path: root/docs/features
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/features')
14 files changed, 0 insertions, 563 deletions
diff --git a/docs/features/anticache.rst b/docs/features/anticache.rst
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-.. _anticache:
-When the ``--anticache`` option is passed to mitmproxy, it removes headers
-(``if-none-match`` and ``if-modified-since``) that might elicit a
-``304 not modified`` response from the server. This is useful when you want to make
-sure you capture an HTTP exchange in its totality. It's also often used during
-:ref:`clientreplay`, when you want to make sure the server responds with complete data.
-================== ======================
-command-line ``--anticache``
-mitmproxy shortcut :kbd:`O` then :kbd:`a`
-================== ======================
diff --git a/docs/features/clientreplay.rst b/docs/features/clientreplay.rst
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-.. _clientreplay:
-Client-side replay
-Client-side replay does what it says on the tin: you provide a previously saved
-HTTP conversation, and mitmproxy replays the client requests one by one. Note
-that mitmproxy serializes the requests, waiting for a response from the server
-before starting the next request. This might differ from the recorded
-conversation, where requests may have been made concurrently.
-You may want to use client-side replay in conjunction with the
-:ref:`anticache` option, to make sure the server responds with complete data.
-================== ===========
-command-line ``-c path``
-mitmproxy shortcut :kbd:`R` then :kbd:`c`
-================== ===========
diff --git a/docs/features/filters.rst b/docs/features/filters.rst
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-.. _filters:
-Filter expressions
-Many commands in :program:`mitmproxy` and :program:`mitmdump` take a filter expression.
-Filter expressions consist of the following operators:
-.. documentedlist::
- :header: "Expression" "Description"
- :listobject: mitmproxy.flowfilter.help
-- Regexes are Python-style
-- Regexes can be specified as quoted strings
-- Header matching (~h, ~hq, ~hs) is against a string of the form "name: value".
-- Strings with no operators are matched against the request URL.
-- The default binary operator is &.
-URL containing "google.com":
-.. code-block:: none
- google\.com
-Requests whose body contains the string "test":
-.. code-block:: none
- ~q ~b test
-Anything but requests with a text/html content type:
-.. code-block:: none
- !(~q & ~t "text/html")
diff --git a/docs/features/passthrough.rst b/docs/features/passthrough.rst
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-.. _passthrough:
-Ignore Domains
-There are two main reasons why you may want to exempt some traffic from mitmproxy's interception
-- **Certificate pinning:** Some traffic is is protected using `Certificate Pinning`_ and
- mitmproxy's interception leads to errors. For example, the Twitter app, Windows Update or
- the Apple App Store fail to work if mitmproxy is active.
-- **Convenience:** You really don't care about some parts of the traffic and just want them to go
- away. Note that mitmproxy's "Limit" option is often the better alternative here, as it is
- not affected by the limitations listed below.
-If you want to peek into (SSL-protected) non-HTTP connections, check out the :ref:`tcp_proxy`
-If you want to ignore traffic from mitmproxy's processing because of large response bodies,
-take a look at the :ref:`streaming` feature.
-How it works
-================== ======================
-command-line ``--ignore regex``
-mitmproxy shortcut :kbd:`O` then :kbd:`I`
-================== ======================
-mitmproxy allows you to specify a regex which is matched against a ``host:port`` string
-(e.g. "example.com:443") to determine hosts that should be excluded.
-There are two important quirks to consider:
-- **In transparent mode, the ignore pattern is matched against the IP and ClientHello SNI host.** While we usually infer the
- hostname from the Host header if the ``--host`` argument is passed to mitmproxy, we do not
- have access to this information before the SSL handshake. If the client uses SNI however, then we treat the SNI host as an ignore target.
-- **In regular and upstream proxy mode, explicit HTTP requests are never ignored.** [#explicithttp]_ The ignore pattern is
- applied on CONNECT requests, which initiate HTTPS or clear-text WebSocket connections.
-If you just want to ignore one specific domain, there's usually a bulletproof method to do so:
-1. Run mitmproxy or mitmdump in verbose mode (``-v``) and observe the ``host:port``
- information in the serverconnect messages. mitmproxy will filter on these.
-2. Take the ``host:port`` string, surround it with ^ and $, escape all dots (. becomes \\.)
