path: root/libraries/vendors
diff options
authorumarcor <unai.martinezcorral@ehu.eus>2021-01-21 00:07:40 +0100
committerumarcor <unai.martinezcorral@ehu.eus>2021-01-21 01:41:16 +0100
commit67fc67033cc356b7874d67b42698c5391dfdbf98 (patch)
tree4c3ff74236c8486fdb36d98a07fbf4f56de83062 /libraries/vendors
parent12d669cb9c048d09a0e103a6123cfe0a4aad0800 (diff)
vendors: move vendor pre-compile scripts into subdir 'scripts'
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/vendors')
20 files changed, 0 insertions, 7458 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/README.md b/libraries/vendors/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 65b55e513..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Compile Scripts for Vendor VHDL Libraries
-Vendors like Altera, Lattice and Xilinx have their own simulation libraries,
-especially for FPGA primitives, soft and hard macros. These libraries cannot be
-shipped with GHDL, but GHDL offers prepared compile scripts to pre-compile the
-vendor libraries, if the vendor tool is present on the computer.
-There are also popular simulation and verification libraries like [OSVVM][osvvm]
-and [UVVM][uvvm], which can be pre-compile, too.
-The compilation scripts are writen in the shell languages: PowerShell for Windows
-and Bash for Linux, MacOS, MSYS2/MinGW. The compile scripts can colorize the GHDL
-warning and error lines with the help of grc/grcat ([generic colourizer][grc]).
- [osvvm]: http://osvvm.org/
- [uvvm]: https://github.com/UVVM/UVVM_All
- [grc]: http://kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk/~garabik/software/grc.html
-See the [GHDL Documentation](https://ghdl.github.io/ghdl) for a detailed
-documentation on how to use [Precompile Scripts](https://ghdl.github.io/ghdl/getting/PrecompileVendorPrimitives.html)
-## Quick Start
-### Compiling in Bash (e.g. Linux)
- - **Step 1 - Browse to your simulation working directory**
- ```Bash
- $ cd <MySimulationFolder>
- ```
- - **Step 2 - Start the compilation script(s)**
- Choose one of the provided pre-compilation scripts and run:
- ```Bash
- $ /usr/local/lib/ghdl/vendors/compile-osvvm.sh --all --source ../path/to/osvvm
- ```
- In most cases GHDL is installed into `/usr/local/`. The scripts are
- installed into the `lib/ghdl/vendors` directory.
- - **Step 3 - Viewing the result**
- This creates vendor directories in your current working directory and
- compiles the vendor files into them.
- ```Bash
- $ ls -ahl
- ...
- drwxr-xr-x 2 <user> <group> 56K Nov 30 17:48 osvvm
- drwxr-xr-x 2 <user> <group> 56K Nov 30 17:58 osvvm_common
- drwxr-xr-x 2 <user> <group> 56K Nov 30 17:58 osvvm_axi4
- drwxr-xr-x 2 <user> <group> 56K Nov 30 17:48 osvvm_uart
- ```
-### Compiling in PowerShell (e.g. Windows)
- - **Step 1 - Browse to your simulation working directory**
- ```PowerShell
- PS> cd <MySimulationFolder>
- ```
- - **Step 2 - Start the compilation script(s)**
- Choose one of the provided pre-compilation scripts and run:
- ```PowerShell
- PS> <GHDL>\libraries\vendors\compile-osvvm.ps1 -All -Source ..\path\to\osvvm
- ```
- - **Step 3 - Viewing the result**
- This creates vendor directories in your current working directory and
- compiles the vendor files into them.
- ```PowerShell
- PS> dir
- Directory: D:\temp\ghdl
- Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
- ---- ------------- ------ ----
- d---- 20.11.2019 19:38 <DIR> osvvm
- d---- 20.11.2019 19:45 <DIR> osvvm_common
- d---- 20.11.2019 19:06 <DIR> osvvm_axi4
- d---- 20.11.2019 19:40 <DIR> osvvm_uart
- ```
-## Usage
-## Options
-Each script has an integrated help. Use `script.sh --help` (Bash) or
-`script.ps1 -Help` (PoSh) to print all options. When setting verbose or debug
-mode, scripts will print more information or all commands executed by
-the script itself.
-With `--source` (Bash) or `-Source` (PoSh) the 3rd party libraries VHDL
-directory can be specified. With `-output` (Bash) or `-Output` (PoSh) the
-output directory can be specified. If GHDL is not automatically found, then
-the path to the GHDL executable can be specified with `--ghdl` (Bash) or
-`-GHDL` (PoSh).
-For a detailed documentation and all command line options see
-[Precompile Scripts](https://ghdl.github.io/ghdl/getting/PrecompileVendorPrimitives.html)
-## TODOs
- - switch / search directories if normal OSVVM or OsvvmLibraries is specified as source
-- Missing features
- - Implement `-Clean` ```--clean` commands
-- describe usage with -P
-- document offered procedures and functions
-- don't enforce `--output` if `--source` is used.
- - create a list of components as array and generate from that:
- - variables
- - cli options
- - help text
- - default values
-Author: Patrick Lehmann
-Last update: 14.01.2020
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-altera.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-altera.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f47b1c4..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-altera.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Script to compile the simulation libraries from Altera Quartus for GHDL on Windows.
-# This CmdLet:
-# (1) creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# (2) compiles all Altera Quartus simulation libraries and packages
-# o Altera standard libraries: lpm, sgate, altera, altera_mf, altera_lnsim
-# o Altera device libraries:
-# - arriaii, arriaii_pcie_hip, arriaiigz
-# - arriav, arriavgz, arriavgz_pcie_hip
-# - cycloneiv, cycloneiv_pcie_hip, cycloneive
-# - cyclonev
-# - max, maxii, maxv
-# - stratixiv, stratixiv_pcie_hip
-# - stratixv, stratixv_pcie_hip
-# - fiftyfivenm, twentynm
- # Show the embedded help page(s)
- [switch]$Help = $false,
- # Compile all libraries and packages.
- [switch]$All = $false,
- # Compile the Altera standard libraries: lpm, sgate, altera, altera_mf, altera_lnsim
- [switch]$Altera = $false,
- # Compile the Altera Max device libraries
- [switch]$Max = $false,
- # Compile the Altera Cyclone device libraries
- [switch]$Cyclone = $false,
- # Compile the Altera Arria device libraries
- [switch]$Arria = $false,
- # Compile the Altera Stratix device libraries
- [switch]$Stratix = $false,
- # Unknown device library
- [switch]$Nanometer = $false,
- # Clean up directory before analyzing.
- [switch]$Clean = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '93.
- [switch]$VHDL93 = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '08.
- [switch]$VHDL2008 = $false,
- # Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
- [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors.
- [switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory.
- [string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name.
- [string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL binary directory.
- [string]$GHDL = ""
-# ---------------------------------------------
-# save working directory
-$WorkingDir = Get-Location
-# set default values
-$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
-# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-$EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host "Loading modules..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList `"AlteraQuartus`"" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList "AlteraQuartus"
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList @(`"Altera Quartus`", `"$WorkingDir`")" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList @("Altera Quartus", "$WorkingDir")
-# Display help if no command was selected
-$Help = $Help -or (-not ($All -or $Altera -or $Max -or $Cyclone -or $Arria -or $Stratix -or $Nanometer -or $Clean))
-if ($Help)
-{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.MyCommand.Path -Detailed
- Exit-CompileScript
-if ($All)
-{ $Altera = $true
- $Max = $true
- $Cyclone = $true
- $Arria = $true
- $Stratix = $true
- $Nanometer = $true
-function Get-AlteraQuartusDirectory
-{ if (Test-Path env:QUARTUS_ROOTDIR)
- { return $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory) }
- else
- { $EnvSourceDir = ""
- foreach ($Drive in Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'FileSystem')
- { $Path = $Drive.Name + ":\" + "Altera"
- if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)
- { foreach ($Major in 16..13)
- { foreach ($Minor in 3..0)
- { $Dir = $Path + "\" + $Major + "." + $Minor + "\quartus"
- if (Test-Path $Dir -PathType Container)
- { $EnvSourceDir = $Dir + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory)
- return $EnvSourceDir
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-$SourceDirectory = Get-SourceDirectory $Source (Get-AlteraQuartusDirectory)
-$DestinationDirectory = Get-DestinationDirectory $Output
-$GHDLBinary = Get-GHDLBinary $GHDL
-# create "Altera" directory and change to it
-New-DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-$VHDLVersion,$VHDLStandard,$VHDLFlavor = Get-VHDLVariables $VHDL93 $VHDL2008
-# define global GHDL Options
-$Analyze_Parameters = @(
- "-fexplicit",
- "-frelaxed-rules",
- "--mb-comments",
- "-Wbinding"
-if (-not $EnableDebug)
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-hide"
- )
-if (-not ($EnableVerbose -or $EnableDebug))
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-library",
- "-Wno-others",
- "-Wno-static"
- )
-$Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "--ieee=$VHDLFlavor",
- "--no-vital-checks",
- "--std=$VHDLStandard",
- "-P$DestinationDirectory"
-# extract data from configuration
-# $SourceDir = $InstallationDirectory["AlteraQuartus"] + "\quartus\eda\sim_lib"
-$StopCompiling = $false
-$ErrorCount = 0
-# Cleanup directories
-# ==============================================================================
-if ($Clean)
-{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: '-Clean' is not implemented!" -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- Write-Host "Cleaning up vendor directory ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
- rm *.cf
-# Altera standard libraries
-# ==============================================================================
-# compile lpm library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
-{ $Library = "lpm"
- $Files = @(
- "220pack.vhd",
- "220model.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile sgate library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
-{ $Library = "sgate"
- $Files = @(
- "sgate_pack.vhd",
- "sgate.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile altera library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
-{ $Library = "altera"
- $Files = @(
- "altera_europa_support_lib.vhd",
- "altera_primitives_components.vhd",
- "altera_primitives.vhd",
- "altera_standard_functions.vhd",
- "altera_syn_attributes.vhd",
- "alt_dspbuilder_package.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile altera_mf library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
-{ $Library = "altera_mf"
- $Files = @(
- "altera_mf_components.vhd",
- "altera_mf.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile altera_lnsim library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
-{ $Library = "altera_lnsim"
- $Files = @(
- "altera_lnsim_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Altera device libraries
-# ==============================================================================
-# compile max library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Max)
-{ $Library = "max"
- $Files = @(
- "max_atoms.vhd",
- "max_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile maxii library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Max)
-{ $Library = "maxii"
- $Files = @(
- "maxii_atoms.vhd",
- "maxii_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile maxv library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Max)
-{ $Library = "maxv"
- $Files = @(
- "maxv_atoms.vhd",
- "maxv_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriaii library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriaii"
- $Files = @(
- "arriaii_atoms.vhd",
- "arriaii_components.vhd",
- "arriaii_hssi_components.vhd",
- "arriaii_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriaii_pcie_hip library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriaii_pcie_hip"
- $Files = @(
- "arriaii_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
- "arriaii_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriaiigz library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriaiigz"
- $Files = @(
- "arriaiigz_atoms.vhd",
- "arriaiigz_components.vhd",
- "arriaiigz_hssi_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriav library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriav"
- $Files = @(
- "arriav_atoms.vhd",
- "arriav_components.vhd",
- "arriav_hssi_components.vhd",
- "arriav_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriavgz library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriavgz"
- $Files = @(
- "arriavgz_atoms.vhd",
- "arriavgz_components.vhd",
- "arriavgz_hssi_components.vhd",
- "arriavgz_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriavgz_pcie_hip library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriavgz_pcie_hip"
- $Files = @(
- "arriavgz_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
- "arriavgz_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile cycloneiv library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
-{ $Library = "cycloneiv"
- $Files = @(
- "cycloneiv_atoms.vhd",
- "cycloneiv_components.vhd",
- "cycloneiv_hssi_components.vhd",
- "cycloneiv_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile cycloneiv_pcie_hip library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
-{ $Library = "cycloneiv_pcie_hip"
- $Files = @(
- "cycloneiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
- "cycloneiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile cycloneive library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
-{ $Library = "cycloneive"
- $Files = @(
- "cycloneive_atoms.vhd",
- "cycloneive_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile cyclonev library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
-{ $Library = "cyclonev"
- $Files = @(
- "cyclonev_atoms.vhd",
- "cyclonev_components.vhd",
- "cyclonev_hssi_components.vhd",
- "cyclonev_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile stratixiv library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
-{ $Library = "stratixiv"
- $Files = @(
- "stratixiv_atoms.vhd",
- "stratixiv_components.vhd",
- "stratixiv_hssi_components.vhd",
- "stratixiv_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile stratixiv_pcie_hip library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
-{ $Library = "stratixiv_pcie_hip"
- $Files = @(
- "stratixiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
- "stratixiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile stratixv library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
-{ $Library = "stratixv"
- $Files = @(
- "stratixv_atoms.vhd",
- "stratixv_components.vhd",
- "stratixv_hssi_components.vhd",
- "stratixv_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile stratixv_pcie_hip library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
-{ $Library = "stratixv_pcie_hip"
- $Files = @(
- "stratixv_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
- "stratixv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile fiftyfivenm library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Nanometer)
-{ $Library = "fiftyfivenm"
- $Files = @(
- "fiftyfivenm_atoms.vhd",
- "fiftyfivenm_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile twentynm library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Nanometer)
-{ $Library = "twentynm"
- $Files = @(
- "twentynm_atoms.vhd",
- "twentynm_components.vhd",
- "twentynm_hip_components.vhd",
- "twentynm_hip_atoms.vhd",
- "twentynm_hssi_components.vhd",
- "twentynm_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-Write-Host "Compiling Altera libraries " -NoNewline
-if ($ErrorCount -gt 0)
-{ Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red }
-{ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green }
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-altera.sh b/libraries/vendors/compile-altera.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 73aaeb164..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-altera.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,708 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# Bash Script (executable):
-# Script to compile the simulation libraries from Altera Quartus for GHDL on
-# Linux
-# Description:
-# - Creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# - Compiles all Altera Quartus-II simulation libraries and packages
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Work around for Darwin (Mac OS)
-test greadlink --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink || READLINK=readlink
-# Save working directory
-ScriptDir="$(dirname $0)"
-ScriptDir="$($READLINK -f $ScriptDir)"
-# Source Bash utilities
-source $ScriptDir/../ansi_color.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading Bash utilities.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-# Command line argument processing
-while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case "$1" in
- -c|--clean)
- ;;
- -a|--all)
- ;;
- --altera)
- ;;
- --max)
- ;;
- --cyclone)
- ;;
- --arria)
- ;;
- --stratix)
- ;;
- --nanometer)
- ;;
- -S|--skip-largefiles)
- ;;
- --vhdl93)
- VHDLStandard=93
- ;;
- --vhdl2008)
- VHDLStandard=2008
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- ;;
- -d|--debug)
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- break
- ;;
- -n|--no-filter)
- ;;
- -N|--no-warnings)
- ;;
- -H|--halt-on-error)
- ;;
- --ghdl)
- GHDL="$2" # overwrite a potentially existing GHDL environment variable
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --source)
- SrcDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --output)
- DestDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- *) # unknown option
- echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} Unknown command line option '$1'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- break
- ;;
- esac
- shift # parsed argument or value
-if [[ $COMMAND -le 1 ]]; then
- test $COMMAND -eq 1 && echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} No command selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- echo ""
- echo "Synopsis:"
- echo " A script to compile the Altera Quartus simulation libraries for GHDL on Linux."
- echo " One library folder 'lib/v??' per VHDL library will be created relative to the current"
- echo " working directory."
- echo ""
- echo " Use the adv. options or edit 'config.sh' to supply paths and default params."
- echo ""
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " compile-altera.sh [<verbosity>] <common command>|<library> [<options>] [<adv. options>]"
- echo ""
- echo "Common commands:"
- echo " -h --help Print this help page"
- echo " -c --clean Remove all generated files"
- echo ""
- echo "Libraries:"
- echo " -a --all Compile all Altera simulation libraries."
- echo " --altera Compile the Altera standard libraries: lpm, sgate, altera, altera_mf, altera_lnsim."
- echo " --max Compile the Altera Max device libraries."
- echo " --cyclone Compile the Altera Cyclone device libraries."
- echo " --arria Compile the Altera Arria device libraries."
- echo " --stratix Compile the Altera Stratix device libraries."
- echo " --nanometer Unknown device library."
- echo ""
- echo "Library compile options:"
- echo " --vhdl93 Compile the libraries with VHDL-93."
- echo " --vhdl2008 Compile the libraries with VHDL-2008."
- echo " -S --skip-largefiles Don't compile large files. Exclude *HSSI* and *HIP* files."
- echo " -H --halt-on-error Halt on error(s)."
- echo ""
- echo "Advanced options:"
- echo " --ghdl <GHDL binary> Path to GHDL's executable, e.g. /usr/local/bin/ghdl"
- echo " --output <dir name> Name of the output directory, e.g. altera"
- echo " --source <Path to Quartus>Path to the sources."
- echo ""
- echo "Verbosity:"
- echo " -v --verbose Print verbose messages."
- echo " -d --debug Print debug messages."
- echo " -n --no-filter Disable output filtering scripts."
- echo " -N --no-warnings Suppress all warnings. Show only error messages."
- echo ""
- exit $COMMAND
-if [[ $COMMAND -eq 2 ]]; then
-# Source configuration file from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-echo -e "${ANSI_MAGENTA}Loading environment...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-source $ScriptDir/config.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading configuration.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-source $ScriptDir/shared.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading further procedures.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1; fi
-# Warn that some files might not be VHDL-2008 ready. Thus enabled continue on error.
-if [[ $VHDLStandard -eq 2008 ]]; then
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}Not all Altera packages are VHDL-2008 compatible! Setting CONTINUE_ON_ERROR to TRUE.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# Search Altera Quartus in default installation locations
-DefaultDirectories=("/opt/Altera" "/opt/altera" "/c/Altera")
-if [ ! -z $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR ]; then
- EnvSourceDir="$QUARTUS_ROOTDIR/${Altera_Quartus_Settings[SourceDirectory]}"
- for DefaultDir in "${DefaultDirectories[@]}"; do
- for Major in 16 15 14 13; do
- for Minor in 1 0; do
- Dir=$DefaultDir/${Major}.${Minor}/quartus
- if [ -d $Dir ]; then
- EnvSourceDir="$Dir/${Altera_Quartus_Settings[SourceDirectory]}"
- break 3
- fi
- done
- done
- done
-# <= $VHDLVersion
-# <= $VHDLStandard
-# <= $VHDLFlavor
-GHDLSetup $VHDLStandard
-# -> $SourceDirectories
-# -> $DestinationDirectories
-# -> $SrcDir
-# -> $DestDir
-# <= $SourceDirectory
-# <= $DestinationDirectory
-SetupDirectories Altera_Quartus "Altera Quartus"
-# create "osvvm" directory and change to it
-# => $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-# Extend global GHDL Options TODO: move to GHDLSetup
- -fexplicit
- -Wbinding
-if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-hide
- )
-if [[ ! (VERBOSE -eq 1) && ($DEBUG -eq 1) ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-others
- -Wno-static
- )
- --ieee=$VHDLFlavor
- --no-vital-checks
- --std=$VHDLStandard
- -frelaxed
- -P$DestinationDirectory
-# Cleanup directories
-# ==============================================================================
-if [[ $CLEAN -eq 1 ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} '--clean' is not implemented!"
