PB4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB4_T1CCP0    0x00070000  // T1CCP0 on PB4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB4_CAN0RX    0x00080000  // CAN0RX on PB4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB3_M         0x0000F000  // PB3 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB3_I2C0SDA   0x00003000  // I2C0SDA on PB3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB3_T3CCP1    0x00007000  // T3CCP1 on PB3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB2_M         0x00000F00  // PB2 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB2_I2C0SCL   0x00000300  // I2C0SCL on PB2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB2_T3CCP0    0x00000700  // T3CCP0 on PB2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB1_M         0x000000F0  // PB1 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB1_USB0VBUS  0x00000000  // USB0VBUS on PB1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB1_U1TX      0x00000010  // U1TX on PB1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB1_T2CCP1    0x00000070  // T2CCP1 on PB1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB0_M         0x0000000F  // PB0 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB0_USB0ID    0x00000000  // USB0ID on PB0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB0_U1RX      0x00000001  // U1RX on PB0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PB0_T2CCP0    0x00000007  // T2CCP0 on PB0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_PCTL register for
// port C.
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC7_M         0xF0000000  // PC7 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC7_U3TX      0x10000000  // U3TX on PC7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC7_WT1CCP1   0x70000000  // WT1CCP1 on PC7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC7_USB0PFLT  0x80000000  // USB0PFLT on PC7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC6_M         0x0F000000  // PC6 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC6_U3RX      0x01000000  // U3RX on PC6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC6_PHB1      0x06000000  // PHB1 on PC6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC6_WT1CCP0   0x07000000  // WT1CCP0 on PC6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC6_USB0EPEN  0x08000000  // USB0EPEN on PC6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC5_M         0x00F00000  // PC5 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC5_U4TX      0x00100000  // U4TX on PC5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC5_U1TX      0x00200000  // U1TX on PC5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC5_M0PWM7    0x00400000  // M0PWM7 on PC5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC5_PHA1      0x00600000  // PHA1 on PC5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC5_WT0CCP1   0x00700000  // WT0CCP1 on PC5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC5_U1CTS     0x00800000  // U1CTS on PC5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC4_M         0x000F0000  // PC4 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC4_U4RX      0x00010000  // U4RX on PC4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC4_U1RX      0x00020000  // U1RX on PC4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC4_M0PWM6    0x00040000  // M0PWM6 on PC4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC4_IDX1      0x00060000  // IDX1 on PC4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC4_WT0CCP0   0x00070000  // WT0CCP0 on PC4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC4_U1RTS     0x00080000  // U1RTS on PC4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC3_M         0x0000F000  // PC3 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC3_TDO       0x00001000  // TDO on PC3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC3_T5CCP1    0x00007000  // T5CCP1 on PC3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC2_M         0x00000F00  // PC2 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC2_TDI       0x00000100  // TDI on PC2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC2_T5CCP0    0x00000700  // T5CCP0 on PC2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC1_M         0x000000F0  // PC1 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC1_TMS       0x00000010  // TMS on PC1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC1_T4CCP1    0x00000070  // T4CCP1 on PC1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC0_M         0x0000000F  // PC0 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC0_TCK       0x00000001  // TCK on PC0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PC0_T4CCP0    0x00000007  // T4CCP0 on PC0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_PCTL register for
// port D.
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD7_M         0xF0000000  // PD7 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD7_AIN4      0x00000000  // AIN4 on PD7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD7_U2TX      0x10000000  // U2TX on PD7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD7_M0FAULT1  0x40000000  // M0FAULT1 on PD7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD7_PHB0      0x60000000  // PHB0 on PD7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD7_WT5CCP1   0x70000000  // WT5CCP1 on PD7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD7_NMI       0x80000000  // NMI on PD7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD6_M         0x0F000000  // PD6 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD6_AIN5      0x00000000  // AIN5 on PD6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD6_U2RX      0x01000000  // U2RX on PD6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD6_M0FAULT0  0x04000000  // M0FAULT0 on PD6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD6_PHA0      0x06000000  // PHA0 on PD6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD6_WT5CCP0   0x07000000  // WT5CCP0 on PD6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD5_M         0x00F00000  // PD5 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD5_U6TX      0x00100000  // U6TX on PD5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD5_WT4CCP1   0x00700000  // WT4CCP1 on PD5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD4_M         0x000F0000  // PD4 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD4_AIN7      0x00000000  // AIN7 on PD4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD4_U6RX      0x00010000  // U6RX on PD4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD4_WT4CCP0   0x00070000  // WT4CCP0 on PD4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD3_M         0x0000F000  // PD3 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD3_AIN12     0x00000000  // AIN12 on PD3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD3_SSI3TX    0x00001000  // SSI3TX on PD3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD3_SSI1TX    0x00002000  // SSI1TX on PD3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD3_IDX0      0x00006000  // IDX0 on PD3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD3_WT3CCP1   0x00007000  // WT3CCP1 on PD3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD3_USB0PFLT  0x00008000  // USB0PFLT on PD3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD2_M         0x00000F00  // PD2 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD2_AIN13     0x00000000  // AIN13 on PD2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD2_SSI3RX    0x00000100  // SSI3RX on PD2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD2_SSI1RX    0x00000200  // SSI1RX on PD2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD2_M0FAULT0  0x00000400  // M0FAULT0 on PD2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD2_WT3CCP0   0x00000700  // WT3CCP0 on PD2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD2_USB0EPEN  0x00000800  // USB0EPEN on PD2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD1_M         0x000000F0  // PD1 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD1_AIN14     0x00000000  // AIN14 on PD1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD1_SSI3FSS   0x00000010  // SSI3FSS on PD1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD1_SSI1FSS   0x00000020  // SSI1FSS on PD1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD1_I2C3SDA   0x00000030  // I2C3SDA on PD1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD1_M0PWM7    0x00000040  // M0PWM7 on PD1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD1_M1PWM1    0x00000050  // M1PWM1 on PD1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD1_WT2CCP1   0x00000070  // WT2CCP1 on PD1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD0_M         0x0000000F  // PD0 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD0_AIN15     0x00000000  // AIN15 on PD0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD0_SSI3CLK   0x00000001  // SSI3CLK on PD0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD0_SSI1CLK   0x00000002  // SSI1CLK on PD0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD0_I2C3SCL   0x00000003  // I2C3SCL on PD0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD0_M0PWM6    0x00000004  // M0PWM6 on PD0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD0_M1PWM0    0x00000005  // M1PWM0 on PD0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PD0_WT2CCP0   0x00000007  // WT2CCP0 on PD0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_PCTL register for
// port E.
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE7_M         0xF0000000  // PE7 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE7_AIN20     0x00000000  // AIN20 on PE7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE7_U1RI      0x10000000  // U1RI on PE7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE7_CAN1TX    0x80000000  // CAN1TX on PE7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE6_M         0x0F000000  // PE6 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE6_AIN21     0x00000000  // AIN21 on PE6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE6_CAN1RX    0x08000000  // CAN1RX on PE6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE5_M         0x00F00000  // PE5 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE5_AIN8      0x00000000  // AIN8 on PE5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE5_U5TX      0x00100000  // U5TX on PE5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE5_I2C2SDA   0x00300000  // I2C2SDA on PE5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE5_M0PWM5    0x00400000  // M0PWM5 on PE5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE5_M1PWM3    0x00500000  // M1PWM3 on PE5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE5_CAN0TX    0x00800000  // CAN0TX on PE5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE4_M         0x000F0000  // PE4 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE4_AIN9      0x00000000  // AIN9 on PE4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE4_U5RX      0x00010000  // U5RX on PE4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE4_I2C2SCL   0x00030000  // I2C2SCL on PE4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE4_M0PWM4    0x00040000  // M0PWM4 on PE4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE4_M1PWM2    0x00050000  // M1PWM2 on PE4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE4_CAN0RX    0x00080000  // CAN0RX on PE4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE3_M         0x0000F000  // PE3 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE3_AIN0      0x00000000  // AIN0 on PE3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE2_M         0x00000F00  // PE2 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE2_AIN1      0x00000000  // AIN1 on PE2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE1_M         0x000000F0  // PE1 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE1_AIN2      0x00000000  // AIN2 on PE1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE1_U7TX      0x00000010  // U7TX on PE1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE0_M         0x0000000F  // PE0 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE0_AIN3      0x00000000  // AIN3 on PE0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PE0_U7RX      0x00000001  // U7RX on PE0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_PCTL register for
// port F.
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF7_M         0xF0000000  // PF7 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF7_I2C2SDA   0x30000000  // I2C2SDA on PF7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF7_M1FAULT0  0x50000000  // M1FAULT0 on PF7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF7_T3CCP1    0x70000000  // T3CCP1 on PF7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF6_M         0x0F000000  // PF6 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF6_I2C2SCL   0x03000000  // I2C2SCL on PF6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF6_T3CCP0    0x07000000  // T3CCP0 on PF6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF5_M         0x00F00000  // PF5 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF5_M0FAULT3  0x00400000  // M0FAULT3 on PF5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF5_T2CCP1    0x00700000  // T2CCP1 on PF5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF5_USB0PFLT  0x00800000  // USB0PFLT on PF5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF4_M         0x000F0000  // PF4 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF4_U1DTR     0x00010000  // U1DTR on PF4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF4_M0FAULT2  0x00040000  // M0FAULT2 on PF4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF4_M1FAULT0  0x00050000  // M1FAULT0 on PF4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF4_IDX0      0x00060000  // IDX0 on PF4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF4_T2CCP0    0x00070000  // T2CCP0 on PF4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF4_USB0EPEN  0x00080000  // USB0EPEN on PF4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF4_TRD3      0x000E0000  // TRD3 on PF4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF3_M         0x0000F000  // PF3 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF3_U1DSR     0x00001000  // U1DSR on PF3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF3_SSI1FSS   0x00002000  // SSI1FSS on PF3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF3_CAN0TX    0x00003000  // CAN0TX on PF3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF3_M0FAULT1  0x00004000  // M0FAULT1 on PF3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF3_M1PWM7    0x00005000  // M1PWM7 on PF3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF3_T1CCP1    0x00007000  // T1CCP1 on PF3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF3_TRCLK     0x0000E000  // TRCLK on PF3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF2_M         0x00000F00  // PF2 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF2_U1DCD     0x00000100  // U1DCD on PF2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF2_SSI1CLK   0x00000200  // SSI1CLK on PF2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF2_M0FAULT0  0x00000400  // M0FAULT0 on PF2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF2_M1PWM6    0x00000500  // M1PWM6 on PF2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF2_T1CCP0    0x00000700  // T1CCP0 on PF2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF2_C2O       0x00000900  // C2O on PF2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF2_TRD0      0x00000E00  // TRD0 on PF2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF1_M         0x000000F0  // PF1 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF1_U1CTS     0x00000010  // U1CTS on PF1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF1_SSI1TX    0x00000020  // SSI1TX on PF1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF1_M1PWM5    0x00000050  // M1PWM5 on PF1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF1_PHB0      0x00000060  // PHB0 on PF1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF1_T0CCP1    0x00000070  // T0CCP1 on PF1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF1_C1O       0x00000090  // C1O on PF1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF1_TRD1      0x000000E0  // TRD1 on PF1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF0_M         0x0000000F  // PF0 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF0_U1RTS     0x00000001  // U1RTS on PF0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF0_SSI1RX    0x00000002  // SSI1RX on PF0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF0_CAN0RX    0x00000003  // CAN0RX on PF0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF0_M1PWM4    0x00000005  // M1PWM4 on PF0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF0_PHA0      0x00000006  // PHA0 on PF0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF0_T0CCP0    0x00000007  // T0CCP0 on PF0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF0_NMI       0x00000008  // NMI on PF0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF0_C0O       0x00000009  // C0O on PF0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PF0_TRD2      0x0000000E  // TRD2 on PF0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_PCTL register for
// port G.
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG7_M         0xF0000000  // PG7 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG7_C2M       0x00000000  // C2- on PG7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG7_I2C5SDA   0x30000000  // I2C5SDA on PG7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG7_M0PWM7    0x40000000  // M0PWM7 on PG7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG7_IDX1      0x50000000  // IDX1 on PG7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG7_WT1CCP1   0x70000000  // WT1CCP1 on PG7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG6_M         0x0F000000  // PG6 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG6_C2P       0x00000000  // C2+ on PG6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG6_I2C5SCL   0x03000000  // I2C5SCL on PG6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG6_M0PWM6    0x04000000  // M0PWM6 on PG6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG6_WT1CCP0   0x07000000  // WT1CCP0 on PG6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG5_M         0x00F00000  // PG5 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG5_U2TX      0x00100000  // U2TX on PG5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG5_I2C1SDA   0x00300000  // I2C1SDA on PG5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG5_M0PWM5    0x00400000  // M0PWM5 on PG5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG5_M1PWM3    0x00500000  // M1PWM3 on PG5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG5_IDX1      0x00600000  // IDX1 on PG5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG5_WT0CCP1   0x00700000  // WT0CCP1 on PG5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG5_USB0PFLT  0x00800000  // USB0PFLT on PG5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG4_M         0x000F0000  // PG4 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG4_U2RX      0x00010000  // U2RX on PG4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG4_I2C1SCL   0x00030000  // I2C1SCL on PG4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG4_M0PWM4    0x00040000  // M0PWM4 on PG4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG4_M1PWM2    0x00050000  // M1PWM2 on PG4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG4_PHB1      0x00060000  // PHB1 on PG4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG4_WT0CCP0   0x00070000  // WT0CCP0 on PG4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG4_USB0EPEN  0x00080000  // USB0EPEN on PG4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG3_M         0x0000F000  // PG3 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG3_I2C4SDA   0x00003000  // I2C4SDA on PG3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG3_M0FAULT2  0x00004000  // M0FAULT2 on PG3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG3_M1PWM1    0x00005000  // M1PWM1 on PG3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG3_PHA1      0x00006000  // PHA1 on PG3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG3_T5CCP1    0x00007000  // T5CCP1 on PG3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG2_M         0x00000F00  // PG2 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG2_I2C4SCL   0x00000300  // I2C4SCL on PG2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG2_M0FAULT1  0x00000400  // M0FAULT1 on PG2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG2_M1PWM0    0x00000500  // M1PWM0 on PG2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG2_T5CCP0    0x00000700  // T5CCP0 on PG2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG1_M         0x000000F0  // PG1 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG1_I2C3SDA   0x00000030  // I2C3SDA on PG1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG1_M1FAULT2  0x00000050  // M1FAULT2 on PG1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG1_PHB1      0x00000060  // PHB1 on PG1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG1_T4CCP1    0x00000070  // T4CCP1 on PG1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG0_M         0x0000000F  // PG0 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG0_I2C3SCL   0x00000003  // I2C3SCL on PG0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG0_M1FAULT1  0x00000005  // M1FAULT1 on PG0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG0_PHA1      0x00000006  // PHA1 on PG0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PG0_T4CCP0    0x00000007  // T4CCP0 on PG0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_PCTL register for
// port H.
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH7_M         0xF0000000  // PH7 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH7_SSI2TX    0x20000000  // SSI2TX on PH7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH7_M0PWM7    0x40000000  // M0PWM7 on PH7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH7_WT4CCP1   0x70000000  // WT4CCP1 on PH7
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH6_M         0x0F000000  // PH6 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH6_SSI2RX    0x02000000  // SSI2RX on PH6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH6_M0PWM6    0x04000000  // M0PWM6 on PH6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH6_WT4CCP0   0x07000000  // WT4CCP0 on PH6
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH5_M         0x00F00000  // PH5 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH5_SSI2FSS   0x00200000  // SSI2FSS on PH5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH5_M0PWM5    0x00400000  // M0PWM5 on PH5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH5_PHB0      0x00500000  // PHB0 on PH5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH5_WT3CCP1   0x00700000  // WT3CCP1 on PH5
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH4_M         0x000F0000  // PH4 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH4_SSI2CLK   0x00020000  // SSI2CLK on PH4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH4_M0PWM4    0x00040000  // M0PWM4 on PH4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH4_PHA0      0x00050000  // PHA0 on PH4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH4_WT3CCP0   0x00070000  // WT3CCP0 on PH4
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH3_M         0x0000F000  // PH3 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH3_AIN19     0x00000000  // AIN19 on PH3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH3_SSI3TX    0x00002000  // SSI3TX on PH3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH3_M0PWM3    0x00004000  // M0PWM3 on PH3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH3_M0FAULT3  0x00006000  // M0FAULT3 on PH3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH3_WT5CCP1   0x00007000  // WT5CCP1 on PH3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH2_M         0x00000F00  // PH2 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH2_AIN18     0x00000000  // AIN18 on PH2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH2_SSI3RX    0x00000200  // SSI3RX on PH2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH2_M0PWM2    0x00000400  // M0PWM2 on PH2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH2_M0FAULT2  0x00000600  // M0FAULT2 on PH2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH2_WT5CCP0   0x00000700  // WT5CCP0 on PH2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH1_M         0x000000F0  // PH1 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH1_AIN17     0x00000000  // AIN17 on PH1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH1_SSI3FSS   0x00000020  // SSI3FSS on PH1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH1_M0PWM1    0x00000040  // M0PWM1 on PH1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH1_IDX0      0x00000050  // IDX0 on PH1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH1_M0FAULT1  0x00000060  // M0FAULT1 on PH1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH1_WT2CCP1   0x00000070  // WT2CCP1 on PH1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH0_M         0x0000000F  // PH0 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH0_AIN16     0x00000000  // AIN16 on PH0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH0_SSI3CLK   0x00000002  // SSI3CLK on PH0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH0_M0PWM0    0x00000004  // M0PWM0 on PH0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH0_M0FAULT0  0x00000006  // M0FAULT0 on PH0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PH0_WT2CCP0   0x00000007  // WT2CCP0 on PH0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_PCTL register for
// port J.
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ2_M         0x00000F00  // PJ2 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ2_U5RX      0x00000100  // U5RX on PJ2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ2_IDX0      0x00000500  // IDX0 on PJ2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ2_T2CCP0    0x00000700  // T2CCP0 on PJ2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ1_M         0x000000F0  // PJ1 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ1_USB0DP    0x00000000  // USB0DP on PJ1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ1_U4TX      0x00000010  // U4TX on PJ1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ1_T1CCP1    0x00000070  // T1CCP1 on PJ1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ0_M         0x0000000F  // PJ0 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ0_USB0DM    0x00000000  // USB0DM on PJ0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ0_U4RX      0x00000001  // U4RX on PJ0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PJ0_T1CCP0    0x00000007  // T1CCP0 on PJ0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_PCTL register for
// port K.
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK3_M         0x0000F000  // PK3 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK3_SSI3TX    0x00002000  // SSI3TX on PK3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK3_M1FAULT3  0x00006000  // M1FAULT3 on PK3
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK2_M         0x00000F00  // PK2 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK2_SSI3RX    0x00000200  // SSI3RX on PK2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK2_M1FAULT2  0x00000600  // M1FAULT2 on PK2
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK1_M         0x000000F0  // PK1 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK1_SSI3FSS   0x00000020  // SSI3FSS on PK1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK1_M1FAULT1  0x00000060  // M1FAULT1 on PK1
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK0_M         0x0000000F  // PK0 Mask
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK0_SSI3CLK   0x00000002  // SSI3CLK on PK0
#define GPIO_PCTL_PK0_M1FAULT0  0x00000006  // M1FAULT0 on PK0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SSI_O_CR0 register.
#define SSI_CR0_SCR_M           0x0000FF00  // SSI Serial Clock Rate
#define SSI_CR0_SPH             0x00000080  // SSI Serial Clock Phase
#define SSI_CR0_SPO             0x00000040  // SSI Serial Clock Polarity
#define SSI_CR0_FRF_M           0x00000030  // SSI Frame Format Select
#define SSI_CR0_FRF_MOTO        0x00000000  // Freescale SPI Frame Format
#define SSI_CR0_FRF_TI          0x00000010  // Synchronous Serial Frame Format
#define SSI_CR0_FRF_NMW         0x00000020  // MICROWIRE Frame Format
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_M           0x0000000F  // SSI Data Size Select
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_4           0x00000003  // 4-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_5           0x00000004  // 5-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_6           0x00000005  // 6-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_7           0x00000006  // 7-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_8           0x00000007  // 8-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_9           0x00000008  // 9-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_10          0x00000009  // 10-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_11          0x0000000A  // 11-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_12          0x0000000B  // 12-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_13          0x0000000C  // 13-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_14          0x0000000D  // 14-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_15          0x0000000E  // 15-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_DSS_16          0x0000000F  // 16-bit data
#define SSI_CR0_SCR_S           8

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SSI_O_CR1 register.
#define SSI_CR1_EOT             0x00000010  // End of Transmission
#define SSI_CR1_MS              0x00000004  // SSI Master/Slave Select
#define SSI_CR1_SSE             0x00000002  // SSI Synchronous Serial Port
                                            // Enable
#define SSI_CR1_LBM             0x00000001  // SSI Loopback Mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SSI_O_DR register.
#define SSI_DR_DATA_M           0x0000FFFF  // SSI Receive/Transmit Data
#define SSI_DR_DATA_S           0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SSI_O_SR register.
#define SSI_SR_BSY              0x00000010  // SSI Busy Bit
#define SSI_SR_RFF              0x00000008  // SSI Receive FIFO Full
#define SSI_SR_RNE              0x00000004  // SSI Receive FIFO Not Empty
#define SSI_SR_TNF              0x00000002  // SSI Transmit FIFO Not Full
#define SSI_SR_TFE              0x00000001  // SSI Transmit FIFO Empty

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SSI_O_CPSR register.
#define SSI_CPSR_CPSDVSR_M      0x000000FF  // SSI Clock Prescale Divisor
#define SSI_CPSR_CPSDVSR_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SSI_O_IM register.
#define SSI_IM_TXIM             0x00000008  // SSI Transmit FIFO Interrupt Mask
#define SSI_IM_RXIM             0x00000004  // SSI Receive FIFO Interrupt Mask
#define SSI_IM_RTIM             0x00000002  // SSI Receive Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define SSI_IM_RORIM            0x00000001  // SSI Receive Overrun Interrupt
                                            // Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SSI_O_RIS register.
#define SSI_RIS_TXRIS           0x00000008  // SSI Transmit FIFO Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SSI_RIS_RXRIS           0x00000004  // SSI Receive FIFO Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SSI_RIS_RTRIS           0x00000002  // SSI Receive Time-Out Raw
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define SSI_RIS_RORRIS          0x00000001  // SSI Receive Overrun Raw
                                            // Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SSI_O_MIS register.
#define SSI_MIS_TXMIS           0x00000008  // SSI Transmit FIFO Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define SSI_MIS_RXMIS           0x00000004  // SSI Receive FIFO Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define SSI_MIS_RTMIS           0x00000002  // SSI Receive Time-Out Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define SSI_MIS_RORMIS          0x00000001  // SSI Receive Overrun Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SSI_O_ICR register.
#define SSI_ICR_RTIC            0x00000002  // SSI Receive Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define SSI_ICR_RORIC           0x00000001  // SSI Receive Overrun Interrupt
                                            // Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SSI_O_DMACTL register.
#define SSI_DMACTL_TXDMAE       0x00000002  // Transmit DMA Enable
#define SSI_DMACTL_RXDMAE       0x00000001  // Receive DMA Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SSI_O_CC register.
#define SSI_CC_CS_M             0x0000000F  // SSI Baud Clock Source
#define SSI_CC_CS_SYSPLL        0x00000000  // System clock (based on clock
                                            // source and divisor factor)
#define SSI_CC_CS_PIOSC         0x00000005  // PIOSC

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_DR register.
#define UART_DR_OE              0x00000800  // UART Overrun Error
#define UART_DR_BE              0x00000400  // UART Break Error
#define UART_DR_PE              0x00000200  // UART Parity Error
#define UART_DR_FE              0x00000100  // UART Framing Error
#define UART_DR_DATA_M          0x000000FF  // Data Transmitted or Received
#define UART_DR_DATA_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_RSR register.
#define UART_RSR_OE             0x00000008  // UART Overrun Error
#define UART_RSR_BE             0x00000004  // UART Break Error
#define UART_RSR_PE             0x00000002  // UART Parity Error
#define UART_RSR_FE             0x00000001  // UART Framing Error

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_ECR register.
#define UART_ECR_DATA_M         0x000000FF  // Error Clear
#define UART_ECR_DATA_S         0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_FR register.
#define UART_FR_RI              0x00000100  // Ring Indicator
#define UART_FR_TXFE            0x00000080  // UART Transmit FIFO Empty
#define UART_FR_RXFF            0x00000040  // UART Receive FIFO Full
#define UART_FR_TXFF            0x00000020  // UART Transmit FIFO Full
#define UART_FR_RXFE            0x00000010  // UART Receive FIFO Empty
#define UART_FR_BUSY            0x00000008  // UART Busy
#define UART_FR_DCD             0x00000004  // Data Carrier Detect
#define UART_FR_DSR             0x00000002  // Data Set Ready
#define UART_FR_CTS             0x00000001  // Clear To Send

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_ILPR register.
#define UART_ILPR_ILPDVSR_M     0x000000FF  // IrDA Low-Power Divisor
#define UART_ILPR_ILPDVSR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_IBRD register.
#define UART_IBRD_DIVINT_M      0x0000FFFF  // Integer Baud-Rate Divisor
#define UART_IBRD_DIVINT_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_FBRD register.
#define UART_FBRD_DIVFRAC_M     0x0000003F  // Fractional Baud-Rate Divisor
#define UART_FBRD_DIVFRAC_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_LCRH register.
#define UART_LCRH_SPS           0x00000080  // UART Stick Parity Select
#define UART_LCRH_WLEN_M        0x00000060  // UART Word Length
#define UART_LCRH_WLEN_5        0x00000000  // 5 bits (default)
#define UART_LCRH_WLEN_6        0x00000020  // 6 bits
#define UART_LCRH_WLEN_7        0x00000040  // 7 bits
#define UART_LCRH_WLEN_8        0x00000060  // 8 bits
#define UART_LCRH_FEN           0x00000010  // UART Enable FIFOs
#define UART_LCRH_STP2          0x00000008  // UART Two Stop Bits Select
#define UART_LCRH_EPS           0x00000004  // UART Even Parity Select
#define UART_LCRH_PEN           0x00000002  // UART Parity Enable
#define UART_LCRH_BRK           0x00000001  // UART Send Break

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_CTL register.
#define UART_CTL_CTSEN          0x00008000  // Enable Clear To Send
#define UART_CTL_RTSEN          0x00004000  // Enable Request to Send
#define UART_CTL_RTS            0x00000800  // Request to Send
#define UART_CTL_DTR            0x00000400  // Data Terminal Ready
#define UART_CTL_RXE            0x00000200  // UART Receive Enable
#define UART_CTL_TXE            0x00000100  // UART Transmit Enable
#define UART_CTL_LBE            0x00000080  // UART Loop Back Enable
#define UART_CTL_HSE            0x00000020  // High-Speed Enable
#define UART_CTL_EOT            0x00000010  // End of Transmission
#define UART_CTL_SMART          0x00000008  // ISO 7816 Smart Card Support
#define UART_CTL_SIRLP          0x00000004  // UART SIR Low-Power Mode
#define UART_CTL_SIREN          0x00000002  // UART SIR Enable
#define UART_CTL_UARTEN         0x00000001  // UART Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_IFLS register.
#define UART_IFLS_RX_M          0x00000038  // UART Receive Interrupt FIFO
                                            // Level Select
#define UART_IFLS_RX1_8         0x00000000  // RX FIFO >= 1/8 full
#define UART_IFLS_RX2_8         0x00000008  // RX FIFO >= 1/4 full
#define UART_IFLS_RX4_8         0x00000010  // RX FIFO >= 1/2 full (default)
#define UART_IFLS_RX6_8         0x00000018  // RX FIFO >= 3/4 full
#define UART_IFLS_RX7_8         0x00000020  // RX FIFO >= 7/8 full
#define UART_IFLS_TX_M          0x00000007  // UART Transmit Interrupt FIFO
                                            // Level Select
#define UART_IFLS_TX1_8         0x00000000  // TX FIFO <= 1/8 full
#define UART_IFLS_TX2_8         0x00000001  // TX FIFO <= 1/4 full
#define UART_IFLS_TX4_8         0x00000002  // TX FIFO <= 1/2 full (default)
#define UART_IFLS_TX6_8         0x00000003  // TX FIFO <= 3/4 full
#define UART_IFLS_TX7_8         0x00000004  // TX FIFO <= 7/8 full

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_IM register.
#define UART_IM_9BITIM          0x00001000  // 9-Bit Mode Interrupt Mask
#define UART_IM_OEIM            0x00000400  // UART Overrun Error Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define UART_IM_BEIM            0x00000200  // UART Break Error Interrupt Mask
#define UART_IM_PEIM            0x00000100  // UART Parity Error Interrupt Mask
#define UART_IM_FEIM            0x00000080  // UART Framing Error Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define UART_IM_RTIM            0x00000040  // UART Receive Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define UART_IM_TXIM            0x00000020  // UART Transmit Interrupt Mask
#define UART_IM_RXIM            0x00000010  // UART Receive Interrupt Mask
#define UART_IM_DSRMIM          0x00000008  // UART Data Set Ready Modem
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define UART_IM_DCDMIM          0x00000004  // UART Data Carrier Detect Modem
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define UART_IM_CTSMIM          0x00000002  // UART Clear to Send Modem
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define UART_IM_RIMIM           0x00000001  // UART Ring Indicator Modem
                                            // Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_RIS register.
#define UART_RIS_9BITRIS        0x00001000  // 9-Bit Mode Raw Interrupt Status
#define UART_RIS_OERIS          0x00000400  // UART Overrun Error Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define UART_RIS_BERIS          0x00000200  // UART Break Error Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define UART_RIS_PERIS          0x00000100  // UART Parity Error Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define UART_RIS_FERIS          0x00000080  // UART Framing Error Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define UART_RIS_RTRIS          0x00000040  // UART Receive Time-Out Raw
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define UART_RIS_TXRIS          0x00000020  // UART Transmit Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define UART_RIS_RXRIS          0x00000010  // UART Receive Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define UART_RIS_DSRRIS         0x00000008  // UART Data Set Ready Modem Raw
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define UART_RIS_DCDRIS         0x00000004  // UART Data Carrier Detect Modem
                                            // Raw Interrupt Status
#define UART_RIS_CTSRIS         0x00000002  // UART Clear to Send Modem Raw
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define UART_RIS_RIRIS          0x00000001  // UART Ring Indicator Modem Raw
                                            // Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_MIS register.
#define UART_MIS_9BITMIS        0x00001000  // 9-Bit Mode Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define UART_MIS_OEMIS          0x00000400  // UART Overrun Error Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define UART_MIS_BEMIS          0x00000200  // UART Break Error Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define UART_MIS_PEMIS          0x00000100  // UART Parity Error Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define UART_MIS_FEMIS          0x00000080  // UART Framing Error Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define UART_MIS_RTMIS          0x00000040  // UART Receive Time-Out Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define UART_MIS_TXMIS          0x00000020  // UART Transmit Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define UART_MIS_RXMIS          0x00000010  // UART Receive Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define UART_MIS_DSRMIS         0x00000008  // UART Data Set Ready Modem Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define UART_MIS_DCDMIS         0x00000004  // UART Data Carrier Detect Modem
                                            // Masked Interrupt Status
#define UART_MIS_CTSMIS         0x00000002  // UART Clear to Send Modem Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define UART_MIS_RIMIS          0x00000001  // UART Ring Indicator Modem Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_ICR register.
#define UART_ICR_9BITIC         0x00001000  // 9-Bit Mode Interrupt Clear
#define UART_ICR_OEIC           0x00000400  // Overrun Error Interrupt Clear
#define UART_ICR_BEIC           0x00000200  // Break Error Interrupt Clear
#define UART_ICR_PEIC           0x00000100  // Parity Error Interrupt Clear
#define UART_ICR_FEIC           0x00000080  // Framing Error Interrupt Clear
#define UART_ICR_RTIC           0x00000040  // Receive Time-Out Interrupt Clear
#define UART_ICR_TXIC           0x00000020  // Transmit Interrupt Clear
#define UART_ICR_RXIC           0x00000010  // Receive Interrupt Clear
#define UART_ICR_DSRMIC         0x00000008  // UART Data Set Ready Modem
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define UART_ICR_DCDMIC         0x00000004  // UART Data Carrier Detect Modem
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define UART_ICR_CTSMIC         0x00000002  // UART Clear to Send Modem
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define UART_ICR_RIMIC          0x00000001  // UART Ring Indicator Modem
                                            // Interrupt Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_DMACTL register.
#define UART_DMACTL_DMAERR      0x00000004  // DMA on Error
#define UART_DMACTL_TXDMAE      0x00000002  // Transmit DMA Enable
#define UART_DMACTL_RXDMAE      0x00000001  // Receive DMA Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_9BITADDR
// register.
#define UART_9BITADDR_9BITEN    0x00008000  // Enable 9-Bit Mode
#define UART_9BITADDR_ADDR_M    0x000000FF  // Self Address for 9-Bit Mode
#define UART_9BITADDR_ADDR_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_9BITAMASK
// register.
#define UART_9BITAMASK_MASK_M   0x000000FF  // Self Address Mask for 9-Bit Mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_PP register.
#define UART_PP_NB              0x00000002  // 9-Bit Support
#define UART_PP_SC              0x00000001  // Smart Card Support

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UART_O_CC register.
#define UART_CC_CS_M            0x0000000F  // UART Baud Clock Source
#define UART_CC_CS_SYSCLK       0x00000000  // System clock (based on clock
                                            // source and divisor factor)
#define UART_CC_CS_PIOSC        0x00000005  // PIOSC

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MSA register.
#define I2C_MSA_SA_M            0x000000FE  // I2C Slave Address
#define I2C_MSA_RS              0x00000001  // Receive not send
#define I2C_MSA_SA_S            1

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MCS register.
#define I2C_MCS_CLKTO           0x00000080  // Clock Timeout Error
#define I2C_MCS_BUSBSY          0x00000040  // Bus Busy
#define I2C_MCS_IDLE            0x00000020  // I2C Idle
#define I2C_MCS_ARBLST          0x00000010  // Arbitration Lost
#define I2C_MCS_HS              0x00000010  // High-Speed Enable
#define I2C_MCS_ACK             0x00000008  // Data Acknowledge Enable
#define I2C_MCS_DATACK          0x00000008  // Acknowledge Data
#define I2C_MCS_ADRACK          0x00000004  // Acknowledge Address
#define I2C_MCS_STOP            0x00000004  // Generate STOP
#define I2C_MCS_ERROR           0x00000002  // Error
#define I2C_MCS_START           0x00000002  // Generate START
#define I2C_MCS_RUN             0x00000001  // I2C Master Enable
#define I2C_MCS_BUSY            0x00000001  // I2C Busy

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MDR register.
#define I2C_MDR_DATA_M          0x000000FF  // This byte contains the data
                                            // transferred during a transaction
#define I2C_MDR_DATA_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MTPR register.
#define I2C_MTPR_HS             0x00000080  // High-Speed Enable
#define I2C_MTPR_TPR_M          0x0000007F  // Timer Period
#define I2C_MTPR_TPR_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MIMR register.
#define I2C_MIMR_CLKIM          0x00000002  // Clock Timeout Interrupt Mask
#define I2C_MIMR_IM             0x00000001  // Master Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MRIS register.
#define I2C_MRIS_CLKRIS         0x00000002  // Clock Timeout Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_MRIS_RIS            0x00000001  // Master Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MMIS register.
#define I2C_MMIS_CLKMIS         0x00000002  // Clock Timeout Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_MMIS_MIS            0x00000001  // Masked Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MICR register.
#define I2C_MICR_CLKIC          0x00000002  // Clock Timeout Interrupt Clear
#define I2C_MICR_IC             0x00000001  // Master Interrupt Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MCR register.
#define I2C_MCR_GFE             0x00000040  // I2C Glitch Filter Enable
#define I2C_MCR_SFE             0x00000020  // I2C Slave Function Enable
#define I2C_MCR_MFE             0x00000010  // I2C Master Function Enable
#define I2C_MCR_LPBK            0x00000001  // I2C Loopback

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MCLKOCNT register.
#define I2C_MCLKOCNT_CNTL_M     0x000000FF  // I2C Master Count
#define I2C_MCLKOCNT_CNTL_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MBMON register.
#define I2C_MBMON_SDA           0x00000002  // I2C SDA Status
#define I2C_MBMON_SCL           0x00000001  // I2C SCL Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MCR2 register.
#define I2C_MCR2_GFPW_M         0x00000070  // I2C Glitch Filter Pulse Width
#define I2C_MCR2_GFPW_BYPASS    0x00000000  // Bypass
#define I2C_MCR2_GFPW_1         0x00000010  // 1 clock
#define I2C_MCR2_GFPW_2         0x00000020  // 2 clocks
#define I2C_MCR2_GFPW_3         0x00000030  // 3 clocks
#define I2C_MCR2_GFPW_4         0x00000040  // 4 clocks
#define I2C_MCR2_GFPW_8         0x00000050  // 8 clocks
#define I2C_MCR2_GFPW_16        0x00000060  // 16 clocks
#define I2C_MCR2_GFPW_31        0x00000070  // 31 clocks

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SOAR register.
#define I2C_SOAR_OAR_M          0x0000007F  // I2C Slave Own Address
#define I2C_SOAR_OAR_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SCSR register.
#define I2C_SCSR_OAR2SEL        0x00000008  // OAR2 Address Matched
#define I2C_SCSR_FBR            0x00000004  // First Byte Received
#define I2C_SCSR_TREQ           0x00000002  // Transmit Request
#define I2C_SCSR_DA             0x00000001  // Device Active
#define I2C_SCSR_RREQ           0x00000001  // Receive Request