- and use this as your ignore pattern:
-.. code-block:: none
- :emphasize-lines: 6,7,9
- >>> mitmdump -v
- clientconnect
- request
- -> CONNECT example.com:443 HTTP/1.1
- Set new server address: example.com:443
- serverconnect
- -> example.com:443
- ^C
- >>> mitmproxy --ignore ^example\.com:443$
-Here are some other examples for ignore patterns:
-.. code-block:: none
- # Exempt traffic from the iOS App Store (the regex is lax, but usually just works):
- --ignore apple.com:443
- # "Correct" version without false-positives:
- --ignore '^(.+\.)?apple\.com:443$'
- # Ignore example.com, but not its subdomains:
- --ignore '^example.com:'
- # Ignore everything but example.com and mitmproxy.org:
- --ignore '^(?!example\.com)(?!mitmproxy\.org)'
- # Transparent mode:
- --ignore 17\.178\.96\.59:443
- # IP address range:
- --ignore 17\.178\.\d+\.\d+:443
-.. seealso::
- - :ref:`tcp_proxy`
- - :ref:`streaming`
- - mitmproxy's "Limit" feature
-.. rubric:: Footnotes
-.. [#explicithttp] This stems from an limitation of explicit HTTP proxying:
- A single connection can be re-used for multiple target domains - a
- ``GET http://example.com/`` request may be followed by a ``GET http://evil.com/`` request on the
- same connection. If we start to ignore the connection after the first request,
- we would miss the relevant second one.
-.. _Certificate Pinning: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/29988/what-is-certificate-pinning
diff --git a/docs/features/proxyauth.rst b/docs/features/proxyauth.rst
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-.. _proxyauth:
-Proxy Authentication
-Asks the user for authentication before they are permitted to use the proxy.
-Authentication headers are stripped from the flows, so they are not passed to
-upstream servers. For now, only HTTP Basic authentication is supported. The
-proxy auth options are not compatible with the transparent, socks or reverse proxy
-================== ======================
-command-line ``--nonanonymous``,
- ``--singleuser USER``,
- ``--htpasswd PATH``
-================== ======================
diff --git a/docs/features/replacements.rst b/docs/features/replacements.rst
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-.. _replacements:
-Mitmproxy lets you specify an arbitrary number of patterns that define text
-replacements within flows. Each pattern has 3 components: a filter that defines
-which flows a replacement applies to, a regular expression that defines what
-gets replaced, and a target value that defines what is substituted in.
-Replace hooks fire when either a client request or a server response is
-received. Only the matching flow component is affected: so, for example, if a
-replace hook is triggered on server response, the replacement is only run on
-the Response object leaving the Request intact. You control whether the hook
-triggers on the request, response or both using the filter pattern. If you need
-finer-grained control than this, it's simple to create a script using the
-replacement API on Flow components.
-Replacement hooks are extremely handy in interactive testing of applications.
-For instance you can use a replace hook to replace the text "XSS" with a
-complicated XSS exploit, and then "inject" the exploit simply by interacting
-with the application through the browser. When used with tools like Firebug and
-mitmproxy's own interception abilities, replacement hooks can be an amazingly
-flexible and powerful feature.
-On the command-line
-The replacement hook command-line options use a compact syntax to make it easy
-to specify all three components at once. The general form is as follows:
-.. code-block:: none
- /patt/regex/replacement
-Here, **patt** is a mitmproxy filter expression, **regex** is a valid Python
-regular expression, and **replacement** is a string literal. The first
-character in the expression (``/`` in this case) defines what the separation
-character is. Here's an example of a valid expression that replaces "foo" with
-"bar" in all requests:
-.. code-block:: none
- :~q:foo:bar
-In practice, it's pretty common for the replacement literal to be long and
-complex. For instance, it might be an XSS exploit that weighs in at hundreds or
-thousands of characters. To cope with this, there's a variation of the
-replacement hook specifier that lets you load the replacement text from a file.
-To specify a file as replacement, prefix the file path with ``@``.
-You might start **mitmdump** as follows:
->>> mitmdump --replacements :~q:foo:@~/xss-exploit
-This will load the replacement text from the file ``~/xss-exploit``.
-The ``--replacements`` flag can be passed multiple times.
-The :kbd:`R` shortcut key in the mitmproxy options menu (:kbd:`O`) lets you add and edit
-replacement hooks using a built-in editor. The context-sensitive help (:kbd:`?`) has
-complete usage information.
-================== =======================
-command-line ``--replacements``
-mitmproxy shortcut :kbd:`O` then :kbd:`R`
-================== =======================
diff --git a/docs/features/reverseproxy.rst b/docs/features/reverseproxy.rst
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-.. _reverseproxy:
-Reverse Proxy
-In reverse proxy mode, mitmproxy accepts standard HTTP(S) requests and forwards
-them to the specified upstream server. This is in contrast to :ref:`upstreamproxy`, in which
-mitmproxy forwards HTTP(S) proxy requests to an upstream proxy server.
-================== ================================
-command-line ``-R http[s]://hostname[:port]``
-================== ================================
-Here, **http[s]** signifies if the proxy should use TLS to connect to the server.
-mitmproxy always accepts both encrypted and unencrypted requests and transforms
-them to what the server expects.
