path: root/mitmproxy/options.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mitmproxy/options.py')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/mitmproxy/options.py b/mitmproxy/options.py
index 76060548..70d454fd 100644
--- a/mitmproxy/options.py
+++ b/mitmproxy/options.py
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ log_verbosity = [
-APP_HOST = "mitm.it"
-APP_PORT = 80
CA_DIR = "~/.mitmproxy"
@@ -30,202 +28,55 @@ class Options(optmanager.OptManager):
# This provides type hints for IDEs (e.g. PyCharm) and mypy.
# Autogenerated using test/helper_tools/typehints_for_options.py
add_upstream_certs_to_client_chain = None # type: bool
- allow_remote = None # type: bool
- anticache = None # type: bool
- anticomp = None # type: bool
body_size_limit = None # type: Optional[str]
cadir = None # type: str
certs = None # type: Sequence[str]
ciphers_client = None # type: Optional[str]
ciphers_server = None # type: Optional[str]
client_certs = None # type: Optional[str]
- client_replay = None # type: Sequence[str]
- console_focus_follow = None # type: bool
- console_layout = None # type: str
- console_layout_headers = None # type: bool
- console_mouse = None # type: bool
- console_palette = None # type: str
- console_palette_transparent = None # type: bool
- default_contentview = None # type: str
- flow_detail = None # type: int
http2 = None # type: bool
http2_priority = None # type: bool
ignore_hosts = None # type: Sequence[str]
- intercept = None # type: Optional[str]
- intercept_active = None # type: bool
keep_host_header = None # type: bool
- keepserving = None # type: bool
listen_host = None # type: str
listen_port = None # type: int
mode = None # type: str
- onboarding = None # type: bool
- onboarding_host = None # type: str
- onboarding_port = None # type: int
- proxyauth = None # type: Optional[str]
rawtcp = None # type: bool
- server_replay_refresh = None # type: bool
- replacements = None # type: Sequence[str]
- server_replay_kill_extra = None # type: bool
- rfile = None # type: Optional[str]
- save_stream_file = None # type: Optional[str]
- save_stream_filter = None # type: Optional[str]
- scripts = None # type: Sequence[str]
server = None # type: bool
- server_replay = None # type: Sequence[str]
- server_replay_ignore_content = None # type: bool
- server_replay_ignore_host = None # type: bool
- server_replay_ignore_params = None # type: Sequence[str]
- server_replay_ignore_payload_params = None # type: Sequence[str]
- server_replay_nopop = None # type: bool
- server_replay_use_headers = None # type: Sequence[str]
- setheaders = None # type: Sequence[str]
- showhost = None # type: bool
spoof_source_address = None # type: bool
ssl_insecure = None # type: bool
ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca = None # type: Optional[str]
ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir = None # type: Optional[str]
ssl_version_client = None # type: str
ssl_version_server = None # type: str
- stickyauth = None # type: Optional[str]
- stickycookie = None # type: Optional[str]
- stream_large_bodies = None # type: Optional[str]
- stream_websockets = None # type: bool
tcp_hosts = None # type: Sequence[str]
- upstream_auth = None # type: Optional[str]
upstream_bind_address = None # type: str
upstream_cert = None # type: bool
+ websocket = None # type: bool
+ # FIXME: Options that must be migrated to addons, but are complicated
+ # because they're used by more than one addon, or because they're
+ # embedded in the core code somehow.
+ default_contentview = None # type: str
+ flow_detail = None # type: int
+ intercept = None # type: Optional[str]
+ intercept_active = None # type: bool
+ proxyauth = None # type: Optional[str]
+ showhost = None # type: bool
verbosity = None # type: str
view_filter = None # type: Optional[str]
- view_order = None # type: str
- view_order_reversed = None # type: bool
- web_debug = None # type: bool
- web_iface = None # type: str
- web_open_browser = None # type: bool
- web_port = None # type: int
- websocket = None # type: bool
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
- "onboarding", bool, True,
- "Toggle the mitmproxy onboarding app."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "onboarding_host", str, APP_HOST,
- """
- Onboarding app domain. For transparent mode, use an IP when a DNS
- entry for the app domain is not present.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
- "onboarding_port", int, APP_PORT,
- "Port to serve the onboarding app from."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "anticache", bool, False,
- """
- Strip out request headers that might cause the server to return
- 304-not-modified.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
- "anticomp", bool, False,
- "Try to convince servers to send us un-compressed data."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "client_replay", Sequence[str], [],
- "Replay client requests from a saved file."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "server_replay_kill_extra", bool, False,
- "Kill extra requests during replay."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "keepserving", bool, False,
- """
- Continue serving after client playback, server playback or file
- read. This option is ignored by interactive tools, which always keep
- serving.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
"server", bool, True,
"Start a proxy server. Enabled by default."
- "server_replay_nopop", bool, False,
- """
- Don't remove flows from server replay state after use. This makes it
- possible to replay same response multiple times.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
- "server_replay_refresh", bool, True,
- """
- Refresh server replay responses by adjusting date, expires and
- last-modified headers, as well as adjusting cookie expiration.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
- "rfile", Optional[str], None,
- "Read flows from file."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "scripts", Sequence[str], [],
- """
- Execute a script.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
"showhost", bool, False,
"Use the Host header to construct URLs for display."
- "replacements", Sequence[str], [],
- """
- Replacement patterns of the form "/pattern/regex/replacement", where
- the separator can be any character.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
- "server_replay_use_headers", Sequence[str], [],
- "Request headers to be considered during replay."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "setheaders", Sequence[str], [],
- """
- Header set pattern of the form "/pattern/header/value", where the
- separator can be any character.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
- "server_replay", Sequence[str], [],
- "Replay server responses from a saved file."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "stickycookie", Optional[str], None,
- "Set sticky cookie filter. Matched against requests."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "stickyauth", Optional[str], None,
- "Set sticky auth filter. Matched against requests."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "stream_large_bodies", Optional[str], None,
- """
- Stream data to the client if response body exceeds the given
- threshold. If streamed, the body will not be stored in any way.
- Understands k/m/g suffixes, i.e. 3m for 3 megabytes.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
- "stream_websockets", bool, False,
- """
- Stream WebSocket messages between client and server.
- Messages are captured and cannot be modified.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
"verbosity", str, 'info',
"Log verbosity.",
@@ -235,40 +86,6 @@ class Options(optmanager.OptManager):
"The default content view mode.",
choices = [i.name.lower() for i in contentviews.views]
- self.add_option(
- "save_stream_file", Optional[str], None,
- "Stream flows to file as they arrive. Prefix path with + to append."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "save_stream_filter", Optional[str], None,
- "Filter which flows are written to file."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "server_replay_ignore_content", bool, False,
- "Ignore request's content while searching for a saved flow to replay."
- )
- self.add_option(
- "server_replay_ignore_params", Sequence[str], [],
- """
- Request's parameters to be ignored while searching for a saved flow
- to replay.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
- "server_replay_ignore_payload_params", Sequence[str], [],
- """
- Request's payload parameters (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or
- multipart/form-data) to be ignored while searching for a saved flow
- to replay.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
- "server_replay_ignore_host", bool, False,
- """
- Ignore request's destination host while searching for a saved flow
- to replay.
- """
- )
# Proxy options
@@ -396,13 +213,6 @@ class Options(optmanager.OptManager):
- "upstream_auth", Optional[str], None,
- """
- Add HTTP Basic authentication to upstream proxy and reverse proxy
- requests. Format: username:password.
- """
- )
- self.add_option(
"ssl_version_client", str, "secure",
Set supported SSL/TLS versions for client connections. SSLv2, SSLv3