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SDR register.
#define I2C_SDR_DATA_M          0x000000FF  // Data for Transfer
#define I2C_SDR_DATA_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SIMR register.
#define I2C_SIMR_STOPIM         0x00000004  // Stop Condition Interrupt Mask
#define I2C_SIMR_STARTIM        0x00000002  // Start Condition Interrupt Mask
#define I2C_SIMR_DATAIM         0x00000001  // Data Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SRIS register.
#define I2C_SRIS_STOPRIS        0x00000004  // Stop Condition Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_SRIS_STARTRIS       0x00000002  // Start Condition Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_SRIS_DATARIS        0x00000001  // Data Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SMIS register.
#define I2C_SMIS_STOPMIS        0x00000004  // Stop Condition Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_SMIS_STARTMIS       0x00000002  // Start Condition Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_SMIS_DATAMIS        0x00000001  // Data Masked Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SICR register.
#define I2C_SICR_STOPIC         0x00000004  // Stop Condition Interrupt Clear
#define I2C_SICR_STARTIC        0x00000002  // Start Condition Interrupt Clear
#define I2C_SICR_DATAIC         0x00000001  // Data Interrupt Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SOAR2 register.
#define I2C_SOAR2_OAR2EN        0x00000080  // I2C Slave Own Address 2 Enable
#define I2C_SOAR2_OAR2_M        0x0000007F  // I2C Slave Own Address 2
#define I2C_SOAR2_OAR2_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SACKCTL register.
#define I2C_SACKCTL_ACKOVAL     0x00000002  // I2C Slave ACK Override Value
#define I2C_SACKCTL_ACKOEN      0x00000001  // I2C Slave ACK Override Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_PP register.
#define I2C_PP_HS               0x00000001  // High-Speed Capable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_PC register.
#define I2C_PC_HS               0x00000001  // High-Speed Capable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_CTL register.
#define PWM_CTL_GLOBALSYNC3     0x00000008  // Update PWM Generator 3
#define PWM_CTL_GLOBALSYNC2     0x00000004  // Update PWM Generator 2
#define PWM_CTL_GLOBALSYNC1     0x00000002  // Update PWM Generator 1
#define PWM_CTL_GLOBALSYNC0     0x00000001  // Update PWM Generator 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_SYNC register.
#define PWM_SYNC_SYNC3          0x00000008  // Reset Generator 3 Counter
#define PWM_SYNC_SYNC2          0x00000004  // Reset Generator 2 Counter
#define PWM_SYNC_SYNC1          0x00000002  // Reset Generator 1 Counter
#define PWM_SYNC_SYNC0          0x00000001  // Reset Generator 0 Counter

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_ENABLE register.
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM7EN       0x00000080  // MnPWM7 Output Enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM6EN       0x00000040  // MnPWM6 Output Enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM5EN       0x00000020  // MnPWM5 Output Enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM4EN       0x00000010  // MnPWM4 Output Enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM3EN       0x00000008  // MnPWM3 Output Enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM2EN       0x00000004  // MnPWM2 Output Enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM1EN       0x00000002  // MnPWM1 Output Enable
#define PWM_ENABLE_PWM0EN       0x00000001  // MnPWM0 Output Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_INVERT register.
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM7INV      0x00000080  // Invert MnPWM7 Signal
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM6INV      0x00000040  // Invert MnPWM6 Signal
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM5INV      0x00000020  // Invert MnPWM5 Signal
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM4INV      0x00000010  // Invert MnPWM4 Signal
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM3INV      0x00000008  // Invert MnPWM3 Signal
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM2INV      0x00000004  // Invert MnPWM2 Signal
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM1INV      0x00000002  // Invert MnPWM1 Signal
#define PWM_INVERT_PWM0INV      0x00000001  // Invert MnPWM0 Signal

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_FAULT register.
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT7        0x00000080  // MnPWM7 Fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT6        0x00000040  // MnPWM6 Fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT5        0x00000020  // MnPWM5 Fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT4        0x00000010  // MnPWM4 Fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT3        0x00000008  // MnPWM3 Fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT2        0x00000004  // MnPWM2 Fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT1        0x00000002  // MnPWM1 Fault
#define PWM_FAULT_FAULT0        0x00000001  // MnPWM0 Fault

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_INTEN register.
#define PWM_INTEN_INTFAULT3     0x00080000  // Interrupt Fault 3
#define PWM_INTEN_INTFAULT2     0x00040000  // Interrupt Fault 2
#define PWM_INTEN_INTFAULT1     0x00020000  // Interrupt Fault 1
#define PWM_INTEN_INTFAULT0     0x00010000  // Interrupt Fault 0
#define PWM_INTEN_INTPWM3       0x00000008  // PWM3 Interrupt Enable
#define PWM_INTEN_INTPWM2       0x00000004  // PWM2 Interrupt Enable
#define PWM_INTEN_INTPWM1       0x00000002  // PWM1 Interrupt Enable
#define PWM_INTEN_INTPWM0       0x00000001  // PWM0 Interrupt Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_RIS register.
#define PWM_RIS_INTFAULT3       0x00080000  // Interrupt Fault PWM 3
#define PWM_RIS_INTFAULT2       0x00040000  // Interrupt Fault PWM 2
#define PWM_RIS_INTFAULT1       0x00020000  // Interrupt Fault PWM 1
#define PWM_RIS_INTFAULT0       0x00010000  // Interrupt Fault PWM 0
#define PWM_RIS_INTPWM3         0x00000008  // PWM3 Interrupt Asserted
#define PWM_RIS_INTPWM2         0x00000004  // PWM2 Interrupt Asserted
#define PWM_RIS_INTPWM1         0x00000002  // PWM1 Interrupt Asserted
#define PWM_RIS_INTPWM0         0x00000001  // PWM0 Interrupt Asserted

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_ISC register.
#define PWM_ISC_INTFAULT3       0x00080000  // FAULT3 Interrupt Asserted
#define PWM_ISC_INTFAULT2       0x00040000  // FAULT2 Interrupt Asserted
#define PWM_ISC_INTFAULT1       0x00020000  // FAULT1 Interrupt Asserted
#define PWM_ISC_INTFAULT0       0x00010000  // FAULT0 Interrupt Asserted
#define PWM_ISC_INTPWM3         0x00000008  // PWM3 Interrupt Status
#define PWM_ISC_INTPWM2         0x00000004  // PWM2 Interrupt Status
#define PWM_ISC_INTPWM1         0x00000002  // PWM1 Interrupt Status
#define PWM_ISC_INTPWM0         0x00000001  // PWM0 Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_STATUS register.
#define PWM_STATUS_FAULT3       0x00000008  // Generator 3 Fault Status
#define PWM_STATUS_FAULT2       0x00000004  // Generator 2 Fault Status
#define PWM_STATUS_FAULT1       0x00000002  // Generator 1 Fault Status
#define PWM_STATUS_FAULT0       0x00000001  // Generator 0 Fault Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_FAULTVAL register.
#define PWM_FAULTVAL_PWM7       0x00000080  // MnPWM7 Fault Value
#define PWM_FAULTVAL_PWM6       0x00000040  // MnPWM6 Fault Value
#define PWM_FAULTVAL_PWM5       0x00000020  // MnPWM5 Fault Value
#define PWM_FAULTVAL_PWM4       0x00000010  // MnPWM4 Fault Value
#define PWM_FAULTVAL_PWM3       0x00000008  // MnPWM3 Fault Value
#define PWM_FAULTVAL_PWM2       0x00000004  // MnPWM2 Fault Value
#define PWM_FAULTVAL_PWM1       0x00000002  // MnPWM1 Fault Value
#define PWM_FAULTVAL_PWM0       0x00000001  // MnPWM0 Fault Value

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_ENUPD register.
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD7_M      0x0000C000  // MnPWM7 Enable Update Mode
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD7_IMM    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD7_LSYNC  0x00008000  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD7_GSYNC  0x0000C000  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD6_M      0x00003000  // MnPWM6 Enable Update Mode
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD6_IMM    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD6_LSYNC  0x00002000  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD6_GSYNC  0x00003000  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD5_M      0x00000C00  // MnPWM5 Enable Update Mode
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD5_IMM    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD5_LSYNC  0x00000800  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD5_GSYNC  0x00000C00  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD4_M      0x00000300  // MnPWM4 Enable Update Mode
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD4_IMM    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD4_LSYNC  0x00000200  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD4_GSYNC  0x00000300  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD3_M      0x000000C0  // MnPWM3 Enable Update Mode
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD3_IMM    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD3_LSYNC  0x00000080  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD3_GSYNC  0x000000C0  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD2_M      0x00000030  // MnPWM2 Enable Update Mode
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD2_IMM    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD2_LSYNC  0x00000020  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD2_GSYNC  0x00000030  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD1_M      0x0000000C  // MnPWM1 Enable Update Mode
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD1_IMM    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD1_LSYNC  0x00000008  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD1_GSYNC  0x0000000C  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD0_M      0x00000003  // MnPWM0 Enable Update Mode
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD0_IMM    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD0_LSYNC  0x00000002  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_ENUPD_ENUPD0_GSYNC  0x00000003  // Globally Synchronized

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_CTL register.
#define PWM_0_CTL_LATCH         0x00040000  // Latch Fault Input
#define PWM_0_CTL_MINFLTPER     0x00020000  // Minimum Fault Period
#define PWM_0_CTL_FLTSRC        0x00010000  // Fault Condition Source
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBFALLUPD_M   0x0000C000  // PWMnDBFALL Update Mode
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBFALLUPD_I   0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBFALLUPD_LS  0x00008000  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBFALLUPD_GS  0x0000C000  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBRISEUPD_M   0x00003000  // PWMnDBRISE Update Mode
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBRISEUPD_I   0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBRISEUPD_LS  0x00002000  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBRISEUPD_GS  0x00003000  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBCTLUPD_M    0x00000C00  // PWMnDBCTL Update Mode
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBCTLUPD_I    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBCTLUPD_LS   0x00000800  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_0_CTL_DBCTLUPD_GS   0x00000C00  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_0_CTL_GENBUPD_M     0x00000300  // PWMnGENB Update Mode
#define PWM_0_CTL_GENBUPD_I     0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_0_CTL_GENBUPD_LS    0x00000200  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_0_CTL_GENBUPD_GS    0x00000300  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_0_CTL_GENAUPD_M     0x000000C0  // PWMnGENA Update Mode
#define PWM_0_CTL_GENAUPD_I     0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_0_CTL_GENAUPD_LS    0x00000080  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_0_CTL_GENAUPD_GS    0x000000C0  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_0_CTL_CMPBUPD       0x00000020  // Comparator B Update Mode
#define PWM_0_CTL_CMPAUPD       0x00000010  // Comparator A Update Mode
#define PWM_0_CTL_LOADUPD       0x00000008  // Load Register Update Mode
#define PWM_0_CTL_DEBUG         0x00000004  // Debug Mode
#define PWM_0_CTL_MODE          0x00000002  // Counter Mode
#define PWM_0_CTL_ENABLE        0x00000001  // PWM Block Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_INTEN register.
#define PWM_0_INTEN_TRCMPBD     0x00002000  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Down
#define PWM_0_INTEN_TRCMPBU     0x00001000  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPB Up
#define PWM_0_INTEN_TRCMPAD     0x00000800  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Down
#define PWM_0_INTEN_TRCMPAU     0x00000400  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPA Up
#define PWM_0_INTEN_TRCNTLOAD   0x00000200  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnLOAD
#define PWM_0_INTEN_TRCNTZERO   0x00000100  // Trigger for Counter=0
#define PWM_0_INTEN_INTCMPBD    0x00000020  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Down
#define PWM_0_INTEN_INTCMPBU    0x00000010  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Up
#define PWM_0_INTEN_INTCMPAD    0x00000008  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Down
#define PWM_0_INTEN_INTCMPAU    0x00000004  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Up
#define PWM_0_INTEN_INTCNTLOAD  0x00000002  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnLOAD
#define PWM_0_INTEN_INTCNTZERO  0x00000001  // Interrupt for Counter=0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_RIS register.
#define PWM_0_RIS_INTCMPBD      0x00000020  // Comparator B Down Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define PWM_0_RIS_INTCMPBU      0x00000010  // Comparator B Up Interrupt Status
#define PWM_0_RIS_INTCMPAD      0x00000008  // Comparator A Down Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define PWM_0_RIS_INTCMPAU      0x00000004  // Comparator A Up Interrupt Status
#define PWM_0_RIS_INTCNTLOAD    0x00000002  // Counter=Load Interrupt Status
#define PWM_0_RIS_INTCNTZERO    0x00000001  // Counter=0 Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_ISC register.
#define PWM_0_ISC_INTCMPBD      0x00000020  // Comparator B Down Interrupt
#define PWM_0_ISC_INTCMPBU      0x00000010  // Comparator B Up Interrupt
#define PWM_0_ISC_INTCMPAD      0x00000008  // Comparator A Down Interrupt
#define PWM_0_ISC_INTCMPAU      0x00000004  // Comparator A Up Interrupt
#define PWM_0_ISC_INTCNTLOAD    0x00000002  // Counter=Load Interrupt
#define PWM_0_ISC_INTCNTZERO    0x00000001  // Counter=0 Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_LOAD register.
#define PWM_0_LOAD_M            0x0000FFFF  // Counter Load Value
#define PWM_0_LOAD_S            0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_COUNT register.
#define PWM_0_COUNT_M           0x0000FFFF  // Counter Value
#define PWM_0_COUNT_S           0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_CMPA register.
#define PWM_0_CMPA_M            0x0000FFFF  // Comparator A Value
#define PWM_0_CMPA_S            0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_CMPB register.
#define PWM_0_CMPB_M            0x0000FFFF  // Comparator B Value
#define PWM_0_CMPB_S            0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_GENA register.
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPBD_M   0x00000C00  // Action for Comparator B Down
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPBD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPBD_INV 0x00000400  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPBD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000800  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPBD_ONE 0x00000C00  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPBU_M   0x00000300  // Action for Comparator B Up
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPBU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPBU_INV 0x00000100  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPBU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000200  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPBU_ONE 0x00000300  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPAD_M   0x000000C0  // Action for Comparator A Down
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPAD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPAD_INV 0x00000040  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPAD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000080  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPAD_ONE 0x000000C0  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPAU_M   0x00000030  // Action for Comparator A Up
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPAU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPAU_INV 0x00000010  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPAU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000020  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTCMPAU_ONE 0x00000030  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTLOAD_M    0x0000000C  // Action for Counter=LOAD
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTLOAD_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTLOAD_INV  0x00000004  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTLOAD_ZERO 0x00000008  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTLOAD_ONE  0x0000000C  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTZERO_M    0x00000003  // Action for Counter=0
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTZERO_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTZERO_INV  0x00000001  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTZERO_ZERO 0x00000002  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_0_GENA_ACTZERO_ONE  0x00000003  // Drive pwmA High

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_GENB register.
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPBD_M   0x00000C00  // Action for Comparator B Down
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPBD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPBD_INV 0x00000400  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPBD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000800  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPBD_ONE 0x00000C00  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPBU_M   0x00000300  // Action for Comparator B Up
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPBU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPBU_INV 0x00000100  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPBU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000200  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPBU_ONE 0x00000300  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPAD_M   0x000000C0  // Action for Comparator A Down
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPAD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPAD_INV 0x00000040  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPAD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000080  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPAD_ONE 0x000000C0  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPAU_M   0x00000030  // Action for Comparator A Up
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPAU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPAU_INV 0x00000010  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPAU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000020  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTCMPAU_ONE 0x00000030  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTLOAD_M    0x0000000C  // Action for Counter=LOAD
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTLOAD_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTLOAD_INV  0x00000004  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTLOAD_ZERO 0x00000008  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTLOAD_ONE  0x0000000C  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTZERO_M    0x00000003  // Action for Counter=0
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTZERO_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTZERO_INV  0x00000001  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTZERO_ZERO 0x00000002  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_0_GENB_ACTZERO_ONE  0x00000003  // Drive pwmB High

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_DBCTL register.
#define PWM_0_DBCTL_ENABLE      0x00000001  // Dead-Band Generator Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_DBRISE register.
#define PWM_0_DBRISE_DELAY_M    0x00000FFF  // Dead-Band Rise Delay
#define PWM_0_DBRISE_DELAY_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_DBFALL register.
#define PWM_0_DBFALL_DELAY_M    0x00000FFF  // Dead-Band Fall Delay
#define PWM_0_DBFALL_DELAY_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_FLTSRC0
// register.
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC0_FAULT3    0x00000008  // Fault3 Input
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC0_FAULT2    0x00000004  // Fault2 Input
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC0_FAULT1    0x00000002  // Fault1 Input
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC0_FAULT0    0x00000001  // Fault0 Input

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_FLTSRC1
// register.
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC1_DCMP7     0x00000080  // Digital Comparator 7
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC1_DCMP6     0x00000040  // Digital Comparator 6
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC1_DCMP5     0x00000020  // Digital Comparator 5
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC1_DCMP4     0x00000010  // Digital Comparator 4
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC1_DCMP3     0x00000008  // Digital Comparator 3
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC1_DCMP2     0x00000004  // Digital Comparator 2
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC1_DCMP1     0x00000002  // Digital Comparator 1
#define PWM_0_FLTSRC1_DCMP0     0x00000001  // Digital Comparator 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_MINFLTPER
// register.
#define PWM_0_MINFLTPER_M       0x0000FFFF  // Minimum Fault Period
#define PWM_0_MINFLTPER_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_CTL register.
#define PWM_1_CTL_LATCH         0x00040000  // Latch Fault Input
#define PWM_1_CTL_MINFLTPER     0x00020000  // Minimum Fault Period
#define PWM_1_CTL_FLTSRC        0x00010000  // Fault Condition Source
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBFALLUPD_M   0x0000C000  // PWMnDBFALL Update Mode
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBFALLUPD_I   0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBFALLUPD_LS  0x00008000  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBFALLUPD_GS  0x0000C000  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBRISEUPD_M   0x00003000  // PWMnDBRISE Update Mode
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBRISEUPD_I   0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBRISEUPD_LS  0x00002000  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBRISEUPD_GS  0x00003000  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBCTLUPD_M    0x00000C00  // PWMnDBCTL Update Mode
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBCTLUPD_I    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBCTLUPD_LS   0x00000800  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_1_CTL_DBCTLUPD_GS   0x00000C00  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_1_CTL_GENBUPD_M     0x00000300  // PWMnGENB Update Mode
#define PWM_1_CTL_GENBUPD_I     0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_1_CTL_GENBUPD_LS    0x00000200  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_1_CTL_GENBUPD_GS    0x00000300  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_1_CTL_GENAUPD_M     0x000000C0  // PWMnGENA Update Mode
#define PWM_1_CTL_GENAUPD_I     0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_1_CTL_GENAUPD_LS    0x00000080  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_1_CTL_GENAUPD_GS    0x000000C0  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_1_CTL_CMPBUPD       0x00000020  // Comparator B Update Mode
#define PWM_1_CTL_CMPAUPD       0x00000010  // Comparator A Update Mode
#define PWM_1_CTL_LOADUPD       0x00000008  // Load Register Update Mode
#define PWM_1_CTL_DEBUG         0x00000004  // Debug Mode
#define PWM_1_CTL_MODE          0x00000002  // Counter Mode
#define PWM_1_CTL_ENABLE        0x00000001  // PWM Block Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_INTEN register.
#define PWM_1_INTEN_TRCMPBD     0x00002000  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Down
#define PWM_1_INTEN_TRCMPBU     0x00001000  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPB Up
#define PWM_1_INTEN_TRCMPAD     0x00000800  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Down
#define PWM_1_INTEN_TRCMPAU     0x00000400  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPA Up
#define PWM_1_INTEN_TRCNTLOAD   0x00000200  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnLOAD
#define PWM_1_INTEN_TRCNTZERO   0x00000100  // Trigger for Counter=0
#define PWM_1_INTEN_INTCMPBD    0x00000020  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Down
#define PWM_1_INTEN_INTCMPBU    0x00000010  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Up
#define PWM_1_INTEN_INTCMPAD    0x00000008  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Down
#define PWM_1_INTEN_INTCMPAU    0x00000004  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Up
#define PWM_1_INTEN_INTCNTLOAD  0x00000002  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnLOAD
#define PWM_1_INTEN_INTCNTZERO  0x00000001  // Interrupt for Counter=0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_RIS register.
#define PWM_1_RIS_INTCMPBD      0x00000020  // Comparator B Down Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define PWM_1_RIS_INTCMPBU      0x00000010  // Comparator B Up Interrupt Status
#define PWM_1_RIS_INTCMPAD      0x00000008  // Comparator A Down Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define PWM_1_RIS_INTCMPAU      0x00000004  // Comparator A Up Interrupt Status
#define PWM_1_RIS_INTCNTLOAD    0x00000002  // Counter=Load Interrupt Status
#define PWM_1_RIS_INTCNTZERO    0x00000001  // Counter=0 Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_ISC register.
#define PWM_1_ISC_INTCMPBD      0x00000020  // Comparator B Down Interrupt
#define PWM_1_ISC_INTCMPBU      0x00000010  // Comparator B Up Interrupt
#define PWM_1_ISC_INTCMPAD      0x00000008  // Comparator A Down Interrupt
#define PWM_1_ISC_INTCMPAU      0x00000004  // Comparator A Up Interrupt
#define PWM_1_ISC_INTCNTLOAD    0x00000002  // Counter=Load Interrupt
#define PWM_1_ISC_INTCNTZERO    0x00000001  // Counter=0 Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_LOAD register.
#define PWM_1_LOAD_LOAD_M       0x0000FFFF  // Counter Load Value
#define PWM_1_LOAD_LOAD_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_COUNT register.
#define PWM_1_COUNT_COUNT_M     0x0000FFFF  // Counter Value
#define PWM_1_COUNT_COUNT_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_CMPA register.
#define PWM_1_CMPA_COMPA_M      0x0000FFFF  // Comparator A Value
#define PWM_1_CMPA_COMPA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_CMPB register.
#define PWM_1_CMPB_COMPB_M      0x0000FFFF  // Comparator B Value
#define PWM_1_CMPB_COMPB_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_GENA register.
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPBD_M   0x00000C00  // Action for Comparator B Down
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPBD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPBD_INV 0x00000400  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPBD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000800  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPBD_ONE 0x00000C00  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPBU_M   0x00000300  // Action for Comparator B Up
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPBU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPBU_INV 0x00000100  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPBU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000200  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPBU_ONE 0x00000300  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPAD_M   0x000000C0  // Action for Comparator A Down
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPAD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPAD_INV 0x00000040  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPAD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000080  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPAD_ONE 0x000000C0  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPAU_M   0x00000030  // Action for Comparator A Up
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPAU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPAU_INV 0x00000010  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPAU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000020  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTCMPAU_ONE 0x00000030  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTLOAD_M    0x0000000C  // Action for Counter=LOAD
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTLOAD_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTLOAD_INV  0x00000004  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTLOAD_ZERO 0x00000008  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTLOAD_ONE  0x0000000C  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTZERO_M    0x00000003  // Action for Counter=0
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTZERO_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTZERO_INV  0x00000001  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTZERO_ZERO 0x00000002  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_1_GENA_ACTZERO_ONE  0x00000003  // Drive pwmA High

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_GENB register.
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPBD_M   0x00000C00  // Action for Comparator B Down
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPBD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPBD_INV 0x00000400  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPBD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000800  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPBD_ONE 0x00000C00  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPBU_M   0x00000300  // Action for Comparator B Up
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPBU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPBU_INV 0x00000100  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPBU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000200  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPBU_ONE 0x00000300  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPAD_M   0x000000C0  // Action for Comparator A Down
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPAD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPAD_INV 0x00000040  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPAD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000080  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPAD_ONE 0x000000C0  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPAU_M   0x00000030  // Action for Comparator A Up
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPAU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPAU_INV 0x00000010  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPAU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000020  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTCMPAU_ONE 0x00000030  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTLOAD_M    0x0000000C  // Action for Counter=LOAD
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTLOAD_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTLOAD_INV  0x00000004  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTLOAD_ZERO 0x00000008  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTLOAD_ONE  0x0000000C  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTZERO_M    0x00000003  // Action for Counter=0
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTZERO_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTZERO_INV  0x00000001  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTZERO_ZERO 0x00000002  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_1_GENB_ACTZERO_ONE  0x00000003  // Drive pwmB High

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_DBCTL register.
#define PWM_1_DBCTL_ENABLE      0x00000001  // Dead-Band Generator Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_DBRISE register.
#define PWM_1_DBRISE_RISEDELAY_M                                              \
                                0x00000FFF  // Dead-Band Rise Delay
#define PWM_1_DBRISE_RISEDELAY_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_DBFALL register.
#define PWM_1_DBFALL_FALLDELAY_M                                              \
                                0x00000FFF  // Dead-Band Fall Delay
#define PWM_1_DBFALL_FALLDELAY_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_FLTSRC0
// register.
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC0_FAULT3    0x00000008  // Fault3 Input
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC0_FAULT2    0x00000004  // Fault2 Input
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC0_FAULT1    0x00000002  // Fault1 Input
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC0_FAULT0    0x00000001  // Fault0 Input

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_FLTSRC1
// register.
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC1_DCMP7     0x00000080  // Digital Comparator 7
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC1_DCMP6     0x00000040  // Digital Comparator 6
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC1_DCMP5     0x00000020  // Digital Comparator 5
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC1_DCMP4     0x00000010  // Digital Comparator 4
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC1_DCMP3     0x00000008  // Digital Comparator 3
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC1_DCMP2     0x00000004  // Digital Comparator 2
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC1_DCMP1     0x00000002  // Digital Comparator 1
#define PWM_1_FLTSRC1_DCMP0     0x00000001  // Digital Comparator 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_MINFLTPER
// register.
#define PWM_1_MINFLTPER_MFP_M   0x0000FFFF  // Minimum Fault Period
#define PWM_1_MINFLTPER_MFP_S   0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_CTL register.
#define PWM_2_CTL_LATCH         0x00040000  // Latch Fault Input
#define PWM_2_CTL_MINFLTPER     0x00020000  // Minimum Fault Period
#define PWM_2_CTL_FLTSRC        0x00010000  // Fault Condition Source
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBFALLUPD_M   0x0000C000  // PWMnDBFALL Update Mode
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBFALLUPD_I   0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBFALLUPD_LS  0x00008000  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBFALLUPD_GS  0x0000C000  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBRISEUPD_M   0x00003000  // PWMnDBRISE Update Mode
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBRISEUPD_I   0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBRISEUPD_LS  0x00002000  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBRISEUPD_GS  0x00003000  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBCTLUPD_M    0x00000C00  // PWMnDBCTL Update Mode
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBCTLUPD_I    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBCTLUPD_LS   0x00000800  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_2_CTL_DBCTLUPD_GS   0x00000C00  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_2_CTL_GENBUPD_M     0x00000300  // PWMnGENB Update Mode
#define PWM_2_CTL_GENBUPD_I     0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_2_CTL_GENBUPD_LS    0x00000200  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_2_CTL_GENBUPD_GS    0x00000300  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_2_CTL_GENAUPD_M     0x000000C0  // PWMnGENA Update Mode
#define PWM_2_CTL_GENAUPD_I     0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_2_CTL_GENAUPD_LS    0x00000080  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_2_CTL_GENAUPD_GS    0x000000C0  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_2_CTL_CMPBUPD       0x00000020  // Comparator B Update Mode
#define PWM_2_CTL_CMPAUPD       0x00000010  // Comparator A Update Mode
#define PWM_2_CTL_LOADUPD       0x00000008  // Load Register Update Mode
#define PWM_2_CTL_DEBUG         0x00000004  // Debug Mode
#define PWM_2_CTL_MODE          0x00000002  // Counter Mode
#define PWM_2_CTL_ENABLE        0x00000001  // PWM Block Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_INTEN register.
#define PWM_2_INTEN_TRCMPBD     0x00002000  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Down
#define PWM_2_INTEN_TRCMPBU     0x00001000  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPB Up
#define PWM_2_INTEN_TRCMPAD     0x00000800  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Down
#define PWM_2_INTEN_TRCMPAU     0x00000400  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPA Up
#define PWM_2_INTEN_TRCNTLOAD   0x00000200  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnLOAD
#define PWM_2_INTEN_TRCNTZERO   0x00000100  // Trigger for Counter=0
#define PWM_2_INTEN_INTCMPBD    0x00000020  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Down
#define PWM_2_INTEN_INTCMPBU    0x00000010  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Up
#define PWM_2_INTEN_INTCMPAD    0x00000008  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Down
#define PWM_2_INTEN_INTCMPAU    0x00000004  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Up
#define PWM_2_INTEN_INTCNTLOAD  0x00000002  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnLOAD
#define PWM_2_INTEN_INTCNTZERO  0x00000001  // Interrupt for Counter=0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_RIS register.
#define PWM_2_RIS_INTCMPBD      0x00000020  // Comparator B Down Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define PWM_2_RIS_INTCMPBU      0x00000010  // Comparator B Up Interrupt Status
#define PWM_2_RIS_INTCMPAD      0x00000008  // Comparator A Down Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define PWM_2_RIS_INTCMPAU      0x00000004  // Comparator A Up Interrupt Status
#define PWM_2_RIS_INTCNTLOAD    0x00000002  // Counter=Load Interrupt Status
#define PWM_2_RIS_INTCNTZERO    0x00000001  // Counter=0 Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_ISC register.
#define PWM_2_ISC_INTCMPBD      0x00000020  // Comparator B Down Interrupt
#define PWM_2_ISC_INTCMPBU      0x00000010  // Comparator B Up Interrupt
#define PWM_2_ISC_INTCMPAD      0x00000008  // Comparator A Down Interrupt
#define PWM_2_ISC_INTCMPAU      0x00000004  // Comparator A Up Interrupt
#define PWM_2_ISC_INTCNTLOAD    0x00000002  // Counter=Load Interrupt
#define PWM_2_ISC_INTCNTZERO    0x00000001  // Counter=0 Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_LOAD register.
#define PWM_2_LOAD_LOAD_M       0x0000FFFF  // Counter Load Value
#define PWM_2_LOAD_LOAD_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_COUNT register.
#define PWM_2_COUNT_COUNT_M     0x0000FFFF  // Counter Value
#define PWM_2_COUNT_COUNT_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_CMPA register.
#define PWM_2_CMPA_COMPA_M      0x0000FFFF  // Comparator A Value
#define PWM_2_CMPA_COMPA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_CMPB register.
#define PWM_2_CMPB_COMPB_M      0x0000FFFF  // Comparator B Value
#define PWM_2_CMPB_COMPB_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_GENA register.
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPBD_M   0x00000C00  // Action for Comparator B Down
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPBD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPBD_INV 0x00000400  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPBD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000800  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPBD_ONE 0x00000C00  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPBU_M   0x00000300  // Action for Comparator B Up
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPBU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPBU_INV 0x00000100  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPBU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000200  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPBU_ONE 0x00000300  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPAD_M   0x000000C0  // Action for Comparator A Down
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPAD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPAD_INV 0x00000040  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPAD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000080  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPAD_ONE 0x000000C0  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPAU_M   0x00000030  // Action for Comparator A Up
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPAU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPAU_INV 0x00000010  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPAU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000020  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTCMPAU_ONE 0x00000030  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTLOAD_M    0x0000000C  // Action for Counter=LOAD
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTLOAD_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTLOAD_INV  0x00000004  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTLOAD_ZERO 0x00000008  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTLOAD_ONE  0x0000000C  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTZERO_M    0x00000003  // Action for Counter=0
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTZERO_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTZERO_INV  0x00000001  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTZERO_ZERO 0x00000002  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_2_GENA_ACTZERO_ONE  0x00000003  // Drive pwmA High

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_GENB register.
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPBD_M   0x00000C00  // Action for Comparator B Down
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPBD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPBD_INV 0x00000400  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPBD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000800  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPBD_ONE 0x00000C00  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPBU_M   0x00000300  // Action for Comparator B Up
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPBU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPBU_INV 0x00000100  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPBU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000200  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPBU_ONE 0x00000300  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPAD_M   0x000000C0  // Action for Comparator A Down
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPAD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPAD_INV 0x00000040  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPAD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000080  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPAD_ONE 0x000000C0  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPAU_M   0x00000030  // Action for Comparator A Up
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPAU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPAU_INV 0x00000010  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPAU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000020  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTCMPAU_ONE 0x00000030  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTLOAD_M    0x0000000C  // Action for Counter=LOAD
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTLOAD_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTLOAD_INV  0x00000004  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTLOAD_ZERO 0x00000008  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTLOAD_ONE  0x0000000C  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTZERO_M    0x00000003  // Action for Counter=0
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTZERO_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTZERO_INV  0x00000001  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTZERO_ZERO 0x00000002  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_2_GENB_ACTZERO_ONE  0x00000003  // Drive pwmB High

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_DBCTL register.
#define PWM_2_DBCTL_ENABLE      0x00000001  // Dead-Band Generator Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_DBRISE register.
#define PWM_2_DBRISE_RISEDELAY_M                                              \
                                0x00000FFF  // Dead-Band Rise Delay
#define PWM_2_DBRISE_RISEDELAY_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_DBFALL register.
#define PWM_2_DBFALL_FALLDELAY_M                                              \
                                0x00000FFF  // Dead-Band Fall Delay
#define PWM_2_DBFALL_FALLDELAY_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_FLTSRC0
// register.
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC0_FAULT3    0x00000008  // Fault3 Input
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC0_FAULT2    0x00000004  // Fault2 Input
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC0_FAULT1    0x00000002  // Fault1 Input
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC0_FAULT0    0x00000001  // Fault0 Input

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_FLTSRC1
// register.
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC1_DCMP7     0x00000080  // Digital Comparator 7
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC1_DCMP6     0x00000040  // Digital Comparator 6
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC1_DCMP5     0x00000020  // Digital Comparator 5
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC1_DCMP4     0x00000010  // Digital Comparator 4
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC1_DCMP3     0x00000008  // Digital Comparator 3
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC1_DCMP2     0x00000004  // Digital Comparator 2
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC1_DCMP1     0x00000002  // Digital Comparator 1
#define PWM_2_FLTSRC1_DCMP0     0x00000001  // Digital Comparator 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_MINFLTPER
// register.
#define PWM_2_MINFLTPER_MFP_M   0x0000FFFF  // Minimum Fault Period
#define PWM_2_MINFLTPER_MFP_S   0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_CTL register.
#define PWM_3_CTL_LATCH         0x00040000  // Latch Fault Input
#define PWM_3_CTL_MINFLTPER     0x00020000  // Minimum Fault Period
#define PWM_3_CTL_FLTSRC        0x00010000  // Fault Condition Source
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBFALLUPD_M   0x0000C000  // PWMnDBFALL Update Mode
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBFALLUPD_I   0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBFALLUPD_LS  0x00008000  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBFALLUPD_GS  0x0000C000  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBRISEUPD_M   0x00003000  // PWMnDBRISE Update Mode
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBRISEUPD_I   0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBRISEUPD_LS  0x00002000  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBRISEUPD_GS  0x00003000  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBCTLUPD_M    0x00000C00  // PWMnDBCTL Update Mode
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBCTLUPD_I    0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBCTLUPD_LS   0x00000800  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_3_CTL_DBCTLUPD_GS   0x00000C00  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_3_CTL_GENBUPD_M     0x00000300  // PWMnGENB Update Mode
#define PWM_3_CTL_GENBUPD_I     0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_3_CTL_GENBUPD_LS    0x00000200  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_3_CTL_GENBUPD_GS    0x00000300  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_3_CTL_GENAUPD_M     0x000000C0  // PWMnGENA Update Mode
#define PWM_3_CTL_GENAUPD_I     0x00000000  // Immediate
#define PWM_3_CTL_GENAUPD_LS    0x00000080  // Locally Synchronized
#define PWM_3_CTL_GENAUPD_GS    0x000000C0  // Globally Synchronized
#define PWM_3_CTL_CMPBUPD       0x00000020  // Comparator B Update Mode
#define PWM_3_CTL_CMPAUPD       0x00000010  // Comparator A Update Mode
#define PWM_3_CTL_LOADUPD       0x00000008  // Load Register Update Mode
#define PWM_3_CTL_DEBUG         0x00000004  // Debug Mode
#define PWM_3_CTL_MODE          0x00000002  // Counter Mode
#define PWM_3_CTL_ENABLE        0x00000001  // PWM Block Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_INTEN register.
#define PWM_3_INTEN_TRCMPBD     0x00002000  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Down
#define PWM_3_INTEN_TRCMPBU     0x00001000  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPB Up
#define PWM_3_INTEN_TRCMPAD     0x00000800  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Down
#define PWM_3_INTEN_TRCMPAU     0x00000400  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnCMPA Up
#define PWM_3_INTEN_TRCNTLOAD   0x00000200  // Trigger for Counter=PWMnLOAD
#define PWM_3_INTEN_TRCNTZERO   0x00000100  // Trigger for Counter=0
#define PWM_3_INTEN_INTCMPBD    0x00000020  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Down
#define PWM_3_INTEN_INTCMPBU    0x00000010  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPB
                                            // Up
#define PWM_3_INTEN_INTCMPAD    0x00000008  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Down
#define PWM_3_INTEN_INTCMPAU    0x00000004  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnCMPA
                                            // Up
#define PWM_3_INTEN_INTCNTLOAD  0x00000002  // Interrupt for Counter=PWMnLOAD
#define PWM_3_INTEN_INTCNTZERO  0x00000001  // Interrupt for Counter=0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_RIS register.
#define PWM_3_RIS_INTCMPBD      0x00000020  // Comparator B Down Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define PWM_3_RIS_INTCMPBU      0x00000010  // Comparator B Up Interrupt Status
#define PWM_3_RIS_INTCMPAD      0x00000008  // Comparator A Down Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define PWM_3_RIS_INTCMPAU      0x00000004  // Comparator A Up Interrupt Status
#define PWM_3_RIS_INTCNTLOAD    0x00000002  // Counter=Load Interrupt Status
#define PWM_3_RIS_INTCNTZERO    0x00000001  // Counter=0 Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_ISC register.
#define PWM_3_ISC_INTCMPBD      0x00000020  // Comparator B Down Interrupt
#define PWM_3_ISC_INTCMPBU      0x00000010  // Comparator B Up Interrupt
#define PWM_3_ISC_INTCMPAD      0x00000008  // Comparator A Down Interrupt
#define PWM_3_ISC_INTCMPAU      0x00000004  // Comparator A Up Interrupt
#define PWM_3_ISC_INTCNTLOAD    0x00000002  // Counter=Load Interrupt
#define PWM_3_ISC_INTCNTZERO    0x00000001  // Counter=0 Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_LOAD register.
#define PWM_3_LOAD_LOAD_M       0x0000FFFF  // Counter Load Value
#define PWM_3_LOAD_LOAD_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_COUNT register.
#define PWM_3_COUNT_COUNT_M     0x0000FFFF  // Counter Value
#define PWM_3_COUNT_COUNT_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_CMPA register.
#define PWM_3_CMPA_COMPA_M      0x0000FFFF  // Comparator A Value
#define PWM_3_CMPA_COMPA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_CMPB register.
#define PWM_3_CMPB_COMPB_M      0x0000FFFF  // Comparator B Value
#define PWM_3_CMPB_COMPB_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_GENA register.
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPBD_M   0x00000C00  // Action for Comparator B Down
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPBD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPBD_INV 0x00000400  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPBD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000800  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPBD_ONE 0x00000C00  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPBU_M   0x00000300  // Action for Comparator B Up
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPBU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPBU_INV 0x00000100  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPBU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000200  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPBU_ONE 0x00000300  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPAD_M   0x000000C0  // Action for Comparator A Down
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPAD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPAD_INV 0x00000040  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPAD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000080  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPAD_ONE 0x000000C0  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPAU_M   0x00000030  // Action for Comparator A Up
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPAU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPAU_INV 0x00000010  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPAU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000020  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTCMPAU_ONE 0x00000030  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTLOAD_M    0x0000000C  // Action for Counter=LOAD
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTLOAD_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTLOAD_INV  0x00000004  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTLOAD_ZERO 0x00000008  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTLOAD_ONE  0x0000000C  // Drive pwmA High
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTZERO_M    0x00000003  // Action for Counter=0
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTZERO_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTZERO_INV  0x00000001  // Invert pwmA
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTZERO_ZERO 0x00000002  // Drive pwmA Low
#define PWM_3_GENA_ACTZERO_ONE  0x00000003  // Drive pwmA High