-.. code-block:: none
- >>> mitmdump -R https://httpbin.org -p 80
- >>> curl http://localhost/
- # requests will be transparently upgraded to TLS by mitmproxy
- >>> mitmdump -R https://httpbin.org -p 443
- >>> curl https://localhost/
- # mitmproxy will use TLS on both ends.
-Host Header
-In reverse proxy mode, mitmproxy automatically rewrites the Host header to match the
-upstream server. This allows mitmproxy to easily connect to existing endpoints on the
-open web (e.g. ``mitmproxy -R https://example.com``). You can disable this behaviour
-by passing ``--keep-host-header`` on the console.
-However, keep in mind that absolute URLs within the returned document or HTTP redirects will
-NOT be rewritten by mitmproxy. This means that if you click on a link for "http://example.com"
-in the returned web page, you will be taken directly to that URL, bypassing mitmproxy.
-One possible way to address this is to modify the hosts file of your OS so that "example.com"
-resolves to your proxy's IP, and then access the proxy by going directly to example.com.
-Make sure that your proxy can still resolve the original IP, or specify an IP in mitmproxy.
diff --git a/docs/features/serverreplay.rst b/docs/features/serverreplay.rst
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-.. _serverreplay:
-Server-side replay
-Server-side replay lets us replay server responses from a saved HTTP
-Matching requests with responses
-By default, :program:`mitmproxy` excludes request headers when matching incoming
-requests with responses from the replay file. This works in most circumstances,
-and makes it possible to replay server responses in situations where request
-headers would naturally vary, e.g. using a different user agent.
-The ``--rheader headername`` command-line option allows you to override
-this behaviour by specifying individual headers that should be included in matching.
-Response refreshing
-Simply replaying server responses without modification will often result in
-unexpected behaviour. For example cookie timeouts that were in the future at
-the time a conversation was recorded might be in the past at the time it is
-replayed. By default, :program:`mitmproxy` refreshes server responses before sending
-them to the client. The **date**, **expires** and **last-modified** headers are
-all updated to have the same relative time offset as they had at the time of
-recording. So, if they were in the past at the time of recording, they will be
-in the past at the time of replay, and vice versa. Cookie expiry times are
-updated in a similar way.
-You can turn off response refreshing using the ``--norefresh`` argument, or using
-the :kbd:`O` options shortcut within :program:`mitmproxy`.
-Replaying a session recorded in Reverse-proxy Mode
-If you have captured the session in reverse proxy mode, in order to replay it you
-still have to specify the server URL, otherwise you may get the error:
-'HTTP protocol error in client request: Invalid HTTP request form (expected authority or absolute...)'.
-During replay, when the client's requests match previously recorded requests, then the
-respective recorded responses are simply replayed by mitmproxy.
-Otherwise, the unmatched requests is forwarded to the upstream server.
-If forwarding is not desired, you can use the --kill (-k) switch to prevent that.
-================== ===========
-command-line ``-S path``
-mitmproxy shortcut :kbd:`R` then :kbd:`s`
-================== ===========
diff --git a/docs/features/setheaders.rst b/docs/features/setheaders.rst
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-.. _setheaders:
-Set Headers
-This feature lets you specify a set of headers to be added to requests or
-responses, based on a filter pattern. You can specify these either on the
-command-line, or through an interactive editor in mitmproxy.
-Example: Set the **Host** header to "example.com" for all requests.
-.. code-block:: none
- mitmdump -R http://example.com --setheader :~q:Host:example.com
-================== =======================
-command-line ``--setheader PATTERN``
-mitmproxy shortcut :kbd:`O` then :kbd:`H`
-================== =======================
diff --git a/docs/features/socksproxy.rst b/docs/features/socksproxy.rst
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-.. _socksproxy:
-In this mode, mitmproxy acts as a SOCKS5 proxy server.
-================== ===========
-command-line ``--socks``
-================== ===========
diff --git a/docs/features/sticky.rst b/docs/features/sticky.rst
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-.. _sticky:
-Sticky cookies and auth
-Sticky cookies
-When the sticky cookie option is set, __mitmproxy__ will add the cookie most
-recently set by the server to any cookie-less request. Consider a service that
-sets a cookie to track the session after authentication. Using sticky cookies,
-you can fire up mitmproxy, and authenticate to a service as you usually would
-using a browser. After authentication, you can request authenticated resources
-through mitmproxy as if they were unauthenticated, because mitmproxy will
-automatically add the session tracking cookie to requests. Among other things,
-this lets you script interactions with authenticated resources (using tools
-like wget or curl) without having to worry about authentication.
-Sticky cookies are especially powerful when used in conjunction with :ref:`clientreplay` - you can
-record the authentication process once, and simply replay it on startup every time you need
-to interact with the secured resources.