- exit 1
- echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Cleaning up vendor directory ...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- rm *.o 2> /dev/null
- rm *.cf 2> /dev/null
-# Altera standard libraries
-# ==============================================================================
- 220pack.vhd
- 220model.vhd
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "lpm" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- sgate_pack.vhd
- sgate.vhd
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "sgate" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- altera_europa_support_lib.vhd
- altera_primitives_components.vhd
- altera_primitives.vhd
- altera_standard_functions.vhd
- altera_syn_attributes.vhd
- alt_dspbuilder_package.vhd
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "altera" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- altera_mf_components.vhd
- altera_mf.vhd
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "altera_mf" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- altera_lnsim_components.vhd
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "altera_lnsim" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Altera device libraries
-# ==============================================================================
-test $VERBOSE -eq 1 && echo -e " Searching available devices ..."
-# Max library
- max_atoms.vhd
- max_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Max'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "max" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_MAX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Max II library
- maxii_atoms.vhd
- maxii_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Max II'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "maxii" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_MAX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Max V library
- maxv_atoms.vhd
- maxv_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Max V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "maxv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_MAX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Arria II library
- arriaii_atoms.vhd
- arriaii_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- arriaii_hssi_components.vhd
- arriaii_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria II'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriaii" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Arria II (PCIe) library
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- StructName="ARRIA_II_PCIe"
- Files=(
- arriaii_pcie_hip_components.vhd
- arriaii_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
- )
- if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria II (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriaii_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- fi
-# ArriaII GZ library
- arriaiigz_atoms.vhd
- arriaiigz_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- arriaiigz_hssi_components.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria II GZ'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriaiigz" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# ArriaV library
- arriav_atoms.vhd
- arriav_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- arriav_hssi_components.vhd
- arriav_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriav" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Arria V GZ library
- arriavgz_atoms.vhd
- arriavgz_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- arriavgz_hssi_components.vhd
- arriavgz_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria V GZ'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriavgz" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Arria V GZ (PCIe) library
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- StructName="ARRIA_V_GZ_PCIe"
- Files=(
- arriavgz_pcie_hip_components.vhd
- arriavgz_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
- )
- if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria V GZ (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriavgz_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- fi
-# Cyclone library
- cyclone_atoms.vhd
- cyclone_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cyclone" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Cyclone II library
- cycloneii_atoms.vhd
- cycloneii_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone II'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cycloneii" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Cyclone III library
- cycloneiii_atoms.vhd
- cycloneiii_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone III'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cycloneiii" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Cyclone IV library
- cycloneiv_atoms.vhd
- cycloneiv_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- cycloneiv_hssi_components.vhd
- cycloneiv_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone IV'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cycloneiv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Cyclone IV (PCIe) library
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- StructName="CYCLONE_IV_PCIe"
- Files=(
- cycloneiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd
- cycloneiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
- )
- if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone IV (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cycloneiv_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- fi
-# Cyclone IV E library
- cycloneive_atoms.vhd
- cycloneive_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone IV E'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cycloneive" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Cyclone V library
- cyclonev_atoms.vhd
- cyclonev_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- cyclonev_hssi_components.vhd
- cyclonev_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cyclonev" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Stratix IV library
- stratixiv_atoms.vhd
- stratixiv_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- stratixiv_hssi_components.vhd
- stratixiv_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix IV'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixiv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Stratix IV (PCIe) library
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- StructName="STRATIX_IV_PCIe"
- Files=(
- stratixiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd
- stratixiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
- )
- if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix IV (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixiv_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- fi
-# Stratix V library
- stratixv_atoms.vhd
- stratixv_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- stratixv_hssi_components.vhd
- stratixv_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Stratix V (PCIe) library
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- StructName="STRATIX_V_PCIe"
- Files=(
- stratixv_pcie_hip_components.vhd
- stratixv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
- )
- if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix V (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixv_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- fi
-# 55 nm library
- fiftyfivenm_atoms.vhd
- fiftyfivenm_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device '55 nm'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "fiftyfivenm" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_NM -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# 20 nm library
- twentynm_atoms.vhd
- twentynm_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- twentynm_hip_components.vhd
- twentynm_hip_atoms.vhd
- twentynm_hssi_components.vhd
- twentynm_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device '20 nm'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "twentynm" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_NM -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then
- # for StructName in ${Libraries[*]}; do
- # PrintLibraryStruct $StructName " "
- # done
-# fi
-# Compile libraries
-if [[ ${#Libraries[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
- Compile "$SourceDirectory" "${Libraries[*]}"
- echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo -e "Compiling Altera Quartus packages and device libraries $(test $ERRORCOUNT -eq 0 && echo $COLORED_SUCCESSFUL || echo $COLORED_FAILED)"
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}Neither Altera Quartus packages nor device libraries selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index e554f292d..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Script to compile the simulation libraries from Intel Quartus for GHDL on Windows.
-# This CmdLet:
-# (1) creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# (2) compiles all Altera Quartus simulation libraries and packages
-# o Altera standard libraries: lpm, sgate, altera, altera_mf, altera_lnsim
-# o Altera device libraries:
-# - arriaii, arriaii_pcie_hip, arriaiigz
-# - arriav, arriavgz, arriavgz_pcie_hip
-# - cycloneiv, cycloneiv_pcie_hip, cycloneive
-# - cyclonev
-# - max, maxii, maxv
-# - stratixiv, stratixiv_pcie_hip
-# - stratixv, stratixv_pcie_hip
-# - fiftyfivenm, twentynm
- # Show the embedded help page(s)
- [switch]$Help = $false,
- # Compile all libraries and packages.
- [switch]$All = $false,
- # Compile the Altera standard libraries: lpm, sgate, altera, altera_mf, altera_lnsim
- [switch]$Altera = $false,
- # Compile the Altera Max device libraries
- [switch]$Max = $false,
- # Compile the Altera Cyclone device libraries
- [switch]$Cyclone = $false,
- # Compile the Altera Arria device libraries
- [switch]$Arria = $false,
- # Compile the Altera Stratix device libraries
- [switch]$Stratix = $false,
- # Unknown device library
- [switch]$Nanometer = $false,
- # Clean up directory before analyzing.
- [switch]$Clean = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '93.
- [switch]$VHDL93 = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '08.
- [switch]$VHDL2008 = $false,
- # Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
- [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors.
- [switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory.
- [string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name.
- [string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL binary directory.
- [string]$GHDL = ""
-# ---------------------------------------------
-# save working directory
-$WorkingDir = Get-Location
-# set default values
-$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
-# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-$EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host "Loading modules..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList `"IntelQuartus`"" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentList "IntelQuartus"
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList @(`"Intel Quartus Prime`", `"$WorkingDir`")" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentList @("Intel Quartus Prime", "$WorkingDir")
-# Display help if no command was selected
-$Help = $Help -or (-not ($All -or $Altera -or $Max -or $Cyclone -or $Arria -or $Stratix -or $Nanometer -or $Clean))
-if ($Help)
-{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.MyCommand.Path -Detailed
- Exit-CompileScript
-if ($All)
-{ $Altera = $true
- $Max = $true
- $Cyclone = $true
- $Arria = $true
- $Stratix = $true
- $Nanometer = $true
-function Get-AlteraQuartusDirectory
-{ if (Test-Path env:QUARTUS_ROOTDIR)
- { return $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory) }
- else
- { $EnvSourceDir = ""
- foreach ($Drive in Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'FileSystem')
- { $Path = $Drive.Name + ":\" + "Altera"
- if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)
- { foreach ($Major in 21..13)
- { foreach ($Minor in 5..0)
- { $Dir = $Path + "\" + $Major + "." + $Minor + "\quartus"
- if (Test-Path $Dir -PathType Container)
- { $EnvSourceDir = $Dir + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory)
- return $EnvSourceDir
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-$SourceDirectory = Get-SourceDirectory $Source (Get-AlteraQuartusDirectory)
-$DestinationDirectory = Get-DestinationDirectory $Output
-$GHDLBinary = Get-GHDLBinary $GHDL
-# create "Altera" directory and change to it
-New-DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-$VHDLVersion,$VHDLStandard,$VHDLFlavor = Get-VHDLVariables $VHDL93 $VHDL2008
-# define global GHDL Options
-$Analyze_Parameters = @(
- "-fexplicit",
- "-frelaxed-rules",
- "--mb-comments",
- "-Wbinding"
-if (-not $EnableDebug)
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-hide"
- )
-if (-not ($EnableVerbose -or $EnableDebug))
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-library",
- "-Wno-others",
- "-Wno-static"
- )
-$Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "--ieee=$VHDLFlavor",
- "--no-vital-checks",
- "--std=$VHDLStandard",
- "-P$DestinationDirectory"
-# extract data from configuration
-# $SourceDir = $InstallationDirectory["AlteraQuartus"] + "\quartus\eda\sim_lib"
-$StopCompiling = $false
-$ErrorCount = 0
-# Cleanup directories
-# ==============================================================================
-if ($Clean)
-{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: '-Clean' is not implemented!" -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- Write-Host "Cleaning up vendor directory ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
- rm *.cf
-# Altera standard libraries
-# ==============================================================================
-# compile lpm library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
-{ $Library = "lpm"
- $Files = @(
- "220pack.vhd",
- "220model.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile sgate library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
-{ $Library = "sgate"
- $Files = @(
- "sgate_pack.vhd",
- "sgate.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile altera library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
-{ $Library = "altera"
- $Files = @(
- "altera_europa_support_lib.vhd",
- "altera_primitives_components.vhd",
- "altera_primitives.vhd",
- "altera_standard_functions.vhd",
- "altera_syn_attributes.vhd",
- "alt_dspbuilder_package.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile altera_mf library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
-{ $Library = "altera_mf"
- $Files = @(
- "altera_mf_components.vhd",
- "altera_mf.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile altera_lnsim library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
-{ $Library = "altera_lnsim"
- $Files = @(
- "altera_lnsim_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Altera device libraries
-# ==============================================================================
-# compile max library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Max)
-{ $Library = "max"
- $Files = @(
- "max_atoms.vhd",
- "max_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile maxii library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Max)
-{ $Library = "maxii"
- $Files = @(
- "maxii_atoms.vhd",
- "maxii_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile maxv library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Max)
-{ $Library = "maxv"
- $Files = @(
- "maxv_atoms.vhd",
- "maxv_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriaii library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriaii"
- $Files = @(
- "arriaii_atoms.vhd",
- "arriaii_components.vhd",
- "arriaii_hssi_components.vhd",
- "arriaii_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriaii_pcie_hip library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriaii_pcie_hip"
- $Files = @(
- "arriaii_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
- "arriaii_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriaiigz library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriaiigz"
- $Files = @(
- "arriaiigz_atoms.vhd",
- "arriaiigz_components.vhd",
- "arriaiigz_hssi_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriav library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriav"
- $Files = @(
- "arriav_atoms.vhd",
- "arriav_components.vhd",
- "arriav_hssi_components.vhd",
- "arriav_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriavgz library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriavgz"
- $Files = @(
- "arriavgz_atoms.vhd",
- "arriavgz_components.vhd",
- "arriavgz_hssi_components.vhd",
- "arriavgz_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile arriavgz_pcie_hip library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
-{ $Library = "arriavgz_pcie_hip"
- $Files = @(
- "arriavgz_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
- "arriavgz_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile cycloneiv library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
-{ $Library = "cycloneiv"
- $Files = @(
- "cycloneiv_atoms.vhd",
- "cycloneiv_components.vhd",
- "cycloneiv_hssi_components.vhd",
- "cycloneiv_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile cycloneiv_pcie_hip library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
-{ $Library = "cycloneiv_pcie_hip"
- $Files = @(
- "cycloneiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
- "cycloneiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile cycloneive library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
-{ $Library = "cycloneive"
- $Files = @(
- "cycloneive_atoms.vhd",
- "cycloneive_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile cyclonev library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
-{ $Library = "cyclonev"
- $Files = @(
- "cyclonev_atoms.vhd",
- "cyclonev_components.vhd",
- "cyclonev_hssi_components.vhd",
- "cyclonev_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile stratixiv library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
-{ $Library = "stratixiv"
- $Files = @(
- "stratixiv_atoms.vhd",
- "stratixiv_components.vhd",
- "stratixiv_hssi_components.vhd",
- "stratixiv_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile stratixiv_pcie_hip library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
-{ $Library = "stratixiv_pcie_hip"
- $Files = @(
- "stratixiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
- "stratixiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile stratixv library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
-{ $Library = "stratixv"
- $Files = @(
- "stratixv_atoms.vhd",
- "stratixv_components.vhd",
- "stratixv_hssi_components.vhd",
- "stratixv_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile stratixv_pcie_hip library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
-{ $Library = "stratixv_pcie_hip"
- $Files = @(
- "stratixv_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
- "stratixv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile fiftyfivenm library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Nanometer)
-{ $Library = "fiftyfivenm"
- $Files = @(
- "fiftyfivenm_atoms.vhd",
- "fiftyfivenm_components.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-# compile twentynm library
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Nanometer)
-{ $Library = "twentynm"
- $Files = @(
- "twentynm_atoms.vhd",
- "twentynm_components.vhd",
- "twentynm_hip_components.vhd",
- "twentynm_hip_atoms.vhd",
- "twentynm_hssi_components.vhd",
- "twentynm_hssi_atoms.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- if (Test-Path $SourceFiles[0])
- { $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-Write-Host "Compiling Altera libraries " -NoNewline
-if ($ErrorCount -gt 0)
-{ Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red }
-{ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green }
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.sh b/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 79686f8b5..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,666 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# Bash Script (executable):
-# Script to compile the simulation libraries from Altera Quartus for GHDL on
-# Linux
-# Description:
-# - Creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# - Compiles all Altera Quartus-II simulation libraries and packages
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Work around for Darwin (Mac OS)
-test greadlink --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink || READLINK=readlink
-# Save working directory
-ScriptDir="$(dirname $0)"
-ScriptDir="$($READLINK -f $ScriptDir)"
-# Source Bash utilities
-source $ScriptDir/../ansi_color.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading Bash utilities.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-# Command line argument processing
-while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case "$1" in
- -c|--clean)
- ;;
- -a|--all)
- ;;
- --altera)
- ;;
- --max)
- ;;
- --cyclone)
- ;;
- --arria)
- ;;
- --stratix)
- ;;
- --nanometer)
- ;;
- -S|--skip-largefiles)
- ;;
- --vhdl93)
- VHDLStandard=93
- ;;
- --vhdl2008)
- VHDLStandard=2008
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- ;;
- -d|--debug)
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- break
- ;;
- -n|--no-filter)
- ;;
- -N|--no-warnings)
- ;;
- -H|--halt-on-error)
- ;;
- --ghdl)
- GHDL="$2" # overwrite a potentially existing GHDL environment variable
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --source)
- SrcDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --output)
- DestDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- *) # unknown option
- echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} Unknown command line option '$1'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- break
- ;;
- esac
- shift # parsed argument or value
-if [[ $COMMAND -le 1 ]]; then
- test $COMMAND -eq 1 && echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} No command selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- echo ""
- echo "Synopsis:"
- echo " A script to compile the Intel Quartus Prime simulation libraries for GHDL on Linux."
- echo " One library folder 'lib/v??' per VHDL library will be created relative to the current"
- echo " working directory."
- echo ""
- echo " Use the adv. options or edit 'config.sh' to supply paths and default params."
- echo ""
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " compile-intel.sh [<verbosity>] <common command>|<library> [<options>] [<adv. options>]"
- echo ""
- echo "Common commands:"
- echo " -h --help Print this help page"
- echo " -c --clean Remove all generated files"
- echo ""
- echo "Libraries:"
- echo " -a --all Compile all Intel simulation libraries."
- echo " --intel Compile the Altera standard libraries: lpm, sgate, altera, altera_mf, altera_lnsim."
- echo " --max Compile the Intel Max device libraries."
- echo " --cyclone Compile the Intel Cyclone device libraries."
- echo " --arria Compile the Intel Arria device libraries."
- echo " --stratix Compile the Intel Stratix device libraries."
- echo " --nanometer Unknown device library."
- echo ""
- echo "Library compile options:"
- echo " --vhdl93 Compile the libraries with VHDL-93."
- echo " --vhdl2008 Compile the libraries with VHDL-2008."
- echo " -S --skip-largefiles Don't compile large files. Exclude *HSSI* and *HIP* files."
- echo " -H --halt-on-error Halt on error(s)."
- echo ""
- echo "Advanced options:"
- echo " --ghdl <GHDL binary> Path to GHDL's executable, e.g. /usr/local/bin/ghdl"
- echo " --output <dir name> Name of the output directory, e.g. intel"
- echo " --source <Path to Quartus>Path to the sources."
- echo ""
- echo "Verbosity:"
- echo " -v --verbose Print verbose messages."
- echo " -d --debug Print debug messages."
- echo " -n --no-filter Disable output filtering scripts."
- echo " -N --no-warnings Suppress all warnings. Show only error messages."
- echo ""
- exit $COMMAND
-if [[ $COMMAND -eq 2 ]]; then
-# Source configuration file from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-echo -e "${ANSI_MAGENTA}Loading environment...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-source $ScriptDir/config.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading configuration.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-source $ScriptDir/shared.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading further procedures.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1; fi
-# Warn that some files might not be VHDL-2008 ready. Thus enabled continue on error.
-if [[ $VHDLStandard -eq 2008 ]]; then
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}Not all Altera packages are VHDL-2008 compatible! Setting CONTINUE_ON_ERROR to TRUE.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# Search Intel Quartus in default installation locations
-DefaultDirectories=("/opt/IntelFPGA" "/opt/intelfpga" "/opt/Intel" "/opt/intel" "/opt/Altera" "/opt/altera" "/c/intelFPGA")
-if [ ! -z $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR ]; then
- EnvSourceDir="$QUARTUS_ROOTDIR/${Intel_Quartus_Settings[SourceDirectory]}"
- for DefaultDir in "${DefaultDirectories[@]}"; do
- for Major in 21 20 19 18 17 16; do
- for Minor in 4 3 2 1 0; do
- Dir=$DefaultDir/${Major}.${Minor}/quartus
- if [ -d $Dir ]; then
- EnvSourceDir="$Dir/${Intel_Quartus_Settings[SourceDirectory]}"
- break 3
- fi
- done
- done
- done
-# <= $VHDLVersion
-# <= $VHDLStandard
-# <= $VHDLFlavor
-GHDLSetup $VHDLStandard
-# -> $SourceDirectories
-# -> $DestinationDirectories
-# -> $SrcDir
-# -> $DestDir
-# <= $SourceDirectory
-# <= $DestinationDirectory
-SetupDirectories Intel_Quartus "Intel Quartus"
-# create "osvvm" directory and change to it
-# => $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-# Extend global GHDL Options TODO: move to GHDLSetup
- -fexplicit
- -Wbinding
-if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-hide
- )
-if [[ ! (VERBOSE -eq 1) && ($DEBUG -eq 1) ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-others
- -Wno-static
- )
- --ieee=$VHDLFlavor
- --no-vital-checks
- --std=$VHDLStandard
- -frelaxed
- -P$DestinationDirectory
-# Cleanup directories
-# ==============================================================================
-if [[ $CLEAN -eq 1 ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} '--clean' is not implemented!"
