path: root/libmproxy/protocol/tls.py
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1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libmproxy/protocol/tls.py b/libmproxy/protocol/tls.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b85a6595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmproxy/protocol/tls.py
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+from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
+import struct
+from construct import ConstructError
+from netlib.tcp import NetLibError, NetLibInvalidCertificateError
+from netlib.http.http1 import HTTP1Protocol
+from ..contrib.tls._constructs import ClientHello
+from ..exceptions import ProtocolException
+from .base import Layer
+def is_tls_record_magic(d):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ True, if the passed bytes start with the TLS record magic bytes.
+ False, otherwise.
+ """
+ d = d[:3]
+ # TLS ClientHello magic, works for SSLv3, TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
+ # http://www.moserware.com/2009/06/first-few-milliseconds-of-https.html#client-hello
+ return (
+ len(d) == 3 and
+ d[0] == '\x16' and
+ d[1] == '\x03' and
+ d[2] in ('\x00', '\x01', '\x02', '\x03')
+ )
+class TlsLayer(Layer):
+ def __init__(self, ctx, client_tls, server_tls):
+ self.client_sni = None
+ self.client_alpn_protocols = None
+ super(TlsLayer, self).__init__(ctx)
+ self._client_tls = client_tls
+ self._server_tls = server_tls
+ self._sni_from_server_change = None
+ def __call__(self):
+ """
+ The strategy for establishing SSL is as follows:
+ First, we determine whether we need the server cert to establish ssl with the client.
+ If so, we first connect to the server and then to the client.
+ If not, we only connect to the client and do the server_ssl lazily on a Connect message.
+ An additional complexity is that establish ssl with the server may require a SNI value from the client.
+ In an ideal world, we'd do the following:
+ 1. Start the SSL handshake with the client
+ 2. Check if the client sends a SNI.
+ 3. Pause the client handshake, establish SSL with the server.
+ 4. Finish the client handshake with the certificate from the server.
+ There's just one issue: We cannot get a callback from OpenSSL if the client doesn't send a SNI. :(
+ Thus, we manually peek into the connection and parse the ClientHello message to obtain both SNI and ALPN values.
+ Further notes:
+ - OpenSSL 1.0.2 introduces a callback that would help here:
+ https://www.openssl.org/docs/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb.html
+ - The original mitmproxy issue is https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/427
+ """
+ client_tls_requires_server_cert = (
+ self._client_tls and self._server_tls and not self.config.no_upstream_cert
+ )
+ if self._client_tls:
+ self._parse_client_hello()
+ if client_tls_requires_server_cert:
+ self._establish_tls_with_client_and_server()
+ elif self._client_tls:
+ self._establish_tls_with_client()
+ layer = self.ctx.next_layer(self)
+ layer()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self._client_tls and self._server_tls:
+ return "TlsLayer(client and server)"
+ elif self._client_tls:
+ return "TlsLayer(client)"
+ elif self._server_tls:
+ return "TlsLayer(server)"
+ else:
+ return "TlsLayer(inactive)"
+ def _get_client_hello(self):
+ """
+ Peek into the socket and read all records that contain the initial client hello message.
+ Returns:
+ The raw handshake packet bytes, without TLS record header(s).
+ """
+ client_hello = ""
+ client_hello_size = 1
+ offset = 0
+ while len(client_hello) < client_hello_size:
+ record_header = self.client_conn.rfile.peek(offset + 5)[offset:]
+ if not is_tls_record_magic(record_header) or len(record_header) != 5:
+ raise ProtocolException('Expected TLS record, got "%s" instead.' % record_header)
+ record_size = struct.unpack("!H", record_header[3:])[0] + 5
+ record_body = self.client_conn.rfile.peek(offset + record_size)[offset + 5:]
+ if len(record_body) != record_size - 5:
+ raise ProtocolException("Unexpected EOF in TLS handshake: %s" % record_body)
+ client_hello += record_body
+ offset += record_size
+ client_hello_size = struct.unpack("!I", '\x00' + client_hello[1:4])[0] + 4
+ return client_hello
+ def _parse_client_hello(self):
+ """
+ Peek into the connection, read the initial client hello and parse it to obtain ALPN values.
+ """
+ try:
+ raw_client_hello = self._get_client_hello()[4:] # exclude handshake header.
+ except ProtocolException as e:
+ self.log("Cannot parse Client Hello: %s" % repr(e), "error")
+ return
+ try:
+ client_hello = ClientHello.parse(raw_client_hello)
+ except ConstructError as e:
+ self.log("Cannot parse Client Hello: %s" % repr(e), "error")
+ self.log("Raw Client Hello:\r\n:%s" % raw_client_hello.encode("hex"), "debug")
+ return
+ for extension in client_hello.extensions:
+ if extension.type == 0x00:
+ if len(extension.server_names) != 1 or extension.server_names[0].type != 0:
+ self.log("Unknown Server Name Indication: %s" % extension.server_names, "error")
+ self.client_sni = extension.server_names[0].name
+ elif extension.type == 0x10:
+ self.client_alpn_protocols = list(extension.alpn_protocols)
+ self.log(
+ "Parsed Client Hello: sni=%s, alpn=%s" % (self.client_sni, self.client_alpn_protocols),
+ "debug"
+ )
+ def connect(self):
+ if not self.server_conn:
+ self.ctx.connect()
+ if self._server_tls and not self.server_conn.tls_established:
+ self._establish_tls_with_server()
+ def reconnect(self):
+ self.ctx.reconnect()
+ if self._server_tls and not self.server_conn.tls_established:
+ self._establish_tls_with_server()
+ def set_server(self, address, server_tls=None, sni=None, depth=1):
+ self.ctx.set_server(address, server_tls, sni, depth)
+ if depth == 1 and server_tls is not None:
+ self._sni_from_server_change = sni
+ self._server_tls = server_tls
+ @property
+ def sni_for_server_connection(self):
+ if self._sni_from_server_change is False:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return self._sni_from_server_change or self.client_sni
+ @property
+ def alpn_for_client_connection(self):
+ return self.server_conn.get_alpn_proto_negotiated()
+ def __alpn_select_callback(self, conn_, options):
+ """
+ Once the client signals the alternate protocols it supports,
+ we reconnect upstream with the same list and pass the server's choice down to the client.