-================== ======================
-command-line ``-t FILTER``
-mitmproxy shortcut :kbd:`O` then :kbd:`t`
-================== ======================
-Sticky auth
-The sticky auth option is analogous to the sticky cookie option, in that HTTP
-**Authorization** headers are simply replayed to the server once they have been
-seen. This is enough to allow you to access a server resource using HTTP Basic
-authentication through the proxy. Note that :program:`mitmproxy` doesn't (yet) support
-replay of HTTP Digest authentication.
-================== ======================
-command-line ``-u FILTER``
-mitmproxy shortcut :kbd:`O` then :kbd:`A`
-================== ======================
diff --git a/docs/features/streaming.rst b/docs/features/streaming.rst
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-.. _streaming:
-HTTP Streaming
-By default, mitmproxy will read the entire request/response, perform any indicated
-manipulations on it and then send the (possibly modified) message to
-the other party. In some cases this is undesirable and you may wish to "stream"
-the request/response. When streaming is enabled, the request/response is
-not buffered on the proxy but directly sent to the server/client instead.
-HTTP headers are still fully buffered before being sent.
-Request Streaming
-Request streaming can be used to incrementally stream a request body to the server
-before it has been fully received by the proxy. This is useful for large file uploads.
-Response Streaming
-By using mitmproxy's streaming feature, response contents can be passed to the client incrementally
-before they have been fully received by the proxy. This is especially useful for large binary files
-such as videos, where buffering the whole file slows down the client's browser.
-On the command-line
-Streaming can be enabled on the command line for all request and response bodies exceeding a certain size.
-The SIZE argument understands k/m/g suffixes, e.g. 3m for 3 megabytes.
-================== =================
-command-line ``--set stream_large_bodies=SIZE``
-================== =================
-.. warning::
- When streaming is enabled, **streamed request/response contents will not be
- recorded or preserved in any way.**
-.. note::
- When streaming is enabled, the request/response body cannot be modified by the usual means.
-Customizing Streaming
-You can also use a script to customize exactly which requests or responses are streamed.
-Requests/Responses that should be tagged for streaming by setting their ``.stream``
-attribute to ``True``:
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/complex/stream.py
- :caption: examples/complex/stream.py
- :language: python
-Implementation Details
-When response streaming is enabled, portions of the code which would have otherwise performed
-changes on the request/response body will see an empty body. Any modifications will be ignored.
-Streamed bodies are usually sent in chunks of 4096 bytes. If the response is sent with a
-``Transfer-Encoding: chunked`` header, the response will be streamed one chunk at a time.
-Modifying streamed data
-If the ``.stream`` attribute is callable, ``.stream`` will wrap the generator that yields all
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/complex/stream_modify.py
- :caption: examples/complex/stream_modify.py
- :language: python
-WebSocket Streaming
-The WebSocket streaming feature can be used to send the frames as soon as they arrive. This can be useful for large binary file transfers.
-On the command-line
-Streaming can be enabled on the command line for all WebSocket frames
-================== =================
-command-line ``--set stream_websockets=true``
-================== =================
-.. note::
- When Web Socket streaming is enabled, the message payload cannot be modified.
-Implementation Details
-When WebSocket streaming is enabled, portions of the code which may perform changes to the WebSocket message payloads will not have
-any effect on the actual payload sent to the server as the frames are immediately forwarded to the server.
-In contrast to HTTP streaming, where the body is not stored, the message payload will still be stored in the WebSocket Flow.
-.. seealso::
- - :ref:`passthrough`
diff --git a/docs/features/upstreamcerts.rst b/docs/features/upstreamcerts.rst
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-.. _upstreamcerts:
-Upstream Certificates
-When mitmproxy receives a connection destined for an SSL-protected service, it
-freezes the connection before reading its request data, and makes a connection
-to the upstream server to "sniff" the contents of its SSL certificate. The
-information gained - the **Common Name** and **Subject Alternative Names** - is
-then used to generate the interception certificate, which is sent to the client
-so the connection can continue.
-This rather intricate little dance lets us seamlessly generate correct
-certificates even if the client has specified only an IP address rather than the
-hostname. It also means that we don't need to sniff additional data to generate
-certs in transparent mode.
-Upstream cert sniffing is on by default, and can optionally be turned off.
-================== ======================
-command-line ``--no-upstream-cert``
-mitmproxy shortcut :kbd:`O` then :kbd:`U`
-================== ======================
diff --git a/docs/features/upstreamproxy.rst b/docs/features/upstreamproxy.rst
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-.. _upstreamproxy:
-Upstream proxy mode
-In this mode, mitmproxy accepts proxy requests and unconditionally forwards all
-requests to a specified upstream proxy server. This is in contrast to :ref:`reverseproxy`,
-in which mitmproxy forwards ordinary HTTP requests to an upstream server.
-================== =============================
-command-line ``-U http://hostname[:port]``
-================== =============================