- exit 1
- echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Cleaning up vendor directory ...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- rm *.o 2> /dev/null
- rm *.cf 2> /dev/null
-# Intel standard libraries
-# ==============================================================================
- 220pack.vhd
- 220model.vhd
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "lpm" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- sgate_pack.vhd
- sgate.vhd
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "sgate" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- altera_europa_support_lib.vhd
- altera_primitives_components.vhd
- altera_primitives.vhd
- altera_standard_functions.vhd
- altera_syn_attributes.vhd
- alt_dspbuilder_package.vhd
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "altera" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- altera_mf_components.vhd
- altera_mf.vhd
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "altera_mf" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- altera_lnsim_components.vhd
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "altera_lnsim" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Intel device libraries
-# ==============================================================================
-test $VERBOSE -eq 1 && echo -e " Searching available devices ..."
-# Max library
- max_atoms.vhd
- max_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Max'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "max" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_MAX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Max II library
- maxii_atoms.vhd
- maxii_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Max II'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "maxii" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_MAX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Max V library
- maxv_atoms.vhd
- maxv_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Max V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "maxv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_MAX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Arria II library
- arriaii_atoms.vhd
- arriaii_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- arriaii_hssi_components.vhd
- arriaii_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria II'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriaii" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Arria II (PCIe) library
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- StructName="ARRIA_II_PCIe"
- Files=(
- arriaii_pcie_hip_components.vhd
- arriaii_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
- )
- if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria II (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriaii_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- fi
-# ArriaII GZ library
- arriaiigz_atoms.vhd
- arriaiigz_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- arriaiigz_hssi_components.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria II GZ'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriaiigz" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# ArriaV library
- arriav_atoms.vhd
- arriav_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- arriav_hssi_components.vhd
- arriav_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriav" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Arria V GZ library
- arriavgz_atoms.vhd
- arriavgz_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- arriavgz_hssi_components.vhd
- arriavgz_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria V GZ'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriavgz" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Arria V GZ (PCIe) library
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- StructName="ARRIA_V_GZ_PCIe"
- Files=(
- arriavgz_pcie_hip_components.vhd
- arriavgz_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
- )
- if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria V GZ (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriavgz_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- fi
-# Cyclone IV library
- cycloneiv_atoms.vhd
- cycloneiv_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- cycloneiv_hssi_components.vhd
- cycloneiv_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone IV'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cycloneiv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Cyclone IV (PCIe) library
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- StructName="CYCLONE_IV_PCIe"
- Files=(
- cycloneiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd
- cycloneiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
- )
- if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone IV (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cycloneiv_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- fi
-# Cyclone IV E library
- cycloneive_atoms.vhd
- cycloneive_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone IV E'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cycloneive" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Cyclone V library
- cyclonev_atoms.vhd
- cyclonev_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- cyclonev_hssi_components.vhd
- cyclonev_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cyclonev" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Stratix IV library
- stratixiv_atoms.vhd
- stratixiv_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- stratixiv_hssi_components.vhd
- stratixiv_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix IV'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixiv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Stratix IV (PCIe) library
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- StructName="STRATIX_IV_PCIe"
- Files=(
- stratixiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd
- stratixiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
- )
- if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix IV (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixiv_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- fi
-# Stratix V library
- stratixv_atoms.vhd
- stratixv_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- stratixv_hssi_components.vhd
- stratixv_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Stratix V (PCIe) library
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- StructName="STRATIX_V_PCIe"
- Files=(
- stratixv_pcie_hip_components.vhd
- stratixv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
- )
- if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix V (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixv_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
- fi
-# 55 nm library
- fiftyfivenm_atoms.vhd
- fiftyfivenm_components.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device '55 nm'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "fiftyfivenm" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_NM -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# 20 nm library
- twentynm_atoms.vhd
- twentynm_components.vhd
-if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then
- Files+=(
- twentynm_hip_components.vhd
- twentynm_hip_atoms.vhd
- twentynm_hssi_components.vhd
- twentynm_hssi_atoms.vhd
- )
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device '20 nm'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "twentynm" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- test $COMPILE_NM -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then
- # for StructName in ${Libraries[*]}; do
- # PrintLibraryStruct $StructName " "
- # done
-# fi
-if [[ ${#Libraries[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
- Compile "$SourceDirectory" "${Libraries[*]}"
- echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo -e "Compiling Intel Quartus packages and device libraries $(test $ERRORCOUNT -eq 0 && echo $COLORED_SUCCESSFUL || echo $COLORED_FAILED)"
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}Neither Intel Quartus packages nor device libraries selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-lattice.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-lattice.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index ef8d1b59a..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-lattice.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Script to compile the simulation libraries from Lattice Diamond for GHDL on Windows.
-# This CmdLet:
-# (1) creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# (2) compiles all Lattice Diamond simulation libraries and packages
-# o Lattice device libraries:
-# - EC, ECP, ECP2, ECP3, ECP5U
-# - LPTM, LPTM2
-# - MachXO, MachXO2, MachXO3L, MachXO3D
-# - SC, SCM
-# - XP, XP2
- # Show the embedded help page(s)
- [switch]$Help = $false,
- # Compile all libraries and packages.
- [switch]$All = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice EC device libraries
- [switch]$ec = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice ECP device libraries
- [switch]$ecp = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice ECP2 device libraries
- [switch]$ecp2 = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice ECP3 device libraries
- [switch]$ecp3 = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice ECP5U device libraries
- [switch]$ecp5u = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice LPTM device libraries
- [switch]$lptm = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice LPTM2 device libraries
- [switch]$lptm2 = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice MachXO device libraries
- [switch]$MachXO = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice MachXO2 device libraries
- [switch]$MachXO2 = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice MachXO3L device libraries
- [switch]$MachXO3L = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice MachXO3D device libraries
- [switch]$MachXO3D = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice SC device libraries
- [switch]$sc = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice SCM device libraries
- [switch]$scm = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice XP device libraries
- [switch]$xp = $false,
- # Compile the Lattice XP2 device libraries
- [switch]$xp2 = $false,
- # Clean up directory before analyzing.
- [switch]$Clean = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '93
- [switch]$VHDL93 = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '08
- [switch]$VHDL2008 = $false,
- # Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
- [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors.
- [switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory.
- [string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name.
- [string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL binary directory.
- [string]$GHDL = ""
-# ---------------------------------------------
-# save working directory
-$WorkingDir = Get-Location
-# set default values
-$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
-# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-$EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host "Loading modules..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList `"LatticeDiamond`"" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList "LatticeDiamond"
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList @(`"Lattice Diamond`", `"$WorkingDir`")" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList @("Lattice Diamond", "$WorkingDir")
-# Display help if no command was selected
-$Help = $Help -or (-not ($All -or
- ($ec -or $ecp -or $ecp2 -or $ecp3 -or $ecp5u) -or
- ($lptm -or $lptm2) -or
- ($MachXO -or $MachXO2 -or $MachXO3L -or $MachXO3D) -or
- ($sc -or $scm) -or
- ($xp -or $xp2) -or
- $Clean))
-if ($Help)
-{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.MyCommand.Path -Detailed
- Exit-CompileScript
-if ($All)
-{ $ec = $true
- $ecp = $true
- $ecp2 = $true
- $ecp3 = $true
- $ecp5u = $true
- $lptm = $true
- $lptm2 = $true
- $MachXO = $true
- $MachXO2 = $true
- $MachXO3L = $true
- $MachXO3D = $true
- $sc = $true
- $scm = $true
- $xp = $true
- $xp2 = $true
-function Get-LatticeDiamondDirectory
-{ if (Test-Path env:FOUNDRY)
- { return $FOUNDRY + "\..\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory) }
- else
- { $EnvSourceDir = ""
- foreach ($Drive in Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'FileSystem')
- { $Path = $Drive.Name + ":\" + "Lattice\Diamond"
- if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)
- { foreach ($Major in 4..3)
- { foreach ($Minor in 9..0)
- { $Dir = $Path + "\" + $Major + "." + $Minor + "_x64"
- if (Test-Path $Dir -PathType Container)
- { $EnvSourceDir = $Dir + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory)
- return $EnvSourceDir
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-$SourceDirectory = Get-SourceDirectory $Source (Get-LatticeDiamondDirectory)
-$DestinationDirectory = Get-DestinationDirectory $Output
-$GHDLBinary = Get-GHDLBinary $GHDL
-# create "Lattice" directory and change to it
-New-DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-$VHDLVersion,$VHDLStandard,$VHDLFlavor = Get-VHDLVariables $VHDL93 $VHDL2008
-# define global GHDL Options
-$Analyze_Parameters = @(
- "-fexplicit",
- "-frelaxed-rules",
- "--mb-comments",
- "-Wbinding"
-if (-not $EnableDebug)
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-hide"
- )
-if (-not ($EnableVerbose -or $EnableDebug))
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-library",
- "-Wno-others",
- "-Wno-static"
- )
-$Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "--ieee=$VHDLFlavor",
- "--no-vital-checks",
- "--std=$VHDLStandard",
- "-P$DestinationDirectory"
-$StopCompiling = $false
-$ErrorCount = 0
-$FileLists = @{
- "ec" = @("ORCA_CMB.vhd", "ORCA_SEQ.vhd", "ORCACOMP.vhd", "ORCA_LUT.vhd", "ORCA_MISC.vhd", "ORCA_CNT.vhd", "ORCA_IO.vhd", "ORCA_MEM.vhd");
- "ecp" = @("ORCA_CMB.vhd", "ORCA_SEQ.vhd", "ORCACOMP.vhd", "ORCA_LUT.vhd", "ORCA_MISC.vhd", "ORCA_CNT.vhd", "ORCA_IO.vhd", "ORCA_MEM.vhd");
- "ecp2" = @("ECP2_CMB.vhd", "ECP2_SEQ.vhd", "ECP2COMP.vhd", "ECP2_CNT.vhd", "ECP2_IO.vhd", "ECP2_LUT.vhd", "ECP2_MEM.vhd", "ECP2_MISC.vhd", "ECP2_MULT.vhd", "ECP2_SL.vhd");
- "ecp3" = @("ECP3_CMB.vhd", "ECP3_SEQ.vhd", "ECP3COMP.vhd", "ECP3_CNT.vhd", "ECP3_IO.vhd", "ECP3_LUT.vhd", "ECP3_MEM.vhd", "ECP3_MISC.vhd", "ECP3_MULT.vhd", "ECP3_SL.vhd");
- "ecp5u" = @("ECP5U_CMB.vhd", "ECP5U_SEQ.vhd", "ECP5UCOMP.vhd", "ECP5U_IO.vhd", "ECP5U_LUT.vhd", "ECP5U_MEM.vhd", "ECP5U_MISC.vhd", "ECP5U_SL.vhd", "gsr_pur_assign.vhd");
- "lptm" = @("MACHXO_CMB.vhd", "MACHXO_SEQ.vhd", "MACHXOCOMP.vhd", "MACHXO_CNT.vhd", "MACHXO_IO.vhd", "MACHXO_LUT.vhd", "MACHXO_MEM.vhd", "MACHXO_MISC.vhd");
- "lptm2" = @("MACHXO2_CMB.vhd", "MACHXO2_SEQ.vhd", "MACHXO2COMP.vhd", "gsr_pur_assign.vhd", "MACHXO2_CNT.vhd", "MACHXO2_IO.vhd", "MACHXO2_LUT.vhd", "MACHXO2_MEM.vhd", "MACHXO2_MISC.vhd");
- "machxo" = @("MACHXO_CMB.vhd", "MACHXO_SEQ.vhd", "MACHXOCOMP.vhd", "MACHXO_CNT.vhd", "MACHXO_IO.vhd", "MACHXO_LUT.vhd", "MACHXO_MEM.vhd", "MACHXO_MISC.vhd");
- "machxo2" = @("MACHXO2_CMB.vhd", "MACHXO2_SEQ.vhd", "MACHXO2COMP.vhd", "MACHXO2_CNT.vhd", "gsr_pur_assign.vhd", "MACHXO2_IO.vhd", "MACHXO2_LUT.vhd", "MACHXO2_MEM.vhd", "MACHXO2_MISC.vhd");
- "machxo3l" = @("MACHXO3L_CMB.vhd", "MACHXO3L_SEQ.vhd", "MACHXO3LCOMP.vhd", "gsr_pur_assign.vhd", "MACHXO3L_CNT.vhd", "MACHXO3L_IO.vhd", "MACHXO3L_LUT.vhd", "MACHXO3L_MEM.vhd", "MACHXO3L_MISC.vhd");
- "machxo3d" = @("MACHXO3D_CMB.vhd", "MACHXO3D_SEQ.vhd", "MACHXO3DCOMP.vhd", "gsr_pur_assign.vhd", "MACHXO3D_CNT.vhd", "MACHXO3D_IO.vhd", "MACHXO3D_LUT.vhd", "MACHXO3D_MEM.vhd", "MACHXO3D_MISC.vhd");
- "sc" = @("ORCA_CMB.vhd", "ORCA_SEQ.vhd", "ORCACOMP.vhd", "ORCA_CNT.vhd", "ORCA_IO.vhd", "ORCA_MEM.vhd", "ORCA_MIS.vhd", "ORCA_SL.vhd");
- "scm" = @("ORCA_CMB.vhd", "ORCA_SEQ.vhd", "ORCACOMP.vhd", "ORCA_CNT.vhd", "ORCA_IO.vhd", "ORCA_MEM.vhd", "ORCA_MIS.vhd", "ORCA_SL.vhd");
- "xp" = @("ORCA_CMB.vhd", "ORCA_SEQ.vhd", "ORCACOMP.vhd", "ORCA_LUT.vhd", "ORCA_MISC.vhd", "ORCA_CNT.vhd", "ORCA_IO.vhd", "ORCA_MEM.vhd");
- "xp2" = @("XP2_CMB.vhd", "XP2_SEQ.vhd", "XP2COMP.vhd", "XP2_CNT.vhd", "XP2_IO.vhd", "XP2_LUT.vhd", "XP2_MEM.vhd", "XP2_MISC.vhd", "XP2_MULT.vhd", "XP2_SL.vhd")
-# Cleanup directories
-# ==============================================================================
-if ($Clean)
-{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: '-Clean' is not implemented!" -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- Write-Host "Cleaning up vendor directory ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
- rm *.cf
-# Lattice EC library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $ec)
-{ $Library = "ec"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice ECP library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $ecp)
-{ $Library = "ecp"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice ECP2 library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $ecp2)
-{ $Library = "ecp2"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice ECP3 library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $ecp3)
-{ $Library = "ecp3"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice ECP5U library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $ecp5u)
-{ $Library = "ecp5u"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice LPTM library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $lptm)
-{ $Library = "lptm"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice LPTM2 library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $lptm2)
-{ $Library = "lptm2"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice MachXO library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $MachXO)
-{ $Library = "MachXO"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice MachXO2 library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $MachXO2)
-{ $Library = "MachXO2"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice MachXO3L library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $machxo3l)
-{ $Library = "machxo3l"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice MachXO3D library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $machxo3d)
-{ $Library = "machxo3d"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice SC library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $sc)
-{ $Library = "sc"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice SCM library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $scm)
-{ $Library = "scm"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice XP library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $xp)
-{ $Library = "xp"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Lattice XP2 library
-# ==============================================================================
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $xp2)
-{ $Library = "xp2"
- $SourceFiles = $FileLists[$Library] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$Library\src\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-Write-Host "Compiling Lattice libraries " -NoNewline
-if ($ErrorCount -gt 0)
-{ Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red }
-{ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green }
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-lattice.sh b/libraries/vendors/compile-lattice.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index a7cdfd7c3..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-lattice.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Markus Koch
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# Bash Script (executable):
-# Script to compile the simulation libraries from Lattice Diamond for GHDL on
-# Linux
-# Description:
-# - Creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# - Compiles all Lattice Diamond simulation libraries and packages
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Markus Koch
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Work around for Darwin (Mac OS)
-test greadlink --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink || READLINK=readlink
-# Save working directory
-ScriptDir="$(dirname $0)"
-ScriptDir="$($READLINK -f $ScriptDir)"
-# Source Bash utilities
-source $ScriptDir/../ansi_color.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading Bash utilities.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-for Device in $DeviceList; do
- declare "DEV_${Device}_Enable"=0
-# Command line argument processing
-while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case "$1" in
- -c|--clean)
- ;;
- -a|--all)
- ;;
- --vhdl93)
- VHDLStandard=93
- ;;
- --vhdl2008)
- VHDLStandard=2008
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- ;;
- -d|--debug)
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- break
- ;;
- -n|--no-filter)
- ;;
- -N|--no-warnings)
- ;;
- -H|--halt-on-error)
- ;;
- --ghdl)
- GHDL="$2" # overwrite a potentially existing GHDL environment variable
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --source)
- SrcDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --output)
- DestDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- *) # unknown option
- if [[ "${1:0:2}" == "--" ]]; then
- key=${1:2}; key=${key,,}
- for Device in $DeviceList; do
- if [[ $key == "${Device,,}" ]]; then
- declare "DEV_${Device}_Enable"=1
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [[ $FOUND -eq 0 ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} Unknown command line option '$1'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- break
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- shift # parsed argument or value
-if [[ $COMMAND -le 1 ]]; then
- test $COMMAND -eq 1 && echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} No command selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- echo ""
- echo "Synopsis:"
- echo " A script to compile the Lattice Diamond simulation libraries for GHDL on Linux."
- echo " One library folder 'lib/v??' per VHDL library will be created relative to the current"
- echo " working directory."
- echo ""
- echo " Use the adv. options or edit 'config.sh' to supply paths and default params."
- echo ""
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " compile-lattice.sh <common command>|<library> [<options>] [<adv. options>]"
- echo ""
- echo "Common commands:"
- echo " -h --help Print this help page"
- echo " -c --clean Remove all generated files"
- echo ""
- echo "Libraries:"
- echo " -a --all Compile all Lattice simulation libraries."
