path: root/docs/pathod
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diff --git a/docs/pathod/intro.rst b/docs/pathod/intro.rst
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+.. _intro:
+Pathology 101
+Pathod is a pathological HTTP daemon designed to let you craft almost any
+conceivable HTTP response, including ones that creatively violate the
+standards. HTTP responses are specified using a :ref:`small, terse language
+<language>` which pathod shares with its evil twin :ref:`pathoc`. To start
+playing with pathod, fire up the daemon:
+>>> pathod
+By default, the service listens on port 9999 of localhost, and the default
+crafting anchor point is the path **/p/**. Anything after this URL prefix is
+treated as a response specifier. So, hitting the following URL will generate an
+HTTP 200 response with 100 bytes of random data:
+ http://localhost:9999/p/200:b@100
+See the :ref:`language documentation <language>` to get (much) fancier. The
+pathod daemon also takes a range of configuration options. To view those, use
+the command-line help:
+>>> pathod --help
+Mimicing a proxy
+Pathod automatically responds to both straight HTTP and proxy requests. For
+proxy requests, the upstream host is ignored, and the path portion of the URL
+is used to match anchors. This lets you test software that supports a proxy
+configuration by spoofing responses from upstream servers.
+By default, we treat all proxy CONNECT requests as HTTPS traffic, serving the
+response using either pathod's built-in certificates, or the cert/key pair
+specified by the user. You can over-ride this behaviour if you're testing a
+client that makes a non-SSL CONNECT request using the **-C** command-line
+Anchors provide an alternative to specifying the response in the URL. Instead,
+you attach a response to a pre-configured anchor point, specified with a regex.
+When a URL matching the regex is requested, the specified response is served.
+>>> pathod -a "/foo=200"
+Here, "/foo" is the regex specifying the anchor path, and the part after the "="
+is a response specifier.
+File Access
+There are two operators in the :ref:`language <language>`` that load contents
+from file - the **+** operator to load an entire request specification from
+file, and the **>** value specifier. In pathod, both of these operators are
+restricted to a directory specified at startup, or disabled if no directory is
+>>> pathod -d ~/staticdir"
+Internal Error Responses
+Pathod uses the non-standard 800 response code to indicate internal errors, to
+distinguish them from crafted responses. For example, a request to:
+ http://localhost:9999/p/foo
+... will return an 800 response because "foo" is not a valid page specifier.
+.. _pathoc:
+Pathoc is a perverse HTTP daemon designed to let you craft almost any
+conceivable HTTP request, including ones that creatively violate the standards.
+HTTP requests are specified using a :ref:`small, terse language <language>`,
+which pathod shares with its server-side twin pathod. To view pathoc's complete
+range of options, use the command-line help:
+>>> pathoc --help
+Getting Started
+The basic pattern for pathoc commands is as follows:
+ pathoc hostname request [request ...]
+That is, we specify the hostname to connect to, followed by one or more
+requests. Lets start with a simple example::
+ > pathoc google.com get:/
+ 07-06-16 12:13:43: >> 'GET':/
+ << 302 Found: 261 bytes
+Here, we make a GET request to the path / on port 80 of google.com. Pathoc's
+output tells us that the server responded with a 302 redirection. We can tell
+pathoc to connect using SSL, in which case the default port is changed to 443
+(you can over-ride the default port with the **-p** command-line option)::
+ > pathoc -s www.google.com get:/
+ 07-06-16 12:14:56: >> 'GET':/
+ << 302 Found: 262 bytes
+Multiple Requests
+There are two ways to tell pathoc to issue multiple requests. The first is to specify
+them on the command-line, like so::
+ > pathoc google.com get:/ get:/
+ 07-06-16 12:21:04: >> 'GET':/
+ << 302 Found: 261 bytes
+ 07-06-16 12:21:04: >> 'GET':/
+ << 302 Found: 261 bytes
+In this case, pathoc issues the specified requests over the same TCP connection -
+so in the above example only one connection is made to google.com
+The other way to issue multiple requests is to use the **-n** flag::
+ > pathoc -n 2 google.com get:/
+ 07-06-16 12:21:04: >> 'GET':/
+ << 302 Found: 261 bytes
+ 07-06-16 12:21:04: >> 'GET':/
+ << 302 Found: 261 bytes
+The output is identical, but two separate TCP connections are made to the
+upstream server. These two specification styles can be combined::
+ pathoc -n 2 google.com get:/ get:/
+Here, two distinct TCP connections are made, with two requests issued over
+Basic Fuzzing
+The combination of pathoc's powerful request specification language and a few
+of its command-line options makes for quite a powerful basic fuzzer. Here's an
+ pathoc -e -I 200 -t 2 -n 1000 localhost get:/:b@10:ir,@1
+The request specified here is a valid GET with a body consisting of 10 random bytes,
+but with 1 random byte inserted in a random place. This could be in the headers,
+in the initial request line, or in the body itself. There are a few things
+to note here:
+- Corrupting the request in this way will often make the server enter a state where
+ it's awaiting more input from the client. This is where the
+ **-t** option comes in, which sets a timeout that causes pathoc to
+ disconnect after two seconds.