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_GENB register.
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPBD_M   0x00000C00  // Action for Comparator B Down
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPBD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPBD_INV 0x00000400  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPBD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000800  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPBD_ONE 0x00000C00  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPBU_M   0x00000300  // Action for Comparator B Up
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPBU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPBU_INV 0x00000100  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPBU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000200  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPBU_ONE 0x00000300  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPAD_M   0x000000C0  // Action for Comparator A Down
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPAD_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPAD_INV 0x00000040  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPAD_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000080  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPAD_ONE 0x000000C0  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPAU_M   0x00000030  // Action for Comparator A Up
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPAU_NONE                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPAU_INV 0x00000010  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPAU_ZERO                                              \
                                0x00000020  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTCMPAU_ONE 0x00000030  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTLOAD_M    0x0000000C  // Action for Counter=LOAD
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTLOAD_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTLOAD_INV  0x00000004  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTLOAD_ZERO 0x00000008  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTLOAD_ONE  0x0000000C  // Drive pwmB High
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTZERO_M    0x00000003  // Action for Counter=0
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTZERO_NONE 0x00000000  // Do nothing
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTZERO_INV  0x00000001  // Invert pwmB
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTZERO_ZERO 0x00000002  // Drive pwmB Low
#define PWM_3_GENB_ACTZERO_ONE  0x00000003  // Drive pwmB High

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_DBCTL register.
#define PWM_3_DBCTL_ENABLE      0x00000001  // Dead-Band Generator Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_DBRISE register.
#define PWM_3_DBRISE_RISEDELAY_M                                              \
                                0x00000FFF  // Dead-Band Rise Delay
#define PWM_3_DBRISE_RISEDELAY_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_DBFALL register.
#define PWM_3_DBFALL_FALLDELAY_M                                              \
                                0x00000FFF  // Dead-Band Fall Delay
#define PWM_3_DBFALL_FALLDELAY_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_FLTSRC0
// register.
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC0_FAULT3    0x00000008  // Fault3 Input
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC0_FAULT2    0x00000004  // Fault2 Input
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC0_FAULT1    0x00000002  // Fault1 Input
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC0_FAULT0    0x00000001  // Fault0 Input

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_FLTSRC1
// register.
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC1_DCMP7     0x00000080  // Digital Comparator 7
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC1_DCMP6     0x00000040  // Digital Comparator 6
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC1_DCMP5     0x00000020  // Digital Comparator 5
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC1_DCMP4     0x00000010  // Digital Comparator 4
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC1_DCMP3     0x00000008  // Digital Comparator 3
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC1_DCMP2     0x00000004  // Digital Comparator 2
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC1_DCMP1     0x00000002  // Digital Comparator 1
#define PWM_3_FLTSRC1_DCMP0     0x00000001  // Digital Comparator 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_MINFLTPER
// register.
#define PWM_3_MINFLTPER_MFP_M   0x0000FFFF  // Minimum Fault Period
#define PWM_3_MINFLTPER_MFP_S   0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_FLTSEN register.
#define PWM_0_FLTSEN_FAULT3     0x00000008  // Fault3 Sense
#define PWM_0_FLTSEN_FAULT2     0x00000004  // Fault2 Sense
#define PWM_0_FLTSEN_FAULT1     0x00000002  // Fault1 Sense
#define PWM_0_FLTSEN_FAULT0     0x00000001  // Fault0 Sense

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_FLTSTAT0
// register.
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT0_FAULT3   0x00000008  // Fault Input 3
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT0_FAULT2   0x00000004  // Fault Input 2
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT0_FAULT1   0x00000002  // Fault Input 1
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT0_FAULT0   0x00000001  // Fault Input 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_0_FLTSTAT1
// register.
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT1_DCMP7    0x00000080  // Digital Comparator 7 Trigger
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT1_DCMP6    0x00000040  // Digital Comparator 6 Trigger
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT1_DCMP5    0x00000020  // Digital Comparator 5 Trigger
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT1_DCMP4    0x00000010  // Digital Comparator 4 Trigger
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT1_DCMP3    0x00000008  // Digital Comparator 3 Trigger
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT1_DCMP2    0x00000004  // Digital Comparator 2 Trigger
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT1_DCMP1    0x00000002  // Digital Comparator 1 Trigger
#define PWM_0_FLTSTAT1_DCMP0    0x00000001  // Digital Comparator 0 Trigger

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_FLTSEN register.
#define PWM_1_FLTSEN_FAULT3     0x00000008  // Fault3 Sense
#define PWM_1_FLTSEN_FAULT2     0x00000004  // Fault2 Sense
#define PWM_1_FLTSEN_FAULT1     0x00000002  // Fault1 Sense
#define PWM_1_FLTSEN_FAULT0     0x00000001  // Fault0 Sense

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_FLTSTAT0
// register.
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT0_FAULT3   0x00000008  // Fault Input 3
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT0_FAULT2   0x00000004  // Fault Input 2
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT0_FAULT1   0x00000002  // Fault Input 1
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT0_FAULT0   0x00000001  // Fault Input 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_1_FLTSTAT1
// register.
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT1_DCMP7    0x00000080  // Digital Comparator 7 Trigger
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT1_DCMP6    0x00000040  // Digital Comparator 6 Trigger
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT1_DCMP5    0x00000020  // Digital Comparator 5 Trigger
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT1_DCMP4    0x00000010  // Digital Comparator 4 Trigger
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT1_DCMP3    0x00000008  // Digital Comparator 3 Trigger
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT1_DCMP2    0x00000004  // Digital Comparator 2 Trigger
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT1_DCMP1    0x00000002  // Digital Comparator 1 Trigger
#define PWM_1_FLTSTAT1_DCMP0    0x00000001  // Digital Comparator 0 Trigger

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_FLTSEN register.
#define PWM_2_FLTSEN_FAULT3     0x00000008  // Fault3 Sense
#define PWM_2_FLTSEN_FAULT2     0x00000004  // Fault2 Sense
#define PWM_2_FLTSEN_FAULT1     0x00000002  // Fault1 Sense
#define PWM_2_FLTSEN_FAULT0     0x00000001  // Fault0 Sense

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_FLTSTAT0
// register.
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT0_FAULT3   0x00000008  // Fault Input 3
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT0_FAULT2   0x00000004  // Fault Input 2
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT0_FAULT1   0x00000002  // Fault Input 1
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT0_FAULT0   0x00000001  // Fault Input 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_2_FLTSTAT1
// register.
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT1_DCMP7    0x00000080  // Digital Comparator 7 Trigger
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT1_DCMP6    0x00000040  // Digital Comparator 6 Trigger
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT1_DCMP5    0x00000020  // Digital Comparator 5 Trigger
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT1_DCMP4    0x00000010  // Digital Comparator 4 Trigger
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT1_DCMP3    0x00000008  // Digital Comparator 3 Trigger
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT1_DCMP2    0x00000004  // Digital Comparator 2 Trigger
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT1_DCMP1    0x00000002  // Digital Comparator 1 Trigger
#define PWM_2_FLTSTAT1_DCMP0    0x00000001  // Digital Comparator 0 Trigger

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_FLTSEN register.
#define PWM_3_FLTSEN_FAULT3     0x00000008  // Fault3 Sense
#define PWM_3_FLTSEN_FAULT2     0x00000004  // Fault2 Sense
#define PWM_3_FLTSEN_FAULT1     0x00000002  // Fault1 Sense
#define PWM_3_FLTSEN_FAULT0     0x00000001  // Fault0 Sense

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_FLTSTAT0
// register.
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT0_FAULT3   0x00000008  // Fault Input 3
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT0_FAULT2   0x00000004  // Fault Input 2
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT0_FAULT1   0x00000002  // Fault Input 1
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT0_FAULT0   0x00000001  // Fault Input 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_3_FLTSTAT1
// register.
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT1_DCMP7    0x00000080  // Digital Comparator 7 Trigger
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT1_DCMP6    0x00000040  // Digital Comparator 6 Trigger
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT1_DCMP5    0x00000020  // Digital Comparator 5 Trigger
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT1_DCMP4    0x00000010  // Digital Comparator 4 Trigger
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT1_DCMP3    0x00000008  // Digital Comparator 3 Trigger
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT1_DCMP2    0x00000004  // Digital Comparator 2 Trigger
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT1_DCMP1    0x00000002  // Digital Comparator 1 Trigger
#define PWM_3_FLTSTAT1_DCMP0    0x00000001  // Digital Comparator 0 Trigger

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the PWM_O_PP register.
#define PWM_PP_ONE              0x00000400  // One-Shot Mode
#define PWM_PP_EFAULT           0x00000200  // Extended Fault
#define PWM_PP_ESYNC            0x00000100  // Extended Synchronization
#define PWM_PP_FCNT_M           0x000000F0  // Fault Inputs (per PWM unit)
#define PWM_PP_GCNT_M           0x0000000F  // Generators
#define PWM_PP_FCNT_S           4
#define PWM_PP_GCNT_S           0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_CTL register.
#define QEI_CTL_FILTCNT_M       0x000F0000  // Input Filter Prescale Count
#define QEI_CTL_FILTEN          0x00002000  // Enable Input Filter
#define QEI_CTL_STALLEN         0x00001000  // Stall QEI
#define QEI_CTL_INVI            0x00000800  // Invert Index Pulse
#define QEI_CTL_INVB            0x00000400  // Invert PhB
#define QEI_CTL_INVA            0x00000200  // Invert PhA
#define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_M        0x000001C0  // Predivide Velocity
#define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_1        0x00000000  // QEI clock /1
#define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_2        0x00000040  // QEI clock /2
#define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_4        0x00000080  // QEI clock /4
#define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_8        0x000000C0  // QEI clock /8
#define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_16       0x00000100  // QEI clock /16
#define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_32       0x00000140  // QEI clock /32
#define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_64       0x00000180  // QEI clock /64
#define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_128      0x000001C0  // QEI clock /128
#define QEI_CTL_VELEN           0x00000020  // Capture Velocity
#define QEI_CTL_RESMODE         0x00000010  // Reset Mode
#define QEI_CTL_CAPMODE         0x00000008  // Capture Mode
#define QEI_CTL_SIGMODE         0x00000004  // Signal Mode
#define QEI_CTL_SWAP            0x00000002  // Swap Signals
#define QEI_CTL_ENABLE          0x00000001  // Enable QEI
#define QEI_CTL_FILTCNT_S       16

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_STAT register.
#define QEI_STAT_DIRECTION      0x00000002  // Direction of Rotation
#define QEI_STAT_ERROR          0x00000001  // Error Detected

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_POS register.
#define QEI_POS_M               0xFFFFFFFF  // Current Position Integrator
                                            // Value
#define QEI_POS_S               0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_MAXPOS register.
#define QEI_MAXPOS_M            0xFFFFFFFF  // Maximum Position Integrator
                                            // Value
#define QEI_MAXPOS_S            0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_LOAD register.
#define QEI_LOAD_M              0xFFFFFFFF  // Velocity Timer Load Value
#define QEI_LOAD_S              0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_TIME register.
#define QEI_TIME_M              0xFFFFFFFF  // Velocity Timer Current Value
#define QEI_TIME_S              0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_COUNT register.
#define QEI_COUNT_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // Velocity Pulse Count
#define QEI_COUNT_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_SPEED register.
#define QEI_SPEED_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // Velocity
#define QEI_SPEED_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_INTEN register.
#define QEI_INTEN_ERROR         0x00000008  // Phase Error Interrupt Enable
#define QEI_INTEN_DIR           0x00000004  // Direction Change Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define QEI_INTEN_TIMER         0x00000002  // Timer Expires Interrupt Enable
#define QEI_INTEN_INDEX         0x00000001  // Index Pulse Detected Interrupt
                                            // Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_RIS register.
#define QEI_RIS_ERROR           0x00000008  // Phase Error Detected
#define QEI_RIS_DIR             0x00000004  // Direction Change Detected
#define QEI_RIS_TIMER           0x00000002  // Velocity Timer Expired
#define QEI_RIS_INDEX           0x00000001  // Index Pulse Asserted

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_ISC register.
#define QEI_ISC_ERROR           0x00000008  // Phase Error Interrupt
#define QEI_ISC_DIR             0x00000004  // Direction Change Interrupt
#define QEI_ISC_TIMER           0x00000002  // Velocity Timer Expired Interrupt
#define QEI_ISC_INDEX           0x00000001  // Index Pulse Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_CFG register.
#define TIMER_CFG_M             0x00000007  // GPTM Configuration
#define TIMER_CFG_32_BIT_TIMER  0x00000000  // For a 16/32-bit timer, this
                                            // value selects the 32-bit timer
                                            // configuration
#define TIMER_CFG_32_BIT_RTC    0x00000001  // For a 16/32-bit timer, this
                                            // value selects the 32-bit
                                            // real-time clock (RTC) counter
                                            // configuration
#define TIMER_CFG_16_BIT        0x00000004  // For a 16/32-bit timer, this
                                            // value selects the 16-bit timer
                                            // configuration

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAMR register.
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAPLO        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer A PWM Legacy
                                            // Operation
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMRSU       0x00000400  // GPTM Timer A Match Register
                                            // Update
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAPWMIE      0x00000200  // GPTM Timer A PWM Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAILD        0x00000100  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load Write
#define TIMER_TAMR_TASNAPS      0x00000080  // GPTM Timer A Snap-Shot Mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAWOT        0x00000040  // GPTM Timer A Wait-on-Trigger
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMIE        0x00000020  // GPTM Timer A Match Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TAMR_TACDIR       0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Count Direction
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAAMS        0x00000008  // GPTM Timer A Alternate Mode
                                            // Select
#define TIMER_TAMR_TACMR        0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_M       0x00000003  // GPTM Timer A Mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_1_SHOT  0x00000001  // One-Shot Timer mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_PERIOD  0x00000002  // Periodic Timer mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_CAP     0x00000003  // Capture mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBMR register.
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBPLO        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B PWM Legacy
                                            // Operation
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMRSU       0x00000400  // GPTM Timer B Match Register
                                            // Update
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBPWMIE      0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B PWM Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBILD        0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Interval Load Write
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBSNAPS      0x00000080  // GPTM Timer B Snap-Shot Mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBWOT        0x00000040  // GPTM Timer B Wait-on-Trigger
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMIE        0x00000020  // GPTM Timer B Match Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBCDIR       0x00000010  // GPTM Timer B Count Direction
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBAMS        0x00000008  // GPTM Timer B Alternate Mode
                                            // Select
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBCMR        0x00000004  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_M       0x00000003  // GPTM Timer B Mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_1_SHOT  0x00000001  // One-Shot Timer mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_PERIOD  0x00000002  // Periodic Timer mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_CAP     0x00000003  // Capture mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_CTL register.
#define TIMER_CTL_TBPWML        0x00004000  // GPTM Timer B PWM Output Level
#define TIMER_CTL_TBOTE         0x00002000  // GPTM Timer B Output Trigger
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_M     0x00000C00  // GPTM Timer B Event Mode
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_POS   0x00000000  // Positive edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_NEG   0x00000400  // Negative edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_BOTH  0x00000C00  // Both edges
#define TIMER_CTL_TBSTALL       0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B Stall Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEN          0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TAPWML        0x00000040  // GPTM Timer A PWM Output Level
#define TIMER_CTL_TAOTE         0x00000020  // GPTM Timer A Output Trigger
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_RTCEN         0x00000010  // GPTM RTC Stall Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_M     0x0000000C  // GPTM Timer A Event Mode
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_POS   0x00000000  // Positive edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_NEG   0x00000004  // Negative edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_BOTH  0x0000000C  // Both edges
#define TIMER_CTL_TASTALL       0x00000002  // GPTM Timer A Stall Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEN          0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_SYNC register.
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_M    0x00C00000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 5
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 5 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_TA   0x00400000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 5 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_TB   0x00800000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 5 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_TATB 0x00C00000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 5 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_M    0x00300000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 4
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 4 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_TA   0x00100000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 4 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_TB   0x00200000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 4 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_TATB 0x00300000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 4 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_M    0x000C0000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 3
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 3 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_TA   0x00040000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 3 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_TB   0x00080000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 3 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_TATB 0x000C0000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 3 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_M    0x00030000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 2
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 2 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_TA   0x00010000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 2 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_TB   0x00020000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 2 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_TATB 0x00030000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 2 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_M    0x0000C000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 1
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 1 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_TA   0x00004000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 1 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_TB   0x00008000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 1 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_TATB 0x0000C000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 1 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_M    0x00003000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 0
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 0 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_TA   0x00001000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 0 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_TB   0x00002000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 0 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_TATB 0x00003000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 0 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_M     0x00000C00  // Synchronize GPTM Timer 5
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM5 is not affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_TA    0x00000400  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM5 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_TB    0x00000800  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM5 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_TATB  0x00000C00  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM5 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_M     0x00000300  // Synchronize GPTM Timer 4
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM4 is not affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_TA    0x00000100  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM4 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_TB    0x00000200  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM4 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_TATB  0x00000300  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM4 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_M     0x000000C0  // Synchronize GPTM Timer 3
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM3 is not affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_TA    0x00000040  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM3 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_TB    0x00000080  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM3 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_TATB  0x000000C0  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM3 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_M     0x00000030  // Synchronize GPTM Timer 2
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM2 is not affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_TA    0x00000010  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM2 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_TB    0x00000020  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM2 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_TATB  0x00000030  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM2 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_M     0x0000000C  // Synchronize GPTM Timer 1
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM1 is not affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_TA    0x00000004  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM1 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_TB    0x00000008  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM1 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_TATB  0x0000000C  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM1 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_M     0x00000003  // Synchronize GPTM Timer 0
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM0 is not affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_TA    0x00000001  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM0 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_TB    0x00000002  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM0 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_TATB  0x00000003  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM0 is
                                            // triggered

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_IMR register.
#define TIMER_IMR_WUEIM         0x00010000  // 32/64-Bit Wide GPTM Write Update
                                            // Error Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_TBMIM         0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Match Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CBEIM         0x00000400  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Event
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CBMIM         0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_TBTOIM        0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_TAMIM         0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Match Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_RTCIM         0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CAEIM         0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Event
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CAMIM         0x00000002  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_TATOIM        0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_RIS register.
#define TIMER_RIS_WUERIS        0x00010000  // 32/64-Bit Wide GPTM Write Update
                                            // Error Raw Interrupt Status
#define TIMER_RIS_TBMRIS        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Match Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CBERIS        0x00000400  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Event
                                            // Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CBMRIS        0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Match
                                            // Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_TBTORIS       0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Raw
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_TAMRIS        0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Match Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_RTCRIS        0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CAERIS        0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Event
                                            // Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CAMRIS        0x00000002  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Match
                                            // Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_TATORIS       0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Raw
                                            // Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_MIS register.
#define TIMER_MIS_WUEMIS        0x00010000  // 32/64-Bit Wide GPTM Write Update
                                            // Error Masked Interrupt Status
#define TIMER_MIS_TBMMIS        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Match Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CBEMIS        0x00000400  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Event
                                            // Masked Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CBMMIS        0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Match
                                            // Masked Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_TBTOMIS       0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_TAMMIS        0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Match Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_RTCMIS        0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Masked Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CAEMIS        0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Event
                                            // Masked Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CAMMIS        0x00000002  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Match
                                            // Masked Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_TATOMIS       0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Masked
                                            // Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_ICR register.
#define TIMER_ICR_WUECINT       0x00010000  // 32/64-Bit Wide GPTM Write Update
                                            // Error Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_TBMCINT       0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Match Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CBECINT       0x00000400  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Event
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CBMCINT       0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_TBTOCINT      0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_TAMCINT       0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Match Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_RTCCINT       0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CAECINT       0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Event
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CAMCINT       0x00000002  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_TATOCINT      0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Raw
                                            // Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAILR register.
#define TIMER_TAILR_M           0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load
                                            // Register
#define TIMER_TAILR_S           0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBILR register.
#define TIMER_TBILR_M           0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Interval Load
                                            // Register
#define TIMER_TBILR_S           0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAMATCHR
// register.
#define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMR_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Match Register

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBMATCHR
// register.
#define TIMER_TBMATCHR_TBMR_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Match Register

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPR register.
#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSRH_M     0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer A Prescale High Byte
#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSR_M      0x000000FF  // GPTM Timer A Prescale
#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSRH_S     8
#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSR_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPR register.
#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSRH_M     0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer B Prescale High Byte
#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSR_M      0x000000FF  // GPTM Timer B Prescale
#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSRH_S     8
#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSR_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPMR register.
#define TIMER_TAPMR_TAPSMRH_M   0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer A Prescale Match High
                                            // Byte
#define TIMER_TAPMR_TAPSMR_M    0x000000FF  // GPTM TimerA Prescale Match

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPMR register.
#define TIMER_TBPMR_TBPSMRH_M   0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer B Prescale Match High
                                            // Byte
#define TIMER_TBPMR_TBPSMR_M    0x000000FF  // GPTM TimerB Prescale Match

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAR register.
#define TIMER_TAR_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Register
#define TIMER_TAR_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBR register.
#define TIMER_TBR_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Register
#define TIMER_TBR_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAV register.
#define TIMER_TAV_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Value
#define TIMER_TAV_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBV register.
#define TIMER_TBV_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Value
#define TIMER_TBV_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_RTCPD register.
#define TIMER_RTCPD_RTCPD_M     0x0000FFFF  // RTC Predivide Counter Value
#define TIMER_RTCPD_RTCPD_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPS register.
#define TIMER_TAPS_PSS_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Prescaler Snapshot
#define TIMER_TAPS_PSS_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPS register.
#define TIMER_TBPS_PSS_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Prescaler Value
#define TIMER_TBPS_PSS_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPV register.
#define TIMER_TAPV_PSV_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Prescaler Value
#define TIMER_TAPV_PSV_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPV register.
#define TIMER_TBPV_PSV_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer B Prescaler Value
#define TIMER_TBPV_PSV_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_PP register.
#define TIMER_PP_SIZE_M         0x0000000F  // Count Size
#define TIMER_PP_SIZE_16        0x00000000  // Timer A and Timer B counters are
                                            // 16 bits each with an 8-bit
                                            // prescale counter
#define TIMER_PP_SIZE_32        0x00000001  // Timer A and Timer B counters are
                                            // 32 bits each with a 16-bit
                                            // prescale counter

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_ACTSS register.
#define ADC_ACTSS_BUSY          0x00010000  // ADC Busy
#define ADC_ACTSS_ASEN3         0x00000008  // ADC SS3 Enable
#define ADC_ACTSS_ASEN2         0x00000004  // ADC SS2 Enable
#define ADC_ACTSS_ASEN1         0x00000002  // ADC SS1 Enable
#define ADC_ACTSS_ASEN0         0x00000001  // ADC SS0 Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_RIS register.
#define ADC_RIS_INRDC           0x00010000  // Digital Comparator Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define ADC_RIS_INR3            0x00000008  // SS3 Raw Interrupt Status
#define ADC_RIS_INR2            0x00000004  // SS2 Raw Interrupt Status
#define ADC_RIS_INR1            0x00000002  // SS1 Raw Interrupt Status
#define ADC_RIS_INR0            0x00000001  // SS0 Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_IM register.
#define ADC_IM_DCONSS3          0x00080000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt on
                                            // SS3
#define ADC_IM_DCONSS2          0x00040000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt on
                                            // SS2
#define ADC_IM_DCONSS1          0x00020000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt on
                                            // SS1
#define ADC_IM_DCONSS0          0x00010000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt on
                                            // SS0
#define ADC_IM_MASK3            0x00000008  // SS3 Interrupt Mask
#define ADC_IM_MASK2            0x00000004  // SS2 Interrupt Mask
#define ADC_IM_MASK1            0x00000002  // SS1 Interrupt Mask
#define ADC_IM_MASK0            0x00000001  // SS0 Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_ISC register.
#define ADC_ISC_DCINSS3         0x00080000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt
                                            // Status on SS3
#define ADC_ISC_DCINSS2         0x00040000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt
                                            // Status on SS2
#define ADC_ISC_DCINSS1         0x00020000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt
                                            // Status on SS1
#define ADC_ISC_DCINSS0         0x00010000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt
                                            // Status on SS0
#define ADC_ISC_IN3             0x00000008  // SS3 Interrupt Status and Clear
#define ADC_ISC_IN2             0x00000004  // SS2 Interrupt Status and Clear
#define ADC_ISC_IN1             0x00000002  // SS1 Interrupt Status and Clear
#define ADC_ISC_IN0             0x00000001  // SS0 Interrupt Status and Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_OSTAT register.
#define ADC_OSTAT_OV3           0x00000008  // SS3 FIFO Overflow
#define ADC_OSTAT_OV2           0x00000004  // SS2 FIFO Overflow
#define ADC_OSTAT_OV1           0x00000002  // SS1 FIFO Overflow
#define ADC_OSTAT_OV0           0x00000001  // SS0 FIFO Overflow

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_EMUX register.
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_M          0x0000F000  // SS3 Trigger Select
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_PROCESSOR  0x00000000  // Processor (default)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_COMP0      0x00001000  // Analog Comparator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_COMP1      0x00002000  // Analog Comparator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_COMP2      0x00003000  // Analog Comparator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_EXTERNAL   0x00004000  // External (GPIO Pins)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_TIMER      0x00005000  // Timer
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_PWM0       0x00006000  // PWM generator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_PWM1       0x00007000  // PWM generator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_PWM2       0x00008000  // PWM generator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_PWM3       0x00009000  // PWM generator 3
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_ALWAYS     0x0000F000  // Always (continuously sample)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_M          0x00000F00  // SS2 Trigger Select
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_PROCESSOR  0x00000000  // Processor (default)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_COMP0      0x00000100  // Analog Comparator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_COMP1      0x00000200  // Analog Comparator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_COMP2      0x00000300  // Analog Comparator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_EXTERNAL   0x00000400  // External (GPIO Pins)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_TIMER      0x00000500  // Timer
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_PWM0       0x00000600  // PWM generator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_PWM1       0x00000700  // PWM generator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_PWM2       0x00000800  // PWM generator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_PWM3       0x00000900  // PWM generator 3
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_ALWAYS     0x00000F00  // Always (continuously sample)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_M          0x000000F0  // SS1 Trigger Select
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_PROCESSOR  0x00000000  // Processor (default)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_COMP0      0x00000010  // Analog Comparator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_COMP1      0x00000020  // Analog Comparator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_COMP2      0x00000030  // Analog Comparator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_EXTERNAL   0x00000040  // External (GPIO Pins)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_TIMER      0x00000050  // Timer
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_PWM0       0x00000060  // PWM generator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_PWM1       0x00000070  // PWM generator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_PWM2       0x00000080  // PWM generator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_PWM3       0x00000090  // PWM generator 3
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_ALWAYS     0x000000F0  // Always (continuously sample)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_M          0x0000000F  // SS0 Trigger Select
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_PROCESSOR  0x00000000  // Processor (default)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_COMP0      0x00000001  // Analog Comparator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_COMP1      0x00000002  // Analog Comparator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_COMP2      0x00000003  // Analog Comparator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_EXTERNAL   0x00000004  // External (GPIO Pins)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_TIMER      0x00000005  // Timer
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_PWM0       0x00000006  // PWM generator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_PWM1       0x00000007  // PWM generator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_PWM2       0x00000008  // PWM generator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_PWM3       0x00000009  // PWM generator 3
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_ALWAYS     0x0000000F  // Always (continuously sample)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_USTAT register.
#define ADC_USTAT_UV3           0x00000008  // SS3 FIFO Underflow
#define ADC_USTAT_UV2           0x00000004  // SS2 FIFO Underflow
#define ADC_USTAT_UV1           0x00000002  // SS1 FIFO Underflow
#define ADC_USTAT_UV0           0x00000001  // SS0 FIFO Underflow

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_TSSEL register.
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS3_M         0x30000000  // Generator 3 PWM Module Trigger
                                            // Select
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS3_0         0x00000000  // Use Generator 3 (and its
                                            // trigger) in PWM module 0
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS3_1         0x10000000  // Use Generator 3 (and its
                                            // trigger) in PWM module 1
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS2_M         0x00300000  // Generator 2 PWM Module Trigger
                                            // Select
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS2_0         0x00000000  // Use Generator 2 (and its
                                            // trigger) in PWM module 0
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS2_1         0x00100000  // Use Generator 2 (and its
                                            // trigger) in PWM module 1
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS1_M         0x00003000  // Generator 1 PWM Module Trigger
                                            // Select
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS1_0         0x00000000  // Use Generator 1 (and its
                                            // trigger) in PWM module 0
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS1_1         0x00001000  // Use Generator 1 (and its
                                            // trigger) in PWM module 1
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS0_M         0x00000030  // Generator 0 PWM Module Trigger
                                            // Select
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS0_0         0x00000000  // Use Generator 0 (and its
                                            // trigger) in PWM module 0
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS0_1         0x00000010  // Use Generator 0 (and its
                                            // trigger) in PWM module 1

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSPRI register.
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS3_M         0x00003000  // SS3 Priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS2_M         0x00000300  // SS2 Priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS1_M         0x00000030  // SS1 Priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS0_M         0x00000003  // SS0 Priority

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SPC register.
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_M         0x0000000F  // Phase Difference
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_0         0x00000000  // ADC sample lags by 0.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_22_5      0x00000001  // ADC sample lags by 22.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_45        0x00000002  // ADC sample lags by 45.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_67_5      0x00000003  // ADC sample lags by 67.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_90        0x00000004  // ADC sample lags by 90.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_112_5     0x00000005  // ADC sample lags by 112.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_135       0x00000006  // ADC sample lags by 135.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_157_5     0x00000007  // ADC sample lags by 157.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_180       0x00000008  // ADC sample lags by 180.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_202_5     0x00000009  // ADC sample lags by 202.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_225       0x0000000A  // ADC sample lags by 225.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_247_5     0x0000000B  // ADC sample lags by 247.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_270       0x0000000C  // ADC sample lags by 270.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_292_5     0x0000000D  // ADC sample lags by 292.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_315       0x0000000E  // ADC sample lags by 315.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_337_5     0x0000000F  // ADC sample lags by 337.5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_PSSI register.
#define ADC_PSSI_GSYNC          0x80000000  // Global Synchronize
#define ADC_PSSI_SYNCWAIT       0x08000000  // Synchronize Wait
#define ADC_PSSI_SS3            0x00000008  // SS3 Initiate
#define ADC_PSSI_SS2            0x00000004  // SS2 Initiate
#define ADC_PSSI_SS1            0x00000002  // SS1 Initiate
#define ADC_PSSI_SS0            0x00000001  // SS0 Initiate

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SAC register.
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_M           0x00000007  // Hardware Averaging Control
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_OFF         0x00000000  // No hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_2X          0x00000001  // 2x hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_4X          0x00000002  // 4x hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_8X          0x00000003  // 8x hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_16X         0x00000004  // 16x hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_32X         0x00000005  // 32x hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_64X         0x00000006  // 64x hardware oversampling

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCISC register.
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT7        0x00000080  // Digital Comparator 7 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT6        0x00000040  // Digital Comparator 6 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT5        0x00000020  // Digital Comparator 5 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT4        0x00000010  // Digital Comparator 4 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT3        0x00000008  // Digital Comparator 3 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT2        0x00000004  // Digital Comparator 2 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT1        0x00000002  // Digital Comparator 1 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT0        0x00000001  // Digital Comparator 0 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_CTL register.
#define ADC_CTL_VREF_M          0x00000001  // Voltage Reference Select
#define ADC_CTL_VREF_INTERNAL   0x00000000  // VDDA and GNDA are the voltage
                                            // references
#define ADC_CTL_VREF_EXT_3V     0x00000001  // The external VREFA+ and VREFA-
                                            // inputs are the voltage
                                            // references

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSMUX0 register.
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX7_M       0xF0000000  // 8th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX6_M       0x0F000000  // 7th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX5_M       0x00F00000  // 6th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX4_M       0x000F0000  // 5th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX3_M       0x0000F000  // 4th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX2_M       0x00000F00  // 3rd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX1_M       0x000000F0  // 2nd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX0_M       0x0000000F  // 1st Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX7_S       28
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX6_S       24
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX5_S       20
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX4_S       16
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX3_S       12
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX2_S       8
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX1_S       4
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX0_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSCTL0 register.
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS7          0x80000000  // 8th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE7          0x40000000  // 8th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END7         0x20000000  // 8th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D7           0x10000000  // 8th Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS6          0x08000000  // 7th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE6          0x04000000  // 7th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END6         0x02000000  // 7th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D6           0x01000000  // 7th Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS5          0x00800000  // 6th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE5          0x00400000  // 6th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END5         0x00200000  // 6th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D5           0x00100000  // 6th Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS4          0x00080000  // 5th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE4          0x00040000  // 5th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END4         0x00020000  // 5th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D4           0x00010000  // 5th Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS3          0x00008000  // 4th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE3          0x00004000  // 4th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END3         0x00002000  // 4th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D3           0x00001000  // 4th Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS2          0x00000800  // 3rd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE2          0x00000400  // 3rd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END2         0x00000200  // 3rd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D2           0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS1          0x00000080  // 2nd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE1          0x00000040  // 2nd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END1         0x00000020  // 2nd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D1           0x00000010  // 2nd Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS0          0x00000008  // 1st Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE0          0x00000004  // 1st Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END0         0x00000002  // 1st Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D0           0x00000001  // 1st Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFIFO0 register.
#define ADC_SSFIFO0_DATA_M      0x00000FFF  // Conversion Result Data
#define ADC_SSFIFO0_DATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFSTAT0 register.
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_FULL       0x00001000  // FIFO Full
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_EMPTY      0x00000100  // FIFO Empty
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_HPTR_M     0x000000F0  // FIFO Head Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_TPTR_M     0x0000000F  // FIFO Tail Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_HPTR_S     4
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_TPTR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSOP0 register.
#define ADC_SSOP0_S7DCOP        0x10000000  // Sample 7 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S6DCOP        0x01000000  // Sample 6 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S5DCOP        0x00100000  // Sample 5 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S4DCOP        0x00010000  // Sample 4 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S3DCOP        0x00001000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S2DCOP        0x00000100  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S1DCOP        0x00000010  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S0DCOP        0x00000001  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSDC0 register.
#define ADC_SSDC0_S7DCSEL_M     0xF0000000  // Sample 7 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S6DCSEL_M     0x0F000000  // Sample 6 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S5DCSEL_M     0x00F00000  // Sample 5 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S4DCSEL_M     0x000F0000  // Sample 4 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S3DCSEL_M     0x0000F000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S2DCSEL_M     0x00000F00  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S1DCSEL_M     0x000000F0  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S0DCSEL_M     0x0000000F  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S6DCSEL_S     24
#define ADC_SSDC0_S5DCSEL_S     20
#define ADC_SSDC0_S4DCSEL_S     16
#define ADC_SSDC0_S3DCSEL_S     12
#define ADC_SSDC0_S2DCSEL_S     8
#define ADC_SSDC0_S1DCSEL_S     4
#define ADC_SSDC0_S0DCSEL_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSEMUX0 register.
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX7       0x10000000  // 8th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX6       0x01000000  // 7th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX5       0x00100000  // 6th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX4       0x00010000  // 5th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX3       0x00001000  // 4th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX2       0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX1       0x00000010  // 2th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX0       0x00000001  // 1st Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSMUX1 register.
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX3_M       0x0000F000  // 4th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX2_M       0x00000F00  // 3rd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX1_M       0x000000F0  // 2nd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX0_M       0x0000000F  // 1st Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX3_S       12
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX2_S       8
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX1_S       4
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX0_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSCTL1 register.
#define ADC_SSCTL1_TS3          0x00008000  // 4th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_IE3          0x00004000  // 4th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL1_END3         0x00002000  // 4th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL1_D3           0x00001000  // 4th Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_TS2          0x00000800  // 3rd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_IE2          0x00000400  // 3rd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL1_END2         0x00000200  // 3rd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL1_D2           0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_TS1          0x00000080  // 2nd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_IE1          0x00000040  // 2nd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL1_END1         0x00000020  // 2nd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL1_D1           0x00000010  // 2nd Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_TS0          0x00000008  // 1st Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_IE0          0x00000004  // 1st Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL1_END0         0x00000002  // 1st Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL1_D0           0x00000001  // 1st Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFIFO1 register.
#define ADC_SSFIFO1_DATA_M      0x00000FFF  // Conversion Result Data
#define ADC_SSFIFO1_DATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFSTAT1 register.
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_FULL       0x00001000  // FIFO Full
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_EMPTY      0x00000100  // FIFO Empty
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_HPTR_M     0x000000F0  // FIFO Head Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_TPTR_M     0x0000000F  // FIFO Tail Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_HPTR_S     4
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_TPTR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSOP1 register.
#define ADC_SSOP1_S3DCOP        0x00001000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP1_S2DCOP        0x00000100  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP1_S1DCOP        0x00000010  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP1_S0DCOP        0x00000001  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSDC1 register.
#define ADC_SSDC1_S3DCSEL_M     0x0000F000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC1_S2DCSEL_M     0x00000F00  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC1_S1DCSEL_M     0x000000F0  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC1_S0DCSEL_M     0x0000000F  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC1_S2DCSEL_S     8
#define ADC_SSDC1_S1DCSEL_S     4
#define ADC_SSDC1_S0DCSEL_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSEMUX1 register.
#define ADC_SSEMUX1_EMUX3       0x00001000  // 4th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX1_EMUX2       0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX1_EMUX1       0x00000010  // 2th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX1_EMUX0       0x00000001  // 1st Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSMUX2 register.
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX3_M       0x0000F000  // 4th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX2_M       0x00000F00  // 3rd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX1_M       0x000000F0  // 2nd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX0_M       0x0000000F  // 1st Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX3_S       12
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX2_S       8
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX1_S       4
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX0_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSCTL2 register.
#define ADC_SSCTL2_TS3          0x00008000  // 4th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_IE3          0x00004000  // 4th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL2_END3         0x00002000  // 4th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL2_D3           0x00001000  // 4th Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_TS2          0x00000800  // 3rd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_IE2          0x00000400  // 3rd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL2_END2         0x00000200  // 3rd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL2_D2           0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_TS1          0x00000080  // 2nd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_IE1          0x00000040  // 2nd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL2_END1         0x00000020  // 2nd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL2_D1           0x00000010  // 2nd Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_TS0          0x00000008  // 1st Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_IE0          0x00000004  // 1st Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL2_END0         0x00000002  // 1st Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL2_D0           0x00000001  // 1st Sample Differential Input
                                            // Select