- for Device in $DeviceList; do
- printf " --%-23s Device primitives for '%s'.\n" "${Device,,}" "$Device"
- done
- echo ""
- echo "Library compile options:"
- echo " --vhdl93 Compile the libraries with VHDL-93."
- echo " --vhdl2008 Compile the libraries with VHDL-2008."
- echo " -H --halt-on-error Halt on error(s)."
- echo ""
- echo "Advanced options:"
- echo " --ghdl <GHDL binary> Path to GHDL's executable, e.g. /usr/local/bin/ghdl"
- echo " --output <dir name> Name of the output directory, e.g. lattice"
- echo " --source <Path to Diamond>Path to the sources."
- echo ""
- echo "Verbosity:"
- echo " -v --verbose Print verbose messages."
- echo " -d --debug Print debug messages."
- echo " -n --no-filter Disable output filtering scripts."
- echo " -N --no-warnings Suppress all warnings. Show only error messages."
- echo ""
- exit $COMMAND
-if [[ $COMMAND -eq 2 ]]; then
- for Device in $DeviceList; do
- declare "DEV_${Device}_Enable"=1
- done
-# Source configuration file from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-echo -e "${ANSI_MAGENTA}Loading environment...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-source $ScriptDir/config.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading configuration.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-source $ScriptDir/shared.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading further procedures.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1; fi
-# Warn that some files might not be VHDL-2008 ready. Thus enabled continue on error.
-if [[ $VHDLStandard -eq 2008 ]]; then
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}Not all Lattice packages are VHDL-2008 compatible! Setting CONTINUE_ON_ERROR to TRUE.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# Search Lattice Diamond in default installation locations
-DefaultDirectories=("/usr/local/diamond" "/opt/Diamond" "/opt/diamond" "/c/Lattice/Diamond")
-if [ ! -z $LSC_DIAMOND ]; then
- EnvSourceDir="$FOUNDRY/../${Lattice_Diamond_Settings[SourceDirectory]}"
- for DefaultDir in "${DefaultDirectories[@]}"; do
- for Major in 3; do
- for Minor in 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5; do
- Dir=$DefaultDir/${Major}.${Minor}_x64
- if [ -d $Dir ]; then
- EnvSourceDir="$Dir/${Lattice_Diamond_Settings[SourceDirectory]}"
- break 3
- fi
- done
- done
- done
-# <= $VHDLVersion
-# <= $VHDLStandard
-# <= $VHDLFlavor
-GHDLSetup $VHDLStandard
-# -> $SourceDirectories
-# -> $DestinationDirectories
-# -> $SrcDir
-# -> $EnvSourceDir
-# -> $DestDir
-# <= $SourceDirectory
-# <= $DestinationDirectory
-SetupDirectories LatticeDiamond "Lattice Diamond"
-# create "lattice" directory and change to it
-# => $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-# Extend global GHDL Options TODO: move to GHDLSetup
- -fexplicit
- -Wbinding
-if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-hide
- )
-if [[ ! (VERBOSE -eq 1) && ($DEBUG -eq 1) ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-others
- -Wno-static
- )
- --ieee=$VHDLFlavor
- --no-vital-checks
- --std=$VHDLStandard
- -frelaxed
- -P$DestinationDirectory
-# Cleanup directory
-# ==============================================================================
-if [[ $CLEAN -eq 1 ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} '--clean' is not implemented!"
- exit 1
- echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Cleaning up vendor directory ...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- rm *.o 2> /dev/null
- rm *.cf 2> /dev/null
-# Excluded: pmi
-# Lattice device libraries
-# ==============================================================================
-# EC devices
- ORCA_CMB.vhd
- ORCA_SEQ.vhd
- ORCA_LUT.vhd
- ORCA_CNT.vhd
- ORCA_IO.vhd
- ORCA_MEM.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'EC'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "ec" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# echo "not found: $SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}"
-# ECP devices
- ORCA_CMB.vhd
- ORCA_SEQ.vhd
- ORCA_LUT.vhd
- ORCA_CNT.vhd
- ORCA_IO.vhd
- ORCA_MEM.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'ECP'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "ecp" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# ECP2 devices
- ECP2_CMB.vhd
- ECP2_SEQ.vhd
- ECP2COMP.vhd
- ECP2_CNT.vhd
- ECP2_IO.vhd
- ECP2_LUT.vhd
- ECP2_MEM.vhd
- ECP2_MISC.vhd
- ECP2_MULT.vhd
- ECP2_SL.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'ECP2'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "ecp2" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# ECP3 devices
- ECP3_CMB.vhd
- ECP3_SEQ.vhd
- ECP3COMP.vhd
- ECP3_CNT.vhd
- ECP3_IO.vhd
- ECP3_LUT.vhd
- ECP3_MEM.vhd
- ECP3_MISC.vhd
- ECP3_MULT.vhd
- ECP3_SL.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'ECP3'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "ecp3" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# ECP5U devices
- ECP5U_CMB.vhd
- ECP5U_SEQ.vhd
- ECP5U_IO.vhd
- ECP5U_LUT.vhd
- ECP5U_MEM.vhd
- ECP5U_MISC.vhd
- ECP5U_SL.vhd
- gsr_pur_assign.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'ECP5U'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "ecp5u" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# LPTM devices
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'LPTM'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "lptm" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# LPTM2 devices
- gsr_pur_assign.vhd
- MACHXO2_IO.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'LPTM2'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "lptm2" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# MachXO devices
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'MachXO'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "machxo" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# MachXO2 devices
- gsr_pur_assign.vhd
- MACHXO2_IO.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'MachXO2'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "machxo2" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# MachXO3L devices
- gsr_pur_assign.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'MachXO3L'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "machxo3l" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# SC devices
- ORCA_CMB.vhd
- ORCA_SEQ.vhd
- ORCA_CNT.vhd
- ORCA_IO.vhd
- ORCA_MEM.vhd
- ORCA_MIS.vhd
- ORCA_SL.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'SC'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "sc" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# SCM devices
- ORCA_CMB.vhd
- ORCA_SEQ.vhd
- ORCA_CNT.vhd
- ORCA_IO.vhd
- ORCA_MEM.vhd
- ORCA_MIS.vhd
- ORCA_SL.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'SCM'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "scm" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# XP devices
- ORCA_CMB.vhd
- ORCA_SEQ.vhd
- ORCA_LUT.vhd
- ORCA_CNT.vhd
- ORCA_IO.vhd
- ORCA_MEM.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'XP'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "xp" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# XP2 devices
- XP2_CMB.vhd
- XP2_SEQ.vhd
- XP2COMP.vhd
- XP2_CNT.vhd
- XP2_IO.vhd
- XP2_LUT.vhd
- XP2_MEM.vhd
- XP2_MISC.vhd
- XP2_MULT.vhd
- XP2_SL.vhd
-if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/$SourceDir/${Files[0]}" ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'XP2'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "xp2" $SourceDir $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="DEV_${StructName}_Enable"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then
- # for StructName in ${Libraries[*]}; do
- # PrintLibraryStruct $StructName " "
- # done
-# fi
-# Compile libraries
-if [[ ${#Libraries[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
- Compile "$SourceDirectory" "${Libraries[*]}"
- echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo -e "Compiling Lattice device libraries $(test $ERRORCOUNT -eq 0 && echo $COLORED_SUCCESSFUL || echo $COLORED_FAILED)"
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}No Lattice device library selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-osvvm.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-osvvm.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 318d8bdaf..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-osvvm.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Script to compile the OSVVM libraries and verification models for GHDL on Windows.
-# This CmdLet:
-# (1) creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# (2) compiles all OSVVM packages
- # Show the embedded help page(s)
- [switch]$Help = $false,
- # Compile all libraries and packages.
- [switch]$All = $false,
- # Compile all OSVVM packages (utility library and common packages).
- [switch]$OSVVM = $false,
- # Compile all OSVVM 'utility' packages.
- [switch]$OSVVM_Utilities = $false,
- # Compile all OSVVM 'common' packages.
- [switch]$OSVVM_Common = $false,
- # Compile all OSVVM verfication IPs.
- [switch]$OSVVM_VIP = $false,
- # Compile OSVVM's AXI4 models (AXI4, AXI4-Lite, AXI4-Stream).
- [switch]$OSVVM_VIP_AXI4 = $false,
- # Compile OSVVM's UART model.
- [switch]$OSVVM_VIP_UART = $false,
- # Clean up directory before analyzing.
- [switch]$Clean = $false,
- # Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
- [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors
- [switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory.
- [string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name.
- [string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL binary directory.
- [string]$GHDL = ""
-# ---------------------------------------------
-# save working directory
-$WorkingDir = Get-Location
-# set default values
-$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
-# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-$EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host "Loading modules..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList `"OSVVM`"" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList "OSVVM"
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList @(`"OSVVM`", `"$WorkingDir`")" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList @("OSVVM", "$WorkingDir")
-# Display help if no command was selected
-if ($Help -or (-not ($All -or $Clean -or
- ($OSVVM -or ($OSVVM_Utilities -or $OSVVM_Common)) -or
- )))
-{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.MyCommand.Path -Detailed
- Exit-CompileScript
-if ($All)
-{ $OSVVM = $true
- $OSVVM_VIP = $true
-if ($OSVVM)
-{ $OSVVM_Utilities = $true
- $OSVVM_Common = $true
-if ($OSVVM_VIP)
-{ $OSVVM_VIP_AXI4 = $true
- $OSVVM_VIP_UART = $true
-$SourceDirectory = Get-SourceDirectory $Source ""
-$DestinationDirectory = Get-DestinationDirectory $Output
-$GHDLBinary = Get-GHDLBinary $GHDL
-# create "Altera" directory and change to it
-New-DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-$VHDLVersion,$VHDLStandard,$VHDLFlavor = Get-VHDLVariables -VHDL2008
-# define global GHDL Options
-$Analyze_Parameters = @(
- "-fexplicit",
- "-frelaxed-rules",
- "--mb-comments",
- "-Wbinding"
-if (-not $EnableDebug)
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-hide"
- )
-if (-not ($EnableVerbose -or $EnableDebug))
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-others",
- "-Wno-static"
- )
-$Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "--ieee=$VHDLFlavor",
- "--no-vital-checks",
- "--std=$VHDLStandard",
- "-P$DestinationDirectory"
-$StopCompiling = $false
-$ErrorCount = 0
-# Cleanup directories
-# ==============================================================================
-if ($Clean)
-{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: '-Clean' is not implemented!" -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- Write-Host "Cleaning up vendor directory ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
- rm *.cf
-function Get-CompileOrderedFiles
-{ <#
- Read *.pro files
- Recursive function to read *.pro files
- .PARAMETER CurrentDirectory
- Current working directory. All paths in *.pro files are relative to this directory.
- .PARAMETER CompileOrderFile
- *.pro file to read and analyze
- Level since root directory
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [string]$CurrentDirectory,
- [string]$CompileOrderFile,
- [int]$Level = 0
- )
-# Write-Host "$CurrentDirectory - $CompileOrderFile - $Level"
- $FileSets = [ordered]@{}
- $Libraries = [ordered]@{}
- $Libraries["work"] = @{
- "Library" = "work";
- "Files" = @()
- }
- $CoverageFile = ""
- $CompileOrder = Get-Content "$CurrentDirectory\$CompileOrderFile"
- foreach ($Line in $CompileOrder)
- { if ($Line.StartsWith("#") -or $Line -eq "")
- { continue }
- elseif ($Line.StartsWith("include "))
- { $IncludeFile = $Line.Substring(8)
- $File = "$CurrentDirectory\$IncludeFile"
- if (Test-Path $File)
- { $Dir = Split-Path -Path $File -Resolve
- $File = Split-Path -Path $File -Resolve -Leaf
- if ($Level -eq 0) # VIP Level
- { $VIPName = Split-Path -Path $Dir -Leaf
- $Lib = Get-CompileOrderedFiles $Dir $File ($Level + 1)
- $VIPName = $VIPName.ToUpper()
- $VariableName = switch ( $VIPName )
- { "OSVVM" { "OSVVM_Utilities" }
- "COMMON" { "OSVVM_Common" }
- default { "OSVVM_VIP_$VIPName" }
- }
- $FileSets[$VIPName] = @{
- "Variable" = $VariableName;
- "Component" = $VIPName;
- "Libraries" = $Lib
- }
- }
- else
- { $Lib = Get-CompileOrderedFiles $Dir $File ($Level + 1)
- foreach ($LibName in $Lib.Keys)
- { if ($LibName -eq "work")
- { $LibraryName = $Libraries["work"]["Library"]
- $Libraries[$LibraryName]["Files"] += $Lib["work"]["Files"]
- }
- elseif ($Libraries.Contains($LibName))
- { $Libraries[$LibName]["Files"] += $Lib[$LibName]["Files"] }
- else
- { $Libraries[$LibName] = @{
- "Library" = $LibName;
- "Files" = $Lib[$LibName]["Files"]
- }
- }
- } # for LibName
- } # Level
- } # Test-Path
- continue
- } # include
- elseif ($Line.StartsWith("if"))
- { continue }
- elseif ($Line.StartsWith("}"))
- { continue }
- elseif ($Line.StartsWith("library "))
- { $LibraryName = $Line.Substring(8)
- $Libraries["work"]["Library"] = $LibraryName
- $Libraries[$LibraryName] = @{
- "Library" = $LibraryName;
- "Files" = @()
- }
- continue
- }
- elseif ($Line.StartsWith("analyze "))
- { $SourceFile = $Line.Substring(8) }
- elseif ($Line.StartsWith(" analyze "))
- { if ($CoverageFile -eq "")
- { $CoverageFile = $Line.Substring(10)
- continue
- }
- else
- { $SourceFile = $Line.Substring(10) }
- }
- else
- { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unknown instruction in compile order file." -ForegroundColor Red
- Write-Host " $Line"
- continue
- }
- $Path = "$CurrentDirectory\$SourceFile"
- try
- { $LibraryName = $Libraries["work"]["Library"]
- $Libraries[$LibraryName]["Files"] += Resolve-Path $Path }
- catch
- { Write-Host "[ERROR]: When resolving path '$Path'." -ForegroundColor Red }
- }
- if ($Level -eq 0)
- { return $FileSets }
- else
- { return $Libraries }
-$CompileOrderFile = "OsvvmLibraries.pro"
-if (Test-Path "$SourceDirectory\$CompileOrderFile")
-{ $FileSets = Get-CompileOrderedFiles $SourceDirectory $CompileOrderFile }
-{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: File '$CompileOrderFile' not found." -ForegroundColor Red }
-# $CompileOrderFile = "osvvm.pro"
-# $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Search for 'osvvm' directory..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
-# if (Test-Path "$SourceDirectory\$CompileOrderFile")
-# { $PackageDirectory = $SourceDirectory }
-# elseif (Test-Path "$SourceDirectory\osvvm\$CompileOrderFile")
-# { $PackageDirectory = "$SourceDirectory\osvvm" }
-# $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Found '$CompileOrderFile' in '$PackageDirectory'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-# Analyze OSVVM library and models
-# ==============================================================================
-foreach ($VIPName in $FileSets.Keys)
-{ $VariableName = $FileSets[$VIPName]["Variable"]
- try
- { $Enabled = Get-Variable $VariableName -ValueOnly }
- catch
- { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Found a new OSVVM component not supported by this script. Skipping." -ForegroundColor Red
- continue
- }
- if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and (Get-Variable $VariableName -ValueOnly))
- { Write-Host ("Component: " + $FileSets[$VIPName]["Component"]) -ForegroundColor Magenta
- foreach ($LibraryName in $FileSets[$VIPName]["Libraries"].Keys)
- { if ($LibraryName -eq "work")
- { if ($FileSets[$VIPName]["Libraries"][$LibraryName]["Files"].Count -ne 0)
- { Write-Host ("[ERROR]: Library 'works' contains " + $FileSets[$VIPName]["Libraries"][$LibraryName]["Files"].Count + " files.") -ForegroundColor Red
- foreach ($File in $FileSets[$VIPName]["Libraries"][$LibraryName]["Files"])
- { Write-Host " $File" -ForegroundColor Red }
- }
- continue
- }
- $Library = $FileSets[$VIPName]["Libraries"][$LibraryName]["Library"]
- $SourceFiles = $FileSets[$VIPName]["Libraries"][$LibraryName]["Files"]
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
- }
-Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-Write-Host "Compiling OSVVM " -NoNewline
-if ($ErrorCount -gt 0)
-{ Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red }
-{ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green }
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-osvvm.sh b/libraries/vendors/compile-osvvm.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index dbdf7c70b..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-osvvm.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# Bash Script (executable):
-# Script to compile the OSVVM library for GHDL on Linux.
-# Description:
-# - Creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# - Compiles all OSVVM packages and verification IPs
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Work around for Darwin (Mac OS)
-test greadlink --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink || READLINK=readlink
-# Save working directory
-ScriptDir="$(dirname $0)"
-ScriptDir="$($READLINK -f $ScriptDir)"
-# Source Bash utilities
-source $ScriptDir/../ansi_color.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading Bash utilities.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-# Command line argument processing
-while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case "$1" in
- -c|--clean)
- ;;
- -a|--all)
- ;;
- --osvvm)
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- ;;
- -d|--debug)
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- break
- ;;
- -n|--no-filter)
- ;;
- -N|--no-warnings)
- ;;
- -H|--halt-on-error)
- ;;
- --ghdl)
- GHDL="$2" # overwrite a potentially existing GHDL environment variable
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --source)
- SrcDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --output)
- DestDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- *) # unknown option
- echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} Unknown command line option '$1'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- break
- ;;
- esac
- shift # parsed argument or value
-if [[ $COMMAND -le 1 ]]; then
- test $COMMAND -eq 1 && echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} No command selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- echo ""
- echo "Synopsis:"
- echo " A script to compile the simulation library 'OSVVM' for GHDL on Linux."
- echo " A library folder 'osvvm/v08' will be created relative to the current"
- echo " working directory."
- echo ""
- echo " Use the adv. options or edit 'config.sh' to supply paths and default params."
- echo ""
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " compile-osvvm.sh [<verbosity>] <common command>|<library> [<options>] [<adv. options>]"
- echo ""
- echo "Common commands:"
- echo " -h --help Print this help page"
- echo " -c --clean Remove all generated files"
- echo ""
- echo "Libraries:"
- echo " -a --all Compile all libraries."
- echo " --osvvm Compile library osvvm."
- # echo " --osvvm-vip Compile OSVVM Verification IPs (VIPs)."
- # echo ""
- # echo "Verification IPs:"
- # echo " --osvvm-vip-axi ARM AMBA AXI4"
- echo ""
- echo "Library compile options:"
- echo " -H --halt-on-error Halt on error(s)."
- echo ""
- echo "Advanced options:"
- echo " --ghdl <GHDL binary> Path to GHDL's executable, e.g. /usr/local/bin/ghdl"
- echo " --output <dir name> Name of the output directory, e.g. osvvm"
- echo " --source <Path to OSVVM> Path to the sources."
- echo ""
- echo "Verbosity:"
- echo " -v --verbose Print verbose messages."