+- The **-n** option tells pathoc to repeat the request 1000 times.
+- The **-I** option tells pathoc to ignore HTTP 200 response codes.
+ You can use this to fine-tune what pathoc considers to be an exceptional
+ condition, and therefore log-worthy.
+- The **-e** option tells pathoc to print an explanation of each logged
+ request, in the form of an expanded pathoc specification with all random
+ portions and automatic header additions resolved. This lets you precisely
+ replay a request that triggered an error.
+Interacting with Proxies
+Pathoc has a reasonably sophisticated suite of features for interacting with
+proxies. The proxy request syntax very closely mirrors that of straight HTTP,
+which means that it is possible to make proxy-style requests using pathoc
+without any additional syntax, by simply specifying a full URL instead of a
+simple path:
+>>> pathoc -p 8080 localhost "get:'http://google.com'"
+Another common use case is to use an HTTP CONNECT request to probe remote
+servers via a proxy. This is done with the **-c** command-line option, which
+allows you to specify a remote host and port pair:
+>>> pathoc -c google.com:80 -p 8080 localhost get:/
+Note that pathoc does **not** negotiate SSL without being explictly instructed
+to do so. If you're making a CONNECT request to an SSL-protected resource, you
+must also pass the **-s** flag:
+>>> pathoc -sc google.com:443 -p 8080 localhost get:/
+Embedded response specification
+One interesting feature of the Request specification language is that you can
+embed a response specification in it, which is then added to the request path.
+Here's an example:
+>>> pathoc localhost:9999 "get:/p/:s'401:ir,@1'"
+This crafts a request that connects to the pathod server, and which then crafts
+a response that generates a 401, with one random byte embedded at a random
+point. The response specification is parsed and expanded by pathoc, so you see
+syntax errors immediately. This really becomes handy when combined with the
+**-e** flag to show the expanded request::
+ 07-06-16 12:32:01: >> 'GET':/p/:s'401:i35,\x27\\x1b\x27:h\x27Content-Length\x27=\x270\x27:h\x27Content-Length\x27=\x270\x27':h'Host'='localhost'
+ << 401 Unauthorized: 0 bytes
+Note that the embedded response has been resolved *before* being sent to
+the server, so that "ir,@1" (embed a random byte at a random location) has
+become "i15,\'o\'" (embed the character "o" at offset 15). You now have a
+pathoc request specification that is precisely reproducible, even with random
+components. This feature comes in terribly handy when testing a proxy, since
+you can now drive the server response completely from the client, and have a
+complete log of reproducible requests to analyze afterwards.
+Request Examples
+.. list-table::
+ :widths: 50 50
+ :header-rows: 0
+ * - get:/
+ - Get path /
+ * - get:/:b@100
+ - 100 random bytes as the body
+ * - get:/:h"Etag"="&;drop table browsers;"
+ - Add a header
+ * - get:/:u"&;drop table browsers;"
+ - Add a User-Agent header
+ * - get:/:b@100:dr
+ - Drop the connection randomly
+ * - get:/:b@100,ascii:ir,@1
+ - 100 ASCII bytes as the body, and randomly inject a random byte
+ * - ws:/
+ - Initiate a websocket handshake.
+Response Examples
+.. list-table::
+ :widths: 50 50
+ :header-rows: 0
+ * - 200
+ - A basic HTTP 200 response.
+ * - 200:r
+ - A basic HTTP 200 response with no Content-Length header. This will hang.
+ * - 200:da
+ - Server-side disconnect after all content has been sent.
+ * - 200:b\@100
+ - 100 random bytes as the body. A Content-Length header is added, so the disconnect
+ is no longer needed.