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFIFO2 register.
#define ADC_SSFIFO2_DATA_M      0x00000FFF  // Conversion Result Data
#define ADC_SSFIFO2_DATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFSTAT2 register.
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_FULL       0x00001000  // FIFO Full
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_EMPTY      0x00000100  // FIFO Empty
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_HPTR_M     0x000000F0  // FIFO Head Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_TPTR_M     0x0000000F  // FIFO Tail Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_HPTR_S     4
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_TPTR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSOP2 register.
#define ADC_SSOP2_S3DCOP        0x00001000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP2_S2DCOP        0x00000100  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP2_S1DCOP        0x00000010  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP2_S0DCOP        0x00000001  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSDC2 register.
#define ADC_SSDC2_S3DCSEL_M     0x0000F000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC2_S2DCSEL_M     0x00000F00  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC2_S1DCSEL_M     0x000000F0  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC2_S0DCSEL_M     0x0000000F  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC2_S2DCSEL_S     8
#define ADC_SSDC2_S1DCSEL_S     4
#define ADC_SSDC2_S0DCSEL_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSEMUX2 register.
#define ADC_SSEMUX2_EMUX3       0x00001000  // 4th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX2_EMUX2       0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX2_EMUX1       0x00000010  // 2th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX2_EMUX0       0x00000001  // 1st Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSMUX3 register.
#define ADC_SSMUX3_MUX0_M       0x0000000F  // 1st Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX3_MUX0_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSCTL3 register.
#define ADC_SSCTL3_TS0          0x00000008  // 1st Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL3_IE0          0x00000004  // Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL3_END0         0x00000002  // End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL3_D0           0x00000001  // Sample Differential Input Select

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFIFO3 register.
#define ADC_SSFIFO3_DATA_M      0x00000FFF  // Conversion Result Data
#define ADC_SSFIFO3_DATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFSTAT3 register.
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_FULL       0x00001000  // FIFO Full
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_EMPTY      0x00000100  // FIFO Empty
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_HPTR_M     0x000000F0  // FIFO Head Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_TPTR_M     0x0000000F  // FIFO Tail Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_HPTR_S     4
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_TPTR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSOP3 register.
#define ADC_SSOP3_S0DCOP        0x00000001  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSDC3 register.
#define ADC_SSDC3_S0DCSEL_M     0x0000000F  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSEMUX3 register.
#define ADC_SSEMUX3_EMUX0       0x00000001  // 1st Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCRIC register.
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG7       0x00800000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 7
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG6       0x00400000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 6
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG5       0x00200000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 5
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG4       0x00100000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 4
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG3       0x00080000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 3
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG2       0x00040000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 2
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG1       0x00020000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 1
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG0       0x00010000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 0
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT7        0x00000080  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 7
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT6        0x00000040  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 6
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT5        0x00000020  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 5
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT4        0x00000010  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 4
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT3        0x00000008  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 3
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT2        0x00000004  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 2
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT1        0x00000002  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 1
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT0        0x00000001  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL0 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL1 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL2 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL3 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL4 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL5 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL6 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL7 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP0 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP0_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP0_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP0_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP0_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP1 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP1_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP1_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP1_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP1_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP2 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP2_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP2_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP2_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP2_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP3 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP3_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP3_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP3_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP3_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP4 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP4_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP4_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP4_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP4_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP5 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP5_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP5_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP5_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP5_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP6 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP6_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP6_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP6_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP6_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP7 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP7_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP7_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP7_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP7_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_PP register.
#define ADC_PP_TS               0x00800000  // Temperature Sensor
#define ADC_PP_RSL_M            0x007C0000  // Resolution
#define ADC_PP_TYPE_M           0x00030000  // ADC Architecture
#define ADC_PP_TYPE_SAR         0x00000000  // SAR
#define ADC_PP_DC_M             0x0000FC00  // Digital Comparator Count
#define ADC_PP_CH_M             0x000003F0  // ADC Channel Count
#define ADC_PP_MSR_M            0x0000000F  // Maximum ADC Sample Rate
#define ADC_PP_MSR_125K         0x00000001  // 125 ksps
#define ADC_PP_MSR_250K         0x00000003  // 250 ksps
#define ADC_PP_MSR_500K         0x00000005  // 500 ksps
#define ADC_PP_MSR_1M           0x00000007  // 1 Msps
#define ADC_PP_RSL_S            18
#define ADC_PP_DC_S             10
#define ADC_PP_CH_S             4

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_PC register.
#define ADC_PC_SR_M             0x0000000F  // ADC Sample Rate
#define ADC_PC_SR_125K          0x00000001  // 125 ksps
#define ADC_PC_SR_250K          0x00000003  // 250 ksps
#define ADC_PC_SR_500K          0x00000005  // 500 ksps
#define ADC_PC_SR_1M            0x00000007  // 1 Msps

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_CC register.
#define ADC_CC_CS_M             0x0000000F  // ADC Clock Source
#define ADC_CC_CS_SYSPLL        0x00000000  // PLL VCO divided by CLKDIV
#define ADC_CC_CS_PIOSC         0x00000001  // PIOSC

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the COMP_O_ACMIS register.
#define COMP_ACMIS_IN2          0x00000004  // Comparator 2 Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define COMP_ACMIS_IN1          0x00000002  // Comparator 1 Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define COMP_ACMIS_IN0          0x00000001  // Comparator 0 Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the COMP_O_ACRIS register.
#define COMP_ACRIS_IN2          0x00000004  // Comparator 2 Interrupt Status
#define COMP_ACRIS_IN1          0x00000002  // Comparator 1 Interrupt Status
#define COMP_ACRIS_IN0          0x00000001  // Comparator 0 Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the COMP_O_ACINTEN register.
#define COMP_ACINTEN_IN2        0x00000004  // Comparator 2 Interrupt Enable
#define COMP_ACINTEN_IN1        0x00000002  // Comparator 1 Interrupt Enable
#define COMP_ACINTEN_IN0        0x00000001  // Comparator 0 Interrupt Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the COMP_O_ACREFCTL
// register.
#define COMP_ACREFCTL_EN        0x00000200  // Resistor Ladder Enable
#define COMP_ACREFCTL_RNG       0x00000100  // Resistor Ladder Range
#define COMP_ACREFCTL_VREF_M    0x0000000F  // Resistor Ladder Voltage Ref

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the COMP_O_ACSTAT0 register.
#define COMP_ACSTAT0_OVAL       0x00000002  // Comparator Output Value

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the COMP_O_ACCTL0 register.
#define COMP_ACCTL0_TOEN        0x00000800  // Trigger Output Enable
#define COMP_ACCTL0_ASRCP_M     0x00000600  // Analog Source Positive
#define COMP_ACCTL0_ASRCP_PIN   0x00000000  // Pin value of Cn+
#define COMP_ACCTL0_ASRCP_PIN0  0x00000200  // Pin value of C0+
#define COMP_ACCTL0_ASRCP_REF   0x00000400  // Internal voltage reference
#define COMP_ACCTL0_TSLVAL      0x00000080  // Trigger Sense Level Value
#define COMP_ACCTL0_TSEN_M      0x00000060  // Trigger Sense
#define COMP_ACCTL0_TSEN_LEVEL  0x00000000  // Level sense, see TSLVAL
#define COMP_ACCTL0_TSEN_FALL   0x00000020  // Falling edge
#define COMP_ACCTL0_TSEN_RISE   0x00000040  // Rising edge
#define COMP_ACCTL0_TSEN_BOTH   0x00000060  // Either edge
#define COMP_ACCTL0_ISLVAL      0x00000010  // Interrupt Sense Level Value
#define COMP_ACCTL0_ISEN_M      0x0000000C  // Interrupt Sense
#define COMP_ACCTL0_ISEN_LEVEL  0x00000000  // Level sense, see ISLVAL
#define COMP_ACCTL0_ISEN_FALL   0x00000004  // Falling edge
#define COMP_ACCTL0_ISEN_RISE   0x00000008  // Rising edge
#define COMP_ACCTL0_ISEN_BOTH   0x0000000C  // Either edge
#define COMP_ACCTL0_CINV        0x00000002  // Comparator Output Invert

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the COMP_O_ACSTAT1 register.
#define COMP_ACSTAT1_OVAL       0x00000002  // Comparator Output Value

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the COMP_O_ACCTL1 register.
#define COMP_ACCTL1_TOEN        0x00000800  // Trigger Output Enable
#define COMP_ACCTL1_ASRCP_M     0x00000600  // Analog Source Positive
#define COMP_ACCTL1_ASRCP_PIN   0x00000000  // Pin value of Cn+
#define COMP_ACCTL1_ASRCP_PIN0  0x00000200  // Pin value of C0+
#define COMP_ACCTL1_ASRCP_REF   0x00000400  // Internal voltage reference
#define COMP_ACCTL1_TSLVAL      0x00000080  // Trigger Sense Level Value
#define COMP_ACCTL1_TSEN_M      0x00000060  // Trigger Sense
#define COMP_ACCTL1_TSEN_LEVEL  0x00000000  // Level sense, see TSLVAL
#define COMP_ACCTL1_TSEN_FALL   0x00000020  // Falling edge
#define COMP_ACCTL1_TSEN_RISE   0x00000040  // Rising edge
#define COMP_ACCTL1_TSEN_BOTH   0x00000060  // Either edge
#define COMP_ACCTL1_ISLVAL      0x00000010  // Interrupt Sense Level Value
#define COMP_ACCTL1_ISEN_M      0x0000000C  // Interrupt Sense
#define COMP_ACCTL1_ISEN_LEVEL  0x00000000  // Level sense, see ISLVAL
#define COMP_ACCTL1_ISEN_FALL   0x00000004  // Falling edge
#define COMP_ACCTL1_ISEN_RISE   0x00000008  // Rising edge
#define COMP_ACCTL1_ISEN_BOTH   0x0000000C  // Either edge
#define COMP_ACCTL1_CINV        0x00000002  // Comparator Output Invert

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the COMP_O_ACSTAT2 register.
#define COMP_ACSTAT2_OVAL       0x00000002  // Comparator Output Value

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the COMP_O_ACCTL2 register.
#define COMP_ACCTL2_TOEN        0x00000800  // Trigger Output Enable
#define COMP_ACCTL2_ASRCP_M     0x00000600  // Analog Source Positive
#define COMP_ACCTL2_ASRCP_PIN   0x00000000  // Pin value of Cn+
#define COMP_ACCTL2_ASRCP_PIN0  0x00000200  // Pin value of C0+
#define COMP_ACCTL2_ASRCP_REF   0x00000400  // Internal voltage reference
#define COMP_ACCTL2_TSLVAL      0x00000080  // Trigger Sense Level Value
#define COMP_ACCTL2_TSEN_M      0x00000060  // Trigger Sense
#define COMP_ACCTL2_TSEN_LEVEL  0x00000000  // Level sense, see TSLVAL
#define COMP_ACCTL2_TSEN_FALL   0x00000020  // Falling edge
#define COMP_ACCTL2_TSEN_RISE   0x00000040  // Rising edge
#define COMP_ACCTL2_TSEN_BOTH   0x00000060  // Either edge
#define COMP_ACCTL2_ISLVAL      0x00000010  // Interrupt Sense Level Value
#define COMP_ACCTL2_ISEN_M      0x0000000C  // Interrupt Sense
#define COMP_ACCTL2_ISEN_LEVEL  0x00000000  // Level sense, see ISLVAL
#define COMP_ACCTL2_ISEN_FALL   0x00000004  // Falling edge
#define COMP_ACCTL2_ISEN_RISE   0x00000008  // Rising edge
#define COMP_ACCTL2_ISEN_BOTH   0x0000000C  // Either edge
#define COMP_ACCTL2_CINV        0x00000002  // Comparator Output Invert

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the COMP_O_PP register.
#define COMP_PP_C2O             0x00040000  // Comparator Output 2 Present
#define COMP_PP_C1O             0x00020000  // Comparator Output 1 Present
#define COMP_PP_C0O             0x00010000  // Comparator Output 0 Present
#define COMP_PP_CMP2            0x00000004  // Comparator 2 Present
#define COMP_PP_CMP1            0x00000002  // Comparator 1 Present
#define COMP_PP_CMP0            0x00000001  // Comparator 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_CTL register.
#define CAN_CTL_TEST            0x00000080  // Test Mode Enable
#define CAN_CTL_CCE             0x00000040  // Configuration Change Enable
#define CAN_CTL_DAR             0x00000020  // Disable Automatic-Retransmission
#define CAN_CTL_EIE             0x00000008  // Error Interrupt Enable
#define CAN_CTL_SIE             0x00000004  // Status Interrupt Enable
#define CAN_CTL_IE              0x00000002  // CAN Interrupt Enable
#define CAN_CTL_INIT            0x00000001  // Initialization

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_STS register.
#define CAN_STS_BOFF            0x00000080  // Bus-Off Status
#define CAN_STS_EWARN           0x00000040  // Warning Status
#define CAN_STS_EPASS           0x00000020  // Error Passive
#define CAN_STS_RXOK            0x00000010  // Received a Message Successfully
#define CAN_STS_TXOK            0x00000008  // Transmitted a Message
                                            // Successfully
#define CAN_STS_LEC_M           0x00000007  // Last Error Code
#define CAN_STS_LEC_NONE        0x00000000  // No Error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_STUFF       0x00000001  // Stuff Error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_FORM        0x00000002  // Format Error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_ACK         0x00000003  // ACK Error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_BIT1        0x00000004  // Bit 1 Error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_BIT0        0x00000005  // Bit 0 Error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_CRC         0x00000006  // CRC Error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_NOEVENT     0x00000007  // No Event

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_ERR register.
#define CAN_ERR_RP              0x00008000  // Received Error Passive
#define CAN_ERR_REC_M           0x00007F00  // Receive Error Counter
#define CAN_ERR_TEC_M           0x000000FF  // Transmit Error Counter
#define CAN_ERR_REC_S           8
#define CAN_ERR_TEC_S           0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_BIT register.
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG2_M         0x00007000  // Time Segment after Sample Point
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG1_M         0x00000F00  // Time Segment Before Sample Point
#define CAN_BIT_SJW_M           0x000000C0  // (Re)Synchronization Jump Width
#define CAN_BIT_BRP_M           0x0000003F  // Baud Rate Prescaler
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG2_S         12
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG1_S         8
#define CAN_BIT_SJW_S           6
#define CAN_BIT_BRP_S           0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_INT register.
#define CAN_INT_INTID_M         0x0000FFFF  // Interrupt Identifier
#define CAN_INT_INTID_NONE      0x00000000  // No interrupt pending
#define CAN_INT_INTID_STATUS    0x00008000  // Status Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_TST register.
#define CAN_TST_RX              0x00000080  // Receive Observation
#define CAN_TST_TX_M            0x00000060  // Transmit Control
#define CAN_TST_TX_CANCTL       0x00000000  // CAN Module Control
#define CAN_TST_TX_SAMPLE       0x00000020  // Sample Point
#define CAN_TST_TX_DOMINANT     0x00000040  // Driven Low
#define CAN_TST_TX_RECESSIVE    0x00000060  // Driven High
#define CAN_TST_LBACK           0x00000010  // Loopback Mode
#define CAN_TST_SILENT          0x00000008  // Silent Mode
#define CAN_TST_BASIC           0x00000004  // Basic Mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_BRPE register.
#define CAN_BRPE_BRPE_M         0x0000000F  // Baud Rate Prescaler Extension
#define CAN_BRPE_BRPE_S         0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1CRQ register.
#define CAN_IF1CRQ_BUSY         0x00008000  // Busy Flag
#define CAN_IF1CRQ_MNUM_M       0x0000003F  // Message Number
#define CAN_IF1CRQ_MNUM_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1CMSK register.
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_WRNRD       0x00000080  // Write, Not Read
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_MASK        0x00000040  // Access Mask Bits
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_ARB         0x00000020  // Access Arbitration Bits
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_CONTROL     0x00000010  // Access Control Bits
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_CLRINTPND   0x00000008  // Clear Interrupt Pending Bit
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_NEWDAT      0x00000004  // Access New Data
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_TXRQST      0x00000004  // Access Transmission Request
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_DATAA       0x00000002  // Access Data Byte 0 to 3
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_DATAB       0x00000001  // Access Data Byte 4 to 7

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1MSK1 register.
#define CAN_IF1MSK1_IDMSK_M     0x0000FFFF  // Identifier Mask
#define CAN_IF1MSK1_IDMSK_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1MSK2 register.
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_MXTD        0x00008000  // Mask Extended Identifier
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_MDIR        0x00004000  // Mask Message Direction
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_IDMSK_M     0x00001FFF  // Identifier Mask
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_IDMSK_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1ARB1 register.
#define CAN_IF1ARB1_ID_M        0x0000FFFF  // Message Identifier
#define CAN_IF1ARB1_ID_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1ARB2 register.
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_MSGVAL      0x00008000  // Message Valid
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_XTD         0x00004000  // Extended Identifier
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_DIR         0x00002000  // Message Direction
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_ID_M        0x00001FFF  // Message Identifier
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_ID_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1MCTL register.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_NEWDAT      0x00008000  // New Data
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_MSGLST      0x00004000  // Message Lost
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_INTPND      0x00002000  // Interrupt Pending
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_UMASK       0x00001000  // Use Acceptance Mask
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_TXIE        0x00000800  // Transmit Interrupt Enable
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_RXIE        0x00000400  // Receive Interrupt Enable
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_RMTEN       0x00000200  // Remote Enable
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_TXRQST      0x00000100  // Transmit Request
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_EOB         0x00000080  // End of Buffer
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_DLC_M       0x0000000F  // Data Length Code
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_DLC_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1DA1 register.
#define CAN_IF1DA1_DATA_M       0x0000FFFF  // Data
#define CAN_IF1DA1_DATA_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1DA2 register.
#define CAN_IF1DA2_DATA_M       0x0000FFFF  // Data
#define CAN_IF1DA2_DATA_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1DB1 register.
#define CAN_IF1DB1_DATA_M       0x0000FFFF  // Data
#define CAN_IF1DB1_DATA_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1DB2 register.
#define CAN_IF1DB2_DATA_M       0x0000FFFF  // Data
#define CAN_IF1DB2_DATA_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2CRQ register.
#define CAN_IF2CRQ_BUSY         0x00008000  // Busy Flag
#define CAN_IF2CRQ_MNUM_M       0x0000003F  // Message Number
#define CAN_IF2CRQ_MNUM_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2CMSK register.
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_WRNRD       0x00000080  // Write, Not Read
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_MASK        0x00000040  // Access Mask Bits
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_ARB         0x00000020  // Access Arbitration Bits
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_CONTROL     0x00000010  // Access Control Bits
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_CLRINTPND   0x00000008  // Clear Interrupt Pending Bit
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_NEWDAT      0x00000004  // Access New Data
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_TXRQST      0x00000004  // Access Transmission Request
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_DATAA       0x00000002  // Access Data Byte 0 to 3
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_DATAB       0x00000001  // Access Data Byte 4 to 7

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2MSK1 register.
#define CAN_IF2MSK1_IDMSK_M     0x0000FFFF  // Identifier Mask
#define CAN_IF2MSK1_IDMSK_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2MSK2 register.
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_MXTD        0x00008000  // Mask Extended Identifier
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_MDIR        0x00004000  // Mask Message Direction
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_IDMSK_M     0x00001FFF  // Identifier Mask
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_IDMSK_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2ARB1 register.
#define CAN_IF2ARB1_ID_M        0x0000FFFF  // Message Identifier
#define CAN_IF2ARB1_ID_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2ARB2 register.
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_MSGVAL      0x00008000  // Message Valid
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_XTD         0x00004000  // Extended Identifier
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_DIR         0x00002000  // Message Direction
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_ID_M        0x00001FFF  // Message Identifier
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_ID_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2MCTL register.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_NEWDAT      0x00008000  // New Data
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_MSGLST      0x00004000  // Message Lost
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_INTPND      0x00002000  // Interrupt Pending
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_UMASK       0x00001000  // Use Acceptance Mask
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_TXIE        0x00000800  // Transmit Interrupt Enable
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_RXIE        0x00000400  // Receive Interrupt Enable
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_RMTEN       0x00000200  // Remote Enable
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_TXRQST      0x00000100  // Transmit Request
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_EOB         0x00000080  // End of Buffer
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_DLC_M       0x0000000F  // Data Length Code
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_DLC_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2DA1 register.
#define CAN_IF2DA1_DATA_M       0x0000FFFF  // Data
#define CAN_IF2DA1_DATA_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2DA2 register.
#define CAN_IF2DA2_DATA_M       0x0000FFFF  // Data
#define CAN_IF2DA2_DATA_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2DB1 register.
#define CAN_IF2DB1_DATA_M       0x0000FFFF  // Data
#define CAN_IF2DB1_DATA_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2DB2 register.
#define CAN_IF2DB2_DATA_M       0x0000FFFF  // Data
#define CAN_IF2DB2_DATA_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_TXRQ1 register.
#define CAN_TXRQ1_TXRQST_M      0x0000FFFF  // Transmission Request Bits
#define CAN_TXRQ1_TXRQST_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_TXRQ2 register.
#define CAN_TXRQ2_TXRQST_M      0x0000FFFF  // Transmission Request Bits
#define CAN_TXRQ2_TXRQST_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_NWDA1 register.
#define CAN_NWDA1_NEWDAT_M      0x0000FFFF  // New Data Bits
#define CAN_NWDA1_NEWDAT_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_NWDA2 register.
#define CAN_NWDA2_NEWDAT_M      0x0000FFFF  // New Data Bits
#define CAN_NWDA2_NEWDAT_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_MSG1INT register.
#define CAN_MSG1INT_INTPND_M    0x0000FFFF  // Interrupt Pending Bits
#define CAN_MSG1INT_INTPND_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_MSG2INT register.
#define CAN_MSG2INT_INTPND_M    0x0000FFFF  // Interrupt Pending Bits
#define CAN_MSG2INT_INTPND_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_MSG1VAL register.
#define CAN_MSG1VAL_MSGVAL_M    0x0000FFFF  // Message Valid Bits
#define CAN_MSG1VAL_MSGVAL_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_MSG2VAL register.
#define CAN_MSG2VAL_MSGVAL_M    0x0000FFFF  // Message Valid Bits
#define CAN_MSG2VAL_MSGVAL_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_FADDR register.
#define USB_FADDR_M             0x0000007F  // Function Address
#define USB_FADDR_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_POWER register.
#define USB_POWER_ISOUP         0x00000080  // Isochronous Update
#define USB_POWER_SOFTCONN      0x00000040  // Soft Connect/Disconnect
#define USB_POWER_RESET         0x00000008  // RESET Signaling
#define USB_POWER_RESUME        0x00000004  // RESUME Signaling
#define USB_POWER_SUSPEND       0x00000002  // SUSPEND Mode
#define USB_POWER_PWRDNPHY      0x00000001  // Power Down PHY

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXIS register.
#define USB_TXIS_EP7            0x00000080  // TX Endpoint 7 Interrupt
#define USB_TXIS_EP6            0x00000040  // TX Endpoint 6 Interrupt
#define USB_TXIS_EP5            0x00000020  // TX Endpoint 5 Interrupt
#define USB_TXIS_EP4            0x00000010  // TX Endpoint 4 Interrupt
#define USB_TXIS_EP3            0x00000008  // TX Endpoint 3 Interrupt
#define USB_TXIS_EP2            0x00000004  // TX Endpoint 2 Interrupt
#define USB_TXIS_EP1            0x00000002  // TX Endpoint 1 Interrupt
#define USB_TXIS_EP0            0x00000001  // TX and RX Endpoint 0 Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXIS register.
#define USB_RXIS_EP7            0x00000080  // RX Endpoint 7 Interrupt
#define USB_RXIS_EP6            0x00000040  // RX Endpoint 6 Interrupt
#define USB_RXIS_EP5            0x00000020  // RX Endpoint 5 Interrupt
#define USB_RXIS_EP4            0x00000010  // RX Endpoint 4 Interrupt
#define USB_RXIS_EP3            0x00000008  // RX Endpoint 3 Interrupt
#define USB_RXIS_EP2            0x00000004  // RX Endpoint 2 Interrupt
#define USB_RXIS_EP1            0x00000002  // RX Endpoint 1 Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXIE register.
#define USB_TXIE_EP7            0x00000080  // TX Endpoint 7 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_TXIE_EP6            0x00000040  // TX Endpoint 6 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_TXIE_EP5            0x00000020  // TX Endpoint 5 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_TXIE_EP4            0x00000010  // TX Endpoint 4 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_TXIE_EP3            0x00000008  // TX Endpoint 3 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_TXIE_EP2            0x00000004  // TX Endpoint 2 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_TXIE_EP1            0x00000002  // TX Endpoint 1 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_TXIE_EP0            0x00000001  // TX and RX Endpoint 0 Interrupt
                                            // Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXIE register.
#define USB_RXIE_EP7            0x00000080  // RX Endpoint 7 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_RXIE_EP6            0x00000040  // RX Endpoint 6 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_RXIE_EP5            0x00000020  // RX Endpoint 5 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_RXIE_EP4            0x00000010  // RX Endpoint 4 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_RXIE_EP3            0x00000008  // RX Endpoint 3 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_RXIE_EP2            0x00000004  // RX Endpoint 2 Interrupt Enable
#define USB_RXIE_EP1            0x00000002  // RX Endpoint 1 Interrupt Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_IS register.
#define USB_IS_VBUSERR          0x00000080  // VBUS Error (OTG only)
#define USB_IS_SESREQ           0x00000040  // SESSION REQUEST (OTG only)
#define USB_IS_DISCON           0x00000020  // Session Disconnect (OTG only)
#define USB_IS_CONN             0x00000010  // Session Connect
#define USB_IS_SOF              0x00000008  // Start of Frame
#define USB_IS_BABBLE           0x00000004  // Babble Detected
#define USB_IS_RESET            0x00000004  // RESET Signaling Detected
#define USB_IS_RESUME           0x00000002  // RESUME Signaling Detected
#define USB_IS_SUSPEND          0x00000001  // SUSPEND Signaling Detected

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_IE register.
#define USB_IE_VBUSERR          0x00000080  // Enable VBUS Error Interrupt (OTG
                                            // only)
#define USB_IE_SESREQ           0x00000040  // Enable Session Request (OTG
                                            // only)
#define USB_IE_DISCON           0x00000020  // Enable Disconnect Interrupt
#define USB_IE_CONN             0x00000010  // Enable Connect Interrupt
#define USB_IE_SOF              0x00000008  // Enable Start-of-Frame Interrupt
#define USB_IE_BABBLE           0x00000004  // Enable Babble Interrupt
#define USB_IE_RESET            0x00000004  // Enable RESET Interrupt
#define USB_IE_RESUME           0x00000002  // Enable RESUME Interrupt
#define USB_IE_SUSPND           0x00000001  // Enable SUSPEND Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_FRAME register.
#define USB_FRAME_M             0x000007FF  // Frame Number
#define USB_FRAME_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_EPIDX register.
#define USB_EPIDX_EPIDX_M       0x0000000F  // Endpoint Index
#define USB_EPIDX_EPIDX_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TEST register.
#define USB_TEST_FORCEH         0x00000080  // Force Host Mode
#define USB_TEST_FIFOACC        0x00000040  // FIFO Access
#define USB_TEST_FORCEFS        0x00000020  // Force Full-Speed Mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_FIFO0 register.
#define USB_FIFO0_EPDATA_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Endpoint Data
#define USB_FIFO0_EPDATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_FIFO1 register.
#define USB_FIFO1_EPDATA_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Endpoint Data
#define USB_FIFO1_EPDATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_FIFO2 register.
#define USB_FIFO2_EPDATA_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Endpoint Data
#define USB_FIFO2_EPDATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_FIFO3 register.
#define USB_FIFO3_EPDATA_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Endpoint Data
#define USB_FIFO3_EPDATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_FIFO4 register.
#define USB_FIFO4_EPDATA_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Endpoint Data
#define USB_FIFO4_EPDATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_FIFO5 register.
#define USB_FIFO5_EPDATA_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Endpoint Data
#define USB_FIFO5_EPDATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_FIFO6 register.
#define USB_FIFO6_EPDATA_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Endpoint Data
#define USB_FIFO6_EPDATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_FIFO7 register.
#define USB_FIFO7_EPDATA_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Endpoint Data
#define USB_FIFO7_EPDATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_DEVCTL register.
#define USB_DEVCTL_DEV          0x00000080  // Device Mode (OTG only)
#define USB_DEVCTL_FSDEV        0x00000040  // Full-Speed Device Detected
#define USB_DEVCTL_LSDEV        0x00000020  // Low-Speed Device Detected
#define USB_DEVCTL_VBUS_M       0x00000018  // VBUS Level (OTG only)
#define USB_DEVCTL_VBUS_NONE    0x00000000  // Below SessionEnd
#define USB_DEVCTL_VBUS_SEND    0x00000008  // Above SessionEnd, below AValid
#define USB_DEVCTL_VBUS_AVALID  0x00000010  // Above AValid, below VBUSValid
#define USB_DEVCTL_VBUS_VALID   0x00000018  // Above VBUSValid
#define USB_DEVCTL_HOST         0x00000004  // Host Mode
#define USB_DEVCTL_HOSTREQ      0x00000002  // Host Request (OTG only)
#define USB_DEVCTL_SESSION      0x00000001  // Session Start/End (OTG only)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXFIFOSZ register.
#define USB_TXFIFOSZ_DPB        0x00000010  // Double Packet Buffer Support
#define USB_TXFIFOSZ_SIZE_M     0x0000000F  // Max Packet Size
#define USB_TXFIFOSZ_SIZE_8     0x00000000  // 8
#define USB_TXFIFOSZ_SIZE_16    0x00000001  // 16
#define USB_TXFIFOSZ_SIZE_32    0x00000002  // 32
#define USB_TXFIFOSZ_SIZE_64    0x00000003  // 64
#define USB_TXFIFOSZ_SIZE_128   0x00000004  // 128
#define USB_TXFIFOSZ_SIZE_256   0x00000005  // 256
#define USB_TXFIFOSZ_SIZE_512   0x00000006  // 512
#define USB_TXFIFOSZ_SIZE_1024  0x00000007  // 1024
#define USB_TXFIFOSZ_SIZE_2048  0x00000008  // 2048

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXFIFOSZ register.
#define USB_RXFIFOSZ_DPB        0x00000010  // Double Packet Buffer Support
#define USB_RXFIFOSZ_SIZE_M     0x0000000F  // Max Packet Size
#define USB_RXFIFOSZ_SIZE_8     0x00000000  // 8
#define USB_RXFIFOSZ_SIZE_16    0x00000001  // 16
#define USB_RXFIFOSZ_SIZE_32    0x00000002  // 32
#define USB_RXFIFOSZ_SIZE_64    0x00000003  // 64
#define USB_RXFIFOSZ_SIZE_128   0x00000004  // 128
#define USB_RXFIFOSZ_SIZE_256   0x00000005  // 256
#define USB_RXFIFOSZ_SIZE_512   0x00000006  // 512
#define USB_RXFIFOSZ_SIZE_1024  0x00000007  // 1024
#define USB_RXFIFOSZ_SIZE_2048  0x00000008  // 2048

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXFIFOADD
// register.
#define USB_TXFIFOADD_ADDR_M    0x000001FF  // Transmit/Receive Start Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXFIFOADD
// register.
#define USB_RXFIFOADD_ADDR_M    0x000001FF  // Transmit/Receive Start Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_CONTIM register.
#define USB_CONTIM_WTCON_M      0x000000F0  // Connect Wait
#define USB_CONTIM_WTID_M       0x0000000F  // Wait ID
#define USB_CONTIM_WTCON_S      4
#define USB_CONTIM_WTID_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_VPLEN register.
#define USB_VPLEN_VPLEN_M       0x000000FF  // VBUS Pulse Length
#define USB_VPLEN_VPLEN_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_FSEOF register.
#define USB_FSEOF_FSEOFG_M      0x000000FF  // Full-Speed End-of-Frame Gap
#define USB_FSEOF_FSEOFG_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_LSEOF register.
#define USB_LSEOF_LSEOFG_M      0x000000FF  // Low-Speed End-of-Frame Gap
#define USB_LSEOF_LSEOFG_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXFUNCADDR0
// register.
#define USB_TXFUNCADDR0_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBADDR0
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBADDR0_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBPORT0
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBPORT0_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXFUNCADDR1
// register.
#define USB_TXFUNCADDR1_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBADDR1
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBADDR1_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBPORT1
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBPORT1_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXFUNCADDR1
// register.
#define USB_RXFUNCADDR1_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBADDR1
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBADDR1_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBPORT1
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBPORT1_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXFUNCADDR2
// register.
#define USB_TXFUNCADDR2_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBADDR2
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBADDR2_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBPORT2
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBPORT2_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXFUNCADDR2
// register.
#define USB_RXFUNCADDR2_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBADDR2
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBADDR2_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBPORT2
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBPORT2_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXFUNCADDR3
// register.
#define USB_TXFUNCADDR3_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBADDR3
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBADDR3_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBPORT3
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBPORT3_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXFUNCADDR3
// register.
#define USB_RXFUNCADDR3_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBADDR3
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBADDR3_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBPORT3
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBPORT3_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXFUNCADDR4
// register.
#define USB_TXFUNCADDR4_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBADDR4
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBADDR4_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBPORT4
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBPORT4_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXFUNCADDR4
// register.
#define USB_RXFUNCADDR4_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBADDR4
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBADDR4_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBPORT4
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBPORT4_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXFUNCADDR5
// register.
#define USB_TXFUNCADDR5_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBADDR5
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBADDR5_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBPORT5
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBPORT5_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXFUNCADDR5
// register.
#define USB_RXFUNCADDR5_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBADDR5
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBADDR5_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBPORT5
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBPORT5_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXFUNCADDR6
// register.
#define USB_TXFUNCADDR6_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBADDR6
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBADDR6_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBPORT6
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBPORT6_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXFUNCADDR6
// register.
#define USB_RXFUNCADDR6_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBADDR6
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBADDR6_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBPORT6
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBPORT6_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXFUNCADDR7
// register.
#define USB_TXFUNCADDR7_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBADDR7
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBADDR7_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXHUBPORT7
// register.
#define USB_TXHUBPORT7_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXFUNCADDR7
// register.
#define USB_RXFUNCADDR7_ADDR_M  0x0000007F  // Device Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBADDR7
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBADDR7_ADDR_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Address

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXHUBPORT7
// register.
#define USB_RXHUBPORT7_PORT_M   0x0000007F  // Hub Port