- echo " -d --debug Print debug messages."
- echo " -n --no-filter Disable output filtering scripts."
- echo " -N --no-warnings Suppress all warnings. Show only error messages."
- echo ""
- exit $COMMAND
-if [[ $COMMAND -eq 2 ]]; then
-# if [[ $COMPILE_OSVVM_VIP -eq 1 ]]; then
-# fi
-# Source configuration file from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-echo -e "${ANSI_MAGENTA}Loading environment...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-source $ScriptDir/config.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading configuration.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-source $ScriptDir/shared.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading further procedures.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1; fi
-# <= $VHDLVersion
-# <= $VHDLStandard
-# <= $VHDLFlavor
-GHDLSetup 2008
-# -> $SourceDirectories
-# -> $DestinationDirectories
-# -> $SrcDir
-# -> $DestDir
-# <= $SourceDirectory
-# <= $DestinationDirectory
-SetupDirectories OSVVM "OSVVM"
-# Create "osvvm" directory and change to it
-# => $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-# Extend global GHDL Options TODO: move to GHDLSetup
- -fexplicit
- -Wbinding
-if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-hide
- )
-if [[ ! (VERBOSE -eq 1) && ($DEBUG -eq 1) ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-others
- -Wno-static
- )
- --ieee=$VHDLFlavor
- --no-vital-checks
- --std=$VHDLStandard
- -frelaxed
- -P$DestinationDirectory
-# Cleanup directory
-# ==============================================================================
-if [[ $CLEAN -eq 1 ]]; then
- echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Cleaning up directory ...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- rm *.o 2> /dev/null
- rm *.cf 2> /dev/null
-# Library osvvm
-# ==============================================================================
- NamePkg.vhd
- OsvvmGlobalPkg.vhd
- VendorCovApiPkg.vhd
- TranscriptPkg.vhd
- TextUtilPkg.vhd
- AlertLogPkg.vhd
- MessagePkg.vhd
- SortListPkg_int.vhd
- RandomBasePkg.vhd
- RandomPkg.vhd
- CoveragePkg.vhd
- MemoryPkg.vhd
- ScoreboardGenericPkg.vhd
- ScoreboardPkg_slv.vhd
- ScoreboardPkg_int.vhd
- ResolutionPkg.vhd
- TbUtilPkg.vhd
- OsvvmContext.vhd
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "osvvm" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_OSVVM -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# for VIPName in ${VIPNames[*]}; do
- # VarName="COMPILE_OSVVM_${VIPName}"
- # if [[ ${!VarName} -eq 1 ]]; then
- # Libraries="$Libraries $VIPName"
- # fi
-# done
-# Compile libraries
-if [[ ${#Libraries[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
- Compile "$SourceDirectory" "${Libraries[*]}"
- echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo -e "Compiling OSVVM packages and VIPs $(test $ERRORCOUNT -eq 0 && echo $COLORED_SUCCESSFUL || echo $COLORED_FAILED)"
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}Neither OSVVM packages nor VIPs selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index fefd755a6..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Script to compile the UVVM libraries and verification models for GHDL on Windows.
-# This CmdLet:
-# (1) creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# (2) compiles all UVVM packages
- # Show the embedded help page(s).
- [switch]$Help = $false,
- # Compile all packages.
- [switch]$All = $false,
- # Compile all UVVM packages.
- [switch]$UVVM = $false,
- # Compile all UVVM Utility packages.
- [switch]$UVVM_Utilities = $false,
- # Compile all UVVM VVC Framework packages.
- [switch]$UVVM_VVC_Framework = $false,
- # Compile all UVVM Verification IPs (VIPs).
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP = $false,
- # Compile VIP: Avalon Memory Mapped
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_Avalon_MM = $false,
- # Compile VIP: Avalon Stream
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_Avalon_ST = $false,
- # Compile VIP: AXI
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_AXI = $false,
- # Compile VIP: AXI-Lite
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_AXI_Lite = $false,
- # Compile VIP: AXI-Stream
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_AXI_Stream = $false,
- # Compile VIP: Clock Generator
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_Clock_Generator = $false,
- # Compile VIP: Error Injection
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_Error_Injection = $false,
- # Compile VIP: Ethernet
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_Ethernet = $false,
- # Compile VIP: GMII
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_GMII = $false,
- # Compile VIP: GPIO
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_GPIO = $false,
- # Compile VIP: HVVC to VVC Bridge
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_HVVC2VVC = $false,
- # Compile VIP: I2C
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_I2C = $false,
- # Compile VIP: RGMII
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_RGMII = $false,
- # Compile VIP: SBI (Simple Byte Interface)
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_SBI = $false,
- # Compile VIP: Scoreboard
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_Scoreboard = $false,
- # Compile VIP: Specifaction Coverage
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_Spec_Cov = $false,
- # Compile VIP: SPI
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_SPI = $false,
- # Compile VIP: UART
- [switch]$UVVM_VIP_UART = $false,
- # Clean up directory before analyzing.
- [switch]$Clean = $false,
- #Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
- [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors.
- [switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory.
- [string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name.
- [string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL binary directory.
- [string]$GHDL = ""
-# ---------------------------------------------
-# save working directory
-$WorkingDir = Get-Location
-# set default values
-$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
-# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-$EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host "Loading modules..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList `"UVVM`"" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList "UVVM"
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList @(`"UVVM`", `"$WorkingDir`")" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList @("UVVM", "$WorkingDir")
-# Display help if no command was selected
-if ($Help -or (-not ($All -or $Clean -or
- ($UVVM -or ($UVVM_Utilities -or $UVVM_VVC_Framework)) -or
- ($UVVM_VIP -or ($UVVM_VIP_Avalon_MM -or $UVVM_VIP_Avalon_ST -or $UVVM_VIP_AXI -or $UVVM_VIP_AXI_Lite -or
- $UVVM_VIP_AXI_Stream -or $UVVM_VIP_Clock_Generator -or $UVVM_VIP_Error_Injection -or
- $UVVM_VIP_I2C -or $UVVM_VIP_RGMII -or $UVVM_VIP_SBI -or $UVVM_VIP_Scoreboard -or
- )))
-{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.MyCommand.Path -Detailed
- Exit-CompileScript
-if ($All)
-{ $UVVM = $true
- $UVVM_VIP = $true
-if ($UVVM)
-{ $UVVM_Utilities = $true
- $UVVM_VVC_Framework = $true
-if ($UVVM_VIP)
-{ $UVVM_VIP_Avalon_MM = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_Avalon_ST = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_AXI = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_AXI_Lite = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_AXI_Stream = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_Clock_Generator = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_Error_Injection = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_Ethernet = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_GMII = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_GPIO = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_HVVC2VVC = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_I2C = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_RGMII = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_SBI = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_Scoreboard = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_Spec_Cov = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_SPI = $true
- $UVVM_VIP_UART = $true
-$SourceDirectory = Get-SourceDirectory $Source ""
-$DestinationDirectory = Get-DestinationDirectory $Output
-$GHDLBinary = Get-GHDLBinary $GHDL
-# create "uvvm" directory and change to it
-New-DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-$VHDLVersion,$VHDLStandard,$VHDLFlavor = Get-VHDLVariables
-# define global GHDL Options
-$Analyze_Parameters = @(
- "--mb-comments",
- "-Wbinding",
- "-fexplicit",
- "-Wno-shared" # UVVM specific
-if (-not $EnableDebug)
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-hide"
- )
-if (-not ($EnableVerbose -or $EnableDebug))
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-others",
- "-Wno-static"
- )
-$Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "--ieee=$VHDLFlavor",
- "--no-vital-checks",
- "--std=$VHDLStandard",
- "-frelaxed",
- "-P$DestinationDirectory"
-$StopCompiling = $false
-$ErrorCount = 0
-# Cleanup directories
-# ==============================================================================
-if ($Clean)
-{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: '-Clean' is not implemented!" -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- Write-Host "Cleaning up vendor directory ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
- rm *.cf
-Write-Host "Reading VIP compile order files..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
-$VIP_Files = [ordered]@{}
-foreach ($VIPName in (Get-Content "$SourceDirectory\script\component_list.txt"))
-{ if ($VIPName.StartsWith("uvvm"))
- { $VIPVariable = $VIPName.Substring(5).ToUpper()
- $VIPVariable = $VIPVariable.Replace("UTIL", "Utilities")
- }
- elseif ($VIPName.StartsWith("bitvis"))
- { $VIPVariable = $VIPName.Substring(7).ToUpper()
- $VIPVariable = $VIPVariable.Replace("AXILITE", "AXI_LITE")
- $VIPVariable = $VIPVariable.Replace("AXISTREAM", "AXI_STREAM")
- $VIPVariable = $VIPVariable.Replace("HVVC_TO_VVC_BRIDGE", "HVVC2VVC")
- }
- $VIPVariable = "UVVM_$VIPVariable"
- $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Found VIP: $VIPName" -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Reading compile order from '$SourceDirectory\$VIPName\script\compile_order.txt'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
- $VIPFiles = @()
- $CompileOrder = Get-Content "$SourceDirectory\$VIPName\script\compile_order.txt"
- foreach ($Line in $CompileOrder)
- { $Line = $Line.Trim()
- if ($Line -eq "")
- { continue }
- elseif ($Line.StartsWith("#"))
- { if ($Line.StartsWith("# library "))
- { $VIPName = $Line.Substring(10) }
- else
- { Write-Host "Unknown parser instruction in compile order file." -ForegroundColor Yellow }
- }
- else
- { $Path = Resolve-Path "$SourceDirectory\$VIPName\script\$Line"
- $VIPFiles += $Path
- }
- }
- if ($EnableDebug)
- { Write-Host " VHDL Library name: $VIPName" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
- foreach ($File in $VIPFiles)
- { Write-Host " $File" -ForegroundColor DarkGray }
- }
- $VIP_Files[$VIPName] = @{
- "Variable" = $VIPVariable;
- "Library" = $VIPName;
- "Files" = $VIPFiles
- }
-# UVVM packages
-# ==============================================================================
-foreach ($vip in $VIP_Files.Keys)
-{ if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and (Get-Variable $VIP_Files[$vip]["Variable"] -ValueOnly))
- { $Library = $VIP_Files[$vip]["Library"]
- $SourceFiles = $VIP_Files[$vip]["Files"]
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
- }
-Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-Write-Host "Compiling UVVM packages " -NoNewline
-if ($ErrorCount -gt 0)
-{ Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript 1
-{ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
- Exit-CompileScript
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.sh b/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d33743a87..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# Bash Script (executable):
-# Script to compile the UVVM library for GHDL on Linux.
-# Description:
-# - Creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# - Compiles all UVVM packages and verification IPs
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Work around for Darwin (Mac OS)
-test greadlink --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink || READLINK=readlink
-# Save working directory
-ScriptDir="$(dirname $0)"
-ScriptDir="$($READLINK -f $ScriptDir)"
-# Source Bash utilities
-source $ScriptDir/../ansi_color.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading Bash utilities.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-# Command line argument processing
-while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case "$1" in
- -c|--clean)
- ;;
- -a|--all)
- ;;
- --uvvm)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip)
- ;;
- --uvvm-utilities)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vvc-framework)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-avalon_mm)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-avalon_st)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-axi)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-axi_lite)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-axi_stream)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-clock)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-error)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-ethernet)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-gmii)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-gpio)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-hvvc2vvc)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-i2c)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-rgmii)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-sbi)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-spec)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-spi)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-scoreboard)
- ;;
- --uvvm-vip-uart)
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- ;;
- -d|--debug)
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- break
- ;;
- -n|--no-filter)
- ;;
- -N|--no-warnings)
- ;;
- -H|--halt-on-error)
- ;;
- --ghdl)
- GHDL="$2" # overwrite a potentially existing GHDL environment variable
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --source)
- SrcDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --output)
- DestDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- *) # unknown option
- echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} Unknown command line option '$1'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- break
- ;;
- esac
- shift # parsed argument or value
-if [[ $COMMAND -le 1 ]]; then
- test $COMMAND -eq 1 && echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} No command selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- echo ""
- echo "Synopsis:"
- echo " A script to compile the simulation library 'uvvm' for GHDL on Linux."
- echo " A library folder 'uvvm/v08' will be created relative to the current"
- echo " working directory."
- echo ""
- echo " Use the adv. options or edit 'config.sh' to supply paths and default parameters."
- echo ""
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " compile-uvvm.sh [<verbosity>] <common command>|<library> [<options>] [<adv. options>]"
- echo ""
- echo "Common commands:"
- echo " -h --help Print this help page"
- echo " -c --clean Remove all generated files"
- echo ""
- echo "Libraries:"
- echo " -a --all Compile all libraries."
- echo " --uvvm Compile UVVM library packages."
- echo " --uvvm-vip Compile UVVM Verification IPs (VIPs)."
- echo ""
- echo "Common Packages:"
- echo " --uvvm-utilities UVVM utilities."
- echo " --uvvm-vvc-framework VHDL Verification Component (VVC) framework."
- echo ""
- echo "Verification IPs:"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-avalon_mm Altera/Intel Avalon Memory Mapped"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-avalon_st Altera/Intel Avalon Stream"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-axi ARM AMBA AXI4"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-axi_lite ARM AMBA AXI4-Lite"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-axi_stream ARM AMBA AXI4-Stream"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-clock Clock generator"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-error Error injection"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-ethernet Ethernet"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-gmii GMII"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-gpio General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-hvvc2vvc HVVC to VVC bridge"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-i2c Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C)"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-rgmii RGMII"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-sbi Simple Bus Interface"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-scoreboard Scoreboard"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-spec Specification Coverage"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-spi Serial Peripheral Interface"
- echo " --uvvm-vip-uart Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)"
- echo ""
- echo "Library compile options:"
- echo " -H --halt-on-error Halt on error(s)."
- echo ""
- echo "Advanced options:"
- echo " --ghdl <GHDL binary> Path to GHDL's executable, e.g. /usr/local/bin/ghdl"
- echo " --output <dir name> Name of the output directory, e.g. uvvm_util"
- echo " --source <Path to UVVM> Path to the sources."
- echo ""
- echo "Verbosity:"
- echo " -v --verbose Print verbose messages."
- echo " -d --debug Print debug messages."
- echo " -n --no-filter Disable output filtering scripts."
- echo " -N --no-warnings Suppress all warnings. Show only error messages."
- echo ""
- exit $COMMAND
-if [[ $COMMAND -eq 2 ]]; then
-if [[ $COMPILE_UVVM -eq 1 ]]; then
-if [[ $COMPILE_UVVM_VIP -eq 1 ]]; then
-# Source configuration file from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-echo -e "${ANSI_MAGENTA}Loading environment...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-source $ScriptDir/config.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading configuration.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-source $ScriptDir/shared.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading further procedures.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1; fi
-# <= $VHDLVersion
-# <= $VHDLStandard
-# <= $VHDLFlavor
-GHDLSetup 2008
-# -> $SourceDirectories
-# -> $DestinationDirectories
-# -> $SrcDir
-# -> $DestDir
-# <= $SourceDirectory
-# <= $DestinationDirectory
-SetupDirectories UVVM "UVVM"
-# Create "uvvm" directory and change to it
-# => $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-# Extend global GHDL Options TODO: move to GHDLSetup
- -fexplicit
- -Wbinding
- -Wno-shared
-if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-hide
- )
-if [[ ! (VERBOSE -eq 1) && ($DEBUG -eq 1) ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-others
- -Wno-static
- )
- --ieee=$VHDLFlavor
- --no-vital-checks
- --std=$VHDLStandard
- -frelaxed
- -P$DestinationDirectory
-# Cleanup directory
-# ==============================================================================
-if [[ $CLEAN -eq 1 ]]; then
- echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Cleaning up vendor directory ...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- rm *.o 2> /dev/null
- rm *.cf 2> /dev/null
-# Read order of components
-# ==============================================================================
-test $VERBOSE -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_GRAY}Reading compile order files...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-while IFS= read -r Component; do
- Component=${Component%\r}
- if [[ ${Component:0:2} != "# " ]]; then
- Components+=("$Component")
- fi
-done < <(cat "$SourceDirectory/script/component_list.txt")
-# Read libraries and Verification IPs
-# ==============================================================================
-for ComponentName in "${Components[@]}"; do
- x="${ComponentName%%_*}"
- pos=${#x}+1
- l=${ComponentName:$pos}
- VIPName=${l^^}
- LibraryPath=$ComponentName
- test $VERBOSE -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_GRAY}Found VIP '$VIPName' in '$LibraryPath'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Reading compile order from '$SourceDirectory/$LibraryPath/script/compile_order.txt'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- # Reading component's files
- StructName=$VIPName
- Files=()
- CompileOrderFile="$SourceDirectory/$LibraryPath/script/compile_order.txt"
- if [[ -f "$CompileOrderFile" ]]; then
- echo -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Compile order file '$CompileOrderFile' does not exist..${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- continue
- fi
- while IFS= read -r File; do
- File=${File%\r}
- if [[ ${File:0:2} == "# " ]]; then
- if [[ ${File:2:7} == "library" ]]; then
- LibraryName=${File:10}
- fi
- else
- Files+=("${File:3}")
- fi
- done < <(cat "$CompileOrderFile")
- CreateLibraryStruct $StructName $LibraryName $LibraryPath $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
- VarName="COMPILE_UVVM_${VIPName}"
- test ${!VarName} -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Compile components
-if [[ ${#Libraries[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
- Compile "$SourceDirectory" "${Libraries[*]}"
- echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo -e "Compiling UVVM packages and VIPs $(test $ERRORCOUNT -eq 0 && echo $COLORED_SUCCESSFUL || echo $COLORED_FAILED)"
- echo -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Neither UVVM packages nor VIPs selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- exit 2
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-ise.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-ise.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c51f8f25..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-ise.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Script to compile the simulation libraries from Xilinx ISE for GHDL on Windows.
-# This CmdLet:
-# (1) creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# (2) compiles all Xilinx ISE simulation libraries and packages
-# - unisim (incl. secureip)
-# - unimacro
-# - simprim (incl. secureip)
-# - xilinxcorelib
- # Show the embedded help page(s)
- [switch]$Help = $false,
- # Compile all libraries and packages.
- [switch]$All = $false,
- # Compile the Xilinx simulation library.
- [switch]$Unisim = $false,
- # Compile the Xilinx macro library.
- [switch]$Unimacro = $false,
- # Compile the Xilinx post-map simulation library.
- [switch]$Simprim = $false,
- # Compile the Xilinx CoreLib simulation library.
- [switch]$CoreLib = $false,
- # Compile the Xilinx secureip library.
- [switch]$SecureIP = $false,
- # Clean up directory before analyzing.
- [switch]$Clean = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '93
- [switch]$VHDL93 = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '08
- [switch]$VHDL2008 = $false,
- # Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
- [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors.
- [switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory.
- [string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name.
- [string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL binary directory.