+ * - 200:b\@100:h"Etag"="';drop table servers;"
+ - Add a Server header
+ * - 200:b\@100:dr
+ - Drop the connection randomly
+ * - 200:b\@100,ascii:ir,@1
+ - 100 ASCII bytes as the body, and randomly inject a random byte
+ * - 200:b\@1k:c"text/json"
+ - 1k of random bytes, with a text/json content type
+ * - 200:b\@1k:p50,120
+ - 1k of random bytes, pause for 120 seconds after 50 bytes
+ * - 200:b\@1k:pr,f
+ - 1k of random bytes, but hang forever at a random location
+ * - 200:b\@100:h\@1k,ascii_letters='foo'
+ - 100 ASCII bytes as the body, randomly generated 100k header name, with the value
+ 'foo'.
diff --git a/docs/pathod/language.rst b/docs/pathod/language.rst
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+.. _language:
+language spec
+HTTP Request
+ **method:path:[colon-separated list of features]**
+.. list-table::
+ :widths: 20 80
+ :header-rows: 0
+ * - method
+ - A :ref:`VALUE` specifying the HTTP method to
+ use. Standard methods do not need to be enclosed in quotes, while
+ non-standard methods can be specified as quoted strings.
+ The special method **ws** creates a valid websocket upgrade
+ GET request, and signals to pathoc to switch to websocket recieve
+ mode if the server responds correctly. Apart from that, websocket
+ requests are just like any other, and all aspects of the request
+ can be over-ridden.
+ * - h\:\ :ref:`VALUE`\ =\ :ref:`VALUE`\
+ - Set a header.
+ * - r
+ - Set the **raw** flag on this response. Pathod will not calculate a
+ *Content-Length* header if a body is set.
+ * - c\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - A shortcut for setting the Content-Type header. Equivalent to
+ ``h"Content-Type"=VALUE``
+ * - u\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - Set a User-Agent header on this request. You can specify either a
+ complete :ref:`VALUE`, or a User-Agent shortcut: **android**,
+ **blackberry**, **bingbot**, **chrome**, **firefox**, **googlebot**,
+ **ie9**, **ipad**, **iphone**, **safari**.
+ * - b\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - Set the body. The appropriate Content-Length header is added
+ automatically unless the **r** flag is set.
+ * - s\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - An embedded Response specification, appended to the path of the request.
+ * - x\ :ref:`INTEGER`
+ - Repeat this message N times.
+ * - d\ :ref:`OFFSET`
+ - Disconnect after OFFSET bytes (HTTP/1 only).
+ * - i\ :ref:`OFFSET`,\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - Inject the specified value at the offset (HTTP/1 only)
+ * - p\ :ref:`OFFSET`,SECONDS
+ - Pause for SECONDS seconds after OFFSET bytes. SECONDS can be an integer
+ or "f" to pause forever (HTTP/1 only)
+HTTP Response
+ **code:[colon-separated list of features]**
+.. list-table::
+ :widths: 20 80
+ :header-rows: 0
+ * - code
+ - An integer specifying the HTTP response code.
+ The special method **ws** creates a valid websocket upgrade
+ response (code 101), and moves pathod to websocket mode. Apart
+ from that, websocket responses are just like any other, and all
+ aspects of the response can be over-ridden.
+ * - m\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - HTTP Reason message. Automatically chosen according to the response
+ code if not specified. (HTTP/1 only)
+ * - h\:\ :ref:`VALUE`\ =\ :ref:`VALUE`\
+ - Set a header.
+ * - r
+ - Set the **raw** flag on this response. Pathod will not calculate a
+ *Content-Length* header if a body is set.
+ * - l\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - A shortcut for setting the Location header. Equivalent to
+ ``h"Location"=VALUE``
+ * - c\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - A shortcut for setting the Content-Type header. Equivalent to
+ ``h"Content-Type"=VALUE``
+ * - b\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - Set the body. The appropriate Content-Length header is added
+ automatically unless the **r** flag is set.
+ * - d\ :ref:`OFFSET`
+ - Disconnect after OFFSET bytes (HTTP/1 only).
+ * - i\ :ref:`OFFSET`,\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - Inject the specified value at the offset (HTTP/1 only)
+ * - p\ :ref:`OFFSET`,SECONDS
+ - Pause for SECONDS seconds after OFFSET bytes. SECONDS can be an integer
+ or "f" to pause forever (HTTP/1 only)
+Websocket Frame
+ **wf:[colon-separated list of features]**
+.. list-table::
+ :widths: 20 80
+ :header-rows: 0
+ * - b\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - Set the frame payload. If a masking key is present, the value is
+ encoded automatically.
+ * - c\ :ref:`INTEGER`
+ - Set the op code. This can either be an integer from 0-15, or be one of
+ the following opcode names: **text** (the default), **continue**,
+ **binary**, **close**, **ping**, **pong**.