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_CSRL0 register.
#define USB_CSRL0_NAKTO         0x00000080  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_CSRL0_SETENDC       0x00000080  // Setup End Clear
#define USB_CSRL0_STATUS        0x00000040  // STATUS Packet
#define USB_CSRL0_RXRDYC        0x00000040  // RXRDY Clear
#define USB_CSRL0_REQPKT        0x00000020  // Request Packet
#define USB_CSRL0_STALL         0x00000020  // Send Stall
#define USB_CSRL0_SETEND        0x00000010  // Setup End
#define USB_CSRL0_ERROR         0x00000010  // Error
#define USB_CSRL0_DATAEND       0x00000008  // Data End
#define USB_CSRL0_SETUP         0x00000008  // Setup Packet
#define USB_CSRL0_STALLED       0x00000004  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_CSRL0_TXRDY         0x00000002  // Transmit Packet Ready
#define USB_CSRL0_RXRDY         0x00000001  // Receive Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_CSRH0 register.
#define USB_CSRH0_DTWE          0x00000004  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_CSRH0_DT            0x00000002  // Data Toggle
#define USB_CSRH0_FLUSH         0x00000001  // Flush FIFO

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_COUNT0 register.
#define USB_COUNT0_COUNT_M      0x0000007F  // FIFO Count
#define USB_COUNT0_COUNT_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TYPE0 register.
#define USB_TYPE0_SPEED_M       0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_TYPE0_SPEED_FULL    0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_TYPE0_SPEED_LOW     0x000000C0  // Low

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_NAKLMT register.
#define USB_NAKLMT_NAKLMT_M     0x0000001F  // EP0 NAK Limit
#define USB_NAKLMT_NAKLMT_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXMAXP1 register.
#define USB_TXMAXP1_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRL1 register.
#define USB_TXCSRL1_NAKTO       0x00000080  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_TXCSRL1_CLRDT       0x00000040  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRL1_STALLED     0x00000020  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_TXCSRL1_STALL       0x00000010  // Send STALL
#define USB_TXCSRL1_SETUP       0x00000010  // Setup Packet
#define USB_TXCSRL1_FLUSH       0x00000008  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_TXCSRL1_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_TXCSRL1_UNDRN       0x00000004  // Underrun
#define USB_TXCSRL1_FIFONE      0x00000002  // FIFO Not Empty
#define USB_TXCSRL1_TXRDY       0x00000001  // Transmit Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRH1 register.
#define USB_TXCSRH1_AUTOSET     0x00000080  // Auto Set
#define USB_TXCSRH1_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_TXCSRH1_MODE        0x00000020  // Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH1_DMAEN       0x00000010  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH1_FDT         0x00000008  // Force Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRH1_DMAMOD      0x00000004  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH1_DTWE        0x00000002  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH1_DT          0x00000001  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXMAXP1 register.
#define USB_RXMAXP1_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRL1 register.
#define USB_RXCSRL1_CLRDT       0x00000080  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_RXCSRL1_STALLED     0x00000040  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_RXCSRL1_STALL       0x00000020  // Send STALL
#define USB_RXCSRL1_REQPKT      0x00000020  // Request Packet
#define USB_RXCSRL1_FLUSH       0x00000010  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_RXCSRL1_DATAERR     0x00000008  // Data Error
#define USB_RXCSRL1_NAKTO       0x00000008  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_RXCSRL1_OVER        0x00000004  // Overrun
#define USB_RXCSRL1_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_RXCSRL1_FULL        0x00000002  // FIFO Full
#define USB_RXCSRL1_RXRDY       0x00000001  // Receive Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRH1 register.
#define USB_RXCSRH1_AUTOCL      0x00000080  // Auto Clear
#define USB_RXCSRH1_AUTORQ      0x00000040  // Auto Request
#define USB_RXCSRH1_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_RXCSRH1_DMAEN       0x00000020  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH1_DISNYET     0x00000010  // Disable NYET
#define USB_RXCSRH1_PIDERR      0x00000010  // PID Error
#define USB_RXCSRH1_DMAMOD      0x00000008  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_RXCSRH1_DTWE        0x00000004  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH1_DT          0x00000002  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCOUNT1 register.
#define USB_RXCOUNT1_COUNT_M    0x00001FFF  // Receive Packet Count
#define USB_RXCOUNT1_COUNT_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXTYPE1 register.
#define USB_TXTYPE1_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_TXTYPE1_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_TXTYPE1_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_TXTYPE1_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_TXTYPE1_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_TXTYPE1_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_TXTYPE1_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_TXTYPE1_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_TXTYPE1_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_TXTYPE1_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_TXTYPE1_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXINTERVAL1
// register.
#define USB_TXINTERVAL1_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_TXINTERVAL1_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // TX Polling
#define USB_TXINTERVAL1_TXPOLL_S                                              \
#define USB_TXINTERVAL1_NAKLMT_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXTYPE1 register.
#define USB_RXTYPE1_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_RXTYPE1_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_RXTYPE1_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_RXTYPE1_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_RXTYPE1_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_RXTYPE1_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_RXTYPE1_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_RXTYPE1_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_RXTYPE1_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_RXTYPE1_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_RXTYPE1_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXINTERVAL1
// register.
#define USB_RXINTERVAL1_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // RX Polling
#define USB_RXINTERVAL1_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_RXINTERVAL1_TXPOLL_S                                              \
#define USB_RXINTERVAL1_NAKLMT_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXMAXP2 register.
#define USB_TXMAXP2_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRL2 register.
#define USB_TXCSRL2_NAKTO       0x00000080  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_TXCSRL2_CLRDT       0x00000040  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRL2_STALLED     0x00000020  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_TXCSRL2_SETUP       0x00000010  // Setup Packet
#define USB_TXCSRL2_STALL       0x00000010  // Send STALL
#define USB_TXCSRL2_FLUSH       0x00000008  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_TXCSRL2_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_TXCSRL2_UNDRN       0x00000004  // Underrun
#define USB_TXCSRL2_FIFONE      0x00000002  // FIFO Not Empty
#define USB_TXCSRL2_TXRDY       0x00000001  // Transmit Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRH2 register.
#define USB_TXCSRH2_AUTOSET     0x00000080  // Auto Set
#define USB_TXCSRH2_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_TXCSRH2_MODE        0x00000020  // Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH2_DMAEN       0x00000010  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH2_FDT         0x00000008  // Force Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRH2_DMAMOD      0x00000004  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH2_DTWE        0x00000002  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH2_DT          0x00000001  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXMAXP2 register.
#define USB_RXMAXP2_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRL2 register.
#define USB_RXCSRL2_CLRDT       0x00000080  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_RXCSRL2_STALLED     0x00000040  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_RXCSRL2_REQPKT      0x00000020  // Request Packet
#define USB_RXCSRL2_STALL       0x00000020  // Send STALL
#define USB_RXCSRL2_FLUSH       0x00000010  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_RXCSRL2_DATAERR     0x00000008  // Data Error
#define USB_RXCSRL2_NAKTO       0x00000008  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_RXCSRL2_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_RXCSRL2_OVER        0x00000004  // Overrun
#define USB_RXCSRL2_FULL        0x00000002  // FIFO Full
#define USB_RXCSRL2_RXRDY       0x00000001  // Receive Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRH2 register.
#define USB_RXCSRH2_AUTOCL      0x00000080  // Auto Clear
#define USB_RXCSRH2_AUTORQ      0x00000040  // Auto Request
#define USB_RXCSRH2_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_RXCSRH2_DMAEN       0x00000020  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH2_DISNYET     0x00000010  // Disable NYET
#define USB_RXCSRH2_PIDERR      0x00000010  // PID Error
#define USB_RXCSRH2_DMAMOD      0x00000008  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_RXCSRH2_DTWE        0x00000004  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH2_DT          0x00000002  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCOUNT2 register.
#define USB_RXCOUNT2_COUNT_M    0x00001FFF  // Receive Packet Count
#define USB_RXCOUNT2_COUNT_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXTYPE2 register.
#define USB_TXTYPE2_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_TXTYPE2_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_TXTYPE2_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_TXTYPE2_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_TXTYPE2_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_TXTYPE2_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_TXTYPE2_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_TXTYPE2_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_TXTYPE2_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_TXTYPE2_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_TXTYPE2_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXINTERVAL2
// register.
#define USB_TXINTERVAL2_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // TX Polling
#define USB_TXINTERVAL2_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_TXINTERVAL2_NAKLMT_S                                              \
#define USB_TXINTERVAL2_TXPOLL_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXTYPE2 register.
#define USB_RXTYPE2_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_RXTYPE2_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_RXTYPE2_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_RXTYPE2_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_RXTYPE2_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_RXTYPE2_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_RXTYPE2_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_RXTYPE2_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_RXTYPE2_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_RXTYPE2_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_RXTYPE2_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXINTERVAL2
// register.
#define USB_RXINTERVAL2_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // RX Polling
#define USB_RXINTERVAL2_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_RXINTERVAL2_TXPOLL_S                                              \
#define USB_RXINTERVAL2_NAKLMT_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXMAXP3 register.
#define USB_TXMAXP3_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRL3 register.
#define USB_TXCSRL3_NAKTO       0x00000080  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_TXCSRL3_CLRDT       0x00000040  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRL3_STALLED     0x00000020  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_TXCSRL3_SETUP       0x00000010  // Setup Packet
#define USB_TXCSRL3_STALL       0x00000010  // Send STALL
#define USB_TXCSRL3_FLUSH       0x00000008  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_TXCSRL3_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_TXCSRL3_UNDRN       0x00000004  // Underrun
#define USB_TXCSRL3_FIFONE      0x00000002  // FIFO Not Empty
#define USB_TXCSRL3_TXRDY       0x00000001  // Transmit Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRH3 register.
#define USB_TXCSRH3_AUTOSET     0x00000080  // Auto Set
#define USB_TXCSRH3_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_TXCSRH3_MODE        0x00000020  // Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH3_DMAEN       0x00000010  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH3_FDT         0x00000008  // Force Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRH3_DMAMOD      0x00000004  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH3_DTWE        0x00000002  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH3_DT          0x00000001  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXMAXP3 register.
#define USB_RXMAXP3_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRL3 register.
#define USB_RXCSRL3_CLRDT       0x00000080  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_RXCSRL3_STALLED     0x00000040  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_RXCSRL3_STALL       0x00000020  // Send STALL
#define USB_RXCSRL3_REQPKT      0x00000020  // Request Packet
#define USB_RXCSRL3_FLUSH       0x00000010  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_RXCSRL3_DATAERR     0x00000008  // Data Error
#define USB_RXCSRL3_NAKTO       0x00000008  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_RXCSRL3_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_RXCSRL3_OVER        0x00000004  // Overrun
#define USB_RXCSRL3_FULL        0x00000002  // FIFO Full
#define USB_RXCSRL3_RXRDY       0x00000001  // Receive Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRH3 register.
#define USB_RXCSRH3_AUTOCL      0x00000080  // Auto Clear
#define USB_RXCSRH3_AUTORQ      0x00000040  // Auto Request
#define USB_RXCSRH3_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_RXCSRH3_DMAEN       0x00000020  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH3_DISNYET     0x00000010  // Disable NYET
#define USB_RXCSRH3_PIDERR      0x00000010  // PID Error
#define USB_RXCSRH3_DMAMOD      0x00000008  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_RXCSRH3_DTWE        0x00000004  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH3_DT          0x00000002  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCOUNT3 register.
#define USB_RXCOUNT3_COUNT_M    0x00001FFF  // Receive Packet Count
#define USB_RXCOUNT3_COUNT_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXTYPE3 register.
#define USB_TXTYPE3_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_TXTYPE3_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_TXTYPE3_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_TXTYPE3_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_TXTYPE3_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_TXTYPE3_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_TXTYPE3_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_TXTYPE3_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_TXTYPE3_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_TXTYPE3_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_TXTYPE3_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXINTERVAL3
// register.
#define USB_TXINTERVAL3_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // TX Polling
#define USB_TXINTERVAL3_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_TXINTERVAL3_TXPOLL_S                                              \
#define USB_TXINTERVAL3_NAKLMT_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXTYPE3 register.
#define USB_RXTYPE3_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_RXTYPE3_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_RXTYPE3_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_RXTYPE3_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_RXTYPE3_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_RXTYPE3_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_RXTYPE3_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_RXTYPE3_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_RXTYPE3_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_RXTYPE3_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_RXTYPE3_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXINTERVAL3
// register.
#define USB_RXINTERVAL3_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // RX Polling
#define USB_RXINTERVAL3_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_RXINTERVAL3_TXPOLL_S                                              \
#define USB_RXINTERVAL3_NAKLMT_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXMAXP4 register.
#define USB_TXMAXP4_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRL4 register.
#define USB_TXCSRL4_NAKTO       0x00000080  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_TXCSRL4_CLRDT       0x00000040  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRL4_STALLED     0x00000020  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_TXCSRL4_SETUP       0x00000010  // Setup Packet
#define USB_TXCSRL4_STALL       0x00000010  // Send STALL
#define USB_TXCSRL4_FLUSH       0x00000008  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_TXCSRL4_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_TXCSRL4_UNDRN       0x00000004  // Underrun
#define USB_TXCSRL4_FIFONE      0x00000002  // FIFO Not Empty
#define USB_TXCSRL4_TXRDY       0x00000001  // Transmit Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRH4 register.
#define USB_TXCSRH4_AUTOSET     0x00000080  // Auto Set
#define USB_TXCSRH4_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_TXCSRH4_MODE        0x00000020  // Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH4_DMAEN       0x00000010  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH4_FDT         0x00000008  // Force Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRH4_DMAMOD      0x00000004  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH4_DTWE        0x00000002  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH4_DT          0x00000001  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXMAXP4 register.
#define USB_RXMAXP4_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRL4 register.
#define USB_RXCSRL4_CLRDT       0x00000080  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_RXCSRL4_STALLED     0x00000040  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_RXCSRL4_STALL       0x00000020  // Send STALL
#define USB_RXCSRL4_REQPKT      0x00000020  // Request Packet
#define USB_RXCSRL4_FLUSH       0x00000010  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_RXCSRL4_NAKTO       0x00000008  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_RXCSRL4_DATAERR     0x00000008  // Data Error
#define USB_RXCSRL4_OVER        0x00000004  // Overrun
#define USB_RXCSRL4_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_RXCSRL4_FULL        0x00000002  // FIFO Full
#define USB_RXCSRL4_RXRDY       0x00000001  // Receive Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRH4 register.
#define USB_RXCSRH4_AUTOCL      0x00000080  // Auto Clear
#define USB_RXCSRH4_AUTORQ      0x00000040  // Auto Request
#define USB_RXCSRH4_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_RXCSRH4_DMAEN       0x00000020  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH4_DISNYET     0x00000010  // Disable NYET
#define USB_RXCSRH4_PIDERR      0x00000010  // PID Error
#define USB_RXCSRH4_DMAMOD      0x00000008  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_RXCSRH4_DTWE        0x00000004  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH4_DT          0x00000002  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCOUNT4 register.
#define USB_RXCOUNT4_COUNT_M    0x00001FFF  // Receive Packet Count
#define USB_RXCOUNT4_COUNT_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXTYPE4 register.
#define USB_TXTYPE4_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_TXTYPE4_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_TXTYPE4_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_TXTYPE4_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_TXTYPE4_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_TXTYPE4_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_TXTYPE4_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_TXTYPE4_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_TXTYPE4_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_TXTYPE4_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_TXTYPE4_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXINTERVAL4
// register.
#define USB_TXINTERVAL4_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // TX Polling
#define USB_TXINTERVAL4_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_TXINTERVAL4_NAKLMT_S                                              \
#define USB_TXINTERVAL4_TXPOLL_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXTYPE4 register.
#define USB_RXTYPE4_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_RXTYPE4_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_RXTYPE4_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_RXTYPE4_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_RXTYPE4_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_RXTYPE4_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_RXTYPE4_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_RXTYPE4_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_RXTYPE4_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_RXTYPE4_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_RXTYPE4_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXINTERVAL4
// register.
#define USB_RXINTERVAL4_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // RX Polling
#define USB_RXINTERVAL4_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_RXINTERVAL4_NAKLMT_S                                              \
#define USB_RXINTERVAL4_TXPOLL_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXMAXP5 register.
#define USB_TXMAXP5_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRL5 register.
#define USB_TXCSRL5_NAKTO       0x00000080  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_TXCSRL5_CLRDT       0x00000040  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRL5_STALLED     0x00000020  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_TXCSRL5_SETUP       0x00000010  // Setup Packet
#define USB_TXCSRL5_STALL       0x00000010  // Send STALL
#define USB_TXCSRL5_FLUSH       0x00000008  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_TXCSRL5_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_TXCSRL5_UNDRN       0x00000004  // Underrun
#define USB_TXCSRL5_FIFONE      0x00000002  // FIFO Not Empty
#define USB_TXCSRL5_TXRDY       0x00000001  // Transmit Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRH5 register.
#define USB_TXCSRH5_AUTOSET     0x00000080  // Auto Set
#define USB_TXCSRH5_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_TXCSRH5_MODE        0x00000020  // Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH5_DMAEN       0x00000010  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH5_FDT         0x00000008  // Force Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRH5_DMAMOD      0x00000004  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH5_DTWE        0x00000002  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH5_DT          0x00000001  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXMAXP5 register.
#define USB_RXMAXP5_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRL5 register.
#define USB_RXCSRL5_CLRDT       0x00000080  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_RXCSRL5_STALLED     0x00000040  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_RXCSRL5_STALL       0x00000020  // Send STALL
#define USB_RXCSRL5_REQPKT      0x00000020  // Request Packet
#define USB_RXCSRL5_FLUSH       0x00000010  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_RXCSRL5_NAKTO       0x00000008  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_RXCSRL5_DATAERR     0x00000008  // Data Error
#define USB_RXCSRL5_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_RXCSRL5_OVER        0x00000004  // Overrun
#define USB_RXCSRL5_FULL        0x00000002  // FIFO Full
#define USB_RXCSRL5_RXRDY       0x00000001  // Receive Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRH5 register.
#define USB_RXCSRH5_AUTOCL      0x00000080  // Auto Clear
#define USB_RXCSRH5_AUTORQ      0x00000040  // Auto Request
#define USB_RXCSRH5_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_RXCSRH5_DMAEN       0x00000020  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH5_DISNYET     0x00000010  // Disable NYET
#define USB_RXCSRH5_PIDERR      0x00000010  // PID Error
#define USB_RXCSRH5_DMAMOD      0x00000008  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_RXCSRH5_DTWE        0x00000004  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH5_DT          0x00000002  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCOUNT5 register.
#define USB_RXCOUNT5_COUNT_M    0x00001FFF  // Receive Packet Count
#define USB_RXCOUNT5_COUNT_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXTYPE5 register.
#define USB_TXTYPE5_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_TXTYPE5_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_TXTYPE5_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_TXTYPE5_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_TXTYPE5_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_TXTYPE5_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_TXTYPE5_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_TXTYPE5_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_TXTYPE5_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_TXTYPE5_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_TXTYPE5_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXINTERVAL5
// register.
#define USB_TXINTERVAL5_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // TX Polling
#define USB_TXINTERVAL5_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_TXINTERVAL5_NAKLMT_S                                              \
#define USB_TXINTERVAL5_TXPOLL_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXTYPE5 register.
#define USB_RXTYPE5_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_RXTYPE5_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_RXTYPE5_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_RXTYPE5_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_RXTYPE5_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_RXTYPE5_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_RXTYPE5_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_RXTYPE5_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_RXTYPE5_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_RXTYPE5_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_RXTYPE5_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXINTERVAL5
// register.
#define USB_RXINTERVAL5_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // RX Polling
#define USB_RXINTERVAL5_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_RXINTERVAL5_TXPOLL_S                                              \
#define USB_RXINTERVAL5_NAKLMT_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXMAXP6 register.
#define USB_TXMAXP6_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRL6 register.
#define USB_TXCSRL6_NAKTO       0x00000080  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_TXCSRL6_CLRDT       0x00000040  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRL6_STALLED     0x00000020  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_TXCSRL6_STALL       0x00000010  // Send STALL
#define USB_TXCSRL6_SETUP       0x00000010  // Setup Packet
#define USB_TXCSRL6_FLUSH       0x00000008  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_TXCSRL6_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_TXCSRL6_UNDRN       0x00000004  // Underrun
#define USB_TXCSRL6_FIFONE      0x00000002  // FIFO Not Empty
#define USB_TXCSRL6_TXRDY       0x00000001  // Transmit Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRH6 register.
#define USB_TXCSRH6_AUTOSET     0x00000080  // Auto Set
#define USB_TXCSRH6_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_TXCSRH6_MODE        0x00000020  // Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH6_DMAEN       0x00000010  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH6_FDT         0x00000008  // Force Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRH6_DMAMOD      0x00000004  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH6_DTWE        0x00000002  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH6_DT          0x00000001  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXMAXP6 register.
#define USB_RXMAXP6_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRL6 register.
#define USB_RXCSRL6_CLRDT       0x00000080  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_RXCSRL6_STALLED     0x00000040  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_RXCSRL6_REQPKT      0x00000020  // Request Packet
#define USB_RXCSRL6_STALL       0x00000020  // Send STALL
#define USB_RXCSRL6_FLUSH       0x00000010  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_RXCSRL6_NAKTO       0x00000008  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_RXCSRL6_DATAERR     0x00000008  // Data Error
#define USB_RXCSRL6_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_RXCSRL6_OVER        0x00000004  // Overrun
#define USB_RXCSRL6_FULL        0x00000002  // FIFO Full
#define USB_RXCSRL6_RXRDY       0x00000001  // Receive Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRH6 register.
#define USB_RXCSRH6_AUTOCL      0x00000080  // Auto Clear
#define USB_RXCSRH6_AUTORQ      0x00000040  // Auto Request
#define USB_RXCSRH6_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_RXCSRH6_DMAEN       0x00000020  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH6_DISNYET     0x00000010  // Disable NYET
#define USB_RXCSRH6_PIDERR      0x00000010  // PID Error
#define USB_RXCSRH6_DMAMOD      0x00000008  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_RXCSRH6_DTWE        0x00000004  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH6_DT          0x00000002  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCOUNT6 register.
#define USB_RXCOUNT6_COUNT_M    0x00001FFF  // Receive Packet Count
#define USB_RXCOUNT6_COUNT_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXTYPE6 register.
#define USB_TXTYPE6_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_TXTYPE6_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_TXTYPE6_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_TXTYPE6_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_TXTYPE6_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_TXTYPE6_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_TXTYPE6_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_TXTYPE6_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_TXTYPE6_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_TXTYPE6_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_TXTYPE6_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXINTERVAL6
// register.
#define USB_TXINTERVAL6_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // TX Polling
#define USB_TXINTERVAL6_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_TXINTERVAL6_TXPOLL_S                                              \
#define USB_TXINTERVAL6_NAKLMT_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXTYPE6 register.
#define USB_RXTYPE6_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_RXTYPE6_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_RXTYPE6_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_RXTYPE6_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_RXTYPE6_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_RXTYPE6_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_RXTYPE6_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_RXTYPE6_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_RXTYPE6_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_RXTYPE6_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_RXTYPE6_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXINTERVAL6
// register.
#define USB_RXINTERVAL6_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // RX Polling
#define USB_RXINTERVAL6_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_RXINTERVAL6_NAKLMT_S                                              \
#define USB_RXINTERVAL6_TXPOLL_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXMAXP7 register.
#define USB_TXMAXP7_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRL7 register.
#define USB_TXCSRL7_NAKTO       0x00000080  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_TXCSRL7_CLRDT       0x00000040  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRL7_STALLED     0x00000020  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_TXCSRL7_STALL       0x00000010  // Send STALL
#define USB_TXCSRL7_SETUP       0x00000010  // Setup Packet
#define USB_TXCSRL7_FLUSH       0x00000008  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_TXCSRL7_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_TXCSRL7_UNDRN       0x00000004  // Underrun
#define USB_TXCSRL7_FIFONE      0x00000002  // FIFO Not Empty
#define USB_TXCSRL7_TXRDY       0x00000001  // Transmit Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXCSRH7 register.
#define USB_TXCSRH7_AUTOSET     0x00000080  // Auto Set
#define USB_TXCSRH7_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_TXCSRH7_MODE        0x00000020  // Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH7_DMAEN       0x00000010  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH7_FDT         0x00000008  // Force Data Toggle
#define USB_TXCSRH7_DMAMOD      0x00000004  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_TXCSRH7_DTWE        0x00000002  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_TXCSRH7_DT          0x00000001  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXMAXP7 register.
#define USB_RXMAXP7_MAXLOAD_M   0x000007FF  // Maximum Payload

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRL7 register.
#define USB_RXCSRL7_CLRDT       0x00000080  // Clear Data Toggle
#define USB_RXCSRL7_STALLED     0x00000040  // Endpoint Stalled
#define USB_RXCSRL7_REQPKT      0x00000020  // Request Packet
#define USB_RXCSRL7_STALL       0x00000020  // Send STALL
#define USB_RXCSRL7_FLUSH       0x00000010  // Flush FIFO
#define USB_RXCSRL7_DATAERR     0x00000008  // Data Error
#define USB_RXCSRL7_NAKTO       0x00000008  // NAK Timeout
#define USB_RXCSRL7_ERROR       0x00000004  // Error
#define USB_RXCSRL7_OVER        0x00000004  // Overrun
#define USB_RXCSRL7_FULL        0x00000002  // FIFO Full
#define USB_RXCSRL7_RXRDY       0x00000001  // Receive Packet Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCSRH7 register.
#define USB_RXCSRH7_AUTOCL      0x00000080  // Auto Clear
#define USB_RXCSRH7_ISO         0x00000040  // Isochronous Transfers
#define USB_RXCSRH7_AUTORQ      0x00000040  // Auto Request
#define USB_RXCSRH7_DMAEN       0x00000020  // DMA Request Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH7_PIDERR      0x00000010  // PID Error
#define USB_RXCSRH7_DISNYET     0x00000010  // Disable NYET
#define USB_RXCSRH7_DMAMOD      0x00000008  // DMA Request Mode
#define USB_RXCSRH7_DTWE        0x00000004  // Data Toggle Write Enable
#define USB_RXCSRH7_DT          0x00000002  // Data Toggle

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXCOUNT7 register.
#define USB_RXCOUNT7_COUNT_M    0x00001FFF  // Receive Packet Count
#define USB_RXCOUNT7_COUNT_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXTYPE7 register.
#define USB_TXTYPE7_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_TXTYPE7_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_TXTYPE7_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_TXTYPE7_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_TXTYPE7_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_TXTYPE7_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_TXTYPE7_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_TXTYPE7_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_TXTYPE7_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_TXTYPE7_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_TXTYPE7_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXINTERVAL7
// register.
#define USB_TXINTERVAL7_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // TX Polling
#define USB_TXINTERVAL7_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_TXINTERVAL7_NAKLMT_S                                              \
#define USB_TXINTERVAL7_TXPOLL_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXTYPE7 register.
#define USB_RXTYPE7_SPEED_M     0x000000C0  // Operating Speed
#define USB_RXTYPE7_SPEED_DFLT  0x00000000  // Default
#define USB_RXTYPE7_SPEED_FULL  0x00000080  // Full
#define USB_RXTYPE7_SPEED_LOW   0x000000C0  // Low
#define USB_RXTYPE7_PROTO_M     0x00000030  // Protocol
#define USB_RXTYPE7_PROTO_CTRL  0x00000000  // Control
#define USB_RXTYPE7_PROTO_ISOC  0x00000010  // Isochronous
#define USB_RXTYPE7_PROTO_BULK  0x00000020  // Bulk
#define USB_RXTYPE7_PROTO_INT   0x00000030  // Interrupt
#define USB_RXTYPE7_TEP_M       0x0000000F  // Target Endpoint Number
#define USB_RXTYPE7_TEP_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXINTERVAL7
// register.
#define USB_RXINTERVAL7_TXPOLL_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // RX Polling
#define USB_RXINTERVAL7_NAKLMT_M                                              \
                                0x000000FF  // NAK Limit
#define USB_RXINTERVAL7_NAKLMT_S                                              \
#define USB_RXINTERVAL7_TXPOLL_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RQPKTCOUNT1
// register.
#define USB_RQPKTCOUNT1_M       0x0000FFFF  // Block Transfer Packet Count
#define USB_RQPKTCOUNT1_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RQPKTCOUNT2
// register.
#define USB_RQPKTCOUNT2_M       0x0000FFFF  // Block Transfer Packet Count
#define USB_RQPKTCOUNT2_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RQPKTCOUNT3
// register.
#define USB_RQPKTCOUNT3_M       0x0000FFFF  // Block Transfer Packet Count
#define USB_RQPKTCOUNT3_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RQPKTCOUNT4
// register.
#define USB_RQPKTCOUNT4_COUNT_M 0x0000FFFF  // Block Transfer Packet Count

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RQPKTCOUNT5
// register.
#define USB_RQPKTCOUNT5_COUNT_M 0x0000FFFF  // Block Transfer Packet Count

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RQPKTCOUNT6
// register.
#define USB_RQPKTCOUNT6_COUNT_M 0x0000FFFF  // Block Transfer Packet Count

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RQPKTCOUNT7
// register.
#define USB_RQPKTCOUNT7_COUNT_M 0x0000FFFF  // Block Transfer Packet Count

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_RXDPKTBUFDIS
// register.
#define USB_RXDPKTBUFDIS_EP7    0x00000080  // EP7 RX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_RXDPKTBUFDIS_EP6    0x00000040  // EP6 RX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_RXDPKTBUFDIS_EP5    0x00000020  // EP5 RX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_RXDPKTBUFDIS_EP4    0x00000010  // EP4 RX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_RXDPKTBUFDIS_EP3    0x00000008  // EP3 RX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_RXDPKTBUFDIS_EP2    0x00000004  // EP2 RX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_RXDPKTBUFDIS_EP1    0x00000002  // EP1 RX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_TXDPKTBUFDIS
// register.
#define USB_TXDPKTBUFDIS_EP7    0x00000080  // EP7 TX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_TXDPKTBUFDIS_EP6    0x00000040  // EP6 TX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_TXDPKTBUFDIS_EP5    0x00000020  // EP5 TX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_TXDPKTBUFDIS_EP4    0x00000010  // EP4 TX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_TXDPKTBUFDIS_EP3    0x00000008  // EP3 TX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_TXDPKTBUFDIS_EP2    0x00000004  // EP2 TX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable
#define USB_TXDPKTBUFDIS_EP1    0x00000002  // EP1 TX Double-Packet Buffer
                                            // Disable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_EPC register.
#define USB_EPC_PFLTACT_M       0x00000300  // Power Fault Action
#define USB_EPC_PFLTACT_UNCHG   0x00000000  // Unchanged
#define USB_EPC_PFLTACT_TRIS    0x00000100  // Tristate
#define USB_EPC_PFLTACT_LOW     0x00000200  // Low
#define USB_EPC_PFLTACT_HIGH    0x00000300  // High
#define USB_EPC_PFLTAEN         0x00000040  // Power Fault Action Enable
#define USB_EPC_PFLTSEN_HIGH    0x00000020  // Power Fault Sense
#define USB_EPC_PFLTEN          0x00000010  // Power Fault Input Enable
#define USB_EPC_EPENDE          0x00000004  // EPEN Drive Enable
#define USB_EPC_EPEN_M          0x00000003  // External Power Supply Enable
                                            // Configuration
#define USB_EPC_EPEN_LOW        0x00000000  // Power Enable Active Low
#define USB_EPC_EPEN_HIGH       0x00000001  // Power Enable Active High
#define USB_EPC_EPEN_VBLOW      0x00000002  // Power Enable High if VBUS Low
                                            // (OTG only)
#define USB_EPC_EPEN_VBHIGH     0x00000003  // Power Enable High if VBUS High
                                            // (OTG only)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_EPCRIS register.
#define USB_EPCRIS_PF           0x00000001  // USB Power Fault Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_EPCIM register.
#define USB_EPCIM_PF            0x00000001  // USB Power Fault Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_EPCISC register.
#define USB_EPCISC_PF           0x00000001  // USB Power Fault Interrupt Status
                                            // and Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_DRRIS register.
#define USB_DRRIS_RESUME        0x00000001  // RESUME Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_DRIM register.
#define USB_DRIM_RESUME         0x00000001  // RESUME Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_DRISC register.
#define USB_DRISC_RESUME        0x00000001  // RESUME Interrupt Status and
                                            // Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_GPCS register.
#define USB_GPCS_DEVMODOTG      0x00000002  // Enable Device Mode
#define USB_GPCS_DEVMOD         0x00000001  // Device Mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_VDC register.
#define USB_VDC_VBDEN           0x00000001  // VBUS Droop Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_VDCRIS register.
#define USB_VDCRIS_VD           0x00000001  // VBUS Droop Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_VDCIM register.
#define USB_VDCIM_VD            0x00000001  // VBUS Droop Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_VDCISC register.
#define USB_VDCISC_VD           0x00000001  // VBUS Droop Interrupt Status and
                                            // Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_IDVRIS register.
#define USB_IDVRIS_ID           0x00000001  // ID Valid Detect Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_IDVIM register.
#define USB_IDVIM_ID            0x00000001  // ID Valid Detect Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_IDVISC register.
#define USB_IDVISC_ID           0x00000001  // ID Valid Detect Interrupt Status
                                            // and Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_DMASEL register.
#define USB_DMASEL_DMACTX_M     0x00F00000  // DMA C TX Select
#define USB_DMASEL_DMACRX_M     0x000F0000  // DMA C RX Select
#define USB_DMASEL_DMABTX_M     0x0000F000  // DMA B TX Select
#define USB_DMASEL_DMABRX_M     0x00000F00  // DMA B RX Select
#define USB_DMASEL_DMAATX_M     0x000000F0  // DMA A TX Select
#define USB_DMASEL_DMAARX_M     0x0000000F  // DMA A RX Select
#define USB_DMASEL_DMACTX_S     20
#define USB_DMASEL_DMACRX_S     16
#define USB_DMASEL_DMABTX_S     12
#define USB_DMASEL_DMABRX_S     8
#define USB_DMASEL_DMAATX_S     4
#define USB_DMASEL_DMAARX_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the USB_O_PP register.
#define USB_PP_ECNT_M           0x0000FF00  // Endpoint Count
#define USB_PP_USB_M            0x000000C0  // USB Capability
#define USB_PP_USB_DEVICE       0x00000040  // DEVICE
#define USB_PP_USB_HOSTDEVICE   0x00000080  // HOST
#define USB_PP_USB_OTG          0x000000C0  // OTG
#define USB_PP_PHY              0x00000010  // PHY Present
#define USB_PP_TYPE_M           0x0000000F  // Controller Type
#define USB_PP_TYPE_0           0x00000000  // The first-generation USB
                                            // controller
#define USB_PP_ECNT_S           8

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EESIZE register.
#define EEPROM_EESIZE_BLKCNT_M  0x07FF0000  // Number of 16-Word Blocks
#define EEPROM_EESIZE_WORDCNT_M 0x0000FFFF  // Number of 32-Bit Words

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EEBLOCK register.
#define EEPROM_EEBLOCK_BLOCK_M  0x0000FFFF  // Current Block

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EEOFFSET
// register.
#define EEPROM_EEOFFSET_OFFSET_M                                              \
                                0x0000000F  // Current Address Offset
#define EEPROM_EEOFFSET_OFFSET_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EERDWR register.
#define EEPROM_EERDWR_VALUE_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // EEPROM Read or Write Data

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EERDWRINC
// register.
#define EEPROM_EERDWRINC_VALUE_M                                              \
                                0xFFFFFFFF  // EEPROM Read or Write Data with
                                            // Increment
#define EEPROM_EERDWRINC_VALUE_S                                              \

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EEDONE register.
#define EEPROM_EEDONE_WRBUSY    0x00000020  // Write Busy
#define EEPROM_EEDONE_NOPERM    0x00000010  // Write Without Permission
#define EEPROM_EEDONE_WKCOPY    0x00000008  // Working on a Copy
#define EEPROM_EEDONE_WKERASE   0x00000004  // Working on an Erase
#define EEPROM_EEDONE_WORKING   0x00000001  // EEPROM Working

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EESUPP register.
#define EEPROM_EESUPP_PRETRY    0x00000008  // Programming Must Be Retried
#define EEPROM_EESUPP_ERETRY    0x00000004  // Erase Must Be Retried

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EEUNLOCK
// register.
#define EEPROM_EEUNLOCK_UNLOCK_M                                              \
                                0xFFFFFFFF  // EEPROM Unlock

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EEPROT register.
#define EEPROM_EEPROT_ACC       0x00000008  // Access Control
#define EEPROM_EEPROT_PROT_M    0x00000007  // Protection Control
#define EEPROM_EEPROT_PROT_RWNPW                                              \
                                0x00000000  // This setting is the default. If
                                            // there is no password, the block
                                            // is not protected and is readable
                                            // and writable
#define EEPROM_EEPROT_PROT_RWPW 0x00000001  // If there is a password, the
                                            // block is readable or writable
                                            // only when unlocked
#define EEPROM_EEPROT_PROT_RONPW                                              \
                                0x00000002  // If there is no password, the
                                            // block is readable, not writable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EEPASS0 register.
#define EEPROM_EEPASS0_PASS_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // Password

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EEPASS1 register.
#define EEPROM_EEPASS1_PASS_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // Password

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EEPASS2 register.
#define EEPROM_EEPASS2_PASS_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // Password

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EEINT register.
#define EEPROM_EEINT_INT        0x00000001  // Interrupt Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EEHIDE register.
#define EEPROM_EEHIDE_HN_M      0xFFFFFFFE  // Hide Block

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_EEDBGME register.
#define EEPROM_EEDBGME_KEY_M    0xFFFF0000  // Erase Key
#define EEPROM_EEDBGME_ME       0x00000001  // Mass Erase
#define EEPROM_EEDBGME_KEY_S    16