- [string]$GHDL = ""
-# ---------------------------------------------
-# save working directory
-$WorkingDir = Get-Location
-# set default values
-$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
-# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-$EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host "Loading modules..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList `"XilinxISE`"" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList "XilinxISE"
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList @(`"Xilinx ISE`", `"$WorkingDir`")" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList @("Xilinx ISE", "$WorkingDir")
-# Display help if no command was selected
-$Help = $Help -or (-not ($All -or $Unisim -or $Simprim -or $Unimacro -or $CoreLib -or $Clean))
-if ($Help)
-{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.MyCommand.Path -Detailed
- Exit-CompileScript
-if ($All)
-{ $Unisim = $true
- $Simprim = $true
- $Unimacro = $true
- $CoreLib = $true
- $SecureIP = $true
-function Get-XilinxISEDirectory
-{ if (Test-Path env:XILINX)
- { return $XILINX + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory) }
- else
- { $EnvSourceDir = ""
- foreach ($Drive in Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'FileSystem')
- { $Path = $Drive.Name + ":\" + "Xilinx"
- if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)
- { foreach ($Major in 14..12)
- { foreach ($Minor in 7..1)
- { $Dir = $Path + "\" + $Major + "." + $Minor + "\ISE_DS"
- if (Test-Path $Dir -PathType Container)
- { $EnvSourceDir = $Dir + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory)
- return $EnvSourceDir
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-$SourceDirectory = Get-SourceDirectory $Source (Get-XilinxISEDirectory)
-$DestinationDirectory = Get-DestinationDirectory $Output
-$GHDLBinary = Get-GHDLBinary $GHDL
-# create "Altera" directory and change to it
-New-DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-if ($VHDL2008)
-{ Write-Host "Not all Xilinx primitives are VHDL-2008 compatible! Setting HaltOnError to FALSE." -ForegroundColor Red
- $HaltOnError = $false
-$VHDLVersion,$VHDLStandard,$VHDLFlavor = Get-VHDLVariables $VHDL93 $VHDL2008
-# define global GHDL Options
-$Analyze_Parameters = @(
- "-fexplicit",
- "-frelaxed-rules",
- "--mb-comments",
- "-Wbinding"
-if (-not $EnableDebug)
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-hide"
- )
-if (-not ($EnableVerbose -or $EnableDebug))
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-library",
- "-Wno-others",
- "-Wno-static"
- )
-$Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "--ieee=$VHDLFlavor",
- "--no-vital-checks",
- "--std=$VHDLStandard",
- "-P$DestinationDirectory"
-# extract data from configuration
-# $SourceDir = $InstallationDirectory["AlteraQuartus"] + "\quartus\eda\sim_lib"
-$StopCompiling = $false
-$ErrorCount = 0
-# Cleanup directories
-# ==============================================================================
-if ($Clean)
-{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: '-Clean' is not implemented!" -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- Write-Host "Cleaning up vendor directory ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
- rm *.cf
-# Library UniSim
-# ==============================================================================
-# compile unisim packages
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Unisim)
-{ $Library = "unisim"
- $Files = @(
- "unisims\unisim_VPKG.vhd",
- "unisims\unisim_VCOMP.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile unisim primitives
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Unisim)
-{ $Library = "unisim"
- $SourceFiles = dir "$SourceDirectory\unisims\primitive\*.vhd*"
- $ErrorCount += Start-PrimitiveCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile unisim secureip primitives
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Unisim -and $SecureIP)
-{ $Library = "secureip"
- $SourceFiles = dir "$SourceDirectory\unisims\secureip\*.vhd*"
- $ErrorCount += Start-PrimitiveCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Library UNIMACRO
-# ==============================================================================
-# compile unimacro packages
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Unimacro)
-{ $Library = "unimacro"
- $Files = @(
- "unimacro\unimacro_VCOMP.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile unimacro macros
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Unimacro)
-{ $Library = "unimacro"
- $SourceFiles = dir "$SourceDirectory\unimacro\*_MACRO.vhd*"
- $ErrorCount += Start-PrimitiveCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Library SIMPRIM
-# ==============================================================================
-# compile simprim packages
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Simprim)
-{ $Library = "simprim"
- $Files = (
- "simprims\simprim_Vpackage.vhd",
- "simprims\simprim_Vcomponents.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile simprim primitives
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Simprim)
-{ $Library = "simprim"
- $SourceFiles = dir "$SourceDirectory\simprims\primitive\other\*.vhd*"
- $ErrorCount += Start-PrimitiveCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile simprim secureip primitives
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Simprim -and $SecureIP)
-{ $Library = "secureip"
- $SourceFiles = dir "$SourceDirectory\simprims\secureip\other\*.vhd*"
- $ErrorCount += Start-PrimitiveCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Library XilinxCoreLib
-# ==============================================================================
-# compile CoreLib primitives
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $CoreLib)
-{ $Library = "xilinxcorelib"
- $AnalyzeFile = "$SourceDirectory\XilinxCoreLib\vhdl_analyze_order"
- if (-not (Test-Path $AnalyzeFile -PathType Leaf))
- { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Analyze file '$AnalyzeFile' not found!"
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- }
- $AnalyzeOrder = Get-Content $AnalyzeFile -Encoding Ascii
- $SourceFiles = @()
- foreach ($line in $AnalyzeOrder)
- { if (-not ($line.StartsWith("#") -or ($line -eq "")))
- { $SourceFiles += "$SourceDirectory\XilinxCoreLib\$line" }
- }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PrimitiveCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-Write-Host "Compiling Xilinx ISE libraries " -NoNewline
-if ($ErrorCount -gt 0)
-{ Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red }
-{ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green }
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-ise.sh b/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-ise.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5ac581b28..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-ise.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# Bash Script (executable):
-# Script to compile the simulation libraries from Xilinx ISE for GHDL on
-# Linux
-# Description:
-# - Creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# - Compiles all Xilinx ISE simulation libraries and packages
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Work around for Darwin (Mac OS)
-test greadlink --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink || READLINK=readlink
-# Save working directory
-ScriptDir="$(dirname $0)"
-ScriptDir="$($READLINK -f $ScriptDir)"
-# Source Bash utilities
-source $ScriptDir/../ansi_color.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading Bash utilities.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-# Command line argument processing
-while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case "$1" in
- -c|--clean)
- ;;
- -a|--all)
- ;;
- --unisim)
- ;;
- --unimacro)
- ;;
- --simprim)
- ;;
- --corelib)
- ;;
- --with-secureip)
- ;;
- -S|--skip-largefiles)
- ;;
- --vhdl93)
- VHDLStandard=93
- ;;
- --vhdl2008)
- VHDLStandard=2008
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- ;;
- -d|--debug)
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- break
- ;;
- -n|--no-filter)
- ;;
- -N|--no-warnings)
- ;;
- -H|--halt-on-error)
- ;;
- --ghdl)
- GHDL="$2" # overwrite a potentially existing GHDL environment variable
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --source)
- SrcDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --output)
- DestDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- *) # unknown option
- echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} Unknown command line option '$1'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- break
- ;;
- esac
- shift # parsed argument or value
-if [[ $COMMAND -le 1 ]]; then
- test $COMMAND -eq 1 && echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} No command selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- echo ""
- echo "Synopsis:"
- echo " A script to compile the Xilinx ISE simulation libraries for GHDL on Linux."
- echo " One library folder 'lib/v??' per VHDL library will be created relative to the current"
- echo " working directory."
- echo ""
- echo " Use the adv. options or edit 'config.sh' to supply paths and default params."
- echo ""
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " compile-xilinx-ise.sh <common command>|<library> [<options>] [<adv. options>]"
- echo ""
- echo "Common commands:"
- echo " -h --help Print this help page"
- echo " -c --clean Remove all generated files"
- echo ""
- echo "Libraries:"
- echo " -a --all Compile all Xilinx simulation libraries."
- echo " --unisim Compile the unisim library."
- echo " --unimacro Compile the unimacro library."
- echo " --simprim Compile the simprim library."
- echo " --corelib Compile the corelib library."
- echo " --with-secureip Compile the secureip library."
- echo ""
- echo "Library compile options:"
- echo " --vhdl93 Compile the libraries with VHDL-93."
- echo " --vhdl2008 Compile the libraries with VHDL-2008."
- echo " -S --skip-largefiles Don't compile large files."
- echo " -H --halt-on-error Halt on error(s)."
- echo ""
- echo "Advanced options:"
- echo " --ghdl <GHDL binary> Path to GHDL's executable, e.g. /usr/local/bin/ghdl"
- echo " --output <dir name> Name of the output directory, e.g. ise"
- echo " --source <Path to ISE> Path to the sources."
- echo ""
- echo "Verbosity:"
- echo " -v --verbose Print verbose messages."
- echo " -d --debug Print debug messages."
- echo " -n --no-filter Disable output filtering scripts."
- echo " -N --no-warnings Suppress all warnings. Show only error messages."
- echo ""
- exit $COMMAND
-if [[ $COMMAND -eq 2 ]]; then
-# Source configuration file from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-echo -e "${ANSI_MAGENTA}Loading environment...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-source $ScriptDir/config.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading configuration.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-source $ScriptDir/shared.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading further procedures.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1; fi
-# Warn that some files might not be VHDL-2008 ready. Thus enabled continue on error.
-if [[ $VHDLStandard -eq 2008 ]]; then
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}Not all Xilinx primitives are VHDL-2008 compatible! Setting CONTINUE_ON_ERROR to TRUE.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# Search Xilinx ISE in default installation locations
-DefaultDirectories=("/opt/Xilinx" "/opt/xilinx" "/c/Xilinx")
-if [ ! -z $XILINX ]; then
- EnvSourceDir="$XILINX/${Xilinx_ISE_Settings[SourceDirectory]}"
- for DefaultDir in "${DefaultDirectories[@]}"; do
- for Major in 14 13; do
- for Minor in 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0; do
- Dir=$DefaultDir/${Major}.${Minor}/ISE_DS
- if [ -d $Dir ]; then
- EnvSourceDir="$Dir/${Xilinx_ISE_Settings[SourceDirectory]}"
- break 3
- fi
- done
- done
- done
-# <= $VHDLVersion
-# <= $VHDLStandard
-# <= $VHDLFlavor
-GHDLSetup $VHDLStandard
-# -> $SourceDirectories
-# -> $DestinationDirectories
-# -> $SrcDir
-# -> $EnvSourceDir
-# -> $DestDir
-# <= $SourceDirectory
-# <= $DestinationDirectory
-SetupDirectories Xilinx_ISE "Xilinx ISE"
-# create "xilinx-ise" directory and change to it
-# => $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-# Extend global GHDL Options TODO: move to GHDLSetup TODO: move to GHDLSetup
- -fexplicit
- -Wbinding
-if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-hide
- )
-if [[ ! (VERBOSE -eq 1) && ($DEBUG -eq 1) ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-others
- -Wno-static
- )
- --ieee=$VHDLFlavor
- --no-vital-checks
- --std=$VHDLStandard
- -frelaxed
- -P$DestinationDirectory
-# Cleanup directory
-# ==============================================================================
-if [[ $CLEAN -eq 1 ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} '--clean' is not implemented!"
- exit 1
- echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Cleaning up vendor directory ...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- rm *.o 2> /dev/null
- rm *.cf 2> /dev/null
-# Library unisim
-# ==============================================================================
-test $VERBOSE -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_GRAY}Reading compile order files...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# Reading unisim files
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Reading compile order from '$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/primitive/vhdl_analyze_order'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- unisim_VPKG.vhd
- unisim_VCOMP.vhd
-while IFS= read -r File; do
- Files+=("primitive/$File")
-done < <(grep --no-filename -R '^[a-zA-Z]' "$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/primitive/vhdl_analyze_order")
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName $Library "${Library}s" $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_UNISIM -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Reading unisim secureip files
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Reading compile order from '$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/secureip/vhdl_analyze_order'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-while IFS= read -r File; do
- Files+=("secureip/$File")
-done < <(grep --no-filename -R '^[a-zA-Z]' "$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/secureip/vhdl_analyze_order")
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "secureip" "${Library}s" $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_UNISIM -eq 1 && test $COMPILE_SECUREIP -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Library unimacro
-# ==============================================================================
-# Reading unimacro files
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Scanning directory '$SourceDirectory/$Library/' for '*_MACRO.vhd'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- $Library/unimacro_VCOMP.vhd
-Files=( $(cd $SourceDirectory/$Library; LC_COLLATE=C ls *_MACRO.vhd) )
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName $Library $Library $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_UNIMACRO -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Library simprim
-# ==============================================================================
-# Reading simprim files
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Reading compile order from '$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/primitive/other/vhdl_analyze_order'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- simprim_Vpackage.vhd
- simprim_Vcomponents.vhd
-# while IFS= read -r File; do
- # Files+=("primitive/other/$File")
-# done < <(grep --no-filename -R '^[a-zA-Z]' "$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/primitive/other/vhdl_analyze_order")
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName $Library "${Library}s" $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_SIMPRIM -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Reading simprim secureip files
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Reading compile order from '$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/secureip/other/vhdl_analyze_order'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-while IFS= read -r File; do
- Files+=("secureip/other/$File")
-done < <(grep --no-filename -R '^[a-zA-Z]' "$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/secureip/other/vhdl_analyze_order")
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "secureip" "${Library}s" $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_SIMPRIM -eq 1 && test $COMPILE_SECUREIP -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Library xilinxcorelib
-# ==============================================================================
-# Reading corelib files
-while IFS= read -r File; do
- Files+=("$File")
-done < <(grep --no-filename -R '^[a-zA-Z]' "$SourceDirectory/XilinxCoreLib/vhdl_analyze_order")
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName $Library "XilinxCoreLib" $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_CORELIB -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then
- for StructName in ${Libraries[*]}; do
- PrintLibraryStruct $StructName " "
- done
-# Compile libraries
-if [[ ${#Libraries[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
- Compile "$SourceDirectory" "${Libraries[*]}"
- echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo -e "Compiling Xilinx ISE libraries $(test $ERRORCOUNT -eq 0 && echo $COLORED_SUCCESSFUL || echo $COLORED_FAILED)"
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}No Xilinx ISE libraries selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-vivado.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-vivado.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index d0fb0698a..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-vivado.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Script to compile the simulation libraries from Xilinx Vivado for GHDL on Windows.
-# This CmdLet:
-# (1) creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# (2) compiles all Xilinx Vivado simulation libraries and packages
-# - unisim (incl. secureip)
-# - unimacro
- # Show the embedded help page(s)
- [switch]$Help = $false,
- # Compile all libraries and packages.
- [switch]$All = $false,
- # Compile the Xilinx simulation library.
- [switch]$Unisim = $false,
- # Compile the Xilinx macro library.
- [switch]$Unimacro = $false,
- # Compile the Xilinx secureip library.
- [switch]$SecureIP = $false,
- # Clean up directory before analyzing.
- [switch]$Clean = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '93.
- [switch]$VHDL93 = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '08.
- [switch]$VHDL2008 = $false,
- # Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
- [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors.
- [switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory.
- [string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name.
- [string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL binary directory.
- [string]$GHDL = ""
-# ---------------------------------------------
-# save working directory
-$WorkingDir = Get-Location
-# set default values
-$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
-# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-$EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host "Loading modules..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList `"XilinxVivado`"" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList "XilinxVivado"
-$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList @(`"Xilinx Vivado`", `"$WorkingDir`")" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
-Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList @("Xilinx Vivado", "$WorkingDir")
-# Display help if no command was selected
-$Help = $Help -or (-not ($All -or $Unisim -or $Simprim -or $Unimacro))
-if ($Help)
-{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.MyCommand.Path -Detailed
- Exit-CompileScript
-if ($All)
-{ $Unisim = $true
- $Simprim = $true
- $Unimacro = $true
- $SecureIP = $true
-function Get-XilinxVivadoDirectory
-{ if (Test-Path env:XILINX_VIVADO)
- { return $XILINX_VIVADO + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory) }
- else
- { $EnvSourceDir = ""
- foreach ($Drive in Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'FileSystem')
- { $Path = $Drive.Name + ":\" + "Xilinx\Vivado"
- if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)
- { foreach ($Major in 2021..2014)
- { foreach ($Minor in 4..1)
- { $Dir = $Path + "\" + $Major + "." + $Minor
- if (Test-Path $Dir -PathType Container)
- { $EnvSourceDir = $Dir + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory)
- return $EnvSourceDir
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-$SourceDirectory = Get-SourceDirectory $Source (Get-XilinxVivadoDirectory)
-$DestinationDirectory = Get-DestinationDirectory $Output
-$GHDLBinary = Get-GHDLBinary $GHDL
-# create "Altera" directory and change to it
-New-DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-if ($VHDL2008)
-{ Write-Host "Not all Xilinx primitives are VHDL-2008 compatible! Setting HaltOnError to FALSE." -ForegroundColor Red
- $HaltOnError = $false
-$VHDLVersion,$VHDLStandard,$VHDLFlavor = Get-VHDLVariables $VHDL93 $VHDL2008
-# define global GHDL Options
-$Analyze_Parameters = @(
- "-fexplicit",
- "-frelaxed-rules",
- "--mb-comments",
- "-Wbinding"
-if (-not $EnableDebug)
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-hide"
- )
-if (-not ($EnableVerbose -or $EnableDebug))
-{ $Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "-Wno-library",
- "-Wno-others",
- "-Wno-static"
- )
-$Analyze_Parameters += @(
- "--ieee=$VHDLFlavor",
- "--no-vital-checks",
- "--std=$VHDLStandard",
- "-P$DestinationDirectory"
-# extract data from configuration
-# $SourceDir = $InstallationDirectory["AlteraQuartus"] + "\quartus\eda\sim_lib"
-$StopCompiling = $false
-$ErrorCount = 0
-# Cleanup directories
-# ==============================================================================
-if ($Clean)
-{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: '-Clean' is not implemented!" -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- Write-Host "Cleaning up vendor directory ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
- rm *.cf
-# Library UNISIM
-# ==============================================================================
-# compile unisim packages
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Unisim)
-{ $Library = "unisim"
- $Files = @(
- "unisims\unisim_VPKG.vhd",
- "unisims\unisim_VCOMP.vhd",
- "unisims\retarget_VCOMP.vhd",
- "unisims\unisim_retarget_VCOMP.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile unisim primitives
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Unisim)
-{ $Library = "unisim"
- $SourceFiles = dir "$SourceDirectory\unisims\primitive\*.vhd*"
- $ErrorCount += Start-PrimitiveCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile unisim retarget primitives
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Unisim)
-{ $Library = "unisim"
- $SourceFiles = dir "$SourceDirectory\unisims\retarget\*.vhd*"
- $ErrorCount += Start-PrimitiveCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile unisim secureip primitives
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Unisim -and $SecureIP)
-{ $Library = "secureip"
- $SourceFiles = dir "$SourceDirectory\unisims\secureip\*.vhd*"
- $ErrorCount += Start-PrimitiveCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Library UNIMACRO
-# ==============================================================================
-# compile unimacro packages
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Unimacro)
-{ $Library = "unimacro"
- $Files = @(
- "unimacro\unimacro_VCOMP.vhd"
- )
- $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
- $ErrorCount += Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# compile unimacro macros
-if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Unimacro)
-{ $Library = "unimacro"
- $SourceFiles = dir "$SourceDirectory\unimacro\*_MACRO.vhd*"
- $ErrorCount += Start-PrimitiveCompilation $GHDLBinary $Analyze_Parameters $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
- $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
-# Library UNIFAST
-# ==============================================================================
-# TODO:
-Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-Write-Host "Compiling Xilinx Vivado libraries " -NoNewline
-if ($ErrorCount -gt 0)
-{ Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red }
-{ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green }
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-vivado.sh b/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-vivado.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 203a5c35f..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-vivado.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# Bash Script (executable):
-# Script to compile the simulation libraries from Xilinx Vivado for GHDL on
-# Linux
-# Description:
-# - Creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# - Compiles all Xilinx Vivado simulation libraries and packages
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Work around for Darwin (Mac OS)
-test greadlink --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink || READLINK=readlink
-# Save working directory
-ScriptDir="$(dirname $0)"
-ScriptDir="$($READLINK -f $ScriptDir)"
-# Source Bash utilities
-source $ScriptDir/../ansi_color.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading Bash utilities.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-# Command line argument processing
-while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case "$1" in
- -c|--clean)
- ;;
- -a|--all)
- ;;
- --unisim)
- ;;
- --unimacro)
- ;;
- --unifast)
- ;;
- --with-secureip)
- ;;
- -S|--skip-largefiles)
- ;;
- --vhdl93)
- VHDLStandard=93
- ;;
- --vhdl2008)
- VHDLStandard=2008
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- ;;
- -d|--debug)
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- break
- ;;
- -n|--no-filter)
- ;;
- -N|--no-warnings)
- ;;
- -H|--halt-on-error)
- ;;
- --ghdl)
- GHDL="$2" # overwrite a potentially existing GHDL environment variable
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --source)
- SrcDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- --output)
- DestDir="$2"
- shift # skip argument
- ;;
- *) # unknown option
- echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} Unknown command line option '$1'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- break
- ;;
- esac
- shift # parsed argument or value
-if [[ $COMMAND -le 1 ]]; then
- test $COMMAND -eq 1 && echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} No command selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- echo ""
- echo "Synopsis:"
- echo " A script to compile the Xilinx Vivado simulation libraries for GHDL on Linux."