+ * - d\ :ref:`OFFSET`
+ - Disconnect after OFFSET bytes
+ * - i\ :ref:`OFFSET`,\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - Inject the specified value at the offset
+ * - p\ :ref:`OFFSET`,SECONDS
+ - Pause for SECONDS seconds after OFFSET bytes. SECONDS can be an integer
+ or "f" to pause forever
+ * - x\ :ref:`INTEGER`
+ - Repeat this message N times.
+ * - [-]fin
+ - Set or un-set the **fin** bit.
+ * - k\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - Set the masking key. The resulting value must be exactly 4 bytes long.
+ The special form **knone** specifies that no key should be set, even if
+ the mask bit is on.
+ * - l\ :ref:`INTEGER`
+ - Set the payload length in the frame header, regardless of the actual
+ body length.
+ * - [-]mask
+ - Set or un-set the <b>mask</b> bit.
+ * - r\ :ref:`VALUE`
+ - Set the raw frame payload. This disables masking, even if the key is present.
+ * - [-]rsv1
+ - Set or un-set the **rsv1** bit.
+ * - [-]rsv2
+ - Set or un-set the **rsv2** bit.
+ * - [-]rsv2
+ - Set or un-set the **rsv2** bit.
+Data types
+.. _OFFSET:
+Offsets are calculated relative to the base message, before any injections or
+other transforms are applied. They have 3 flavors:
+======= ==========================
+integer An integer byte offset
+**r** A random location
+**a** The end of the message
+======= ==========================
+.. _VALUE:
+Literal values are specified as a quoted strings::
+ "foo"
+Either single or double quotes are accepted, and quotes can be escaped with
+backslashes within the string::
+ 'fo\'o'
+Literal values can contain Python-style backslash escape sequences::
+ 'foo\r\nbar'
+An @-symbol lead-in specifies that generated data should be used. There are two
+components to a generator specification - a size, and a data type. By default
+pathod assumes a data type of "bytes".
+Here's a value specifier for generating 100 bytes::
+ @100
+You can use standard suffixes to indicate larger values. Here, for instance, is
+a specifier for generating 100 megabytes:
+ @100m
+Data is generated and served efficiently - if you really want to send a
+terabyte of data to a client, pathod can do it. The supported suffixes are:
+========== ====================
+b 1024**0 (bytes)
+k 1024**1 (kilobytes)
+m 1024**2 (megabytes)
+g 1024**3 (gigabytes)
+t 1024**4 (terabytes)
+========== ====================
+Data types are separated from the size specification by a comma. This specification
+generates 100mb of ASCII::
+ @100m,ascii
+Supported data types are:
+================= ==============================================
+ascii All ASCII characters
+ascii_letters A-Za-z
+ascii_lowercase a-z
+ascii_uppercase A-Z
+bytes All 256 byte values
+digits 0-9
+hexdigits 0-f
+octdigits 0-7
+punctuation !"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ and space
+whitespace \\t \\n \\x0b \\x0c \\r and space
+================= ==============================================
+You can load a value from a specified file path. To do so, you have to specify a
+_staticdir_ option to pathod on the command-line, like so:
+>>> pathod -d ~/myassets
+All paths are relative paths under this directory. File loads are indicated by
+starting the value specifier with the left angle bracket::
+ <my/path
+The path value can also be a quoted string, with the same syntax as literals::
+ <"my/path"
diff --git a/docs/pathod/library.rst b/docs/pathod/library.rst
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+.. _library:
+pathod library
+Behind the pathod and pathoc command-line tools lurks the **pathod** library, a
+powerful way to manipulate and serve HTTP requests and responses from code. The
+canonical documentation for the library is in the code, and can be accessed
+using pydoc.
+.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/pathod/libpathod_pathoc.py
+ :caption: examples/pathod/libpathod_pathoc.py
+ :language: python
diff --git a/docs/pathod/test.rst b/docs/pathod/test.rst
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+.. _test:
+The **pathod.test** module is a light, flexible testing layer for HTTP clients.
+It works by firing up a Pathod instance in a separate thread, letting you use
+Pathod's full abilities to generate responses, and then query Pathod's internal
+logs to establish what happened. All the mechanics of startup, shutdown, finding
+free ports and so forth are taken care of for you.
+The canonical docs can be accessed using pydoc:
+>>> pydoc pathod.test
+The remainder of this page demonstrates some common interaction patterns using
+<a href="http://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/">nose</a>. These examples are
+also applicable with only minor modification to most commonly used Python testing
+Context Manager
+.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/pathod/test_context.py
+ :caption: examples/pathod/test_context.py
+ :language: python
+One instance per test
+.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/pathod/test_setup.py
+ :caption: examples/pathod/test_setup.py
+ :language: python