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EEPROM_PP register.
#define EEPROM_PP_SIZE_M        0x0000001F  // EEPROM Size
#define EEPROM_PP_SIZE_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSEXC_RIS register.
#define SYSEXC_RIS_FPIXCRIS     0x00000020  // Floating-Point Inexact Exception
                                            // Raw Interrupt Status
#define SYSEXC_RIS_FPOFCRIS     0x00000010  // Floating-Point Overflow
                                            // Exception Raw Interrupt Status
#define SYSEXC_RIS_FPUFCRIS     0x00000008  // Floating-Point Underflow
                                            // Exception Raw Interrupt Status
#define SYSEXC_RIS_FPIOCRIS     0x00000004  // Floating-Point Invalid Operation
                                            // Raw Interrupt Status
#define SYSEXC_RIS_FPDZCRIS     0x00000002  // Floating-Point Divide By 0
                                            // Exception Raw Interrupt Status
#define SYSEXC_RIS_FPIDCRIS     0x00000001  // Floating-Point Input Denormal
                                            // Exception Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSEXC_IM register.
#define SYSEXC_IM_FPIXCIM       0x00000020  // Floating-Point Inexact Exception
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define SYSEXC_IM_FPOFCIM       0x00000010  // Floating-Point Overflow
                                            // Exception Interrupt Mask
#define SYSEXC_IM_FPUFCIM       0x00000008  // Floating-Point Underflow
                                            // Exception Interrupt Mask
#define SYSEXC_IM_FPIOCIM       0x00000004  // Floating-Point Invalid Operation
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define SYSEXC_IM_FPDZCIM       0x00000002  // Floating-Point Divide By 0
                                            // Exception Interrupt Mask
#define SYSEXC_IM_FPIDCIM       0x00000001  // Floating-Point Input Denormal
                                            // Exception Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSEXC_MIS register.
#define SYSEXC_MIS_FPIXCMIS     0x00000020  // Floating-Point Inexact Exception
                                            // Masked Interrupt Status
#define SYSEXC_MIS_FPOFCMIS     0x00000010  // Floating-Point Overflow
                                            // Exception Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SYSEXC_MIS_FPUFCMIS     0x00000008  // Floating-Point Underflow
                                            // Exception Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SYSEXC_MIS_FPIOCMIS     0x00000004  // Floating-Point Invalid Operation
                                            // Masked Interrupt Status
#define SYSEXC_MIS_FPDZCMIS     0x00000002  // Floating-Point Divide By 0
                                            // Exception Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SYSEXC_MIS_FPIDCMIS     0x00000001  // Floating-Point Input Denormal
                                            // Exception Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSEXC_IC register.
#define SYSEXC_IC_FPIXCIC       0x00000020  // Floating-Point Inexact Exception
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define SYSEXC_IC_FPOFCIC       0x00000010  // Floating-Point Overflow
                                            // Exception Interrupt Clear
#define SYSEXC_IC_FPUFCIC       0x00000008  // Floating-Point Underflow
                                            // Exception Interrupt Clear
#define SYSEXC_IC_FPIOCIC       0x00000004  // Floating-Point Invalid Operation
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define SYSEXC_IC_FPDZCIC       0x00000002  // Floating-Point Divide By 0
                                            // Exception Interrupt Clear
#define SYSEXC_IC_FPIDCIC       0x00000001  // Floating-Point Input Denormal
                                            // Exception Interrupt Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the HIB_RTCC register.
#define HIB_RTCC_M              0xFFFFFFFF  // RTC Counter
#define HIB_RTCC_S              0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the HIB_RTCM0 register.
#define HIB_RTCM0_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // RTC Match 0
#define HIB_RTCM0_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the HIB_RTCLD register.
#define HIB_RTCLD_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // RTC Load
#define HIB_RTCLD_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the HIB_CTL register.
#define HIB_CTL_WRC             0x80000000  // Write Complete/Capable
#define HIB_CTL_OSCDRV          0x00020000  // Oscillator Drive Capability
#define HIB_CTL_OSCBYP          0x00010000  // Oscillator Bypass
#define HIB_CTL_VBATSEL_M       0x00006000  // Select for Low-Battery
                                            // Comparator
#define HIB_CTL_VBATSEL_1_9V    0x00000000  // 1.9 Volts
#define HIB_CTL_VBATSEL_2_1V    0x00002000  // 2.1 Volts (default)
#define HIB_CTL_VBATSEL_2_3V    0x00004000  // 2.3 Volts
#define HIB_CTL_VBATSEL_2_5V    0x00006000  // 2.5 Volts
#define HIB_CTL_BATCHK          0x00000400  // Check Battery Status
#define HIB_CTL_BATWKEN         0x00000200  // Wake on Low Battery
#define HIB_CTL_VDD3ON          0x00000100  // VDD Powered
#define HIB_CTL_VABORT          0x00000080  // Power Cut Abort Enable
#define HIB_CTL_CLK32EN         0x00000040  // Clocking Enable
#define HIB_CTL_PINWEN          0x00000010  // External Wake Pin Enable
#define HIB_CTL_RTCWEN          0x00000008  // RTC Wake-up Enable
#define HIB_CTL_HIBREQ          0x00000002  // Hibernation Request
#define HIB_CTL_RTCEN           0x00000001  // RTC Timer Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the HIB_IM register.
#define HIB_IM_WC               0x00000010  // External Write Complete/Capable
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define HIB_IM_EXTW             0x00000008  // External Wake-Up Interrupt Mask
#define HIB_IM_LOWBAT           0x00000004  // Low Battery Voltage Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define HIB_IM_RTCALT0          0x00000001  // RTC Alert 0 Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the HIB_RIS register.
#define HIB_RIS_WC              0x00000010  // Write Complete/Capable Raw
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define HIB_RIS_EXTW            0x00000008  // External Wake-Up Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define HIB_RIS_LOWBAT          0x00000004  // Low Battery Voltage Raw
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define HIB_RIS_RTCALT0         0x00000001  // RTC Alert 0 Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the HIB_MIS register.
#define HIB_MIS_WC              0x00000010  // Write Complete/Capable Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define HIB_MIS_EXTW            0x00000008  // External Wake-Up Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define HIB_MIS_LOWBAT          0x00000004  // Low Battery Voltage Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define HIB_MIS_RTCALT0         0x00000001  // RTC Alert 0 Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the HIB_IC register.
#define HIB_IC_WC               0x00000010  // Write Complete/Capable Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define HIB_IC_EXTW             0x00000008  // External Wake-Up Interrupt Clear
#define HIB_IC_LOWBAT           0x00000004  // Low Battery Voltage Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define HIB_IC_RTCALT0          0x00000001  // RTC Alert0 Masked Interrupt
                                            // Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the HIB_RTCT register.
#define HIB_RTCT_TRIM_M         0x0000FFFF  // RTC Trim Value
#define HIB_RTCT_TRIM_S         0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the HIB_RTCSS register.
#define HIB_RTCSS_RTCSSM_M      0x7FFF0000  // RTC Sub Seconds Match
#define HIB_RTCSS_RTCSSC_M      0x00007FFF  // RTC Sub Seconds Count
#define HIB_RTCSS_RTCSSM_S      16
#define HIB_RTCSS_RTCSSC_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the HIB_DATA register.
#define HIB_DATA_RTD_M          0xFFFFFFFF  // Hibernation Module NV Data
#define HIB_DATA_RTD_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_FMA register.
#define FLASH_FMA_OFFSET_M      0x0003FFFF  // Address Offset
#define FLASH_FMA_OFFSET_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_FMD register.
#define FLASH_FMD_DATA_M        0xFFFFFFFF  // Data Value
#define FLASH_FMD_DATA_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_FMC register.
#define FLASH_FMC_WRKEY         0xA4420000  // FLASH write key
#define FLASH_FMC_COMT          0x00000008  // Commit Register Value
#define FLASH_FMC_MERASE        0x00000004  // Mass Erase Flash Memory
#define FLASH_FMC_ERASE         0x00000002  // Erase a Page of Flash Memory
#define FLASH_FMC_WRITE         0x00000001  // Write a Word into Flash Memory

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_FCRIS register.
#define FLASH_FCRIS_PROGRIS     0x00002000  // Program Verify Error Raw
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define FLASH_FCRIS_ERRIS       0x00000800  // Erase Verify Error Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define FLASH_FCRIS_INVDRIS     0x00000400  // Invalid Data Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define FLASH_FCRIS_VOLTRIS     0x00000200  // Pump Voltage Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define FLASH_FCRIS_ERIS        0x00000004  // EEPROM Raw Interrupt Status
#define FLASH_FCRIS_PRIS        0x00000002  // Programming Raw Interrupt Status
#define FLASH_FCRIS_ARIS        0x00000001  // Access Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_FCIM register.
#define FLASH_FCIM_PROGMASK     0x00002000  // PROGVER Interrupt Mask
#define FLASH_FCIM_ERMASK       0x00000800  // ERVER Interrupt Mask
#define FLASH_FCIM_INVDMASK     0x00000400  // Invalid Data Interrupt Mask
#define FLASH_FCIM_VOLTMASK     0x00000200  // VOLT Interrupt Mask
#define FLASH_FCIM_EMASK        0x00000004  // EEPROM Interrupt Mask
#define FLASH_FCIM_PMASK        0x00000002  // Programming Interrupt Mask
#define FLASH_FCIM_AMASK        0x00000001  // Access Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_FCMISC register.
#define FLASH_FCMISC_PROGMISC   0x00002000  // PROGVER Masked Interrupt Status
                                            // and Clear
#define FLASH_FCMISC_ERMISC     0x00000800  // ERVER Masked Interrupt Status
                                            // and Clear
#define FLASH_FCMISC_INVDMISC   0x00000400  // Invalid Data Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define FLASH_FCMISC_VOLTMISC   0x00000200  // VOLT Masked Interrupt Status and
                                            // Clear
#define FLASH_FCMISC_EMISC      0x00000004  // EEPROM Masked Interrupt Status
                                            // and Clear
#define FLASH_FCMISC_PMISC      0x00000002  // Programming Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define FLASH_FCMISC_AMISC      0x00000001  // Access Masked Interrupt Status
                                            // and Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_FMC2 register.
#define FLASH_FMC2_WRBUF        0x00000001  // Buffered Flash Memory Write

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_FWBVAL register.
#define FLASH_FWBVAL_FWB_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Flash Memory Write Buffer

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_FWBN register.
#define FLASH_FWBN_DATA_M       0xFFFFFFFF  // Data

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_FSIZE register.
#define FLASH_FSIZE_SIZE_M      0x0000FFFF  // Flash Size
#define FLASH_FSIZE_SIZE_256KB  0x0000007F  // 256 KB of Flash

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_SSIZE register.
#define FLASH_SSIZE_SIZE_M      0x0000FFFF  // SRAM Size
#define FLASH_SSIZE_SIZE_32KB   0x0000007F  // 32 KB of SRAM

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_ROMSWMAP register.
#define FLASH_ROMSWMAP_SAFERTOS 0x00000001  // SafeRTOS Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_RMCTL register.
#define FLASH_RMCTL_BA          0x00000001  // Boot Alias

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_BOOTCFG register.
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_NW        0x80000000  // Not Written
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PORT_M    0x0000E000  // Boot GPIO Port
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PORT_A    0x00000000  // Port A
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PORT_B    0x00002000  // Port B
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PORT_C    0x00004000  // Port C
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PORT_D    0x00006000  // Port D
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PORT_E    0x00008000  // Port E
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PORT_F    0x0000A000  // Port F
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PORT_G    0x0000C000  // Port G
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PORT_H    0x0000E000  // Port H
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PIN_M     0x00001C00  // Boot GPIO Pin
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PIN_0     0x00000000  // Pin 0
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PIN_1     0x00000400  // Pin 1
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PIN_2     0x00000800  // Pin 2
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PIN_3     0x00000C00  // Pin 3
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PIN_4     0x00001000  // Pin 4
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PIN_5     0x00001400  // Pin 5
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PIN_6     0x00001800  // Pin 6
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_PIN_7     0x00001C00  // Pin 7
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_POL       0x00000200  // Boot GPIO Polarity
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_EN        0x00000100  // Boot GPIO Enable
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_KEY       0x00000010  // KEY Select
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_DBG1      0x00000002  // Debug Control 1
#define FLASH_BOOTCFG_DBG0      0x00000001  // Debug Control 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_USERREG0 register.
#define FLASH_USERREG0_DATA_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // User Data

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_USERREG1 register.
#define FLASH_USERREG1_DATA_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // User Data

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_USERREG2 register.
#define FLASH_USERREG2_DATA_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // User Data

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the FLASH_USERREG3 register.
#define FLASH_USERREG3_DATA_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // User Data

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DID0 register.
#define SYSCTL_DID0_VER_M       0x70000000  // DID0 Version
#define SYSCTL_DID0_VER_1       0x10000000  // Second version of the DID0
                                            // register format.
#define SYSCTL_DID0_CLASS_M     0x00FF0000  // Device Class
#define SYSCTL_DID0_CLASS_TM4C123                                             \
                                0x00050000  // Tiva TM4C123x and TM4E123x
                                            // microcontrollers
#define SYSCTL_DID0_MAJ_M       0x0000FF00  // Major Revision
#define SYSCTL_DID0_MAJ_REVA    0x00000000  // Revision A (initial device)
#define SYSCTL_DID0_MAJ_REVB    0x00000100  // Revision B (first base layer
                                            // revision)
#define SYSCTL_DID0_MAJ_REVC    0x00000200  // Revision C (second base layer
                                            // revision)
#define SYSCTL_DID0_MIN_M       0x000000FF  // Minor Revision
#define SYSCTL_DID0_MIN_0       0x00000000  // Initial device, or a major
                                            // revision update
#define SYSCTL_DID0_MIN_1       0x00000001  // First metal layer change
#define SYSCTL_DID0_MIN_2       0x00000002  // Second metal layer change

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DID1 register.
#define SYSCTL_DID1_VER_M       0xF0000000  // DID1 Version
#define SYSCTL_DID1_VER_1       0x10000000  // fury_ib
#define SYSCTL_DID1_FAM_M       0x0F000000  // Family
#define SYSCTL_DID1_FAM_TIVA    0x00000000  // Tiva family of microcontollers
#define SYSCTL_DID1_PRTNO_M     0x00FF0000  // Part Number
#define SYSCTL_DID1_PRTNO_TM4C123GH6PZ                                        \
                                0x00C10000  // TM4C123GH6PZ
#define SYSCTL_DID1_PINCNT_M    0x0000E000  // Package Pin Count
#define SYSCTL_DID1_PINCNT_100  0x00004000  // 100-pin LQFP package
#define SYSCTL_DID1_PINCNT_64   0x00006000  // 64-pin LQFP package
#define SYSCTL_DID1_PINCNT_144  0x00008000  // 144-pin LQFP package
#define SYSCTL_DID1_PINCNT_157  0x0000A000  // 157-pin BGA package
#define SYSCTL_DID1_PINCNT_128  0x0000C000  // 128-pin TQFP package
#define SYSCTL_DID1_TEMP_M      0x000000E0  // Temperature Range
#define SYSCTL_DID1_TEMP_I      0x00000020  // Industrial temperature range
#define SYSCTL_DID1_TEMP_E      0x00000040  // Extended temperature range
#define SYSCTL_DID1_TEMP_IE     0x00000060  // Available in both industrial
                                            // temperature range (-40C to 85C)
                                            // and extended temperature range
                                            // (-40C to 105C) devices. See
#define SYSCTL_DID1_PKG_M       0x00000018  // Package Type
#define SYSCTL_DID1_PKG_QFP     0x00000008  // QFP package
#define SYSCTL_DID1_PKG_BGA     0x00000010  // BGA package
#define SYSCTL_DID1_ROHS        0x00000004  // RoHS-Compliance
#define SYSCTL_DID1_QUAL_M      0x00000003  // Qualification Status
#define SYSCTL_DID1_QUAL_ES     0x00000000  // Engineering Sample (unqualified)
#define SYSCTL_DID1_QUAL_PP     0x00000001  // Pilot Production (unqualified)
#define SYSCTL_DID1_QUAL_FQ     0x00000002  // Fully Qualified

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DC0 register.
#define SYSCTL_DC0_SRAMSZ_M     0xFFFF0000  // SRAM Size
#define SYSCTL_DC0_SRAMSZ_2KB   0x00070000  // 2 KB of SRAM
#define SYSCTL_DC0_SRAMSZ_4KB   0x000F0000  // 4 KB of SRAM
#define SYSCTL_DC0_SRAMSZ_6KB   0x00170000  // 6 KB of SRAM
#define SYSCTL_DC0_SRAMSZ_8KB   0x001F0000  // 8 KB of SRAM
#define SYSCTL_DC0_SRAMSZ_12KB  0x002F0000  // 12 KB of SRAM
#define SYSCTL_DC0_SRAMSZ_16KB  0x003F0000  // 16 KB of SRAM
#define SYSCTL_DC0_SRAMSZ_20KB  0x004F0000  // 20 KB of SRAM
#define SYSCTL_DC0_SRAMSZ_24KB  0x005F0000  // 24 KB of SRAM
#define SYSCTL_DC0_SRAMSZ_32KB  0x007F0000  // 32 KB of SRAM
#define SYSCTL_DC0_FLASHSZ_M    0x0000FFFF  // Flash Size
#define SYSCTL_DC0_FLASHSZ_8KB  0x00000003  // 8 KB of Flash
#define SYSCTL_DC0_FLASHSZ_16KB 0x00000007  // 16 KB of Flash
#define SYSCTL_DC0_FLASHSZ_32KB 0x0000000F  // 32 KB of Flash
#define SYSCTL_DC0_FLASHSZ_64KB 0x0000001F  // 64 KB of Flash
#define SYSCTL_DC0_FLASHSZ_96KB 0x0000002F  // 96 KB of Flash
#define SYSCTL_DC0_FLASHSZ_128K 0x0000003F  // 128 KB of Flash
#define SYSCTL_DC0_FLASHSZ_192K 0x0000005F  // 192 KB of Flash
#define SYSCTL_DC0_FLASHSZ_256K 0x0000007F  // 256 KB of Flash

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DC1 register.
#define SYSCTL_DC1_WDT1         0x10000000  // Watchdog Timer1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_CAN1         0x02000000  // CAN Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_CAN0         0x01000000  // CAN Module 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_PWM1         0x00200000  // PWM Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_PWM0         0x00100000  // PWM Module 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC1         0x00020000  // ADC Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC0         0x00010000  // ADC Module 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_MINSYSDIV_M  0x0000F000  // System Clock Divider
#define SYSCTL_DC1_MINSYSDIV_80 0x00002000  // Specifies an 80-MHz CPU clock
                                            // with a PLL divider of 2.5
#define SYSCTL_DC1_MINSYSDIV_50 0x00003000  // Specifies a 50-MHz CPU clock
                                            // with a PLL divider of 4
#define SYSCTL_DC1_MINSYSDIV_40 0x00004000  // Specifies a 40-MHz CPU clock
                                            // with a PLL divider of 5
#define SYSCTL_DC1_MINSYSDIV_25 0x00007000  // Specifies a 25-MHz clock with a
                                            // PLL divider of 8
#define SYSCTL_DC1_MINSYSDIV_20 0x00009000  // Specifies a 20-MHz clock with a
                                            // PLL divider of 10
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC1SPD_M    0x00000C00  // Max ADC1 Speed
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC1SPD_125K 0x00000000  // 125K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC1SPD_250K 0x00000400  // 250K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC1SPD_500K 0x00000800  // 500K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC1SPD_1M   0x00000C00  // 1M samples/second
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC0SPD_M    0x00000300  // Max ADC0 Speed
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC0SPD_125K 0x00000000  // 125K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC0SPD_250K 0x00000100  // 250K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC0SPD_500K 0x00000200  // 500K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_DC1_ADC0SPD_1M   0x00000300  // 1M samples/second
#define SYSCTL_DC1_MPU          0x00000080  // MPU Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_HIB          0x00000040  // Hibernation Module Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_TEMP         0x00000020  // Temp Sensor Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_PLL          0x00000010  // PLL Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_WDT0         0x00000008  // Watchdog Timer 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_SWO          0x00000004  // SWO Trace Port Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_SWD          0x00000002  // SWD Present
#define SYSCTL_DC1_JTAG         0x00000001  // JTAG Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DC2 register.
#define SYSCTL_DC2_EPI0         0x40000000  // EPI Module 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_I2S0         0x10000000  // I2S Module 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_COMP2        0x04000000  // Analog Comparator 2 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_COMP1        0x02000000  // Analog Comparator 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_COMP0        0x01000000  // Analog Comparator 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_TIMER3       0x00080000  // Timer Module 3 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_TIMER2       0x00040000  // Timer Module 2 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_TIMER1       0x00020000  // Timer Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_TIMER0       0x00010000  // Timer Module 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_I2C1HS       0x00008000  // I2C Module 1 Speed
#define SYSCTL_DC2_I2C1         0x00004000  // I2C Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_I2C0HS       0x00002000  // I2C Module 0 Speed
#define SYSCTL_DC2_I2C0         0x00001000  // I2C Module 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_QEI1         0x00000200  // QEI Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_QEI0         0x00000100  // QEI Module 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_SSI1         0x00000020  // SSI Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_SSI0         0x00000010  // SSI Module 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_UART2        0x00000004  // UART Module 2 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_UART1        0x00000002  // UART Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC2_UART0        0x00000001  // UART Module 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DC3 register.
#define SYSCTL_DC3_32KHZ        0x80000000  // 32KHz Input Clock Available
#define SYSCTL_DC3_CCP5         0x20000000  // T2CCP1 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_CCP4         0x10000000  // T2CCP0 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_CCP3         0x08000000  // T1CCP1 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_CCP2         0x04000000  // T1CCP0 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_CCP1         0x02000000  // T0CCP1 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_CCP0         0x01000000  // T0CCP0 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_ADC0AIN7     0x00800000  // ADC Module 0 AIN7 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_ADC0AIN6     0x00400000  // ADC Module 0 AIN6 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_ADC0AIN5     0x00200000  // ADC Module 0 AIN5 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_ADC0AIN4     0x00100000  // ADC Module 0 AIN4 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_ADC0AIN3     0x00080000  // ADC Module 0 AIN3 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_ADC0AIN2     0x00040000  // ADC Module 0 AIN2 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_ADC0AIN1     0x00020000  // ADC Module 0 AIN1 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_ADC0AIN0     0x00010000  // ADC Module 0 AIN0 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_PWMFAULT     0x00008000  // PWM Fault Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_C2O          0x00004000  // C2o Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_C2PLUS       0x00002000  // C2+ Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_C2MINUS      0x00001000  // C2- Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_C1O          0x00000800  // C1o Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_C1PLUS       0x00000400  // C1+ Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_C1MINUS      0x00000200  // C1- Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_C0O          0x00000100  // C0o Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_C0PLUS       0x00000080  // C0+ Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_C0MINUS      0x00000040  // C0- Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_PWM5         0x00000020  // PWM5 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_PWM4         0x00000010  // PWM4 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_PWM3         0x00000008  // PWM3 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_PWM2         0x00000004  // PWM2 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_PWM1         0x00000002  // PWM1 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC3_PWM0         0x00000001  // PWM0 Pin Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DC4 register.
#define SYSCTL_DC4_EPHY0        0x40000000  // Ethernet PHY Layer 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_EMAC0        0x10000000  // Ethernet MAC Layer 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_E1588        0x01000000  // 1588 Capable
#define SYSCTL_DC4_PICAL        0x00040000  // PIOSC Calibrate
#define SYSCTL_DC4_CCP7         0x00008000  // T3CCP1 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_CCP6         0x00004000  // T3CCP0 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_UDMA         0x00002000  // Micro-DMA Module Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_ROM          0x00001000  // Internal Code ROM Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_GPIOJ        0x00000100  // GPIO Port J Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_GPIOH        0x00000080  // GPIO Port H Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_GPIOG        0x00000040  // GPIO Port G Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_GPIOF        0x00000020  // GPIO Port F Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_GPIOE        0x00000010  // GPIO Port E Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_GPIOD        0x00000008  // GPIO Port D Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_GPIOC        0x00000004  // GPIO Port C Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_GPIOB        0x00000002  // GPIO Port B Present
#define SYSCTL_DC4_GPIOA        0x00000001  // GPIO Port A Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DC5 register.
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWMFAULT3    0x08000000  // PWM Fault 3 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWMFAULT2    0x04000000  // PWM Fault 2 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWMFAULT1    0x02000000  // PWM Fault 1 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWMFAULT0    0x01000000  // PWM Fault 0 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWMEFLT      0x00200000  // PWM Extended Fault Active
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWMESYNC     0x00100000  // PWM Extended SYNC Active
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWM7         0x00000080  // PWM7 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWM6         0x00000040  // PWM6 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWM5         0x00000020  // PWM5 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWM4         0x00000010  // PWM4 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWM3         0x00000008  // PWM3 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWM2         0x00000004  // PWM2 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWM1         0x00000002  // PWM1 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC5_PWM0         0x00000001  // PWM0 Pin Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DC6 register.
#define SYSCTL_DC6_USB0PHY      0x00000010  // USB Module 0 PHY Present
#define SYSCTL_DC6_USB0_M       0x00000003  // USB Module 0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC6_USB0_DEV     0x00000001  // USB0 is Device Only
#define SYSCTL_DC6_USB0_HOSTDEV 0x00000002  // USB is Device or Host
#define SYSCTL_DC6_USB0_OTG     0x00000003  // USB0 is OTG

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DC7 register.
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH30      0x40000000  // DMA Channel 30
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH29      0x20000000  // DMA Channel 29
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH28      0x10000000  // DMA Channel 28
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH27      0x08000000  // DMA Channel 27
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH26      0x04000000  // DMA Channel 26
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH25      0x02000000  // DMA Channel 25
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH24      0x01000000  // DMA Channel 24
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH23      0x00800000  // DMA Channel 23
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH22      0x00400000  // DMA Channel 22
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH21      0x00200000  // DMA Channel 21
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH20      0x00100000  // DMA Channel 20
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH19      0x00080000  // DMA Channel 19
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH18      0x00040000  // DMA Channel 18
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH17      0x00020000  // DMA Channel 17
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH16      0x00010000  // DMA Channel 16
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH15      0x00008000  // DMA Channel 15
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH14      0x00004000  // DMA Channel 14
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH13      0x00002000  // DMA Channel 13
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH12      0x00001000  // DMA Channel 12
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH11      0x00000800  // DMA Channel 11
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH10      0x00000400  // DMA Channel 10
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH9       0x00000200  // DMA Channel 9
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH8       0x00000100  // DMA Channel 8
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH7       0x00000080  // DMA Channel 7
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH6       0x00000040  // DMA Channel 6
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH5       0x00000020  // DMA Channel 5
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH4       0x00000010  // DMA Channel 4
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH3       0x00000008  // DMA Channel 3
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH2       0x00000004  // DMA Channel 2
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH1       0x00000002  // DMA Channel 1
#define SYSCTL_DC7_DMACH0       0x00000001  // DMA Channel 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DC8 register.
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN15    0x80000000  // ADC Module 1 AIN15 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN14    0x40000000  // ADC Module 1 AIN14 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN13    0x20000000  // ADC Module 1 AIN13 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN12    0x10000000  // ADC Module 1 AIN12 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN11    0x08000000  // ADC Module 1 AIN11 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN10    0x04000000  // ADC Module 1 AIN10 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN9     0x02000000  // ADC Module 1 AIN9 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN8     0x01000000  // ADC Module 1 AIN8 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN7     0x00800000  // ADC Module 1 AIN7 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN6     0x00400000  // ADC Module 1 AIN6 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN5     0x00200000  // ADC Module 1 AIN5 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN4     0x00100000  // ADC Module 1 AIN4 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN3     0x00080000  // ADC Module 1 AIN3 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN2     0x00040000  // ADC Module 1 AIN2 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN1     0x00020000  // ADC Module 1 AIN1 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC1AIN0     0x00010000  // ADC Module 1 AIN0 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN15    0x00008000  // ADC Module 0 AIN15 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN14    0x00004000  // ADC Module 0 AIN14 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN13    0x00002000  // ADC Module 0 AIN13 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN12    0x00001000  // ADC Module 0 AIN12 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN11    0x00000800  // ADC Module 0 AIN11 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN10    0x00000400  // ADC Module 0 AIN10 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN9     0x00000200  // ADC Module 0 AIN9 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN8     0x00000100  // ADC Module 0 AIN8 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN7     0x00000080  // ADC Module 0 AIN7 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN6     0x00000040  // ADC Module 0 AIN6 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN5     0x00000020  // ADC Module 0 AIN5 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN4     0x00000010  // ADC Module 0 AIN4 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN3     0x00000008  // ADC Module 0 AIN3 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN2     0x00000004  // ADC Module 0 AIN2 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN1     0x00000002  // ADC Module 0 AIN1 Pin Present
#define SYSCTL_DC8_ADC0AIN0     0x00000001  // ADC Module 0 AIN0 Pin Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PBORCTL register.
#define SYSCTL_PBORCTL_BOR0     0x00000004  // VDD under BOR0 Event Action
#define SYSCTL_PBORCTL_BOR1     0x00000002  // VDD under BOR1 Event Action

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRCR0 register.
#define SYSCTL_SRCR0_WDT1       0x10000000  // WDT1 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR0_CAN1       0x02000000  // CAN1 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR0_CAN0       0x01000000  // CAN0 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR0_PWM0       0x00100000  // PWM Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR0_ADC1       0x00020000  // ADC1 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR0_ADC0       0x00010000  // ADC0 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR0_HIB        0x00000040  // HIB Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR0_WDT0       0x00000008  // WDT0 Reset Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRCR1 register.
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_COMP2      0x04000000  // Analog Comp 2 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_COMP1      0x02000000  // Analog Comp 1 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_COMP0      0x01000000  // Analog Comp 0 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_TIMER3     0x00080000  // Timer 3 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_TIMER2     0x00040000  // Timer 2 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_TIMER1     0x00020000  // Timer 1 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_TIMER0     0x00010000  // Timer 0 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_I2C1       0x00004000  // I2C1 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_I2C0       0x00001000  // I2C0 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_QEI1       0x00000200  // QEI1 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_QEI0       0x00000100  // QEI0 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_SSI1       0x00000020  // SSI1 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_SSI0       0x00000010  // SSI0 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_UART2      0x00000004  // UART2 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_UART1      0x00000002  // UART1 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR1_UART0      0x00000001  // UART0 Reset Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRCR2 register.
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_USB0       0x00010000  // USB0 Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_UDMA       0x00002000  // Micro-DMA Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_GPIOJ      0x00000100  // Port J Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_GPIOH      0x00000080  // Port H Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_GPIOG      0x00000040  // Port G Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_GPIOF      0x00000020  // Port F Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_GPIOE      0x00000010  // Port E Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_GPIOD      0x00000008  // Port D Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_GPIOC      0x00000004  // Port C Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_GPIOB      0x00000002  // Port B Reset Control
#define SYSCTL_SRCR2_GPIOA      0x00000001  // Port A Reset Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RIS register.
#define SYSCTL_RIS_BOR0RIS      0x00000800  // VDD under BOR0 Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SYSCTL_RIS_VDDARIS      0x00000400  // VDDA Power OK Event Raw
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define SYSCTL_RIS_MOSCPUPRIS   0x00000100  // MOSC Power Up Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SYSCTL_RIS_USBPLLLRIS   0x00000080  // USB PLL Lock Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SYSCTL_RIS_PLLLRIS      0x00000040  // PLL Lock Raw Interrupt Status
#define SYSCTL_RIS_MOFRIS       0x00000008  // Main Oscillator Failure Raw
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define SYSCTL_RIS_BOR1RIS      0x00000002  // VDD under BOR1 Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_IMC register.
#define SYSCTL_IMC_BOR0IM       0x00000800  // VDD under BOR0 Interrupt Mask
#define SYSCTL_IMC_VDDAIM       0x00000400  // VDDA Power OK Interrupt Mask
#define SYSCTL_IMC_MOSCPUPIM    0x00000100  // MOSC Power Up Interrupt Mask
#define SYSCTL_IMC_USBPLLLIM    0x00000080  // USB PLL Lock Interrupt Mask
#define SYSCTL_IMC_PLLLIM       0x00000040  // PLL Lock Interrupt Mask
#define SYSCTL_IMC_MOFIM        0x00000008  // Main Oscillator Failure
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define SYSCTL_IMC_BOR1IM       0x00000002  // VDD under BOR1 Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_MISC register.
#define SYSCTL_MISC_BOR0MIS     0x00000800  // VDD under BOR0 Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SYSCTL_MISC_VDDAMIS     0x00000400  // VDDA Power OK Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SYSCTL_MISC_MOSCPUPMIS  0x00000100  // MOSC Power Up Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SYSCTL_MISC_USBPLLLMIS  0x00000080  // USB PLL Lock Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define SYSCTL_MISC_PLLLMIS     0x00000040  // PLL Lock Masked Interrupt Status
#define SYSCTL_MISC_MOFMIS      0x00000008  // Main Oscillator Failure Masked
                                            // Interrupt Status
#define SYSCTL_MISC_BOR1MIS     0x00000002  // VDD under BOR1 Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RESC register.
#define SYSCTL_RESC_MOSCFAIL    0x00010000  // MOSC Failure Reset
#define SYSCTL_RESC_WDT1        0x00000020  // Watchdog Timer 1 Reset
#define SYSCTL_RESC_SW          0x00000010  // Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_RESC_WDT0        0x00000008  // Watchdog Timer 0 Reset
#define SYSCTL_RESC_BOR         0x00000004  // Brown-Out Reset
#define SYSCTL_RESC_POR         0x00000002  // Power-On Reset
#define SYSCTL_RESC_EXT         0x00000001  // External Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCC register.
#define SYSCTL_RCC_ACG          0x08000000  // Auto Clock Gating
#define SYSCTL_RCC_SYSDIV_M     0x07800000  // System Clock Divisor
#define SYSCTL_RCC_USESYSDIV    0x00400000  // Enable System Clock Divider
#define SYSCTL_RCC_USEPWMDIV    0x00100000  // Enable PWM Clock Divisor
#define SYSCTL_RCC_PWMDIV_M     0x000E0000  // PWM Unit Clock Divisor
#define SYSCTL_RCC_PWMDIV_2     0x00000000  // PWM clock /2
#define SYSCTL_RCC_PWMDIV_4     0x00020000  // PWM clock /4
#define SYSCTL_RCC_PWMDIV_8     0x00040000  // PWM clock /8
#define SYSCTL_RCC_PWMDIV_16    0x00060000  // PWM clock /16
#define SYSCTL_RCC_PWMDIV_32    0x00080000  // PWM clock /32
#define SYSCTL_RCC_PWMDIV_64    0x000A0000  // PWM clock /64
#define SYSCTL_RCC_PWRDN        0x00002000  // PLL Power Down
#define SYSCTL_RCC_BYPASS       0x00000800  // PLL Bypass
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_M       0x000007C0  // Crystal Value
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_4MHZ    0x00000180  // 4 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_4_09MHZ 0x000001C0  // 4.096 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_4_91MHZ 0x00000200  // 4.9152 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_5MHZ    0x00000240  // 5 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_5_12MHZ 0x00000280  // 5.12 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_6MHZ    0x000002C0  // 6 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_6_14MHZ 0x00000300  // 6.144 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_7_37MHZ 0x00000340  // 7.3728 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_8MHZ    0x00000380  // 8 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_8_19MHZ 0x000003C0  // 8.192 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_10MHZ   0x00000400  // 10 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_12MHZ   0x00000440  // 12 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_12_2MHZ 0x00000480  // 12.288 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_13_5MHZ 0x000004C0  // 13.56 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_14_3MHZ 0x00000500  // 14.31818 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_16MHZ   0x00000540  // 16 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_16_3MHZ 0x00000580  // 16.384 MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_18MHZ   0x000005C0  // 18.0 MHz (USB)
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_20MHZ   0x00000600  // 20.0 MHz (USB)
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_24MHZ   0x00000640  // 24.0 MHz (USB)
#define SYSCTL_RCC_XTAL_25MHZ   0x00000680  // 25.0 MHz (USB)
#define SYSCTL_RCC_OSCSRC_M     0x00000030  // Oscillator Source
#define SYSCTL_RCC_OSCSRC_MAIN  0x00000000  // MOSC
#define SYSCTL_RCC_OSCSRC_INT   0x00000010  // IOSC
#define SYSCTL_RCC_OSCSRC_INT4  0x00000020  // IOSC/4
#define SYSCTL_RCC_OSCSRC_30    0x00000030  // LFIOSC
#define SYSCTL_RCC_MOSCDIS      0x00000001  // Main Oscillator Disable
#define SYSCTL_RCC_SYSDIV_S     23

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL
// register.
#define SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL_PORTJ  0x00000100  // Port J Advanced High-Performance
                                            // Bus
#define SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL_PORTH  0x00000080  // Port H Advanced High-Performance
                                            // Bus
#define SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL_PORTG  0x00000040  // Port G Advanced High-Performance
                                            // Bus
#define SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL_PORTF  0x00000020  // Port F Advanced High-Performance
                                            // Bus
#define SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL_PORTE  0x00000010  // Port E Advanced High-Performance
                                            // Bus
#define SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL_PORTD  0x00000008  // Port D Advanced High-Performance
                                            // Bus
#define SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL_PORTC  0x00000004  // Port C Advanced High-Performance
                                            // Bus
#define SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL_PORTB  0x00000002  // Port B Advanced High-Performance
                                            // Bus
#define SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL_PORTA  0x00000001  // Port A Advanced High-Performance
                                            // Bus

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCC2 register.
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_USERCC2     0x80000000  // Use RCC2
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_DIV400      0x40000000  // Divide PLL as 400 MHz vs. 200
                                            // MHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_SYSDIV2_M   0x1F800000  // System Clock Divisor 2
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_SYSDIV2LSB  0x00400000  // Additional LSB for SYSDIV2
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_USBPWRDN    0x00004000  // Power-Down USB PLL
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_PWRDN2      0x00002000  // Power-Down PLL 2
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_BYPASS2     0x00000800  // PLL Bypass 2
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_OSCSRC2_M   0x00000070  // Oscillator Source 2
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_OSCSRC2_MO  0x00000000  // MOSC
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_OSCSRC2_IO  0x00000010  // PIOSC
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_OSCSRC2_IO4 0x00000020  // PIOSC/4
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_OSCSRC2_30  0x00000030  // LFIOSC
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_OSCSRC2_32  0x00000070  // 32.768 kHz
#define SYSCTL_RCC2_SYSDIV2_S   23