- echo " One library folder 'lib/v??' per VHDL library will be created relative to the current"
- echo " working directory."
- echo ""
- echo " Use the adv. options or edit 'config.sh' to supply paths and default params."
- echo ""
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " compile-xilinx-vivado.sh <common command>|<library> [<options>] [<adv. options>]"
- echo ""
- echo "Common commands:"
- echo " -h --help Print this help page"
- echo " -c --clean Remove all generated files"
- echo ""
- echo "Libraries:"
- echo " -a --all Compile all Xilinx simulation libraries."
- echo " --unisim Compile the unisim library."
- echo " --unimacro Compile the unimacro library."
- echo " --unifast Compile the unifast library."
- echo " --with-secureip Compile the secureip library."
- echo ""
- echo "Library compile options:"
- echo " --vhdl93 Compile the libraries with VHDL-93."
- echo " --vhdl2008 Compile the libraries with VHDL-2008."
- echo " -S --skip-largefiles Don't compile large files."
- echo " -H --halt-on-error Halt on error(s)."
- echo ""
- echo "Advanced options:"
- echo " --ghdl <GHDL binary> Path to GHDL's executable, e.g. /usr/local/bin/ghdl"
- echo " --output <dir name> Name of the output directory, e.g. vivado"
- echo " --source <Path to Vivado> Path to the sources."
- echo ""
- echo "Verbosity:"
- echo " -v --verbose Print verbose messages."
- echo " -d --debug Print debug messages."
- echo " -n --no-filter Disable output filtering scripts."
- echo " -N --no-warnings Suppress all warnings. Show only error messages."
- echo ""
- exit $COMMAND
-if [[ $COMMAND -eq 2 ]]; then
-# Source configuration file from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
-echo -e "${ANSI_MAGENTA}Loading environment...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-source $ScriptDir/config.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading configuration.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-source $ScriptDir/shared.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading further procedures.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1; fi
-# Warn that some files might not be VHDL-2008 ready. Thus enabled continue on error.
-if [[ $VHDLStandard -eq 2008 ]]; then
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}Not all Xilinx primitives are VHDL-2008 compatible! Setting CONTINUE_ON_ERROR to TRUE.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# Search Xilinx Vivado in default installation locations
-DefaultDirectories=("/opt/Xilinx/Vivado" "/opt/xilinx/Vivado" "/c/Xilinx/Vivado")
-if [ ! -z $XILINX_VIVADO ]; then
- EnvSourceDir="$XILINX_VIVADO/${Xilinx_Vivado_Settings[SourceDirectory]}"
- for DefaultDir in "${DefaultDirectories[@]}"; do
- for Major in 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014; do
- for Minor in 4 3 2 1; do
- Dir=$DefaultDir/${Major}.${Minor}
- if [ -d $Dir ]; then
- EnvSourceDir="$Dir/${Xilinx_Vivado_Settings[SourceDirectory]}"
- break 3
- fi
- done
- done
- done
-# <= $VHDLVersion
-# <= $VHDLStandard
-# <= $VHDLFlavor
-GHDLSetup $VHDLStandard
-# -> $SourceDirectories
-# -> $DestinationDirectories
-# -> $SrcDir
-# -> $EnvSourceDir
-# -> $DestDir
-# <= $SourceDirectory
-# <= $DestinationDirectory
-SetupDirectories Xilinx_Vivado "Xilinx Vivado"
-# create "xilinx-vivado" directory and change to it
-# => $DestinationDirectory
-cd $DestinationDirectory
-# Extend global GHDL Options TODO: move to GHDLSetup
- -fexplicit
- -Wbinding
-if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-hide
- )
-if [[ ! (VERBOSE -eq 1) && ($DEBUG -eq 1) ]]; then
- Analyze_Parameters+=(
- -Wno-others
- -Wno-static
- )
- --ieee=$VHDLFlavor
- --no-vital-checks
- --std=$VHDLStandard
- -frelaxed
- -P$DestinationDirectory
-# Cleanup directory
-# ==============================================================================
-if [[ $CLEAN -eq 1 ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} '--clean' is not implemented!"
- exit 1
- echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Cleaning up vendor directory ...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- rm *.o 2> /dev/null
- rm *.cf 2> /dev/null
-# Library unisim
-# ==============================================================================
-test $VERBOSE -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_GRAY}Reading compile order files...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# Reading unisim files
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Reading compile order from '$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/primitive/vhdl_analyze_order'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- unisim_VPKG.vhd
- unisim_retarget_VCOMP.vhd
-while IFS= read -r File; do
- Files+=("primitive/$File")
-done < <(grep --no-filename -R '^[a-zA-Z]' "$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/primitive/vhdl_analyze_order")
-# Reading unisim retarget files
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Reading compile order from '$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/retarget/vhdl_analyze_order'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-while IFS= read -r File; do
- Files+=("retarget/$File")
-done < <(grep --no-filename -R '^[a-zA-Z]' "$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/retarget/vhdl_analyze_order")
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName $Library "${Library}s" $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_UNISIM -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Reading unisim secureip files
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Scanning directory '$SourceDirectory/${Library}s/secureip' for '*.vhd'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-Files=( $(cd $SourceDirectory/${Library}s/secureip; LC_COLLATE=C ls *.vhd) )
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "secureip" "${Library}s/secureip" $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_UNISIM -eq 1 && test $COMPILE_SECUREIP -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Library unimacro
-# ==============================================================================
-# Reading unimacro files
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Scanning directory '$SourceDirectory/$Library/' for '*_MACRO.vhd'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- unimacro_VCOMP.vhd
-while IFS= read -r File; do
- Files+=("$File")
-done < <(grep --no-filename -R '^[a-zA-Z]' "$SourceDirectory/$Library/vhdl_analyze_order")
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName $Library $Library $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_UNIMACRO -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Library unifast
-# ==============================================================================
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Reading compile order from '$SourceDirectory/$Library/primitive/vhdl_analyze_order'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-while IFS= read -r File; do
- Files+=("$File")
-done < <(grep --no-filename -R '^[a-zA-Z]' "$SourceDirectory/$Library/primitive/vhdl_analyze_order")
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName $Library "$Library/primitive" $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_UNIFAST -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Reading unifast secureip files
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Scanning directory '$SourceDirectory/$Library/secureip' for '*.vhd'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-Files=( $(cd $SourceDirectory/$Library/secureip; LC_COLLATE=C ls *.vhd) )
-CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "secureip" "$Library/secureip" $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}"
-test $COMPILE_UNIFAST -eq 1 && test $COMPILE_SECUREIP -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName")
-# Compile libraries
-if [[ ${#Libraries[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
- Compile "$SourceDirectory" "${Libraries[*]}"
- echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo -e "Compiling Xilinx Vivado libraries $(test $ERRORCOUNT -eq 0 && echo $COLORED_SUCCESSFUL || echo $COLORED_FAILED)"
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}No Xilinx Vivado libraries selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/config.psm1 b/libraries/vendors/config.psm1
deleted file mode 100644
index a58b2c4a1..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/config.psm1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Configuration files to store settings and installation directories for 3rd party tools..
-# This configuaration file stores settings for pre-compile scripts, so scripts
-# can be called with less command line arguments.
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$VendorToolName
-$Module_VendorToolName = $VendorToolName
-# Configure your tools here. Use absolute paths, without trailing directory
-# delimiter. Empty strings indicate not installed tools
-$Settings = @{
- "AlteraQuartus" = @{
- "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\Altera\16.0\quartus";
- "SourceDirectory" = "eda\sim_lib";
- "DestinationDirectory" = "altera"
- };
- "IntelQuartus" = @{
- "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\IntelFPGA\20.1\quartus";
- "SourceDirectory" = "eda\sim_lib";
- "DestinationDirectory" = "intel"
- };
- "LatticeDiamond" = @{
- "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\Lattice\Diamond\3.10_x64";
- "SourceDirectory" = "cae_library\simulation\vhdl";
- "DestinationDirectory" = "lattice"
- };
- "OSVVM" = @{
- "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\git\GitHub\OSVVM";
- "SourceDirectory" = ".";
- "DestinationDirectory" = "."
- };
- "UVVM" = @{
- "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\git\GitHub\UVVM";
- "SourceDirectory" = ".";
- "DestinationDirectory" = "."
- };
- "XilinxISE" = @{
- "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS";
- "SourceDirectory" = "ISE\vhdl\src";
- "DestinationDirectory" = "xilinx-ise"
- };
- "XilinxVivado" = @{
- "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2020.2";
- "SourceDirectory" = "data\vhdl\src";
- "DestinationDirectory" = "xilinx-vivado"
- }
-function Get-VendorToolInstallationDirectory
-{ <#
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- #>
- return $Settings[$Module_VendorToolName]["InstallationDirectory"]
-function Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory
-{ <#
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- #>
- return $Settings[$Module_VendorToolName]["SourceDirectory"]
-function Get-VendorToolDestinationDirectory
-{ <#
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- #>
- return $Settings[$Module_VendorToolName]["DestinationDirectory"]
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-VendorToolInstallationDirectory'
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory'
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-VendorToolDestinationDirectory'
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/config.sh b/libraries/vendors/config.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 0331e0cc7..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/config.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# Bash Script: Configurable directories to local installed tools
-# Description:
-# ------------------------------------
-# This Bash file exports variables containing the users local tool environment.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Configure
-# - Vendor tool chain installation paths or
-# - Library root directories
-# in the following dictionaries.
-# These values are used if no command line argument (--source, --output) is
-# passed to a compile script. An empty 'InstallationDirectory' string means not
-# configured. Declare source directories depending on the installation paths of
-# the 3rd party tools. Configure preferred output directories for each library
-# set.
-declare -A Altera_Quartus_Settings=(
- ["InstallationDirectory"]="" # "/opt/altera/16.0/quartus"
- ["SourceDirectory"]="eda/sim_lib"
- ["DestinationDirectory"]="altera"
-declare -A Intel_Quartus_Settings=(
- ["InstallationDirectory"]="" # "/opt/intelFPGA/20.1/quartus"
- ["SourceDirectory"]="eda/sim_lib"
- ["DestinationDirectory"]="intel"
-declare -A Lattice_Diamond_Settings=(
- ["InstallationDirectory"]="" # "/usr/local/diamond/3.10_x64"
- ["SourceDirectory"]="cae_library/simulation/vhdl"
- ["DestinationDirectory"]="lattice"
-declare -A OSVVM_Settings=(
- ["InstallationDirectory"]="" # "~/git/github/OSVVM"
- ["SourceDirectory"]="."
- ["DestinationDirectory"]="."
-declare -A UVVM_Settings=(
- ["InstallationDirectory"]="" # "~/git/github/UVVM"
- ["SourceDirectory"]="."
- ["DestinationDirectory"]="."
-declare -A Xilinx_ISE_Settings=(
- ["InstallationDirectory"]="" # "/opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS"
- ["SourceDirectory"]="ISE/vhdl/src"
- ["DestinationDirectory"]="xilinx-ise"
-declare -A Xilinx_Vivado_Settings=(
- ["InstallationDirectory"]="" # "/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.2"
- ["SourceDirectory"]="data/vhdl/src"
- ["DestinationDirectory"]="xilinx-vivado"
-# input files greater than $LARGE_FILESIZE are skipped if '--skip-largefiles' is set
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/filter.analyze.sh b/libraries/vendors/filter.analyze.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index dfb99eaa9..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/filter.analyze.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# Bash Script: STDOUT Post-Processor for GHDL analyze (-a)
-# Description:
-# ------------------------------------
-# This is a Bash script (executable) which:
-# - creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
-# - compiles all OSVVM packages
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# work around for Darwin (Mac OS)
-test greadlink --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink || READLINK=readlink
-# Save working directory
-ScriptDir="$($READLINK -f $(dirname $0))"
-RootDir="$($READLINK -f $ScriptDir/..)"
-source $ScriptDir/../ansi_color.sh
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading Bash utilities.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi
-# command line argument processing
-while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do
- key="$1"
- case $key in
- -i|--indent)
- shift
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- ;;
- -d|--debug)
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- ;;
- *) # unknown option
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Unknown command line option '$key'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- ;;
- esac
- shift # past argument or value
-if [ $COMMAND -le 1 ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "Synopsis:"
- echo " Script to filter GHDL analyze (-a) outputs."
- echo ""
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " filter.analyze.sh [-v][-d] [--help] [--indent <pattern>]"
- echo ""
- echo "Common commands:"
- echo " -h --help Print this help page."
- echo ""
- echo "Common options:"
- echo " -v --verbose Print verbose messages."
- echo " -d --debug Print debug messages."
- echo " -i --indent <pattern> Indent all lines by this pattern."
- echo ""
- exit $COMMAND
-# States
-# Current state
-# Counters
-while read -r line
- line=${line//\\//}
- case $State in
- 0|$ST_Common)
- if [[ $line = *"ghdl1-llvm"* ]]; then
- elif [[ $line = *":"*":"*":warning: "* ]]; then
- let Counter_Warning++
- elif [[ $line = *":"*":"*":note: "* ]]; then
- elif [[ $line = *":"*":"*": "* ]]; then
- let Counter_Error++
- elif [[ $line = *"compilation error"* ]]; then
- elif [[ ${line:0:66} == "******************** GHDL Bug occurred ***************************" ]]; then
- State=$ST_Exception
- Counter_Fatal=1
- else
- if [[ $(printf '%d\n' "'$line") == "13" ]]; then
- echo ""
- else
- echo -e "${ANSI_RED}SCRIPT ERROR: Unfiltered line${ANSI_NOCOLOR}\n$line"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- $ST_Exception)
- if [[ ${line:0:66} == "******************************************************************" ]]; then
- State=$ST_Common
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-done < "/dev/stdin"
-exit $(( ( $Counter_Fatal != 0 ? $Counter_Fatal*4+3 : ( $Counter_Error != 0 ? $Counter_Error*4+2 : ( $Counter_Warning != 0 ? $Counter_Warning*4+1 : 0 ))) ))
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/shared.psm1 b/libraries/vendors/shared.psm1
deleted file mode 100644
index eb3c4c037..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/shared.psm1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors: Patrick Lehmann
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# This module provides common CmdLets for the library pre-compilation process.
-# This PowerShell module provides CommandLets (CmdLets) to handle the 'ghdl.exe'
-# output streams (stdout and stderr).
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$VendorToolName,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$WorkingDir
-$Module_VendorToolName = $VendorToolName
-$Module_WorkingDir = $WorkingDir
-function Exit-CompileScript
-{ <#
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- ExitCode of this script run
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [int]$ExitCode = 0
- )
- cd $Module_WorkingDir
- # unload modules
- Remove-Module config -Verbose:$false
- Remove-Module shared -Verbose:$false
- exit $ExitCode
-function Get-SourceDirectory
-{ <#
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- .PARAMETER EnvSource
- Undocumented
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [string]$Source,
- [string]$EnvSource
- )
- $VendorToolInstallationDirectory = Get-VendorToolInstallationDirectory
- $VendorToolSourceDirectory = Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory
- if ($Source -ne "")
- { $SourceDirectory = $Source.TrimEnd("\") }
- elseif ($EnvSource -ne "")
- { $SourceDirectory = $EnvSource }
- elseif ($VendorToolInstallationDirectory -ne "")
- { $SourceDirectory = $VendorToolInstallationDirectory + "\" + $VendorToolSourceDirectory }
- else
- { Write-Host "[ERROR]: $Module_VendorToolName is not configured in '$ScriptDir\config.psm1'." -ForegroundColor Red
- Write-Host " Use adv. options '-Source' and '-Output' or configure 'config.psm1'." -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- }
- if (-not (Test-Path $SourceDirectory -PathType Container))
- { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Path '$SourceDirectory' does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- }
- return Convert-Path (Resolve-Path $SourceDirectory)
-function Get-DestinationDirectory
-{ <#
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [string]$Output
- )
- if ($Output -ne "")
- { $DestinationDirectory = $Output.TrimEnd("\") }
- else
- { $DestinationDirectory = Get-VendorToolDestinationDirectory }
- if ($DestinationDirectory -eq "")
- { Write-Host "[ERROR]: $Module_VendorToolName is not configured in '$ScriptDir\config.psm1'." -ForegroundColor Red
- Write-Host " Use adv. options '-Source' and '-Output' or configure 'config.psm1'." -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- }
- if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($DestinationDirectory))
- { $DestinationDirectory = "$Module_WorkingDir\$DestinationDirectory" }
- return $DestinationDirectory
-function Get-GHDLBinary
-{ <#
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [string]$GHDL
- )
- if ($GHDL -ne "")
- { $GHDLBinary = $GHDL }
- elseif (Test-Path env:GHDL)
- { $GHDLBinary = $env:GHDL }
- else
- { try
- { write-host "calling which ..."