+ """
+ # This gets triggered if we haven't established an upstream connection yet.
+ default_alpn = HTTP1Protocol.ALPN_PROTO_HTTP1
+ # alpn_preference = netlib.http.http2.HTTP2Protocol.ALPN_PROTO_H2
+ if self.alpn_for_client_connection in options:
+ choice = bytes(self.alpn_for_client_connection)
+ elif default_alpn in options:
+ choice = bytes(default_alpn)
+ else:
+ choice = options[0]
+ self.log("ALPN for client: %s" % choice, "debug")
+ return choice
+ def _establish_tls_with_client_and_server(self):
+ self.ctx.connect()
+ # If establishing TLS with the server fails, we try to establish TLS with the client nonetheless
+ # to send an error message over TLS.
+ try:
+ self._establish_tls_with_server()
+ except Exception as e:
+ try:
+ self._establish_tls_with_client()
+ except:
+ pass
+ raise e
+ self._establish_tls_with_client()
+ def _establish_tls_with_client(self):
+ self.log("Establish TLS with client", "debug")
+ cert, key, chain_file = self._find_cert()
+ try:
+ self.client_conn.convert_to_ssl(
+ cert, key,
+ method=self.config.openssl_method_client,
+ options=self.config.openssl_options_client,
+ cipher_list=self.config.ciphers_client,
+ dhparams=self.config.certstore.dhparams,
+ chain_file=chain_file,
+ alpn_select_callback=self.__alpn_select_callback,
+ )
+ except NetLibError as e:
+ raise ProtocolException("Cannot establish TLS with client: %s" % repr(e), e)
+ def _establish_tls_with_server(self):
+ self.log("Establish TLS with server", "debug")
+ try:
+ # We only support http/1.1 and h2.
+ # If the server only supports spdy (next to http/1.1), it may select that
+ # and mitmproxy would enter TCP passthrough mode, which we want to avoid.
+ deprecated_http2_variant = lambda x: x.startswith("h2-") or x.startswith("spdy")
+ if self.client_alpn_protocols:
+ alpn = filter(lambda x: not deprecated_http2_variant(x), self.client_alpn_protocols)
+ else:
+ alpn = None
+ self.server_conn.establish_ssl(
+ self.config.clientcerts,
+ self.sni_for_server_connection,
+ method=self.config.openssl_method_server,
+ options=self.config.openssl_options_server,
+ verify_options=self.config.openssl_verification_mode_server,
+ ca_path=self.config.openssl_trusted_cadir_server,
+ ca_pemfile=self.config.openssl_trusted_ca_server,
+ cipher_list=self.config.ciphers_server,
+ alpn_protos=alpn,
+ )
+ tls_cert_err = self.server_conn.ssl_verification_error
+ if tls_cert_err is not None:
+ self.log(
+ "TLS verification failed for upstream server at depth %s with error: %s" %
+ (tls_cert_err['depth'], tls_cert_err['errno']),
+ "error")
+ self.log("Ignoring server verification error, continuing with connection", "error")
+ except NetLibInvalidCertificateError as e:
+ tls_cert_err = self.server_conn.ssl_verification_error
+ self.log(
+ "TLS verification failed for upstream server at depth %s with error: %s" %
+ (tls_cert_err['depth'], tls_cert_err['errno']),
+ "error")
+ self.log("Aborting connection attempt", "error")
+ raise ProtocolException("Cannot establish TLS with server: %s" % repr(e), e)
+ except NetLibError as e:
+ raise ProtocolException("Cannot establish TLS with server: %s" % repr(e), e)
+ self.log("ALPN selected by server: %s" % self.alpn_for_client_connection, "debug")
+ def _find_cert(self):
+ host = self.server_conn.address.host
+ sans = set()
+ # Incorporate upstream certificate
+ use_upstream_cert = (
+ self.server_conn and
+ self.server_conn.tls_established and
+ (not self.config.no_upstream_cert)
+ )
+ if use_upstream_cert:
+ upstream_cert = self.server_conn.cert
+ sans.update(upstream_cert.altnames)
+ if upstream_cert.cn:
+ sans.add(host)
+ host = upstream_cert.cn.decode("utf8").encode("idna")
+ # Also add SNI values.
+ if self.client_sni:
+ sans.add(self.client_sni)
+ if self._sni_from_server_change:
+ sans.add(self._sni_from_server_change)
+ sans.discard(host)
+ return self.config.certstore.get_cert(host, list(sans))