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_MOSCCTL register.
#define SYSCTL_MOSCCTL_NOXTAL   0x00000004  // No Crystal Connected
#define SYSCTL_MOSCCTL_MOSCIM   0x00000002  // MOSC Failure Action
#define SYSCTL_MOSCCTL_CVAL     0x00000001  // Clock Validation for MOSC

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGC0 register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_WDT1       0x10000000  // WDT1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_CAN1       0x02000000  // CAN1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_CAN0       0x01000000  // CAN0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_PWM0       0x00100000  // PWM Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC1       0x00020000  // ADC1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC0       0x00010000  // ADC0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC1SPD_M  0x00000C00  // ADC1 Sample Speed
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC1SPD_125K                                             \
                                0x00000000  // 125K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC1SPD_250K                                             \
                                0x00000400  // 250K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC1SPD_500K                                             \
                                0x00000800  // 500K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC1SPD_1M 0x00000C00  // 1M samples/second
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC0SPD_M  0x00000300  // ADC0 Sample Speed
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC0SPD_125K                                             \
                                0x00000000  // 125K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC0SPD_250K                                             \
                                0x00000100  // 250K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC0SPD_500K                                             \
                                0x00000200  // 500K samples/second
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_ADC0SPD_1M 0x00000300  // 1M samples/second
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_HIB        0x00000040  // HIB Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC0_WDT0       0x00000008  // WDT0 Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGC1 register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_COMP2      0x04000000  // Analog Comparator 2 Clock Gating
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_COMP1      0x02000000  // Analog Comparator 1 Clock Gating
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_COMP0      0x01000000  // Analog Comparator 0 Clock Gating
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_TIMER3     0x00080000  // Timer 3 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_TIMER2     0x00040000  // Timer 2 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_TIMER1     0x00020000  // Timer 1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_TIMER0     0x00010000  // Timer 0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_I2C1       0x00004000  // I2C1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_I2C0       0x00001000  // I2C0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_QEI1       0x00000200  // QEI1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_QEI0       0x00000100  // QEI0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_SSI1       0x00000020  // SSI1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_SSI0       0x00000010  // SSI0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_UART2      0x00000004  // UART2 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_UART1      0x00000002  // UART1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC1_UART0      0x00000001  // UART0 Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGC2 register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_USB0       0x00010000  // USB0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_UDMA       0x00002000  // Micro-DMA Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_GPIOJ      0x00000100  // Port J Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_GPIOH      0x00000080  // Port H Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_GPIOG      0x00000040  // Port G Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_GPIOF      0x00000020  // Port F Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_GPIOE      0x00000010  // Port E Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_GPIOD      0x00000008  // Port D Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_GPIOC      0x00000004  // Port C Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_GPIOB      0x00000002  // Port B Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_GPIOA      0x00000001  // Port A Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGC0 register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGC0_WDT1       0x10000000  // WDT1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC0_CAN1       0x02000000  // CAN1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC0_CAN0       0x01000000  // CAN0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC0_PWM0       0x00100000  // PWM Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC0_ADC1       0x00020000  // ADC1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC0_ADC0       0x00010000  // ADC0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC0_HIB        0x00000040  // HIB Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC0_WDT0       0x00000008  // WDT0 Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGC1 register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_COMP2      0x04000000  // Analog Comparator 2 Clock Gating
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_COMP1      0x02000000  // Analog Comparator 1 Clock Gating
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_COMP0      0x01000000  // Analog Comparator 0 Clock Gating
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_TIMER3     0x00080000  // Timer 3 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_TIMER2     0x00040000  // Timer 2 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_TIMER1     0x00020000  // Timer 1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_TIMER0     0x00010000  // Timer 0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_I2C1       0x00004000  // I2C1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_I2C0       0x00001000  // I2C0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_QEI1       0x00000200  // QEI1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_QEI0       0x00000100  // QEI0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_SSI1       0x00000020  // SSI1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_SSI0       0x00000010  // SSI0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_UART2      0x00000004  // UART2 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_UART1      0x00000002  // UART1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC1_UART0      0x00000001  // UART0 Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGC2 register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_USB0       0x00010000  // USB0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_UDMA       0x00002000  // Micro-DMA Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_GPIOJ      0x00000100  // Port J Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_GPIOH      0x00000080  // Port H Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_GPIOG      0x00000040  // Port G Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_GPIOF      0x00000020  // Port F Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_GPIOE      0x00000010  // Port E Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_GPIOD      0x00000008  // Port D Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_GPIOC      0x00000004  // Port C Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_GPIOB      0x00000002  // Port B Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGC2_GPIOA      0x00000001  // Port A Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGC0 register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGC0_WDT1       0x10000000  // WDT1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC0_CAN1       0x02000000  // CAN1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC0_CAN0       0x01000000  // CAN0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC0_PWM0       0x00100000  // PWM Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC0_ADC1       0x00020000  // ADC1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC0_ADC0       0x00010000  // ADC0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC0_HIB        0x00000040  // HIB Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC0_WDT0       0x00000008  // WDT0 Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGC1 register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_COMP2      0x04000000  // Analog Comparator 2 Clock Gating
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_COMP1      0x02000000  // Analog Comparator 1 Clock Gating
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_COMP0      0x01000000  // Analog Comparator 0 Clock Gating
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_TIMER3     0x00080000  // Timer 3 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_TIMER2     0x00040000  // Timer 2 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_TIMER1     0x00020000  // Timer 1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_TIMER0     0x00010000  // Timer 0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_I2C1       0x00004000  // I2C1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_I2C0       0x00001000  // I2C0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_QEI1       0x00000200  // QEI1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_QEI0       0x00000100  // QEI0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_SSI1       0x00000020  // SSI1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_SSI0       0x00000010  // SSI0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_UART2      0x00000004  // UART2 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_UART1      0x00000002  // UART1 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC1_UART0      0x00000001  // UART0 Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGC2 register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_USB0       0x00010000  // USB0 Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_UDMA       0x00002000  // Micro-DMA Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_GPIOJ      0x00000100  // Port J Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_GPIOH      0x00000080  // Port H Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_GPIOG      0x00000040  // Port G Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_GPIOF      0x00000020  // Port F Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_GPIOE      0x00000010  // Port E Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_GPIOD      0x00000008  // Port D Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_GPIOC      0x00000004  // Port C Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_GPIOB      0x00000002  // Port B Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGC2_GPIOA      0x00000001  // Port A Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DSLPCLKCFG
// register.
#define SYSCTL_DSLPCLKCFG_D_M   0x1F800000  // Divider Field Override
#define SYSCTL_DSLPCLKCFG_O_M   0x00000070  // Clock Source
#define SYSCTL_DSLPCLKCFG_O_IGN 0x00000000  // MOSC
#define SYSCTL_DSLPCLKCFG_O_IO  0x00000010  // PIOSC
#define SYSCTL_DSLPCLKCFG_O_30  0x00000030  // LFIOSC
#define SYSCTL_DSLPCLKCFG_O_32  0x00000070  // 32.768 kHz
#define SYSCTL_DSLPCLKCFG_PIOSCPD                                             \
                                0x00000002  // PIOSC Power Down Request

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SYSPROP register.
#define SYSCTL_SYSPROP_FPU      0x00000001  // FPU Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PIOSCCAL
// register.
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCCAL_UTEN    0x80000000  // Use User Trim Value
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCCAL_CAL     0x00000200  // Start Calibration
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCCAL_UPDATE  0x00000100  // Update Trim
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCCAL_UT_M    0x0000007F  // User Trim Value

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PIOSCSTAT
// register.
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCSTAT_DT_M   0x007F0000  // Default Trim Value
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCSTAT_CR_M   0x00000300  // Calibration Result
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCSTAT_CRNONE 0x00000000  // Calibration has not been
                                            // attempted
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCSTAT_CRPASS 0x00000100  // The last calibration operation
                                            // completed to meet 1% accuracy
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCSTAT_CRFAIL 0x00000200  // The last calibration operation
                                            // failed to meet 1% accuracy
#define SYSCTL_PIOSCSTAT_CT_M   0x0000007F  // Calibration Trim Value

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PLLFREQ0
// register.
#define SYSCTL_PLLFREQ0_MFRAC_M 0x000FFC00  // PLL M Fractional Value
#define SYSCTL_PLLFREQ0_MINT_M  0x000003FF  // PLL M Integer Value

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PLLFREQ1
// register.
#define SYSCTL_PLLFREQ1_Q_M     0x00001F00  // PLL Q Value
#define SYSCTL_PLLFREQ1_N_M     0x0000001F  // PLL N Value
#define SYSCTL_PLLFREQ1_Q_S     8
#define SYSCTL_PLLFREQ1_N_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PLLSTAT register.
#define SYSCTL_PLLSTAT_LOCK     0x00000001  // PLL Lock

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SLPPWRCFG
// register.
#define SYSCTL_SLPPWRCFG_FLASHPM_M                                            \
                                0x00000030  // Flash Power Modes
#define SYSCTL_SLPPWRCFG_FLASHPM_NRM                                          \
                                0x00000000  // Active Mode
#define SYSCTL_SLPPWRCFG_FLASHPM_SLP                                          \
                                0x00000020  // Low Power Mode
#define SYSCTL_SLPPWRCFG_SRAMPM_M                                             \
                                0x00000003  // SRAM Power Modes
#define SYSCTL_SLPPWRCFG_SRAMPM_NRM                                           \
                                0x00000000  // Active Mode
#define SYSCTL_SLPPWRCFG_SRAMPM_SBY                                           \
                                0x00000001  // Standby Mode
#define SYSCTL_SLPPWRCFG_SRAMPM_LP                                            \
                                0x00000003  // Low Power Mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DSLPPWRCFG
// register.
#define SYSCTL_DSLPPWRCFG_FLASHPM_M                                           \
                                0x00000030  // Flash Power Modes
#define SYSCTL_DSLPPWRCFG_FLASHPM_NRM                                         \
                                0x00000000  // Active Mode
#define SYSCTL_DSLPPWRCFG_FLASHPM_SLP                                         \
                                0x00000020  // Low Power Mode
#define SYSCTL_DSLPPWRCFG_SRAMPM_M                                            \
                                0x00000003  // SRAM Power Modes
#define SYSCTL_DSLPPWRCFG_SRAMPM_NRM                                          \
                                0x00000000  // Active Mode
#define SYSCTL_DSLPPWRCFG_SRAMPM_SBY                                          \
                                0x00000001  // Standby Mode
#define SYSCTL_DSLPPWRCFG_SRAMPM_LP                                           \
                                0x00000003  // Low Power Mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DC9 register.
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC1DC7      0x00800000  // ADC1 DC7 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC1DC6      0x00400000  // ADC1 DC6 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC1DC5      0x00200000  // ADC1 DC5 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC1DC4      0x00100000  // ADC1 DC4 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC1DC3      0x00080000  // ADC1 DC3 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC1DC2      0x00040000  // ADC1 DC2 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC1DC1      0x00020000  // ADC1 DC1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC1DC0      0x00010000  // ADC1 DC0 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC0DC7      0x00000080  // ADC0 DC7 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC0DC6      0x00000040  // ADC0 DC6 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC0DC5      0x00000020  // ADC0 DC5 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC0DC4      0x00000010  // ADC0 DC4 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC0DC3      0x00000008  // ADC0 DC3 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC0DC2      0x00000004  // ADC0 DC2 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC0DC1      0x00000002  // ADC0 DC1 Present
#define SYSCTL_DC9_ADC0DC0      0x00000001  // ADC0 DC0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_NVMSTAT register.
#define SYSCTL_NVMSTAT_FWB      0x00000001  // 32 Word Flash Write Buffer
                                            // Available

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_LDOSPCTL
// register.
#define SYSCTL_LDOSPCTL_VADJEN  0x80000000  // Voltage Adjust Enable
#define SYSCTL_LDOSPCTL_VLDO_M  0x000000FF  // LDO Output Voltage
#define SYSCTL_LDOSPCTL_VLDO_0_90V                                            \
                                0x00000012  // 0.90 V
#define SYSCTL_LDOSPCTL_VLDO_0_95V                                            \
                                0x00000013  // 0.95 V
#define SYSCTL_LDOSPCTL_VLDO_1_00V                                            \
                                0x00000014  // 1.00 V
#define SYSCTL_LDOSPCTL_VLDO_1_05V                                            \
                                0x00000015  // 1.05 V
#define SYSCTL_LDOSPCTL_VLDO_1_10V                                            \
                                0x00000016  // 1.10 V
#define SYSCTL_LDOSPCTL_VLDO_1_15V                                            \
                                0x00000017  // 1.15 V
#define SYSCTL_LDOSPCTL_VLDO_1_20V                                            \
                                0x00000018  // 1.20 V

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_LDODPCTL
// register.
#define SYSCTL_LDODPCTL_VADJEN  0x80000000  // Voltage Adjust Enable
#define SYSCTL_LDODPCTL_VLDO_M  0x000000FF  // LDO Output Voltage
#define SYSCTL_LDODPCTL_VLDO_0_90V                                            \
                                0x00000012  // 0.90 V
#define SYSCTL_LDODPCTL_VLDO_0_95V                                            \
                                0x00000013  // 0.95 V
#define SYSCTL_LDODPCTL_VLDO_1_00V                                            \
                                0x00000014  // 1.00 V
#define SYSCTL_LDODPCTL_VLDO_1_05V                                            \
                                0x00000015  // 1.05 V
#define SYSCTL_LDODPCTL_VLDO_1_10V                                            \
                                0x00000016  // 1.10 V
#define SYSCTL_LDODPCTL_VLDO_1_15V                                            \
                                0x00000017  // 1.15 V
#define SYSCTL_LDODPCTL_VLDO_1_20V                                            \
                                0x00000018  // 1.20 V

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPWD register.
#define SYSCTL_PPWD_P1          0x00000002  // Watchdog Timer 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPWD_P0          0x00000001  // Watchdog Timer 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPTIMER register.
#define SYSCTL_PPTIMER_P5       0x00000020  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 5 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPTIMER_P4       0x00000010  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 4 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPTIMER_P3       0x00000008  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 3 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPTIMER_P2       0x00000004  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 2 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPTIMER_P1       0x00000002  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPTIMER_P0       0x00000001  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPGPIO register.
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P14       0x00004000  // GPIO Port Q Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P13       0x00002000  // GPIO Port P Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P12       0x00001000  // GPIO Port N Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P11       0x00000800  // GPIO Port M Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P10       0x00000400  // GPIO Port L Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P9        0x00000200  // GPIO Port K Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P8        0x00000100  // GPIO Port J Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P7        0x00000080  // GPIO Port H Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P6        0x00000040  // GPIO Port G Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P5        0x00000020  // GPIO Port F Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P4        0x00000010  // GPIO Port E Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P3        0x00000008  // GPIO Port D Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P2        0x00000004  // GPIO Port C Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P1        0x00000002  // GPIO Port B Present
#define SYSCTL_PPGPIO_P0        0x00000001  // GPIO Port A Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPDMA register.
#define SYSCTL_PPDMA_P0         0x00000001  // uDMA Module Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPHIB register.
#define SYSCTL_PPHIB_P0         0x00000001  // Hibernation Module Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPUART register.
#define SYSCTL_PPUART_P7        0x00000080  // UART Module 7 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPUART_P6        0x00000040  // UART Module 6 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPUART_P5        0x00000020  // UART Module 5 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPUART_P4        0x00000010  // UART Module 4 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPUART_P3        0x00000008  // UART Module 3 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPUART_P2        0x00000004  // UART Module 2 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPUART_P1        0x00000002  // UART Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPUART_P0        0x00000001  // UART Module 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPSSI register.
#define SYSCTL_PPSSI_P3         0x00000008  // SSI Module 3 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPSSI_P2         0x00000004  // SSI Module 2 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPSSI_P1         0x00000002  // SSI Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPSSI_P0         0x00000001  // SSI Module 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPI2C register.
#define SYSCTL_PPI2C_P5         0x00000020  // I2C Module 5 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPI2C_P4         0x00000010  // I2C Module 4 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPI2C_P3         0x00000008  // I2C Module 3 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPI2C_P2         0x00000004  // I2C Module 2 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPI2C_P1         0x00000002  // I2C Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPI2C_P0         0x00000001  // I2C Module 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPUSB register.
#define SYSCTL_PPUSB_P0         0x00000001  // USB Module Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPCAN register.
#define SYSCTL_PPCAN_P1         0x00000002  // CAN Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPCAN_P0         0x00000001  // CAN Module 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPADC register.
#define SYSCTL_PPADC_P1         0x00000002  // ADC Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPADC_P0         0x00000001  // ADC Module 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPACMP register.
#define SYSCTL_PPACMP_P0        0x00000001  // Analog Comparator Module Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPPWM register.
#define SYSCTL_PPPWM_P1         0x00000002  // PWM Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPPWM_P0         0x00000001  // PWM Module 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPQEI register.
#define SYSCTL_PPQEI_P1         0x00000002  // QEI Module 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPQEI_P0         0x00000001  // QEI Module 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPEEPROM
// register.
#define SYSCTL_PPEEPROM_P0      0x00000001  // EEPROM Module Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PPWTIMER
// register.
#define SYSCTL_PPWTIMER_P5      0x00000020  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 5 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPWTIMER_P4      0x00000010  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 4 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPWTIMER_P3      0x00000008  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 3 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPWTIMER_P2      0x00000004  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 2 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPWTIMER_P1      0x00000002  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 1 Present
#define SYSCTL_PPWTIMER_P0      0x00000001  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 0 Present

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRWD register.
#define SYSCTL_SRWD_R1          0x00000002  // Watchdog Timer 1 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRWD_R0          0x00000001  // Watchdog Timer 0 Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRTIMER register.
#define SYSCTL_SRTIMER_R5       0x00000020  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 5 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRTIMER_R4       0x00000010  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 4 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRTIMER_R3       0x00000008  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 3 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRTIMER_R2       0x00000004  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 2 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRTIMER_R1       0x00000002  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 1 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRTIMER_R0       0x00000001  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 0 Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRGPIO register.
#define SYSCTL_SRGPIO_R9        0x00000200  // GPIO Port K Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRGPIO_R8        0x00000100  // GPIO Port J Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRGPIO_R7        0x00000080  // GPIO Port H Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRGPIO_R6        0x00000040  // GPIO Port G Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRGPIO_R5        0x00000020  // GPIO Port F Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRGPIO_R4        0x00000010  // GPIO Port E Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRGPIO_R3        0x00000008  // GPIO Port D Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRGPIO_R2        0x00000004  // GPIO Port C Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRGPIO_R1        0x00000002  // GPIO Port B Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRGPIO_R0        0x00000001  // GPIO Port A Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRDMA register.
#define SYSCTL_SRDMA_R0         0x00000001  // uDMA Module Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRHIB register.
#define SYSCTL_SRHIB_R0         0x00000001  // Hibernation Module Software
                                            // Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRUART register.
#define SYSCTL_SRUART_R7        0x00000080  // UART Module 7 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRUART_R6        0x00000040  // UART Module 6 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRUART_R5        0x00000020  // UART Module 5 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRUART_R4        0x00000010  // UART Module 4 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRUART_R3        0x00000008  // UART Module 3 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRUART_R2        0x00000004  // UART Module 2 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRUART_R1        0x00000002  // UART Module 1 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRUART_R0        0x00000001  // UART Module 0 Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRSSI register.
#define SYSCTL_SRSSI_R3         0x00000008  // SSI Module 3 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRSSI_R2         0x00000004  // SSI Module 2 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRSSI_R1         0x00000002  // SSI Module 1 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRSSI_R0         0x00000001  // SSI Module 0 Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRI2C register.
#define SYSCTL_SRI2C_R5         0x00000020  // I2C Module 5 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRI2C_R4         0x00000010  // I2C Module 4 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRI2C_R3         0x00000008  // I2C Module 3 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRI2C_R2         0x00000004  // I2C Module 2 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRI2C_R1         0x00000002  // I2C Module 1 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRI2C_R0         0x00000001  // I2C Module 0 Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRUSB register.
#define SYSCTL_SRUSB_R0         0x00000001  // USB Module Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRCAN register.
#define SYSCTL_SRCAN_R1         0x00000002  // CAN Module 1 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRCAN_R0         0x00000001  // CAN Module 0 Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRADC register.
#define SYSCTL_SRADC_R1         0x00000002  // ADC Module 1 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRADC_R0         0x00000001  // ADC Module 0 Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRACMP register.
#define SYSCTL_SRACMP_R0        0x00000001  // Analog Comparator Module 0
                                            // Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRPWM register.
#define SYSCTL_SRPWM_R1         0x00000002  // PWM Module 1 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRPWM_R0         0x00000001  // PWM Module 0 Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRQEI register.
#define SYSCTL_SRQEI_R1         0x00000002  // QEI Module 1 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRQEI_R0         0x00000001  // QEI Module 0 Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SREEPROM
// register.
#define SYSCTL_SREEPROM_R0      0x00000001  // EEPROM Module Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SRWTIMER
// register.
#define SYSCTL_SRWTIMER_R5      0x00000020  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 5 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRWTIMER_R4      0x00000010  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 4 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRWTIMER_R3      0x00000008  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 3 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRWTIMER_R2      0x00000004  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 2 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRWTIMER_R1      0x00000002  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 1 Software Reset
#define SYSCTL_SRWTIMER_R0      0x00000001  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 0 Software Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCWD register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCWD_R1        0x00000002  // Watchdog Timer 1 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCWD_R0        0x00000001  // Watchdog Timer 0 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCTIMER
// register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCTIMER_R5     0x00000020  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 5 Run Mode Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCTIMER_R4     0x00000010  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 4 Run Mode Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCTIMER_R3     0x00000008  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 3 Run Mode Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCTIMER_R2     0x00000004  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 2 Run Mode Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCTIMER_R1     0x00000002  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 1 Run Mode Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCTIMER_R0     0x00000001  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 0 Run Mode Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO
// register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R9      0x00000200  // GPIO Port K Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R8      0x00000100  // GPIO Port J Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R7      0x00000080  // GPIO Port H Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R6      0x00000040  // GPIO Port G Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R5      0x00000020  // GPIO Port F Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R4      0x00000010  // GPIO Port E Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R3      0x00000008  // GPIO Port D Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R2      0x00000004  // GPIO Port C Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R1      0x00000002  // GPIO Port B Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R0      0x00000001  // GPIO Port A Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCDMA register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCDMA_R0       0x00000001  // uDMA Module Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCHIB register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCHIB_R0       0x00000001  // Hibernation Module Run Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCUART
// register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R7      0x00000080  // UART Module 7 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R6      0x00000040  // UART Module 6 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R5      0x00000020  // UART Module 5 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R4      0x00000010  // UART Module 4 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R3      0x00000008  // UART Module 3 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R2      0x00000004  // UART Module 2 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R1      0x00000002  // UART Module 1 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R0      0x00000001  // UART Module 0 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCSSI register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCSSI_R3       0x00000008  // SSI Module 3 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCSSI_R2       0x00000004  // SSI Module 2 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCSSI_R1       0x00000002  // SSI Module 1 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCSSI_R0       0x00000001  // SSI Module 0 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCI2C register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCI2C_R5       0x00000020  // I2C Module 5 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCI2C_R4       0x00000010  // I2C Module 4 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCI2C_R3       0x00000008  // I2C Module 3 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCI2C_R2       0x00000004  // I2C Module 2 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCI2C_R1       0x00000002  // I2C Module 1 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCI2C_R0       0x00000001  // I2C Module 0 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCUSB register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCUSB_R0       0x00000001  // USB Module Run Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCCAN register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCCAN_R1       0x00000002  // CAN Module 1 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCCAN_R0       0x00000001  // CAN Module 0 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCADC register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCADC_R1       0x00000002  // ADC Module 1 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCADC_R0       0x00000001  // ADC Module 0 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCACMP
// register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCACMP_R0      0x00000001  // Analog Comparator Module 0 Run
                                            // Mode Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCPWM register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCPWM_R1       0x00000002  // PWM Module 1 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCPWM_R0       0x00000001  // PWM Module 0 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCQEI register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCQEI_R1       0x00000002  // QEI Module 1 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCQEI_R0       0x00000001  // QEI Module 0 Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCEEPROM
// register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCEEPROM_R0    0x00000001  // EEPROM Module Run Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_RCGCWTIMER
// register.
#define SYSCTL_RCGCWTIMER_R5    0x00000020  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 5 Run Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCWTIMER_R4    0x00000010  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 4 Run Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCWTIMER_R3    0x00000008  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 3 Run Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCWTIMER_R2    0x00000004  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 2 Run Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCWTIMER_R1    0x00000002  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 1 Run Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_RCGCWTIMER_R0    0x00000001  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 0 Run Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCWD register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCWD_S1        0x00000002  // Watchdog Timer 1 Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCWD_S0        0x00000001  // Watchdog Timer 0 Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCTIMER
// register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCTIMER_S5     0x00000020  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 5 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCTIMER_S4     0x00000010  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 4 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCTIMER_S3     0x00000008  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 3 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCTIMER_S2     0x00000004  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 2 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCTIMER_S1     0x00000002  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 1 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCTIMER_S0     0x00000001  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 0 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO
// register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO_S9      0x00000200  // GPIO Port K Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO_S8      0x00000100  // GPIO Port J Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO_S7      0x00000080  // GPIO Port H Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO_S6      0x00000040  // GPIO Port G Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO_S5      0x00000020  // GPIO Port F Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO_S4      0x00000010  // GPIO Port E Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO_S3      0x00000008  // GPIO Port D Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO_S2      0x00000004  // GPIO Port C Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO_S1      0x00000002  // GPIO Port B Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCGPIO_S0      0x00000001  // GPIO Port A Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCDMA register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCDMA_S0       0x00000001  // uDMA Module Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCHIB register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCHIB_S0       0x00000001  // Hibernation Module Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCUART
// register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCUART_S7      0x00000080  // UART Module 7 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCUART_S6      0x00000040  // UART Module 6 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCUART_S5      0x00000020  // UART Module 5 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCUART_S4      0x00000010  // UART Module 4 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCUART_S3      0x00000008  // UART Module 3 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCUART_S2      0x00000004  // UART Module 2 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCUART_S1      0x00000002  // UART Module 1 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCUART_S0      0x00000001  // UART Module 0 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCSSI register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCSSI_S3       0x00000008  // SSI Module 3 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCSSI_S2       0x00000004  // SSI Module 2 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCSSI_S1       0x00000002  // SSI Module 1 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCSSI_S0       0x00000001  // SSI Module 0 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCI2C register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCI2C_S5       0x00000020  // I2C Module 5 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCI2C_S4       0x00000010  // I2C Module 4 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCI2C_S3       0x00000008  // I2C Module 3 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCI2C_S2       0x00000004  // I2C Module 2 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCI2C_S1       0x00000002  // I2C Module 1 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCI2C_S0       0x00000001  // I2C Module 0 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCUSB register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCUSB_S0       0x00000001  // USB Module Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCCAN register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCCAN_S1       0x00000002  // CAN Module 1 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCCAN_S0       0x00000001  // CAN Module 0 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCADC register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCADC_S1       0x00000002  // ADC Module 1 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCADC_S0       0x00000001  // ADC Module 0 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCACMP
// register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCACMP_S0      0x00000001  // Analog Comparator Module 0 Sleep
                                            // Mode Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCPWM register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCPWM_S1       0x00000002  // PWM Module 1 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCPWM_S0       0x00000001  // PWM Module 0 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCQEI register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCQEI_S1       0x00000002  // QEI Module 1 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCQEI_S0       0x00000001  // QEI Module 0 Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCEEPROM
// register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCEEPROM_S0    0x00000001  // EEPROM Module Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_SCGCWTIMER
// register.
#define SYSCTL_SCGCWTIMER_S5    0x00000020  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 5 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCWTIMER_S4    0x00000010  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 4 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCWTIMER_S3    0x00000008  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 3 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCWTIMER_S2    0x00000004  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 2 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCWTIMER_S1    0x00000002  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 1 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_SCGCWTIMER_S0    0x00000001  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 0 Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCWD register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCWD_D1        0x00000002  // Watchdog Timer 1 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCWD_D0        0x00000001  // Watchdog Timer 0 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCTIMER
// register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCTIMER_D5     0x00000020  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 5 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCTIMER_D4     0x00000010  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 4 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCTIMER_D3     0x00000008  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 3 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCTIMER_D2     0x00000004  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 2 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCTIMER_D1     0x00000002  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 1 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCTIMER_D0     0x00000001  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 0 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO
// register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO_D9      0x00000200  // GPIO Port K Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO_D8      0x00000100  // GPIO Port J Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO_D7      0x00000080  // GPIO Port H Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO_D6      0x00000040  // GPIO Port G Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO_D5      0x00000020  // GPIO Port F Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO_D4      0x00000010  // GPIO Port E Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO_D3      0x00000008  // GPIO Port D Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO_D2      0x00000004  // GPIO Port C Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO_D1      0x00000002  // GPIO Port B Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCGPIO_D0      0x00000001  // GPIO Port A Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCDMA register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCDMA_D0       0x00000001  // uDMA Module Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCHIB register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCHIB_D0       0x00000001  // Hibernation Module Deep-Sleep
                                            // Mode Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCUART
// register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCUART_D7      0x00000080  // UART Module 7 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCUART_D6      0x00000040  // UART Module 6 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCUART_D5      0x00000020  // UART Module 5 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCUART_D4      0x00000010  // UART Module 4 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCUART_D3      0x00000008  // UART Module 3 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCUART_D2      0x00000004  // UART Module 2 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCUART_D1      0x00000002  // UART Module 1 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCUART_D0      0x00000001  // UART Module 0 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCSSI register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCSSI_D3       0x00000008  // SSI Module 3 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCSSI_D2       0x00000004  // SSI Module 2 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCSSI_D1       0x00000002  // SSI Module 1 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCSSI_D0       0x00000001  // SSI Module 0 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCI2C register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCI2C_D5       0x00000020  // I2C Module 5 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCI2C_D4       0x00000010  // I2C Module 4 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCI2C_D3       0x00000008  // I2C Module 3 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCI2C_D2       0x00000004  // I2C Module 2 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCI2C_D1       0x00000002  // I2C Module 1 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCI2C_D0       0x00000001  // I2C Module 0 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCUSB register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCUSB_D0       0x00000001  // USB Module Deep-Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCCAN register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCCAN_D1       0x00000002  // CAN Module 1 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCCAN_D0       0x00000001  // CAN Module 0 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCADC register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCADC_D1       0x00000002  // ADC Module 1 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCADC_D0       0x00000001  // ADC Module 0 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCACMP
// register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCACMP_D0      0x00000001  // Analog Comparator Module 0
                                            // Deep-Sleep Mode Clock Gating
                                            // Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCPWM register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCPWM_D1       0x00000002  // PWM Module 1 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCPWM_D0       0x00000001  // PWM Module 0 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCQEI register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCQEI_D1       0x00000002  // QEI Module 1 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCQEI_D0       0x00000001  // QEI Module 0 Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCEEPROM
// register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCEEPROM_D0    0x00000001  // EEPROM Module Deep-Sleep Mode
                                            // Clock Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_DCGCWTIMER
// register.
#define SYSCTL_DCGCWTIMER_D5    0x00000020  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 5 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCWTIMER_D4    0x00000010  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 4 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCWTIMER_D3    0x00000008  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 3 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCWTIMER_D2    0x00000004  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 2 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCWTIMER_D1    0x00000002  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 1 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control
#define SYSCTL_DCGCWTIMER_D0    0x00000001  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 0 Deep-Sleep Mode Clock
                                            // Gating Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRWD register.
#define SYSCTL_PRWD_R1          0x00000002  // Watchdog Timer 1 Peripheral
                                            // Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRWD_R0          0x00000001  // Watchdog Timer 0 Peripheral
                                            // Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRTIMER register.
#define SYSCTL_PRTIMER_R5       0x00000020  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 5 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRTIMER_R4       0x00000010  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 4 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRTIMER_R3       0x00000008  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 3 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRTIMER_R2       0x00000004  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 2 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRTIMER_R1       0x00000002  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 1 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRTIMER_R0       0x00000001  // 16/32-Bit General-Purpose Timer
                                            // 0 Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRGPIO register.
#define SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R9        0x00000200  // GPIO Port K Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R8        0x00000100  // GPIO Port J Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R7        0x00000080  // GPIO Port H Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R6        0x00000040  // GPIO Port G Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R5        0x00000020  // GPIO Port F Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R4        0x00000010  // GPIO Port E Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R3        0x00000008  // GPIO Port D Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R2        0x00000004  // GPIO Port C Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R1        0x00000002  // GPIO Port B Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRGPIO_R0        0x00000001  // GPIO Port A Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRDMA register.
#define SYSCTL_PRDMA_R0         0x00000001  // uDMA Module Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRHIB register.
#define SYSCTL_PRHIB_R0         0x00000001  // Hibernation Module Peripheral
                                            // Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRUART register.
#define SYSCTL_PRUART_R7        0x00000080  // UART Module 7 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRUART_R6        0x00000040  // UART Module 6 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRUART_R5        0x00000020  // UART Module 5 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRUART_R4        0x00000010  // UART Module 4 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRUART_R3        0x00000008  // UART Module 3 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRUART_R2        0x00000004  // UART Module 2 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRUART_R1        0x00000002  // UART Module 1 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRUART_R0        0x00000001  // UART Module 0 Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRSSI register.
#define SYSCTL_PRSSI_R3         0x00000008  // SSI Module 3 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRSSI_R2         0x00000004  // SSI Module 2 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRSSI_R1         0x00000002  // SSI Module 1 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRSSI_R0         0x00000001  // SSI Module 0 Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRI2C register.
#define SYSCTL_PRI2C_R5         0x00000020  // I2C Module 5 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRI2C_R4         0x00000010  // I2C Module 4 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRI2C_R3         0x00000008  // I2C Module 3 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRI2C_R2         0x00000004  // I2C Module 2 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRI2C_R1         0x00000002  // I2C Module 1 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRI2C_R0         0x00000001  // I2C Module 0 Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRUSB register.
#define SYSCTL_PRUSB_R0         0x00000001  // USB Module Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRCAN register.
#define SYSCTL_PRCAN_R1         0x00000002  // CAN Module 1 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRCAN_R0         0x00000001  // CAN Module 0 Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRADC register.
#define SYSCTL_PRADC_R1         0x00000002  // ADC Module 1 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRADC_R0         0x00000001  // ADC Module 0 Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRACMP register.
#define SYSCTL_PRACMP_R0        0x00000001  // Analog Comparator Module 0
                                            // Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRPWM register.
#define SYSCTL_PRPWM_R1         0x00000002  // PWM Module 1 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRPWM_R0         0x00000001  // PWM Module 0 Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRQEI register.
#define SYSCTL_PRQEI_R1         0x00000002  // QEI Module 1 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRQEI_R0         0x00000001  // QEI Module 0 Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PREEPROM
// register.
#define SYSCTL_PREEPROM_R0      0x00000001  // EEPROM Module Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSCTL_PRWTIMER
// register.
#define SYSCTL_PRWTIMER_R5      0x00000020  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 5 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRWTIMER_R4      0x00000010  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 4 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRWTIMER_R3      0x00000008  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 3 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRWTIMER_R2      0x00000004  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 2 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRWTIMER_R1      0x00000002  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 1 Peripheral Ready
#define SYSCTL_PRWTIMER_R0      0x00000001  // 32/64-Bit Wide General-Purpose
                                            // Timer 0 Peripheral Ready

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_STAT register.
#define UDMA_STAT_DMACHANS_M    0x001F0000  // Available uDMA Channels Minus 1
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_M       0x000000F0  // Control State Machine Status
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_IDLE    0x00000000  // Idle
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_RD_CTRL 0x00000010  // Reading channel controller data
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_RD_SRCENDP                                            \
                                0x00000020  // Reading source end pointer
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_RD_DSTENDP                                            \
                                0x00000030  // Reading destination end pointer
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_RD_SRCDAT                                             \
                                0x00000040  // Reading source data
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_WR_DSTDAT                                             \
                                0x00000050  // Writing destination data
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_WAIT    0x00000060  // Waiting for uDMA request to
                                            // clear
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_WR_CTRL 0x00000070  // Writing channel controller data
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_STALL   0x00000080  // Stalled
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_DONE    0x00000090  // Done
#define UDMA_STAT_STATE_UNDEF   0x000000A0  // Undefined
#define UDMA_STAT_MASTEN        0x00000001  // Master Enable Status
#define UDMA_STAT_DMACHANS_S    16

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_CFG register.
#define UDMA_CFG_MASTEN         0x00000001  // Controller Master Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_CTLBASE register.
#define UDMA_CTLBASE_ADDR_M     0xFFFFFC00  // Channel Control Base Address
#define UDMA_CTLBASE_ADDR_S     10

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ALTBASE register.
#define UDMA_ALTBASE_ADDR_M     0xFFFFFFFF  // Alternate Channel Address
                                            // Pointer
#define UDMA_ALTBASE_ADDR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_WAITSTAT register.
#define UDMA_WAITSTAT_WAITREQ_M 0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Wait Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_SWREQ register.
#define UDMA_SWREQ_M            0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Software Request

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_USEBURSTSET
// register.
#define UDMA_USEBURSTSET_SET_M  0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Useburst Set

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_USEBURSTCLR
// register.
#define UDMA_USEBURSTCLR_CLR_M  0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Useburst Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_REQMASKSET
// register.
#define UDMA_REQMASKSET_SET_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Request Mask Set

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_REQMASKCLR
// register.
#define UDMA_REQMASKCLR_CLR_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Request Mask Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ENASET register.
#define UDMA_ENASET_SET_M       0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Enable Set