- $GHDLBinary = (Get-Command "ghdl.exe").Source }
- catch
- { Write-Host "Use adv. options '-GHDL' to set the GHDL executable." -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- }
- }
- if (-not (Test-Path $GHDLBinary -PathType Leaf))
- { Write-Host "Use adv. options '-GHDL' to set the GHDL executable." -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- }
- return $GHDLBinary
-function Get-VHDLVariables
-{ <#
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [switch]$VHDL93 = $false,
- [switch]$VHDL2008 = $true
- )
- if ($VHDL93)
- { $VHDLVersion = "v93"
- $VHDLStandard = "93c"
- $VHDLFlavor = "synopsys"
- }
- elseif ($VHDL2008)
- { $VHDLVersion = "v08"
- $VHDLStandard = "08"
- $VHDLFlavor = "synopsys"
- }
- else
- { $VHDLVersion = "v93"
- $VHDLStandard = "93c"
- $VHDLFlavor = "synopsys"
- }
- return $VHDLVersion,$VHDLStandard,$VHDLFlavor
-function New-DestinationDirectory
-{ <#
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- .PARAMETER DestinationDirectory
- Undocumented
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$DestinationDirectory
- )
- if (Test-Path $DestinationDirectory -PathType Container)
- { Write-Host "Vendor directory '$DestinationDirectory' already exists." -ForegroundColor Yellow }
- elseif (Test-Path $DestinationDirectory -PathType Leaf)
- { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Vendor directory '$DestinationDirectory' already exists as a file." -ForegroundColor Red
- Exit-CompileScript -1
- }
- else
- { Write-Host "Creating vendor directory: '$DestinationDirectory'." -ForegroundColor Yellow
- mkdir "$DestinationDirectory" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
- }
-function Start-PackageCompilation
-{ <#
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- .PARAMETER Library
- Undocumented
- .PARAMETER SourceFiles
- Undocumented
- .PARAMETER HaltOnError
- Undocumented
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$GHDLBinary,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string[]]$Analyze_Parameters,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$DestinationDirectory,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Library,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$VHDLVersion,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string[]]$SourceFiles,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][bool]$SuppressWarnings,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][bool]$HaltOnError
- )
- # set default valuesvalues
- $EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
- $EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
- $Parameters = $Analyze_Parameters
- if ($EnableDebug)
- { $Parameters += "-v"
- $Indent = " "
- }
- elseif ($EnableVerbose)
- { $Indent = " " }
- else
- { $Indent = " " }
- Write-Host "Compiling library '$Library' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
- $LibraryDirectory= "$DestinationDirectory/$Library/$VHDLVersion"
- $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Creating library $Library ..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " mkdir $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
- mkdir $LibraryDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " cd $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
- cd $LibraryDirectory
- $ErrorCount = 0
- foreach ($File in $SourceFiles)
- { Write-Host " Analyzing package file '$File'" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
- $InvokeExpr = "& '$GHDLBinary' -a " + ($Parameters -join " ") + " --work=$Library " + $File + " 2>&1"
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
- $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings -Indent:"$Indent"
- if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or $ErrorRecordFound)
- { $ErrorCount += 1
- if ($HaltOnError)
- { break }
- }
- }
- cd $DestinationDirectory
- return $ErrorCount
-function Start-PrimitiveCompilation
-{ <#
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- Undocumented
- .PARAMETER Library
- Undocumented
- .PARAMETER SourceFiles
- Undocumented
- .PARAMETER HaltOnError
- Undocumented
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$GHDLBinary,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string[]]$Analyze_Parameters,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$DestinationDirectory,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Library,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$VHDLVersion,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string[]]$SourceFiles,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][bool]$SuppressWarnings,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][bool]$HaltOnError
- )
- # set default values
- $EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
- $EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
- $Parameters = $Analyze_Parameters
- if ($EnableDebug)
- { $Parameters += "-v"
- $Indent = " "
- }
- elseif ($EnableVerbose)
- { $Indent = " " }
- else
- { $Indent = " " }
- Write-Host "Compiling library '$Library' ..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
- $LibraryDirectory="$DestinationDirectory/$Library/$VHDLVersion"
- $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Creating library $Library ..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " mkdir $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
- mkdir $LibraryDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " cd $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
- cd $LibraryDirectory
- $ErrorCount = 0
- foreach ($File in $SourceFiles)
- { $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing primitive file '$File'" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan ) | Out-Null
- $InvokeExpr = "& '$GHDLBinary' -a " + ($Parameters -join " ") + " --work=$Library " + $File + " 2>&1"
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
- $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings -Indent:"$Indent"
- if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or $ErrorRecordFound)
- { $ErrorCount += 1
- if ($HaltOnError)
- { break }
- }
- }
- cd $DestinationDirectory
- return $ErrorCount
-function Restore-NativeCommandStream
-{ <#
- This CmdLet gathers multiple ErrorRecord objects and reconstructs outputs
- as a single line.
- This CmdLet collects multiple ErrorRecord objects and emits one String
- object per line.
- .PARAMETER InputObject
- A object stream is required as an input.
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
- $InputObject
- )
- process
- { if (-not $InputObject)
- { Write-Host "Empty pipeline!" }
- elseif ($InputObject -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])
- { if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandError")
- { Write-Output $InputObject.ToString() }
- elseif ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage")
- { Write-Output $InputObject.ToString() }
- }
- elseif ($InputObject -is [String])
- { Write-Output $InputObject }
- else
- { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" }
- }
-function Write-ColoredGHDLLine
-{ <#
- This CmdLet colors GHDL output lines.
- This CmdLet colors GHDL output lines. Warnings are prefixed with 'WARNING: '
- in yellow and errors are prefixed with 'ERROR: ' in red.
- .PARAMETER InputObject
- A object stream is required as an input.
- .PARAMETER SuppressWarnings
- Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
- Indentation string.
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
- $InputObject,
- [Parameter(Position=1)]
- [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- [Parameter(Position=2)]
- [string]$Indent = ""
- )
- begin
- { $ErrorRecordFound = $false }
- process
- { if ($InputObject -is [String])
- { if ($InputObject -match ":\d+:\d+:warning:\s")
- { if (-not $SuppressWarnings)
- { Write-Host "${Indent}WARNING: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
- Write-Host $InputObject
- }
- }
- elseif ($InputObject -match ":\d+:\d+:note:\s")
- { if (-not $SuppressWarnings)
- { Write-Host "${Indent}NOTE: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
- Write-Host $InputObject
- }
- }
- elseif ($InputObject -match ":\d+:\d+:\s")
- { $ErrorRecordFound = $true
- Write-Host "${Indent}ERROR: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
- Write-Host $InputObject
- }
- elseif ($InputObject -match ":warning:\s")
- { Write-Host "${Indent}WARNING: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
- Write-Host $InputObject
- }
- elseif ($InputObject -match ":error:\s")
- { $ErrorRecordFound = $true
- Write-Host "${Indent}ERROR: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
- Write-Host $InputObject
- }
- elseif ($InputObject -match ": unknown option\s")
- { $ErrorRecordFound = $true
- Write-Host "${Indent}ERROR: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
- Write-Host $InputObject
- }
- elseif ($InputObject -match ": cannot open\s")
- { $ErrorRecordFound = $true
- Write-Host "${Indent}ERROR: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
- Write-Host $InputObject
- }
- else
- { Write-Host "${Indent}$InputObject" }
- }
- else
- { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" }
- }
- end
- { $ErrorRecordFound }
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Exit-CompileScript'
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-SourceDirectory'
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-DestinationDirectory'
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-GHDLBinary'
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-VHDLVariables'
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-DestinationDirectory'
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Start-PackageCompilation'
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Start-PrimitiveCompilation'
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Restore-NativeCommandStream'
-Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Write-ColoredGHDLLine'
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/shared.sh b/libraries/vendors/shared.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 64d0e2e1b..000000000
--- a/libraries/vendors/shared.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-# ==============================================================================
-# Authors:
-# Patrick Lehmann
-# Bash Script:
-# This is a Bash resource file for sourcing.
-# Description:
-# Provide Bash procedures to easily use GHDL in Bash scripts.
-# ==============================================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-# ==============================================================================
-# set bash options
-set -o pipefail
-if [[ -n "$GHDL" ]]; then
- if [[ ! -f "$GHDL" ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Found GHDL environment variable, but '$GHDL' is not a file.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- exit 1
- elif [[ ! -x "$GHDL" ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Found GHDL environment variable, but '$GHDL' is not executable.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- exit 1
- fi
-else # fall back to GHDL found via PATH
- GHDL=$(which ghdl 2>/dev/null)
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} GHDL not found in PATH.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- echo 1>&2 -e " Use adv. options '--ghdl' to set the GHDL binary directory."
- exit 1
- fi
- --mb-comments
-test $VERBOSE -eq 1 && echo -e " Declaring Bash procedures for GHDL..."
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure SetupDirectories( <Index> <Name> )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# SetupDirectories
-# -> $Index
-# -> $Name
-# <= $SourceDirectory
-# <= $DestinationDirectory
-SetupDirectories() {
- local Index=$1
- local Name=$2
- declare -n Settings="${Index}_Settings"
- # source directory
- # ----------------------
- # If a command line argument ('--source') was passed in, use it, else use the default value
- # from config.sh
- if [[ ! -z "$SrcDir" ]]; then
- SourceDirectory=${SrcDir%/} # remove trailing slashes
- elif [[ ! -z "$EnvSourceDir" ]]; then
- SourceDirectory=$EnvSourceDir # fall back to environment variable
- elif [[ ! -z "${Settings[InstallationDirectory]}" ]]; then
- SourceDirectory=${Settings[InstallationDirectory]}/${Settings[SourceDirectory]} # fall back to value from config.sh
- fi
- # output directory
- # ----------------------
- # If a command line argument ('--output') was passed in, use it, else use the default value
- # from config.sh
- if [[ ! -z "$DestDir" ]]; then
- DestinationDirectory=${DestDir%/} # remove trailing slashes
- else
- DestinationDirectory=${Settings[DestinationDirectory]} # fall back to value from config.sh
- fi
- if [[ -z $SourceDirectory || -z $DestinationDirectory ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} $Name is not configured in '$ScriptDir/config.sh'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- echo 1>&2 -e " Use adv. options '--source' and '--output' or configure 'config.sh'."
- exit 1
- elif [[ ! -d $SourceDirectory ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Path '$SourceDirectory' does not exist.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Resolve paths to an absolute paths
- test greadlink --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink || READLINK=readlink
- SourceDirectory=$($READLINK -f $SourceDirectory)
- if [[ ! "$DestinationDirectory" = /* ]]; then
- DestinationDirectory="$WorkingDir/$DestinationDirectory"
- fi
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure CreateDestinationDirectory( undocumented )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# CreateDestinationDirectory
-# -> undocumented
-CreateDestinationDirectory() {
- if [ -d "$DestinationDirectory" ]; then
- echo -e "${COLORED_WARNING} Vendor directory '$DestinationDirectory' already exists.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- elif [ -f "$DestinationDirectory" ]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Vendor directory '$DestinationDirectory' already exists as a file.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- exit 1
- else
- echo -e "Creating vendor directory: '$DestinationDirectory'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- mkdir -p "$DestinationDirectory"
- fi
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure GHDLSetup( <VHDLStandard> )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# GHDLSetup
-# -> $VHDLStandard
-# <= $VHDLVersion
-# <= $VHDLStandard
-# <= $VHDLFlavor
-GHDLSetup() {
- if [ $1 -eq 93 ]; then
- VHDLVersion="v93"
- VHDLStandard="93c"
- VHDLFlavor="synopsys"
- elif [ $1 -eq 2008 ]; then
- VHDLVersion="v08"
- VHDLStandard="08"
- VHDLFlavor="synopsys"
- fi
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure CreateVHDLLibrary( <StructName> <LibraryName> <LibraryPath> <VHDLVersion> <Files[*]> )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# CreateLibraryStruct
-# -> $StructName
-# -> $LibraryName
-# -> $LibraryPath
-# -> $VHDLVersion
-# -> $Files[*]
-CreateLibraryStruct() {
- local StructName=$1; shift
- declare -g "${StructName}_LibraryName"=$1; shift
- declare -g "${StructName}_LibraryPath"=$1; shift
- declare -g "${StructName}_VHDLVersion"=$1; shift
- declare -n FilesRef="${StructName}_Files"
- FilesRef=( "$*" )
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure DeleteLibraryStruct( <StructName> )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# DeleteLibraryStruct
-# -> $StructName
-DeleteLibraryStruct() {
- local StructName=$1
- unset "${StructName}_VHDLVersion"
- unset "${StructName}_LibraryName"
- unset "${StructName}_LibraryPath"
- unset "${StructName}_Files"
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure PrintLibraryStruct( <StructName> )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# PrintLibraryStruct
-# -> $StructName
-PrintLibraryStruct() {
- local StructName=$1
- local Indentation=${2:-" "}
- local LibraryName="${StructName}_LibraryName"; local LibraryName=${!LibraryName}
- local Files="${StructName}_Files[*]"; local Files=${!Files}
- echo -e "$Indentation${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}VHDL Library name: $LibraryName${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- for File in ${Files[*]}; do
- echo -e "$Indentation ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}$File${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- done
-declare -A GHDLLibraryMapping
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure CreateVHDLLibrary( <LibraryName> <DirectoryName> <VHDLVersion> )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# CreateVHDLLibrary
-# -> $LibraryName
-# -> $DirectoryName
-# -> $VHDLVersion
-CreateVHDLLibrary() {
- local LibraryName=$1
- local DirectoryName=$2
- local VHDLVersion=${3:-"v08"}
- echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Creating VHDL Library '$LibraryName'...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}mkdir -p \"$DirectoryName/$VHDLVersion\"${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- mkdir -p "$DirectoryName/$VHDLVersion"
- LibraryDir="$(pwd)/$DirectoryName/$VHDLVersion"
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Mapping library $LibraryName to '$LibraryDir'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- GHDLLibraryMapping[$LibraryName]=$LibraryDir
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure AnalyzeVHDL( <LibraryName> <SourceDirectory> <LibraryPath> <File> )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# AnalyzeVHDL
-# -> $LibraryName
-# -> $SourceDirectory
-# -> $LibraryPath
-# -> $File
-AnalyzeVHDL() {
- local LibraryName=$1
- local SourceDirectory=$2
- local LibraryPath=$3
- local File=$4
- local DestinationDirectory=${GHDLLibraryMapping[$LibraryName]}
- if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then
- local Parameters=(
- -v
- )
- local Filter_Parameters=(
- -d
- )
- local Filter_Indent=" "
- elif [[ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]]; then
- local Parameters=()
- local Filter_Parameters=(
- -v
- )
- local Filter_Indent=" "
- else
- local Parameters=()
- local Filter_Parameters=()
- local Filter_Indent=" "
- fi
- local SourceFile="$SourceDirectory/$LibraryPath/$File"
- if [[ ! -f "$SourceFile" ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Source file '$SourceFile' not found.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- test $CONTINUE_ON_ERROR -eq 0 && exit 1
- fi
- if [[ $FILTERING -eq 0 ]]; then
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}$GHDL -a ${Analyze_Parameters[*]} ${Parameters[*]} --work=$LibraryName \"$SourceFile\"${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- $GHDL -a "${Analyze_Parameters[@]}" "${Parameters[@]}" --work=$LibraryName --workdir=$DestinationDirectory "$SourceFile"
- ExitCode=$?
- if [[ $ExitCode -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${COLORED_ERROR} While analyzing '$File'. ExitCode: $ExitCode${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- test $CONTINUE_ON_ERROR -eq 0 && exit 1
- fi
- else
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}$GHDL -a ${Analyze_Parameters[*]} ${Parameters[*]} --work=$LibraryName \"$SourceFile\" 2>&1 | \\\\${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}$ScriptDir/$Analyze_Filter ${Filter_Parameters[*]} -i \"$Filter_Indent\"${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- $GHDL -a "${Analyze_Parameters[@]}" "${Parameters[@]}" --work=$LibraryName "$SourceFile" 2>&1 | $ScriptDir/$Analyze_Filter "${Filter_Parameters[@]}" -i "$Filter_Indent"
- local PiplineStatus=("${PIPESTATUS[@]}")
- if [[ ${PiplineStatus[0]} -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${COLORED_ERROR} While analyzing '$File'. ExitCode: ${PiplineStatus[0]}${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- test $CONTINUE_ON_ERROR -eq 0 && exit 1
- elif [[ ${PiplineStatus[1]} -ne 0 ]]; then
- case $(( ${PiplineStatus[1]} % 4 )) in
- # TODO: implement CONTINUE_ON_ERROR in cases ...
- 3) echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${ANSI_RED}Fatal errors detected by filtering script. ExitCode: ${PiplineStatus[1]}${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1 ;;
- 2) echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${ANSI_RED}Errors detected by filtering script. ExitCode: ${PiplineStatus[1]}${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1 ;;
- 1) echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${ANSI_YELLOW}Warnings detected by filtering script.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ;;
- 0) test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${ANSI_YELLOW}Warnings detected by filtering script.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ;;
- esac
- fi
- fi
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure AnalyzeLibrary( <LibraryName> <SourceDirectory> <LibraryPath> <Files[*]> )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# AnalyzeLibrary
-# -> LibraryName
-# -> SourceDirectory
-# -> LibraryPath
-# -> Files[*]
-AnalyzeLibrary() {
- local LibraryName=$1; shift
- local SourceDirectory=$1; shift
- local LibraryPath=$1; shift
- local Files=$@
- echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Analyzing files into library '$LibraryName'...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- for File in $Files; do
- test $VERBOSE -eq 1 && echo -e "${ANSI_CYAN} Analyzing '$File'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- AnalyzeVHDL $LibraryName "$SourceDirectory" "$LibraryPath" "$File"
- done
-test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure Compile( <SourceDirectory> <Libraries> )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
-# Compile
-# -> SourceDirectory
-# -> VHDLLibraries
-Compile() {
- local SourceDirectory=$1
- local VHDLLibraries=$2
- for VHDLLibrary in $VHDLLibraries; do
- local LibraryName="${VHDLLibrary}_LibraryName"; local LibraryName=${!LibraryName}
- local LibraryPath="${VHDLLibrary}_LibraryPath"; local LibraryPath=${!LibraryPath}
- local VHDLVersion="${VHDLLibrary}_VHDLVersion"; local VHDLVersion=${!VHDLVersion}
- local Files="${VHDLLibrary}_Files[*]"; local Files=${!Files}
- echo -e "${ANSI_LIGHT_CYAN}Analyzing library '$LibraryName'...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
- CreateVHDLLibrary $LibraryName $LibraryName $VHDLVersion
- AnalyzeLibrary $LibraryName "$SourceDirectory" "$LibraryPath" "$Files"
- done