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ENACLR register.
#define UDMA_ENACLR_CLR_M       0xFFFFFFFF  // Clear Channel [n] Enable Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ALTSET register.
#define UDMA_ALTSET_SET_M       0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Alternate Set

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ALTCLR register.
#define UDMA_ALTCLR_CLR_M       0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Alternate Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_PRIOSET register.
#define UDMA_PRIOSET_SET_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Priority Set

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_PRIOCLR register.
#define UDMA_PRIOCLR_CLR_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Priority Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ERRCLR register.
#define UDMA_ERRCLR_ERRCLR      0x00000001  // uDMA Bus Error Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_CHASGN register.
#define UDMA_CHASGN_M           0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Assignment Select
#define UDMA_CHASGN_PRIMARY     0x00000000  // Use the primary channel
                                            // assignment
#define UDMA_CHASGN_SECONDARY   0x00000001  // Use the secondary channel
                                            // assignment

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_CHIS register.
#define UDMA_CHIS_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // Channel [n] Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_CHMAP0 register.
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH7SEL_M    0xF0000000  // uDMA Channel 7 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH6SEL_M    0x0F000000  // uDMA Channel 6 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH5SEL_M    0x00F00000  // uDMA Channel 5 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH4SEL_M    0x000F0000  // uDMA Channel 4 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH3SEL_M    0x0000F000  // uDMA Channel 3 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH2SEL_M    0x00000F00  // uDMA Channel 2 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH1SEL_M    0x000000F0  // uDMA Channel 1 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH0SEL_M    0x0000000F  // uDMA Channel 0 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH7SEL_S    28
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH6SEL_S    24
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH5SEL_S    20
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH4SEL_S    16
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH3SEL_S    12
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH2SEL_S    8
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH1SEL_S    4
#define UDMA_CHMAP0_CH0SEL_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_CHMAP1 register.
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH15SEL_M   0xF0000000  // uDMA Channel 15 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH14SEL_M   0x0F000000  // uDMA Channel 14 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH13SEL_M   0x00F00000  // uDMA Channel 13 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH12SEL_M   0x000F0000  // uDMA Channel 12 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH11SEL_M   0x0000F000  // uDMA Channel 11 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH10SEL_M   0x00000F00  // uDMA Channel 10 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH9SEL_M    0x000000F0  // uDMA Channel 9 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH8SEL_M    0x0000000F  // uDMA Channel 8 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH15SEL_S   28
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH14SEL_S   24
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH13SEL_S   20
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH12SEL_S   16
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH11SEL_S   12
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH10SEL_S   8
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH9SEL_S    4
#define UDMA_CHMAP1_CH8SEL_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_CHMAP2 register.
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH23SEL_M   0xF0000000  // uDMA Channel 23 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH22SEL_M   0x0F000000  // uDMA Channel 22 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH21SEL_M   0x00F00000  // uDMA Channel 21 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH20SEL_M   0x000F0000  // uDMA Channel 20 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH19SEL_M   0x0000F000  // uDMA Channel 19 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH18SEL_M   0x00000F00  // uDMA Channel 18 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH17SEL_M   0x000000F0  // uDMA Channel 17 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH16SEL_M   0x0000000F  // uDMA Channel 16 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH23SEL_S   28
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH22SEL_S   24
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH21SEL_S   20
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH20SEL_S   16
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH19SEL_S   12
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH18SEL_S   8
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH17SEL_S   4
#define UDMA_CHMAP2_CH16SEL_S   0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_CHMAP3 register.
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH31SEL_M   0xF0000000  // uDMA Channel 31 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH30SEL_M   0x0F000000  // uDMA Channel 30 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH29SEL_M   0x00F00000  // uDMA Channel 29 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH28SEL_M   0x000F0000  // uDMA Channel 28 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH27SEL_M   0x0000F000  // uDMA Channel 27 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH26SEL_M   0x00000F00  // uDMA Channel 26 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH25SEL_M   0x000000F0  // uDMA Channel 25 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH24SEL_M   0x0000000F  // uDMA Channel 24 Source Select
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH31SEL_S   28
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH30SEL_S   24
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH29SEL_S   20
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH28SEL_S   16
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH27SEL_S   12
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH26SEL_S   8
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH25SEL_S   4
#define UDMA_CHMAP3_CH24SEL_S   0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_O_SRCENDP register.
#define UDMA_SRCENDP_ADDR_M     0xFFFFFFFF  // Source Address End Pointer
#define UDMA_SRCENDP_ADDR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_O_DSTENDP register.
#define UDMA_DSTENDP_ADDR_M     0xFFFFFFFF  // Destination Address End Pointer
#define UDMA_DSTENDP_ADDR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_O_CHCTL register.
#define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTINC_M     0xC0000000  // Destination Address Increment
#define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTINC_8     0x00000000  // Byte
#define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTINC_16    0x40000000  // Half-word
#define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTINC_32    0x80000000  // Word
#define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTINC_NONE  0xC0000000  // No increment
#define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTSIZE_M    0x30000000  // Destination Data Size
#define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTSIZE_8    0x00000000  // Byte
#define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTSIZE_16   0x10000000  // Half-word
#define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTSIZE_32   0x20000000  // Word
#define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCINC_M     0x0C000000  // Source Address Increment
#define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCINC_8     0x00000000  // Byte
#define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCINC_16    0x04000000  // Half-word
#define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCINC_32    0x08000000  // Word
#define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCINC_NONE  0x0C000000  // No increment
#define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCSIZE_M    0x03000000  // Source Data Size
#define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCSIZE_8    0x00000000  // Byte
#define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCSIZE_16   0x01000000  // Half-word
#define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCSIZE_32   0x02000000  // Word
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_M    0x0003C000  // Arbitration Size
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_1    0x00000000  // 1 Transfer
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_2    0x00004000  // 2 Transfers
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_4    0x00008000  // 4 Transfers
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_8    0x0000C000  // 8 Transfers
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_16   0x00010000  // 16 Transfers
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_32   0x00014000  // 32 Transfers
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_64   0x00018000  // 64 Transfers
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_128  0x0001C000  // 128 Transfers
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_256  0x00020000  // 256 Transfers
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_512  0x00024000  // 512 Transfers
#define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_1024 0x00028000  // 1024 Transfers
#define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERSIZE_M   0x00003FF0  // Transfer Size (minus 1)
#define UDMA_CHCTL_NXTUSEBURST  0x00000008  // Next Useburst
#define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_M   0x00000007  // uDMA Transfer Mode
#define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_STOP                                              \
                                0x00000000  // Stop
#define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_BASIC                                             \
                                0x00000001  // Basic
#define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_AUTO                                              \
                                0x00000002  // Auto-Request
#define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_PINGPONG                                          \
                                0x00000003  // Ping-Pong
#define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_MEM_SG                                            \
                                0x00000004  // Memory Scatter-Gather
#define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_MEM_SGA                                           \
                                0x00000005  // Alternate Memory Scatter-Gather
#define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_PER_SG                                            \
                                0x00000006  // Peripheral Scatter-Gather
#define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_PER_SGA                                           \
                                0x00000007  // Alternate Peripheral
                                            // Scatter-Gather

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_ACTLR register.
#define NVIC_ACTLR_DISOOFP      0x00000200  // Disable Out-Of-Order Floating
                                            // Point
#define NVIC_ACTLR_DISFPCA      0x00000100  // Disable CONTROL
#define NVIC_ACTLR_DISFOLD      0x00000004  // Disable IT Folding
#define NVIC_ACTLR_DISWBUF      0x00000002  // Disable Write Buffer
#define NVIC_ACTLR_DISMCYC      0x00000001  // Disable Interrupts of Multiple
                                            // Cycle Instructions

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_ST_CTRL register.
#define NVIC_ST_CTRL_COUNT      0x00010000  // Count Flag
#define NVIC_ST_CTRL_CLK_SRC    0x00000004  // Clock Source
#define NVIC_ST_CTRL_INTEN      0x00000002  // Interrupt Enable
#define NVIC_ST_CTRL_ENABLE     0x00000001  // Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_ST_RELOAD register.
#define NVIC_ST_RELOAD_M        0x00FFFFFF  // Reload Value
#define NVIC_ST_RELOAD_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_ST_CURRENT
// register.
#define NVIC_ST_CURRENT_M       0x00FFFFFF  // Current Value
#define NVIC_ST_CURRENT_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_EN0 register.
#define NVIC_EN0_INT_M          0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_EN1 register.
#define NVIC_EN1_INT_M          0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_EN2 register.
#define NVIC_EN2_INT_M          0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_EN3 register.
#define NVIC_EN3_INT_M          0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_EN4 register.
#define NVIC_EN4_INT_M          0x000007FF  // Interrupt Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_DIS0 register.
#define NVIC_DIS0_INT_M         0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Disable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_DIS1 register.
#define NVIC_DIS1_INT_M         0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Disable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_DIS2 register.
#define NVIC_DIS2_INT_M         0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Disable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_DIS3 register.
#define NVIC_DIS3_INT_M         0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Disable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_DIS4 register.
#define NVIC_DIS4_INT_M         0x000007FF  // Interrupt Disable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PEND0 register.
#define NVIC_PEND0_INT_M        0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Set Pending

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PEND1 register.
#define NVIC_PEND1_INT_M        0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Set Pending

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PEND2 register.
#define NVIC_PEND2_INT_M        0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Set Pending

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PEND3 register.
#define NVIC_PEND3_INT_M        0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Set Pending

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PEND4 register.
#define NVIC_PEND4_INT_M        0x000007FF  // Interrupt Set Pending

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_UNPEND0 register.
#define NVIC_UNPEND0_INT_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Clear Pending

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_UNPEND1 register.
#define NVIC_UNPEND1_INT_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Clear Pending

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_UNPEND2 register.
#define NVIC_UNPEND2_INT_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Clear Pending

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_UNPEND3 register.
#define NVIC_UNPEND3_INT_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Clear Pending

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_UNPEND4 register.
#define NVIC_UNPEND4_INT_M      0x000007FF  // Interrupt Clear Pending

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_ACTIVE0 register.
#define NVIC_ACTIVE0_INT_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Active

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_ACTIVE1 register.
#define NVIC_ACTIVE1_INT_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Active

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_ACTIVE2 register.
#define NVIC_ACTIVE2_INT_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Active

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_ACTIVE3 register.
#define NVIC_ACTIVE3_INT_M      0xFFFFFFFF  // Interrupt Active

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_ACTIVE4 register.
#define NVIC_ACTIVE4_INT_M      0x000007FF  // Interrupt Active

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI0 register.
#define NVIC_PRI0_INT3_M        0xE0000000  // Interrupt 3 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI0_INT2_M        0x00E00000  // Interrupt 2 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI0_INT1_M        0x0000E000  // Interrupt 1 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI0_INT0_M        0x000000E0  // Interrupt 0 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI0_INT3_S        29
#define NVIC_PRI0_INT2_S        21
#define NVIC_PRI0_INT1_S        13
#define NVIC_PRI0_INT0_S        5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI1 register.
#define NVIC_PRI1_INT7_M        0xE0000000  // Interrupt 7 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI1_INT6_M        0x00E00000  // Interrupt 6 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI1_INT5_M        0x0000E000  // Interrupt 5 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI1_INT4_M        0x000000E0  // Interrupt 4 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI1_INT7_S        29
#define NVIC_PRI1_INT6_S        21
#define NVIC_PRI1_INT5_S        13
#define NVIC_PRI1_INT4_S        5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI2 register.
#define NVIC_PRI2_INT11_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 11 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI2_INT10_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 10 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI2_INT9_M        0x0000E000  // Interrupt 9 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI2_INT8_M        0x000000E0  // Interrupt 8 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI2_INT11_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI2_INT10_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI2_INT9_S        13
#define NVIC_PRI2_INT8_S        5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI3 register.
#define NVIC_PRI3_INT15_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 15 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI3_INT14_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 14 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI3_INT13_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 13 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI3_INT12_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 12 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI3_INT15_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI3_INT14_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI3_INT13_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI3_INT12_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI4 register.
#define NVIC_PRI4_INT19_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 19 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI4_INT18_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 18 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI4_INT17_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 17 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI4_INT16_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 16 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI4_INT19_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI4_INT18_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI4_INT17_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI4_INT16_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI5 register.
#define NVIC_PRI5_INT23_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 23 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI5_INT22_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 22 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI5_INT21_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 21 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI5_INT20_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 20 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI5_INT23_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI5_INT22_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI5_INT21_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI5_INT20_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI6 register.
#define NVIC_PRI6_INT27_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 27 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI6_INT26_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 26 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI6_INT25_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 25 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI6_INT24_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 24 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI6_INT27_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI6_INT26_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI6_INT25_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI6_INT24_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI7 register.
#define NVIC_PRI7_INT31_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 31 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI7_INT30_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 30 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI7_INT29_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 29 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI7_INT28_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 28 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI7_INT31_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI7_INT30_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI7_INT29_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI7_INT28_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI8 register.
#define NVIC_PRI8_INT35_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 35 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI8_INT34_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 34 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI8_INT33_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 33 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI8_INT32_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 32 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI8_INT35_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI8_INT34_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI8_INT33_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI8_INT32_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI9 register.
#define NVIC_PRI9_INT39_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 39 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI9_INT38_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 38 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI9_INT37_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 37 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI9_INT36_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 36 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI9_INT39_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI9_INT38_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI9_INT37_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI9_INT36_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI10 register.
#define NVIC_PRI10_INT43_M      0xE0000000  // Interrupt 43 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI10_INT42_M      0x00E00000  // Interrupt 42 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI10_INT41_M      0x0000E000  // Interrupt 41 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI10_INT40_M      0x000000E0  // Interrupt 40 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI10_INT43_S      29
#define NVIC_PRI10_INT42_S      21
#define NVIC_PRI10_INT41_S      13
#define NVIC_PRI10_INT40_S      5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI11 register.
#define NVIC_PRI11_INT47_M      0xE0000000  // Interrupt 47 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI11_INT46_M      0x00E00000  // Interrupt 46 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI11_INT45_M      0x0000E000  // Interrupt 45 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI11_INT44_M      0x000000E0  // Interrupt 44 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI11_INT47_S      29
#define NVIC_PRI11_INT46_S      21
#define NVIC_PRI11_INT45_S      13
#define NVIC_PRI11_INT44_S      5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI12 register.
#define NVIC_PRI12_INT51_M      0xE0000000  // Interrupt 51 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI12_INT50_M      0x00E00000  // Interrupt 50 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI12_INT49_M      0x0000E000  // Interrupt 49 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI12_INT48_M      0x000000E0  // Interrupt 48 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI12_INT51_S      29
#define NVIC_PRI12_INT50_S      21
#define NVIC_PRI12_INT49_S      13
#define NVIC_PRI12_INT48_S      5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI13 register.
#define NVIC_PRI13_INT55_M      0xE0000000  // Interrupt 55 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI13_INT54_M      0x00E00000  // Interrupt 54 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI13_INT53_M      0x0000E000  // Interrupt 53 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI13_INT52_M      0x000000E0  // Interrupt 52 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI13_INT55_S      29
#define NVIC_PRI13_INT54_S      21
#define NVIC_PRI13_INT53_S      13
#define NVIC_PRI13_INT52_S      5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI14 register.
#define NVIC_PRI14_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 59 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI14_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 58 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI14_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 57 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI14_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 56 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI14_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI14_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI14_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI14_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI15 register.
#define NVIC_PRI15_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 63 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI15_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 62 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI15_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 61 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI15_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 60 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI15_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI15_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI15_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI15_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI16 register.
#define NVIC_PRI16_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 67 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI16_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 66 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI16_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 65 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI16_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 64 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI16_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI16_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI16_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI16_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI17 register.
#define NVIC_PRI17_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 71 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI17_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 70 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI17_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 69 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI17_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 68 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI17_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI17_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI17_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI17_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI18 register.
#define NVIC_PRI18_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 75 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI18_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 74 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI18_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 73 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI18_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 72 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI18_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI18_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI18_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI18_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI19 register.
#define NVIC_PRI19_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 79 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI19_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 78 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI19_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 77 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI19_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 76 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI19_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI19_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI19_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI19_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI20 register.
#define NVIC_PRI20_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 83 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI20_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 82 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI20_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 81 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI20_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 80 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI20_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI20_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI20_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI20_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI21 register.
#define NVIC_PRI21_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 87 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI21_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 86 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI21_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 85 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI21_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 84 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI21_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI21_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI21_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI21_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI22 register.
#define NVIC_PRI22_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 91 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI22_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 90 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI22_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 89 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI22_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 88 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI22_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI22_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI22_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI22_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI23 register.
#define NVIC_PRI23_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 95 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI23_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 94 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI23_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 93 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI23_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 92 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI23_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI23_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI23_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI23_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI24 register.
#define NVIC_PRI24_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 99 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI24_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 98 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI24_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 97 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI24_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 96 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI24_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI24_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI24_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI24_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI25 register.
#define NVIC_PRI25_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 103 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI25_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 102 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI25_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 101 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI25_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 100 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI25_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI25_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI25_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI25_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI26 register.
#define NVIC_PRI26_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 107 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI26_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 106 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI26_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 105 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI26_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 104 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI26_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI26_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI26_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI26_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI27 register.
#define NVIC_PRI27_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 111 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI27_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 110 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI27_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 109 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI27_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 108 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI27_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI27_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI27_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI27_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI28 register.
#define NVIC_PRI28_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 115 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI28_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 114 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI28_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 113 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI28_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 112 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI28_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI28_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI28_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI28_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI29 register.
#define NVIC_PRI29_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 119 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI29_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 118 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI29_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 117 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI29_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 116 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI29_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI29_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI29_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI29_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI30 register.
#define NVIC_PRI30_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 123 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI30_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 122 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI30_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 121 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI30_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 120 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI30_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI30_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI30_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI30_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI31 register.
#define NVIC_PRI31_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 127 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI31_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 126 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI31_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 125 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI31_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 124 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI31_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI31_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI31_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI31_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI32 register.
#define NVIC_PRI32_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt 131 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI32_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt 130 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI32_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt 129 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI32_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt 128 Priority Mask
#define NVIC_PRI32_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI32_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI32_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI32_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI33 register.
#define NVIC_PRI33_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt Priority for Interrupt
                                            // [4n+3]
#define NVIC_PRI33_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt Priority for Interrupt
                                            // [4n+2]
#define NVIC_PRI33_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt Priority for Interrupt
                                            // [4n+1]
#define NVIC_PRI33_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt Priority for Interrupt
                                            // [4n]
#define NVIC_PRI33_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI33_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI33_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI33_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_PRI34 register.
#define NVIC_PRI34_INTD_M       0xE0000000  // Interrupt Priority for Interrupt
                                            // [4n+3]
#define NVIC_PRI34_INTC_M       0x00E00000  // Interrupt Priority for Interrupt
                                            // [4n+2]
#define NVIC_PRI34_INTB_M       0x0000E000  // Interrupt Priority for Interrupt
                                            // [4n+1]
#define NVIC_PRI34_INTA_M       0x000000E0  // Interrupt Priority for Interrupt
                                            // [4n]
#define NVIC_PRI34_INTD_S       29
#define NVIC_PRI34_INTC_S       21
#define NVIC_PRI34_INTB_S       13
#define NVIC_PRI34_INTA_S       5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_CPUID register.
#define NVIC_CPUID_IMP_M        0xFF000000  // Implementer Code
#define NVIC_CPUID_IMP_ARM      0x41000000  // ARM
#define NVIC_CPUID_VAR_M        0x00F00000  // Variant Number
#define NVIC_CPUID_CON_M        0x000F0000  // Constant
#define NVIC_CPUID_PARTNO_M     0x0000FFF0  // Part Number
#define NVIC_CPUID_PARTNO_CM4   0x0000C240  // Cortex-M4 processor
#define NVIC_CPUID_REV_M        0x0000000F  // Revision Number

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_INT_CTRL register.
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_NMI_SET   0x80000000  // NMI Set Pending
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_PEND_SV   0x10000000  // PendSV Set Pending
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_UNPEND_SV 0x08000000  // PendSV Clear Pending
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_PENDSTSET 0x04000000  // SysTick Set Pending
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_PENDSTCLR 0x02000000  // SysTick Clear Pending
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_ISR_PRE   0x00800000  // Debug Interrupt Handling
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_ISR_PEND  0x00400000  // Interrupt Pending
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_VEC_PEN_M 0x000FF000  // Interrupt Pending Vector Number
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_VEC_PEN_NMI                                             \
                                0x00002000  // NMI
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_VEC_PEN_HARD                                            \
                                0x00003000  // Hard fault
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_VEC_PEN_MEM                                             \
                                0x00004000  // Memory management fault
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_VEC_PEN_BUS                                             \
                                0x00005000  // Bus fault
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_VEC_PEN_USG                                             \
                                0x00006000  // Usage fault
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_VEC_PEN_SVC                                             \
                                0x0000B000  // SVCall
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_VEC_PEN_PNDSV                                           \
                                0x0000E000  // PendSV
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_VEC_PEN_TICK                                            \
                                0x0000F000  // SysTick
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_RET_BASE  0x00000800  // Return to Base
#define NVIC_INT_CTRL_VEC_ACT_M 0x000000FF  // Interrupt Pending Vector Number

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_VTABLE register.
#define NVIC_VTABLE_OFFSET_M    0xFFFFFC00  // Vector Table Offset
#define NVIC_VTABLE_OFFSET_S    10

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_APINT register.
#define NVIC_APINT_VECTKEY_M    0xFFFF0000  // Register Key
#define NVIC_APINT_VECTKEY      0x05FA0000  // Vector key
#define NVIC_APINT_ENDIANESS    0x00008000  // Data Endianess
#define NVIC_APINT_PRIGROUP_M   0x00000700  // Interrupt Priority Grouping
#define NVIC_APINT_PRIGROUP_7_1 0x00000000  // Priority group 7.1 split
#define NVIC_APINT_PRIGROUP_6_2 0x00000100  // Priority group 6.2 split
#define NVIC_APINT_PRIGROUP_5_3 0x00000200  // Priority group 5.3 split
#define NVIC_APINT_PRIGROUP_4_4 0x00000300  // Priority group 4.4 split
#define NVIC_APINT_PRIGROUP_3_5 0x00000400  // Priority group 3.5 split
#define NVIC_APINT_PRIGROUP_2_6 0x00000500  // Priority group 2.6 split
#define NVIC_APINT_PRIGROUP_1_7 0x00000600  // Priority group 1.7 split
#define NVIC_APINT_PRIGROUP_0_8 0x00000700  // Priority group 0.8 split
#define NVIC_APINT_SYSRESETREQ  0x00000004  // System Reset Request
#define NVIC_APINT_VECT_CLR_ACT 0x00000002  // Clear Active NMI / Fault
#define NVIC_APINT_VECT_RESET   0x00000001  // System Reset

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_SYS_CTRL register.
#define NVIC_SYS_CTRL_SEVONPEND 0x00000010  // Wake Up on Pending
#define NVIC_SYS_CTRL_SLEEPDEEP 0x00000004  // Deep Sleep Enable
#define NVIC_SYS_CTRL_SLEEPEXIT 0x00000002  // Sleep on ISR Exit

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_CFG_CTRL register.
#define NVIC_CFG_CTRL_STKALIGN  0x00000200  // Stack Alignment on Exception
                                            // Entry
#define NVIC_CFG_CTRL_BFHFNMIGN 0x00000100  // Ignore Bus Fault in NMI and
                                            // Fault
#define NVIC_CFG_CTRL_DIV0      0x00000010  // Trap on Divide by 0
#define NVIC_CFG_CTRL_UNALIGNED 0x00000008  // Trap on Unaligned Access
#define NVIC_CFG_CTRL_MAIN_PEND 0x00000002  // Allow Main Interrupt Trigger
#define NVIC_CFG_CTRL_BASE_THR  0x00000001  // Thread State Control

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_SYS_PRI1 register.
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI1_USAGE_M   0x00E00000  // Usage Fault Priority
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI1_BUS_M     0x0000E000  // Bus Fault Priority
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI1_MEM_M     0x000000E0  // Memory Management Fault Priority
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI1_USAGE_S   21
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI1_BUS_S     13
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI1_MEM_S     5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_SYS_PRI2 register.
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI2_SVC_M     0xE0000000  // SVCall Priority
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI2_SVC_S     29

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_SYS_PRI3 register.
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI3_TICK_M    0xE0000000  // SysTick Exception Priority
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI3_PENDSV_M  0x00E00000  // PendSV Priority
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI3_DEBUG_M   0x000000E0  // Debug Priority
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI3_TICK_S    29
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI3_PENDSV_S  21
#define NVIC_SYS_PRI3_DEBUG_S   5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL
// register.
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_USAGE 0x00040000  // Usage Fault Enable
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_BUS   0x00020000  // Bus Fault Enable
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_MEM   0x00010000  // Memory Management Fault Enable
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_SVC   0x00008000  // SVC Call Pending
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_BUSP  0x00004000  // Bus Fault Pending
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_MEMP  0x00002000  // Memory Management Fault Pending
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_USAGEP                                              \
                                0x00001000  // Usage Fault Pending
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_TICK  0x00000800  // SysTick Exception Active
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_PNDSV 0x00000400  // PendSV Exception Active
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_MON   0x00000100  // Debug Monitor Active
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_SVCA  0x00000080  // SVC Call Active
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_USGA  0x00000008  // Usage Fault Active
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_BUSA  0x00000002  // Bus Fault Active
#define NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_MEMA  0x00000001  // Memory Management Fault Active

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_FAULT_STAT
// register.
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_DIV0    0x02000000  // Divide-by-Zero Usage Fault
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_UNALIGN 0x01000000  // Unaligned Access Usage Fault
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_NOCP    0x00080000  // No Coprocessor Usage Fault
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_INVPC   0x00040000  // Invalid PC Load Usage Fault
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_INVSTAT 0x00020000  // Invalid State Usage Fault
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_UNDEF   0x00010000  // Undefined Instruction Usage
                                            // Fault
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_BFARV   0x00008000  // Bus Fault Address Register Valid
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_BLSPERR 0x00002000  // Bus Fault on Floating-Point Lazy
                                            // State Preservation
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_BSTKE   0x00001000  // Stack Bus Fault
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_BUSTKE  0x00000800  // Unstack Bus Fault
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_IMPRE   0x00000400  // Imprecise Data Bus Error
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_PRECISE 0x00000200  // Precise Data Bus Error
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_IBUS    0x00000100  // Instruction Bus Error
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_MMARV   0x00000080  // Memory Management Fault Address
                                            // Register Valid
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_MLSPERR 0x00000020  // Memory Management Fault on
                                            // Floating-Point Lazy State
                                            // Preservation
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_MSTKE   0x00000010  // Stack Access Violation
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_MUSTKE  0x00000008  // Unstack Access Violation
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_DERR    0x00000002  // Data Access Violation
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_IERR    0x00000001  // Instruction Access Violation

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_HFAULT_STAT
// register.
#define NVIC_HFAULT_STAT_DBG    0x80000000  // Debug Event
#define NVIC_HFAULT_STAT_FORCED 0x40000000  // Forced Hard Fault
#define NVIC_HFAULT_STAT_VECT   0x00000002  // Vector Table Read Fault

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_DEBUG_STAT
// register.
#define NVIC_DEBUG_STAT_EXTRNL  0x00000010  // EDBGRQ asserted
#define NVIC_DEBUG_STAT_VCATCH  0x00000008  // Vector catch
#define NVIC_DEBUG_STAT_DWTTRAP 0x00000004  // DWT match
#define NVIC_DEBUG_STAT_BKPT    0x00000002  // Breakpoint instruction
#define NVIC_DEBUG_STAT_HALTED  0x00000001  // Halt request

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MM_ADDR register.
#define NVIC_MM_ADDR_M          0xFFFFFFFF  // Fault Address
#define NVIC_MM_ADDR_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_FAULT_ADDR
// register.
#define NVIC_FAULT_ADDR_M       0xFFFFFFFF  // Fault Address
#define NVIC_FAULT_ADDR_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_CPAC register.
#define NVIC_CPAC_CP11_M        0x00C00000  // CP11 Coprocessor Access
                                            // Privilege
#define NVIC_CPAC_CP11_DIS      0x00000000  // Access Denied
#define NVIC_CPAC_CP11_PRIV     0x00400000  // Privileged Access Only
#define NVIC_CPAC_CP11_FULL     0x00C00000  // Full Access
#define NVIC_CPAC_CP10_M        0x00300000  // CP10 Coprocessor Access
                                            // Privilege
#define NVIC_CPAC_CP10_DIS      0x00000000  // Access Denied
#define NVIC_CPAC_CP10_PRIV     0x00100000  // Privileged Access Only
#define NVIC_CPAC_CP10_FULL     0x00300000  // Full Access

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MPU_TYPE register.
#define NVIC_MPU_TYPE_IREGION_M 0x00FF0000  // Number of I Regions
#define NVIC_MPU_TYPE_DREGION_M 0x0000FF00  // Number of D Regions
#define NVIC_MPU_TYPE_SEPARATE  0x00000001  // Separate or Unified MPU

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MPU_CTRL register.
#define NVIC_MPU_CTRL_PRIVDEFEN 0x00000004  // MPU Default Region
#define NVIC_MPU_CTRL_HFNMIENA  0x00000002  // MPU Enabled During Faults
#define NVIC_MPU_CTRL_ENABLE    0x00000001  // MPU Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MPU_NUMBER
// register.
#define NVIC_MPU_NUMBER_M       0x00000007  // MPU Region to Access
#define NVIC_MPU_NUMBER_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MPU_BASE register.
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE_ADDR_M    0xFFFFFFE0  // Base Address Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE_VALID     0x00000010  // Region Number Valid
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE_REGION_M  0x00000007  // Region Number
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE_ADDR_S    5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MPU_ATTR register.
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR_XN        0x10000000  // Instruction Access Disable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR_AP_M      0x07000000  // Access Privilege
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR_TEX_M     0x00380000  // Type Extension Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR_SHAREABLE 0x00040000  // Shareable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR_CACHEABLE 0x00020000  // Cacheable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR_BUFFRABLE 0x00010000  // Bufferable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR_SRD_M     0x0000FF00  // Subregion Disable Bits
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR_SIZE_M    0x0000003E  // Region Size Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR_ENABLE    0x00000001  // Region Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MPU_BASE1 register.
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE1_ADDR_M   0xFFFFFFE0  // Base Address Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE1_VALID    0x00000010  // Region Number Valid
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE1_REGION_M 0x00000007  // Region Number
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE1_ADDR_S   5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MPU_ATTR1 register.
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR1_XN       0x10000000  // Instruction Access Disable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR1_AP_M     0x07000000  // Access Privilege
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR1_TEX_M    0x00380000  // Type Extension Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR1_SHAREABLE                                              \
                                0x00040000  // Shareable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR1_CACHEABLE                                              \
                                0x00020000  // Cacheable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR1_BUFFRABLE                                              \
                                0x00010000  // Bufferable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR1_SRD_M    0x0000FF00  // Subregion Disable Bits
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR1_SIZE_M   0x0000003E  // Region Size Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR1_ENABLE   0x00000001  // Region Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MPU_BASE2 register.
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE2_ADDR_M   0xFFFFFFE0  // Base Address Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE2_VALID    0x00000010  // Region Number Valid
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE2_REGION_M 0x00000007  // Region Number
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE2_ADDR_S   5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MPU_ATTR2 register.
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR2_XN       0x10000000  // Instruction Access Disable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR2_AP_M     0x07000000  // Access Privilege
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR2_TEX_M    0x00380000  // Type Extension Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR2_SHAREABLE                                              \
                                0x00040000  // Shareable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR2_CACHEABLE                                              \
                                0x00020000  // Cacheable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR2_BUFFRABLE                                              \
                                0x00010000  // Bufferable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR2_SRD_M    0x0000FF00  // Subregion Disable Bits
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR2_SIZE_M   0x0000003E  // Region Size Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR2_ENABLE   0x00000001  // Region Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MPU_BASE3 register.
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE3_ADDR_M   0xFFFFFFE0  // Base Address Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE3_VALID    0x00000010  // Region Number Valid
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE3_REGION_M 0x00000007  // Region Number
#define NVIC_MPU_BASE3_ADDR_S   5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_MPU_ATTR3 register.
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR3_XN       0x10000000  // Instruction Access Disable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR3_AP_M     0x07000000  // Access Privilege
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR3_TEX_M    0x00380000  // Type Extension Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR3_SHAREABLE                                              \
                                0x00040000  // Shareable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR3_CACHEABLE                                              \
                                0x00020000  // Cacheable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR3_BUFFRABLE                                              \
                                0x00010000  // Bufferable
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR3_SRD_M    0x0000FF00  // Subregion Disable Bits
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR3_SIZE_M   0x0000003E  // Region Size Mask
#define NVIC_MPU_ATTR3_ENABLE   0x00000001  // Region Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_DBG_CTRL register.
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_DBGKEY_M  0xFFFF0000  // Debug key mask
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_DBGKEY    0xA05F0000  // Debug key
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_S_RESET_ST                                              \
                                0x02000000  // Core has reset since last read
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_S_RETIRE_ST                                             \
                                0x01000000  // Core has executed insruction
                                            // since last read
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_S_LOCKUP  0x00080000  // Core is locked up
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_S_SLEEP   0x00040000  // Core is sleeping
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_S_HALT    0x00020000  // Core status on halt
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_S_REGRDY  0x00010000  // Register read/write available
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_C_SNAPSTALL                                             \
                                0x00000020  // Breaks a stalled load/store
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_C_MASKINT 0x00000008  // Mask interrupts when stepping
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_C_STEP    0x00000004  // Step the core
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_C_HALT    0x00000002  // Halt the core
#define NVIC_DBG_CTRL_C_DEBUGEN 0x00000001  // Enable debug

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_DBG_XFER register.
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_WNR   0x00010000  // Write or not read
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_SEL_M 0x0000001F  // Register
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R0    0x00000000  // Register R0
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R1    0x00000001  // Register R1
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R2    0x00000002  // Register R2
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R3    0x00000003  // Register R3
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R4    0x00000004  // Register R4
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R5    0x00000005  // Register R5
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R6    0x00000006  // Register R6
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R7    0x00000007  // Register R7
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R8    0x00000008  // Register R8
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R9    0x00000009  // Register R9
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R10   0x0000000A  // Register R10
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R11   0x0000000B  // Register R11
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R12   0x0000000C  // Register R12
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R13   0x0000000D  // Register R13
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R14   0x0000000E  // Register R14
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_R15   0x0000000F  // Register R15
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_FLAGS 0x00000010  // xPSR/Flags register
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_MSP   0x00000011  // Main SP
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_PSP   0x00000012  // Process SP
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_DSP   0x00000013  // Deep SP
#define NVIC_DBG_XFER_REG_CFBP  0x00000014  // Control/Fault/BasePri/PriMask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_DBG_DATA register.
#define NVIC_DBG_DATA_M         0xFFFFFFFF  // Data temporary cache
#define NVIC_DBG_DATA_S         0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_DBG_INT register.
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_HARDERR    0x00000400  // Debug trap on hard fault
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_INTERR     0x00000200  // Debug trap on interrupt errors
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_BUSERR     0x00000100  // Debug trap on bus error
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_STATERR    0x00000080  // Debug trap on usage fault state
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_CHKERR     0x00000040  // Debug trap on usage fault check
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_NOCPERR    0x00000020  // Debug trap on coprocessor error
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_MMERR      0x00000010  // Debug trap on mem manage fault
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_RESET      0x00000008  // Core reset status
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_RSTPENDCLR 0x00000004  // Clear pending core reset
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_RSTPENDING 0x00000002  // Core reset is pending
#define NVIC_DBG_INT_RSTVCATCH  0x00000001  // Reset vector catch

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_SW_TRIG register.
#define NVIC_SW_TRIG_INTID_M    0x000000FF  // Interrupt ID
#define NVIC_SW_TRIG_INTID_S    0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_FPCC register.
#define NVIC_FPCC_ASPEN         0x80000000  // Automatic State Preservation
                                            // Enable
#define NVIC_FPCC_LSPEN         0x40000000  // Lazy State Preservation Enable
#define NVIC_FPCC_MONRDY        0x00000100  // Monitor Ready
#define NVIC_FPCC_BFRDY         0x00000040  // Bus Fault Ready
#define NVIC_FPCC_MMRDY         0x00000020  // Memory Management Fault Ready
#define NVIC_FPCC_HFRDY         0x00000010  // Hard Fault Ready
#define NVIC_FPCC_THREAD        0x00000008  // Thread Mode
#define NVIC_FPCC_USER          0x00000002  // User Privilege Level
#define NVIC_FPCC_LSPACT        0x00000001  // Lazy State Preservation Active

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_FPCA register.
#define NVIC_FPCA_ADDRESS_M     0xFFFFFFF8  // Address
#define NVIC_FPCA_ADDRESS_S     3

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the NVIC_FPDSC register.
#define NVIC_FPDSC_AHP          0x04000000  // AHP Bit Default
#define NVIC_FPDSC_DN           0x02000000  // DN Bit Default
#define NVIC_FPDSC_FZ           0x01000000  // FZ Bit Default
#define NVIC_FPDSC_RMODE_M      0x00C00000  // RMODE Bit Default
#define NVIC_FPDSC_RMODE_RN     0x00000000  // Round to Nearest (RN) mode
#define NVIC_FPDSC_RMODE_RP     0x00400000  // Round towards Plus Infinity (RP)
                                            // mode
#define NVIC_FPDSC_RMODE_RM     0x00800000  // Round towards Minus Infinity
                                            // (RM) mode
#define NVIC_FPDSC_RMODE_RZ     0x00C00000  // Round towards Zero (RZ) mode

// The following definitions are deprecated.
#define SYSCTL_DID0_CLASS_BLIZZARD                                            \
                                0x00050000  // Tiva(TM) C Series TM4C123-class
                                            // microcontrollers


#endif // __TM4C123GH6PZ_H__